pyrrhicpaths · 2 years
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Iris- AU-Specific Magical Abilities HC : Etro’s Blessing
Reference 1, Reference 2 
After a near-death experience, young Iris’ iris colour went from the familiar Amicitia honey brown to a ruddy copper hue, an indication of being blessed with Etro’s Sight. 
Like in the Lucian legends, Iris is able to see the light of the souls ascending towards the Unseen Gates, though she’s unsure if the part where she can see the hazy silhouettes of once-human presences wandering amongst the living is another blessing or curse from Etro herself.
So far, any of her attempts to interact with these figures have been futile. And, she realizes eventually, perhaps it’s for the best. They’ve never truly bothered her, so it’s only polite for her to give them peace in return.
If Etro had given her any other boons, Iris is unaware of them thus far.
✧– This applies to AUs wherein Etro is the patron goddess of Lucis/Insomnia, although Iris is never gonna be a devout follower. 
Presently active in TWEWY AU, giving her a bit of awareness of the RG/UG and some of the Games’ players. It’s thanks to @nelcu​ for enabling this idea lol.
Also gimme a Buzzfeed Unsolved AU cowards
✧– Near-death experience details under the cut--
In most verses applicable, Iris had been involved in a car accident that took the lives of her mother and a chamberlain. Iris’ right leg had also been crushed just below the knee, and eventually surgically removed.
It’s thanks to either her being too young or due to repressing traumatic memories that Iris doesn’t remember anything from the accident. Close confidants are told, however, that she swears on her heart that she saw stars shooting up above the clouds during her brief moment of consciousness as someone pulled her little body out of the wreckage.
Perhaps that's just her mind making peace with the death of her mother and a close guardian.
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bebemoon · 9 months
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look for the name: ASHI
"smile; joy; laughter; blessing"
giu giu "nonna" black cropped cardigan w/ tie front
haikure "bethany" oversized wide-legged jeans
jil sander black leather pointed sandal heels
simuero "cherry fruto" chunky gold ring
etro multi-color floral-printed soft silk scarf w/ black fringe (possibly to half-skirt low on the hips or train from waist)
chanel gold-tone dual chain belt w/ pink and yellow filigree baubles
sana jardin "jaipur chant" eau de parfum
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zhylia · 5 months
01. ff vii - the princess of a forgotten and isolated kingdom founded by the cetra hylia several thousand years ago. zelda is force to go into hiding after witnessing her kingdom become invaded by usurpers. taking with her an important artifact of hyrule, she takes on a new identify and finds herself seeking assistance in midgar. her knowledge in subjects involving the old world and cetra is invaluable, but her cluelessness on modern technology seems to hinder her understanding on the new world completely.
02. ff versus xiii - during the golden era of solheim, zelda's family ruled the capital with the blessing of solheim's heavenly artifact. under their rule, they were able to fend off hostile invaders and formerly assert themselves as a holy city. solheim was considered a world power that worshipped the ancient god lindzei ( and in turn was loyal to the slumbering god bhunivelze ). unfortunately, despite its current advancement it was unable to fend off niflheim and their surrounding allies attacks. the crystal broke and sent the world in period of darkness for the first time. the current chosen was zelda, who underwent a pilgrimage to save the ailing world. with the blessings of her ancestor and holy artifact, zelda was able to bring light back into the world at the cost of her life. similar to xiii, zelda has fulfilled her "focus" and while humanity considered her gone, the light maiden fell into a deep slumber embrace by crystal stasis for several centuries. she would eventually be awoken to a modern period where etro's power now wanes and a forgotten god slowly marks his return.
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pockymun · 5 months
WIP Title Meme
I was tagged by @groovytimetravelflower, thank you so much!
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you and ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then try to post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
My WIPs:
The Paradox in the Prophecy
Rekindled Rebellion - Posted the first chapter last week. This title originally belonged to Heretical Oath, but I have since renamed that, so Rekindled Rebellion was available. RR takes place in Northern Tenebrae primarily. I have four chapters written so far, but I'm not sure I'm going to finish this fic, or if I'm going to publish it all. It's entirely OCs and non-canonical worldbuilding. One canon character will appear in one of the last chapters.
Return to Galahd [placeholder title] - Takes place after RR. The last three chapters from the original RR (now HO), will be made into the last three chapters for this fic. That's all I have written for it, and might be all there ever will be. I need to write RR to completion before I can write the beginning of this one. Only OCs and non-canonical worldbuilding. The epilogue does have a few canon characters in it.
Insomnia [placeholder title] - I will most likely skip the last two WIPs entirely and complete this one. All of these are just side stories leading up to the next installment of the Paradox in the Prophecy. This one is the fun one. Whereas the last two were predominantly OCs, this one is mostly canon characters. Several Kingsglaive, the Crownsguard, etc. Also, this one is mostly complete. I will be rearranging its plot and adding more content. The original span of this fic was a week. I plan on extending it to two week to a month, depending on what I come up with. The last two WIPs are unhinged. This one will be more relaxed, filled with secrecy and deceit, yet some calmer and pleasant times too. Very little action planned for this one. Mostly dialogue and plotting.
Etro's Blessed Ones - Another mostly-written fic, but it's going under heavy revision. The prologue has been posted for awhile. Chapter 1 has been written. I plan on introducing multiple POVs in this one; before, it had only been Andromeda's perspective. It's guaranteed to lead to more chapters on top of rewriting many old ones. This is the second installment of Paradox in the Prophecy, when the main plot gets picked up again.
The Paradox in the Prophecy - Third and last installment of the series Paradox in the Prophecy. Like EBO, a lot is going to be rewritten to give multiple POVs. This also means that additional chapters will be added, and long stretches will be made even longer (if you know, you know).
Harlow (No series title yet)
Reluctant Crownsguard - Posted the fourth chapter last night. No clue how many chapters this will be yet, but most of the plot is figured out. Harlow is the most awkward, and most hick, Crownsguard there ever was. She's just trying to serve her five years of service in the Crownsguard without bringing attention to herself, but she makes interesting friends and that gets attention of the upper brass anyway. She doesn't want to acknowledge her potential, thank you very much. Think Bilbo Baggins: reluctant for adventure, but proves very capable of it. This isn't as dark and dreary as PitP is.
After Crownsguard [no actual title] - Someday, I do plan on writing a sequel for Harlow, after she leaves the Crownsguard when her service is up. It would take place after Insomnia falls and through the Long Night. This one is sadder than the last, because most of it takes place in World of Ruin and everything's bad there. I have ideas for it, but I have nothing written down. No plot or notes.
Passing this to: @pandansca @queenofbaws and whoever else wants to steal this!
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
I see Elysia as the Aeon of Origin similar to how Etro acts in the FFXIII trilogy: a goddess who bleeds for the worlds, for the lives. As Elysia has been written out as Jesus in HI3 and her having a thorn crown bestowed upon her? Oh, yeah, Aeon of Origin bleeds for the lives of others but she cannot reach out to them, not in her present state.
She is the Mother, The Daughter and the Holy spirit in this case. But she cannot reach out to the lives herself - alone - not anymore, because she sacrificed her physical presence to break the worlds free of the predetermined fate that Aponia could see, granting the repeated history a chance to change and for people to choose for themselves, to fight for what they believe in.
I say that it's the same with the galaxy, Aeon of Origin's ascending affected the whole Imaginary Tree. It branched out histories, worlds, timelines, and more, which made Terminus see countless endings because there were now countless beginnings created. Thus, there was no fully predetermined path and there were CHOICES to reach certain paths/endings.
As an Aeon of Origin, Elysia as of the moment is weaker because she lost connection to many of the worlds by bringing Zarina as her Emanator from Earth. Right now, she (Aeon of Origin) needs the Apostles of Origin to reconnect her to lives, to dreams, to those who wish to fight against despair and who wish to do everything they can to ensure the salvation of their world/home/themselves. However, Elysia didn't have the capability to do it on her own without her own Emanator and she couldn't find anyone who would be able to fit that role until Zarina's reconnection with her through the Elysian Realm's core. Thanks to that, Aeon of Origin now had her own Emanator that could move the reconnection to the worlds, especially with the 'reincarnation/return of Akivili' (or the Astral Express).
And as the Emenator of Origin, Zarina possesses the blessing of Origin which protects her and she also meets with the most important people within the worlds to plant the seeds of Origin. It is the reason for her acting 'behind Astral Express' back' while approaching the figures of importance and granting them knowledge of the Origin's design/wish. Cue her meeting with Bronya, with General Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan, and later on with Sunday on Penacony.
Intelligentsia Guild is fully aware of the Origin but only that it represents 'Life' and that it cannot be reached by anyone aside from its Apostles. How many Apostles there are, how many followers of Origin there are, and more questions remain unknown. The problem with the path of Origin is that it remains largely untouched and unknown, because every person may be connected to Origin in some way or another. Origin represents life and the beginning, the wish to protect what is important and the desire to fight for what is beautiful in this world. Certain 'geniuses' even thought that Aeon of Beauty and Aeon of Origin were the same people, but the Knights of Beauty will deny that claim as will many others.
Many Aeons are charmed by the Aeon of Origin and certain Aeons show protectiveness over her, which is attributed to her natural charisma and her being the daughter of the Imaginary Tree altogether. Only those who oppose life and desire for the full destruction of worlds as a whole do not like her and wish for her demise. The opposing side believes that to truly destroy everything, they must reach the Origin and kill her to stop the cycle of beginnings and ends. And to reach Origin, they must force her out of her domain to protect the last haven of life she wishes to nurture as the Origin.
The Path of Origin - for many - is considered a myth, a story to tell others about how life connects all living beings and how life loves all who fight for what is beautiful in this world. However, many followers of the Origin exist across the worlds without believing in the Aeon herself. As long as they wish to fight, to protect, and to love? They are already beloved by the Aeon of Origin. The selfless, all-loving Aeon.
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Taelpar Crag Headcanon
Taelpar Crag: the place where we fight Gilgamesh in the Gladio DLC. The tempering grounds.
In the lore of FFXV, the Crag was carved by Bahamut during the Astral War. So what if the tempering grounds are older than we think they are?
Bahamut carved the Crag. What if people worshipped the place? Maybe built a temple in it and made it the goal of a pilgramige. A pilgramige done to prove yourself a holy warrior. If you reach the end - the temple - it is said you receive Bahamut’s blessing.
The Crag is crammed full with ambient magic, which attrackts all kinds of beasts. So pilgrims never lack enemies to fight. The magic however is not only a leftover from Bahamut’s attack. Since it carved so deep into the earth, it stirred up remnants of Etro’s magic. Magic she used to form the world. Which is why those who die stand up again to fight the pilgrims who think themselves worthy.
Gilgamesh fought his way through once while he was alive to prove himself. he reached the temple and recieved a blessing. At the end of his days, he was pulled back there again by the magicks of the place and the blessing. He died there, doomed to haunt the place as a penance for what he did in life and as part of Bahamut’s plans.
So over time the tempering grounds change meaning. From proving onself worthy of being a holy warrior, to proving onself to be a worthy Shield of the King of Lucis.
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Terror. Madness. Grief. It flashed all through Regis head when they got safely back to Insomnia. Poor Noctis cried the whole time for Luna. Luna and Ravus, he left them in their enemies hands. He sweard to Sylva, that he will get them back. Niflheim would pay for their crimes ! After leaving exhausted Noctis in hands of his caretakers, Regis went alone to the Crystal chamber. To have a word with his ancestors who silently observed their lifes. 
Regis ordered everyone to leave. No one understand why, yet who they were to questioned the king´s decision. After that the chamber became cold, it felt even hostile to be alone there with Crystal. Regis  without any pretensions summoned the power of the ring after more than eight years since he lost her, love of his life. He yearned for his Queen so much, for her soothing touch, her breathtaking smile and a raucous laugh. Those joyful memories still hurted when he though about her. You left us too soon, my love. 
The kings and queens of Yore showed themselves before the current king. The time itself froze in the moment. A powerful magic was unleashed and Crystal reacted. 
“ Why did you called upon us, child?” said the Founder king strictly on his massive throne. Regis felt so insignificant in their presence. 
Drained Regis spoke to him as politely as he could. “"I wish to speak to my dear wife. She should be here among you as rightful ruler of Insomnia.” He stood there in anticipation, but no one showed up. The kings and queens were silent, until the Rogue queen took pity on him and said. “Young king, her soul is not here among us.”  Regis was shocked. “ Then where is soul of my beloved?”
“ What an insolence, to think a mere mortal could be in our ranks.” the Warrior king said offended, many of the attendees agreeing with him.
Regis narrowed his eyes at the old king. “ Let me remind you o mighty king, that you all were once mortals like myself. And you especifically should know, what it is to lose your loved one.”  One by one Regis looked around and exclaimed coldly. “ I ask you once again rulers of Yore, where is my wife?”  Yet again no answer was given to Regis.
“Perhaps, I can give you the answer, your highness.” a woman emerged out of nowhere before Regis. He fastly drew his sword in defense. The woman came closer unarmed, as Regis noticed. She looked very young perhaps in her early twenties. “ You can´t expect answer from those who Bahamut chained to do his biding, my lord.”The woman looked at him with regret.” A cursed line of Lucis Caelum, to never know rest. You were ripped from my lady´s hands, when she wanted to bestow blessing upon your bloodline, your highness.”  Regis was wary of her, yet something in him told him to listen to this child. “ If only I was stronger, then I could ripped Bahamut apart for his treachery.” the woman clenched her hand into a fist,” Your highness, you want answers that I can give you, my only condition is that you listen to what I have to say.”  Regis briefly thought about it, he didn´t see  harm in it.
“Let´s say young one, that I would accept this proposal. But first tell me, who are you and about what lady you spoke of to?”  curiosite got better of him.
The woman bowed deeply. “ Hope your highness will pardon my rudeness. I am here on behalf my lady, Etro. And as for me, I am her humble servant Andrea, but perhaps  you will be more familiar with a name  Leo.”  mischievous smile played on her full lips. Regis froze in place upon hearing that name. He remembered the ancient books, in his youth, that told about that name: Leo the beast of Etro´s gate and guardian of dead.
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theoracleparadox · 1 year
Adjustments to Etro’s Blessing: Andromeda: 
1. Split up some chapters so they wouldn’t be so long; hence the appearance of extra chapters. Before revisions, the fic was 14 chapters or 113 pages (standard printer paper) long. After revisions, it is 28 chapters or 137 pages long. 25 pages of additional detail and scenes have been added. 
2. Added some brief scenes in the first two chapters alluding to r*pe (the cruelties of war).
3. Removed that dream scene between Andromeda and Luna, because it was just stupid and actually impossible for it to happen over such a great distance. 
4. Redid the scene when Andromeda’s chaos magic first truly manifested: it did not cause a fire, but simply threw Chad out a window and down to the sidewalk several stories below. It also caused a lot more property damage and probably a car crash or two. There were many witnesses. 
5. Cleared up the arrangements when Linda sent Andromeda away: Andromeda was officially placed in foster care, with a family outside of Insomnia. Linda was rushed to make a decision and very much regretted it later. 
6. Monica and Dustin become involved much earlier. Unbeknownst to Andromeda, while she was learning to ride chocobos in chapter 9, the Crownsguard pay a visit to Sheila and Trevor, who already know what is Wrong with this girl. It is during this secret meeting that it’s arranged for the old couple to look after Andromeda, even though they wanted to get out of fostering kids and certainly weren’t looking to adopt at their age. Considering that Kingsglaive were sent the first time around, Sheila wasn’t about to hand Andromeda over. 
7. Andromeda accidentally uses her chaos magic in front of Glaives, but they assume it’s some new Nif tech. 
8. Chapter 10 is just about completely rewritten. A scene is added in which Sheila and Trevor offer to adopt Andromeda on her birthday. It’s a very happy moment. She needed a break. And she gets a cell phone! What she doesn't know was that it was arranged and her adoptive parents get subsidy payments from Insomnia.
9.  Later Andromeda joins a search party to find Ian, a hunter who had gone missing. That’s when she first learns she can heal starscourge. Originally, she had been led by a dream to find the hunter, but that was really stupid. 
10. Andromeda only attends college for one year, instead of two. 
11. Chapter 11 has been split up and the first part is completely rewritten. The Imperial base that Andromeda vandalizes belongs to Caligo, yet I completely skipped over any interaction before because I wanted to rush on to Verstael. Caligo now confronts Andromeda about what she did. It goes better than you’d expect. 
12. The dialogue in the first encounter with Verstael is tweaked to reflect information that is already known and all the other changes in the fic, and just make it all smoother. 
13. The dreams involving clones have been made slightly more terrifying. 
14. Andromeda tries to interact with the lab assistants in the First Magitek Production Facility. Tries.
15. The military ball has been split into two chapters, and the interaction between Andromeda and Luna has been altered as it is the very first time they are meeting. 
16. After the ball, Andromeda is visited by Mila, her guide in Gralea. Or who she thinks is Mila. In either case, Andromeda angry drinks and accidentally shares her secrets. 
17. I previously glossed over when Andromeda finally saw her chaos kill someone for the first time. So I included something small in her first excursion in Galahd. She doesn’t have to think real hard before she realizes that she’s been killing people all along. Around the same time, she starts to plan to kill her handler, then run to the Galahdians to let her kill her. Her plan fails. 
18. Dalton brutally beats Andromeda, then starves her, in retaliation for her attempt at killing him. 
19. Andromeda goes mute for the six months she’s in Galahd with Dalton. 
20. I went over the dreamwalking chapter with a fine-toothed comb. The huge chunk with Linda was removed: I wrote it originally to show readers what had happened to her after Andromeda left Insomnia. Later, I actually wrote out a whole thing from Linda’s perspective, so keeping it in this chapter was moot. It did nothing for Andromeda nor the readers. 
21. That scene with Luna that I cut in the very beginning? It has been repurposed and added to Chapter 25. 
22. Although it’s Ardyn who burns down the village n Tenebrae in his rage, it’s pinned on Andromeda because she was there. She actually believes its her own fault for having gone there in the first place, and has guilt for it. Technically she has caused more death in Tenebrae than Galahd. 
23. As everything now happens a year earlier, Andromeda does not know that there is a second woman with Etro’s Blessing until after she leaves Niflheim. Etro has not yet thought to bless another person. 
24. Andromeda sees the clones for herself. They almost overcome her, but Etro saves her. I have made the conversation between them more emotional, as Etro seemed to be ambivalent to whatever Andromeda was going through before. In the previous version, she asked a lot from Andromeda, but gave little in return. I have made Etro more caring and supportive, and willing to fight for her Blessed One. Niflheim will know her wrath. 
25. Andromeda doesn’t speak to anyone in the First Magitek Production Facility. Especially to Ardyn. It’s like a deer in headlights situation, after he attacked and infected her. And he does it again in the facility. 
26. Since her coma was reduced to 2 months, Andromeda spends a lot longer in the facility before breaking out. About four months. She no longer has that confident attitude she had the first time around because every waking moment is terrifying. She joins the hive mind of the clones off and on. That and solitary confinement do wonders for one’s mental health. 
27. The last chapter has basically been rewritten. Etro actually does a lot more than she did previously. In return, Andromeda is a little more useless during the whole thing and at one point becomes hysterical that Etro will not give in to her bloodlust. Etro does not like that. 
28. Andromeda does still get away with the spy, but she is very much broken. 
Fic Playlist: 
This is a playlist I complied on Spotify for various chapters of this fic. I think the music writers use to get them into the mood for their fic/assign to their writing is very telling of what they’re trying to convey. 
1. Antumnos by Eluveitie
2. Ogmios by Eluveitie
3. Esvs by Eluveitie
4. Belenos by Eluveitie
5. The Spell by Cellar Darling
6. I Will Be by Florence + the Machine
7. Too Much is Never Enough by Florence + the Machine
8. Dare to Enter by Nightwish
9. Unwanted by Avril Lavigne
10. Voice in my head by Amy Lee and David Eggar
11. Where is the Edge by Within Temptation
12. Canvas of Life - Acoustic Version by Epica
13. I Am Only One by We Are The Fallen
14. Tear the World Down by We Are The Fallen
15. As Above, So Below by In This Moment
16. Holy Man by In This Moment
17. Once Upon a December by Invadable Harmony
18. Youth by Daughter
19. Love and War by Fleurie
20. Roots by In This Moment
21. Svcellos II (Sequel) by Eluveitie
22. Dureddu by Eluveitie
23. From G to E Minor by Nightwish
24. Hey Buddy by Nightwish
25. Heart Lying Still by Nightwish
26. Witches by Daughter
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saratogaroadwrites · 1 year
Adamantus (7/12)
Adamantus | saratogaroad rating: G+ total wordcount:  15,328 characters: Aulea Lucis Caelum, Regis Lucis Caelum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ardyn Lucis Caelum relationships: Aulea/Regis, Aulea & Noctis other tags: Mother-Son Relationship, Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence warnings: Character Death Starts The Plot
When Noctis is three years old, Regis takes ill. The doctor tells her that he will recover, that all will be well.
It isn't.
Aulea Lucis Caelum is left to raise a son on her own, knowing that a Kingdom depends on her strength and will to survive.
She will not lose him, too.
Ardyn is the very picture of nobility and manners, raised with princely bearing and aged into the mindset of a king. He thanks the staff when they bring tea, allows himself to be searched for weapons without complaint, and keeps his hands to himself even without the threat of the Queensglaive in the room. He is settled, patient, calm.
And yet, Aulea thinks, and yet he is something more than human. The golden lights of Etro's blessing cling to him like fireflies on a summer night, death clinging to a man most assuredly alive. How he has lived this long, she does not know. Izunia Lucis Caelum, the founder king, was king nearly 2000 years ago. Anyone who once lived alongside him cannot still be alive. And yet, he has not denied her accusation, not called her words the ravings of a desperate woman. He sits across a small table from her, golden eyes gleaming.
"I will admit," he begins after stirring two lumps of sugar and a little dash of cream into his teacup, "You have caught me quite off guard. You know so very much about me, and yet I know nothing of you." He picks up his cup and almost toasts her with it. "How ever did you come to find me out?"
Aulea's hands tremble as she reaches for her own cup, no sugar, no cream. The china rattles until she can get a good grip.
"You have your brother's nose," She says. Ardyn stops mid-sip and stares at her. She gathers her courage, remembers what she fights for, and continues on, "And the name Izunia is an old name, Lucian in origin." She squares her shoulders. "No man of Niflheim would carry it with such pride."
She sips her tea as if they're simply talking about the weather, as if she's not staring Death personified in the face, and the room grows silent but for their breathing.
Slowly, a minute ticks by. Two. Arydn lowers his tea cup.
"You are a clever one, Aulea Lucis Caelum," he says softly. "The name is quite old indeed, and hails from Lucis. A little hamlet in what is now Duscae, to be precise." His eyes grow distant, perhaps haunted. "My dear twin...would that he could see his line now."
Aulea remembers the whispers within the Crystal, the Kings and Queens of Yore that had thrown their magic behind her when she faced Bahamut, doubtlessly at Regis' behest. When she looks at Ardyn now, she too has to wonder what they would think of this mess she has found herself in.
"I would hope he would be proud," She replies kindly, "But you would know him best."
"...So I once thought." Ardyn replies, coming back to himself. He looks at her again and seems to truly see her. "Tell me, Majesty. What do you know of the Prophecy of the Stone?" He asks her in that same soft tone.
"Enough," Aulea replies, teacup still warming her hands. "The King of Kings is to slay the Accursed and cleanse the Crystal of its blight to return light to Eos." The porcelian clicks against her wedding band, and she loosens her tight grip on the poor cup. "Sacrificing his life in the process. My son is the would be King of Kings, and I am willing to guess you are the Accursed."
Ardyn huffs out something that, in another life, could have been a laugh. Somehow it sounds more like a curse than anything now.
"The sorry end to a most sordid tale, but all true, my clever queen." He raises an eyebrow and sits back in his chair. He runs his thumb over the edge of his cup. "Lucis Caelum I was born, and Lucis Caelum I shall die."
With her son as the weapon. Aulea sets her teacup down before her tight grip can crack it. The Gods did something to this man, perhaps, casting him down from his family. It is his word and his word alone now, and she cannot trust it so easily. Not with something so important at stake. Even so, she tells herself, there is no one left to ask.
"I have no intention of allowing my son to die killing you, so if you wish this plan to go through you'd best just kill me now."
Ardyn blinks at her for what must be the fifth time in as many minutes, lips parted just slightly.
Then he laughs.
"No love lost between you and the Six, hm?"
"Me and mine owe Shiva a debt, but the Gods," She nearly spits, "would see my son sacrificed and my people wasted, all to clean up their own damned mess. If this is at all true, then you deserve peace, Chancellor, but I shall not see my son die to do it."
There's a glimmer of something in his eyes, something he can't name. Respect? Awe? She wants none of it. She wants her son to live into his teens, his twenties, to fall in love and grieve and live until there is more gray in his hair than black and it is only because he has aged that way.
She does not want Ardyn's respect any more than she wants to outlive her child. If he sees that, if he understands that, he does not say.
"And what if I were to tell you, Queen Aulea," He inclines his chin at her, a glimmer of respect beginning to strengthen in his voice, "That there were another way? That perhaps, simply perhaps, there is a way to end my miserable existence and keep your son from perishing in the process?"
She tries to temper the hope in her heart, tries not to pin all her hope on this, on the words of a man who has lived beyond even the eldest catoplebas, and yet...she crosses her hands on her lap, clenching them tightly together.
"What if I were to tell you I would be willing to listen to this...possibility?" She inclines her head. "For the sake of conversation, of course."
"Of course." He tucks a lock of hair out of his eyes, contemplates something just over her shoulder, and then offers her a pensive look.
"Tell me," He begins, "What do you know of the Scourge?"
"It is an illness, of which there is no cure." There was a ward full of patients in the medical wing, and the only reason it is empty now is because they have all passed on. "It seems to spread by contact with Daemons and only the Oracle's magic can clear it."
Lunafreya is fourteen years old. The ritual to crown a new Oracle can only be done with the blessing of the Gods. Unless Shiva steps into the halls of the Citadel herself, Aulea doubts that will happen on Lucian soil.
The line of the Oracles has, perhaps, died with Sylva.
"Also all true, but do you know the source of it, hm?" He leans forward in his chair. "Where it all began?"
"The first Daemon?" She harbors a guess. Ardyn's smile is dark.
"No, my dear. It all began with Eos, Goddess of the Dawn, many many years ago."
He speaks with the air of a storyteller, one who has seen this tale come true. And though Aulea wonders at how much truth is in his words, she does the only thing she can.
She listens.
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yunhuntress · 2 years
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@lionfated​ asked:  “ we’ve had a pretty good life. but maybe normalcy is a thing we’re meant to protect, rather than enjoy. ”
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Hearing his words drew her out of her thoughts as she finished tending to a gash at her side. It was a minor injury and one she had handled a million times before. Tossing away the blood soaked scraps of cloth, she rose to her feet shirtless and sighing. Blood covered hands moved to be cleaned from the sink in the infirmary. 
“I’ve had a long life, Squall. Longer than any one person should ever have and I have always protected normalcy. I’ve had my fill of being battered and beaten to keep peace. The scars that adorn me should show that.”  People would better understand the stories of all the marks along her flesh. Many from The War of Transgression which littered her everywhere. Wounds that should have by all rights ended her but Ragnarok and Etro had to play a part in keeping her alive. Now without the blessings of the goddess, she was a mere mortal person once more. 
“I have earned my peace to enjoy time with my wife and girlfriend nowadays. I was a war demon for too long and now can breathe and age as I should have centuries ago.” 
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pockymun · 10 months
1, 12, 13, and 24 for the end of the year fanfic asks!
Fanfic End of the Year Asks! | @kanawolf
favorite fic you wrote this year
Unfortunately, I didn't really write and post anything new this year. I had an epiphany at the beginning of summer that I didn't like how The Paradox in the Prophecy was turning out, so I went back to the very beginning to revise things. I've only accomplished this for two of four fics so far. My favorite would have to be Etro's Blessing: Andromeda. Easily most improved fic after revisions. I'm happiest with how that turned out.
favorite character to write about this year
Honestly, I've been unhappy with how all of my FFXV fics were turning out. I've pulled most of them down. @groovytimetravelflower has helped me a lot in reworking my newer OC, Harlow, and her story. I finished writing her backstory last weekend, which will be implemented into the actual story when I get around to it. Most of my writing for Harlow is still in the planning stages.
Harlow is my most improved character. I've been writing Andromeda's story for five/six years now, and at times she's really intense or pathetic and I get tired of it. Harlow's a nice break. She has problems too, but hers are more realistic.
favorite writing song/artist/album for the year
I've calmed down a little bit on it now, but I'd have to say In This Moment's albums Ritual and Mother became very influential on The Paradox and the Prophecy. I've warmed up to their Blood album as well, although there's one track where the devil breaks up with the singer and she just sobs for three minutes. There's a line between being experimental and being obnoxious. I do have to mention the album for the song Comache. It's brutal and chaotic and maddening, and it fits a few violent scenes in the series. I don't really care for In This Moment's other stuff.
favorite fic you've read this year
I don't give myself a lot of time to read fics. I'm only reading a couple at any time. I learned this year that I have to be really careful and selective about the fics I read.
I love @groovytimetravelflower's Not Just a Feeling on AO3. This is the first fic I've read that delves into the Imperial court and its customs. It's also fun to spot the references she makes to other FF games. Iedolas is not insane (well, maybe a little), so he's the cunning and brutal conqueror of his empire. Ardyn is much the same, but this time he has something to ground him. It puts him into an interesting dilemma.
I also have to mention Poor Wayfaring Stranger because every single chapter wrecks me. I wish I could write every sentence as well as the author does to hook readers. I know it's popular in the fandom, but I've only started reading it this month. I'm a little behind.
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enchantingblossom · 5 years
 x  @dawnblxde​ x
Eerie day, smell of dead wafted with smoke from enemies camp. The end to Mightiest man among men that caused all to quake under his campaign. Dark brunette beauty lowered her head not having the gut watch his executioner deal final blow to her lord tied like wild beast. , tears fell silently for him. Dancer’s vision now seeing blurry vision of the corpses of her allies now joined her lord’s.  Soon she'd join him.
-- Eyes remained closed as executioner dealt final blow to her, there was sharp pain then nothingness as it all faded to darkness around her.
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Darkness seemed engulf her body, unable open her eyes. She heard female voice pity her ending and warm touch of voice owner. Warm touch seemed seemed engulf her in blinding white light. Blue eyes fluttered only to be squint seeing glowing ball of light? Yes but Crystal glowing brightly.❝Poor soul.. may you find peace in this next life. ❞ She made out of muffled woman voice that had empathy for her life ending. Blue eyes widen as female hand emerged from light of Crystal pulling her into blinding Crystal light. Diao Chan closed her eyes from light as she felt herself getting engulfed by the light, she  once again heard voice wish her happier ending before it all went back to black again.
Dark brunette ears perked up to the chirps and other melodies of nature. So she survived and? What was with that weird dream? Brunettes eyes fluttered open to expose her to wilderness but wasn't one she was familiar with. 
 ... Monsters? Just where exactly am I? she thought taking deep breep breathe sitting straight up  surveying her weird new environment. How odd of an sight! that is until something bigger an more menacing looking caught her eyes. Big and strong enough to Knock down trees? hopefully it was friendly giant. -- but realistically what her her odds in that chance? 
Her eyes widening in fear as giant creatures were now visible lurking around. One that placed her senses all in alert was giant beast with fangs and claws in inching closer like an tiger closing in on it's prey. 
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❝ Heaven...please hear my prayers. Protect me please... please anyone.❞ she whispers moving her body back to struck in fear to flee properly. 
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Okay okay I headcanon that well into his adulthood, Hope still does that idle movement of his
So imagine one day he's just making coffee, he's just standing by the coffee maker, when after a moment of standing and waiting he just clasps his hands in front of him before gently like, swaying his hips back and forth
And Noel sees this and he just *slams fist onto table*
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andywinter16 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday! (or more of Thursday)
Hi everyone! (I am kinda back? Well, my medications are kicking right sooooo) Anyway thank you @blossom-adventures for tagging me, it was very kind of her and i truly appreciate it🌺🌺 Okay, this wip ...or part of it was prepared for NyxWeek, but .... well, thing turned out differently with me. Nevermind :/
I have also commissioned something special for all of you (and obviously for me too XD) And it´s also little treat for my birthday which would be actually soon 😅😅 (ehmmm, I kinda forgot about it 😅😅)
Okay, I am ending my rambling! Enjoy everyone and whoever wants to participate in WIP!
 The city was an iron jungle, quite different from their home back in Galahd. It was Bahamut´s claimed city, his “blessed” line of Lucis Caelum who ruled it. More likely cursed line with betrayal and misfortune, when the dragon snatched them off hands of lady Etro. But that happened  such long time ago, that only sparse knew about the real story of royal family.
He stalked near the them, his body crounched lower to ground. If the feline could smile, it would have a shit eating grin plastered on his face. A small detour for mischief never hurted anybody.
“But I am telling you,” blond with small scar across his nose, pointed at the drink”, this is the best one, you can get!”  The man with braids just nonchalantly waved his hand. “ Yura, you know really shit about drinks. I won´t drink it even if I was on my dead bed and this piss was supposed to heal me.” “Oh fuck off, Gutsco!”  both men started heatedly to argue about the drinks. Their other companios either laughed or rolled their eyes at their antics too used to the bickering. 
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psyworks · 4 years
Rokh Spring Summer 2021
Simply Amazing 🙂
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The Story of Caius Ballad
Once a seeress receives her first vision, the Guardian will take her away from the tribe and leave civilization behind. From that moment on, taking care of her is his responsibility. No one will hear her prophecies but him, and no matter what she sees, neither of them will try to change history.
She’s rarely older than six when he takes her under his wing.
She’s rarely older than sixteen when he watches her die.
A retelling of Final Fantasy XIII-2 from Caius Ballad’s point of view, taken from a small essay that analyzes his role in the game and whether or not he can be considered an anti-villain. The full analysis: https://bit.ly/3LJa2Ck
The tale of the seeress is as old as humanity itself. Etro, the goddess of death, gave the first human ever created the gift of reincarnation. That gift, however, came with a ruthless side effect. The human–a girl who was always given the name Yeul–was reborn with the ability to see the future, and whenever she had a vision, her lifespan grew shorter. Because of Etro’s blessing, no incarnation of this girl ever reached adulthood. 
The seeresses were protected by Guardians—warriors from the Farseer tribe, turned into l’Cie to make sure they fulfilled their duty. Since there could only be one Guardian at a time, a challenger for the role had to kill the present one to take their place. The last warrior to ever become a Guardian was Caius. 
Like every Guardian before him, Caius protected the seeresses by using his powers as a l’Cie. He was the most powerful warrior in the tribe—but one day, that still wasn’t enough. The Farseers were attacked by enemies, and to protect Yeul, he chose to perform an incarnate summon—a skill that allowed him to become one with his Eidolon at the cost of his own life. Etro, touched by his selflessness and dedication, decided to bestow a blessing on him. When Caius awoke, he was no longer a l’Cie. Etro had infused her own heart into his body, providing him with unfathomable power and the gift of immortality. He would now be able to protect every incarnation of Yeul, from her first vision to her last, forever.
This marks the beginning of the story about Caius Ballad, the immortal Guardian who killed the goddess of death and broke time and fate itself in order to save one single soul.
Wherever there’s a Yeul, there’s always war and unrest. She’s hated, she’s feared, and there’s always people who want to abuse her and her gift. Caius can protect her from physical threats, but he can’t stop her suffering. She’s just a child, after all—a lonely child, shunned by those who should have loved her the most. To fulfill his role as a Guardian, Caius is forced to learn a skill that warriors are never taught: How to comfort a crying young girl.
The Farseer laws state that altering the future is forbidden, but there are always people who don’t follow the rules. After one of Yeul’s prophecies causes enough disorder to spark a civil war among the Farseers, a new tradition is born. Once a seeress receives her first vision, the Guardian will take her away from the tribe and leave civilization behind. From that moment on, taking care of her is his responsibility. No one will hear her prophecies but him, and no matter what she sees, neither of them will try to change history.
She’s rarely older than six when he takes her under his wing.
She’s rarely older than sixteen when he watches her die.
Whenever the future changes, Yeul receives a vision. The most fatal ones are caused by life-altering changes in the timeline—and more often than not, the culprit behind those changes is the goddess herself. The humans affected by her interventions call them miracles. They have no idea that the cost of those “miracles” is the life of a young girl.
Though the incarnations of Yeul all look the same, they all have different personalities. They’re more than just seeresses—they’re individual beings, all unique in their own way. Even as Caius’s own heart grows darker, he never stops protecting these girls—and he never stops mourning them.
Over and over, the cycle repeats itself. Even at her youngest, Yeul always knows what awaits them both at the end of their journey. She will die, and he will live.
As a warrior of the Farseer tribe, Caius once worshiped Etro. Never give up, because the goddess Etro watches always, and helps those who help themselves. Just like his peers, he used to think of the goddess’ gifts as blessings. Now, he sees them for what they truly are—curses. The goddess might not think of them as such, but then again, she doesn’t seem to think much at all. Being reborn over and over just to live as an outcast and die before reaching adulthood is not a blessing—and neither is immortality.
One day, Cocoon nearly crashes into Pulse. Etro once again decides to use her power to mindlessly change the course of history. She frees six crystalized l’Cie from their stasis, but her act of mercy creates a crack in the veil between the realms. A woman, one of the six, is dragged into Valhalla as chaos seeps into the mortal world, distorting time. Most humans barely notice the changes. Yeul keeps dying.
Three years after the fall of Cocoon, Caius and Yeul witness a man and a woman step through their first gate together. It was Yeul’s decision to come to the town called New Bodhum, insisting that she wanted to see the woman from her visions, Serah, in person. Caius doesn’t share her enthusiasm. Considering the number of visions Yeul has had of this woman, she’s bound to be a catalyst of changes in the timeline. Yeul is intrigued by the odd duo, though. The man looks like a Farseer warrior, but no one seems to have taught him the rules about altering history. Serah looks nothing like a woman from the tribe, but she still has the ability to see the future. Their very existence is an anomaly of its own.
By entering the Historia Crux, the two will inevitably create ripples in the timeline. Yeul holds no grudge against them. Caius does.
There’s a man, one of the six, who collaborates with the time travelers. He acts according to Noel and Serah’s advice, slowly adjusting the course of mankind to make sure that the “correct” timeline becomes reality. He never follows them on their journeys, though. No matter how hard he tries, the gates won’t open for him. Out of the six, he’s the only one who’s forced to make his way through time the way humans are supposed to. His life is a long, strenuous one-way street—just like Caius’.
Two centuries later, Caius finally catches up with the time travelers. The Yeul of this era, just like ones before her, has been plagued with visions of them. Caius has come to understand that he will one day know this man, Noel, but that doesn’t matter. They’ve caused enough death already with their careless changes of the future. Caius has a duty to protect the timeline, to protect Yeul, and they have to be punished for their crimes. It’s the law of the Farseers, and the duty of a Guardian.
The time travelers don’t go down easy, though. Noel is a skilled fighter, and Serah uses magic with the ease of a l’Cie. Monsters appear by their side, following their every command. After an unexpectedly challenging battle, Caius eventually gains the upper hand. He’s just about to give the warrior the punishment he deserves when Yeul tells him to stop. It’s too late, she says. The timeline has already changed. He sheathes his sword and kneels before her. He is her Guardian, her servant, and he follows her command. His battle with the time travelers is far from over, though. They will be punished for their sins.
The same Yeul, the same year, asks Caius to let her meet up with the time travelers alone. She says that she trusts them, and that she, too, wants them to find their “correct” timeline. Caius knows what will happen if she helps them, but he is her Guardian, and it’s not his place to stop her.
When he finds her in Augusta Tower, she’s already gone. This time, she was the one who changed history—and just like that, Caius lost another Yeul.
The nightmare continues. Every time Caius holds Yeul’s dead body in his arms, a part of him breaks. There’s not much left of him now—just boiling fury, and the knowledge that somehow, someday, he will put an end to all this. His hatred of the goddess has become a part of his very being, just like the cursed heart pounding in his chest.
700 years after the fall of Cocoon, Caius meets the final Yeul. The end of humanity is drawing near, and no more children will be born. He once made a promise that he would allow the last Yeul to live a normal life, and now, at the end of all things, he finally gets to see her happy. Everyone in the village knows who she is—what she is—but she still has friends. One of those friends is Noel Kreiss, the boy who will one day cause the death of countless of her earlier incarnations. The boy asks Caius to train him, and he agrees. The puzzle pieces are slowly falling into place. The full picture isn’t quite there yet, but a plan is brewing in the back of his mind. To free Yeul—all incarnations of her—the goddess would have to die. Etro’s heart beats within his chest, but his curse doesn’t allow him to destroy it himself. He already knows how powerful Noel will one day become. Maybe one day, this boy will actually be able to do the one thing Caius cannot do himself.
With Caius’s training, the boy grows into a warrior. He doesn’t understand the old ways, though—he wants the power of a Guardian, but doesn’t want to kill Caius. No matter how many times Caius tries to taunt him into it, Noel refuses to give in. He’s not strong enough. Not yet.
In the end, Caius abandons his original plan. This Noel, the one who has yet to travel space and time, doesn’t have it in him to kill. He is, however, strong enough to protect the final Yeul. On her fifteenth birthday, Caius leaves Yeul in Noel’s care, knowing that the next time he and his protégé meet, it won’t be on friendly terms.
Following the source of the power residing in his chest, he makes his way to Valhalla. It’s time for him to face the goddess himself.
In Valhalla, Caius finally figures everything out. He sees the timelines—every single one of them—and he knows what he has to do. He will make sure that the “correct” timeline that Serah and Noel have been chasing will never come to fruition. In a way, he already has. He engineered his own path through time to get to this exact place at this exact moment by creating the paradoxes. Cocoon will fall, and so will the new, manmade replacement, causing enough casualties to force open the gate to Valhalla. That’s when he’ll make sure Noel deals that final blow. That’s when the goddess will finally meet her end. Time and fate will cease to exist, and Yeul’s soul will finally be free. Whatever is left of him when the deed is done will look after her—every version of her—forever.
But first, he has to defeat Etro’s champion—the woman who lost her life in the mortal world when she was sucked into Valhalla, all thanks to one of Etro’s blessings.  
Caius can’t wait for the goddess to die.
500 years after the fall of Cocoon, on the day of its final descent, Caius once again faces Noel and Serah. As expected, Noel has gained the strength and skill of a true Guardian. Caius brings them to Valhalla, the place where the finale of his plan has to take place, and their fight continues. Noel defeats him, just like Caius hoped he would, but he stops before dealing the final blow. Just like the boy from the dying village, he refuses to kill.
It doesn’t matter, though. Every piece of Caius’ intricate puzzle has already fallen into place. This is where the goddess dies. This is where his long journey finally ends.
He grabs Noel’s sword and plunges it into his chest.
This is where Yeul’s soul is set free.
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