#blerbs from blerb
blerbdrops · 2 years
pedro pascal is not a stepdad, no. he is the dad who stepped up
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herbgerblin · 2 years
you know i should really learn to never underestimate tumblr's commitment to a bit
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kolorfulkrayons · 2 years
I’m gonna commit scooter ankle…
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buboloboogie · 4 months
I turned Void, Pepper, and Pickles into Kindred !! :D
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Essentially in this AU, the PCs are swapped with their companions! Their story lines are similar, pepper and pickles are still twins / daughters of the queen, and Void is a secluded lone wolf trying to find something. HERE ARE THEIR BLERBS BECAUSE I'VE PUT TOO MUCH EFFORT INTO IT vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Miss Void Bennett. Generally, Void's backstory is the same as Arthur's. BUT!! Because we know basically nothing about Void, where she came from, how long she's been with Arthur, etc. My concept for her is that she has lost almost all of her memories of her human life, and the first few days after her embrace. All she remembers is Vanya's face, and having this feeling of deep rage and heartbreak. She sets out to the Americas after the war, where she meets Mary Davis and Edward. There, she gets help recovering only some of her memories, though only the memories of the beast. Whenever she'd frenzy, kill mortals, and most unfortunately ripping what she knows to be her family to death. After this discovery is when she starts out on her journey to find Vanya. She tells herself its to find out more about her missing memories, but deep down she is motivated completely by revenge. Void is a shy and tentative person at first, though as she gets comfortable she is bright and bubbly. She is very motherly to the few people she does care about, but it is very difficult for her to create that sort of trust in any sort of relationship. She tries to keep most people at an arms length, but there are a few who sneak through the cracks. Triva!: (SPOILERS AHEAD!!!) - Instead of a book with names, she sketches down every face she remembers tearing apart. - At the midnight circle, her form becomes more of a crazy old were-cat lady - Her tenabris form takes the shape of a writhing cat, with piercing red eyes. - She has Celerity dots instead of Fortitude dots - Her guilt manifests as a need to 'make up for it' by helping kindred and mortals worse off than her, another reason she mothers and guides the two Princesses. - Akin to Arthur, she feels as if taking care of the two twins is how she will atone, but she also will get flashes of warm memories of her younger twin siblings during calm and quiet moments. - When she diablorizes the winged kindred in the Cullen Games, her wings are those of a bat, but the arm bones are covered with a matted black fur. She also has retractable claws on the tips of the bat wing fingers.
Pepper Tucker. Pepper is a Vet tech who lives with her deadbeat father, who's failing car repair shop gets by on her paychecks. In her free time, she's helping The Demons strategize their next move against the Fangs, or smoking delirious amounts of pot ( The only strain she smokes is one called 'Cat Nip' ). Some say she has nine lines, for how many times she's almost knocked on deaths door. She her personality is indifferent. She seems tired, and like her head is somewhere up in the clouds. But even with this, she is someone almost paranoid of her surroundings. She is blunt, with no filter, and is not afraid to rip your ego to shreds without even raising an eyebrow. Pepper is always around - its a little weird honestly - and she is always willing to offer a helping hand to those she cares about. Trivia!: (SPOILERS AHEAD!!!) - Because Slimecicle references Pepper as a boy, and as Salem, while Condi references Pepper as a girl; She is MTF, Salem is her deadname while Pepper is her chosen name. - She is a Gangrel rather than a Brujah - She is a cat therian - Pepper seems to be unnaturally good at anything on the first try. It is kind of annoying - Her interactions with the twins are more Vex: NUH UH Pepper: uh huh Vex: NUH UH!!! Pepper: Uh huh Vex: NUH UUUHH!! Pepper: Stupidsayswhat? Vex: What? Viv: Brother I believe that she fucking got yo- Vex: CURSE YOU SHAMIASHAMAIII!!!! Pepper: lol - She has dots in Potence rather than Protean - She is a very dirty fighter, nut shots, pocket sand, its the only way she knows how to fight. - She nursed a near-death Fisher (type of wild weasel) back to health when she was little, and keeps him around as a pet. She names the Fisher Emezil, and he is the source of her 9 lives. - Instead of Adam Sandler movies, she is locked in her little pool of blood for hours watching Nick Cage movies. - Her battles with Gabriel (who is a coyote themed Gangrel) are the only time where she really raises her voice. I like to think instead of gay jokes, she is always twisting Gabriel's jokes into transphobic remarks, which he stumbles over his words and they go into a fuck you back and forth
Princess Pullette (Pickles) Bathroy Princess Pullette is a ball of energy that cannot be contained. Being cooped up inside the castle all her life, she has become a prank master. Playing silly pranks on the important vampires, and getting a slap on the wrist from her uncle each time, she is inching to get the hell OUT. Then one day, when loosing guards chasing her from putting a fake snake toy in the washroom, she comes across some papers that seems to be documentation of one "No Breaks Car Repair" shop in LA. After getting the iron fist from her mother, getting grounded indefinitely to the room she's been stuck in since... forever. Seething with rage, she dominates a few guards to escort her to the dark door, where she leaves the castle for the first time and spawns in at "No Breaks Car Repair." The Princess of the Ventrue clan gets her name Pickles from Pepper in their first interaction; Pep: Soo.. whats you're name supposed to be? Pick: Princess p-..... what do you think it is..? >:3c Pep: uhh.... idk Princess Pickles? Pick: It's Pickles now >:3c Pickles is the extrovert of an extrovert. She lives the thrill of adrenaline, doing whatever she deems is fun or funny in the moment. She is a yapper, most DEFINITELY doesn't know how to control her volume, and has the ability to talk about absolutely nothing for hours on end. She is ditsy and definitely does not think of the people around her, or what their opinion of her might be, at first. She truly is a caring person, who at the end of the day wants to do what's right, and make her mother proud. Trivia!: (SPOILERS!!) - Pickles still has the same flaws as Shilo, ex. Needing blood to be fed to her, needing to wear 'traditional vampire attire', and believing in the old folk lore - When the twins talk to uncle lazy in the old folk's home bathroom, Pickles is given Shilo, in which rains her in a bit because she thinks the bird is broken because of how timid it seems. She embraces the bird when he finally slept one night, thinking he died & the only way to save him was to turn him. (Pepper just helped calm down the anxious bird) Shilo afterwards is more energetic and warm towards pickles. - Whenever Pickles tries to talk about what her mother barred her from telling, she honks like a goose - Pickles has dots in celerity rather than presence - Edward gets under her skin, and truly spawns this unbridled fire of rage inside of her, which motivates her to yell "SUCK IT, ZOOLANDER!" at Elysium, and tunnel visions as she vows to 'dethrone him' if its the last thing she does - Pickles is so glad to have a sister. Genuinely probably the best thing that ever happened to her THATS MY SHPEAL!!!! If you have any more questions about them, throw them in my ask box!!! Here's some more concept / doodles for their designs, thank you so much if you read all that rambling :,,) (SPOILERS BELOW 2ND SKETCH!!) also yes Sunshine is the Sheriff rather than Deacon >:3c
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Here's the link to Void's OG design !!!
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angel-shaw · 1 month
Had a little mini fic idea inspired by this post
“Hay did you ever get your license?” Asher asked
Darlin had just parked their motorcycle and taken their helmet off right before heading into a pack meeting.
Before they could respond they felt a looming presence behind them.
They turned to be meet with David, looking at them with what could only be described as shock horror and the hope of a man about to be shattered.
“Hayyyyyyy buddy! Was wondering when you’d show up! How’s was your weekend? Have a good time with your mate? Do anything fun? You know we really should get into the meeting cuz we wouldn’t want our own Alfa being late now would weeee?”
Asher reacted a lot faster then Darlin did, also seeing David’s mortified face only a second to late to avoid asking the question but soon enough to start his damage control.
In their heart, they knew, they both knew that they were screwed. Darlin had been driving their entire life, granted most of that had in fact been without a license.
They had drove David sound during said no license time but never bothered to tell him about that. At the time it didn’t matter to them, now they just didn’t want to get a 45 minute scolding from David.
They were both, so so screwed. Darlin for their years of driving without a license and Asher for his now obvious compliance with said crime.
Before they knew it both Asher’s and Darlin’s mates where called and stairing them down as David asked them just exactly what Asher ment by that.
It didn’t take long for the truth to come out. Asher broke first. (Can you blame him? His mate is scary)
“Ok ok ok but don’t be mad!”
“Ok fine! Tank has been driving since they were like 14 but never took their driving test so never got their license!”
“….i have it now..”
“When exactly did you decide to get your license then.” David’s question didn’t feel like a question.
“……when we got the department involved with the quin situation….”
“They had to check my ID and I would have gotten in trouble if they relized I didn’t have a license so I had to get it then! But it’s not like it matters, I’ve always been able to drive and it’s not like I was ever caught”
“What you’re telling me. Is that every time I got into the car with you…you didn’t have a license!?”
“I got on that damn bike of yours and you didn’t have a license?!?!??!?” Sam was more distraught than angry, mostly about the motorcycle thing.
“……if I say no will you belive me…”
(This is short and small but I want to get back tk wrighting so I figured just a little mediocre  blerb is fine lol.
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blerb-f1 · 4 months
„Pimientos asados“ – A roasted Spaniard
Fernando Alonso x NonBinary!Medic!Reader
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I'm aware i already used this trope. I think i just like my drivers sweaty :D
Read more on my Masterlist.
„Pimientos asados“ – A roasted Spaniard
„Stupid fucking Security Rules“, Y/N mouthed, buttoning their shirt up. The crisp blue and yellow fabric would soon be entirely sweat through, that was for sure. Their black linen trousers were the most airy thing allowed under safety rules, yet felt still too covering and heat retaining. They sighed once again, placing some bobby pins between their pursed lips. Coarse fingers grabbed each of them, in use of pinning their fringe up and out of the way. With the heat coming, sticky forehead hair would only be an issue. A load of hairspray that was sufficient to destroy the earths ozone layer, was the last step to get their hair out of the way. Seeing that the familiar team cap would rest on their head anyway, Y/N didn’t bother more in that regard.
They placed their badge around their neck, visibly reading “Renault Formula 1 Team Medic Y/N L/N”.
Knowing what was to come, Y/N were not jumping around in joy as they entered the car of another crew member, ready to head to the Track. Bahrain was hot, incredibly hot. Temperatures edging the 40°C Mark were announced before the race and definitely the truth currently. The team member sighed as well, emptying another water bottle.
With 2005 looking like a Championship Year for Renault, Y/N had to make sure their drivers would survive the race. Reaching the race track was however war in itself, with fans crowing outside. Y/N would tiredly wave their hands out of the window in hopes of shooing them away. “Shit”, proclaimed the car’s driver – Mike, the breakguy. Mike was tasked with all things breaks, he had to weigh them before and after races to measure their corrosion, to watch them during the race and tell the mechanics of breakage and measure their temperatures during the stops. He’d always tell Y/N that break discs were nicer than caring for Humans. Afterall, they didn’t rebut advice or act unnecessarily careless with their own bodies. He had taking a quick look in the rearview mirror, though just a second to late.
Some ‘fan’ had stolen the team cap of Y/N’s head, unveiling the bobby pins that were messily strung together. Y/N just scoffed, rolling the window back up before leaning back. “Stupid fuckers”, they cursed, patting down the now ruffled strands. ‘Hopefully the team has some laying around, otherwise Flavio’s gonna be mad again. He hates things that aren’t good appearance wise.’
Mike parked the car as close as could, shuffling around the boot to get out his backpack and Y/N’s workbag. Slinging it over the shoulder, he huffed loudly. “God, these fans are getting out of hand. We’ve had so much teamwear stolen by now – I wonder how other team’s are coping. I bet Ron Dennis is unhappy about them getting crumbly and muddy”.
As they approached the garage, an unhappy face already stood aside. Pat Symmonds, their Technical Director was talking angrily to a few of the mechanics. Apparently he had screwed up quite badly with something – not that it was of matter to Y/N. They fumbled around their bag to fish out a towel. Renault branded of course. Pouring water on the towel provided it as lovely cold recourse once placed on their own head, but also hid the hat-lessness from Flavio if he were to appear out of nowhere. A skill the otherwise loud Italian man knew better than one would expect him to.
Y/N ducked in the back of the garage searching through the shelves in hope of finding anything. A hat was important as team gear but also as sunshade in this demanded climate. The garage proved to be fruitless however, so Y/N made their way over to hospitality, still hidden under their fluffy frotté  head covering. The ladies behind the coffee counter were positively buzzing, their updos looking good despite the horrible weather. Flavio always had beautiful ladies work there and many mechanics would appear in hospitality, trying to fight for their numbers. Y/N on the other hand was a happy sight as they’d usually just ask for an Latte Macchiato and chatter about recent drama.
“Nice to see you Y/N!” the fronting one exclaimed.
“Nice to see you too, Monique!”, Y/N expressed before leaning onto the counter.
“Has Flavio passed by recently? I hope not.”
“If it has to do with your fancy new headdress, he hasn’t. Might want to ask Zanarini whether there’s still a cap ins storage. He just got one for Giancarlo. His got stolen as well apparently.”
The medic sighed before downing a cup of coffee given to them by Monique. “I’d better hurry, I’ve got to check Fisicella and Alonso over soon. Bye Monique!”
“Bye-Bye Y/N!” she waved cheerfully before giving her colleagues a snicker. Something bad must be going on they’d hear of later.
Trotting through hospitality with tired feet, Y/N soon spotted Enrico Zanarini standing to the side, his phone perched up. Being Fisicella’s Manager must have been a tiring job for sure. They approached the hard working man slowly, making sure he was not in a call or anything.
“Ah, Y/N. I presume you also got caught by the hat thieves, am I right in that assumption?” was his greeting. The medic just nodded. “I’m sorry to ruin your day now, but I got the last one out of storage. It seems someone snuck in overnight and emptied our warehouse here. I wonder what’s wrong with the people today.”
With their head hanging low, Y/N trotted back to the garage, knowing that Flavios scolding was inevitable by now. On the way the bumped into another person, blinking twice to notice they had run into Fernando.
“Good Morning Y/N, you’re late to the check-up.”
“I know, I know, Fernando. I’ve been on a treasure hunt the last hour. Some idiot stole my cap but we don’t even have a single one left.”
The driver lifted his eyebrows. “Not a single one?”
“None. The others all seem to have theirs so I’m the only one getting chewed out by Flavio.”
Fernando seemed to ponder for a while before settling onto Y/N’s office chair.
“Doctor, please proceed with your check-up.”
Y/N started their work, taking measurements and jolting down Fernandos health data.
“Please remember to drink a lot for this GP, I know the heat is horrible. It’ll be worse after the Race. I’m going to check up on you and get you both hydrated before the Press conference. Can’t have you fall on your face from heat exhaustion.”
“Us both? How are you so sure I’m landing on the Podium?”
“I just know, Fernando. Trust me. But something is telling me it’s not going to end well for Giancarlo…”
“You sure you aren’t Magic Alonso with these visions?”
“Maybe. Now zoom off. Fisi is waiting and I still gotta report to Flavio.”
Fernando stood up from his chair, eying the medic again. Finally, he lifted the cap from his head and placed it on theirs. “Look. Problem fixed, right?”
“Fernando, you’re our face! Wear it yourself!”
“I won’t” he chuckled while crossing his arms. “I can’t stand you looking so sad. Especially if I can fix it so easily, no?” He turned towards the door. “I’ll be going now. See you later!”
Y/N settled onto their chair with another sigh, though one team cap richer. Fisi was already standing in the door with his trademark grin. “Enrico told me you were looking for a cap. Seems you stole one yourself?”
This day would only grow longer.
As the race started and Y/N sat in the garage, monitoring stats and news relayed to them from the Pitwall to check on their drivers. With Fisicella coming in after Lap 3’s engine failure, work was sure to arrive. They took his stats again, got him equipped with nutritious drinks and snacks while also handing his Manager stuff for a bath. Exact instructions regarding temperature and procedure were added along with it. Since the race was still ongoing, they couldn’t care for the driver themselves which was unfortunate but Fernando needed full attention now. Soon after Michael Schumacher overshot a corner with apparent car issues, leaving one of their top contenders ouf of the race. Y/N was on the edge of their seat, attention at it’s peak. Fernando was doing well, staying cool despite the horrible heat. He kept drinking which was very good. His pitstop on Lap 20 went very well, he looked all right in the car as well.
As the race progressed and Fernando stayed on top of the Leaderboard, his victory lap around the track was lovely to watch. Seeing him do that bunny ear gesture in the car was always an amusing sight. Y/N rushed out with the Crew towards Parc Fermée to catch their lucky driver exiting his car, stepping on top and gesturing towards the sky. His race suit was entirely sweat through, his face red but his smile was real.
He headed up to the cooldown room, with Jarno Trulli and Kimi Räikkönen behind him. Y/N was following along as well, equipped with a coke can and some wet towels. Their exasperated winner slid tiredly on the floor, leaning back but still smiling like the sun incarnate.
“Here, Fernando” Y/N said, handing him the Coke Can. He deserved such a treat after this tiring race. They took the towels, helping Fernando get the sweat of his face and hair while also stopping it from burning. After a while, the call came to step outside. Fernando headed towards the Podium, pumping his arms and cheering loudly while Y/N kept looking from beside, happy for their driver.
Getting shooed off to the press conference afterwards kept Fernando away from Y/N who meanwhile prepared everything to get him going again.  Watching the conference on TV was quite amusing – Jarno looked like a wet dog, Fernando lost his color and Kimi was beet red.
As the conference finally ended, Fernando tiredly stumbled into his driver’s room. His steps had gotten weaker as he finally arrived, sinking onto his sofa. Y/N was quick to arrive, smiling at him with their teeth showing. “Congratulations Nando, that was a good race!”
The tired driver faintly nodded as he leaned back, just breathing in. The adrenaline was slowly leaving his body as Y/N handed him his sports drink. “Let’s get you back in shape, right?”
Shortly after, Fernando was bathed, properly dressed and back on his sofa, looking way less haggard. Y/N sat behind him, bobby pins placed between their lips again. A soft brush was holding his locks back as they got put into a short ponytail, barely enough to keep it out of his neck from scrubbing at the now very sensitive skin. Y/N placed a few Bobby Pins in strategic fashion to keep the shorter hairs out of his face, to stop it irritating his eyes. Fernando just sighed in relief as the hair stopped bothering him. “You were right with your prediction” he said.
“Hmm?” Y/N mouthed, still busy.
“With Giancarlo not finishing and me winning. You truly are the real Magic Alonso.”
Y/N laughed softly, patting his shoulder before placing his last Bobby Pin.
“It was your work as much as mine.”
As they were finishing, Y/N lifted the cap from their head, wanting to place it back on Fernandos. The driver however grabbed the medics arm, stopping them from finishing their action.
“Don’t. Keep it. It’s yours now my friend. I know you’ll bring me luck wearing it.”
He lifted the blue Fabric before placing it on the crown of Y/Ns head again. “Please, bring me more luck in the future.” He said, his grin cheeky.
Y/N turned to the side, not wanting him to see their reaction. “Shut up you stupid roasted Paprika.”
“Pimientos asados, eh? Sounds like a great Idea. Let’s get some” he laughed, getting up and pulling Y/N behind him.
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Dull Blades
sneak preview of a benjicot blackwood x targaryen oc fanfic ~
word count: 469
tropes: slow burn, angst, daddy issues (lots of family issues in general tbh), forbidden lovers, marriage pact,
warnings: none for this right now! later on it will most certainly have mature themes ~
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Helpless. She felt utterly helpless. It was hard to feel anything else in that moment aside from one other: rage. Rhaelana’s amethyst eyes clouded over into a blank stare as an echo rang in her ears.
She looked up to where the voice was speaking from. Nodding slowly, she walked around her father to pass through her chambers, into the hallway, and then down the cold stone stairs.
It couldn’t be true. They wouldn’t risk that. No, Otto wouldn’t risk that. It’s absolute barmy.
The princess turned down another hallway, scurrying to find her queen mother.
“Mother?” she called out, her voice echoing back to her in the empty halls. “Mothe–“ but before she could finish, a voice interrupted behind her.
“She’s gone. Your mother left on Syrax,” Daemon answered quickly. His eyes bore into hers as she turned around, searching for her thoughts. He recognized those eyes for they were her mother’s. She held that same lost but intense gaze moments ago before coming to tell his daughter of the heartbreaking news.
His shoulders dropped as he took in her appearance. She may have taken after her mother in beauty but his daughter truly carried his rage.
“Well, we must do something, anything,” the princess’s face shifted from anger to desperation as she plead with the king consort.
“That’s not my call to make, Rhaelana. At least not yet. For now, we must wait,” Daemon’s words were firm yet she could tell that he too was frustrated, aching for action. For now, they were to stay put and obey their queen. Though, there were no orders as of yet. But it’s all they had to work with for the time being and Rhaelana hated it.
Her eyes swelled with tears at his words. How was she supposed to wait? Her mother was now gone and her sweet, baby brother slain by their own kin. Their deceitful, wicked kin. Preposterous.
How had it come to this?
Yes, there had been ongoing tension when the family came together while her grandfather, King Viserys, had been alive. But this? To kill a boy. A young, boy. A messenger! She knew her brother had not gone looking for a fight. Oh, how her uncles had stooped so low…
The back of her hand found her cheeks as she wiped the burning tears that began to fall from her eyes.
She took a step forward as a harsh whisper erupted from her throat while the princess spoke, “I will end Aemond. It will come one day that I am to face him and you will not stop me. Nor mother.”
With those final words, Rhaelana strode past Daemon and back to her chambers. Seconds later he heard the old wooden door of her room slam.
Certainly, my daughter, he thought to himself.
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Hi, hello! I’ve been cooking something up while watching the second season. MAAAJOORRR brainrot mode. What started out as a little one-shot blerb in my brain has taken over completely, soooo here’s a little teaser for it. The two parts of Dull Blades will be incorporated into the fic but will have little tweaks! I’m planning on posting Part 3 of it but then that will be it until the actual fic ~
Anyways, I have been having so much fun writing Rhaelana and Daemon’s complicated father-daughter relationship and couldn’t wait soooo here you go—a lil offering before the season finale and before I post Part 3 and then the actual fic. 🤲
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thetopichot · 3 months
I love Middle Ground so much<3
Could you maybe write some more short blerbs for them please? It's ok if you can't
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I don't got much but I do have some more headcanons for you lovely people.
Darling is the classic tsundere trope in their own way especially when it comes Auron. However not in like a "It's not like I like you or anything BAKA". It's more like "I can do it myself I don't need help from you." They're very stubborn when it comes to people helping them but Finn is a bit of a sweet talker when it comes to Darling.
He likes to soothe them & just be sweet to them. Darling absolutely has a soft spot for being people just being sweet to them & just giving them affection.
Auron knows this & exploits the fuck outta this. He, on the other hand, likes to fluster Darling because of how red their face gets or how they try not smile from being flustered. He does the same thing with Finn & Finn just gets super flustered & he just accepts his fate.
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lalachat · 11 months
"And there you were..."
Author's note: I am starting to understand writers block... How does SJM and my fellow fic writers do this! This story was just a silly little thought i had in my head and now i'm writing thousands of words about it! My brain is running empty😭 But all of your love and support has made me want to keep writing! Luckily I popped some tunes on and one of my favorite songs came on! I encourage you to play it while you read this chapter because it what inspired it(hence the title)! It's called Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson! But I have a couple of ideas to get more plot in this story, both dramatic and smut. For now just sit back and enjoy this short relaxing blerb before we start to kick the heat up a bit! LOVE YA😙
Summary: You and Lucien wake up slow and have a nice breakfast over banana pancakes.
This is for all my Lucien girlies❤️
Warnings: the tension increases, flufffy fluff fluff, use of profanity, some typos
Word Count: ≈1,740, I’m sorry it’s not longer! I’ll make up for it later🫶
Chapter 3: "Banana Pancakes"
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You were woken up by the sunlight peering in through Lucien’s bedroom window. However, you didn’t want to move. You looked up to see Lucien still peacefully asleep with his arms around you. You couldn’t help but smile at the male. His beauty was so unique compared to the others. Sure, Azriel was handsome, but Lucien was handsome in a different kind of way, and you loved him for it. After your conversations, you truly learned how much he was put through. No one recognizes his trauma or spares his problems a glance. He was put through just as much, if not more, as the others he’s surrounded by. You looked at the long scar on his face and frowned. How you wanted to take all the burdens he hides beneath the surface and put them on your shoulders. This male deserved so much better. Even after everything he has been through, he still puts himself last for anyone, especially Elain and Feyre. Hell, he was even here putting you first by offering you a comforting night. You don’t know how you survived without him as a friend the past couple of years. You are not letting him go again.  
You decided to be bold and reach out to cup his face and trace your thumb across his scar. Why couldn’t the mother have blessed you with someone as caring as him? Instead, you got Azriel who doesn't even spare you a glance. How are you supposed to feel comfortable telling him he's your mate if he won't look at you? You sigh and keep tracing Lucien's scar. Your fingers start to travel from his scar, to tracing along his jaw, and through a couple strands of hair. Your eyes follow every move your hand made. Your fingers start to move to his lips before you stop. His lips... you wondered what they would feel like against yours again.  
“Why did you stop?” You practically jump at the words as he looks up at you and smirks. 
“FUCK ME! Lucien, you scared the crap out of me! Don’t do that!” you swat his bare chest playfully, and he chuckles. Oh my god... his morning voice. The deep scratchiness of his chuckle had heat wanting to spread throughout your body. Gods you wanted to hear it again.  
“If the lady wishes, I will gladly fuck her, but how about some breakfast first?” he slowly started to get out of bed.  
Did you just hear that correctly? Was he joking or was he being serious? Before you could finish your questioning thoughts Lucien sensed your concentration on the matter. 
“Y/n I was just teasing you! Not about the breakfast part though, I am starving!”  
“Oh... okay. It just threw me through a loop for a second.” you smile as you wave your hands around.  
“my, my, my y/n... You seem a little disappointed.... OMG YOU WANT ME!” Lucien circled his finger around and booped your nose. 
“Ugh, as if!” as you got out of bed and stood next to him. You reached your arms above your head and stretched out your body from sleeping all night. “Man, that was the best sleep I have gotten in a while.” You looked up and smiled at Lucien, but his eyes were glazed over.  
While you were stretching you didn’t realize your shirt had come up a bit, giving Lucien a little show of your upper thighs. You looked at him again, “what?!” 
He shook his head, “Its nothing, I also slept soundly. Now, how about some breakfast?” and smiled at you.  
You followed Lucien to the kitchen. Eyes scanning over the muscles on his back, and gods, those slutty little gray sweatpants were not helping you stop your oogling.  
You finally reach the kitchen, and he turns around to ask, “So what are we craving this morning?” Your brain went down the gutter when he asked that question and it caused a giggle to escape your mouth. 
“What? What’s so funny about breakfast y/n? This is no joking matter!”  
“Right! Sorry... how about some pancakes and fruit?” 
“Sounds like a plan!” as he starts to grab all the ingredients and utensils you will need to make breakfast. “Would you like to cut the fruit while I start the batter?” 
“Sure!” as you grab the cutting board, knife, and a couple of fruits. You saw Lucien had picked out bananas. You start peeling all the bananas and place them on the cutting board to start cutting. As you cut the bananas you help but to snag a couple of slices. You sneak a couple more in your hand and walk over to Lucien making the batter. “Open!” you demand as you point to his mouth. He looks at you mischievously and does as he's told, never stopping his mixing of the batter. You pop a couple of banana slices in his mouth and smile at him.  
“Thank you,” he says with a mouth full of banana.  
“Chew with your mouth closed Lucien, no one wants to see that.” You laugh. He swallows and dips his finger in the batter and turns towards you. 
“Your turn!” you roll your eyes and open your mouth, only for Lucien to put it on your nose while chuckling. 
“Lucien, are you kidding me right now?!” 
“Sorry, I saw the opportunity and i took it. Here, let me help you.” he swipes the batter off your nose with his finger. You can feel his hot breath on your face, a hint of banana mixed in. “Open, for real this time. I promise.” Your brows furrow at him but you decide to trust him. You opened your mouth, and he placed the tip of his finger in letting you lick the batter off. You decided to get him back for all the teasing he’s done. You closed your eyes and moaned. Lucien’s body tensed at the sound as you sensually licked the rest of the batter off his finger and let it go with a pop.  
“That’s really good Lucien!” You smiled at him, knowing this time you were the one teasing him. You grabbed another dollop on your finger and really played up the innocence roll as you started to lick it off your own finger. Lucien’s eyes follow your every movement.  
“You are positively evil; you know that right?” he huffed and finished stirring the batter. 
“I do not know what you are talking about, I was just trying the batter...” you smirked and walked back over to finish cutting the bananas. Soon the kitchen started to smell like pancakes, and you started to realize how hungry you were. 
“Almost ready over here, did you get all the banana’s done?” Lucien asked as he flipped a pancake in the air.
“Sure did! Do you need me to do anything while you finish up flipping them?” 
“You can set the table and I'll bring everything over.” You nod at his answer and start to set the table with two pairs plates, silverware, napkins, cups, and lastly your freshly cut bananas you put in a bowl. Just as you placed the bananas, Lucien was right behind you with a stack of pancakes.  
“Oh, those look delicious! Do you have any syrup for the pancakes and juice to drink?” 
“Yeah, go look in the fridge! I'll start setting our plates.” You walk over to the fridge and open it to grab the syrup along with a bottle of apple juice. You walk back to the table, place the syrup down, and look to see Lucien had made you and him both plates. You smiled. 
“Thank you," as you decided to somewhat return the favor by filling up his glass with juice. You bend over slightly and pour the juice in his cup. Lucien's cheeks flush at the sight of you bent over, giving him a clear view of your cleavage due to how loose his shirt hung on you. He picks up his glass and takes a sip after you're done serving him.  
He coughs and says, “Thank you.” Trying to hide the ever growing blush on his face.
“You’re welcome.” You walk back to your spot across him, pour you a glass of juice, and start cutting into your food. You both sat there and enjoyed breakfast. Casually giving each other compliments about the food. You swear after this morning you had a new favorite breakfast food, banana pancakes. They will always remind you of this past night and morning with your friend. You smiled at Lucien as you both had finished. “That was lovely!” 
“Yes, it was, we should do this more often. I have missed you.” 
“Awe, ladies and gentlemales, the Lucien Vanserra missed y/n y/l/n!” 
“Way to ruin the moment y/n,” Lucien said with an eyeroll, and you chuckled. 
“You know I miss you too Lu, but I should probably get going. I’m sure mother Rhys is worried sick about me.” You laughed.  
“Most likely, here let me get you a bag for your dress and a pair of pants.” He walks away to get them for you. He comes back not a moment later with a bag and a baggy pair of old pants “Those should fit you! I believe you left them at my place a long time ago!” your cheeks burn at the thought of why you left them. One of your previous little rendezvous nights.
“Oh my god I have been looking for these for so long! Thank you.” you say as you took both items from his hands. You place your dress in the bag and walk to the bathroom to put your old pants on. You can’t believe he has kept them all this time. He could have easily tossed them out but didn't. "That's sweet of him," you thought. You walk back out and grab everything you came with and turn towards Lucien waiting for you by the door.  
“Thank you for everything you have done for me, it means a lot. I will give your shirt back the next time I see you.” You smile at him.  
“Keep it, it looks better on you anyways,” he winks, “I will see you next time then?” 
“Till next time Lu!” You smile as you give him a hug. He wraps his arms around you and places his chin on the top of your head. 
“Till next time doll!” as he places a soft kiss atop your head. You both let go and wave at each other as you make your way back to the Town House knowing an anxiety driven Rhysand and an overly excited Mor await you.  
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If you’re interested in being on my taglist, please let me know!
@thelov3lybookworm @justdreamstars @character---obsessed @stained-glass-eyes0708 @acourtofbooksandshadows @sourapplex @annaaaaa88 @fides25 @b0xerdancer
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blerbdrops · 1 year
i do not particularly enjoy reading or writing age gap fics.. like major age gaps implied or otherwise. not my cup of tea personally but if it is yours, godspeed
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rainbyte · 1 year
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Here are all my Welcome Grove blorbos!
Also here's some bonus blerbs I couldn't cram in there! ( I severely under estimated the amount of rambling I could do on these guys )
- Frank gave their bow tie to Eddie so he could have a tie! They're on a quest to find where rest of them ended up however
- Sally discovered abandoned giant barrels of industrial glitter on one of her outings. Yes of COURSE they proceeded roll it back to have a pool party in
- It is now the local glitter well ✨ Everyone who needs glitter comes over with a bucket to scoop some up
- Howdy has been getting some flying lessons from Poppy ( Mostly theoretical with lots of safety equipment )
- Frank has basically turned their front yard into a laboratory- and has also begun trying to learn how some newer abandoned technology they've been finding works
- There is a town somewhat nearby, and on occasion people try to come sight see the Neighborhood. However! The sight of walking talking puppets usually frightens them off
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wastelandsrunaway · 9 months
Ok, so I bought that Ultimate Guide to Manga and Anime magazine because I have no self-control and Trigun surprisingly got a lot of love in it.
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Right here we have Vash being a cover boy alongside other greats. Totally not the reason why I reached for this, what are you talking about?
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The manga made it into this little pop-up article about manga that have differences from the anime with another one of my faves, Claymore.
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Here we are again in an excerpt about space westerns. Trigun has it's own little blerb on the next page.
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Teru Vash makes an appearance in an article about merch.
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And last but not least, Vash takes the V spot in the A to Z anime characters you need to know section.
All and all, a lot of Trigun mentions. Guess the folks who wrote the magazine are Trigun fans. No mention of Tristamp but that's okay. They missed an opportunity to make an article about animes that get reboots or remakes or later continuations or whatever but that might have been too much. But seeing all this Trigun love made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Different anon, pretty please with sugar on top do a part 2 for the Archie reader Fred spanking blerb.
Fred Andrews parked the car as he got out without saying a word as Y/N and Archie followed him, thinking of a way out of this. He went upstairs towards his bedroom as they followed him before he turned and looked at them.
"Dad, wait. Can't you just ground me? I mean I'll never do anything like this ever–"
"Strip, Archibald. You too, Y/N. I'd rather not have to do it for you." Fred warned.
Archie blushed hard at being called his name instead of his nickname. Y/N tried not to let dirty thoughts plague his mind at the thought of Mr. Andrews forcibly taking his clothes off. He blushed as both boys stripped their clothes off until they were completely naked and embarrassed in front of a neutral looking Fred Andrews.
'Good. Now, since you're my son, Archie, you'll be first, followed by Y/N." He sat down on the edge of Archie's bed and patted his knees. "Come bend over them, Arch." The young red head blushed and refused to look up as he walked towards his dad and laid across his knees like when he was a kid. This was humiliating. Getting spanked like a six year old in front of his best friend/boyfriend. This wasn't supposed to be happening. All Archie wanted to do was protect his town from criminals. Was that so bad that he deserved a punishment like this one?
"Now, I want you to count out how many spanks I give you okay? You're both going to get eighteen of them."
"Eighteen? But dad, you've never given more than six." Archie gasped, fear in his voice.
"Hush, Archie. Take your punishment like a man. It's time you boys realize your actions have consequences." Fred told him.
Archie nodded as he tried to prepare himself, but when the firm palm of his dad's hand gave his ass a sharp smack, he gasped loudly. 'Oh, fuck!" He cursed. That hurt. It was then he remembered he was supposed to be counting. "One, dad."
"Good boy." Fred delivered another smack as Archie yelped. "Two, dad." His ass would surely be feeling these effects tomorrow. Another smack of the hand of Fred Andrews. "Three, dad." Y/N watched this happening before his very eyes and he still couldn't believe it. Watching kind and sort of laid back Mr. Andrews spank his son over his knees. The way Mr. Andrews held Archie in place and made his ass as red as his hair was kind of hot. Seeing the older man in charge and in control made Y/N's dick twitch. He didn't want to be spanked on his bottom, but he couldn't deny wanting to know what Mr. Andrews' touch felt like on his skin.
By number fourteen, Archie was crying and struggling to catch his breath. His ass was on fire and he still had three more to go. Fred knew it too as he leaned down and whispered to his son's ear. "Just four more, Arch. Taking your punishment so well." Archie nods as Fred continues the last four smacks to his bare ass as Archie breaks down and cries in his dad's arms like a baby. He's blubbering and sweating just slightly. "I'm sorry, dad. I'm so so sorry!" Archie cried and hugged his dad as Fred's gaze softened slightly. I know bud. I know you are. And now you'll know better from now on, won't you?"
Archie nods. "Yes, sir."
Fred pushed his son on his knees so he wouldn't sit on his sore and burning ass as he looked at Y/N. "Next?"
"Mr. Andrews please, I don't think that this is fair."
"It is fair, Y/N. You and Archie broke the rules and now you must be punished for not listening. Please don't make me get up and come get you." Deciding no other way out, YN walks towards him and lays over his knees like Archie had as Fred traced a finger over Y/N's bare ass, causing the young man to shiver. "Remember. Count out loud okay?"
"Yes, sir." Y/N said.
Fred begins again as Archie watches him get spanked and with each hit to his ass, he feels himself getting harder and harder until it hurts. And what's even worse, Mr. Andrews is hard too. His cock is rubbing against Y/N's as he's practically choking on his words in pure ecstasy and pain. His ass is on fire and he's on number ten as Fred spanks him once again.
"Eleven, daddy!" Y/N coughs out. He then realized what he said as he stammered out an excuse. "Sir. I mean sir."
Fred totally did not get hard from hearing that, but he pretended not to care. "Good. Almost done."
Four smacks later and Y/N was just as red and hard as Archie as Fred smiled at them. Good job, boys. I think you've learned your lesson." They both nodded their heads. And good boys deserve to be rewarded don't you?" Fred Andrews reached down and began to stroke Y/N's cock as Archie watched in surprise. The way his dad tugged and expertly twisted his hand on Y/N's cock, made the ginger stallion if his dad was more than just straight.
Y/N gasped and bit his lips as he tried not to fall over on his ass as Mr. Andrews continued to give him a handjob. "Such a good boy, Y/N. A good boy for Daddy. Want me to suck your hard cock? Maybe you want to suck me?" The young man closed his eyes and came on Fred's hand, his dirty talk pushing him over the edge. Y/N was patting and blushing as Fred smiled at him. "Wow, nice cumshot, Y/N. You're certainly good at that. Why don't you help Archie out with his problem too?"
Archie blushed and watched as Y/N nods and crawled towards him, getting between his legs before he opened his mouth and took Archie inside it. The ginger male groans and moans as Fred watches his son getting his dick sucked, palming himself through his pants and imagining it's F.P. and him doing this just like in high school back in the way. The way Y/N bobs his head up and down on Archie's length, or how his son runs his fingers through his hair and pulls as he fucks his mouth before he cums inside.
Fred grins. "Good boys. Now, go shower and we'll watch a movie and order some pizza."
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sassitls · 11 months
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Here's the remaining Blue Bouquet Boy!
I was gonna post Myunna only alongside the complete Blue Bouquet post, but I actually wanna talk about some translation notes for this character!
Myunna's little blerb sentence thingy used a lot of rice/flour related kanji I didn't fucking know SHIT about.
They describe Myunna as, essentially, "a hardworking novice", but for "novice" they use the word 新米, which literally means new rice/first crop of the year and is a rather unusual term for the word "novice". It's why I decided to also describe him as a "sprout" rather than just a boring "novice".
They also describe him as "身を粉にがんばる" which essentially means "turning one's own body into flour (from effort)". Jisho itself already coined in "to "grind" one's body into dust" so I borrowed the concept of "grinding" from there.
The entire sentence would literally translate into something like "A new rice grinding it's own body into flour (from effort)", so I tried to leave a similar tone.
dunno if that worked lol HUUUGE IMMENSE shoutout to my N2 level senpai who's got an encyclopedic knowledge of weird ass japanese terms and phrases and will 100% get the MEXT internship next year!!!
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Can't win cariño
Javier Gutierrez x GN reader
Rating: Teens and above
This blog is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 819
Summary: Javier whisks you away for a vacation. Your stubborness leads to some change in plans, but it's Javi. He always manages to figure it out and find one solid way to question his judgement.
Warnings: Javi G being himself, fluff, very soft, two food mentions (because it's been a while - I've got to maintain my Nerdie food cred)
Notes: This is from the wonderful blerb @frenchiereading gave me to work with. Hehe 😘 Your next one will take a bit longer. I did use a few of the pictures you had in the ask moodboard. Do you remember which ones? 🥸
Main Masterlist / Javier Gutierrez Masterlist
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“Por favor (please) just a week. Una semana mi amor (A week my love).” Pools of russet eyes framed with sienna tufts of curls wore you down in bed. He could ask you for anything with those orbs. You’d tell him you would think about it and you would. In less than two minutes you’d agree but it did still count. Sort of. 
This time, Javier has whisked you away on a much needed vacation for you both. Work has been mentally draining per usually and even Javier who exudes positivity like a ball of sunshine was a bit dim after back to back meetings with different producers who kept wanting to change different scenes in his scripts which would alter core parts of what he’d written. He didn’t tell you where you were going until you reached the airport. The two of you had gotten in one of the international lines and finally when your tickets were uploaded on your phone, you squealed. 
"Saint Lucia!"
Beautiful white beaches, perfect temperatures, the resort was immaculate. The first day and a half was wonderful as you settled in with Javi and explored a bit. Your first mistake was not checking what temperature the ocean water might be and the second was despite jumping in the water and discovering it was frigid, you splashed around as Javi watched from the beach, wisely only dipping his feet up to his ankles. He was trying to have you come back in after twenty minutes, but it was too much fun. The contrast between the warmth on your shoulders and the cold water splashing intermittently on your body was much too enjoyable. It was over an hour before you finally emerged from the water.
It didn’t happen at first, after coming back in and showering, the two of you showered, ate lunch and cuddled with a movie on the sofa. The sneezing started, followed by the stuffy nose and chills pms shaking you to your core. By the time the sun set, you refused to get in bed with Javi as you hadn’t listened to him and now were ruining your vacation together. A shivering mass under blankets is what you’ve been reduced to. It’s horrible, you feel horrible and you know as sweet as Javier is, he would never tell you I told you so or express his frustration while you didn’t feel well but you know he had to feel both.
”Cariño (sweetheart), you’re coming to bed or I’m joining you on the sofa. I will not sleep alone.” Javier had his arms crossed with a stern look on his face. It’s not a look you saw often, only reserved for when you’re being stubborn like now. You pulled a blanket partially off your head to expose your eyes and top of your head. You kept your nose and mouth covered to try and control your germs. 
“I’m not gonna get you sick. I need to stay over here. I’m so sorry Javi. I hadn’t been able to play around in water like that for quite awhile. Let me stew in my ick here.” The same pout that had let you on this trip, now was looking back at you. Your retreat inside your blanket cocoon was swift to avoid it. Javier was not one to give up. Settled inside the blankets, you cursed your sickness only to feel then ripped from you and a sudden exposure of air to your skin. He pulled the blankets you’d wrapped around yourself off in one go, a triumphant smile was on his face as he plopped down next to you. Your body turned away from him in protest, but he grabbed you from behind and stretched his arms around you with the blankets.
”No escape mi cariño. I’m in your burrito now.” The hair from his mustache ticked the back of your neck as your body relaxed. You did try like always to fight, but you weren’t going to win. The two of you fell asleep on the sofa, your backs angry with you the next morning. After breakfast, Javier ran you a bath and heavily encouraged that he wipes you down, then applies vapor rub to your chest and doesn’t let you wear more than a robe. When you asked why, he replied, “since you soaked yourself in cold water yesterday, you should air out for the day.” This leads to the two of you not leaving your room and Javier assisting in regulating your body temperature multiple times. Best sleep you’ve had in quite a while though.
Over the week, your cold runs its course and Javi takes you around the island to explore instead of just the resort. He never did get sick, you wonder how he managed to do it. Javier describes some soup that involves iguana tail and chicken feet.
You decide that your cold was not that bad.
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not-krys · 1 year
Seasonal Vibes Meme
So, saw a prompt on twitter about what seasonal vibes a character/ship gives off, so I think it'd be a fun question for here and a good writing exercise:
What seasonal vibes does your OC / squish / ship give off? Are they like spring or winter? Can also include not so traditionally thought of seasons, like the rainy season, harvest season, winter/spring thaw, a local holiday season, bug season, etc.
For those that wanna do this too, you can do your OC (fandom or original), or even just your favorite fictional squish at the moment.
For those that wanna do ships, sky's also the limit. MC x canon, OC x canon, canon x canon, selfship x canon, romantic or platonic, doesn't matter, just whatever the seasonal vibe is with a lil blerb as to why that is.
No pressure tagging: @lorei-writes, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly, @scummy-writes, @honeybyte, @batteryrose, @drachonia, @limonzu, @tsundere-mitsuhide, and anyone else that's wants to play.
Houki/Mitsunari (IkeSen): Spring, Sweet blossoming beginnings. Both are discovering new things around them (Houki quite literally as she's from a different world all together, Mitsunari learning about love and confidence) and while there may be storms along the way, they help each other blossom into themselves.
(plus it doesn't help that @beni-draw-ikemen-please drew them surrounded by cherry blossoms a while back, so I'll always think of them with the springtime vibes)
Ophelia/Kennyo (IkeSen): Late Winter/Early Spring Thaw. Times of deep turmoil coming to an end so that something new and wonderful can grow. They both have troubling things happen to them in the past, but as time passes, they learn to grow as people and to put the harsh times behind them so they can have hope for the future.
Thea/Theo/Arthur (IkeVamp): Summer. Time of high heat and fun adventures. They bicker and tease each other a lot of the time, but they never turn down having an adventure together. Whether that adventure consists of solving some small mystery in town, walking hand in hand in hand through an art gallery they helped set up together, or challenging each other in cards or arm wrestling in the gaming room, they never forget that doing it together is the best part of any adventure.
Abby/Vincent (IkeVamp): Autumn. Change and reflection on the times of the past. Abby goes through a lot changes in her life, Vincent being present for a lot of her later changes, sometimes even triggering them himself. But he always wants to be a part of her life, especially after he lost her the first time, putting a change in him that rippled across all the lives they had connected with before.
Maddie/Harr (IkeRev): Early Summer. Not as young as they used to be to be like spring, but still want to have the fun they had/didn't have in their youths. Harr is a hardened academic at his core and Maddie is discovering magic for the first time, three decades into her life. They have insatiable curiosity despite not being spring chickens anymore. Their lives are shaped by their pasts yet they still want to explore the world and discover more of its mysteries and wonders.
Clara/Nokto (IkePri): Rainy Season. The sun after the rain is much more beautiful than the sun before the rain. At first, Clara hated Nokto. She hated him for taking advantage of her and for putting her in situations she felt she had no business being a part of. However, once his masks were washed away, as it were, she saw who he was underneath. How much this man actually cared, about the kingdom and about her despite his wicked ways. How tightly he held her when he opened up about his insecurities, about how much better everyone else was compared to the jester he made himself out to be. How he didn't deserve the ray of sunshine she was, how jealous he was about her open and honest ways. How much he wished he could be like her. And once the rain stopped and the sun came out again, they found the other much more beautiful drenched but smiling. That though they went through some hard times, they still came through the storms to see light again.
Miri (Obey Me): Spring, She doesn’t have a set suitor yet, but the ones that I have romantically shipped her with (and with all her platonic ships too), she has the aura of spring: sweet, innocent, blossoming love, sometimes a little unpredictable in the newness of everything. She wants to be kind to everyone, even if it sometimes is a detriment to herself. She wants to do right by the three realms, even if that sentiment maybe a little naïve compared to others who have lived through harder times than she has. Yet her newness and fresh outlook has changed some of even the toughest of opponents and has helped heal and soothe even the bloodiest wounds of the past. She's bringing about positive change in a world that doesn't want change but desperately needs it.
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