#blind assistant au
kieran-au · 2 months
Which AU ?
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adventure-oc · 3 months
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screwzara · 10 months
[Present Day] Blind Strike!Cuphead when he finds out Reaper!Dice will eat if offered:
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Ehe 🤭
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allylikethecat · 2 months
Is a demon stress inducing child that has taken about five more years off my life as of this morning. I was giving him a shower after a great, but hard lesson this morning, he blinked, I looked up, and his third eyelid had gotten stuck over his entire eyeball. I started screaming bloody murder, his eye was like spasming, my trainer came running,I thought his eyeball had like fallen out or was going to fall out. I like fully convinced myself that he was going to lose the entire eye. My trainer called the vet and the vet was like "wipe his eye with a cold clean wet rag" so she did and it like slithered back into place. He thinks he got some dust in his eye or something and his eyelid got stuck trying to push it out. Anyway, this was about two hours ago and I am still a little shaky, Pop however, is totally fine and was wearing a new clean fly mask (just in case) and demanding cookies when I left him. There is never a dull moment with him lol
HOWEVER, I'm so happy that people enjoyed Pop's little cameo in the new chapter of All the King's Horses! I love him SO MUCH and was so excited for him to make his little debut! Thank you so much for reading and sending this ask and for the continued support!! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend (and that your Saturday was less traumatic than mine lol)!
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marvelfilth · 10 months
Professional help (18+)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader, Wanda Maximoff x f!reader, brief mention of Peter Quill x f!reader
Warnings: AU, gynecologist!Natasha, assistant!Wanda, smut, oral, fingering, cheating, Peter being an asshole
Summary: your boyfriend makes you see a doctor to get yourself "fixed", luckily Natasha and Wanda know exactly what to do
A/n: I'm not a doctor, so bear with me pls
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You sit in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for your name to be called. Your leg bounces rapidly against the marble tiles of the clinic, drawing the attention of other patients. You cross your legs, sanding a sheepish smile to an old lady who's been eyeing you for the last few minutes, wishing your boyfriend just stayed with you like he promised he would.
He's the one who made the appointment after all.
You sigh for a hundredths time and check your watch, debating on leaving. Peter will be disappointed, sure, perhaps even mad, but you still can't stomach the idea of admitting something so embarrassing to a stranger.
You've been dating for almost six months now, and after a lot of persuasion on his part, you've finally allowed him to take your virginity. Your jaw clenches when you remember the night. It was very romantic, sure, the wine was expensive and as old as your grandma, the food was delicious and his jokes were perfectly timed, but when it came down to it, you were both left disappointed.
Peter is attractive, sexy, and you know any girl would kill to be in your place, but when he took off his clothes and climbed on top of your naked body you couldn't feel a thing. You went to sleep unsatisfied. He went to sleep with a bruised ego and a promise of getting you right the next time.
And now you're here, ready to see a gynecologist, because there has to be something wrong with your body, there's no other explanation.
"Y/n Y/l/n?" A voice pulls you out of your head.
You look up to see a young woman, smiling down at you politely, her green eyes sparkling in the blinding lighting of the hospital.
"Yes?" You speak up hesitantly, torn between following the woman and trying to make it for the door.
Her smile turns genuine. "Follow me."
You walk behind the woman, your eyes pinned to the intricate braid, strands of brown hair clinging to her neck. You swallow, looking away. It's definitely not the time to stare at a pretty woman. She leads you to the last door down the hall, opening it and following behind you once you step in.
"Take a seat." She gestures at the chair in front of the doctors desk. You swallow nervously when you notice a gynecological chair behind a folding screen.
The woman squeezes your shoulder
"Don't be nervous. Dr. Romanoff will take good care of you," she says with conviction. For some reason it helps you relax, your shoulders dropping. "My name's Wanda," she says, "I'm Dr. Romanoff's assistant. I'll be here the whole time."
You gulp. "Like… the whole time?"
She smiles, mirth flickers in her eyes.
"Yes, the whole time." Another voice enters the conversation and you crane your neck to see the woman striding into the room to take place in the white leather chair behind the desk. "Is there a problem with that?"
She eyes you intently. You feel like it doesn't matter what your answer will be, Wanda will stay either way. And now, looking at the stern looking woman you feel like you'll need Wanda's soft reassurance. Maybe that's why she's here in the first place.
You shake your head at last, not trusting your voice not to waver.
"Good. Now tell me what's bothering you." The redhead flickers through your medical file, barely sparing you a glance.
You look at Wanda for help and she sends you an encouraging smile, her hand sliding lower down your arm. "Um…" you start, not sure how to broach the subject. "Well, you see, me and my boyfriend, we-" you swallow nervously, and Wanda takes hold of your hand, squeezing your fingers reassuringly. "We've been intimate… a few times. But it seems there's something wrong. With me, I mean." You cringe, biting your lip.
You can feel their gazes on you.
Dr. Romanoff's eyes narrow dangerously and you feel like getting up and running away.
"What do you mean by that, sweetheart?" Wanda asks, her breath fanning your ear.
You gather your courage and meet her eyes. "I can't- I can't finish." Now that you've started, the words come out easily. "I mean, it doesn't bother me, not really, but my boyfriend-"
"It doesn't bother you?" Dr. Romanoff cuts you off. You feel small under her eyes, ready to fold in on yourself.
She sighs heavily and closes her eyes for a moment. You feel like a child about to get scolded.
"So you're here because your boyfriend can't make you come." The words leave her mouth the second her eyes open.
You flinch, scooting deeper into your seat. Wanda wraps her other arm around your shoulder, softly nudging you to continue.
"He- he told me he's never had that problem before, and I… well, when I tried it myself, you know…" You look at Wanda and she nods in understanding. "It didn't work either, so he must be right. Can you help me?" Your cheeks are crimson red by now, you can feel how hot your face is.
Dr. Romanoff stands up abruptly, making you flinch. She walks behind the folding screen and you can hear her fiddling with something. Wanda squeezes your shoulders reassuringly and tells you to follow her. You do so without a second thought.
"Take off your clothes," Dr. Romanoff says, settling on a rolling stool.
You gulp, folding your arms in front of your chest. "A- all of them?"
Dr. Romanoff looks like she wants to roll her eyes before stopping herself and looking at Wanda, her brow quirking. You can feel Wanda inhale sharply behind you.
"Yes, sweetheart, all of them." Her tone's urgent. "You need a thorough examination."
Dr. Romanoff smirks at that, shaking her head almost unnoticeably.
"You heard her." She nods at you.
You look around for a spot to undress, but figure it doesn't matter if they'll see you naked anyway, so you hesitantly start to undress under their scrutinizing eyes.
"Let me help." Wanda's fingers skimp over your skin as she helps you take off your bra, your nipples hardening from the cold. Dr. Romanoff's eyes dart to your pebbled skin, her lips parting slightly.
And then Wanda cups your breasts from behind you, whispering, "I'll start right now, okay?"
You can only manage a small nod.
Dr. Romanoff must've noticed the state you're in, because suddenly she's kneeling in front of you, tugging down your pants along with your underwear, humming at the sight of a string of your slick connecting to your panties.
You close your eyes in embarrassment.
She cups your face. "No need for that, angel. You're doing good."
You shudder at the tone of her voice, slurty and breathy. Having no idea on why your body is reacting this way, you lean back against Wanda, granting her more acces. She massages your breasts, kneading and tugging until you're left breathless.
Then, as quickly as she came, she pulls away and nudges you into the other woman's arms. Dr. Romanoff leads you to sit on the chair and you swallow your embarrassment when she spreads your legs and puts them on the knee rest, sliding between your legs on her rolling chair.
You look away, wincing.
"It's okay, sweetheart," Wanda whispers from your side, taking hold of your hand, "Natasha is best at what she's doing."
You breathe out.
You think her name fits her very well.
"How long does it usually take?" You ask, not daring to look away from Wanda.
Faint scraping noises sound around the room as Natasha writes something down in your chart, humming in thought. She hasn't touched you, not yet.
"Not long, usually, but you're here for a special reason, aren't you? So it's going to take a bit longer," Wanda says quietly.
You nod in understanding, finally looking down to meet Natasha's eyes. She's holding a speculum. You shudder, backing away. Wanda pins you in place with a strong grip on your shoulders.
"Please, don't. Can you use something else?" You ask. Biting down on your lip, you look at the redhead pleadingly. The last time a doctor used that thing on you, you were hurting for days.
"I don't think there's anything else I can use. I promise I'll be gentle," she tries to reassure you, but you shake your head no, gripping Wanda's hand fighter.
"Please, just use something else. There should be something else, right?" You plead.
Natasha's eyes flicker to Wanda, a silent question swimming in the emerald pools. After a tense moment she gives the younger woman a brief nod. She slides away and Wanda leaves your side, taking Natasha's place between your legs.
Dr. Romanoff takes hold of your face, gaining your attention. "My assistant needs some hands-on practice and this is a perfect occasion, since you're adamant about the speculum. You don't mind her using her fingers, do you?" She rubs your chin gently, coaxing you to agree.
You wet your lips, feeling your pussy clench in anticipation. Natasha's eyes follow your tongue, her pupils dilating. You nod your consent and Wanda wastes no time in spreading your folds open and teasing your entrance. Your hips jolt violently.
"Try to keep still, sweetheart, or we'll have to restrain you." Wanda fingers glide around your folds, barely grazing your clit and you're already drenched and gasping for air. "You're doing good so far, angel, keep it up." Wanda smiles softly, gently easing one of her fingers inside.
You bite back a moan, gripping the cushion below you with all of your strength. Natasha keeps taking notes, occasionally glancing down at your pussy and exchanging quiet words with Wanda.
Wanda's finger pumps into you at a gentle pace, hitting a soft spot deep inside of you.
You didn't even know you could feel that good.
When her finger curls you let out a loud moan. Your hand flies down to take hold of Wanda's, but it's intercepted by Natasha's, who pins you back down with surprising strength.
"You're not allowed to move, remember?" She scolds. You nod dumbly and relax in her hold. She nods in satisfaction and looks at Wanda. "One more."
Wanda obeys and slides two fingers in the next thrust, pushing down on your hips with her other hand. You try not to squirm, but your legs still shake from the way her fingers curl inside you. Your eyes begin to water as your stomach tightens, you feel like you're about to explode.
"How does that feel?" Natasha's whispers against the shell of your ear, her hair tickling your neck.
"G-good, so good," you whine, desperately clutching the chair.
"Mhm," she hums, putting her hands on either side of your breasts, rubbing the skin in soft circles. "You're taking Wanda so well, kotenok. Make me proud and hold it for me, okay?" She asks as her hands cup your breasts, pressing down on your nipples.
You don't have to ask to know what it means, you just shake your head desperately, not daring to touch her. Tears gather in the corners of your eyes, making your vision blur.
"Please, Natasha, pl- ah!" You cry out when Wanda adds another finger, stretching you out deliciously. She thrusts into you hard and fast, making your body move up on the chair. "I can't-" you bite down on your lip, pleading Natasha with your eyes. "Please, let me come."
The doctor chuckles with mirth, rolling your nipples between her defty fingers. "Stop."
Wanda pulls away immediately, making you whimper. You want to cry out, you want to tug her back, but you do none of these things, obediently laying back and waiting for Natasha's instructions.
You pussy clenches around nothing while Natasha takes her time stepping around you and taking Wanda's place, the younger woman coming to stand near your head, wiping her fingers.
"Natasha's gonna take a good look at your pussy, sweet girl, just don't move."
Dr. Romanoff's fingers slide in without any struggle, immediately making you whine and buckle your hips in her hold. She spreads her fingers inside you, opening you up even more and you feel like you're about to burst from the stretch. You moan loudly when she adds a third finger.
"Keep quiet," she says, pinching your inner thigh.
You swallow back moans as she starts circling your clit with her thumb, the added pressure sending shivers down your spine.
"Such a perfect body," Wanda murmurs, trailing her fingers down the length of your torso. "You deserve to be worshiped." She leans down and licks a long stripe from your ribs to the underside of your breast, sucking the tender skin there.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your fingers burying in her brown locks. She hums softly as her arm slides along your waist, holding you tight.
Natasha doesn't waste another second waiting and sets a rough pace, thrusting her finger deep and spreading them with each thrust. "Look at you, malyshka, your greedy pussy is swallowing my fingers," she smirks, bending down to kiss your inner thigh.
"Natasha!" You cry out loudly, your back arching. Lips wrap around your nipple, sucking gently, and you choke on your moan, your pussy clenching around Natasha's slender fingers.
"You're doing good, baby, so good," Wanda mumbles around the pebbled skin, "You deserve to be filled to the brim. Fuck, you'd look so pretty with both of us deep inside you, sweetheart."
Your hips buckle to meet Natasha's thrusts and this time she doesn't stop you. She curls her fingers, hitting a spot you didn't even know existed and you come, your orgasm hitting you hard as spots of white cloud your vision.
Natasha's fingers don't stop moving inside you, if anything she thrusts faster, rougher, your sensitive clit pulsing rapidly.
"We're not done until I say we're done, got it?" She leans down to wrap her lips around your bundle of nerves and sucks, fingers moving inside you with a violent pace.
Wanda releases your nipple with a wet pop and focuses her attention on your neck, teeth leaving purplish marks on the tender skin. You cry out, another orgasm fast approaching and Wanda pulls you into a bruising kiss, your moans disappearing between her full lips as Natasha licks long stripes up your slit.
"You're doing so good, baby. Fuck I want to make a mess of your pretty face, sweetheart," Wanda whines and takes hold of your hand, pushing it past the waistband of her scrubs. You follow her lead and soon your fingers disappear in her wet heat. She gasps and bends to rest her weight on you as you quickly pump your fingers inside her.
Natasha pulls away to admire the scene in front of her, fingers lazily circling your clit before she plunges four of her fingers back inside, stretching you to the brim. Your back arches as you moan loudly, clenching around slender fingers. Wanda comes with you, burrowing her face into your neck as you both come down your high, gasping for air.
Dr. Romanoff presses a kiss to your thigh before gently prying strands of hair away from your face. "We'll have to schedule a follow up appointment, kitten."
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jjunieworld · 2 months
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it's a very delicate game of cat and mouse that you and taehyun play. he pretends that he calls you into his office to assign you more paperwork, and you pretend that you don't test the limits of how short your skirt can be until he notices the lace of your thigh-high stockings peeking out.
pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ kang taehyun x fem!reader 𓄷 iηcℓudᥱs 𓈓 none!
genre﹙📄﹚⸝⸝⸝ smut, coworkers to ???, office au
warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ boss!taehyun, assistant!reader, taehyun kindaa takes advantage of his position, unprotected sex (don’t!), creampie, office sex, a hint of mean dom!taehyun, some manhandling, name calling (slut)
kipo’s note ‎⸝⸝⸝ saw an edit and i just had to make a little (or not so little) drabble inspired by it lmao… i hope you enjoy! all feedback and reblogs are welcome! ♡
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a sly smile played on your face as your boss, mr. kang taehyun, called you to his office. you had walked into the building with a less than appropriate outfit—button down shirt unbuttoned just enough to show your cleavage and skirt short enough that if you were to bend over you would see the lace of your thigh-high black stockings.
you were purposefully trying to catch his attention, and it seemed like your efforts had worked. the two of you had been sleeping together for months now, and day by day you got more and more bolder. you grabbed the folder full of paperwork you were meant to give him and knocked on his office door. you heard a “come in!” from the other side of the door and pushed it open.
“close the door behind you and take a seat,” taehyun said without looking up from the papers he was writing on. you glanced around his office, particularly at the closed blinds on the glass that separated his office from the rest of the building, and walked towards his desk. you dropped the folder on top of the paper he was writing on and sat on the edge of his desk, your crossed legs making your skirt raise so that the lace was even more on display.
you leaned towards him slightly, same sly smile on your face, “you have a meeting in an hour with the shareholders.” taehyun’s eyes trailed up your figure slowly, stopping for a moment at your stockings and the sliver of your thighs that were exposed. when his eyes finally met yours, they were lust filled. a smirk crept onto his face and he laughed dryly.
“cancel it,” he stated and leaned back in his chair, his eyes still on you. “tell them i’ll be busy.”
your eyebrows rose and you tutted, “they won’t be too happy about that…” from the look on taehyun’s face you could tell he wasn’t listening to a word you were saying. he pushed his chair away from his desk and patted his lap. shaking your head and rolling your eyes, you got off of his desk, the “clack!” of your heels sounding through the room as you rounded it.
placing your hands firmly on his shoulders, you lifted your leg over his lap and straddled him. taehyun’s hands came to rest on your ass and his dark hair fell into his eyes as he looked at you. “you think you’re so fucking slick, don’t you?” he asked you lowly, his jaw grinding slightly. you laughed at him.
“you know what? i do!” you smiled as you grinded down onto him, pretending that you were adjusting how you were sitting. his eyes squeezed shut for a moment and his grip on your ass tightened. “but you’re the boss, what do you think?” you added, voice coming close to his ear teasingly.
taehyun hummed, saying nothing as he stared at you for a minute. he then stood from his chair with you wrapped around his waist and pushed you down onto his desk. papers flew off his desk and various pens and books toppled to the ground as you grabbed onto the edge of the desk for support. taehyun’s lips were on yours in an instant, hands at the sides of your head to pin you to the desk.
you wrapped your legs around his waist tighter and snaked your arms around his neck to pull him closer. he moved to push your skirt up and to unbuckle his belt. “i think…” taehyun trailed off at the shell of your ear. he pushed your soaked panties to the side. “…that you’re a naughty slut,” he finished, his fingertips trailing up your thighs and hooking onto the lace of your stockings.
taehyun moved your legs so that they were now resting on his shoulders. you chuckled at him, the laugh lasting no more than a second until you were gasping and gripping his shirt from the way his large cock was stretching you out suddenly. taehyun held your hands above your head on his desk as he pushed in and out of you at a rapid pace.
shallow moans escaped your mouth and you squeezed your eyes shut from the pleasure. the desk shook underneath the two of you, no doubt knocking more things off. “what possessed you to come into the office like this?” taehyun asked lowly, pulling you off the desk. his lips met yours briefly before your back arched and you broke away from him.
“t-this,” you stuttered, looking at him and managing a grin. taehyun shook his head, the corner of his mouth tilting upwards, and pulled you off the desk. he spun you around and then bent you over it, pushing one of your legs up onto the desk. taehyun slid inside you, the new angle making you cry out.
soon, you felt the knot inside you get tighter and tighter until the rope snapped completely and creamy white spilled out of you. you whimpered, head falling into your arms weakly when taehyun’s pace didn’t slow in the slightest. you knew he wasn’t going to stop until he came too.
“shh,” taehyun cooed in your ear as he wrapped his big arms around your waist and pressed you back into him. his skin slapped lewdly against yours and wet squelching sounds filled his office. if you hadn’t just cum, it would’ve turned you on more. “shh, my pretty slut. you don’t want the rest of the building to hear you, do you?”
taehyun’s cock twitched inside you and just as quick you were being filled to the brim with ropes of cum. taehyun moaned loudly and pressed his forehead to your back, lazily stroking into you as he chased his high. the two of you were breathing heavily when he finally pulled his softened cock out of you.
you turned around, a proud smile creeping onto your face, and kissed him deeply. his mouth was stained pink from your red lipstick, which was no doubt smeared. you fixed your panties and skirt, your face scrunching up slightly.
taehyun’s hands found your hips and pulled you towards him, “i should make you walk around with my cum dripping down your thighs.” you just laughed at him.
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
taglist: @jjunberry @gothgyuu @spooksh0wbabe @beargyuuzz @kittyhyuka @dani-is-tired @riaawr @nxzz-skz @yeonjunsfox @rapmonie2047 @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @jeonghaniehaee 
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yanderenightmare · 6 months
Fem reader x male insert
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Yandere kidnapper takes your virginty:
Simpy boyfriend is unabashedly obsessed with your ass:
ASS ♡6.6k
Yandere captor has too much libido:
Boyfriend is embarrassed:
Step-bro creeps on you:
When the playboy finally falls in love:
Pet collector buys bunny reader:
Thirsty thoughts on big yanderes x tiny darlings:
You let your bully fuck you in exchange for him leaving you alone:
Sweet boyfriend won't stop talking about anal:
Snugglebug boyfriends who're just so clingy and hopeless:
Beast boyfriend x human reader:
Yandere kidnapper softly nonconning darling:
soft noncon ♡3.3k
Step-daddy puts you in your place:
Poly wolfboys x bunny reader:
Boss uses his assistant whenever he wants and however he wants:
BOSS ♡2.7k
Reader owes the mob:
Your strict teacher fucks your throat raw in detention:
Massive warrior claims you as his war prize:
Your childhood bully tracks you down:
PART TWO ♡3.5k
Yandere captor using you as his pretty rope-bunny:
Orc master loves making a cum-slut out of his pretty elf slave:
ORC x ELF ♡2.1k
ORC x ELF ♡1k
You become the spoiled prince's personal maid:
Businessman x trophy wife:
Spending Valentine's Day with your incel kidnapper:
Your boyfriend is a little old-fashioned-minded:
Yandere kidnapper is a sexual sadist:
You're a popular airhead, and he's your loser tutor:
Condescending boyfriend:
Yanderes who's obsessed with breeding:
Colleague crushing on reader in office au:
Your rich boyfriend buys you everything:
Yandere captor staking claim to all your holes:
Teacher teaches you a hard lesson:
Misogynist boyfriend keeps you captive:
Breaking up with you bad boyfriend:
You were certain you were an Alpha, but as it turns out...
The old-fashioned boss with intern reader:
You're not cheap, but you're worth it:
Yanderes who keep you high as a kite:
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Ok I’m still thinking about the mafia boss/assistant thought from earlier this week. (Partially because I binged the “Mafia!141 au” by groguspicklejar)
Content: implied misconduct
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You were the executive assistant for one of the 141’s business associates. Looking to leave for a while because your boss is obvs kind of an asshole. Like, mean to you when he’s in a bad mood, blames you for things you can’t control or plan for, has harassed you once or twice but “only because he was tipsy”. (You’re not fucking deaf, you’ve heard him make nasty comments 🙄)
Farah happens to be his next 141 enforcer check-in. You go above and beyond - apologizing that his meeting is running late as if it’s your fault, would she like anything at all? Water, tea, coffee? There are mini muffins as well!
She takes a shine you immediately, especially once she goes in for her meeting with your (soon to be former) boss. You hand him a little portfolio, obviously color-coded, with sticky notes and highlights. You even adjust the blinds behind his windows for the light about to bounce off the high rise across the street.
Before she leaves, she mentions that her boss would love an assistant like you, and if you have any recommendations…
She drops her number. You call by the end of the week.
Mr. Price meets you personally for the interview. He’s a big man, built. But somehow it’s complemented by the understated wealth he exudes. Expensive cologne, expensive cigars. A tailored suit and perfectly polished shoes. His watch alone costs half a year of your rent, but it’s fashionable, not gaudy. You hope that his taste isn’t the only nice thing about him.
You’re pleasantly surprised by how courteous he is. Shakes your hand (you’re surprised by the callouses, but dont let it show) firm and polite, without lingering. Flicks his gaze over you once, perfunctory, then focuses solely on your face for the rest of the interview.
You like him instantly, and it shows in the way you joke and gesture while answering his questions. Professional, of course, but relaxed and genuine, not the polished and bland veneer of a person your previous boss preferred.
And something about that must appeal to him as an employer because he concludes the interview asking when you can start.
You’re absolutely thrilled to tell him you can be in the next day. And he agrees.
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chilling-seavey · 10 days
Little Bit of Luck (gr63)
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↳ A/N Seems I have had the audacity to focus too much on my Lando AU that I forgot my own brand as Official George Russell Writer™. Please take this lil oneshot as my apology <3
↳ Summary: You fly to Bahrain to surprise George before the first race of the season, giving him a bit of good luck in his driver's room before lights out.
↳ Pairings: George Russell x Fem!Reader (NO use of y/n)
↳ Word Count: 4.8k
↳ Warnings: 18+, smut, borderline exhibitionism kind of?, dirty talk, spanking, face slapping, hair pulling, light degradation, light dumbification, choking, restraining with hands, grinding, just a fuck ton of dry humping tbh
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The sleek monochromatic interior of the Mercedes motorhome welcomed you, the faint accented glow of the LED lights across the ceiling warming the modest space. Nestled precisely in the paddock in Bahrain, it was freshly constructed and ready for the start of a brand new Formula 1 season. Pre-season testing had just concluded and everyone was ramping up for the first race of the calendar as the sun set over the desert landscape. With only a matter of time before pre-race warmups and preparations were set to begin, you had been able to sneak into the motorhome with assistance from some of the Mercedes team members undetected in perfect time to surprise your boyfriend. 
You had said goodbye two weeks prior when he first flew out to Bahrain, knowing that you couldn’t join him since you had work and other responsibilities back home as well as the overarching fact that you didn’t want to get in his way. All that being said, you knew you couldn’t miss his first race of the season. 
With help from some of the team members pulling strings, you were able to make it to the circuit, into the paddock, and into the motorhome without speculation from the crowds of fans outside. Alone in George’s drivers room, you took your time exploring the space slowly; dragging your finger over the spotless tabletops and rifling through the mini fridge and pressing some of the buttons to see how the LED lights changed colours. You couldn’t wait to see his face when he would inevitably find you in his room, waiting for him. 
Staring up at the ceiling, you held your finger against one of the buttons on the wall control panel, watching how it changed the lights to a warm white and blue and made the narrow living space look like it was underwater. With the blinds closed over the narrow window, the crowds that bustled through the paddock weren’t privy to the way you made yourself at home. 
Your phone screen lit up from where you had rested it on the laminate countertop and you picked it up to read the message from one of the mechanics. 
-Prep done. He’s headed back to his room to get changed.
Before you could reply, you could hear footsteps in the hallway and muffled voices drawing closer, giving you only a few mere seconds to arrange yourself. You leaned back against the counter casually as if you were meant to be right there and when the door opened, you swore your heart skipped a beat in excitement. 
The door opened and, distracted in his conversation with his teammate, George lingered in the doorway for a moment, leaving you impatient for him to turn around and finally get him all to yourself again. When he finally parted ways from his conversation and made a move to enter his drivers room fully, you had to lick away your beaming smile to keep it from taking up your entire face. 
George had stopped in his tracks at the sight of you, his shoes scuffing on the vinyl floor with his familiar body donning a tight short-sleeve Mercedes shirt and sinful white shorts that didn’t leave much up to the imagination. He took a few seconds to process who was standing in the middle of his driver's room when he wasn’t expecting a visitor, but then he broke into a smile when he realized it was you and you literally couldn’t hold back your own beaming grin anymore. 
“Baby!” he greeted excitedly, naturally letting his arms fall open as you hurried across the small space to throw yourself into his embrace. 
“My love.” you gushed, holding onto him snugly and you ducked your face into his neck, just to have him close after a long two weeks without him. He smelt faintly of his aftershave and the lingering hints of gasoline from the garage and his busy race day prep that had you breathing him in greedily. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked with his voice full of glee as his hands rubbed your back lovingly. 
“Couldn’t miss the first race of the season.” you said, scratching your fingers through the back of his soft brown hair as you pulled away from his neck. 
His lips found yours in an instant and he leaned into you strongly, his hands around your waist causing you to bend backwards slightly with the intensity of his chasté kiss. You giggled sweetly against his mouth and moved your hands to his cheeks to hold his lips on yours until he pulled back to stare at you again. 
“Oh, God, I love you so much.” you swooned, holding his face in your hands as you stared at each other and he walked you farther into his driver’s room, wrapped up together in giddy little grins as the door shut behind you. 
“I love you too. This is the best surprise.” he said, capturing your lips with his for a few more gentle kisses. “How long are you here for?”
“Just tonight.” you answered, sliding your fingers into the back of his hair to scratch lightly over his scalp to feel how his breath shuttered slightly at your teasing touches,“Flying back after the race. Work tomorrow.” 
George licked his lips, his eyes drifting over your face in your close proximity with your noses almost touching from how close you were, bodies pressed together in your longing embrace in the middle of his modest driver’s room. He spoke to you in a whisper, “Are we really gonna do this? Here? Right now?”
You dusted your lips over his with a soft giggle as he backed you against the edge of the counter, “Wanna? Gotta do it for good luck, y'know.”
“I didn’t pack condoms.” 
“That’s okay.” you whispered, sliding a hand down his toned back to grab his ass, “I just wanna feel you through these thin little shorts.” 
He stepped impossibly closer to you so you were trapped against his body and the counter, gasping faintly into his slightly parted mouth at the feeling of the front of his shorts pressing against yours, teasing you with what you hadn’t realized what you had craved so badly. George’s deep chuckle at your shuttering breath fell against your lips and you kissed him faintly, lazily, lips barely touching. 
“How long do we have?” you asked quietly as your hand slid around the back of his neck.
“Less than an hour.” he answered just as gently, pushing against you a bit more to have you biting away your smile with a small hum of appreciation. 
With one hand on the back of his neck and your other grabbing his ass, you tugged him even closer as your lips so effortlessly locked with his. George moaned lowly into your deepening kiss, grasping onto your body as if it had been months since you had last seen each other, and his head tilted to the side slightly to comfortably push open your lips with his own. The introduction of his tongue against yours had you arching into his body hungrily as your kisses rose the lust between you and you couldn’t get enough of him. 
With eyes closed gently and cheeks dusting pink, you shared harmonious passionate kisses that were a perfect dance of lips and tongues until his private room was home to only the sounds of your eager mouths. Your hips nudged forward against his again, almost salivating at the feeling of his dick hidden underneath his thin white shorts pressing right up against your clothed clit. 
“I’m so fuckin’ proud of you, you know.” you mumbled, your words muffled by his lips. 
“Mhm?” George trailed his kisses down your neck while his hands groped your ass and forced your body to rut against his.
“Starting front row in the first race of the season.” you giggled, peering over his shoulder to the shut blinds and pristine luxurious interior that surrounded you. When he sucked a hickey into your skin, your mouth fell open with a pleasured whimper and your fingers tightened in his hair, breathing a follow-up to the LED lined ceiling of the quaint room, “Your own brand new driver’s room for you to fuck me in.” 
“Thought we weren’t fucking.” George reminded you cockily against your ear, nipping at your earlobe before he was licking right under it to make you shiver. 
“No,” you agreed shakily, “I just want you all over me. I want to climb you like a fucking tree.”
George chuckled lowly, still pulling you into those lazy grinds as you stood in front of each other and his breath seemed to start to fall shallow as quickly as yours as he whispered to you, “You’re already getting me hard.” 
“I know. I can feel it.” you bit back your smile as he lifted his head from your neck so your eyes could meet. 
“Mhm?” George started right back at you as he rubbed himself against you, urging you to naturally lift your foot from the floor with desire to feel more of that addicting friction over your layers of clothes and you wrapped your leg around his the best you could. His hand grabbed your thigh to keep it there, trapping you against the counter as he ground his hips harder into yours so you could feel how he stiffened up for you beneath his short fabric shorts and his lips found yours again. 
Your kisses picked right up where you left off as if you hadn’t even wasted a breath and you choked back your pleading moans into his mouth as your tongue pushed against his insistently. The taste of his mouth was home to you and he welcomed you in like no one else, your heads moving in meticulous unity to give yourselves the satisfaction of each other. The wet erotic smacks of your lips parting time and time again only had you gripping onto him tighter - hair and clothes - and desperate to feel all of him everywhere all at once. 
Standing in front of him, it only grew more frustrating as you weren’t getting the physical fulfillment you were craving and so you broke your kisses with a rushed, “I need these off.” 
George helped you to shove your pants down your legs and you kicked them across the floor just before his hands were on the backs of your thighs and he was housing you up onto the counter behind you. He shoved your legs apart so he could situate himself between them and you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to tug his lips back on yours, his warm hands caressing your thighs, your hips, your ass. Pulling you closer to the edge of the counter, George stood right up close so the growing tent in his little shorts could press perfectly against your panties and you literally withered into his kiss. 
Chuckling faintly, George kept up with your ungraceful kisses as your arms slung around his shoulders and he guided your legs around his waist so there was no space between you. Then, when he rolled his hips into yours to grind his stiffening cock against your pussy, you audibly moaned into his mouth. Tightening your legs around his waist, you dropped one hand onto the counter behind you so you could balance yourself to start to grind on him in return with purposeful upwards strokes of your hips. 
“Fuck me.” George breathed heavily against your cheek, your kisses momentarily halted as you let the pleasure settle around you and he watched with wide eyes as you so eagerly took control of what you wanted. His hands rested down on the countertop on either side of you and he stared at how your feminine hips ground up against his clothed body, the salmon coloured lace of your silk panties standing out against your soft skin in the moody lighting of the room. Your little whimpers and breaths only spurred him on more and you stared up at him behind long lashes and a bitten lip, raising the heat in his chest to hammer his heart against his ribcage. You drove him crazy in the best of ways.
“I can feel you still getting harder.” you chuckled breathily, fisting the front of his shirt in your hand to hold him close as you rolled your hips against his. You could see the arches and valleys of his muscle in the tight fabric of his shirt, his biceps pulling the fabric taut as he rested on his hands on either side of you. 
“Yeah?” George retorted tauntingly, “Was this all you wanted? Come all the way down here to distract me on race day by grinding your stupid little pussy on my dick?” 
You couldn’t help the bashful giggle that fell from your lips, “Yes, sir.” 
His hand slapped across your cheek in one smooth motion, the sharp sound filling the quiet room and was quickly followed by your hungry moan. You dropped your head back to face the ceiling as you fisted the front of his shirt and his hips picked up for you, grinding against your clothed pussy stronger, faster. 
“Oh my God, it feels so fucking good.” you whimpered while his hand slid around the back of your neck to pull your head up to look at him. Your gazes met and then were quickly followed by your lips, sharing sloppy tongue-led kisses as you pathetically rutted against each other on the countertop of his shiny new driver’s room. 
George moaned into your mouth as he ground against your familiar body, giving his all to you - his lust, his adrenaline, his pent-up anxiety that came with the first race after so long - and you took it all gladly. Lifting your hand from the counter again, you straightened up in front of him and wrapped your arm around him to pull him stronger against you by a snug grip to the curve of his ass, sharing filthy moans into each other’s mouths. You could feel the hard shape of his cock rubbing against your panties just how it was meant to and your heels pressed into the small of his back greedily.
“Fuck, I’m so wet.” you mumbled into your kisses, “It aches so badly.” 
“I really wanna fuck you.” George whispered. 
You set your hand flat against his chest with a smiling decline of “Mm mm.” 
“What do you mean ‘mm mm’?” George tisked, his warm breath falling against your cheek. “Why can’t I fuck you?”
“Because you’re not allowed.” you shrugged cheekily and lifted one leg back to press your foot to his stomach and ease him away from you. “I just wanna look at you.”
George stood in the middle of the small private room, no more than arms length away from you, giving you a moment to truly look at him. You had his body memorized in your mind and in your fingertips but you could still never get enough of just looking at him and admiring the beauty that was the man who was all yours. He was still fully dressed but the thin shorts he had worn to soundcheck were being tented by his sizeable erection he hid beneath the fabric, making the material ride up his thighs slightly so you could see the bottom hem of his underwear underneath. His legs seemed to go on forever and you licked your lips shamelessly as you eyed his hairy thighs that were hugged by his briefs.
You dragged your socked foot down his torso, feeling his abs under his shirt that was tucked into those tiny shorts and you ordered him sweetly, “Take your shirt off.” 
He did so gladly, untucking it first before pulling it over his head as if he were peeling the snug fabric from his skin before dropping it to the ground. Left half bare in front of you, George only smirked proudly under your unwavering gaze and reached down habitually to adjust his shorts over his straining boner. You smiled at him and pressed your foot between his pecs to push him backwards towards the leather couch against the opposite wall of the room. 
He flopped backwards smoothly onto the seat, legs spread and thighs on full display and he patted them as an invitation for you, “Come here, pretty girl.”
You licked away your smile and hopped off the counter, joining him on the couch in a few smooth steps to straddle his lap eagerly. George’s hands gravitated to your hips to guide you in as you dipped down to capture his lips with yours again and you caressed his bare shoulders contently as your kisses easily turned deeper. He slapped his palm down against your ass to send the sharp sound echoing around the small room and you naturally bucked into him at the impact with a tight hum, making him spank you again. 
With your lips hung up on his, he started to blindly unbutton your blouse without breaking your kiss and you moved with him wordlessly to drop your shirt to the ground with his. You were left in your bra that matched the salmon coloured panties you were nearly soaking through on his lap and George finally pulled away from your kiss to get a look at you. His hands groped your breasts over the lacy cups of your bra while you shuffled closer to him on your knees that straddled his lap so you could position yourself right over his dick. 
“You’re so fucking sexy.” George exhaled. 
You swooped in to kiss him once, twice, and then as his hands traveled down the curve of your waist, you invited him quietly, “Feel how soaked my panties are for you.”
He didn’t need to be asked twice and he gladly dropped a hand down to slide it between your parted legs, staring into your eyes as his fingertips teased over the sopping wet silk fabric that was nestled over your warm pussy. His deep groan had you nuzzling your face in his neck to kiss over his soft skin and right up under his ear as he rubbed his fingers slowly back and forth over your clothed cunt. But when he started to slip his fingers underneath the fabric, you grabbed his wrist to stop him. 
“Darling-” he huffed. 
You interrupted him with a strong kiss and he moaned into it, letting you hold onto his wrist as you settled yourself down on his lap properly with his dick pressed up between your legs. The two of you shared soft breaths between slow kisses and when you let go of his wrist, his hands took to your waist to greedily pull you over his lap for more of that blessed friction. 
You leaned down to rest against his chest with your arms around his shoulders and you let your kisses lead your hips in their rhythmic circular grinds against him, the feeling of his hard cock pressed right up against your clit made you salivate, only turning your kisses deeper and hungrier. George had his feet flat on the vinyl floor to hold a sturdy spot for you to sit and grind on him like that as you pulled yourself back and forth over his lap slowly, tauntingly, with his hands tight on your hips. 
He rubbed his hand up your back and then down again and then slapped his hand hard against your ass, ordering between kisses, “Gimme more, baby.”
You giggled sweetly against his lips as you strengthened the swirls of your hips down on him in precise circles and rubbed against the front of his thin shorts. Your kisses were growing off-centered and sloppier as the seconds went by as your focus moved from his lips to the pleasure that the friction of your clothed bodies brought. The little whimpers that fell from your lips into his were almost uncontrollable and he swallowed them up gladly, guiding your motions with his hands gripping your hips. 
When kissing got too hard, you pulled away from his lips and ducked your face in his neck with a trembling, “Fuck, sir.”
“Good girl.” George praised against your ear, “You wanna make yourself cum on sir’s lap?”
“God, yeah.” you choked out, clinging onto him tighter as your hips moved faster on him. “Ohh my fucking God.”
George spanked you again, “Good girl. Just like that, baby, you’re doing so fucking good.” 
“Shit, it feels so good.” you whimpered as you pushed yourself up straighter on his lap to anchor your hands against his bare chest, all without halting your strokes. You tossed your hair over one shoulder and stared down at him as your hips did all the work in quick flicks down on his lap, watching how his dilated blue eyes stared back at you with an indescribable lust. Your nose scrunched up in pleasure and you moaned contently for him, digging your nails into his chest every so slightly. 
“Fuck, baby.” George groaned lowly, his face contorted in ecstasy. 
“Slap me.” you ordered. 
His hand lifted from your hip to slap across your cheek. 
“Fuck yeah.” you whimpered at the sting. 
“Dirty slut.” George spoke to you through his teeth as you ground down on his body roughly and his hand wrapped around your throat, “My pretty little whore just wants to hump me until she comes in her cute little panties…only a wall away of a paddock full of fans who would kill to be in her spot right now.”
“You’re mine.” you retorted shakily, letting your hips speak their own language to him. 
“Oh, yes, baby, I’m all yours.” George agreed easily in a warm purr, “Show me. Cum all over me and show me who I belong to.”
“Mm mm.” you shook your head despite how close you already were. Instead, you grabbed his wrists - pulling one hand off your throat and the other away from your waist - and you pinned them down against the back of the couch on either side of his head. With his clothed cock angled right up towards the waistband of his thin shorts, you were at the perfect angle to rut up against it so your clit was directly on top of it and taking every inch he had through the fabric. You countered his demand seriously, “I want you to cum in your shorts.”
“Uh huh?” George stared right back at you, “Wanna cum with me, baby?”
Your fingers tightened around his wrists as his buttery voice had your pussy aching for more of him and you simply offered him a “mhm” in agreement, feverishly rutting yourself against his body until the both of you were burning hot and desperate for it. His eyebrows furrowed slightly in the middle as he stared at you and his breaths fell in time with yours shallowly, sharing little whimpers and moans as you grew closer together. 
“Fuck, George-” you cried out shakily. 
“That’s it, baby.” he encouraged you on, “Just like that, love, don’t stop. I’m gonna cum for you.”
“Please, please gimme it.” you whined, still holding him pinned back against the black leather couch. You could feel his cock twitching in his shorts and right up against your clothed cunt that ached for your shared orgasm, wanting to give him something so good to cure those first race jitters. The moans were nearly tumbling from your lips as you pulled yourself back and forth desperately on his lap and they only grew higher in pitch as you got closer. 
“Good girl…good girl…” George’s hands slowly bunched into fists, his eyes dropping from your gaze to stare down between you at the way your panties rutted against the thick bulge in his little shorts. “Don’t stop…I’m right there, baby.”
“Fuck!” you squeaked, desperately trying to keep your pace on top of him as your body shuttered with pleasure, teetering right on the edge. 
“Yes…yes…” George looked back at your face, “Shit, I’m cumming-”
And when his expression screwed up in that perfect picture of pure ecstasy and his cock pulsed underneath you, you let yourself follow quickly, meeting his timing perfectly as you slumped right down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly as you tensed and shuttered in his embrace and you shared deep lingering gasps and moans and your hips jumped against his at the feeling of his dick throbbing between you. 
“Oh my God.” you whimpered into his neck, slowing your hips right down through your orgasm to milk the last of it for the both of you. 
“That was so fucking hot.” George panted from underneath you and he rubbed your back lovingly. 
“Fuck, I love you.” you sniffled, overwhelmed with pleasure, and you took a few seconds to just cling onto him. 
“I love you so much.” 
When you sat back from him to position yourself up straight on his lap, you tucked your hair behind your ear so you could look down at the front of his shorts. The tented fabric was lessening as he softened but in its place was a faint little wet patch that had seeped right through the fabric of his underwear as well. You slid a hand down his chest as he draped his arms out across the back of the couch and he watched you gently touch the stain before rubbing your palm strongly over his crotch. He flinched naturally in sensitivity and you shared light laughter as you leaned in for a few breathless kisses. 
You soon shifted off his lap to rest on the couch beside him and he adjusted his arm to wrap around your shoulders and pull you into his side, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
You sighed contently, but with melancholy undertones, “I dunno how I lasted two weeks without you.”
“I don’t know.” George hummed teasingly, “Must have been some sort of miracle before you just had to fly all the way out here to dry hump the fuck outta me.”
You smacked his chest, “Shush. I flew all the way out here to support you.”
“Well, I feel very supported.” George announced, leaving you with one more kiss to your temple before he was taking his arm from around your shoulders, “But now I have to go change because sitting in wet underwear of drying cum is not very comfortable.” 
You watched him get up and walk the few short paces across his private room to his open bag set in the corner, calling after him innocently, “Damn, because I was going to say you should leave them on for the race. Little good luck charm of sorts.” 
“Oh.” George groaned at the mere concept as he changed into a clean pair of underwear, “As much as I appreciate the very generous offer, that sounds horrible.”
You just smiled at him and he dipped down to kiss you briefly. 
“Hate to leave so soon after this but I gotta get out there. We're approaching the last hour.”
“That’s okay.” you answered, watching him walk over to his narrow closet to grab his neatly folded fireproofs from the shelf to start to dress, “You’re a busy man. Everyone wants a piece of you.”
George chuckled, pulling his shirt on, “But you are the only one who really gets a piece of me.”
“I get every piece of you.” you corrected. 
“Of course, darling.” George tilted your chin up so he could lean down to give you a few lingering kisses that made your stomach fill with butterflies. 
When he pulled away, he continued to get dressed; stepping into his race suit and pulling it up around his waist before reaching for his gloves and boots and balaclava. You watched him contentedly, still housing that perfectly blissed out smile on your face. 
George then looked back at you, “You have a pass, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you answered, “in my bag.”
“Okay, good.” he smiled, “So I’ll see you after? In the garage?”
“I’ll be there.” 
George leaned down to give you a quick kiss.
As he turned away from you, you smacked his bum and you reminded him cheekily before he left, “Try not to think of me grinding on you until you came in your pants during the race.”
“Hey now, I thought you’re supposed to be supporting me, not distracting me here.” George shot you a sarcastic glare as he lingered in the doorway of his driver’s room for a second longer. 
“I think I just did a whole bunch of supporting.” you sang innocently before following it up with a more serious, “Good luck. Not that you need it.”
He merely sent you a wink and then disappeared into the hallway of the motorhome, ready to head back into the chaos of the paddock and the rumbles of the garage like nothing had happened.
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♡ None of the original writing on this blog may be reproduced, reposted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
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teenidlegirl · 2 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀❛ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝓘𝐍 𝓢𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓. ❜
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ ceo!miguel 𝓍 wife!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓢𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. everyone at work assumes you and miguel dislike each other. however, they don’t know their boss and his assistant are married and have a daughter together.
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓒𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. modern!au, fluff, established relationship, secret relationship, swearing, pet names, hispanic/latina!reader
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝓝𝐎𝐓𝐄. one of the fluffiest things i’ve ever written and i love it so much. also, need some fluff with ceo!miguel because we need cute moments with him. ♡
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the irritating sound of peter’s voice was making miguel pinching the bridge of his nose for the millionth time. imaginary steam like a train coming out from his ears. face red of frustration. internally swearing to the point of almost speaking aloud.
you recognize that face in a heartbeat. it happens almost everyday at work because some employees seem to stubborn or screw up whatever they are working on. it adds more anger and stress to your boss, or should say, husband. the company don’t know of your marriage with miguel or that you two have a daughter. for the sake of your job, you and miguel established an agreement to keep this relationship a secret. imagine working for your boss who is also your husband and you’re his assistant. yeah, that would turn many heads immediately.
luckily, you’ve been hiding it well for three years.
you decide to hate, or dislike each other as a method to conceal your relationship. always bickering when coworkers are present. during meetings, lunch, happy hours, in the hallways.
but in private? oh you two are love birds. cute kisses, or sometimes heavy makeout sessions which leads to much more interesting things. cuddling or simply embracing each other for comfort, especially if either of you are stressed out. discussing your daughter’s hobbies, school, soccer and ballet practices. plan dates that you two would go on later.
just two people utterly in love with each other.
although, it sucks to hide it during work but at least you see each other everyday. acting like enemies, putting on a show to convince people. it’s been working for three years. no one has suspected, well some do but not everyone.
“peter, i swear — if you keep saying that one more, i’m going to throw you out the room.” miguel mumbled under his breath, rubbing the temples of his forehead with a hand.
“what! i’m just saying that maybe—“
before the man could continue his sentence, a loud slam on the desk makes everyone jerk in their seats. you don’t, this isn’t new to you.
“¡ya cállete! everyone out!” miguel shouts.
to not piss of the boss even more, everyone scurries out the meeting room with fear illustrated on their faces. you simply sit there with folded arms, staring at your grumpy husband with an unimpressed look. of course when he means everyone gone, you stay.
once everyone’s out the room and the blinds closed, you finally speak. “well, that went well.”
a scoff escapes his lips. he loves your sarcasm, one of his favorite traits about you. the only person he could tolerate their sarcasm.
“ese pinche mamón doesn’t pay attention to what i say.” he pinched his nose again. “sometimes i wonder why i even hired him in the first place.”
you huff, getting up from your seat and walking towards him. “he’s your best friend, that’s why.” you stand behind him and gently wrap your arms around his bulky shoulders, chin resting on top of his head.
miguel immediately relaxes in your touch, slouching a bit in his chair. “best friend, sure.” he huffs, rolling his eyes. “still a pain in the ass.”
“that’s how best friends are, whether you like to admit he’s your bestie or not.” you give him a light, comforting squeeze on the shoulders.
a low sigh spills from his lips. “pues si, i guess…”
“but hey…” you unwrap your arms and turn his chair around so he’s facing you. “let’s forget about work and focus on gabi’s ballet recital tonight, ¿vale?” you cup his face, your whole world in your palms.
the frustration vanishes from his face and is replaced with adoration the moment he sees your face, ultimately melting under your touch. “sí, she’s going to be amazing tonight.” his beefy arms wrap around your waist, gently pulling you closer towards him so there isn’t much space between you.
a soft smile forms on your face. “she will be. she’s been practicing for weeks now and she’s so excited about it. also her soccer game on saturday, too.” your thumbs caress his cheeks with such tenderness.
“active girl, como su mamá.” he mirrors your smile, gazing at you with pure adoration. broad hands gently squeezing your sides.
you scoff, rolling your eyes playfully. “ay si, working for her dad keeps me very active.” lots of sarcasm which ends with those heavenly chuckles of your husband that you love so dearly.
“and i tend to keep her mom active.” his hands squeeze your sides again in a teasing manner, earning himself a giggle that is music to his ears. “the recital is at 6:30, ¿sí?”
“mhm. after i get off, i’m picking her up from school and then help her get ready. make sure you leave on time, remember last time?” you shoot him a light glare, quirking a brow.
you can see the guilt forming on his face as flashbacks of last time when he barely made it out the door and was practically sweating when he entered the ballet studio consumes his mind. luckily he managed to get there right when the recital started. you forced him to take a good shower after.
“no te procupes, mi alma. i promise to be out way beforehand.” he smiles reassuringly.
“you better or your dumbass is sleeping on the couch.” you threaten playfully but you’re being serious and miguel knows that fairly well.
the man chuckles, nodding. “si, señora.”
you two smile at each other before leaning closer and collide lips in a passionate kiss. one of the very few moments when you can be intimate. to be a married couple without any worries or prying eyes.
“okay, i gotta go get gabi now.” you say as you break away from the kiss, hands still cupping his face. “see you later? and don’t be late.” you hold on a finger as a warning, lightly glaring at him once again.
he softly chuckles, gently grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips to planet a soft kiss on the back of it. “lo prometo, mi reina.”
a soft smile forms on your face. “te amo.” you plant a quick kiss on his lips before moving out of his hold.
“te amo más.” miguel whispers before gently swatting your ass as you walk away, the cheeky action making you smile and roll your eyes.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
“is papí gonna show up on time, mamá?” your adorable nine-year-old daughter asks, looking up at you through the mirror as you brush her hair.
“sí, mi cielo. papí promised this time he’ll be out the door way before this time.” grabbing a hair tie from the drawer, you gently pick all of her hair and make a ponytail before turning it into a bun.
the little girl smiles. “remember how sweaty he was when he ran inside? he was so stinky!” she giggles.
you giggle as well, remembering exactly how stinky miguel smelt and you shoving him into the shower the minute you got home that night.
“he was very stinky.” after clipping her baby pink bow on her head, you spray hairspray to seal the bun. “he won’t be stinky this time, that’s for sure.”
the two of you continue giggling before the sound of the front door closing makes you stop. gabriella rushes out of the bathroom and runs down the hallway to greet her father with much excitement. you quickly follow her, eager to see your husband.
“papí!” gabriella squeals as she runs up to her father with a big smile and jumps into his arms so abruptly, which he quickly catches her.
he chuckles wholeheartedly. “hola, mi princesa.”
“you’re home early! yay!” the little girl exclaims.
“sí, princesa. i wanted to come home early so mamá and i can take you to your recital.” he smiles.
“yay! at least you’re not stinky.” she fakes a disgusted face, fanning her face to pretend he smells like he was last time.
a little frown settles on his face, shifting his gaze from his daughter to you. you simply shrug with an innocent smile. miguel shakes his head, smiling.
“no, i’m perfectly clean.” he gazes switched back to gabriella. “look at you, a ballerina princess.”
the little girl giggles, twirling in her puffy baby pink tutu. “sí! i’m the princess and mamá is the queen.” she walks back to you, grabbing your hand.
the compliment melts your heart. your daughter is utterly adorable. your precious baby.
“and you’re the king, papí!” she points at miguel.
the both of you laugh.
“sí, princesa. we’re one happy royal family,” miguel walks up to you. “y tú mamá es la reina de mi vida.” gently cupping your face, he captures your lips in a soft kiss that you happily accept and reciprocate.
his words were just a smudge cheesy but they make your heart flutter. such a romantic dork.
“tonto.” you whisper, making him smile.
“no kissing! save that for later! it’s recital time!”
the sass in your child’s tone makes you and miguel laugh. she definitely gets it from you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
the ballet recital was a success. gabriella did an amazing performance, as well as the other children. you and miguel are proud of your little girl. you went to a diner afterwards and treat her with ice cream of her favorite flavor. now looking forward to the soccer game on saturday. but, you have to deal with work before you could indulge in that.
miguel is in the middle of a meeting when you wander in the room with a file on your hands prepared to give him. you notice his eyes lighting up as soon as you enter, making you almost smile but immediately stop yourself from others noticing.
just as you hand him the file, jessica stops speaking whatever she’s discussing and looks at you two with a skeptical yet unimpressed look.
“forgive me for stopping but come on, you two. just admit you guys are together.”
the meeting room went silent, the statement lingering in the air. everyone turns and face you both with anticipation, waiting for your answer.
well, shit.
you and miguel share a worrying glance before he rises from his seat. a bulky arm sneaks around your waist, gently pulling you closer towards him.
“yes, we’re together.” he states, feeling prideful.
you watch jaws drop and eyes wide in surprise. others, like jess, don’t seem surprise but rather relieved the suspicion is gone and truth revealed.
“we’re married.” you hold up your left hand and show off your big ass diamond ring.
some gasps but mostly aww’s fill the room.
“and we have a daughter.” miguel adds.
now that shocked everyone.
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© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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kieran-au · 3 months
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(The design is optional. No guarantee that it will be the same in the next drawings)
Here is an AU where Kieran lost his memory and eyesight when he got blasted by Terapagos.
Because of the blast, Kieran lost a majority of his things, such as his jacket, hairband, and Pokemon, and he got teleported away during the blast.
Professor Sycamore found him and healed his wounds. He decided to take care of the kid until he recovered his memories.
Despite his handicap, Kieran now works as one of the Professor's entrusted lab assistants, often taking care of Pokemon in the terrarium. He is often curious about everything around him, but his shyness often gets in the way.
He is also pragmatic, as he relies on his other senses to be guided around. He can also count on his Noibat, his aid who found him and stayed close to him through thick and thin.
However, though Kieran became more and more comfortable with his life and job, he is often plagued by nightmares of his previous life, making him wonder if he is really as good of a person people tell him he is.
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Kieran is not a person who thinks that strength is important, nor is a journey, but he still decides to build a team, so he could earn the Kalos gym badges, and so gaining enough strength and independence so he can help the professor with his studies.
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astridthevalkyrie · 5 months
oh my god, bakugo's kind of my friend! | k. bakugo x reader
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----> summary: You'd never dare tell anyone that he was your friend. You'd never be so bold. Katsuki agrees. He's definitely not your friend.
----> warnings: quirkless university au, video game violence, fluff n feelings
----> a/n: title blatantly stolen from the office—"oh my god, dwight's kind of my friend!"
----> word count: 2k
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God, no, you’re not friends with Katsuki Bakugo.
No one is.
Yeah, okay, that’s not totally true. He’s sort of friends with Ochako, that’s how you met him. He’s actually fairly close to Izuku and Eijiro, his roommates. He tolerates Shoto, might even begrudgingly respect him. And he’s got some weird mutual-depression pact going on with Kyoka. 
But you’re not any of them. And you vehemently deny it when people ask, lest he, heaven forbid, think you’re going around telling people he likes you. You saw what happened to Neito last year when he, just once, said something about his friend Katsuki. You’re pretty sure it was the reason behind his switching majors, too, just to avoid being in the same classes with the terrifying blonde.
Sure, you’re in his apartment. Neito’s never stepped foot in here (aside from The Incident). And you’re well acquainted with the people he does clearly consider not-enemies. Earlier today, you and Momo had been out getting chips and soda for tonight. Just half an hour ago, you’d been playing blind karaoke with Eijiro, Izuku, and Ochako on Kyoka’s old laptop and mic that somehow both still had really good audio quality. Not to mention, you and Mina have had at least one class together every semester since you both started—she always races to slide into the chair next to you on every first day.
And you’re currently sitting on Katsuki’s couch, two feet away from Katsuki, playing a battle royale on Katsuki’s console.
“Behind the building,” he mutters, and you hum in acknowledgement, running to the spot he generously marked on the map.
It started a long while back. You and Denki had been playing some shitty racing game, and you’d very easily kicked his ass, leaving him groaning and flopping back onto Kyoka’s lap, where she offered no pity, rolling his head off with a light shove. As you were laughing at the display, Katsuki had taken Denki’s place on the floor, and all but demanded you pick up the controller once more.
(You’d won again. Terrified, you simply claimed that your controller must be broken before racing out of the room.
Imagine your surprise when, the next time you visited, he’d barked at you to assist him with a multiplayer, ordering a pouty Denki off the couch.)
You like playing, and you don’t have a console with as much storage back home, and you’re too broke to be buying multiple games anyways, so you don’t mind taking advantage of Katsuki’s appreciation for your skill. It’s usually a nice way to end the night, whether you and Ochako end up leaving or if you fall asleep right there on the couch.
Shivering, you bring your feet under the wool blanket you’d brought with you. You’re the only one who finds the apartment freezing. Everyone else typically sheds their extra layers, while you once hunted down Eijiro’s sock drawer to steal a pair of He-Man stockings for the night. 
“Up in the window,” you warn, at the same time he says, “Oi.”
Both of you meet each other’s gaze for a second in bewilderment, before rapidly turning your attention back to the TV. He dodges the shot from the window, and then continues.
“You been tellin’ people I hate you?”
“What?” Your hands almost drop the controller, but you regain control just quick enough to roll out of the way of a grenade. “No.”
“Kirishima said Tetsutetsu told him that Kendo told him that Tokage told her that you told her I hated you.”
If you weren’t nervous, you’d tell Katsuki you were surprised he even knew all those names. “I didn’t say that. I just said we weren’t friends.”
There’s an awfully long pause. You can still hear the sounds from the game, and the chatter of everyone else in the apartment—Hanta’s trying to rap?—but not a word from your couch partner. If it weren’t for the screen in front of you, you’d be nervously biting your nails or just full on escaping, honestly. Not that you’re scared of Katsuki, at least not more than one should be, but…
Well, the truth is you did see him as a friend. Or, screw it, as more than that, if those little arrhythmias you observed in yourself every time he would raise his hand in greeting when he passed you on campus were any indication. And you know it’s going to hurt—it already does—to hear him confirm the same thing that you told everyone when they asked. That you meant very little to him, in the long term.
“We’re not friends, huh?” he finally says, as more of an inquiry than you’d expected it to sound.
Your mouth feels dry, but you don’t stop staring straight ahead, spamming X to whack someone over the head with a bat. “Um. Are we?”
“Isn’t this your favorite game?” he shoots back, as though that answers your question.
“Yes? So?”
Another pause. You climb up to the roof of some building and emote pointlessly before hopping down and ducking behind a bush to heal. Katsuki lets out a mix of a sigh and a grunt, dashing across an abandoned minefield. 
“So,” he snarks, “I only bought it after you told me it was your favorite.”
Faintly, you feel the tips of your ears grow hot. Is that true? That can’t be true, can it? The timing does line up. You think it was back in the first week of October that you mentioned it, and then by Halloween you’d already played several rounds. Between that and losing to Momo in several games of pool, finals month had flown by.
“I didn’t even tell you that.” Your voice comes out meek, and even though you’re in a safe space now, you’re still too nervous to turn your head and look at him. “I was talking to Shoto.” You’d even been half sure that Shoto wasn’t really registering what you were saying, with Ochako an inch away from him shrieking starships were meant to fly-y-y-y-y directly into his ear.
Katsuki grunts. “I was there, wasn’t I?”
If you wrack your memory, you can sort of remember it. He was…on Ochako’s other side? When she got drunk, she usually wanted to whack something, and Katsuki’s arm had been her victim that day, her palm smacking against his elbow at every other sung word.
The heat from your ears travels down to your neck. Over the singing and over everyone else’s conversations, was he paying attention to…you?
“I appreciate it,” you squeak quickly, wincing when you’re shot in the leg, “I mean, that was nice. Thank you. I just—I didn’t think you wanted me telling people we were friends, after what happened to—”
“If you bring up Monoma, I’ll take away your blanket,” he threatens; it makes you chuckle weakly. “You’re not that shithead. He pisses me off. You’re…you know.” You don’t know, actually. “You.”
Yeah, you’re you. You play games with him. You know his friends. You’re the only one who can try to outdance Eijiro to Rasputin in Just Dance. What does any of that have to do with…
“Do you think I ever fuckin’ carried that dick’s bag to class?”
“I don’t—”
“Do you think I had his stupid long ice cream order memorized? Pistachios, on the sides only,” he mimics, and you huff in an affronted sort of way, defensive of your topping choices. “Telling people to shut up so that I could hear what he was saying? Turning up the heat and burning up everyone in the apartment just to keep him warm? Was I inviting him to my place every two weeks just to fuckin’ watch him play Kingdom Hearts 3?”
And so, you finally look to the side. Katsuki’s cheeks are red, and his gaze is still on the television. His thumbs move furiously against the controller, and you have to bite your lip to prevent a quiet you’re really cute, you know that? from carelessly slipping from your mouth.
“But, to be fair,” you attempt, still confused, “you don’t exactly do all of that for your other friends either, Katsuki.”
At your words, he slouches into his seat more, the creases on his forehead deepening as an uncharacteristic frown—a frown, not a scowl—forms on his face. One would think you’d just told him you hated his guts. 
“Yeah.“ His glare flickers over to you for a moment. “Exactly.”
There’s a blast from the TV and a realization that hits you at the same time. 
You’re not his friend. He doesn’t see you as a friend.
The heat finally reaches your cheeks, and your mouth falls open slightly. 
Then, realizing something else, your head immediately snaps back to the screen to see that blast sound had actually been your character getting blown up. 
Your mouth falls open. You’d looked away for a few seconds at best. Which aces are in the lobby tonight?
“I lost,” you tell him, crestfallen. 
Katsuki snorts. “I didn’t.”
He keeps playing, and your cheeks don’t take any time to cool down. Instead, you stare at him while he’s distracted trying to escape the same vicious bastards who hunted you down, and you note that his face doesn’t look any less heated either. For once, it’s clearly not because he’s just getting into the game.
You wonder if that was ever the case at all, or if he just felt the same striking little jolt you did everytime you two accidentally bumped into each other while playing on this exact couch.
“I think I’m done for tonight.” The announcement comes out a bit louder than you expected. “I’ll probably head back.”
“I don’t think so.” Without breaking his eyes away from the TV, he nudges his head in the direction of the bedrooms. “Uraraka’s dead on her feet, and you’re not walkin’ back alone.”
Has he always purposely caused the fluttering in your chest? “Okay, well. Izuku’s still awake, I’ll just take his bed for now.”
Katsuki’s tongue clicks in a fuck-around-and-find-out kind of way. “Alright. Put the controller back before you go.”
“Fine. Where’s the, uh…” You turn your head this way and that, looking for the little box that they all go in.
“On my right,” he offers casually, not a hint on his face that he essentially just confessed to you.
Feeling a little spiteful, you reach to the side, blanket and all, instead of just standing up and going behind the couch like you would any other day. Purposefully blocking his view of the screen as you reach over him to toss the controller into the box, you smirk slightly when another blast signals that he’s died as well.
Only to yelp when a firm arm shoves you down against his chest.
“Would you look at that,” he murmurs, red eyes glittering in amusement as he watches you struggle on his lap, “I lost too.”
Tokage is going to hear a very different story tomorrow. “And how’s that my problem?”
His grip tightens, fingers gently digging into the thick cloth of the blanket that’s draped over you. “I wanna play again. And I’m cold.”
There’s a small, dumb grin on his face that you’d consider kissing off if it wasn’t mirrored by an equally dumb one of yours. You’re pretty sure Katsuki’s never ever complained about the cold in his apartment. But then, he’s never complained about the heat either. If he wants to be a sauna under you, who are you to deny him? Besides, you’re feeling cold too, you might as well just take advantage of the free insulation.
From the table, in the midst of pouring something that looks like cookie batter into a bowl, Kyoka raises her brow at the sight of you, then pats Tenya’s arm and points. 
He mouths something like, “Finally.”
Face burning once more, you bury your face in Katsuki’s neck, and relax in his hold while he presses X to replay.
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risuola · 3 months
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ENTRY #2 ♡ F. READER X GOJO SATORU // I fear to lose you, you struggle to be with me.
contents: arranged marriage!au, brief mention of blood I guess — wc. 1235
series masterlist
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It didn’t take long until you realized that there’s something no one considered when arranging the marriage between you and the honored one. An aspect of life that got heavily overlooked, painfully ignored. When the main objective was to secure the bloodline of your clan and make sure the precious genes of the strongest won’t end with the demise of the man himself, not even one person thought of the consequences you will have to face. Maybe no one expected that to happen, maybe no one was bright enough to realize that the moment your hand was adorned with a golden band, and the vows that echoed in between the walls silenced down, all of Satoru’s enemies will automatically become your enemies.
You were a warrior – strong and fearless. A sorcerer of true blood and bones, you were proud of what you represented while entering the battlefield, proud of your abilities and power. Before you became Gojo, not much was able to surprise you. Before your name was changed, nothing ever threatened you enough to make you feel uneasy. Nothing until now.
It didn’t really surprise you anymore, it wasn’t the first time. It was logical in a way, attacking your husband was bound to be futile – infinity made him invincible, untouchable, and those characteristics you lacked severely. You were an obvious target, a person that’s closest to the real target and in times like this, when facing few curses that you were certain were special grade, you wondered if their approach would be different if they knew how little you meant to your husband. Would they retreat if they knew that attacking a mere assistant like Ijichi would cause more emotions in Satoru Gojo than the death of his own wife?
You fought, making the most out of your abilities to stand against the force whose main objective was to brutalize you as much as possible. You saw it as a chance to learn more, to develop more resistance, to grow stronger. There was a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins, a thrill of excitement as the battle unraveled with an air of dread and death surrounding the desolate area. The metallic taste of blood was distinctive on your tongue once your body failed to protect you from a series of attacks. You moved despite the sharp pain that slowly but surely was making its way throughout your entire system. For a moment you felt giddy, almost euphoric as the idea of going all in settled in your mind and then you realized that it might end up bad.
Equipped in a blade that’s made fully from your own cursed energy and sharp enough to cut through the hardest of stone, you moved forward, ready to collide with the cursed spirits that caught you in the middle of nowhere. But then you stopped and your eyes closed tightly as the bright, red light blinded you. A strong arm held you around the ribcage and a large frame of a man was pressed to your back.
“Can you please fucking tell me, is running away against your beliefs?” You heard the familiar, sharp tone of your husband, a groan of annoyance and something else that you couldn’t decipher carrying his words. You tilted your head to look at his unamused face. His eyes, now unobscured, weren’t even directed at you, but his jaw was clenched and his hold on you was tight. “I’m sure you’re smart enough to tell that it’s way above your level of jujutsu.”
You couldn’t tell how much of his words was care and how much was pure insult, but either way it put you at ease to know he’s there. There was a sense of safety that you never experienced before, the calm embrace of infinity that wrapped around your frame, the subtle taste of what it’s like to be untouchable. And it lingered, crawled softly across your skin along with the foreign warmth of your husband’s body.
“If you look around you might realize that there’s literally no way to run away,” you replied with just enough of venom to mask how grateful you were for his appearance. The spiteful tone felt natural on your tongue, a default of when you spoke to him and yet, this time you had to remember to use it.
“Yeah, right, so next best thing is to face something that will fucking kill you head on.” He groaned, annoyed, nervous. You felt his fingers digging between your ribs, he kept you closer than he needed to. “Such a wise and well thought through decision.”
“I’m not as weak as you thi–“
“I know,” he cut you off, bothered and harsh. “But you are too weak for this.”
He was right and you knew that. You were far from your best shape, the job you finished just few hours prior ate most of your cursed energy and even with full power you’d most likely struggle against the threat of those curses. But then, you were not given a choice. It was rather fight or die without a fight and the decision was easy.
“Good thing my husband is so strong.”
A sharp tsk left Satoru’s lips and then, the cursed creatures vanished, seemingly aware of how much the power scale tilted to their detriment. Next time you blinked, you were at home and your husband’s touch was gone. The subtle pressure of his fingers against your ribcage now only a ghost of what it was seconds ago.
“It wasn’t the first time now, was it?” He questioned and you struggled to tell if what you heard below the detachment and coldness was care or annoyance.
“It wasn’t. But I’m usually able to deal with it myself.”
Gojo sighed. A long and deep exhale of air left his lungs and he seemed to think, to weigh his next words and actions carefully.
“You should’ve told me. I’ll take care of it,” he said finally, bluntly, matter-of-factly. “You’re not strong enough to face my enemies.”
“I held them long enough for you to come, didn’t I?”
“And what if I didn’t show up?!” He snapped and growled, loud and angry. His fingers wrapped around your jaw, forcefully tilting your head back, to look at him fully. His face was closer, your noses almost touching and the piercing blue of his eyes fixed on you, as the tone of his speech got low and quiet, almost whisper-like. ”What if I didn’t come?”
“Then I’d be dead,” you replied, surprised by how small your own voice sounded. There was no right answer you could’ve given him.
“Yeah, you’d be dead,” he nodded, panted. You watched the spectacle of emotions playing across his handsome features. His brows furrowed and the narrowed eyes seemed to look straight through your very soul. For a second or two, his jaw clenched and lips pressed together forming a line and you were stunned to realize that even his beautiful face creased when angered. And then, his lids dropped, the muscles relaxed. He breathed out, you felt it on your lips and skin, a subtle sweetness and mint of his breath. The tight hold of his fingers loosened up as he looked at you again, allowing his eyes to run down your features, to linger on your lips before they got back to stare back at you. “I don’t want you dead.”
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taglist: @kinny-away, @anan-baban
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edenesth · 3 months
TWTHH Spinoff: Little Touch of Heaven [2]
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Pairing: physician!Yunho x herbalist!reader
AU: historical au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: Dedicating his life to his work, Yunho had never bothered to entertain the idea of settling down. Despite encountering many charming women throughout his career, none had sparked his desire for companionship. But everything shifted when he met a certain herbalist whose medicinal knowledge seemed to surpass even his own. What began as mere intrigue might have gradually developed into affection.
Part 1 | Main Story | Spinoff Masterlist
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"Yep, you definitely have a crush on her," Jongho's voice startled the physician as he appeared soundlessly by the entrance of the House of Lotus just as Yunho finished recounting what happened to the general. His wife listened patiently beside him, her smile knowing.
"What—hey! Have you been eavesdropping this entire time? That's rude. This is a private and confidential conversation between the couple and myself," the doctor stammered, feeling embarrassed beyond belief. He couldn't believe he had been foolish enough to think this could actually stay between him and Lady Park. At this point, the whole estate was going to find out.
"You seem oddly defensive, Physician Jung. That just further proves you are flustered and that you do indeed like Miss Ryu. Besides, I don't see anything private and confidential about that story. Sounds more like your desperate attempt to save face," the assistant retorted in his usual clever tone as he entered the room, having received a nod of approval from his master.
Yunho let out a defeated sigh, realising that while he might stand a chance at winning an argument with Hongjoong, the same couldn't be said for Jongho. The assistant could be merciless and would stop at nothing to have the last word. Glaring at the younger man, he muttered, "Yes, yes. Just you wait until your turn comes. I'd like to see how cool you are when you meet the girl of your dreams."
"Don't worry, that'll never happen," Jongho answered, his tone smug.
With a shake of his head, Seonghwa straightened up, "He's right, Yunho. Even the blind can tell you have a crush. But what is it, Jongho? Did something come up?"
The assistant nodded, "Yes, Royal Secretary Choi is here with the latest reports and minutes of the past week's assemblies. He's waiting for you in the study, unless you'd like me to bring him here too."
Choking on his tea, the doctor stared up at him, bewildered, "And why the hell would you do that? It's enough that you two already know about this, now you want the royal secretary to hear about it too?"
At that, the general and his wife burst into giggles. Finally satisfied and deciding not to tease the poor guy any further, Seonghwa pushed himself off his seat, "Have a little mercy on him, gosh," he said, turning to his wife and pressing a kiss onto her head, "You ladies continue. I'll see you later, my love."
"This is how you repay me for treating your wife," Yunho grumbled.
Pausing at the entrance of the room, the general softened and turned around, "You know, it's nice to see this side of you. This Miss Ryu must be pretty amazing to make you like this, I approve of her already. Make sure you invite us to the wedding," he said before leaving with Jongho.
"W-wedding? I don't even think she likes me at all. If anything, she probably hates me after what happened," the physician sighed.
Lady Park smiled reassuringly, a hand stroking her baby bump as she spoke, "I disagree. She did agree to teach you about herbs, tried to save you from your fall, and was even kind enough to bring you a change of clothes when she could have left you be."
"So, you think she likes me back?" His eyes brightened with hope.
She considered her words carefully before responding, "Hmm, not necessarily."
His disappointment was palpable as he slumped slightly, "My lady, please don't confuse me further."
With a gentle chuckle, the mistress clarified, "What I mean is that she probably does not hate you at all. Sure, you were a little clumsy around her, but that's not nearly enough to make her hate you. There's a chance she might grow to like you back. Don't be too dejected, Yunho; there's still hope."
God, I sure hope so.
Meanwhile, your parents hadn't stopped talking about the physician since that day. Your father eagerly handed over one of his many spare outfits kept at the store for emergencies, finally putting it to good use after Yunho's fall left his clothes soaked. You recalled trying your hardest to keep a straight face as the tall man emerged in your father's hanbok, which was slightly too short for him, ending above his ankles and making him look rather ridiculous.
"Right, well, I still have much left to do today. I don't think I'll be able to finish in time if I have to teach you. Perhaps you should come back another day, Physician Jung."
That wasn't a lie.
It wasn't that you were angry with him or anything; you could tell he was remorseful with his endless apologies. You could imagine the embarrassment he was feeling, and you didn't really blame him, but you genuinely wanted to finish up with your Sophora root harvesting, which you had obviously failed to even begin thanks to him. So you would really appreciate it if he could come back some other time for his session.
"Of course, Miss Ryu. Again, I'm so sorry—"
You lifted a hand to stop him with a shake of your head, "It's fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I really have no time to talk."
It had been a few days since then.
According to your father, Yunho had left somewhat dejectedly after purchasing a good amount of those Chinese herbs you'd recommended for Lady Park. You supposed that meant they were effective, and you were just glad you had been able to help.
"Sunshine, you must have been too blunt. You'll scare him away like that, and you shouldn't because he's such a good guy. For all we know, this could be the start of something great," your mother said as she handed you a bowl of congee for breakfast.
You rolled your eyes in response, "Oh my god, mother. You've been saying that for the past few days. I heard you the first time."
Just as you were about to start eating, she smacked you on the arm, scolding, "Then why won't you reflect on yourself and change? You really want to give me high blood pressure, don't you?"
"Ow!" you rubbed your arm, pouting at her, "What do you want me to do? It's not my fault he hasn't shown up yet. Besides, if that was all it took to scare him away, then maybe he's not the one," you said before making a face when you realised what you'd just said, "More importantly, nothing is going on between us. He's only coming to learn more about herbs and improve as a medical practitioner. Seems to me like you and father are making a fuss out of nothing."
Your father sighed as he took a seat across from you, "Listen, sunshine. I can tell he likes you. It was evident in his behaviour that day. He's usually so composed, but he seemed genuinely flustered."
After hastily finishing the congee, you chuckled and set your bowl down, "Come on, father. You've only ever been in one relationship. Since when are you an expert in this department?" you teased before growing serious and wiping your mouth clean.
"And for the last time, my dearest father and mother, the two people I love most in the world, can you please respect my wishes? I won't be able to continue seeing Physician Jung if you keep making things weird like this. I've made my stance on marriage very clear. I'm not interested, and I still am not. I've finally found a friend who shares my passion for herbs, and I want to keep things that way. Please don't make me regret it."
As you spoke those honest words, a stunned silence filled the room. Your parents exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from surprise to realisation. They had always admired your patience, your selflessness, and your unwavering dedication to your family. But in their pursuit of what they thought was best for you, they had overlooked your desires and feelings.
Your father's eyes softened, and he reached out to gently squeeze your hand, "Sunshine, we never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured. We only wanted what we thought was best for you, but we see now that we may have been misguided."
Your mother nodded, her voice trembling with emotion, "You've always been so selfless. We should have listened to your wishes instead of imposing our own desires onto you. We're truly sorry."
Seeing the genuine remorse in their eyes, your heart softened. While you understood their actions were driven by good intentions, they may not have realised that their approach inadvertently caused you more distress than anything. You were just relieved they were willing to listen to you and acknowledge their mistake.
"It's okay, father, mother," you said softly, giving their hands a reassuring squeeze, "I know you only want what's best for me. Let's learn from this and move forward together."
"Here goes nothing," Yunho muttered under his breath as the apothecary came into view. This would be his first appearance since the embarrassing last impression he had left, and he was determined to salvage it. Holding his breath, he stepped into the store, expecting to see Mr. Ryu alone at his counter as usual. However, he was surprised to find you dressed more formally than usual, appearing to be preparing to go somewhere.
Upon hearing his entrance, you turned to face him with a raised brow, "Oh, you're here. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to teach you today. Our foreign medicine supplier has arrived, and I have to go to the ship dock to collect our latest batch of orders."
The physician felt like he could finally breathe again, relieved by your casual reaction to his presence. Perhaps Lady Park was right; you weren't angry with him nor did you hate him. Smiling, he reassured you, "Oh, it's alright. I understand. I can come back another day. Are you going with Mr. Ryu then? Will the shop be closing?"
You shook your head, "Oh no, not at all. It's just me. My father remains here, and business will go on as usual. He's at the back of the store; he'll be here soon if you wish to speak with him."
She's going alone? To the dock?
"I... uh, I'm just wondering, is it really safe for you to go alone? Places like that are often crowded with men. And how will you manage to carry all those supplies by yourself?" he asked, his worry evident.
With a smirk, you replied, "Are you underestimating me, Physician Jung? Do you truly believe it's my first time handling this? I appreciate your concern, but I assure you, I'll manage just fine."
Right on cue, your father emerged from the back of the store, "Ah, you've come, Physician Jung! Are you here for another session with my daughter? She may have already mentioned her plans for today, but perhaps you could accompany her."
Before Yunho could respond, you firmly shook your head, "There's no need for that, father. I'm certain he's a very busy man and probably has better things to do than accompany me to the dock."
The physician quickly interjected, "No, I don't. That's why I'm here today. I don't mind going with you. It could be a valuable experience, and I might learn something from it too," he reasoned.
You sighed, not oblivious to the knowing grin your father was sending the taller man. With a roll of your eyes, you motioned for him to follow, "Suit yourself. Come along then, there's no time to waste."
As the two of you set out towards the ship dock in town, his tall frame loomed beside you, serving the fantastic purpose of shielding you from the glaring sun. Breaking the silence, you ventured, "So, I'm assuming the Codonopsis roots and Colla Corii Asini were effective in helping Lady Park feel better? Since you got more on your last visit."
He beamed, nodding in agreement, "Oh, yes! They really were. I was planning to tell you about it on my last visit, but, well, you know..." He trailed off, trying to move past the incident before continuing, "But yes, they did wonders. Her morning sickness and fatigue improved immensely soon after taking only the first batch. If we continue to administer this, she should be able to get through the first three months with ease. And I... I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much, Miss Ryu."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread in your heart at the knowledge that your expertise had been put to good use, that you had been of help. Moments like these made you feel as though all the hard work you had put into studying had paid off; the sense of accomplishment was truly remarkable. With a nonchalant shrug, you responded earnestly, "Just doing my job."
Becoming increasingly intrigued by the conversation about medicine, he eagerly delved further, "I've been pondering it, and I'm still astounded by your depth of knowledge, even in foreign herbs. Frankly, I believe you surpass some senior experts in the field. It may be impertinent of me to ask, but... what's your secret?"
With a soft laugh, you shook your head, "Sometimes, there are aspects that textbooks and conventional lessons fail to impart. That's why hands-on experience is crucial. There's no secret to my knowledge; I simply allow my curiosity to guide me and take the initiative to delve deeper beyond the fundamentals. You'll see firsthand in just a moment. Perhaps it's good you came."
Just when he thought his admiration for you had reached its peak, you consistently proved him wrong. Beyond your shared passion for medicinal knowledge, there was an intangible quality that distinguished you from other women he had met. You exuded confidence in yourself, not in a brash manner, nor did you conform to the typical feminine archetype attempting to win his favour. Instead, you were authentically yourself. Every action you took reflected your unique personality, which he found irresistibly appealing.
Where have you been all this while?
He couldn't fathom that you had been so close yet remained unknown to him for all these years. As a devoted patron of your father's apothecary, he had frequented the establishment without ever realising that you were nearby, just behind the store's walls. He couldn't be more grateful to fate for allowing him to finally cross paths with you.
"Woah, watch your step!" Your warning snapped him out of his thoughts as you pulled him close, narrowly avoiding a hole in the uneven road. You slapped him on the arm and said, "Please pay attention to where you're going. The roads here won't be as well-paved as the ones in the city, since we're now on the outskirts. Come on and stay close; we're almost there."
With a chuckle, he rubbed his arm and playfully saluted, "Yes, ma'am." He couldn't believe you had slapped him so casually; no one had ever done that. His heart fluttered at the interaction, realising that's what he liked so much about you. Since day one, you have been unpretentious. Around you, he felt comfortable enough to be himself again. There was no need to uphold the image of the perfect physician everyone knew him to be. He could be silly, clumsy, a mess, and you'd never make him feel bad about it.
As you arrived at the ship dock, Yunho's sense of wonder was palpable. The place bustled with activity, just as he had anticipated, mostly with men who appeared to be merchants conducting exchanges or, like yourself, collecting orders directly from suppliers. He made sure to stay close to you, feeling reassured when you took hold of his wrist to guide him through the crowd towards your destination.
"First time here?" you smirked, noting his slightly overwhelmed expression, to which he nodded hesitantly, "Y-yes."
You snickered, "Figures. Just stick with me, and you'll be fine."
He nervously bit his lip, "Yeah, I'm not going anywhere without you. Don't worry."
"See that ship right at the end?" you asked, pointing towards one of the largest vessels in the area as you both approached it. He nodded in acknowledgement.
"That's our supplier, kind of a family business," you explained, "The Guo family from China has been in this trade for years. They're known to grow their own herbs and supply them all over the region."
You smirked as the familiar face of Madam Guo came into view, "And there's the lady boss who handles customers while the boss checks the stocks. Don't worry, she's actually the owner's wife, so you won't embarrass yourself like you did before again," you teased, playfully reminding him of his previous mistake, which flustered him.
"Oh my god, it was one mistake—"
A new voice chimed in as you both reached the ship, "Ah, my dearest Miss Ryu!" The woman exclaimed with a thick Chinese accent as she stepped forward to embrace you. You chuckled, returning the hug, "It's lovely to see you again, Madam Guo."
"And who might this handsome young man be? Finally got yourself a chaperone, I see," Madam Guo asked, her playful tone evident as she wiggled her brows.
You scoffed in disbelief, "Him, a chaperone? More like the other way around. But anyway, he's a friend, or perhaps an apprentice, whichever works. He's a physician here to learn more about herbs."
Did she just call me her friend...?
"Y-yes, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Madam Guo. My name is Jung Yunho, and I'm a physician just as Miss Ryu said," he greeted, bowing respectfully, doing everything to remain composed and hide the fact that he was dying on the inside.
The middle-aged woman grinned knowingly, "Nice to meet you too, Physician Jung. But is that really all you are? What a shame, you two would make a cute couple."
While he sputtered like a fool, you snorted and gestured for her to focus, "Please, let's get down to business."
"Of course, sweetie. Follow me," she said, throwing a teasing wink at Yunho before wrapping an arm around you and leading you towards the bags of supplies lined up in front of the ship, "So, how are your parents doing, Miss Ryu?" As you engaged with the woman, the doctor couldn't shake her words from his mind. 'A cute couple' — he liked that idea more than he cared to admit. If only it could come true, he wouldn't mind being mistaken for a couple with you.
The bond between you and Yunho strengthened significantly after your eventful joint excursion to the ship dock. He proved to be quite helpful, offering to carry the supplies you had collected.
However, it was an incident during your return to the apothecary that truly changed your perception of him. As you passed by an injured man involved in a carriage accident, his demeanour shifted instantly. With remarkable professionalism, he attended to the wounded man, showcasing his expertise and skill. It was a side of him you hadn't seen before, and in that moment, you couldn't help but feel a newfound admiration for him.
For the first time, he embodied the charismatic and excellent Physician Jung who was widely praised by the townspeople. You finally understood why he had earned such acclaim for his expertise.
While you had grown confident enough to consider him a good friend, the doctor, on the other hand, was grappling with his feelings for you. After each session, he would return to the general's estate seeking advice from the mistress on the best approach to pursue you without being too forward. Despite his desire to openly court you, he wanted to ensure that your feelings were mutual before making any moves, fearing he might scare you away.
Following Lady Park's suggestion, he opted for a more gradual approach, using the opportunity to learn about herbs as a means to get to know you better, and vice versa. By taking things slowly, he hoped to foster mutual feelings between you.
As he prepared to enjoy his lunch break at his clinic, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of spending the evening with you. Tonight's session held particular significance as you would be teaching him how to harvest specific nighttime herbs for optimal quality. It promised to be a new and exciting experience, and he was just happy about the opportunity to share it with you.
"What's got you smiling like a creep?"
Just like that, the sound of an annoyingly familiar voice sliced through the doctor's pleasant mood like a knife, abruptly snapping him out of his reverie. His smile vanished as soon as he locked eyes with the dressmaker. With an exasperated sigh and a roll of his eyes, he responded, "What do you want, Kim Hongjoong?"
Yunho held his breath momentarily, his mind racing with anxious thoughts. What if Seonghwa had betrayed him and told his friend everything about Miss Ryu? What if Hongjoong was here to tease him after finding out? Oh god, his life would be over—
But to his surprise, the older man's expression was one of genuine distress as he took a seat across from the physician, "Look, ugh... I never thought I'd say this, but I need your help. Can you lend me an ear? I'm... well, I'm in a bit of a situation."
What started as a brief lunchtime conversation stretched into half a day, with the dressmaker pouring out his heart about his latest client, the enigmatic Miss Baek, whom he clearly harboured feelings for. By the end of their exchange, though a bit flustered that Hongjoong had caught wind of his recent visits to Ryu's Apothecary and your presence there, he was simply relieved to have managed to extricate himself from the conversation in time to close up shop. But one thing was certain; any fleeting relief Yunho felt at the general's discretion evaporated instantly.
Of course, Seonghwa told him everything.
Relieved to see the dressmaker finally departing from his clinic, the physician wasted no time in packing up his belongings and closing the shop. If only Hongjoong hadn't taken up so much of his time with his endless chatter, Yunho would have already been on his way to the apothecary. He cursed the talkative man for being so long-winded; he had worked hard to gain your trust, and he didn't want to jeopardise it again due to tardiness.
"Ugh, I hope that Miss Baek continues to give him a hard time. If I end up late because of him, he's going to pay," the doctor grumbled to himself as he hurried out of his clinic and towards your store. While part of him knew you wouldn't mind him being slightly late, he didn't want you to be okay with it. He wanted to be a man of his word, to be someone you could trust.
Arriving promptly, Yunho found Mr. Ryu in the midst of closing up. The elderly man's face lit up at the sight of the taller man, "Ah, Physician Jung, right on time! She's in the back, as usual, waiting for you. Now, it'll be late by the time you two finish up. I'm trusting you to escort her home after your session, is that alright?"
Yunho straightened up and bowed respectfully, "Of course, Mr. Ryu! Don't worry, I'll ensure she gets home safely."
"Very well then, I'm leaving her in your hands," the apothecary said with a teasing wink, "You've got this."
Feeling a flush of warmth in his cheeks, Yunho waved your father goodbye, understanding the elderly man's implication. It wasn't a secret that your parents wished for you to settle down, and they had made it clear on more than one occasion that the doctor had their approval. The only remaining factor was you and your feelings.
"Oh hey, there you are," you greeted warmly from your usual spot amidst the plantation, a natural smile gracing your features as you met his gaze. It was a smile that stirred something in his heart, though he kept that to himself, "Before you come over, could you please grab me a pair of harvesting scissors and the herb stripper?"
"Yes, ma'am," he replied with a salute, already accustomed to your directives. By now, he was familiar with most of the tools on your rack. Over the past few sessions, he had made an effort to acquaint himself with the intricacies of your work, determined to be helpful even as he continued to learn. Besides, he wanted you to know that you could rely on him, and that he could shoulder some of your burdens. He wanted you to see him the way he saw you.
"Thank you," you murmured, taking the tools from him and feeling him settle beside you. Your hands immediately got to work, launching into an automatic lecture tone as your focus zeroed in on the four moon garden herbs you would be harvesting tonight: the White Coneflower, the Lavender, the Culinary Sage, and the Silver Queen.
"Beautiful," he whispered, his gaze fixed on your side profile illuminated by the moonlight and the surrounding lamps instead of the herbs. It was the first time he had seen you in this soft, dim light, and you looked truly ethereal, the atmosphere lending an intimate and romantic feel to the moment.
Oblivious to his stare, you smiled in response, "They are exquisite, aren't they? Sometimes it pains me to have to harvest them. But they serve a greater purpose than just sitting here and looking pretty."
"Well, I believe that's what adds to their beauty, wouldn't you agree? The fact that they serve a purpose beyond mere aesthetics," he remarked, subtly hinting at his admiration for your depth and substance. To him, you were more than just a pretty face, and he found that incredibly appealing.
Noticing a stray strand of hair framing your face, he instinctively reached out to tuck it behind your ear. You tensed at his touch, turning to meet his gaze, and in that moment, he realised what he had just done. Clearing his throat nervously, he stammered, "I-I was just trying to help. It looked like it was bothering you."
You nodded, trying to mask the fluttering sensation in your chest at his gesture. He was probably just being polite, you reasoned with yourself, but you couldn't deny the allure of his presence in the soft glow of the moonlight. Quickly refocusing on your task, you blinked and responded, "Oh, umm... thank you. I appreciate it."
The tension in the air was palpable as you finished the remainder of tonight's session, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words and newfound awareness. It was as if a shift had occurred, leaving you both acutely conscious of each other's presence in a way that hadn't been there before.
As you locked up the apothecary for the night, the physician turned to you with a casual invitation, "Would you like to grab something to eat before heading home?" You paused, considering the offer. Your parents were likely done with dinner by now, so joining him wouldn't be a bad idea. With a nod, you replied, "Sure, let's go."
Despite his calm demeanour, a sense of anticipation fluttered in his chest as you walked side by side, his mind buzzing with excitement, "Come on, I know a stall that sells amazing black bean noodles," he suggested, leading the way with a smile.
Moments later, you were both seated at the stall, eagerly devouring the delicious noodles. With wide eyes, you exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, you weren't lying. This really is amazing." He chuckled at your enthusiasm before reaching over to wipe a stray noodle from the corner of your lips with his thumb, "You eat like a child, you know that?" he teased gently.
Your heart skipped a beat at his touch, and you couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through you at his words. Despite your unladylike eating habits, he didn't seem to mind. At that moment, you found yourself imagining what it would be like to be with someone like him, and surprisingly, it didn't seem so bad at all. In fact, it felt quite nice to imagine being by his side — Jung Yunho.
Just when the physician felt confident about the progress between the two of you, just as he was considering broaching the topic of a potential courtship, an unexpected turn of events threw everything off course. An argument erupted during one of your recent sessions, escalating into a silent standoff that led to his prolonged absence.
It all began innocently enough, during one of your routine sessions. Feeling more at ease around you, he summoned the courage to ask, "I was wondering... do you know of any herbs that could heal or remove scars permanently?" Your response was a curious look, prompting him to elaborate, "I've been searching for solutions to fully eliminate Lady Park's scars for a while now, but to no avail. I've sought advice from others, but no one seems to have a solution. Given your extensive knowledge, I thought you might be aware of any foreign herbs that could help."
After pondering for a moment, you nodded slowly, "Actually, yes. There's a herb called the Gotu Kola. It's renowned for treating various conditions, particularly wounds and skin issues. There have been rare cases of it being used to heal scars." His hope surged until you added, "But... it's native to India and Indonesia, and there haven't been any imports of this herb so far."
"Oh... I see," he sighed dejectedly, his shoulders slumping.
Disheartened by his disappointment when he left your father's apothecary, you became determined to find a solution. After diligent inquiries among experts, you finally unearthed a crucial piece of information: the herb was indeed present in Joseon, though in limited quantities and not widely known.
"Really? The herb is here in Joseon? Where?" Yunho's spirits lifted upon hearing your update. However, all hope plummeted when you disclosed its location, "Apparently, an Indian traveller planted some on specific parts of the Naksan mountain some years ago. It thrives in the well-drained soil, moist position, and full sun exposure."
"The Naksan mountain...? Then it's practically inaccessible," he murmured, his earlier enthusiasm extinguished once more. You furrowed your brow, "What do you mean? Of course, it's possible. We could embark on a journey to find it ourselves. Where there's a will, there's a way."
He massaged his temples, "Do you have any idea how perilous trekking a mountain can be? We're not seasoned adventurers. We might not even survive the trek to the plant, let alone make it back in one piece. If it were so simple, don't you think someone would have already ventured there to harvest it and capitalise on it? There must be a reason it's not readily available here, don't you think?"
"Forget it, just... forget I asked," he implored.
But you persisted, adamant in your determination. You went out of your way to conduct thorough research, pinpoint the exact location of the herb and gather information on all the necessary essentials for the journey. Excitedly, you broached the topic once more, only to be met with a less-than-favourable response. Yunho sighed, squeezing his eyes shut, "Please, Miss Ryu, let's just drop it."
Frustrated by his reluctance, you erupted, "If you're a coward, just admit it. You sought a solution, and I've offered one. How can you give up so easily without even trying?"
"A coward...? Is fear the only thing you hear from me after everything I've said?" he retorted incredulously.
"Well, is it not?!" you challenged.
He scoffed, "Please, don't be stupid. You're not thinking clearly, and I don't see the point in arguing further. I've made my decision. We're not doing this, and that's final. It's just not feasible."
And since then, there had been no sight or sound of him. According to your father, he would drop by only for medication, never staying to see you. It had been a week since then, and if he thought his silent treatment would deter you, he was sorely mistaken. It only fueled your determination.
I'll prove you wrong, Jung Yunho.
Using the week to make all necessary preparations, you informed your parents that you would be venturing out to gather herbs. It was technically true, though you omitted certain details to avoid a lecture. You understood that they would worry, believing it to be dangerous, especially if you were going alone. However, you had always been independent, confident in your ability to handle things on your own.
You couldn't wait to see the look on the doctor's face as you presented him with the herb, the look on his face as you called him a coward, and even more so, the look on his face when he realised just how wrong he had been and how right you were.
As you began your journey, optimism fueled your steps. Everything unfolded smoothly, just as you had envisioned. With a trusty map in hand, you followed the right path, guided by determination. Kind passersby, fellow travellers or herb pickers like yourself, helped point you in the right direction when needed. All seemed well until the distant rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning pierced the air, causing your stomach to sink. But refusing to let it deter you, you pressed on toward your destination.
Goddamnit, not now please!
In your haste, you brushed against branches, tearing your hanbok fabric and leaving tiny cuts on your skin. At times like this, you couldn't help but think about the physician. Perhaps you missed having that gentle giant by your side. Pushing aside such thoughts, you focused on the task at hand. Despite the drizzle, you persevered and were determined to reach your goal.
Nearing the spot marked on the map, you muttered to yourself, "Come on, it should be around here somewhere." Scanning the surroundings for the distinct plant with fan-shaped green leaves and delicate flowers. But as the sky darkened and the rain intensified, it became increasingly difficult to see. Frustration bubbled up as you searched, muttering curses under your breath.
"Shit, shit, shit, where is it?"
In a moment of distraction, you failed to notice a sizable rock in your path, resulting in a twisted ankle and a painful fall. With a cry, you landed on the ground, scratching your palms as you shield your face. As you struggled to rise, the realisation of your predicament set in. Your ankle throbbed, swelling with each passing moment.
Oh god, how am I going to get out of here?
Desperate and defeated, you leaned against a rock, tears streaming down your face. Regret washed over you as you cursed your decision to go on this journey alone. Maybe Yunho had been right; perhaps you should have listened to him. Now, stranded and injured, you felt foolish and vulnerable. But as you looked around for something that could help you walk, a glimmer of hope emerged as you spotted a patch of what appeared to be Gotu Kola.
With trembling hands, you retrieved the rough sketch you had brought along, confirming your discovery with wide-eyed astonishment, "Oh my god, I finally found you," you whispered, a surge of determination rising within you once more.
Meanwhile, Yunho entered the apothecary with a heavy heart, closing his umbrella as he stepped into the shop to collect his usual batch of medicine for Lady Park. His concern deepened when he saw your father pacing anxiously, "Is everything alright, Mr. Ryu?" he inquired, furrowing his brows.
The elderly man looked up, relief flooding his features at the doctor's presence, "Oh, Physician Jung! Look, I'm not sure what's going on between you and my daughter, but please, you have to help find her!" he pleaded, his voice trembling with worry.
Yunho's heart squeezed uncomfortably at the urgency in the apothecary's voice, "Wh-what? What do you mean? Where did she go?" he asked, his own anxiety mounting.
Your father began to ramble, explaining that you had mentioned going out to pick herbs earlier in the day but hadn't specified a location, "She's been gone for more than half a day now, and it's raining heavily. I'm worried sick about her. What if something's happened?" he fretted.
The doctor's breath caught in his throat at the revelation. He could hazard a guess as to where you might have gone, but he needed confirmation, "I... I might have a clue where she went, but I need to check. Can I please see her work desk?" he requested urgently.
"Yes, of course. Anything to help you find her," Mr. Ryu agreed with a nod, desperation evident in his eyes.
Approaching your desk, Yunho wasted no time searching through your notes, where you meticulously recorded every discovery. His heart skipped a beat when he reached the final page, where a rough sketch of Naksan mountain with a red X marked a specific area, accompanied by the words 'Gotu Kola' scrawled above it.
Oh my god, I cannot believe this woman.
Shocked and alarmed, the physician knew he had to find you, and fast. The thought of anything happening to you filled him with dread. He couldn't bear the idea of something befalling you, especially since your actions were spurred by his own request. If only he hadn't broached the topic of finding a remedy for scars. If only he hadn't spoken to you so harshly. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was all his fault.
"I'll find her, Mr. Ryu. I promise, I'll make this right," he assured your father before setting out, clutching your notebook in his hands and carrying a bag of essentials the elderly man had helped pack. Braving the harsh wind and rain, he made his way toward you.
In the meantime, you huddled under the protective canopy of a tree, knees drawn close to your chest, feeling utterly helpless. Despite succeeding in gathering as much Gotu Kola as possible, you were still stranded atop the mountain. The rain showed no signs of relenting, and your sprained ankle made descent impossible. As you sat there, feeling the cold seep into your bones, you could only pray that someone would pass by and notice you in your predicament.
As time dragged on, your hopes of being discovered began to wane. Despite the rain lightening, the darkening evening sky brought a fresh wave of anxiety, your heart pounding in your chest. No one was going to find you now. Would you even survive the night on the mountain? You shivered uncontrollably in your wet clothes, your untreated ankle throbbing with pain, and wounds scattered across your body. It seemed unlikely you would make it.
Damn, I wish that idiot was here...
Oddly, amidst the despair, your thoughts turned to the physician. If only he were here with you, perhaps the situation wouldn't feel so distressful. With hooded eyes, you stared blankly ahead, silently wishing for him to miraculously appear before you.
You furrowed your brows as a figure approached, the sound of your name echoing through the rain-soaked air. The voice was unmistakable, and you snorted in disbelief. Could it really be Jung Yunho? But as he knelt before you, his hands gripping your shoulders, his concern felt all too real.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice urgent.
You blinked several times, reaching out tentatively to touch his cheek. To your astonishment, he was solid, undeniably present. Tears welled up in your eyes as you broke into sobs, throwing your arms around his neck and holding him close, "Oh my god, I can't believe you're actually here," you whispered through your tears, "I guess you aren't such a coward after all."
He sighed in relief, returning your embrace and stroking your head gently, "No, I am. I am a coward because I was so afraid, so scared of... of losing you," he confessed, his voice strained with emotion. As he pulled back slightly to look at you, his expression was filled with worry, "Please don't ever scare me like that again. I told you it was dangerous. Look at you," he scolded gently.
"I can't believe you ventured all this way alone. I thought you were smarter than this, but I guess even smart people can be idiots sometimes." The doctor in him immediately began assessing all of your injuries, retrieving a bandage from his bag. With careful hands, he secured your sprained ankle to support it and prevent further swelling and bruising. Once he finished, he pulled out an extra layer of cloth from the bag your father had packed and wrapped you snugly in it, ensuring you stayed warm for the time being.
You scoffed, defiance flashing in your eyes despite the fluttering of your heart at his earlier words and his caring actions, "Say what you want, but I have no regrets because I found it..." you said, holding up the bag full of the Gotu Kola herb, "The only regret I have is not knowing it would rain. Otherwise, I would have made it just fine."
He was momentarily speechless before a small laugh escaped him as he shook his head, "As much as I love how determined you are, it frustrates me sometimes."
"You do? Love how determined I am...?" you echoed shyly, feeling a blush creeping onto your cheeks, or maybe it was a fever.
He smiled warmly, gently cupping your cheek, "I do. But as much as I'd love to confess my feelings to you right now, we really need to get out of here. We'll have plenty of time to talk when we're safe. Now, come on, hop on my back." Turning around and gesturing toward his back, he offered you a way out of the predicament and perhaps, into a new beginning... with him.
Somewhere along the way, you lost consciousness on Yunho's back. Trying to maintain composure, he carefully navigated the descent from the mountain. Fortunately, upon reaching the bottom, kind townspeople offered a ride back to your home on their cart. He held you close throughout, hoping to provide warmth with his body heat, knowing the fever was taking its toll.
He found it hard to believe he had actually climbed a mountain to rescue someone. Normally, such feats were beyond his capabilities. But the mere thought of you in danger propelled him forward. If only you knew the power you had over him, driving him to extraordinary lengths.
Upon arrival, your parents swiftly attended to you, guiding the physician to your room where he diligently treated your wounds. Drifting in and out of consciousness, you found solace in the familiar surroundings of your room as your mother changed your wet clothes. Spotting Yunho beside you once more, tending to your injuries, you caught his gaze. He smiled and leaned down to kiss your forehead, whispering, "It's okay, you're safe now. Rest, sweetheart."
And you did, your heart finally at ease.
The following days passed in a blur as he visited you daily to check on your recovery. Today was no different, and upon his arrival, you recognised the familiar scent of the tonic he brought. It was the standard blend of herbs used to revitalise patients with colds. As he attempted to feed you, you protested, "I can do it myself."
Yunho clicked his tongue, moving the spoon out of your reach, "Just be good and let me take care of you," he urged gently.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you relented, allowing him to feed you. Swallowing the bitter medicine with a wince, you remarked, "You've already been taking good care of me for the past few days. Don't you have a clinic to run, Physician Jung?"
He chuckled, wiping the corner of your lips with his thumb, "Are you worried about me?"
Blushing, you looked away while he continued, "Don't worry, I have a substitute physician for whenever I'm not around. Besides, how can I focus on work there if I'm busy worrying about you?"
Turning back to him, you bit your lip nervously, "So, about that confession you were talking about..."
With a grin, the physician set down the bowl on the table beside your bed before reaching for your hand, "I've been waiting for you to ask for some time now. It's probably no surprise, but I... I have feelings for you."
As you squeezed his hand, he continued, "I'm not sure when it all started, but perhaps I might have liked you since our first meeting. Despite usually being composed, seeing you just threw me off. Truthfully, I've never given the idea of settling down a thought. All my life, I've been married to my work. Sure, I've met countless women who tried to appeal to me, but I've never been swayed."
Gently intertwining your fingers, he added, "Just when I thought I never would, you came along and changed everything. Initially, I thought it might have been your extensive medicinal knowledge that intrigued me, but now I realise it's much more than that. I've been waiting to be sure you liked me back before making my move, but then..."
Tears welled up in his eyes as he confessed, "God, you have no idea how much I regret putting you in danger. I should have spoken to you instead of avoiding you. When I found out you were gone, I felt like my life was over... I wouldn't have forgiven myself if anything were to happen to you," his voice cracked with emotion.
"I'm here now, you saved me," you reassured, gently cupping his face and turning it towards you, tears clouding your own vision.
He sighed, leaning into your touch, "You are, and I need you to know that I care deeply about you. I want to be the one to protect you, to be the one you can rely on, and to be there for you. Most of all, I want... to be loved by you. Will you let me be the one?"
"If not you, then who else?" you teased.
The atmosphere instantly lifted, and your smile illuminated his mood. "You'll be my only one, Yunho," you whispered, closing your eyes as he leaned in to capture your lips with his. Pulling back slightly, he murmured against your lips, "And you'll be mine."
Your father jumped with excitement outside your room, while your mother's joyous tears flowed as she eavesdropped. Finally, their hopes and dreams were becoming reality. They had worried you wouldn't give Yunho a chance after declaring your disinterest in marriage. They were relieved to see you letting him in. With a smack on your father's arm, your mother scolded him, "Alright, now that's settled, get back to work." Despite the playful reprimand, your father left happily, a smile adorning his face.
As weeks passed and your routine continued, with sessions held every few days, the significant change was evident – the physician was now more than just a friend. Stepping into the apothecary, he greeted, "I'm here, Mr. Ryu!" The elderly man grinned, waving back, "You might as well call me father already, Yunho-yah," he joked.
He blushed, bowing before hurrying to the back to tell you what your father had said, "Sweetheart, you won't believe what your father just said to me..." he began, trailing off as he realised you weren't there.
"Sweetheart...? Where are you—"
His words were interrupted by a mischievous "Boo!" from behind, startling him. In his surprise, he yelped and stumbled over his own feet, falling backwards. You reached out to help, but he grabbed your arm, causing both of you to tumble down together. As you landed on him, laughter erupted, reminiscent of the first time it happened.
"You cheeky thing," he murmured, leaning in for a kiss. When you pulled back sooner than expected, he let out a small whine, "Wait, what did my father say to you?"
"I'll tell you if you kiss me again, pretty please," he teased, a smirk spreading across your face, "Only because you asked so nicely," you replied with a chuckle.
Just as you leaned in to kiss him again, your father's voice interrupted from the entrance, "Hey sunshine, is the latest batch of ginseng ready yet— oh. Gosh, don't mind me, kids!"
As the elderly man hastily left, you buried your face in the doctor's chest, feeling embarrassed by the interruption. It seemed this was something you'd both have to get used to - the occasional interruption in your private moments. Yet, when you looked up and saw Yunho grinning, you realised he didn't mind. Like you, he was simply happy to be part of your little family.
You once thought it impossible to find someone like your father—someone patient enough to love you despite your unladylike habits, borderline stubborn nature, and no-nonsense attitude, someone who could accept you and all your flaws wholeheartedly—only to realise he had been here all along.
You were right, mother; he's the one.
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You won't believe how many times I went over this. I'm not entirely happy with it even though I've managed to put in everything I had in mind. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I sincerely hope this was decent!
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list (1/9):
@itstheghostofmypast @huachengsbestie01 @minghaoslatina @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr |
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@sansaurora9904 @darkestacademiamindsx12-blog @myblovedjyh @professormingisglasses @newworldwritings |
@chicken-fifi @thunderous-wolf @shythinggiver @madnpan @yandere-stories |
@anxiousskylar @frobin4ever @starssongs98 @dollce-exe @jan-l |
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@scuzmunkie @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @borntoshineateez @st4rhwa |
@ddaeing @tropicalsstuff @bts-army380 @skteezcursed @beauty143 |
@naps-over-degree @idfkeddieishot @sis-101 @lemon-sage17 @jcalicocatj
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aliensunflower-fics · 7 months
My Recommended Fic List
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So, I got this ask awhile ago, and since I have been re-reading a bunch of my old favorite fics as a way to cheer up after work I figured why not. This list will be long... and varied but mostly its older fics cuz idk there my favs. Now lets go:
Fashion Upgrade - By @soap-lady : Straight up one of my favorite fics ever, its fun, its creative, it never fails to make me laugh when I need something warm and wholesome after a bad day. Also go check out the rest of her stuff there's so much good okay like shes just a writing queen. Shes on AO3 I don't want to spoil you on her other stuff just GO experience it for yourself.
Ode To Decoy pt 1 / 2 / 3 - By @a-marlene-s : Ive always liked this short sweet little fic about Lila getting caught. Its Lila + class salt though so avoid if that's not your flavor.
EVERYTHING - By @unmaskedagain : They have salt, they have sugar, they have funny, they have crossovers. Like honestly they are a just a great writer with so much variety so go check out the masterlist I linked and I guarantee there will be something there you like.
@ravennm84 Is a writer on the saltier side but they have a wonderful selection of weird wacky tales from the salty but oh so well written Damning Evidence that sees Lila get caught in the best way to the 3 part Horror inspired Serafina other great fics from them include Marinettes Family Court Circus pt 1 / 2 and Of Moldy Bread and Cockroaches / Be Kind to Servers honestly its worth giving there blog a look.
@mochinek0 Is another writer with several beloved fics. They write a lot of Maribat and we love them for it. Ones to check out would be Blind Date / Bruce vs Gabriel just go check out there tag list of daminette for more.
Accidental Crime Boss Marinette - By @lady-literature : This is a wonderful idea and a wonderful little fic and I just... I just like it okay. Sadly I haven't read a lot of there other stuff... But I might after finishing this list considering how much I enjoy this one.
@nobodyfamousposts I love a LOT of there fics. They are one of the best when it comes to striking that sweet spot of calling out the show for some of its garbage while not getting so salty that you cant have fun lighthearted goodness. I have been looking for a masterlist of there work but cant find one so just go stalk there tags. I do recommend there Chloe's Lament Series 1 / 2 exploring how certain 'wishes' would backfire. Guardian Assistant Kevin is also a good one Miracle Queen Aftermath pt 1 / 2 / The 8 parter Burn the Witch series / The Wisdom Teeth Reveal / Kagami Vs The Wall of Faces / Resigning With Grace & Spite / I tried to give a lot of links cuz they have a lot of stuff
Kill Them With Kindness - By @luki-fanfic : Well written, good salt without going overboard. Just good vibes. I havent stalked there other stuff but if its anything like this fic its probably excellent quality.
Stephen Vladislav pt 1 / 2 - By @stormiclown : Adrien centered salt on the idea of finally giving Adrien his own proper rival. I like the idea of Adrien having a rival because its usually Marinette and this was just the right length to get those creative ideas flowing. Also just well written what more can you ask for.
Power Trip - By @storygirl000 : This was the first fic that made me go... Wait would it be more fun if Lila was actually competent? And that set me on the path to writing my own fics where Lila is more villainous and more capable. Its short, well written. Good.
Your Wish is My Command - By DemiGoddess28 on AO3 : A great 11 chapter fic looking into Lila's life if she were to win and get a miraculous wish. Its got sugary goodness for our protagonists and the class and salt for our dearest friend Lila.
LadyBugOut AU - By Miraculous-Content on AO3 : A 50 chapter fic made up of snippets and ideas. I found it really inspiring in many ways. I also love how it redeems Marinettes classmates showing how and why they were tricked but holding them accountable anyway its just... Good.
Juleka vs The Forces of the Universe - By goldenlaurelleaves on AO3 : For those of us not yet ready to accept the death of luka/mari we have this wonderful fic showing Juleka being the biggest wingman as she helps these idiots find there way together.
ChaoticNeutral on AO3 has there own Chloe's Lament fic as well as a Gabriel's Lament fic for people who need sweet salty of those two characters.
BroadwayCutie16 was Inspired by the person above and DemiGoddesses your wish is my command fic to write Lila's Lament fic going over Lilas failed wish. Honestly I always love these fics because there just so interesting and the way wishes can be taken and twisted is always a fascinating idea to me.
#WayneAngel - By Tired-Writing-Teach on AO3 : For us Maribat lovers. Its fun and lighthearted with some good gags and some light fluff.
Damian in Paris - By Lilliesandliveries on AO3 : A sweet Maribat series showing what would happen if Damian ran away from home and found himself in Paris and getting therapy.
How a Demon Commissions an Angel - By AlixAnonymous : Damian blackmails Marinette into letting him be her client so he can get his bros the best gifts, they end up becoming penpal buddies.
Mythomania - By LadyEnna_50 on AO3 : Proof that I dont hate Adrien or Mari/Adrien. In this fic Adrien's spine gets titanium plating and he sees just how bad Lila is hurting Marinette and does something about it.
The Contingency - By AbyssalGuardian on AO3 : SALT. Also Tim/Mari but even still I love the way this was written, the style, and some of the ideas just ugh love it. Its not for those who dont like salt so just avoid at your own discretion. Its about a chaotic Marinette done with her life running away to Gotham where she meets her true black cat, and gets her life back on track.
The String That Binds Us - By FaithAndATypeWriter on AO3 : Okay so is there any Mari/Bat fan who hasnt already heard of this one? Who cares its good, its cute, I love it. May the author be blessed with snacks.
The Great IKEA Game - By @batsandbugs : Okay again... I think every Mari/Bat fan has probably heard of this one already because its just that good and that popular. But who cares I am recommending it anyway. Don't read if your allergic to fun I guess.
If this list still doesn't somehow have enough salt for you then try @goggles-mcgee fics here is a link to there Masterlist. They are in a way a professional at salt and angst and they make you want to adopt Marinette and pop her in a blanket fort.
Honestly I could keep going but this list already feels so long for other great recs though I can link you to @jayphoenic who has some great Daminette Fic Recs and some Lila Salt Fic Recs!
Feel free to reblog this and add some links to stuff you would think I or others might like! Also lets just acknowledge how many talented authors the community has like wow.
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fxtalitygod · 6 months
Survival. IX
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Summary: You were determined to survive longer than anyone, even if you were set to marry him.
Genre: Historical AU, angst, mature, suggestive, arranged-marriage
Warnings: Dark themes, gore, graphic imagery, theme/depictions of horror, body horror, swearing/language, suggestive, mentions of suicide, arguments, mentions of adult murder, Pet name (Little Flower 1-2x) implied Stockholm Syndrome, grief imagery, images/depictions of dead bodies, child death/murder, character death(s), slight misogynistic themes (if you squint)
Word Count: 3.4k
JJK Mlist•Taglist Rules• • Pt.I • Pt. II • Pt. III • Pt. IV • Pt. V • Pt. VI • Pt.VII • Pt. VIII • Pt. IX • Pt. X • Epilogue
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You remembered the most content morning you had ever had. It was a relatively beautiful and tranquil day in the garden. The sky was clear, and the sun was beaming brightly, yet the weather was pleasant. It was the most satisfying day you had ever had within the temple.
It was also the day your twins spoke their first word.
You had been spending quality time with your twins, your attendant joining the activities as you both basked in their childish nature. She had grown as close as family and acted like an aunt to your kids, and if you were being honest, she felt like a sister to you in some sense. You truly appreciated her company and assistance throughout the time you had known her— especially when sharing this memorable moment.
It felt like it was out of a dream when the word effortlessly slipped from your daughter’s mouth. Moments ago, she was a child who only knew how to babble, laugh, and cry, but now she was a little girl capable of speaking. And if your daughter hadn’t surprised you enough, your son letting the same word slip next had left you paralyzed with shock.
Yes, it was a standard word for a child to speak first other than Dada or Papa— a cliché, as most would say, but that was the last thing on your mind. To hear your child acknowledge you for the first time and know they recognize you as their mother was a pleasure that could not compare to the joys of sex, alcohol, or money– it is a pleasantry of its own. You swore you would do anything to hear them call you their "Mama" for as long as possible.
And if anyone took that away from you, they would be damned to hell.
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The screams of a woman echoed through the temple. The shrieks were ear-splitting and could cause anybody's ears to bleed upon walking into the hearing radius. You could only listen as the screams continued, the sound muffling out as your ears began to ring again.
Why was she screaming? The woman in question should have been thrilled that your children were deceased– they would have been a threat to her. She was probably trying to win Sukuna's favor in some fucked up way. The bitch had no right to grieve in your presence nor in solitude. You had every want to strangle her soundless; however, something stopped you from that impulse.
Your throat began to burn.
At that moment, you realized the screams of grief and agony were those of your own. Nobody was present in that room, just you and Sukuna, as your cries echoed in the room and nearby halls. You were blinded by your own tears as you stared at the now-blurry image of your twin's hanging corpses, choking on your own sobs as you collapsed to the ground, holding your midriff with the painful thought that the life you had cultivated within you for nine months and raised for six years was now reduced to carcasses hanging from a wall.
Your blessings had been snatched from you, from right under your nose.
You should have known things would have not been so simple. You should have never let your guard down for even a second. This was your punishment for being so blissfully ignorant when you should have analyzed all the possible faults in your plan and anticipated any threats that remained to perform a clean escape.
You stood on weak legs, shuffling to the wall that was covered in blood. In your mind, you always thought that the blankness of those walls would drive you mad– you never anticipated that the splash of color would be the thing that forced you to insanity. The crimson dripping down the wall proved you wrong.
Your hands shook as your fingers hovered over the pins that were holding your children in place, flinching back as you swallowed the bile rising up your throat before reaching for one of the pins again. You made an attempt to hold back your sobs but with little success. Huffs, spittles, and gurgles continued to resonate from you as you held back your cries– you looked pathetic.
Your hands felt weak as you pulled the pin, the audible squelching sound of the flesh rubbing against the item sickening you to the core, yet you persisted. You pulled the lower pins that you could reach from your son and daughter, tears gushing out of your eyes as you did so. No torture was as great as this, especially when you went to reach the higher ones. You stood on your toes, stretching for the pins that were sunk into your twin's hands, but it was futile. Under normal circumstances, you could have reached that high; you would have improvised a way to do it, but your mind was numb, and your body felt weak.
"Help me," you choked as you continued to reach.
The only response you got was silence.
"Please," you weakly whispered, "Please, help me."
Silence lingered again, but before you could plea a second time– your husband spoke.
You paused in your movement, your breath hitching as the simple word echoed in your head.
"Why?" you repeated, bewilderment found in your whisper, "Why?"
Your head slowly turned to look over your shoulder, your eyes gleaming with fury as you looked at Sukuna.
"I'll tell you why," you seethed, "For eight years, I have lived in this temple with you and your sickened whores and bastards– lived in your residence with little to no complaint. I have endured everything bestowed upon me and have managed to keep my spine straight with my head held high– and when in your presence, I have given you nothing but the lowest bows of respect despite the falsities of that action; I sacrificed my pride!" you paused to breathe before continuing, "I bore you children and dealt the blunt trauma of my impossible pregnancy and labor without complaint or ask of favor because you and I both know I would have gladly died in the process. In my life here, I have asked you for ONE SINGULAR FAVOR that would benefit both of us!"
Another pause as you caught your breath.
"The very least you could do," your voice shook with exasperation, "is grant me this one selfish wish."
"Do you understand the line you are crossing, Little Flower," Sukuna threatened as he took a few steps forward.
"Well aware," you answered without hesitation, "but at least if you killed me now, I would reunite with my children and be rid of you," you grinned mockingly at your partner.
You watched as the menacing man raised a hand, keeping eye contact with you as he did so. Normally you would have feared that this was the end of the line, but that was before your worst nightmare had already came true. Some part of you wished that he would hit you, hoping that once he did, he would snap you out of what you hoped what was an illusion of some sort, a night terror, a cursed technique, possibly a hallucination— all three were very much possibilities, but deep down you knew you were in denial, however, you did not want to accept it.
The slap never came.
Instead, your companion reached his arm above you, removing the pins that held your twins hostage against the wall. Sukuna took his time, clearly in no rush, leaving you antsy as you began to wriggle in impatience. You just wanted to hold them and look upon their innocent face. Maybe they were not dead, maybe there was still a breath of life in them, and you could somehow convince your husband to use his curse reversal technique on them due to the terms of your contract.
Maybe, just maybe…
Once the last pins restraining your children were removed, you were quick to cradle your twins, holding them close to your chest as more sobs escaped from your quivering lips. Your fingers lightly touched their skin as you caressed their faces with motherly gentleness. After moments, your cries subsided into a quiet lament as you continued to hold your little boy and girl.
You would have done anything to prevent this fate.
"Mama..." a voice spoke, but excessively strained and quiet.
You jumped up to see your little boy's eyes open no more than a slit. Without hesitation, you rushed to grab his face, babbling words of encouragement for him to stay awake. You were eager as you prepared to attempt to perform reverse cursed technique, but before you could, another strained voice sounded.
You panicked once more, moving to face your daughter as her condition was nearly the same. You were torn on what to do and had almost turned to Sukuna for his assistance, but it was useless. As quickly as those words were spoken were as fast as they faded back into eternal sleep.
What was this? You had to ask again, but what had you done to deserve this? To be worthy of this torture? Was there not a more deserving candidate for this cruelty you were enduring? Had you just been born to be cursed like this?
Questions raveled your mind, and thoughts ate at you alive– you were beginning to spiral. Your voice, along with many of the other voices from your past, flooded your head, screaming at you all at once as the memories began to invade your consciousness. Your head was starting to hurt from lingering in your mind, far away from reality. If anyone were to look upon your form, you would seem like the hollow husk of a woman based on how you sat there unmoving and totally silent as you stared blankly at the bloody wall– it seemed like you were looking through it like a piece of glass, that is how lost you were, until...
Everything went silent.
The voices in your head had settled, and all you could hear was Sukuna's breathing and your own echoing throughout the room. It was eerily quiet as the two of you remained.
"Their first words were their last."
You spoke without thought; the words had just slipped as you turned back to the father of your children, being met with his expressionless stare. You did not expect a response, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was no happier about this situation than you were; however, Sukuna was not grieving like you were. Your reasons for your dour moods were different, but that did not matter– you both were upset about what occurred.
As you held your husband's stare, it was almost as if you had some sort of understanding with one another, communicating without speaking before turning your attention back to your twins. With caution, you gently lifted your children into your arms, slowly standing as you managed to balance their limp bodies in your hold as you walked toward the door.
Your feet moved without command as you walked through the corridor, Sukuna walking at your side as you ventured in silence. The experience was almost that of your arrival at the temple– all eyes were on you; however, there were no whispers of gossip or vial comments and disgusting displays of arousal as you departed. The tension radiating from your aura was too great for such ill manners to be publicly displayed.
You had no clue where you were going and were hardly thinking about it. Your mind was void of consciousness as you reached the grand doors of the temple, stepping out into the cool night air. A part of you wishes you could have enjoyed it, to relish your first time outside the temple walls since your marriage, but the feeling was bitter and dull, especially as you looked upon the lights illuminating from your village.
Trekking through the terrain, you watched the lights grow brighter and more prominent, similar to the unknown feeling festering in your chest. You could hear their voices, their chanting of uprising as you approached the crowd, stopping just at the border of your village. One of the village elders was the first to notice you and Sukuna's approaching figures before ceasing the noise, focusing on your arrival.
"Y/n L/n, you have finally come home. Your family will be happy to know that you have finally returned," pausing to look at Sukuna before bringing his attention back to you, "It was wise of this monster to return you as requested. Come now child, we shall reunite you with your family."
You could hear him speak and understand his meaning and indirect stab at Sukuna's pride, but the words flowed from one ear to the other as your body remained rooted at the barrier.
"Come now, child, you are free!" the elder insisted as he motioned to you, confused and seemingly irritated at your lack of response.
The word slipped out seamlessly as you blankly stared at the man, watching his expression turn into shock.
"What do you mean, 'No'?"
"It means what I said," you simply responded before continuing, "Why would I come back to a home that sent me away like a lamb to the slaughter. You presented me like a slab of meat to the man you call a monster as if he were some valued patron, but suddenly, I have become worthy of retrieval after how many years? Why is that?"
"You ungrateful woman! We have pursued you for some time due to your parents' request. They paid handsomely to bring you back home, paid enough to fund our cause."
"And what cause was that?!" you retaliated.
"To kill that vile creature who stole you from us, my dear daughter!"
"...Mother," you whispered to yourself as your mom came into view, your father following her as they made their presence known.
"But it seems his influence has already tainted your mind," your mother spoke with a solemn look in her eyes, "But we can fix that if you just come home." the woman persisted as she held her arms out for a welcoming embrace.
Her comfort was tempting, but there was a lingering feeling of hesitance the longer you looked at the picture. This was something you wished for a long time, to be welcomed home with open arms, but the dream seemed stale as you stood there unmoving.
"Then why were harmless children slaughtered in his place?" you questioned.
"Harmless?" your parents uttered, baffled by your statement, "Those children were born to become monsters along with their father! They were far from harmless! That is why we had to cut them out of the picture!" your father yelled.
"...You did it?" you softly asked.
You could see your father's mouth open before closing, moving his gaze from your eyes to the motionless bodies in your arms. The disgusted faces your parents held were replaced with one of bewilderment and fear. They could finally understand your reluctance.
"They were harmless..." you started in a mutter, "They were not monsters! They were innocent! And you accused them of crimes they have never committed!"
"With their upbringing, it would have been inevitable! They were their father's children, after all!" the village elder interrupted, disdain laced in his voice.
"They were not guilty of Sukuna's crimes! They were innocent children!" you voiced, outraged with the small-minded thinking.
You looked to your parents for support but were only met by them avoiding your stare. They believed their actions were reasonable and considered them valid. You were not the one who was influenced... they were.
"Damn you all," you muttered, turning your back to the villagers.
"We did this for you to survive, Y/n! And here you are, well and alive. You kept your promise, so please come home!"
"Survived...survived..." Your chest heaved as you began to laugh hysterically. You placed your children down before rising, "Is this what survival is, just staying alive? Well, if that is the case, then yes, I have survived just like I promised, but with the cost of my life! I may have survived, but I will never live...not without them."
"There will be other opportunities to have children, my dear, with a far better suitor," your mother attempted to persuade, her arms still held open.
"Excuse me?"
That had done it.
"The man you practically sold me to was far from my first choice of significant other, but at least he managed to give my life some meaning, something to live for...and you took it from me, the last crowd of people I thought would do such a thing...how naive of me."
"Y/n, if we-"
"If you what?! Tell me, if you had known those children were mine, would you have spared them, given them mercy?"
No response.
"That's what I thought. You know I had hoped to come home with open arms, and shown by tonight, my wish came true; however, that was before I had the twins– the dream expanded to have all three of us welcomed with warmth...how pitifully optimistic of me."
"Y/n, I cannot tell you those events you hoped for would have come to fruition, but I can tell you this: you can start over, have a family you have always dreamed of... pure children."
"They. Were. PURE!"
And just like that, the extent of that unusual feeling lingering in your chest had unleashed. The full extent of your furry had combusted in the form of your cursed energy and technique. Within the blink of an eye, what was once a bustling village full of chatter and laughter was now a blazing inferno filled with screams and cries.
You could see the fire, smell the blood, and hear their screams as they begged for mercy. They cried out for their children and loved ones whose bodies were now burning in the roaring flames, reduced to cinders and ashes. Those who threatened to charge were killed before they could make contact, their bodies contorting in ways the human form was incapable of, causing cries of pure agony as they were left to bleed out in their mangled state– they were retired to suffer in their pain as the life slowly drained out of them. If a suffering soul was fortunate, the fire would catch them aflame and kill them faster, or debris would land in a fatal spot or crush them whole to end their misery.
Viewing the demolished structures and flaming bodies, both dead and alive, was a petrifying view– yet you felt nothing. Your breath was methodical, your expression blank, your body unmoving. Pity and remorse were thrown out the window– fear and anguish had long vanished; however, anger and resentment lingered like a tiny flickering flame that continued to grow with each crumble and cry that could be heard.
Although your exterior appearance seemed calm and collected, your heartbeat said otherwise as it accelerated, pounding against your chest so hard you could eventually drown out the hollers of distress with its rapid thumping.
They were now suffering the pain and torture you had suffered for years to its full extent...
Unlike you, it was the kind of punishment they deserved.
You allowed yourself to view the sight for a few seconds longer before picking up your son and daughter, balancing them in your embrace again, and turning your back towards the village. You began to walk toward the temple, knowing better than to run off, but it was not like you had a reason to go anywhere else. There was no life for you. You were to remain by Sukuna's side until you died, and you were content with that.
With all the heightened emotions and events that occurred only moments ago, you had forgotten Sukuna was there. The curse user had not muttered a word nor made a movement. He idly watched your wrath unfold, watched as you burnt your home to the ground.
You paused for a minute, looking blankly ahead as you thought of the past and reflected on your choices. Out of every action you committed, there was one you regretted most.
"I should have killed myself that morning, the morning after the ceremony. It would have saved me a lot of trouble and heartache."
With that, you walked off into the night, letting that thought of regret linger in your mind.
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