#black butler noel
The Butler, New Companion
The streets of London is nippy in gloomy in the late spring weather, busy too as many walk to and for in a hurry of sorts like busy bees in a hive all while the sun shine above them pass the grey skies. All Sebastian could think as he walks in London is how happy he is that it's just a little less smog in the air than back then. A little less dead people sprawled in the streets than back them. A little less pain and suffering than back then. He would hate anything if it was the same for his daughter as it was to his young master.
The butler turned is head and looked to the two women in his life, his dear wife and their dear daughter, walking side by side talking and enjoying the weather. It hasn't been a week since Bella's thirteen birthday party and the parents decide to treat the girl to some shopping as what society and Lizzie says "she's now a young lady". Sebastian, though knowing it was coming, truly dislikes the idea. "Young lady" means grown up. "Young lady" means someone is going to try and court her. "Young lady" means she will be married to someone who give or take in the gamble of life will mistreat her and he wouldn't know until last minute. "Young Lady" doesn't sit right with him.
Lizzie looks to her husband and smiles, her voice low and softly sooth, "Is there something wrong?" The man shakes his head some, knowing well he can't lie with words. The lady smiles and turns to the teen and said, "A new year of age and a new beginning, such fun yes?" Bella simply nodded with a smile before she looks ahead some, her mind zoning out on the world.
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The sound of hose hooves colliding softly to the dirt echos the forest softly with the wheels of the nice neat carriage as it rides down the path of a green scenery, in the back of said carriage is little thin Bella dressed in a white ruffled lace shirt with a green pinafore, a brown basket of sorts resting on her lap with a simple cute black ribbon wrapped straw boater sitting alone beside her left knee. However her usual happy or pleased face is missing for the late spring early autumn weather but instead a thin line of thought.
"Is there something troubling you dear?" Asked Sebastian, not once glancing back over his shoulder so he'd crash the carriage from being too distracted, not like it'll happen. Bella looked to her father than down to her boots, a soft sign of not wanting to speak pretty clear. Sebastian thought for a moment before speaking, "Could it be you're nervous of not making friends?" Silence was his answer. "My dear Bedales is a lovely school, giving equal education to both girls and boys and a very wonderful looking place. And you, my dear Belladonna, are easy to make friends." Said he, a smile on his lips. Bella huffs, "The friends I made are people I've seen since childhood and babies, and only one of them will be there." "What about those girls in dance classes? Surely they are your friends." "Only Marge will be there and she isn't what I'd call a friend daddy..."
"Ah... Marge Bell I assume?"
Since the birthday party of Bella's 13th, the butler has been keeping an eye on his wife's new so called "friend" Lenora after hearing from his young master what she said about some guests and Lizzie's words of her entitled attitude. It doesn't surprise him sadly her daughter will be equally that way.
Sebastian smiles in the air. "You are an amazing person Bella. I am more than certain you'll make plenty friends by the end of your first week for being your wonderful self. And before you argue, no I am not just saying that as your father or my kind nature, it is the truth and nothing but." He said, feeling his daughter's smile behind him.
Trees moved to the side in his eyesight to show a beautiful building of Bedales School, a place recently opened by 1893 with luscious scenery and high regards of nobles and "average" people of society. The carriage finishes pulling up until a stop at the road's end right in front of the school's steps, the wind crisp and cool sweeping through the two bodies as if a spirit passed through to try and steal their souls like unawaken corpses. The older of the two pauses when hearing footsteps and seeing a shadow walk until a man, tall and thin, walked into view. He had skin of pale ivory with mighty fine bone features like a sculpture and blue eyes molded into his sockets all snug, black hair kept nice and neat in swiped curls, dressed in a formal dress attire. The mystery man bows. "Hello," speaks his deep gentle voice, "Welcome to Bedales School." Sebastian helped Bella out the carriage after she fixed her hat as he speaks, "I will introduce Lady Belladonna Isabella Cordelia Marie-Angelina Midford, starting from today she will be attending your schooling system." With that, the man nods, "Yes. She will be in my class. I am Schoolmaster Adam Faux-Lavande. It is a pleasure to meet you both."
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The classroom had a very interesting scent to it. That was Bella's first thoughts on it. The sound of the classroom was very loud. That was Bella's second thoughts on this school.
Bella's green eyes looked around the classroom to look at the children between the ages of 13 and 15 years of boys and girls chatting with each other the second she entered the school's classroom, only recognizing only two faces among the student bodies, her dear friend Xiu who with such lucks of having a good brain in his mind enters the school a day before her. And of course the second face instantly went to her side the second she sat at the empty desk beside. She was a girl the same age, long dark blond hair done in a half up do and a pompadour hair style dressed in a well sewn dark purple dress, her skin a soft peach pale with large blue green eyes and a smug smirk on her pink colored lips. Marge Bell.
"Hello Bella! It's sooooo good to see you again~!" She said, her voice an annoying pitch of sugary sweet high pitched with a tone very obvious to those not blinded by the jewels and fabrics to be "ugh". The girl's dark eyebrow twitched but she smiles. "Marge, it's so good to see you too! I thought I heard my mother say you were attending this school." Said she, her chest filling with dread of speaking with her. As if Sebastian's mind is her own, she knows well Marge is much like her mother. She cold to everyone who isn't up to her standards, she's rude to them even, she's a vain peacock who begs for attention by flaunting her wealth around freely as if believing the world circles around her.
Everyone quickly seated the second Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende entered the room as he speaks, "I apologize for attending later, I had an important talk. Welcome and welcome back students to Bedales. For the first week I and the other schoolmasters will help educate you and see you grow. Rules you will need to understand, I will not tolerate pickings in this class and the other side of the school is forbidden. That side is for the older kids and they shall not mess with you and you will not mess with them, do I make myself clear?" Everyone nods and class started of the week.
Bella hisses at the prick of her finger as she stares at the needle that did it. Today she is forced to sit with some girls including Marge who was currently bragging the ears off of everyone else in the circle learning how to sew and do needle work. Just outside the window were the boys free to play to their hearts' content which aches her so.
Bella's hand rose fast in the air. "Yes Miss Midford?" Said the Schoolmaster. Bella stood from her chair with a smile, "I believe the answer is 14." Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende looked at the chalk board of the math problem and smiles. "Correct, as usual Miss Midford."
Bella walked the halls with a sigh. She just got off needlework with a complaint of studying, knowing full well she can't skip forever and not join the boys with the acts of running around in joyous fun. "Dad said school would be fun...but I still only have Xiu as my friend..." She mumbled, now feeling worst as she feels the possible feelings Xiu is feeling now. Xiu, best to describe, isn't like how the boys she met are free and okay to be as wild as a nut animal in a zoo. No no, he's more calm and collected with the personality of what people call "shy", he prefers things such as baking and reading a good book beside his loyal dog Cedric, a corgi he and his mother Mey-Rin saved from the streets one night a year ago.
Suddenly, the sounds of piano keys catches the girl's ear. Like a siren call she walks to a room, poking her head into the room she hasn't yet entered, the instrument room. There seated in the farthest wall by the large windows of the room is a lovely piano and a boy sitting there playing the keys with ease. The boy is pale, strong long face with a sturdy nose to match and from what Bella can see are narrowed yet lovely violet eyes, a mess of thick fluffy dark hair in wisp and curls with the bangs so long they cover slightly the left side of his face, dressed in a soft white dress shirt and brown pants.
Bella stands still as she listens to the boy play, a smile on her lips as she listens to him. She can almost feel his emotions through his fingers on those lovely keys as the sun shines into the room giving him a wonderful glow like a angel in a Norse Celtic folklore. The boy finally noticed her and instantly stood from his spot, causing her to stumble. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to prey." She said as she stepped in carefully and slow. She watched as he brought a hand up and rubbed his neck nervously like a child caught taking a cookie from a jar. "S-Sorry..." He mumbled, luckily loud enough to be asked a repeat, "I usually shouldn't be allowed in here..." The young lady's eyes knit and her head did a tilt. "Why is that?" She asked, more curious of this boy than Alice taking a bite of a cooking while diving in a looking glass chasing a rabbit.
Emerald green and violet hue clash as they meet pass dark lashes curled softly to the skies and to the ground. The boy looked away with a soft 'heh' of his lips before he does a small bow, a gentle wind of his voice as he speaks respectfully, "I'm Noel. Pleasure to meet you." Bella smiles, gripping the skirt of her pinafore softly in a little curtsy in return, "I'm Bella."
Ah, the time has came at last as the schoolmasters shown the students the music room that they'll also learn instruments and the theory of music and choir but only for the students joining the class sessions of that "There are some rules to be followed in this room; Do not disturb the other students, respect the room as if it was your home, be kind to the instruments you're using." Said Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende as he stands beside the same piano Bella has seen her new friend play yesterday. Said girl looked to Xiu and smiles as his eyes shine at the piano in the room.
"Now then," Said the schoolmaster as he finishes the set up of a music stand and violin, "Those who know how to play this instrument please raise your hand." Bella smiles big and raise her hand fast, looking around to see she rose her hand along side some others including mysterious Mr Noel who stands sheepishly in the back. He seems to have the same class schedule yet no one really talks to him and would be gone on some of Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende's classes. Said schoolmaster smiles and steps aside, "Miss Midford, would you like to play a piece?" Bella, with a humble nod, walks over to the stand and gently takes the violin from the man's hands and got the stands ready as the man got the music sheet ready for her to read and perform.
The girl felt the strings and wood among her fingertips with a soft smile as she gets the bow ready. Ode to Joy, easy enough. With her eyes closed she began to play, listening closely to the strings that flow well to perform the song it keeps secret, her chest feeling light as she plays. Much like her mother teaching her fencing along side her father, she was taught to play music from a young age by her father as well. Oh how he would laugh at the assumption his daughter can play something like Ode to Joy.
After the song ended her arms relaxes and Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende smiles as he turns to the class "Thank you Miss Midford-" But his words were caught when everyone heard the sound of the violin being played again, his head whips around as the cords got fast and stares at Bella playing with fast fingers and beautiful body movement that makes not a secret song but a full speech of wonder. Niccolò Paganini's 24 Caprices.
Everyone stares and listen in awe at her movements, the feeling of what she's performing strong already. Xiu smiles at his friend with beaming eyes and Noel simply smile from the back so wide his cheeks hurts from the amount of the flesh stretching out like fish hooks. However, unknown to all is Marge who stands glaring at the girl playing beautifully with her teeth sunk deep into her bottom lip angrily.
Bella stops playing finally and opens her eyes as the class claps loudly and praise. "Wonderful work Miss Midford!" Said the schoolmaster as Bella did a small bow with a smile, his hands never once stop clapping in applaud.
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By the end of Thursday Bella's social bar was high with some new friends in her circle and good impression already made. A perfect first week of school if you ask me.
The girl walks to the school's front to be picked up by the carriage taking her home as it has for a few days now until Monday, her empty food basket in her hands and her straw boating on top of her head. Her feet stop just out the door as she waits patiently for Xiu who will join her on this ride home. She smiles to the sky as takes a deep breath in of the colder air of the season's chance. The door opened and Bella turned to look at who it was, only to feel dread when seeing it was Marge walking out with a sudden smirk. "Ah Bella, had a fun week?" Marge asked as she steps forward into Bella's personal space line which cause the girl with darker hair to step back, in which she nods in response as she mentally plea her father to hurry quick to the school grounds. Marge giggles and looks ahead to the school grounds. "I can tell, you sure did show you were simply very happy being the center of attention all week long, isn't that right?"
Her question caught Bella off guard hard as she stares at her. "I wasn't trying to be the center of-" She started before Marge rose her voice to her, "You're just a girl related to a simple Lady title while my family have high regards in society while society easily mock upon your stuck up nose name. You try so hard to win others over it's so pathetic!" She laughed, causing Bella to flinch and look down, her chest feeling a bit tight and her throat burning. "To use your title and money talents to try and be the star is so sad and so typical for a sad ugly girl like you!"
Bella's body felt cold. Not the cold of the weather cold, just cold. A very strong dense cold like a blanket made of frost burying deeply into his skin and it's throbbing veins like hooks along lines of a fishing dock that burns after sinking in tight and deep. Her chest was tight like bandages and had many small pricks and jabs much like bees and wasps stinging her breast to bits, taking away her air. Never once has she felt this way before...this...strong urge of a feeling...Like a pull to a side of a looking glass to a world of madness... A urge telling her to coil this girl up like a snake and squeeze until the very idea of her life gone within a blinking flutter of her eyes...
"You know, I don't believe she was trying to be the center of attention."
Both the two girls looked to the right to see Noel standing there, looking rather annoyed and peeved at the scene in front of him, in one hand is a cardigan and the other a half empty food basket. "In fact," He continued with a sweet smile plastered on his face "You seem the one to fit those words Miss Bell." Marge sputters in shock, her face fuming red. "How dare-" "You are very vain, so vain you make a damn peacock blush in shame of his own feathers. You flaunt around like a rare item when in reality you're just a very large lit up "Pick me I'm very easy to rob" sign painting all across your form. You speak out of turn and try and be control what others say and do to be around you when you know damn well you have no royalty to make such rules. Queen Victoria will laugh and spit upon your name if she sees you."
Bella smiles at his words as Marge growls and stomps off to the sounds of a carriage. "Thanks.." She said in such a such whispered in which Noel nods, "I really dislike people like her. My parents taught me better to let those kinds of people walk around freely as if nothing will happen for their actions." He answered in return. She looked at his basket and rose a brow, "You didn't eat?" He glanced to her eye view and shrugs, "I did. I usually saved some for my dad." Bella smiles at his answer more before reaching in her basket and presenting him a jar of honey that has been opened but not used much. Noel's eyebrow rose for a second as he look at the jar and her, looking at her lovely green eyes much like her mother's. "I assume this can be nice to share. My father helps some bee hives and gets such good honey in the spring so naturally I will share too." She said, smiling at her last words.
With somewhat nervous hands, Noel reached out and took the jar carefully into his palm, their finger tips slightly brushing against each other.
The two back away in a part upon the door opening again and Xiu walks out, perfect timing to the carriage to take them home arrived with the butler dressed in black guiding it. She turns to Noel and smiles, "See you next time Noel." And with that, both Bella and Xiu walk off the steps to Sebastian and his carriage, leaving the new friend to watch them disappear with a smile before he began to walk away from the building.
"Did you have a good day you two?" Asked Sebastian as he smiles to the two in his carriage. Xiu smiles and chirped, "Yes Mister Sebastian sir!" Bella giggles, "Yes. It was a lovely day to finish a lovely week."
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As a carriage of black rides down the dense forest of bushes and trees, passing a small stream of water as it does, butterflies and other bugs float around as it goes pass. Inside said carriage is Noel sitting calmly on soft red cushions looking out the window in peace.
"I see you made new friends Noel."
The boy looked across from him to Schoolmaster Adam Faux-Lavende who seats casually with a soft gentle smile. Noel returns the smile, "Yes I have. I have a strong feeling we'll be great friends until the end papa." The schoolmaster smiles and reaches forward, his hand gently petting and rubbing the thick hair of the boy in front of him. "Very good. I'm so proud."
As he leaned back, a shadow covered the carriage thanks to a thick tree branch, and as it disappears and welcomes the noon sun again Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende's dark hair has now formed in a color of white and his blue eyes has now shifted in a dark purple violet like tone that clash with the lighter tint of his son's. A smile came upon his lips. "Your father will be quiet excited for this honey I believe. What a nice friend you made to gift you such sweet things on your first week of school." He said as he rubs the peeling label on the pretty jar full of sticky yummy honey waiting to be open.
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Next Up In the Saga. . .
Three friends search a mystery to prove themselves worthy to work along side the adults in their lives. What secrets do they uncover? Do Bella, Xiu, and Noel know what they're getting into?
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Part 4 of my Black Butler AU for @sebalizzie, @onehellofashadynerd, @docmartensanddietcoke, @nullb1rdbones
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melinoelliones · 1 year
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Vincent had a long days work ahead, files and documents covered his desk from top to bottom. However, he had just called you to his office, what could he need from a maid?
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist 
Warnings: Slight manipulation, choking, affairs, blowjob, cursing, teasing, crying, lust, one night stand? fem reader
1.7k words
This is so rushed i’m sorry Black Butler fans!!!
“Are you just going to stand there? I called you down here for a reason, now come” he demanded, not even lifting his eyes off of the stack of documents on his desk. “Oh, sorry, yes master” you shuddered, jumping out of your trance and making your way over to his side, not forgetting to bow, “Why are you acting so shy and modest all of a sudden, this wasn’t the side you showed me the other night now was it”.
Your master, Earl Vincent Phantomhive had thrown the party of all parties a couple days before for all the elites, one thing may have led to another which ended in you sleeping with him. It was not what you had intended to do, you were his maid afterall, if anyone was to find out it would be a disaster. Why would he bring it up now? Especially considering after it happened he had said to keep it between you both.
“W~What are you talking abo~ ah” you shrieked ever so slightly as you felt a hand between your thighs, riding up your dress, “stop being so loud she’ll hear you, but back to why I called you here, will you be ever so kind as to help your master relieve some of this stress” Vincent asked as nonchalantly as could be, again eyes never leaving the papers.
“How would you like me to do that? I could get Tanaka to maybe make you some tea, let me go get hi~” “you know that's not what I want” he looked up at you, pushing his chair out from under his desk to grip onto your dress as you attempted to walk away. “But I’m just a maid”, “a maid who’s almost begging for me to touch them? How foolish do you think I am exactly?” he laughed, your eyes widening as his eyes turnt to you for the first time today.
“Ever since that night I’ve noticed you avoiding me, claiming to be unwell and taking days off yet you seemed perfectly fine to me when you were getting off to me in your quarters. Or did you think I wouldn’t know?” he crooked his head, wondering how you would dare to respond to those accusations. As you attempted to think of a lie he cut you off, “even now your dress has less petticoats, I can practically see your entire body, this was what you wanted no?”.
You couldn’t even deny it, this was a fantasy you had had for a while but you hadn’t expected it to play out like this. Not with him in control of the situation anyway, but you were not going to let it slip away that easily.
“A lady mustn't reveal all her secrets, my lord” you smiled, taking a step between the desk and chair before moving to your knees under it. “That's what I wanted to see” he smirked, freeing his cock from his trousers. A small gasp leaving your lips as he took it out, the night you spent together was nothing but a blur so you hadn’t remembered him being as big as he was.
As you took his piece in your hands you were met with a slight groan from him, letting you know how pent up he was, which was perfect for you of course.  You gently moved it towards you, molding it in your palm as it grew with each movement.
“Show me what you’ve been so desperate to do.” Vincent grinned peering at you under the desk, “yes, my lord” you nodded, placing your fingers on the cusp of his cock, pressing tightly as you stuck your tongue out letting a drop of your saliva cover his tip. “But why must we rush, you like to tease do you not?” you jested, watching his thighs tense up.
Whilst you kneaded his aching piece in your fingertips he huffed, unsure of how you would steer the situation, “only one of us is in the position to do the teasing, you are still just a common whore that so happens to be my wife's maid”. Your body responded for you, tightening as he chuckled “Oh, does that turn you on?” he smirked.
Without another word you skimmed your tongue along his girthy shaft before parting your lips attempting to take his entire length in your mouth, your warm breath adding to the lingering burn in his stomach, “A~Atta girl, you got it”.
You bobbed your head up and down taking as much as you could, your saliva mixing with his precum engulfing his cock in a wet heat. “Fuuuck, full of surpr~rises are we”, he asked as his hand slid to your hollowed cheek, caressing it before bringing it to the back of your head, a slight pressure being added. His body turnt back to simultaneously finish his work on the desk whilst his fingers curled around your tied up hair.
You hadn’t expected the Earl to be so forward with you, not when you knew his wife could be almost anywhere in the manor, either way it was turning you on little by little. Your heated cheeks along with the large ache between your thighs almost taking over your body as you squeezed them together, allowing yourself that bit of pleasure.
Vincent's groans became sloppy and incoherent as your tongue slid across the slit in his piece before taking it back in, humming to allow it to slip back down your throat, the vibrations adding to the overwhelming closeness he was feeling. You slid a hand between the folds of your skirt, “f~fuck” you cried out against his cock as you ran your fingers across your sopping underwear, the friction from the fabric against your swollen clit sending you into a spiral. If only you could see the sloppy handwriting you were causing the Earl to have.
As the scene was at its peak you heard the door creek open, both of you freezing almost instantly, “Goodmorning my love, have you seen that girl anywhere?”. Although you could only hear the woman, you knew exactly who it was, Vincent gave you the fiercest of expressions before lifting his head to his wife, “Who are you referring to my dear?” he asked, acting oblivious.
“That maid you hired for me, I remember her saying she felt a bit under the weather so I wanted to see if she would like to take a stroll with me down to the river, the fresh air could do her some good I think” Rachel beamed, completely unaware of the scene just on the other side of the desk. Your body ran cold as she spoke, Rachel was the sweetest and most patient of women and always treated you almost like an equal yet here you were, sucking off her husband.
“Oh is that r~right”, “darling, are you alright?” “YES, yes I’m fine, don’t step any closer” he commanded, his body folding over the papers on his desk at your actions. The guilt of the situation had weirdly given you a boost, it was almost as if you liked this. In the middle of the conversation you had run your hand down his cock, toying with his balls.
“I think she’s c~closer than you t~think” he hissed, pushing your head further into him as you choked out, his crown hitting the back of your throat constantly as tears ran down your face. “Oh, okay dear thank you, I will speak to you once you’ve finished up those papers” she curtsied, pulling up the door to continue her search.
His eyes widened as he lent back in his chair, before he could even say another word you felt him shudder, and as if on cue he released, you could feel it cascade down your throat coating it completely, his breath hitching as you continued to deepthroat him, holding whatever remained in your mouth. “W~Well I didn’t e~expect this”, you could hear his subtle whines as the overstim started to consume him, the delirium swirling inside him as the suction intensified.
“G~od you’re fucking amazing, now cmon and show me the mess you’ve made”, his voice bellowed, watching you slow down, using your tongue to take in the elixir of cum and saliva encasing his cock cleaning him up. You could almost feel his member throbbing as Vincent used your hair to pull you off his cock. You gazed at him alluringly, tear stained cheeks on display as the trail of liquids from his shaft and the sides of your lips broke, allowing you to show him your tongue.
“Perfect, now swallow” he ordered, pulling you up from the ground to your feet, his piece still on display as you took it all down. “You have no shame do you, tears down your cheeks yet you didn’t seem to slow down as my wife spoke. She would be so disappointed in you right now” he sighed sarcastically, using his thumb to wipe the corners of your lips, your pathetic face almost laughable.
“Well? Why are you still in my presence, your ladyship is looking for you is she not?” The stern Earl scoffed, your body not even sure of how to react. “Oh, um, yes, my lord” you stuttered, slowly edging towards the side of the desk, his blank stare burnt into your mind as you turnt to face the door. Had this all meant nothing?
As you went to push off the desk you felt a presence, “How amusing” he cooed in your ear as you stomach hit the desks face, his body hovering above your back. “Taking our time are we? Well, what should I do with you now” he growled, a hand inching your skirt up as he nibbled your neck. His bare cock pressed up against your lower half, you needed him badly. 
Watching your pitiful attempt at leaving was almost comical to the Earl, but he had never intended for you to leave so soon, not when he knew you were a whore with no morals. He was more than ready to make use of his wifes little expedition, your body was his for the taking and you were more than eager to give it to him. He would not stop until all his stress was gone.
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bibyshitsuji24k · 4 months
My headcanon!, ㅠㅠ but I think R!Ciel& O!Ciel and Lizzie’s story is based on the story of King George VI and his wife, queen mom. Back to ch.109 you’ld see the Midford’s manor, it’s the Glamis Castle located in Scotland. (Ch.14 said that Francis was married to Scottish Noble) This castle is childhood’s house of Queen mom. Also Queen mom’s name is Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon as if Yana once said that it’s Lizzie’s middle name in guild book!
King George VI was born in 14 December and he has one brother King Edward that is actually rightful heir to be the king. King George was ill often and was described as "easily frightened and somewhat prone to tears" like O!Ciel. He never thought that one day he would become the King.
That’s it! I don’t know how Black Butler will end but hopefully they would be happy like them! Thank you
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Indeed! They weren't just born on the same day but almost in the same year. I know there's a 20-year difference, but what other king of England was born on a similar date?
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Yana probably took some of that information to base the character of Ciel on because I'm pretty sure she's a hardcore royalty fan, haha.
I knew about Glamis Castle in Scotland, but I'm attaching pictures as well.
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Regarding Elizabeth's name, I'm sure it does not match Queen Elizabeth's middle name since Elizabeth's full name is Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford. BUT, Albert's brother's name was Edward, what a coincidence lol
It'd be hilarious if Ciel's real name is actually Albert! But knowing Yana, I think she'd choose a rarer name because it's a very 'English' name (even if its origins are from Germany).
Thanks for the information! I'm not familiar with royalty 'tea' at all, besides what's happening on bb >w<
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Vincent named Smile with a German-origin name. We know, deep down, he loved Diedrich (??)
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pop-roxs · 2 years
there are only 2 canonical babygirls in my book
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Some other BB account posted a pic of OCiel's gravestone and it looks like it says Noel on it. And it makes a lot of sense. It matches Ciel (with French pronounciation, Noël rather than 'Nole'), references their birth month/Christmas, and recalls Christian/angelic imagery. "Heaven" and "(Christ is) Born". Doesn't Rachael refer to them as her little angels?
So my OCiel legit name suggestion is:
Noel Phantomhive
Noel/Noël has been on the "do not submit" list since August 5, 2021 because it was already a common submission by then, both as terrible and legit.
Feel free to submit another name, but please pay attention to that pinned "do not submit list" post. It has a link to the list.
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ustwoforsaken · 3 months
i thought of a really good superpower to give ben, but im not sure if that would take away from his character/message? because what im thinking right now is that hes completely powerless, just an average human, who makes tools and gadgets that leave him on the same level as his superpowered peers.
but also. the power i came up for him is really fucking cool and has its own potential for so much depth and angst. it also brings the general mood of the comic way down? which i like. that was something i was going for.
when he dies, the person closest in physical proximity to him dies-- and he is revived as a result. a life for a life. their life, for his. they also experience rapid decomposition and have superrrr fucked up corpses btw
(further elaboration below the cut)
there is this selfish, starving piece of his soul that is never satisfied. he might actually be cursed now that i think about it. its what brings him back, time and time again. at the cost of someone elses life. mangled and bloody and broken, he comes to with a scream on his lips, covered in someone elses blood. isnt that a kind of birth?
this is why hes so determined to throw his safety down again and again. its why he hits harder and pushes further, because maybe, just maybe if he can save enough people, save enough lives, he can begin to repent for what hes taken.
his first breath was a breath that he had stolen from his mother. born premature, with so many complications-- he was not meant to survive it. but he did. and his mother didnt. that kind of set the precedent for the rest of his life.
he used to go to church as a child. his father wasnt particularly religious, but they went because there was free food. ben, i think, is agnostic. still, though. the imagery depicted there-- it stuck with him. in the worst way possible. hes been permanently guilty since the age of five years old.
thinking about him in the confessional...
no this is so fucked up seriously. the kindest, most selfless person you know has the literal fucking devil inside them.
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galazykatz · 9 months
Kira Is Near's Watari AU
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"Light Yagami is 17 years old when he stumbles on a cursed notebook and begins committing his first unwilling murders.
Nate River is 6 years old when he discovers a bounty of 30 million dollars on the supposedly normal and respectable son of the Chief of the NPA.
These two facts somehow end up in Light Yagami shot in half a dozen places in a dirty warehouse a week later, Near dragging his body out of there, and both simultaneously disappearing into thin air.
Well, at least until six years later, when criminals begin dying in the masses from heart attacks. With a new Death Note user on the loose, Detective Near and his capable butler and caretaker, Kira, are on the case.
With tensions high between them and the NPA, Near and Light will be forced to confront just what happened that week, half a decade ago.
OR, my Kira is Near's Watari AU"
(Taken from a draft summary of a 5 part WIP fic)
So, I've read Noel Verse (TzviaAriella) and Pale Moon (KaedeRavensdale) on Ao3, watched some Black Butler, among some other fanfic, pinterest fanart, and more media with Butlery themes... and now I've got some serious brain rot.
I mean, like, the aesthetic is amazing. And it's doubly hilarious if L and Watari ever meet Near and Kira in this universe because they're total and complete opposites. Visually wise, at least, with Near's white motif and Light's signature beige suits with a splash of red with his tie, their workspace always very modern and minimal. Then Watari's cloaked in all black with L being... L, surrounded by more of an old money setting. Opposite spectrums of ridiculous. Especially if the task force meets these two detective teams and they'd just be... so incredulous. And the angst of Light and Soichiro reuniting.
Also, just the idea of genius, perfect, most promising student of Japan, Light Yagami, showing back up as a butler/caretaker/spy/hitman working for the mysterious yet infamous Detective Near. Only for that detective to turn out to be a 12 year old kid playing with his toys, who Light seriously treats as his boss without an ounce of irony. Everyone just gets more dumbfounded once said kid starts pulling genius deductions out of thin air and controlling black ops. While Light is sent either on said black ops, or to get a certain toy set for Near. No in between.
I imagine Light would still very much have blood on his hands, willing and unwilling, and would be loyal to Near and unwilling to part with him. Partly out of his own self interests and partly out of a genuine sense of repaying the debt for saving his life. Meanwhile, Near is content to have someone reliable on his side who doesn't underestimate him or treat him any differently for his age, nor intends to use him for another agenda. Whatever Near asks, Light does.
And maybe, just maybe, there would be hints of some other influence. Something ingrained in them, not quite dreams nor memories, that draw the two together. But surely this is the first time they've done all this?
Alright, is that enough ranting about a fic I probably don't have time to write? Yeah, I think so. XD
Oh well, at least I got to make these doodles today. :)
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 3 months
Headcanon Human Names for Obey Me Cast + Their Name Meanings pt. 2
a.k.a. Human names the rest of the demons would use if they lived in the Human World because having demon names for humans is kind of a no-no religion wise. Part 1 is about the brothers, this is for the rest of the cast.
The angels and Solomon won't be included in this because their names are existing human names already
PART 1 || PART 2
Note: This is for fun and not with the intention of starting controversy of religion
1. Diavolo - Immanuel / Noel or Deangelo
1.a. Immanuel - God is with us
Okay...hear me out...I'm imagining a scenario where Dia asked MC or Barbatos a list of human names with meanings and to really blend in to human society and hide that he's a demon, I imagine Dia would choose this name to really say to everyone "I'm not a demon!"
Tbh I feel like this would be like an F you to the celestial realm but duck it In the bible, Immanuel it's the name of the son of God, so Dia is the demon lord soo...counterparts?
1.b. Deangelo - From the angel
Diavolo is demon in Italian. Deangelo is what I choose imo.
Same reason as the first one, Dia will use this name to blend in and to not be suspected as a demon. I really feel like he would use an angelic name as a human name.
Also, search some Italian names or mafia names for this cuz look at Dia's human world, for me it's screams Mafia so I have to search in that category. I was also thinking Dante but Deangelo seems nice cuz angels and it's similar to his nickname, Dia.
2. Barbatos - Alfred or Horacio
2.a. Alfred means elf or Counsel
I picked this for the sole reason and scenario where Levi and MC introduced Barbatos to the DC comics and Batman and mentioned Alfred the butler. Dia heard this and said to Barbatos... "You'll be Alfred." and Barbatos agreed.
2.b. Horacio means Timekeeper
For behind the meanings or if Barbatos would choose on his own, a name related to time seems ideal. He is a demon that controls time and space or whatever
Note: As much as I want to give Barbs the name Sebastian from Black Butler, I can't be biased lol... I was also thinking of Jade from Twisted Wonderland but nahh, it's too biased and meme-y.
3. Mephistopheles - Mortimer
Mortimer means Dead sea or stagnant
Idk it feels like he'll choose Mortimer. The name sounds fancy and sophisticated and Mephisto is really fancy.
I'm not used to the three new characters yet to fully give more names.
4.Thirteen - Juniper or Dulce
4.a. Juniper means Young or Creating Boundaries and standing on ground
This is just based on gut feeling but I feel like Thirteen is a kind of person to admit she's still young despite living a thousand years old.
I also like the meaning because I see creating boundaries as something that relates to being a grim reaper. Juniper means the tree of renewal and grim reapers are the soul's guides to either go to heaven or hell.
Grim Reapers remain on land but have access to both heaven and earth so it's very meaningful.
Juni's a cute nickname too.
4.b. Dulce means Sweets and Candy
I have a theory or a headcanon regarding Thirteen. Just like in the anime, "Bleach" that grim reapers are once humans who died but chosen to be reapers by fate.
The game said Thirteen has a sister named Candy and I imagined...their parents named their children that relates sweets and Thirteen also like sweets so if Thirteen has a human name before, I'd imagine it's Dulce.
Also from all the sweet meaning names, Dulce is the top choice because it kind of rhymes with Candy or Can-deh. It's cute to say "Candy and Dulce" are sisters.
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incorrectmmr · 6 months
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NH Outfit Redesign!!
- his outfit is fancier because he is a king
- the cufflinks and brooches are green and blue to represent his bros :’)
- all I wanted to get rid of was his blue tie
- wears that garter because I hc he takes over some of Oswald’s black ops work after MC asked him to stop
- fancier because he is the king’s head butler
- Lucia’s trusted general
- really not much to say, but this design is one of my favs
- I added a bit of accessories to show he is a bit more carefree and chill?
- ehhh not 100% satisfied, doesn’t give a “Noel” vibe imo
- btw the design of that wrap w/ the golden details is meant to match Oswald’s bc they reconciled :’)
- I didn’t have too much of a problem w/ his original design
- the royal gardener but also practical for black ops missions
- Lucia’s right hand man, so he’s fancier BUT still keeps his whimsical vibe
- promoted to…Kaim’s apprentice so he gets his first tail coat
And Mefy…doesn’t have any because I already made one in April 2022
And sorry it’s a bit messy, got excited to post it
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glaucouscherubim · 1 year
TWST characters and what AU/crossover i think would be interesting for them:
I think i should place a shorter title... anyways.
Heartslybul Riddle Rosehearts: Black Butler [Ciel], Victorian AU Trey Clover: Cookie Run [Reasons], Way of The House Husband, Actor AU Cater Diamond: Ride the Cyclone [I think he'd make a nice Jane Doe], Tentadore Leches Deuce Spades: The Promised Neverland, Demon Slayer, Ouran Host Club, Tokyo Revengers, Little Nightmares [Mono] Ace Trappola: OVERCOOKED, Ouran Host Club, Little Nightmares [six] In all: Alice Borderland, OHSHC, Alice: madness returns,
Savanaclaw Leona Kingscholar: JOJO's BIZZARRE ADVENTURE, Record of Ragnarok, Spy x Family, Tokyo Godfathers, Pinstripe. Ruggie Bucchi: Great Pretender, Cowboy Bebop, Jack Howl: Baki Hanma, In all: Tokyo Godfathers,
Octavanille Azul Ashengrotto: Kakegurui [I believe this guy would fold and cheat], Bigtop Burger, Better Films [The Creepypasta], Panorama Island, Little Nightmares, Lychee Light Club [Idk, kinda Gela or Kaneda], Bryce Tankthrust [Any Brandon Rogers ig but Bryce Tankthrust just has the CEO vibes.] Jade Leech: Black Butler [Real Sebastian vibes], Mortuary Assistant, Floyd Leech: Black Butler, Chilla Art: Night Security, OFF In all: Mafia AU, OHSHC, Kakegurui, Black Butler, BSD, #DRCL Midnight Children
Scarabia Kalim Al-Sim: Crazy Rich Asians [inspired by the movie and book kind] AU, Swapped au, Jamil Viper: Mafia AU, Denny's au, Saiki K, Camp Camp In all: Total Drama, The Promised Neverland,
Pomefiore Vil Schoenheit: Perfect Blue [MIMA!MIMA!MIMA!MIMA!], Idol AU, Black Butler, Helluva Boss, Birds of Prey, Freakshow/Circus AU, Disney Actor AU, Bigtop Burger, Character for hire AU, Ride the Cyclone [Noel's Lament], Bendy an the Ink machine Rook Hunt: Howl's Moving Castle [Howl], Ghost Eyes [Webtoon, Emilio vibes kinda], Epel Felmier: Baki Hanma, JOJO'S BIZZARRE ADVENTURE, \ In all: OHSHC, Bigtop burger [Glaring at Vil from the other food truck] Howl's Moving Castle,
Ignihyde Idia Shroud: Doki Doki Literature Club, Ortho Shroud: Alive Au, In all: Swapped au, The Promised Neverland, High Rise Invasion, Fullmetal Alchemist, SAW, #DRCL Midnight Children\
more may be added...
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What are the black butler next generation characters birthdays?
Hey there!
Brair - October 2nd, 1894
Bella - May 23rd, 1895
Xiu - February 27th, 1895
Noel - December 27th, 1894
Janya - August 17th (you'll meet her don't worry)
Albert - December 15th, 1898
Anthony - October 23rd, 1899
Odin - October 30th, 1899
Rachel - April 29th, 1900
Violet - July 6th, 1900
Mariposa - September 24th, 1900
Amelia - October 5th, 1900
The dates may not be 100% accurate in math but this is what I got. I have a folder full of stuff for them now and I had a list of things for each kid that'll get a focus throughout the series
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fxm333 · 4 months
About me!
Mostly doing this since I saw my friend, @vexinghearts doing it lol
* Name: Scotty // Fxm (I don’t consider Fxm a name of mine but I usually go by it online)
* Pronouns: He/Him/His
* Sexuality: Bi with a fem preference
* Likes: The J’s - Creating ocs - Aliens/Alien ocs - Ride the Cyclone - Roleplaying - Hearing others rant/info dump about ocs - Pickles - Reptiles - Cats - Dr. Pepper Fountain pop
* Dislikes: Super sweet things - quite a few popular ships, but I’m not tryna get doxxed or death threats /hj - And I can’t think of many more things
* DNI: Proshippers//Comshippers - Zoophiles - Racist people - Homophobes/Transphobes - Pro-Lifers - Pedophiles - People who say slurs they cannot reclaim ( the r slur, white ppl saying the n word, straight people using the f slur or any lesbian slurs, cis people saying the t slur, etc.), people who ship Sebaciel (i do consider this a proship/comship! I just wanted to specify one that I despise) // I know I technically can’t stop people from these categories from interacting, but I can ignore/block em if they try <3
* Fandoms: Ride the Cyclone, in and out of MLP, Hunger games, Heathers, Mean girls, Black Butler, and more that I’m forgetting lmao
* Favorite Color: Green, blue, and black
* Favorite Snacks: Sour rainbow ropes, pickles, goldfish, cherries, raspberries
* Favorite Ocs To Rp With: Almost any of my J ocs (Joseph, Jasper, Jinx, Jolene, Jess, Jayden), Theodore Dév, Nebula (Alien oc), and many, many more
* Favorite Canon Characters: Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg, Noel Gruber, Penny Lamb//Jane Doe, JD (Heathers), Coriolanus Snow (from Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes specifically), Finnick Odair (Hunger games), Jennifer (Jennifer’s Body), Regina George (Mean girls), and more that I’m likely forgetting lmao
I recommend checking out the blog I started, @the-js !
Examples of my art/art style!
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What Went Wrong With… SAS: Red Notice (2021)?
A review of SAS: Red Notice by What Went Wrong Or Right With...?
SAS: Red Notice is the latest Sky Original film to premiere on the satellite platform and unfortunately it’s another dead duck. Based on the book of the same name by Andy McNab, the plot is about a family-based, terrorist group known as the “Black Swans” who take over the Channel Tunnel. Interpol’s “Red Notice” (which alerts police worldwide to internationally wanted fugitives) gives this film its title (at least I think it does, although in S.A.S. terms it could mean a government sanctioned hit). Regardless of its meaning, the main part of the storyline (the hi-jacking) takes almost half-an-hour to get to, and once it does, it’s not exactly enthralling. The film begins with a preamble about “psychopaths” delivered by Tom Wilkinson’s character William Lewis who goes on to say “psychopaths who can learn to love are as rare as a black swan”. This I assume, refers to his baddie daughter Grace played by Ruby Rose or possibly the good guy Tom played by Sam Heughan. This kind of wannabe poignant dialogue is pointless to ponder over however, since this isn’t a character study of someone taught to kill and the parallels between the military and terrorists, or whether someone can switch off their violent tendencies and become compassionate. What this is, is a load of D-list actors saying “awight mate” a lot, posturing, chewing gum to look butch, and shooting guns, largely in the dark. Oh, and apparently, the elite of the elite in the S.A.S. are also bilingual botanists.
I’ll admit that I haven’t and probably never will read an Andy McNab novel, so I’m judging this adaptation against similar action movies. The plot to me, seems very late-80s or early-90s, very much like Ruby Rose’s bowl hair cut. SAS: Red Notice wishes it was in the same company as the original The Taking Of Pelham One Two Three, Die Hard, and every classic derivative action movie such as Speed, Under Siege, and Executive Decision but it’s instead more of a Chuck Norris or Michael Dudikoff-type flick.
Directed by Magnus Martens, the look and feel is more “TV” than cinema, and bad television at that. Magnus can’t seem to coax a believable performance out of anyone, and that’s alongside his appalling framing and camera movement, not to mention the seemingly non-existent art direction which leaves us with what looks like a home-made movie. The cast aren’t much better. Aside from the always decent Tom Wilkinson, the acting talent is also firmly in made-for-TV territory. We have Noel Clarke looking as convincing as Major Bisset as his Detective Inspector in Bulletproof, Anne Reid who played Jean in dinnerladies is still Jean from dinnerladies, and Andy Serkis plays Clements by overacting and probably wishing he was dressed in spandex and covered in white dots playing a different kind of gorilla.
We also have the aforementioned Sam Heughan as Tom or Thomas Buckingham III, a contrived yet somehow unbelievable rich, posh, heterosexual white male who lives in what looks like Wayne Manor with a butler not too dissimilar to Batman’s. Sam is a terrible, soap-opera-esque actor and as the lead, he’s the main reason why this film looks so cheap and tacky. Bad acting doesn’t end with Heughan however; we also have Ruby Rose playing his arch-nemesis Grace Lewis.
I suppose it’s progress to see a British Prime Minister played by a person of colour (Ray Panthaki) and someone from the LGBTQ community play the villain or antagonist in an action film but Panthaki is essentially a one-term baddun, and Rose is so lacking in charisma and acting skills that she won’t be spoken about in the same breath as Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber or even Eric Bogosian’s Travis Dane, which kind of defeats the purpose. Grace Lewis is instead, in the same league as Thomas Gabriel or Alik from the inferior Die Hard sequels. Rose can’t even act like she’s been shot in the neck or smile convincingly with her “this isn’t a disguise” wig on whilst trying to ward off authorities, let alone look menacing or have a knife-fight (or spoiler alert: die).
Whilst on the topic of Grace, her tactic of “kill the men and the boys, leave the women to spread the fear” conveniently leaves out the all-too-common rape and torture. Make no mistake, this is a sanitised view of conflict where mercenaries, contractors, war criminals, and terrorists are completely unconnected to any military unit. The film begins with contractors tasked to clear a village in Georgia in order to lay a pipe line, and this seems very War On Terror and Black Water-esque (especially the name “Black Swans”) but the way in which this story is told, it’s less Iraq and more Tie Rack with a bunch of suits trying to make some soulless and shallow money from militarism. There’s no real opinion on whether contractors should be used in war, it’s more “it’s okay until they leave witnesses” which is a dodgy message to convey. That being said, even our hero Thomas hears his butler recount a story of Buckingham’s forefathers chopping off a Maharaja’s finger during an Indian “uprising” in order to take their ring, which means even the protagonist has a lineage of wrongdoing but I’m sure viewers of this trash will glaze over this. In order to bolster the concept of “good guys can do no wrong”, the wedding vows at the end of the film are cringe-worthy and go to show how not only the writers, but everyone involved in making this crapfest, love the idea of the infallible war hero who cannot and should not be criticised (or prosecuted) because they do such a difficult job… “For better, for worse, in war [and] in peace, knowing that in war, your crazy brain is always right”. 🤮
Whether pro-war or anti-terror or just unadulterated militarism, all this criticism is of course pointless to mention, as nobody watching Red Notice is looking for deep, meaningful subtext and opinion-challenging concepts. The camouflage-covered cinematic cliches of “this isn’t what I signed-up for!” and “take the shot!” are both present which means this is a hackneyed, straight-to-streaming, non-action, action film. I wouldn’t have minded if this shite contained a plot about what great jobs snipers do or how difficult counter terrorism is, instead it’s another mindless, gung-ho release. And while I’m at it: who gives a toss about what happens to a fictitious government and this film’s uninteresting characters during the end credits? Please don’t make a sequel or try to start a franchise about the exploits of Tom effing Buckingham the pissing Third!
As a Sky Original, I have to mention the inclusion of Sky News presenters Gamal Fahnbulleh and Jayne Secker (and Ben bloody Shephard of ITV’s Good Morning Britain) doing some suspiciously, similar-to-real-life acting. Similar to Jeremy Thompson in Shaun Of The Dead, the news casters’ or broadcasters’ acting looks as convincing as the actual news and their “breaking news” bulletins are read with the same vigour. Ignoring the fact that Sky are both feeding and eating itself in the creation of this film, it’s always disconcerting to see real-life news presenters read scripts as well as they do on air, which goes to show they’re not journalists but actors who err… read scripts for a living. But I guess that’s for another article.
Back to the film, no matter its formulaic-ness, it would have been a much better idea for John McTiernan to direct SAS: Red Notice, for the sole purpose to try and get his post-prison reputation back to the level of his original Die Hard and Hunt For Red October heyday. I’d like to think that the maker of the original action masterpiece from which all others originate could surely make even the lamest of scripts buzz with exhilaration? Instead, thanks to a director who cannot direct, especially action scenes, I wasn’t thrilled or excited at all.
Apparently notices of the rouge variety are very popular right now because confusingly, there’s a Dwayne Johnson “Red Notice” movie in the works too, unconnected to the McNab book but an action flick nevertheless. One thing’s for certain: this version isn’t the one that stands out. Even with a large Andy McNab fanbase, this is gonna go
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This is the time to remember! the time is not gonna change 😬
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omegawizardposting · 6 months
Honestly, I dropped Black Butler specifically because of the Twin Ciel reveal. It simply did not interest me. It still doesn't.
I was a pretty hardcore fan before then, too. Like, I'd reread the manga countless times. Grew up with the OG anime. I am still a total Grell(e) stan. She's the reason I discovered that red is my favorite color.
After the Ciel/Noel reveal, though, I completely lost interest.
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mysteryhq · 6 months
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FIRST ROUND OF ACCEPTANCE! i just wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone that applied and showed interest in the group. i know that exciting things are coming and i already have a couple of fun things planned! please see below for all of the acceptances and look over here for next steps. as this is the first acceptance, i'll extend the 24 hour period to 48 since we're technically not open yet to give people some time! we're still not opened for in character interactions until we get a full group, but upon blog submission i'll share the discord server with all of you so you can start plotting.
lucas lynggaard tønnesen, homosexual, cis man + he / him → isn’t that casper tømmeraas? i’ve also heard they go by the artistic. i hear they’re 21 and want to be a future artist / art historian. they seem to be creative & blithe, but also stubborn & spontaneous. they remind me of clicks of skateboard tires against the cement, charcoal fingertips and trailing down over the side of his palm, & backpack full of notebooks full of sketches - you may be in it. | ghost
drew starkey, bisexual, cis man + he/him → isn’t that francis wymack? i’ve also heard they go by the heir. i hear they’re twenty-five and want to be a ceo of a multinational conglomerate. they seem to be openhanded & protective, but also capricious & self-destructive. they remind me of a mercurial temperament that swings between clarity and disorder, a penchant for the obscene and complicated until the next episode of apathy, & the scent of clive christian no. 1 and cheap convenience store beer at ten in the morning. | smithy
harris dickinson, bisexual, male + he/him → isn’t that noel summers? i’ve also heard they go by the scholarship. i hear they’re 19 and want to be an indie film director. they seem to be passionate & perceptive, but also aloof & impatient. they remind me of the magician tarot, drive in movies, & black coffee. | red
jan luis castellanos, bisexual, cis-male + he/him → isn’t that manuel jaime diaz? i’ve also heard they go by the it boy. i hear they’re twenty-one and want to be a broadway actor. they seem to be hardworking & charismatic, but also perfectionist & pushy. they remind me of spotlight shining in the middle of the stage, the shine of a leather jacket, and a morning run around the park. | taco
nico greetham, homosexual, male, he/him → isn’t that parker butler? i’ve also heard they go by the red herring. i hear they’re 21 and want to be a surgeon. they seem to be confident & charming, but also risky & impulsive. they remind me of spotlight, bottle of tequila, & red thorn rose. | tommy
brandon perea, homosexual, nonbinary ( they/them ) → isn’t that yasmyne 'yaz' solis? i’ve also heard they go by the skeptic. i hear they’re 21 and want to be a chemical engineer. they seem to be perceptive & introspective, but also sarcastic & cynical. they remind me of purple latex, glasses, a flask of vodka & eye rolls. | rhi
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chickensoupleg · 11 months
Ten Fandoms/ Ten Characters/ Ten Tags
Tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid, jumpscared me actually and left me to simmer about whether I have ten fandoms I can put here without anyone finding me.
I do.
Robin Buckley - Stranger Things
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2. Yusuke Kitagawa - Persona 5
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3. Satoru Hosanaga - Ace Attorney
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4. Seiji Amanome - Death Mark NG
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(There is no gif, so here)
5. Ralph - Detroit: Become Human
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6. Finney - Black Butler
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7. Sahed - Marionetta
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8. Crowmauler - Fear and Hunger
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9. Noel Levine - Witch's Heart
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10. Roark - Pokemon
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... So anyways I don't know ten people comfortably enough to tag. If you see this and want to play go ahead.
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