#black friday suisse
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saleintothe90s · 1 year ago
489. General Foods International Coffee
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(eBay seller dreamofthepast)
We all know thee lil cans. Some of them were probably out first forays into coffee, maybe our mom let us have some instead of hot cocoa on a cold day. No wait, this seems more like a drink your Aunt Patty n Selma would have at their house and drink every day. She let you have some to feel grown up.
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Or maybe you shared a cup with your new Gothy roommate in the 80s?
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Even the boys who played football enjoyed it!
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and just maybe you sipped French Vanilla Cafe with your friends and joked "who was that waiter's name in Paris?" "JEAN-LUC!" like in the commercial. (yes I'm aware of the Mad TV bit)
Although in an article about annoying commercials that ran in the Rocky Mountain News in 1992, reader Dennis Lancaster said of the ad: "The ad that really bugs the heck out of me is that General Foods International Coffee ads with the two ladies there and the French cafe coffee or whatever it is. I wish they'd have stayed in France." 1
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lil samples of Irish Cream Cafe was given out at Black Friday one year at Target!
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I noticed that General Foods would advertise their instant coffee a lot in college newspapers in the 1980s.
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See, even Corky on Murphy Brown dank it.
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Before we had frappuchinos, there would always be the same recipe every year for a frozen or a cold coffee drink, just with a different flavor each year, it seemed.
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(eBay seller dreamofthepast)
See what I mean?
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In the late 90s, they came out with the Cappuccino Coolers drinks, which I adored back then. It was powder that you mixed with milk -- so yeah, gotta be near the bathroom when drinking those. Maxwell House just discontinued these this year. By then they were called iced lattes.
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My all time GOAT when I was a teenager however was the Kahula flavor. I miss it every day.
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Anybody remember the variety packs? They were like, half a serving! Enough for a mouse! The Suisse Mocha design always reminds me of the Murder She Wrote logo.
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General Foods International Coffee debuted in 1973 with these three flavors. Looks like Cafe Au Lait became Cafe Francais shortly after. You walk into the store today, and guess who is still there almost every time:
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(Maxwell House took over around 2011)
I bought all three flavors in the last month and yup they all taste a lil watery. Maybe 'cuz we're just used to stronger coffee in 2023.
Maxwell House International Coffee Still Missing General Foods, Jean Luc
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ABBOTT, KAREN. "'FEMININE' PRODUCTS SPARK MAJORIOTY OF READER CALLS." Rocky Mountain News (CO), March 12, 1992: NewsBank: Access World News. https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/document-view? p=AWNB&docref=news/0EB4D9FC6ACBBE66.
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chicandswiss · 7 years ago
Voilà on est en décembre et là c’est l’angoisse qui monte! Comme chaque année on se dit qu’on va pas s’y prendre à la dernière alors on essaie d’anticiper, de profiter du Black Friday et des divers marchés de Noël, et finalement, comme chaque année, on ira faire nos cadeaux de Noël le 23, voire 24 décembre au matin…
Par principe, je ne mets jamais un pied dans un magasin dans la période de Noël, à part peut-être pour les cadeaux des grands-mères, et encore moins durant les nocturnes. Trop d’angoisse! Je préfère éviter d’empaler les autres retardataires les un après les autres sur les sapins en plastique. Du coup c’est devant mon ordinateur chéri et adoré que je fais mes cadeaux en passant d’un site à l’autre. Faut faire bosser la Poste non?
Chaque année le dilemme se resserre mais qu’est-ce que je vais bien pouvoir leur offrir??? la bougie, le panier garni, le livre qu’on ne va jamais lire, l’écharpe qu’on ne va jamais porter…non je vais pas leur mettre un bon ou des sous dans une enveloppe…Alors voilà quelques idées cadeaux (pas pour moi mais pour les autres… Ceci-dit, si vous tenez vraiment à m’en faire un, suis pas difficile, un sac Gucci ou des bottines Chloé me suffiront!)
Mode et accessoires
La mode étant au béret vous pouvez toujours offrir un joli béret vous avez une sélection dans mes précédents articles ou encore des bottines chaussettes mais c’est pas toujours évident de connaître les goûts de chacun. Alors pourquoi pas un bon Sézane ou Zalando…? valeur sure non?
Les accessoires sont peut-être plus faciles avec un joli sac ou porte-monnaie?
René René
Découverte lors de la Fashion Fair d’octobre, elle fait des sacs originaux et tendance avec des pochettes ou des sacs de ville.
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Je l’ai rencontrée à un vernissage chez Chic Cham, “Lahara” était en pleine préparation de lancement de son site. C’est donc tout frais tout neuf qu’elle met en vente ses créations de sacs en cuir végétal. Vous pouvez la retrouver sur plusieurs marchés de Noël de la région.
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J’ai découvert cette marque grâce à la blogueuse Lisa Germaneau et suis complètement fan de ces bijoux bohèmes. J’ai notamment une bague que je ne quitte plus.
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Lily’s creation
Comme je sais que cette bague vous a beaucoup plus sur mon insta et que même certaines se la sont achetées ;-), voilà le lien, attention elle part comme des petits pains!
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Montre Daniel Wellington
Vous l’avez certainement vu sur toutes les blogueuses célèbres, cette année ils ont sorti un coffret montre-bracelet.
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Casque Sudio Sweden
C’était mon premier “cadeau” blogueuse! Ce casque bluetooth au design or et marbre! que demander de plus??
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La marque Rituals cosmetics que j’ai pu découvrir lors de l’inauguration de la boutique à Lausanne fait de parfaits coffrets cadeaux aussi bien pour femmes que pour hommes dans une gamme de prix tout à fait abordable puisqu’en être 26.- et 89.-
Le Body Pass
Le cadeau idéal pour les coquettes! vous avez 50% de rabais sur les prestations de 150 instituts. L’occasion non seulement de découvrir de nouveaux instituts mais de se faire une nouvelle coupe pour Nouvel-An ou un massage pour se décontracter après les fêtes, ou même profiter du Spa du Royal Savoy…!
En tout cas c’est ce que je vais prendre le temps de faire pendant les vacances de fin d’année!
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Pour changer un peu des bouteilles et boîtes de chocolat, un objet déco passe toujours bien! Et il fallait quand même que je place la bougie…Pour ma part c’est d’autant plus facile puisque, vous le savez déjà peut-être, ma meilleure amie a ouvert son webshop de déco scandinave. Facile donc de trouver un petit quelque chose, entre la bougie, le joli pot ou des peluches toutes douces! En plus il y a toujours l’option bon cadeau si on ne veut pas prendre trop de risques…
Vous l’avez vue sur mon insta mais je suis trop fan de ma carte Mapiful. C’est hyper facile, vous choisissez la ville de votre coeur et ensuite pouvez recadrer, zoomer, choisir le design, la taille, donc facile à adapter pour chacun
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Lecture et culture
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Pas le cadeau le plus facile, il faut effectivement connaître les goûts des gens et en plus un certain budget suivant quoi…mais il y a des livres un peu passe-partout et légers comme
30 manières de trouver l’amour
Ecrit par Margot Delévaux, jeune fille de 25 ans, ce recueil relate des minis fictions inspirés de faits réels. Et je confirme…j’ai déjà essayé la moitié, sans succès comme vous le savez :-p mais très drôle à lire!
Aux “édictions” Helvetiq. Vous trouverez d’autres ouvrages et jeux purement suisses. Très sympas pour animer vos longues soirées d’hiver.
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Sinon la grosse mode est au fantastique donc évidemment
The Game of Thrones
Le coffret des 5 volumes peut plaire en attendant la 8e saison…bien sûr pour les autres il y a les dvd :-p
L’étoile de Lowilo
par Déborah Perez, une ancienne collègue/amie. Mêlant le fantastique et la littérature en attendant le tome 2 🙂
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Plus pointu et culturel peut-être
Le Panier culturel
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Cette association propose un “panier garni” qui encourage la création locale, le panier d’automne par exemple contenait
Sac en tissu: sérigraphie avec une illustration de l’artiste Fichtre, tirée de son projet «Asimpledrawing»
Oeuvre exclusive, signée et numérotée, de l’artiste plasticienne, Cleide Saito
Vinyle du poète et musicien lausannois, Stéphane Blok. Oeuvre co-produite avec le Panier Culturel.
Collection de quatre livres édités par le collectif Hétérotrophe. Oeuvre numérotée et co-produite par le Panier Culturel.
Visite insolite (pour 2): Découverte de l’univers de l’improvisation théâtrale avec l’association Impro Suisse
Sortie culturelle (pour 2): Une entrée pour deux personnes pour la soirée de votre choix au théâtre des Trois P’tits Tours à Morges
Revue: La Ficelle no 5 – Parution anniversaire
Je me suis finalement décidée à commander celui d’hiver (oui je m’autofais des cadeaux) et me réjouis de le découvrir.
L’Opéra de Lausanne – bon
Alors ça c’est une bonne idée surtout dans ce magnifique lieu mais où les places sont vite chères si vous ne voulez pas vous retrouver dans le poulailler à voir la scène à la verticale…
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Copines de voyages
Bon je savais pas où le caser celui-là, mais c’est au cas où vous avez des amies sans amis comme moi et qui peuvent pas partir en vacances seules…Copines de voyage est là pour vous sauver! Perso j’attends juste qu’elles remettent le Mexique….ce n’est qu’une question de patience!
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Food & Beverages
Noël ne se résume pas à un boîte de chocolats encore que c’est une valeur sure! Mais étant plutôt salé, voilà quelques idées.
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Pour celles ou ceux qui aiment le foie gras, voilà des petits coffrets qui font toujours leur effet! Ok je ne suis pas hyper objective puisqu’il s’agit du service traiteur de ma maman mais comme c’est délicieux, comme tout ce qu’elle fait d’ailleurs, j’étais obligée! (oui c’est bientôt Noël et si je veux ma tranche de foie gras le 25, je dois être gentille!). www.gourmandia.biz
Oliviers & Co
S’ils sont plutôt spécialisé dans l’huile d’olive, ils ont évidemment une gamme autour de la truffe, vous pensez bien que j’ai déjà tout testé… et notamment ce petit pot de sauce crème parmesan/truffe une tuerie à mettre dans le risotto par exemple. Et évidemment vous trouverez plusieurs coffrets!
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La boutique de Lausanne se trouve à la Place de la Palud, à côté de Rituals en plus, vous pouvez faire du 2 en 1! www.oliviers-co.com
Un passionné de vin qui a su s’entourer et travailler sur des assemblages inédits, c’est là l’essence de Magnificients. J’ai eu l’occasion de tous les goûter (non je ne suis pas alcoolique) et ils sont tous aussi délicieux les uns que les autres. La cuvée est un Riesling et les bouteilles sont des litres et non pas des 75cl. Format parfait pour les tables de Noël.
Cette année, il y a également une fondue élaborée notamment par le chef étoilé Crisci et le vacherin fribourgeois. Elle est en vente à Manor.
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RH Lamotte
Et bien évidemment pour les fêtes du champagne! On connaît tous les grands noms alors cette année je découvre le champagne RH Lamotte dont les premières bouteilles se sont vendues dans l’entre-deux guerres.
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Bon ok, je vous mets quand même du chocolat SUISSE! Avec toutes les délicieuses adresses qu’on a dans la région…
La chocolatière
Vous pouvez commander en ligne et faire vous-mêmes vos petits coffrets!
Avenue de Mon-Repos 14, 1005 Lausanne, www.lachocolatiere.ch
On ne le présente plus, vous avez toutes et tous certainement déjà fait la file devant le boutique en période de Noël…Pensez à passer commande depuis internet et aller simplement les chercher ensuite entre deux vagues de monde!
Rue de Bourg 5, 1003 Lausanne, www.blondel.ch
OK bon d’accord j’ai honte mais je ne crois pas avoir goûté leur chocolat…c’est peut-être à cause du nom à consonance légèrement suisse-allemande…(ne me jugez pas je suis suisse-allemande…d’origine!) mais ils ont ouverts récemment à la Migros Métropole à Lausanne, donc facile d’accès!
Centre commercial Métropole, rue des Terreaux 15-23, 1003 Lausanne, www.laederach.com
Vincent Kuonen
Je suis obligée d’en parler puisqu’il est près de chez moi 🙂 et c’est de là que j’ai eu mon lapin de Pâques “Mignon”, donc pour les idées originales c’est par ici!
rue de la Blancherie 8, 1023 Crissier, www.vk-chocolaterie.ch
Voilà, j’espère que cela vous aura inspiré et donné des idées un peu originales…et si j’en trouve d’autres d’ici le 24, je mettrai l’article à jour!
NB. oui je fais de la pub gratuite #blonde, car cette article a été rédigé sans aucun partenariat (sauf avec le bodypass quand même) car je ne veux pas ressembler à un blog télé-achat 😉 après si on veut m’offrir des chips à la truffe suis pas contre 🙂
Ma wishlist au Père Noël Voilà on est en décembre et là c'est l'angoisse qui monte! Comme chaque année on se dit qu'on va pas s'y prendre à la dernière alors on essaie d'anticiper, de profiter du Black Friday et des divers marchés de Noël, et finalement, comme chaque année, on ira faire nos cadeaux de Noël le 23, voire 24 décembre au matin...
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cacartonne · 2 years ago
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Pas de black friday chez ça cartonne? Notre philosophie est de fixer les prix en maintenant une marge basse tout au long de l’année . Beaucoup d’articles sont soldés aussi tout au long des semaines. En fait c’est la fête tous les jours rien que pour vous! 😍. . . . #blackfriday #greenfriday #soldes #solde #boutiqueshopping #boutiqueenligne #boutiquedebricolage #loisircreatif #bricolage #bricolageenfant #jouetsenbois @ca.cartonne.ch (à Suisse - Valais - Sion - Vissigen) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYRayNLkCw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hbclife · 2 years ago
Credit Suisse downgrades Stanley Black & Decker as home improvement spending slows into 2023
Credit Suisse downgrades Stanley Black & Decker as home improvement spending slows into 2023
A slowdown in home improvement spending could spell trouble for Stanley Black & Decker heading into 2023, Credit Suisse says. “Our lower estimates reflect our expectation of a sharp slowing of housing turnover and a reduction in home improvement spending in 2023 based on this lower turnover,” wrote analyst Dan Oppenheim in a note to clients Friday as he downgraded the stock to neutral. Elevated…
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sounmashnews · 2 years ago
[ad_1] A Tesla electrical automobile at a supercharger station in Hawthorne, California, on Aug. 9, 2022.Patrick T. Fallon | AFP | Getty ImagesCheck out the businesses making the largest strikes noon Monday:Credit Suisse — Shares of Credit Suisse rose 1.7%, reversing an earlier slump that despatched the inventory to a file low, after the financial institution over the weekend made a sequence of calls to calm investor fears about its monetary well being. In addition, the fee to insure the financial institution's debt towards default jumped to a brand new excessive.Tesla — Tesla shares dropped 8.2% after the electrical automobile maker stated it delivered 343,000 vehicles within the third quarter, lower than analysts anticipated. However, Wall Street analysts had been divided over the report.Peloton — Peloton shares rose greater than 6% after the exercise-equipment firm introduced it's going to put bikes in all 5,400 Hilton-branded hotels within the U.S. Peloton is making an attempt to engineer a turnaround and in addition stated final week that its bikes, treadmills and different hardware could be bought in Dick's Sporting Goods areas.Roblox — Shares of the gaming platform fell barely after MoffettNathanson initiated protection with an underperform rating. The Wall Street agency stated it is too quickly to inform whether or not Roblox will ever meet its metaverse ambitions.Viasat — Viasat jumped 28% on Monday after putting a take care of L3Harris to promote its tactical information hyperlinks enterprise. The deal is for just below $2 billion, the businesses introduced. Viasat stated it could use the money to cut back its leverage and enhance liquidity.Wells Fargo – Wells Fargo's inventory gained 3% after Goldman Sachs upgraded the bank to a purchase ranking from impartial and stated traders are underappreciating its potential.Livent — The lithium firm dropped about half a p.c after Bank of America downgraded the inventory to underperform from impartial, citing "limited upside."DocuSign — DocuSign dropped slid 2.4% after being downgraded by Morgan Stanley to underweight from equal weight, citing pricing stress.Myovant Sciences — The biopharmaceutical firm jumped 36% after it rejected a bid by Sumitovant Biopharma, its largest shareholder, to purchase the shares it would not already personal for $22.75 per share. Myovant, which stated the supply considerably undervalues the corporate, stated it's open to contemplating any improved proposal.Box — Box's inventory rallied 7% after Morgan Stanley boosted its price target, implying the cloud storage firm may surge 39% from Friday's shut. The agency additionally upgraded the inventory to chubby from equal weight, citing stable macro positioning, robust execution and a extra favorable aggressive panorama.Freshpet — Shares of Freshpet rose 7.6% after Barron's reported the pet-food maker has employed bankers to discover a possible sale.LogicBio Therapeutics — Shares of the clinical-stage genetic firm skyrocketed greater than 644% after it introduced it was being acquired by AstraZeneca for $2.07 per share. That price ticket is a whopping 666% enhance from LogicBio's closing worth of 27 cents per share.InterDigital — InterDigital's inventory rallied 16% after the analysis and improvement firm raised its guidance for third-quarter 2022 whole income a variety of $112 million to $115 million, up from $96 million to $100 million.Fluor Corp. — Fluor rose greater than 5% in noon buying and selling. The firm introduced Monday it was awarded two reimbursable engineering, procurement and building administration contracts by BASF for work in China.Stanley Black & Decker — The device maker's inventory jumped greater than 4% after The Wall Street Journal reported that the corporate has eradicated about 1,000 jobs in an effort to chop about $200 million in prices.Energy shares — Oil costs jumped, pushing power shares greater. Marathon Oil rallied 8%. APA Corp. and Devon Energy gained about 7% every.
Diamondback Energy, Halliburton and ConocoPhillips had been all up greater than 6%.— CNBC's Alex Harring, Samantha Subin, Carmen Reinicke, Yun Li, Tanaya Macheel and Jesse Pound contributed reporting. [ad_2] Source link
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Stocks To Watch: Eyes On Cyber Monday, Argentina And Mars
New Post has been published on http://affordablewebhostingsearch.com/stocks-to-watch-eyes-on-cyber-monday-argentina-and-mars/
Stocks To Watch: Eyes On Cyber Monday, Argentina And Mars
Welcome to Seeking Alpha’s Stocks to Watch – a preview of key events scheduled for the next week. Follow this account and turn the e-mail alert on to receive this article in your inbox every Saturday morning.
Investors will be looking for some soothing signs of global cooperation next week amid the continuing erosion of equity markets. In Europe, U.K. and European Union leaders are scheduled to meet for more Brexit talks at a special summit that begins in Brussels on November 25. Meanwhile, the highly-anticipated G-20 meeting in Buenos Aires begins on November 30, headlined by the planned meeting between President Trump and Chinese Premier Xi Jingping. As for the sharp drop in crude oil prices, while there’s some debate on if global growth concerns are a bigger factor than Saudi Arabia production levels, you can’t overlook the wildcard of having Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Trump all in Argentina at the end of the week.
Notable earnings reports: Salesforce.com (NYSE:CRM), Momo (NASDAQ:MOMO) and GameStop (NYSE:GME) on November 27; Box (NYSE:BOX), J.M. Smucker (NYSE:SJM) and Dick’s Sporting Goods (NYSE:DKS) on November 28; Splunk (NASDAQ:SPLK), Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ), Dollar Tree (NASDAQ:DLTR), Workday (NYSE:WDAY) and Palo Alto Networks (NYSE:PANW) on November 29. See Seeking Alpha’s Earnings Calendar for the complete list of earnings reporters.
IPOs expected to price: No new action anticipated.
IPO lockup expirations: Hancock Jaffe Laboratories (NASDAQ:HJLI) on November 27 and Ambow Education (NYSEMKT:AMBO) on November 28.
Analyst quiet period expirations: Axonics Modulation Technologies (NASDAQ:AXNX), Twist Bioscience (NASDAQ:TWST) and Orchard Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ORTX) on November 26.
Projected dividend changes: Disney (NYSE:DIS) to $0.90 from $0.84, McCormick (NYSE:MKC) to $0.56 from $0.52, Raymond James (NYSE:RJF) to $0.35 from $0.30, Cantel Medical (NYSE:CMD) to $0.10 from $0.085, J&J Snack Foods (NASDAQ:JJSF) to $0.48 from $0.45, La-Z-Boy (NYSE:LZB) to $0.13 from $0.12, Neenah (NYSE:NP) to $0.45 from $0.41.
Cyber Monday: Updates on Cyber Monday sales could come in during the week from Wayfair (NYSE:W), Shopify (NYSE:SHOP), Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and eBay (NASDAQ:EBAY). Last year, the companies all posted dazzling growth, although their reports on activity ranged from very detailed (Wayfair) to somewhat vague (Amazon). The catch-all investment for online shopping is the Amplify Online Retail ETF (NASDAQ:IBUY), which has seen some volatility this year. IBUY closed up 0.9% on Friday after Black Friday online sales reports came in strong, but trades 23% below its 52-week high.
Mars: NASA’s planned landing of the Insight spacecraft is a huge moment for Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT). The lander built by Lockheed is due to touch down in the Elysium Planitia region of Mars at around 3:00 p.m. ET on November 26. A Lockheed mission operations team based out of Denver will support science collection through the life of the mission, estimated to last approximately two Earth years or one Martian year. Investors are looking for a little Mars magic, with shares of Lockheed Martin down 8.0% YTD.
Food for thought: Campbell Soup (NYSE:CPB) holds its shareholder meeting on November 29 amid a raging proxy battle with Third Point. Shares of Campbell Soup are up 3.5% since the company reported better-than-anticipated Q3 results, but the food company still has some work to do. Wells Fargo points to the new CEO selection, Lance-Snyder integration and soup turnaround as some big hurdles that need to be cleared. It’s hard to say if any M&A news will come out of the Campbell meeting, but food names such as J.M. Smucker (SJM), Farmer Bros. (NASDAQ:FARM), General Mills (NYSE:GIS), Flower Foods (NYSE:FLO), Kellogg (NYSE:K) and Hostess Brands (NASDAQ:TWNK) have been perky off of Campbell developments.
Los Angeles Auto Show: The L.A. Auto Show running from November 30 to December 9 will have a heavy focus on Automobility, including speakers on the topic from Ford (NYSE:F), General Motors (NYSE:GM), Magna International (NYSE:MGA), Lucid Motors, Honda (NYSE:HMC) and even an Amazon Alex exec. Visa (NYSE:V) will also be represented on an Automobility panel. Notable models debuting at the show include the 2020 Toyota (NYSE:TM) Corolla hybrid, BMW (OTCPK:BMWYY) X/5/X7 Sport Activity and 2020 Kia (OTCPK:HYMLF) Soul Crossover – as well as surprise models from Porsche (OTCPK:POAHY) and Nissan (OTCPK:NSANY).
Carvana in focus: Carvana (NYSE:CVNA) is scheduled to host its analyst day event on November 29. Wolfe Research has tipped that the event could be a catalyst if the company clears up the visibility on its long-term margin profile.
New Jersey: Keep an eye on the Garden State, with the New Jersey Senate Budget and Appropriations committee and the Assembly Appropriations committee set to meet on November 26 to discuss four marijuana-related bills. If legislation is to move forward, lawmakers will have to work out a tax rate for marijuana producers and retailers in the state. Good news out of New Jersey could provide a little lift for Cronos Group (NASDAQ:CRON), Aurora Cannabis(NYSE:ACB), Aphria (NYSE:APHA), Canopy Growth (NYSE:CGC), Tilray (NASDAQ:TLRY) and gang.
FDA watch FDA decision are due on Loxo Oncology (NASDAQ:LOXO)-Bayer ‘s (OTCPK:BAYRY) larotrectinib tumor treatment and Catalyst Pharmaceutical’s (NASDAQ:CPRX) Firdapse treatment for Lambert- Eaton myasthenic syndrome. There could also be FDA action on the resubmitted application from Celltrion-Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (NYSE:TEVA) on the Truxima biosimilar.
Evercore ISI HealthcareX: One of the bigger healthcare conferences of the year is scheduled to run from November 26 to November 29. Presenting companies include Agilent Technologies (NYSE:A), AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV), Arena Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ARNA), Alexion Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ALXN), Biogen (NASDAQ:BIIB), bluebird bio (NASDAQ:BLUE), CVS Health (NYSE:CVS), GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE:GSK), Illumina (NASDAQ:ILMN), Incyte (NASDAQ:INCY), Qiagen (NASDAQ:QGEN), Charles River Laboratories (NYSE:CRL) and Natera (NASDAQ:NTRA).
M&A tidbits: The window-shopping period on the American Railcar Industries (NASDAQ:ARII) merger with ITE Rail Fund expires on November 26. American Railcar trades slightly below the $70 deal price. Shareholders at LaSalle Hotel Properties (NYSE:LHO) and Pebblebrook Hotel Trust (NYSE:PEB) vote on their proposed combination on November 27. If approved, the merger is slated for November 30. The deadline on the first phase of the European Commission review of the PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP)-SodaStream (NASDAQ:SODA) deal is November 30.
Consumer heat check: The Deutsche Bank Gaming, Lodging, Leisure & Restaurants One on One Conference is scheduled to take place in Scottsdale, Arizona from November 29-30. Presenting companies include BBX Capital (NYSE:BBX), Bluegreen Vacations (NYSE:BXG), Boyd Gaming (NYSE:BYD), Avis Budget (NASDAQ:CAR), Caesars Entertainment (NASDAQ:CZR), Eldorado Resorts (NASDAQ:ERI), Cedar Fair (NYSE:FUN), Golden Entertainment (NASDAQ:GDEN), Hilton Worldwide (NYSE:HLT), International Game Technology (NYSE:IGT), MGM Resorts (NYSE:MGM), Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NASDAQ:NCLH), Penn National Gaming (NASDAQ:PENN), Playa Hotels & Resorts (NASDAQ:PLYA), Red Rock Resorts (NYSE:RRR), Scientific Games (NASDAQ:SGMS), Extended Stay America (NYSE:STAY), Marriott Vacations (NYSE:VAC), Wyndham Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:WH), Wyndham Destinations (NYSE:WYND) and Wynn Resorts (NASDAQ:WYNN).
Spotlight on industrials: The Credit Suisse Industrials Conference runs in Palm Beach, Florida from November 28-29. Expect to hear views on the macroeconomic climate and impact of tariffs from a list of heavy hitters that includes ADSW, Canadian Pacific (NYSE:CP), Eaton (NYSE:ETN), Fortive (NYSE:FTV), Jacobs Engineering (NYSE:JEC), Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU), 3M (NYSE:MMM), Mastec (NYSE:MTZ), Quanta Services (NYSE:PWR), United Continental (NASDAQ:UAL), Caterpillar (NYSE:CAT), Cummins (NYSE:CMI), Covanta (NYSE:CVA), Fluor (NYSE:FLR), Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) and SPX (NYSE:SPXC).
Box office: Movie theater operators Cinemark (NYSE:CNK), AMC Entertainment (NYSE:AMC), Reading International (NASDAQ:RDI) and Marcus Corporation (NYSE:MCS) are looking for a big office weekend, with strong forecasts in for Disney’s (DIS) Ralph Breaks the Internet ($49M), MGM’s Creed 2 ($36M), Warner Bros. (NYSE:T) film Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald ($30M) and Universal’s (NASDAQ:CMCSA) Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch ($27M). The YTD U.S. box office is up 10.2% to $10.43B through November 19.
Barron’s mentions: The plunge in Target’s (NYSE:TGT) share price makes it a bargain, reasons Jack Hough. Is a 5.1% increase in same-store sales and 49% pop in e-commerce sales all that bad? It’s seen as more than a little interesting that Berkshire Hathaway ([[BRK.A)]], BRK.B) is plowing money into big banks, investing more than $4B in JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) in Q3 and $6B in Bank of America (NYSE:BAC). Buffett also holds stakes in Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC), U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS), PNC Financial (NYSE:PNC), and Bank of New York Mellon (NYSE:BK). Andrew Bary notes that even though the yield curve has been narrowing, banks have been reporting wider net interest margins. Tae Kim looks at the FAANG stocks one by one. Alphabet (GOOGL, GOOG) is called the most attractive, while too many clouds are seen with Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX).
Sources: Nasdaq, EDGAR, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg
Editor’s Note: This article discusses one or more securities that do not trade on a major U.S. exchange. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.
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swissdatahoarding · 3 years ago
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annelisterstravelnotes · 3 years ago
Switzerland with Maria and Jane Barlow – Friday 28 1827
6 1/4 12 Breakfast at 7 35/60 – our bill very moderate – very well satisfied – wrote in the book as follows ‘Mrs and Miss Barlow and Mrs Lister from Interlacken to Lucerne – a quiet, comfortable hotel, and the aubergiste a civil, honest man. At Lauterbrunnen, and at Interlacken, it is neccessary to make their bargain – at the former diminutive trout, about 3 English inches long, are valued at 3 sols each by the aubergiste, and 6 sols each by the waiter when questioned us to their price; at the latter, a small decanter of ordinairy white wine is charged a franc – The English who are rich, would do their best service in their power to those who are less so, if they would some times take a little more trouble to avoid trifling impositions – Madame and Mademoiselle Barlow and Madame Lister sont très contentes de cet hôtel. Monsieur l’aubergiste est des plus braves hommes de la Suisse. Il nous a bien dit ‘Il faut vivre, et laisser vivre’ – Anne Lister – Sarnen Friday 27 September 1827’ – off from Sarnen at 8 55/60 – immediately mount the hill – good road – so very good oaks – neat, good, white – washed church of Kerns and picturesque neat, good, paved village surrounded by green grass and orchard and plum in particular, and fine walnut trees – beautiful hereabouts – at 9 25/60 alight for 5 minutes to see the church (of Kerns) – large, neat, plain, good saw the five pictures mentioned by Ebel – the graves in the church yard covered with with pink–roots 2 neat looking auberges the crown and another – finely wooded hills – great deal of beech topped with firs – very fine drive – at 10 20/60, according to the pronunciation and information of our guide, Trachurn moss where a great battle fought between the Swiss and Austrians – fine wooded rock and undulating hill – pretty hill, and behind the Conical Rotzberg close the valley in front of us – about 10 pass the little church or chapel of St Jacob – at 10 1/2 beautiful little gorge in front to the left – good/2 picturesque/1 house scattered round – at the top of the little hill at Trachen cappel (according to pronunciation) at 10 35/60 and pay toll – the little church neat, white washed – little auberge, and 2 or 3 cottages and first peep of the lake of Lucerne – well wooded rock and hill – neat white washed and white washed founded cottages – very pretty here – Sarnen said our guide the capital of Oberwald, Stantz of Unterwald, and itis the valley of Unterwald from Kerns to Stanz – at 10 55/60 very picturesque white washed, good town of Stanz – according to our guide, the inhabitants resisted so bravely, the revolutionary French burnt it to the ground – did he mistake Stanz in this case to Stanzstad? – alighted to go into the church – large and good inside white washed – 5 arcades includeing that at the west door over which the the black and white–washed organ, supported by black marble Tuscan? pillars –pinks again over the graves, and stuck up against the church wall, or against the heads of some of the crosses, pictures of the persons burried beneath – bones peeping out from the graves – 3 chapels round the church yard – pretty-looking town finely and closely surrounded by high finely wooded mountains – off at 11 1/4 – very pretty drive to Stanzstad – got there at 11 37/60 – windy – lake a little roughish – beautiful undulating wooded shores – the tower - gutted – a woman drying and heckling hemp in it – Embarked at 12 – 4 women rowers – Rozberg, Renk, Pilate, gradualy sloping Rigi very fine – at 1 10/60 after musing long, I exclaim to myself what a lovely lake! As we turn up the gulph towards Lucerne, right (behind) Rigi and closing the circle to the left (behind) peaky snow-streaked tops of the Uri mountains and near the high rock wooded range towards Stanz – on each side of us undulating wooded hill forest timber chiefly beech? few firs here and there – very little of the autumnal tint – How lovely! Como and Lucerne are the 2 lakes for me – 6 birds on the water (several close to Lucerne – the people forbidden to kill them) like teal – the lake more tranquil than at 1st first – on every little corner of rock a little chapel – some times not more than a couple of feet high and a foot broad – charmant – charmant – no vines to spoil the picture – neat white washed houses scattered up and down – at 1 35/60 fine first view of Lucerne – singular looking line of towers – white washed – 8 of them – and towered chateau and churches – the 2 pointed steeples of the great church or cathedral (right) and the long line of pont de la cour 1380 feet long – towers, houses all of darling white xxx at the foot of the fresh verdure of the undulating hills – the forest timber slightly tinged with autumn – very lovely – land at 2 – get to the Inn (l’aigle) at 2 10/60 – order dinner at 6, arrange about rooms wait for Jane to dress – all go out at 2 55/60 – mean to take our passports to the police – our guide knows not much about it – go to the arsenal – nothing worth seeing – the banner still stained with blood from the battle of Sampach (vide Ebel) not to be seen – but we had a stupidish old man to shew us – our guide a little tipsy – annoyed about it – cross 3 or 4 bridges – could not have made out the Dance of Death with out Ebel – our guide good for nothing here and today – Mrs Barlow first observed it went to see general Pfeffer’s famous model of part of Switzerland – the house shut up – nobody there for the moment – at the cathedral at 4 1/4 - partly white washed with out and altogether so with in – arcaded, large clean – plain, but a staring virgin in crimson and blue foil very glaring – a few pictures along the walls and 1 tolerable over the back altar under the east window -  the small church yard quite full –completely surrounded by an arcade (like a cloister) where seems to be the  burying vaults of the better families – Had desired our guide to wait for us – he was gone – (to get more wine?) – went to see the lion to the memory of the Swiss who fell on the 10th August – little boy directed us – found our guide en route there – the lion very fine – good print shop close to it – but all our pleasure destroyed by our tipsy guide – determine to pay him off tonight – got home at 5 1/4 – spoke to our aubergiste – advises us not to set off with out guide, but if we part with this can get us a good one – Does not wish his name to be mentioned – Dinner in the large handsome public salle à manger from 6 10/60 to 7 1/4 – pay off our guide –  say nothing of the reason but decline giving recommendation or bonne main – said I was the 1st first who had refused the latter – civil enough but apparently suspects what was the matter – send for the washing woman but not choosing to pay after the rate of 3 sols per pocket handkerchief give her nothing to wash – from about 8 to 10 1/2 (take a nap between) wrote out traveling journal of today – very fine day –
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angelageme · 4 years ago
Je suis très tenté (et je pourrais très facilement passer cette promotion jusqu'à la fin du mois au moins en Australie et en Nouvelle Zealand. Je fais comme son nez rouge de l'émail, bien que je préfère que saison: Il sera vendu individuellement au Soldes Agatha Collier Royaume Uni pour 65. Marque Nouvel an chinois 2016 image charmLa est un peu granuleuse, mais très clairement révèle un charme de porc plutôt mièvre pour le Nouvel An chinois 2016 libération de Marque. veulent s'assurer que qu'ils fournissent la meilleure expérience de magasinage en ligne possible pour leurs clients', a déclaré Andy Riskified Freedman, OCM à. Fabriqué en Suisse, le regarder introduit développé par Monsieur motifs Michele pourL' horlogerie lignes et reflète également les goûts personnels de Mme Welch, faisant de la fonction d'ambassadeur plus authentique.What est un aperçu de préciser les dates de lancement pour les inédits actuellement bracelet agatha prix . À ce point, a constaté que Soldes Agatha Collier lorsqu Riskified Luxury Fashion arrêtés ont six. Je pense que cela correspond bien, et va bien avec le printemp tels que le mousseux Ladybird ou la Petite Facettes rose.La se montre agatha pas cher que la collection s'adaptera bien avec la population en Asie et en Australie, et nous sommes impatients d'offrir à nos produits Disney inspiré à nos clients dans l'étoffe de region. lié à l'histoire d'amour du label de parfum, de nombreux conseils et idées pour excursions, activités et les interruptions de service sont fondées sur la campagne face Poésy favorite de taches clémence.L'Office Wishes Firework Afficher le charme a été un des plus populaires auprès des collectionneurs Marque, et les caractéristiques superbe émail brillant noir détaillant. Au Royaume Uni, nous allons recevoir une spéciale black Friday boucle oreille agatha bundle à un prix spécial de £ 99 (ce qui est tout à fait une économie sur un prix public conseillé d'environ 165 ~ £) avec le canon déployante bijoux agathe creation, le logo d'argent clips et la nouvelle hiver 2015 ajouré CZ présente charm. Riskified note que lorsque la pensée de la fraude, de la mode aux dirigeants de l'industrie doit adopter des mesures de validation efficace pour les consommateurs qui n'ajoutent pas de la 'friction 'd'expériences d'achat légitime. À Madrid, Chloé placettes un voyage à vélo que prend l'une des ville BiciMad motorisé du vélos à la Mercado de San Miguel. L'espace lui-même est conçu pour évoquer le sentiment d'un atelier, apportant une touche de luxe traditionnel à un 21st Montre Agatha. Ce genre de pince me donne envie de les acheter par paires, pour les faire correspondre, et ils sont grands à utiliser si vous aimez votre Marque agatha place de la cité bien symétrique.I précédentes serait prédire la date de sortie pour cette collection pour être le 14 Janvier. La bonne chose est que, selon ce que vous mettez avec, il peut être à peu près ce que ressemblent à glaçons, et finir le look perfectly.
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hautefondueswissfondue · 4 years ago
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❤️Pas de BLACK FRIDAY mais un FAIR FRIDAY ! Cette année nous rejoignons le mouvement Fair Friday et reverserons 5% des ventes réalisées les 27 et 28 novembre à Caritas pour soutenir des projets de lutte contre la pauvreté. ⁉️ Retrouvez plus d'infos sur cette initiative sur www.fair-friday.ch 🧀 Pour passer vos commandes : www.HELVETIQ.ch @helvetiq @caritas.schweiz . . . #hautefondue #helvetiq #livre #buch #book #fromage #käse #cheese #fondue #fondueaufromage #cheesefondue #suisse #schweiz #swiss #switzerland #food #foodstyling #recettes #swisscheese #JenniferFavre #ArnaudFavre #DorianRollin #MorganeCintas #blackfriday #fairfriday (à Haute Fondue - Swiss Fondue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIBW-ZqL_bl/?igshid=nsxxhz4ukx89
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webmarket01 · 4 years ago
15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work | Eat This Not That
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/15-underrated-weight-loss-tips-that-actually-work-eat-this-not-that/
15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work | Eat This Not That
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Keep it simple, stupid. The polite version of this saying, known as Occam’s Razor, basically says that the simplest path forward is usually the best. You can apply this theory to everything, even quick weight loss.
What’s simpler than identifying your existing daily habits and then making tiny tweaks that can help tip the scale in your favor? By taking advantage of the more underrated parts of your daily routine, you could toss the rice cakes and running shoes once and for all. In fact, a swing of just 10 calories a day—about as many calories as you burn in 3 minutes of standing still—will make you a pound slimmer by this time next year.
So, before you sign up for a complicated diet plan or commit to an expensive personal trainer, make sure you’ve taken advantage of these simple, effective, and underrated ways to strip off the pounds. And to lose even more weight, you won’t want to miss The Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat for Good, Say Doctors.
A striking new study published in the journal Diabetes suggests that simply blasting the air conditioner or turning down the heat in winter may help us attack belly fat while we sleep. Colder temperatures subtly enhance the effectiveness of our stores of brown fat—fat keeps you warm by helping you burn the fat stored in your belly. Participants spent a few weeks sleeping in bedrooms with varying temperatures: a neutral 75 degrees, a cool 66 degrees, and a balmy 81 degrees. After four weeks of sleeping at 66 degrees, the subjects had almost doubled their volumes of brown fat. (And yes, that means they lost belly fat.)
Drinking coffee may help you lose weight and lower body fat. In fact, drinking four cups of coffee daily could reduce body fat by about 4%, according to a recent study. You just have to make sure you’re not using the 7 Things You Should Never Add to Your Coffee. A cup of coffee has nearly zero calories. A cup of coffee with cream and sugar has 80 calories. If you drink two cups a day, learning to take it black will save you 14 pounds in a year!
Go Full Fat
Not around your waist, but on your plate: A new report from the Credit Suisse Research Institute found that more and more of us are choosing whole-fat foods over skim, lite, fat-free or other modern monikers of leanness. And while many health organizations like the American Heart Association still want us to cut down on fat—particularly saturated fat—this full-fat trend may be a healthy rebellion against those decades-old credos, according to recent studies. Click here to discover The 20 Best Full-Fat Foods for Weight Loss!
They’re the best fruits for weight loss. That means Pink Lady apples, watermelon, red grapes, and raspberries. The higher levels of nutrients called flavonoids—particularly anthocyanins, compounds that give red fruits their color—calm the action of fat-storage genes. For example, research conducted at the University of Western Australia found that the Pink Lady apples had the highest levels of flavonoids, antioxidants which are thought to keep the body in tip-top condition.
Steep Pu-Erh Tea
This fermented Chinese tea can literally shrink the size of your fat cells! To discover the brew’s fat-crusading powers Chinese researchers divided rats into five groups and fed them varying diets over a two month period. In addition to a control group, there was a group given a high-fat diet with no tea supplementation and three additional groups that were fed a high-fat diet with varying doses of pu-erh tea extract. The researchers found that the tea significantly lowered triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in the high-fat diet groups. Although sipping the tea could have slightly different outcomes in humans, we think these findings are promising enough that it’s still well worth your while to fix yourself a steaming hot cup.
Make Every Day Casual Friday
Wearing jeans to work wears away your belly. University of Wisconsin researchers found that people who wore denim to work took almost 500 more steps (about a quarter mile) throughout the day than they did on days when they wore more formal attire. Sure, you may feel more dapper in your suit, but losing extra belly fat is sure to make you see jeans in a different light and feel more confident—no matter what you’re wearing.
Smelling fresh green apples and bananas curb appetite and make sugary desserts less appealing, studies have shown. The scientists suggest this is because the produce makes you subconsciously think about making healthier choices. If a fruit basket on your desk attracts too many flies, try a simpler idea, like a shea butter-based scented lotion, which will have the same effect. (If you’re eating your apple instead of sniffing it, go for the red one.)
Become a Cereal Killer
Does your crazy-busy morning routine leave you with little time to do more than scarf down a bowl of cereal before running out the door? If so, put down the spoon and listen up! Research has found that eating oatmeal is more satiating than the cold stuff and can help you slim down. Since the instant varieties aren’t always nutritional champions, it’s better to use the slow-cooking variety.
Take a Candy Daydream
A recent study found that fantasizing about eating an entire packet of your favorite candy before indulging may cause you to eat less of it. For the study, researchers asked participants to imagine eating 3 or 30 M&Ms, and then invited them to help themselves to some of the candies as a “taste test.” Those who imagined eating lots of M&Ms actually ate the least.
Schedule a Workout Date
It’s hard to squeeze in a workout before meeting friends for drinks, so you blow off…the workout, of course. A better idea: Tell your bud to meet you at the gym. You can socialize, get fit, and still hit the bar afterward. This trick works with spouses, too: A recent JAMA Internal Medicine study of nearly 4,000 couples found that people are more likely to stick to healthy habits like exercise when they team up with their partner.
Host a Melon Banquet
While all fruits are healthy, a handful of them reigns supreme when it comes to frying fat and de-bloating your belly. University of Kentucky researchers found that eating watermelon can lower fat accumulation, while another group of great minds discovered that honeydew can banish water retention and bloating. Spend ten minutes chopping up these slimming fruits for the week ahead. Enjoy them solo as a snack, throw them into yogurt or add them to salads. Watermelon is also one of these 50 Best Foods for Him—in Bed—share them with the man in your life.
While it may sound counterintuitive, eating before going to a work dinner or happy hour can actually take off pounds. A series of studies out of Penn State published in the journal Appetite found that noshing on an apple or a broth-based soup prior to sitting down to a restaurant meal can reduce total calorie intake by 20 percent. With the average restaurant meal weighing in at 1,128 calories, saving 20 percent once a day could help you lose up to 23 pounds this year.
Get Yourself Some Fish Oil
Need a little help jump-starting your weight loss (or fending it off entirely)? Your best bet may be to turn to the sea. It may sound a little unappetizing, but fish oil is one of the best nutrients for the human body. According to NIH, fish oil (which can be consumed by eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines or by taking supplements – whichever fits best into your lifestyle) lowers triglycerides in those with diabetes and heart problems by as much as 20 to 50 percent. That’s not all these fish can do for your figure. Research suggests fish oil can also help boost weight loss by helping you feel full, according to a study published in Appetite.
Make a Breadless Sandwich
In seconds: Lay a slice of Swiss cheese on a cutting board. Top with a slice of deli turkey and a spoonful of hummus or guacamole. Wrap like a jelly roll and eat. You’ll save no fewer than 200 calories compared to your typical lunch.
With ancient grains trending, this one will battle quinoa and teff for space at your table. Native to the Middle East, kamut, also known as Khorsan wheat, is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, high in protein and low in calories. A half-cup serving has 30% more protein than regular wheat (six grams), with only 140 calories. Eating kamut reduces cholesterol, blood sugar and cytokines, which cause inflammation throughout the body, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found. Kamut is a good source of zinc, iron, and B-vitamins, all of which will help keep your energy levels high so you can burn more calories throughout the day, aiding your weight-loss efforts. Toss it into salads or eat it as a side dish on its own. A quick tweak like that can have you melting fat fast—along with these secrets on 14 Ways to Lose Your Belly in 14 Days.
This content was originally published here.
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numberoneturtlefury · 5 years ago
Eldorado’s acquisition of Caesars may be in trouble due to coronavirus
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The gambling club industry's biggest merger of the year is turning into a round of bones, because of coronavirus.
Eldorado Resorts — an avaricious chain of betting houses that incorporates the Tropicana, just as middlebrow names like Circus, Lady Luck and Isle of Capri — concurred in June to purchase Caesars Entertainment in an intensely financed bargain worth $17.3 billion.
Pundits note that the arrangement — which will make a gambling club monster conveying more than $21 billion under water — looks lamentably like a 2008 utilized buyout of Caesars by the private-value firm Apollo Global Management, which landed Caesars in chapter 11 court seven years after the fact.
In spite of those concerns, sources state Eldorado's hard-driving chief, Tom Reeg, has been squeezing to close the merger, which had been forcefully pushed for by extremely rich person Carl Icahn, a major Caesars investor.
That is mostly a result of the ironclad terms of the arrangement. Open filings show Eldorado can't utilize "general wellbeing crises" to escape the merger except if they hit Caesars harder than the remainder of the gaming business — a case that would be difficult to make, sources said.
All things considered, insiders state Reeg has all the earmarks of being multiplying down with a speculator's pizzazz — and all of Las Vegas will watch to perceive how he plays his hand.
"I really think they are doing everything to close this as quickly as time permits," as per one source near the merger talks.
Offers failing
On Friday — only one day after Nevada announced its second coronavirus case — Eldorado held an executive gathering to talk about the merger, and chiefs consented to finalize on the negotiation as arranged when April 11, sources near the circumstance said.
On Monday, Eldorado's offers dove 21 percent during a stock-selling free for all that sent the Dow Jones modern normal down in excess of 2,000 focuses. On Wednesday, the stock hit a 52-week low of $22.91 before shutting 15 percent lower at $24.77.
Some portion of the worry is that Sin City has been hit with a huge number of occasion retractions.
On March 2, the Adobe Summit at the Venetian, which had been relied upon to draw 22,000 visitors not long from now, was dropped. That was just a couple of days after Google rejected an organization deals and showcasing occasion that was scheduled for Las Vegas in late March.
"Google began a tidal wave," a top opponent club official said.
SEC test taps approaching Caesars Entertainment boss
For sure, card sharks would now be able to put down wagers through PokerShares about whether the World Series of Poker Tournament — running from May 26 through July 15 at Caesars — will be dropped.
"My sense is you will have enormous retractions," the adversary club official stated, alluding to all Strip gambling clubs.
Room rates on the Las Vegas Strip were down a week ago by 20 to 30 percent, as indicated by a Thursday expert report by SunTrust Robinson Humphrey. What's more, that was before the World Health Organization proclaimed the viral episode a pandemic.
Rehash of history?
To numerous Vegas insiders, the circumstance looks frightfully like 2008, when the buyout firm Apollo, headed by extremely rich person Leon Black, collaborated with TPG Capital to take Caesars private in an arrangement that burdened the gambling club with $25 billion in the red.
After the arrangement shut, Caesars' income had dropped 20 percent in 2009, at the tallness of the Great Recession, from its 2007 pinnacle, making ready for misfortunes that constrained the organization into Chapter 11 out of 2015 in spite of a few refinancings.
Presently, with the infection seething, one gaming master who exhorts private customers revealed to The Post he anticipates that Las Vegas Strip income will fall 15 to 20 percent throughout the following a year.
A second gaming examiner who did the math for The Post extends that if income for Eldorado's gambling clubs falls by 15 percent — alongside a 20 percent drop at the a lot bigger Caesars — the chain could be on target to lose $300 million per year.
That is expecting an expected $400 million of collaborations, as indicated by the investigator who asked not to be named, saying he is doubtful of Eldorado's $500 million cost-reserve funds target.
An income plunge could pleat the recently joined organization's capacity to settle the generally $21 billion owing debtors it will have accepted in the merger. That incorporates $7 billion in new advances to finance the arrangement, which will probably be reached out by guide JPMorgan Chase and Credit Suisse, which are confronting an evaporated obligation showcase.
"What amount do profit go down and would they be able to support the obligation?" a previous Caesars top official said. "These are authentic concerns."
MGM to incidentally close Vegas buffets as infection safety measure
The banks can't escape the arrangement and will probably attempt to exchange the advance in the coming weeks, with New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement expected to endorse the merger April 11.
Yet, the banks have stopped their contributes the interim as Eldorado's offers tank, sources said. Also, the viewpoint for syndication is risky: The estimation of a $4.7 billion Caesars advance, which develops in late 2024, had plunged to 90 pennies on the dollar prior this week, as per TreppWire, which recommends speculators are scrutinizing the organization's capacity to reimburse existing credits.
On Tuesday, the certainty of the arrangement sank in further as Eldorado declared it has gone into a consent to sell the Montbleu Resort Casino and Spa in Lake Tahoe, making room for the Nevada Gaming Commission to clear the Caesars merger at the very latest April 11.
Icahn, as far as concerns him, has likewise observed his benefit on the money and-stock arrangement endure a shot, despite the fact that he's ready for a result. The corporate lobbyist paid about $900 million for his 15.6 percent stake in Caesars beginning in December 2018. Since the arrangement was struck in June, Icahn's benefit has tumbled from about 50 percent to 30 percent as Eldorado's offers have tumbled.
In spite of the organization's smashing stock, Eldorado is acting courageously. An Eldorado representative said that even in an awful situation there are levels of security.
Eldorado as a component of the financing will have a $2 billion spinning credit extension. It likewise has the privilege to offer land to Vici Properties at a fixed cost of more than $2 billion.
What's more, CEO Reeg, who has been with the organization since 2007, is attributed with assisting with diverting it from a little family-run chain into what presently is turning into a mammoth. In 2014, Eldorado converged with MTR Gaming picking up offices in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
The following year, Eldorado purchased Circus Reno, and in 2017 Isle of Capris Casinos and its 13 properties. The following year it purchased Carl Icahn's Tropicana Entertainment and its seven properties. Presently, be that as it may, numerous insiders wonder whether his bet against the coronavirus will be his last.
"We encountered in 2009 that the world can do some quite bizarre things," a previous Caesars official who endured the organization's past chapter 11 revealed to The Post. "What's more, high influence restricts your alternatives."
Source : https://nypost.com/2020/03/11/eldorados-acquisition-of-caesars-may-be-in-trouble-due-to-coronavirus/
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usatoday24x7 · 7 years ago
For The Hesitant Billionaire: Black Friday Means 10% Off Your Next Yacht Booking
It’s not exactly clear what message the following Black Friday offer from Royal Yacht Brokers is meant to send: that billionaires are becoming hesitant with their yacht charters, which would seem at odds with someone recently laundering $450 million using a rare Da Vinci painting, or that Credit Suisse’s ultra high net worth clients who comprise the peak of this pyramid…
  … are unable to…
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
David Boies, a Star Lawyer, Faces Fresh Questions Over Ethics
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David Boies is under an ethical cloud. Again.
The prominent lawyer David Boies is facing new questions about his role working for several accusers of Jeffrey Epstein.A shadowy hacker promised evidence to Mr. Boies and a colleague, John Stanley Pottinger, that would have implicated some of the world’s most powerful men, according to an NYT report over the weekend from Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Emily Steel, Jacob Bernstein and David Enrich.The two lawyers reportedly discussed a plan to use the videos, allegedly of the rich and famous having sex with girls in Mr. Epstein’s residences, to extract money from the men. But there were no damning videos.The story reveals the extraordinary measures that elite lawyers use to get evidence that could be used to win lucrative settlements — and keep misconduct hidden, allowing perpetrators to abuse again.Mr. Boies denied being involved in the hypothetical plans. Shown text exchanges between Mr. Pottinger and the hacker, he acknowledged that the messages were ill advised and contained “loose language.”Still, Mr. Boies declined to outright condemn Mr. Pottinger. That refusal prompted this reaction, the reporters noted: “His longtime P.R. adviser, Dawn Schneider, who had been pushing for a more forceful denunciation, dropped her pen, threw up her arms and buried her head in her hands.”Bottom line: This is the latest embarrassing episode for Mr. Boies, who was previously perhaps best known for prosecuting a landmark antitrust case against Microsoft and for obtaining the right for gays and lesbians to get married in California. In recent years, he has defended Theranos and Harvey Weinstein, and ethical questions were raised about his actions in both cases. John Carreyrou, the author of “Bad Blood,” an examination of Theranos, took to Twitter: “NY Bar: You paying attention?”More: “The Weekly” tells the wild story of four reporters chasing one of the biggest stories of the year — if only it were true.
Trump’s trade deal has a chance of passing Congress
House Democrats face a difficult choice this week: Either hand President Trump a victory in the middle of a heated impeachment battle or walk away from one of the most progressive trade pacts negotiated by either party, write Ana Swanson and Emily Cochrane of the NYT.The trade deal with Canada and Mexico awaits the approval of Congress, even though the White House agreed with the two countries on revisions a year ago. After months of talks, including through the Thanksgiving break, both sides say they are in the final phase of negotiations.The revised pact reflects Mr. Trump’s populist trade approach — one that has blurred party lines and appealed to many of the blue-collar workers that Democrats once counted among their base.• “Taken as a whole, it looks more like an agreement that would’ve been negotiated under the Obama administration,” said Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio.An agreement with the Trump administration would give Democrats a chance to lock in long-sought changes to a pact that they have criticized as prioritizing corporations over workers, and it could lay the groundwork for future trade agreements.More trade news: After years of rivalry and mutual suspicion, Beijing and Moscow are expanding an economic and strategic partnership influencing global politics, trade and energy markets.
Saudi Arabia seeks longer OPEC cuts ahead of Aramco I.P.O.
Hoping to prop up Saudi Aramco’s I.P.O., Saudi Arabia will push for an extension of cuts in oil production through mid-2020 at a meeting of oil producers this week, the WSJ reports.But the talks are being overshadowed by growing unrest in the Middle East. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is set to meet with a 10-nation coalition led by Russia on Thursday and Friday to discuss extending an agreement to curb production by 1.2 million barrels a day beyond March 2020.The debate is likely to be heavily influenced by the market debut of Aramco, which is set to announce the pricing of its shares on Thursday ahead of its roughly $25 billion listing.“Fearing that uncertainty could lead to a sharp drop in oil prices, the kingdom wants an agreement to extend production cuts to at least June 2020,” the WSJ reports.More: Saudi Arabia is accelerating efforts to diversify its economy and polish its global image by broadening cultural offerings centered on Western sports and entertainment.
How Amazon wove itself into the lives of Americans
Amazon offered consumers convenience, and became a juggernaut. A look at the city of Baltimore shows how it reaches into Americans’ daily lives perhaps more than any company in history, writes the NYT’s Scott Shane.The city offers a microcosm of the contentious issues that the company’s conduct has raised nationally, including:• The end of brick-and-mortar stores;• Modestly paid warehouse work with the threat of job automation;• An aggressive foray into government procurement;• Neighborhood surveillance.Amazon says that its market power is not as large as people imagine. It accounts for 40 to 50 percent of online retail in the United States, but that is only 4 to 5 percent of total retail.But Amazon’s retail platform is only the beginning. “It’s the invisible infrastructure that powers our everyday lives,” one expert told Mr. Shane.More retail news: A former employee tells the NY Post that Amazon warehouses are “cult-like” sweatshops run by robots. Amazon removes from its marketplace holiday ornaments displaying images of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. And Black Friday hit a record $7.4 billion in U.S. online sales, forcing retailers to rethink their staffing levels.
Revolving door
Silver Lake has named Egon Durban and Greg Mondre to the newly created roles of co-C.E.O. Ken Hao, the managing partner, will become the firm’s chairman.
The speed read
Deals• How a former Credit Suisse banker allegedly conspired to defraud investors in Mozambique debt deals. (WSJ)• Apollo Global outbid Berkshire Hathaway for Tech Data, again raising questions about the stock market’s valuation. (CNBC)• A surge of global deals in the past week has helped put mergers and acquisitions on track to approach and perhaps even top last year’s totals. (Bloomberg)• TCI, an activist hedge fund, plans to punish directors of companies that fail to disclose their carbon dioxide emissions. (FT)• Goldman Sachs will avoid setting strict profitability targets at its coming investor day. (FT)• Acosta, a marketing firm owned by the Carlyle Group, has filed for bankruptcy protection. (Bloomberg)Trump impeachment inquiry • President Trump’s lawyers said yesterday that they would not participate in the House Judiciary Committee’s first public impeachment hearing, set for Wednesday. (NYT)• The judiciary panel had been leading the debate over whether to impeach Mr. Trump long before the Ukraine affair. This week, it returns to the center of the action. (NYT)• Jay Sekulow, who is coordinating Mr. Trump’s personal legal team, doesn’t have a White House office and is not close to Rudy Giuliani. But he’s one of the president’s most trusted advisers and loyal defenders in the news media. (NYT)Politics and policy• Senator Elizabeth Warren’s plan to tax the wealthiest individuals in the U.S. has wide support, except with one group: Republican men with college degrees. (NYT)• Medicare for All as proposed by Ms. Warren would be a boon to all businesses, especially to entrepreneurs. (WSJ Opinion)• While on a surprise Thanksgiving visit to U.S. troops in Afghanistan, President Trump created confusion over U.S. policy, particularly when he said stalled talks with the Taliban were back on. (NYT)• It’s not just Mr. Trump who has caused headaches at NATO: Emmanuel Macron of France and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey have also posed questions of the alliance. (NYT)• Legislation to curb drug prices in the U.S. has stalled amid partisan gridlock. (Politico)• Why deficits are dead as a political issue. (The Hill)Tech• Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s chief executive, ended a tour of Africa by pledging to move to the continent for several months in 2020. (CNN)• How the U.N.’s new facial recognition and surveillance standards are being shaped by Chinese technology companies. (FT)• American tech companies can resume business with Huawei, but it may be too late: The company is now building smartphones without U.S. chips. (WSJ)• Efforts by Big Tech to keep trolls, bots and online fakery from affecting another presidential election is a never-ending game of Whac-a-Mole. (Politico)Best of the rest• A decade of historically low interest rates has helped push total U.S. corporate debt to nearly $10 trillion. (WaPo)• The plunge in three Hong Kong stocks raises fresh questions about corporate governance and regulatory oversight at a crossroads for global finance. (NYT)• Hong Kong is expected to post its first budget deficit since the early 2000s as the economic cost of almost six months of political unrest mounts. (Bloomberg)• Why shade is a sign of privilege in Los Angeles. (NYT)• As scandal engulfs Prince Andrew, Prince Charles has emerged as a monarch-in-waiting in Britain. (NYT)• The cure for an economy hooked on debt may be more debt. (Bloomberg)• Support for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is sliding amid questions about whether he rewarded supporters with invitations to a publicly funded cherry blossom viewing party. (Bloomberg)Thanks for reading! We’ll see you tomorrow.We’d love your feedback. Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Read the full article
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thierryweber · 5 years ago
Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ Un live "En direct de Suisse" qui est généralement proposé sur persicope pour traiter du thème du moment: Le Black Friday https://ift.tt/2BDK2Ud Encore une vidéo signée Thierry Weber. Retrouvez-moi sur tous les réseaux sociaux @thierryweber https://twitter.com/thierryweber https://ift.tt/2ZYiSCL En live tous les lundis soir; https://ift.tt/309cJDC... Sinon il y a aussi Patreon pour le faire autrement et pour le prix d'un simple café: https://ift.tt/2KGJPpZ Merci par avance ! Mon métier ? C’est l’image, celle qui bouge: la vidéo, mais aussi les réseaux sociaux, le digital marketing. Cette chaîne me permet de communiquer sur les sujets qui me tiennent tout particulièrement à coeur et qui sont en relation directe avec l’image, la vidéo et le web 2.0. Il sert également à présenter des exemples précis d’applications de l’usage de la vidéo sur le web. Une occasion pour vous de vous faire une idée sur le sujet. De temps en temps aussi, des sujets tout autres qui me passent par la tête. J’ai fondé l’agence ThierryWeber.com en 2005, agence qui est devenue breew en 2012, basée à Lausanne et récemment à Singapour Je suis le producteur d’une émission spécifique au web 2.0 en Suisse qui se nomme "Culture Pod" J'ai fondé le prix du Meilleur du Web et le co-organise depuis plusieurs années. Ce prix récompense les métiers du Web et du numérique en Suisse romande. Retrouvez tous les gagnants de toutes les éditions sur www.lemeilleurduweb.ch Je produis également plusieurs contenus et WebTV tels que LePoteCast.com, les Podcast du Magazine des média et de la communication « Cominmag » pour le marché Suisse Romand. Je couvre très régulièrement les events et conférences relatifs au monde des startups, du marketing et du digital en vidéo. Je donne également des cours sur la vidéo en ligne et le social média, le Podcasting et l’intégration de la vidéo dans des sites web au sein de diverses entreprises. J’enseigne très régulièrement l’usage des outils 2.0 pour sa présence en ligne dans différentes écoles et établissements de formation telles que l’Uni de Genève, la HES SO de Sierre, le Sawi à Lausanne, l’école ESM à Genève et l’Eracom à Lausanne. by Thierry Weber
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