#blindspot 3x22
nachosncheeze · 2 years
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Blindspot 3x22 - Homecoming
Why is Roman doing this? He wants to remind me of what we used to be... what we lost.
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
I just thought of those three notes that always play in a Jane and Roman scene being the musical equivalent of 'I love you', and now I'm going to be crying internally for about a year. 😭
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fallenesspoetry · 6 years
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Part 1
I shred and tore, I ripped and clawed,
But something was nailing me,
Something was pinning me
In that hole to the floor.
I could feel I was burned,
Scorched completely inside.
You helped me kept breathing,
My sole shatter of life.
Their force and restraint,
Nurtured worst of the worst,
Breeding mayhem and gore,
Choking us with blood thirst.
We’d killed our rabbits,
Feeling worthy of pride,
As we're taught the hard way
Who's wrong and who's right.
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Part 2
“I’m not scared to die,”
What an arrogant lie.
I’m caught now red-handed, the scheme being so tangled,
My hands now shaking... I thought I could handle
To bear you forsaken the things we survived,
For the purpose seemed bigger than your demise.
No one expected you had change of heart —
That was the day my world fell apart.
I swore to all gods —
You'd bleed and regret,
And all you held dear —
Disappeared with a breath.
Whenever we’d met, I missed shot at you,
Now I get why… And you missed it, too.
What once we had been, what you meant to me,
I swore you would learn, I swore you would see.
But the tables got turned not the way I foresaw —
I'd bared my wrecked soul and fallen in love,
Caught in the web I weaved for that girl,
And it taught me a lesson — my heart is the flaw.
04.07.2018. FalleNess|skiesfallithurts
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televisionpromos · 6 years
Blindspot 3x22 "In Memory" Promo (Season Finale) - SEASON THREE FINALE - Jane and Weller hunt Roman back to where it all started...Can they stop him at last?
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chibinoyume · 4 years
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Gif-tober day 5: Crying.
(The saddest gifset I’ve ever made. Martin is evil.)
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scarletfern · 5 years
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Patterson + Roman: Parallels
🥀 2x10 || 3x22 🥀
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NO! NO!!!!
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jimmymcgill · 6 years
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RIP Roman, you have suffered enough.
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
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Why are you smiling?
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
It's 3x22 week!
Tumblr is NOT going to let me select a gif to put in this post, so here's Reade and Rich discussing how much a first edition of The Count of Monte Cristo has set back the FBI's annual budget:
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danielaeditsthings · 5 years
@i-am-out-of-my-vulcan-mind asked me for a master post of my series where I delete the intense background music out of Blindspot scenes. I started to do this series about 1.5 years ago when I was having a hard time hearing what Kurt was saying. 
I hope you enjoy!
**Please do not rip and repost on other social media sites**
1x05 “Do you feel that?”
1x10 Kurt and Jane’s First Kiss
1x22 Kurt Revives Jane
2x01 The Jeller Fight Scene
2x01 The BlackSite Fight
2x01 Zapata Shoots Jane
2x19 The Almost Jeller Kiss
2x21 “I know your heart.”
2x22 “I love you, Jane.”
2x22 “I love you too, Kurt.”
3x04 Kurt Finds Jane After the Explosion
3x05 Remi Sings to Baby Avery
3x09 Jane Goes in to Save the Boy
3x22 Jane Passes out for the First Time
4x05 Jane/Remi Finds Out She’s Not Eligible For the Treatment.
4x09 Kurt and Patterson’s Talk
4x12 “Kurt I’m Scared.”
4x15 Kurt and Jane’s Car Conversation 
4x17 The Rescue Scene
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lurkingwhump · 5 years
Blindspot Fandom “Meet and Greet” # 4
I’m a bit late with this one, but better late than never, right.
Name/Nickname: lurkingwhump
Age* (don’t be shy, we’re a fandom of grandmas):     almost 40
Where are you from*: Finland
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot madness:     Right from the beginning. I watched Strike Back that Sully starred in     before Blindspot, and wanted to give Blindspot a shot. And here we are.
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch:     Currently, I don’t really follow any other shows that are airing. Strike Back, as mentioned, is also a show I am very found of still too (the seasons Sully was in). Used to watch The X-Files back in the day.
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Kurt, and Jane. And Rich’s is infuriating sometimes but he’s also funny.
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): Allie!
Favorite ship(s): Jeller all the way.
Favorite episode(s): Oh dear, many. 1x09, 1x22,     2x01, 2x21,2x22,3x01, 3x03, 3x09,3x10, 3x19, 3x21, 3x22, 4x01, 4x09,4x11,     4x12 (probably my all-time favorite😊), 4x17    
Favorite season(s): On the whole probably 2 or 3
Favorite tattoo(s)/case(s): The bird is pretty, and I like the honeycomb pattern too. Can’t really name a favorite case.
Favorite whatever you want: Kurt getting frantic or protective over Jane.
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you     be: Hmm,  a mix of Kurt and Jane, for a lot of reasons (some sadly, some thanks to     training)
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: End of 3x08. “I killed your daughter.”
One dead character you would bring back: Roman
One guest star (who has appeared in less that     three to five episodes) you want to bring back: Can’t really name one off     the top of my head.
One recurring character you’d love to have     promoted to regular: Allie
One actor/actress you would love to have guest     star on the show (and who would they play): I would really love to see Philip Winchester from Strike Back on Blindspot, but can’t say who he’d play. A good guy regardless.
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring     back or answer: How did Taylor Shaw actually die and why did Bill Weller     kill her?
One country you want the show to visit next     season: No preference.
What’s your craziest/favorite theory about the     upcoming season: The team survives thanks to the tunnels. But I want to     see Jane worry over Kurt for a change, so having him injured would be good     for that (even though I know it’s a stretch after the way s3 ended).
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be  shy)*: I am an Army reservist, so I probably pay more attention to the tactics and weapons than I should.
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unorthodox-oblivion · 5 years
Blindspot Fandom “Meet & Greet” #4
Name/Nickname: Ana/Nalu (unorthodox-oblivion)
Age (don’t be shy, we’re a fandom of grandmas): 21
Where are you from: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (and happy to be a tour guide to any fellow fans who want to visit the city)
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot madness: October 14th, 2018.
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch: I’m only deeply invested in Blindspot, atm. But I used to be just as involved with the Castle fandom, when the show was still running (and I still read the occasional fic, cuz the nostalgia is real). I watch This Is Us, The 100, Absentia, 911, Grey’s Anatomy, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Younger, among MANY others.
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Season 1&2 Jane, Zapata, Patterson and Rich. 
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): David, Oscar, Allie and Boston. 
Favorite ship(s): Jeller and Repata. I have hopes for Boscom.
Favorite episode(s): *opens Netflix*: The pilot for sure. I LOVE everything about it, ESPECIALLY the photography. 1x09/1x10/1x14/1x15/1x18/2x01/2x07/2x19/2x20/2x21/3x14/3x22/4x08/4x09/4x21/4x22
Favorite season(s): 1 and 2. 
Favorite tattoo(s)/case(s): I’m obsessed with Jane’s honeycomb tattoo, idk why. I just love it a ton. Don’t really have a favorite case.
Favorite whatever you want: My favorite item of clothing for Jane was her leather jacket. I miss that look. Definitely don’t miss the cargo pants. 
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you be: Considering all the martial arts training, I’d say Jane. But I guess I’m nerd², so I could easily be Patterson (?)
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: “You did this to yourself”. It was already 3 a.m. when I got that far and it kept me up the rest of the night, because I couldn’t stop watching.
One dead character you would bring back: David. (Or Roman, really tough choice, y’all are a little mean for making me choose just one)
One guest star (who has appeared in less that three to five episodes) you want to bring back: Aimee Carrero, who played Ana Montes. I thought her character was really cool and it would’ve been fun to have another Python x Perl argument scene between her and Patterson, or something similar. Nerd bickering is fun.
One recurring character you’d love to have promoted to regular:��Little Bethany Weller. But that’s only because I want to see Dad Kurt more often. I don’t think it would have a great impact on the storyline at all, so they should probably just keep it as it is. 
One actor/actress you would love to have guest star on the show (and who would they play): Stana Katic, just so both my fandoms could collide.
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring back or answer: Why/How Bill Weller killed Taylor Shaw? 
One country you want the show to visit next season: I’d love for them to visit Brazil, my home country. But I think Australia could be really cool or maybe Sweden.
What’s your craziest/favorite theory about the upcoming season: That Jane is gonna get a little bitter and maybe want some revenge over the death of her loved ones. I have a theory of my own, though, that Reade doesn’t make it, solely based on the fact that he hasn’t been on any of the behind the scenes posts.
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be shy): Oh, well... I’m a film student (hence the slight obsession with the photography of the show) . I train muay thai/kickboxing and I play college soccer. I speak 3 languages, fluently. I love to cook and bake. I have two adorable pups who have their own instagram account, so if you’re into dog pages, feel free to follow @pookapollo. I used to write fanfiction for Castle when I was - much - younger and I do intend to write something for Blindspot at some point (In fact, I owe @indelibleevidence a cute little story that I ALMOST finished), so if anyone has requests, send away, I’ll see if I can get those creative juices flowing.
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scarletfern · 4 years
Is Roman really dead? - a theory
I know what you’re thinking, but just bear with me. I can back this up.
Less than five minutes after 3x22 ended, I was so deep in denial that I had actually started making a list of ways that Roman could still be alive. I even wrote a one-shot back in 2018 based off the first idea on that list. (#1 - Jane hallucinates Roman’s death.)
But that first idea required a slight deviation from canon - Jane losing consciousness.
In fact, every idea on that list required a slight (or not so slight) deviation from canon.
All except for one.
This one theory accounts for everything.
The strange phone call. A way that Roman could have survived the gunshot wound and not bled out. Jane really and truly believing him dead. Everything.
And it fits seamlessly into canon.
But first, let's talk about season 3.
Season 3 was the season of faked deaths.
Jane. Avery. Borden. Dr. Roga.
And three of those faked deaths have a common denominator.
In 3x01, Roman supplied Jane with a syringe containing a chemical called succinylcholine, the antidote, and instructions on how she and Kurt should use it to fake her death, collect the bounty, and remove the hit.
They explained that succinylcholine would reduce her heartbeat to an undetectable crawl and that she would need the antidote within 90 minutes.
When Kurt came clean about Berlin, (during the “you should have stayed” conversation) I’m pretty sure he told Jane that Avery didn’t have a pulse. (I’m not quite there in my rewatch, but I’m like… 97% sure.)
((Also, this is Kurt Weller. If she’d had a pulse, he would have saved her or died trying.))
But… Avery wasn’t really dead. So how did she get rid of her pulse?
And who masterminded the entire Berlin/Avery-fakes-her-death thing?
Now, we didn’t know about Dr. Roga until season 4, but timeline wise, her death was faked either early season 3 or pre-season 3. I don’t remember the details, but Roman did help her fake her death.
He helped all three of them fake their deaths.
And then he faked his own.
But how did he do it?
You’ve probably already guessed that I’m going to say succinylcholine.
(And you’re right.)
But hang on. Roman was bleeding to death, right?
Wouldn’t injecting himself with a drug that would significantly reduce his heartbeat, to an undetectable crawl, when he’s already bleeding out, just kill him faster?
Not necessarily.
See, here’s the thing about the human body. The beating of the heart is what circulates blood throughout the body. If you’re in pain or panicking, your heart beats faster, which increases blood flow. This can actually make you bleed more if you’re injured.
And gunshot wounds bleed. A lot.
But corpses? They don’t bleed.
If you stab a dead body, you may see some blood, but the wound you made will not actively bleed in the way that it would if the person were still alive.
There’s no heartbeat, so there’s no blood flow.
(When I was like 8, I was really, really into forensic science/pathology. Don’t worry, I haven’t been going around stabbing corpses to test my Blindspot theories.) ((Just thought I should clarify because all that sounded super shady.))
If Roman injected himself with succinylcholine, it would have reduced his heart rate so significantly that the gunshot wound would have stopped bleeding - or at least been seriously reduced. Theoretically, this would have bought him enough time to get the antidote and medical attention without bleeding out.
But we aren’t quite done yet. How did Roman know to have a syringe of succinylcholine with him in South Africa? And how did he get the antidote?
Remember that USB drive with the cache of medical intel on ZIP that Roman gave to Jane just before he died?
He took that USB to South Africa with the intention of giving it to Jane, but when the FBI rolled up at the orphanage, Roman took off. That must mean that he planned to meet up with her again later.
But he couldn’t have just given her that USB drive without getting himself killed or arrested.
Roman was always 5 steps ahead of everyone else. There’s no way he went to the final showdown in South Africa, knowing that it was the final showdown (“one last game, sis?”) without an escape plan.
Now, here’s the theory.
The USB drive wasn’t the only thing he brought to South Africa. He also brought a syringe. A syringe full of succinylcholine.
His original plan was to somehow fake his death in front of Jane with that succinylcholine, that same drug that he used to help both Jane and Avery fake their deaths earlier in the season, and present her with the cache of ZIP intel on his presumed deathbed. He had every detail planned, every single thing accounted for.
Except for the one thing that he never could have guessed would happen.
The team up of Blake Crawford and Tasha Zapata.
After Blake shot him, he must have realized that he didn’t have long. And, of course, he knew that Jane was looking for him.
The phone call he made was a signal. Remember, he still needed that antidote. He had to have had an accomplice.
Who the accomplice was is up to interpretation.
It could have been Dr. Roga, since she must have been in on the entire thing.
It could have been the third kid from the flashbacks.
Back when the Roman-has-a-twin theory was going around, I was particularly fond of the idea of his identical twin sneaking up to his body in the morgue and injecting him with the antidote. (There’s something about that image that I really love for some reason.)
I have one half-written fic where the accomplice is Mayfair, but I won’t get into that right now.
And, of course, he could have just paid someone off to slip him the antidote.
Or, since this is fiction (we can suspend our disbelief a little bit, right?), Dr. Roga could have modified the drug so that Roman wouldn’t even need an antidote. She was, afterall, the scientist that invented ZIP. (And the lab Roman set up for her was Patterson approved.)
Anyway, he had the syringe of succinylcholine concealed in his pocket. He waited for Jane and, after giving her the USB containing the information that would save her life, he secretly injected himself.
We don’t know what happened in South Africa after Roman “died” in Jane’s arms because the show jumps straight back to the team being in New York. So where/how Roman got the antidote is also up to interpretation.
But basically, we have 3 possibilities.
Ambulance, hospital, or morgue.
We also don’t know what happened to Roman’s body. Or, at least, what Jane and the rest of the team think happened to his body. Y’know, since this whole post is about me convincing you that there isn’t a body.
But, again, it’s up to interpretation and we have several viable options.
Personally, I love the idea of Jane making arrangements for him to be buried in South Africa. It seems like that’s what he would want.
Other options?
Misplaced body.
Accidental cremation.
Or just cremation in general. They would never know the difference unless they ran tests, and why would they run tests? He died in Jane’s arms, right?
Okay, one last thing.
This is probably where I’m really wrong… but I can’t not throw it out there after typing all of… that.
The 5x01 episode synopsis mentions that Jane “gets a strange message from an unknown ally.”
Most likely, that ally is Afreen, Keaton, Weitz, or even Briana. (The sneak peek we got yesterday makes me almost certain that it’s Afreen.)
But in that season 5 speculation fic I started writing (and never finished :p), an unknown person called the team and let them know about the drone strike right before it happened. I never wrote enough of that fic to get to the reveal, but I always planned for that unknown person to be Roman. (I might finish it sometime… I mean, I definitely wasn’t going to kill any of them and after this, we’re gonna need all the fix-it fic we can get.)
I doubt that speculation was right, but I have the tiniest sliver of hope. *applies clown makeup*
But either way, we will find out tonight (yay!) and *cough* RomanTotallyFakedHisDeath *cough*
(Also, this is like 1.5k words, my writer’s block must be gone. :D)
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lwthor · 6 years
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Tasha Zapata; Blindspot
3x22 - In Memory 
(Sneak Peek 3)
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stivo85 · 5 years
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I am watching Blindspot 3x22 "In Memory"
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