loosesodamarble · 1 year
Ida is @marune2's oc.
Nacht: (walks into the bedroom with a smug grin on his face) I've figured it out. Josele: Figured what out? Nacht: How to put an end to Ida's coffee addiction! Josele: Right... Next thing you'll tell me is that you've solved for pi. Nacht: I'm serious. It's a simple plan really. We just need to make coffee taste so terrible that Ida will never want to drink it again. Josele: And how do you plan on doing that? ... The next day Finral: Here's your morning cup. Ida: (takes the mug) Thanks. (sniffs it coffee) That's... This is the usual blend, right? Finral: Uh, no. Nacht had the coffee brewed by the time I got to the kitchen. Ida: (raises an eyebrow) Funny, he usually leaves it to you or Josy. Finral: He said he was trying out a new coffee blend. Ida: I see... (sips coffee) Oogh. (grimaces) Hmm. (sips again) The fuck? (keeps sipping) He extracted the coffee waaaaay too long! But... (keeps drinking) Not so bad the more I drink it. Finral: (takes a sip of his coffee and immediately spits it out) AAAAHHHH! IT'S HORRIBLE! Josele and Nacht: (watch from afar) Josele: What did you do to the coffee? Nacht: I added Bitrex to it. Josele: Isn’t that what’s used in antifreeze and shampoo so people don’t eat them? Nacht: Yes, exactly! Josele: ... She’s still drinking the coffee! Nacht: Oh shit! (runs over) IDA STOOOOP!
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midoribai · 9 months
MIDORI: "Maybe I should start putting Bitrex on myself so people stop biting me."
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grison-in-space · 8 months
So the thing I didn't mention in that poll I published yesterday is that the motor initiation piece that is, at the time of this writing, absolutely sweeping the poll as the Worst Thing people struggle with?
It's the specific thing I'm trying to pull together a grant for, perhaps unsurprisingly. But it's also the only one that actually isn't classically conceptualized as executive function. (I know, I know, that feels stupid to me, too.)
See, formally speaking, we describe executive function in terms of higher-order cognitive processes that allow us to complete complex tasks. There is a lot of work on, for example, "set shifting" (which is a particular paradigm for studying the ability to transition between different frames of mind, essentially; it's measuring cognitive flexibility) and on action inhibition / impulse control. (One of my colleagues works on set shifting, in fact, and I might actually take a look at that later.) We also have a lot of work on how individuals make decisions and prioritize conflicting needs.
But the transition between motivation and motion is a lot harder to study, and it doesn't fit so neatly into this top down paradigm, either. Most of the people who study this kind of movement initiation are people who aren't really focused on executive function per se at all. They're mostly people who work on Parkinson's, in fact.
The problem is that the best way to untangle how these systems work is to break specific things and see what impact that has on the overall function, and that means working with animal models. You know what we can't study as easily with animal models? Wanting to move and not being able to initiate self-paced motion—that is, we can't get inside an animal's head to understand what it wants to do in the absence of a moving body to indicate that thing. This is part of why many of our best studied kinds of executive dysfunction involve not doing a thing, rather than doing it: that way you can look at error rates and study a measurable change in behavior.
There are things we can do, though. For example, you can disentangle motivation versus pleasure in a rat that enjoys things but has no motivation to make them happen by asking questions like: I know that rats like water with sugar in it. If I set up a device that squirts a trickle of sugar water into the mouth of the rat, does it close its mouth? What facial expressions does it make? If I put bitrex in the water instead of sugar, does the reaction change? (Yes, emphatically.)
The thing is, motivation is regulated by dopamine... and so is movement. There's good reason to think that neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD and autism are mediated by weird dopamine signaling patterns, and we certainly know that there is a direct relationship between abnormally high dopamine signaling and schizophrenia symptoms... and that abnormally low dopamine will give you Parkinsonian tremors.
Most stimulant meds for ADHD work by upregulating dopamine signaling, too. All of them are associated with increased locomotor activity, among other things. We know that dopaminergic signaling precedes actions in the body, too: you get firing before the actual motion happens.
Somewhere there is a threshold of motion initiation that is getting fuckily disconnected. I have some thoughts about where it is, but I definitely need to run some experiments to check my hypotheses against evidence.
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kalahannikolai · 2 months
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This is a bit overdue for posting on Tumblr, but behold! The Superior Soundwave! Alongside him my designs for Laserbeak, Rumble & Frenzy, and Ravage. Soundwave's alt mode is a cybertronian aircraft, and his assets are very musically based. He is a clever engineer and a brilliant communications officer; Megatron's most stalwart supporter, Soundwave was his second-in-command for the Decepticon rebellion.
Lore and backstory under the cut!
In the days of Sentinel's rule, when his conclave and the overarching Senate controlled the fate of every cybertronian, Soundwave's own origins were notably mundane. Originally a minor clerk in a communications facility, the being that would one day be called Soundwave had been one of many bots whose forms were minutely controlled. He was built to man a communications array alongside many other such limited bots. But while some found either joy or simple indifference to their work, Soundwave dreamt of more.
He would spend his free time perusing the streets of Bitrex. It was among Cybertron's smaller cities, but he enjoyed the calm and simplicity that it brought. It was here that Soundwave met the likes of Jazz—introducing himself as "Sounder" at first, unwilling to give Jazz a designation—and the pair quickly caught on like a wildfire and became good friends. Jazz's free spirit and unwillingness to tie himself down inspired Soundwave, who envied his freedom and admired his dedication to it. The two spent much of Soundwave's free time together. In this time, they would culminate a shared enjoyment of music and even begin a musical career together.
A journey that would suddenly gain great traction for them both, as the people of Bitrex came to greatly enjoy their performances.
Before too long, Jazz and Soundwave's musical venture would become almost too much. While Jazz had little responsibilities to slow him down, Soundwave struggled regularly to make time for their music and his work at the communications array. He would even suffer poor performance reports and harsh criticisms from his superiors. But one day, as a superior shouted with reckless abandon in Soundwave's then unmasked face, the con would snap and bring the so-called "superior" to his knees. Soundwave turned in his resignation then and there, and left without ever looking back.
To his luck, none of the officials that oversaw his work knew of his personal life at all. So little care for the lives of their workers allowed him to essentially disappear. To avoid being found and dragged back, Soundwave not only visored and masked his face but commissioned drastic alterations to his form. A normally illegal procedure under Sentinel Prime's rule, but the city of Bitrex was not one normally cared about by his Senate nor his Conclave. Furthermore, so beloved by its citizens was Soundwave that the augmentors of Bitrex gladly helped one half of their favorite musical duo realize his true potential.
Before long, Soundwave would find companions in the form of four smaller beings; Laserbeak, Ravage, and the brothers Rumble & Frenzy. Pseudo-mini-con beings, the four cassettes had been deemed obsolete and set to be scrapped and salvaged. Soundwave worked with some of the shadier types of Bitrex to get them rescued, and the four gladly became his closests companions. This newfound friendship would result in Soundwave's last but most cherished alterations; a cassette deck in his chest, hidden behind his waveform chest plate.
All but a celebrity of Bitrex now, the mysterious "Soundwave" made his re-debut alongside Jazz as they took their music on the road.
While the pair were close, Soundwave would still find time for himself; a desire that Jazz always respected and utilized to go on his own solo ventures. Soundwave would curiously check out the gladiatorial arena of Kaon, wherein a fateful meeting would take place. He would witness the furious might of the Pits' greatest champions, as he watched the likes of Jetfire, Arcee, and Megatron rule as a Triumvirate of Kaon from its lowest depth. But Megatron himself would most catch Soundwave's visor, and eventually the two would meet and have long, intense discussions about the state of Cybertron's society and people.
They would both be in adamant agreement that the harsh control Sentinel enforced over the very bodies of his people had to end.
Together, the two would eventually spearhead the formation of the Decepticon Rebellion against Sentinel's regime. Soundwave would successful enlist Jazz, who gladly joined a cause that would liberate their people from the injustices they suffered. But whereas Jazz would remain within their territories that couldn't fend for themselves, Soundwave would part from his musical companion to always stand by Megatron's side. This would ultimately lead him to be just as complicit in the Decepticons' crimes as he was. For while he never liked the dark direction their fight took, his faith in Megatron would blind his reason.
But when Megatron realized the error of his ways and chose to step down, Soundwave was as honored as he was accepting of his lord's choice to deem him his successor. Now with the reigns of command in hand, Soundwave steered them back to a path of righteous fury and away from the bloodlust they'd been misled into.
In the cyberkin world of Fódlan, Soundwave would find himself amidst a quagmire of chaos. His calm and reasonable leadership of the Decepticons would eventually be usurped. But Soundwave would never forget what they were once meant to do, and he waits in the fringes of the lands outside of Fódlan and waits for his time. Soundwave still awaits Byleth's return and call, for he knows she and Megatron both will be vital to the world's peace...
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regexkind · 3 months
I was cleaning the attic out and removing rat nests and heaps of turds and infested insulation. And it occurred to me in the space of 5 minutes¹ that:
- we should be focusing on education. We need to teach the rats how to build and use indoor plumbing. I would not begrudge them a tap on my water and sewer, although routing them up there might be a pain
- we should put Bitrex (denatonium benzoate) in fiberglass batts. When I look at the cost of the material it is somewhat high²—but I suspect based on the degree to which this drops off as you buy in bulk that this could still be economical. It's relatively nontoxic. We use it to keep people from biting their nails. This is a no-brainer, so why don't we do it?
¹These 5 minutes were spent carefully picking between joists, trying not to fall through the sheetrock. They were spent wiping sweat carefully away from my eyes, aware that the dust I was kicking up probably was mixing with the sweat and therefore it was imperative to keep it away from any entrypoint for disease (eyes). They were spent sucking gasps of air in through a ventilator that makes a little wheezing sound that is reminiscent of a scream. I tell you all this, not to whine, although maybe I'm doing this as well, but so you appreciate the great restraint I have, a restraint that kept me from dwelling on rodent genocide.
² hehe check out this denatonium benzoate buttplug I found
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ancientvamp · 10 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 15💙
What are your top 3 comfort foods? 🤗
And which 3 foods to you try to avoid at all costs? (aka how could Garrett completely ruin your day if you were on eioyi 🤢)
i love a good turkey sandwich with tomatoes lettuce and mustard (bc i'm boring!!), blueberries and raspberries are a huge comfort food, and then cashews are my favorite snack of all time so those easily make top three
as for foods i hate, definitely anything with gelatin. i love jams and jellies to some extent , but jello makes me wanna hurl (i have huge sensory issues with food). same thing with mushy bananas. and they're sweet 😭😭. and anything with an excessive amount of cheese- i'm lactose intolerant and cheese is one of the grossest textures imo. i do have grave mouth tho so im super interested in what malic acid and bitrex would taste like to me (i also love sour shit 😽)
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herrfivehead · 1 year
smosh sleepover live highlights
- damien being dragged for owning a prius and olivia saying “i’m gonna eat a bible” in the opening number
- noah reviving his “back to claire” bit, ian playing the stock scream, the the taco bell ding, and the spongebob sound bite inside the fart box, arasha saying that angela’s face resembles a sleepy grandfather, and chanse being in on damien’s cat ghost bit for the TNTL gauntlet
- chanse rhyming “fractals” with “pterodactyls” in the one-minute song machine segment (and that fakeout he did in the second one where you think he’s gonna sing “gay” but he sings the word “christian” instead)--also tommy looking absolutely dead inside during pt. 2 while the other cast members watching are living
- keith drowning in penalty cards during moose master
- arasha revealing during beopardy that she ACCIDENTALLY auditioned for smosh and the message she got asking her to audition wasn’t even meant for her, and spencer revealing that he goes by his middle name and not his first
- keith accidentally giving his spank away in the aftershow by saying “my bad” out loud, and then ify spanking so hard that spencer started praying
- chanse voluntarily taking three sips of bitrex soda when even damien could barely do it
- shayne announcing during the q&a that SOMETHING is coming back, although i don’t think fans are allowed to say what
lisa’s funeral roast deserves its own section:
- tommy saying shayne looks like if a south park character went to LA Fitness
- ian playing a bad stand-up comedian and making the band behind him play actual rimshots after each bad joke
- “on march 23rd, lisa referred to arasha as ‘anusha’.” --arasha pretending to be lisa’s HR person
- someone in chat who wrote “has anyone ever seen lisa and joe biden in the same room?”
- the return of courtney freaking miller, ft. damien’s resistance bands
- lisa calling olivia “weird” directly after calling angela “weird but funny”
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n95maskfit · 3 months
Where Can I Get a Fit Test for Masks in Woodstock?
To be sure, your N95 respirator offers adequate protection, find a location near Mask fit test in Woodstock. Seek for medical centers, clinics specializing in occupational health, or accredited suppliers that give expert fit testing. These examinations confirm the mask's fit and seal, guaranteeing that it effectively filters airborne particles. You can lower your risk of contamination exposure by selecting a reliable supplier and being assured of the precision of your mask fit. Make sure your N95 mask fits properly for maximum protection by scheduling a fit test and putting your health and safety first.
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Getting Around Woodstock and Kitchener's Mask Fit Testing: Safeguarding Compliance and Safety
When it comes to personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly in circumstances like hospitals and factories where airborne contaminants can be unsafe, a N95 mask's fit is vital. The significance of mask fit testing is discussed in this article along through locations in Woodstock and Kitchener where you may get these amenities.
Understanding Mask Fit Testing challenging a person's ability to fit a N95 respirator warmly enough to create a tight seal that keeps unfiltered air out of their face is recognized as mask fit testing. In order for the mask to correctly filter airborne particles and protect the wearer, this seal is essential.
Mask Fit Testing's Meaning
A N95 mask's fit has a main impact on how well it works. If a facemask does not fit the wearer tightly, even the highest-grade mask may not offer enough protection. Fit testing has the capability to detect glitches that could affect protection, such as gaps or incorrect sizing.
Mask Fit Test Types
Qualitative and quantitative approaches are the two main techniques used in mask fit assessment. Qualitative testing employ materials such as saccharin or Bitrex to identify leaks surrounding the mask, whereas quantitative tests quantify particle penetration to evaluate fit more impartially.
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Examining Mask Fit in Woodstock
Woodstock workers and residents can get mask fit testing services from occupational health clinics, specialty doctors, and other healthcare facilities. To guarantee accuracy and dependability, these facilities have qualified personnel who perform Fit Test in accordance with established procedures.
Mask Fit Test in Kitchener
Similar to this, Kitchener residents can get mask fit testing services from medical centers and occupational health clinics. These companies serve industrial workers, healthcare professionals, and anybody else in need of respiratory protection. They specialize in evaluating the fit of N95 masks.
Where to Look for Services for Fit Testing? Think about trustworthy medical facilities and licensed providers in your area when searching for mask fit testing services. Make sure they follow legal requirements and demonstrate the efficacy of their approaches through authorized testing techniques.
Selecting a Supplier The experience, accreditation, and dedication to safety practices of a potential mask fit testing supplier should all be taken into account. To make sure you obtain accurate and reliable fit testing services, reviews and recommendations from peers can help you make a decision.
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issoimporta · 3 months
Características do ProdutoCom energia de longa duração, as pilhas Duracell® tipo moeda oferecem a qualidade Duracell® em diferentes tamanhos: CR2032, CR2025, CR2016 e LR44.São ideais para relógios de pulso, controles, chaves de carro, sensores, balanças digitais, lanternas e muitos outros aparelhos.Além de oferecer energia de longa duração, conta com diversos recursos de segurança para crianças e bebês.1- Embalagem com trava de segurança: Dupla proteção que só pode ser aberta por adultos utilizando uma tesoura.2- Nova tecnologia de segurança para crianças: Uma camada que não é tóxica, mas tem um sabor amargo com Bitrex®, a substância mais amarga do mundo, é aplicada na parte posterior da pilha para evitar que bebês e crianças as engulam.3- Aviso na embalagem e na própria pilha: Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.EspecificaçõesA bateria Duracell possui potência confiável e prolongada Melhor performance VS pilha de zinco, dura muito mais Design aperfeiçoado e melhor desempenho Pilha Moeda de Lítio CR20323 Volts DuracellEmbalagemContém 2 unidades de bateria CR2032Importante1- Embalagem com trava de segurança: Dupla proteção que só pode ser aberta por adultos utilizando uma tesoura.2- Nova tecnologia de segurança para crianças: Uma camada que não é tóxica, mas tem um sabor amargo com Bitrex®, a substância mais amarga do mundo, é aplicada na parte posterior da pilha para evitar que bebês e crianças as engulam.3- Aviso na embalagem e na própria pilha: Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
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angels-playspace · 4 months
m' lips r num n da afatase!! :(
da kemikal (bitrex) is safe 2 ingest jus weelee not tase gud mos bita substnc non 3 exis
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abyssal-gaze · 11 months
frank's red hot is like bitrex to me. it's so pungent and rank
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streamdone · 2 years
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New top story on SPARTA NEWS: Bitrex – the brand name of the bitterest substance in the world https://ift.tt/SmQDpue
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kisha-myers · 2 years
'Help' By: Kisha Myers
Take my hand, and lead me home. 
Bring me back to the peace I'd once known. 
Help me to see the beauty in everything again. Because it seems I've become lost amongst it all my friend. 
The waves keep crashing against my ship, and I fear one day it'll finally cause it to flip. 
That the waters' raging depths will swallow me whole, and in its wake there will be nothing left. 
Everyday I try my hardest to see the good in the world, but I fear my heart has begun to grow cold. Depression has settled and its icy claws have burrowed deep, anxiety so crippling I can hardly even breathe. 
What's left of me, internally? Is screaming out in fear of losing everything I've ever loved and held so deep and dear. What can I do? 
Questions flood my mind like hurricane force winds, battering against the shell of who I had once been. Demanding answers I don't have to give, demanding retribution for things I never did. 
Memories like sharpened knives pierce my skin, sending goosebumps of agony from deep within. What's left of me, oh can't you see? Is mostly sweet smiling misery. 
Kiss as sweet as honey, but torture as bitter as Bitrex. I can taste it on my lips, the venom I was given. 
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kalahannikolai · 2 months
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The design for Jazz in my AU, a dapper entertainer and warrior alike! He represents the true heroism and nobility that the decepticons should represent, and he often acts as the voice of reason and compassion. A heroic spark and friend to Soundwave, he admired Optimus for his own compassion even as he dislikes the Prime’s tendency to forget the small folk of Cybertron.
A unique take on Jazz, but he’s still got his musical goofiness and kindness we love him for. Haven’t decided yet if he’ll appear in Cyber Emblem, but if he does he’ll definitely be a knightly example that Faerghus would’ve strived to follow. But unlike the knights of Faerghus, Jazz’s code of honor is not so inflexible and he is too dedicated to doing what he feels is right to care about “church doctrines” or “noble authority”.
Lore of this Jazz below!
A youthful spark even fully matured, he's a rambunctious sort who was never quite fond of authority. Originally forged in Central City with the intent of being a mighty Elite Guard for Sentinel's Corps, he grew quickly sick of the regime in training camp and went AWOL. It was a long and arduous journey that Jazz embarked on, as he drifted across Cybertron like a vagabond. He crossed the fiery mountains to Centurion, then off to Hyperious and its mighty forges. There he met some mighty sparks that inspired him to travel even further, and Jazz found himself ascending the eastern arch over the energon sea.
He passed through Stanix, where he found many who suffered from Sentinel's iron fist. Guards beat and brutalized the weak and frightened the young. It was here he first intervened and fought for those who couldn't fight for themselves. It was then the gallant warrior began to make a name for himself, as he inspired the people of Stanix. From there, he traveled further up the arch and passed through Tyrest.
Here he began to find predacons locked into vehicular modes, and he recalled the predacons he's seen in Centurion. Where that city stood in defiance of Sentinel and let predacons stay bestial, in Tyrest were the edicts against the primal strictly enforced. It sickened Jazz to his core but he had to keep going, and he was horrified to see Torus Heights was no better. What should've been the proud monument to all predacons was a shadow of its former glory. The mighty Predaking asleep in stasis and his people oppressed, Jazz knew he couldn't help them and had to leave the predacons behind.
Finally, he came to the city he knew he was meant to be in. The minor city of Bitrex, a half-slum half-engineering center, it was an odd dichotomy of advancement and poverty. Young bots just freshly beyond their proto-stages alone on the streets. Aged bots struggling to make ends meet for their families. Here, Jazz knew he could make a change. Thus did he start, as he fended off Sentinel's brutal officers and encouraged the people to be brave.
Eventually, he would free Bitrex and bring joy and freedom to it once more, and the citizens honored his efforts. Jazz would soon find the time to pursue more cheerful ventures, as he discovered a talent and love for singing and dancing in the bars and pubs of Bitrex. His powerful voice possessed a tonal range that most cybertronians couldn't reach. He quickly became popular for singing just as much, if not more so, than for his martial prowess. Eventually, he would even one day meet and inspire a repressed bot who introduced himself as "Sounder".
Before long, the pair got along famously and became close friends, close enough that Soundwave would give his true name. Jazz would be proud of the day his friend quit his job, and rejoined him with a disguised face but a renewed sense of purpose. After Soundwave customized himself thoroughly, and met his small companions, he and Jazz made names for themselves as a duo from then on with their free reign. Even when his friend would one day meet the gladiator king of Kaon and join the rebellious faction dubbed the "Decepticons", Soundwave would beckon him to follow.
Hesitant at first to fight in a civil war, Jazz did so out of faith in his friend. But he refused to fight on the front, and Jazz was given clearance by Soundwave himself to remain in Bitrex. Thus did the city become a proud con city, Jazz its leader and guardian. There did cons send the weak, young, old, and injured, and Jazz proudly defended them. He would prove to be the noblest of them all in time...
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regexkind · 3 months
Man the Bitrex-impregnated fiberglass idea isn't bad actually. It's soluble in water so you could just spray it on and let it dry as a little crystalline coating, and I might as well do that when I reinsulate. I think the problem is getting the solution to be all throughout the batts.
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yummyfreebies · 2 years
Free Bitrex Taste Kit
Free Bitrex Taste Kit
Free Bitrex Taste Kit Your hidden safety hero. Just one taste of the world’s most bitter substance and you’ll see how it helps to prevent accidental poisonings! Brave enough to take a taste test? Bitrex – the bitterest substance known to man, protecting children against accidental poisoning and striving to make this a thing of the past. Bitrex are giving away FREE taste tests! All you need to do…
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