#black bat lockscreens
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myriaeden · 29 days ago
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Cassandra Cain Lockscreens
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lotties-ashwagandha · 1 year ago
happy spooky season day babyyyy i luv u guys sm happy halloween happy samhain beginning of dia de muertos whatever the fuck u celebrate i hope it’s spooky and perfect <3
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honestly could not give two fucks about halloween but she celebrates it because you and callie like it
you could convince her into doing anything you wanted tho whether she likes it or not
one thing she will not do is dress up tho. no matter how hard you try the most festive she will get is an orange or red flannel
she'd be so into watching horror movies w you tho and she would enjoy old corny kids halloween movies (it reminds her of when callie was younger) ,, her favorite is frankenweenie
she'd also sit outside on the front porch on halloween and hand out candy,, she'd make sure she had an equal amount of chocolate vs hard candy
tbh she probably enjoys halloween more than she says she does
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queen of halloween
has a whole playlist that she blasts around the wellness center on halloween,, will hand out candy to any kids that live in the cult n shit and it's the one night of the year where it's not mandatory to wear purple heliotrope
let's be honest tho girl will also go full blown pagan ancient ass ritual witch on halloween
will lecture you about the history of halloween in different cultures and then will be like "brb gotta go summon my ancestors!!!!! go get me my black tourmaline we gotta make sure snackie doesn't pay a visit!!!!! the veil is thin!!!!"
also enjoys halloween movies but can't handle the scary ones bc she deals with enough shit in her life
favorite halloween movie is fucking great pumpkin charlie brown (it’s her lockscreen too)
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likes halloween because it gives her goth ass an excuse to dress alt as hell
binge watches horror movies and gets hyperfixated on the scream franchise
also probably has a halloween playlist but is less "spooky scary skeletons" and more alice cooper
gets drunk as hellll on halloween night and terrorizes little children
will like hide in trash cans dressed as chucky and run through suburban neighborhoods until lottie's acolytes chase her down and wrestle her back to the wellness center
lottie gets PISSED and misty has to come get her and take her home
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our girl lives for halloween
WILL wear matching costumes with caligula . they are handmade too
"caligula and i are being harry potter and hermione granger this year!!!"
will absolutely hand out candy
her and caligula binge eat all the leftover candy
will invite you over to make it a date night
is so unhinged tho and probably gets wasted and starts dancing to the monster mash
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will eat dirt instead of chocolate
MmmMmmMmmm simone lookie look i found MULCH!!! IT"S LIKE CHOCOLATE BUT FOR FLOWERS!!!! nom nom nom *rips open package of fertilizer* let's get this party started girlie ;)
im sorry i couldn't help myself
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decorates the store so cute for halloween
pumpkins and plastic bats everywhere and some vintage halloween movie posters
loooooooves halloween
will hand out candy to kids that come in the store (and rlly to anyone tbh)
on halloween night you’ll watch vintage halloween movies with her and she’ll either fall asleep by fucking 7:30pm or you’ll be up all night listening to her hot takes about dracula and frankenstein
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years ago
survey #163
Where did your first kiss take place? His bed.
Do you prefer foxes or wolves? Red foxes aesthetically, but wolves as a whole as animals.
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Yeah.
Would you rather never fall in love again or never orgasm again? Well that's easy, never orgasm. Gone 27 years without it and I'm very happy being in love with someone, this isn't even a competition.
What’s the youngest you would consider dating? Probably like, 23 or 24.
Are thongs sexy? They can be, but you won't see me wearing them, and I don't think anyone should feel pressured to, wear whatever on earth is comfortable to you, and those do NOT look comfy.
Did you grow up in a healthy environment? No, my dad was an alcoholic and my parents fought a whole lot.
Could you ever deliver a baby? I don't think I could; abdominal sorts of pain is the kind I handle the worst by far, and I also bleed badly in almost any case of bleeding anywhere, and because of that I'd be very afraid of dying in the process. A c-section would be safest for me, but I feel like even the dad isn't allowed in the room while that's happening? and that would bother me, it'd be his child too and I know it'd be important to me that he was there through the whole thing. Lemme just not have kids, lol.
Do you think suits are sexy? FUCKING YES, on literally any gender.
Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date? Both really, depends on the day. I think that should be the case regardless of gender.
Where were you when you got your first period? I'd just gotten home from school, I went to the bathroom like I usually did when I got home from school and noticed a small amount of blood. I'm grateful as hell it wasn't an immediately heavy one that woulda mortified me at school.
Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is hot? I personally don't, but I know plenty of people do, it's all personal preference.
Favourite Disney princess? Mulan.
Have any hair/eye/skin color, which would you choose? I'd love to have like porcelain skin and sapphire blue eyes, and maaaybe naturally blonde hair because that'd be much easier to dye?
Be any weight/body type, which would you choose? I'd love to be a healthy weight, primarily slim and fit, however definitely with a bit of thickness because curvy women are permanently hot forever.
Be any height, which would you choose? Eh I'm fine where I am at 5'4.5'' lol.
What is your current ringtone? Something that came with the phone.
What is your current wallpaper? My lockscreen is actually this really cool layered black and white floral pattern, like the design fades to black in the center, it's really cool. My home screen is some desaturated art pattern of bats, spiderwebs, and more floral work.
Last person you added to your phone contacts? I feel like it was my brother's wife Chelsey.
Go down to your 5th contact, who is it? Girt, actually.
If you had to make a six hour cross-country journey, would you rather take the train, fly or drive? How come? Train, because I've never taken one and I'd feel safer on that than a car or airplane. It seems very fun.
If you could dye your hair any colour in the world, assuming it would look perfect with your colouring, what would you pick and why? Pastel pink! I want that very badly someday and light pink is also my favorite color so I'd feel very at home in it.
What’s your opinion on couples who do literally everything together? Are you like that, or is that like one of your worst nightmares? I feel like it's important to know how to exist happily without them and enjoy your own hobbies also independently, however I don't see a problem with couples doing things together if they're both into something. The degree varies from relationship to relationship, and it's for the couple themselves to establish.
What’s your favourite type of fast food? Is it something you eat a lot or do you try and limit it? This varies between restaurants, however most often I think I go for a burger of some sort. We definitely do try to limit how much we eat out, especially since I've been to the nutritionist, it seems.
Do you believe “once a criminal, always a criminal” or do you think that people can really change and become better? People absolutely can change, 100%.
Does the last person you text messaged have any tattoos or piercings? She has her ears pierced, but that's it. She would like a tattoo, but she's so unwilling to spend money on herself that she just hasn't.
What colour is your wallet/purse? My purse is black, but my wallet is red, white, and black I think, it's a cartoon Harley Quinn design.
Other than your sheets and pillows, what's on your bed right now? Nothing right now.
Do you know a James? Tell me about him. No.
Do you have a favourite photo of the person you love/like? Yes, but he suuuuuuper rarely takes a picture, even less than me.
Explain the last time you laughed really hard. That woulda been Sunday at Girt's place, Charlie (his dog) was pitching a fit over everyone eating in the living room and us not giving him anything, he LITERALLY has a child-like tantrum of just making noises, like this dog deadass talks lmao, even "backtalks," and it is so hilarious. What's even funnier is apparently he doesn't really do that when it's just Girt and his mom or even his sister and nephew, he wanted to show off how big his vocabulary is in front of guests apparently lmfao, that dog is such a character.
Explain your last awkward moment. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA getting a tattoo on my chest, one that at its highest reaches my collarbone, while having an obvious hickey on that side of my neck that for some reason took for fucking ever to go away when it wasn't even that bad, I am so glad the artist just didn't comment on it lmfao
Does the person you love/like have any cute quirks or mannerisms? He probably does, I feel like everyone does, but I can't think of something immediately obvious. You could argue his straight adoration of salad is a quirk, like I don't think your average person enjoys salad even remotely as much as he does, but it's a great thing.
When was the last time you went out to eat? At least a week ago.
Are you attracted to the last person that put their arms around you? Yeah.
Is your ancestry European? Yes.
Do you have a specific talent you’re known for? Writing and photography.
Are you afraid of being cheated on? I've never suspected a partner of doing so, and I've never really worried about it. I definitely never wonder in my current relationship, he's literally been cheated on and it cut him pretty deep, and also with just how adamantly loyal of a person he is, I would never, ever think he'd cheat. We've even talked before about relationship dealbreakers out of curiosity, and I think cheating was the first thing he said, so obviously he has strong feelings about it.
Do you find watching animals in their natural habitat to be exciting and fascinating? YES!!!!!!! I LOVE this shit.
What do you think you are MOST talented at? Probably writing.
Do you know who you want to be the bridesmaids in your wedding? I know some, yeah; I want Mom to be my maid of honor, obviously my sisters will be bridesmaids, and I'd really really love for Mazzy and Tez to be bridesfolk, too; dresses wouldn't be a mandated thing. There are probably a few more people, but those are the people that I think of immediately.
What natural disasters have you experienced? Plenty of hurricanes, and the floods that resulted.
What is the current theme of your bedroom, if you have one? It's in the process of a nature-y makeover; we've ordered a bit of decor so heavier modifying is incoming. :'D
How many states have you lived in? I've lived in North Carolina my entire life.
Who did you last see on webcam? My current psychiatrist.
Have you ever discovered something gross in your food at McDonalds? No.
What’s your favorite Johnny Depp movie? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I adore his performance as Willy Wonka.
Who is your favorite video game character? Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill franchise.
Of all of your friends’ significant others, who do you get along with best? And least? I don't know any friends' partners.
Have you ever had a platonic friend that everyone insisted you should be in a relationship with? Ha ha Girt. Finally happened and yeah, healthiest relationship I've ever been in.
Do you use a photo editor? Yeah, I have an Adobe subscription that allows me to use Lightroom and Photoshop.
Is your dad overweight? I think he's underweight.
What’s the name of the most recent baby a friend has had? Harper.
Who’s the last person you talked to about sex? Probably Girt, I don't really remember.
Who was the newest addition to your family? Emerson, my youngest niece, if you want the purely technical answer, but I consider the answer to be my boyfriend's immediate family; they put a lot of emphasis on considering my mom and me as part of their family, even prior to marriage, and I feel the absolute exact same about them.
Do you have a drone? No.
Who was the last person to upload a picture with you in it? Hell if I know, I basically never take pictures and even more rarely with others. It mighta been Mom, I don't know.
Do your parents actually knock on your door before entering your room? No, or at least, not always. She never does if I'm alone in a room, but she does sometimes if me and Girt are in there.
What’s your favorite pet name someone calls you? He's only used the word once when comforting me about something, but nothing on the face of the planet beats Girt going in genuine concern and not in a babyish tone, "What's going on honeybear?" BITCH it was SO CUTE
What’s the largest animal you’ve ever seen in person? An orca, as a kid.
When was the last time you were in the hospital? March of last year.
Why were you there? I was suicidal.
Have you ever owned an axolotl? No, I'm not interested in them as pets, but they're adorable and very cool animals.
Do you enjoy learning about conspiracy theories? YES I DO.
Does your significant other/crush know about your Tumblr? Does he/she look at it? HAHAHAHA I SURE AS HELL HOPE NOT
Does your family own a business? No.
Are you a believer in “signs” from the universe about things in your life? If you are, can you think of a particular example? Nope.
Who was your favorite Disney princess as a child? Ariel.
Who was the last smoker you were around? Did they smoke around you? Girt's sister's boyfriend, and no, he went outside.
Do you know how to fish? Yes, though I will say tactics vary depending on a lot of factors.
Do you think age matters in friendship? Nope. I absolutely believe a friendship between an adult and minor should be monitored, but it's totally possible for different age groups to be friends.
Do you use tampons or pads? Or both? Pads, even though I hate both of them. I used tampons for years, but eventually stopped and resorted back to pads because I'd become too painfully aware of how uncomfortable tampons were for me constantly; not going into detail, but it's quite a big reason I think I may have a tilted uterus, something I plan on asking the gyno about next time I go.
Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction? No.
Who is one YouTuber you would like to meet? Markiplier as far as meeting someone I look up and enjoy as a person, but meeting Gab Smolders would also be super cool because I think we could be super good friends, haha.
Who was the last person you blocked on social media? Why? Sara's Instagram, because I don't want her to know a damn thing going on in my personal life.
Are you going to walk at your graduation or just pick your diploma up? I walked; I'm pretty sure I didn't want to, I just wanted my damn diploma and never come back, but for some reason I did it.
Have you ever tried to break a Guinness World Record? No, I don't really care about that sorta stuff.
When, where, and why did a needle last pierce your skin? Exactly a week ago to finish the tattoo that's on the left region of my chest.
Who is the youngest gay person you know? I don't know.
Have you ever watched an animal being eaten by another animal? I know I've watched cats eat mice and similar animals when I was a kid and we had dozens of outdoor cats (terrible idea, don't do that), and I know I've seen vultures eating roadside carrion. I also feed my snake rats, although they're just thawed out from already being dead; it's so normal by now that I barely make the association of feeding my pet something that was once a living animal, if that makes any sense.
Has your best friend ever seen you naked? Not all my clothes off at once, no, however he's seen basically everything, just different body parts at different times, he knows I'm really uncomfortable with my body and doesn't push me, we explore new things once I tell him I'm fine with it.
Do you get mad when your current bf/gf talks about an ex? No, but that's not something he really does to begin with, almost ever. I think the only time he's brought them up has been in a "please don't do what this person did" sort of way. Girt's also just really private about relationship stuff so doesn't bring it up for no good reason.
Do you know anybody who was abused? Yes, this sadly is not rare.
Do your parents volunteer anywhere? My mom cleans the church she goes to, yes. Once upon a time she was paid for it but isn't now due to disability reasons, so she's literally doing it out of the kindness of her heart now.
Do you get along with your best friend’s parents? I love his mom to death, but I never met his dad. Girt's told me we woulda disagreed on A LOT, but he feels he still would've ultimately loved me.
Have you ever been in a relationship where you didn���t get along with the person’s parents? No.
What is the best thing you can draw? Meerkats, they're the very primary thing I draw ever. I'm not outstanding, like there's still room for improvement for sure, but I don't think I'm bad.
Has anyone you know ever had serious surgery before? Oh yeah, primarily my mom for both cancers she's had; the kidney tumor she had was bigger than the kidney itself, and she had a complete hysterectomy (with definitely added difficulty) from her nearly fatally aggressive ovarian cancer that was spreading to things nearby, can't remember the term for it. Both got so severe LITERALLY just because she didn't want to go to the doctor for herself because of money, she wound up in the hospital both times out of what became complete necessity. I love America's healthcare system don't you??????
Who has the best taste in music in your family? Besides myself obviously haha, Mom. We agree on the most stuff.
What animal did you last pet or hold? My cat.
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evilly-laughing · 3 years ago
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and lockscreens
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lethedits · 5 years ago
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cozy-kitty · 6 years ago
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kurenaii · 6 years ago
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GOOD NIGHT /// Harley Quinn 
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bigbatsy · 7 years ago
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・ cassandra cain lockscreens
・ like/reblog this post if you use or save;
・ or credit big batsy™ on twitter
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purelyangenergy · 4 years ago
genshin characters at a zoo:
i went to a zoo today, so i felt inspired to write this!
chongyun dragging xingqiu into the shaded area penguin exhibit because it’s one of the only cool places in the entire zoo. they leave to look around properly when it starts to rain, and end up with an ungodly amount of animal plushies, which will no doubt cover a corner in both of their bedrooms till they have the chance to organise it. they also ran into razor and bennett in the walk-through monkey enclosure, and bennett had his (broken) watch stolen. they did however manage to get a photo, seconds before a monkey jumped onto xingqiu’s head and attempted to steal his earring. the monkey is in the process of jumping in the photo. for obvious reasons, this photo is chongyun’s lockscreen.
diluc threatening to throw kaeya to the lions, quite literally. the only reason he doesn’t? kaeya froze him to the ground, and now his shoes are wet. the cryo user had threatened to keep doing it if diluc even tried, and on a hot summer’s day, being soaked through would really not make the day out a pleasant one. despite not particularly wanting to go with kaeya, diluc ended up enjoying his antics for once. not that he admitted that.
the traveler and their sibling dragging xiao along, who complained about having duties to fulfill. then however, the adeptus found the tiger enclosure. aether and lumine had to drag him away, as the orange and black cat seemed to of mesmerised him (which he denied, claiming it was shaded.) he returned after the zoo had closed to visit his new friend, and almost got arrested for breaking and entering. xiao is an adeptus, he doesn’t understand why it’s apparently illegal to visit somewhere at a certain time.
bennett losing razor in the crowd, only to find him in the wolf enclosure in a tree, the security guards yelling at him to get out from outside of the mini habitat. the security were unimpressed with razor’s excuses, and bennett had to call kaeya to get the pair out of trouble. fischl, who they had brought with them, was sat in the dark area (where the bats are-) for the entire time and was just waiting for the other two to finish, talking to oz about how she wouldn’t usually be caught dead in such a touristy place. obviously, this was phrased in a much more complex way.
beidou somehow managing to get kazuha a child’s ticket, while ningguang sighed in the back, not knowing why she even tries. beidou spent most of the time comparing different animals to kazuha and other people she knew, while ningguang was in charge of photos (she wasn’t paying someone else to do it, when she could do a better job). kazuha enjoyed his day out, it was very different to the usual running from the inazuman law that he grew used to. he went home with a plush of a red panda, which the two women had insisted on buying him.
childe wanting zhongli to shut up about the different animals. sure, he didn’t mind with the animals he was interested in. but he didn’t need to hear about how a very minor species of fish (that had a small tank in the aquarium section) lived. they ran into a few of the other harbringers while they were there. namely, scaramouche, who proceeded to actually throw childe to the lions for joking about his height. zhongli had to rescue him with a pillar. oh, and childe paid for the tickets, obviously.
venti singing to the reptiles. most lizards and snakes aren’t going to respond to the anemo archon singing, since they’re lizards and snakes. but, he did end up running into jean and barbara, who seemed to be enjoying their day off, and so they invited him to come around the zoo with them. overall, venti had a nice day, but jean definitely had a headache from all of the rhyming.
albedo took klee, and very nearly got thrown out within the first 5 minutes. they visited the aquarium section and klee decided it was time to go fish blasting. there were many innocent fish lives that were lost. the only reason they weren’t thrown out? the security couldn’t find them, since they spent most of the time on the roof of the reptile enclosure. eventually, they did get down, and took a very brief tour around the enclosures for the animals that klee had wanted to see. then they got caught by security and banned for 10 years. albedo was just relieved it wasn’t for life. at least he managed to get a good sketch of the zoo from the roof they were sat on. he only noticed the chaos ensuing in the lion enclosure when he looked back and noticed the pillar near the fence. and the man stood on top of it.
mona snuck in since she couldn’t afford the ticket. she spent most of the time with the seals, since every time she tried to leave, the smallest animal would look at her sadly. it followed her whilst she walked around the enclosure (not in it, please don’t go in a seal enclosure). said seal had it’s horoscope read after mona asked one of the keepers for the seal’s (who’s name was pudding) birthday. pudding the seal had a happy day ahead of her apparently, not that she understood.
this was the first time i’ve been to a zoo for about 5 years, so a few things may not apply to some other zoos in different countries. but, i hope you like these little scenarios!
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matchamorphosis · 4 years ago
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝒸𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓀
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𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇𝓎 | after an anxiety episode, you and ari make cookies together.
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒 | steamy angsty fluff!
𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 | daddy!ari levinson × black//woc!reader
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 | 4.3K
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 | 18+ ddlg! ♡ anxiety attack ♡ some sexual themes ♡ degradation ♡ dick jokes ♡ hints to smut but nothing else! ♡ this is all 100% concentrated fluff
𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈 | love language by ariana grande ♡ tuxedo junction by glenn miller  ♡
𝓌. 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 | okay so i tried okay i tried to make it as fluffy as i can but i just couldn’t help to not lace my own school circumstances into this while writing :( i can’t believe I got this out in just a day but i hope y’all enjoy this cherubs!!! ♡ do not repost or plagiarize my work on any other fanfic platform such as: wattpad, ao3, tumblr, etc or plagiarize my work all together. do so and i will rip your spine from your scumy asshole and shove it down your talentless throat. ♡♡♡
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 ♡ the sight of the tiny blue ‘submit’ button at the bottom of the screen increased the swirling thoughts as your eyes turned to the ticking clock at the bottom right of the computer screen.
 ♡ you don’t take a second to breathe but anxiously bite the flesh of your lower lip, this week long project was coming to a crashing deadline as it was due in just a minute from now.
 ♡ how have you gotten yourself in this distressful circumstance?
 ♡ well typical clumsy you blacked out in a power nap for the past hours when you thought you submitted the assignment while waiting for your friend to do the touch ups of her portion of the assignment worth one-third of your semester grade.
 ♡ waking up from the long nap felt like cloudy heaven, mind finally relaxed accompanied with the delicious looseness of your energized limbs as you stretched them.
 ♡ of course the rosy moment was quickly diminished when you reached for your phone at your side table, hoping to catch up on any recent news you missed out from your nap.
 ♡ and you had as you skimmed through each and every exhilarating and restless text from your friend who apparently got a message from both your professor that the assignment wasn’t turned in.
 ♡ your mind raced as you quickly opened your laptop, tracing through your emails you eye the message from your professor that was outlined in red.
 ♡ the simple sentence of: this assignment affects your semester grade, turn it in before the deadline.
 ♡ had your widening eyes taking the email in, your mind flashed through the memory when you strictly remembered that you clicked the submit button.
 ♡ you know you did, you fucking know it but here you are anxiously rushing to submit it again.
 ♡ but at this point it doesn’t matter because you are now seconds away from turning it in before the whole portion of the google classroom submission turns grey.
 ♡ gathering the link to the word document that held your assignment the beating in your chest was beginning to level once your hand dragged the mouse pad cursor to the little blue button.
 ♡ rechecking the links you don’t dare take an inhale until your painted cherry red index finger clicks down hard on the submit button, eyes widening and heart pounding when the little loading circle appears.
 ♡ “c’mon!” your hushed whisper stresses, your hands forming into tight fists that rest onto the warm plushness of your thighs your skirt didn’t cover.
 ♡ uneasy eyes flash to the clock onto your macbook and notice the white font against the black outline displaying 11:59, you let out a closed lip whine when the loading whirlpool doesn’t go away and the bold purple words of ‘submitted!’ don’t appear on your screen.
 ♡ however, with whatever saving grace and golden strand of luck that was fortunately bestowed on you, that easing message appeared seconds away from the striking hour of midnight.
 ♡ letting out a relieved sigh your head falls back as you closed and rubbed your eyes, your cold fingertips attempting to cool your racing head you move them away from your face when your phone tings.
 ♡ grabbing your phone that was thrown in your blitzing uneasiness minutes ago the sight of your friends name appears on your lockscreen, under it holds their message.
 ♡ please [y/n] tell me you turned it in.
 ♡ you unlock your phone and message them back, informing them that you have turned it in which you received the same relieved feedback that coursed through your mind a minute ago.
 ♡ closing off the conversation with a comment of speaking to them tomorrow you shut off your phone and closed your macbook, setting them both on their individual chargers before walking out of your room.
 ♡ you can hear the light jazz of glenn millers ‘tuxedo junction’ fuzz through the halls, the pinkness of your socks that cover your feet guide you to where the music gets stronger and stronger.
 ♡ ari’s office door is slightly cracked, the music bustling inside it flowing out into the hallway you step closer and peek your eye through the crack.
 ♡ there you see your lover, sitting at his polished desk, a cigarette in hand he puffs it as his spectacle eyes glance down at the papers that lie in front of him, an ink pen in his other grasp writes down what he needs to.
 ♡ glancing down you notice his feet tapping against the carpet to the suave rhythm of the jazz blasting on a small speaker at the corner near his numerous chestnut bookshelves and flourishing green potted plants.
 ♡ taking a deep inhale of the cigar the white smoke that slips through his lips looks like a soft cotton cloud, your heart jumps to an opportunity when his hand that holds his pen stops writing.
 ♡ his eyes skimming through his papers as his fingers adjust the glasses on the bridge of his nose, setting down his burning thick cigar on the ashtray near him as well.
 ♡ fingers framing the sides of his bearded cheeks, your lover reads his written work with a careful eye, foot continuing to tap as the beat enters into its main rowdy trumpet chorus.
 ♡ pink tongue gliding against his rosy lips, his eyes shine and with that he takes the papers in both his hands and evens them out, grabbing the stapler that’s set near his neatly arranged pens he clicks the thick papers together.
 ♡ grabbing a navy blue folder he sets the papers in it and opens one of his desk drawers before setting his paperwork amongst his other files, shutting it closed his fingers grab his cigar that is still burning.
 ♡ taking it back between his lips your eyes don’t leave them, you never wanted to be that cigar so badly, your heart skips a beat when ari’s yes set against yours, a smirk peeking his tobacco smoked lips you let out a hushed ‘eep’ and back away from the door.
 ♡ you hear ari’s deep chuckle from in his office, causing your face to heat up and limbs to go stiff in embarrassment, peeking your face again through the doors crack your eyes set back on ari’s amused smirk and you gasp and move your head away.
 ♡ ari let out a airy laugh, oh he was enjoying your flustered state, he always found it so cute when he caught you staring at him.
 ♡ “come in princess,” he spoke.
 ♡ smirk still plastered on his lips he exhales another white smoky cloud before putting out the thick cigar, not wanting you to inhale any of the fumes.
 ♡ hears the door open, eyeing your shy figure walking to him growing confident with each step.
 ♡ your hips, legs and shoulders dance along the jazzy miller piece, making his smirk widen as you sway and swing your body to emphasize your pronounced curves that hide in your thick collared sweater and tennis skirt.
 ♡ he can’t snatch his eyes away from your soft thighs that aren’t properly covered from that ridiculously short skirt, his eyes darken when he sees your fingers unbuttoning the buttons of the top portion of the designer sweatshirt.
 ♡ your hands do a sinister job at gliding up your curves slowly, teasingly rising the hem of your flowy skirt before gripping the bottom of your unbuttoned canary yellow sweatshirt.
 ♡ pulling it off your bodice and over your head you throw it behind you to reveal the crop top that tightly wraps your chest, displaying your plump cleavage ari’s darken eyes latch upon.
 ♡ “hi daddy,” you speak through your glossed lips and batting lashes, stepping around to stand besides his figure sitting in his leather swivel chair.
 ♡ those honeyed words are spoken in an almost purr, your eyes skimming his face and to the objects that cover his desk your curious fingertips and cherry painted acrylics graze and clack against.
 ♡ the image of his dark eyes sparkle when they meet yours, they glimmer in adoration as one of his large warm hands rise to cup your cheek.
 ♡ “hello princess,” the deepness of his words has your chest fluttering and the heat of your core radiating sensually, your eyes leave his and your lips press against each other abashed.
 ♡ his smirk turns into a soft smile, how can his little pearl be so bold yet shy at the same time?
 ♡ whatever it is about you he savors and cherishes, his hand that cups your chin is removed to pat down on his trouser thigh but maybe he thinks otherwise on the known signal that you're a bit to latched on the mood and want him to take over whatever thick sexual tension he started.
 ♡ however he’s surprised as his little shy pearl wraps her arms around his neck, pedicured fingers lacing in his shoulder length hair as soft legs smoothly straddle his lap, it made it all easier that they were parted slightly as you settled your bum against his calves.
 ♡ took him by another surprise as you smashed your bubblegum glossed lips against his, rubbing your chest against his as your tongue slipped into his mouth.
 ♡ you usually don’t kiss him like this after he had a cigar but ari isn’t complaining as he swirls his tongue with yours, his large hands travel down to cup your bum to find a nice surprise which results in his pants tightening more against his thick bulge.
 ♡ your shameless skirt doesn’t even cover your ass properly, the fringed designer cloths trimming curtains the curve of your ass but leaves the plump dips of your under cheeks uncovered for his rough palms to smooth and grope.
 ♡ you moan against his lips but that soft moans turns into a pitched whine as he releases his lips from your erotic mouth, in result he lightly slaps your ass before groping the flesh.
 ♡ “how was your nap sleeping beauty?” ari’s voice low and raspy at the cause of your kiss, you sigh and bow your head at remembering the thought.
 ♡ “it was nice daddy but it turned a little rotten after,” your pout causes his brows to scrunch.
 ♡ “why’s that princess?” his hands smooth and pat your hair still slightly untamed from your nap, your hands that grip his expansive button up smooth the material down.
 ♡ “because I had to rush to turn in an assignment I thought I turned in, it was so stressful finding out from my friend who thankfully reminded me of so,” you mutter, your mood becoming spoiled when remembering school.
 ♡ nowadays you barely enjoyed your time with your daddy without worrying about any uncompleted assignments or the thought of your grades dropping or being fully invested in studying.
 ♡ school was a killjoy, it was killing your special time with your daddy and even though you still turned in that project your mind still was filled with anxiety and stress.
 ♡ “have you turned in your assignment doll?” ari spoke and you nodded your head, calming a bit as his hand rubs your back up and down, the sensation almost therapeutic. “then what is my princess worrying about?”
 ♡ your pout signifies it all, you don’t know what your stressing about, maybe you forgot another assignment that needed to be turned in, maybe you forgot to study for a test that was nearing soon, maybe you missed a virtual class during your nap.
 ♡ your eyes water and your bottom lip trembles, the grip you have on his button up tightens with your fear-riddled scrunch, your breathing stuttering which has ari sitting up to grab your face in his hands.
 ♡ “hey, hey. baby calm down-,” but your breathing still stutters as your face scrunches and streams in your aggressive tameless tears.
 ♡ “baby, sweetheart look at me!” his voice snaps to your attention as your red eyes meet soothing aqua pools, hands gripping his shoulders and teary eyes locked in need to keep him close but he seems like an ocean away.
 ♡ “count with me baby, like we practiced before. inhale-” he says, inhaling a breath and your stuttering lungs are quick to inhale a breath along with him, your mind however races still. “exhale,” he whispers and lets out a breath and you do so.
 ♡ “one,” you two continued this breathing session till your tears stopped and your pacing chest settled calmly against his, the only sound being the soft trumpet of another jazz song playing and your soft sniffs.
 ♡ his arms cage you in a warm secure hug, hands rubbing soothing circles against your back as your open hands rest against his chest, he had you drink a glass of water with a tylenol tablet to ease you.
 ♡ yet your silence is a major tell to ari that your mind is still scrambling despite feeling your stable heartbeat against his, he presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
 ♡  “[y/n]? princess?” ari softly speaks, your eyes slightly sting from your vicarious crying and your head aches from the episode that happened a while ago, cheeks slightly damped, you raise your hands to wipe them dry.
 ♡ pulling your head away from his collar bones you sit up to meet his reassured glance to yours, “i’m sorry daddy,” you spoke, it was almost drenched in seeking forgiveness but ari shove his head while cupping your face in his hands again pulling your face to his.
 ♡  “no sweetheart don’t apologize, it’s all alright. something like this shouldn’t need an apology, you aren’t at any fault because you’ve done nothing wrong but let out your emotions.” your eyes watered with his comforting words.
 ♡ “it’s not the things that are stressing you that are bothering you, it’s just the thought. it’s just your thoughts, just and only your thoughts but you got through that so well princess. i’m so proud of you.” ari’s thumbs swiped away at each of your tears, your lips slowly curling up in a small smile at his praise.
 ♡ sitting up on your knees you rested your forehead against his, nose bumping against his you giggled as our daddy’s eyes squinted at the impact before letting out a soft chuckle,
 ♡  your eyes glimmering as they twined to ari’s cooling blue hues through his frameless thin glasses, your hands rise up to caress his bearded cheeks, his finely soft hairs tenderly scratch your fingers and palms while his rub your bare lower back.
 ♡ an equally tender smile radiates off both of you before he pecks your lips to his.
 ♡ “tell me princess, tell daddy what you want. anything you want you’re getting,” his words string together a thoughtful expression compressed on your pretty facial features, your stomach interrupts you both as it loudly growls.
 ♡ “clever princess, you didn’t have to tell daddy when he could hear your hungry tummy,” ari’s own comment makes him laugh loudly and your face heats up as you swat his chest.
 ♡ “stop being mean daddy,” you grumble with a pout but you still see that handsome smirk against his face and as much as you wanna turn your head away when he grabs your chin you allow him to kiss you.
 ♡ “alright daddy’s done with being a meanie. c’mon sweetheart, lets get some food inside that tummy,” he says poking your belly.
 ♡ the tickling sensation lets out a giggle from you while he grabs your body to wrap your legs around his waist as he gets off his seat.
 ♡ ari carries you out of his office to the kitchen, setting you down on the lavish island that stands in the large kitchen however you whine when the cold surface hits your back thighs.
 ♡ the little sound alerts ari who turns his head to you after searching the refrigerator for some ingredients to create a suitable meal for you.
 ♡ “oh right, sorry princess,” he says and carries you to a cushioned chair near the dinner table, of course you could jump off the counter and walk to the seat yourself but you both like it when he babied you.
 ♡ after just a minute of searching through the refrigerator he closes his with a sigh, “do you wanna order something sugarplum?” he said and you smiled and nodded your head.
 ♡ “yes daddy,” you spoke and his chest hums in glee seeing your joy laced in your voice, he allowed you to order whatever food you wanted on your food delivery app since he wasn’t an expert at those things.
 ♡ a thing about ari is that he was so old fashioned, he didn’t have a computer to organize all his files because he had numerous drawers and file cabinets to keep all his important documents.
 ♡ his portable device was a flip phone and as much as you teased him for it he didn’t bulge at taking interest in any technological advances to his life.
 ♡ “is that all you want sweetheart? you don’t want anything else for the night?” ari spoke as he poured you a glass of ice cubed strawberry mint water from a glass pitcher, setting the cup in front of you as you scrolled through your phones feed.
 ♡ you smile up at him as you take the glass, “can we make cookies?” you ask before raising the glasses rim to your lips and taking a sip of the cold minty berry water.
 ♡ “didn’t you order a dessert on the app?” he asked and you shook your head no, the dessert options the restaurant of your choice didn’t really have anything that sparked interest to your midnight cravings.
 ♡ “don’t you think it’s a bit late to bust open the flour and sugar baby?” he said and a naughty smile grazes your lips at his question.
 ♡ “daddy it’s never too late to bust open anything if you put your mind to it,” your smooth voice spoke as you got off your seat to walk to the refrigerator, possessing a bit of flounce to your hips.
 ♡ you opened the stainless steel door handle and grabbed the large bar of nestle tollhouse cookie dough, closing the door behind you you walk to the island and place it in front of ari.
 ♡ if you both weren't doing it from scratch then this was the only option.
 ♡ he still stares down at it while you prepare the oven to preheat, getting out the cooking spray, parchment and cookie tray, “what’s wrong daddy?”
 ♡ “that’s big baby,” he said, his eye’s proximate on how many chocolate chip cookies the large bar could make but he doesn’t notice the naughty smirk that crosses your lips again until his eyes move up towards yours.
 ♡ “I know daddy but it isn’t as big as you,” ari’s face blushes at those words but before he can recollect any thoughts or get his hands on your insatiable figure of your moving skirt turns away to grab a knife, diminishing all his thoughts he rushes to take it away from you.
 ♡ “daddy can do this part, you can roll the dough in balls. can you do that princess?” ari softly asks, cutting open the bar he cuts even slices then cuts the thick circular prism in half to have you roll them both into spheres.
 ♡ “of course daddy but only if you can let me lick yours after we’re done with this,” you say getting straight to work with rolling the cold dough in your palms but only after brushing your ass against his thigh.
 ♡ ari couldn’t help his face from flushing into a crimson rose, feeling his pants tightening around his hardening erection at your shameless proclamations and actions.
 ♡ but it didn’t have him distracted from the task at hand or from quickly smacking your ass, commanding you to behave for him.
 ♡ and you did, kept your dirty remarks to yourself as you placed the spheres of cookie dough in a correct distance from each other in rows on the cookie tray.
 ♡ you both decided that ten cookies after a bit of a banter between you and him as you used your puppy eyes on him to make the whole tube but he set the discussion to an end with a compromise.
 ♡ the compromise being that he’d let you stay up and watch whatever movie you want with him as you had your take out and cookies, adding your additional requests to the compromise that there better be lots of cuddles and kisses.
 ♡ he slides your hot pink baking oven mitts with the mini stitched cupcakes on them and popped the cookie tray in the hot oven. 
 ♡ turning to your figure sitting criss-cross apple sauce on the island setting the kitchen timer for twelve minutes and placing it down beside you.
 ♡ ari prepares the cooling rack and spatula for when the cookies are done, not noticing your neediness and attention seeking grabs at his collar and hair.
 ♡ “daddy,” you mutter, that bratty persona becoming clearer with each of your restless limbs and pouting lips attempting to grab his attention.
 ♡ “yes princess?” he spoke, his eyes moving towards yours to set sight of your signature doe eyes he knows so well.
 ♡ those doe eyes you give him when your bare and desperate underneath him. 
 ♡ scratching crescent moons on his back, moaning so sweetly for him as he thrusts his cock in and out of your velvety pussy.
 ♡ you don’t say anything though, all you do is part your legs and his eyes darken once they set sight of your wet core open on display under your skirt. 
 ♡ those same lust blown eyes dart down and meet your small peach colored panties crumbled on the floor underneath your dangling socked feet.
 ♡ before he can even do anything, before having the chance to rip that skirt off your body or getting on his knees and lick your tangy slicked folds the doorbell interrupts him.
 ♡ remembering your take-out, annoyance captivates ari but he smirks at the opportunity to tease you as you did him. 
 ♡ so instead of ignoring the delivery person he walks away from your weeping cunt and gaped mouth to get the door.
 ♡ returning with your food and to your glossy pout your whines and grabs for him become more demanding and louder as he takes his sweet time taking each plastic take-out container and brown bag filled with food out of the delivery bag to the table.
 ♡ “daddy!” your bratty calls for him but he just ignores as he takes out plates and napkins for you and him, setting them to look their best on the dinner table.
 ♡ organizing the plastic containers and bags of food in between your plates he finally turns and walks to you, grabbing your waist you smirk thinking you got what you wanted but it disappears when the following words leave his mouth.
 ♡ “dinner time princess,” his smirk is more arrogant than yours and it only widens as you glare up at him, you’re so cute when you don’t get what you want.
 ♡ “you don’t want dinner princess?” he asked and you nodded your head, ari’s brow quirks in amusement.
 ♡ “then what do you want then princess?” it wasn’t a question, more so a demand to have the brat in his arms to speak on what she wants.
 ♡ you cross your arms and turn your head away from him, setting your angry sight on anything besides ari which he doesn’t permit as he grabs your jaw firmly in hands and shifts your sight to him.
 ♡ “speak up dolly. good girls get whatever they ask for, brats get nothing,” he spoke and your glare doesn’t ease one bit but your answer is mumbled to softly and lowly for ari to hear, your attitude only adding only the impatience ari has for you in this situation.
 ♡ “i’m sorry princess,” ari spoke before gripping your ass in a rough harsh handleful, “but daddy didn’t hear you. can daddy’s little dumb brat speak up? or does daddy have to give his dumb baby dinner and send her to bed with no cookies and cock?”
 ♡ the growl that rolled off his lips hit against the shell of your ear as his fingertips dig sharply into the raw warm plushness of your ass, your breath staggered but the wetness that pools your pleasure seeking core doesn’t lessen.
 ♡ “I want daddy please. please can I have it daddy?” you whimper, your voice meek and fragile and nothing like the cocky brat that teased him both verbally and physically moments ago.
 ♡ “you’ve been making jokes on daddy’s cock and balls since I let you make your cookies and now when you're on the receiving end of the joke you can’t properly tell daddy you want it?”
 ♡ his voice was rough and course, his hands that smack and grope your ass hold the same fierceness as he picks you up before slamming your back against the metal of the refrigerator. 
 ♡ hearing the little breathy whine when his fingers purposely glide through your folds, his smirk darkens as your wetness coats his thick fingers.
 ♡ “oh, does my spoiled brat want daddy’s fingers? or does my spoiled brat want daddy’s cock?” he whispered as his head snakes in the crook of your neck.
    ♡ nibbling the tender skin under your ear that practically makes you cream against his stroking fingers.
 ♡ “I want your cock daddy! please, daddy! I need it!” your voice is a combination of whimpers and moans, the sound of it music to his ears.
 ♡ before he can give you another teasing stroke at your needy puffy folds, or command you to unbuckle his belt the timer for the cookies goes off.
 ♡ ari’s dark smirk shadows his face and you let out a whine knowingly the results of the night.
 ♡ it was going to take a while until you’ll get what you want and ari will partake in the satisfying discipline to teach you a lesson on misbehaving.
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myriaeden · 1 month ago
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Jason Todd Lockscreens
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chanluster · 5 years ago
ann summers | {c} ; mild {f}
oneshot | 2.56K words
“ your best friend was weirdly terrified of lingerie, and you found it irritating yet adorable.”
c o n t e n t s >> a very flustered seungmin, constant clownery, mild fluff, mentions of sex toys but no usage, sexual innuendo, a lot of swearing, y’all basically make seungmin hella uncomfortable lmaoaoo
a / n >> inspired loosely by real events when my friends and i got kicked out of a sex shop for fucking around :’) ann summers is a lingerie and sex shop, in case y’all didn’t know!
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“Seungmin,” You explained for the last time, ”They’re not going to come alive and bite you.”
The boy stood in front of you shot you an expression which actually doubted your statement. He hugged himself tighter, white hoodie bunching up at the waist, either to warm himself from the bitter London cold or shield himself from another threat.
Monsters displayed in the windows of Ann Summers. 
These creatures that your best friend shied from hung delicately either on racks, or were boasted upon the slim mannequin bodices, intricate lacing and beadings accentuating the dark colours. Posters of models adorning the god-forbidden entity, posing seductively as they showed off the latest collection.
You rolled your eyes, and this time it hurt as they reached the insides of your mind.
“You actual pussy,” you jeered. “Every woman wears a bra you know. Or at least some point in her life.”
You raised your own chest a little higher, pointing towards the goods. “Even I’m wearing one right now.”
Seungmin’s face was a classic painting of disgust. “You didn’t have to tell me that,” he whined, almost hiding within the folds of his hoodie. “Look, I’ll wait here, you go and do your shopping.” 
“But that’ll be boring if I do it alone!” You looked up at the sky, grey clouds engulfing the sun for hours. “And it’ll rain any moment now, I can’t let you stay outside.”
“I’d rather stay outside than step foot in that…” he glanced at the lingerie shop for a millisecond before hurriedly settling his eyes upon you. “That place.”
“You say it like it’s some twisted underworld.” You waved a hand towards the shop. “To women it is a chance of feeling sexy.
“And I wanna feel sexy, Seungmin.”
He raised an incredulous eyebrow at you. “Who for? The men on your lockscreen you cry over?”
Chuckling, he dodged your hand, nearly whacking him. “Watch it, dickhead,” you warned. “And it doesn’t have to be for a man. I want to feel hot for myself.”
“But ___, you’re already pretty,” he pleaded rather than declared, the tone making you suspicious. “You don’t need that lacey shit.”
“Are you saying that just so I don’t go inside the store? Because I will anyway, whether I’m going to buy something or not.”
A few moments passed after the words left your mouth, and you watched his brows furrow irritably.
“Nevermind, you’re mad fucking ugly.”
This time, your hand managed to hit home, earning a yelp from Seungmin, who rubbed his arm in pain. 
“Now stop bitching and come inside,” you ordered, ready to take him by his sweater paws, but he stayed rooted to the cobblestone street. 
“I’m not going in,” he muttered. 
Perhaps hitting his head would get him to comply. 
Before you could carry out your sentence, thunder reigned upon the ears of the shoppers and other citizens out, including you two who jumped from the rather loud sound. 
You felt a drop of water hit your head. Then, saw another fall upon Seungmin’s face. 
One drop. Two drops. Four drops. 
Until drops became showers, and you started towards the Ann Summers building, dragging the hesitant boy along and rushed under the cover of the entrance. 
You shot a glare as you slowed down, ignored by the boy watching the showers of rain grow angrier. “I told you this would happen.”
He turned, eyes now desperate. “Please don’t make me go in there, ___.”
“Look, this isn’t normal. You gotta learn to be comfortable with seeing bras and pants and sex toys—”
“Wait what? Sex toys?!” He backed away out of cover, and came running back when he felt the icy rain. “No way am I going in there now. You’re on your own.”
“Seungmin!” You exclaimed, and with his surprise, you took the golden opportunity to grab his sweater-cuffed hands, and with the other hand pushed the doors open as you pulled him inside with you.
You looked up at your surroundings, a whimper sounding from behind you.
It was an explosion of dark pink in the background, complimentary with black railings and racks as thousands of different pieces of lingerie hung, stacked and modelled before you, a full colour blast and wild designing. Lacing you had never seen before accentuating body suits, stockings promising brilliant bedroom results and everything naughty you could ever think of presented on a silver plate to the customer. 
The store knew you sought pleasure, and made sure to offer it in an infinite ways and possibilities. 
It made Kim Seungmin nearly scream.
“I’m going right now—!” he turned on his heel, but you successfully grabbed onto the hood, yanking him back to your side. 
“No time for your whining, buddy.” You stared at the sexual haven, excited to uncover what it offered. “Let’s buy some motherfucking bras!”
“Oh dear God,” he could only murmur.
Batting your hand off the hood, he crossed his arms as he miserably followed you around, not leaving his eyesight from the carpeted floor. You, on the other hand, relished in the polished lingerie store, assessing each new piece in each hot collection, feeling like a proper woman. Of course you had some nice underthings for yourself, but there are always times where you wished you possessed something fancier, something with a little black lace and pants which were tied up at the sides. It seemed awfully silly saying all those little wishes to your best friend, but it was what you truly felt.
You just wanted to feel...nice.
“Seungmin, you do know no one is going to judge you for looking around with me.” You studied a certain two piece, a little too big for your breasts. “I think I’d judge you more for constantly looking down. It’s like you’ve already done something vile.”
“Don’t say that,” he grumbled. “I just don’t want anyone thinking I’m a weirdo.”
“No one’s going to think that,” you assured him. “Just don’t sniff the bras or shit like that. That would definitely get you kicked out.”
“I wasn’t even thinking of that, sick bitch.” He slid a little closer to you, wary of the other shoppers walking, assessing by. “Whatever, I’ll just wait for you.”
You let your lips curve into a malicious smirk. “But Seungmin, I wanted your opinion on a few things.”
The boy’s devastation nearly made you cackle. “No fucking way are you going to show me what you want.”
You gave into your wishes, laughing shamelessly at the blush rising in his cheeks. “Nah, I’m not that sadistic. Actually, I already know what I need, but I’m gonna take a while, so…” your knowing smile remained. “You can search around for yourself if you like.”
Those little cheeks blushed harder. “Shut up.”
Whistling, you only shrugged, walking past the lingerie in a slow stroll. “Whatever you say, buddy! And remember.” You glanced back, eyes dancing. “There is nothing to be scared of in here.”
You continued your search for your specific sized bras, collecting a few and hanging them upon your arm as you browsed, Seungmin close behind, ready to bolt out of the shop at any moment. Every so often a scandalous underwear would be shown off upon the shelves, and you’d pick out a piece, waving it in front of the boy and watch him scurry away from it as if it were a poisonous creature. 
It made your insides sing at the thought of his reaction when he saw the contents further down the shop. You were sure he would pass out.
“Okay, Minnie,” You started, walking towards the far end of the room. “I’ve picked out a few things and am just going back there.”
“Hold up!” He sprang into a little jog, hastily avoiding the lingerie and stopping right next to you. “Don’t you dare leave me.”
“You were the one dying to stay away,” you reminded him, already catching sight of Seungmin’s final doom. “Now come here, I need to find myself one more thing.”
Taking his sweater paw, you lead him out of the lingerie section, a pink wall separating the contents behind the other side. A doorway was present, and you entered through it, the biggest, dirtiest grin adorning upon your lips.
You read out the sign, already feeling Seungmin go statue-still.
“Sex toys!” You declared.
And heard your best friend’s response. 
You let out a gasp. Never before had you seen him this frightened, and you’ve been through a hundred theme parks with him. You’ve seen how this idiot had screamed his voice dead at rollercoasters. 
“Seungmin—” you started, but with a jolt you noticed he had wrenched his hood over his head, pulling at the strings so all you could see were his eyes, angry as the thunder crashing outside in the sky. 
“What are you doing here—!” he mumbled into the opening of his hoodie, but you shut him up with your hand, shushing him.
“Look, we’re technically not allowed to be in here, so shut up.” You turned around once more to the sex toys, proudly being shown upon the shelves. The dildos were the main attraction, catching your eye with the vibrant colours, different sizes and special editions being listed on their tags.
Your best friend looked frantically around, making sure there were no employees around to catch you both. “I hate you so much,” he guttered, which only made you smile. 
You dashed to the shelves, observing one brilliantly pink dildo, veins and all carved into the plastic. “Oh my God, Minnie, look!” 
The disgust on Seungmin’s face made you pick up the object, assessing the little details engraved upon it. “It says it’s eight inches.” Your eyes widened. “Eight inches!”
“You better put that back, then,” the boy drawled, still not loosening the strings of his hoodie. “That shit’ll kill you.”
“You’re just mad you don’t pack that much.” You obliged, putting the dildo back. “Didn’t know cocktail sausages were designed based on your dick.”
“My dick is not small,” he argued. When he saw your knowing smirk, though, he visibly shrunk.
“Oh yeah?” You walked on, cackling. “Keep talking shit, Minnie, but I can’t see any bulge.”
“Oh my God-” he immediately yanked his hoodie lower, as red as a tomato. “Stop!”
“Don’t worry, bud,” you sang out, going deeper into the aisles. You’ll find a lovely girl who will look past your 3-incher.”
Seungmin only had his eyes on you, blushing even more. “fuck you, ____.”
His thoughtful comment was ignored, skipping past various sizes of anal beads, magic wands and other innovative little creations, surprised to find so much range. You knew you would probably never use these objects, but the idea of people trying to spice up their sex lives with all this was insane in your head. 
It was too bad you and Seungmin were pain-stakingly virgin.
You were about to call exit when your eyes stopped on a certain invention, and your mouth dropped. 
“What is that?”
You quickly picked it up, assessing its indigo, snake-like bodice, veins engraved all over with two heads on either sides. Laughing, you raised it to get your best friend’s attention.
“Look at this!”
Seungmin came over, took one glance at what you held, and turned a straight 180 degrees.
“Wait, wait!” You grabbed onto his hood once more, pausing his escape. 
“I am not going to admire a double-ended dildo-”
“But look at how innovative this is!” You turn him around, gripping the sex toy like its a snake ready to strike.
Even the boy’s eyes were ready to dagger you. “____, I swear on Jesus and his disciples, I’m going to get your head checked.”
“How cute would it be if we used it together?” you teased, trying to hand him the tip, but he dodged your hand.
“I’m going! Ciao! Adios! Au revoir!” he crowed, finished with your tom-foolery, and leaving the sex toy’s section.
“No, Seungmin, wait!” You called after him, double-ended dildo still in hand, and trying to catch up to his rapid retreat. 
You were about to fall into step beside him when a woman stopped you both.
When the two of you saw the Ann Summers tag on her blouse, and a rather interrogative expression, you both exchanged glances, yours a little more sheepish than his.
“What were you kids doing in the back section?” she asked, hands on her hips.
You could feel the nerves radiating off Seungmin’s body, so you opened your mouth, saying the first words that touched your tongue.
“My friend and I were, uh, at the back...trying things out.”
Suddenly, a laugh escaped your best friend.
The employee looked at the lingerie on your one arm, and the double-ended dildo in your other hand. Then she raised a groomed brow at you.
Your cheeks flushed aggressively, and with further surprise heard Seungmin’s chuckling grow louder.
“Children are strictly prohibited in the sex-toys section,” she scolded, regarding the shopping in your arms. “You can still buy the bras, but the other thing…”
“I’ll put it back right now!” you declared, eyes wide as your best friend’s laughter boomed across the shop. You hurried back in the erotica section, dumping the dildo among its brethren and returning to your surrender spot.
The attendant then took your remaining items and scanned them in, ushering you to the till. You paid the woman what was due, and took the black shoppings, exiting the shop hastily with a near-hysterical Seungmin at your heels.
The London rain had softened to a light drizzle when you burst out of Ann Summers, getting irritated with the continuous howling, and at last you whirled around, ready to shut him up when you stopped.
Your best friend’s hood was pulled over, and he bent forward, soft locks bobbing as he laughed out his soul, eyes disappearing within his grin. The sound of the rain harmonised with his melodious voice, and you watched, mouth parted in awe. 
You had seen Seungmin laugh a million and two times. It was always after you faced the consequences of your frequent fuck-ups - just like this one. However, looking at him now, finally calming his roaring, toothy grin still on display, there was something quite fantastical in his mirth that made your heartbeat run fast -  faster than you when returning that damned double-ended dildo.
“I hate you!” your best friend declared to London, smiling at you.
You could only return that pure happiness. “I hate you too,” you replied, heart still beating rapidly.
He finally strolled up to you, eyeing the black shopping bag. “You deserve that scolding.”
“I know,” you agreed, turning towards the street, another notorious shop in sight. “Let’s do it again.”
Seungmin shot you an incredulous look. “You already know I’m never stepping foot in Ann Summers again.”
“I don’t mean Ann Summers, Minnie,” you said, staring at the other shop. The next destination of trouble.
The boy followed your line of sight, and his joy nearly vanished. His eyes darted to you, disbelief in his expression.
“No, you’re fucking not.”
But you only stuck your tongue out at him and ran towards the building, you now being the one laughing.
Seungmin only rolled his eyes, a small smile escaping his lips when he looked at you and followed your footsteps, right into the Victoria Secret building.
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taxicabinmemphis · 5 years ago
“You promised you wouldn’t forget me.” with any ship, human au, they were childhood friends but then one moved and they've met again for the first time in years
So yeah this one is long sorry.
(tw mentions of a panic attack, no description or anything tho)
Virgil kicked his tire angrily. Of course the vile creature had to flatten on him in the middle of nowhere. Now he was stuck on the side of the road in late September, cursing himself for not taking a spare the one time he should have.
The sun was shining down on him, bright and hot in the early afternoon. There were a few trees in the area, but they did nothing to shield him from the heat. Virgil didn’t really want to go back into his car as he had just had a panic attack in the driver’s seat, so he figured he would stay despite the hot weather.
Virgil groaned, pulling out his phone to call roadside assistance.
It was just his luck that his phone died the second his phone app had loaded.
It took Virgil all of his willpower to not throw the phone into the pavement out of anger.
He sighed, leaning his back against the car. What would he do now?
After about ten minutes of sitting there, he figured it would be best if he started to walk. The nearest town was a long way away, but he could hopefully get there by nightfall. He got up and grabbed his belongings.
As soon as he was fully ready to start walking, a car pulled in front of his. Virgil stiffened, worried that the person may be taking advantage of his situation and was going to hurt him.
A man got out of the car and turned to face Virgil. He had brown eyes, brown hair with a streak of white in it, and a mustache. He was wearing a forest green leather jacket over a ripped and dirty white t-shirt, ripped black jeans, and dirty combat boots.
The two made eye contact, and there was no denying it.
Remus Knightley.
Virgil’s worries about being harmed calmed immediately, but now he had a new set of anxieties to deal with. He knew everything about this man before he knew how to walk. They were best friends up until college, where Virgil got accepted into a prestigious art school and Remus went to prison for aggravated assault. Yeah, he committed the crime, but the victim deserved it.
As it appeared, Remus had served his sentence.
And now Virgil had to see him again. In any other instance he would be running into his arms, but there was a problem.
Virgil didn’t lose all contact with him for no reason. Yes, the prison and the art school made things difficult but they had been so close even that wouldn’t have stopped them.
Virgil had been in love with Remus since they were sixteen.
And now, he was apparently his best shot at getting out of his unfortunate situation.
“Flat tire?” Remus called out to Virgil, walking towards him.
Did Remus not recognize him?
Virgil could pretend he didn’t either. “Yeah, unfortunately.”
“Dead phone battery? No spare?”
Virgil sighed in annoyance. “My phone is at zero percent. No spare. I gave it to my friend Patton when he parked on a glass bottle outside my house a few days ago. Since I have never needed a spare in my life, I didn’t think to get one.”
“Even when driving out in the middle of nowhere?”
Virgil glared at him.
“I’m not judging!” He put up his hands in surrender. “Just curious.”
“It’s a three hour drive, dude, I’ve gone for twenty-six and never needed one.”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Twenty-six hour drive? I’d go crazy.”
I’m sure you would.
Virgil shrugged. “Yeah, whatever. What are you here for?”
“I am offended. I come here to help and you don’t even entertain my conversation.”
“Maybe when I have food, water, charged phone, no flat tires and am not riding through the aftermath of a panic attack, mmkay?” Virgil’s rude tone was able to conceal any anxiety. “So what is your name and are you gonna help me or not.”
“I’ll help you.” Remus pulled his phone out, opening it to see the lockscreen. “My phone’s at sixty-eight.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Precise. Name?”
Remus looked away from his phone and to Virgil’s eyes. “Don’t tell me you don’t know.”
Oh. So he did recognize him. Why didn’t he address him by his name then?
“Virgil.” There it was.
“That is my name, great guessing.”
Remus paused.
“You promised you wouldn’t forget me.”
His voice wasn’t Remus’ anymore. It was weak, broken, and vulnerable. He no longer exuded confidence and danger.
Remus sighed at Virgil’s silence, turning around. He refused to face his old friend and crush. He opened up his phone to call roadside assistance.
“I did, didn’t I?”
Remus turned back to Virgil, eyes lighting up with hope. Virgil gave him a small, fond smile, and shrugged.
“Yeah, I didn’t forget you. Did you really think I could?”
Remus ran to Virgil, closing his phone and stuffing it in his pocket. He wrapped his arms around Virgil, lifting him into the air and spinning him around.
“R-Re-Remus!” Virgil laughed. “Put me down and let me hug you properly.”
Remus slowly set Virgil down, but kept his arms tight around the emo. Virgil hugged him back, nuzzling his head against Remus’ shoulder.
They pulled back after a long time.
“Don’t you dare pull that stunt again, you hear me?” Remus said firmly, pointing at Virgil with his index finger.
“What? How could I be sure of your identity? You have a twin brother after all.”
“Jerk. You knew it was me.”
"Yeah,” Virgil conceded. “I did.”
Remus raised en eyebrow. “Why’d you lie then?”
Virgil gulped. He didn’t want to tell him. “Does it matter?”
“Yes.” He frowned. “You weren’t scared I was gonna assault you too, were you? ‘Cause I would never hurt you. And either way, no more prison; it took me away from you.”
Virgil snorted, but put a hand to his forehead. There was no real harm in the truth, was there? “No. I was scared about that before I saw it was you, ironically.” Remus laughed at Virgil’s admission. “But...well, we never reconnected.”
“Because of prison.”
“Oh come on, Remus, our friendship could’ve survived anything if we tried hard enough. It was me.”
Remus started to pull away from Virgil, the emo immediately pulling him back.
“I was scared. I still am.” Virgil took a deep breath. “See, I may or may not have gotten the biggest crush on you when we were sixteen. You remember how gay I am. I went through the painful process of having an unrequited crush for a couple years, then you were convicted and I went to college and I couldn’t help but take it as a way to get over you. But as we both know...”
“Distance rarely helps,” they finished together.
“Yeah. So now I’m scared the same thing’s gonna happen.”
“You’re scared you’re gonna fall in love all over again.”
Virgil nodded. “I’m sorry if that hurts things between us.”
“Well, as someone who realized they were gay at thirteen because of how hot you looked in a purple button-up and black ripped jeans, fell in love with you not long after, and thought about you every day in prison, I’d say you’re confession poses no risk to our reunion.”
Virgil’s eyes widened. “You liked me too?!”
“Of course!”
“You bat! Why didn’t you tell me?”
Remus shrugged. “I could tell you didn’t like me like that at first; then I just got used to hiding it. I didn’t want to risk what we had.”
Virgil sighed, running a hand through his hair. “What’s done is done, I suppose.”
Remus nodded. “Do you have anywhere to be?”
“I mean, I was driving out to meet with my parents but I’m not gonna make it on time and they were supposed to fly out to Boston right after our meetup. So not anymore.”
“How’s about this? I call roadside assistance, they tow your car back where you came from or whatever, you use my phone to tell your parents what happened and that you all should reschedule, we drive to the nearest city which is farther than the nearest town so we get there at an appropriate time for dinner and get to sing songs from my CD collection together and catch up, and we eat at a good place I know?”
Virgil smiled. “Sounds marvelous.”
Hope that was alright, sorry it got so long! If you’d like a redo if it wasn’t what you wanted, just shoot me an ask. Thanks for the prompt!
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rosemarypasta · 5 years ago
monday afternoons ♡ 8
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➤  pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤  chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤  summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 1732
♡ masterpost ♡
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-ˏˋ chapter eight ˊˎ-
“Bye everyone!” The second year libero enthusiastically yelled out before the whole team parted ways from Sakanoshita. The rest of the team mumbled out their farewells with drained energy from an intense practice session. You turned on your heel and began to walk side by side with Kageyama. Two whole weeks have passed since that confrontation with Tsukishima and you’ve made it your top priority on trying to regain their trust. Though, most of the team accepted your apology right off the bat, you still tried your best to be active in practice and be friendly with them.
“T-Today was though huh?” You started, referring to the hell-like receive training session the team just had that gifted everyone with new splotches of black and blue all over their arms. “Mhm” Kageyama hummed, his eyes and hands fixated at his unopened milk box. Your shoulders sank at his reply. Of course, there was nothing wrong with Kageyama’s answer. He was always the type to answer with the least amount of energy. A “Mhm”, “Yeah”, “Ok” was a typical Kageyama reply to everything but after what happened with Oikawa, you started to over analyze every reply he gave you. Surprisingly, he was one of the many who accepted your apology right away and just went on about his day like nothing happened, but you still can’t help but think he might have a grudge on you, though you know that he’s not the type of person to do so.
The walk continues in silence. The silence was suffocating to you and your mind raced to come up with conversational topics but Kageyama didn't feel a thing and walked as usual with a milk carton in his hand.
Ever since that day, you’ve stopped replying to Oikawa’s texts and calls. What Hinata said that day just made too much sense, all the insecurities and worries you had revolving around yours and Oikawa’s relationship just fit like a puzzle piece. He never made things official because he never wanted you to be his girlfriend. You were just a toy to piss off Kageyama and you played right into his palm like a fool.
You didn’t even bother asking him about it. You didn’t want to. You figured it would be too painful to hear it from him himself.
Though you kept ignoring him, he still repeatedly tried to text you and call you. Spamming your name in your chats every day for the last thirteen days but last night your chats were empty, with no texts from the Seijoh captain. You figured he finally got tired of chasing after his toy and gave up. But even though you were the one ignoring him, you felt a pain in your chest as you went to sleep last night.
You groaned internally as you watched your house loom closer and closer, cursing under your breath as you didn’t manage to spark a normal conversation with Kageyama.
And as if this whole situation couldn’t get any worse for you, your eyes spot the white blazer of a certain school. The two of you stopped in your tracks, your breath hitched in surprise as you saw Kageyama’s arm shielding you from the Seijoh captain. “Oikawa-san, what are you doing here.” Kageyama’s solemn tone echoed the empty streets.
“Y-Y/N! Where were you I wa-“
“Stop. Get lost already, she doesn’t want to hear it.” He barked at his senior. Before Oikawa can get another word in, Kageyama grabbed your wrist and pulled you away, leaving the brown haired setter at a loss for words in the middle of the dark neighbourhood.
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12:03 AM
Oikawa rubbed his bleary eyes with his fists. He knows he shouldn’t be doing his but he couldn’t keep Y/N of his mind. He knew Iwaizumi would scold him the second he senses something and snatch his phone away. But he had to do it.
He turned his phone on and opened it to reveal his lockscreen which left a bittersweet feeling on the tip of his tongue. He swiped his thumb across the picture of his and Y/N’s hand intertwined together that he sneakily took one time she was distracted and unlocked it.
He bit his lip as he typed the two words onto Y/N’s empty chat.
“Good night”
The brown haired setter wanted to say so much more but he figured if he wanted to even make it out alive out of Iwaizumi’s lecture he was going to have to sit through the next day for disobeying his orders to just leave her alone, this was the most he could do.
He sighed as he tapped the send button. He knew she wasn’t going to reply just like the last two weeks but he still had hope.
Oikawa got up to turn off his bedroom lights before staggering back to the same spot he has been in for the last three hours. He covered his body with the covers, bringing his legs and arms closer to his chest. He went to bed with his hands close to his heart, his phone clutched tight in his fists.
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Hanamaki and Matsukawa watched as their captain sighed at his phone for the eighth time since the lunch break started. The two third years exchanged glances, trying to get the other to ask what was wrong again. Hanamaki squinted hard at Matsukawa, silently arguing with his eyes that it was him who asked Oikawa yesterday to which Matsukawa argued back that he got to the rooftop first so he had to sit through more sighs and moping than him. The two continued to glare hard at each other as their captain signed for the ninth time that afternoon.
“What’s wrong?” Iwaizumi broke the silence amongst the three Aoba Johsai third years as he crept onto the rooftop with an armful of various colors of melon pan. Both Hanamaki and Matsukawa gave their friend a deadpan look on their face as he knew what the problem was. Iwaizumi sighed and proceeded to spike a plastic wrapped green melon pan straight to Oikawa’s downcast face.
“Man, get over yourself and tell them already!” Iwaizumi scowled at his unusually quiet best friend who would usually go ballistic if a bag of bread was hurled at his face. Oikawa sighed again and buried his head into his hands, “you tell them.” He mumbled.
Iwaizumi shook his head at his best friend and turned to his other friends as he commanded. “Basically, he started to fake date the new Karasuno manager to get back at Kageyama but he accidentally fell in love but the girl suddenly started to ghost him for some reason.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s not true! We’re not dating...yet…” Oikawa suddenly shot up. “Whatever! You get my point.” Iwaizumi barked back, rolling his eyes at him.
“Wow captain, fake dating? this is an all time low, even for you.” Hanamaki managed to stay, stifling his laughs, causing Oikawa’s face to retreat into his hands. “You? Actually falling in love with a girl? That’s new.” Matsukawa scoffed, reminiscing his captain’s old flirtatious ways with multiple girls at a time.
Oikawa sat silently as his friends laughed at him. He couldn’t even yell at them and defend himself because he knew they were right. He knew he would always play around with girls but to fake date a girl? He knew he would hate it if a girl were to fake like him but at the end he did end up liking Y/N so...it isn’t that bad...right?
“What’s the big deal? You’ll probably get over her after you go to a mixer like you usually do.” Matsukawa said through the bread he was munching on. “Yeah, what’s so special about her anyway?” The pink haired wing spiker chimed in.
“She’s special...she makes me feel so different.” Oikawa answered, his throat dry. Matsukawa, Hanamaki and Iwaizumi looked at eachother, not expecting such a pressing and soppy reply from their usually annoyingly playful friend who’s never serious about anything other than volleyball.
“I-It’s like I feel like I can be myself, the me I only show the closest people around me, the me I’m around you guys,” Oikawa took a deep breath, not caring about the looks on his friends’ faces, “I mean, you guys know how I’m with when I’m around other girls. Pathetic, fake, disgusting-”
“You said it, not me.” Hanamaki mumbled before getting elbowed on the stomach by the Seijoh ace.
“She makes me all...fuzzy and feel like the whole world is in technicolor. I-I’ve never felt it before but I don’t think I hate it. I don’t know exactly what is it but I think it’s L-”
“Love.” Iwaizumi cut off, “Sorry, had to finish off your sentence before these two start vomiting.” He pointed to the two third years squirming on the ground at Oikawa’s words.
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6:05 PM
Oikawa sighed as he faced the darkening sky with his best friend by his side. His ever so silent phone still tight in his right hand, his palm starts getting clammy as the words he planned to say resonated in his mind.
“Iwa-chan?” He quietly said as the two walked home from practice.
“Hm?” Iwaizumi replied as Oikawa expected.
“Remember the one thing you told me not to do?”
“I did it.”
“I know.”
Oikawa took his eyes off the sky and to his best friend, “You knew?”. Iwaizumi scoffed at his flustered friend, “How could I not? You were staring at your phone like some freak.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes watched as his best friend’s shoulders sagged even more. It would kill him to admit it but it pained him to see how down Oikawa was.
“But,” Iwaizumi started, causing Oikawa to flinch, expecting the long awaited lecture and yelling. “What I didn’t know was that she was that important to you.” He said in a calm demeanor, confusing his friend with the unexpected behaviour.
“She is.” Oikawa coughed, for his throat suddenly felt the driest it has ever been. Iwaizumi abruptly put his hand in the midst of Oikawa’s curls, bringing his head closer to his shoulder.
“She’s so important to me.” Oikawa tried his best to blink away his hot tears that accumulated in his eyes.
next:  -ˏˋ chapter nine ˊˎ-
previous:  -ˏˋ chapter seven ˊˎ-
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I am sleep deprived from moving across town and never ending assignments so i’m so sorry this took so long and i didn’t proofread this chapter so i’m sorry too lmaoo. I plan to soon though so please ignore any mistakes I made this chapter
tag list (open):
@hey-there-demonss​ @bumbledunce​ @teasbees-knees​
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sblackcanary · 8 years ago
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Cassandra Cain with Wonder Woman Dolls in Birds of Prey v1 #63
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fullsunalicia · 5 years ago
dreams reaction to their s/o going from a girl crush concept to a sexy concept? (you don’t need to do Jisung’s reaction if you’re not comfortable)
for jisung i decided to go from a girl crush concept, to a more serious one instead of sexy. kind of like the red concept and velvet concept? i hope you know what i mean haha
Huang Renjun
wouldn’t expect it, but definitely thinks it’s fitting after he sees you in the mv! it’s the first time you rap in a song, and/or a title track. things you did: that. things it did to him: raging hard on. wow. get home and take care of it for him.
definitely loves the concept on you; confidence is really attractive to renjun, and you were killing it! probably swoons about your stage hours later to the dreamies, and doesn’t care how much he annoys them lmaooo
will probably ask you to wear that outfit more often, if you’re able to keep it ;) he likes seeing you in skirts ;)) doesn’t matter actually because he keeps ripping them off you but your thighs look so delicious in them, yum
his lockscreen for the next few weeks is your concept photo, he just can’t resist lmao
Lee Jeno
dies and ascends to heaven. halleluja. his girlfriend walking around like she owns the place??? ohhh my god. he doesn’t know if he wants to put you in your place or continue watching because it’s that good.
would absolutely get shy the first time he watches the mv, and the next few times he has a hard time dealing with his boner lmaooo
would make you take care of it teehee. to me, this man screams dom, so he’ll force you on the bed all punishment mode. “take care of what you started. do you see what you do to me, love? it’s all your fault.”
he’s the king of duality, so when he sees how well you slip from one role into another? instant turn on. praises you so much for it. there’s no one prouder than lee jeno, openly compliments you on sns for your hard work and the finished project!
would definitely affect his bedroom behavior tho... the man is already rough, but after getting so worked up because of your sexy perfomance? rip your legs
Lee Donghyuck
teases the SHIT out of you. “y/n, what are you doing? didn’t anybody tell you you look too cute to seem dangerous? did someone have to lift you on that motorcycle?”
he’s secretly hiding how turned he is, trust me. watches the mv so many times and has to stop himself from letting his mind slip to more sinful places
uses it as an excuse to punish you in the bedroom; he’s unforgiving. “what, did you think you could play all coy without any consequences? get on the bed, ass up.”
after he turns your legs into jelly though, he’ll praise you so much for doing such a good job !! he’s amazed by your stage presence, is that really his y/n?? you’re so talented baby!! do the thing again where you bat your eyelashes at the camera!
Na Jaemin
turns into the BIGGEST cheerleader you’ve ever seen. i’m not kidding. your first performance? he’s screaming fanchants from backstage. you win an award for the comeback? he starts crying right alongside your band members. seriously. that man worships the ground you walk on
like renjun, he’d definitely be affected by your appearance and looks in the mv; probably goes all sugar daddy mode and buys you more clothes that fit the concept lmaoooo someone stop him
you were nervous about the comeback since it’s such an unusual concept for you, but he’ll take all the time in the world to calm you down! he adores you and knows for a fact that no matter what concept it is, you’ll smash it. he’s in love with every single thing you do. don’t be shy!
will definitely get turned on and takes it all out on you. rip your legs pt 2, it was good while it lasted,,,,
Zhong Chenle
spends an entire hour screaming as he rewatches the music video istg that kid is so LOUD you can bet your sweet ass renjun put him into a chokehold to shut him up
but how could he!!!!! look at you go!!! jesus christ you look so hot in that all black outfit, IS THAT GARTERS HE SEES??? GARTERS ON HIS Y/N??????????
another dreamie who dies and ascends to heaven lmao look at him go. you killed the dude with one (1) look. if you ain’t the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on wow
prepare for a looooot of heavy making out and hickeys up and down your throat, it’s the only way for him to show you how much he appreciated that
Park Jisung
jisung.exe has crashed, please try again later
scares you with how quiet he is when he watches the mv, and then watches it again,, and again,,, and again,,,,,,
you have to take away the phone out of his hands to make him stop and finally tell you what the hell he’s thinking ahshwjwh you’re so nervous, what if he didn’t like it? what if he prefers you with a girl crush concept?
“y/n, you killed it. that was- wow. can i watch it again?”
after you rip him out of his trance, he literally can’t stop babbling. SHOWERS you with compliments and keeps stopping the mv to show you how stunning you look, how smooth your movements are, did you practice your dancing??? he’s so proud of you!!!!!
kisses you several times and praises you for weeks, you definitely rocked it and he can’t stop listening to the song on repeat uwu
captain of the y/n cheerleading squad
(definitely blushes atleast once though, no matter how much he denies it)
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