#bling blam bloom
firefurred · 3 years
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“i.. i’ll be okay.. just.. g-give me a second.” dizziness would pass, he’d soon find his footing again - the lack of sustenance was getting to him, the urge to feed was growing stronger & stronger. it hurt sometimes, but right now he just felt like he was going to pass out & in this world that was imminent death. even for him. this group he was with, they wouldn’t wait forever. standing still was a risk, the dead were always on the move - they had the upper hand, so it was the others who had to adapt & he was holding them back right now with only limited daylight left. this group had taken him in, they’d treated him well - he wanted no harm to fall upon them. 
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topswormsly · 4 years
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Storybots OCs!!!!!
I'm actually pretty proud of how these fellas came out!!  Drew the concepts traditionally first, then drew them digitally in IbisPaint X, my main drawing app.  I'm not really happy with the way the gradient effect looks on their bodies, but the Ibis blur tool is very goodn't so it's the best I could manage with the limitations of the program.  Other than that, I feel like I did a decent job replicating the art style. These five are OCs of mine, only conceptualized last night, and they're all technically under 24 hours old at the time of uploading this.  Answer Team AU23, one of the worst teams in the department!!  Hap does not like these fellas at all; if you thought his disappointment in 341B was bad, you should see the way he feels about this team.  Rightfully so, as they rarely answer questions correctly, and if they do, it'll take much longer than it typically takes 341B to.  This is mostly due to AU23 not consisting of the smartest members.  ...Okay, only about two of them are actually very smart at all.  They goof around non-stop, constantly get on each other's nerves, and are generally a mess.  They'd probably all be out of a job if it weren't for the department being so busy and needing all the help they can get. Now to go over the individual characters!  I'll describe them in order, from left to right. First off, we have Blink, the team leader!  As much as he tries to be seen as a good person, he has a habit of lashing out on his teammates if he's pushed past his limit.  He's not usually the violent type, but won't hesitate to give long lectures to his teammates if they're doing something wrong, though no one ever listens to him.  He's got some real issues with his temper, but tries his best to keep them under control.  He's a stickler for the rules, and can come off as bossy and controlling to his team.  On top of this, he's a bit of a perfectionist, and hates germs, bugs, almost all rodents...  He hates a lot of things, actually.  Despite his flaws, he's often the only one to actually get the team closer to answering a question, and is rather intelligent.  He's usually pretty levelheaded, despite his habit of losing his cool. Next up, there's Bling!  He would legitimately sell his entire team for a nickel.  In fact, he's done it before, but that's a story for another day.  This guy is obsessed with cash; rarely spends it, but always wants more.  He'll often steal things from the outerworld without his team knowing, only to sell it when they return home.  He's very clever, decently street-smart, but not very book-smart at all.  He's millions in debt to who knows how many people, and is pretty much constantly hiding from them, which is why his job is so convenient for him; he can escape to the outerworld whenever he's on the run.  He rarely ever actually contributes to answering any questions, and really only cares for himself.  He's a master of mind games, able to talk his way out of almost anything.  He's got a bit of a gambling problem, and to make matters worse, he always cheats.  Though he puts on a friendly facade, he's actually a huge jerk at times, and will often use his teammates just to get his way.  He's a huge coward, and won't hesitate to put his team in danger, if it means keeping himself out of it. Next is Blip!  He doesn't take his job seriously whatsoever.  He's got nicknames for each of his teammates, most of whom significantly dislike these nicknames.  He's got a passion for practical jokes, and doesn't discriminate as far as who he'll pull them on.  He tends to defy the laws of physics on occasion, and seems to have an endless supply of jokes and gags that he can pull out of thin air.  He'll often try, and fail horribly, to make light of a bad situation with his jokes.  As much as he tries to help, his leads almost never lead to a correct answer, and he's got little-to-no brain cells.  The few brain cells he does have are pretty much entirely taken up by his extensive knowledge of pranks and pointless gags; it's all he knows, and all he feels he needs to know.  Although he'll never deliberately hurt anyone with his pranks, if someone happens to be hurt in the process, he'll just shrug it off as long is it's not severe. Then we have Bloom!  Socially awkward and a total coward, Bloom is an absolute mess.  She's quite literally scared of her own shadow, this poor girl.  She's a frequent target for Blip's pranks, and doesn't take them well at all.  She's very sensitive, and would cry at even the most childish insult.  Seriously, if you called her "smelly", she'd start sobbing.  She's actually very smart, though she's usually too anxious to voice her opinions, even if she has a potential lead to help answer a question.  She's terrible with social interaction, and if spoken to by someone she doesn't know well, she'll freeze up.  She is actually very sweet once you get to know her, though most don't bother to, since she keeps to herself so much. Finally, we have Blam!  She's...  A feral creature.  She's constantly talking like a pirate, just because she can and she wants to.  She's obsessed with fire, pointless chaos, and anything that goes boom; explosions are her life.  She can be violent if provoked, but would never really do much more than a punch or two.  She does have morals, though they rarely show, and they're clearly not very good.  She used to hate when people commented on her eye, though over time she's come to almost be proud of it, thinking it makes her look tough.  Why, you may ask, does her eye look like that?  Well, it's a long story, but to roughly explain it, she was corrupted while returning from the outerworld one time, due to a glitch in the system.  It could theoretically be fixed, but at this rate, she doesn't want to fix it. That's about it!!!  I'll probably be making more OCs later on, but until then, I'll leave you with these fellas.  Do know that I will probably be writing about them!!!  If I do, it'll be posted on DeviantArt and on my Wattpad, with luck.    I’ll link it in a post on here if I do write it.
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