#bless people who do their research and listen to advice
s0dium · 2 months
Hii, I'd like to participate in the matchup event if it's still alright ^^
Name: Gale
Specification of fandom and preferred matchup gender (would you like to be paired with a boy or girl or either): Kny ; boy
Likes/Hobbies: Music, Sweets, Salty Food, Meat, Food, Anime, Books, Knick knacks, trinkets, Drawing, Singing, Comfy things, Researching, Stationery
Dislikes: Tea, Bitter Things, Carrots, messiness,
Relationship Turn offs: Getting jealous to the point it affects the relationship but won't properly communicate it. Not willing to compromise during discussions. Being pushy and not respecting boundaries. Treats nothing seriously. Super secretive to the extent that they won't tell me if something is bothering them or they're in trouble.
Ideal Traits in a partner: Detail-Oriented, Smart, independent, Caring, Willing to spend time with me, Patient, Supportive, Isn't afraid to tell me off if I go off the rails or go into a downward spiral and don't listen to advice.
Love language: My love language is Gift Giving and Physical Touch. I have trouble communicating through words so I tend to compensate it with splurging and spoiling my loved ones with gifts. I am also clingy in the sense that I hug and lean onto people I'm comfortable with a lot. I don't really have a preference in how my partner show's their affection, though maybe words of affirmation would help me in more ways than one. One of us needs to know how to speak I guess haha.
Description of Personality: I'm usually timid and quiet, but when I'm comfortable it depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm loud and energetic, child like even. Sometimes I get sarcastic and sassy, but mostly as a silly or joking bit. I get easily annoyed or ticked off when triggered, but, if isnt one of my triggers, I'm very chill I think. I'm also a bit air headed, like I do things without thinking or easily spacing off or forgetting things. I'm also a bit stubborn. I like to take things easy and frankly a bit lazy. But when I have something to do and I'm not being lazy, I'm anxious to get it done and done in a certain way. If I get serious, I'm very detail-oriented and specific in how I want things but struggle to communicate how I want it. This ends with me doing most projects and tasks alone. Even in activities that require group effort, I don't like not knowing what everyone is supposed to do and the possible quality of their outputs. I prefer knowing who knows how to do what and giving them appropriate jobs. But, this tiring and I burnout easily because of this. I also have the bad habit of, when things don't go the way I plan, as a way to remedy any panic or frustration, I often downplay how I feel about the situation with phrases like "It doesnt matter" and laugh it off, which is both a blessing and curse for me.
What makes you laugh: I have a weird sense of humor so I'm not sure at this point. I do have slight dark humor and I like puns if that helps. Sometimes there are situations where a joke pops in my mind and I have to stop myself from laughing or saying it outloud because it's not the appropriate time. I also laugh at weirdly simple jokes.
What makes me cry: I cry when feelings are involved, when watching sad movies, when I get frustrated, or I get invested in a sad story. I made the mistake of reading ErHa at 2am and did not stop crying abour Chu Wanning for 3 hours. I also played Love Signal D-Mate and chose P:ure's route once and never played another route because I didnt have the heart after his ending. I cried the whole night after my first playthrough :'DDDDD
Ideal Date: I prefer indoor dates like movies, cooking together, playing board games or video games or even reading books together in a cozy and comfortable silence. But if we had to go out a cafe, some movies or mall hopping sounds nice but a bit tiring.
This got really long, I'm sorry qwq Thank you for taking your time to read this though. And congrats on the milestone!!
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Giyu Tomioka
"Its strange." Giyuu murmurs. "I always feel at ease around you." "Really?" You let out a slight laugh. "I feel the same way its like everything just....clicks Giyuu leans in, the proximity making your skin hot. "I'm glad. I've never felt this warmth before."
I think you and Giyuu really even each other and compliment each other well
(This is a modern AU)
Giyuu appreciates the peace of staying indoors, which perfectly matches your love for cozy dates. Most evenings, you're likely found curled up together, each with a book in hand, or you drawing while he watches, appreciating your focus and dedication.
He can stare at you sometimes which looks a little weird but he just loves you
Despite his reserved nature, Giyuu finds comfort in performing tasks together, like cooking. He's patient and meticulous, qualities that help when you're trying new recipes.
He does stupid things that make you laugh. He doesn't even know what he is doing sometimes he will say something really blunt that is just hilarious. He loves your laugh
Ngl I think that Giyuu would love manga. You and Giyuu would spend many nights binging series or watching movies. He's usually quiet, but you notice he's more expressive during these times, showing small smiles or furrowing his brows at intense scenes, which you find endearing.
Knowing your love language is gift-giving, Giyuu makes an effort to find thoughtful trinkets and books he knows you'll love.
: Giyuu isn't naturally very expressive, but he understands your need for physical touch and gradually becomes more comfortable with holding hands, hugs, and gentle touches that reassure you of his presence and affection.
Giyuu is a man of few words, which suits your occasional need for silent companionship. When you're working through your thoughts or simply need to be quiet, he's there beside you, a stable and comforting presence.
Both of you have your own strengths and weaknesses, but what makes your relationship special is your willingness to grow together. Giyuu learns to open up more about his feelings, while you help him with organizing tasks and making plans, making each other's lives easier and more fulfilling.
When you do go out, Giyuu enjoys taking you to quiet cafés where you can both enjoy some sweet treats. He will lowkey spend like 200 dollars on sweets that you like
Giyuu is protective, especially when it comes to the people he cares about. While he respects your independence, he's always ready to stand by your side if you feel overwhelmed or frustrated, helping you navigate through tough times with his calm and steady presence.
Hope you enjoyed!
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aeoki · 9 months
New Start GO! - Work: Chapter 1
Location: Yumenosaki Library Characters: Hajime & Jin
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The next day. >
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Hajime: ♪~♪~
(The library is peaceful as always~ I’ve finished with my student librarian work, so I suppose I’ll also read a book.)
(“New Start Go!”... I’d like to learn about how office employees work as well.)
(I’ll read a book on the business world that we also use as reference for our career plans.)
(It’s a menswear company so maybe I should read a book on clothing instead? Or maybe a book about the textiles industry or international trading…?)
(In the meantime, I should start with whichever book I come across first. Let’s start from this shelf…)
Jin: Ohh, what a coincidence. You’re doing some research for your career plans, Shino?
Hajime: Hm? It’s rare to see you here in the library, Sagami-sensei.
Jin: Haha. I may not look like it but I’m an avid reader. Would you be surprised to hear that?
Hajime: Huh? Really?
Jin: Nah, I’m just kidding. You can tell at a glance that I’m not that hard-working, right?
Actually, Kunugi-sensei asked me to help the students out with their career plans.
“You’re a teacher too so you should also help the students plan their future careers.” is what he said. So I’m helping the students who are about to graduate.
But I know nothing about other careers other than being an idol… So I figured I might as well do some research.
Hajime: Oh, I see. Which means you’re searching for a book about sport physicians or medical care?
Jin: Nope. I’m looking for books on general companies.
The student has some backbone to him and quite the rebellious spirit~ Apparently, if you nitpick him too much, he’ll stop listening to you too.
Seems it’ll be easier to get someone laid-back like me to talk to him instead of someone serious and rigid like Kunugi-sensei.
Hajime: Ahaha. Maybe Kunugi-sensei simply wanted you to help with the student’s career plans. You achieved great things during your time as an idol and many students trust you.
Jin: I wonder about that. I’m pretty dense in that regard so I have no idea.
Well, I’ve left that kinda work to the other teachers, so I guess it’s my turn now.
I was blessed by the fortune of that age and as a result, I chose to become an idol.
I just took the easy route, so I don’t think anyone would be angry if they saw someone like that helping the students plan out their future careers~
My own idol image and what the industry wanted just happened to fit together.
Hajime: Your own idol image…?
Jin: Nah, there isn’t any deeper meaning to that.
In this era, people want to see an idol’s individual characteristics, right?
The student I’m helping out has the talent, but not the right characteristics for this era. I think it’s unfortunate too.
He wasn’t strong enough to believe that his time would come, so he’s trying to consider other options… It’s a pretty tough task.
Maybe it’s my fate as a former “super idol”.
It feels like I’ve got no choice but to learn about the workings of other industries and companies that I’ve never encountered before – I’ve gotta start from the basics.
…Oh, you’re a good listener, Shino, so I couldn’t help but ramble. Sorry for taking up your time.
Could I get a book out on different jobs?
Hajime: Alright. Then an encyclopaedia on different occupations would be best.
Would you like to take this one out? If so, then I’ll fill out the paperwork.
Jin: Yup. Thanks.
Hajime: …Oh, right. Since you’re here, could I ask for some advice?
Jin: Advice? I don’t mind but are you sure you wanna ask me?
Hajime: Yes. “Ra*bits” received a work offer and I’d like to talk to you about it since you’re a senior to us idols.
We’ll be appearing in a spring TV programme called “New Start Go!” and we’ll be getting work experience at a company.
Jin: Work experience?
Hajime: Yes. We’ll be promoting menswear and we’ll also be appearing in suits.
We’ll be treated like new employees, so we’ll be working with the others in the company for a week…
Jin: I see. So you’re worried ‘cause it seems like you’ll have a lot of responsibility, huh.
Hajime: Yes. I’m grateful for the work offer itself, but I don’t think companies are places one should step foot in irresponsibly.
I’m worried if people like us, who work in the entertainment industry, can work there properly without inconveniencing them.
For people who are job-hunting, it could be a decision that affects their entire life – just like the student you’re helping.
They’ll get angry if I tell them that I’m just here to have a casual work experience, right?
Jin: Ahaha. I think you’ve got an extreme image of job-hunting, Shino.
In this age, it’s rare for people to work at one company their entire lives. Some people choose to have a career change after being idols too, right?
Besides, you’ve done a lot of “school jobs”, Shino. I think those count as work experience.
Did you say the work offer is called “New Start Go!”? You’re not gonna take part with the mindset of causing them trouble, so think of it as a good opportunity to get some work experience and be positive about it.
I don’t think the company would be expecting an idol with no experience to work perfectly, either.
Just think of it as expanding upon your skills.
Otherwise, you might turn into an old man like me and run into some trouble.
Hajime: Hehe. You’re right, Sagami-sensei.
Being afraid to make mistakes and saying no before trying would be getting my priorities backwards, huh. I’ll do my best to convince the others, then.
Jin: Yeah, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.
You guys have grown as idols and are already working in the entertainment industry.
But there are also students who graduate from high school or are job-hunting – like the student I’m helping.
It’s a valuable opportunity. Enjoy it to the fullest, Shino.
Hajime: I will. Thank you, Sagami-sensei.
Jin: Alrighty, I’m gonna head back to the infirmary then. Help me out the next time I’m here too, okay~? ♪
Hajime: Hehe. Of course, feel free to let me know if you need need my assistance finding books to help students with their career plans.
(...Still, everyone is thinking hard about their future careers, huh.)
(Up until now, I was having a hard time just catching up to everyone, so I didn’t have the time to think too much about it.)
(But just like how Nii-chan became a university student, I would also have to think about my own future under normal circumstances.)
(What sort of future can I imagine for myself? What sort of future do I want…?)
(I still don’t even know what sort of idol I want to be.)
(Well, dwelling on this isn’t going to do me any good. I hope “New Start Go!” will be a good chance to help me think about those things.)
(I’ll do my best to have fun and show the others in “Ra*bits” that I’m the work experience. Thank you for giving me your advice, Sagami-sensei.)
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gatekeeper-watchman · 3 months
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Daily Devotionals for June 10, 2024 
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 18:13-15(KJV): 13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. 14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear? 15 The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. Proverbs 18:13-15(Amp): 13 He who answers a matter before he hears the facts is folly and shame to him. 14 The strong spirit of a man will sustain him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise or bear? 15 The mind of the prudent is ever getting knowledge, and the ear of the wise is ever seeking -- inquiring for and craving -- knowledge.
Thought for the Day
Before making a statement about any matter, we should be sure we have heard all the facts. It is foolish to make premature judgments. It can be costly, as well as embarrassing if our suppositions should turn out to be wrong.
Everyone in America wants to be heard on all kinds of issues, even if they know nothing about them. Talk shows and media members encourage people to voice their opinions for airing on television. This is not bad in some circumstances, but when a person is unaware of the facts about an issue, it is better that he or she not voice an opinion. Many people repeat something they heard someone else say, without having thought the matter through or researched it themselves. This is how rumors spread.
There is an old saying: God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak. God's Word does instruct us repeatedly to be careful about what we say. "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. (James 1:19).
Verse 14 - A broken spirit can destroy someone. Cruel words spoken repeatedly against a person can wear him down until he is unable to recover. We must build up our "spiritual man" by reading the Bible daily. This does the same thing for our spirits that eating good food does for our bodies; it builds us up, making us strong in God. When attacked by the devil through sickness, pain, the words of others, or any kind of trouble, we will be able to overcome by applying God's Word to our situation. The Lord has provided the answer to every problem we face, so that we may be overcomers.
Verse 15 - The wise are continually learning. They truly seek God and ask Him to guide them into the knowledge and wisdom that they need in everyday life, as well as for the bigger problems they encounter. We all face trials and tribulations in life, but the Bible tells us not to worry. Jesus has made it possible for us to overcome. Furnishing us with His wisdom is one of the ways by which He has made this possible. Proverbs, like all Scripture, truly contains a wealth of wisdom for all who seek God diligently. "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, we love and worship You today. Thank you for giving us the revelation of Your Word so that we may have the knowledge and wisdom we need daily as we walk in this world. Lord, help me not to think that I must speak about every situation that arises. Help me to guard my mouth and speak only when I can bless and edify others. Lord, I do not want to speak just to be heard. Lord, I ask You also to forgive me when I have spoken in advisably and brought pain to someone because my words were not kind or loving. Fill my mouth daily and let me be a blessing in this world. Also, let me be a good listener as well, and when I do give advice let it be Your Word that I speak. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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mama-tiff · 2 years
When Baby was a mere eight weeks old, I researched ways to get him to sleep independently in his bassinet for more than 45 minutes at a time. I was a walking zombie and I was desperate to get as much sleep as I could. The most commonly proposed “solution” was to “sleep train him”. Sleep training him would teach him when, where, and how to sleep.
There were a few different methods to do this, but the most common methods involved allowing him to cry while delaying the provision of comfort or withholding it altogether. As a mother and a psychology major in undergrad, that did not sit well with me. I’m familiar with the effects of stress and I know all about learned helplessness; I did not want my baby to experience either as a result of letting him cry in order to learn how to sleep independently and for longer.
I was reminded by my mom-friends that he “just got here”, that he’s learning how to live in this new world, that he needs me to help him navigate it. I chose to continue to respond to his cries for comfort and to allow him to adjust to sleeping on his own at his own pace. I was blessed to be able to do that. I know that not all mothers are able to for many different reasons.
Thankfully and prayerfully, he has adjusted to sleeping on his own at night and is beginning to nap on his own more often. I don’t know what the exact result would have been if I had listened to others’ advice to “let him cry” because it’s “good for his lungs” or because “he’ll be spoiled otherwise”. But I’m glad that I felt empowered to choose what I believed was best for my baby. And he’s doing great!
I share this post not as a guilt trip toward mothers who choose (or have no choice but to choose) to let their babies to cry it out, but rather to inform people of the reasons to consider letting babies adjust in their own time. I know that a big reason mothers opt to let their babies cry it out is because they have to return to work. My hope is that one day, the USA will require employers to allow mothers sufficient time off to even have the option to allow their babies to adjust to sleeping independently in their own timing.
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lordofthecoffee · 7 years
I'm so excited, my coworker is buying a 5 gallon fish tank and she's letting me help her deck it out for her new betta and we're going fish shopping together when it's all set up and cycled and basically she's doing everything right and it's going to be so great for her new feesh frend
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Hey, I wanted to thank you for this blog I'm currently researching and reading about Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe for university (I'm doing history). I wanted to ask, any advice for people dealing with a spiritual crisis because I don't know who to talk to about this. I grew up fairly secular too.
hello my love. sorry this took me a while to respond to. i am absolutely sympathetic to how you feel- it was reading margery kempe and julian of norwich that sparked my own spiritual crisis. they offer such a different view of religion than you're used to, right? its more human and sensual, like you can sink your teeth into something that was previously completely beyond comprehension- or maybe more accurately, something that was purposefully placed beyond attainment.
on the practical side, if you're in school and experiencing a religious crisis, you might do very well to speak to your campus chaplain, if one is available to you, or seek out the campus faith centre. (most western schools continue to employ a chaplain, and they often don't get many visitors these days- they aren't there to proselytize or convert you, but they will be able to help you with how you're feeling, and are just generally nice to talk to.) it can be particularly helpful if you don't have religious people in your life, friends or family, to lean on, which is vey common.
but i don't know if practical advice is always that helpful for religious crises, since they are by their nature impractical things. when i've had religious crises, it made me feel very alone- as if i was experiencing something so deep and ineffable i couldn't possibly articulate it to anyone without fearing that i sounded insane. what was helpful for me was reading about people who had experienced religious crises or extraordinary depth of religious feeling: angela of foligno, catherine of siena, mechthild of magdeberg, hadewijch of brabant, teresa of avila, john of the cross, and bernard of clairvaux were all individuals whose works i read. it can be a bit less unnerving than, say, trying to read a holy book, like the bible or the qur'an, although holy books are wonderful reads in their own right and i recommend them just generally.
but mostly i would say, just allow yourself to sink into those feelings. its kind of like surrender. it can even be like falling in love. whether its doubt or belief that you're meeting in this journey, allow yourself to embrace the depth of that feeling. let yourself be quiet. listen to your intuition. in the silence between misgiving and criticism- whether it comes from ourselves and others- the silence between knowing and wanting to know, you may very well hear whatever it is that you're seeking. a religious crisis is perhaps misnamed: i don't think its a crisis, but a question, or a series of questions, prolonged wondering over something for which there is no real, universal answer, because the answer is intrinsic to us. it lives inside of us, whether we realize it or not, and it is through quiet contemplation, study, and thoughtfulness that we can hear the answer to that question. it can be helpful to talk to others, and learn about others' experiences, but ultimately your journey of belief is yours. its beautiful no matter where it takes you or what you end up believing. so have faith in yourself and the veracity of your own experiences, and you may very well find the rest of the faith you might be looking for. i hope that this helps, and i wish you so much love and blessing through this journey. and please do pop back in if you have more questions or thoughts x
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levok · 3 years
American anon here! YES to Aalborg University! It's got a very strong, internationally recognized technical program. Additionally, it's mostly young researchers, which in my experience means less harassment, mansplaining, and other unpleasant etceteras (big problem for female-presenting individuals in technical fields...some places can be an absolute nightmare and even openly hostile if you're queer).
Good news! I do drink! Though, being Felicia-sized, it takes two drinks for me to go from sober to overshare to projectile vomit. So, might have to come up with a new plan.
I will take our Southern European friend's advice and not attempt to show off my, yeah...admittedly, shitty Danish skills (I may have started learning Danish before I got a job interview). After several months of Duolingo Danish, I was rather disheartened that I couldn't understand a single word in a Danish Netflix show. Actually, my obsession with YR started when I realized that I understood more Swedish than Danish with my Duolingo knowledge (please don't take offense to that, your language is fucking awesome!)
If I get the job (all my fingers and toes crossed!), I will be moving alone, which hopefully will make socializing and making friends easier! If I become desperate, you may be able to find me by following rumors of a human from a far-away land roaming around bus stops and coffee shops conversing with anybody who will listen.
Also, I am so, so sorry for these non-YR related asks. And thank you, thank you, thank you for being so amazingly awesome and kind with your responses. It's just that you're the only Danish person I "know"! A big thank you to the wonderful former expat anon as well!
Bless you for trying to learn some danish! It’s the shittiest language to learn or understand. We don’t really separate the words and only pronounce half the letters. We don’t even understand each other 🥴 and unless you plan out a lifelong stay, no one expect you to learn danish, but have fun with it if you want. We never take offense in people butchering the language, we just find the effort endearing, because we know it hard!
’m sure you’ll be able to bond privately with some of your new colleagues then! It sounds like a work environment where that’s possible. And Danes are well aware of Americans non-ability to drink alcohol 😅
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spicynamericano · 3 years
Perception. - mk lee
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sypnosis: you meet a stranger in the park, who helps you prepare for your interview with renowned author, mark lee.
word count: 2.1k
genre: fluff, strangers to friends!au, author!mark x reporter!reader
a/n: i impulsively wrote this in the wee hours of the morning because i can't stop thinking about mark lee and his poems! btw, this is my first time posting an au on this platform, but i do have ongoing twitter fics (written in eng/fil)!
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I had just finished my late night shift at the office and was on my way home from work. Being a field reporter is not an easy job. I have to work my butt off to always stay up to date on the latest news and make sure to grab even the rarest exclusives.
I have to travel to basically anywhere, just to gather the most accurate information for the daily primetime news. And even if work is done for the day, I would usually go overtime to make sure no single detail is left out for tomorrow’s reports.
My workplace isn’t that far from home, or what I call home now. Moving into my elder sister’s old apartment was not a hassle. It was actually quite a blessing since I always used to stay over whenever we visited the city. I really thank the heavens that her place was near my workplace. Imagine the struggle of moving in and out from scratch. Actually, I wouldn’t even dare to imagine.
I would usually ride my bike to and from the office, but since I was running a bit late earlier in the morning, I decided to take the bus. Convenience at its finest. But it’s late now. A fifteen minute walk back home won’t hurt, right? Besides, I needed a breather. A walk in the nearby park would suffice.
It’s midnight and of course, the park is empty. Although Seoul is alive 24/7, I really like how some areas still have that laid-back vibe. I walk to the swings and place my bag on the ground. I do wish someone would push me right now. I just wanna be free from all the hectic stuff I’ve been doing lately.
But no, the quick rest I thought of didn’t stop me from going over tomorrow’s duties. I scan my little, brown notepad and check the work I have yet to accomplish. I mostly finished them before I got off work, but there is one more that I needed to do for tomorrow: interview Mr. Mark Lee, the author of the best-selling Late Night Scribbles.
It’s a collection of poems and prose he’s written over the course of five years during his travels to different cities as a renowned travel writer. His travel reviews and recommendations were something I always looked forward to reading. Maybe someday I could go on a stress-free holiday trip thanks to his advice.
I have read his book. For someone who’s trained into more technical writing like me, I could still clearly resonate with most of the poems he’s written. Not too shallow, not too deep. Though you do need to have a sense of literature in order to understand more of his deeper works. He isn’t famous for nothing.
What appalled me though is that he never showed his face to anyone, not even once. Some say he’s actually the main rapper of the world-renowned boy group NCT, since they bear the same name. I think otherwise. Well, it could be, though. Rappers do make their own lines and tell their own stories.
But I don’t think that Mark Lee would be the same person I’d be interviewing tomorrow. It’s weird because I won’t be actually meeting him face to face. He said he’d rather converse through email. Works for me since I don’t have to travel tomorrow. Thank God.
Well, let me tell you a secret. The reason I don’t think author Mark Lee is singer Mark Lee is because singer Mark Lee is actually my childhood best friend. Crazy, huh? I used to live in Vancouver when I was young until my family and I moved back to Korea during my teen years.
I don’t think he remembers me, though. But I do remember him. Our moms were practically best friends. I couldn’t say the same to us, only if he still actually remembers me.
I stretch my arms up high and bend it side to side. God, I need a massage asap. I was about to pick up my bag when a basketball rolled over and hit the tip of my loafers. A man dressed in black waves from the court, signaling to toss the ball to his direction.
I would toss it if I could but I walk over instead. Blame my poor strength and reflexes. And I obviously do not want to embarrass myself. A rough day’s a rough day. I don’t want an addition.
“Uhm, are you looking for this?” I ask the guy, tossing the ball mid-air.
“Yes, thank you…” he pauses. “uh…”
“Oh, it’s (y/n).” I introduced myself, “And you are?”
“Well, you’re welcome, Minhyung. Good luck with your basketball practice!” I gave him a nod before finally turning back to go home.
“Wait!” he calls out. “Do you maybe wanna have a cup of coffee? There’s a nearby convenience store still open. I figured you might need it.”
Was it that obvious? I can’t imagine how stressed I look right now! He has probably seen the dark circles under my eyes. Gross.
I finally turn around and give him a smile, “You know, maybe I do need it. Let’s go?”
This man and I walk to the nearby convenience store just a few meters away from the court. It’s midnight and not many people are here. Well, just exactly like how I want it. The park can actually become full, even until 10 pm. But I guess these people also need some shut-eye. I’m actually surprised this man right here still has some energy left.
I wait outside and sit at the nearest gazebo while he buys instant coffee for the both of us. He arrives with three in hand. Does he like coffee that much?
“You’re really gonna drink two?” I ask him curiously.
“It’s actually for you,” he says as he hands me one of the cups. “I feel like you’re going to be staying up late tonight.”
Well, he’s right. I am gonna be staying up late. I still need to prepare questions for tomorrow’s, or later, rather, interview. I really won’t be getting some sleep tonight. I also need to do research on him too.
“Well, I do have an interview for tomorrow. I still need to prepare as it’s a very important one.”
“With whom, may I ask?”
“Mark Lee, the author. Not the singer.”
“Oh,” he lets out a soft sigh that can be heard, even through his mask. Is he offended that I don’t think author Mark Lee and singer Mark Lee are the same?
“Why do you sound so disappointed?”
“Uh, nothing. I just remembered the book he recently released. Have you read it?”
“Late Night Scribbles?”
“Yes, that!” he answered enthusiastically. Wow, I guess I found a fan right here. He might actually help me with my interview later. I need to grab this chance.
“Do you mind helping me? I’m actually going to interview him about it tomorrow.” I gave him the widest smile, hoping he’d say yes. I normally wouldn’t do this to strangers, especially at night. But I really just need to get this over with.
“Well, as someone who’s a fan of his works. I’d like to give it a try and interpret it,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Just imagine I’m Mark Lee. Shoot your questions.”
“Hmm, I can’t be answering personal questions since you’re not Mark Lee.” I scratch my head. Damn, I can’t think of anything. My brain is not working right now! “But if you were Mark Lee, what would you want to be asked?”
“If I were Mark Lee? Well, rather than asking what my inspiration was behind the works I’ve made, I’d rather be asked on how I tried to convey my thoughts and feelings to this piece of work,” he explained, staring at the night sky.
I followed the direction of his gaze, and he’s looking at Orion, one of the brightest constellations out there. I gaze at it too while waiting for him to continue explaining.
“But isn’t it basically the same as drawing inspiration from something?” I ask profoundly.
“Not really. You can draw inspiration from anything. And you can come up with different outputs based on one inspiration. What’s important is how you’re able to connect the context of what you’re writing to the feelings you want to draw out,” he continues.
“With a single inspiration, I can come up with two completely different works based on how it’s written. The idea may be the same but the context is not.”
“Hmm, care to explain a little further?” I ask politely.
“We can use Black Socks as an example.”
Black socks are underrated
The way they connect the bottom sleeves of
my black sweatpants to my black sneakers
is just perfect
Pleasure from perfect alignment
That also goes for the ability to be parallel
with my thoughts and actions
I try to live out what’s in my mind, and keep
it consistent even when forgotten like a
working habit
A moment to think twice about what
seemed unimportant
Black socks have been making my day
these days and I knew I had to return the
favor by acknowledging them
I throw you in the bin only so that you can
be renewed again
“Black socks, literally an ordinary object that is tossed to the bin right after use. But what caught my eye is his appreciation for this mundane thing.”
“Through his words, you can tell black socks gave him comfort. He used a simple subject to convey his inner thoughts of how every little thing we don’t really recognize can actually be part of our routine, our life,” he said, looking me in the eye seriously.
“He found comfort in the most ordinary things no ordinary person would take notice of.”
Minhyung stands up and stretches his arms. He then continues, “It’s actually cool he shared this piece with us. If I were him, I’d go on and ramble how black socks could ruin my laundry.”
We both chuckle at the thought. It’s true. I hate how some of my black socks actually ruin my laundry. I dread the thought.
“It’s only a matter of perception, (y/n). Sometimes, you have to open your eyes and see, not look. Listen, not hear. Savor, not taste. Feel, not touch.”
“You know, you could actually be Mark Lee himself,” I tease him, “You do know your literature.”
I know he smiled at my remark. I can see his cheekbones rise from the edges of his mask.
“Sometimes, you just have to ask the right questions in order to get the answers you want,” he said teasingly. “You can’t get what you want if you don’t know what you want.”
For a stranger, he’s indeed a good talker. I actually learned so much from our talk tonight.
“Thanks for tonight, Minhyung. I really learned a lot.” I thank him before gulping down the last cup of coffee he bought me. “And thanks for the coffee, by the way! I now have energy to prepare for my interview later.”
“No problem. I’m just glad that I was able to help.”
I stood up from my seat and we both started walking away from the park.
“It’s 1 am. How are you gonna get home, (y/n)?” Minhyung asks worriedly. Yeah, it is pretty late. It’s a good thing I just live near.
“My apartment’s just two blocks away. I can manage,” I say with a smile, a genuine one at that. “How about you?”
“I’ll just grab a cab. Do you mind if I walk you home?” I don’t know why but I felt flustered for a moment. Surprisingly though, I just nodded my head, giving him permission to accompany me home.
We both arrive at the entrance of my apartment building and we say our last goodbyes.
“For a stranger, you really do know how to make people comfy,” I say, crossing my arms and giving him a stare, brows furrowed to tease him.
“Well, that’s just how I am,” he says while giving me a wink. Okay, now he’s flirting. Someone stop him, please. Just kidding.
“By the way, you haven’t taken your mask off the entire time except when drinking coffee. I couldn’t get a good glimpse at you since it was dark,” I explain. It’s true. Add the fact that I’m barely keeping myself awake the whole time. “I might’ve actually thought you’re an idol of some sort. Perhaps, maybe you are Mark Lee.”
“What?” he asks, puzzled and clearly taken aback. “Why’d you think so?”
“Because you share the same name with him.”
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Mondo and Byakuya with s/o who is the ultimate Strategist with depression? School is slowly draining my sanity and I need comfort 🥺👉👈
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First thing I would like to address is that while I took a very long time to write this, your slow descent to madness in school is something I do take seriously.
I am in no way an expert and if anything I wrote here is offensive and someone wishes me to tweak something or to outright take this post down feel free to shoot an anonymous ask or dm me. This is a heavy topic
Also Mondo’s might not be perfect because I don’t care about Mondo too much ngl but I do my best here
Tw: Depression (but nothing descriptive or graphic as I do not want this post to be all sad)
Mondo Owada x reader suffering from depression
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• He picked up rather quickly to the fact that you were suffering from depression
• He runs a biker gang full of juveniles, delinquents and more, he’s not unfamiliar to people struggling with issues such as depression
• That being said, this does not mean that he’s any good at helping you and your problem, even if you are his boyfriend/girlfriend
• He never dealt with these problems personally in his gang and always directed them to close family that didn’t disapprove of their lifestyle or someone close or just generally reliable, but you are his special someone, it doesn’t sit right with him for him to hardly involve himself with it especially since he swore to take care of you when you two decided to start dating
• Having hit a wall in what to do, he turns to his friends in Hope’s peak academy, his bros Taka and Chihiro who’s advice was summarized to
• “Listen to what they have to say, try and see what’s wrong, if you can’t find out what’s wrong or its something you just don’t understand, get them to consult a therapist.”
• He won’t be perfect but he does his best to offer emotional support and physical support if your symptoms worsen, he’s the tough leader of a biker gang but he will soften up just to be able to help you, the person he promised to help
Byakuya Togami x reader suffering from depression
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• Byakuya is a bit of a mess in terms of mental health conditions
• Shown with his treatment of Touko, he does not give a damn about whatever conditions people have in most cases
• “Most cases” because you are his significant other
• He’s a rather emotionally misguided man and a maid probably had to inform him that you were exhibiting symptoms of depression
• He’d like to just go up and ask you, point blank about it but he’s not a complete fool in mental health to believe that just asking you if you had depression would work
• Instead he’d do research on it to try and do his best to help, which is honestly a blessing he did
• He might try to spoil you a bit in an attempt to comfort you but if he sees you dislike it, he’ll back off and opt to spend quality time with you. After all, part of the reason you have depression COULD be because he neglects you a bit at times but that isn’t his conclusion, just a guess
• He has his own varying hypothesis on why you have depression but thanks to his research and the advice of the staff of his family and his classmates in Hope’s peak, he isn’t going to assume that’s right and will get to work in trying to get you a therapist
• Similarly to Mondo, he’s not perfect but will try his best after all, you somehow managed to make your way into his heart so it’s only fair he does the same
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Forever Mine
❦ summary — The time for Princess Riley to step into her role as queen fast approaches and finding the future king is Cordonia’s top priority. Commander Liam is aware of that, and plans to make sure the Princess ends up with someone suitable. 
➺ a/n: so i got this idea for an evil-Liam fic, where the roles between him and Riley are switched, but they don’t meet the same way & nothing besides the Social Season is similar to things that happen in canon. basically, Liam is one of the higher-ups in Cordonia’s military (i don’t know much about militaries in a monarchy, so bear with me and keep in mind this is fiction) and yeah, it all just goes from there :) this might end up being a mess, but I hope you all enjoy it!
❦ word count: (+/-) 1195
➺ catch up here!
*all characters belong to Pixelberry, except those unique to my story*
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Liam remembers his first audience with the royal family. He had become a General just a few weeks prior. The air had been tense, and the silence almost gave him a headache. The king had invited him to dinner with his family a week before — as Constantine’s declarations of war became more frequent, Liam’s superiors had confidently brought him to the table. The King was a witness to the crazy strategist who was willing to gamble everything on a whim. The king almost dismissed him from his presence, but again, the young General’s superiors were frighteningly confident with him. 
At the dinner, Princess Riley had quickly glanced between her father and her brother. Liam had heard that Prince Leo had come to the dinner reluctantly. Tired of the silence and aware that he had to impress the king, Liam effortlessly picked up a conversation with the young princess. The life in her eyes enraptured Liam. He had never been a lover of music, but her voice was a melody that only a goddess could create, and he wanted to listen to it nonstop.
But he told himself to not let his gaze linger on her for long. For one, he was there for the king, not the childish princess. The entire nation knew she was sheltered and unwise in the ways of governing. Many people spoke of her recklessness as well. 
Secondly, Liam knew the impression he made tonight could mean another promotion: in the past few days, the king had summoned Liam instead of the Commander that he had relied on most of his reign. Liam was not going to jeopardize this opportunity. 
And lastly, the difference between their statuses was too large for Liam to dream of any possibilities. No matter how hard he worked, in the eyes of society, he would never be good enough for her. More than that, they were from different worlds. She was expected to marry a well-known noble from one of the Great Houses, or perhaps her hand in marriage would be used as a peace treaty. 
So Liam turned his attention to His Majesty, and soon had Leo engaged in the conversation, too. He would accidentally glance in the princess’s direction a few times, and his heart would jump when he noticed her intense gaze on him. 
After that evening, Prince Leo always spoke comfortably with Liam, relying on him before having audiences with Constantine, and even inviting Liam out for an occasional drink. 
The next time he saw the princess was when he bumped into her and her childhood friends, Duchess Olivia of Lythikos and Drake the commoner. Riley had introduced Liam with words sweeter than candy, and he felt he would have died happy had those been the last words he heard. 
Liam and Drake already knew each other through Leo. Drake gave him a friendly pat on the back. Though the Duchess was polite, she had an edge to her tone. Riley asked if Liam would join them for dinner again. He was obligated to comply, but he wouldn’t have denied her for the world.
He slowly became close friends with Leo, Riley, and most of the people within their circle. He was only a bit older than them, but they shared common interests. Liam had never prioritized making or having friends, but not only was this group pleasantly sociable, but it also helped his public image. He maintained his focus on his duties as General, though, and always remembered to keep a distance from Riley. Though his heart longed for her love and attention, Liam had to convince himself that he was fine with a merely platonic relationship. 
Weeks later, when Prince Leo abdicated, Liam had been the one to hear Constantine curse his son while Leo packed his bags on the other side of the palace. Liam had seen the panic in Riley’s eyes. Liam had been the one to calm her, to tell her she would be the perfect queen, and he even offered to guide her through everything she was going to have to learn. 
Leo had believed that Liam sympathized with him, so the Prince had ranted about his father endlessly the night he left. Leo made Liam follow him out of the front door, and made him promise to watch after his sister. 
“Make sure she doesn’t get into trouble,” he had said with a smile. Liam knew that even though Leo had made such a request, he still had to keep his distance from her. “I wish I could stay and help her with the transition, but you know I just can’t be here.” 
“Of course,” Liam had stated, though he’d never be able to understand why a man would abandon his duty to his nation. Leo was also putting Riley in pain. He was going to leave her alone. Who could have the heart to leave such a precious soul? “We’ll all be here when you visit.” 
Leo had given Liam and brotherly hug, then got into a car and drove away. 
In the coming weeks, Riley had begun to see Liam as a useful source of knowledge and kept the young General on her side, even when the king demanded his presence. Liam taught her whatever she wished to know, and found her far more intelligent than people gave her credit for. Her presence was always a sweet blessing: her smile was enchanting, her focus never faltered from him, she was more optimistic and kind than anyone he had met. 
She never failed to make him happy and was always ready to cheer him up when a meeting with her father hadn’t gone as planned. He loved her, and he wanted her to love him. 
Becoming Commander had pushed Liam away from Riley further — it upset her, saying that she detested being pushed away from a close friend, and she constantly requested his presence during their free time. Even though most of his time was spent with the king or other advisors discussion Cordonian issues, he was eager to clear his schedule for her.
Liam joined the royal family for dinner almost every night, and he was practically living in the palace. He had noticed that the princess was making herself scarce after meals. This behavior of hers had lasted barely a week before Liam decided to investigate, Leo’s request to keep an eye on her echoing through his mind. 
Through the window, he sees her going into the garden. Liam found himself racing down the staircase and following in her direction.
Liam knew to stop when he heard a rough voice call out to her. “I’ve been waiting for you,” an unknown man says. 
The princess laughs, a sound which draws Liam to her, but he maintains a distance and hides himself from their view. He can’t hear what they say, but after a while the man walks away from the garden, passing by Liam’s hiding place. Formal clothing. A noble, Liam realizes. But who could it have been? 
He waits for an appropriate amount of time to pass before he comes out of his hiding place. 
“Riley?” he calls out to her. She always insisted the Commander call her by her first name. 
“Liam!” Her face lights up when she sees him. She pats the stone bench next to her, signaling him to sit. Though it would be improper, Liam knew that Riley wouldn’t stop insisting, and he hated to see her upset. 
“I’ve seen you come here often lately,” Liam says. He expects some kind of reaction from her, but she only smiles. 
“I like to think of my mother when I come here,” she states. “I’ve been thinking of her often as of late.” 
“May I ask why?” 
She doesn’t hesitate to continue on, and Liam’s heart swells at how comfortable she is around him. “I wish she would give me some advice about becoming queen.” After a pause, she continues, “But also...”
When she doesn’t continue, Liam prompts, “Also?” 
A gentle frown comes across her face. She lowers her voice. “There’s... this noble. From one of the lower houses. I... I think...” 
Another pause. Liam knows who she’s talking about. Is she in love with him? he wonders. What other reason would there be for her to mention him? 
“Your Social Season is about to begin soon,” Liam reminds her, partly hoping that would convince her to forget about that man. 
“Yes, but... say he was one of the contenders. Do you think maybe...” Her voice was as hopeful as a child’s. 
Liam stands from his seat next to her. He reaches for her delicate hands and raises it to his lips. “If he is worthy enough, then of course.” 
He leaves her in the garden and goes back to the palace. He knew that whoever that lesser noble was, he was in no shape or form worthy enough for his darling. 
Days before, Constantine had taken Liam’s advice when the king approached him and wondered if it was time to start his daughter’s Social Season. The only reason Liam agreed was because he knew he was in the perfect position to influence which man she would marry. Even if Riley felt that she was the one in control of her Social Season, she would be wrong; Liam was the one who knew who was good enough for her, and he planned to implement that knowledge during the season.
Liam thinks to himself for a while, and estimates that he can have that man gone by morning. Perhaps sooner, if he didn’t show up to dinner with his Majesty. 
Security footage provided Liam with the rooms he was occupying. He asked some servants for his name. After some research about the man and his reputation — something the princess clearly didn’t know about — Liam drafted a straightforward letter and had two of his inferiors deliver it, who were tasked with escorting him out of the palace. 
The next morning he found Riley crying in her quarters, a wrinkled letter in her hands. Liam’s heart gave a jolt, and he wondered if she had found Liam’s threatening letter. But as he entered her room, he saw that it was a different one. He wrote to tell her goodbye. He’s gone, Liam thinks to himself. 
He takes a seat next to her on the edge of her bed, Drake on the other side of her. Riley doesn’t hesitate to lean her head against Liam’s shoulder, and Drake goes to close the door. 
Once her crying slows down, Liam retrieves something from his back pocket, convinced it would make her feel better. He had been holding back his feelings, afraid that he would draw her away, but Liam still wanted to give her a token of his affection. 
A necklace. Immediately her tears subside. She turns her back to him, asking if he would help her put it on. 
Liam stops himself from caressing the smooth skin on the back of her neck, aware that Drake was still in the room. 
She walks towards her mirror and examines her new piece of jewelry. Liam stands behind her, and she gazes at him through the mirror. They make eye contact and, she quickly averts her eyes and blushes. 
The door opens. Riley’s handmaid, Maria, rushes towards her. Noticing tear stains on Riley’s face, the woman grabs a tissue. 
“The Masquerade Ball beings in a few hours,” Maria tells her. “It’d be best if we start getting ready.” 
“Of course,” Riley says. As Liam and Drake walk out the door, she offers the men a smile. 
“I feel like Constantine’s rushing the Social Season” Drake says to Liam when they leave her room. “Leo’s didn’t happen this quickly.”
“The King has his reasons,” Liam says, though he doesn’t know what they are. Maybe he’d ask His Majesty about it later. 
“Hm.” Drake gives Liam a pat on the back before walking off. Liam continues on his path towards the king’s office, itching to see the guest list and who exactly Riley’s suitors would be.
please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from the tags :)
tags: @twinkleallnight @gkittylove99 @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ 
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sweaterwitchhelper · 4 years
hello i'm a very very beginner to this stuff. At this point i wouldn't even call myself a witch because i know so little. but i really really want to learn more about witchcraft and spirituality because it seems so interesting. i'm not a complete beginner to spirituality in that i have mediated before and regressed into a past life (i'm not sure you believe in that but i do). anyways like i was saying i believe i have the ability to become a witch and would be so so greatful to you if you had any tips on what i should learn first because its pretty overwhelming to see all this information and not know the basics. i know witchcraft isn't all crystals and incense and it takes hard work and effort and i'm more than willing to put that in, anyways thank you for reading this if you did.
Ahh, Wednesday. The day of Answers for my Asks.
Hello lovely new witch! Just because you don't know much doesn't mean you can't call yourself one, you are just in the earlier stages. We have all been there and experienced it. But, you call yourself what you are comfortable with.
Now then, I personally do believe it's possible to reincarnate. Though I feel it's a choice for your soul to make. I also believe some people have had many past lives, while others only a few. Again that's where it ties into the fact I think you have a choice whether to try again when you please. Not the point now though!
My advice I always give baby witches is a few things:
Deity work is NEVER required. You decide if you want to, and when you are ready if you decide to. No one else can tell you when you are ready, not even the deity. It's when you are comfortable. And you can decide never to do it, that's okay!
You don't need to be blessed with a special natural talent to be a witch, anyone can be a witch if they learn and try.
Never believe everything you read. Take it all with a grain of salt. You wouldn't believe me if I said that the ceiling said pancakes without looking up and seeing for yourself. That being said, it's okay to believe different from others. One person may fully believe in spirits and Fae, while another thinks they don't exist. It's okay to have a difference in opinion of belief.
You don't need a ton of money, or expensive things to be a witch. Most of my more expensive items were gifted to me and I didn't even need, though I am very grateful for them and love owning them they technically weren't necessary for the craft. A lot of times you can get smaller, cheaper alternatives or make them yourself. But if you want that fancy bottle and box set, and can afford it go for it. Your happiness is important, just know you don't absolutely have to have it to be a witch!
Picking something to learn. Like you said there is an abundance of information out there to look at and pick up. I always say to pick something you like to begin with and start learning. Ask other witches, read books and articles, figure out a meaning that's all your own. Like I said with research, take it with a grain of salt, but have an open mind to new things that you think might be for you.
Try doing some stuff yourself, do a little spell. Try out a Pendulum. Open doorways that you didn't think of before. Experiment. Have fun.
Please, leave closed cultures alone. Lots of openings in the world to do things, so why mess with things that aren't for us. Closed cultures you need to be born into, or initiated by someone in the culture. It isn't for someone who isn't one of those to touch. I will say, please listen to people of the culture instead of someone randomly stating things. (For example, I have native blood so I constantly say sage is for everyone, white sage is literally sold by Natives to everyone to be used. Listening to someone on a high horse who doesn't know what's going on to not use sage for smoke cleansing or smudging is ridiculous, because it's taking money away from the culture that actually is trying to get it out there. Plus sage was used for these purposes much farther before than we think. Our planet owns the plants and it's uses, not the people. Sorry for spinning off into a bit of a rant.)
It's all you. It's figuring out your path. Slowly blazing into the woods. You'll figure it out, and if not I'm always here. Happy to help, to talk, to teach and be of use. I hope I did well. So many people out there willing to help and talk and share. Open your windows and call for them, someone will answer. Maybe we should have a tag for looking for witches, haha. Maybe there already is one, I never checked. Good luck, please know I'm always here to talk.
Sweater 💙💙
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dany-is-my-queen · 4 years
Born To Be Yours | Part IX
Sansa Stark x Fem! Baratheon! Reader (Daenerys Targaryen x Fem! Baratheon! Reader eventually)
Season 1-8
Word Count: 2,883
Note: Sorry for the delay :(
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8
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“I’m glad nothing serious happened to you or your friend.” Tyrion poured himself some wine and you accepted to drink with him.
“Me too.”
“I know you are a hero but I sense something else here... why you keep taking those risks for her?” He curiously asked.
“She has no one...” That was true, still, you were trying to keep your feelings buried.
“You love her.” You hid your blush behind the silver cup. He chuckled. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. She seems to be a good Lady. With all that your brother has done to her having you is a blessing.”
“You... you’re okay with it?” Loving her in secret was one thing but saying it out loud to someone was a different one.
“Of course! I could never judge you. You don’t dictate your heart, you have all my support, Y/N.” He warmly smiled, you bent down to hug him. This is one of the many reasons you love your uncle so much.
“Thank you, uncle.”
“Now I fully understand why you did that yesterday. Does she know?” He walked to the balcony gesturing you to follow him.
“No. And maybe it’s all in my head.” You brushed it off. “She sees me as her very good chum who saves her from my horrendous family.”
“Or perhaps she’s just afraid to admit it. After all, you are the princess. It’s not that easy. You’ll figure it out.” He tapped your shoulder. Could Sansa really feel the same? Nothing’s impossible, you just have to give it time and be patient. But with the way she looks at you... how you find comfort in her embraces... how she gently touches your hand...
You made your way to the Stark girl’s room to check on her just to find the door wide open and a scared Sansa with the bed stained of blood, her nightgown had red stains too.
The Hound was there, you scowled. You knew he was going to tell Cersei, and that was the last thing the redhead wanted. Shae arrived shortly.
“Good morning.” You said.
“Princess.” Sandor and Shae greeted. Your gaze landed on Sansa, the tears were threatening to come out. She didn’t say anything.
“I will inform the Queen.” He stated and left. Sansa threw herself into your arms. You could feel her tensing and quivering.
“Hey hey, it’s gonna be fine. He’s not gonna touch you.” You promise her, you would do anything to keep him away from her, even if that meant being punished.
“You should take a bath before you meet her grace.” The young handmaid said.
“I’m going to wait outside until you are finished, then I’ll escort you to my mother’s chambers. Don’t worry, my lady. I got you.” You assured. Her features relaxed and you gave her a small nod.
You tried to come with excuses for your mother to not force her to carry Joffrey’s babies immediately but nothing with a valid point seemed to be compelling enough.
After she was done you headed to her big room. “How is your wound?” You added to soothe the hike.
“Better. You are a very good healer.” She shyly answered.
“One of my many gifts.” You winked to ease her nerves. The Queen Regent was already expecting her, yet she was not very surprised when you showed up behind Sansa, you let her entered first.
“My love, what are you doing here?” Cersei asked you, raising her eyebrow.
“I... thought I’d give Lady Sansa some advice, I flowered almost two years ago. I know it is grubby at first.”
“It certainly is. But her mother prepared her, didn’t she?”
“She told me. I thought... it would be different.” Sansa confessed.
“In what way?” You both took a seat.
“I thought it would be less... less messy.”
“Wait until you birth a child. You’re a woman now, do you know what that means?”
“I’m fit to bear children for the King.” Yes, your heart was breaking again.
“Is there any rush?” You intervened and Cersei faked a sympathetic smile.
“The sooner the better.” She made a flick for you to keep your mouth shut. Your jaw tensed. “A prospect that once delighted you. The greatest honor for a queen. Joffrey has always been difficult. Even his birth, I labored one day and a half to bring him into this world. You cannon imagine the pain. I screamed so loud I was sure Robert would hear me in the Kingswood.”
“His grace was not with you?”
“Robert was hunting. Whenever my time was near, he would flee to the trees with his huntsmen and his hounds. The only time he was with me was when Y/N was born. I’ll always remember how she wrapped her little hand around his finger, she smiled at him and that was the only time in my life I saw a tear fell from his cheek. It was too emotional.”
You missed him so badly, the stories he used to tell you about Westeros, the adventures he had when he was a young Lord, the thrill in his eyes when he saw you swing the sword for the first time, he taught you all about archery, about bravery. When you were feeling low because of Joffrey and your mother he would carry you in his arms and then ride far from the city in your horses. You missed those days cause in the dark moments he was your hero.
“You never told me that before.”
“You were your father’s favorite.” Then she referred to Sansa. “Joffrey will show you no such devotion. You may never love the King but you will love his children.” She told her calmly.
“I love his grace with all my heart.” Sansa lied in her usual innocent voice.
“That’s very touching to hear. Permit me to share some womanly wisdom with you on this special day. The more people you love, the weaker you are. You’ll do things for them that you know you shouldn’t do. You’ll act the fool to make them happy, to keep them safe. Love no one but your children. On that front, a mother has no choice.” Was it so hard for Cersei to love you as much as she loved your siblings? To support you and be there for you?
“But shouldn’t I love Joffrey, your grace?”
“You can try, little dove. My sweet daughter here, she will be marrying some Lord very soon. I think it’s time for you to start your own family.” The blonde abruptly added. Sansa felt her stomach twist itself into an uncomfortable knot.
“That means I will have to leave you, mother.” You complained. Cersei doesn’t want to end up alone, Jaime is a prisoner, you don’t know if you’re going to see him again. But she doesn’t want you to abandon her, deep down does she care? A question you often ask yourself.
“You grew too fast. You are my oldest daughter, any man who has your heart will be very lucky. Many of them are interested in you.” Your eyes were set only on Sansa Stark, even if you couldn’t be together.
“But I’m not interested in them.” You pointed out. Was she trying to send you away just because you were willing to keep protecting Sansa at all costs, or did she really wanted to get rid of you?
You and the northerner walked out. You let go of those thoughts. Focusing on her again you broke the silence. “There’ll be a battle soon. My uncle’s army will arrive anytime. Joffrey is going to be busy. I’m always here for you, Sansa.” You reassured once more, for her to know she’s not alone.
“I feel trapped. But when you’re around... you make everything better.” Hearing that made you feel a wave of joy. She blushed and gods, your face was the color of her hair too.
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” You said smiling sincerely at her. She smiled back at you.
The following days passed so very fast, now you were helping uncle Tyrion do some researching on books to find information to use for the incoming battle. The King himself apparently is occupied torturing people and animals to care for his Kingdoms. Bronn was there too, your uncle thought he’d come with some ideas for the defense of the city.
You were distracted, to say the least, your mind wandering in the redhead beauty, in how she seemed to be troubled almost all the time.
“Dear niece, I need your cleverness.” You came out of your trance.
“We are very lucky to have you as Hand of the King, uncle, otherwise we’d be doomed. And I mean it, no sarcasm. I want to join you in the field.” Tyrion wasn’t expecting to hear that statement. You knew you could be effective.
“What? Absolutely not. The last time in the riot the gods were good and you were unharmed. This is way different. I know you are brave, just like Robert was, but I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. Let alone the fact your mother won’t allow it.”
“I can take care of myself. Joffrey won’t last a moment there. Maybe I can coax him to fight along his men.”
“I wish you could. He won’t listen.”
“I’ll do it anyway.”
“So stubborn. My brain might explode before I find something helpful. ‘A History of the Great Sieges of Westeros.’ By Archmaester Shevelathin. Shevelatesh.”
“Ch’Vyalythan.” You corrected him.
“Are you sure?” You shrugged.
“My Princess. Lord Hand. Commander. I must compliment you on the Gold Cloak’s performance last few weeks. Did you know there has been a marked drop in thievery?” Lord Varys said entering the room.
“How did you accomplish this?”
“Me and the lads rounded up all the known thieves.” Bronn nonchalant replied.
“For questioning?”
“No. It’s just the unknown thieves we need to worry about now.”
“We’ve talked about this.”
“Have you ever been on a city under siege? Maybe this part is not in your books. See, it’s not the fighting that kills most people. It’s the starving. Food’s worth more than gold. The thieves love a siege. Soon as the gates are sealed they steal all of it. By the time it’s all over, they’re the richest men in town.”
“Yes, I believe extreme measures are warranted. Ah ‘The Great Sieges of Westeros.’ Thrilling subject, shame archmaester Ch’Vyalthan wasn’t a better writer.” Varys referred to the big book on the table.
“Uncle Stannis knows King’s Landing, he knows where we are the strongest and where we are the weakest. We need to be cautious. Take him down before he arrives at the gates.” Now you were focusing, strategy was essential.
“That’s it! The Mud Gate. A good ram will batter it down in minutes, and it’s only fifty yards from the water. That’s where he’ll land.” Tyrion affirmed certainly.
“If he does attack at the Mud Gate, what is our plan?” Varys curiously inquired. Tyrion looked at you, and then back at him.
“Wildfire.” He said.
After discussing the tactics you went to share some time with Sansa, she is one of the few people who gives you peace. Little Tommen was on his reading lessons. She was embroidering a red scarf with two lions on the top. Your heart warmed at the sight of it.
“Shae is not here?”
“I dismissed her an hour ago.” Then she stood up. “A present for you.”
“Why do I owe the pleasure?” You admired her flawless needlework.
“Because you always save me. You are always there for me. I don’t know how can I ever repay you.”
“You don’t have to, you know I do it cause I love you I’m your friend. But I appreciate the gift though. It is a very fine design.” She flushed, seeing her like this is very cute.
“You think... your brother is going to defeat Lord Stannis?”
“Brave men will fight. I have faith in them and in my uncle’s plan. I-I might... get involved.”
“Is this a bad joke?” She looked at you perplexed.
“I’m afraid is not.”
“Y/N, you could die! You are strong but still too young to go to war. And you are a princess.” Sansa winced. You squeezed gently her arm.
“I won’t die. I heard uncle Renly had in his Kingsguard a female warrior. And what about Visenya Targaryen? She was a fantastic skilled warrior as well. She fought alongside Aegon in his conquest, and in the First Dornish War. Also, she was a dragon rider, she bonded with the one called Vhagar. And had a Valyrian steel longsword named Dark Sister. I wish I had one.” You commented, utterly excited. Sansa didn’t really like the topic but her eyes lighted up every time you talked about something you were passionate about.
“You never cease to amaze me, you know so much about these things. I understand now why Arya and you got along so well.” And it’s true, you wished she was here, you missed the youngest Stark girl running around the castle. “But still, I don’t like the idea of you being out there. It’s too dangerous. You said you weren’t going anywhere.” She mumbled the last sentence.
“Trust me.” You held her hands on your own.
“Just be careful, please. Don’t leave me alone.”
“I will be. And I’ll never leave you.”
You were walking side by side with the King, Varys, and Tyrion on the eastern walls.
“If my uncle Stannis lands on the shores of King’s Landing, I’ll ride out to greet him.” Joffrey smugly spoke.
“A brave choice, your grace. I’m sure your men will line up behind you.” Tyrion subtly jeered.
“They say he never smiles. I’ll give him a red smile from ear to ear.” You rolled your eyes, knowing he wouldn’t stand a chance against him on his own. Lord Varys and your uncle began to converse with each other.
“Hey, Y/N. I heard you want to join us in the fight.” He said in a mocking way.
“You think I’m not capable?”
“Exactly. You are a woman. Not that I really care about what happens to you. You’ll die out there.”
“You have little faith in me, big brother. But still, I’m way better than you in almost everything.” You squinted your lips. “No! In absolutely everything. Don’t worry, I’ll pray for our victory.”
“I already know your whore friend has flowered. I’ll come to visit her right after I kill our uncle.” He hissed and you didn’t punch him right away right there cause you held back your fury. He was provoking you, you would get your knuckles bloody for Sansa if he goes too far.
“...They say he burns his enemies alive to honor the Lord of Light.” You joined the conversation between the two men.
“The Lord of Light wants his enemies burnt. The Drowned God wants them drowned. Why are all the gods such vicious cunts? Where is the god of tits and wine?” Tyrion wittily questioned.
“In the Summer Isles, they worship a fertility goddess with sixteen teats.” Varys responded.
“We should sail there immediately.” You smirked.
“Lord Varys, do you know anything new about the Targaryen girl?" Some nights you wonder, if your father hadn't won the Rebellion she would be here, this would be her home, she was exiled so she could survive, she was forced to marry a savage, her family is dead, the world is such a cruel place... and when you are a helpless girl it gets worse, what if things had turned out differently? And you were the one on the other side of the world, maybe that's one of the main reasons why you sympathized with her.
“This morning, I heard a song all the way from Qarth beyond the Red Waste. Daenerys Targaryen lives.”
“That’s a relief.” You said.
“A relief? She has three dragons. But even if what they say is true, it’ll be years before they are fully grown. And then there will be nowhere to hide.” Varys argued.
“She’s on the edge of the world, the least of our problems.” Uncle Tyrion tried to sound unconcerned.
“Three baby dragons? How is that possible?” They were extinct for almost three hundred years. How she managed to bring them back?
“Princess, do you consider it was wise to let her live? If you knew then what you do now... would you persuade his grace to give the order? She might be a threat soon enough, she will claim the throne-“
“Maybe she’s not interested in it. Not everyone is. Especially the rightful heirs. She did nothing wrong.”
“I don’t regret my choice. I wouldn’t change it if I could.” You were confident, she’s innocent, one game at the time, you thought. Just because her ancestors were evil doesn’t mean she is evil too.
“You are so selfless, and good. Westeros might need a Queen like you.” Varys remarked.
“I’m no Queen, my Lord.” The throne belongs to you more than to Joffrey that was for sure, but how can you overthrow snakes that know your weaknesses and can use them to sting and hurt you the most?
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pens-swords-stuff · 4 years
Hey Undine! I once again turn to you for advice, because you’re such a blessing to this community. That said, you owe me nothing, so feel no shame in deleting this if you don’t care to answer.
I’m writing a story that is not intentionally a metaphor for mental illness, but now something that could easily be understood as mental illness (a form of possession) is central to the plot. I myself have experience with depression and anxiety and feel comfortable representing those, but I’m very concerned about writing something harmful towards people with psychosis or personality disorders. I’ve done general research, but I have a lot of questions about my specific portrayal.
Because I’m 17 and this story either won’t get published or won’t get published for a long time, I can’t really hire a sensitivity reader. Can you point me towards any resources for this? Like, is there an equivalent to the writingwithcolor blog for mental illness? Do you know any individuals who might wanna help me out?
First of all anon, I think it’s fantastic that you had the self-awareness to realize that there is something in your WIP that you need to be careful of. Cultivating that level of self-reflection and awareness is a really important skill, and so impressive that you’ve managed to start developing it at your age!
I think doing research is a good first step. And when you’re doing research, be sure to find sources from people who experience psychosis or personality disorders! It takes a little bit more digging, but try to find stories, articles, interviews, videos created by the people with psychosis or personality disorders. They are the best source of information because it’s their experience. When you’re looking up mental disorders of any kind, it’s much easier to find scientific articles and things like that — I would know, I’m a clinical social work student! But while all of the knowledge can be helpful, what you really want is to hear from the people, not the clinician.
Next, take a deep breath! When you try to include something that is outside of your experience in your stories, you’re probably going to make mistakes. And that’s okay! Don’t let the fear of making mistakes paralyze you and your writing. Making mistakes is a part of learning, and as long as you are respectful, open-minded and really listen to the feedback that you’re given, it’ll be okay.
If you’re really nervous about accidentally portraying something harmful, don’t show anyone! It won’t get published in the near future probably like you said, so you have plenty of time to learn, make mistakes, and fix anything you need to before you reveal it to the world. And hopefully by then, it’ll have gone through several edits and sensitivity readers so it won’t be a problem!
There are probably more blogs out there but the first and only one that comes to mind for me is @scriptshrink.
That being said, a word of caution: Don’t rely too heavily on blogs like that to answer all your questions. (And I mean this with absolutely NO offense intended! Blogs like @scriptshrink that answer questions about a certain topic are a godsend, and they are such valuable, wonderful resources that you should absolutely check out).
What I mean is this: It is impossible to capture the intricacies of your story in an ask. No matter how good of a job you do explaining it in limited characters, no matter how many really helpful answers they may be able to help provide, portrayal comes down to how it is written. I’m sure they can help answer several questions about mental illnesses, let you know if they think your concept is problematic or not, and even give advice on how to write a specific mental illness, but blogs like that are not a replacement for sensitivity readers. 
I’ve done some similar consultation on representing people of my background before, and a lot of people want answers to questions about whether they are being problematic or not. And often times the answer really just is: It depends on how you write it.
It’s frustrating for both me and the writer to have this conversation. It’s my firm belief that it’s not enough to just talk about it and ask someone when you do have specific questions about portrayal. It really needs to be read in its entirety for a real answer.
That’s why sensitivity readers (plural! Note the plurality!) are so important. 
If hiring a sensitivity reader isn’t an option for you right now for financial reasons, that’s fine. It’s okay to write it, do as much research as you can, edit, revise and brush up on it so that when you can eventually afford to hire someone, you have a much better product for them to judge. Feel free to write it to the best of your ability until then!
Otherwise, I know that there are some people who do trades — instead of offering payment, you could offer your own services to someone. You could maybe offer to be a sensitivity reader for them for one of your identities, offer to be a beta reader for someone, or offer to edit something for them. That might be a more affordable option for you if you can find someone willing to trade with you.
Good luck!
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aphroditeslesbian · 3 years
I was also raised 7th day Adventist and I’m a closeted lesbian. I don’t hate my religion..because I personally didn’t have a bad experience with it in my childhood, but it clashes a lot with my beliefs and well parts of my identity. I’m feeling a bit helpless because this religion has been a big part of my life, a lot of strong women I look up to in my life are sda, and my local sda community is very wholesome. And by now you can sense my reluctance in letting it go. I’ve been coping by thinking I should find a gay-friendly sda church once I move out.. if I ever get married. What’s your journey been like? 🪴
Hey! I don't meet a lot of sda online, it's interesting to hear a different perspective. I'm gonna go into everything, bc my experiences with sda really shaped me, and yeah, it's been a wild, not so fun ride.
Basically I was baptized catholic as an infant, but my family isn't practicing catholic. My mom is very religious, and wanted me to have a good education... In Brazil, we have very poor public education in primary and secondary school, and the best schools are the private ones... Which are also religious schools. So I wound up studying in a sda school from kindergarten to highschool graduation.
So from a young age (4 yo) I was raised on my school's religious beliefs. I was really involved, and my childhood best friend was also sda, she lived a couple floors down from me and we'd hang out often, and her family would bring me to church on Saturdays (there was a sda church across the street from the apartments we lived in). I was the staple Christian child, I prayed every night and every morning, apart from all the prayer at school ofc. At 8yo they did a talk at school about the importance of baptism, and I asked my parents to allow me to be baptized as sda. My mom surprisingly didn't want me to be baptized again, not so young, but my dad said I should do what I wanted, so I was baptized again at the school's church. Literally the school had an auditorium for our weekly religion-related classes, which we called "chapel", and was basically like going to church – but mandatory, as it was during school time. This specific school also had a church built on the side, so yeah.
During my early childhood through preteen years I had no issues with the school's teachings and sda ideology. It was all I had ever known, my family encouraged religion and we'd also sometimes (rarely) go to catholic church. I honestly didn't even realize people could not believe in god until I was 12/13.
I had never really heard much about being gay, or being anti gay during primary school - I may have forgotten having ever heard it from teachers. I only heard about homophobia from peers, and so I knew that being gay was a bad, evil, gross thing.
When I was around 11/12 we moved to a smaller town, and I started at a smaller Adventist school. I was the only one in my small newly found friend group who was baptized, and moving was very traumatic for me, so I started becoming less active in church. I became severely depressed because of the move and other stuff at home, and turned to the internet for a distraction.
I first heard about atheism from a youtuber, and he was known for his controversial takes (he's pretty nasty, it's only gotten worse with time but anyway). I guess a mixture of depression, becoming a teen, having my rebellious phase, I started researching into it.
My religion teacher (we had "religion" classes, but they should really have been called "7th Day Adventism classes") was much harsher than the one I had at my first school. This was around the time that Twilight was a big deal, and I read those books sooo many times for comfort, I got into Harry Potter etc. Not long after I moved to this school, we had a religion class about how Harry Potter was inspired by the devil. My books were often confiscated during class, even if I had already finished my assignments and was reading quietly, even if they were just on my desk. Being super depressed and introverted, with very few friends, books were my refuge. Having the teachers look down on them and literally say they were devilish and evil really started to shift my view of the religion. I knew these were good books, I loved them. So how could they be evil?
I have a very strong memory of praying and praying once and begging Jesus and god to help me, to give me a sign, because I was terrified of losing my religion, of losing god. All I had learned my whole life was that god is good, god is love etc. How come god wasn't helping me, my family, through some of the worst times? How come I was alone?
At around 12/13 my cousin came out to me as bi, and soon after another cousin came out as gay. I barely fully understood what that meant, and the internet was again where I researched about it. I realized I liked girls at the time, but I never understood you could even be married to a woman, as a woman. Even though I knew I liked and was attracted to girls, I never let myself think too much on it. The school was pretty obvious about how marriage is between a man and a woman, our "sex talk" was a class with our religion teacher. Bio talk was split, the boys left the room so we could learn about female anatomy and stuff, and then the boys had the room, etc. Our religious teacher was very adamant about how one shouldn't have sex before marriage, and marriage was between a man and a woman so...
Honestly the basework they laid was to erase homosexuality. I didn't even grasp that I could be anything but attracted to girls, I didn't realize I could do anything about it.
And then in highschool, I guess bc we were old enough, they finally started being outspoken about their hatred of gay people. There would be snide comments from the Portuguese/Lit teacher, a disgusting talk from the History teacher about how gay men's sexual activity leads to anal incontinence, the Religion teacher saying it was wrong, comparing it to criminality, the school's vice principal giving us a lecture and making sure to hammer in the worst thing anyone could turn out to be was homosexual.
At this point I thought I was okay with my same sex attraction, I thought these things weren't getting under my skin. But then I learned about being trans, and I came to the conclusion that since I was into girls, I couldn't be a woman. I identified as trans from around 15-19. That was internalized misogyny and homophobia, that was me actually letting all the snide little comments settle deep in me, and shape who I was.
Anyway, at around 14 I was done. School was teaching us that bastard kids aren't blessed by god (me and my siblings are all "bastards" as my parents were never married). They told us couples who lived together and we're never married were not blessed by god, and implied they were bound to have issues for their sin.
I was a teenager living in a broken home, my father was emotionally abusive to me and my mother, and honestly at the end of the day I had to choose if I wanted to believe in a god who was supposedly love itself, yet didn't protect me and my young siblings and my mom... Or not believe in god at all.
Leaving the church and coming to terms with not believing in god was one of the toughest times in my life. My depression was in the gutter, I was self harming, I was struggling. I remember thinking of my cousins, whom I was very close with growing up, and knowing they were good people, so how could god not love then? I remember thinking of myself, of all I had done for the church, for god, and wondering how could god not accept me.
For me, the church was poison. I only saw hypocrisy, I saw people who judged each other, who cared more about their own concepts of right and wrong than being mindful of others. I saw my teachers who preached being kind, but ridiculed and laughed at other religions and those who believed them. When I was questioning religion, I always had sooo many questions for my religion teacher and so often she just told me that some questions were too big for us to understand, that only god could fully comprehend himself.
I'm proud to have come out the other side, but I won't lie. The community that church represents does seem so lovely and welcoming. I wanted to be a part of something, and church offered that.
But at the end of the day, there's no space for me, a lesbian, in there. They don't believe gay marriage is okay, they don't condone our "lifestyle". They think this is a choice we're making, and a bad one at that.
The childhood friend I mentioned earlier, who I used to go to church with, actually came out as a lesbian a couple years ago as well. Her sda family is giving her a really hard time. She's left the church, last I heard.
Honestly, my advice would be to find other community. Find community with other lesbians, people who can accept you unconditionally, who can offer you support without small print. That's what I'm trying to do.
I personally am against christianity for a lot of other reasons besides my very negative experiences. Maybe that's not you, and in that case I guess finding a church that is LGB friendly can be the answer. I couldn't judge anyone for choosing to stay, because like I said I really understand how nice it can feel, how it's like you belong in this community, how it can feel like the church is family.
But I really suggest deep soulsearching, because in my experience all they ever did for me was suck all my energy, all my devotion, and spit me out when I was never going to be the heterosexual good girl they expected me to be.
Sorry for the super long answer, I hope this helps some? If you wanna talk more in private you can hit me up through DMs, I'm very willing to listen and talk about it.
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star-maiden · 4 years
Weekly Tarot Forecast 11/30/20 - 12/6/20
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Hello and welcome! This is a general outlook tarot reading for the collective, by zodiac sign.This week, we are focusing on any message or messages coming through from Spirit that you need to hear right now in order to navigate the week ahead. If you happened upon this reading, then there is a message here that is meant for you! As with all of my readings for the collective, these messages are meant for a wide range of people, life paths and situations. It is general outlook advice. As such, you may find that not everything resonates with you completely, and that is ok. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. You will also want to check your sun, moon and rising signs for the message or messages that are meant for you. I sincerely hope that these messages will serve your highest and greatest good, and assist you in making wise, informed decisions. Best wishes and many blessings!
♈ - Aries: Knight of Swords R: There is a situation in your life or coming toward you where you may feel as though you are bumbling around in the dark. Usually, the knight of swords charges in and defeats any obstacle with logic and discernment, but in this situation you may not have all the facts. Moving forward while in a state of fear or confusion is not likely to yield the best results. Alternatively, you might be rushing into something without conviction. When our actions are out of alignment with our true heart’s desire or higher calling, then we may feel stuck, bogged down or that we are just going through the motions for the sake of pleasing society or someone else. This isn’t good for you, Aries. You might need to reconsider a few things, and decide how you would like to get “unstuck” and move past this situation in a way that is supportive and healthy for you.
♉ - Taurus: The Empress R: This card feels very emotionally charged. There may be a pervasive feeling of lack or disconnection from abundance. You might be fearful about losing something that is close and dear to your heart. Taurus, there may be a situation in your life that is causing undue stress and/or anxiety. If this is the case, then the Empress Reversed is reminding you to slow down. Reconnect with yourself and the Earth. If you are open to alternative spirituality, you might want to practice connecting with the Earth as Divine Mother. Remember how she supports and sustains you, and know that there is no burden too heavy for her handle. If that’s not for you, consider focusing some extra attention on your self care practice. What can you do today that will help you feel more secure and supported? Who in your life can you talk to. It’s ok to lean on your loved ones for support. The key thing to remember here is that the Empress is never truly lacking in all resources. There is always a solution. There is always a way forward.
♊ - Gemini: High Priestess: Gemini, this week you may find yourself tapping into your intuitive side more than ever before. For any ongoing situation in your life, or for anything that comes up for you this week, know that your subconscious has been speaking to you. Trust your intuition and yourself enough to make your own decisions. Look for internal insights and convictions, rather than any form of external validations. Right now, speaking your own truth can be the most powerful catalyst for change. If you have been wondering about something, then this card is confirming that you already know the answers. Quiet down the outside noise and opinions of others. Listen to the voice of your inner wisdom; your experience. What is it saying to you?
♋ - Cancer: The Hanged One R: This week is time to get moving toward your goals! If there has been something that you have been trying to accomplish or bring into your life, then now is the time to start actively working toward achieving it. This message is especially true if you feel that you have been stuck in a period of waiting around, or a stalemate of some sort. Right about this week, things should be looking a lot clearer than before, and you should be feeling pretty on top of things. Your understanding and insights should be crystal clear in the coming week. What is it that you need to accomplish? How will you get there?
♌ - Leo: Knight of Pentacles R: There may be something coming into your life or a situation that you have been dealing with that now feels well and truly stuck. All progress has halted, and you may be feeling unmotivated and uninspired to continue. The important message of this card is to not give up hope! Often times, when we feel stuck on something and don’t know the way forward, we need to spend some more time researching and planning. Through the act of examining alternative routes and talking to those who have had similar experiences, new doorways will open up and you will be able to get things moving again, back on track. Another message that I’m hearing with this card is that you may need to take a bit of a break. This second message is especially true if your project is related to your creative capacity in some way. Sometimes, the best way to unblock a situation is to completely ignore it for a little while. This way, you can rekindle the passion and inspiration that helped you get started in the first place.
♍ - Virgo: 10 of Swords R: This week, you may find that a burden of some kind will be lifted from you. This is likely to be more mental/emotional than anything else. Old wounds are finally getting a chance to heal, and you should be feeling pretty good about things moving forward. For some of you, this may take the form of something moving out of your life for good (and for the better!). If there was a person or situation that was causing you a lot of stress, then this card is indicative that things will soon be resolved. You can hasten this healing process by releasing anything that does not support you mentally and emotionally in a healthy way. If something appears to be on its way out, it may be time to let it go. “Good Riddance” to old habits and dramas that were weighing you down.
♎ - Libra: 4 of Cups R: This week is a good time to notice the many blessings that have always been around you. You should be moving into a situation or mindset that feels more positive and uplifting. If you have been feeling lately that you’ve been in a bit of a slump, then this card is confirming that you are now reading to move away from that. This message may be related to social media or communication by phone in some way. If you have been feeling a bit off or like the people/situations/energies in your life just don’t hold the same spark for you anymore, then it may be time to look inwards for a bit. Consider what you really want in your life, and what would be most fulfilling to you. Opportunities will always present themselves to those who keep an open mind and look for them, but remember that you don’t always have to take what is being offered. If there is something in your life that you feel like you have to take because there are others telling you that it’s too good to pass up, be sure to check in with yourself and make sure it is actually in alignment with what you truly want. A blessing from one person’s point of view can seem rather disastrous from another.
♏ - Scorpio: 8 of Swords: There may be a situation in your life that has you feeling stuck and unable to see the way out. It may feel that your hands are tied or that the ground you have built your life on is mushy and slowly sinking into the depths of the earth. In your life, this feeling may manifest itself as a job you don’t like, or as a relationship that no longer feels fulfilling for you. It could even be a general sense of unease and entrapment. However, it is important to remember that there is always a way out. Oftentimes, when we are stressed, we can talk ourselves into a feeling of being powerless and unable to act. If this is the case for you, Scorpio, you’ll want to be extra mindful of your self-talk. We can easily make a situation feel worse than it is simply by using words that are negative, untrue or downright mean. It doesn’t have to be all sunshine and rainbow language all the time, especially if that’s not your thing. But consider how the words you use with yourself and others either disempower  or empower you. How do your words inform your actions or inactions? Do they make you feel paralyzed, or do they inspire you to move forward toward your goals? Another thing to notice is that this card always comes with a silver lining. See the water at her feet, flowing away from the situation? Water has a lot to teach us. With patience and diligence, it can flow right through any obstacle. There is always a way out.
♐ - Sagittarius: 7 of Cups: This week, there will likely be many possibilities opening up for you. In situations involving choices that must be made in order to move forward, you may find that there are too many options to choose from. Each path forward may seem mystical and utterly full of excitement and magic. You may even be feeling a bit overwhelmed with the sheer number of possibilities. This may manifest as a feeling of feeling scattered or unable to commit to a person, situation or mindset. While it’s generally a good thing to keep our options open, sometimes we can become so mystified and distracted by the possibility of achieving what we desire, that we miss out on the opportunity to act. This week, Sagittarius, it may be beneficial for you to commit to one path and/or decision. Having a clear goal or purpose in mind while you make your choice will assist you in this.
♑ - Capricorn: The Hierophant: This week there is a lesson that needs to be learned or experienced in order for you to move forward or step away from a situation that has been causing a lot of harm or discomfort. This lesson holds the key to your success and inner growth, and will likely seem a bit stuffy or restrictive at first. The Hierophant is a card that speaks of tradition, status quo and learning for the sake of spiritual and/or character growth. It relies heavily on the idea that there is a certain way that things must be done, and to deviate from the traditional path means that you cannot achieve or accomplish the thing you are trying to attain. Is there something in your life right now that requires you to follow steps or a specific order? If so, then this card could be reinforcing the need to make sure you follow the proper guidelines well. When we are learning something, or being initiated into a tradition of some sort, then we can expect to follow certain steps or sequences of events. If this kind of learning is not for you, then there may be another path or study that will be better for you.
♒ - Aquarius: 8 of Pentacles: This week is the time to begin the work toward any project or goal that you have been considering. Being an air sign, it is likely that you excel at the mental/planning stages of the creative process, but you may struggle with the actual, physical work part. If this sounds like you, then this card is telling you that now is the time to go for it. You have planned and envisioned the way you’d like everything to be, and now it is time to bring your idea into being. This will likely be a process that could span several weeks to a few months. Know that any hard work you invest into your goals now will majorly pay off in the future.
♓ - Pisces: The Queen of Cups: This week, you should be able to embody the archetype of the Queen of water. This could mean that you are feeling in tune with your emotions and intuition. Your actions should be feeling in alignment with your emotions, and while you are able to source your inspiration from your deepest feelings, you should also have no trouble a healthy separation between your emotional reality and your physical reality. You may be feeling so in tune with this compassionate energy that others may look up to you or come to you for advice. You give off a vibe that makes others feel that they can speak with you about any personal or sensitive issue. They trust that you will always listen with compassion and empathy, and that you will never mock or belittle an experience, no matter how it seems. This week, you may find yourself stepping into the role of the Queen of Cups. Alternatively, this could be a gentle reminder to embody all of her qualities in your own life, for yourself. How can you bring the energy of this queen into your life this week?
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artanogon · 4 years
Hi, um. I have a question. I was drawn to your blog by an ADHD Checklist you made a while ago. And, well. 50 of them matched. Probably something I should look into, right? I was wondering if you had any tips on breaching that discussion with mental health adverse guardians? I understand if you don’t really focus on ADHD, but If you do have any tips and feel comfortable sharing them, they would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, cool. Thanks for making that post, it helped me figure out a lot of stuff. :)
hi trust!! (is that a cool nickname?) it wasn’t my checklist specifically, but i do have adhd and i’ll be happy to help!  first of all: definitely look into it. at the very least, being able to understand your mental health better and alter your habits from there will make a huge difference in getting through everyday life. i can provide some resources if you like! 
concerning the telling parents thing: i can give you this much. for me, things are kinda fucky. my mother doesn’t believe most mental illnesses are real, just a product of the drug industry, and she’s very ableist with trying to “cure” autism and such. it’s awful. i won’t even touch on my father. i wouldn’t tell him anything anyways. so yeah, i get where you’re coming from. it can be a really difficult thing to do!  the best thing i can offer is this: lay out your evidence, keep your cool. it can be super duper scary! you can try “this is adhd, i think i have it, i’ve done a lot of research into it from many sources (so they can’t argue that you don’t know what you’re talking about!) and i think i have signs [x, y, z]” (if they want more info/proof). if needs be, cater to what they want to hear! the important thing is getting them to listen. 
and one thing to remember: it might not go well. and it’s a sucky possibility. but it is one. but you have to remember that your family does not ultimately define who you are, and they can be extremely wrong! as long as you find people who accept and respect you, family or not, then you’ll be all good! or even just learned to understand and love yourself!! your family’s approval is not the end-all be-all. 
some everyday tips for dealing with adhd, at least in my case: 
-stim if it makes u happy!! stimming, within a context that isn’t harmful to yourself, is so good!!
-establish a routine, find whatever way to write it out or remind yourself or make it fun so that you can commit to it! it takes a long time, sometimes you can forget, but you can’t hate yourself for that. establishing a routine with certain timeframes has helped me so much!
-executive dysfunction and rsd can get really overwhelming!! sensory meltdowns happen!! don’t beat yourself up for them!! u are VALID!!!
-sometimes little charts with everyday reminders help!! give urself a gold star for getting tasks done— making ur bed, brushing ur teeth, each of them deserve a gold star! that can be really helpful!!
-don’t let other people call you lazy or get you down when they don’t understand!! they can Shut The Fuck Up and if they won’t, i’ll come and kneecap them for u! 
there’s probably more but it is Very late here god bless
i might rb with more tips/ideas in the morning! fellow people with adhd, feel free to rb with more advice as well, it’d be really helpful to hear from you guys as well!! and trust, remember that you will always be safe and welcome here!! no matter what!!
we love you 💚💚
ableists and neurotypicals, do NOT fucking clown on this post. nt people can rb and boost, but this is NOT for u to start “discourse” on. ableists just dni. don’t jump in with your opinions. i don’t want them. thank you for your time ❤️
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