#blackrock updates
10inksnoquills · 11 months
⭐ Blackrock Chapter Update - 2023.11.09
The Sickness (1k words)
Ao3 link in source. Enjoy.
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sayruq · 2 months
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planetaryaether · 2 years
I know I have been kinda AWOL lately but I am planning on getting back into posting! If there is any specific content/type of Yogs/Blackrock post y’all want to see from me, please feel free to let me know!
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uwuwha · 2 months
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And oh, I wish I could hold you in my arms || but lately my body has been so afraid
A comic for @cometquest's blocktales apocalypse au! Can be interpreted either romantic or platonic. I kind of made my own story here, but you should definitely go check the au out!! His character designs are sick as hell and I've been a bit insane about them lately 🙏🙏!
Text reads: And if I knew you a little less, and my soul held a little less pride, I'd ask for you to stay safe by my side. But in my heart, I have long known what your answer would be.
Some extras below the readmore! Fair warning it's quite long
The comic without leetspeak!
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In honour of the most recent lore post
Banner says: and me I feel also not so good Griefer's saying: Dude this yogurt fucking sucks
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And my original tags condensed into incomprehensible paragraphs because there was not enough space to fit all of them underneath. Dear lord.
Genuinely I keep thinking about them oh my lord. The way in a normal world they would have never met. Wouldn't have even known eachother existed except in passing and rumors. Yet in this world where everything is falling apart Griefer and Jim are the only lifelines in their towns, do they meet even if its in voicechat. The only way Roadtown can talk to Turitopulis. And if Red lives in somewhere other than Roadtown or Blackrock, then Jim is quite literally the only way Brad can get updates on his father.
So they start talking and planning and communicating. And they communicate and they learn about eachother and they start talking more than strictly necessary and days or months or maybe years later, Griefer suddenly realizes that he's looking forward to his next conversation with Jim. He likes talking to him. He finds comfort with him. He cares a lot for Jim. A lot. Like a bird trying to rip out of his chest. Over the voice on his headphones who hes never seen before.
And if he knew Jim a little less well. If he maybe he were willing to beg a little more. He might've asked Jim to go and live in blackrock like his dad, or even go to Turitopulis to stay with him. But he knows who Jim is, and he knows who he is, and if someone had ever asked him to leave Turitopulis he would've socked them in the face. And even though he's calmer and more mellower than him, Griefer knows Jim would never think about leaving Roadtown for it to defend itself. And nobodys really manning the planes except for Jerry nowdays. So he never bothers asking.
But like a riving pounding against stone, the voices know they can't last forever and one day, maybe the voices finally got to him or maybe it was an act of self sacrifice, but Jim blows himself up. And all of the sudden Brad is left with headphones that emit static, no contact to Roadtown, and a sinking pit in his stomach. Do you see my vision here. Gripping myself.
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interastical · 5 months
Another Phighting writing account??YAYYAYYAYAYAY
can you do yan!Subspace x former assassin!reader (reader is gender neutral!). The reader was from Blackrock but ran away and uhh Subspace kinda found them again.. oneshot please!
(I stole this request from someone because the other writer hasnt update for a while and I am in desperate need of fanfics.. thank youu!)
sorry for taking so long on requests! i've got a good handful in my inbox now and since i got a lot of my assignments out of the way, i can start working on these ahaha
requests are also still open! please feel free to send some my way in my inbox :)
aanyways, thank u for being so patient!!! here we go
tw - yandere themes, kidnapping, drugging, semi-realistic violence
˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
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Your life at BLACKROCK was -- to put it bluntly, a living hell.
Your entire life, all you ever knew from the moment you entered this world and were shipped off to that horrid faction, was violence, war, weaponry, and murder.
You were trained to hurt people. Hurt demons who dared try to question Blackrock. Those who tried to flee, to escape the freezing confines of the place.
Rules were strictly abided to at Blackrock. Make one mistake -- consider yourself a goner. The best outcome was you being thrown in prison, the worst outcome was being slaughtered publicly.
You were made to abide by the rules and silence those who made the smallest of mistakes.
Nobody ever thought you'd break the rules one day yourself.
So when you one day disappeared, having vanished off the face of the Inpherno, Blackrock believed you were a goner.
That was far from the truth.
You knew the ins and outs of the faction, making your escape was relatively easy -- a cakewalk.
As an assassin, you specialized in stealth, speed, and agility. Maneuvering past guards and treading through freezing cold blizzards did not falter your escape in the slightest.
And when you were finally out, taking a deep breath of the fresher, evenly temperature air, you believed to be in the clear, as long as you managed to keep a life of anonymity, what could go wrong?
And you were right -- everything was fine.
Until one day, when mindlessly watching a PHIGHT, you noticed a familiar face participating in the round.
Subspace T. Mine.
You felt your heart stop in the moment.
Back in Blackrock, the two of you hardly had any form of connection. Rarely spoke to one another, as the two of you were on completely different fields of work.
His rambles about discovery and science nonsense made no sense to you. His work partner - Medkit, seemed constantly annoyed by the guy's presence as well.
You always talked to Hyperlaser more often. You still occasionally met up with him and Katana to go out for drinks in Crossroads -- as Hyperlaser was your only friend from Blackrock who swore to keep your existence a secret to that awful, awful faction.
But you did always take note of how Subspace.. stared at you often, whenever the two of you did manage to encounter one another back in Blackrock.
You remember constantly asking him if he needed something, and he'd whip out some awful excuse, saying how he was just "focusing on something next to you" or "staring off into space".
Yet, he always did it often. It got on your nerves.
The guy was .. a little weird. It's no wonder you constantly avoided him.
But Subspace... knew everything about you. Unbeknownst to you.
He'd often send a Biograft to just .. watch as you worked in Blackrock. He was so utterly captivated by the way you'd wipe out any filthy traitors with a single swipe of your blade.
You were so.. powerful -- flawless, perfect.
Subspace wanted everything you had.
Subspace wanted you.
The way their blood would hit your face, your stoic expression unchanged at their screams and cries -- as you silenced them with ease.
He so badly wanted to talk to you. But he could never find the courage to do so, despite his greatness, talking to you was his only flaw.
Medkit was often forced to listen to his constant rambles about you, often tuning it out and focusing on crystal studies.
But oh -- did Subspace just want to bring you in, set you down and tear you open, digging around at your inner workings, watching as your blood would stain his skin.
He needed you.
So when you disappeared, Subspace was devastated.
His work became sloppy, slower, and his emotions became violent.
Medkit suffered the consequences of his outbursts.
Nothing was never enough. Not without you. He needed to see you again -- even if you were some lifeless, rotting corpse in the midst of a blizzard, or if you were out there somewhere, he needed to find you.
So when he felt eyes on him during a PHIGHT match that he'd found himself participating in, he turned his head.
And he saw you.
You looked different. Your appearance was different, but it did not change the fact that your face was the same.
He found you.
The match? Subspace didn't care about some stupid bux anymore. You instantly clouded his mind. Thoughts of you, your face, your skills, your expression -- everything.
He could hardly hold back the manic laughter bubbling in his chest, rising to his throat.
Subspace had found you.
And he wasn't going to lose you again.
Walking home to your apartment in Crossroads late that night was no unusual activity for you. After saying your goodbyes to Hyperlaser and Katana, you strolled down the empty sidewalk, your apartment building only a few blocks away.
The sounds of crickets in the distance, the soft breeze of the night and the lack of any demons around was rather peaceful for you.
Thoughts of seeing Subspace again had almost completely left your mind, the soft buzz of alcohol from drinking earlier had you a little more careless.
But the sudden rustle of a bush from not far behind you shattered the relaxation you were undergoing, as you froze.
As a trained assassin in the past, you had high reflexes. Any slight noise off in the distance; you were trained to take note of, and prepare to defend yourself.
The night grew still.
You swore you heard quick footsteps.
Multiple footsteps. Two people, max.
One sounded.. normal. The other sounded heavier.
Something wasn't right here.
You quickly took a few steps back, not taking your eyes off of the bushes behind you, your dominant hand moving to reach for your gear so that you could summon it--
You were suddenly yanked backwards by cold, rough, metallic hands wrapping around your waist, locking your arms to your sides.
It wasn't a demon's skin that you felt from your assailant.
You knew those voices.
A Biograft was holding you still.
You ignored the bucket of bolts, slamming your head back onto the robot's in hopes to damage it enough for it to loosen its grip, allowing you to escape.
As you felt the arms around you begin to loosen, a figure suddenly ran in front of you.
You felt a sharp pinch in your neck.
You screamed.
Not out of pain, you were trained to have a high pain tolerance.
But you weren't an idiot. You were clearly getting kidnapped -- and you'd most likely just got some kind of injection.
A cold hand covered your mouth.
"..shh, shh." a familiar voice -- slightly muffled underneath a mask, spoke. "Don't scream, beloved. I only gave you a small pinch!"
The demon in front of you -- you recognized him instantly with horror.
You -- how -- he actually noticed you earlier?!
You noticed your vision growing foggier and foggier - your brain turning into mush as comprehending thoughts became harder and harder.
no no no no noononono
You felt Subspace move his hand away from your mouth and over towards your cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb.
"Don't panic." Subspace reassured -- his voice becoming quieter and quieter, sounding farther off into the distance as your consciousness was quickly deteriorating. "I'll take good care of you."
The last thing you felt was being slowly lifted up by the Biograft - and your world faded to darkness.
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piplup335 · 5 months
Subspace & a reader who is a toxic player!
sry I didn’t have time to write, I was quite busy these few days ;-; but hey, now I have time to write! I’m just cramming out whatever time I have to finally rest and finish up reqs :D
honestly I like writing for you all, so I’m not a fan of going inactive LMAO
anyway, enjoy!
requested by…yeah, you already know who you are, you just don’t wanna admit it. I know who you are :)
"At last."
Subspace could feel the smugness radiating off of Medkit as he fired a crystal, instantly healing his teammates. Subspace had tried to chase after and take down the other team's Shuriken for one and a half minutes, only to get shot and taken down by Medkit himself, his sworn enemy.
Or rather, Subspace himself didn't try to take down Shuriken.
It was the player. The one controlling him.
More specifically, someone named (Y/N). He overheard the name when someone yelled at them to keep quiet…and judging by the tone, it seemed like this wasn’t the first time.
Deep down, Subspace never wanted to fight anyone. He just wanted to stay in his lab in Blackrock, tinkering on his newest experiments and inventions, improving the Biografts he held so dear to him...after all, the Biografts were the "people" he truly felt close to, the beings he saw as children.
But no, the creators of the endless game he was trapped in pulled him out of Blackrock for ungodly amounts of time, only being able to leave when the server was shut down for maintenance or when the game was closed for updates.
He rarely even got to see his creations as often, only being able to catch sight of them in what the players called a "lobby" or during one of the matches. Regardless of whether Biograft or Hyperlaser was on the same team as him or not, a familiar sight was always appreciated.
To the players, it was just an average video game where you use random characters and fight each other with swords and stuff.
To Subspace, it was hell.
He wanted to be left alone to work on his creations in the eternal winter of Blackrock.
But no, he had to be pulled out of the comfort of his lab just to fight people, most of whom he had never met before.
He didn't even have control of his actions either- everything was decided by the player.
The player. Subspace shuddered at the thought.
He always hated losing control of his body, watching helplessly as the player controlled his every movement. Controlled where he walked, who he attacked, how he attacked...Subspace couldn't even run to save his life if he wanted to.
Sometimes, whoever the player was would be nice to him. On those days, the player would make smart decisions to avoid death, allowing him to effortlessly eliminate multiple opponents by utilising his poisonous tripmines to shred the opposing team's defences.
In other scenarios such as this one, however, the player controlling him was terrible.
They would make the worst possible choices, immediately charging into battle even though he was meant to attack from a distance. They never used his crystals effectively, missing the opportunity to immobilise and slow down his opponents...they made so many bad decisions it was almost impressive.
Today, however, seemed a lot worse.
Not only did this one player, (Y/N), suck at utilising his abilities, but he would also curse him out for being "bad" and "useless".
And now, here he was. He was faced with a death screen with his limp body on the ground as Medkit ran past him to heal the rest of his team.
The player had spent almost two minutes trying to take down a SINGLE PLAYER. The amount of misfires on other people was impressive at that point...
And now it was all for nought.
"Damn it! You suck at this! I spend so much time trying to kill someone and I can't because you do less than 5 hitpoints for your normal attack!"
Subspace internally groaned at this. He was not allowed to cry out loud or make a sound outside his usual voice lines- that would alert the player that he and the others were self-aware about these phights being nothing more than a game.
He forced himself to keep his mouth shut.
Subspace was irritated- he wanted to yell out loud, retort at the player and get some common sense into his head. He wanted to instruct the player as to how to properly play him so that maybe, just maybe, the player could shut up for thirty seconds.
He was tired of seeing the death screen so many times in one match. By then, he had seen it seven or eight times in four minutes and was slowly getting tired of it.
He just wanted to break free from the puppeteer's grasp.
He just wanted to get out of the lobby. He wanted to head to Crossroads, down the familiar concrete path back to Blackrock. He just wanted to put on a warm coat amidst the everlasting blizzard in his faction.
The blizzard gave him a warmth in his chest...a warm feeling that reminded him of home.
"One last minute..." Subspace thought. One more minute, and he could rest for another thirty seconds...until being pulled straight back into another nightmarish round, another round where he'd experience the constant and tedious cycle of spawning, being controlled, getting killed, spawning again...
He wished he could go home, back to Blackrock. He did not like it here.
As the round ended, Subspace got a glimpse of the results screen.
He was last. Again. With thirteen deaths, zero kills, and only two assists.
“Darn it! Why’d I even pick you? Your damage output is trash!”
Subspace could hear (Y/N) let out a string of profanities upon seeing another loss. Just as Subspave thought all was lost and he’d die from madness after all this, he heard Zuka announce something- something he had yearned to hear for the past thirty minutes.
“Phighters- I got a message from the developers. Server’s gonna shut down, maintenance is happening soon.”
Five seconds later, Subspace felt energy return to his joints as he stumbled onto the floor.
Subspace tried moving his arm, then went on to flexing his fingers. It worked.
He let out a sigh of relief. It was finally over.
One by one, other phighters around the lobby stumbled and toppled over as they regained energy in their joints as the players got kicked.
The puppeteers were gone.
Zuka gestured into his van.
“We’re going back to Crossroads. Hop in.”
As the familiar tower in Crossroads emerged in the distance, Subspace finally let his shoulders relax. He was closer to Crossroads, closer to his laboratory, closer to his home…
Subspace wouldn’t need to fight his beloved Biografts like he was forced to in phights. It always tore him apart to attack his creations, the very things he had worked so hard to perfect…the closest thing he had to a true companion.
But now, he could rest.
Other phighters lounged around in Crossroads. Rocket could be seen making small talk with Sword
Hyperlaser and Katana could be seen heading to the nearest bar.
All the phighters seemed to want to have a chat with someone else before heading back to their respective factions.
Instead, Subspace trudged down the path to Blackrock without saying a word, exhausted and irritated from everything that happened.
Biograft spotted this and immediately sprinted towards his creator.
“I just don’t get it!! Why me?? Why do I always seem to get the most talentless players?? I can see their stats and half the people who play me are newbies!!”
Biograft listened. That was his task, anyway- to identify the needs of his creator and adapt to them. And right now, Subspace needed a listening ear- someone who would listen to all his woes about the day.
“Why am I even doing this?? It’s been a week without seeing a player that knew their stuff!! Dear Illumina, WHY?!”
Biograft may have been a robot, but he was programmed to understand what his creator needed and how to respond.
If he needed food, Biograft could cook up a meal.
If he needed a certain tool, Biograft could bring Subspace his trusty toolbox.
But right now, all Subspace needed was some comfort.
The duo trod back to the familiar snowy landscape of Blackrock in silence. Biograft knew that his creator just wanted to go home. He didn’t have the energy for this.
Back in the lab, Biograft listened to Subspace.
The lab was Subspace’s haven, the only place where he felt comfortable enough to let loose.
Subspace spent so much time in the lab, more time than in his own house so much so that Biograft would often worry for its creator. Subspace would then reassure it, saying that he’s just doing what he enjoys. Never once would Biograft ever see Subspace at his workstation without his concentrated expression, only changing when Subspace chuckled softly every time a component worked as intended.
But today was different.
Subspace was resentful of the player, and back in his lab was where he finally let out all his pent-up rage.
Upon entering the lab, Subspace collapsed onto a nearby chair, groaning in annoyance.
“That little sh-!! I did what I could to accommodate his stupidity, but what did he do?? Curse me out, that’s what!!”
Subspace got up, pacing around and stomping on the ground to emphasise his point.
Biograft watched his creator. It could hear everything the player said, and despite being on the opposite team, it could almost feel a sense of empathy towards his creator, deep down in his processors.
“And do I have a damn choice as to whether or not I get controlled?? No!! This crap is all part of a VIDEO GAME, and I don’t have a say as to whether or not I participate!! Can’t I like, call in sick??”
Subspace picked up a screwdriver and was about to hurl it at the wall…but he paused, looked at the tool, and set it back down on his workbench.
He collapsed back into the seat, groaning in annoyance.
“…apologies, Biograft. It’s been a rough day…and I finally get to let loose.”
Understanding his situation, Biograft’s processors whirred to life, processing the new information. The soft hum of the processor was the only sound in the lab as Subspace lay on the chair.
As Biograft’s processors grew silent, it walked over and put an arm around its creator.
For once in a long time, Subspace felt some warmth.
And it wasn’t from his usual coat.
thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
if you do have feedback, please drop it in the comments so I can improve my writing for you guys! :D
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hyperfixghost · 4 months
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She has arrived! Hopefully the text isn’t too hard to read;;
But yes this is my Sona! I hope you all like her
If you can’t read the text:
She/Him | 24 | Factionless | Gear Suppressor 777 | Hacker
E Ability: Disrupt
Temporarily disable one enemy phighter from activating phinishers or specials
Q Ability: Kickback
Turns enemy phighters next attack against them
Phinisher: EMP
Temporarily disable enemy phighters caught in an AOE from activating their phinishers or specials
A former Blackrock scientist, now a formidable hacker working for the Spectator. She participates in Phighting to keep her skills sharp and give live updates of the happenings in the match to her boss.
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eightyonekilograms · 11 months
What are the left-NIMBYs' policy positions? What are the YIMBY policy positions? I mean I know what they are in a broad sense (more regulation on constructing housing vs. less), but I'm curious to know in more detail. Obviously some regulation is good (living in California, I'm glad there are standards for earthquake safety), and some is bad (I'm generally against single-use zoning for a bunch reasons you probably agree with). The basic supply and demand stuff and how it affects the cost of housing is obvious enough to me, but the weeds of how specifically regulations should be changed in light of this seems like a more complex issue.
I don't identify as either a NIMBY or a YIMBY; this discourse is somewhat foreign to me, but I probably have some mixture of NIMBY-sympathetic and YIMBY-sympathetic positions, and I'm interested in getting a better picture of the details of the debate from someone who clearly knows a lot about it.
Also as an aside, if you have any good sources of information you can recommend on the present state of housing policy in San Francisco, and/or how it's changed over the years, I'd be very interested in them.
At least from my POV, left-NIMBY policy prescriptions generally seem to fall into one of three camps (arranged from least to most radical):
non-zoning regulatory updates to try and make housing more affordable; the canonical example being adding low-income requirements to new housing developments
large expansions in government-funded housing projects, possibly to the point of having all housing construction be government-funded
"housing can't be fixed until we abolish capitalism"
Each of these has a flaw, although they need to be analyzed separately.
The people in camp 1 are well-intentioned, but unfortunately in practice they are useful idiots for the people who want less housing to be built (landlords, homeowners who want to Preserve the Neighborhood Character, the aforementioned BlackRock investors from my original post, etc.). Those people know full well that the actual effect of attaching more requirements to new housing construction is that less new housing (of all kinds, low-income, high-income, etc.) gets made, because projects which were just-barely profitable get pushed into being unprofitable, and so they don't happen. Obviously individual cases vary, but in general, if you say "you can't build those 50 new housing units unless you also add 15 low-income units in that development" is not that you get 50 market-rate units and 15 low-income units, but that you get zero new units. Which helps nobody.
This is one example of a depressingly common pattern where left-NIMBYs unfortunately make it very easy for themselves to get played like a fiddle by people who say they have the interests of low-income renters at heart, but absolutely do not. As I said, the sorts of "wealthy suburban single-family homeowners" who go to their community meetings and demand that new construction include low-income unit requirements are doing that to murder low-income housing, but because it's an invisible murder (since the development simply doesn't happen), those homeowners with their In This House We Believe signs can keep saying they want to help the poor get housed, while guaranteeing that won't happen.
With camp 2, in general it seems to me like a lot of them aren't paying attention to what YIMBYs actually say, and instead have built up a strawman in their mind of YIMBYs as diehard anti-government libertarians. Some of them are, but most YIMBYs— myself included— do want more government-funded construction and think it definitely should be a part of a comprehensive solution for housing affordability.
The issue is, if you want government-funded housing, the government still needs to pay for the land, and the construction. And if land and construction are more expensive than they could be because of limited supply and burdensome, then the government has to pay more for this housing, and gets less for its money. I know a lot of left-NIMBYs tend to scoff at fiscal/budgetary constrains, but they are a real thing, if only because eventually you'll get voter revolt, and if you have X dollars of taxpayer money to spend on new housing construction, it would surely be better to make that X dollars go as far as possible and build maybe 5,000 units instead of 1,000. This is a case where the libertarian and socialist views do not need to be opposed and can in fact work in concert: the more land reform you have, the cheaper land gets and so the more bang for you buck you get. So even if you are a Camp 2er, you should support YIMBY policy reforms anyway.
The people in camp 3, well... I wanted these posts to be as factual and non-ideological as I could, but at some point there's no getting around the fact that camp 3 is delusional. We're not going to abolish capitalism, at least not any time in the foreseeable future. It could happen in succeeding decades, but in the meantime, wouldn't it be nice if people could have an affordable place to live now? Note that there are differences in housing affordability across areas, based mostly on to what extent they have YIMBY-like policies in place, so the claim that only abolishing capitalism can help seems empirically wrong. (And if the response to that is that helping people now is bad because it would delay the revolution, that's when I start yelling and pounding on my keyboard again. Accelerationism is fundamentally a monstrous, evil ideology, gleefully throwing people under the bus for the sake of a fantasy world).
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boowasphone · 1 year
Hello phighting tag!!! If you saw there is two qna videos for phighting which includes some lore, now those videos combined are about 4 hours but my friend @hexyn went through the videos and compiled some of the most interesting bits of information
Everything will be under the cut
- boss battle plans, everyone teamed up to defeat one big guy (probably ????? kind of????? already done considering the sfoth rounds)
- gacha system with zuka hosting a item store to buy crates for skins
- being able to buy stickers from zuka's store
- "storymode really roughly outlined/planned" said by soda and will pay their attention towards singleplayer storymode after they're done with multiplayer
- plans on adding chat titles next to your name
- dom and valk were apparently born into fame by their parents being very popular and them carrying their career
- allusions has a phighting map in their game
- more accesory npcs besides dom and valk coming soon
- rocket canonically being adopted by zuka
- valk and dom apparently sees the phighters as nothing but a faster way to make money and nothing else said by soda
- hyperlaser apparently has a mask under his helmet, not specified which one tho but its probably a joke answer
- in future updates, the skins will go away and would soon be added in zuka's shop
- possibly being able to visit other areas around the map (thieves den, playground, lost temple and blackrock)
- minigames getting added in crossroads such as fishing, etc
- apparently said by soda, blackrock are the heavily demonized people in the lore so far by her and the devs, "purposefully starting shit to piss others off"
- none of them can't eat spicy food besides hyperlaser
- crossroads, thieves den, playground, lost temple, blackrock etc all live in one big giant land and are separated by regions around the areas
- apparently the Inphinity is/or has an extremely large sentient entity outside of the phighting universe
- with the subspace and medkit situation, medkit wanted to help people with the crystals while subspace wants to cause chaos, the crystals in between their horns are from their own expirements, they both use the alternative energy source to wield their weapons
- all of the regions canonically hate eachother and all have different motives
- skins in game are described as non-canon alternate universes, just a excuse for skins and some in the future may be canon
- subspace was assigned to make biograft by blackrock's leader
- darkheart is (sort of) friends with venomshank, similar to the way you'd wave to someone you know across the street
- broker will give you daily challenges, and when completed he will tell you a bit of lore
- sfoth swords (excluding sword) are like deities in the inphinity
- banhammer was originally going to be a part of Blackrock, with many of the Blackrock figures knowing him; however, this was changed, and now he is factionless
- broker has been arrested for murder, manslaughter, and gear laundering (although no one said that he did the recent murders in crossroads, ofc still very bad and deserves to be imprisoned)
- The faction leaders will be playable characters, and the four will each be based off of overseer, darkage, korblox, and redfield/redcliff
- biografts do NOT wipe
- medkit found sword injured and nursed him back to health; the two eventually became friends as a result (this will probably be expanded on in the future)
- rocket can't swim and is in first place of playable characters that would most likely swear the most. The 2nd is subspace, and that's it. Note that rocket apparently gets it from zuka
- biograft does not truly hate everyone; they are simply a killing machine who shows no mercy to their enemies
- banhammer isn't blind, he just thinks he's so powerful he intentionally nerfs himself by blinding himself (he thinks it's funny)
- hyperlaser's face has never been revealed due to the idea him being a very mysterious character; they may reveal it in the far future, though it would ruin the mysteriousness
- soda plans to make ugc for Phighting (not lore related though notable to add)
- there are multiple biograft models such as zeta, epsilon, and beta (zeta is the orange one)
- regions may have genetics:
blackrock will have demons with fangs
lost temple will have big dudes (with "something with their eyes?" this was not expanded on)
thieves den will have markings on their body
they don't know what playground would be just "very very silly"
- phighters are created from a big fountain called "The Spawn"; the spawn pops out new people with their own gear these people are not born as babies, and they have a level of intelligence. after they are born, they are assigned a faction and shipped off to their respective location. If two people sacrifice their gear to the spawn, a biological child is formed; however, this is very uncommon as few are willing to sacrifice their gear
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crystal-killer-au · 5 months
Hi! Here, you guys can ask questions and see fanart and future updates for the fic I'm working on for this AU!
Medkit decides to try and leak information out to the police about the True Eye and gets figured out. As a result, Scythe tortures him, causing him to lose his horn before abandoning him in the desert to die. Medkit wanders the desert, eventually arriving at Sword and his apartment. Sword expels Medkit and threatens to kill him since the cult threatened to kill Rocket. His sworn brother chose one friend over the other, Medkit flees and goes insane as a result of so many betrayals.
Medkit receives assistance from Traffic and obtains gear from the Broker's gear laundering firm without Broker knowing it was for Medkit.
Medkit gets into a vengeful path with his new gear, The Dark Spellbook of the Forgotten....
(Broker stole it from void star when he was in banlands once)
Then Medkit uses a biograft he fought to get into Blackrock and abduct Subspace, leaving him in a chamber with the upgraded Biografts that are greedy for blood, and you know how that ends. (Dude went back and shot him in the head a couple times to make sure lol)
Medkit, knowing all of the Cult's secrets, was determined to reveal them all to Banhammer. As a result, he captured Scythe, Broker, and the other cult members. After capturing them, Banhammer offers to cleanse Medkit's name. Medkit infiltrates Banland and her cell just before Scythe is executed. Shooting her in cold blood. (With the Warden's permission)
Medkit then kills Rocket in front of Sword's eyes, sporting a large malicious grin. He “saved” Sword's life but stole his gear in exchange. Medkit, on the other hand, changed this weaponry and made it his own, transforming it from a standard Sword to an Azure. Medkit then renames himself "Azure" and gets offered to work with Illumina to track down and take down Overseer.
Medkit and Sword were once sworn brothers but are now sworn adversaries. Having the same relationship as Subspace with Sword, but now...It appears the roles have swapped
Now, this isn't all me. The first part is taken from a fanic called "It's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend" (I got permission to take inspiration off the part of the first 2 chapters)
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10inksnoquills · 2 years
⭐ Blackrock Chapter Update - 2023.02.22
The Cameras (3.2k words)
Ao3 link in source. Enjoy.
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kurokotori · 9 months
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Desc: Ages ago a curse fell upon the settlement of BlackRock, its residents bearing the ability to shapeshift into both terrifying and captivating creatures called Cryptids. Since then, the people have been at war with each other, the fight to rid the curse still happening to this day, the cursed trying desperately to blend in with society and live normal lives. Current day, Katsuki Bakugo, a freshman at Blackrock University faces the hardships this curse has brought into his life, all the while balancing his college life…and facing a familiar friend that wants nothing more than to tear him down from the cryptid hierarchy, as Katsuki is the king of them all, the Wendigo. ------------------------------------ WOOOO LETS GOOO, I'm SO ready to start writing this fanfic! I'm extremely excited to share this one with you guys :"D I've gotten so much support with this so far and it's been AMAZING. Solace in the fray is gonna deal a lot with healing from loss and letting go of the past/your past self. It will have plenty of metaphorical elements as well. A lot of heart and love is being put into this, and I've been brainrotting over it ever since I made it ;-; I hope you guys are just as excited as I am for this journey! Solace in the Fray will be posted on Ao3 and I will be posting updates as often as I can! If you wanna be tagged, I will be more than happy to do so <3
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Apocalyptic news updates revealing good, evil, and much more!🔥 Come find my show #SupplementalBroadcast 🎱 #youtuberecommendedchronicles🔮 on YouTube & Rumble! New episodes posted regularly!!! 🧩 #Censorship #Politics #Prophecy #Commentary #Science #TheGreatAwakening 🙏
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phightinghottakes · 3 months
i am THE number one biggest hater of the whole cult subplot. I'm not a fan of the execution and lack of depth, but also because it includes a lot of popular characters (broker, medkit, scythe) so it'll most likely be updated more often than other parts of the story. i would like to say that I'm not mad at the devs, I understand that they are students and have more important things to work on.. but this whole "cult" thing is the blandest attempt at fake depth that I've seen since oppenheimer (yes i also don't like that movie but can you really blame me)
Yeah I don’t like the cult much either to be honest.
It feels like they robbed us of any actual lore for the Lost Temple faction itself, (unless the cult controls lost temple as a whole, but based on how they’re phrasing it, it probably doesn’t, and that’s kinda lame).
But I may be biased because I’m something of a Blackrock enthusiast and personally believe that Blackrock is a way cooler antagonist force than some stupid cult that would probably fall apart the moment those stupid cultists meet one of the SFoTH face to face.
Which is cooler, a cult we know next to nothing about that only specifically includes the dev’s favorite characters, or the Phighting equivalent of a country that is highly government controlled, has a much more diverse cast of characters than “oh they’re all criminals”, has an awesome robot army, and probably traumatized Medkit way more than some dumb little cult ever could?
Anyways if you’re the cult’s 1st biggest hater then consider me the cult’s 2nd biggest hater.
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yo admin H (@hyp3rsh0ck ) here, forgot to make an update post
> Im going to be inactive till abt may 7th, may 7th is my AP Human Geography exam and I also have state end of course exams coming up too over the next two weeks
> For the FRC trips i went to, they both went well! The first one my team got to be on the third place alliance and the second one we got Judge's award
> i MIGHT use this time to catch up on asks when i feel like it, im jst loaded with school work rn so yeah
yall take care of yourselves, do your daily clicks, and glory to blackrock
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wiperfluid · 5 months
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Alright so today I finally got some time to work on playlists!! Sorry about how long it’s been, tests and exams have been kicking me in the rear.
Here’s a quick update post to the current queue. Of course, I’m still open for requests but it might be a bit till I get it done :,) Also I’m @ ing anybody who’s asked for a request just so you know I’m still working on it! (Feel free to send me a message if you want me to remove/add your name. Tried to read everyone’s boundaries just so we don’t have any mess-ups :))
(check #request not completed):
- Inside of a computer??
- Fox Burrow (done?? i like it at least.)
- Minecraft Void
- Blackrock from Phighting
- [long] Cold biome (nearly done)
- [long] Cave biome (begun working on)
- Gallifrey from Doctor Who @emberslimehunts
- Pandora from Avatar (begun working on)
- Swamp (nearly done)
- Angel Island from Sonic @altern1a
- [one long] Couple different forest variations (4 different ones thus far)
- Rooftops in futuristic city
- Chill desert sunset
- The sky
- Windy moor
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