#black magic removal in USA
astrogautam · 9 months
Expert Black Magic Removal Solutions in USA
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Trust Astro Gautam for Black Magic Removal in USA. Our seasoned practitioners use ancient rituals to eliminate dark forces, bringing harmony and peace to your life. Experience spiritual liberation and renewed positivity with our expert guidance. Contact us at (929) 278 - 7667.
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astrosivaram55 · 9 months
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psychicmahadev · 2 years
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Black Magic is the enchantment of negative energies over your soul. If looking for "best black magic removal services in USA", this is your one stop.
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thulasi123 · 2 years
Best Indian astrologer in new jersey
Pandit Thulasi dass India Best Astrologer in USA. He is a spiritual reader, Thulasi Dass provides spiritual reading at his office in New York. He also provides all types of photo, face & palm readings. Also serves business & financial problems solutions with the help of prayers & poojas.
Famous astrologer in New jersey and New York is well known for their accurate predictions and remedies.
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astrogautam · 8 months
Astro Gautam: Expert Black Magic Removal in the USA
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Break free from the shackles of black magic with Astro Gautam. Trusted and experienced, he offers effective solutions for black magic removal in USA. Regain your peace of mind today. Connect with us at (929) 278-7667 and let the stars guide you to your destiny!
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Disability in Books: Bisexual MCs
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[ID: A poster. Large black text in the centre reads "Books with Disabled Bi MCs". In the upper left corner, smaller black text that reads "Disability in Books". The background is a straight diagonal version of the disability pride flag. In the lower-left corner, the bisexual pride flag shaped like a heart. In the upper right corner, the logo for the Disability Book Archive, and the rainbow pride flag in the shape of a small heart. /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The hearts and logo have shrunken slightly in size. The title has been removed, and replaced with two book covers and some black text listed in between them. The cover on the left side is for "Six of Crows", and the cover on the lower right side is for "Crooked Kingdom", both by Leigh Bardugo. The text listed in the centre reads "Young Adult", "Gambling Addiction, ADHD", "Additional cane user MC with touch aversion and chronic pain", "Dyslexic MC/LI", "M/M, F/M", "Multiple POV", "Fantasy", and "Series". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have been replaced. The cover at the top of the poster is "Forever is Now" by Mariama J. Lockington. Black text listed to the left of it reads "Young Adult", "Anxiety", "Agoraphobia", "Novel in Verse", "Black MC", "Contemporary Fiction" and "Coming of Age". The cover at the bottom of the poster is for "Fortune Favors the Dead" by Stephen Spotswood. Black text listed to the right of reads "Adult", "MC with Multiple Sclerosis", "Detective Fiction", "Historical", "Murder Mystery", "Series" and "1940s USA". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have been replaced. The cover at the top is for "Fresh" by Margot Wood. Black text listed to the left of it reads "Young/New Adult", "ADHD", "Retelling of 'Emma'", "Contemporary", "Romance", "Comedy", "College" and "F/F". The cover at the bottom is for "Hench" by Natalie Zina Walschots. Black text listed to the right of it reads "Adult", "Cane User, PTSD, Improperly Healed Bone, Chronic Pain", "Urban Fantasy", "Superheroes and Supervillains", "Science-Fiction", "Canada" and "Series". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have been replaced. The cover at the top is for "How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager" by D. N. Bryn. Black text listed to the left of it reads "Adult", "Anxiety", "Depression", "Chronic Fatigue", "M/M", "Vampires", "Latin MC", "Romance, Urban Fantasy" and "Series". The cover at the bottom is for "The Immeasurable Depth of You" by Maria Ingrande Mora. Black text listed to the right of it reads "Young Adult", "Anxiety, OCD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, ADHD", "Magical Realism", "Contemporary", "Mystery" and "Coming of Age". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have been replaced. The book cover at the top is for "In the Ring" by Sierra Isley. Black text listed to the left of it reads "Young Adult", "Anxiety", "Contemporary", "Romance", "Sports", "Boxing", "F/M" and "Jewish Characters". The book cover at the bottom is for "Let's Call it a Doomsday" by Katie Henry. Black text listed to the right of it reads "Young Adult", "Anxiety", "Contemporary", "Realistic" and "Mormon Characters". /end]
🩷💜💙🩷💜💙🩷💜💙🩷💜💙🩷💜💙🩷💜💙🩷💜💙🩷 [22 heart emojis, alternating between pink, purple and blue]
A short list of books featuring disabled, bisexual, and disabled bisexual MCs!
This list was specifically requested by @bisexual-coala.
Books on this list:
🩷 'Six of Crows'- Bardugo, Leigh
💜 'Crooked Kingdom'- Bardugo, Leigh
💙 'Forever is Now'- Lockington, Mariama J.
🩷 'Fortune Favors the Dead'- Spotswood, Stephen
💜 'Fresh'- Wood, Margot
💙 'Hench'- Walschots, Natalie Zina
🩷 'How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager'- Bryn, D. N.
💜 'The Immeasurable Depth of You'- Mora, Maria Ingrande
💙 'In the Ring'- Isley, Sierra
🩷 'Let's Call It a Doomsday'- Henry, Katie
All of these books and more can be found on the Disability Book Archive
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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blackinkroses · 4 months
I'm having some difficulty with a character concept that I came up with and I'm trying to avoid a stereotypical representation while creating him and his brother. I am white.
The character is a male queer Hispanic man (from Puerto Rico) with a dark, olive-ish skin tone named Terry Lobo. He's the main character's love interest and neighbor and has a big part of the story (the mc is black and nonbinary, if that matters). He was born in mainland USA and lives with his mother and his niece. His family all has the ability to turn into wolves, tho I haven't decided if I want it to be a more werewolf styled (transformations with the moon and crap) or have it be completely voluntary.
The main thing I'm worried about is that both him and his brother have criminal pasts involving stealing. Terry is on probation and has a lot of shame with his past, but his brother is still stealing and is actually part of the main group of antagonists, who are magic artifact smugglers. I'm worried mainly because criminal stereotypes are often shoved on POC men, and smuggling is especially associated with Hispanic people, but I don't want to remove that aspect because the brother, again, is one of the main antagonists and is meant to be a foil to Terry, and Terry being on probation and taking it seriously represents him trying to become better.
So, I'm just wondering, is my character too stereotypical, or can I use both him and the brother so long and I am sensitive about it? I may be able to make some changes, as Terry and his family are still being developed. The criminality is not directly tied to the race of the characters, and I intend to put more Hispanic/Latino characters. I just haven't found anything online and I've received some good advice here before so... Yeah. Any advice from Hispanic writers or anyone in general is appreciated!
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tomthefanboy · 2 months
Double Dreamjournal 7/28/24
Last night I was up late at the hospital with my wife having a very long day, but when I woke up this morning I had a dream with a specific detail so vivid that it was worth writing down, and in the process I remember the two dreams that came before it!
I have journalled the first and third dream and decided that the dream in the middle but it's too hard to explain and involves complicated political topics I don't need people reading into.
Dream 1: The Giant Witch
I am embedded in a modern USA military unit. I think the leader is Giancarlo Esposito (thanks Marvel). We move into position in snowy mountains of some central/West Asia province. A MASH is set up to treat the locals who were injured by our fighting with the enemy forces. The main unit moves forward to recon and prep for the assault on the next mountain to the South where the enemies now are.
As the station fills up with refugees and the sun goes down, the officers get a report that [Rusankya] has been spotted in the area. I say [Rusankya] because I can't actually remember the name from the dream. However, it's well known enough that it has to be kept secret to keep the locals from panicking. The refugees are packed into all the evac vehicles and sent down the mountain to the nearest city for treatment and to remove them from danger.
While this happens some men go missing. As we watch the trucks vanish into the forest below I see a man get plucked off the ground by a giant raven and disappear into the dark cloudy sky. The officer in charge of the MASH (Neal McDonough) gives a briefing/exposition dump about [Rusankya] even though it feels like common knowledge to the viewer. She is an ice giant witch. She travels in a walking pine tree. she is friends with Baba Yaga, this is why sometimes there is a giant pine tree next to her hut wherever it camps. She controls giant ravens and has them pick up men for her to eat or do magic on. But when she finds a village she usually comes herself that same night to kill everyone there.
The military men get paranoid and it becomes a struggle to survive the night. Trying to get gear from outside and fortify the main ramshackle bui8lding without getting picked off, but find a way to last until morning if [Rusankya] does show up. There's a lull in the raven attacks for about an hour and the officer comments about wishing he knew why. was she playing games with them or had she found better targets, they weren't lucky enough to get off the hook that easy.
My dream brain flew through the mountains to see [Rusankya] on a snowy bare mountainside having tea and chatting with Baba Yaga herself. Baba Yaga was on her way to a nearby swamp, just passing through and utterly uninterested in the war zone that had brought [Rusankya] here. In person, [Rusankya] was MUCH LARGER than I expected. the pine tree had a massive curve in the trunk that she could sit on like a throne, the top of the tree just barely reaching the nape of her neck. Making her far taller than the D&D Ice giants. A door in the tree told me she could shrink down to human size if she wanted but this was her natural form. The was wiry, with knobby joints and lean, well defined muscles like a rock climber. She dressed in rags. Her claws and teeth were black and gleamed like obsidian through their filth. But the most interesting part of [Rusankya] was that above her long nose and chin, she had the wall or porch of a wooden house lashed across her eyes like a blindfold. It either blocked her vision or hid her blind eyes, but on it was a massive bloody rune. This allowed her to see through the eyes of ravens. Not just the giant ones roosting in her pine tree (and currently pecking at the remains of the dead soldiers) but ANY raven. Even the ones she did not control.
for some reason this new layer of surveillance made he seem much scarier than I had already (justifiably) felt. Looking at her "in person" made me wonder how the patchwork fortifications of the MASH could possibly survive once she attacked.
Unfortunately that's when my brain moved on to the second dream I am not going to talk about. Suffice to say I was with the refugees.
Next post will have Dream 3.
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psychicmahadev · 2 years
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best indian astrologer in new york
The best Indian astrologer in New York for a reason, we provide the most accurate predictions and solutions for your better furture.
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queenslayerbee · 2 years
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"The old witch tales stuck on the collective memory of its inhabitants were in agreement: you may have walked away from Trickstown once; but its very soil was voracious, and you would be cursed to return."
audience: adult. genre(s): dark fantasy, low fantasy, mystery. style: omniscient narrator. type: first installement in a series of novels.
The fictional municipality of Trickstown, USA, in the early 1980s. A cursed, insular, almost living place.
Yet another murderer in the Cartwrights' house at the edge of Trickstown interrupts Sadie and Gillian's idyllic summer before college. Denise, the last of the family, must return home to deal with the death of her brother and last remaining relative. Although she finds it impossible to believe, but every piece of evidence seems to point to the endlessly charming Sadie.
Sadie ✨
18 | Black Latina, dark-skinned, tall, fat, big. Long, voluminous curly hair, grey eyes, wide nose, full lips, contagious smile. Two snake bite piercings.
Young self-trained witch of natural talent. In love with magic above all things. She's scrappy, greedy, kind, risk-prone, of easy-going manners broken occasionally by righteous anger, and abverse to zero-sum thinking. Fearful of having inherited her late father's troubles.
Gillian 👊
18 | Japanese-American, pale, tiny, with big hips. Short straight black hair, dark brown eyes, large forehead, prominent cheekbones. Dark makeup, silver earrings and septum piercing.
Without a drop of magic in her. Sickly since she was born, and extremely angry about it. She's skeptic, mean-spirited, creative, quick on her feet, abrasive, co-dependant and terrified of intimacy. A little too in love with Sadie.
Denise 🧪
22 | White, pale, slim. Medium-length brown hair, big droopy green eyes, melancholic wolf-ish expression.
A struggling witch made of poorly stitched together coping mechanisms. Passionate about chemistry and potions. With a conflictive relationship with her dead family. Soft-spoken, measured, lovelorn, intuitive, and prone to quick attachment despite her fear of being hurt again.
Judith 🏅
18 | Black, light-skinned, bony. Straightened black hair, light brown eyes, glasses. Di's identical twin.
Full of frustrated ambitions, cold, non-comformist, envious. A control freak, a go-getter, and a loving sister. When Denise arrives to town and starts hanging around Sadie and Gillian, she starts suspecting they're hiding something; something that could be of use to her. And she's determined to get to the bottom of it, dragging her sister along.
Di 🤩
18 | Black, light-skinned, bony. Braided black hair, light brown eyes. Deaf. Judith's identical twin.
Short for Dinah. Judith's significantly more zen sister. Pleasant, nice, a bit lazy. A maladaptive dreamer and a voracious but fickle reader. She's endlessly confident in her own charm and adaptavility to get by with little effort.
Leo🌱: Judith's childhood sweetheart turned ex-boyfriend. He will gain more importance in future installments.
The mothers 🌬️: Sadie's (widow, the sheriff), Gillian's (divorced, chemistry teacher); the twins (single, artist).
The Big Bad 🐺: the series' main antagonist, although her role starts small in the first part.
Michael 🏴: Denise's returning ex. All around bad news.
taglist (send an ask to be added/removed): @thebluesthourcommunity
WIP masterlist.
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obeah-rituals · 2 years
All you wanted to know about Obeah
Obeah is a religious activity premised on a fusion of various religions. It is an art form – in fact, it would be more appropriate to call it an art of "resistance". This activity is widespread in the Caribbean and African countries. Over there, people use "Obeah" to ward off evil entities and the negativity inflicted on people's lives. As such, this is a practice somewhat connected to spirituality. 
There are plenty of Obeah practitioners today who know the power that this particular practice possesses and hence come forward to help people. There are two paths to Obeah. 
The first path involves summoning supernatural entities, and the second involves using plants and animal products. 
Obeah practices around the world 
If you want to practice Obeah, it would imply that you learn how to control and channel negative energy and spiritual forces. It comprises a wide range of practices and beliefs. The main aim of this activity is the well-being of the intended beneficiaries and society in general. It is supposed to bring good fortune, protect people from negative energies, and prevent illnesses. However, at times, Obeah is used to harm people. 
During the period when slavery was legal, Europeans practiced it for positive reasons. In the colonial era, this practice helped minimize the adverse effects of negativity in one's life.
The meaning of Obeah 
The word Obeah derived from an African term with a strong and significant meaning. There are many ways the meaning of the word "Obeah" could be perceived. Still today, in some parts of Africa, it is referred to as Obey. Some people practice this as a source of strength. In other cases, people practice it to harm others by summoning supernatural forces. History says that this particular practice originated in Africa. No matter what he does – bad or good – the Obeah man is always treated with respect.
The rituals of Obeah
Obeah is a spiritual practice often sought when someone wants to remove negative energy, especially when they feel stuck in witchcraft practices, and to remove the curse. As we have said already, this ritual is beneficial to remove negative energy from one’s life. As such, it can deal with negative forces such as jinn, Voodoo, black magic, and evil spirit. 
There are many instances when you may feel nothing is going well in your life and strange things are happening repeatedly thus affecting your life. This is when you can consider a consultation with an Obeah man. An Obeah man can play a central role in the life of any individual surrounded by evil and supernatural effects. You can be sure that no matter what, an Obeah man will always help you come out free from the spells inflicted by any other people or person to cause harm.
How can an Obeah man help you?
There are so many services that Exuma the Obeah Man can provide as enumerated below:
Obeah removal
witchcraft removal
curse removal
negative energy remedy
jinn removal
Voodoo removal
evil spirit removal
black magic remedy 
 Obeah rituals are followed extensively in Caribbean countries such as Jamaica and other African countries for centuries. It also includes casting love spells and other magic apart from what we have said here. These practitioners are efficient and can provide a permanent remedy for all kinds of Obeah evils. 
Apart from the regions that we have mentioned so far, Obeah is even practiced in the USA (United States of America), the UK (United Kingdom), Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Some so many people have had such good things to say about the positive way in which they have been affected by Obeah. Some people say that Obeah has helped them turn around the bad luck in their lives and the financial problems they were facing. 
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Disability in Books: Disabled Lesbian MCs
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[ID: A poster. Large black text reading "Disabled Lesbian MCs" is in the centre. Above it, to the left, smaller black text reading "Disability in Books". The background is a straight diagonal version of the Disability Pride flag. In the upper right corner, the logo for the Disability Book Archive. In the lower left corner, the Lesbian Pride flag. /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The flag and logo have shrunken slightly in size. The title has been removed, replaced with three book covers and some text. The first cover is "10 Things I Can See From Here" by Carrie Mac down the left hand side. Black text listed next to it reads "Anxiety", "Addiction (SC)", "Contemporary", "Romance", "Canada", "Bisexual SCs" and "Young Adult". The second cover is "Bianca Torre is Afraid of Everything" by Justine Pucella Winans and is in the upper right corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Anxiety", "Contemporary", "Myster", "Transgender SCs", "Non-Binary SCs", and "Young Adult". The third cover is "The Degenerates" by J. Albert Mann and is in the lower left corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Club Foot", "Down Syndrome", "Historical", "1920s USA", "Young Adult" and "Multiple POV". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have changed. The first cover is "The Faithless" by C. L. Clark. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Cane User", "Chronic Pain", "PTSD", "High Fantasy", "Series" and "2nd Bisexual MC". The second cover is "Harrow the Ninth" by Tamsyn Muir. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Schizophrenia", "Science Fiction Fantasy", "Horror", "Series" and "Necromancy". The third cover is "Honey Girl" by Morgan Rogers. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Anxiety", "Depression", "Biracial MC", "Japanese-American LI" and "Romance". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have changed. The first cover is "The No-Girlfriend Rule" by Christen Randall. Black text listed next to it reads "Young Adult", "Anxiety", "ADHD (SC)", "Romance", "Contemporary", "Comedy" and "Fat MC". The second cover is "Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl" by Brianna R. Shrum. Black text listed next to it reads "Young Adult", "Autism", "ADHD", "Romance", "Contemporary" and "Jewish Characters". The third cover is "The Second Mango" by Shira Glassman. Black text listed next to it reads "Young Adult", "Severe Food Intolerances", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Series", "POC MC" and "Magic". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have changed. The first cover is "The Outside" by Ada Hoffman. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Autism", "ADHD (SC)", "Science Fiction", "Horror", "Space Opera", "Series", "Asexual SC" and "Genderfluid SC". The second cover is "Everyone in this Room Will Some Day Be Dead" by Emily Augustin. Black text listed next to it reads "Anxiety", "Addiction (SC), "Depression", "Contemporary", "Canada" and "Transgender SC". The third cover is "How to Become A Planet" by Nicole Melleby. Black text listed next to it reads "Middle-Grade/Young Adult", "Anxiety", "Depression", "OCD (SC)", "Non-Binary Questioning LI", "Contemporary", and "Astronomy". /end]
❤️🤍🩷❤️🤍🩷❤️🤍🩷❤️🤍🩷❤️🤍🩷❤️🤍🩷❤️🤍🩷 ❤️
[22 heart emojis, alternating between red, white and pink]
A short collection of books featuring disabled lesbian MCs!
I missed lesbian visibility week, and I wanted to post this on Saturday but my internet decided to die a fiery death over the weekend so I am very very late on everything. Hopefully this begins to makes up for it!
Books on this list:
❤️ "10 Things I Can See From Here"- Mac, Carrie
🤍 "Bianca Torre is Afraid of Everything"- Winans, Justine Pucella
🩷 "The Degenerates"- Mann, J. Albert
❤️ "The Faithless"- Clark, C. L.
🤍 "Harrow the Ninth"- Muir, Tamsyn
🩷 "Honey Girl"- Rogers, Morgan
❤️ "The No-Girlfriend Rule"- Randall, Christen
🤍 "Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl"- Shrum, Brianna R.
🩷 "The Second Mango"- Glassman, Shira
❤️ "The Outside"- Hoffman, Ada
🤍 "Everyone in this Room Will Some Day Be Dead"- Augstin, Emily
🩷 "How to Become A Planet"- Melleby, Nicole
Every book on this list and more can be found in the disability book archive!
Happy Browsing!
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psychicmahadev · 2 years
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Black Magic is the enchantment of negative energies over your soul. If looking for "best black magic removal services in USA", this is your one stop.
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bcrncoldx · 2 months
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Was that [ASSAD ZAMAN]? Oh no no, that was just [DALE COOPER], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [TWIN PEAKS]. They are [THIRTY-NINE] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
LAST  UPDATED august 2024
date of birth: 19th April 1954 age upon arrival: 34 (nearly 35) height: 5′10″ star sign: aries hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA significant other: Marianne Barclay species: human
how long has your character been here? Dale has been here since March 2020 what is your character’s job He's still with the Criminal Investigative Department of the FBI as a Special Agent where has your character been pulled from in their fandom From the end of episode seven/start of episode eight when he was shot. has any magic affected your character Yes. Whilst his memories do reflect those from his original timeline, details have changed as he his not aware of his life before he had been brought to DC. It mostly the years that have changed in his memories, rather than the actual events and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!! - The best word to describe Dale is quirky - He loves black coffee and cherry pie - Loves a good voice memo - Having settled and built a life for himself in the city, he’s no longer as eager as he was to return to field work. He’s rather enjoying having a healthy work/life balance for once as it means that he can spend time with Marina. Also no longer living out of suitcases and hotel rooms has been great for him. - Over the last few months he has started to recover his true memories, although he's not quite there yet In terms of his false memories… - He believes that he was inspired to join the FBI because he was a little too into the X Files when he was a kid - Prior to being moved from the Philadelphia Field office to HQ, Dale has memories of investigating a murder in Washington State. These memories, however, are entirely more mundane than what truly went on, with Dale having no memories of the Black Lodge or the strange goings on in the town. His recollections of this are fuzzy due to him being shot in pursuit of the suspect (or so he believes). He spent several weeks in the hospital before being removed from the case and reassigned to a desk job in DC.
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tomreacts · 2 months
Double Dreamjournal 7/28/24
Last night I was up late at the hospital with my wife having a very long day, but when I woke up this morning I had a dream with a specific detail so vivid that it was worth writing down, and in the process I remember the two dreams that came before it!
I have journaled the first and third dream and decided that the dream in the middle but it's too hard to explain and involves complicated political topics I don't need people reading into.
Dream 1: The Giant Witch
I am embedded in a modern USA military unit. I think the leader is Giancarlo Esposito (thanks Marvel). We move into position in snowy mountains of some central/West Asia province. A MASH is set up to treat the locals who were injured by our fighting with the enemy forces. The main unit moves forward to recon and prep for the assault on the next mountain to the South where the enemies now are.
As the station fills up with refugees and the sun goes down, the officers get a report that [Rusankya] has been spotted in the area. I say [Rusankya] because I can't actually remember the name from the dream. However, it's well known enough that it has to be kept secret to keep the locals from panicking. The refugees are packed into all the evac vehicles and sent down the mountain to the nearest city for treatment and to remove them from danger.
While this happens some men go missing. As we watch the trucks vanish into the forest below I see a man get plucked off the ground by a giant raven and disappear into the dark cloudy sky. The officer in charge of the MASH (Neal McDonough) gives a briefing/exposition dump about [Rusankya] even though it feels like common knowledge to the viewer. She is an ice giant witch. She travels in a walking pine tree. she is friends with Baba Yaga, this is why sometimes there is a giant pine tree next to her hut wherever it camps. She controls giant ravens and has them pick up men for her to eat or do magic on. But when she finds a village she usually comes herself that same night to kill everyone there.
The military men get paranoid and it becomes a struggle to survive the night. Trying to get gear from outside and fortify the main ramshackle bui8lding without getting picked off, but find a way to last until morning if [Rusankya] does show up. There's a lull in the raven attacks for about an hour and the officer comments about wishing he knew why. was she playing games with them or had she found better targets, they weren't lucky enough to get off the hook that easy.
My dream brain flew through the mountains to see [Rusankya] on a snowy bare mountainside having tea and chatting with Baba Yaga herself. Baba Yaga was on her way to a nearby swamp, just passing through and utterly uninterested in the war zone that had brought [Rusankya] here. In person, [Rusankya] was MUCH LARGER than I expected. the pine tree had a massive curve in the trunk that she could sit on like a throne, the top of the tree just barely reaching the nape of her neck. Making her far taller than the D&D Ice giants. A door in the tree told me she could shrink down to human size if she wanted but this was her natural form. The was wiry, with knobby joints and lean, well defined muscles like a rock climber. She dressed in rags. Her claws and teeth were black and gleamed like obsidian through their filth. But the most interesting part of [Rusankya] was that above her long nose and chin, she had the wall or porch of a wooden house lashed across her eyes like a blindfold. It either blocked her vision or hid her blind eyes, but on it was a massive bloody rune. This allowed her to see through the eyes of ravens. Not just the giant ones roosting in her pine tree (and currently pecking at the remains of the dead soldiers) but ANY raven. Even the ones she did not control.
for some reason this new layer of surveillance made he seem much scarier than I had already (justifiably) felt. Looking at her "in person" made me wonder how the patchwork fortifications of the MASH could possibly survive once she attacked.
Unfortunately that's when my brain moved on to the second dream I am not going to talk about. Suffice to say I was with the refugees.
Next post will have Dream 3.
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