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blockchain-hero · 2 years ago
Bitcoin (BTC) legt nach Bankenturbulenzen erneut zu
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Bitcoin hielt sich in der asiatischen Handelssitzung am Freitag stabil über der 29.500 USD-Marke und legte in den letzten 24 Stunden um 0,77% zu und erreichte 29.518 _USD. Trotz eines Rückgangs bei Ether, der 0,56% verlor und bei 1.911 USD lag, was einem wöchentlichen Verlust von 1,98% entspricht, hat die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Bitcoin angesichts der Besorgnis über die Fragilität des US-Bankensystems und die Möglichkeit einer Rezession seinen Status als sicherer Hafen gestärkt. Bernstein Private Wealth Management schlug vor, dass die Turbulenzen im US-Bankensystem die Akzeptanz von Bitcoin bei Mainstream-Investoren fördern. Inzwischen hat H.C. Wainwright sieht Bitcoin möglicherweise in einen Bullenpreiszyklus eintreten und gab am Mittwoch eine Kaufempfehlung für die Kryptobörse Coinbase ab, in der er erklärte, dass die Plattform vom Wachstum in der Digital Asset Economy profitieren wird. Anderswo auf dem Kryptowährungsmarkt fielen die meisten anderen Top-10-Nicht-Stablecoin-Kryptos, mit Ausnahme von Solana. Die Plattform stieg um 1,91% auf 22,39 USD, nachdem sie einen 1-Millionen-Dollar-Fonds für KI-Projekte auf der Solana-Blockchain angekündigt hatte. Solana Labs hat auch ein Plugin für den Chatbot von OpenAI, ChatGPT, entwickelt, das es Benutzern ermöglicht, Token zu übertragen, Wallet-Guthaben zu überprüfen und nicht fungible Token (NFTs) über ChatGPT zu kaufen. Trotz eines Anstiegs der gesamten Krypto-Marktkapitalisierung um 0,02 % in den letzten 24 Stunden auf 1,21 Billionen US-Dollar ging das Gesamthandelsvolumen um 22,81% auf 51,66 Milliarden US-Dollar zurück. Auf dem NFT-Markt fiel der Forkast 500 NFT-Index, der 500 zulässige Smart Contracts umfasst und ein Proxy-Maß für den globalen NFT-Markt ist, in den 24 Stunden bis 9:00 Uhr in Hongkong um 0,21% auf 3.701,73. Es wird von CryptoSlam verwaltet, einer Schwestergesellschaft von Forkast.News unter dem Dach von Forkast.Labs. Yehudah Petscher, NFT-Stratege von Forkast Labs, stellte fest, dass der Forkast 500-Index den Markt als Ganzes genau darstellt und widerspiegelt, was Trader tun oder nicht tun. Während die NFT-Märkte derzeit geringe Volumina verzeichnen, stellte Petscher fest, dass die digitale Kunst Weltklasse ist und Künstler jetzt ihren Lebensunterhalt durch den Verkauf ihrer NFTs verdienen können, wobei Sotheby’s und Christie’s regelmäßig NFT-Kunst verkaufen. US-Aktien-Futures fielen in Asien nach Gewinnen an der Wall Street im regulären Donnerstagshandel, wobei die Dow Jones Industrial Average-Futures und die S&P 500-Futures beide um 0,13% nachgaben und der Nasdaq Composite Index um 0,18% fiel. Die drei Indizes schlossen am Donnerstag höher, da starke Gewinne bei Meta Platforms (ehemals Facebook) die Aktie um fast 14% nach oben trieben, was einen schlechten BIP-Bericht für das erste Quartal überwog. Während die jährliche Wachstumsrate von 1,1% die Prognose der Ökonomen von 2 % verfehlte, zeigte der Bericht auch einen Anstieg des Privatverbrauchs um 4,2% und übertraf damit die Erwartung der Analysten von 3,7%, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Inflation trotz des schwachen BIP-Wachstums hoch bleibt. Die US-Inflation lag im März 2023 bei 5%. Der nächste Zinsschritt der Federal Reserve ist am 3. Mai fällig, nachdem die Fed eine einjährige Politik der Zinserhöhungen durchgeführt hat, um das Tempo der jährlichen Inflation unter 2% zu bringen. Die US-Zinssätze liegen derzeit zwischen 4,75% und 5%, dem höchsten Stand seit Juni 2006. Analysten der CME Group erwarten jetzt eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 14,6%, dass die Fed die Zinssätze bei ihrer nächsten Sitzung unverändert lässt, während 85,4% eine 25- Basispunktanstieg, herauf von 73.1% am Donnerstag. Bildquelle: Pixabay Read the full article
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bitsevenpolski-blog · 6 years ago
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Blíží se další hype? Cena bitcoinu rychle roste, už překonala hranici 7 tisíc dolarů/ wiadomości kryptowalut, coindesk, crypto, cryptozoo news, Binance, OKEx, Huobi, Bitfinex, ZB, Upbit
Počátek roku 2019 byl ze strany bitcoinu a spol. relativně klidný, ale poslední měsíc můžeme opět vidět strmý růst. Bude se opakovat situace z konce roku 2017? Bitcoin i další krpytoměny pokračují v růstu, který započal před měsícem, kdy nejznámější kryptoměna prolomila dlouho očekávanou hranici 4200 dolarů za kus. Bitcoin dnes na burze Coinbase na okamžik překonal hranici 7500 dolarů, což znamená jen za tento rok nárůst o úctyhodných 140 procent. To se vše děje v době, kdy klasické akciové trhy zažívají výprodeje způsobené nervozitou z hrozící obchodní války mezi Spojenými státy a Čínou. Cenné papíry velkých firem jako Apple, Amazon a spol. se tento týden propadaly o 5 až 10 procent. Bitcoin naopak táhne celý kryptoměnový trh vzhůru a není tak jedinou virtuální měnou, která přidává na své hodnotě. Dvouciferným tempem tak rostou například také Ethereum, Litecoin či EOS. Mnoho analytiků nyní věští pokračující býčí náladu a další výrazný růst, který by mohl napodobit ten z konce roku 2017, kdy na přelomu listopadu a prosince rostla hodnota bitcoinu dvouciferným tempem v podstatě z týdne na týden, až nakonec atakovala dvacetitisícovou hranici.
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bitsevenenglish-blog · 6 years ago
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Hacked Bitcoin Exchange Bithumb Tells Traders to Halt Deposits/ bitseven,bitcoin exchange,Cryptocurrency exchange,FX Margin bitflyer,CoinMarketCap,poloniex,bitfinex
Bithumb, the exchange recently hacked last week to the tune of around $20 million, sent out an e-mail this morning asking customers to cease making deposits until further notice. The exchange reiterates its claim that no customer funds are lost. Instead, the request is to help investigators. It reads, in part: We would like to ask you to stop making deposits of cryptocurrency in order to check our member’s assets through external organization and to cooperate with the investigating agency in connection with an accident that is supposed to be an internal embezzlement that occurred on March 29th. INSIDE JOB IS A CENTRALIZED CONCERN “Internal embezzlement” is the fundamental risk with centralized exchanges, of course. Just as banks and armored vehicles are never entirely safe, keeping millions of dollars within reach of humans will always present the risk of fraud. In this case, the attacker, who is roundly believed to be a Bithumb employee, chose not to take from the customers. But it’s certainly imaginable that he or she could have. Bithumb says they will be undergoing a disclosure and due diligence process following the investigation, effectively to allay customer fears of insolvency. The probe may or may not yield the identity of the attacker. The track record of investigations into exchange hacks is spotty. It’s hit or miss – sometimes the bad guy gets caught, often enough their identity is never revealed. [W]e are planning fair and objective due diligence review on all assets we hold through a reliable external Audit(accounting firm). In addition, KISA [Korea Internet & Security Agency] and the police are requested to conduct an intensive investigation on this accident. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the assets through temporary suspension of deposit / withdrawal service. LAYOFFS, THEN HACKS; INSOLVENCY NEXT? Bithumb had a round of layoffs last month. So far no one has made the connection between these layoffs and the attack, but the two things happening in such a short space of time certainly makes for an interesting theory. Someone loses their job but not their knowledge of the security structure. Someone decides to extract a golden parachute. It wouldn’t be the first time that a disgruntled ex-employee had compromised the security of a notable organization – look at Edward Snowden. Perhaps in hopes of surviving the backlash, Bithumb is still allowing deposits and withdrawals of cryptocurrencies that weren’t part of the hack, as well as fiat deposits of Korean Won. In terms of volume, Bithumb’s self-reported volume has more than doubled since March 30th, according to CoinMarketCap. The exchange doesn’t show up at all on the “adjusted volume” rankings of that site, but its reporting moves it up the ranks, from 30th to 26th, since March 30th. AS FOR PRICES, YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN Bithumb’s self-reported volume on March 30th was $330,910,359. On March 27th, two days before the attack, it was over $1.2 billion. At press time, it is $838,102,877. Again, the exchange doesn’t rank at all on the “adjusted volume” tab on the same website. Major exchanges like Binance are far from the top on the “reported” volume tab, with a site called Fcoin leading the way at press time with over $5 billion in reported daily volume. Fluffed volume metrics are a serious concern in cryptocurrency circles at the moment, with ETF applicants like Bitwise discounting up to 95% of all volume to assuage the regulators’ fears. In its e-mail to customers, Bithumb also asks customers to pay attention to global rates of cryptos they might be interested in trading, as several factors may distort the prices shown on the exchange. Moreover, the price of some cryptocurrency has been fluctuating due to internal and external influences such as the suspension of cyptocurrency deposit / withdrawal service. cryptocurrency is traded around the world 24 hours a day, so fluctuations in the value of the currency may increase due to price fluctuations. Please pay attention to the investment loss. The future is uncertain for Bithumb at this point. Layoffs followed by a big hack don’t exactly instill confidence in an already skeptical community. You can report all the high volume figures you like, but in the end, people have to trade on your platform for you to earn fees and stay in business. Bithumb remains one of two major Korean crypto exchanges, but like all crypto traders, Koreans have hundreds of alternatives.
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bitsevenportugal-blog · 6 years ago
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Pool de mineração estima que mais de 600 mil mineradoras de Bitcoin foram desligadas nas últimas semanas/ coindesk, crypto, notícias cryptozoo, Binance, OKEx, Huobi, Bitfinex, ZB, Upbit, HitBTC, CoinEx, LBank, Bibox,BCEX
Entre 600.000 e 800.000 mineradoras de Bitcoin podem ter sido desligadas entre desde meados de novembro, em meio a quedas nos preços e na receita da rede, de acordo com o terceiro maior grupo de mineração do mundo. Em entrevista à agência de notícias CoinDesk, Mao Shixing, fundador do pool de mineração de criptomoedas F2pool, disse que a estimativa vem de sua empresa leva em conta a queda total na rede e o poder médio de hash das máquinas de mineração mais antigas que estão tendo dificuldades para gerar lucros. De acordo com dados da blockchain.info, todo o hashrate da rede do Bitcoin, que captura o poder de computação agregado na primeira blockchain do mundo, caiu de cerca de 47 milhões de tera por segundo (TH/s) em 10 de novembro para 41 milhões em 24 de novembro – um declínio de quase 13%. Mao explicou que a maioria dos mineradores que podem ter interrompido as operações provavelmente são aqueles que usam modelos mais antigos, como o Antminer T9 + da Bitmain e o AvalonMiner 741 da Canaan Creative. Essas mineradoras têm um poder de hash médio de cerca de 10 TH/s e estima-se que estão perdendo dinheiro agora, de acordo com o índice de receita de mineradoras da F2pool. De fato, o hashrate do Bitcoin na F2pool, que agora representa cerca de 11,4% do total da rede, também teve um declínio de mais de 10% nas últimas semanas, disse Mao. “É difícil calcular um número preciso de mineradores conectados a nós que foram desconectados. Mas vimos dezenas de milhares deles [fecharem] nos últimos dias com base em conversas que tivemos com fazendas maiores com as quais estamos em contato regular”, disse ele, acrescentando: “ISSO É O QUE ESTÁ ACONTECENDO ENTRE OS MINERADORES NA CHINA.” Em 20 de novembro, Mao compartilhou, por meio de sua conta de mídia social Weibo, uma foto de um homem empacotando peças de computador em caixas, com a legenda “desligar não é uma opção, agora é preciso vender por quilos”. O post foi amplamente considerado como significando que até mesmo equipamentos de mineração de safra recente estavam sendo vendidos por quilo na China, mas Mao disse à CoinDesk que estava meio brincalhão quando escreveu, explicando: “OS EQUIPAMENTOS DE MINERAÇÃO VENDIDOS POR QUILO SÃO MODELOS MAIS ANTIGOS E OBSOLETOS QUE NÃO SÃO MAIS UTILIZÁVEIS. ENTÃO, AS PESSOAS ESTÃO VENDENDO PARA RECICLAR [ELES] COMO COBRE EM VEZ DE PARA FINS DE MINERAÇÃO.”
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bitsevenfrancais-blog · 6 years ago
Bitseven Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange Trading, jusqu'à 100x Leverage
BitSEVEN | Echange mercantile de Bitcoin Echangez avec un maximum de 100x de profit
Echangez Bitcoin et autres cryptocurrences avec un maximum de 100x de profit  Exécution rapide, frais bas, disponible seulement sur BitSEVEN
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creepingsharia · 4 years ago
Feds Dismantle 3 Islamic Terror Financing Cyber Campaigns
CAIR - also a wing of Hamas, that raises money via zakat, was not dismantled, but a related wing of Hamas was. Twitter, Facebook and Youtube are still complicit.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Global Disruption of Three Terror Finance Cyber-Enabled Campaigns
Largest Ever Seizure of Terrorist Organizations’ Cryptocurrency Accounts
The Justice Department today announced the dismantling of three terrorist financing cyber-enabled campaigns, involving the al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing, al-Qaeda, and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).  This coordinated operation is detailed in three forfeiture complaints and a criminal complaint unsealed today in the District of Columbia.  These actions represent the government’s largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context.
These three terror finance campaigns all relied on sophisticated cyber-tools, including the solicitation of cryptocurrency donations from around the world.  The action demonstrates how different terrorist groups have similarly adapted their terror finance activities to the cyber age.  Each group used cryptocurrency and social media to garner attention and raise funds for their terror campaigns.  Pursuant to judicially-authorized warrants, U.S. authorities seized millions of dollars, over 300 cryptocurrency accounts, four websites, and four Facebook pages all related to the criminal enterprise.
Funds successfully forfeited with a connection to a state sponsor of terrorism may in whole or in part be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund (http://www.usvsst.com/) after the conclusion of the case.
“It should not surprise anyone that our enemies use modern technology, social media platforms and cryptocurrency to facilitate their evil and violent agendas,” said Attorney General William P. Barr.   “The Department of Justice will employ all available resources to protect the lives and safety of the American public from terrorist groups.  We will prosecute their money laundering, terrorist financing and violent illegal activities wherever we find them.  And, as announced today, we will seize the funds and the instrumentalities that provide a lifeline for their operations whenever possible.” 
Al-Qassam Brigades Campaign
The first action involves the al-Qassam Brigades and its online cryptocurrency fundraising efforts.  In the beginning of 2019, the al-Qassam Brigades posted a call on its social media page for bitcoin donations to fund its campaign of terror.  The al-Qassam Brigades then moved this request to its official websites, alqassam.net, alqassam.ps, and qassam.ps.
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The al-Qassam Brigades boasted that bitcoin donations were untraceable and would be used for violent causes.  Their websites offered video instruction on how to anonymously make donations, in part by using unique bitcoin addresses generated for each individual donor.   
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        However, such donations were not anonymous.  Working together, IRS, HSI, and FBI agents tracked and seized all 150 cryptocurrency accounts that laundered funds to and from the al-Qassam Brigades’ accounts.  Simultaneously, law enforcement executed criminal search warrants relating to United States-based subjects who donated to the terrorist campaign. 
With judicial authorization, law enforcement seized the infrastructure of the al-Qassam Brigades websites and subsequently covertly operated alqassam.net.   During that covert operation, the website received funds from persons seeking to provide material support to the terrorist organization, however, they instead donated the funds bitcoin wallets controlled by the United States.
The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia also unsealed criminal charges for two Turkish individuals, Mehmet Akti and Hüsamettin Karataş, who acted as related money launderers while operating an unlicensed money transmitting business.   
Al-Qaeda Campaign
The second cyber-enabled terror finance campaign involves a scheme by al-Qaeda and affiliated terrorist groups, largely based out of Syria.  As the forfeiture complaint details, these terrorist organizations operated a bitcoin money laundering network using Telegram channels and other social media platforms to solicit cryptocurrency donations to further their terrorist goals.  In some instances, they purported to act as charities when, in fact, they were openly and explicitly soliciting funds for violent terrorist attacks.  For example, one post from a charity sought donations to equip terrorists in Syria with weapons:
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Undercover HSI agents communicated with the administrator of Reminder for Syria, a related charity that was seeking to finance terrorism via bitcoin donations.  The administrator stated that he hoped for the destruction of the United States, discussed the price for funding surface-to air missles, and warned about possible criminal consequences from carrying out a jihad in the United States.
Posts from another Syrian charity similarly explicitly referenced weapons and extremist activities:
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Al-Qaeda and the affiliated terrorist groups together created these posts and used complicated obfuscation techniques, uncovered by law enforcement, to layer their transactions so to conceal their actions.  Today’s complaint seeks forfeiture of the 155 virtual currency assets tied to this terrorist campaign.   
ISIS Campaign
The final complaint combines the Department’s initiatives of combatting COVID-19 related fraud with combatting terrorism financing.  The complaint highlights a scheme by Murat Cakar, an ISIS facilitator who is responsible for managing select ISIS hacking operations, to sell fake personal protective equipment via FaceMaskCenter.com (displayed below)
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The website claimed to sell FDA approved N95 respirator masks, when in fact the items were not FDA approved.  Site administrators claimed to have near unlimited supplies of the masks, in spite of such items being officially-designated as scarce.  The site administrators offered to sell these items to customers across the globe, including a customer in the United States who sought to purchase N95 masks and other protective equipment for hospitals, nursing homes, and fire departments.
The unsealed forfeiture complaint seized Cakar’s website as well as four related Facebook pages used to facilitate the scheme.  With this third action, the United States has averted the further victimization of those seeking COVID-19 protective gear, and disrupted the continued funding of ISIS. 
The claims made in these three complaints are only allegations and do not constitute a determination of liability.  The burden to prove forfeitability in a civil forfeiture proceeding is upon the government.  Further, charges contained in criminal complaint are merely allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
IRS-CI Cyber Crimes Unit (Washington, D.C.), HSI’s Philadelphia Office, and FBI’s Washington D.C., New York, and Los Angeles field offices are investigating the case. Assistant U.S Attorneys Jessi Camille Brooks and Zia M. Faruqui, and National Security Division Trial Attorneys Danielle Rosborough and Alexandra Hughes are litigating the case, with assistance from Paralegal Specialists Brian Rickers and Bria Cunningham, and Legal Assistant Jessica McCormick.  Additional assistance has been provided by Chainalysis and Excygent.
Download _criminal_complaint.pdf
Download _affidavit_in_support.pdf
Download civil_complaints_.pdf
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bittrade · 7 years ago
Bitcoin Group: Bitcoin steigt, Aktie dümpelt herum! - FinanzNachrichten.de
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bitsevensweden-blog · 6 years ago
BitSEVEN Kommersiell handelsplattform för Bitcoin Handel, upp till 100x...
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coolfannyposts-blog · 6 years ago
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blockchain-hero · 2 years ago
Grayscale ETH Trust nähert sich dem Rekordabschlag von 60%
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Ethereum-, Litecoin- und Bitcoin Cash Trusts von Grayscale sind mit hohen Abschlägen konfrontiert, da Bedenken um die Liquidität der Digital Currency Group herumwirbeln. Der Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE) wird mit einem Abschlag von beinahe 60% auf den zugrundeliegenden Wert seiner Vermögenswerte gehandelt, wobei die Aktien gegenüber ihrem Allzeithoch vom Juni 2019 (ATH) um 93% gefallen. Es gibt viele Gründe für den anhaltenden Rückgang, aber in den letzten Wochen sind die Befürchtungen gewachsen, dass sie Auswirkungen der Schulden der Muttergesellschaft Digital Currency Group in Höhe von etwa 1,675 Milliarden USD an den angeschlagenen Krypto-Kreditgeber Genesis die Vermögenswerte von Grayscale beeinträchtigen könnten. Der Krypto-Influencer "db", der auf Twitter unterwegs ist, hat ein Bild getwittert, das die gesamte Sammlung kryptobasierter Grayscale-Trusts mit Statistiken zeigt, die ihre jeweilige Prämie zeigen. "Jeder Graustufen-Trust und sein jeweiliger Prämienprozentsatz pic.twitter.com/TYQf5FmeXt." Es zeigte sich, dass die meisten Treuhandfonds von Grayscale mit einem Abschlag gehandelt werden, wobei Ethereum Classic Trust am stärksten betroffen ist, derzeit mit einem Abschlag von 77% gefolgt von Litecoin Trust mit 65% und Bitcoin Cash Trust mit 57%. Der Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) wird mit einem Abschlag von 45% gehandelt. Nur zwei Grayscale Trusts werden derzeit mit einem Aufschlag gehandelt, der Filecon Trust mit 108% und der Chainlink Trust mit 24%. Laut der offiziellen Webseite von Grayscale befinden sich derzeit Vermögenswerte im Wert von 3,7 Milliarden USD im Pool des Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE), die aus 31 Millionen Aktien gesammelt wurden. Der Ether pro Aktie liegt bei rund 0,0097 ETH, was einem Wert von 11,77 USD entspricht, während der Marktpreis pro Aktie 4,77 USD beträgt. Die Muttergesellschaft von Grayscale, DCG, geriert diese Woche erneut unter ruck, als Cameron Winklevoss, Mitgründer der Krypto-Börse Gemini, den CEO von DCG, Barry Silbert in einem offenen Brief auf Twitter anprangerte. Winklevoss behauptete, das DCG-Unternehmen Genesis Gemini 900 Millionen USD an Geldern schulde, die ihm als Teil von Geminis Earn-Produkt verliehen wurden, das die beiden Unternehmen gemeinsam betrieben. Das Forschungs- und Analysteunternehmen für digitale Vermögenswerte Arcane Research detuete in einem Bericht vom 3. Januar an, dass die erheblichen Schulden, die DCG und Genesis angeblich Gemini schulden, dazu führen könnten, dass DCG eine Reg M-Ausschüttung einleitet, die es den Inhabern von GBTC- und ETHE-Positionen ermöglichen würde, sie gegen den Basiswert mit einem Verhältnis 1:1 einzulösen. Dies wäre schlecht für die Kryptomärkte, allerdings gut für die ETHE-Aktien. Laut Arcane: "Ein Reg M würde eine massive Arbitrage-Strategie des Verkaufs von Krypto-Spot gegen den Kauf von GrayscaleTrust-Aktien verursachen. Wenn sich dieses Szenario bewahrheitet, könnten die Kryptomärkte mit weiteren Abwärtsbewegungen konfrontiert sein." Winklevoss hat sich zu den angeblichen DCG-Liquiditätsproblemen geäußert und zuvor im Dezember ein Update getwittert, dass die globale Investmentbank Houlihan Lokey im Namen des Gläubigerausschusses einen Plan vorgelegt habe, um einen Weg für die Wiedererlangung von Vermögenswerten zu schaffen. Bildquelle: Pixabay Read the full article
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bitsevenpolski-blog · 6 years ago
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Bitcoin, kryptowaluty i blockchain – najważniejsze wiadomości z rynku 27 maja-2 czerwca/ wydobycie bitcoinów, kopacz bitcoinów, dzisiejsza cena bitcoinów
Twórca kryptowalutowej piramidy zatrzymany w Rosji Policja w Rosji aresztowała rzekomego twórcę kryptowalutowej piramidy z Kazachstanu. Był on poszukiwany na mocy nakazu wydanego przez rosyjskie Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych oficjalnie opublikowanego dnia 28 maja. Według medialnych doniesień, oszust zbiegł z Kazachstanu na początku 2019 r. i od tego czasu był poszukiwany przez Interpol. Zarejestrowano co najmniej 300 przypadków oszustw rzekomo związanych z działaniami tej piramidy. Bitcoin reaguje na wyniki wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego pokazują, że partie eurosceptyczne rosną w siłę. W momencie ogłaszania pierwszych danych dotyczących wyników wyborów kurs BTC zaczął rosnąć. Czy to oznacza, że kryptowaluta ponownie zyskuje na zawirowaniach politycznych? Wiele na to wskazuje. W końcu Bitcoin zyskiwał już w czasie tzw. kryzysu cypryjskiego wiosną 2013 r. Sytuacja powtórzyła się w czasie referendum ws. Brexitu czy wyborów prezydenckich w USA, kiedy walkę o White House wygrał Donald Trump. Ponadto Bitcoin wyraźnie zdobywa sympatię w krajach, które są zagrożone sankcjami gospodarczymi ze strony USA czy których waluty są niszczone przez hiperinflację, np. w Wenezueli. Czy czeka nas FOMO na BTC? Thomas Lee, prognozuje, co będzie miało miejsce, gdy kurs kryptowaluty przebije psychologiczny poziom 10 tysięcy dolarów. Główny analityk funduszu Fundstrat nie ma wątpliwości, że gdy tylko kurs BTC dotrze do wspomnianego poziomu i go przebije, na rynku pojawi się FOMO, czyli uczucie strachu, że „pociąg odjeżdża”, a my musimy do niego wsiąść. Innymi słowy, inwestorzy uznają, że hossa się rozpędza i trzeba szybko kupić (lub dokupić) bitcoina. John McAfee stworzy własną kryptowalutę Ekscentryk pozazdrościł samemu Satoshi’emu Nakamoto i postanowił stworzyć własną kryptowalutę. Freedom Coin ma zadebiutować na rynku jesienią 2019 roku. McAfee pytany o specyfikę jego projektu odpowiedział: – nie, nie jest wydobywany. Nie, nie robimy ICO. Nie, nie szukamy inwestorów. Nie, nie będziemy notowani na giełdzie. Nie, nie podamy więcej informacji przed wydaniem white paper. Tak, to jest prawdziwe…. Również, nie będzie żadnych airdropów. Jihan Chu tłumaczy, dlaczego BTC będzie kosztował 30 000 USD Cena Bitcoina osiągnie poziom 30 000 USD i to do końca 2019 roku, uważa współzałożyciel Kenetic Capital. Zakłada on między innymi, że wraz z popularnością kryptowalut JP Morgan czy Facebooka ludzie mocniej zainteresują się Bitcoinem. Chu wspomina również kwestię zbliżającego się podziału nagród oraz kryptowalut jako alternatywie dla IPO.
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bitsevenenglish-blog · 6 years ago
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Crypto Markets Trade Sideways, Major Stock Indexes Close With Minor Gains/ bitcoin exchange, bitseven,bitcoin exchange,bitcoin price, Cryptocurrency exchange
Thursday, June 13 — Top cryptocurrencies bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH), and ripple (XRP) are all still in the green, seeing minor gains since yesterday. The market as a whole is mostly trading sideways. Bitcoin broke $8,300 today, after trading below $8,000 for part of June 12. At press time, BTC is trading at $8,243 but is still trending up by 1.12% on the day. The top altcoin and number two cryptocurrency, ether, is trading sideways, seeing 24-hour losses under 1% at press time. The coin is trading at $255.92. The third cryptocurrency by market cap Ripple’s XRP has also seen a steady price on the day, seeing only about a 0.51% increase in price. It is currently trading at $.401. Among the top ten cryptocurrencies, both bitcoin cash (BCH) and its fork bitcoin SV (BSV) have managed to make reasonable gains, up 5.38% and 10.82%, respectively. Cardano (ADA) meanwhile, has registered losses of over 5% to trade at $0.09 at press time. Total market cap of the top 100 cryptocurrencies is currently $257.5 billion, according to the data on Coin360’s summary table. As previously reported by Cointelegraph, the CEO of blockchain venture capital firm Digital Currency Group, Barry Silbert, believes that the crypto market is about to transition from winter to spring. Silbert commented earlier in February, however, that he thought most digital tokens would lose their value eventually. He claimed that most tokens introduced via initial coin offerings (ICOs) actually had no solid use to take advantage of. According to data provided by MarketWatch, major stock indexes appear to have performed similarly to crypto assets today on the whole, with the Dow, the S&P 500, and Nasdaq closing with minor gains of 0.39%, 0.41%, and 0.57%, respectively.
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bitsevenportugal-blog · 6 years ago
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Blockchain e moeda digital não são o bitcoin
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bitsevenfrancais-blog · 6 years ago
Bitseven Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange Trading, jusqu'à 100x Leverage
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Echangez Bitcoin et autres cryptocurrences avec un maximum de 100x de profit  Exécution rapide, frais bas, disponible seulement sur BitSEVEN
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bittrade · 7 years ago
Bitcoin Group: Droht jetzt der Crash? - MMnews
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korrektheiten · 7 years ago
Bitcoin Group Aktie: Wochenanalyse von Finanztrends!
MMNews: Liebe Leser, der Bitcoin-Kurs in US-Dollar hat in dieser Woche einen wilden Ritt hinter sich gebracht. Grund dafür könnte der Umstand gewesen... Read more... http://dlvr.it/Q0WZDf
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