lemsprod · 3 years
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Moteurs de recherche spécialisés dans les livres et la science entre autres pépites : www.refseek.com : ressources académiques. Plus d'un milliard de sources www.worldcat.org : le contenu de 20 000 bibliothèques mondiales. https://link.springer.com : plus de 10 millions de documents scientifiques : livres, articles, www.bioline.org.br : bibliothèque de revues bio-scientifiques publiées http://repec.org : des volontaires de 102 pays ont collecté près de 4 millions de publications www.science.gov : plus de 2200 sites scientifique sur ce moteur de recherche du gouvernement américain www.pdfdrive.com : plus de 225 millions de titres PDF en téléchargement gratuit. www.base-search.net : plus de 100 millions d'articles scientifiques dont 70% gratuits.
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Marie-Laurence et Céline Mauge dans “La Fiancée de Dracula” de Jean Rollin (2002), décembre 2021.
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Pencils Down
Originally posted: December 16th, 2010
I remember when I realized
Middle school was Hell
When I watched old reruns of
Saved By the Bell,
Bayside High the idealized school,
a surreal spool of lighthearted pranks
and very special episodes too.
Amid the corny California campiness
there was something amazing to me,
Zach Morris and his gang
only had to worry about
one looming SAT
while I worried over three
tests from a shadowy regency
that purposely designed their tests to fail
giving little heed to their wide fatal swath,
a bloody trail of broken student futures
educational thirst choked back by
the stifling sutures of Sequential Math,
Earth Science, and Spanish,
we could only watch as our teachers
hesitantly pulled each state-appointed stitch
over seas sneering lips,
snarls sewn away by binomials
we became the murmuring chattel
of a Scantron monarchy,
bisected by our hatred and desperation
to graduate.
While we were interred in
worksheet work camps,
driven by the sharply cracking lash of
Regents test preparation,
“What was the Emancipation?”
“Why is this a parallelogram?”
“Draw the elliptical pattern of the lunar cycle.”
“Abo-gado! Abo-gado! Biblio-teca! Bliblio-teca!”
we call out our acapella
chorus in clipped Spanish
all interesting lessons banished by
mandated deadlines
passed down from on high
to our resentful teachers
forced to teach the Civil War
in two weeks with little heed
who those who can barely read
much less understand why
Wilkes-Booth shot Lincoln.
We wailed and gnashed
our teeth as we sat in rows,
frustrated regiments hunched over
tagged up desks
noses to the Earth Science
grindstone hollowing our minds
into sedimentary mortars
under a twisting pestle of guilt
guided by the hands of
our teachers,
reluctant alchemists who
weren’t shy in ticking off
reasons on a short list for
passing these tests
brewing classes cast in
a scalding cauldron of
multiple choice repetition,
in pressured retort many kids offered
righteous sedition,
their fevered participation taking
shape in staircase wars between
frustrated factions exacting
swinging fists into each other
because sequential math can’t feel the sting
of knuckles on the bridge of the nose,
but those who didn’t succumb to
the lust to come to blows decided
to run from their No.2 pencils,
accepting that they couldn’t fit into
the stencil of the model student
made to stew in preordained failure.
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alafroiskioth · 7 years
ti saresei apthn tainia kai apo to bliblio pou mas eipes
Απο το βιβλίο δεν θυμάμαι και πολλά. 
Το μόνο που θυμάμαι ειναι πως ήταν πάρα πολύ όμορφο και οτι είχε νόημα. 
Και θα το ξανα διάβαζα..
Όσο για την ταινία,
Με κάνει να ελπίζω και αυτό αρκεί.
Θα την βλέπω και θα την ξανά βλέπω...
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I was tagged by @coeurd-art-ichaut (a long time ago, sorry for the delay dear and thanks for the tagging:) So here is my Alphabet:
Age: 27 (since march...I am not used to it yet)
Biggest fear: planes probably...
Current time: 18:17 (or 06:17 PM)
Drink you had last: water
Everyday starts with: "five more minutes...”
Favorite song: So many...right now I listen to Alpenglow by Nightwish, Crashing down by Heather Dale and a Theatre of Dimensions by Xandria a lot
Ghosts, are they real?: I don’t believe so but I don’t know everything...
Hometown: Brussels
In love with: my cat!!!
Jealous of: friends/relatives that found a job (even if i am happy for them), people that actually sleep at night, people that can play the piano...
Killed someone: If so I don’t remember;)
Last time you cried: I don’t remember exactly...a few mounth ago probably
Middle name: I don’t have one
Number of siblings: a little sister (who is taller than me btw)
One wish: Right now I wish the weather were not so warm (30°C in may, wtf???)
Person you last called/texted: my father
Question you’re always asked: How’s you job searching going? (Grrrrrrr)
Reason to smile: chocolate, cats, music, art/fic,...
Song you last sang: Stand by me
Time you woke up: 08:10...but I went back to sleep because I didn’t have to be up that early today:)
Underwear color: right now? orange, black and white
Vacation destination: I usually go to the belgian coast...I love it, but I’d like to visit Scottland (and go back to London)
Worst habit: I crack my fingers WAY TOO MUCH!!
X-ray you had: my teeth? does it count?
Your favorite food: chocolate (kip with vinegar is good too)
Zodiac sign: pisces
I tag (if they want to oc) @harlanhardway, @5ovspades, @bliblio, @reyreyspaceace and @sparrows-trashcan
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"Mobilier de l'Hôtel Séguier" présentée à l'exposition "Beau comme l'Antique" du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nîmes, août 2021.
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The lovely @zaera-d tagged me to do this (thank to you:D) so here it is:
Always post these rules
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people
My questions:
1. What was your first ship?
It was GaaLee (Gaara and Lee from Naruto). A long time ago now (but I still think they’re cute^^). First fic I ever read was a GaaLee one! Also I recently rewatched Star Trek Voyager,and realized that I probably shipped Tom Paris and Harry Kim before I knew what shipping meant... 
2. What is the ship that currently or previously meant the most to you?
Well Kylux of course (I can’t believe I started shipping it kind of like a joke and fell so deep...but i don’t regret it!) and I also have to point Napollya (from the Man from U.N.C.L.E.) that makes me so happy and Fruk and Rusame from Hetalia...
3. Do you have a crack ship that you really got into?
None that I can think of...
4. What do you fear most?
Planes? Planes are pretty frightening!
5. What’s your biggest desire?
On the long term it would be finding what to do with my life (and being able to live without feeling awful and anxious without medication).
On the short term I wish for Luke and Hux to survive episode VIII and for a sequel to The Man from U.N.C.L.E. to happen!!!
6. If you had to be a force user, would you be jedi, sith or other?
I don’t think I could be a Jedi or a Sith. I probably couldn’t commit to any of those orders. A Grey Jedi maybe?
7. If you had to live in another universe, what world would you live in?
In the universe of Harry Potter I think! (still waiting my Hogwarts letter!!!)
8. If you lived in a fantasy/sci verse what would your job be?
I’d probably be some sort of smuggler... but I’d also like to discover and explore unknown planets!!!!
9. Pokemon or Digimon?
10. Do you have a favourite type of music?
I like a lot of different music (includind Disney songs I always sing along to) but (alternative) rock and symphonic metal may be my favorites?
11. Favourite Star Wars movie or TV show?
This is a though one, but I think this would be Return of the Jedi. I mean I remember the first time I saw it. I was SO into it. It was the same day that men came to move a beehive that was too close from the house. And you can imagine how exciting it was for a child, but i didn’t go outside to watch them work. I was watching the Return of the Jedi and I wouln’t leave the screen. I could have paused the film but no, no way, I had to now the end!!!
I tag (if they want to do it of course): @rebelwerewolf, @5ovspades, @pinkyhuxy, @thethirstorder, @bliblio, @coeurd-art-ichaut, @stardestroyervigilance, @ethereal-lullabies, @harlanhardway
My 11 Questions:
1. What is your first Star Wars related memory?
2. Do you remember the very first fic you read? What was it about?
3. And the last fic you read?
4. What would your dream travel be?
5. Is there a story/drawing (fandom related or not) you’d like to write/draw but never had the opportunity (yet)?
6.  Is there an Alternative Universe you enjoy particularly?
7. What colour would your lighsaber be?
8. Do you know your Hogwarts House?
9. Is there a character you feel especially close to?
10. If you were to cosplay a Star Wars character, which one would it be? Why?
10. How is the weather where you live?
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