#black babouche....
carlyraejepsans · 2 years
hiii i just wanted to say that the way you draw sans is super comforting and cool !! i think i may have seen a lot of your art back when i first got into undertale from like 2016-2018 and your art really brings me back to then /pos
help, the final "/pos" at the end knowing how the fandom was hahahahaha
thank you so much, I'm glad you like my art today! as for the older stuff, I'm afraid you must be thinking of another artist with a style similar to mine. i only just recently rejoined the fandom as an active user (sometime around last year) and started to post my ut art. even if i did do that back then too it, uh....
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didn't. look exactly like it does today. heh
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astrology-bf · 1 month
Fun fact! A lot of things in Ifan's story draw from my own cultural heritage. This dancer set, for example, is an homage to traditional menswear in Crete. I've always found the costume fascinating because it incorporates elements from the island's whole history.
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One great example is the pants. Though the style is in the category of salwar (only fitted at the waist and ankles with a lot of room around the hips and thighs) in Crete they're called "vraka" - a derivation of the Latin "braccae", from the Roman and Byzantine periods:
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The boots are also a form of linguistic history. In modern Greek the main term for shoes "papoutsia" is a derivation of the Turkish '"papuş" (from where we get babouche via French), but in Crete these boots are called "stivania" from the Venetian word for boot "stivale".
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Similarly, Ifan's black headband (which in-character is a Dalmascan mourning scarf he received from his master) is a reference to the sariki, the traditional headscarf which started being worn during the Ottoman period. Black is usual, white is only for celebrations.
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Tbh, many of my Ul'dah headcanons draw heavily from medieval and early modern Crete. The intersection of Greek, Latin, Arabic, and Turkic cultures combined with a sense of a permanent state of mourning really struck me as similar to the Sultanate.
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violet-stormbringer · 4 months
The Razor's Edge and the Stormbringer's many deaths
Chapter One: The Razor.
She was on a path in the woods. At the end of that path, was a cabin. In the basement of that cabin was a Princess. She was here to slay her.
Naturally, she was likely going to end up doing the exact opposite of that. If it were her, and she were locked up for who knows how long? She’d probably be cranky enough to end the world too.
She stared down at her left arm, the gold metal of the prosthetic gleaming in the moonlight. She almost did, the more she thought about it.
As she walked, she had more than enough time to reflect on her previous adventures, and she recalled her crusade on The Heavens. She recalled how the conflict had almost been enough to wipe out her home.
The thought of home brought her attention to the sky, the stars twinkling above her in peaceful rhythm. She was so far from Inferia, she couldn’t help but wonder where it was up there; if it was up there at all.
Unfortunately, her reflection was cut short as she felt the ground beneath her change; from soft soil of the dirt path to the hard wood of the cabin porch. She took a deep breath, looking up to the structure before her. It was now or never.
She ducked underneath the slanted wooden awning and the doorframe, only to find herself met with a pleasant surprise. The interior of the cabin was big enough to fit her, even as she stood at her full height; even leaving some room to spare between her head and the ceiling above.
She frowned at that thought, it was definitely smaller on the outside. Some kind of magic, perhaps?
She shook her head, looking around the room before her. The interior of the cabin was a jagged mess of warped wooden and broken boards, their splintered edges as uninviting as shattered glass. 
The only furniture of note was a mirror made of stainless steel and glass covered in a thick layer of dust. On the other side of the door was a pointed table with a pristine blade perched on its edge.
She felt the weight of the greatsword on her back, and figured that if danger did arise, it would be enough to defend herself with. So she opted to leave the blade on the table as she stepped to the mirror, reaching out and wiping the dust off the ornate object.
After wiping the entirety of the mirror off, she was met with the sight of herself as she stepped back to take a look at the reflection before her.
She stood at ten feet tall, with earthy brown skin accompanied by dark purple hair with white streaks running through the darkened locks and tied into a neat ponytail that fell behind her and stopped just at the midsection of her back. She had dark purple eyes that seemed to sparkle even in the dimmed light of the cabin.
She flashed the mirror a grin, confidence lighting her face aglow.
She wore a red and black tabard, a gold badge on the left side of the breast, with a pocket on the right side of the breast. A black and white sash with gold decorations was sewn onto the tabard and spanning from her left shoulder all the way down her chest and stopping just below her bust.
Accompanying the tabard was a pair of white trousers with a gold design on either side of the legs. The trousers ended as they were tucked into black socks which were firmly planted within her gold colored babouches, the point of the shoes curving upwards.
Her greatsword was barely visible in the mirror, sheathed on her back as it was, but she still caught a glimpse of the emerald colored blade with red accents near the base and hilt of the weapon. 
"Howdy Princess," she spoke, practicing her introduction into the mirror. "My name is Violet, and I'm here 'ta rescue you."
A pause, then she shook her head. There was no time to admire herself or practice her etiquette! There was a Princess to save, after all!
The door to the basement, made of the same splintered wood as the rest of the cabin, creaked open to reveal what must have once been a set of stairs. The fractured slats looked as if they’d been torn from their source and violently jammed into the wall.
The air coming from below held an almost metallic quality to it, like the scent or taste of fresh blood. The sounds of rhythmic scraping came up from below, as if someone were dragging something sharp across the stone of the basement floor.
‘Gods, if I were stuck down here forever …’ She shook her head, ignoring that thought.
“Hello?” She called out.
“I hope you’ve come to rescue me!” Her voice was grating, like metal scraping against metal, or nails against a blackboard. “I’ve been stuck down here foreverrr!”
There was something wrong with that voice. Almost like it had an edge to it. A smug edge, even. Like she thought she was superior to Violet. Irritating, to be sure, but she’d dealt with royals like this before.
“Y-Yeah, I’m here to rescue you!” She replied back as she descended. Totally. She really hoped it was that easy.
‘If anything bad happens to me here…’ she thought. ‘I’m gonna be real damned cross.’
She descended to the final step, stopping just in the doorframe leading back to the stairs upwards, and the Princess was in sight.
She had sharp eyes, a dull grey, like the first signs of a thunderstorm in an otherwise cloudless sky, and they seemed to follow Violet from across the room. 
Her hair was as pale as snow, the absence of any color adding to it’s sharp edge and giving it the appearance of crudely scribbled lines of graphite on paper.
Her dress, contrasting against both her pale skin and snowy white hair, a sharp splash of crimson; like blood across freshly fallen snow, the colors fading to a softer pink around the edges and yet deepening the further inwards one looked.
As Violet stopped moving, she spoke, her grating voice more prominent in the cruel and sharply angled stone basement.
“Finally, somebody! Quick, get me out of these chains, we’re not safe here.”
She had to resist the urge to let out a huff and roll her eyes. If she was going to put on an act, she could at least put some effort into it!
Then, she shook her head in an attempt to get rid of those thoughts. There was always the chance it wasn’t an act. At the very least, she could give The Princess the benefit of the doubt.
“What’re you waiting foooor?” She asked, drawing the last word out as much she could. “You are here to rescue me, right?”
“Listen…” Violet spoke calmly as she kept pointedly in the frame of the doorway leading from the basement to the stairs leading upwards. 
“I can help you, but I need you to put any weapons aside for me. I’ll even do th’same for you, see?”
She unsheathed her massive greatsword, and set it against the wall. “Just…this is a dangerous situation, y’know?”
“But I don’t even have any knives to stab you with!” The Princess lied, lyingly. Like a liar. Because Violet didn’t explicitly mention knives. 
…Nor did she mention being stabbed, now that she’d given that a bit of thought. She was just trying to keep the two of them safe in case something awful happened the moment she fiddled with the chains.
That wasn’t suspicious at all. (It was.)
She sighed. What was the worst that could happen? She could think of plenty, but she wasn’t paid to think. 
Come to think of it, she wasn’t really paid at all. For this at least. A shame.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming closer. Try not ‘ta move funny, yeah?”
“Of course I won’t!” She gave Violet a wide mouthed grin as the other approached her. 
Against Violet’s better judgement, she walked across the room, leaving her greatsword behind, and approached within arm’s reach of the Princess. That was when she heard it. The horrible sound of metal slicing through meat.
First the metal sliced through the flesh of the Princess, cleaving through her left arm as a blade emerged and left the fleshy remains of the torn open arm dangling from her elbow.
Then, the sound of metal through meat gave way to metal crashing against metal. Violet instinctively brought her left arm to bear, and the Princess’ blade caught against the golden prosthetic.
Violet dropped to a kneel as the overwhelming force of the Princess, something that should not have been possible with how damned small she was compared to her, pressed against her. The Princess held a wicked smile the entire time.
“Ooh!” She exclaimed. “I was aiming to cut open your stomach and look at your insides, but you’re made of metal, just like me!”
It was a struggle just to remain on her knees before the Princess, with Violet grunting as she pushed back against the blade that had been meant to slice her open. “Nngh, y-yeah. Yep. Pure metal. That’s me. So if you could just—”
She was interrupted as the Princess pulled her blade back, swinging it once more and cleaving the left arm from Violet, sending it clattering uselessly to the ground. “Hehe!” The Princess let out a laugh at the dismemberment.
Violet stared in amazement at her arm on the ground beside her, then she looked up to the Princess, eyes widened.
“You’re going to die now~” The Princess declared. She lifted her blade, pulling it back and thrusting it forward. Only, her blade cleaved through the air instead of through Violet as the woman dropped to a prone position.
Violet rolled to her right, leaping to her feet; a maneuver she could only do without her left arm, thanks to the confines of the basement of the cabin. The remaining metal of her prosthetic grinded against the wall, Violet made a rush towards her sword, resting near the entrance.
The Princess huffed at Violet’s dodging, and she rushed to keep up with the giantess. She swung at her back, her blade cleaving through flesh and cloth as she added a new wound to the already deformed flesh. The blood darkened the already red fabric of her tabard, and Violet stumbled at the blow.
“You’re not made of metal after all!” The Princess exclaimed, and Violet whipped around to see the insufferably smug grin still plastered on her face. “Neat!”
Violet grit her teeth as she grabbed the hilt of her greatsword. Down an arm and being taunted by a lady with a sword for an arm. The Princess was lucky she was cute, otherwise Violet might’ve held a grudge.
She was going to have to wield her sword with only one hand, and that was already a problem. If the blade were just smaller—
Then it hit her. Not the Princess, no, she was still busy marveling at the fact that Violet had flesh for her to cut. A realization. That’s what hit her.
The pristine blade was still upstairs, residing on that table. Granted, it would be no more than a chefs knife in her hand, but it would be hells of a lot easier to wield with only one hand. She silently cursed herself for not grabbing it when she had the chance.
She couldn’t turn around, the Princess would just stab her in the back. That only meant she had to risk climbing the stairs backwards. She had to hope she remembered the way.
The cut from earlier ached, and it dawned on Violet that she couldn’t swing the greatsword efficiently even if she wanted to only use one hand for the large weapon. That would only risk further injury.
Still, she could hopefully at least use the blade to fend the Princess off as she made her way back upstairs. So she lifted it, the tip of the blade pointed downwards as Violet faced the flat end towards the Princess. A defensive stance. Her back was, almost literally, against the wall.
The Princess had gotten over her marveling at the fact that Violet could bleed, and began her advance, speeding towards Violet and swinging. Her blade caught against Violet’s greatsword, and it was everything Violet could do to push her back, using her momentum against her to slide the blade harmlessly away from her.
And so the dance continued even as Violet climbed the staircase behind her, the Princess following after her with the wickedest of grins on her face. Her grey eyes filled with murderous glee, she wasn’t even breaking a damned sweat.
Eventually, they did reach the top of the stairs, and Violet stumbled backwards through the threshold of the door leading out of the basement. She slammed the door shut just as the Princess was climbing the last of the stairs. She propped her greatsword against it, hoping it would be enough to stop her.
It wouldn’t, but it would buy her enough time. She reached over and grabbed the pristine blade from the table in the corner and she backed away from the door, gripping the dagger in her hand as she took a battle stance.
The door, was, in fact, no match for the Princess, for she sliced through the wood like it was nothing, and Violet’s greatsword clattered uselessly to the ground at the feet of the Princess.
She stared at Violet, a smile still on her face. “You know…that was fun! But you should know that you can’t run away from me! You’re gonna have to do better than that if you wanna make it out alive!”
A pause, as she lifted her blade and gestured at Violet. “Not that you’re going to make it out alive~!”
With that, she rushed Violet, bringing her blade to the side in a horizontal slash. Violet parried the blow with the pristine blade, the dagger little more than a knife in her hand, but it was easier to defend herself with it than the greatsword.
As the Princess’ blade glanced off the dagger, Violet took this opportunity to lunge forward, thrusting out with the pristine blade aimed at the Princess’ neck.
That was when she heard it again. The horrible, horrible sound of metal slicing through meat, an awful squelching noise emanating from the Princess. A sharp pain in Violet’s leg, and she looked down.
Her right leg had been impaled by a long, thin sheet of metal, another blade; this time protruding from an angry red slit along the flesh of the Princess’ thigh, where it had been nestled just moments ago. It was still lodged within her leg, emerging from her knee, hinging up and out of the Princess like an extra limb.
“Now that’s just unfair…” Violet huffed, lifting her gaze to stare at the Princess.
The Princess merely offered a smile as she brought her arm across Violet, slashing across her chest as well as her right hand, cleaving the appendage clean from her arm, and with it, her last line of defense.
Violet staggered back, the blade of the Princess’ thigh glistening with her blood as she dropped to the ground.
The Princess stood there, staring down at Violet. “You’re going to die now.”
And with a thrust of the Princess blade, followed by an unceremonious squelch, that’s exactly what happened as the Princess stabbed through Violet’s neck and cleaved her head from her body.
Everything went dark, and she died.
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sugaldean · 5 months
I grew up watching this movie almost every day
Truly one of the most beautiful movie for me
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Images description under the cut
[ID: 10 pictures from the movie Azur and Asmar
The first one is five black men playing Karkabou (two metallic pieces making sound when slapped against each other) they are wearing orange clothes and fez
The second one is a view from above of richly decorated table, there's a lot of food amongst which a tajine, pomegranate, fruits, rolls and various food from the Maghreb
The third one is a line of small babouche (for kids). and one big babouche, they are all various shades of green, kellow, orange and brown
The fourth one is a rose bush with a palm tree, the bush makes a hole on the right in which you can see a black cat cleaning his paw on a rock
The fifth one is a bright red lion on a rocky background, facing us with Azur on his back. Azur is wearing blue clothes and a white hat
The sixth picture is a man and a woman under a tent, they are only outlined on a beautiful purple field behind them, he is playing a flute (a ney or a nay I think) and she is singing
The seventh one is Azur and the Princess Chamsous Sabah, outlined as well, in a tree with a night sky behind them
The eighth one is the inside of a blue palace, the Djinn fairy trapped in a glass temple. The walls are covered of mosaic pattern of flowers and arch.
The ninth and tenth pictures are mirrors of each other, in the same palace as before Azur and the Djinn fairy hold hand in the first one and Asmar and the elves fairy in the second one. Azur and the Elves fairy are wearing white rich clothes, with a middle age in Europe inspiration while Asmar and the Djinn fairy are wearing blue and red rich colours with a middle age in Maghreb inspiration.]
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bebemoon · 2 years
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look for the name: AUGUSTINE
vivienne westwood draped copper velvet corset, c. 199o’s
nanushka raw-hem sheer layered cream and black midi skirt
vanessa mooney “the holy heart” choker in silver
{hair + headpiece} lorna foran  @ dilara findikoglu rtw spring 2o23
alaïa “la babouche” leather point-toe mules w/ silver anklet detail
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue August 15, 1961
Babouche in burgundy calfskin, with a tapered end and shiny knots; Charles Jourdan.
Ombre green lacquered lizard with thin toe; Margaret Jerold.
Opera pump in brown-pink patent leather, square toe; Herbert Levine. 4. Square toe shiny black lizard slingback pump; Millerkins.
Burnt red lizard shoe, square toe; Delman.
Cedar brown calf leather shoe with. instep strap: Saks Fifth Avenue.
Country shoe in black calfskin, square toe; Entrance.
Walking shoe in cedar brown grained calfskin, flat toe: Andrew Geller.
Walking shoe in cedar brown grained calfskin, flat toe: Andrew Geller.
Simone d'Aillencourt in a green brushed wool terry coat (Stroock fabric) lined with natural red fox. By Matline. Shoes by Papagallo, Bottoms by Archer, makeup by Estée Lauder.
Babouche en cuir de veau bordeaux, à bout effilé et nœuds brillants ; Charles Jourdan.
Lézard laqué vert ombre avec bout fin; Margaret Jerold.
Escarpin opéra en cuir verni marron-rose, bout carré ; Herbert Levine.
Escarpin à brides en lézard noir brillant à bout carré ; Millerkins.
Chaussure en lézard rouge brûlé, bout carré; Delman.
Chaussure en cuir de veau brun cèdre avec. sangle de cou-de-pied : Saks Fifth Avenue.
Chaussure country en cuir de veau noir, bout carré; Entrée.
Chaussure de marche en cuir de veau grainé brun cèdre, bout plat : Andrew Geller.
Simone d'Aillencourt dans un manteau de ratine de laine grattée vert (tissu Stroock) doublé de renard roux naturel. Par Matline. Chaussures par Papagallo, Bas par Archer, maquillage par Estée Lauder.
Photo Tom Palumbo vogue archive
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gray-morality · 2 years
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. (This is a big catch all, gets into money, taste, practicality, level of wear, level of repair, literally what kind of shoes they require to live their life.) -- FOR FAKHRI and KATSURO and UJITOSHI
Well then!!! I'll go from easiest to answer to the more complicated. Ujitoshi: It's a mix between practical and business aka dress shoes. Always black, always in good shape. His role within the syndicate is now very centered around business meetings, paperwork and more business meeting. If he's just at the office or at home though, he'll wear leather tabi shoes for comfort and practicality. Their colors varies and they are more worn out. Katsuro: Leather tabi shoes/boots 90% of the time. They show great use yet are in very good shape as he visibly takes care of them. If they get too old or damaged, he replaces them. Colors varies to match his clothes of the moment. For him, it's all about practicality. As a shinobi, he's always ready to be summoned for a task at a moment's notice. Fakhri: Ohhh boy. Fakhri is... many things. He has lived very long, he has been to almost every corner of the world. He has picked up on many region's customs and fashion. This shows greatly in the way he dresses. In everyday life, he tends to wear Thavnairian clothes the most, or Dalmascan attires. He likes Ul'dahn clothing as well. Thus his shoes are often sandals, or babouches. They are well-worn, sometimes so much that you'd want to beg the guy to just throw them away already and buy a new pair, but he'd retort that they are comfortable, as all old shoes are. You also have the Fakhri that is practical, a hunter, a traveler. Long leather boots, well-traveled but in good shape. Quality too, he doesn't skimp on that for such things. Then you have the part of Fakhri that LOVES to dress to impress. Suits and ties, cufflinks, shiny buttons, perfectly tailored ensembles. Shoes are waxed and IMPECCABLE. Mind you, such expensive clothing are often glamoured, after, uh, "borrowing' the design from a shop.
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elaappleseed · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New black vegan leather rhinestones/ tassel accent Moroccan babouche. Size 7.5/8.
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fashion-global · 1 year
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Grace Wales Bonner's vision of black - excellence. Earlier ​​this year, as Grace Wales Bonner staged her latest runway show, her first in Paris. An Adidas collab, including jerseys for the Jamaican national soccer teams. Down the runway, she also sent debonair dinner jackets, leopard-print babouches that embodies the afro style.
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rafamonzo · 4 years
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No trace of Mr. Braeckman (Series)
http://rafamonzo.tumblr.com   / http://tanaka-clan.tumblr
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requirings · 3 years
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🌟Gaara & Lee in different outfits! 🌟
Edit: Some Context for the outfits
They’re in their 20s in these images.
I wanted to show Lee’s scars a little more prominently. They’re a mix of graph scars (from treatment for his left limbs) as well as cuts and bruises closer to his fists. 
Gaara is skinny but has a tummy. He doesn’t work out.
I usually draw them wearing non-canon clothes because both boys’ style peaked when they were teenagers (not a fan of the clothes from the Blank Period nor Boruto-era).
Lee finds tights of the same material as the one Gai gave him but in different colors. Not a fan of the leg warmers so I made shin guards. Lee asked Tenten to make them for him, as they contain heavier weights. Each plank is removable and can even be transformed into nunchaku like in the Crescent Moon movie.
I wanted to draw Gaara in a harness. I don’t need to explain myself. I also like the idea of extra straps in case he needs to carry larger items. They flow in the wind. It’s cute. I also had him wear lighter color pants instead of his usual black because I’m personally a fan of red with gray rather than red with black lol.
Color Swap
They’re wearing each other’s colors—pretty self-explanatory.
I like Lee’s color combo a lot! I also gave him a skirt-pouch-thing to change the silhouette up a bit.
Gaara will still occasionally carry the larger gourd, depending on the situation. He’s wearing toeless babouches (they can’t be normal closed-toe shoes) (this is Naruto). 
BRINGING BACK THE CANON PINK CROP TOP! KING ROCK LEE, AN ICON!! His style, if not Chinese-esque, is very 80’s so I gave him 80’s short shorts. He’s wearing the original leg warmers Gai gave him because they’re something of a comforting item.
Gaara is wearing a kaftan. He looks more like an everyday Sunan, no longer in combat clothes.
I gave the shirt Lee wore to Naruto’s wedding a little more flair by adding an embroidered dragon (one on each sleeve). His hair is pulled back because. Sexy.
Gaara’s hair is a bit more tamed down, but still has some flyaways. It will never be subdued. I’ve been putting him in various earrings for previous outfits but chose to give him one single long one here. I originally had WAY more but they would look like they’re dragging his face down so just one. One edgy earring.
I thought of putting Gaara in a more traditional outfit worn for special occasions by people IRL who live in deserts, but research is tough and also… I don’t want to appropriate any culture by not knowing enough/anything. I want to know more though! I just don’t know any in-depth websites. So! Instead, I (Vietnamese-American) had him wear a Vietnamese Long Bào, a bright yellow robe worn by emperors. I modified some things like sleeve length and took away dragon patterns for ones more fluid-looking, like sand dunes or the wind. Again, toeless shoes because this is Naruto. I also didn’t give him a hat/crown because I’m personally not a fan lmaooooo. I got all of this info from a bilingual (Viet & English) book called Weaving a Realm. I don’t know if it’s available online, the last time I checked was a year ago. I had my aunt mail a copy to me lol
Ice cream-colored clothes for Lee! And athletic tape, because this is my one chance to show him wearing them and also I like the lines They Look Cool. The outfit’s obviously based, again, on the Crescent Moon movie.
I gave Gaara more flow-y pants and took forever trying to think up a shirt. I also gave him a boat-neck collar to show his collarbones… Lee is sweating. Also! The earrings come back! This was a pretty plain outfit so I gave him three dangling earrings for a bit of pizzazz. It’s again, only on one side because I like to think he’s That Edgy Kid but also to counter the visual weight of the gourd.
Let’s go to the beach, beach…
BIG POOL FLOATY FOR LEE!! I gave him a striped tank top as a reminiscent design to the striped unitard in the Crescent Moon movie’s ending, but inevitably had him wear swim trunks based on what he wore in Shippuden’s tenth ending.
Again, going on with the tenth ending’s design, I modified the design so it’d look more dynamic.
They’re both wearing Sunan flak jackets because the material is more suitable for desert missions than other village’s jackets. They also have shoe gaiters and shemagh scarves to cover their head and face. Both are wearing more subdued colors to blend a little more in with the environment. 
Lee has goggles to protect his eyes but Gaara’s sand armor has that covered for him. So why does Gaara still wear the scarf? Hair in his eyes… Can’t see shit…
I don’t like the plain canon winter cloak design so I gave Lee something more sporty, like a hoodie, and Gaara something more… Grandma chic. There is cute plant embroidery on it! I’d like to think that he asked one of the women in his life to get him a winter cloak since he doesn’t know shit about the cold (clothes from the Five Kage Summit arc did not make sense, those are now un-canonized). I’m thinking Temari, Matsuri, or Shijima. Most likely Shijima. I’d like to think she likes fucking with the kazekage as subtly as possible so she got him something cute. She knows Gaara won’t have a care in the world nor understand the inherent cuteness of plant embroidery. Other people will know and if someone dares say something, she hopes to be there when they get a Stern Cold Look from Gaara. She’s… a little evil and I love that.
Lee’s ill-fitting onesie and Gaara’s haircut were hate crimes to the LGBT+ community.
I cut Lee’s onesie into two and gave the vest some padding by his ribs. He no longer wears a headband since Ino invited everyone to get a Konoha leaf tattoo with her. Only Kiba, Tenten, and Lee came along. Naruto also came but he also still wears his headband along with the tattoo. Also, can you tell he’s put on a little more muscle?
I gave Gaara a modified Aó Dài, as I’ve done this entire time, and kept it long so the length is similar to the canon double-breasted jacket that I hate. Gaara also has painted nails! They’re just red but if I’d made a zoom-in of his hands and feet, the nail polish is visibly smeared and obviously done by a child...It was Shinki. He wants to work on his hand-coordination to finely and minutely control puppets like Kankuro so Gaara lets him do this. Everyone in the world thinks it’s adorable.
Ability & Village Swap
Drawing skinny Rock Lee and manlet Gaara felt wrong. It felt wrong.
Lee keeps his style before meeting Gai, the frog-clasp shirt and braided hair. His personality, deep inside, is still the same. He’s still serious, hardworking, and kind. This is not to say that one’s environment does not affect one’s personality and core being, because it does! But to keep them still /them/, it’s important to keep these traits. This is fiction, I can do what I want, but if you asked me these uhhh sociological (?) questions outside of this context, I’d reply differently.
Baki, Kankuro, and Temari are still the same in their respective villages, as are Gai, Neji, and Tenten.
Gaara kept the haircut he had during the canon Chunin Exams arc. He still wears the spandex (under his jacket and pants) and leg warmers Gai got for him, but he dyed them black. Both Gaara and Lee’s sense of style is still the same. I don’t think Gaara would blindly follow and recreate everything Gai does, like canon!Lee does. He can’t do ninjutsu nor genjutsu and is very grateful for Gai’s teachings and encouragement, but Gaara’s not as… obsessive as Lee. Canon!Lee is something else.
Modern AU
I made Lee’s leg weights based more on actual leg weights. He still has cuts on his hands that he’s not shy about their appearance, but he hates it when people ask about them because he doesn’t want others to worry.
Gaara still fits into his pants that were handed to him down from Kankuro in middle school, his chicken legs never changing. He’s still a little bit punk, never growing out of it, hence his shoes and earrings. He wears a fine red peacoat to say “HEY LOOK I’M NORMAL, SEE??” And if you don’t know the story behind his choker, you can check my previous posts or stay blissfully oblivious.
Thanks for reading all or part of this! I had a lot of fun writing my thoughts down. I also did not read anything over to make sure for any errors lmao...
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jackk-attackk · 3 years
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Current house: basement
Honestly, I love this room so much I want to live here. It’s so cozy and homey, and I just love the whole vibe of it. Also, I adore how it looks with the overhead/main/default/whatever they’re called lights turned off. The hanging light bulbs were the first ceiling item I found in the game, and as soon as I saw them, I knew I wanted one or two down here. I’ve actually switched out a few items here and there since taking these photos, so I’ll do an updated design probably sometime soon.
I used two bookshelves and two simple panels to divide the room to make it into a proper master suite, with a bathroom and everything. The bathroom is super simple, but I still really like it—although I’d like to swap out the outdoor bath for a cedar bathtub (I just keep forgetting to order the other tub for delivery lol). But that ivy-covered accent wall??? I love it so much. I feel like it really takes the room from “weird windowless basement” to “still windowless but a little more cozy and intentional basement”. I think.
Dated: 11/14/2021
Full item list under the cut:
Antique console table
Autograph cards
Babouches (not pictured)
Bath-towel wrap (not pictured)
Bath-towel wrap (not pictured)
Bathroom sink
Bathroom towel rack
Black wooden-deck rug (x4)
Blue Persian rug
DAL slippers
Detective’s coat
Double sofa
Essay set
Floral swag
Formal paper (x2)
Framed fossil poster
Fragrance sticks
Hanging lightbulb (x2)
Homework set
Iron wall lamp (x3)
Ivy wall
Long pleather coat
Outdoor bath
Pine-board flooring
Quaint painting (fake)
Steel-toed boots
Tankless toilet
Turkey day chair
Rotary phone
Shower set
Simple panel (x2)
Stack of books
Standard tearoom wall
Wood-burning stove
Wooden-block bookshelf
Wooden bookshelf (x2)
Wooden full-length mirror
Wooden wardrobe
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violet-stormbringer · 3 months
The Road to Dawntrail.
It was time. Violet’s friends gathered on the docks in Old Sharlayan, where the ship headed towards Tural was awaiting to pick them up.
Violet had long changed out of her signature uniform, instead opting for a blue tunic with a dark brown cape that wrapped around her shoulders. Black trousers, though she still wore her usual gold colored babouches. She was ready for a proper adventure this time, it seemed.
Krile, Alphinaud, Alisaie, and Wuk Lamat were just as prepared as she was, with Alisaie greeting Violet with a grin on her face. “I was wondering if you’d join us!” She exclaimed. “Aurin never told us who our mystery guest was to be, but full glad am I that it’s you.”
Violet chuckled. “To be completely honest with you, I wasn’t expecting an invite! I figured Aurin would’ve forgotten all about me.”
“As if!” A voice spoke from behind, and Violet whipped around to see Aurin standing there.
Aurin was not wearing his usual gear, instead wearing a green colored tunic tucked into white trousers. His dark purple hair was tied into a ponytail which fell over his right shoulder. His grey eyes gleamed in the sunlight.
“Well, don’t you look ready for travel.” Violet mused, looking him over. “One would think you’re not coming with us to Tural.”
“I’m not!” Aurin replied cheerfully. “I’m here to see you lot off, then I’m going back home to Ivalice.”
“Wait, you’re what?” Alisaie frowned. “You were just as excited as any of us to visit Tural!”
Aurin shrugged. “I did some thinking, and I realized I missed home more.”
Alphinaud stepped forward. “Well, it’s a shame you won’t be joining us. But thank you for coming to see us off, at least.”
Aurin nodded. “That said, can I borrow Violet here a bit?”
Violet looked to the others, eyebrows raised in surprise. After a moment, Alisaie nodded to her and Violet was soon walking off with Aurin, a ways away from the group.
When they were roughly out of earshot, Aurin spoke.
“There’s more to this than just visiting home.”
“I figured.”
Aurin sighed, looking over to Violet. “I’m not cut out for adventuring anymore. Nor am I even that good of a Warrior of Light. So I thought I’d ask, and you’re more than welcome to say no, but…” A pause.
“Violet, will you consider taking up the mantle in my place? You fight harder than anybody I know, and this star isn’t even yours.”
“Aurin I can’t—”
“You don’t have to answer right away. I highly doubt anything in Tural is going to require a Warrior of Light, so, go. Relax. Enjoy a break, even if this is…an unorthodox one.”
Violet sighed. “...I’m not even blessed with the Echo. I’m definitely not one of Hydaelyn’s chosen.”
Aurin shrugged. “So? You’ve made it this far. You helped save The First. You helped take down Shinryu. You’re the one who went back to Elpis, and you were there with Zenos in his final moments. You were with me during the nonsense with Zero. You’re just as capable, as I. Even moreso, in fact.”
She took a moment to process this, turning so that she was staring at the horizon. “...I’ll think about it. If…if something does happen in Tural then—”
“Then I know you’ll make the right choice.” Aurin pat Violet’s arm. “I can only hope that you’ll forgive me all the same.”
There was no more discussion after that, for when Violet gave no response, Aurin took that as a sign to leave. Waving goodbye to his friends, he quickly made his exit from the docks.
Violet watched the horizon as this happened, and after a moment, she took a deep breath and turned to face her friends. They were calling to her. It was time to board the ship, and make for Tural.
“Violet Silverlake, Bringer of Storms and Warrior of Light…” She muttered to herself. “...There’s no way I’m gonna be able to fit all of that into two names, is there?”
A chuckle, as she made her way to her friends. Regardless, her heart was already set. 
Look out, Tural, for a storm was on it’s way. And at the center, there was a woman with a ridiculous grin and an emerald colored gunblade.
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arcanaheadcanons · 5 years
the main 6 blacked out at a party
asra and nadia: both woke up in nadia's room. judging from the locked doors, the elaborate braids in their hair, a stock of high-class wines, and a pile of broken wedding gifts, it seems that at some point last night they split off from the party to have a “girls’ night” and talk shit about lucio.
julian: arrived yesterday in those short shorts with “art thou nasty?” stitched on the back. woke up laying in a chandelier as if it were a hammock. is now wearing a completely different outfit. cannot find the shorts. hopes whoever finds them doesn't recognize them as his.
muriel: has many blurry memories of picking up after everyone and separating the trash from the recycling. made sure that asra and mc got to bed safely. was feeding the birds in the garden at some point? woke up in portia's cottage and is currently making her breakfast as an apology. is developing a cramp in his neck from having to stoop under the low ceilings.
portia: has a bunch of cutlery stuck in her hair due to some bet she had with babouche. is snoring away on a bare mattress. gave muriel the pillows and blankets so he could sleep on the floor. had to drag him into the cottage last night because the dogs recognized him and attacked. threw her shoes at them. bits of chewed-up shoe are now strewn all over the lawn. would not stop telling muriel how adorable and nice he is. she does not remember saying that. he does.
lucio: is a fussy hungover baby bemoaning his condition to the palace staff and demanding a cure. eggs. coffee. something. in between complaints he brags about how the party was lame until he showed up. to be fair, though, his arrival did turn the event from crazy to straight-up ridiculous. has converted some curtains into a cape and julian's shorts into a crop top. knows exactly who the shorts belonged to but they're his now.
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minwukhalja · 4 years
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Glamour pensado para regiões de Othard. head • White Painted Moogle Mask body • White Moonfire Happi hands • Angelic Chaplets legs • Thavnairian Sarouel {Snow White} feet • Thavnairian Babouches {Soot Black}
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue July 1962
(From left to right) Evening slippers in black silk skin with a Spanish dancer's heel; the toe is covered in dark sequins of finely worked black beads. By Delman. Black Daytime pump in calfskin covered with a suede pattern, underlined with patent leather on the toe. at Andrew Geller. Pump in black silk skin open on the sides and at the back. Thin straps meet under cover of a satin bow. By Roger Vivier for Christian Dior. Low-heeled pump in black braided leather. The leather is woven in Spain, the shoe made in America by Evins. Black slipper in moiré taffeta for the evening with elasticated strap at the back of the heel. At the collar of the shoe, black pompoms. By Pandora.
(De gauche à droite) Babouche du soir en peau de soie noire à talon de danseuse espagnole ; l'orteil est recouvert de paillettes sombres de perles noires finement travaillées. Par Delman. Escarpin Daytime noire en cuir de veau recouvert d'un motif en suède, souligné de cuir verni sur le bout. chez Andrew Geller. Escarpin en peau de soie noire ouverte sur les côtés et à l'arrière. De fines bretelles se rejoignent sous le couvert d'un nœud en satin. Par Roger Vivier pour Christian Dior. Escarpin à petit talon en cuir tressé noir. Le cuir est tissé en Espagne, la chaussure fabriquée en Amérique par Evins. Babouche noire en taffetas moiré pour le soir avec bride élastiquée à l'arrière du talon. Au col de la chaussure, pompons noirs. Par Pandora. Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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