#black sahiwal cow
vanshdairyfarm · 3 years
Vansh Dairy Farm is reputed wholesale trader & supplier of Sahiwal cow in Karnal. We procure healthy livestock Sahiwal Cow.  We provide our high-producing dairy farm animals at the best industry rates. Best Sahiwal cow at reasonable price.
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khokherdairyfarm · 2 years
Find The Best Black Sahiwal Cow Supplier In Karnal : Khokher Dairy Farm
Most people prefer cattle farming over dairy farming since cattle are the best source of dairy products. Because cows are readily available and used for commercial purposes, cow farming is the most popular sort of dairy farming. Cows have traditionally been used in dairy farming to generate milk and other dairy products. If you want to buy top sahiwal cow then khokher dairy farm is the best black sahiwal cow supplier in karnal. Read More:- https://khokherdairyfarm.com/find-the-best-black-sahiwal-cow-supplier-in-karnal-khokher-dairy-farm/
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carminavulcana · 5 years
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Droolpost #3
From the top-
1. Funghi e tre formaggio pizza- Three cheese pizza topped with gouda, sharp cheddar, mozzarella, caramelized onions, and smoked mushrooms. This recipe comes from my experiments in America-- at the home of the Jewish couple who love me like their granddaughter even though we are not related by blood at all. The grandma taught me to make pizza base, sauce, and toppings all from scratch. I can't wait to go back and learn how to make fresh mozzarella at home as well. She lived in Italy during the final years of the World War II as she and her mum hid from Nazis. She says she didn't learn any cooking there cause she was too young but she remembers the flavors of the food that sometimes came in tin cans. Back then, even that was luxury and to her, the best thing one could eat. However, now she knows Italian cooking really well and I continue to be her faithful student.
2. Dal Handi- Black lentils and kidney beans slow cooked overnight with a tempering of garlic, ginger, onion, tomato, and whole spices. This recipe is from my mom whose family migrated to India after the 1947 partition. My maternal grandma was from Montgomery district (now Sahiwal) and my maternal grandpa was from Gujranwala. Both of them had cows and buffaloes at home while growing up. And that's why my family seems to love dairy so much. A dollop of homemade butter or cream has to float on top of the dal to make it truly homely.
3. Khumb-Jimikand ki Tehri- A vegetarian biryani that originated in the kitchens of Akbar for his Hindu finance advisors. This version is popularly sold in Jammu & Kashmir as well (my dad's family is from Jammu so my grandpa taught me this recipe). Any number of veggies can be added to this. I used whole mushrooms and yam for a meaty taste.
Cooking is so fun. I feel like I am coming alive every time I step into the kitchen to make something.
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timespakistan · 4 years
Pak-China business matching event in buffalo industry held for boosting investment APP 3:47 PM | February 06, 2021  The first business matchmaking event between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises in the buffalo industry was held by the Pakistan-China Agriculture Cooperation Information Platform, established last month aiming to break information barriers between agricultural enterprises of the both sides and enhance pragmatic cooperation. Gathering representatives from Chinese and Pakistani leading companies and institutes engaging in the buffalo industry, the virtual meeting has discussed the feasibility of technological cooperation in developing buffalo embryos to create high-yield type of buffalo and the possibility of business cooperation in the production of buffalo milk, powder, meat and other value-added products that could shore up Pakistan’s export, China Economic Net (CEN) reported on Saturday. “Can we import buffaloes from Pakistan?” That’s the first question asked by Lu Yangqing, Deputy Dean of College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University. Pakistan’s Neeli-Ravi buffalo is one of the world’s famous river milk buffalo varieties, known as “black gold “. A Chinese expert in diary Wang Dingmian once introduced in a report that the milk production of domestic dairy cow in China is relatively low, with an annual output of about 600 to 800 kg per cow, while the annual milk production of Pakistan’s Neeli-Ravi buffalo is about 1.5 tons per one. As early as 1974, 50 Pakistani Neeli-Ravi buffaloes were introduced to China, but the milk production decreased with the passage of time and no more were imported since then. In this condition, Chinese companies expect to import more improved types of buffaloes from Pakistan. However, according to the Pakistani government’s policy, “it’s not allowed to export live animals,”noted Dr. Khurshid Ahmad from Animal husbandry commissioner of Ministry of National Food Security and Research. “If that’s not viable, we can develop buffaloes embryos,” Lu Yangqing suggested. “We have a lot of recipient buffaloes that are all swamp type buffaloes. So we can import embryos of indigenous types like Neeli Ravi or Hula Buffalo embryos into China and then transfer to our recipients.” Responding the suggestion, Dr. Farooq Sandhu from Al Haiwan Semen Company, Sahiwal, said, “Pakistan’s buffalo industry is in urgent need to extend its industrial chain to realize added value growth, and we hope Chinese counterparts can support us in technologies and manufacturing.” According to Dr. Farooq’s introduction, Al Haiwan Semen Company has six years of experiences in developing cow embryos, and with the technological assistance from the Chinese company, Al Haiwan Semen may be capable of conducting experiments in Buffalo embryos and breeding better types. “We are keen to invest in Pakistan, setting up a lab to jointly develop Buffalo embryos or having join ventures with Pakistani counterparts to produce Buffalo milk and powder for export. But we hope Pakistan can provide more favorable policies,”said Huang Jiadi, Chairman of Royal Group Co., Ltd., Chinese leading enterprise in the dairy industry and a pioneer in Buffalo milk production. He added that there is already a mature business model in the camel milk and powder industry between enterprises from China and East-Asia that could lead the way forward. “We will send a delegation to Pakistan in the following months to carry out investigations and seek for potential partners,” Huang hinted. If the company decides to make a huge investment in Pakistan to support the whole supply chain of China’s buffalo milk business, it will undoubtedly bring enormous economic benefits to the country. Dr. Sajjad Khan, Vice Chancellor of Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences suggested research institutes and associations in the Buffalo industry should be considered if there were to be cooperation between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises. All guests thanked the Information Platform for organizing the business matchmaking to bridge information gap between the enterprises of two countries. Following the buffalo industry cooperation and matchmaking event, the platform will carry out a series of online discussion and exchange activities this year, and explore deep into the agricultural subdivision fields such as seed industry, animal husbandry and fishery, dairy products and agricultural products processing, agricultural materials and agricultural machinery and cold chain storage, horticultural crops, etc. https://timespakistan.com/pak-china-business-matching-event-in-buffalo-industry-held-for-boosting-investment/10170/
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essay4india · 5 years
10 Lines on Cow
A cow is a domestic animal found throughout the world. It is also known as cow mother. With this we get a lot of milk which is very tasty and full of nutritious elements. In which a lot of minerals are found. Cow's milk is considered very beneficial for children.
A cow is a vegetarian animal whose main diet is grass. The cow has two big horns. It would be a gullible animal and it does not cost much to keep it a pet. The cow's gestation time is 9 months, it gives birth to a child. The baby of a cow is called a calf.
10 lines on cow
Cow is found in every country.
Its color is white, brown and black.
Many species of it are found throughout the world which differ from each other.
Most of the cow is found in India.
The eyes of the cow are very big, with the help of which it can see 360 ​​degrees.
It has four udder.
The lower jaw of the cow itself has teeth that can be 32 in number.
Cow gives between 5 and 10 liters of milk in a day, but there are some breeds which give 10 to 15 liters of milk.
Sahiwal breed cow is most famous in India.
The cow is around 15 to 20 years old.
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goodnewsjamaica · 7 years
Jamaica’s Cash Cows
New Post has been published on http://goodnewsjamaica.com/culture/jamaicas-cash-cows/
Jamaica’s Cash Cows
When you think of the cattle industry, you probably immediately think of dairy and beef. But you might be surprised to know that there was a time when Jamaica’s cows were being bred for an entirely different purpose. That is – until T. P. Lecky.
Jamaica is world-renowned for many things, from our music to our food to our athletic prowess. Unfortunately, you will rarely hear Jamaica being mentioned as a pioneering country in scientific advancement.
But long before anyone thought of any of the scientific advancements of the modern era, a young Jamaican was charting his own path as the first Jamaican geneticist.
Early Years
1970: Dr. Thomas Lecky (centre), pioneer in cattle breeding, receiving the first Noman Manley Award for Excellence, an illuminated scroll, from Mrs. Edna Manley. Prime Minister, the Hon. Hugh Shearer, applauds. Gleaner File Photo.
Thomas P Lecky was born in the garden parish of Portland in 1904. Growing up on his father’s farm, Lecky was exposed to the inner workings of the agriculture industry throughout his childhood.  Here he developed a love for agriculture, and a natural sense of curiosity, leading him to pursue his education at the Farm School in St Andrew.
Lecky is also considered one of Jamaica’s earliest environmentalists. After leaving the Farm School, he worked with the government to advocate for the preservation of the landscape on the hillsides of Portland and in other mountainous areas.
Early Interest in Cattle
Lecky’s entry into the world of animal husbandry began when he realized that many of his family members in Portland were suffering from an imbalanced diet. He theorized that the milk and beef which were produced by cattle were an excellent source of nutrients.  Lecky’s interest in cattle rearing continued when he moved to work with the government in 1925, and he began to look at the adaptation of new breeds of cattle to the Jamaican environment.
At the time, cattle in Jamaica were primarily used to provide haulage by drawing carts. For this reason, cows were usually bred with a focus on size and strength, rather than for meat and dairy production. However, Lecky believed that cattle which were able to produce milk and beef would provide a greater economic advantage to farmers, as these kinds of cows could be sold and used to support the farmers’ families.
Lecky’s interest in cattle rearing and his desire to create a native Jamaican breed of cows led him to pursue studies in animal genetics. These studies culminated in Lecky becoming the first Jamaican to complete a Ph.D. in agriculture.  At the time, efforts were being made to import cows from other parts of the world, such as Europe, and rear them to become accustomed to the Jamaican climate.
His research, titled, “Genetic Improvement in Diary Cattle in the Tropics” led him to conclude that the best way to address the issues he saw in cattle rearing was to create a truly unique tropical breed of cattle, which would be inherently acclimatized to the Jamaican environment.
Development of New Jamaican Cattle Breeds
Lecky was inspired after observing the development of the modern “mulatto” Jamaicans, who were mostly a cross between black and white. He used this inspiration to create new Jamaican cattle species by crossing existing breeds.
Lecky based his research on the principles of natural selection, and mutation: natural selection (“survival of the fittest”) tells us that organisms which are best adapted to their environments have the highest rate of survival and reproduction, while mutations are changes in the genes of the organisms which give the animals advantages over other animal species in the same environment.
Lecky combined these approaches to produce the first example of an indigenous cattle species, the Jamaica Hope. The Jamaica Hope was a cross between a British Jersey cow, the Indian Sahiwal breed, which was resistant to tropical diseases, and the Holstein, which was a great milk producer. The Jamaica Hope was able to produce up to 12 litres of milk a day – 3 times more than any other cattle species at the time! This breed of cattle transformed the dairy industry both in Jamaica and across the world.
Lecky continued his work by producing two more Jamaican cattle breeds – the Jamaica Red and the Jamaica Black. The Jamaica Red are the type of cattle you’d usually see when passing a farm in Jamaica and was created to be a producer of top-quality meat. It was first bred by combining the Jamaica Brahman (another breed previously created by Lecky) with the English Red cattle, and is now the main type of beef producing cattle in the country.
The Jamaica Black is a breed of small black cattle, created by breeding the Jamaica Brahman with the Scottish black Aberdeen Angus. While this breed was created to thrive in cooler environments, and has been described by some as having an even better beef quality than the Jamaica Red, the Jamaica Black is much harder to take care of, leading to a decline in its popularity among farmers.
The Father of Jamaican Agriculture
Lecky didn’t just stop at creating new breeds of cattle, but continued to work to develop the Jamaican livestock industry.  He researched and produced varieties of grasses and plants to be used for animal feedings, and he also encouraged the export of breeding stocks and cattle semen to spread the Jamaican cattle breeds across the wider Caribbean and African communities.
He also provided calves and technical advice to farmers across Jamaica and stimulated interest of more Jamaicans in the livestock industries. These efforts earned him the nickname “The Father of Jamaican Agriculture”.
Despite his revolutionary work, Lecky faced many challenges in his early years as a black researcher in Jamaica. On many occasions, his work was denied publication because it did not credit his white superiors, who weren’t even involved in the research.
Eventually, his work was nationally recognized when he was awarded the Order of Merit and the Norman Manley Award for Excellence. Lecky worked at the Bodles Agricultural Research Centre in St Catherine, until his death in 1994.
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khokherdairyfarm · 2 years
Find The Best Black Sahiwal Cow Supplier In Karnal | Khokher Dairy Farm
Dairy farming has become a popular activity among commercial business owners and a good financial opportunity for many. Dairy farming is preferred by many people, particularly those who live on farms or in rural areas. In recent years, there has been a huge demand for dairy products. Black Sahiwal Cow Supplier in Karnal is available for anyone who is interested in the dairy farming sector from Khokher Dairy Farm. If you want to know more about dairy farming or sahiwal cow then read this full article here. Read More: Contact us: +91-9467439274
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khokherdairyfarm · 2 years
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Black Sahiwal Cow Supplier In Karnal | Khokher Dairy Farm
Khokher Dairy Farm is the best Black Sahiwal Cow Supplier In Karnal. Sahiwal cow is famous for producing high-quality, butterfat-rich milk. We give our cattle special care; they are given high-quality grass and nutritious staple foods and are raised in a clean atmosphere.
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vanshdairyfarm · 2 years
Things To Know Before Finalizing A Deal With Sahiwal Cow Supplier | Vansh Dairy Farm
After realizing the dairy industry's high profitability rate, an increasing number of people are purchasing cattle to start a profitable business. Having some cows or buffalos, milking them on a regular basis, and selling the produce seems intersting. It's usually best to buy from a reputable company like Vansh Dairy Farm, which guarantees monthly cow checks by a qualified vet and also is the best black sahiwal cow supplier.
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vanshdairyfarm · 2 years
After realizing the profitability rate in the dairy industry, more and more people are now getting cattle for a flourishing business. It seems interesting to have some cows or buffalos, milk them regularly, and earn money after selling the produce. Well, it is easier said than done because selecting the best cattle and suppliers can sometimes be a challenging task. If you are looking for cow supplier then Vansh Dairy Farm is the best. Read more: 
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