pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Spectre (2015)
52 notes · View notes
dorminchu · 1 year
Insult to Injury: The Director’s Cut — Chapter 06
a\n: Commissioned art by @marianaillust​ and @addictivities​ respectively.
Also: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
At twenty eight Safin had no family or friends to call upon, nor piety. Nothing left to cling to but indomitable rage, sluiced away to expose the rot beneath artifice. The matter of his survival depended entirely on his abilities. For twenty eight years, he sought the wrong answer to his existence. A fleeting moment of vengeance could never compare to a legacy. Gostan endeavored to leave himself behind in a more permeable way than obituary.
Gostan's facility in the Kuril Islands, The Poison Garden. Before it was repossessed by the FSB, his father and a man called The Cipher worked together. Gostan had the knowledge of myriad poisons while The Cipher provided funding. Assassinations became suicides. Alternatives to euthanasia. Guntram Shatterhand, a colleague of The Cipher's, took command after Gostan died. An affluent horticulturalist, he could never appreciate its beauty.
Safin’s first job for QUANTUM began with Guntram Shatterhand and The Pale King. “You’ve worked for Shatterhand before,” said the contact. “In ’96, the Austria job.” Safin disguised his ignorance with a protracted stare. “Lucky for you, The Pale King isn’t one to hold a grudge. All that matters is that you accomplish the job.”
A colleague of The Pale King, The Cipher, otherwise known as Le Chiffre, was the kind of man who bet his entire fund in a short sale. If he crippled smaller economies in the process, so be it. The Pale King had functioned as QUANTUM’s head of finance until the mid-nineties, when Le Chiffre took control and spent the next decade at his own whims. Funding wars, drug cartels, human trafficking, gambling, nothing was below Le Chiffre’s interest. The Pale King had enough of it.
MI6’s new operative, 007, was his own complication. A real wildcard, with no problem blowing up an embassy in Madagascar to apprehend Le Chiffre’s bomb-maker. His recent attack on a private airbase put Le Chiffre in the public headlines and cost his latest stock investment. Not to be outdone, Le Chiffre decided to host a last-ditch game of poker at the Casino Royale in Royale-les-Eatix in order to break-even.
Vesper Lynd, a British Treasury agent with no prior field experience. After her lover was detained out of MI6’s jurisdiction, she struck a deal with Le Chiffre for his survival. The prize money should be transferred through Le Chiffre’s account back to The Pale King.
007 waltzed into the casino and introduced himself to the socialites as James Bond, as though he were a celebrity. He did not smoke. Drank steadily. Not to excess. Played well, up until one of Le Chiffre’s associates slipped digitalis in his martini. As 007 drank, the regulars at the table had not touched their own. And when 007 excused himself, staggering away from the table, the game proceeded as if nothing had happened.
Lynd excused herself as well. When 007 walked back into the casino, perspiring but otherwise unbowed, Le Chiffre’s confidence could not recover. By the end of the night 007 walked out of the Royale a very rich man, arm-in-arm with Vesper Lynd.
At around five in the morning, Safin was given the order. Le Chiffre was holding them both north of Dieppe.
The vehicle used to transport 007 and Lynd, parked in front of the gate to the French-style summer villa. A hasty departure from the Royale left less time to tighten security. No men on post outside the villa. Aside from his silenced PB and bulletproof mask, at a distance Safin could pass for a standard concierge. Two guards playing cards under the naked bulb, summarily dispatched. The woman, bound at the wrists and ankles, did not look up. With a pistol to the back of her head she shuddered to life, hackles raising.
“Vesper Lynd?” Her trembling worsened against the gun’s barrel. “Where is the money?”
“Password,” she whispered. “It’s an account I have to transfer, there’s a password—”
“Who else knows?”
“No one.” Lynd shuddered. “Just me.”
The gun lifted. From his breast pocket he produced a small cloth. "Thank you." His gloved hand clapped over her mouth and nose. She struggled but could do little with her arms and legs tied. The chair rattled with her resistance. When she went limp, Safin pocketed the rag and moved over to the unlocked door. The stench of stale blood and sweat mingling with freshly-brewed coffee.
007, tightly secured at the ankles and wrists against an upturned chair, stripped naked. The outline of Le Chiffre, crouched with a knife. He rose on the balls of his feet but did not look at the door directly.
“Is the car ready?” Safin did not answer. 007 struggled against the dirty floor, punch-drunk. Le Chiffre nudged the side of his head with a polished shoe, eliciting an animal sound of distress. “Inform the driver I will be running late.”
Safin raised the pistol and shot Le Chiffre in the knee. Le Chiffre cried out, crumpled to the dirty floor, dropping the knife. As he scrambled for it, Safin closed the distance and stepped on his hand. Physical violence itself was often redundant during an interrogation. Psychological warfare, the anticipation of a threat, could give a better indication of a man’s psyche and frailties.
Safin kicked him in the stomach. A gurgling rasp, Le Chiffre doubled over and wheezed. “You know what I’m going to ask.”
“The money? Look—I’ll get the money. You go back up those stairs and tell—”
“Either you’re a degenerate,” said Safin coldly, “or grossly incompetent. Perhaps both. I’ve waited twenty eight years to speak with you.”
Le Chiffre swallowed dryly, his eyes flickering to the PB. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
Safin’s grip tensed. “Gostan Radinovich. You sold his weapons to the highest bidder and slaughtered the rest of his family. But you weren’t careful.”
Le Chiffre’s eyes flickered. His mouth thinned. “Wasn’t anything personal. If you put that gun down, I’ll come quietly.” His hand shifted underneath him. A hidden weapon. A pager. It made little difference, with Lynd’s word.
“There’s only one thing you can do for me,” said Safin quietly.
A silenced shot. Le Chiffre’s expression froze. The rivulet of blood bloomed from his forehead. He convulsed softly where he lay, his body exhuming itself of waste, Safin lowered the gun, regaining his composure.
A low, animal groan. 007, semiconscious in the dirt. His skin crusted with blood, as was the metal cane laid beside the upturned chair. Safin averted his eyes out of respect.
That same morning, 007 and Lynd were relocated to a private clinic to receive medical attention. The Pale King’s money was transferred into the account a few months later.
During the late-aughts, Safin was offered a long-term contract as a fixer by Marco Sciarra, one of SPECTRE’s assassins. Concerned for his wife’s security as well as his own, Sciarra was looking for someone reliable and discerning. Just a button man, as Sciarra put it. His colleagues would gather, talking about anything that came to mind over alcohol and perhaps. The occasional trouble with spouses. If there was a mistress who’d overdosed in the guest bathroom, or a subordinate who couldn’t keep his hands away from someone’s daughter, Safin would take care of it. In this way, Safin gained a deeper understanding into their company woes.
Le Chiffre’s death was weatherable—outside of his monetary value, he had always been weak-willed and perverse. The loss of Dominic Greene, along with the Pale King’s kidnapping, put several more QUANTUM members in the public eye. They already had informants within the CIA, INTERPOL, and to a lesser degree MI6. After the deal in Bolivia fell through, The Pale King began liquidizing QUANTUM’s assets. While this was a significant loss, it presented an opportunity for redemption. Establishing connections with more disciplined operatives, and requesting favours—by 2012, he had amassed enough power and funds to create a private intelligence agency in QUANTUM’s shadow. The Pale King would never reach the level of success he had once had, his loyalty to the company was paramount.
SPECTRE had to diversify its portfolio. Collaborating frequently with smaller, unscrupulous groups looking for a cut of their earnings. Exceptions had to be made for their cohorts, undeserving of a seat around the table at the Palazzo Cadenza. A wordless divide formed between the old blood and new. The head of SPECTRE became increasingly utilitarian and ruthless. Like Le Chiffre before him, he was never “too good” for any business. SPECTRE’s pursuits branched out into counterfeit pharmaceuticals and human trafficking and terrorism.
Their latest operative, a Brazilian with bleached hair, was making the rounds, introducing himself. Safin happened to make eye contact, the Brazilian sauntered over and said, "Lucifer, isn’t it?"
Safin noted the concave in his jaw, slight droop of his eyelid. "Tiago Rodriguez."
The Brazilian huffed. "I haven’t been called Tiago since my resignation from MI6." He took up a spot on the wall next to Safin, as if they were having a casual conversation. "I confess, I assumed you would be older." They sized each other up. “Sciarra is a good friend of mine. He spoke highly of you.” Silva’s eyes scanned his face. The scars imbued. “You dealt with Le Chiffre and 007. Yet you’re still only a fixer.”
“It’s my assignment.”
Silva’s mouth curled. “You learn a lot about a man, in his final moments. It’s very intimate. I’m curious. What was Le Chiffre like?”
“How much does SPECTRE pay for your dental?”
The room went quiet.
Silva, unmoved, looked him in the eyes. Something cold and precise. The same part of him that woke up every morning, in Hong Kong.
His melodic laugh cut through the tension. “That’s very good!” Safin hesitated. This wasn’t really working out the way he’d intended. "It’s strange, Lucy," Silva was saying, glued to his spot along the wall, "you’re the only one here I seem to have any commonality with. Both of us, intelligence officers. Abandoned by superiors in the line of service. Out for revenge in our own ways.”
No one in his life had ever called him Lucy. If they had, it would’ve lasted all of two seconds before they were summarily dealt with. It wouldn’t do to make an enemy of Silva. “How long have you spent rehearsing this?”
"I’ve always had a knack for improvisation."
Best to humour his ego a little. “What is your business with SPECTRE?”
"Cybersecurity. It’s far from my only endeavor. Just between us—I’ve been fortunate enough to establish a contact in Hong Kong. By the next quarter I should have my own investment." Safin said nothing. "I’d even be willing to give you a discount."
"I’m not interested."
Silva huffed. "Oh, come now. No one is that antiquated."
"It’s bad for business, to shit where you eat. Look what happened to Greene."
Silva hummed, as if this was a point worth meditation. "You’ll learn to compromise, if you ever come to work for SPECTRE. Don’t let your intelligence get in the way of an opportunity." He clapped him on the shoulder.
That same year Silva’s quest for vengeance ended with MI6’s head of SIS, Olivia Mansfield. 007’s interference cost them intel on a dozen NATO agents, and their hitman Patrice; Safin assumed his seat. The surviving members of SPECTRE assembled at the Palazzo Cadenza.
Their leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, surveyed them with a look of polite but unmistakable disapproval. Time and time again, Blofeld pulled the organisation away from certain collapse. Despite the string of incidents over the last six years, there was no lasting ill-will felt towards him from any member at the table. They were bound together by something deeper than the need for money or power.
"It is a shame," he said, "that we have lost two of our operatives. I will commend Patrice for his efforts, with NATO. And Silva for his tenacity. Yet, he also drew SPECTRE’s name into the light. We have made this mistake before, with Mr. Greene. There will be no repetitions, going forward." His voice was light and flat. He had an enigmatic smile and childlike gleam about his eyes whenever discussing a topic of interest, or destroying his enemies—there was little difference. Silence around the table in anticipation of his decree. Blofeld smiled. "At the same time, it would be foolish not take advantage of this opportunity. MI6’s standing has been brought into question. We are already in the process of infiltrating their numbers. Now we will see to it that they devour each other.”
By 2014, the hot topic of contention among SPECTRE operatives was the new head of SIS. "Mallory is a thorn in our side," said Max Denbigh, the latest import from MI5. "But not impermeable. He’s just cleared out a derelict lab down in London for construction. We believe he plans to manufacture a biological weapon, similar to the one used during the false flag operation in West Africa."
A former SAS Lieutenant Colonel, the only stain on Mallory’s immaculate record was Project Heracles. Peace did not exist without the threat of consequence. The cruelest man could not return to a family of distended corpses. In theory, Heracles was more efficient than a traditional assassination or malfunctioning automobile. Somewhere down the line, every man became expendable. Most did not appreciate this truth while they were alive.
Denbigh was on pace to become Director-General of the Joint Security Service—a proposed merge of MI5 and MI6 into one branch for the sake of transparency, which should go into effect next year. During this period, a series of global terrorist incidents would generate favour towards the proposed global surveillance initiative, “Nine Eyes”. SPECTRE would be given immediate, unrestricted access through the Centre for National Security. Contact had been quietly established from a private intelligence compound in the Saharan desert.
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"SPECTRE’s machinations were achieved with careful planning," Dr Vogel said. "If we allow Heracles to fall into the wrong hands, the weapon will point back to the scientists.”
"We can simply dispose of them as necessary."
"The nanobots require DNA samples," Blofeld said. "By what means would these be acquired?"
"You’re familiar with Smart Blood? That’s a tracking device we inject into the arm of every operative in the Joint Security Service. With Heracles, an injection won’t even be necessary. All it takes is a little DNA and skin contact."
“But it will be impossible to control,” said Abrika. “What is to stop a group with ill-intent from targeting our families?”
Denbigh shook his head. "It’s only an idea. It will be fine-tuned during development. Progress will be much smoother once the Nine Eyes programme is complete."
"What worked in Africa," said Safin coolly, "will not suffice for the rest of the world."
Denbigh glared across the table at Abrika. “We could be accomplishing far more than we have been, relying on ground missions.” His eyes fell on Safin as he said this. “With no disrespect to our operatives, perhaps it’s time we reevaluated our approach.”
“Doctor Vogel,” said Blofeld, “has already delivered on her shipments. It is Mr. White who came up short. A quarter of a million.” Blofeld’s hands on the table remained still, like a taxidermized model. "Since last year, we’re just not pulling in numbers like we used to." A casual glance in White’s direction provoked no response. "I don’t wish to diminish your contributions, Mr. White. You’ve been a loyal friend from the beginning. No doubt, this is just another rough quarter we have to endure. But given our current diplomatic standing in Africa,” Blofeld said, “I believe Sciarra and Guerra should be capable of handling Safin’s responsibilities for the time being. Field missions are well and good, but if you spend all of your life on the ground it’s easy to neglect the bigger picture." The smile on Blofeld’s face never touched the eyes; it was just another mechanical action. "If there are no objections," said Blofeld, "then we’ll conclude the meeting here."
Safin turned his head to the head of the table. His voice was taut. "With respect to your decision, I think 007 is more of a threat to our operation than—"
"—I fail to see how this is your concern," Blofeld said with a wave of his hand. "Denbigh is keeping tabs on him."
"James Bond has lost us more funding and connections in five years than in the syndicate’s history. If our goal is to weaken the new SIS, as you suggested last year, then we should target their rogue agent."
"I assure you," said Blofeld curtly, "it is within our interest to be patient. It is imperative that we do not fall prey to obsessive suspicion.”
Safin held his tongue.
Twelve hundred miles away, Madeleine opened the door to her apartment. She kicked off her shoes and set them aside in the closet. She stumbled into her laundered clothes in the basket, from the day before. She cursed and sat down on the side of the freshly-made bed. After three months, she was falling into her new life. The apartment in Lakkegata, a twin room on the topmost floor. Split between kitchen and bedroom, with separate a bathroom. Glass doors on the furthest wall led to a red-brick patio. Amenities included in the bill. No locks on the bedroom doors. Bi-weekly cleaning.
Most affluent twenty-somethings wouldn’t have the presence of mind to think like a criminal. They were caught up in more pressing dilemmas, like aging parents and taxes and strained friendships. Substance abuse. Lack of self-fulfillment. In a clean, well-lit apartment complex, you didn’t need a portable safe stored between the coats and the shoes. Why ever think about installing a hidden camera in the potted plant, unless you were prone to paranoia?
In the safe; prepaid phone, false identification. Voice protector. Beretta, untouched since Zürich. Spare ammo. Cleaning kit. License to carry.
In the space behind the wall, behind the outlets you could make a crawlspace. Store money, jewels. Anything small or easy to misplace from drawers.
As a child, her father’s colleagues were faceless men in double-breasted suits. After her mother died, he figured he could stop dragging Madeleine along to business parties. Feigning interest in her schooling. Her hobbies. Choice of friends. Her mother would have a lot to say about her taste in men.
Last week, her receptionist pulled her aside during lunch and explained she really couldn’t keep fielding her calls. It wasn’t her father. Just a recruiter from the MSF, who knew her from a friend of a friend. "I’m in the middle of putting together a charity gala. You know the conference hall at the Raddison Blu hotel? I was wondering if you would be interested in attending, since you’ve been so loyal to our foundation." To make the MSF look good. Another injection into the public eye. Madeleine called back and said she would love to.
Living alone, there were no prerequisites for her behavior. A copy of Les Fleurs du Mal placed strategically on the end-table. If it was moved, the cleaner had been here. The television was only useful if she was in the mood to listen to music. White noise. Reading aloud to herself in the empty room, or working. On a clearer day she’d sit on the patio and look across at the buildings opposite. The gentler breeze on her face, sunlight. Ambient traffic below. Perhaps she’d rise from her seat just in time for the silenced shot to pierce her breast. Falling back into the chair, blood staining the red brick. Perhaps it would be more subtle. The patio door sliding open. A hand on her back sending her headfirst over the metal railing. It could be the maid.
Another empty casket and eulogy. A small handful of colleagues she hadn’t talked to in years would materialize, offer their condolences. Then everyone would go home. Her father's final mistake, rectified.
Without the emotional baggage, her gun was a necessary evil. Without practise, it was simply taking up space. So she had taken to frequenting the nearest gun club, twice a week.
She'd reached a point of stability, not comfort. Taking point. Raising the gun. Eyes on the target. Her hands trembled a little. Each shot, a new perforation in the target. Stench of gunpowder. Acrid taste of human rot in the back of her throat. Rush of saliva flooding her mouth. Standing in the snow, clutching the gun in her freezing hands. In the gallery. What guiltless monster said, I did it, and it was nothing personal. You won’t go the way of your mother? What drove a killer towards empathy, if not a different kind of madness?
The one constant in her life was Hinx, her new CPO. He went with her to the range. He had a wrestler’s build, dark eyes. His forearms were thicker than her neck, and he hardly said more than a few sentences to her. His silence was a comfort where Safin’s offered ambiguity.
The other constant, she'd encountered during her first foray to the Raddison Blu hotel. It was her father's idea to visit for her birthday. A quiet, awkward dinner, engaged in a one-sided conversation. All she had to do was nod along, but she brought up her mother. In Zürich, she left behind her old shame. Cowardice masked as civility. She said, without using names, that she'd figured it out herself. She made some excuse to get away.
Conrad was a little older than her but not by much. Clean-cut. Sandy hair. He didn’t give his last name, but he bought her a drink at the bar two floors down. The staff in the restaurant were rather aloof, they both agreed. And there was no harm in a drink. She told him about her clinical psychiatry and he told her about his work in business. It really didn’t matter much. Plenty of men saw the veneer of a well-dressed, attractive woman out drinking by herself and looked no further than the enigma in her eyes. Vulnerability molded into dependence.
But surely, said Madeleine, he didn’t invite her to drink with out of the goodness of his heart.
He got a kick out of that, for some reason. She was awfully cynical.
But you haven’t denied it, she said, offering a smile that didn’t touch her eyes.
Of course, she didn’t sit down out of the goodness of her heart either. There was no such thing as a free lunch. She took another sip. Her head buzzing.
It took very little effort to convince him into going back into his apartment. A meaningless affair to staunch the void inside her heart. It never solved anything but it was something to do to escape the alternative of being left alone with her own reflection. Better, to be percieved as enigmatic and untouchable and desirable. She was picturing his face in the newscast. Another dead body. Someone’s son, perhaps. The only stakes were another dead body. No exploded cars. No broken bodies decorating the pavement. Polite good-byes, no excitement there. 
She had very little time or interest in ingratiating herself with another person. Desire was flattering, but pointless in the long-term, once the spark subsided and there was nothing left to barter. As she got older, the ache in her chest became easier to weather.
Conrad was someone to hold in the dark. Their trajectories were so far removed there was no sense in comparing them.
She woke up early. The sun had yet to surface. There was hardly any sunlight in Norway, this time of year. That morning in Zürich felt years apart, yet inescapable. The overwhelming promise of dread at her door. That sense of peace, clarity, in its wake.
Two hours from now, she had to be in the office. 
Conrad was awake.
He said that he’d like to get to know her better. He’d enjoyed talking to her.
Considering his offer. A means of staving off that emptiness, just for a while. Of rebuilding what was once lost. Smothering all of her unreasonable fears with a veneer of safety. Conrad didn’t have to learn every secret. Nor did she have to understand all of his.
She’d gotten off on normalcy in France, and to a larger degree in her father’s care. There wasn’t anyone in her new life to miss her.
At the apartment, the only signs of activity were her misplaced sheets. The running washer-and-dryer combo. The dishwasher to be emptied. Groceries in the fridge. No alcohol. Maybe go out and have a drink, what could that hurt? It forced improvisation, socialization. Blending in with the people on the street. Waiting for the car to explode. Each night, the weight on the bed was only hers. She showered, redressed and took a couple painkillers. No one was offering her tea.
The private clinic ran several different operations, including a diversion program. Their focus was on rehabilitative incarceration. Madeleine’s pool of patients came from a selective list. Kęstutis, the senior corrective counsellor, called her a rubber stamp. A short man with heavy-rimmed glasses and thinning brown hair, he was usually fair when it came to the bureaucratic side of her job.
Her office was a bit more spacious. Cream walls, dark wood furniture. Everything was too clean and smelled a little like disinfectant. About as reassuring as a trip to the dentist. No amount of tireless work was going to erase her status as Mr. White’s daughter. Every morning, she placed the gun on the front desk, the staff avoided eye contact. Secure in her office, buried in papers.
The clientele possessed a debonair that would suggest opulence. Always looking to talk their way out of their situation. Offering bribes. Some would attempt charm. They’d take notice of how well she was dressed. Her perfume. Making small talk that only wasted their allotted time with her. She took down their reactions with a detached interest. Yes, of course you’re feeling disrespected. It’s natural. You were in the right, you had to defend yourself.
Guerra, her latest client, in his late thirties. He dressed in a two-piece suit. Madeleine watched him through the window, speaking to the receptionist. Leaning on the counter a little too long. Guerra was here on drug charges. When the door opened he took a seat, body language placid. "You’re new," he said. "How long have you been working here?"
"A few months."
Guerra’s eyes shifted past her, toward the window. "Your receptionist is a little uptight. You’re not going to be like that, are you?"
Madeleine’s attention flickered to follow. The receptionist’s interest in her paperwork a little too protracted. During each session, Hinx was never out of sight. Through the slats of the blinds, on the other side of the door.
“I mean, I don’t know whose dick she had to suck to get this job. It’s a disgrace.” He shrugged. “You’re White’s daughter? Guess you’d know a thing or two about it.”
That didn’t take very long. Madeleine looked him in the eyes. “You will conduct yourself appropriately, while you’re in this office.” Guerra stared back, indifferent on the surface. “Do you not want to be cleared of these charges?”
The flash of insult in his eyes. Shoulders tense. “I was referring to nepotism.”
“You understand,” said Madeleine, “this process requires your cooperation. When I write this report, it doesn’t only reflect on my judgement, but your competence.” Her hand slipped under the desk, on a small button under the lip. She kept her voice stable. “My verdict is the only thing keeping you out of prison. You really think it’s prudent to disrespect me?”
Guerra was unpleasant, but his weakness made it easy enough to corral him into submission. Just another spawn of a successful businessman who’d never faced the consequences for his behavior. He’d brood or make idle threats and take it out on someone else who didn’t have a CPO like Hinx to look after them. Another bloated corpse on the cover of that day’s tabloid, hauled from the belly of the Akerselva river.
The only difference between her and the trust-funds cycling through her office was her clean record.
Next morning, Madeleine came into work. Guerra had canceled their meeting without so much as an explanation. A stocky woman with greying hair and sharp eyes sitting in the reception area, introduced herself as Klebb.
Madeleine bade her into the office. "You’ll have to excuse me. My last client cancelled this morning. I wasn’t expecting anyone else."
The woman did not sit. Under her arm, a manilla folder. Closing the door behind her, she drew the blinds. "You’ve been reassigned."
"I wasn’t notified. You will have to speak to my—"
“I am not here to be coached, Doctor." The woman set the folder down on the desk. "When did you last speak to Lyutsifer Safin?"
Madeleine hesitated. The woman’s eyes scanned her face. "Three—months ago."
"In the seventeen years I have known him, he has never spoken as openly to an outsider as he did to you."
Madeleine hesitated. She hadn’t told anyone a word about Zürich.
"We have eyes everywhere," said Klebb, with the barest hint of a smile. "The recording from the safehouse provides fragments. Not the whole picture. Safin is the son of an intelligence officer who dealt with many poisons. Before he was discharged from service, he was quite formidable."
"He was discharged? For what reason, if I may ask?"
Klebb smiled. It was not a pleasant or natural look on her face. More like something practised. The cruelty shone through. "A canister of herbicide ruptured and exploded at close-quarters. Most of the documents were destroyed to erase his identity." At last, she took a seat opposite Madeleine's desk. “While he was old enough to be attending school in the orphanage, there were many physical fights with other children.”
"Did he initiate these fights?” Klebb stared at her. "Perhaps he felt as if he had no one to protect him from harm."
"It is possible," said Klebb. "He was given many psychological evaluations, but was able to clear all of them. Nevertheless he kept getting in trouble. When he was nine years old, he was set to be counselled on the threat of expulsion. A month after this, the psychologist assigned to him was found dead in his office. It was suspected at the time to be Safin’s doing but unable to be proven. The case was overlooked.”
"Did he get in any more fights after this incident?"
Klebb paused. "If so, they were struck from the record. He was only an orphan."
“I don’t follow your logic.”
“He has no tolerance for what he perceives as a lack of professionalism." Klebb said with a slight scoff. "He has always been this way, even as a boy. Forward-minded. The whims of a progressive activist serve no purpose in his line of work.” Klebb paused. “That is our issue, Doctor. If he is willing to be so open with you, what else is he willing to give up?”
Madeleine was staring at the binder full of Guerra's documents. “If you cannot provide anything more substantial than allegations, I'm afraid I cannot help you.”
Klebb’s eyes narrowed. "Are you suggesting I am mistaken?"
“You are asking me to profile a man I knew for all of one week. You asked for my opinion. I don’t see the correlation you’re making.” Klebb’s scowl deepened. Madeleine said, "I’d like to prepare for my next client."
Klebb left without a word.
Kęstutis came down for a visit. “Ms. Klebb was here to see you.”
“I cannot help her.”
Kęstutis paused. "Is it safe to say, that you would be able to profile Safin accurately if he were in-person?"
Madeleine stared at the stack of papers regarding Guerra’s case. “I imagine so.”
"And you are due to attend the charity event in March?"
"That’s correct."
"Very good," said Kęstutis, smiling the same way Klebb had. "I believe we can negotiate."
After Silva’s termination, Blofeld enforced a new policy. Every operative and guard at the Palazzo Cadenza must undergo mandatory visits to a specialized clinic, selected by Blofeld. The operative’s families and associates must be vetted, in the interest of preventing another crisis.
As long as he said whatever the therapist was looking to hear, he’d get out in a matter of hours.
The clerk at the front desk—a lithe man in his mid-twenties—was speaking to the client, in this case an elderly woman with dyed hair and too much makeup. "I haven’t seen you before."
"Yes, I’m new to Oslo." He readjusted his glasses. "I take it you’re here for an appointment?"
Ms. Bartlett confirmed this. "Are you English?"
"Originally," said the clerk. "I’m sorry, I’m rather busy."
The plate on his desk read Winston.
Safin gave his name—Zahov—and appointment—issues relating to peripheral neuropathy.
"Dr Swann is running behind schedule," the clerk said. "She’ll be with you in a few minutes."
Dr Swann.
Safin nodded curtly. The waiting room, sterile, uninteresting. Guerra, who had been coming here for weeks, was sitting opposite the window into the office. The blinds were drawn. Hinx stood by the door.
He caught Safin’s eye and nodded. Just a pair of white-collar businessmen. “Cancelled. Now I’m stuck sitting on my ass waiting for a new therapist.” He scoffed. "No hard feelings about the assignment, eh?"
Safin said nothing. His mind was consumed by the scope of his approach. The usual story wouldn’t work as easily with a familiar party. Swann’s veritable grudge against him and his family. Whatever she had been told might not be true.
Guerra made some blasé remark about urine sample and/or collection. Company perks. Perhaps if he didn’t fuck, Safin said, he would not be in this situation.
The corner of Hinx’s mouth turned up.
Guerra’s scoff was mirthless. “Now you can talk.”
“I have no choice but to listen.”
“Mr. Zahov?”
Safin stood up, tense. Walked into the office. Dr Swann glanced up over her desk. Indifferent to him. "Have a seat and we’ll begin."
No sign of familiarity. Dr Swann levelled with him. He did not break eye contact or hesitate to answer anything. Walking through general questions. "What is your relationship to your parents?"
"My father was an officer. I have two brothers and a sister. We are not close."
"You grew up in Russia?"
"And you attended military school from 1993 to ‘96."
Dr Swann paused. "There is a discrepancy, between what you have told me and what I have here." Safin glanced up sharply. "Psychological evaluation in ‘92, followed by hospitalization. Three weeks. Then, military school."
Safin told her a story of a kid who coerced him to steal eggs from the industrial refrigerator. It fell onto him and killed him. He’d only heard about it secondhand, from the older kids. But Dr Swann listened attentively. "These kinds of situations aren’t always so cut and dry. There are a lot of factors, in your life and I’m willing to guess, in this boy’s situation as well."
His tone lowered. "Your life is different from mine."
"In what way?"
He looked at her outfit. The well-tailored suit and dress. Shoes to match. "You understand the theory. You see patients on the other side of a desk. You go home. You do not live as they do."
"It’s common for children who have gone through to place the blame on themselves."
Safin scowled at her. "It’s fear of harm that keeps men in line." He glanced at the bowl of pink candies. "Upset a power structure, you create a vacuum. Many smaller operations fighting for control. There are no scruples. They impose their will upon the same people who were promised civility under the original hierarchy. Someone must keep the peace."
“Is that how you view yourself? As a lesser evil?”
"Where they cannot act, I have no qualms." He sat back in the chair. "My options are… limited, with respect to my condition."
"Does it concern you, that you might die with your work unfinished?"
He frowned slightly. "I will die at the whims of my failing body." At the hands of an enemy operative; whichever comes first. "I’ve made peace with it."
"And what if you were to become so sick, you couldn’t continue?"
He looked her directly in the eyes. "That’s inevitable for every one of us, Dr Swann." A small smile she did not return. He let the silence hold, studying her past the point of normalcy. She did not break it, nor acknowledge his attention.
The meeting concluded. “Will that be all?”
“Yes, I think so.” She paused. “You’re only scheduled here for one meeting.”
“You seem preoccupied,” he said.
“I’ve had a busy morning.”
He stood as though to leave.
Noting the weariness in her posture, spine a little too stiff. Beneath the immutable shell, what else was there?
“Are you all right, Madeleine?”
She stiffened. The erosion of that formal barrier into a tacit acknowledgement. Better to give one’s enemy an out than close every door. “I’m fine, thank you.” She met his gaze. The color of her irises, closer to grey than blue. This would not be the last time they spoke.
Clearance took anywhere from a couple weeks to a month, irrespective of orders. Blofeld preferred to keep each operative in the dark, working as usual. This way the verdict was a surprise.
Without new orders from Blofeld, he had to lie low. This was not strictly unusual. Mr. White told him to keep an eye on his daughter, and this did not necessitate making his presence known to the outside world.
Hinx confirmed a few key points: Madeleine did see her father in November, according to the staff at the restaurant in Raddison Blu. She frequented the gun range twice a week. She would go out with a handful of colleagues from the clinic, but never took anyone home.
The bug in her apartment, planted by the housekeeping, depicted another side to Dr Swann. Still going through the motions. Alone, with a glass of white wine. She drank more often when she was alone, but never to excess. The door would close after the sound of the pneumatic hiss. Anything to fill the empty space.
Her instinctual fight-or-flight response rewritten into a constant, soothing panic.
Conrad was Dr Swann’s longest-running foray. He’d talked her into Kavakava to learn Argentine tango. Despite the pretense of familiarity, Madeleine was never seen with him, or spoke of him outside of work. Safin would be able to get what he was after without any complications. He waited for Conrad to arrive home from work. "Waiting for someone?"
Conrad side-eyed him over his glasses. "Yeah. My girlfriend." Fumbling with a cigarette. Older than he looked, at a glance. "She’s not usually this late."
"How long have you been engaged?"
"A couple weeks." Conrad frowned slightly. "We’re not—sorry, I’ve got to take this."
“Put the phone down. She’s still at the clinic.” Conrad’s hand went still. “You’re just something to occupy her time.”
“What the hell?”
"You’re a sensible man," said Safin, "and I have no qualms with you." Eye-to-eye. “I’m letting you off easily. You are not to contact her again.”
Standing against the wall further back, in a white dress shirt and black dress which hugged her ass but didn’t cling. She looked as if she’d rather be anywhere else, but the trouble wasn’t worth the effort of moving her feet.
Madeleine didn’t strike him as the type to become overtly attached. They understood each other well, in that sense.
They locked eyes across the room. Recognition flashed over her face like a shadow. She inclined her head.
Leading him through the outer ring of dancers. Away from the centre. His only frame of reference was ballroom dancing at Kazan military school. This wasn’t the same. To be led, and follow, in lockstep with the other dancers. No words exchanged.
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Under different circumstances, they might have met. A harmless, miserable existence, ignorant of the intimate relationship with one's mortality. He had surrendered his purpose to a singular goal. He felt that same urgency which she so desperately chased after. That tireless imperative for security. To blend into the shape of normalcy, among this crowd. Understood, if only for a few minutes.
The people working at the clinic, said Madeleine, were especially callous. She never appreciated what she had before, too busy pushing others away. The stamp of nepotism she couldn’t quite shake, no matter how many hours she put in.
Madeleine scoffed. “You insert yourself into my evening and don’t have the decency to explain yourself?”
"I see."
"You don’t seem surprised."
“You’re becoming a better actor than you were in France.” The look in her eyes did nothing to deter him from studying her. 
“How long have you been following me?” There was a lower pitch to her voice. A frenzy beneath the anger. Safin said nothing. “Perhaps I misled you. But you need to let this go.”
Safin looked at her clearly. “This?”
“It is not conducive to my interests, to be seen with someone from work.”
"I’ll walk with you," he said. She looked up. "It was not my intention to disturb you."
At the slightly dilapidated front desk of the hotel, she checked in under an alias. Long corridors in a faux Soviet-style. “There’s a piano bar, here. I haven’t gone there myself. You’d like it.” Up the lift. Following down the hall. Unable to outpace her loneliness. He couldn’t take his attention off her. The artificial smell of her perfume, permeative on his clothes, burned into his senses if he inhaled too deeply. Eating away at his restraint. She stopped at her room, unlocked the door.
“Well, this is it.” Her shoulder pushed the door a little wider. “It’s rather cold,” she said. “I needn’t have asked you to accompany me all this way.”
For each life she cast aside to spare her own, she only injured herself. So he would have a little coffee, for her sake.
This occupation and lifestyle left no time for conventional relationships. A psychological evaluation did not stop him from considering her in ways best left tacit. It was her profession to get into the heads of clients unsure of themselves.
Madeleine’s room was a suite with separate bedrooms. L’Occitane products in the bathroom. With a little scowl, she mentioned how the establishment down the street was rented to a loud party. “It’s usually like this, the later it gets.” She glanced at the window. Expression shifting. “But I don’t mind the noise as much as I used to.” Even with the windows closed, the beat of the synth permeated through the room. The strobe flickered, as did her resolve. “I don’t—usually do this.”
“With one of your clients?”
Madeleine hummed. “There’s a first for everything, isn’t there?” Plush carpet muffled the sound of her approaching footsteps. His window of opportunity or entrapment, shrinking around him. This close, all she had to do was wrap her arms around his neck. A hidden lens in the lamp within a twenty-foot radius. Her eyes, closer to grey than blue, fixed on him. Caught in an epiphany. “Oh, come on,” she muttered, “that was a joke. I would never do something so indecent.”
What had been covert on the dancefloor, in her office, was no longer so. He allowed her to close the distance.
The truth about women, Silva once told him, is that you can do anything to them, except bore them.
A greater purpose and justification leaving no room for error. That was his only peace. Tracking down his father, obtaining the history of his family’s company, there was no end in sight. This woman offered him the simple pleasure of her company.
Drawing her against his chest. Pressing her to the doorframe. Running his hands over her shoulders, arms, small of her back. His mouth found the pulse beneath her jaw.
Unbuttoning her blouse. Her ribs expanding, deflating. Her attention on him unflinching. The crane of her neck an invitation. He laid his fingers along the jumping pulse.
Tugging her underwear aside, pushing into her. She shuddered, draped her arms around his neck. Forehead to the side of his.
Softer, smaller hands over his clothed stomach. Unfastening his belt. Sliding into his pants to wrap around him. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed down to the bone. The flicker in her eyes, adjacent to fear, carried no hopelessness. A recognition, acknowledgement: I’m a monster, just like you.
Mr. White had always been impartial. She’d been taking the same birth control for years. There was no compunction.
Pointing him into her flesh. The riot of illumination limned the room, over her skin. The glint of her sclera, pupils dilated.
He cradled her face in his palm, never closing his eyes. A flush stained her cheeks, down her throat, below. Her nipples scraped against his clothed chest. Her expression recalling that quiet moment in Zürich, cradling the gun.
In his arms, far more intimate. Her soft, panicked breaths against his cheek. She could order him to kill, and he’d only ask for a name.
Leaning against each other, her mouth just under his ear, she said, “You knew I was being followed.” Safin went still. “You took care of it.” He nodded. So slightly it could be dismissed as turning his face into hers. “Thank you,” she breathed.
A few hours previously, Conrad walked up the street into a nearby cafe. He passed by the row of booths to his left and had a seat in the furthest corner. The man seated across barely looked up from his laptop. “Were you followed?”
“No.” Conrad handed over a glasses case. “Tell your friend to leave me the hell alone.”
Q's typing slowed. He looked up.
“This guy cornered me,” Conrad muttered. “Outside my apartment. Says I’m not to be speaking to her anymore.” He shook his head. “Thought he was one of yours.”
“Well,” said Q in a practiced tone of indifference, “perhaps you should reconsider your approach.”
“She wasn’t that interested in me to begin with,” Conrad said. “Hell if I know what her taste in men is.”
She’s bored, Conrad. You have to be a little more exciting.
Conrad scoffed, made a half-gesture towards his ear. “He’s got a fucking line for everything.”
Q nodded vaguely. His keystrokes paused. “That’s all I need for now.”
Conrad left toward the bathrooms.
Q left to a rented room two blocks from the cafe. In his room, he took his laptop and removed the glasses from the case and plugged it in, silently reviewing the footage. His earpiece crackled:
Safin, wasn’t it?
“Most of the patients in that psychiatric clinic have had ties with QUANTUM in some form or another,” said Q. “He’s an exception.”
Why’s he interested in her?
“Dr Swann’s father is the Pale King.” A beat of silence. “You remember Le Chiffre?”
A derisive exhale. All too clearly.
“Well, seems he and White and Dominic Greene met in the same division of the French Foreign Legion. There’s another man, Shatterhand. I couldn’t find anything definite on him in the archives.”
She’s our link into their new headquarters.
“Perhaps. Still doesn’t explain Safin’s game.”
It's probably just an affair. Let me handle it. Q exhaled. Smoothing this over to M wasn't his idea of time well-spent. Additional stress went to his aching jaw. Come on, I’d get the information within a fraction of the time.
“You’ve got other uses outside of filling paperwork.”
Let me guess, he brought up parliament again, didn’t he?
“Acatama, actually.”
Scoff from the earpiece. That was eight years ago. Look, Conrad obviously can’t sort out his—
“Double-oh seven,” Q said, “I don’t exactly disagree here, but it’s beside the point.”
What’s the worst I’ve done?
Q paused. “In the field?”
I doubt Dr Swann’s only living here for routine psychological evaluations.
“I suppose not,” said Q dryly. “I’m of no use in that regard.”
I’ll ask around. She still works at the clinic?
Q stiffened. “Double-oh seven—”
Now, Q. I’ll be a good boy. I won’t blow up any buildings.
The call ended.
“I don’t get paid enough for this,” Q muttered to no one.
Safin's alias, Zahov, is taken from Avakoum Zahov versus 07, an unofficial(?) Bond novel by Andrei Gulyashki. You can read about its creation in this article.
The line about women and boring them comes from the 2013 film The Counselor, coincidentally spoken by a character played by Javier Bardem.
Still trying to get a hold on 007 & Winston | Q’s characterization. I’ve always liked the idea that 007's one-liners amuse him more than anyone else, but he’s charismatic enough to get away with it. Next chapter will be his "on-screen" debut.
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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worshipcircle01 · 2 years
Evil does pays off...
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thestalwartheart · 1 month
Can you give me 1 and 6 for James Bond?
1. Canon I outright reject
Not quite related to the character ask, but…Felix’s death! So wasteful. So unnecessary. So shocking in a film that did not need that particular shock!
But my main answer is the idea that Madeleine was the only person who could possibly understand Bond. I know Blofeld says it and he’s an unreliable sort of man (to put it lightly!), but by that point in the Craig era, Bond had run into a half a dozen characters who could understand him deeply. I think saying it cheapened not only their roles, but Madeleine’s role too by equating his trauma with hers (they were extremely different things!). I also think as a therapist, she would completely disagree lol.
6. Worst personality trait
On good days, Q would say it’s the fact he gets up at arse o’clock in the morning to do something masochistic like go running.
But seriously, it’s his tendency to withdraw when he’s having a rough time of it. He’s so used to going it alone that he sees it as a necessary and good thing to do, but it just ends up upsetting and isolating the people around him.
Thanks for playing!
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castillon02 · 3 months
Animals of James Bond Crossword Puzzle
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Created for the 007 Fest 2024 scavenger hunt, prompt #58: "Create and post a Bond-themed crossword." Clues are available under the cut or you can play digitally at the link!
1 A dog of this breed offers Bond some comfort after his escape from Blofeld's destroyed institute in OHMSS
6 The name of a plot-crucial Macaw in "For Your Eyes Only"
7 The name of one of Zorin's fiery racehorses
9 This Argentinian lizard is glimpsed in "Quantum of Solace"
10T hese birds flock around Piz Gloria in OHMSS
11 Macau features this gun-hungry dragon in "Skyfall"
12 This animal gives J.W. Pepper a dunking in "The Man With the Golden Gun"
15 These Barbary animals in Gibraltar observe a Bond chase sequence with bemusement in "The Living Daylights"
17 Stromberg quizzes Bond about this marine animal in "The Spy Who Loved Me"
18 The animals in Blofeld's volcano lair which dispose of Helga and Hans
21 In the book version of "Dr. No," Bond fights one of these
22 "Octopussy" features this kind of deadly octopus
23 Raoul Silva monologues about these animals
2 Bond tells this big cat to "Sit!" in "Octopussy."
3 A blinged-out elephant wins at this game in "Diamonds Are Forever"
4 In "Skyfall," Kincade has a pair of these hunting dogs
5 This bird is famously edited to do a double-take at Moore Bond in Venice
8 This creature gives Connery Bond a scare in the movie version of "Dr. No"
13 Blofeld's white cat is this fluffy breed
14 Q's cats are this hairless breed
16 This glowing animal can be seen in the Shanghai fight scene in "Skyfall"
19 Sanchez keeps this animal as a pet in "License to Kill"
20 The name of the alligator that bit off the arm of a character in "Live and Let Die"
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miwhotep · 7 months
I think a lot about the James Bond universe in Moriarty the Patriot and eagerly waiting for when Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the main antagonist of the Bondverse, will arrive to the scene. As a Milverton fan, I want him to come back as Blofeld, but of course, there are other possibilities for the role. Here, I will write down the reasons why I think Milverton can return as him - because there are more to it that just wishful thinking from my part - but I also list and explain two other candidates.
But first, let's learn a bit about Ernst Stavro Blofeld himself. He is the leader of a criminal organization called the Spectre, first appearing in the book called Thunderball. He barely appeared in the earlier James Bond movies, but he got re-imagined and became the archenemy of Bond, lurking in the shadows during the Daniel Craig era. James Bond defeats him in the movie called Spectre. There, we learn more about Blofeld's past and relations to James Bond what are different from the book canon: the Daniel Craig-era's Blofeld was the stepbrother of James Bond, who seemingly died in a mountain incident in his early 20s, but he actually just disappeared and took up a new name. He later started running the Spectre (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) and kept crossing James Bond's missions. He also tried to legalize the surveillance system called the Nine Eyes - which collects every data of all different secret agencies and governments, becoming a powerhouse of information exist in the whole world - through committing terroristic acts. In the end, James Bond stopped Blofeld and he ends up in prison, later getting killed.
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Why is it possible for Milverton becoming Blofeld? While he is not from James Bond's past, but from William James Moriarty's (and Sherlock), but the Moriarties are running the MI6 in the end, so Milverton having relations to them instead of Bond is still close to the idea of the Spectre movie's Blofeld.
There's also the tendency in Moriarty the Patriot to cast Sherlock canon characters into the James Bond universe roles: James Bond's past self is Irene Adler, Von Herder is Q, Sebastian Moran is 006 Alec Trevelyan or Albert and later Louis (yes, Professor Moriarty had two brothers in the canon) is M. Milverton becoming Blofeld would fit into this tendency.
While they are not fully similar when it comes to their looks, Blofeld is also a younger man (in his 40s) with grey-white hair. Blofeld has a cat which is shown a lot of times with him, too - and while Milverton didn't have cat in YuuMori, the Conan Doyle canon's Milverton was a cat lover.
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Blofeld in the movie Spectre is obsessed with information and wants to start operating his surveillance system he can get every data with - and Milverton was a media mogul who knew about most things what was going on in London and was also a control freak.
From the antagonists YuuMori gave us, the only one most likely to be smart enough to start an international criminal organization would be Milverton - he already built up several successful companies and have experience in organizing crime, so it is possible that it's him who creates the Spectre. And like Blofeld, Milverton was also a mastermind pulling the strings from the shadows - just remember both the Whitechapel and the White Knight arc. Milverton was also knowledged and skilled in the activities of the Spectre: Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
It's also interesting to note that beside what the name Spectre stands for, the word also refers to vengeful ghosts - and Milverton surely want revenge if he survived.
Blofeld seemingly died and came back - and Milverton's body was never found. It could've been just a way for Sherlock getting away from the punishment for killing him, but also, maybe Milverton truly didn't die that night - from what I could gather from my cousin's doctor wife and a doctor friend in the fandom (to both of them, I am really thankful to take the time to analyze Milverton's injuries for me) he can survive if Ruskin gets him help in time (and in Ruskin, I believe). Also, Moriarty the Patriot has a tendency for characters coming back from situations where they should have just died - so I'm not taking Milverton's death as a fact.
And let me remind you a non-Blofeld related fact about Milverton: his company has a branch firm in New York. Is it just a coincidence that Liam and Sherlock ended up in New York as well? If Milverton survived, he most likely retreated to New York: there, he could've learn about Sherlock and William being alive and now working together - that would fuel his anger even more.
The other candidate to be Blofeld is Albert's younger brother, OG William - and OG William is Liam's actual stepbrother. If someone saved him and treat his injuries in time on the night when the young Moriarty group set the house on fire, he could survive, too, and in that case, he also surely wants to have revenge.
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The third person with great revenge in his heart, possible knowledge to build up a criminal organization thanks to his employer's teachings and the highest chance of survival from the three - is Ruskin, Milverton's secretary. If Milverton truly died that night, Ruskin surely wants to take his revenge on the people who killed the person he loved to the point of running back for him into a burning house, despite that it puts his life into danger. Yes, if Ruskin is out there - he is surely furious. I wouldn't be surprised if we get to see him again.
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But maybe Blofeld will be someone who truly didn't appear yet, a totally new character in the series. I don't know where Part 2 will lead us, there will be more focus on MI6 missions at all and if we would even get Blofeld as the next big villain - but it's still fun to theorize on his identity. I'm really in love with the thought of Milverton being him so if this won't be the case, I will just keep it as an AU because it's too good for an idea to just pass by.
And if you see this sign appearing in future manga chapters, beware: the Spectre is near.
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00qad-fandom · 1 year
00QAD Fandom Wishes Everyone a Happy 007 Fest
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Don't know who we are? we are a crossover fandom that combines London Spy's Alex Turner and Danny Holt with Q and James Bond in one lovely polycule with Blofelds Pampuria (Pam) and Turing, a smart little Bengal who is Q branch’s unofficial therapy cat
Key dates for our fandom are:
5th July Original Characters Day 14th July Polyamory Day
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20th July Queering The Characters Day 26th July Crossover Day
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We will also be hosting our annual London Spy Watch Party over on our discord channel (link under the cut) on the 22nd and 23nd of July at 8pm UTC/ 9pm BST/10pm CEST/4am HKT and our 00QAD chat night on the 29th of July at 7pm UTC
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sl-newsie · 6 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 20: Waiting
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Instead of announcing our engagement we've decided it’s safer to keep it secret until this mess blows over. For now I’ll keep Q’s ring on a chain around my neck. It’s subtle enough to remain inconspicuous. 
As Q and I make our way into the office I can’t help but shoot him a quick smile. He scrunches his face into a frown to remind me to behave and I almost burst out laughing. Unfortunately my happiness is short-ended because Nomi walks up with a concerned expression. 
“What’s the trouble?” I ask.
“Bond’s been asking about a meeting with Blofeld.”
“And Mallory said no?” Q guesses.
“I’m afraid so.”
I shake my head. “That doesn’t mean we do. Is there a way to sneak him in? Or at least one of us?”
“No need,” Moneypenny says as she approaches from M’s office. “Good news. Bond talked with M and convinced him to let us in on Heracles.”
“Wait ‘til you see what it does up close,” Q mutters to Nomi.
“There’s more news. Bond’s in the office,” Moneypenny informs us.
“What?” We all gasp.
Alright. Remember, I’m not supposed to have spoken or been in contact with Bond in any way. As far as M knows he’s been off duty and away from us. We all take a deep breath and walk through the oak doors to see Bond standing in front of M’s desk with an amused smirk.
Q’s acting does little to convince. “Bond! God! I- I haven’t seen you in- in- Um, how’s retirement?”
“Shut up Q, I know he’s staying with you,” Mallory groans at Q’s pathetic acting. “And you’re not in the clear either.” He gives me a pointed look. “Bond’s been reinstated as a 00. Now that we’re all on the same page, what have you got?”
Q shuts his mouth and goes on to set up his computer.
“And that’s why you’re not fit to lie,” I say smugly and tap his shoulder.
Nomi looks troubled but goes on to explain our research. “Q has studied examples of the victims’ samples at the funeral.”
The big screen on the wall comes to life and news images of different funerals flash across it.
“These are the family members who made direct contact with the corpse. We found traces in all their blood samples.”
“Good work,” M comments.
Nomi ignores the subject. “00 what?”
Jesus, Nomi. It’s just a number.
“What are they?” Moneypenny asks.
“They’re nanobots,” Q explains. “Microscopic biorobots that can enter your system with the slightest contact with your skin.
“Programmed with DNA to target specific individuals,” Mallory says.
“But Blofeld modified them to infect anyone related to the target. It could target individuals to whole ethnicities. You infect enough people-”
“And the people become the weapon,” Bond finishes.
Dear God. Who could even think of carrying out this idea? Turning one’s own flesh against them simply by touching someone… It raises far too many ethical questions.
“It was never meant to be a weapon of mass destruction,” M says softly. “Only as a last result. Now I must call the Prime Minister. Q, hack into Blofeld’s eye. See what you can find.”
I stride forward to where Bond’s standing. “Can I go too?”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to stay behind,” M informs me. “Bond can deal with Blofeld.”
Left behind again. Sure, Bond gets all the fun and gets to interrogate while I’m stuck doing paperwork.
“Good luck,” I mutter to my old colleague.
“Nice necklace,” 007 murmurs with amusement. Before I can flash him a warning look Bond gives my hand a shake. “I’ll crack Boefeld like an egg. See you in 10.”
He walks out and I’m left to wait. No surprise that Q’s already heading back to the lab. I know tech is not my strong suit but at this point I’ll do anything to help. I head downstairs and find the screens he’s sitting in front of flashing with multiple images of blueprints, maps, and other patterns too fast to make out.
“Stuck in the basement again, I see.”
“Quiet. Trying to focus.”
I walk over and plop down into a chair next to him. “Need help?”
Q lets out an annoyed grunt. “This eye is harder to crack than I’d hoped. Got anything in mind?”
“A sledge hammer might help.”
Q tilts his head, still looking at the eye. “How is the thought of you with a sledge hammer both arousing and terrifying? Ah! Got it!”
I hear something click and then a female’s voice says: ‘Blofeld’s eyeball unlocked.’
“You look like a child on Christmas morning,” I comment on Q’s overjoyed face. “It’s adorable.”
‘Accessing files: 477, 478, 479…’
Now I’m back to waiting. I suppose there are other things I can do to be useful. “Want any tea while you work?”
“You know me so well. Yes, please.”
In no time at all I brew some Earl Gray and my own mug of hot chocolate. When I return I see on one of Q’s smaller screens that Bond’s heading towards the detention level.
“Thank you, darling,” Q says as he takes a sip of tea. “Think Bond will keep his cool when he sees Swann again?”
I huff a stale laugh. “Who can say? I’m curious to how she’ll respond. What do you say to an ex you abruptly left 5 years ago?”
The geek rolls his eyes. “You know I can’t answer that. I’m hopeless when it comes to social interaction equations.”
“And that’s why I love you.” I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
We wait a few minutes and the screen shows Bond and Dr. Swann stepping into Boefeld’s cell. At the last minute the blonde psychiatrist backs out and leaves Bond to make contact with the one-eyed criminal. It looks like it’s going to be his usual method. Strangle the bloke until Bond gets what information he wants. But wait- Something's wrong. Boefeld’s not moving…
“Q… What’s wrong with him?” I point to the screen.
The geek looks over from where he’s still working on the eye and freezes. He abruptly gets up and sprints out of the room. Should I follow? M said to stay here. But I can’t just- no. Someone needs to guard the eye. I must be patient. On the monitor I watch Bond exit the cell while medical staff examine Boefeld’s body. No doubt everyone will rendezvous back here since it appears to be a contamination issue. Maybe the smart blood isn’t working properly?
In a few minutes Bond and Q walk in, followed by M and Nomi.
“What happened?” I ask anxiously.
“Um… Bond was infected with the nanobots back in Cuba,” Q explains. “When he touched Boefeld they killed him.” He gestures for Bond to place his hands on a nearby machine. “I need your fingerprint. You’re lucky you aren’t related or you’d be dead too.”
“So how do I get this off?” Bond asks.
“Um, you don’t. You can’t. Nanobots aren’t just for Christmas. Once Hercules is in your system it’s in there forever.”
Jesus. This is why I keep a close eye on MI6’s medical requirements. How could M think that something so deadly and permanent could be a good thing?
“I’m so sorry, Bond-”
“No time for that, 0011,” Bond grunts and looks over at M. “Did they find her car?”
He must mean Dr. Swann. 
“They traced it but she abandoned it,” Nomi says. “Hasn’t been to her flat. Is she one of them? Do you have any idea where she might have gone?
“No. I wouldn’t know.”
Bond’s clearly lying. He knows exactly where she is, I’m sure of it. But if he wants to keep things from M I don’t blame him. Without a word he gets up and strides out of the room before M can argue. We all look at each other thinking the same thing. What now? Boefeld was one of our only leads and we have no inkling of where Dr. Swann is.
“Our best bet is to wait for the field agents to report back,” M decides and walks out.
Is he serious? There’s a biological warfare crisis going on and he wants to wait it out? 
“This is ridiculous!” I throw my arms up. “I should be out there trying to help investigate!”
“Don’t beat yourself up, Levie,” Moneypenny says. “M’s been especially protective of your assignments these past few weeks because he doesn't want you getting infected too. You’re one of our youngest 00s and he wants to keep you safe for liabilities”
“So that’s it? I’m forced to sit back and watch the world erupt into chaos because I’m a child? So that if Bond ends up dead I’ll step in?” I argue. “That’s not fair! I’m a 00 same as him or Nomi. I should be helping!”
Both her and Q exchange looks. What? What else do people say behind my back?
“You’re a brilliant agent, 0011,” Moneypenny replies softly, as though talking to a wild animal. “But Bond is right. You do have a big heart, which can get in the way. If M sends you out now your connection to Bond might distract you.”
My jaw drops. “Are you saying I’m incapable of carrying out what’s necessary? Bond was my mentor, Moneypenny. You think he wouldn’t have taught me to adapt to any worst case scenario? He specifically trained me to keep going if he dies.”
I shake my head and storm out the door towards the training room, hoping some major sprinting will calm my nerves. How can they think that? Why does everyone think that you can either be an emotional sucker or a deadpan machine? In this insane world the only thing I can rely on is the potential chance of death. That threat never dies in this job.
I’ve been running for about half an hour when I see Q walk into the room. He looks so out of place here in his spiffy suit.
“Cooled down yet?”
I come to a stop next to him and take a swig of water. “Don’t test me, Q. I’m not in the mood to talk about my fragile heart.” Which is currently pumping too fast for me to count.
“Hey,” the geek says in a slightly offended tone and presses a finger to my chest. “It’s that heart I fell in love with, darling. It’s just as you say: sometimes love is the only thing that keeps us human.”
I frown. “I’ve never said that.”
“Yes but it seems like something you’d say.”
I smile and huff at his childish joke. “Cute. Is there anything I can help with now since I’m too emotional for the field?”
Q sighs and rubs his head. “Never going to let that go, huh?”
“Fair enough. Fine, you can come help me in the lab. There’s a new watch prototype I’ve been meaning to finish.”
After I quickly shower and put on a fresh set of clothes I head back to the technology wonderland. Q’s hunched over his desk peering at a snazzy-looking watch.
Beep! Beep!
Q’s phone goes off, startling both of us. He takes it out and puts it on speaker.
“Q, I’m sending you a picture of an island.” It’s Bond. “Find where it is, as well as everything you can on a man called Lyutsifer Safin. I’m going to need a plane, a big one. I’ll send you my location shortly.”
He must have found Dr. Swann. 
“The island is in disputed waters between Japan and Russia,” Q states as he does a quick search on his laptop. “It has a chemical plant dating back to World War II. Seems it’s had quite a history. When do you need the plane, Bond?”
An idea pops into my head. “Wait. Bond, where are you?”
In the background we hear a commotion before Bond speaks again. “I think my position’s been compromised. Q, I’ll need that plane quickly. Think you can get it to me?”
The geek clicks through some files and nods. “Right then, yes. We’ll be there.”
We? Since when is Q so giddy to get out in the field?
Beep! Beep!
Now my own phone goes off and I pick it up to see Nomi calling.
“0011, I’ve just received a lead from Bond. Have you heard from him?”
My idea starts spinning faster. “He’s just requested a plane but has failed to mention his location as of now.”
“I don’t want to assume anything but I think there might be a child involved.”
This pushes me to make up my mind. “I’m going after them. Nomi, I’m going with you. I’ll meet you out there in one hour.”
I hang up and sprint over to grab my bag of supplies, opening the garage door to access my motorcycle.
Q’s already trying to argue. “There’s no reason to-” 
“I will not just sit here doing bloody nothing while my best friend is out there! I’ve been useless for 5 years, might as well give those goons a good punch now.”
I feel Q walk up behind me and grab my shoulders, turning me to face him. In his face I see something that is completely new to me: fear. Q is afraid.
“I’ll be back,” I say soothingly. “I promise.”
He shakes his head, tears wanting to form in his eyes. “What if you get knocked out again? What if this time you never wake up?”
I do admit the risk of dying is much more frightening now that Q and I are officially an item. It’s this kind of situation that Bond warned me about. But I know Q’s in this with me. I’m not alone. And right now I need to put my own needs aside to serve my country.
“I can make a difference. If I don’t help, who will? I’ve been trained for this my whole life.” I grab Q’s tie and lean up to press a deep kiss to his chapped lips. He must have been biting them because of nerves. It’s little traits like that make him special. Someone worth fighting for. I’m not only fighting for my country, but for Q. And for the safety of everyone around the world.
“This is the way it is, Q. I’ve got a job to finish.”
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kaijudirector · 1 year
007 Fest 2023 - Headcanons!
Run out the guns, it's headcanon time! Prepare for barrage! (and my first post, so forgive me if I make a few mistakes, and it's a bit late due to my personal schedule)
Bond Headcanons
James Bond is not a codename. Quite frankly, I've never subscribed to this theory. I've always believed that we jump to a slightly different universe with every actor switch. Each universe shares vaguely the same series of events, with certain commonalities. Such as…
Every film Bond has lost their Tracy, except (maybe) Connery and Craig. Moore still visits his Tracy's grave, Dalton's was mentioned to have been married in LTK. Brosnan we never know flat out, but remember - "Or if you find forgiveness in the arms of those willing women, for all the dead ones you failed to protect…" Connery represents and interesting scenario. Diamonds are Forever can be read in two ways - either Bond is out Spectre-hunting after You Only Live Twice to catch the remains of what remains of Spectre, or he's on the warpath after Tracy died in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. For the sake of this theory, let's say that the latter scenario is canon.
Brosnan's Bond used to have unlimited spending money, but then Dench!M cut the funding, hence her nickname of evil queen of numbers This is something that has some basis in the Fleming books. Bond in Casino Royale is allowed to spend exorbitant amounts of money on the Secret Service's tab - millions of francs that is. Despite the fact that in the 50s 1 pound meant 13 francs, this still constitutes a hefty amount. I remember reading that novel!Bond basically has an unlimited budget in a guidebook. I have a feeling this is similar in the movies - after all, I doubt even a RN commander's pension could afford the hundreds of thousands in monies Bond is bound to lose in the movies. Of course, in Brosnan!Bond's timeline, I have a feeling Dench!M ended up putting an end to that little scenario.
There was no Cuban Missile Crisis in the Fleming books. Rather, Operation Thunderball was the "big nuclear scare that defined the Cold War". In the movies, it's largely kept under wraps, but in the book, it eventually goes public by the end of the story. Of course, the loss of two atomic bombs in the Caribbean may have convinced certain figures in the Soviet Union that keeping their nukes in such an area would be… disastrous to say the least. So with that in mind, they decided not to bite the bullet and kept Cuba nuke-free.
SMERSH was kept around specifically to counter the OO Section in the books. SMERSH in real life was disassembled in 1946, whereupon the MGB took on its counter-intelligence duties before reformatting into the KGB in 1954. We know in later books, specifically The Man With the Golden Gun and Octopussy and the Living Daylights, that the KGB does exist in the Fleming books. However, considering how more proactive the British Secret Service is, especially with the OO section, I would hazard a guess that SMERSH was kept around specifically to combat them, at least until the KGB came into existence (which then absorbed it).
Brosnan's Lleweylln!Q did retire… He took his fishing boat to Wales and lived out the rest of his days somewhere in the countryside where they only speak Welsh (a little something @emiliasilverova and I cooked up a few years ago)
Kincade is (or at least was) married to May Maxwell For those of you who don't know, May Maxwell is Book!Bond's Scottish housekeeper. In between assignments, she and Kincade stay up in Skyfall, before Bond summons her to look after his flat until he returns. Sadly, perhaps the reason we don't see her in Craig!Bond's run is that she may have passed away at some point.
Blofeld was always a megalomaniac, but kept that under wraps... until Bond drove him over the edge
One major line of thinking I remember when I watched Tim Burton's Batman movies is that Batman is always just one step behind his villains in the crazy department, with his morals relatively intact. Conversely, we see Blofeld acting like an absolute machine in Thunderball (and all his appearances in the movies before YOLT), but when Bond foiled his plots, he slowly began to lose it. This gave way into him being more expressive, megalomanaical, and downright unconventional (biological warfare, suicide gardens, and diamond lasers) as time goes on. After all, how would YOU process your hundred-million-dollar master plans going up in smoke at the hands of a suave secret agent who always gets away with it?
Bond's favorite book is Treasure Island
John Gardner mentioned that Robert Louis Stevenson was Bond's favorite author. And with the latter writing a sea story that stars a young orphan named James, who gets involved in some epic swashbuckling adventures, it just feels right.
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Bluebellofbakerstreet's 007Fest 2023 Finish Line Masterpost
15 point art:
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GBBO, Q Works Late, James in Jamaica, Kilts!, Aston Martin, Bond on a motorcycle, Commander Bond, Renoir Bond, Location Graphics
10 point art:
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Bond, Max Zorin, Eve, Felix, Three-Color Bond, Renoir Eve and all of the Miss Moneypenny Takes a Holiday pics.
5 point art:
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Cat, Jaws, Blofeld, and all of the others are from the Children's Story/Rebus
5 point writing:
Skyfall for Kids
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Bond Bingo Graphics (2)
Other fan creations:
2048 Game
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Scavenger Hunt Fills:
#6 Create a Bond-themed crossword. #23 Create a portrait of a Bond character using only Skittles, M&Ms, or similar small round colored candy.  #28 Find the Difference - Create an almost identical image and change a few things there (could be an edit or art). Tell us how many things have changed when you post it. #29 Solve someone's Find the Difference challenge (Can earn up to 3 times) Solved 3: by kitten-kin, anyawen and ate-the-bean #33 Complete a Bond themed crossword created by somebody else. (Can earn up to 3 times) Solved 3: 2 by kitten-kin and one by spiritofcamelot. #37 Create at least 5 Bond-themed rebus puzzles. #38 Design 3 outfits for a Bond character to be worn on 3 separate occassions.  #44 It's never too early to introduce James Bond to the next generation, although some of the content is too mature. And too long. Rewrite a Bond book or movie as a children's book. For extra points, record yourself reading it like a bedtime story to a child (Both story and read-aloud included.)
Prompt Sheet fills:
#11 Anything, and I do mean anything, about Max Zorin from A View to a Kill. He deserves more attention. #22 Flowers. Put them in a bouquet or in the park. In the garden or as a garden ornament. Put them in a painting or a china pattern. Boutonniere? Yes. Flowers. Gimme. (2nd picture) #25 ANY excuse to put Q in a kilt (and see James' reaction?) #40 Dance. Flailing arms? Okay. Ballroom waltz? Gimme. Line dancing? Sure. Bump and grind? Ayup. Gliding across the floor or stepping on toes, put it in my veins. #62 Bond in Jamaica and his little harem of stray cats who learn his fishing schedule or recognize his boat. #81 “Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it’s terribly distracting”  #155 Historical AU:  Regency?  Victorian?  Roman Gladiator James and  Emperor Q?  (2nd picture) #159 Something nautical; Bond is a naval Commander after all.  Maybe a navy AU? Pirate captain Bond?  A shipwreck?  A romantic sailing getaway? #179 Q and Bond have to go undercover at the GBBO. And to fully complete the mission…one of them must win. Bonus points if they’re investigating Paul Hollywood. #206 Q working late
Art Table fills:
Use a medium you don’t use often  Draw in a different style Ten-minute challenge  Use only three colors Free Space/Challenge Yourself  Draw in One Continuous Line Black and White Only No Lines Inspired by a Painting
Theme Days:
Festivities Day  Felix Friday Characters of Color Moneypenny Day
1 Hosted:
Bond Bingo Discord 7/30
3 attended:
Productivity Hours Discord 7/15 Productivity Hours Discord 7/16 Ato's Writing Sprints 7/20
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
00q fic recs: getting back together
1. a warmth that glows by thestalwartheart (@thestalwartheart)         
When Q finds himself stranded in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, the very last person he's expecting to see turns up on a rescue mission.
hhh,,, it’s the coat scene for me
2. about old friends by Mlle_Heloise           
When James returns to HQ on New Year’s Eve looking a little worse for wear but refusing to admit anything is wrong, Q engineers a plot to ensure that the errant agent is well cared for.
breaking up over a misunderstanding and getting back together!!!!!
3. call it what you want by Path_Finder                
 “What would you call it?” Madeleine asks, nonjudgmental but far too curious for her own good. “This thing between you and Q?”
 “I...I don’t know.”
 James thinks he might call it love.
James shoots Blofeld on Westminister bridge that night, and he walks back over to M. When he decides to run away for good, steal away from a life of violence and death and killing, it isn't Madeleine that he wants to take with him.
i screamed
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007 Fest 2023 - Masterlist of My Posts
Pinning this to the top of my blog until the fest is definitely over.
Includes the number of points each is worth.
Blofeld & His Kitty (10)
Andrea (TPOL) (15)
Q Doodle (5)
Favorite Felixes (15)
Scrambled, Not Poached (5)
Powerpuff Bond (15)
Villain Doodles (15)
Roger's Peanuts (10)
Pussy Galore (10)
90s Spy Game Guys (15)
And a bonus 25 points for making 10 works, I think??? Mods please correct me if I’m wrong.
I also made 12 comments total, worth 1 point each.
Bonuses for theme days, worth 5 points each:
Original characters day (Andrea)
Felix Friday (Favorite Felixes)
Food Day (Scrambled, Not Poached)
Drabble/Doodle Day (Villain Doodles)
Crossover Day (90s Spy Game Guys)
Comments Day (Most of my comments were made today
182 points total!
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
I'm awake at 4am thanks to COVID so let me give you the Spectre fix it idea I just had as I was falling asleep.
So I've read a bunch of fics premised on the idea that Bond doesn't really love Madeleine at the end of Spectre and/or doesn't really mean what he tells her at the end of NTTD and while I enjoyed my share of these stories, I want to go the other way.
I want a spectre fix it in which Bond is just as 'in love' with Madeleine at the end of Sprectre as he is in canon but they thru very amicable means realise what they are doing is less about love and a lot more about running away from their pasts and their lives.
It starts when Bond goes to Q to get the Aston Martin and finds Q exhausted and cranky. He makes a quip like ‘I knew I was your fave 00 but didn't think me leaving would cost you that much sleep’, at which point Q snaps. Says, 'you think the whole world turns around you, don't you, you prick' and Bond realises in an instant that (a) he fucked up and (b) something is wrong. He is right--Tanner in fact had a medical emergency the night before (I'm thinking small heart attack? something serious enough to scare everyone and have a recovery period but be recoverable from) and the last thing he said before he lost consciousness was 'not a word of this to Bond.'
Bond was always Tanner's favourite too you see and so few 00s make it to retirement, he did not want Bond worrying about him or delaying his well deserved retirement on his acct. Bond coaxes this info out of Q though and of course the moment he knows he cancels his plans.
Madeleine is extremely supportive of this and the story is one where the two of them - with the most time on their hands - quickly integrate into the Tanner family's support system, taking the kids to football practice and the zoo, cooking and baking and distracting. In the process Bond also realises just how much Q and Eve (and even M) are struggling in the aftermath of the Denbigh mess, having been chased and shot at and with no ability to take time off to recover when they have an inquiry on their hands. So they start cooking and baking for them too. Bond whose retirement from MI6 was not quite finalised yet decides to stick around for a bit longer so he can help clean up the mess and testify in front of the parliamentary committee.
This is a found family fic more than anything I think, one where Bond realises he has not been there for friends who risked life and limb for him and wants to do better, and one in which he faces the demons he was trying to run away from as well such as the fact that Blofeld is his foster brother who killed the one man who cared for Bond.
And then Tanner is all better and the inquiry is over and Bond finds himself thinking I care a whole lot about Madeleine but do I want to drop all this and go gallivanting around Europe when Tanner's older kid's playing in a cup final the next week and Q is going all out for his birthday party next month? Madeleine for her part gets a top offer from a place in Paris and she knows if she tries she could also find something good in London too but this position was her dream since she was in uni, does she want to drop it for a shot at a life with Bond? Ask him to move to Paris with her?
And the answer is no for both of them, it's bittersweet but not even that much of a real question once they start thinking about it. So they go their separate ways but on the friendliest best of terms and there is always a spot on the table for Madeleine whenever she comes back to London.
I think this is also a verse in which Q had feelings for Bond for a while and the fic ends on a hopeful note for them, not with them together per se but closer now than ever and with an understanding that they have time, to find their feet and to commit to a future.
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thestalwartheart · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
This morning I've been fucking around with a continuation of remember, remember. If you haven't read it, it's a fic where Q and Bond break up, chiefly because of Bond's enormous trust issues. Go read it! I'm very proud of it.
“We even talked to your Quartermaster,” said Blofeld. Bond’s heart thudded hard against his ribcage. “It was a very one-sided conversation. He was so sweetly loyal to you. Of course, you were nowhere to be seen. Off with your little bird. Lovely Madeleine. Lovely, lovely Madeleine.”
Bond took a step forward. His fingers itched to wrap themselves around Blofeld’s throat.
“Ah,” Blofeld laughed. “You thought he’d betrayed you.”
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