#blindspot remi and roman
take2intotheshower · 11 months
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Hallucinatory Roman.
(Roman in Blindspot Season 4)
[Originally posted for the Blindspot S4 30 Day Appreciation Challenge]
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
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Blindspot 3x17/2x22 - When last we met
This is Tom Jakeman; he's my head of security, and also my daughter's boyfriend. G'day, pleasure to meet you.
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New video out, and my first Blindspot edit!
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nachosncheezies · 3 months
Hummingbird? Raven? Tell me moooooore
Delighted to! :D From this game.
The Hummingbird and the Raven is set in the latter half of season 4 of Blindspot :D Before I joined tumblr, I had noticed that Avery has a necklace of a hummingbird, and well... Romulus, Remus, augury, Jane's tattoo, etc etc.... there's just a lot of avian imagery kicking around this family, right? I know I'm not remotely the only person who noticed or inferred a connection - there's a post around here somewhere, from before my time, with pictures and everything (I think it might have been Yas', and so the original is probably sadly lost).
Anyway, in my story, Avery's back to New York for a visit, and with her Remories restored, Jane recognizes the necklace. It was a gift from Avery's birth father to Remi, before Shepherd did whatever she did to make him disappear, and it was lost around the same time. She puts two and two together that Rossi must have stolen the necklace for Avery so she'd have a connection. Then flashback to the past, where it's Z-minus a few days, and Remi's a little messed up about the things she's about to forget. The raven tattoo is actually (surprise!) suggested by Roman as an homage, and mayyyybe as a tiny bit of secret, rebellious "fuck you" from both of them to Shepherd over the whole thing. But they both know you gotta hide the things you love, and that subject especially is forbidden, so... a raven, the bird they could sell to Shepherd on the mythology, as if it were an homage to the family. But Roman will remember for her what it's really for.
So Avery gets to learn a little more about Jane, and that she was really not just "abandoned". Honestly mostly it's just the ending that's kept it unpublished, I can't find one I'm happy with 😅
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
Apparently I didn't do this the first time round (what was wrong with me?), so here are my 4x02 thoughts:
Really cool puzzles in this episode - both the magnetite map and the ATM have such great solutions. I wonder who came up with the creepy facial recognition gas-ATM.
I get why Patterson was so pissed at Boston to begin with this time around (the whole 'I coded a backdoor into Wizardville so I could snoop on people's phones' thing was a massive betrayal of trust, even if he then apologised and helped the team arrest his terrorist boyfriend), but why was Boston so mean to Kurt? 'You got one, Limpy!' I'd love to see you survive a gut shot, Boston (and let's be realistic, if they hadn't stopped the show at season 4.5, he probably would have gotten one, because gut shots are Blindspot's favourite injury - Mayfair, Jane, Roman, Patterson, Kurt, Keaton, Weitz...).
I've said it before and I'll say it again - as much as I love both Rich and Boston, the comedy gay couple/sassy gay friend trope makes me facepalm. I just don't get the sense in this episode that these men are attracted to each other, despite Rich's cooing. They have sibling chemistry, not ex-lovers who are still pining for each other, and they remind me of children squabbling over who gets the first cookie. 🙄 At least 4x08 goes a little way towards fixing that (until Rich ruins it by being a total asshole).
Remi's face when Sokolov describes the FBI as hamstrung by bureaucracy and ego is just awesome. She's like, 'Yep, this guy gets it.'
And again, the FBI's 'shoot first, ask questions later' policy comes back to bite them, because if Sokolov had lived, no 4x08... 🤷‍♀️ But also, I have no idea how they would have written it into the show, so...
The Remi and Roman scenes just made me so sad, because Remi is completely alone, talking to her brother who isn't there, trying to justify herself and her convictions (which we see at the start of 4x03, she isn't that sure of. 'Of course I can kill my husband...but not right now, that wouldn't be the right time.'
They really could have used the 'Zapata was on the plane, but not really' plot thread to make everyone cry, but they didn't bother. I wonder if they filmed a scene or two that were cut for length. I'll forever be sad that we never got any deleted scenes for seasons 4 or 5. 😭
Sometimes Blindspot is as subtle as a brick to the face with its cases and subplot parallels, but they did a great job with this episode. Sokolov being able to convince agents from multiple agencies to hand over documents, because there's no inter-agency cooperation, goes nicely with Keaton's complete lack of inter-agency cooperation re: Zapata (and why does it need to be kept so super secret that even a team working to take HCI Global down can't be read in, Keaton?). And Madeline's gleeful confession that she killed her husband pairs really well with Remi mixing up a little gift for Kurt at the end of the episode.
Audrey did so well with her 'I hate this undercover assignment' scene. Poor Tasha. Even though I don't see why Reade couldn't know, I do feel awful for her.
Madeline has such potential to be a great villain, but they just didn't bother to go anywhere meaningful with her. Helios was pretty masterful as a plan, but her underlying motives with her father are tissue-paper thin. :/ It makes all of the Helios arc feel kind of pointless, in retrospect. Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio does a great job, but after Shepherd and Roman, Madeline is just meh. Plus Remi just steals the show with her plotting and scheming.
Remi turning an argument around on Kurt again is so much fun to watch, and especially the way she course-corrects with the giant eyes and 'I just want to help people, just like you' stuff. Makes me think of the Jane-as-Goth!Remi episode, where she's just overly bitchy. 😁
Brb, squeeing over every moment of Remi now! Especially her knowing that he'll be first through the door to save her, even though she doesn't remember anything about being in the field with him from being Jane.
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Roman and Remi.
The most beautiful siblings ever. I love them so much✨💗
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since blindspot ended on my screens , here's a list of things that i will miss about the show
- patterson and rich's many arguments
- their iconic black swerving around the corner block
- jane and kurt's many moments
little bee
patty rich and boston
baby zapata
archie the bunker
them saving the world on a daily basis
tasha's iconic looks
patty and rich's search in machu pichu
the video on martins instagram
roman-blame, tasha-reade, tasha- patterson's wedding
jeller wedding
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lovebecomeshim · 3 years
Bro right up til the second they said Roman was Remi’s brother I was totally shipping it like nothing else on this show
Is this how luke/leia shippers felt
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veshialles · 3 years
Blindspot is frustrating because it starts out like "the US Government is evil because they invade and bomb other countries, causing a ripple effect of creating the very terrorists their military is so dedicated to fighting"
and then the final season is like "the US Government is evil because a scary terrorist has taken control of the FBI 😱 oh noo"
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chibinoyume · 4 years
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Gif-tober day 7: Hugging.
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take2intotheshower · 2 years
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“The welfare of sheep depends solely upon the care they get from their shepherd. Therefore, the better the shepherd, the healthier the sheep.”  (Kay Arthur)
(Blindspot Season 3, Episode 21 - Defection)
[this gifset originally posted for S3 30 Day Favorites Challenge: Shepherd]
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
21 Days of Remi, Day 1 - I was a child once, too.
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For the next 21 days and leading up to season 4 of rewatch starting, I plan to do a gifset a day of Remi's life. Here's day 1! Later on the timeline grows less clear, so I'll be following a loose headcanon. I hope you enjoy. :)
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marv-el-spot · 4 years
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GIFTOBER 2020. Day 15 → Driving.
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grishaxverse · 4 years
Weller: Can you perform under pressure?
Rich: No, but I can try Bohemian Rhapsody
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indelibleevidence · 1 year
Incredibly niche post alert!
I started thinking of the Blindspot characters in terms of the fears from The Magnus Archives. There are 15 major fears - godlike entities that feed on specific areas of fear. You can either be claimed as an avatar of a fear - a conduit who causes it, directly or indirectly generating fear for the entity to feed on with your actions - or claimed as a victim (the entity eats your fear as you suffer).
So here's my take on which fears would claim which characters:
Jane is a tough one to call, as any nuanced protagonist should be. The Lonely claimed her very early on, when she didn't know who she was or where she'd come from. Even when her ties to the team are strong, her primary baggage is guilt, and her instinct is always to sacrifice herself for the people she loves. The Lonely is the fear of abandonment, of isolation, of forgetting and being forgettable or worthless. She also has ties to the Spiral - fear of lies and distortions of truth - because she has trouble knowing where the lies are, because of Remi's plan and the amnesia.
Remi as a separate entity from Jane is a strange one. The Lonely definitely has a foothold in her, mainly because she's lost so much throughout her life. But I'm torn between classifying her as an avatar of the Hunt - finding prey and stalking it, protecting members of her pack as she brings retribution to people who have (in her mind) done wrong - and the Web - manipulation, making other people do what you want and then think it was their idea, plotting and scheming. I think as a victim of the fearpocalypse, rather than an avatar, she'd end up in a kind of weird Lonely/Spiral mashup, because she's been manipulated by Shepherd since childhood, and she fears losing Roman, even if he's a hallucination.
Kurt also has a lot of the Hunt and the Lonely in him, but I'd say he also has a lot of fear of the Spiral. Being lied to and let down have been themes of his life since Taylor's disappearance, through to Jane-is-Taylor-oh-no-wait, Mayfair falling off her pedestal in his mind, Jane lying to his face and then disappearing in the middle of the night (good intentions, but still a lie), the Clem shit, then all the Remi stuff, and the entire world being fed lies about him and the team in season 5. Never mind that Kurt has told some pretty significant lies himself (and is willing to engage in some heavy self-delusion re: Taylor and Jane's tooth). So I'd put him in a Lonely/Spiral mashup hellscape, too, though I bet the Corruption (fear of disease, putrification, mould etc.) could get a good meal if he was put in a hellscape of rats. 😁
Reade, I'd say, has impostor syndrome. His personal nightmare would be finding out that he's only where he is by accident - not because he was ever good enough, but because he spent most of his life not remembering his childhood abuse, and then his addiction gave Hirst leverage on him. He doesn't feel like he lives up to Kurt's or Mayfair's legacies in the same job, and though he looks the other way to protect his team, he judges the hell out of himself and other people for falling short of moral standards (I'm looking at you, 4x22). As a victim, I think the Web would probably feed off him, since it has jurisdiction over controlling people through addiction, and also the Lonely, because of the inadequacy issues and forgetting trauma angle.
Zapata would be vulnerable to the Web too - for the gambling addiction, and because she hates not being in control of a situation (which is ironically what leads to her getting help for her addiction in season one, and also is why the Madeline situation is so hard for her, because she's out of her depth). She hates having to follow the FBI's rules, and is quite morally ambiguous, though her heart is always well-intentioned. The Lonely might get a good snack from her, but as an avatar I'd say the Web and the Hunt would fight over her, and the Hunt would probably win.
Patterson would definitely be an avatar of the Eye - the fear of being watched and your secrets being known. (See also: Nas Kamal.) She studies, she teaches, she solves puzzles. She comes from a family of scientists. Knowledge is her thing. But as a victim of the fears, the Spiral, the Lonely and the Stranger would all feed from her - the Spiral because of Borden's lies, the Lonely because her romantic disasters have made her commitment-phobic in love, and the Stranger because she hates not having the answers, of not being able to figure out the puzzles.
Rich's greatest fear would probably be not having anyone around to run his mouth at. 😁 Despite his criminal background, he wants to be liked, appreciated for his genius, to have the positive opinion of everyone around him. It seems weird to say he would feed the same fear as Jane (the Lonely), but where Jane would suffer from an 'I don't deserve people's goodwill' angle, Rich would suffer from a fear of missing out, and of not being surrounded by people who like him. He's a very social animal, so not having people around to be Rich at (or to care about, because he does care deeply) would be agonising for him. If he was an avatar, he'd probably be generating fear for the Eye, in a kind of hellscape where you just want to be alone and people just keep interrupting you and following you. If you could be annoyed to the point of being afraid, that would be Rich's speciality.
Roman as an avatar would be a splice of the Web and the Hunt (season 3), with maybe a tinge of the Slaughter. Roman as a victim, though, would be in a hellscape that's feeding the Lonely (fear of abandonment), the Buried and the Hunt. He's claustrophobic to the extreme, which fits the Buried's requirements, and willing to buy into ideologies for the chance to feel like he belongs - so the pack mentality of the Hunt definitely applies, as is their tendency to view pack members as prey when they transgress. He's been manipulated since his childhood, but he seems to kind of need that, in a way, so I don't think he would fear the Web much.
Shepherd is the Web (manipulation/control) personified, though she also weaponises the Spiral, the Slaughter, the Hunt... To a degree, the Extinction, too (for the nukes and the aim of resetting society). In the unlikely event that Shepherd would end up a victim of the fearpocalypse, it would primarily be Lonely, I think - she lost her entire biological family, and then her adopted one. She would also fear a loss of power/freedom/control, so the Web would feed on that.
Allie would hands-down be food for the Spiral. She has zero tolerance for bending the truth, lying to yourself or other people... she just has no use for any of that bullshit. So being constantly lied to, gaslighted, etc. would be the worst thing for her. We don't know much about her life outside of Kurt and Bethany, but I don't think any of the fears would be able to make her an avatar. Her job is aligned with the Hunt, but it doesn't seem personal to her.
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It was kinda nice to see you in that video...
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I don't uh. hear things like that from you. very often
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What are you talking about?
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I tell you that stuff all the time.
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Hmm. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail. So uh, I'll make my toast here. Jane, you never thought happiness was in the cards for you... And uh, well you're right. You're too broken sis. Love just isn't in your DNA. And Weller, whatever you think you have with my sister, it's built on a foundation of lies.
Someday you will feel the same pain I felt, when she turned her back on me. I'm sorry to be a downer on your special day, I really am but,
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-there's more pain coming. And there is nothing either of you can do, to stop it.
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To the bride and groom.
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