#blah blah blah buck gets eddie to read something for himself
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911s-bravest-soldier Ā· 1 month ago
i dont know if this is anything
But eddie seems to not like reading. He reads to Chris to keep up what Shannon had started, and he knows that its important, but there's like several moments where people on the team are reading books where eddie is like kinda being like ew about it? idk if im making this up LMAO
But Buck is constantly reading. Mostly self help books, yes, because my guy is nothing if not a mess in search of answers. But yeah hes read several books, and even in the coma he was a teacher, and idk i think theres probably something to do with the fixing and also something to do with escape.
But i feel like eddie was probably wayyy better at school than Buck. Buck had issues with sitting still, listening, authority etc. But eddie was probably more reserved, the catholic guilt kept him from acting out, also being from a smaller conservative town with his parents for parents...I mean its clear he feels like he has a place and he has to follow order. Thats why his fall back was the army. He followed orders there, where as a parent, no one tells you how to do it. You have to do the telling. You see him open up a lot more when Shannon leaves, and he really steps up for Chris, but Eddie still has this like mentality through a lot of things like he's waiting to be told what to do, or like he's waiting for someone to lay the path out and give him the answers. When he "falls short" of that "path", he punishes himself for it. He lets his parents take Chris to Texas, he stops letting himself be happy. He hasn't earned it.
But buck is all about action, going out and finding it and trying everything under the sun, and putting everything into getting better. And the idea of learning and growing is a little less scary to Buck. And he was never good at school, never really went to college, and so reading is less framed as an act he did to be good but rather something which he wanted to do. Where as Eddie probably read more growing up because he was told to, but there's no one telling him to now so he doesn't. He avoids it because its one thing they can't tell him to do anymore.
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dinogoose Ā· 3 years ago
I donā€™t think Buddie would be forced if it ever happened, and so hereā€™s a rant about why I think this:
First of all, this is loosely based off of the things Cocoa Brown said about Buddie.
Eddie has been going through LOTS of therapy. Trying to get better. At first to get his job back, then for Christopher, but finally for HIMSELF. (To feel normal again) Now when you havenā€™t put yourself first, or just really been yourself in forever, finally rediscovering who you are could lead to some changes. And weā€™ve seen him go through these changes but I believe that reasonably the show could write in him discovering his sexuality. Being raised in Texas by a very emotional absent father would definitely have someone repressing this and so I think it makes total sense for this to be something he discovered later in life.
Buck. Poor poor buck has had not the greatest time in relationships. From the way he used to be (Buck 1.0) to Abby, Ali, and then Taylor. Clearly things have just been not great. SO I think that maybe in order for him to find better success in relationships he needs to take things much slower. Be friends with them for a long time, without sleeping with them, and get close with them. Do you see where Iā€™m going? Again with his sexuality they could explain it not being out there for multiple reasons, his parents failing him again, he just doesnā€™t think itā€™s a big deal, blah blah you get the point.
I genuinely believe the writers could write them naturally coming together as THATS LITERALLY WHATS BEEN GOING ON. It just would eventually become romantic. I donā€™t think this would be forced or coming out of nowhere. And would make sense for both characters.
Plus Oliver and Ryan have both come out in SUPPORT of Buddie.
In conclusion, Buddie may never happenā€¦ but if it did it would make complete sense. I will hold out hope forever.
Thank you for reading, goodbye.
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agentmarymargaretskitz Ā· 4 years ago
So I know that a lot of people headcanon Eddie as bisexual. Which is a valid take, and canonically bisexual male characters are so rare in media!
But personally, I'd rather have him be gay than bi. I usually headcanon characters as bi unless specifically stated otherwise, so it's unusual that I headcanon a character as gay or lesbian.
Ever since we first met Eddie, there was something about him that just screamed "he's gay" at me. I was positive that he was gay up until Shannon reappeared and they started sleeping together again. Like, if he's gay, why would he be sleeping with a woman again?
But... Eddie grew up Catholic. He still believes to an extent. He's mentioned praying before, he wears a St. Christopher medal, he crossed himself before getting into the helicopter during the treasure hunt episode. He may not go to mass every Sunday or even actively believe, but the belief is still there. And Catholic guilt is a lot to deal with.
I'm not Catholic, nor was I ever Catholic, but I did grow up Christian. And... the homophobia is real. Every time I think my mom might be opening up to a conversation about my bisexuality, she'll say something that makes me backtrack the conversation immediately.
To me, Eddie reads as a gay man who is terrified of what his family will think. Everything about his upbringing is screaming against him being gay. It's not natural, it's a sin, blah blah blah. Internalized homophobia is a bitch. He's done a great job of pretending. He was married to Shannon, he loved her, they had a child together! How can he be gay?
We already have another example on the show of someone who's gone through a similar struggle. Michael pretended pretty successfully for years. And nobody would try to say that he doesn't love Athena, because of course he does! He just couldn't love her that way. Both of them deserved better, and he knew that.
So as much as I would love more canon bi representation, I think it would be more meaningful for Eddie to be gay, not bi. It would be an interesting journey to see. I could see Eddie not wanting to label himself at first, but eventually becoming okay with admitting to himself that he's gay.
Besides, everything about Eddie during 2x04 (Stuck)? Gay. Eddie's costume during the s2 Halloween episode? Gay. The entirety of Eddie's everything during s3? Gay. That outfit during the hospital scene in 4x14? Gay as fuck.
Also, both Buck and Chimney are 100% bi. No, I will not be taking any criticism because I know I'm right. See 2x01 for an abundance of evidence.
-Quarantine Anon
I have been waiting days to post this and now I finally have the chance to! (I'm sorry it's taken so long to get things posted). I don't want to put in a whole lot from me because this is just a good read.
But the Michael and Eddie parallels are now something I want to see. I love your brain, Quarantine Anon.
And yes, Buck and Chim are definitely bi. Or Buck is pan.
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brooklynislandgirl Ā· 3 years ago
šŸ‘‘ + Eddie Diaz (here starts the caveats. (1) I'm treating the question as "A Character That I Would Cream My Pants To Read Your Take On". (2) There is guilt in asking because I'm FC loyal and Garrett. (3) You know I'm sycophantic stalker and would adore anyone you wrote. )
Every Face a Different Shade || Accepting
As I have said multiple times now, Canon Characters {Andy not really included because I rescued him from Marvel's Man-Pain Bin Trash Can and given him a new life and a new outlook and pretty much everything other than the fact that he was Sam's wing-man and a Pararescue Jumper. I put some work in my grumpy old son, and I am proud of that. And you can ask @morgansmornings, I have been angry with Eddie Diaz for about 3 or 4 weeks now. On the other hand, I do love me some Christopher... But as you say, there's also quite a bit of FC loyalty and Ryan Guzman makes an awesome Garrett Knight.
HAVE I EVER BEFORE: YES / NO For me, I absolutely love the show and the character and unlike a lot of people I have seen on Tumblr, I don't often feel the need to make a muse/blog out of everything I consume, enjoy, identify with, and so on. I don't have that kind of time {I already have 4 muses, two and a half of which are terribly, horribly neglected -- Riley only counts as half because a good bit of the time he's the asshole who is being uncooperative --} or the energy due to various rl reasons/obligations/blah blah blah to do one more muse. Who would likely only sit there, gathering dust, in contemplation of the things he's done to upset me, while getting the kind of followers who don't get me or my Djinni gig. C'est la vie. Bonus: If I absolutely DID lose my mind and make an Eddie Blog, I would have to make a Christopher side-blog that I would end up playing more than Eddie because that kid is fricken ADORABLE:
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He stares at the screen and puts the beer to his lips. Christopher's in bed, asleep for the last hour. Exactly where he should be too, in his own bed for the first time this week, sleeping off the worst of the job. But instead he's on this laptop. Talking with a faceless stranger who could be anyone and anywhere. Not even a camera in use, to ensure anonymity. This is the first step toward compromise. He refuses to go to grief counselling because he doesnā€™t need it. Nor does he need a shrink to tell him his brief brushes with post traumatic stress is something they should resolve over who knows how many sessions, when heā€™s got enough to deal with when it comes to his sonā€™s health. And he sure as hell isnā€™t going to bother the captain with all of this because he made a promise to Buck. It is so strange sitting here and telling his problems to a computer screen. To have his thoughts panned, viewed from a very outside source. The silences in between exchanges impossible to drag the depths of. The pervasive feeling of judgement before words appear as if by magic. He reads them the way some people might devour a handful of potato chips at a single go, and finds himself snorting at them. Thereā€™s a bland quietude scattered in the long passage and he shakes his head. Barking up the wrong tree. He exits the chat and closes the screen before taking another long pull from his beer.
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tripleaxeldiaz Ā· 5 years ago
all was golden when the day met the night
chapter 1/5
for @hearteyesforbuck (itā€™s for EVERYONE but definitely for eli)
read on ao3
Eddieā€™s bad at words.Ā 
He can talk, of course, will happily go on for hours about how great Christopherā€™s latest art project is, can give a sermon about the Rangersā€™ chances of winning the World Series. But when it comes to discussing whatā€™s happening in his brain, the gloomy, sticky parts that follow him around and keep him awake, he clams up. Keeps them locked in because itā€™s easier than exposing to anyone just how gross it all is, how dark everything is, how dark he is. He wants to talk about things, he does. Wants to make sure Chris knows that he should talk about his feelings, especially the bad ones. And he does his best to be open with him as well, but heā€™s the only one he seems to be able to do that with. Anyone else ā€” his parents, Abuela, Shannon ā€” he just...canā€™t. Heā€™d rather save them the trouble.
Eddieā€™s bad at words, but heā€™s good at flowers.
He partially blames Abuela for making him spend hours with her in her garden when he was a kid. She taught him different planting methods, how to cut the flowers so they stayed alive longer, and a few basic meanings she learned from Good Housekeeping. After his first tour, they didnā€™t have the money for him to even try and get into med school, so he got a job at a local flower shop to help with their landscaping team. The owner, Mrs. Negrelli, saw he was better with the roses than the mulch and took him under her wing, teaching him everything she knew. When she retired shortly after Shannon left, she handed him a check with a lot of zeros and said, ā€œItā€™s time to go plant your own seeds.ā€
So he did. The Greenhouse has been up and running for just over a year, and it may very well be the best year Eddieā€™s had in a long time. Theyā€™re in a small plaza just outside of LA proper, with an apartment above the shop that makes early morning deliveries much less horrible. Chris is doing great in school (ā€œvery popular and excellent in all subject areasā€, according to his homeroom teacher) and heā€™s made some good friends with the other local business owners. Itā€™s the peaceful, quiet life he always dreamed of having when he finally got out of the Army.
Peaceful except forā€”
ā€œMorning, Diazes!ā€
ā€œDad! Buckā€™s here!ā€
Eddie pokes his head through the doorway from the back room in time to see his son crash into his friendā€™s legs, Buck scooping him up and throwing him over his shoulder. Chris laughs loudly, echoing through the whole shop, and starts talking animatedly about his latest drawing when Buck sets him on the counter. He listens intently, throwing a wink towards Eddie when he catches him lingering a few feet away.
As usual, Eddie has to school his face into something other than heart eyes as he watches the two chat. Buckā€™s in his standard uniform of ripped black jeans that hug his thighs in all the right places and a t-shirt featuring some grungy rock band heā€™s never heard of. Heā€™s a stark contrast against the rows of hyacinths and magnolias currently on the wall, and Eddie feels a blush rise on his cheeks as he tries (and fails) to stop staring.
When he first met Buck, he was pretty sure he was getting robbed. When a six foot whatever stranger in all black and combat boots and covered in tattoos comes barreling into your newly opened flower shop, thatā€™s kind of the first place your mind goes. He had 9 and 1 dialed on his phone before the stranger ran up to the counter and frantically asked, ā€œWhat kind of flowers can I buy to apologize to my very intimidating adoptive mother for sideswiping her brand new car?ā€
Eddie figured an actual criminal would have bigger problems to worry about than his momā€™s Nissan.
They formally met the next day, when Buck came to thank him for the bouquet (a small arrangement of broom for humility and common rue for regret; all the yellow tended to make people happier and more likely to forgive you for being a dumbass). He told Eddie he could come by the shop anytime for a tattoo, on the house.
Heā€™d been in Armageddon Tattoo when he was first looking for a space, had met Maddie, the co-owner, and Chimney, their head artist. If he had known the other co-owner looked like Buck, he would have signed the lease much faster. Faster still once he saw how quickly and easily he and Chris got along.
A year on and Buckā€™s in the shop almost every day, either to buy a bouquet or to give Chris tips on a drawing or to complain about an annoying customer who changed their mind about a design after it was halfway done.
For all the peace that Eddieā€™s found, Buck is the one chaotic spot that keeps his reflexes in check. Heā€™s a microburst, a runaway firework, an ATV rolling through a field of wildflowers. He blasts his music as he drives in in the mornings, and he opens doors so hard they almost fall off their hinges.
Eddie is painfully, unbearably in love with him.
Which is funny, really, because his whole life, Eddie has always been ā€œthe good guyā€ or ā€œthe good sonā€ or ā€œthe good soldierā€. He was homecoming king, set multiple records on courses in Basic, and became Staff Sergeant quicker than any of his superiors had seen in years. He was always by the book, always tried to be the best, and he usually was the best.Ā 
Until he wasnā€™t. Until his brain was so full of sadness and horrors that it was a battle to get out of bed each day. Until he was missing so much of Chrisā€™s life that he might as well not have been in his life at all.
Until he wasnā€™t enough.
His marriage crumbled from there. He knew any path he and Shannon tried to take to move forward would be foggy with the guilt of all he hadnā€™t done in the past to help their family, so when she left, he didnā€™t go after her. And that guilt ā€” knowing that he could have fixed it if he tried, if he had just been better ā€” follows him wherever he goes now. He second guesses himself with Chris all the time because he knows one wrong move will lead to whispers among the PTA moms about the single dad who isnā€™t doing it right. He almost withdrew his lease application for the shop four times because he was constantly worried that it wouldnā€™t work, that heā€™d invest all this money and time and effort and it wouldnā€™t matter. He had done things by the book for so long because that was supposed to be how he succeeded. But now the books are empty and heā€™s in free fall, hoping he finds a soft landing before splatting on the asphalt.
When he met Buck, the complete antithesis to doing anything ā€œby the bookā€, a voice whispered in his head thatā€™s your landing. Heā€™s the opposite of everything Eddie knew how to be, and that was thrilling to see. Freeing. To see someone living a happy life by making their own way and not giving a shit what anyone else thought. Not to mention that he was gorgeous, a gentle soul armored in chains and ink, and so unabashedly himself that he drew everyone to him like a magnet.
So Eddie fell, hard but quietly. Because on top of all that, Buck is the best friend heā€™s made since moving to LA, and heā€™ll be damned if he screws that up for himself or for Chris.
He finally gets himself moving to the counter, pulled by that damn magnet, where Buck is now showing Chris his latest tattoo ā€” a small skull with a string of roses weaving in and out of the eye sockets and mouth on his right bicep.
ā€œDoes it mean anything?ā€ Chris asks, running a small finger over it, taking in the detail.
ā€œChim says so, went on and on about how it symbolizes life after death and blah blah blah. I just thought it looked cool.ā€
ā€œPeach blossoms would have been better.ā€ Eddie mutters absently, eyes glued to Buckā€™s arm and the pale skin under the ink. He blinks as his words register, meeting Buckā€™s eyes and internally wincing. Thankfully, Buck just looks amused, not mad. ā€œTheyā€™re a sign of longevity and immortality in some Eastern cultures. Wouldā€™ve fit the life after death idea a little better.ā€
ā€œSee, this is why I need you and your flower wisdom on retainer at the shop. Youā€™d save me a lot of time researching, and our stuff would be even cooler because it would make sense.ā€ He leans down to stage-whisper to Chris. ā€œBetween you and me, I think roses are the only flowers Chim knows how to do anyway.ā€ Chris giggles, and Eddie huffs out a laugh too.Ā 
ā€œAny real flowers today, Buck?ā€ Eddie asks. He grabs the craft paper, already knowing the answer.
ā€œOf course! Whatever feels right to you.ā€
Buck gets a bouquet for the shop about once a week, claims theyā€™re good for inspiration and help some of the more nervous clients relax among the black leather chairs and tattoo guns. Sometimes he has very specific requests (ā€œI just want orange. Like so much orange you could die.ā€ or ā€œSomeone asked for tulips on their arm, can I get those in every color so I can practice?ā€), other times he tells Eddie to put together ā€œwhatever feels rightā€. At first, Eddie never put too much thought into those, just used whatever he was running low on and still looked okay together. But one day, one particularly dark day, when all Eddie was doing was feeling, he took Buckā€™s words to heart. It was a pretty morbid bouquet ā€” cyprus for despair, peonies for the anger that never seemed to leave him, vervain as a plea to whoever was listening to protect him from the evils of his own mind. His internal mess must have been written all over his face too, because when he handed the flowers to Buck, he just looked at him for a while, like he could feel the sadness that Eddie had physically given him, like he knew the weight of what he was holding, even though Eddie knew he didnā€™t really. When he said thank you, it was more sincere than usual, laced with something like empathy that Eddie wasnā€™t ready to look at too closely.
Buck kept those flowers alive for three weeks, said he just couldnā€™t bear to let them go.
Luckily for everyone, Eddie is in a much less terrible place this week. With his sonā€™s laughter still floating in his mind, he puts together crocuses and daisies, youthful joy and innocence, and ties them together with a dark blue ribbon, Chrisā€™s favorite color. He wraps them in paper and hands them to Buck, who beams as he helps Chris down from the counter.
ā€œOh, these are beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the man who arranged them.ā€ Eddie feels his cheeks get red and sees Buckā€™s smile turn smug. ā€œHow much do I owe for this masterpiece?ā€
ā€œPlease, you havenā€™t paid for anything here in months.ā€ Eddie stopped charging while he was only using almost bad flowers, and told Buck as much. He just didnā€™t tell him when he started using the good stuff.
ā€œI know, but Iā€™m a gentleman, I always have to try. Remember that when youā€™re older, buddy.ā€
ā€œI will.ā€ Chris replies. ā€œDad, weā€™re gonna be late for school.ā€
ā€œOkay okay, go grab your backpack.ā€ Chris heads towards the back room as Buck heads towards the front door.
ā€œWell, Iā€™m off to stab people with needles for fun. See you later, boys! Bye Hen!ā€
Eddie whips his head around and sure enough, thereā€™s Hen, leaning on the far side of the counter, looking far too smug for Eddieā€™s liking.
ā€œWhen did you get here?ā€
ā€œMy shift started 20 minutes ago, boss. Glad I got here in time for the show.ā€
ā€œThe show?ā€
ā€œYeah, the show. You really should get an Oscar or something for how hard you act like youā€™re not head over heels for that man.ā€
Eddieā€™s jaw drops and Hen cackles. He doesnā€™t even have time to explain himself before Chris returns with his backpack and starts shoving Eddie towards the door.
ā€œDonā€™t worry,ā€ Hen calls as she opens the register for the day, ā€œat least youā€™re cute when you blush!ā€
Eddie pointedly ignores Chrisā€™s questioning look as he drives, his face and neck still blazing.
He can only hope Buck is less perceptive than Hen. If not, theyā€™re going to have to move cities. Maybe countries. Maybe to the moon.
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softbuckismykink Ā· 5 years ago
Like a Stranger (Finally Found)
X-posted on AO3
Evan Buckley never wanted to be a guide. Opening up empathically fucks you up. It happened to his Dad, it happened to Maddieā€™s ex. Thatā€™s why he chose to be numb. And heā€™s doing well up until for some reason their Captain decided they need another member of the team. Something is wrong with that Diaz guy. Buck is not sure what but the moment he laid eyes on the guy, there a strange feeling blooming in his chest. It must be loathing he decided. Because anything else would mean his empathic suppressants are failing and he canā€™t have that.
Eddie Diaz figured if throwing himself in a literal war didnā€™t activate his sentinel genes then thereā€™s a high chance that it will never happen and he made peace with that fact. Thatā€™s why he moved to LA with his kid, less people knowing heā€™s that Diaz. The one who did not live up to the family legacy. Everything is going so well until he joined 118 and met Buck, the cute young firefighter who without a doubt hates his guts, which is really annoying Eddie because he canā€™t seem to find it in him to hate the guy back because every time Eddie looks at him he canā€™t shake this feeling that he finally found home.
Notes:Ā Okay before you start reading please be warned that I'm a slow writer with so read at your own risk. I might update this tomorrow or it might take me a while to do it. Also this is not the fic that I'm supposed to post today but I'm not done with my firstson!Buck AU yet so here's another fic instead.
Chapter 1:Ā What is this Feeling?
ā€œI looked at him like a stranger, someone Iā€™d never seen before, and he looked at me like Iā€™d been lost to him for a thousand years and finally found.ā€
ā€• Emme Rollins
Evan Buckley never wanted to be a guide. Because in his experience nothing ever good happens to guides. Opening up empathically fucks you up. It happened to his Dad, it happened to Maddieā€™s ex, Doug. Guides equals crazy as far as Buck was concerned.
His dad was a good father up until Buck was ten and his father came online after meeting his Sentinel. After that the guide center had his father sequestered in the facility for months. And when he finally was allowed to get out six months later it was to serve his high school sweetheart and wife of eighteen years divorce papers to sign.
Doug Kendall on the hand seemed like a nice guy, at first. Doctor, rich but unassuming. Then heā€™ll start to open his mouth and youā€™d know somethingā€™s not right with the guy. Buck met Doug well Doug was already an online guide so heā€™s pretty much already a douchebag when he met him, and maybe thatā€™s just Doug being Doug but Buck canā€™t help but think Doug is the way he is because guide instincts fucked him up.
Buck was thirteen when he started feeling emotions that he knew are not his own. Heā€™s feeling so much anger at being betrayed, emotions that he suspected came from his mother, because that was after his dad served her the divorced papers. Ā Buck was afraid of being taken away from his family, from his mother and sister Maddie; like what happened to his dad. Thatā€™s why he hid. He pretended not to feel other peopleā€™s emotions even if itā€™s suffocating him. Ā 
Buck decided he wonā€™t end up like Doug or his Dad. So Buck played dumb for the sentinel and guide pair that evaluated him in senior year in high school. Ā It was a standard screening interview that all seniors went through to determine whether they have either a sentinel or guide traits. Fortunately, he was able to fool them. The Sentinel and Guide Center were looking for potential sentinels/guides not completely online ones. Buck had developed a fool proof idiot faƧade to hide the fact that heā€™s an online guide. Back then thereā€™s no DNA testing for it, since scientists have yet to isolate the SgA series gene, so itā€™s easier to skate by. Ā 
By the time they had a more sophisticated way of screening for sentinel and guide genes, Buck managed to escape to South America to avoid detection. There he was introduced to a more effective way of hiding his guide nature: suppressant drugs, specifically, Emphazepam, or as the locals call it ā€œAmansalocosā€ literally means ā€œto tame the crazinessā€ because thatā€™s what guide instincts are, a bunch of crazy fucked up compulsions.
When Buck tried amansalocos, he felt absolute relief. Like he got so used to the noise that when it suddenly stop he felt overwhelmingly light. Gone were the suffocating feelings that bombarded him constantly. So Buck chose to drug himself up. Amansalocos are highly illegal in the US but Buck managed to find a discreet supplier by the time he moved back home. With the steady supply of guide suppressants, heā€™s able to go undetected by even the sharpest and skilled sentinel.
The only downside (because of course thereā€™s a downside thereā€™s always price to pay) of the drug was it while it shut down his psi receptors so he wouldnā€™t feel other peopleā€™s emotions, it also affects is own psi channels enough that he could barely recognize his own emotions. But Buck didnā€™t care about that, doesnā€™t need emotions. He is not like the typical guide who chose a job that needs them to use their abilities like a teaching or nursing. He chose to be a firefighter because it's easily the most unlikely job an omega would have. No need to use guide instincts, see the fire, put out the fire the rest is blah, blah. Or so he thought.
Sometimes he could feel an itch that needs to be scratched but pretty soon he figured a cure for that too. Sex. Lots of fucking sex. Buck doesnā€™t even care who with, he barely feels attraction anymore, so heā€™d have sex with anyone willing to do it with him. Sex allows him to feel pleasure despite his dull sensibilities. When ever someone touch him, kiss him, fuck him, Buck swears he could feel someone else's emotions echo in him. It's euphoric, that kind of feeling. So it really isn't surprising that Buck got addicted to it. He craves sex so much that it almost cost him his job as a firefighter. If it wasn't for Athena, a cop he used clash with on scenes, vouching for him and his abilities as a firefighter, he would have. So he vowed to himself that he'd keep his addiction separate from his work. And he managed to trudge on long shifts despite the cravings.
Then he met Abby and for the first time he wanted to feel something more than the dull fleeting intimacy his one night stands provide. Because he can see sheā€™s special lady and she makes him feel safe and curious about life. For the very first time in his life he felt inadequate. For the first time felt that his inability to feel emotions a burden rather than a relief.
Buck thought about going off his guide suppressants for her. Ā Sheā€™s not a sentinel and she wonā€™t be able to shield him from the suffocating feeling that would descend upon him the moment the suppressants wash out of his system but Buck thinks she deserves that kind of sacrifice, she deserves Buck being truthful to her. Ā Itā€™s a Ā big risk though and he needs to think long and hard if heā€™s really ready for it. He tried skipping some doses, not long enough for the drugs to wash out his system, but long enough to have some of the effects wear off. Just long enough to test the waters so to speak.
Going off suppressants felt weird at first. Then it got worse. He soon realized that while he can manage being off suppressants while at home with Abby, working without suppressants is a freaking torture. He didnā€™t even manage to last one call. There car accident involving multiple vehicles, no one was seriously injured but still peopleā€™s emotions during an emergency situation like that can ran high and for an untrained guide empath it can be a torture. The moment Buck step into the scene he got knocked by wave of emotions it took him a while get his bearing. Thank god he managed to bring with him an emergency dose of empazepam. He dry swallowed the pill and luckily for him it takes only a few minutes for it to take effect. So he decided to keep taking the suppressants but maybe he could skip when heā€™s with Abby.
His new found system worked fine. Heā€™s having an even more meaningful relationship with Abby. Then Abbyā€™s mom died and by god Buck could feel the grief like it was his own. He tried to comfort her even though being around her and her grief is suffocating him. Buck thinks he owes her at least that much. Slowly they both heal. Though soon enough Buck felt Abby slowly pulling away. He might have only a bit of empathy left in him but he thinks even a mundane can sense when someone is on the verge of letting go.
Buck wanted to ignore it, wanted to just cling on to Abby tight. Because sheā€™s the one thing, the one proof he could show the world, his friends, that he is not just Buck anymore, that he has a life beyond the confines of station 118. But reality is that Abby is an independent woman who is ready and eager to go out and discover the world. She wonā€™t let anything or anyone stop her from going after what she wants. And Buck just wants her to be happy, so he said heā€™ll support her in whatever she wanted to do.
So the next thing Buck knew she already has her foot out the door, she said sheā€™s leaving to find herself. But the end result is still the same though, heā€™s being left behind. Intellectually he knew Abby needs this, and thatā€™s why he put up a brave front. He escorted her to the airport himself, when even letting her out of his sight hurts him. He just hopes she finds herself soon and comes back to him. Cause she'll come back, Buck will just have to wait.
Heā€™s doing well up until for some reason their Captain decided they need another member of the team.
It was one of those days that he's looking for the slightest positive thing in his life to keep him going cause it feels like crumbling around him but he still needs to keep his head up because the team needs him to be functional. He knows that as much as he needs the team to be okay and happy, that they need him to be okay and happy too. He can't show up to work despondent and sluggish, because while the drugs suppresses his ability to feel other people's emotion it only marginally suppress his ability to project his own unto others. He knew from experience that him showing up with less than his usual cheery self would basically trigger foul moods amongst his colleagues.
Luckily for Buck, he has one thing that is going good today that he could focus on. He finally reached his weight goal and just in time for the submissions for the Hot Days, Smoldering Nights: Men of the LAFD wall calendar. So he came in to start his shift with a grin on his face like always, and goes on to brag about his achievements to his team, which he kind of knew they would just laugh at but exactly why Buck is acting like the way he is to keep the team's spirits up. Buck is reveling at his success in spreading joy to the team when Chim started to look past him to the locker room behind him.
"Okay, That is a beautiful man."
"Where's the lie? And I like girls."
ā€œWho the hell is that?ā€ Buck asked frown beginning to form.
ā€œIt's Eddie Diaz. New recruit. Graduated top of his class just this week. Guys over at Station Six were dying to have him, but I convinced him to join us.ā€
ā€œWhat do we need him for?ā€
ā€œHe served multiple tours in Afghanistan as an Army medic. Guy's got a Silver Star.ā€ So the guyā€™s a super star then, Buckā€™s not liking where this is going already. ā€œPlus heā€™s a latent sentinel. It's not like he's wet behind the ears.ā€
Fuck really a sentinel, just what Buck needs. Ā  Not. Ā  This is bad. Sure Diaz is latent but Buck avoids sentinels for a reason. The fact that they are all (yes even his sister Maddie) sanctimonious know-it-alls. The only sentinel Buck was able to tolerate was his sister and thatā€™s because he loves her and she took care of him when their parents practically bailed out on them. All sentinels are pretty much smug bastards, in Buckā€™s opinion. They get away with pretty much everything because of their so called talents. Even as a latent they get privileges of an active Sentinel just because of a quirk in their DNA.
ā€œCome on, I'll introduce you to him.ā€ His captain smiled as he said, ā€œHe likes to be called Eight Pack.ā€
ā€œWow. Silver Star.ā€ Hen whistles clearly impressed, unlike Buck who just adds to Buck's ire.
ā€œBetter drop some more body fat there, butch.ā€ Chim teased quite rudely, which on a normal day Buck would just roll his eyes at since he kind of treats the older man like a mix of a weird uncle/annoying big brother but today it's just throwing him off for some reason and he felt hurt by Chim's harmless comments.
Buck looked towards where the rest of his team is greeting the new guy, and his frown deepened. Ā Something is wrong with that Diaz guy. Buck is not sure what but the moment he laid eyes on the guy, there a strange feeling blooming in his chest. It must be loathing he decided. Because anything else would mean his guide suppressants are failing and he canā€™t have that.
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