#blind dates oc prompt
mercurygray · 2 years
In a God's Eye - Naera, Tynara's daughter
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I'm so excited about this new OC! I've had this idea ever since we saw the dragonkeepers in House of the Dragon. A few disclaimers - I didn't make it all the way through Fire and Blood, so some of this might not exactly be bookverse compliant. I didn't necessarily get a strong sense that the dragonkeepers have been fully developed, as an idea, so I borrowed some from what I could find in the books and the images presented to us on House of the Dragon and tried to come up with some bits of culture that would blend the two.
Anyway. This is Naera.
The princes would be making an appearance after breakfast.
Jaekar, the chief dragonmaster, had received a message after the morning meditations - a squire in the Queen's green cowered slightly in the shadow of the great white dragon skull in the front of the hall while he waited for the reply, the seven-pointed star faintly glistening on his livery. The smell of incense was still in the air after the meditations, and there was a faint haze of smoke around the skull, making it even more menacing in the low light.  
Yes, Naera thought to herself, watching the squire's uneasy gaze with pride, our gods are far older than yours. What does that star know of fire, and the Doom?
It was easy to pity and scorn him - he could not see her, out in the crowd of faces, and one dragonkeeper was much like another, if you were only here once or twice. There was a whole village here, in the Dragonpit, if a man knew where to look - goatherds and saddlemakers and blacksmiths, servants to the crown, the customs of Old Valyria, and the dragons. No mere stableboys here to mind the king's sons - they were dragonkeepers, trained from the egg as the saying went, born alongside the creatures they helped to hatch and raise.
And the whole of them were assembled in the hall now, watching as Jaekar read the message twice and then, choosing his words in Common carefully, gave his reply to the messenger.
"Tell the princes we will be happy to receive them."
The squire nodded, and Jaekar's gaze moved to the table where the keepers sat, catching Varra's eye. The eldest of the keepers nodded and rose from the table, the others following her lead, out of the Hall and deeper down into the Dragonpit. 
"It wasn't like this when the Princess Rhaenyra was a girl," Authan complained, once they were out of the hall. "Every day she'd be down to see Syrax, sun, rain or wind, and no messenger boy to tell us she was coming."
"Aye, well, the Princess's mother knew what was good for her.” Varra replied sagely, walking quickly at the head of the group. “Queen Aemma was from the Vale and understood the wind and the sky. These Hightowers are…” she paused, knowing that many were listening. “Different. They do not value the old ways."
"Or the old gods," Naera added, thinking of the messenger and his seven-pointed star and the unease with which he'd observed the dragon skull.
Varra nodded to the younger woman’s wisdom. "Or the old gods, indeed. Still, Prince Aemond is a good son to his father. He understands tradition. A good student, and a good dragonrider."
The youngest voice in the group spoke up with excitement. "Who will take Vhagar today, Master Varra?"
Varra looked conflicted for a moment, knowing exactly why the adept was asking. "Authan and I will have Vhagar, Gaela. Naera will show you Sunfyre today. And you must watch her carefully, little mousling!” she added, smiling at Naera. “She has a good touch and you can learn much from her."
Gaela's face fell, but she joined Naera as she was bid, her disappointment a cloud on her usually sunny face. "You know, I wasn't much older than you when Vhagar first came to the Dragonpit," Naera said, trying to cheer her up a little, breaking away from the larger group to go and find Sunfyre's roost in the depths of the dragon pit. 
"When Prince Aemond captured her?"
"It was Laena Velaryon who captured her," Naera corrected, as gently as she could. "She had been living wild on Driftmark, in the high crags.” Dragons like stone, and small dark places where they can be at ease. “And Laena was not much older than you when she did it. Climbed the rocks and tempted her with sweet songs and bits of goat meat.  When she died the prince Aemond took Vhagar from Driftmark. It is good to remember properly," she added, leaving the sentence open so her young companion might respond. 
"Because a dragon remembers," Gaela parroted the correct response, the one that every child in the dragonpit learned from birth.
"Yes. A dragon remembers," Naera repeated with a smile. 
"What else do you remember, Naera? About the night that Vhagar came?"
Naera considered the request, thinking about that night. Vhagar had still been damp with the seaspray from Driftmark and the long miles to fly back to King's Landing. How huge she'd been then! A creature out of legend, more old and terrible than any beast living in the Dragonpit, hatched from an egg when Valyria was still in living memory. She'd lifted one great and sleepy eye when Naera had approached, and almost immediately closed it, hardly threatened by a slip of a twelve year old girl. That was how Laena Velaryon did it, too, she'd thought.
She could remember other things, too - the look of old Master Aenor's craggy face, calling her into his chamber. “You have the dragondreams, child. See how she sleeps, now that she has lost her rider.”
She had slept that night at Vhagar's side, warm next to the dragon's skin, and dreamed of Laena Velaryon, waking with the memory of her bloody shift and her last terrible dracarys, a dragonrider to the last. Naera had run her hand over Vhagar's snout and the dragon looked at her again, this time with interest. A dragon remembers. Vhagar's memories were broad and deep and Naera wished she could know more of what she knew, of the Years of Blood, and Visenya. But there had been few dreams after that - and few save Master Aenor, and now Master Jaekar and Varra, knew that she had them. 
Well, that was ten years ago now, and Naera was a child no longer. She had shaved her head at the accepted time, and burned the hair in front of the bleached white dragon skull in the shrine, eyes closed as the Master marked her forehead with ash and blood. The dragonkeepers kept the old ways, just as their kings and princes did, the blood of old Valyria just as strong. The shivering princeling who'd ridden Vhagar triumphantly home with a bloody eye was a tall prince who spoke fluent Valyrian to the keepers and looked after his own saddles and bridles, as he'd been taught to do as a child. Naera wished they had Vhagar today, too - she was ponderous, certainly, but her rider was easy to handle. 
His elder brother, on the other hand, was not.
Prince Aegon could be relied upon for nothing except to be amorous, which was bad, or drunk, which was worse. Keepers weren't supposed to have favorites, but Sunfyre was, in Naera's opinion, the prettiest of the dragons currently in the Dragonpit, and absolutely wasted on Prince Aegon. He hardly came to visit, let alone ride. But no one asked a keeper about these things. Valar Doheris - all men must serve.
"I remember," she said, returning to Gaela's original question, "that she was very large, and smelled of the sea, and that I thought she was not as pretty as Meleys, or Sunfyre."
"I never saw Meleys. Is she really red, like they say?"
"The Red Queen, indeed. She lives on Driftmark, with the Princess Rhaenys. Perhaps when she visits Kings Landing next you will see her. But come. The prince will be waiting and we must not keep him."
Sunfyre was in an unusually calm disposition this morning- he came when he was called and settled quickly after his breakfast, burrowing a little into the dust of the main chamber to close his eyes and go back to sleep. It only remained for them to wait.
Not want to keep him, indeed. Naera had forgotten that timeliness was not one of the prince's virtues, and had already pulled out her knucklebones to play dragon-dancing with Gaela when two figures finally appeared - Prince Aegon, at last, with his kingsguard companion in his white cloak lingering a respectful distance behind him. One of the twins with the rhyming names, she thought. She quickly tidied the bones and ball into Gaela's pocket, brushing the dust from the girl's tunic as well as her own. When a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin - and flip another when Aegon Targaryen rises in the morning and decides to visit the Dragonpit. Which shall we have today?
The prince, for his part, looked thrilled to be here - his eyes were a touch bleary and his shorter, curly hair was rumpled, like he’d only just been roused from bed. Drunk, then, Naera thought to herself, or as good as. "How is Sunfyre today?” Aegon spoke in Common, rather than the High Valyrian of his ancestors. 
Naera swallowed her frown and tried to look pleasant as she replied back in Common. "Well, my lord. He had two goats for his meal this morning, and happily ate both." 
Aegon's eyes followed the sinuous curves of the dragon's back and resting wings, the most cursory of inspections. He made a small noise of approval and turned back to the pair of them, reaching out to flick a speck of debris from the shoulder of Gaela's tunic. "And who is this beauty?" he asked, his smile lingering over Gaela's finely-featured face. "I've not seen you before."  
The younger girl made the appropriate bow. "Gaela, my prince."
"Gaela," the prince repeated, his hand tracing her cheek. "Pretty."
Naera felt her blood rising, the urge to hit the prince's hand away as strong as anything. A dragon remembers - another day, and a Targaryen princeling, blond and gangly, clutching his bleeding cheek as they stood in front of Master Aenor.
"She hit me!" Aegon had bawled to the master keeper, slightly taller than her but somehow more pathetic, making a show of the pain he was in. "I want to see her punished."
You put your hand where it wasn't wanted. I wanted to see you punished. 
But Aenor had been a fair man, and a master of his domain, and he had no fear of princes or kings. "Naera has the right to defend herself, the same as any creature here. This is a lesson, my prince. A dragon does not care for titles and honors - and he remembers disrespect. He will not be punished if he hurts you in his anger. A prince would do well to remember this, too."
"But she is not a dragon!"
"She is his keeper.” the old master had said, fairly. “And a dragon remembers." 
That had been long ago, and Aegon remembered her face, now, if he could not be bothered with her name.  But he was also older, and he had fouler tricks to play if she lashed out at him like she wished to. 
It appeared, however, that she would not have to - behind Aegon, one great amber eye suddenly opened up. Sunfyre sat up, sensing her anger, ruffled his head a little, and very clearly growled, his eyes fixed on the back of his rider's head. Aegon, startled by the noise, turned around, his hand dropping back to his side. Sunfyre stared imperiously, as if he were daring the prince to challenge him.
Naera tried not to smile. I have no fear of fire, Targaryen, nor does Gaela. If I burn, I return to the gods. Can you say the same, with your seven pointed stars? "I think the prince's dragon takes offense, my lord. He likes your attention."
Aegon sneered, but there was still a trace of fear in his face. "Are you claiming the beast is jealous?"
He is no mere beast - but he knows you called him such. We have shared dreams, he and I. "Who are we to truly know what a dragon likes or dislikes, my lord?" she asked, her voice moderate and her expression neutral. "Can he speak to tell us?" But you would know, if you minded him more. He is jealous, and proud - a worthy mount for a prince.
Aegon looked like he was seriously considering hitting her. "My lord!" His kingsguard had suddenly spoken to interrupt them. "There is to be sport, tonight, at Jotho Whyte's. I was bid to remind you. Mya said she missed you, when we were there last."
"Mya.” Aegon repeated the name, as if he were surprised to hear it.  “Mya spoke to you?"
The knight nodded, almost certainly lying through his teeth. "She did, my lord. She knew you might forget." 
Aegon nodded, distracted by the promise of whatever entertainment he'd find at Jotho Whyte's. Naera did not know the name, but she could guess what he did there, and who Mya was to him. There were places in the lower city that made her wish she rode a dragon, so she could burn them all.  "Better sport than this," Aegon said, with a scowl. "Come, Cargyll, and we'll have some real fun on the way home."
He and the knight turned to leave, making a hasty exit, and Naera let the breath she had been holding out in a long, low hiss. Gods bless us with Princess Rhaenyra and her sons, she thought to herself. How glad I am that will never be king. 
Erryk Cargyll hated the Dragonpit. Too dark, and with too many things in it that could not be mastered by sword alone. But a Kingsguard goes where he is bid, and Targaryen princes have dragons that need tending. He was beginning to learn some of the faces he saw when they went, though the names were harder for him. And he knew her on sight now - the dragonkeeper who had brought out Sunfyre today.
It had been the impulse of a moment, to say what he did about the fights at Jotho's. He hated being there almost as much as the Dragonpit - the press of bodies and the shouts for blood. But he could not stand by and let Aegon hit the keeper, as he clearly wished to - not when she would stand her ground about the matter of that little girl. They were alike in that - the look of cold disdain in her eyes as she watched the Prince, slowly starting to boil as he considered the girl with her. And the way she'd stared at him, ready to take whatever blow he dealt.
His eyes met hers for a brief moment before he followed the Prince, and he nodded in farewell, silently agreeing with her scowl.
“Gods, this bitch again,” Aegon had said, when they'd first come in and seen Sunfyre's attendants. “The keepers should give me another, Jaekar knows I don’t like her.”
That bitch has a name, Erryk thought to himself. It's Naera. I remember that.
I hope you all like her, because I sure as hell do. Any spelling mistakes are entirely my own. If I did the reading correctly, and I think I did, it's Erryk who works closer with Aegon than Arryk does. (This is one of the reasons he defects to Rhaenyra's side.)
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darkhorse-javert · 2 years
Vignettes on Pickwick; Jonathon 'Jonny' Johnston
Posting my 'Blind Dates' contribution now, as I'm not sure if I'll have time closer to the day @mercurygray.
Everyone, meet Flying Officer Jonny Johnston, and our old Friend from last year 'Pickwick' AKA Samuel Wellerun.
ON AO3 because it did grow, very big.
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deadghosy · 3 months
Dynamic: reckless x nurse
Prompt: when the healer comes to the rescue or needs the rescue.
Warning: violence, blood mentions, fluff, and slight suggestive.
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How in the hell are you supposed to tame a wild snake when all he does is get into trouble. Cleaning your boyfriend’s knuckles was not on your list for a relaxing evening. Christopher Locks, a Slytherin boy who had taken your heart back in 4th year was certainly sitting in front of you after he had gotten into a fight with a gryffindor. You were tired of these house rivalry as it just seemed dumb as hell. “Really Chris? Why can’t you ever just stop acting like a dimwit.” You said throwing the boys slightly big hands at his legs. Christopher tilted his head a little before smirking. “Why can’t I have my future spouse tend my wounds? I choose you over these bloody nurses in the hospital wing any day.” You only sighed once again feeling him pull you to his lap. “Chris.” You flicked his head which only earned a small laugh. “Im not a nurse..or even a specialized nurse at the fact.” Grabbing his hand again and dabbing the cotton swob with alcohol gently on the spilled knuckles. “Yeah but..” he says whilst his other hand resting on your thigh.
“Does it really matter love?” He looked up at you with those dangerously low eyes. You felt your breath get taken away by those green eyes of his. You look away from him and back onto his knuckles. “Other hand please.” You said holding out your own hand for the other you haven’t tended to yet. He lended you his hand with a smile as you quickly get to work. You were begging Helga Hufflpuff for patience as sometimes you didn’t have the patience to keep tending your lover. “I hate you…” “I love you too darling.”
It was now another "normal" day, or so you wish it was. Having a Slytherin boyfriend meant that some people would have problems about a hufflepuff and a Slytherin being together as a Slytherin is evils while a hufflepuff is an angel. Honestly you didn’t give a care in the world for people trying to trash talk your own relationship with your lover. Honestly Christopher is a lovely person after all. Protective, charming, funny sometimes, and very much a good lover. Hell, he had given you a promise ring that had your favorite gem in it. It was like you were swooning over him all over again. Your love sick thoughts were cut off by a student, a Gryffindor of kind to shoulder check you. “Ah, apologies—” “Ew. Aren’t you that hufflepuff dating Locks?” The gryffindor said with a disgusted face. Your face faltered into one of a frown and distaste. “Yes..I am.” You said eyeing the student.
“Yikes! I feel bad for you and your relationship. To even date a Slytherin might as well be foul to even imagine. Or maybe you’re foul yourself.” The student started to walk towards you, making you uncomfortable and back up. “Please back up—” the Gryffindor cuts you off, “I’m thinking that maybe you were forced into a relationship with that bloody snake. Maybe you are just blind and an imbecile to even see what’s in Locks.” You narrowed your eyes, as you opened your mouth to counter on what was said. Christopher came around the corner with a dark look. “There you are love..” he said with a dark tone. His eyes were sharp into the student that seemed to now back away from you. “Is this person bothering you?” He had now stepped in between you and the Gryffindor, Christopher already heard what had happened earlier. He just wanted to see if the problem needed to be solved. You looked between your boyfriend and the student, and nodded your head confirming his accusation.
He smirked at the student in front of him, making sure you stayed behind him before he started talking. “So mate, I see you’re starting trouble with my love.” He puts his hand on the student’s shoulder, gripping it to the point his defined hand was showing veins. “I shall say, if I see you messing with them again.” He leans against the person’s ear. “I’m breaking your face and wand.” His voice was low into their ear, gripping the shoulder with a deadly grip. The student made a sound of displeasure and it was enough to make Chris smile at that with a dark look. “Do I make myself clear?” Chris then punched the student’s stomach making the poor person kneel down and hold their stomach. Your eyes widen with a gasp. “Oh yeah..and that’s for calling them names you prick.” Chris grabbed your hand and walked away from the agnozing crowd that seemed to grow large at what happened.
You frowned, “that wasn’t necessary chris…” Christopher bit the inside of his cheek. “You know what isn’t necessary? That bastard making fun of you. Even calling you names love. And I will not stand for that.” He said looking at you, squeezing your hand as well. You sighed at this boy, “what am I gonna do with you..” you said walking side by side with him fully. “..you could give me a kiss.” You looked at him with a shocked face. Smacking his arm with your free hand he laughed. “Kidding, kidding..or am I?” He bellowed out a laugh for a second time as you let out a small giggle. You felt a little better getting out of that situation, and he knew it as well.
But sadly, it wasn’t the end of it.
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Screams erupts the halls as you were walking with another hufflepuff, Elizabeth to class. You raised an eyebrow and Elizabeth squinted her eyes before screaming. “Omg! Isn’t that your boyfriend?!” Your own eyes widen as she pointed over to a crowd of students in a circle. You could only see two heads, one head was definitely Chris but the other wasn’t. “What?!” You yelled shocked, you started to run over there. Pushing through the crowd that’s when you see Christopher throwing a punch at the student you seen harassing you yesterday. Apparently the student didn’t learn their lesson from yesterday and had insulted you to Christopher’s face. “Cmon mate, throw a good one while at it!” Christopher said with a smirk, he gestured with his hand towards the student who whipped out their wand. Swiftly Christopher dodged a depulso spell, without hesitation the Slytherin boy whipped out his own wand and depulso the student away. The crowd ooh’s at this as the student was laid out on their arse, you looked at the student who seemed to have a slight bloodied face. Then you looked your Slytherin who had surprisingly clean knuckles, a little red on them. But clean.
“Christopher Locks!” Christopher looked at his beloved with a smile, showing off his sharp canines. “Ah, my dear badger. What brings you here love?” He was acting as if he didn’t throw that waste of time Gryffindor across the hall. You only narrowed your eyes as you walked up to him, he still kept a smile watching you closely. “…why must you cause mayhem everywhere you bloody go!” Christopher was going to answer before you grabbed him by the hood of his cloaks and drag him off from the crow that now surrounded the knocked out Gryffindor. “Love please slow down or else—” “I don’t give a rat’s arse! I worry about you too much for you to only start another fight?! What if you get suspended from the school?! I swore, you need patience to think before acting out.” You were obviously upset and it made the Slytherin frown.
The walk from away the crowd turned into him taking you to the Slytherin’s house. “Pureblood” he said as he let you walk in first and then him. You didn’t even look at him as he sighed. You had walked ahead of him, that was before he picked you up bridal style and took you to his room. “Hey! Put me down you idiot!” You tried to get out of his hold, but you knew if you did you would’ve busted your own behind on the floors. “Can’t, I gotta show you I’m sorry my love.” He opened the door with his hand and closed it with his foot. You only huffed when he set you down. You looked at him, eye to eye to see he had no expression before he leaned his head towards you.
“I’m sorry love..” his voice was low, slowly his hands grazed your waist. You pouted while his eyes were clearly onto your lips. He dipped his head lower capturing your lips perfectly onto his own. Your eyes widen before relaxing, wrapping your arms around his neck. He chuckled into the kiss. The kiss was passionate before turning sinister. He bit your lower lip asking for permission, and you clearly gave him it as he pushed you against the bed. Claiming dominance over you. Your hands gripped his back as he pushed back and licked his lips. “You drive me fuckin' crazy angel…” he said with a low growl. Before he could even say anything else mattheo came in, ruining the moment. You and Chris looked at the door, your face showing clear embarrassment as Christopher was nonchalant. Poor mattheo only saw a hufflepuff looking flustered with bruised lips from kissing, and his housemate that had disheveled hair and a cloak that seemed to drift off of Christopher’s shoulder.
“Yep I’m gone.” The riddle brother said, closing the door quickly. Chris only shrugged and kissed your lips one more before sitting on the bed beside his darling. “Think he’s gonna tell the others?” You said to the Slytherin boy next to you. Chris only shrugged again, slithering his hand to hold yours. “The others wouldn’t care that I’m dating a lovely badger like you my dear.” Chris showed a soft smile, his low eyes showing protectiveness. You giggled squeezing his hand happily. “Awww.. you’re so cute when you’re sweet” Christopher immediately jokingly gagged when you called him sweet but he held a smile on his face. “Cmon now love, you know I can’t ever be mean to you.” He says leaning his face down to yours to give you a small peck. After that the rest of the day and night was trouble free. He knew he had to learn patience just like you.
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jwirecs · 2 years
Recommended BTS Fics of January 2023💖
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of january! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Break The Ice ( pt2 ) || @yoonivy​​🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ There are three rules to become an official Puck Bunny: 1. You have to love hockey. No exceptions. 2. You have to had slept with at least three hockey players. Starters, no benchwarmers. 3. And most importantly, have fun! (oh child that ending. oh sweet mother lord.)
Perhaps Love || @mangowillow​💕💔✅
↳ for as long as you can remember, you have been in love with your childhood friend turned roommate, but jeon jungkook remains oblivious even when he comes to comfort and help you sleep every night.
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Cupid’s On Holiday || @persphonesorchid​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ You don’t get it, you’re a damn catch. Anyone would be lucky to have you. You’re smart, you’re tidy, hell you’d give up your own kidney to a homeless guy if he needed it that bad. So what the issue? Failed relationships, blind date after blind date, and now your friend’s competitive archery teammate is telling you he’s Cupid here to help you find your one true love. You’re not that desperate. He could take those golden arrows and shove ‘em.
University Superstar ( pt2 ) || @jungkookstatts​🔞💕💔✅
↳ Jeon Jungkook is your University’s biggest rock-star-athlete-hot guy. It literally prides itself on his attendance at the school — walking around with his “big name” (captain of the lacrosse team), tattoos, and rude, jock-like personality. You hate him. You hate that he can’t apologize for being a complete asshole. But what you don’t hate is how he visits your office every day. You also don’t hate that your feelings for him are crawling back into your system… 
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Are You Ready, Angel? || @gukkieslover​​🔞💕💔🔄
↳ jus your first time with sweetheart boyfriend koo, some plot there and could maybe be a series if people like it enough?? (link is to their masterlist!)
In Plain Sight || @bangtanstanst​💕✅
↳ A secret relationship isn’t exactly easy to hide, especially not when you work together – and when you make the most of some alone time during a grocery run, you get a little careless. A little too much so, perhaps.
Jealousy || @ryulvrsblog​ 💕✅
↳ Jungkook brings his pretty girlfriend to a meet up with his old college friends who oc has never met before, normally oc would shy away from social interactions like these, but when she sees a girl taking interest in her boyfriend, oc decides to take matters into her own hands. oc gets jealous and kisses jk twice, jk is in shock at his girlfriends bold actions, jk gets a little possesive too
Jealousy 101 || @bluewhale52​​🔞✅
↳ Yoongi posts his Hip Hop 101 video on BangtanTV and shakes his booty for all Army to see. Unfortunately he forgets that ONE person gets dibs on first viewing.
Letting Off Steam || @wnderkoo​ 💕✅
↳ a bad day on track has jungkook storming off and disappearing. where else would one find him but in the comforting arms of his loving girlfriend?
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Clingy || @bonny-kookoo​​🔞💔🔄
↳ In which Jungkook is a professional hybrid heat-partner who just wants to do his job (ngl i might have to read this one again because i forgot how it went)
Human || @angelicfangz​​🔞💕💔🔄
↳ humanity is evil it can be something so twisted but it has its honey gems. It has people so sweet that your teeth hurt. You had those people and you messed it up resulting in you losing them but what happens when you find yourself in a hybrid sanctuary by the same people who made you feel what you've always wanted, human.
Wait, Little Rabbit || @bangtanflirt​​ 🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ You, a meek little bunny hybrid, find family amongst six predator hybrids and their lovely human caretaker.
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Candy Cane || @oneofthemillionarmy​​💕💔✅💯
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Entombed || @97erstan​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ (no summary but fighter!jk + drama???? yes pls)
Hooking || @mapofthesea​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ The home opener of hockey season is crazy for everyone, but when star defensemen Kim Taehyung takes a specific interest in you, who are you to turn him down?
How Many Things || @myg-butterfly​​​​💕💔✅
↳ Yoongi invites you out to a party with him, and in trust, you say yes. But what happens when you lose him in the crowd, just to find him again with someone else by his side? In the midst of panic and longing, you wonder how many things he thinks about before he gets to you.
Motor Head || @jeonjcngkook​​ 🔞💔✅
↳ jungkook doesn’t like seeing someone else have your attention, so he decides he’s gonna do something about it.
Much Better || @yoonivy​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ On a night out with your girlfriends to let loose and forget about your ex, you meet a man that you are instantly attracted to, like magnets on the dance floor. But he reminds you way too much of the one that broke you heart… Can Kim Taehyung prove to you that he is not like your ex at all?
Pink Sapphire || @jiminrings​​​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ having jungkook for a husband is great as far as arranged marriages could go; he’s easy to love. your relationship’s perhaps become so easy that jungkook doesn’t think sometimes — and that’s what makes it the easiest for you to hate him. alternatively, you and jungkook married each other for business, but the both of you stay for love.
Placebo || @bangtangalicious​​​​ 🔞💕💔🔄
↳ a scientific compatibility test matches you with your soulmate, except he's everything you hate and you're everything he stands against.
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Camboy!Tae Mini Series || @hisunshiine​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ Give me all of your love, gimme something to dream about. KTH is your favorite camboy, and as a loyal subscriber, you are chosen to test out some new features on the platform he uses to go live. He’s really good at selling his viewers a dream, and as a thanks to a new milemark he’s hit on the platform, he’s choosing one winner to get their fantasy scene. (summary is of the first part! and i fully enjoyed reading this)
I See You || @i-am-baechu​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ The L/N family has always been different from other families. For starters, they see ghosts. Y/N hated this gift but as she grew older, she became used to it. Through her college years, she hasn’t seen that many ghosts but that was because they all left alone after her breakdown towards an upcoming test. When one of her classmates has a ghost attached to him, she realizes she needs to get rid of the ghost because it was starting to annoy her with the constant talking and poking her head. How come she never noticed his smile or his bright brown eyes before?
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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blindbeta · 2 years
Heyy, one of my oc's blind, and he has a wife that isn't visually impared. I've read a post a while ago, (I don't remember if you wrote it or not) that talked about "how blind people love" so to say, where it mentions that it is different in many ways to how not visually impared people think it might be, so I'd want to know if you had some fluffy prompts for me. Thank you <3
Blind Characters Falling in Love + Prompts
The post you are referring to is actually by @mimzy-writing-online and you can find it here.
A few prompt ideas I have include:
-consider the trust and automatic habits that might build up between the blind character and the wife. For example, describing things the blind person would be interested in without always needing to be asked, automatically offering to guide, automatically orienting the character to their environment, and knowing when to offer help. These are things that build up over time and with trust.
-Also, consider how wonderful a consistent lack of discomfort with blindness would be. In the beginning of a relationship, the person who isn’t blind may feel uncertain or unsure how to fit into their partner’s life when it comes to their blindness. An example of this would be questioning whether or not a description of a bench to their left would be welcome. A wife who has been with her husband for years may simply verbalize where the bench is, being familiar with the husband’s habit of stopping to enjoy the sounds of birds.
-Specific situational prompts ideas include: the wife describing TV shows that don’t come with audio descriptions as they watch them, the couple learning Braille together and leaving Braille notes for each other, the couple cooking together and using accessible tools, the wife placing markers on the shampoo and conditioner, the couple knowing not to move each other’s items, inside blind jokes, and knowing how best to give directions in reference to that restaurant they like or using left and right because the blind character never understood cardinal directions.
-Alerting the blind character to steps or curbs or changes in environment.
-A big one is an accessible house. If the couple got a home together, they would consider accessibility. This might include high contrast, extra lighting, textures, and no touch screen appliances as these can be harder for blind people to use. There is a comfort in having someone else consider your accessibility needs.
-Other ideas include accessible and comfortable dates. While this might depend on the specific person and where they live, a few ideas include:
-getting audio descriptions at cinemas or even for plays if offered
-reading the menu out to him and knowing what foods to mention or skip over because she knows his taste
-getting Braille menus
-making tactile art together using dot paint or puffy paint
-depending on vision and comfort level, they might avoid dimly lit or overly loud areas, but not all blind people will do this. Conversely, he might also only be comfortable going to such places with her.
-playing accessible games together
These are some ideas I had. You can also follow blind folks on YouTube or Tiktok, such as blindtobes, to see how they talk about blindness and dating.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
No One Walks Out Ch 6
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My boy my boy... it's been a long time, Becky. This is a response to the writing game prompt "You will love it." "I will hate it." "Nah, you won't."
Thanks to @whositmcwhatsit and @be-my-ally and @vintageshanny and @ellie-24 and @missmaywemeetagain and @from-memphis-with-love and @arrolyn1114 and for playing this game and supporting me as I write, thanks too to @ab4eva for just being an all around mensch....
Summary: Elvis calls Becky, or rather, watches as Charlie calls and asks her to come on tour. She doesn't realize this tour is not going well. But once she is there, she decides to just roll up her sleeves and jump right in. Because Elvis.
WC: 7.3K
Warnings: Swearing, implied drug use, oral sex. This could have been very angsty but it is actually a big ball of unpolished, fantastical, indulgent fluff. I wrote this today and didn't have anyone read it. So beyond typos, expect historical inaccuracies and probably mischaracterization of everyone, including my OC.....
If you need to catch up.... Chapter 5: Salty Lips
Chapter 6: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire
6 pm Sunday, July 20, 1975
Geiler’s Hardware Store, Jackson, MS
Harriet’s key clicked into the back lock of her parent’s hardware store, and she pulled the handle to double-check that the door was, indeed, locked, before turning to look at her cousin. Becky’s mind was elsewhere and she stared down at her Chuck Taylor sneakers, raising her head only after Harriet coughed, and the two women made their way to Harriet’s small, yellow AMC Pacer. Becky looked out the window, playing with her hair, purposefully avoiding Harriet’s curious stare.
Keep reading
“Earth to Becky, where are you? You haven’t said anything about the date Ida set you up on Thursday.”
Becky pulled on the ring she wore on her right hand, a band of platinum with a diamond flower at the center. It was the ring Elvis had given her, and she could still almost feel the caress of his hand as he slid it on her and told her how beautiful she was, how she deserved beautiful things. That had been a month ago, but it could have been yesterday when Charlie, Billy and Jo had all been rounded up to drive her home to Jackson after a whirlwind week at Graceland.
Becky tilted the ring back and forth, then looked up to watch the businesses in the Fondren go by as Harriet drove her home. Why did it feel like cheating on Elvis to go one blind date. An innocent blind date. An innocent blind date that had fizzled out and ended with a very platonic hug.
“Ugh, he was nice enough. I don’t know.”
Harriet looked over, then back at road.  “It’s Elvis. Ida says he calls you every few days.”
“Yeah, he does. He asked me to come with him for his show in New York. Then well, when I said no I guess he went down the list.”
Becky sighed, thinking of the photos in the newspaper of Elvis with a very thin, very blonde woman who definitely was not Linda. The thought made her frown, and Harriet looked at Becky with sympathy as she turned the car on to her parent’s street.
“I thought you said that you left things on good terms, and that he wanted you to move up there? I can’t believe you would rather be here in Jackson than in Memphis.”
“Yeah. I mean no. I like, him, I mean, I cannot help it. I used to day dream of dating this man. But look at me, Harriet.”
Becky grabbed her purse and got out of the car,  sweeping her hand over her body to showcase her tee shirt and jeans as she stood.
“I’m not groupie material. And I can’t up root my kid and move to a new city just so I can join Elvis’ harem for a few months. We left things on good terms, but I don’t even know if I am cut out to be a harem member.”
“You are a knock out, Becky. You are totally groupie material. No, wait. You're better than groupie. You are at least favorite girlfriend number two or three material. I cannot believe you aren’t on your way to Memphis. Or New York. You only live once!”
Harriet grinned as Becky shook her head and sent her off with a bang to the yellow hood, before turning to walk into the house.
She was a greeted with a yell from Ruth, who was coloring with Ida at the dining room table. Becky could smell Saul’s pot roast wafting from the kitchen as she crossed the room and kissed Ruth on head, checking out her drawing of what looked like a dressed up mushroom in a pile of rocks standing next to Father Christmas.
“What do you think?”
She looked at Ida, whispering as she tried to decipher the words her aunt was mouthing.
“The mob-bit? The Hobbit! Yes, of course, it's The Hobbit. There’s Bilbo. Wow, Ruth, you really captured what I thought he looks like.”
“I’ve been practicing my hobbit form. And see, he’s talking to Gandalf.”
“Ah, yes, I can tell from the beard.” She had to stop herself from giggling at Ida’s wink. “SO amazing, you have become a very talented artiste!”
“Well, she learned from the best.”
Becky smiled at her aunt as she went to grab a beer. “I think the student has surpassed the teacher, I can’t wait to hang this one the fridge.”
 The phone rang while Becky was at the fridge, and she watched Ruth run to get it as she slumped into the chair next to Ida, who reached over to rub her forearm.
“Oy, Rebecca, was the restocking that bad today? You should have stopped Saulie from leaving. He is only 60, he could have helped finish -”
“Oh, no, Ida. Unless Saul has an in-depth knowledge of waterbed installation, his presence wouldn’t have made a difference.”
 “Why do people want to sleep in those things? What if they leak. Or break? I get sea sick just thinking about it.”
“I’ve heard they can be really relaxing. I don’t know, but there is a new waterbed store two doors down. The owner spent an hour trying to figure out what materials he needs us to order, so I guess business is keeping him pretty busy.”
“Can you imagine getting busy in a water bed?”
Ida grinned, fluffing up her short, silver bob. ”I’m just saying, I couldn’t make whoopee on top of a big bag of water, oy vey, I’d be so nervous, what with the sound of the sloshing - “
“Wait, hold that thought, although you know I love hearing about your sex life.” Becky held up her finger for her aunt to stop talking, pausing to hear what Ruth was saying on the phone.
“How do I know you are really a friend of Elvis’? Well can you ask him to come over again? The  kids next door don’t believe he is my mom’s boy friend. And he promised to take me for ice cream again.”
Becky strode over to the phone. “Ruthie, who is it?”
Ruth covered the receiver with her hand, a mischievous look crept up her little face. “He says his name is Charlie, and when I asked how he knew you, he said -”
Becky held out her hand, taking the phone from her daughter. “Uh huh, ok, that’s enough from you , chatty Kathy, go help Ida clear up the art studio and set the table for dinner.” She paused, smoothing her hair, as if Charlie could see her from the other side of the phone.
“Hi Charlie. What’s up?”
She heard a single nervous “ha” on the other side of the phone, and took a deep breath. “Well, a, heya there Becky.”
It seemed to Becky like there was a more anxious desperation behind Charlie’s perfunctory niceties.
“Hiiiii? What’s up?”
“Look, um, Elvis asked me to call and see if you might reconsider coming out on tour? You know he misses ya somethin’ awful, ain’t stopped talking bout that cute chick back in Jackson.”
Becky took a deep breath, thinking of the photos in the paper of Elvis and that model.
“Hmmm. I’m sure. You know I want to, but I have a kid, Charlie - and it’s her  last little bit of summer, I don’t wanna leave her  twiddling her thumbs while I go traipsing around the country-”
“So bring her. Priscilla brings Lisa all the time, you know, they make it work,  Elvis is a family man, hon- I mean Becky, tour is not some wild orgy. You’ve been there. The guys, the band, were all like a big happy family.”
“One big happy family, huh? I don’t know.”
“I can hear it in your voice, Becky girl, I can tell ya wanna come.”
Becky sighed, looking as Ruth paused her place setting to look up and grin at her mother. Ida was behind her, eye brow arched up as Becky motioned her over, whispering with her hand over the mouth piece if it would be ok to take off for a few days. It was disconcerting how much Ida nodded and how quickly an excited gleam grew in her eyes. Becky shoed her off and carried the phone to wonder down the hallway so no one could hear her.
“Maybe. You really think I could bring Ruthie? How long would it be for ?”
She heard Charlie breathe a sigh of relief, and then there was a kerfuffle and the bang of the phone handle dropping on the floor.
“Hey Becky Butt.” Elvis’ deep voice filled Becky’s ears and she realized he must have been sitting there watching Charlie ask her. “Honey, I ain’t stopped thinkin' bout you since you left me. I need you, need you bad."
Becky started to blush, just at the needy, low tenor of his voice. "I have been thinking about you to."
"That's good baby, real good. Let's get you out here, see if I'm still the same as you remember. Can’t wait to see you, baby. Tonight ain’t soon enough.”
“Tonight? Uh - Elvis, I - Charlie said I should bring Ruth? Is that really ok? Is it safe?”
“Honey, I’m a black belt with a gun. Ain’t no safer place on earth. Hell, probably the safest place for your baby. You know how crime is getting in our cities. Bring her along. Charlie can babysit too, he’s basically a child himself. Got the brains a one, any how.”
Becky stood there, tapping her toe as her mind raced. Every bit of sense screamed at her not to meet Elvis on tour. She had just told Ida last week she was ready for her aunt fix her up with any nice single guys her age, in a conscious effort to try and get Elvis out of her system. Be a normal, responsible adult. Having, normal, responsible relationships. But now, talking to Elvis, all she wanted to do was give in and rush to be near him.
“Ok.” She whispered out.
“Good, good girl. I’m having Charlie run get Joe, fly ya out tonight. Go get ya self packed up.”
The Norfolk airport was pitch black when they landed, and if it weren’t for the lights along the landing strip, Becky may not have been able to make out Jerry’s scowl from across the tarmac.
“You shouldn’t have come.” His voice was clipped and terse as he grabbed her traveling bag, looking her up and down as she wobbled behind him in the high heel suede boots Elvis had bought her.
“Hello to you, too.”
“He said you were bringing your daughter, so at least you have some sense.”
Becky gulped as Jerry opened her door, and she flipped the sun visor down to fix her make up.
“Yeah, I guess… I um, changed my mind. I thought she would have a good time, but then, I don’t know,  I thought the schedule would throw her off. And I guess I don’t want her to get too attached to him. Or the idea of me and him. This is all just a little fun.”
Jerry looked over at her, his shoulders seemed to clench with his jaw as he drove
 “Fun. Ha. Well get ready, I think you’re in for more fun than you bargained for.”
Then Jerry pulled over, and his voice went from sarcastic to earnest as he turned off the car. “Or you can just say the word right now, and I’ll turn around, take you back, and you can catch a flight home. I’ll tell him you never showed.”
Jerry’s hopeful expression gave Becky a strange sense of foreboding and all the excited, giddy anticipation drained from her body.
“But Jerry - there are no direct flights to Jackson, and it’s midnight.” Her lip quivered as she pushed her lipstick back into its case.
“And I - I can’t afford to pay for a hotel and then all the connections I would have to make to get back home. Why are you acting like this? What happened?”
The drove under a streetlight, and Becky saw the bags under Jerry’s eyes more fully as he gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“Elvis has been getting into it with the band all week. Kathy and two of the Sweet Inspirations stormed off the stage mid-show tonight cuz he was talking shit at them sideways.” Jerry looked over at Becky. “The big man can dish it out, but he cain’t take it. No sireee.”
He drew out his “sireeee” as he pulled the white Lincoln into a parking spot at the back of a hotel. Becky shifted back and forth during the elevator ride up, arms crossed in front of the white floral dress she had excitedly wiggled into with glee three hours ago, as Ida kissed her good luck, and Ruth had glowered,  asking again why she couldn’t come. Now she felt ridiculous. Ugh, why couldn’t she ever listen to the voice of reason in her head that told her something was a bad idea. Leaning against the cool metal of the elevator, Becky kicked Jerry’s shin and tried to keep her voice light, positive.
“Ok, so level with me. Why is he fighting with the band, he seemed fine when he called me earlier.”
Jerry stepped away, grimacing at her familiarity. “That is because he is the master manipulator, and he wants you to come keep him company. But the last few days he has been stoned out of his gourd. More than usual. Cuz he’s in pain from all the performances, cuz he’s tired, cuz he’s bored. And he does not want to be on tour.”
“Then why is he?”
Jerry sucked in his breath and held up his hand, and a look of sharp contempt framed his smile as he rubbed his thumb and his forefinger together.
“Money money money, Becky! Linda needs a bigger apartment in LA! Dr. Nick needs a new house! Joe’s swindled him into starting a racquetball club! And of course he needs a different, gold plated plane.”
Becky swiveled in front of Jerry, looking him square in the eye as they hit the twenty first floor and she stepped backwards into the hallway.
“And what about you, Jerry, are your needs being taken care of?”
Jerry shook his head, and a sharp chuckle escaped his lips while he hung back and threw Becky’s blue travel case at her feet.
“Hmmm. I reckon you gotta from here, Becky. He’s in the Presidential Suite. Just down the hall.” He looked away, stating in a matter of fact tone. “Have fun.”
Becky’s mouth dropped as she watched Jerry tilt his head to the side through the closing doors, his eyebrows arched in a challenge. The elevator clanged shut, and Becky steadied herself, then opened her purse, as if all of life's problems could be solved with a tissue or some lipstick. There was the paperback copy of The Hobbit at the bottom, the one she’d been reading to Ruth. The one Ruth had shoved in her hands at the last minute, demanding that she call home and read to her while she was away. Becky smiled, thinking of Ruth’s big brown eyes as her small, stubborn mouth announced that she would be telling the neighbor kids all about how her mom was going to meet Elvis at his concert, even as Becky begged her not to.
“I guess if one good thing comes out of this, it should be Ruthie one upping those Ledbetter brats.”
Becky dug around in her purse, and decided to pop a tic tac in her mouth, the mint was refreshing, it washed away the bad taste her conversation with Jerry had left in her mouth. Then Becky took a moment to look herself over in the mirror. Ida had helped her pin her hair half up in the front, and her floral, cotton dress hung down in a flattering way from the embroidered empire chest to hang loosely over her hips before stopping at her knees. The suede boots gave her some height, and she liked the fringe along the side, she liked the way she could feel it dangle as she walked. She just had to keep her balance and everything would be fine. Looking at herself in the mirror, she blew herself a kiss and took a deep breath. In a moment of inspiration, she broken off one of the yellow roses from the vase on the table, and pinned it into the side of her hair, then strode down the hall.
She pulled on the ring Elvis had given her, once more finding reassurance from rubbing the metal over her finger again and again. But her confidence faltered for a moment outside the suite when she heard the smash of something being flung and breaking against the wall, followed by stomping and shouting. Elvis-like shouting.
“Fired, they’re all FUCKING fired. ‘Cept Myrna, she’s the only one with any sense a loyalty or professionalism. I don’ care if them other bitches come back here, begging, BEGGING, on their knees for their jobs back. They revealed their true colors here tonight. It’ll be a cold day in HELL before I take ‘em back.”
The shouting paused, and Becky leaned into the door to try and hear what the chorus of male voices muttering indecipherably were saying, before a loud voice, deeper than the Mississippi delta, bellowed back.
“Nah. Nope. I ain’t apologizing for shit. They need to ‘apologize to me, Felton, for not bein’ able to take a  GODDAMN joke. There’s a hundred back up singers out there  starving fo’ work. Who’d slit their momma’s throats for a chance to sing with us. Why don’t you do YA job and go find me some a them? What the hell I pay ya for? ‘Sposed to be producin’ this show, go produce some back up singers.”
Becky’s excitement at seeing Elvis again had now been replaced by a tense ball of nerves shifting in her stomach. Suddenly the sound of footsteps came towards her, and she jumped back from the door just in time before three or four men pushed by where she stood back, sucking in her stomach and gripping the wall as she watched them trudge down the hallway. Then she turned to find Charlie at the door, looking at her as his face scrunched from unease into a wide grin.
“Why if it isn’t Becky from Birmingham. Whatcha doin’ hugging  the wall out here, Becky? Git in here, girl.”
Charlie stood back, and Becky braced herself as she entered the hotel room.
It was a mess, plates of half eaten food lined the table and bar, several of which had been flung against the wall, where mashed potatoes and gravy now dripped down the wallpaper onto pieces of broken porcelain on the carpet. Becky shivered, and then tried to compose herself as she looked around. There was Joe, smoking and pacing on the other side of the room, he turned when he saw her, unable to hide the disdain that grew on his face. She recognized Red and Lamar on the couch, Sonny hunched against the wall, but didn’t know the younger, skinnier guy with long brown hair.
Becky suddenly felt very awkward and out of place and brought her blue, vinyl travel bag up to her stomach where she could hug it for comfort. She smiled at Lamar as Charlie patted her back.
“You know the fellas, aintcha Becky?” She nodded, her walk stilted as she came further into the pent house. “The big guy just went to his room, but man are you a sight for sore eyes, he sure is gonna be glad to see you.”
Sonny let out a laugh, then stood up and walked towards her.
“I thought Jerry was picking you up?”
“He was, I mean he did, but I guess he - um - had other stuff to go do.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet. By now I bet he’s kissed Myrna’s ass so hard his lips are glued to it.” Sonny rubbed his hands together, looking Becky up and down, and she hugged her bag harder at the resentment in his eyes as he went to pour himself a drink.
“Don’t pay him no mind, Becky, he woked up on the wrong side of the bed is all. For the last ten years.” Charlie laughed loudly at his own joke, as he guided Becky through the tense, silence of the living room towards the master bed room, where he knocked on the door to the old “Shave and a hair cut, two bits” pattern.
“I said to FUCK OFF.” Was the response, and Becky looked at Charlie imploringly.
“He seems - out of sorts. Maybe I shouldn't be here.”
Red snorted behind them, muttering under his breath that was one way to put it.  But Charlie shook his head, whispering.
“Nah, it’s jus been a rough night with some a the personnel.” This elicited another snort from Red, but Charlie continued, undeterred. “He wanted to know the second you got here, trust me.” Then Charlie cleared his throat, calling out.
“Hey boss, guess who is here? It’s lil ol Becky! Just in from Miss’ppi.”
“Well why the didn’t ya say that in the first place.”
The door flung open with a bang to reveal Elvis, still wearing the blue jumpsuit with the silver zebra pattern rising on either side of his chest. A matching zebra patterned belt was at his waist and his hands held an old fashioned looking quilt in patriotic red, white and blue around his shoulders, like the comfort blanky Ruth still slept with sometimes.
 Becky immediately dropped her bag and went to him, cupping his face with her hands as she looked up into his eyes. In spite of all the shouting, the gruff stance, he looked like a wounded puppy. She would whatever she could to take all the pain out of his eyes and hold him until he knew that everything was alright.
The side of her pinky crested against a taut choker, as she shook her head at the dark make-up smudged around his eyes. His lips pursed together at the center as he looked down sheepishly, like a little boy, biting his lip as his hands let the quilt drop to the floor and found her waist.
“Are you cold, Elvis?” She asked, looking at the quilt.
“What, oh that? Nah honey, someone gave it to me at the show and I like." He exhaled slowly through his nose. "Aww Becky, is it good to see you.”
Elvis picked her up and swung her around, bouncing her against his slight belly. His face lit up, and Becky could almost swear he wiped a tear from his eye as he placed her down and drew her into his side, walking her out to the living room.
“Now, this is what a good gal looks like, a loyal gal. Drop ev’ry thin when her man needs her. Man ‘o man, baby. You look like an angel, sent from heaven. How’d I get so lucky, have an angel come visit me, huh?” He grinned, looked at the others before kissing the top of her hair with gusto, so much so that his chin knocked the rose out of it, and then he accidentally stepped on it when he moved to pick it up. Elvis bent at his knees, wobbling as he tried to gathered up all the petals, his voice was high and babyish.
“Aw, no no no no. I’m sorry baby, I trampled all ova ya pretty flower.”
Then he dropped it an octave yelling forcefully.
“Charlie - boy, where’d that dumb ass go.” Before he had even finished uttering the words dumb ass, Charlie was there, chuckling as if Elvis and he were two frat boys yanking each other’s chain. Instead of master and trained dog, Becky mused, then pushed the thought from her mind.
“Charlie, run out and get Becky some fresh roses -”
Becky bent down next to Elvis on the carpet and stilled his hand to pull him back up, notching herself under Elvis shoulder as she turned to Charlie.
“Don’t you dare, Charlie. I just stole it on my way in, I can always go get another one.” Then she leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed Elvis’ cheek. “It’s a sweet thought, though. You’re sweet a sweet boy. Thanks for inviting me to join you, wished I hadn’t missed the show.”
Then she ran her fingers through the sweaty matted hair at his temple, stroked out the sticky hairspray that had kept his coiffed, high pompadour in place. Elvis’ blue eyes locked with hers and his whole body softened.
“S’ok, honey, probably all for the best. Was a sorry ass excuse for a show anyway.”
Becky trailed her fingers lower, over his chin and down along his chest hair.
“Impossible.” She whispered into the crease at his armpit, nuzzling her nose against the edge of his shoulder.
He didn’t even break eye contact as she looked back into his face as he lifted his right hand out and waved the guys off.
“Alright, boys, dismissed.”
Becky smooshed her face back into his armpit, rather than watch the parade of angry, middle aged men depart. Just before he left, she heard Charlie start to say good night and how nice it was to see her, when Elvis yelled for him to stop making eyes at Becky and go find his own gal.
Then they were alone. In a sea of dirty dishes, broken plates, rose petals and one coffee table that looked like it had been turned upside down. Unless it was some sort of new modern design, where you placed your coffee on the marble slab face down on ground.
Looking back up at Elvis, Becky didn’t know what  to say.  The screaming she had heard through the door had terrified her., yet looking at him now it seemed so clear how tired and how much pressure he felt. Jerry’s words rang in her ears, and they summoned all of Becky’s stupid, nurturing instincts. She began to pull off his scarf, peppering his chest with a few soft kisses to sooth the heart beat she heard, running as fast as a loose rail car thundering down a mountain.
Looking back up at his face, she licked her thumb, without consciously realizing what she was doing, and started to clean up his eye make-up, and he started to babble about the whole world going to hell. But he quieted as she shook her head, and gripped her hand tightly, shakily. Feeling him tremble, she remembered how exhausted he must be. So she paused and led him through the master suite and into bathroom, when she sat him on the toilet, stopped him again from protesting that he was fine, with a finger to his lips. Then she took a wet washcloth, and straddled his lap to clean his face.
Elvis grinned up at her, and when was done, he clasped both her hands in his and brought them forward to kiss her knuckles, his eyes level with her breasts. She let out a gasp at the way he sucked at her knuckles, before she shook herself free so she could reclaim her hand and undo his choker.
“What’s the matter, baby boy, hmmm? What’s all the fuss bout tonight, huh?”
She soothed his forehead with her fingers, cracking her neck as she steadied herself on his lap. The texture of his blue, gaberdine suit was soft underneath her bare thighs.
“Ah, nothing honey, jus the doggone back up singers can’t take a joke. Walked off in the middle of the set, make me look like a damn clown.”
Becky steadied herself.
“I find that hard to believe. Don’t look like a clown to me. If anything,” she begun to unzip his jumpsuit, her hands smoothing over the cool sweaty, hair she found there as she pushed against his belly. “If anything, they’re the ones who look foolish. Walking off like that.”
Elvis' lip hung down, just the slight hint of a double chin grew there, before they widened into a smile, pushing the apples of his cheeks up towards her.
“Ya sweet honey, ya know that? Wait, whatcha doin’ woman?”
Becky giggled as she pulled off his belt, and leaned into smell his chest.
“I am undressing you, Elvis Presley. Shower time.”
He tried to dismiss this idea with a wave of his hand.
“Honey, I don’t need a shower.”
“Oh yes you do.” Becky rubbed her hands under Elvis’ jumpsuit, trying to push it off his shoulders. “When was the last time you took a shower, you stinky boy.”
He pursed his lips, shaking his head. “Uh, uh, uh -”
“Ha, if it is taking that long to answer, it has been tooo long.” She jumped up, and went to start the water. Elvis stood, bringing her back against the bathroom wall.
“Think you can come in here, and order me around, huh?” He smirked. “I like how I smell. Smell like a man. S'natural, s'way God made me.”
“Good little boys.” Becky worked her hands back under his suit. “Who take good little showers.” She got the fabric off the side of his shoulders. “Get good little rewards.”
He stilled her hands, enveloping her with his scent, a staunch mix of sweaty musk doused with a bottle or two of brut. Becky wrinkled her nose.
“And what about bad little boys who do what they want, huh?”
She threw her arms around his neck. “They get loved on until they learn to behave.” And she began to kiss his chest and neck with a swift barrage of pecks.
“Alright, alright crazy woman. What’s my reward, then, huh?”
Becky pulled her dress off with a speed that made Elvis' head spin, but before he could make a snarky remark, she bent over to take off her boots, and all he could do was stare at her bottom as she motioned for him to unclasp her bra.
“Your reward is me. In the shower. Washing you.”
Becky giggled self consciously as she took Elvis’ hands and drew him into the shower. She didn’t know where her chutzpah had come from, all she knew was that when she was with him, she was a woman transformed. Her walls came down, and she wanted to be as close as possible to him, do whatever she could to put him at ease. Being around Elvis had warped her entire way of thinking.
The way his smirk rippled across his cheeks as he watched her lather up a wash cloth and start scrubbing over his hair chest made her tummy feel funny. Like she was about to jump off a diving board. She watched the soap drizzled down over his waist and down his happy trail. Becky swallowed hard, unable to stop herself from rubbing over it with her hand and wiping the soap into different shapes around his belly button. A triangle, a circle, a heart.
Elvis chuckled as he squeezed his eyes shut under the water, letting it rinse everything off as he muttered that she was a weirdo. Then he took the wash cloth from her hands and spread the lather over the top of her breasts. Back and forth, as if mesmerized. His attentive gaze made her vibrate, and Becky’s nipples became hard nubs. She pushed his hand aside, stepping close to rub the soap from her bosom against him, playfully.
“I think they’re clean.”
“Never can be too sure.” He pulled her closer, nudging his nose over hers as he took the washcloth back and began to caress her butt. “Just bein’ thorough. Wanna a get all my reward.”
“Your reward was me washing you, not the other way around.”
Elvis winked. “I’m renegotiatin’.” And he carefully turned Becky around so that she was leaning into the shower wall, while he slowly moved the washcloth over her shoulder blades, the small of her back, her bottom cheeks and the backs of her legs. His movements were so soft and tender, that they made all the thoughts drain from Becky’s head with the water. Her knees turned into jelly.  And all she knew was the warm sensation vibrating up her spine and tingling between her legs.
It was 3:45 am when they finally collapsed into the master suite’s large, king bed in matching pajamas. Becky could rest assured that every part of her body was clean, and while she hadn’t scrubbed him behind his ears, she had done her best with Elvis.
He had taken the cute, sexy pink fluffy negligee she had brought to sleep in from her hands, and thrown it in the trash, reiterating that just because they were on the road, they were never safe from commie drug dealers. Arsonists. Assassins. Any number of dangerous threats that could result in an instant need to evacuate the hotel.
“Trust me, Becky, you’ll be greatful ya wearing something decent if that happens.”
Becky rolled her eyes, saying to herself that Elvis was worse than her grandmother. But she obliged and reasoned that Elvis’ pajamas were probably more comfortable than the gauzy peignoir she had brought. The she settled back, watching him take his medication from the black, doctor’s bag, before folding her arms around him when he snuggled up and lay his head on her breasts,  murmuring to her in a low, babying tone.
“Aw Becky, don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t come.”
She stroked his soft, dyed hair, shhhing him as she smiled to her self at the hint of grey she saw at the peak of his right side burn.
“You’d be fine, you always are.”
“Nah, honey, none a these fools love me for who I really am. None of them would be here if it weren’t for the money.”
“That’s not true, your friends love you. They’ve known you all your life.”
“Nah uh, they don’t, baby. No one loves me. You might be the only one in the whole world who doesn’t want anything from me. Won’t take my goddamn money, even when I mean it as a gift. Because I do love givin’ gifts.”
Becky trailed her fingers across Elvis’ forehead, enjoying the way his warm skin felt under her knuckles. “I know you do. You really do.”
“But no one appreciates it, they just want more. Won’t be happy til they suck me dry. Ugh, I don’t know if I can even sleep, so keyed up about the band.”
Becky kissed his forehead, as an idea percolated, and she rose from the bed to grab The Hobbit from her purse.
“Here, why don’t I read to you, take your mind off things?”
Elvis’ took the book ins hand. “This the book Spock was singing about?”
Becky giggled, thinking of Leonard Nimoy’s record few years back. “I believe the song you are referring to is ‘The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.’ And yes, it was inspired by this book. But I know you've heard of The Hobbit, Elvis. Have you ever read it?”
Elvis shook his head, but before he could protest that he didn’t read children's books, she brought his head back to her bosom and began reading it, doing the voices the same way she did with Ruth. They passed out at some point in the “Roast Mutton” chapter,  after pausing from time to time debating what their hobbit names would be.
“I think you are probably too tall to be a hobbit, Elvis, probably more an elf. Your name is practically the same as their language.”
“Well, that don’t make sense, no one names their kid after a language. English. Spanish. This is ma son, German. So then, what do you ’spose my elf name would be?”
Becky yawned. “I guess that will be our proooooject over the next few days, figure out what our hobbit and elf names are.”
“Guesss sooooooo.” Elvis yawned back.
Becky found her paperback copy of The Hobbit open and smashed between them where Elvis had fallen asleep with his head on top of her chest. Several pages were bent back, and she tried to get them straight by bending them the other way, before deciding to put the lamp on top of it with the hope it would weigh them back into place. The room was still so dark, it surprised her to see that the clock read one p.m. It had been five or six when they passed out, and Becky could hardly believe how quickly she adapted back to Elvis’ schedule.
Looking down at him, she returned to cuddle into him, thinking how sweet he looked with his mouth wide open, asleep, completely unperturbed about the weight of the world that he carried on his shoulders. Then, as she shimmied her legs next to his, she felt the distinct, outline of an erect penis. I guess he slept well, she thought, and suddenly felt an aching tingle light up between her legs and a naughty thought enter her mind. Becky bit her lip, wondering how to wake him up without making it obvious. She began to nestle her knee into his cock, then blow air over his eyelids, faintly at first as she watched his long eyelashes flutter and waited to see if it woke him. When he remained asleep, she blew harder, emptying her lungs, until she saw his eyelids move and he opened one eye, with a blank, confused, slightly drugged out stare. This prompted her to plop back, not so stealthily, and pretend to be asleep herself. She also stopped moving her knee over his penis. Sleeping people don’t do that.
“Ha, now watcha think ya doin, Becky Butt?”
Elvis narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. A chuckled escaped Becky’s mouth, and her hand replaced her knee to slowly sweep over the outline of Elvis’ length, teasing his tip with the swirl of her thumb. Elvis seemed to instinctively move back up against the pillows, while also trying half-heartedly to swat away her hands from his pajama bottoms as she moved her head to his crotch.
“Now, honey, you’re a good girl, good girls don’t do that.”
Becky pulled at his waist, leaning down to nuzzle against the silk over his thigh, looking up and batting her lashes.
“Baby, you’ve been so stressed out, this tour got you all worked up. I’m just trying to help you relax and clear your head, so you can figure out what you want to do about your band.”
Elvis released her hands from where he had stopped them at his pants, and flopped back against the head board, resigned and moaning as her hand feathered over him. He closed his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling and muttered, “Lord have mercy. What am I gonna do with you, huh?”
Becky did a wiggly, little triumphant dance as Elvis shook his head, grinning as she pulled his pants down and very slowly and reverently bent down to kiss the tip, savoring the way his breath became heavier as she did. He bit his lip watching her look at him as she swirled her tongue around his foreskin where it now crested back above the head. In a leisurely, affectionate way, she moved her tongue hesitantly around him, using one hand to loosely palm up and down his shaft as she sucked the tip once more. Kissing it delicately, relishing how sensitive he was, how even just moving her mouth down an inch made his leg jolt. She laughed onto his cock when his knee knocked her head, and she looked up to see a warm, boyish smile beaming back down at her.
“Hey now, be gentle with him. He's, uh, he's, ughhhh, he's shy.”
Becky smiled as best she could up at him with a penis in her mouth, and worked to just move along the end of the foreskin to the top of the head, waiting as he moved her hair to guide her forward. His gasps sent a sharp ping to her core and Becky realized that the sound of Elvis’ hushed pleasure was like an aphrodisiac that she wanted to chase. And chase it she did, hollowing her cheeks to bob further down, seeing how far she could go with out gagging, seeing what happened when his tip hit the back of her throat, savoring the feeling of how it almost choked her.
His mouth now hung open, and he let out a loud moan as she delved deeper with the next thrust. Looking, she saw that his eyes were squeezed shut  and his mouth hung open, the bottom lip shaking tremulously as she began to speed up her tempo, following her mouth with her hand and breathing through her nose as she tried not to gag when she plunged downward. Then she felt Elvis grip her hair with a tight fist.
“Ah honey, oh Becky, oh honey, Imma about to burst!”
She watched his face contort as she nodded her acquiescence and continued to move her mouth over him, possessing him and at the same time giving herself to him as he arched his back up into her and came with a loud, breathy, high pitched cry. He was tangy, and salty, and she looked at him with a seductive wink as she flipped her hair and tried to swallow it all, before gagging and coughing most of it out of the side of her mouth and onto the duvet. This performance was followed by loud belly laughs from both parties as Becky rolled over in a fit of giggles at her clumsy attempt to be sexy. She hid under the pillows and blushed when Elvis moved over, threw the pillow away, and pulled her onto him with a goofy smile.
“Ya sure are sumpthin', Becky Butt. Man ‘o’ man." He sighed, stroking her shoulder. "Haven’t done anything like that in a while. Prolly since last time I saw you.”
“Elvis, you don’t have to lie to me, I see the photos of you with your other girlfriends on tour.”
He sucked in a deep breath, taking her chin to look up at him.
“You mean that girl I invited on tour after you turned me down? Honey, she don’t mean a thing, just someone to keep the bed warm. Wasn’t getting busy with her, tell you that.”
Becky arched her eye. “Really?”
“Mmmmhmmm. She is pretty, but she don't turn me on, not like you, baby. You’re my little snake charmer, member? And man, honey, every time too. Something special bout you. Gonna need you to come on the rest of the tour with me." His arm dropped, and his eyebrows furrowed and Becky realized he must be thinking about the tour. "Fuck, man, gotta figure out what to do bout these singers, goddammit. I don really wanna train new gals to sing, with only a few nights left.”
Becky patted his arm. “So don’t. Just apologize.”
A nervous squeak escaped her throat when she saw his lips purse and his eyes narrow in disbelief at her suggestion.
“You don’t have to mean it! I believe you were right, they are being bitches. Baby, trust me, you know how singers can be, premadonnas. And they are women. You can’t win with us. But you can know in your heart that you were joking, and also do what needs to be done to keep the show going by mending fences. S’easier to catch more flies with honey, E.”
Becky felt like a traitor to her fellow womankind, as she felt fairly certain that whatever had happened, the back up singers probably had every right to be upset. But the end justified the means, right? Her reasoning seemed to have some effect, as Elvis' pinched lips released and he grunted.
She watched as he looked at her, and repeated "easier to catch more flies with honey" in a high, mocking voice, while he rolled over and picked up the phone, asking the operator for Joe’s room. “Get Lowell on a plane, tell him to bring everything in the store. I don’t care, jack, do you work for my daddy? No, that’s what I thought, huh. Yeah, Imma have Felton take it all over to the girls, to everyone, tell them I know things got outta hand this week, let’s leave it in the past. Oh, and I wanna get Myrna a new Caddy, so she knows what loyalty means to me.”
Elvis was patting Becky’s thigh as he did this, his fingers playing a rhythm only he knew. But it made Becky feel special, needed, close to him, and she found a strange contentment just being there, receiving the song his body was tapping out. After he hung up, he called room service and asked them to send two of everything from the breakfast menu, explaining he didn’t care if it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
“Ever been Asheville, ha, honey?”
“MMmhmmm. No, can't say I have. Guess we'll have a few days there to figure out what our hobbitses names are.”
“Already know what your’s is. Becky Bobbit.” He grinned wide at her quizzical face. “Cuz you bobbit so good on my nobbit.”
Becky hit him as he burst into a fit of giggles. “Dirty, nasty, mean man.”
“Awww, honey, s’compliment. Wanna keep you round with me always, my lil bobbit hobbit.”
“Comin’ to Memphis after the tour?”
“Elvis - I -”
“I thought we were talkin’ bout getting you moved up there. You will love it."           
“I will hate it.”
“Nah, you won’t.”
“Hmmm, you might be sick of me after the next few days.”
Elvis squeezed his arm around her tighter, looking down at the stain on the duvet, and then back at her with a silly smile.
“Nah, I won’t.”
For fun...
Thanks for reading.... argh. Let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. Comments, reblogs and feedback are very much loved and appreciated.
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callsignspark · 9 months
Mar[r]y Me - part 8.5.2
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, discussions of body image, conversations on what it’s like to be a fat woman trying to date in today’s society, extreme fluff, like soooo much flirting, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 3.6k
previous part | series masterlist | main masterlist
note: happy Friday! I hope everyone had lovely holidays and 2024 is going well for you so far! I did have some issues tagging people so apologizes if you didn't notified! I really loved writing this chapter, especially since it's going to help set the stage for the rest of the story! (only 4 more parts to go! isn't that crazy??) please be safe if you have snow coming towards you this weekend, and enjoy these two pining and yearning for each other more than ever.
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part 8.5.2 - rambling and rings
Friday, April 16, 2021
Mary waves at the obnoxiously large SUV as Slider honks and drives away. Leaning against the entryway table, she slips her heels off and wiggles her painted toes at the feeling of the soft runner beneath her feet. Shuffling over to the entertainment console, she hums as she connects her phone, choosing the song that was on in the car.
The dreamy guitar intro floats through the air, making her smile. And the last beams of golden sunshine disappear as she dances through the living room, enjoying the peaceful feeling that’s settled in her chest and closing the blinds in between twirls.
Good things are happening at work, rumbles that there’s a promotion coming on the horizon. The monthly call back home to her parents hadn’t ended in tears for the first time in months. Most of her evenings are spent in the company of at least one Dagger family member, helping Kris and Dani with their kids or enjoying the adult-only life with Aaron and Flora. Bradley is messaging her as often as he can, every email making her heart flutter, increasing her joy with every sentence he types.
Everything is coming together in ways she had never even dared to dream about.
An early dinner with Ron, Mav, and Penny was the cherry on top of a great week. The four of them laughing and telling stories the entire time, taking advantage of the warm spring weather at the patio table Pete had reserved for Slider’s birthday. As stories and photos were traded across the table, Mary felt like her heart could burst learning about baby Bradley. The only quiet moment of the evening was when their waiter brought an unordered round of drinks to the table, prompting the men to venture inside and thank the old Navy buddy that had spotted them through the window.
“Thank you, Matt; it was getting just a tiny bit too windy for us.”
“No problem, ma’am.” The young man smiles over his shoulder as he finishes turning the outdoor heater on. “Can I get you ladies anything else?”
“I think we’re good for now, thank you,” Penny answers, glancing at Mary, softening at the sight of the younger woman lost in thought as she stares out at the ocean with a content smile.
She watches as brown eyes drift from the water to the table, gentle fingers tracing over a copy of a photo that’s older than the girl studying it. Penny stays quiet, letting the sound of waves crashing on the sand accompany the slight furrow that creases Mary’s brow as she brings the photo closer to her face.
“He looks just like his dad, doesn’t he?”
“He does; he acts a lot like him, too, more than he realizes.”
“You knew him?” It’s not a surprised reaction, just curious.
Penny hums, “We weren’t close, but I knew him enough to see how much Bradley has turned out like him. He’s a good blend of both his parents.”
“Did you know Carole very well?”
“More than Nick, by default, but for the most part, we were at different stages in life. She was older than me by a few years. I was in college and she was a widow raising a toddler. But, as you know, the aviator community is pretty small, so we were friendly. I would even babysit Bradley sometimes when the guys were deployed.”
“He was a cute baby,” Mary says softly, eyes back on the last photo taken of the whole Bradshaw family.
“He was… turned out to be a handsome man, didn’t he?” Penny asks, taking advantage of the moment.
She smirks as the younger woman looks up at her through her lashes, a shy smile stretching her pink cheeks. “He did.”
“Can I ask you something while they’re still inside?”
“We’re not together. But we are going on a date the week after he gets back.” Now it’s Mary’s turn to smirk at how Penny’s eyebrows rocket up to her hairline. “That is what you were going to ask me, right?”
“It’s close enough. Are you excited?”
“I am. I really like him.”
It’s the first time she admitted it out loud to anyone other than her best friend. She revels in the encouraging energy and words Penny gives back, both of them still giggling like school girls when Pete and Ron return.
“What are you two laughing about?” Slider asks as he slips Mary’s wrap over her shoulders.
“Oh, nothing.” When Penny winks, she has the overwhelming urge to cry. The knowing look accompanying those two words is more affectionate and maternal than anything her mother has done in years.
Their hug goodbye lasts a few seconds longer than expected, and the gentle hands that smooth some stray hairs back make her throat tighten. Slider is quiet on the ride home; familiar with the many moods of Mary, he lets her work through her thoughts with the radio on low.
“Y’okay, kid?” He doesn’t speak until he pulls into her neighborhood, giving himself a five-block buffer to determine if a pit stop to the closest ice cream shop is required.
“Yeah. Just-” Mary pauses, trying to figure out how to best explain. “Just still getting used to it.”
“To what?”
“To how easy it is to just be me out here. Surrounded by people who have just folded me into their lives with zero hesitation, like I’ve always been here.”
“Mary, were you happy in Florida?”
“I was content. Getting to know you helped with that a lot, but let’s face it; if I was happy, I wouldn’t have been so excited to leave.”
“And you’re happy now?”
“I am. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.”
It's a cheesy line, but true. She knew that when she said it, accepting the light teasing that followed with a smile. One that hadn’t left her face as she said goodbye to her mentor, one that grows as the song starts again. She can’t help how big her grin gets. This song always reminds her of Bradley.
“I'm in love, I'm alive. I belong to the stars and sky.”
Letting the song stay on repeat, Mary stops in the kitchen for some water on her way to the bedroom. It’s still early - not even eight yet - but a full night’s sleep is calling her name, eyelids feeling heavy.
She slips her clothes off, folding the jeans for tomorrow and tossing her shirt in the laundry. A small groan of relief accompanies the unclasping of her bra before she slings it into the hamper. Turning the bedroom speakers down slightly as she enters the bathroom, a grimace instantly creases her face when she catches sight of herself in the mirror.
“Jesus…” Her disbelief echoes in the room as gentle fingers rub over the harsh red lines where her clothes dug into her skin. It’s evident where the waistband of her jeans sat all day. And the tender spots under her arms lets her know it’s time to look for better-fitting bras, again. Mary tugs the leg of her panties up, relieved to see at least one piece of clothing hasn’t left its mark.
She’s massaging the sore spots on her chest, letting her warm hands diminish the pain, when her phone rings. Her eyebrows furrow deeper at the unknown number flashing across the screen.
Usually, at this time of night, she’d ignore an unknown number and let the other person leave a voicemail, but something in her gut tells her to pick up before it’s too late.
“Hello?” There’s a muffled response, and she scrambles to disconnect her phone from the speakers. “Hello? Can you hear me?”
“Hello, ma’am. Can I speak to Mariella Vertucci?”
“May I ask who’s calling?”
“This is Lieutenant Corso in the communications bay on the USS Roosevelt. Can you confirm your identity with your full name, birthday, and the eight-digit code given to you by Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw?”
Mary’s heart stops for a second. This is it. Bradley is calling. She’s going to get to talk to him after forty-eight days. Hear his voice. See his face.
“Sorry. Mariella Theresa Vertucci, born March 14, 1987. The code is 0125-2020.”
“Thank you, ma’am. One minute, please.” The soft clacking of a keyboard filters through the phone, the Lieutenant's tongue clicking as he types. “You’ve been verified. Does the phone you’re using have video chat capabilities.”
“It does, Lieutenant.”
“Excellent. Stay on the line, and in a few minutes, a video chat will come through with Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw. You have been allotted 30 minutes today. I am required to remind you that communication is not secure. This means, for security purposes, you cannot ask what time of day it is, what location, or how any missions have gone. Please confirm that you understand.”
“I understand.”
“Thank you. I am also required to let you know that this video chat is conducted in a private area and will not be monitored. However, the audio will be recorded, so any lewd acts are discouraged but not forbidden.”
Mary can’t help the snort that escapes. “But not forbidden?”
“Uh- the uh-” She smothers a chuckle at how the kid trips over his words. “The Navy understands that loved ones are apart for long periods of time and can’t forbid any uh- urges that couples may wish to act upon during their chats. But we are legally required to inform everyone of the recording.”
“Ah, I see. Thank you, Lieutenant.”
“No problem, ma’am. Please stay on the line, and your loved one will be joining shortly.” She giggles at how quickly the hold music starts, humming along to Anchors Aweigh as she clips her hair up, ready to take her makeup off. She’s about to wet a washcloth when the music cuts, and the video call comes through.
Taking a second to look herself over, Mary admires the tendrils that have escaped, perfectly framing her cheeks that are still flushed from the wine she had with dinner. The slightest bit still tipsy and a little frazzled about Bradley, she realizes just in time that she’s still only in her underwear, hitting the accept button and dropping the phone on the counter.
“One second! Just- oh, come on! Fuck!” She curses under her breath as she struggles to slip into her bathrobe. “Hang on, Bradley!”
Finally getting both arms in, she ties the robe, eyebrows raising in surprise at how it cinches her waist, before eagerly grabbing her phone.
“Hi, Mary.”
“Hi, Bradley.”
She greedily drinks him in. It’s been 48 days since she’s seen his handsome face or heard his warm voice - the longest since they met - and she’s missed him. Her heart clenches at how tired he looks, the bags under his eyes more pronounced than ever.
“Hi, honey.” The sweet name hits something deep inside, and she can’t help the tears that immediately form or the way her bottom lip wobbles. “Oh, shit, Mary. Please don’t cry, honey.”
The emotional reaction surprises even her; she was expecting to be a bit overwhelmed, but nothing like this. It makes her feel a little ridiculous, crying about a man she’s barely even kissed. But you love him, her brain chimes in, sending more heat to her face.
“This is your uncle’s fault!” She laughs, swiping tears away and propping her phone against the mirror.
She can’t help but giggle at his disbelieving tone as she reaches for a tissue. “No, Slider. He’s in town this week, and he may or may not - but definitely did - get me tipsy at dinner, like he always does!”
She trills on about dinner, telling him about the childhood stories that were shared and the baby photos that now live on her phone, not noticing the look on his face until he interrupts.
“You getting in the shower, Mary?”
The husky tone immediately grabs all of her attention, a shiver running down her spine at the smoldering look on Bradley’s face. She follows his eyes down, surprised to see how much her robe has come undone. The valley between her breasts is completely visible, and the fabric is threatening to expose her belly button - and more - if it’s not fixed.
“Oops…” She mumbles to herself, tightening the robe so much it pushes her cleavage together.
Normally, this is where her insecurities would ruin the moment - flooding her brain with terrible things. Make her spend the rest of the call analyzing how she looks in the tiny corner box, agonizing how prominent her double chin is from this angle. But the soft fuck that crackles through the phone squashes the anxieties before they can take root, shifting her attention to admire the man looking back at her.
And god, he is a man.
Bradley Bradshaw has always been gorgeous: tall, strong, and deliciously tan. But mid-deployment Bradley Bradshaw is a vicious attack to the senses. And the hormones.
His broad shoulders have gotten broader, filling the little privacy cubicle in the communications room so much that he’s brushing both sides of the walls. His curls are more golden than usual, clear evidence of time spent flying in the Pacific tropics. His tan is deeper, too, glowing even in the harsh florescent lighting, the bridge of his nose slightly sunburnt. His neatly trimmed mustache moves with his lush pink lips, warmth building in her core as her thoughts drift to the memory of how they felt pressed against hers.
“Mary?” She hums, eyes focusing back into the present and away from her favorite post-deployment reunion fantasy. “Whatcha thinking about?”
It's clear he wasn’t expecting that answer from the way he drags a hand over his mouth to muffle a cruse, his eyes scrunching shut.
She wasn’t expecting it either; the effects of the wine have mostly worn off, leaving her with flushed cheeks and apparently a slightly looser tongue. She can’t bring herself to be embarrassed about the overly honest answer. Communicating exclusively via email for the last month and a half has allowed Mary to gain confidence in Bradley’s feelings. It’s hard to wonder about his intentions when every email ends with him telling her how many days are left until he’s home.
“Your lips…” She continues, emboldened as the last remnants of wine soften the sharp edges of her insecurities and the pink working its way up his neck. She loves how easily Bradley blushes for her. Their few kisses have always ended with his cheeks a lovely, rosy shade. “How soft your hair is. Your mustache. How strong you are. How much I miss you…”
The words make them both pause. It’s not an uncommon phrase, every email containing some variation of the sentiment, but hearing the words out loud makes it real. Cementing the longing in their chests.
“I miss you, too.” The words are quiet, echoing against the tiled walls. She chuckles, throat thick with emotion, and Bradley can’t look away from her soft smile. His heart pounding at the emotion on her face, something he can’t quite place. He can’t stop staring as she picks the phone up and flicks the light off, “Where are we going?”
He smiles as the familiar walls of her living room appear, grin going slack when she props him up on the side table, and the slit of her robe reveals a thigh that he’s dreamt about as she shuffles pillows. Bradley manages to pull his mind out of his post-deployment fantasy as she plops on her couch - that damn pink couch - and smiles at him over the arm, her eyes almost closing she grins so hard.
“I’m sorry I missed our call.”
“It’s okay, Bradley. I knew it was a possibility, and Mav let me know what was going on. I understand.”
“I want to hear about your birthday.”
“I told you about my birthday! We’ve discussed it extensively.”
“I still want to hear about it. I want to hear your voice.” He revels as she softly whines and smooshes her face into a pillow, thrilled to cause that reaction. “C’mon, please, Mary?”
“You’re not fighting fair.” The muffled complaint comes back, making him laugh, but she does as asked.
Bradley listens, humming along as she recounts her birthday for him and insisting for the hundredth time that it was his pleasure to give her presents. He lets her lead the conversation as it shifts to what’s happening in San Diego, content to watch her as she shares stories of what he’s missing at home. Happy to just admire her and occasionally ask questions.
It’s so easy to get lost looking at her. Dark hair swishing around her shoulders, just slightly shorter than it was in February. Her brown eyes look darker than usual, the low light in the room making them almost black instead of the warm brown he’s used to staring into. And despite resecuring the robe, it’s coming loose again, enough that the top curve of her breasts are visible; freckles dotted all over, disappearing beneath the baby blue fabric. Bradley thinks about what it would be like to connect the dots on her soft skin, tracing invisible lines with his fingers or lips. He imagines there’s more hiding behind the waffle material. He wonders if she’d let him find out.
The fantasy of how wonderful it would be to memorize every mark on her body is interrupted as red nail polish grabs his attention. He loves her hands, smaller than his but so strong when she’s working on a jet. Steady as she calls out instructions to her team, grease smeared up to her elbows and her nail color of the week shining through the black sludge. Mary insists that she doesn’t talk with her hands, that she managed to avoid that stereotypical Italian-American trait, but Bradley smirks as her hands swirl through the air. He’s about to interrupt the story she’s giggling through - something about the latest swear word that Danielle accidentally taught Annie - when something sparkly on her finger distracts him.
A ring.
A diamond ring.
A simple silver band lined with tiny diamonds.
On her ring finger.
On her left ring finger.
His eyebrows furrow as he tries to study the never-before-seen piece of jewelry. Mary must notice his confusion because she cuts her story off and flashes her hand at the camera. “I bought this for myself when I got promoted for the first time. I went from EI to EII, which is entry-level engineer to associate engineer. It was $50 from this little shop that was on the same block as my first solo apartment in St. Louis.”
Relief sweeps through his body, thrilled that Mary hadn’t gotten engaged with him.
“That’s awesome. Have you done that every time you’ve moved up?”
“Kinda? I always buy myself some sort of gift - last time, I splurged and got that big blender we used at the Christmas party. But I’ve only done jewelry a few times. I think I’m going to get a necklace next time, something to match this.” She explains, wiggling her fingers so the gems shimmer in the camera.
“It’s very pretty.” Bradley compliments, feeling bold enough to go further. “You look good with a ring on that finger.”
“Jesus, Brad-”
She’s cut off by the two-minute alert popping up. They had been so distracted they weren’t paying attention to the countdown timer.
“Already?” Mary pouts, forehead crinkling as she frowns. “But I didn’t get to ask you about carrier food.
“It’s bad, honey. Yours is so much better.”
“Or how you’re sleeping.”
“Reuben’s snoring has somehow gotten even louder since last time we shared a bunkroom; Bob, Mickey, and I owe you for the extra earplugs you sent.”
“You’re sunburnt.”
“I’m wearing the sunscreen you gave me; the sun is just strong.”
“I knew I should have sent the SPF 75!” Bradley smiles as Mary throws her head back in faux despair. “Oh well, now I know for next time, I guess.”
“Next time?”
“Yeah. You didn’t think I’d only send you a care package one time, did you? I gotta make sure you have everything you need. I know I missed some stuff this time, but I’ll get better in the future! I promise.”
I love you.
He just barely holds the words in.
“God, I fucking miss you.” He stares at the screen, watching the prettiest brown eyes in the world fill with tears at his words. “Oh, honey, please don’t cry. I’ll be home so soon.”
“But twenty-four days is such a long time, and I miss you so much.”
“I know, but we’ve already done 48 days. Twenty-four will be a breeze to get through.” The timer starts blinking, the last 60 seconds counting down. “I gotta get going, Mary. But you keep sending me flirty emails so I have something to read and think about.”
He chuckles at the little surprised noise she makes. “You noticed that?”
“Did I notice that? Mariella, in the kindest way, you are not subtle.”
“Well- I-” She splutters. “Neither are you!”
“I’m not trying to be, baby doll,” Bradley revels in her reaction to the pet name - mouth dropping open as she blinks at him, cheeks pinker than he’s ever seen - one he didn’t even mean to use.
The flustered hand she waves at the camera while yelling at him makes him laugh. “Bradley!”
“I would say I’m sorry, but I’m not. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Be safe. Only 24 days.”
“Only 24 days.”
“I miss you, handsome.”
Bradley's face feels hot, choked up at the look in her eyes, the softness of her words. “I miss you, too, baby doll.”
They don’t say goodbye, choosing to admire each other as the final seconds tick away.
I can’t wait to see you in person.
God, you’re so gorgeous.
I don’t want to hang up.
I miss you.
I love you.
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
Blended AU!
I've been tossing around doing a Buddie Blended AU, & with Summer of Buddie doing a romcom prompt next week, I figured it was the perfect time to get into it!
In the movie (ft. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler, it's so stinking cute, I recommend it if you've never seen it) but anyway, to summarize - The FMC's best friend is dating this man, and she doesn't realize that he's a father to like, 5 kids until after he's already booked a trip for her to get to know all of his kids to Africa, & they break up because of it. She begs her best friend to let her & her 2 sons go on the vacation in her place, and she agrees.
Once they get there, the FMC realizes that the MMC (a man she'd gone on an awful blind date with at the beginning of the movie) knew her best friend's boyfriend and had the same idea for him and his 3 daughters.
Bobby & Athena are going to be the ones who originally plan to go on this vacation, but then like in s2 Athena freaks out and they don't go.
SO! Here's my question:
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mercurygray · 2 years
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Need a header for your Blind Dates character this year? I've got you covered!
[not sure what this is about? Read more about Blind Dates Fest here!]
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ruruslayrr · 1 year
Churros kisses
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Synopsis : Gojo and Hina go on the their first date after being enemies who were mutually pining for each other for nearly 6 years. They love each other but it's hard to let go of their bickering.
Tags : Gojo×fem OC , fluff, they're idiots in love, established relationship, OC is a jujutsu sorcerer. Enemies to lovers? Clingy Gojo, Soft Gojo, grumpy×sunshine, Excited Gojo, angst? If you squint, post-mutual pining, they're around 21 and 22 age wise, you can self-insert if you want.
WC : 2k
Notes : I just want a clingy gojo hanging off me okayy🤨. This is based off a prompt by (once I find them I will tag them), I'm stupid pls forgive me. I'm reposting from Ao3. Just plain old brainrot
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“I’m not going to do that” “But” “No” “Just” “No“ “ For me?”
Gojo pouted, lowering his shades a bit so that she could see his puppy dog eyes, tilting his head to the side hoping you would give in to his demands.
She felt her will crumble.
Hina would never admit out loud how her heart squeezed at his antics.
“………. fine’, she sighed, giving up. She let him put the black bunny ears on her head
She sighed again turning to look at him, red creeping up her skin.
He was smiling so wide she almost forgot her embarrassment for a minute.
Sighing, she relented.
well if it made him happy.
Gojo excitedly continued to look for matching headbands for himself and asked her what suited him the best.
The 6’3’ towering man enthusiastically modelled in front of the mirror, she noticed how everyone in the store also ogled at him, whispering excitedly. Hina surreptitiously moved closer to him plucking a headband from the stand and reaching up on her toes to place them on his head.
His answering smile was blinding “I knew it! Cat ears suit me best “
Hina rolled her eyes trying not to smile.
Gojo grinned at her and pulled her to the mirror so they could both see themselves in the mirror.
“We look adorable, don’t we?”
He looked cute, and she looked like she would rather be anywhere than here, but they did look good, thought Hina.
“This is so embarrassing “, she grumbled instead.
He took out his phone to snap a million pictures.
“Your right! we are adorable. “ he said, ignoring her earlier statement.
Gojo paid for the headbands and threw an arm over her shoulder, guiding themselves out of the souvenir shop. He used his other hand to gesture to the amusement park dramatically.
“ Are you ready Hina Chan? Ready to go on our very first date to the amusement park”
“It’s not the first time we have come here”, Hina informed him.
“ Ahh but it is the first time we are here as a couple “
Hina's stomach did flips.
She cleared her throat and tried to look away so he wouldn’t see the blush rising up her face.
“Let’s go “ she announced and started strutting ahead first.
She tried to ignore how hot her face had become. It was positively embarrassing how the smallest things made her feel like she was on cloud nine.
“ Hey ey Hina Chan here are you rushing off without me, “ he asked excitedly bounding after her.
Hina slowed down.
“Wait a second, are you possibly blushing?”
‘“No “
“What did calling us a couple get you feeling all tingly”
“ Aw come on. Look at me. I want to see your blushing face”
“I’m not blushing, “ she said stubbornly walking ahead, trying to keep some distance between them.
Her heart was reacting all weirdly today and she felt the mask she always kept in place slipping. She would be damned if she let Gojo see her like this.
His long legs easily caught up with her and entwined his arm with hers. Clinging to her side, he put his weight on her side.
She tried to shake him off.
Gojo tried to peer into Hina’s face.
“Aww”, he started cooing, “You are so cute when you are embarrassed”
“Do you want to get your ass kicked”
“Kinky babe, I’m trying to keep this a pg 13 date.”
“You are definitely getting punched.”
“Please go ahead, and continue your little threats.”, He lowered his voice and whispered.
“You know how that gets me going”, He chuckled and proceeded to bite her ear.
“GOJO !! “ she yelped, elbowing him.
“Oww,” he said rubbing his stomach. pouting at her.
She looked around to see if anyone else had noticed his antics most of the people around them were either couples or parents trying to manage their kids, and oblivious to them.
“But….”, his pout slowly turned into a smirk. “Well now I can at least see your face “
“You’re so red you are blending into your hair!”
Hina squawked indignant, before turning and walking away.
Gojo laughed. His long strides caught up with her once more, he went back to clinging and hanging off in Hina’s arm.
Hina grumbled silently as Gojo began to drag her to every ride in the amusement park.
“ Hey you signed up to date me”, he reminded me, smirking.
“I’m really questioning my decision-making skills “
“Oh they’re terrible, “ he told me seriously. “I’m so glad they suck though, that’s how I could get you to go out with me “ he stated winking at her.
Hina snorted.
Gojo laughed wrapping his arms around her shoulders and giving her a slight squeeze, his laughter still rumbling in his chest.
She rolled her eyes and failed to hide her own smile adorning her face.
Hina’s heart felt warm looking at his overconfident smirk. She had hated it once and on more than one occasion had tried to smack it off his face but she had to grudgingly admit to herself that particular smirk now had a special place in her heart.
The sun had begun to set.
After going on almost all the rides in the park, despite her protests she had given into Gojo’s whining about how they had to have the full amusement park date experience.
“ Gojo let’s take a break “Hina finally said, and before he could pout, she continued “I know you are exhausted too. I can see you wincing “
Hina had noticed how his eyes looked tired behind his dark glasses, he had winced every time there had been a lot of light on his face.
He stopped at that, eyes widening slightly. She dragged him to a bench under the shade. “Sit and close your eyes for a bit, Why didn’t you just wear your blindfold”
“It’s not that bad, I don’t get exhausted that quickly “ he mumbled taking a seat.
“I know you’ve been working without a break this week you know. Where’s you blindfolded?”, she asked exasperatedly.
“T’is our first date, so I decided not to get it “, he mutters defensively.
Hina pursed her lips. ‘“I’ll go get some water, so rest “, she said pointing at the seat
He let out a petulant humpf .
“Just a few minutes”
He sighed, closing his eyes
“Get me dessert too”, he huffed.
Hina gave an amused chuckle before going to the refreshments kiosk. It took her some time waiting in line to get the water and refreshments.
By the time she returned, She saw something that made her scowl.
There were three girls surrounding your boyfriend, one of them actually batted her eyelashes and flirted with him.
She scoffed and went up to them.
Hina gritted her teeth and tried her best to mask her irritation Gojo seemed to notice you and started smiling but an expression of surprise took over instead.
Hina turned to the girls.
One of the girls felt a cold chill up her spine and turned to Hina, She balked feeling irritation just rolling off her. The other two also turned to look at her frowning. They looked slightly intimidated at the sight of her. Gojo slid next to Hina, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“And this my lovely girlfriend that I was talking about girls”, he announced happily.
“Well. Hello there”, she said her voice clipped.
The girls visibly shrunk under Hina’s cold glare.
“I see “, they mumbled, laughing awkwardly.“We should leave “, said one of them, dragging the other two away from us.
“Scary “ chuckled Gojo looking at her.
“I didn’t even do anything! “, stated Hina.
“You didn’t need to, their survival instinct probably kicked in ”, he chuckled.
She scoffed indignantly.
He had a large smug grin plastered on his face, his icy blue eyes staring at her lips for a beat too long and then moving to her eyes.
Hina felt a shiver pass down her spine at that look.
“Jealousy and looking imposing does look good on you though” He praised.
Hina scowled at him. Handing him the churros she bought for him.
He paused looking at the three flavors.
“I got you all the flavours they had, I didn’t want you to complain about not being able to try all the flavours” she stated.
She looked up at his face again “ Now What??”, she asked exasperated, looking at his expression turning shy.
“What “, she asked again defensively, He had turned his head away, but she still noticed the tips of his ear turning pink.
“I know you have an ice-cold princess persona to maintain but I’ve observed you for years so I know what you really mean when you are hiding your emotions”
“I do not “
“Please 6 years of you scowling at the sight of me has taught me things, for example “, he drawled. “You would say things like ‘Gojo you're an idiot! When you really meant ‘Oh Gojo you are the love of my life!’ “
“I did not! “
He continued seriously, his face turning soft. “I know you don’t really like showing your feelings”, he shrugged “But it’s fine since I know you like me, but I have to admit it feels really good to see you unable to control your emotions and display how much you like me ”, he smirked
That stopped her short. She knew she wasn’t exactly the most lovey-dovey person, she knew she was a little cold, especially to him, while he was clingy, obnoxious and loud about his feelings. He had put up posters on the school noticeboard when she had agreed to be his friend in high school, which had led to her promptly denouncing their friendship.
She thought about their day, she felt guilty when she realized she’d grumbled the entire day and tried to put as much distance as possible between them as she could. But then again that was because he was just incredibly handsy with absolutely no sense of decorum.
She sighed, confessing “I’m sorry that I’m not exactly very open but I do like you”, she said quietly. “I’m just used to being angry and mean to you that it's kinda hard to remember that I don’t hate you anymore, so I’ll work..on….”, mumbled Hina.
‘“That..mak..es sense“, said Gojo with his mouth filled with food. She looked at him realizing he was inhaling the churros when she was opening up.
He was still chewing, his mouth full of food. He nodded at her thinking.
Hina’s eye twitched and she remembered why he had annoyed her for all these years.
She sighed in frustration and started walking ahead.
But he had been right about her not being as affectionate, and she did like seeing his stupid smiles. She sighed again, halting.
She turned to him, vowing to try more but noticed his empty hands..“You didn’t even leave any for me “, she accused.
He looked apologetic. “You don’t really like sweets”, he countered.
“I’m sorry. I’ll buy all your favourites for dinner “
He gave her puppy dog eyes, bending to her height to meet her eyes and pout. The cat headband slipped lower on his fluffy white hair.
“And snacks for a week”, she interrupted.
“Done”, He promised.
She chuckled and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers.
She tried to control the blush rising up her cheeks.
He looked at their hands and looked at Hina with an almost giddy expression that knocked the breath out of her.
She giggled.
His expression darkened and his eyes flitted to her mouth.
“Don’t “she warned
He ignored her warning pulling her close and pressing a wet kiss to her cheek,
“Gojo! There are kids here! “ she yelped.
He kissed her again and this time she couldn’t stop the giggles that escaped her.
She sighed, giving up and closed her eyes as he brought his lips to hers in a slow, melting kiss, that had her smiling against his lips.
The kiss made her forget about decorum.
Screw it.
She gave up and wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling him closer.
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just-a-carrot · 5 months
I played T2A2G and OC before this so um. Guess which route I did lmao. SPEAKING OF ROUTES, GENZOU GENZOU GEZNOU GEZNOU GEZNOU OMG GENZOU. I RELATE TO THIS MAN IN WAYS I DID NOT KNOW I COULD RELATE TO A CHARACTER. LIKE WTH?? HE HAS SUCH A TRANSPARENT CLOSET LOL. And also speaking of Genzou I do have a few questions related to him
-Is Genzou fully blind? I don't think he is bc of his cane but I heard it's different in some countries so idk
-We learn Genzou is (supposedly) taking antidepressants in Arc 2. Is he clinically depressed? (According to the Visual Noval Database he is anyways but idk)
-Did Genzou's friends ever like assume that he was gay?? Or like did he tell anyone?? Or did he try his best to hide it lmao
-Did anyone think/know that Gen had a crush on Iggy??
I love Genzou sm if you couldn't tell already /p
ARC 3 CONFUSED ME SM LOL. I thought that I had accidently switched routes (even though I hadn't even made my LI choice, I ofc didn't know this atm though) from Genzou to Orlam and I was fr so confused like waht. Also like I feel so bad for Orlam wth </3.
-Some of my favorite liens in the game were the homicidal gardener lines (both referring to Iggs and Gen), when Gen was arguing with Jerry, When Genzou was telling iggs during the Arc 5 Kiddie Cruise scene that it shoudn't be a choice like I WAS GONNA CHOOSE DONT JUMP JS TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS LOL
-I also relate a lot to Iggy in some forms
-I took a total of 260 screenshots of this game (as of now heheh)
KDFJLADFA this message is so chaotic, i love it
first off, i'm really happy you like the game (and genzou) weep. thank you so much for all the kind words 😭💕 i'm also always super intrigued to see where/how ppl came into the game, so hearing you played T2A2G and OC first is very interesting to me lakdjfkdjfa
regarding your questions:
yes he is; i do think he sees a bit of light/shadow (which is different to an answer i gave some time ago, but i've been thinking about it since) but that's about it; it's a result of traumatic optic neuropathy
yes he is; he's been on meds and seeing a therapist for a while
i cannot answer this question LOL 🤣 i also don't know. i guess the only answer is that he has no choice
mmm... he never outright told anyone in the friend group. tbh he doesn't outright tell many people, mostly as he's just a bit of a private person in that regard and keeps to himself outside of attempting dating apps every now and then. i would not say he actively attempted to hide it though aside from around iggy. as for other people assuming i think it was something many of them did kinda realize but never said anything also
similar here, i think some of them kinda knew. i think gidget knew, even if they kinda ignored it, because it prompted their jealousy on a few occasions. i think orlam had a bit of a guess but it wasn't really confirmed until later
LOL about the routes. indeed, if you don't realize that actually all the "routes" are mandatory parts of the story until the finale then it can be confusing if you thought you were going for a specific char early on or something 🤣 it's not like the games where you can pick your route and then the rest of the game is that route
hahaha yeah i wouldn't say there's a "canon" ending. for one, i feel like that would kinda defeat the point of having different possibilities to begin with. why make other choices if there's only ever one canon ending? i want people to be able to choose however they want the story to end. i mostly connected the neutral ending to OC as a sort of self-indulgent gift to myself, because i thought it would be very sweet if iggy would still have a chance to find companionship with one of his friends later on even if he chose to focus on himself first. like that it just keeps it open. i also just thought it'd be a fun easter egg to give ppl more incentive to at least try the neutral route as i figure most ppl would not choose that route as it's kinda short compared to the others and doesn't give as much closure to the other chars
sob thank you for this lovely message!! it was really fun answering your questions hahaha and i'm really glad you liked the game so much!! it means a lot!! 💕
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deadghosy · 3 months
Dynamic: Popular girl x nerd
Prompt: an angel walked into your life all because of book.
Warning: Hogwarts as a modern high school. (Modern Au)
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Bitting your nails as you read Romeo and Juliet was a common day for you in the library. It was a free period so you were using it to go to the library and read peacefully. Thankfully the librarian is a nice lady and lets you relax in the library, she finds you soothing to have instead of some students who destroy her books. As a true ravenclaw, you read a lot and even have a lot knowledge on muggle books to even pureblooded things.
You sat down at a empty table, hearing the finger of the librarian typing away. It relaxed you that you have time to yourself to read. You had grabbed a famous and known book from William Shakespeare called “Romeo and Juliet.” You always loved the book when you were little, your mother always read it to you. You were a fanatic about books. Taking it to the top with animal farm, lord of the flies and others. Opening the book up, you smiled at the smell of a fresh book smell. Reading was a passion, and reading was mostly your friend. As you were getting to the point where Juliet’s father was degrading her, you heard the library doors open and that’s when the sweetheart of hufflepuffs comes in. Her beautiful blonde hair and hazel eyes was hypnotizing. She seemed to sense you staring as she walked over with a friendly smile. “Oh? Hello.” She says sitting down next to you. She tilted her head, pointing to the book you were certainly reading. “What are you reading?” She asked. You hesitated before opening your mouth.
“Romeo and Juliet is a classic love story set in the city of Verona, Italy, during the 14th century. The story follows the tragic romance between two teenagers from rival families, Romeo and Juliet.” Emily smiled at you ranting about what the book was about. “What else?” She said, you could smell her vanilla bean perfume. It was strong, blinding your senses in your nose but you still talked. “They fall deeply in love, but their families are involved in a long-running feud. But despite everything, they risk everything to be together, including defying both their families and the law.”
“Merlin’s beard, that sounds romantic..” Emily then leans on one of her palms. Her eyes were still stuck on your frame. But your eyes were nervously on the cover of the book. “Yeah, and As their romance develops, Romeo and Juliet face a series of obstacles, including being banished from their families and being forced to pretend to be dead. “It just ends with Romeo and Juliet dying in a double suicide.” Emily frowned at the end of what you said. “Jeez…that’s..something. And an actual good book.” She smiled with a wide grin. You finally looked up and smiled at her. “Mhm, if you want I can give you this book.” Emily’s blue baby eyes widen. Shocked that the ravenclaw that she eyes for finally had the balls to talk face to face. “S-sure! Of course.” She took the book, but as she took it her fingers brushed up against yours which caused her cheeks to feel warm.
Your smile still was on your face. “Just return it to the library in 2 weeks, or else she’ll hunt you down.” You chuckled getting up. Her eyes watching you leave the library. She then gazed down at her hands holding the book you lend her. She felt heat heart swell up immediately. She can’t believe that you actually acknowledged her. She would’ve thought you would be mean and say no, or maybe even make fun of her for reading books. But you were actually nice and it made her heart swell.
She oddly started reading more and more cause of you. She started reading “to kill a mockingbird” “the great gatsby”. Her friends would slightly make fun of her for reading suck ‘odd’ books. But really she was getting into this as if this was an essay assignment. She even read those poems from Edgar Allen Poe. She spent 3 weeks meeting up with you in the library for book dates. Of course that’s what she thinks it is while you just think she’s hanging out with you. But as you spend more time, the more you start to have those feelings for her all over again. Who wouldn’t have a crush on her, she was the whole package. With her hufflepuff kindness towards other, her pretty looks and the way she smiles drives you into a frenzy.
It was finally the day she turned in another book you suggest to her, that’s she when she noticed you reading a comic book. Something she never thought you would read. But she found it amusing so of course she goes over to you smiling. “Heyyy!” You looked up and gave her a small smile. “Hello, how was the book I suggested you?” She sits by you crossing her legs. “It was fantastic! I didn’t think such a thriller book was that good.” She says looking into your eyes. You held the same eye contact as her. “Yeah, it’s a good drama and thriller. I’m glad you liked it.” You smiled and went back to your comic. Now it was silence and she opened her mouth to something that shocked you. “Do you wanna go out with me?” Your eyes widen, snapping your head quickly. “What?” “Do you. Wanna. Go out with me?” She says with a nervous smile.
“I..oh wow, I knew liking you was crazy but—” “Wait..you liked me?” She asked with a head tilt, cutting you off with her own shock. “I..yeah. I just thought i wouldn’t have a chance with you and—” she grabbed you by the side of your face and kissed you. Your eyes widen with shock before you melted into the kiss. But it was so quick you didn’t have the chance to even savor it. She looks at you with clear love in her eyes.
You smiled as you looked at her and her eyes showed love in them. If she was a cartoon her eyes would’ve already been heart eyes. “So does this mean you’re my Romeo?” She says, wrapping her arms around your neck. You hummed having your hands in her hips, she giggled and lean forward with you. You moved your hands quickly to the sides of her face, pressing your lips to her own. Her lips taste like cherry, she smiled into the kiss. After breaking your the kiss you kissed her forehead and kissed her cheek. “Then you’re my Juliet” you said as you hugged her.
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Emily had walked into school in her usual female hufflepuff uniform, she looked like she was looking for a certain person. As she walked the halls gaining the attention of some jocks and some girls she practiced with. She ignored him accordingly, trying to find that person she was hooked on. Then she sees that (h/c) hair from afar, immediately she rushed at you. Seeing you close your locker, she wrap her arms and giggled around you. You made a small grunt, surprised at how strong she was from her grip.
“Emily?” You asked with a small smile, completely flustered which makes the hazel eyed girl laugh. “It’s me! Hello my Romeo, I missed you.” She said happily. Letting go of your body and putting her own arms behind her back. She still looked at you with admiration. Your face was completely heated up with stammering words. “H-hey now..please dont-” “don’t what?” She said with a small smirk, after spending time with you. She was determined to make sure you were gonna be hers on day.
“Cmon sweetheart! I’m just jokinnnn” she said elbowing your side making you slightly chuckle. She smiled at you sweetly, wrapping her own arm around yours. “Now let’s get to class before Mr. Snape has our heads.” You nodded as she just dragged you aside her. People still looked bewildered at how a ravenclaw pulled the most beautiful cheerleader of the hufflepuff class.
Even afterschool it was shocker for the first time as you walked out of school, there she was. Emily was just in her car looking up from her pink phone case to see her favorite raven exiting out. She squealed happily and waved you over. You were nervous at the people staring at you. You didn’t know what to do other than point to yourself and mouth “me?” At her. She seemed to notice and smile even wider, if that was even possible. You get in her car and she started ranting off about her cheer squad and the drama. “Eliza is such a butthole! She definitely tried to frame me but she had another thing coming cause Karma is a bitch!” Emily said whilst you chuckle. You never thought you would be making friends with the hufflepuff cheerleader of Hogwarts.
She smiled sweetly at you, holding out her hand. You chuckled and took it, she seemed even more giddy. Taking you to her favorite stores, she was showing you everything she liked. Making you feel special inside. Her soft eyes showed you that you were her world. And she was yours.
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hitechlatte · 2 years
Whatever you need - ROTTMNT Raph X Reader
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You had been in love with Raph for so many years, but he was your partner on the force, your best friend, hell you were apart of his family at this point. It just wasn't gonna happen and you needed to get over him.
But when you tell Raph your family is hounding you for being single again on Valentine's day, he gives you this odd look.
What could that hulking turtle be scheming?
Read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45130078
Read for slightly more interactive experience at: https://sites.google.com/view/hitechlatte
This is for the All 4-1 TMNT on tumblr! Prompt Selected is: Blind date scenario: Any character from TMNT sets the reader/OC up with any character of choice
ALSO NOTE: This fic is SFW but some of the other fics in the All4-1 Fic challenge are NOT, so if you are not of age DNI with those other posts!
Also shout out to the following people: - soradragon: for beta reading and editing advice! - a-little-pebbl, donshaker9000, quinnhasstopedworking, soradragon, gaybananabread, sabakarp, buthowboutno-spamming, anechointhemirror, doumakei & criminalmutantsins for song recs! Sorry I couldn't get everyone's recommendations in, but I tried incoroporating as many as possible/trying to find a vibe that matched all the suggestions. Thanks so much for your help these songs RULED
ALSO NOTE: This fic is SFW but some of the other fics in the All4-1 Fic challenge are NOT, so if you are not of age DNI with those other posts!
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driftward · 9 months
Year of the OTP Masterpost
Shout out to @yearoftheotpevent for making the prompt list for the year and also being a good sport about the fact that it seems their event wildly escaped containment. I believe it started life as a DC fandom event, and I wonder if they ever expected it to reach as wide as it did.
I used the prompts to write for my Final Fantasy XIV ship featuring Y'shtola Rhul and my OC, Zoissette Vauban, and even used the event to finally get them to their first kiss. Despite the month tags, a lot of these wound up in off-months because of who I am as a person (and maybe a bit of last minute crunch), but I did manage at least one work per month.
JANUARY: Two entries on this one. I wasn't sure at the time if one of them counted. I've since decided they both count, together. Icemelt (prompt: Whenever I Look At You) Begin Again (same prompt)
FEBRUARY: Different (prompt: Different)
MARCH: Matched Set (prompt: Fresh Starts/Getting Back Together/Mutual Pining)
APRIL: Theoretical Debate Night (prompt: University AU)
MAY: Bit of a snafu on May. The original prompt list had duplicate prompts, and the event coordinator fixed that. I did not notice until late, so I have a 'false' prompt for May, and the actual May prompt. Here's both. The Flow of Battle (pseudoprompt: Mission Fic) Healing Touch (prompt: Sick Fic)
JUNE: Rains, Long Overdue (prompt: Downpour)
JULY: Seventh Drip of Heaven (prompt: Coffeshop AU)
AUGUST: Blind Date (prompt: Blind Date)
SEPTEMBER: Hot Tub (prompt: Hurt/Comfort)
OCTOBER: Costume Screenshots! (prompt: Couple's Costumes/Identity Shenanigans)
NOVEMBER: Questions (prompt: Growth)
DECEMBER: And So The Heavens Did Turn (prompt: Holidays Together)
Here's to the next year, and exploring this particular OTP further. I am so glad for all of those who have been on this journey with me.
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juniper-answers · 1 year
Juniper, World’s former greatest actor.
John Juniper, Preference to be called Juniper.
Place of birth: Evansville, Indiana.
Nationality: American
Date of birth: May 30, 19XX
Age : 28
Height: 5’4
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green
Dominant hand: Right (Left Arm Amputated)
Status: Alive
Flavor profile: Bitter
Favorite Color: Green
Zodiac: Gemini
Weapon of choice: Acting
Extra Info : Missing right arm, left leg below the knee and right ankle/foot. Partially blind and deaf. Bad coordination. Dating an agent.
The believed to be dead John Juniper, preferring to just be called Juniper, was stood there, very confused on why first, he was in a large, mostly empty room, two, why he suddenly had a phone, and three, why was Phoenix here??
Oh well. Might as well see what they want.
Juni - Any
Phoenix - They/It
INFO ON MY OC’S : https://www.tumblr.com/juniper-answers/730897304171741184
DNI : Basic DNI.
Green text is Juniper talking
Purple text is me, the author, talking :]
Orange text is Phoenix talking
Ask Blog Run By : @depression-soup
Ref Sheet : https://www.tumblr.com/soups-ask-juniper/729825930443472896/ref-sheet
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basilone · 7 months
Going to take my new girlies/OCs out for a little spin later today! 🥰 I still owe a good many people thank-yous on my blind dates -- please know I appreciated every single comment!! -- and am behind on my reading and my prompt fills as per usual... but the muse does what it wants, and what it wants right now is an all-female bomber crew.
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