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railwayhistorical · 1 year ago
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Black Skimmer
I believe I saw this very distinctive bird (doing it's very distinctive thing) down on one of the barrier islands off the Delmarva Peninsula—Chincoteague or Assateague perhaps.
The bird's lower mandible is quite a bit longer than the upper; the bird flies close to the water, beak dipping in the water. When it senses a tiny fish or some such prey, it clamps down on its dinner.
Two images by Richard Koenig; taken late 1980s or early 1990s.
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swede1952 · 7 months ago
Tandem Skimmers in Black and White
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This is a couple of black skimmers (Rynchops niger) at Gulfport, Mississippi.
"The oldest recorded Black Skimmer was at least 23 years, 1 month old when it was identified by its band in California in 2013. It had been banded in the same state in 1990." - allaboutbirds.org
I don't post all of the photos that I post here to my Pixels gallery, but I post the photos I like best. Some don't make the cut. I usually wait a couple of days and see how I feel about it then. This photo probably will not make the cut.
You can check out my gallery at:
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iffoundreturntosea · 9 months ago
June 16, Day 167/168
Day 167 2015
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Someone didn't want to come out and visit tonight.
#kitty #cat #mybaby #meow #love #mycatsaremykids #picoftheday #project365 #day167
Day 168 2016
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Nature is the best therapy (even when it's hot)!!
#texasheat #texas #springbutfeelslikesummer #flowers #yellow #shadesofyellow #june #picoftheday #project365 #day168
Day 167 2017
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My silly niece 😍
#niece #silly #funnyfaces #sosilly #sillygirl #laugh #mirror #reflection #june #picoftheday #project365 #day167
Day 167 2018
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No matter the day I always have at least two cameras on me (including my phone)!
#create #record #cameras #photophile #photography #nikon #fujifilm #olympus #dslr #pointandshoot #snapshot #memorykeepers #takenforgranted #objects #everydayobjects #june #picoftheday #project365 #day167
Day 167 2019
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Love my Dads. They are rad....s.
#dad #father #oneluckygirl #daughter #lucky #love #laugh #happydadsday #happyfathersday #june #june16 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day167
Day 168 2020
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I can’t stress how important our Ocean is to everyone, not just the millions of people that live on the coast. I implore you to do a little research on how you are currently effecting the Ocean and how you could lower the impact you’re having. You see this great expanse and it is really hard to see how everything is connected, how easily the balance can be shifted. This is especially hard for people that are inland. I hope you learned a little something this week and that it gets you thinking. I love the Ocean. It is where my heart and soul are. Peace 🌊
#florida #floridacoast #gulfofmexico #ocean #shore #coast #water #sandy #beach #horizon #expanse #protect #conserve #worldsoceanweek #june #june16 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day168
Day 167 2021
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I am so stinking impressed. And completely bummed this wasn't for me! 😭
#niece #artist #art #create #watercolor #fish #impressed #june #june16 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day167
Luckily, I have a copy that is all mine!
Day 167 2022
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A good friend sent Leo a new collar. He was born to be a coastal cat.
#leo #kitty #cat #thankscyd #hessocute #theywontallbeofhim #cantwaittofeelbetter #june #june16 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day167
We deserved more time.
Day 167 2023
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Just a couple skimmers skimming
#beach #bluehour #water #clouds #blackskimmer #birds #nature #outdoors #framed #june #june16 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day167
Day 168 2024
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There are so many amazing things about octopuses including 8 arms, 9 brains and 3 hearts!! 💙💙💙
#threehearts #dailytheme #love #octopuses #secretsoftheoctopus #art #create #june #june16 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day168 @octonation
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lizj · 3 years ago
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Black Skimmer message received - take a hike and I did - they are amazingly accurate flyers - a joy to watch! #blackskimmer #nikonz9 #planetbirds #conserveflorida #wildlifeplanet #audubonflorida #birdsfreaks #bestbirdshots #birdsofinstagram #birds_matter #birds_nature #bird_captures #birds_perfection #birdsonearth #best_bird_shots #best_birds_of_ig #birds_adored #nature_worldwide_birds #total_birds #eye_spy_birds #bird_brilliance #floridawildlife #birds #birdfreaks #best_birds_of_ig #ig_discover_birds #nuts_about_birds #your_best_birds #cornellbirds #01birds #birdinginflorida (at Fort Myers Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXt-0huSyN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abersoldoutdoors · 4 years ago
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Revisiting some colorful birds : : #birdsofinstagram #bluejays #snowyegret #blackskimmer #northamericancardinal #americangoldfinch https://www.instagram.com/p/CHawXoiJmdP/?igshid=rr9zsold484a
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hannathebest1 · 5 years ago
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Turkey Vulture and Black Skimmer
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natgeoyourshot · 6 years ago
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Top Shot: Tug o' War
Top Shot features the photo with the most votes from the previous day’s Daily Dozen, 12 photos selected by the Your Shot editors. The photo our community has voted as their favorite is showcased on the @natgeoyourshot Instagram account. Click here to vote for tomorrow’s Top Shot.
Your Shot photographer Mary McGowan photographed this moment of two black skimmer chicks who were having a tug 'o war with a small fish. Photograph by Mary McGowan
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newbirder · 6 years ago
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This Black Skimmer looks like it’s in trouble, but it’s actually just resting in the Florida heat!
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years ago
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Black Skimmer by Mawrter Forsythe NWR, Oceanville, New Jersey https://flic.kr/p/2jbELHF
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jimabernethy · 5 years ago
Video by @jim_abernethy // Turn up the sound to here the beautiful calls of thousands of birds at a huge nesting colony at Huguenot Memorial Park, Jacksonville Florida. Happy Mother's Day! I hope and pray that all of this planet's mothers have an extraordinarily joyful day! In this video we see the beautiful adult mother Brown Pelican feeding her baby, who actually puts her entire head inside mom to get to the food!All our planet's beautiful wildlife need help! Please consider volunteering for @audubonsociety or other animal protection services! Enjoy but Please Protect! @jim_abernethy @wildlifevoiceinc @sealegacy @audubon_fl #blackskimmer #bird #babybirds #love #bethevoice #Bethechangetheworldneeds #weonlyprotectwhatwelove #ilovebirds (at Huguenot Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAA2NO7pEQA/?igshid=6zy5tzrbmtmp
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dancing-pear · 2 years ago
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Last Black Skimmer photo for now, I was pretty impressed with myself that I actually captured one in the skimming process! They use their large lower bill to skim under the water’s surface until they hit some food and then snap it back up to eat! 😮 . . . Camera: Olympus E-M5Markii Lens: 40-150mm pro f2.8 Teleconverter: 1.4x (56-210mm) ISO: 1000 Aperture: f4 Speed: 1/2000s Edited: ON1 Photo Raw 2022 . . . #BreakFreeWithOlympus #GetOlympus #olympusphotography #mzuiko #omsystem #olympusem5mkii #olympus40150pro #BlackSkimmer #Skimmers #Birding #FloridaBirds #FloridaBirding #birdsofinstagram #birdphotography #BirdsSeenIn2022 #naturephotography #on1pics #stmarksnationalwildliferefuge #stmarksnwr (at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNEiTyL9lZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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swede1952 · 1 year ago
Good morning. ☕☕☕
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11 March 2024
I can remember my first cup of coffee. I might have been 16 or so, my cousin was visiting, and he was a few years older than me. We went to a movie in Turlock, California, I think that the movie was" The Graduate," a scandalous movie for the time. After the movie, we stopped at a diner and had coffee. It didn't catch on with me right away. In fact, it took a few years, it is an acquired taste, after all. I think it really took me in the Army as a way to pass the time. I don't smoke, but I did back then, most people did in the Army. A cigarette and a cup of coffee in the morning was the norm … uhg. I eventually dropped the cigarettes, but coffee lives on.
“The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
I took this photo of hundreds of black skimmers flying pass a prominent building near the docks at Gulfport, Mississippi. I played with the light creating a sky of mostly orange, the birds and the building are pale.
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lizj · 3 years ago
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Skimming! #blackskimmer #sonya1 #planetbirds #conserveflorida #wildlifeplanet #audubonflorida #birdsfreaks #bestbirdshots #birdsofinstagram #birds_matter #birds_nature #bird_captures #birds_perfection #birdsonearth #best_bird_shots #best_birds_of_ig #birds_adored #nature_worldwide_birds #total_birds #eye_spy_birds #bird_brilliance #floridawildlife #birds #birdfreaks #best_birds_of_ig #ig_discover_birds #nuts_about_birds #your_best_birds #cornellbirds #01birds #birdinginflorida (at Fort Myers Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChKzJT5gRUI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nunoxaviermoreira · 4 years ago
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Skimmer in the Act by MyKeyC Black Skimmers feed by putting their lower mandible in the water and bending their head backwards to grasp any prey they come into contact with. Many birds, such as Wood Storks, Roseate Spoonbills and others are contact feeders, snapping their bill shut on contact, but skimmers do it on the fly. Here's one that just nabbed a minnow. https://flic.kr/p/2kAe7cm
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jimabernethy · 6 years ago
Video shot on Red by @jim_abernethy // At this moment hundreds of Black Skimmers have congregated on Florida's beaches to lay there eggs and do there best to care for their young! I had the unique pleasure to be guided by an amazingly compassionate conservationist Audubon's Wendy Hayward in St. Petersburg, Florida. Although I have seen this many times before, this time I wanted to film it using the incredible Red camera. I used a 500mm lens so I could film from a comfortable distance away and not disturb this fragile nesting colony! The attention to detail that both parents have caring for their young was quite impressive and very enjoyable to observe! These beautiful creatures fight a relentless diversity of issues as they attempt to bring future generations into our world, such as Predation by other bird and mammal species, human development, pesticides, plastic pollution and most importantly humans, completely unaware of how fragile and difficult it is to raise their flightless babies on an open public beach! As I watched Wendy Hayward politely and diligently educate beach goers in order to protect these magnificent and amazing creatures, my heart and soul were warmed with gratitude and compassion knowing that Wendy & Audubon are doing everything within their power to protect our wildlife! I thought you might enjoy a few short clips! Enjoy but Always Protect! Please help protect our beautiful planets wildlife by going to the link in my bio to engage in my conservation campaigns! Thanks so much to all that already have! @jim_abernethy @wildlifevoiceinc @sealegacy @nmfmiami #TurningTheTide @lightswitchaddict @afloridawildman @dustinch32 #blackskimmer #stpetersburgflorida #bird #natureaddict #birdphotography #beautiful #epic #love #gorgeous #Bethechangetheworldneeds (at Saint Petersburg, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLADrWgZn1/?igshid=nv993h09d0pd
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dancing-pear · 2 years ago
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A few Black Skimmers showing of their graceful dancing to an audience of many other birds and a few humans last August at the Lighthouse Pool, St. Marks NWR 💕 I could watch them all day! . . . Camera: Olympus E-M5Markii Lens: 40-150mm pro f2.8 Teleconverter: 1.4x (56-210mm) ISO: 1000 Aperture: f4 Speed: 1/1600s Edited: ON1 Photo Raw 2022 & Instagram Filter . . . #BreakFreeWithOlympus #GetOlympus #olympusphotography #mzuiko #omsystem #olympusem5mkii #olympus40150pro #blackskimmer #birding #floridabirds #floridabirding #birdsofinstagram #birdphotography #stmarksnationalwildliferefuge #stmarksnwr #floridanature #naturephotography #on1pics #BirdsSeenIn2022 (at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKlDnVrmm9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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