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eriduimgem2 · 2 months ago
closed rp with @blackstardiopside
*the towering greenish gem smiled softly at the much shorter gem's reaction* "yes, they've fused a few times before era 3, in secret of course, this is the first time i'm in the open" *the fusion tilts her head a bit as she thinks, her lower set of arms wrapping around herself* "it's a bit overwhelming at times, going from dancing in the old ruins of homeworld, to walking around, with so many gems and humans looking at me..."
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clown-demon · 2 months ago
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"I really don't know where I am.. I suppose I just.. kinda stumbled here. I'm sorry if this is your property-- I'm just lost," the mutant spoke softly.
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blackstarmylove · 1 year ago
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muses-inn · 2 months ago
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[🎄] Mikey read about a public gingerbread workshop, where people could join and make their own gingerbread houses. That seemed like a super-cute and amazing idea! His brothers and April were all busy that day though, so Mikey went alone with the resolution of making a new friend there. And you know it didn't take long for the Sunshine-Turtle himself to meet someone he vibed with right away. His new friend really enjoys baking!
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"That's cool! Do you make pizza's from scratch, too?"
@blackstardiopside / temporary holiday starter call
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running2redemption · 19 days ago
The Collector starter for @blackstardiopside!
The starchild looked glumly at the closed up boardwalk - apparently it wouldn't open up 'til summer, however long from now that was. From what he could see, it looked like a lot of fun...
It would probably be bad to just... move the whole planet on its rotation around its star so that it would be summer, just so he could play on the boardwalk.
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"Bummer... Guess I'll just have to wait," The Collector sighed, and started searching for something else to do in Beach City in the middle of winter.
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doefated · 1 month ago
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"Nah, I can't summon weapons the way most gems can. It's... sorta like a pocket dimension I can whip up and get whatever I need. So... I guess I CAN summon weapons, just I'm not stuck with one weapon all the time. See?" Jonathan would hold his palm out, casting a shimmery glow around his knuckles and fingertips. A divine like portal would begin to glisten and shimmer in place, where as Jonathan would lean into the portal and pulls out what seemed to be a decently sized long sword, colored in the same rainbow like features as the portal.
"See? Cool, ain't it?" Jonathan chuckled in amusement. It's nice to show others what his powers could do. It's nice to feel... not normal for once. Like he had to disguise and hide himself.
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multimusewonderland · 9 months ago
@blackstardiopside inquired:
"You.. are.. so cuuuuuuute!" The Gem woman squealed, clasping her cheeks between her hands as she gawked at Craftycorn.
The toy stilled, feeling a cold chill wash over her at the childish squeal. Memories flood in. Memories of the Playcare's children, memories of when she was wanted and loved and spent time coloring and-
...Her head turned to face the stranger, and she lifted a hoof to push some of her dirty mane out of her eyes.
"M- me?" Crafty's voice comes out quiet, and she finds herself wishing she could clear her throat. "I'm... cute...?"
Even now? When she's a monster?
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boysofthesea · 3 months ago
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Luca thought for a moment before he displayed a big smile on his face. "I would love to have a chocolate cake!"
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opportunistic-chicanery · 30 days ago
"smile for the camera !"
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She'd caught him looking positively stunning. Well, when was he not?
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"Taking up scrapbooking?"
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spectacular-solarflare · 10 months ago
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"That's a big Gem monster..."
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fantasyconcrete · 3 months ago
@blackstardiopside asked:
“You look.. really down. Is everything okay?” -Styx
Styx jumped when Black Star spoke, her sickle immediately appearing in her hands as she whipped her head around to stare at the Gem with wide eyes. She relaxed when she saw who it was.
"... Have you been keeping up with the news?" she asked, the sickle vanishing back under her robe.
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lookingforroleplayers · 4 months ago
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♥️♥️♥️ Shoutout for @blackstardiopside and her muse! Her oc is such a cutie pie and so well written! If you're an steven universe rper, i def reccommend you check them out ! ♥️♥️♥️
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moved-to-civic-hub · 7 months ago
@blackstardiopside asked:
"Woah! Are you a Gem?!" Black Star's jaw was agape as she just witnessed Sarah shape-shifting. Of course due to her loud exclamation, there was a chance she may have startled the other.
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Sarah never quite got magic as much as Marsha and Marceline did (especially Marsha). While she still could use it from time to time, she could only use it for so long until she tired herself out. Sarah was in the middle of catching her breath when Black Star approached her, effectively startling her.
Sarah lets out a surprised yelp before she can properly process what was going on. "W-What? A gem? N-No...? I'm not..."
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eriduimgem2 · 2 years ago
beach trip with b-star
@blackstardiopside “oh ok, is that the normal attire for a ‘beach trip?’” *the taller purple gem tilts her head as she looks as blackstar’s swimsuit*
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vcingcm · 2 years ago
🖤 @blackstardiopside liked for a starter. 🖤
Carbonado didn’t care for the whole spiel on Era-3. Suddenly everything from the last 6,000+ Years could just be thrown out the window? Everything you were doing was suddenly wrong because some stupid kid with a diamond's gem said so? She wouldn't buy it.
Not because it was bullshit but because her rank and her purpose would dissipate and the thought terrified her. What even good was she for, was her power for if without it's intended use? She wouldn’t even be able to have fun with her power. Seeing lower gems try to scramble as to not let her catch onto how they felt.
So in a rather lowly attempt to gain back what she was losing. What she had lost or even give herself something far better. Carbonado had resorted to allowing other gems who still desperately wanted a purpose or someone to serve to come to her.
Though it makes sense not everyone would like that.
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That someone may speak on it. In a way she didn’t want.
“I can only hope you came all this way to see me and not to complain.”
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empirecftitans · 23 days ago
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"Insolent beasts!" The Titan screeched, energy crackling along his crystalline dorsal plates. "Bow down to your new master!"
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