#blackhawks snippet
inazumaneko · 1 year
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Meet the Scout:
Youthful and rambunctious, the current Scout of legacy team R.E.D embodies his original counterpart well, while also adding more fluid and grounded social abilities. Great at acquiring sponsorships and fans, he is a favorite among many supporters of RED. He has a strong online presence, commonly recording snippets of the teams daily life, as well as very present within interviews and post-game discussions.
However, after his horrendous fall prior to the 2031 semifinal matches, he has shown some decline within his performance. He claims that this is temporary, but the knee brace he’s been sporting all season, as well as slower run times signal a possible retirement within the coming few years.
“Working for RED has been an honor, absolute honor. I enjoyed my time with the Blackhawks a ton, but walking within the halls or the original place has been an honor. I’m so glad that not only do I get to rep an incredible team, but I have a great love for the other guys around here. Wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
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dixie12 · 2 years
i've wanted to write a fic where pat and jonny finally hook up, but pat absolutely panics the next morning and sets off a chain reaction that takes a long time for them to fix. i've been thinking about it for like a year, and i finally wrote a piece of it!
It’s been two weeks since that awful morning, and Pat is ready to put this shit behind them. Yes, he panicked and said some very shitty things to Jonny, but he’d also woken up naked next to his best friend of 14 years, the whole room stinking of sex, condom wrappers strewn among the bed sheets. The panic had been well-deserved, even if the anger and insults hadn’t been. He was trying not to think about the details, even though he definitely remembered more than he’d implied to Jonny. Every time he thought about it, his dick gave a traitorous jerk, reminding Pat that no matter what he’d claimed to Jonny, he’d enjoyed a lot of what they did.
For the first few days, the silence from Jonny was a relief. He had no idea how to broach the subject, and it’s not like there was Buzzfeed articles on the best way to address the gay sex you had with your best friend that you didn’t hate as much as you’d wanted to. Believe him, he’d looked. So he’d let it be for a few days, trusting in Jonny’s maturity to see them through. He waited for Jonny to show up at his place, carrying takeout, sheepish look on his face. Or calling him, maybe pissed, but fiery with it, demanding Pat talk it out with him. Even a text, just to check in, blowing off the whole thing like it had never happened. Something. But days passed, and there was nothing from Jonny.
After a week, Pat finally told himself to nut up and picked up the phone. His call went right to voicemail, though, so either Jonny had his phone off, which was rare, or he’d blocked Pat, which was pretty much unheard of. He figured Jonny was ready to talk about it, yet, but he tried calling again every day, anxiety building as he memorized Jonny’s monotone outgoing voicemail message. No he wouldn’t leave a message, and Jonny obviously wasn’t calling him back at his earliest convenience, no matter what the message claimed.
Pat might have let it go, chalked it up to embarrassment or residual anger on Jonny’s part, but almost two weeks later, he got a text from Seabs.
have u heard from tazer? 
no, y? Pat wrote back.
He wasn’t surprised when his phone rang; Seabs avoided texting whenever possible, always had. “Hey Peeks, how’s your summer?”
“Fine, man. Headed back to Buffalo soon, gonna see the family for a few weeks before ramping up the training back here in Chi. What’s up?”
What he learned from Seabs was that no one- himself, Sharpy, Brinksy, had heard from Jonny since Pat had stormed out of his condo. Not that Seabs knew what had gone down that morning, but the timing fit. 
“I dunno, man, I’m just getting worried. I know the whole Covid thing fucked with him, and I thought he was just getting back to himself, and now all of a sudden he’s shutting everyone out again.” Pat heard the stress in Brent’s voice and couldn’t ignore the guilt that settled in his gut, a vague nausea creeping over him. Brent sighed heavily. “Just, if you hear from him, will you let me know?”
“Yea of course, Seabs. I’m sure he’s just meditating his troubles away or whatever,” Pat said, but it sounded weak even to his own ears.
It was time to take matters into his own hands. If Jonny refused to pick up his phone, Pat was going to plant himself in front of Jonny’s door and knock the damn thing down if he had to. Jonny deserved it, anyway; he had to know the consequences of ignoring Seabs, who was the worst mother hen imaginable. 
Pat needed a plan, though, and that plan included Jonny’s secret weakness: Sadie Sharp. He liked to pretend that he was immune to the Sharp girls, always giving Patrick a hard time when Maddie would give him manicures and beg for piggy back rides, but for some reason, he and Sadie had bonded pretty much right away. She was 7 this summer, and Jonny usually took her out for “adventures” once or twice a month. Pat had seen some pretty adorable pictures of the two of them at the zoo just last month, both of them with their faces painted. Pat had secretly sent himself the pictures from Sharpy’s phone, trying not to examine why.
He collected Sharpy and Sadie and set off for Jonny’s building, parking in the garage before all trooping in together. Pat waved at Elliott, Jonny’s doorman, as he walked towards the elevators, but stopped short when he heard Elliott clear his throat and call out to him.
“Mr. Kane, may I ask who you’re visiting?” He asked, and Pat just stared at him. Elliott hadn’t called him ‘Mr. Kane’ since maybe the second time Pat had met him, agreeing easily when Pat insisted that he call him by his first name. Elliott shifted his weight, obviously uncomfortable and slightly flushed, but he was staring at Pat like he needed an answer. 
“Uh, Jonny…” Pat said, not wanting to be a dick, but not understanding what the fuck Elliott was playing at. If anything, he looked even more distressed now, taking a deep breath before answering, “I need a full name, sir,” and seriously, what was Elliott’s deal?
“Jonathan Toews,” Pat replied. “Tall, Canadian douchebag with a serious stick up his ass, apparently?” he finished, frustration bleeding through his voice despite his best efforts.
“I’m sorry sir, we don’t have a resident by that name. I’m going to have to ask you to leave the premises.” Elliott sounded like he was reading off a cue card, and his eyes dipped, no longer holding eye contact with Pat.
“Elliott, I don’t care what he told you,” Pat started, hearing the tremble in his own voice that meant he was close to losing it. His phone started vibrating in his pocket, and he silenced it, but only got a second of quiet before it started again. He ignored it, stalking towards Elliott. “I am going up there to see my idiot of a best friend; I don’t care if you do call the fucking police on me,” and Elliott went pale in front of him.
“Mr. Kane,” he tried again, but he was cut off by a loud “what the fuck!?” from Sharpy, who’d been minding his own business across the lobby, letting Pat fight it out with Elliott.
“Daddy!” Sadie gasped, hands on her cheeks and mouth dropped open in disbelief. Sharpy never swore in front of the girls. As soon as they were born he’d switched to “darn,” and “shoot,” and on one angry, memorable occasion “mother-fudging fudge stick!” No matter how much the guys chirped him for it in the locker room, he was determined that the girls wouldn’t grow up sounding like they were raised in a rink.
Pat whipped his head around to see what had gotten Sharpy’s attention, and saw him with his phone in his hand, trembling slightly.
“Peeks, get the fuck over here,” Sharpy demanded, and Pat went without even thinking. Sharpy shoved his phone into Pat’s face. “Did you know about this??”
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bigficenergy · 6 years
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A little different here and there, like the fuzzy edges of a faded photograph when placed against its real life counterpart, but mostly still the Jonny Patrick remembers - has unwillingly remembered for all these years. The soft roundedness of his youth that he used to carry in his cheeks has been pared down to sharp cheekbones and an angular jawline; there are laugh lines around his eyes and mouth, and the moles he used to have at the corner of his mouth are gone now. He must have gotten them removed, because there are tiny pockmarked scars where they used to be. Patrick remembers kissing those moles, on lazy early mornings tangled together in their bed, soft and sweet, moving up his chin one by one until his lips would catch on to Jonny’s mouth.
And really, that’s the worst of it. That Patrick still remembers, so clearly. That the sight of Jonny can still make him stop breathing and make his head spin and his heart clench into a tight, tense knot of hurt.
Fic reveals start December 8.
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roselarkiin · 3 years
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Another snippet of the Sylveride one shot I'm working on because it still isn't finished. This fic just passed 10k words and I have no idea how that happened. There are a couple of scenes that are giving me grief and as soon as I work through them this fic is done.
“So, I was thinking, since the Blackhawks aren’t playing tonight-”
Kelly cuts her off. “No.”
Nuh-uh. No way. He doesn’t need to let her finish that sentence to know where she’s going with this. Just no.
“You aren’t even letting me speak!” Sylvie argues, her voice raised slightly. She sets down the knife in her hand and shoots him this look like she doesn’t appreciate it. For a second, he thinks that maybe he’s taken it a little too far, and he’s actually pissed her off. But then he sees that she’s biting her lips between her teeth to try and stop herself from smiling.
He doesn’t mean to laugh, but fuck. She’s adorable when she tries to get all mad. “I don’t need to. We’re not watching your stupid HGTV shows.” Just the fact that he knows that network exists is some sort of travesty.
She bumps him with her hip, then narrows her eyes at him. “Why? So we can watch a replay of a football game that happened days ago?” she asks him.
“Better than watching some TV show where they pretend to buy a house,” he retorts.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
They'd Be Ok
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Summary: Post 7x15, Jay and Kev are voluntold to make sure that Roman doesn't get into any trouble after finding out about his sister's death. But Roman can't help but run his mouth. Mostly a Burzek fic, but more about their relationship with other people than the two of them.
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon accurate miscarriage mentions (from PD and Fire), language
Wanna join my taglist?
Jay took a sip of his beer, staring into the amber liquid. The last thing he wanted to do was be out with people. He wanted to be on his couch, the Blackhawks game on tv and pizza in front of him. Maybe Hailey would come over to watch hockey too.
Instead he and Kev had been voluntold to make sure Roman got home in one piece. There was no lost love between Roman and any member of intelligence, but they were the ones least likely to want to rip him limb from limb. Jay’s phone buzzed, a text from Adam appearing.
Got Kim home. She’s not in a good place after today, thanks for looking out for us. See you tomorrow.
Look after your girl at home, and we’ll help her through in work. Remind her we’re all there for her.
“You don’t have to be here, Halstead. You can leave,” Roman muttered as he took another swallow. “Sounds like you’ve got someone to see.”
“Just checking on Kim after today. When’s your sisters funeral planned for?” Jay could have punched himself for mentioning Kim. Roman didn’t deserve to know anything about her.
“Saturday. I booked a flight back to San Diego for Saturday evening. I’ll be out of your hair soon, detective.” Roman indicated to Herrmann for another beer, and the firefighter brought one over before settling in front of Jay.
“How’s Kim doing? Does she need anything? Cindy asked me to tell her that if she wants to talk to someone who knows what that loss is like, get her to call her. It happened to us just after we got married. It helped Dawson when it happened to her, and Burgess is good people. We’re all there for her.” Herrmann wrote out Cindy’s number on a napkin, handing it over and watching Jay put it in his pocket. Then he passed Jay over another bottle, shrugging away the bills he offered. “On the house. You’ve had a crappy few months, Halstead. We’re there for you so things can get easier.”
Kev took up his stool at the other side of Jay, eyes wide at the conversation snippet he’d heard. “Kim ok?”
“Yeah. He’s with her now. It was tough today, being back and people looking at her.”
“What the fuck is going on with Kim?” Roman interrupted, looking at the two men. “First everyone was walking on eggshells around her today, then one of the patrol guys said “sorry for your loss”? Did her sister die or something?” His drunken eyes were darting between the two men, watching them closely. Jay sighed.
“Kim was involved in an on the job incident at the start of the month. She was badly beaten, and she miscarried her child. She’d only just announced when it happened, and her and the father are devastated. That’s why people are on eggshells around her, because it was her first day back and we didn’t want her having to deal with her ex.” Jay took a deep swallow from the fresh beer, trying to forget the scenes when he’d arrived. Hailey doing CPR, Ruzek’s jeep driving away with lights and sirens going. Once the ambulance arrived they’d followed Adam to Med, and been there when he’d walked down the hallway a broken man. It turned Jay’s stomach, seeing the difference in him. The only person who knew what it was like was Voight, and if Kim hadn’t killed the man he would have.
He shook his head, willing it away. Those memories were going to be the source of his nightmares for months. They already were.
“How’d Ruzek take the news?” Jay couldn’t speak, his temper beginning to flare. He knew the pissing contest Roman had created with Adam, knew the shit Roman had said to Kim before he left.
“He was the father, man.” Kevin’s voice was soft behind Jay, the two men gripping their bottles tight and still hurting for their friends. It wasn’t fair. Kim and Adam deserved better than what they’d gotten.
“Hm.” Roman took another drink, and Jay looked away from him, feeling his frustration grow. Could the asshole not decide he’d had enough and want to go back to wherever he was staying?
“At least she didn’t have to raise Ruzek’s bastard when he walked away.” It was nearly too soft for Jay to hear, and his jaw dropped, turning to face the man who he was quickly beginning to hate.
Kev was faster at reacting, getting off his stool and pulling Roman off his. “Do you wanna say that out loud so I can be sure you actually said it? Or was that drunk you being an idiot?”
The bar was almost empty, Herrmann standing behind it staring at the two men. Kev used every single one of his extra inches to tower over Roman. The firefighter hadn’t heard the sentence that came out of the ex cop’s mouth, but watched intently. Jay just stared in silence, unwilling to comprehend what he’d said.
“I meant every word. At least she doesn’t have to raise his bastard when he walks away. He always does, and this won’t be any different.”
“Get out.”
Herrmann was the first to speak, staring at Roman. “Get the hell out of my bar, and never cross that doorway again. You’re not welcome here, Roman. You don’t come in here and slander a good couples name just because you’re a jealous ass. Get out, and stay out. If you ever come by 51 again I’ll have Squad escort you out. 51 is protective of our people, and we include Intelligence in that.”
The two intelligence members left their drinks behind, walking behind Roman to get him outside quickly. Jay was barely holding onto his temper as it was, but he could see Kev was about to break.
“Where are you staying?”
“Lemme go. I’m just gonna walk to the hotel.” Roman tried getting past them, but Kevin stood in front of him.
“She’s moved since you were here, man. She’s not in the old apartment. We’re bringing you back to your hotel, where is it?”
They finally got the address off him, and Jay drove, the men keeping an eye on him in the back seat until they got there. With a nod after Roman exited the truck Jay pulled out, heading for Kim’s apartment.
We need to talk, you still at Kim’s?
Yeah, spending the night. Text when you get here.
Once Kevin confirmed Adam’s reply Jay felt a little easier. It’d be ok. Their friends would be ok. Maybe not this day, week or month, but they’d be ok.
Jay had never pulled into Kim’s parking lot before, but Kev directed him towards the elevators. Adam was waiting at the front door so they didn’t wake Kim, and the three men went into the living room, two doors shut between them and the sleeping woman.
“What happened? I know you were on Roman duty.” Adam looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks, running his fingers through his overlong hair.
“He’s been banned from Molly’s. For life. I thought Herrmann was gonna jump the bar to get at him.” Adam’s eyes widened, the tiredness gone.
“What the fuck went on?”
Jay rubbed the back of his neck. “Herrmann asked me to tell you and Kim that he was sorry for what happened, and if Kim wanted to talk to someone who gets it, Cindy’s cell was on. They lost a kid too. Roman heard him talking, started asking questions, so we gave the broad strokes - she was pregnant, she saved a girl’s life but lost the baby. Then he started making comments about you.” The detective paused, not sure if he should say the words or if it’d just make Adam worse.
“What did he say? I need to know so I can protect Kim from it. She asked me to marry her tonight, you know? She’s gonna be my wife. I need to make sure she’s ok.” A grin spread across the three men’s faces at that, but Kev had to speak.
“He said “At least she doesn’t have to raise Ruzek’s bastard when he walks away.”, and that’s when Herrmann kicked him out.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the room. Adam looked like he was about to vomit, or he was going to run out of the room to track Roman down. Instead he lay back on the couch, his head hitting the wall.
“He fucked with Kim’s head when we were engaged. Kept telling her to do push tests, that if I didn’t object to what she wanted then obviously I didn’t want to marry her. And then he asked her to move to San Diego, leave everything here, because he probably loved her. If it wasn’t for that bastard I’d be married, and Kim and I’d probably have a couple of kids, you know? And maybe this wouldn’t hurt so damn much.” The tears started falling, and all his friends could do was hold Adam as he finally let out the hurt and fear that had controlled him for so long.
Shortly after Adam finished crying, and Jay and Kev were sitting up with him, Kim came out to the living room. “Everything ok?�� She asked, rounding the corner. “Jay, Kev. I didn’t know you were here.”
“Roman was an asshole, as per usual. We wanted to come check in on you two after the day you had. How’re you doing?” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“One day at a time. I’m lucky to have Adam. And we’re both lucky to have all of you. How was Molly’s?”
“It was good. C’mere Burgess.” Kev pulled her onto the couch, nestling her between himself and Adam. Adam immediately wrapped an arm around Kim, and Jay spotted the diamond on her hand.
“I’d call that something good too. Engagement party at Molly’s for the two of you?” Kim blushed, Adam kissing her cheek.
“Sounds good. Thanks for being there for us. This unit’s like our family, we couldn’t have done this without you all.”
“I wanted to say something about that. Herrmann told us to tell you he and Cindy have gone through a miscarriage before. He gave me Cindy’s number, she said you can call her to talk about it whenever you need. I know it’s not the same situation, but it might help?” Jay passed over the napkin Herrmann had given him, and Kim clutched it in her hand.
“Thanks. I think that could be good for us.”
They sat chatting with their friends until the wee hours of the morning when Jay and Kev both had to get some shuteye before work the next day. But the time together just cemented that bond that they’d had since Adam had joined Intelligence all those years before, and Kim and Kev were patrolling together. They were a family. And Jay would do almost anything to protect them.
Taglist: @aruzlover @abbyscameron @morganupstead @adamruz @fullwattpadmusictree @redpoodlern @everythingaddictxx @write4life13 @lizlouisebrown @jeanjacketjesus @tuxieboy101-blog @thelittlepterophyllum
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kanerboo · 3 years
Hello! I hope everything is going well for you 💜 any chance of a sneak peek at the next chapter? Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with the rest of us!!
hello anon!! things are... busy. awfully so :( there is a lot of upheaval and stuff going on at work right now which is why every piece of me and you is so, so severely delayed and i'm terribly sorry about that :(
I do have a little snippet to offer though! and thank you for asking! ❤️
"Hey babe," he says to Patrick, dropping a kiss on the top of his head. Patrick stiffens; he hasn't showered in two days and his curls are flat and greasy and he probably smells like sour milk, but Jonny doesn't seem to care, kissing him again on the lips before he drops to his knees on the floor and coos at the twins in French.
"How are my babies?" he's saying; and that Patrick can just about understand, until Jonny launches into a rapid flow of soft French far too advanced for Patrick's stubbornly American, Anglicized brain. Maybe he should learn French, he thinks; and then he realises he won't need to, because - Jonny's not going to be living with him anyway. He can talk French all he wants to the twins, whenever he gets them at his shiny new home. Patrick's not going to need to understand.
But then Jonny switches to English, like he knows what Patrick's thinking. "Have you been good babies?" he asks, as if they can respond. "You've been giving your maman no rest, I know all about it." He lifts Lucas off Patrick's lap as he speaks and settles himself on the floor next to the nursing chair, his shoulder bumping against the footstool, and leans against Patrick's thigh to feed Lucas. He tilts his head so he's resting his cheek on Patrick's thigh, and Patrick can't help but reach down with his free hand, carding his fingers through Jonny's short, coarse hair. His sideburns are just starting to grow out, a sad reminder of the playoffs that barely began for the Blackhawks.
"You okay?" he asks, scratching his fingertips against Jonny's scalp.
Jonny sighs. "What do you think?" he says, and a tiny bit of fury bleeds back into his voice. "The Blues can go fuck themselves."
Patrick cups his hand over one of Alex's little ears. "Not in front of the babies," he mock gasps.
"It's good for them to learn from day one that the Blues are dirty fucking shits," Jonny says.
Patrick tries not to laugh. It's not as if he isn't as disappointed as Jonny is, obviously. But - again, his maternal instincts are saying otherwise. He can't be anything but happy that Jonny's home; he wants to squeeze every last unwilling drop of family time together, however much of that there's left for him, he wants to relish right up till the last second of being Jonny's husband until he no longer is.
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Here’s another snippet from my story for this week’s prompt of “trapped.” I doubt I’m going to get it up tonight, so enjoy! Also I indulged my longing for hockey content, and Arya is wearing a Blackhawks jersey. If someone wants to come yell at with me about hockey in the notes, PLEASE DO. 
“So are you planning on letting me go anytime soon, or am I gonna need to forcibly remove those hands?” She startled him out of whatever daze he was in, his eyes darting up from where they’d gotten stuck on her cherry lips. One of her brows was cocked sarcastically, and that red smirk looked more amused than angry as he snatched his hands back, coming up to rub at the back of his neck. 
“Sorry, I just… Yeah, sorry,” he rambled, still a little stunned by the tiny beauty in front of him.
“It’s fine, just, you know, personal space and all that jazz.” She wiggled her fingers with a flourish and God if it wasn’t the most adorable thing he’d ever seen. 
“Well, you look good, so…” he trailed off, not totally sure why those words had come out of his mouth, but really, really wishing that they hadn’t.
She looked him up and down slowly, with what he hoped was an appreciative gleam in her eye. Crossing her arms, she replied, “You do too.”
“No, I meant…” Exactly what I said. Shit. The beautiful woman in his favorite team’s sweater who might actually be flirting with him seemed to have triggered a latent self-destruct in his brain, because he had absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. Except, well, “Uh, let’s go Hawks?”
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for the wip asks thing bluffin with my muffin!!
ooop one of my favourites that has been rotting in my drive!  it’s a soulmark au, where patrick has an existential crisis after seeing jonny’s soulmark in the locker room after his 1000th point.  here’s a snippet!
There are four feathers on the heel of Jonny’s right foot.
One red.
One green.
One yellow.
One orange.
They’re the same feathers that are in the Blackhawks logo, showing how truly destiny it was for them to draft him all those years ago.
They’re also the same feathers that lay underneath a layer of long-lasting foundation and blush on Patrick’s collarbone.  They’re the same feathers that have been sitting there for all of his years in the NHL, for all of his years in the OHL and USNTDP.  They’re the same feathers that have been sitting on his skin long enough to hurt, since he was thirteen and playing in some rink in some bum hockey town with the Junior Flyers.
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seventeensecs · 5 years
some snippets from Alex DeBrincat’s spittin chiclets interview:
Originally he was committed to UMass Amherst, but decided to play in the OHL instead in part for the chance to play with Connor McDavid
He’d had dinner with the blackhawks a few times before the draft but didn’t think they were particularly interested in him
He doesn’t really drink, because he doesn’t really find a need for it. Dylan Strome mentioned that the only time he’s seen DeBrincat drunk is when they won the OHL championship together
He has a really big sweet tooth, and he orders ice cream after almost every meal (confirmed by Dylan Strome)
In the OHL he always had Tim Horton’s donuts before games
He really enjoyed playing for Coach Q, who talked to him a lot in practice
Strome called him at 10:30pm the night he got traded to the Blackhawks
His favorite player from childhood was Pavel Datsyuk, but he also liked watching Patrick Kane and Sidney Crosby
He loves Chicago and wants to stay here for a long time :,) He’s not too worried about contract negotiations
He wants to work on his defensive game this offseason
His favorite centre he’s ever played with is McDavid
He’s training this offseason in Chicago with Connor Murphy, Dylan Strome, and Jonathan Toews
In terms of chirps on the ice, a lot of players will say “stand up” to make fun of his height
Since Patrick Kane also doesn’t drink, the two of them usually chill together when the team goes out
His favorite ice cream is chocolate
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talonhawkeye-blog · 5 years
Blackhawk Series in the making
Welcome to my writing journey writing this series. It’s been so exciting for me to finally write and can’t wait to share with everyone! Will be posting little snippets here and there to keep everyone's interest.
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kanetcews · 5 years
snippet of domestic!1988 wip
no one told me to post this but i’m trying to force myself to write & i figure if i post part of a wip people might pressure me to finish it anyway
this is not edited whatsoever & i haven’t totally figured out what the plot is. i guess i was just writing some domestic 1988 with clothes sharing maybe but we’ll see
Patrick woke up slowly, the sunlight streaming in through the open curtains that no doubt Jonny had opened when he woke up. God, the man couldn’t sleep in if his life depended on it. Patrick sat up gingerly, his joints aching lightly from the game last night, the pain making him feel a little bit older every day. The covers pooled around his waist as he surveyed the room around him. Jonny’s game day suit lay in a crumpled heap on the floor next to his laptop and Patrick could see his own suit strewn over the armchair in the corner. The TV was on mute and Pat couldn’t remember if they’d left it on the night before or if Jonny had turned it on this morning.
Patrick could hear sounds coming from the kitchen and hoped to god that Jonny had decided to make coffee this morning and not one of his gluten-free smoothies. Pulling some sweatpants on, he ventured out to find his ridiculous boyfriend. They had a couple days off and Patrick had plans for them.
Jonny stood in front of the coffee machine with his back to Patrick. Pat could see Jonny’s cup on the island already so he knew that second cup was for him. He felt an overwhelming sense of affection fill him and took a few steps forwards to slide wide hands around Jonny’s bare stomach. Patrick’s forehead thumped lightly against the top of Jonny’s shoulder blades and he took a moment to grin to himself. He loved this man so much.
“You’re finally up?” Jonny lightly teased Patrick as he flipped the machine off. Patrick hummed a noncommittal noise and pressed a quick kiss to the back of Jonny’s neck before stepping away to steal Jonny’s mug of coffee where it lay on the counter. “I just made a cup for you, you know,” Jonny said sounding fond and exasperated at the same time.
“Why would I want that when it’s more fun to steal yours?” Patrick countered, jumping to sit on top of the kitchen island, feet swinging as he grinned down at Jonny.
“You’re such a brat,” Jonny shook his head and stepped forward to stand between Patrick’s legs. Patrick leaned forward to drop a kiss onto Jonny’s lips, his legs wrapping around Jonny’s waist pulling him closer. Jonny smiled into Patrick’s mouth, his hands wrapping around Patrick’s hips as he deepened the kiss. Pat couldn’t tell how long had passed before the sharp sound of his phone ringing forced Jonny to pull away. Patrick looked at Jonny’s lips, kiss-swollen and so, so red and a gut punch of arousal went through him. He leaned forward again.
“Pat, babe, your phone’s ringing,” Jonny stepped away from Patrick and turned to open the fridge, looking for something to have for breakfast. Patrick sighed and hopped off the counter, heading back into his bedroom to pick his phone. Lo and behold, the screen flashed the name ‘Sharpy’ and Patrick immediately braced himself for some serious ribbing.
“Hey Sharpy. What do you want at nine am on a Saturday?” Patrick asked, already knowing nothing good was going to come out of this phone call.
“Oh, Peeksy, can’t I just call my favourite person ever to say hello?” Sharpy sounded way too chipper for this early in the morning and Patrick could hear the sound of his car engine running in the background.
“No Sharpy, you can’t. What do you really want?”
“Weeell, you see, the thing is, Abby took Maddy and Sadie to her parent’s place for a couple of days but I have to stay in Chi-town for a Blackhawks TV segment. I’m getting a little lonely, so I thought, why don’t I treat my bestest friend Patty Kane to breakfast?” Sharpy was the only person Patrick knew who used ‘Chi-town’ un-ironically and he was just snickering about it when Sharpy’s words hit him.
“Sharpy, I can’t today,” Patrick floundered as he tried to come up with something to dissuade Sharpy from his plans. “I’ve already had breakfast.”
“That’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one. I called you twenty minutes ago and you didn’t pick up so I know you were sleeping. I also know you never have breakfast until after you shower. Also, I’m about 5 minutes away from your condo so you better be dressed and ready to go by then. Okay, love you! Bye!” Sharpy hung up abruptly and Patrick was left listening to silence. He knew that nothing he could say would stop Sharpy from coming to pick him up.
Patrick quickly got dressed in the first clothes he saw and went to let Jonny know about the change in plans.
“Jonny, Sharpy just called. He’s dragging me to breakfast with him,” Patrick
“God, Sharpy’s so frustrating sometimes,” Jonny sighed loudly and thumped his forehead against Patrick’s collarbone.
“I know, babe. But I can’t exactly say no. Abby’s only been gone for two days and I can hear him going crazy. Maybe if I go out with him now, he’ll leave us alone for the rest of the day?”
“Let’s hope so.” Jonny walked away from Patrick back into his bedroom, the muscles in his back rippling in the early morning sunlight. Patrick loved Sharpy but he really did have the worst timing.
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dixie12 · 2 years
Was rereading your "tumblr snippets" on ao3 the other day. Would you ever do more of those? Specifically following along with the "secret sub jonny" ones? I would love to see more of them, especially what happens after jon comes back up and how their relationship changes and gets better now that Kaner knows what jonny needs and how to take care of him.
ahhh yes! i definitely want to re-visit secret!sub!jonny- i think the character and dynamic are so interesting! this is another one where i've thought a lot about the next steps, but i haven't tried to actually write it, yet.
the general idea i had of what happens next would pick up in the same scene. jonny is deep into subspace, and pat notices that jonny's hard. that's not unusual, and while he's heard of subs getting off untouched while in subspace, he'd thought it was an urban legend/only in porn type of thing, and doesn't think much of it. so he just keeps doing what he's doing, playing with jonny's hair, tugging at the strands occasionally, stroking down to his neck, all the while praising him softly, voice deep and gentle. and he's shocked when jonny does come, just from that, especially because it snaps jonny right out of subspace.
unlike jonny in sweet (like candy to my soul), who loves and embraces being a sub, this jonny absolutely doesn't, at least not yet. so he jolts out of subspace and comes up to find himself on his knees for pat, pants messy with his own come and panics. there's probably subdrop involved, since he would not be in a place where he could accept aftercare from pat, and it will be a long process for them to work through together, to get jonny to accept taking what he needs (and later admits that he wants) from pat.
pat is up to the task, though, and there would be a happy ending for them!
thanks for asking! i hadn't thought about that verse in a little while!
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bigficenergy · 6 years
Tumblr media
“Jonny, please,” Patrick says, voice still barely more than a whisper, letting his forehead drop against the door with a thud. “Are you- I need to talk to you, please. Just-
” Just wake up, please, he pleads silently, knocking again. Just tell me that things are alright, tell me that we did get tested during the physical before training camp, and that I’m not- 
 “Jonny, wake up,” he gets out then, louder this time. “C’mon, wake up. Please.” 
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ao3feed-hockey · 5 years
us two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IaMGWo
by ishybishy
It feels good, being needed.
Words: 1994, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Chicago Blackhawks Ensemble
Relationships: Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
Additional Tags: Character studies, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Swearing, A Relationship In Scenes, Snippets, Car Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IaMGWo
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kanerboo · 4 years
would you share a little snippet for the next chapter of your fic to hold us over whenever you’re ready to post??
of course, anon! i’m sorry it’s taking so long - real life has been an absolute bummer for myself and my poor betas :( I should be able to post next weekend!
here’s the little snippet you requested:
"I'm not an invalid," Patrick says; but he allows himself to be chivvied into bed while his mother fusses around him, helping him sit up against the headboard and making sure his pillows are fluffed up behind him, fetching him an extra sweater in case he gets cold. She finds the remote for the TV in the bedroom and puts it next to him on the bed.
"You're not, but I'm going to look after you properly and make sure you don't exert yourself," she says before she leaves the room. A minute later Patrick hears, faintly from the kitchen, the clanking of pots and pans.
Just knowing that his mother's out there, in the same place he is - it helps. He pats his bump, feeling the reassuring minute shifts of his babies inside as they stretch and jostle for space, and turns on the TV to the Blackhawks game.
They're down 2-0, which is - salvageable, but Patrick still doesn't like it. He checks the game stats quickly; Jonny's a -2 and has taken three penalties already, and it's only the middle of the second period. 
Fuck. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut and let Jonny finish out the road trip before he said anything. 
He sits numbly through the rest of the period and the intermission - they interview Hossa, so he can't even see how Jonny is. Jonny's almost always a consummate professional on camera, but Patrick wants to be able to see him, try to figure out from the set of his mouth or the look in his eyes if he's okay.
His mom comes in some time towards the end of the third; Jonny's taken his fourth penalty of the game in the meantime, Montreal's scored on the ensuing power play, Panarin has pulled one back for the Blackhawks, but the clock's running down and Patrick knows it's too little, too late. He also knows Jonny is definitely not okay; each time the camera focuses on him, his face is grim, his expression dark. Jonny's heart isn't in the game at all, and it just - sucks, that Patrick was the one who did this to him.
"How's it going?" his mom asks, looking towards the TV as she carefully sets a tray down on the nightstand. The smells emanating from it make Patrick's stomach growl and reminds him that he hasn't eaten all day. He still doesn't feel like eating, but - he needs to, for the babies. And the food smelling so good doesn't hurt.
"Not great," he says, biting his lip. "Jonny took four penalties this game."
"He must be worried about you," she says quietly.
Patrick hisses out a breath through his teeth. "This is exactly what I didn't want."
His mother reaches out like she wants to run her hand through his hair; but she hesitates, like she's not sure if Patrick wants her to touch him. Patrick stays still and doesn't react, and eventually he feels his mother's hand on his head, gently smoothing his curls down. He tries not to lean into her touch; he probably looks pathetic enough already, but he doesn't pull away either.
"You should eat," she says. "I made you tomato soup and grilled cheese - just something quick and simple, but I know you like it."
Patrick looks up at her and smiles for the first time all day. "Thanks, mom," he says. 
She smiles back, a little tremulous, but there's relief in her eyes. "Don't worry about Jonny. He's just - you know he's concerned about you, and he should be."
"I just think maybe - I shouldn't have told him what's going on. Waited till he finished out the road trip."
"No," his mother says firmly, and there's a hint of the old steel back in her voice. Patrick prefers this, definitely, to this hesitant, uncertain woman standing next to him. "Jonny's your <i>husband</i>, he's the father of your twins; of course he needs to know if you or them are in - any sort of trouble."
Patrick doesn't miss the way she chokes up a little on the last word. Fuck. His mom is really freaked out about him.
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thornburgrealty · 6 years
Anniversary wow (wright requires some thought
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