ravefmradio · 2 months
Mała porcja newsów :D jest coś o rekinach, gramofonie z klocków Lego i nawet Snoop Dogg wbił na chwilę :)
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yellowmanula · 25 days
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Już w tą Sobotę - Gorlice :)
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squipycheetah · 1 year
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One is as canon as it’s gonna get and the other is a crack-ship I think too much about.
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lilcookiebugg · 6 months
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💜🔥Fire + Water💧🧡
The gfsss. Love them so much. Was very surprised how this one came out. But I love it. Even if the line art was hell.
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gogocrazycocoa · 2 years
More Seraphina because she’s adorable!
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furydemonoutcast · 1 year
Louie’s betrayal
Once Louie slipped the item out of his hoodie, he could not believe what he had. His eyes were wide at the nervous duck. He....that could not be him. He was holding the very thing that could weaken him and his family, the forbidden demon grail. It zapped all demons powers.
....That is not him! He w-w-wouldn't do this."
A burst of fire suddenly surrounded the young demon as he was transported to where Louie was. If he wanted to go back so bad with him his parents would let him.
Louie whipped around just in time to be face to face with Blazik. He stumbled and tripped backwards having to catch the grail. He held out a hand as in a wait a moment way waving it around.
"Blazik. Look i can explain really."
Blazik was completely silent staring at the item that Louie was clutching. He...He took the grail. He really did it. He took a couple of steps back only staring.
Louie frowns glancing down at the item that he had dug up after his parents had buried it. They were going to strip his friend of his powers.
Blazik swallowed a lump in his throat.
"You...wh-what are you doing with that?"
A pained expression formed on the duck's features clutching at the item, his stare fixed on the demon. Blazik's own expression changed to complete rage.
"Answer me! What are you doing with that?!"
Pain was still on the other duck's features.
"Saving you. Blazik....I-" Suddenly, his eyes had widened as he furrowed his brows.
"I'm sorry but you can't see me ever again. The bond is broken and it will forever be sealed away."
He's averting his gaze, his eyebrows still furrowed keeping an upset expression.
His heart was sinking and being crushed, not to mention stabbed with a million knives.
He didn't think Louie would ever say that. His head had been bowed until he heard what he had said.
The green eyed demon gasps with fear at the words he had spoken.
"L-L-LOUIE! Do you know what you just did?!"
Golden streaks swirled around Blazik like a tiny funnel. The streaks engulfed him, his eyes dimming a bit in color.
Louie's beak was agape as he had ran over to the the funnel, attempting to pull Blazik out. But the funnel instantly had knocked him back several feet.
A glare on Louie's features, he stood back up trudging forward against the funnel's energy. The demon duck's own pained and saddened expression was written all over his face.
"Louie why..." Tears streamed down his face as he was carried away.
All that was left was the golden streaks dispersed was an ash circle.
The duck had finally reached him but he was too late.
Louie was left holding the demon grail frozen with fear and furthered visible pain. A clink as the item was tossed to the side. He dropped to his knees, his eyes sizing up dusting at the ground where his friend had been.
Small whimpers escaping him as he continued to dig hoping he would dig up some trace of Blazik. He found nothing. Hitched breathing, he held his hands to his forehead staring in that same spot.
Tears dotting along the ash circle where the demon duck had been last. He never knew that he had trapped his friend in an amulet his parents held possession of.
It was Blazik's Dad pulling the mouth strings of Louie. He had threatened that he would destroy Blazik's soul if he hadn't repeated what he said.
They never saw each other again until Louie had been possessed two years later.
The End.
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Information on OC:
Blazix is a eleven year old Daydream/Dreamcatchling witch who is still discovering things about himself. He isn't aware of some of the abilities he is capable of. He is what is known as one the guardians of dreams. He tries his best to protect those in danger in their dreams. He has sympathy and empathy for people but he is afraid to actually get close to someone. He doesn't want a repeat of what happened to his friend in the past. His friend which he had made because he was in trouble with a nightmare. He literally made them by wishing on a star.
He often refuses to sleep because of the nightmares that want to capture him. He tries to keep himself awake with chocolate milkshakes. Sometimes, these are completely useless when he is overly tired. The nightmare leader wants to harness his power. He is one of the most powerful of his kind. His minion also tries to get the Daydream to sleep. Blazix is determined to not get captured. If he somehow does end up falling asleep, he is prone to start sleepwalking and sometimes even attacking without meaning to.
The smol boy when he is daydreaming can bring to life what he had imagined whilst daydreaming. For example, ice cream could rain down or marshmallows. He loves marshmallows and any sweets. Except black licorice. Give him black licorice and there will be a gagging duckling. He also does not care for strawberry milkshakes.
Blazix is smarter than his counterpart and not as gullible. He also thinks before coming in for attacks. He doesn't charge in blindly like Blazik.
Cloud manipulation- He can control the clouds and form shapes out of them making whatever it is he has manifested usable.
Dream vision. He is alerted when somebody is in trouble in their dreams. He will look through his eyes that glow misty white when this happens. Especially on the presence of a nightmare demon. This causes him to be in pain with it's negative energy.
Dream Collison;
He can pull a few or more sleeping people into one single dream if he is overwhelmed. The actual body of a sleeping person remains but the soul is pulled in. They are still however sleeping without a soul intact. They are okay. A bluish glow appears during the transferring of these souls and a flashing light cracking. Everything starts spinning. The flashing light will swirl around and expand before disappearing into a tiny ray. It then shoots into the dreamers dreams with that blue glow and then flash warping the souls to the single dream.
When Blazix is upset enough, he can turn clouds gray and cause a storm to arrive. His eyes dilate to tiny stars. It can be catastrophic depending on how severe his mood might be. Blazix ends up feeling horrible if he has hurt someone during this.
The wind also triggers his fear. Since wind is associated with chimes. He cannot handle the sound of them.
Dream Catcher; He can act as a dreamcatcher. Little blue specks will start to flow around the nightmare or evil force. They then start changing rapidly to purple waves that slash into them. Depending on how a muse is, it can either be painful or tickle. Purple feathers will float around both Blazix and the villain. His eyes become clouded white whilst he is using all of this energy. Then the waves of purple wrap around whoever the danger might be acting as a cage. The last process is him swirling his finger around to create a portal net to trap them inside.
. Cloud blade
The weapon is at first soft and is illuminated white but once it darkens like a dark cloud, it becomes a metal white knife with a jagged clear glass looking edge. The hilt of his weapon is purple with a silver star symbol. And the end is a silver star pointed tip.
These are the weakest weapon he wields. He can't aim precisely thanks to his past getting in his way. He will use them but he prefers the cloud blade. He has no problem though, with hitting objects on target. The arrows are star tipped, light blue and white in appearance.
Healing sand. This isn't a weapon, rather a defense. He uses this to blind people temporarily as a last resort. The crystal sand he has is used for wounds that are not minor. If they however are mangled or a limb is missing, he can't do anything about it. The white smooth sand he has is used for minor wounds such as cuts or small gashes. He has the power to heal he has yet to discover. He however cannot bring someone back to life. The bags of sand are located on the white belt by his quiver of arrows. Dream catcher (Favorite ability); Blazix with enough concentration can cause blue specs to float around whoever the enemy might be he is fighting. They then will change into waves of purple that slash into the enemy. Soon enough, purple glowing feathers will swirl around him, and the antagonist. His eyes are clouded white whilst he performs this ability that uses a lot of his energy. The wave of purple then wraps around the antagonist. The final move is him swirling his finger around to open up a portal to catch and trap the antagonist in.
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"Once I stop your pathetic little heart, I'll use your husk to fuel a great fire that will bring the light back to this tainted land"- Samuel Blazik/Lord Draco
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privatenickel · 16 hours
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bazedjunkiii · 3 years
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this sunday on rave fm / krakow. original pirate radio vibes.
get locked!
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starscreeam · 5 years
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cute echidnas and their lovers :)
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ravefmradio · 3 months
DJ Blazik i jego magiczny instrument :)
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yellowmanula · 27 days
A już w najbliższy piątek, mała partyzantka w Gorlicach :)
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weeklyblazethecat · 6 years
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Rare pairs 👀
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gogocrazycocoa · 2 years
Take one of my two planned christmas drawings! Didn’t turn out that good but it’s fine.
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furydemonoutcast · 1 year
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The mirror nearly breaks its self. Blazik wants to be good but his present evil is trying to make him remember what he does not want to. He struggles with his thoughts.
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