#Seraphina the echidna
gogocrazycocoa · 2 years
More Seraphina because she’s adorable!
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motheatenscarf · 7 years
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Seraphina Actaeon
As brilliant as she was beautiful, Seraphina was a prodigy cut down in her prime.
Born to wealth and privilege, she was her mother’s sole apprentice and received a more thorough an education in Sith philosophy, alchemy, and history by the age of 15 than most of the sitting Dark Council members had received in their combined lifespans. 
A mind as keen and insightful as hers was not content to set itself upon the schemes and power-plays of her fellow Sith, however, as Seraphina examined the failing history of the Sith and began to question their supposed supremacy. This curiosity fed into her questions until a rebellious streak took shape, Seraphina no longer merely questioning but outright defying the many presumptions of what were expected of a Sith. 
Unfortunately for Seraphina, her power was not as quick to grow as her mind, and her defiance eventually cost her her life when she challenged her father and was struck down at the young age of 19. Her tragedy was avenged quickly when her father was killed moments later by her surviving sister, Eschatallia.
In spit of her short life, Seraphina’s bravery and defiance lived on in Eschatallia, whom she had shared all her doubts and convictions with. Those rebellious, heretical notions shared in hushed whispers in secret hiding places in their family’s estate were felt far and wide by the galaxy, becoming the foundation of Eschatallia’s views for reforming the Empire and eventually the moral standards by which The Alliance would conduct their operations.
Although she received no accolades in her life and had not even had the chance to set foot on Korriban to complete her trials before she was killed, Seraphina’s mother broke with tradition and gave her daughter a proper Sith burial regardless of her not having earned one in the eyes of the Sith she so loathed. 
She was buried in the Actaeon family tombs with her ancestors deep in the jungles of Dromund Kaas where she still resides over 12 years since her passing, receiving the occasional tribute from her mother and, when she can sneak home unnoticed, her still grieving sister.
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gogocrazycocoa · 2 years
Take one of my two planned christmas drawings! Didn’t turn out that good but it’s fine.
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motheatenscarf · 7 years
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Lycaeon Soranus
The oldest son of Vespira Soranus and Eschaton Kallig, Lycaeon was raised with the expectation that he would one day take his mother’s place as head of the Soranus Assassins and Shadow Hand to their patron, Darth Vowrawn.
His ascension came much sooner than he’d anticipated, however, when he was forced to kill his parents to save his brother’s life.
Once able to choose his own path, the young Lord Soranus permitted his prodigal brother to continue to do as he pleased, though bearing the seed of resentment in his heart toward the twin he’d risked everything for while receiving nothing in return.
Twin daughters were soon born to Lycaeon and his wife, Echidna, with Echidna taking the younger Seraphina for her apprentice and Lycaeon raising the elder Eschatallia, named for the father he had slain.
Although Lycaeon tried to raise his own children as he wished his parents had raised him, his love for his brother slowly eroded into resentment and jealousy as he realized how easily happiness and fulfillment found Alcander and his chosen family. 
His resentment reached its peak shortly after the Sacking of Coruscant, where Lycaeon had nearly died rescuing his brother from a pair of Jedi assailants. While Lycaeon recovered from the injuries that had nearly crippled him on their family’s estate, Alcander went behind his brother’s back to create a secret alliance with the Jedi to ensure his only daughter Aerasuni a place among their ranks.
Betrayed after a lifetime of sacrificing everything for his brother, Lycaeon fought Alcander despite his injuries and was defeated. Before Alcander could deliver the killing blow, however, Lycaeon’s eldest daughter Eschatallia rescued him with a force scream so powerful it knocked Alcander off his footing, his body slamming into a wall so forcefully it killed him instantly.
Torn emotionally between gratitude, remorse, and resentment, Lycaeon’s relationship with his children grew tense after that fateful night. Pushing Eschatallia to her breaking point in her training, Lycaeon vowed that his daughter would not repeat his mistakes and sought to forge her into a weapon with no room for love or pity or remorse. He would not see her dedication to her sister repaid with treachery as his own love for Alcander had been.
Lycaeon’s plans backfired when Seraphina rebelled against his tyranny, defending the sister he had tormented with his expectations. Acting on instinct, Lycaeon struck down his youngest daughter in the heat of battle, not even having time to regret the mistake before Eschatallia retaliated.
As he lay dying, Lycaeon thought only of his failures, not only as a father, but as a brother and son, and hoped against reason to be reunited with his fallen family in death.
Unfortunately, Lycaeon was not permitted to return to the Force. As a renowned alchemist and practiced re-animator, Echidna bound his fading spirit to his dying body with branded runes and suppressed his will to obey her own.
Walking the galaxy in a haze of his half-life over a decade later, Lycaeon has served as the Wraith in the shadows behind Echidna’s rise to power. Unable to die or resist her commandments, he has single-handedly hunted down and exterminated what remains of the Soranus family’s famed assassins, bringing their bodies to Echidna so she might recreate the same ritual which bound Lycaeon’s will to her own. 
As punishment for destroying Echidna’s legacy in stealing her prodigious daughter’s life away, Lycaeon has been forced to destroy his own family’s legacy, turning his once proud lineage into an army of revenants for the new Empress.
Although Echidna has yet to send Lycaeon after their surviving daughter who still believes him to be dead, the rising tension between Echidna’s Empire and Eschatallia’s Alliance could mean it is only a matter of time before Lycaeon is forced to kill both of his children...
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