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rexbox-online · 1 year ago
REXBOX يتم تداول TRX بسعر ممتاز على Poloniex حيث تجذب المراجحة المجازفين
REXBOX رمز ترون الأصلي [TRX] تم تداولها بعلاوة تصل إلى 17% في بورصة Poloniex التي تم اختراقها مؤخرًا خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع، مما يخلق تجارة مراجحة محتملة. #يتم #تداول #TRX #بسعر #ممتاز #على #Poloniex #حيث #تجذب #المراجحة #المجازفين
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christophbergmann · 1 year ago
Nordkoreanische Lazarus-Gruppe im Verdacht, hinter 120-Millionen-Hack von Poloniex zu stehen
Nordkoreanische Lazarus-Gruppe im Verdacht, hinter 120-Millionen-Hack von Poloniex zu stehen Es gab wieder einen großen Börsenhack: Rund 120 Millionen Dollar in zahlreichen Coins und Token wurden von der US-Börse Poloniex entwendet. Wir fassen zusammen, was man bisher über den Hack weiß - und wer als Täter im Verdacht steht.
Es gab wieder einen großen Börsenhack: Rund 120 Millionen Dollar in zahlreichen Coins und Token wurden von der US-Börse Poloniex entwendet. Wir fassen zusammen, was man bisher über den Hack weiß – und wer als Täter im Verdacht steht. Continue reading Untitled
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dijicrypto · 1 year ago
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Understanding Margin Trading on Poloniex
This in-depth guide covers everything you need to know about using leverage on Poloniex to potentially increase gains from crypto trading. It discusses how margin works, tips for trading successfully with leverage like using stop losses, and both the benefits and significant risks involved.
Whether you're an experienced trader looking to amplify returns or just learning about different trading strategies, this is a useful overview of an important but risky technique. Check it out at dijicrypto.com for all the details on margin trading safely and responsibly on one of the top crypto exchanges.
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bloggeraboutcrypto · 10 months ago
This situation should nothappen on the internet. Read the post link.
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stickydelusionmaker · 2 years ago
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gadgetsforusesblog · 13 days ago
Stool princely goes live on polonix, CEX expands listing
After the recent listing on Crackon and Mexy, Polonix has listed Stool Prondente. Poloniex has just listed the stool print (gelstool), in which the trading against USDT has started from FEB.11 at 07:00:00 UTC. The next day will be available on February. 12. Poloniex listing follows the recent listing on Mexc and Crackon. This Solana-based Meme coin, which politely refers to Dave Portnoy, the…
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digitalmore · 14 days ago
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coinworldstoryweb · 1 month ago
9 Best Bitget Exchange Alternatives In Portuguese
In this article, I will discuss the best Bitget exchange alternatives in Portuguese. With the growing demand for reliable and secure crypto platforms, it’s essential to explore exchanges that offer low fees, advanced trading features, and strong customer support. I will cover some of the top alternatives like Poloniex, AscendEx, and Deepcoin, each with its unique offerings to ensure a smooth and…
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criptovalutait · 3 months ago
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Quotazione di Dogecoin DOGE/USDT in questo momento: Introduzione a Dogecoin DOGE Dogecoin è una criptovaluta sempre più popolare. In Italia la sua adozione è ancora scarsa, ma a livello mondiale la sua capitalizzazione di mercato ha superato, al 6 dicembre 2024, una capitalizzazioner di 63 miliardi di dollari, ponendola al settimo posto su Coinmarketcap. Com'è noto da tempo, tra coloro che ci credono c'è Elon Musk (ma anche il neopresidente degli Stati Uniti, Donald Trump, ndr) con il celebre fondatore di Tesla e di SpaceX che l'ha definita più volte la sua crypto preferita. Dietro a questa grande popolarità c'è una semplice motivazione: la facilità d'uso. Rispetto alla maggior parte delle altre monete virtuali, infatti, Dogecoin risulta particolarmente facile da utilizzare anche nelle situazioni di tutti i giorni. In questa guida faremo luce su tutti gli aspetti di Dogecoin che meritano di essere valutati prima di fare eventuali investimenti. Al di là dell'aspetto speculativo, però, analizzeremo anche la tecnologia e lo scopo ultimo di questo progetto. L'obiettivo è quello di soddisfare tanto i potenziali investitori quanto i potenziali investitori. Principali informazioni su Dogecoin : ❓Nome:Dogecoin📑Sigla:DOGE👶Nascita:2013 – meme token📈Previsioni:Previsioni Dogecoin🔍Tecnologia:DEX ERC 20⚡Comprare:Come comprare Dogecoin📱Wallet:Ledger X, Ledger S, MetaMask, tutti i wallet in grado di supportare ERC 20🤑Trading:Guida Trading DogecoinDogecoin – Tabella principali caratteristiche introduttive Dogecoin: Capitalizzazione di mercato, statistiche prezzo DOGE/USD Dogecoin, cos'è e come funziona Dogecoin nasce nel 2013, nello stato americano dell'Oregon, da un'idea del suo fondatore Billy Markus. Fin dal principio la mascotte del progetto è "Doge", un simpatico cane di razza Shiba Inus che viene spesso utilizzato nei meme (foto divertenti) sul web. Questo simpatico cagnolino ritorna più volte in tutti i software che hanno a che fare con Dogecoin, e sottolinea la natura simpatica e di facile utilizzo di questa criptovaluta. Cominciamo dicendo che si tratta di una criptovaluta "pura", ovvero utilizzata esclusivamente per fare pagamenti. In questo è simile a Bitcoin, ma diversa da altri progetti come Ethereum o Ripple in cui l'aspetto delle transazioni è secondario. Dogecoin serve per comprare o vendere beni e servizi utilizzando un metodo di pagamento decentralizzato, sicuro, con costi minimi di commissione ed estremamente veloce. Guida completa alla criptovaluta Dogecoin Per incominciare è sufficiente scaricare il wallet di Dogecoin, ovvero il portafoglio virtuale su cui potremo conservare tutte le nostre monete. Sul sito ufficiale del progetto si trovano i link per il download: questi sono disponibili sia per Android che per iOS e per desktop, quindi i pagamenti in Dogecoin si possono fare da qualsiasi dispositivo ed in qualsiasi momento. Una volta installato il wallet, tramite gli exchange è possibile comprare i token e ricaricarlo per incominciare da subito a fare e ricevere pagamenti. Come forse saprai, gli exchange di criptovalute sono siti che permettono a tutti di convertire monete tradizionali in monete virtuali e viceversa. Se vuoi una dritta, la nostra redazione utilizza e ti consiglia questi exchages di criptovalute ( come ad esempio Poloniex offre DOGE ). In questo modo bastano cinque minuti per comprare i tuoi Dogecoin: una volta completata la registrazione, collega la tua carta di credito o il tuo account PayPal ed il tuo wallet di Dogecoin. La procedura è guidata, per cui non ti potrai sbagliare. Selezionando l'importo che desideri comprare, i fondi in euro verranno presi dalla tua carta e convertiti in Dogecoin, dopodiché verranno direttamente inviati al tuo wallet. La procedura è praticamente istantanea. Dogecoin è una truffa? Molte volte si sente associare Dogecoin all'idea di scherzo e di ironia, cosa che potrebbe indurre qualcuno a pensare che si tratti di una bufala o di una truffa. Il fatto che questo brand abbia deciso di rivolgersi al mercato con simpatia, però, vuole soltanto enfatizzare la natura semplice di questo token ed il fatto che sia alla portata di chiunque. Al di là della mascotte Doge, però, si tratta di una realtà molto seria. Oltre ai già citati 400 milioni di dollari di capitalizzazione di mercato, questa crypto occupa stabilmente un posto tra le 25 monete decentralizzate più capitalizzate in assoluto. Anche la community di Dogecoin è piuttosto grande. Per chi non lo sapesse, i siti web dove si aggregano maggiormente gli sviluppatori e gli esperti di criptovalute sono Reddit, GitHub e BitcoinTalk Forum. Su tutti e tre questi canali, Dogecoin gode di grande fama e reputazione. Basta poi utilizzare qualche exchange per convertire euro in Dogecoin e viceversa per verificare che tutto funzioni regolarmente, cosa che la nostra stessa redazione ha voluto provare prima di redigere questa guida. Perché Dogecoin ? Ormai le criptovalute esistenti sono innumerevoli, nell'ordine di grandezza delle migliaia. In un mercato così ampio non è sempre facile identificare i progetti che possono avere successo e che, rispetto ai più capitalizzati, hanno dei vantaggi strutturali che possono aiutarli ad emergere. Dogecoin è costruita su un'infrastruttura tecnologica che di base somiglia molto a quella di Bitcoin, ma con delle importanti differenze che segnano un enorme passo in avanti a livello tecnologico. Prima di tutto, grazie al protocollo di verifica delle transazioni basta un solo minuto affinché una transazione venga verificata ed aggiunta alla blockchain. Non è di certo il tempo più breve possibile, ma sicuramente è molto meglio di quello che ci consentono di fare Bitcoin e Litecoin. Inoltre non esiste un numero massimo di Dogecoin minabili: sempre a differenza di BTC e di LTC, in questo caso l'offerta è illimitata. Oltre a tutto questo, la cosa più importante da segnalare è che Dogecoin è una delle criptovalute più scambiate in assoluto. Non parliamo di movimenti speculativi, che secondo la maggior parte delle stime degli analisti rappresentano più del 90% delle transazioni; in questo caso ci riferiamo a tutte quelle persone che utilizzano realmente Dogecoin per inviare e ricevere denaro in cambio di beni o servizi. Nel lungo termine, la popolarità di una criptovaluta all'interno dell'economia reale sarà ciò che farà veramente la differenza. Per il momento è ancora raro trovare aziende e negozi che ci permettano di pagare con monete virtuali, ma tra quelle che lo consentono sono in molte ad accettare i Dogecoin. I limiti di Dogecoin Anche se per molti aspetti questa crypto ha molto potenziale, ci sono dei limiti evidenti di questo progetto che andrebbero superati. Il primo fra tutti è il modo in cui vengono minati i token: in questo caso c'è un'analogia con Bitcoin, in quanto entrambe le criptovalute utilizzano il modello di verifica proof-of-work. Se non sai che cosa significhi, qui ti faremo una breve descrizione; la spiegazione completa, insieme a tutti i confronti con gli altri sistemi di mining, la trovi nella guida ai protocolli di consenso delle criptovalute. Nel modello di verifica proof-of-work, i minatori devono prestare la loro potenza di calcolo alla rete mettendosi in competizione tra loro. Devono fare in modo di crittografare per primi, nel modo corretto, i nuovi blocchi da aggiungere alla blockchain. Per ogni blocco è necessaria molta potenza di calcolo, che si traduce in notevoli costi per energia elettrica e attrezzature dedicate al mining; l'energia elettrica, a sua volta, ha un forte impatto ambientale. Non è un caso che molte volte la community di Dogecoin abbia proposto, su Reddit e altri canali, di passare ad un modello di verifica proof-of-stake come quello di Ethereum. Purtroppo fino a questo momento le cose non sono cambiate, e l'ultimo sostanziale aggiornamento tecnologico di Dogecoin risale ormai al 2015. Le criptovalute con tecnologia PoW risultano anacronistiche e superate, per cui questa sarà una grande sfida da superare. Conviene investire in Dogecoin? Questa è una domanda molto difficile, perché da una parte ci sono tutti i grandi vantaggi di questo progetto e dall'altra c'è un unico fondamentale limite. Il problema è che, essendoci ormai un'ampia scelta di token sul mercato, un solo difetto macroscopico può far passare agli investitori la voglia di credere in un progetto. Sicuramente la semplicità d'uso di questa criptovaluta, unita alla sua ampia popolarità, potrebbero contribuire ad un aumento del suo valore e della sua diffusione nell'economia reale. Il contraltare di questo discorso è un modello di verifica delle transazioni che ormai non è più al passo con i tempi. Progetti come Tron ed Ethereum stanno diventando sempre più popolari proprio per via del protocollo PoS, che consente loro di verificare le transazioni ed aggiungerle alla blockchain in pochi secondi. Possiamo augurarci il meglio per il futuro di questo progetto, ma è molto probabile che i suoi limiti strutturali gli impediranno di entrare nella top 10 delle criptovalute più capitalizzate. Read the full article
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blockinsider · 3 months ago
Ethereum Soars Past $3,900: Is $4,631 Next as ETF Inflows Surge?
Key Points
Ethereum’s price surpasses $3,900, targeting $4,631 amid increased ETF inflows.
Justin Sun, the founder of the Tron blockchain, has sold 41,630 ETH since November.
Ethereum’s Price Rise
Ethereum’s market price has surpassed $3,900, inching towards its 52-week high of $4,093. The current price of Ethereum is around $3,918, which is about 4% less than the highest price of the year.
This surge marks the third consecutive week of positive performance for Ethereum, with a price increase of approximately 28%. This upward trend could potentially lead to a triple white soldier pattern in the weekly chart, which is a trend continuation pattern.
Ethereum’s market cap has reached $472 billion, with a 24-hour trading volume of $65.92 billion. As these figures turn green, analysts predict that the rally could reach a new 52-week high this week, despite whale sell-offs.
Whale Sell-Offs Amid Ethereum’s Rally
As the rally continues, several whales have begun to profit. Justin Sun, the founder of the Tron blockchain, recently deposited 20,000 ETH tokens on the HTX exchange. The deposit is worth $76.3 million as Ethereum’s market price has surged above $3,800.
Since the early November rally, Sun has sold off 41,630 ETH worth $146 million. Of this, 39,000 Ether worth $137 million were deposited on HTX, while the remaining tokens worth $8.76 million were deposited on Poloniex. The average selling price was $3,505.
Despite the sell-off, the Ethereum rally continues to gain momentum, with ETFs showing increased institutional demand.
Increased Institutional Demand for Ethereum ETFs
With Bitcoin crossing the $100,000 mark, the total daily net inflow reached $556.82 million. BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF led the way with a net inflow of $571.71 million.
Institutional demand for Ethereum is gradually increasing, as evidenced by the daily total net inflow on December 4, which reached $167.62 million for US spot Ethereum ETFs.
BlackRock’s Ethereum ETF led the rally with a one-day net inflow of $124.35 million. With increasing demand, Ethereum’s price action indicates a potential new 52-week high.
Ethereum’s Potential Breakout
In the weekly chart, Ethereum’s price action shows a rounding bottom reversal gaining momentum. After a Q2 pullback, Ethereum’s price has regained bullish momentum in Q3, rebounding from the 200-week EMA at $2,355.
Ethereum’s price has surged by nearly 66% over the past 30 days, resulting in four bullish candles in the weekly chart, with a minor red candle. The weekly candle surpasses the crucial resistance zone below the $3,900 level, and Ethereum’s price is set to challenge the 100% Fibonacci level at the 52-week high of $4,093.
With a weekly jump of 5.78%, the massive surge in trend momentum increases the chances of a new all-time high. The weekly ADX line shows a minor uptick, while the VI line in the DMI indicator maintains a positive alignment.
The technical indicator shows a bullish trend gaining momentum. The 100-week and 200-week simple moving average lines reveal a positive crossover, indicating a change in Ethereum’s long-term price action and increasing the chances of a bull run.
The Fibonacci levels retraced between the 52-week high and low project the next potential price targets at $4,631 and $5,316. Therefore, Ethereum’s weekly price action shows an upside potential of 35%.
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exitrendmarkettrend · 3 months ago
The Cryptocurrency Market: Trends, Key Players, and Future Outlook
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The global Cryptocurrency Market has revolutionized the financial landscape, offering new possibilities for transactions, investments, and decentralized financial systems. With its volatility, rapid growth, and transformative potential, the cryptocurrency market is attracting the attention of both institutional and retail investors alike. As of 2023, the market is valued at USD 4.25 billion, and it's projected to grow at a moderate pace over the next few years. In this blog, we explore the current size, projected growth, key market players, segmentations, and the future of the cryptocurrency market.
1. Cryptocurrency Market Overview (2023-2030)
The cryptocurrency market has been on a significant growth trajectory, fueled by innovations in blockchain technology, increasing global adoption, and the rise of digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. In 2023, the global cryptocurrency market size is valued at approximately USD 4.25 billion, and by 2024, it is expected to reach USD 4.35 billion. By 2030, the market is anticipated to grow to USD 5.03 billion, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.47% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Growth Drivers:
Increased Adoption: With more businesses and consumers accepting cryptocurrencies, there is a growing acceptance of digital currencies in everyday transactions.
Blockchain Innovation: Technological advancements in blockchain are improving security, scalability, and efficiency, driving more adoption of cryptocurrencies.
Institutional Investment: Institutional investors, hedge funds, and corporations are beginning to invest in cryptocurrencies as part of their portfolios, lending credibility to the market.
Regulatory Clarity: As governments and regulators around the world work to establish clear frameworks for cryptocurrencies, more people are gaining confidence in investing in digital assets.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The rise of decentralized finance platforms, which offer lending, borrowing, and trading services using cryptocurrencies, is propelling further growth in the space.
2. Market Size and Forecast
The cryptocurrency market’s growth is modest compared to other technology sectors, but it still shows positive potential. From USD 4.25 billion in 2023, it is projected to grow at a steady pace, reaching USD 4.35 billion by 2024. By 2030, the market is forecast to expand to USD 5.03 billion.
Cryptocurrency Market Size (USD Billion)
YearMarket Size (USD Billion)20234.2520244.3520305.03
This growth, at a CAGR of 2.47%, reflects a cautious optimism around cryptocurrency adoption, where growth is expected to be stable but not as explosive as in the earlier years. This is due to factors such as market maturity, increased regulatory scrutiny, and a potential consolidation phase in the industry.
3. Key Market Players
The cryptocurrency market consists of a variety of players, including cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, and payment processors. Some of the prominent players shaping the cryptocurrency landscape include:
ZEB IT Service
BitFury Group
Unocoin Technologies Private
OKEX Fintech Company
These companies offer services such as cryptocurrency trading, wallet management, exchange platforms, and investment tools. They play a critical role in facilitating the flow of digital assets and enhancing the liquidity of the market. Among them, Coinbase is one of the most prominent names, acting as a gateway for retail investors to enter the crypto space. Ripple and Litecoin are also notable for their contributions to the ecosystem through innovative solutions like cross-border payments and faster transaction processing times.
4. Market Segmentation
The cryptocurrency market can be segmented by type, applications, and regions, each offering unique growth opportunities and challenges.
By Type
Bitcoin (BTC): As the first and most widely recognized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin remains the dominant player in the market. It is primarily used for investment purposes and as a store of value, often referred to as "digital gold."
Ether (ETH): Ether, the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain, is used for a variety of applications, including decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. It has experienced significant growth, driven by the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.
Litecoin (LTC): Litecoin, often referred to as the silver to Bitcoin’s gold, is designed to be a faster and cheaper alternative for transactions. It remains a popular choice for peer-to-peer transfers and transactions.
Other: This category includes a wide range of other cryptocurrencies like Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), and more, which focus on different use cases such as privacy, smart contracts, and faster transaction speeds.
By Applications
Transaction: Cryptocurrencies are increasingly being used for peer-to-peer transactions, cross-border payments, and even purchasing goods and services. Digital wallets and exchange platforms make it easier for individuals to use cryptocurrencies as a form of payment.
Investment: Many investors view cryptocurrencies as an asset class to diversify their portfolios, similar to stocks or commodities. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether are popular choices for investment, both for short-term trading and long-term holdings.
Other: This segment includes the growing use of cryptocurrencies in decentralized finance (DeFi), smart contracts, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other blockchain-based innovations.
By Region
North America: North America is a key market for cryptocurrency, driven by increasing adoption of Bitcoin and Ether, especially in the U.S. Investors in North America are also influenced by the evolving regulatory landscape, which continues to shape the future of cryptocurrency in the region.
Europe: Europe is seeing growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies, with some countries, such as Switzerland, leading the way with favorable regulations. European investors are particularly interested in blockchain technology and DeFi platforms.
Asia Pacific: Asia is a major player in the cryptocurrency space, particularly with countries like China, South Korea, and Japan actively adopting digital currencies. However, regulatory challenges in countries like China have led to a shift in the market’s dynamics, with other nations emerging as leaders in crypto innovation.
Latin America: Latin American countries such as Brazil and Argentina are experiencing increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies due to economic instability, with cryptocurrencies being used as an alternative store of value and for remittances.
Middle East & Africa: The Middle East and Africa region is witnessing increasing interest in cryptocurrencies, particularly in countries like the UAE, which has been working to establish itself as a hub for blockchain and digital assets.
5. Market Trends and Innovations
1. Rise of DeFi and Smart Contracts
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms, which use cryptocurrencies to offer services like lending, borrowing, and trading without intermediaries, have been gaining momentum. These platforms are built primarily on the Ethereum blockchain, using Ether as the primary asset for smart contracts. The growth of DeFi is expected to drive increased demand for cryptocurrencies, particularly Ether.
2. Regulatory Developments
As governments around the world continue to develop regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies, this is expected to provide more clarity and foster greater institutional investment. Regulations will help reduce the risks associated with fraud, money laundering, and volatility, which could attract more investors to the space.
3. NFTs and the Tokenization of Assets
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have brought a new dimension to the cryptocurrency market. NFTs allow the tokenization of digital art, collectibles, and even real estate, making it possible to buy, sell, and trade unique assets on blockchain networks. This trend is expected to continue to evolve, attracting new participants to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
4. Institutional Adoption
The growing participation of institutional investors, including hedge funds, asset managers, and even major corporations, is a significant trend in the cryptocurrency market. The entry of institutional players into the market adds legitimacy and stability, which can have long-term positive effects on market growth.
6. Key Challenges
1. Regulatory Uncertainty
Despite progress in many countries, cryptocurrency remains a largely unregulated space in many regions. This uncertainty creates risks for both investors and companies operating in the space. Clear and consistent regulations would help foster further growth and investment.
2. Volatility and Speculative Nature
Cryptocurrencies are known for their extreme price volatility, which can deter some investors from entering the market. Although some view this volatility as an opportunity, it presents a challenge for those looking for more stable investment options.
3. Security Risks
Cybersecurity concerns, such as hacking and phishing attacks, remain a significant challenge in the cryptocurrency market. Protecting assets and user data from cyber threats will continue to be a top priority for market participants.
7. Future Outlook
The cryptocurrency market, while still in its nascent stages compared to traditional financial markets, is poised for steady growth. By 2030, the market is projected to reach USD 5.03 billion, driven by innovations in blockchain technology, the rise of decentralized finance, and the increasing institutional adoption of digital assets. As more individuals and institutions embrace cryptocurrencies as an alternative asset class, the market will continue to evolve and expand.
Projected Market Value and Growth Rate: With a CAGR of 2.47%, the market's moderate growth reflects an ongoing trend towards adoption, innovation, and regulation. This steady growth offers investors an opportunity to gain exposure to a maturing market that has the potential to change the way we view money, assets, and financial transactions.
In conclusion, the cryptocurrency market is on the brink of further growth, with new innovations and market players leading the charge. As the landscape continues to evolve, so too will the opportunities and challenges for those involved in this dynamic sector. Whether for transactions, investments, or decentralized applications, the future of cryptocurrency looks bright, and its impact on the global financial system is only beginning to unfold.
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coinmapai · 4 months ago
How to buy RLB coins
Purchasing RLB coins (Rollbit's utility token) usually requires going through a digital currency exchange. Here are some specific ways to purchase RLB coins:
I. Choose a trading platform
Determine the trading platform: You need to find a platform that supports RLB coin trading on the digital currency exchange. Common trading platforms such as LBank, Poloniex, Uniswap V3, etc., all provide RLB coin trading services.
Evaluate the reputation of the platform: Check the platform's registration information, user reviews, operating time, etc. to evaluate the platform's reputation and reliability.
II. Register and verify the account
Register an account: On the selected trading platform, fill in the relevant information as required by the platform to complete the account registration.
Identity verification: Submit identity documents and conduct identity verification as required by the platform. After verification, the account will be activated and you can start digital currency trading.
Recharge legal currency or digital currency
Recharge legal currency: If the platform supports legal currency recharge, such as RMB, USD, etc., you can recharge through bank transfer, Alipay, WeChat Pay, etc.
Recharge digital currency: If the platform only supports digital currency recharge, you can first purchase mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) on other trading platforms, and then recharge them to the account of the selected platform.
Purchase RLB coin
Enter the trading market: Log in to the trading platform and enter the trading market or trading hall.
Find RLB coin transactions: In the trading market, find RLB coin trading pairs, such as RLB/USDT, RLB/BTC, etc.
Set purchase parameters: Set the purchase quantity and price according to the market price or your expected price.
Submit the purchase order: After confirming that the purchase parameters are correct, submit the purchase order.
Wait for the order to be completed: After the order is submitted, wait for the platform to match the transaction. After the transaction, RLB coins will be transferred to your account balance.
V. Precautions
Risk awareness: Digital currency investment is highly risky and has large price fluctuations. Before purchasing RLB coins, you need to fully understand the risks of the digital currency market and make decisions based on your risk tolerance.
Fund security: When trading digital currencies, ensure the safety of your funds. You can use safe payment methods and avoid using unsafe third-party payment or transfer methods. At the same time, you must protect your account password and private key to prevent your account from being stolen or suffering other security threats.
Understand the project: Before purchasing RLB coins, you must understand the operation of the Rollbit platform, the issuance plan of RLB coins, application scenarios and market prospects, etc., so as to better grasp market opportunities and risks.
Comply with laws and regulations: Comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the country on digital currency transactions to ensure the legality and compliance of trading activities.
To sum up, to purchase RLB coins, you need to choose a formal trading platform, register and verify your account, recharge legal currency or digital currency, enter the trading market to purchase RLB coins, and follow the precautions to ensure a smooth transaction and protect your own interests.
How to buy RLB
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crypto-badger · 4 months ago
Byte Token Positioned to Lead the Next AI-Driven Meme Coin Bull Market
As the global economy heads toward a tech-driven bull market, cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence are expected to be at the forefront. Among these opportunities, Byte stands out as a meme token poised to capture significant attention and growth. With over 15,000 holders and a unique AI-driven narrative, Byte offers an investment opportunity that mirrors past meme coin successes but with the added power of AI.
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Byte vs. Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Floki, and Pepe: Can Byte Be the Dog Meme of This Cycle?
Byte enters a space that has already seen massive successes from dog-themed meme coins such as Dogecoin ($DOGE), Shiba Inu ($SHIB), Floki ($FLOKI), and Pepe ($PEPE). These coins have consistently been propelled by high-profile mentions from Elon Musk, and Byte is no exception. In fact, Byte has been indirectly recognized by Musk, aligning itself with the same pattern that led to billions in market cap for these tokens. After Musk’s recognition, meme tokens like $DOGE and $SHIB reached $100 billion and $88 billion in fully diluted valuations, respectively.
A key factor that sets Byte apart from its competitors is its strong distribution. Byte has less than 55% of its supply held by the top 100 holders, compared to most tokens, where this concentration is closer to 75%. This broader distribution of supply mirrors the same dynamics seen in Shiba Inu and Dogecoin before they went parabolic, positioning Byte as a token with significant upside potential.
AI and Cryptocurrency: A Powerful Combination
In a macroeconomic environment where AI and cryptocurrency are dominating investment trends, Byte’s unique positioning makes it highly appealing. The token integrates both worlds, offering a meme token that evolves with community engagement, something that has yet to be seen in the meme space. Byte’s narrative is continuously updated through interaction on Elon Musk’s Grok AI platform, making it more than just another meme coin—it’s an interactive AI-driven experience. This positions Byte as not just a fun meme, but a tech-forward investment. Byte’s potential to drive real-world engagement through AI is a differentiator, placing it ahead of competitors who rely solely on social media hype.
Recognition and Growing Credibility Byte has already garnered significant attention, including recognition by CNBC as a “top foreign currency.” Additionally, Justin Sun, Lead of Poloniex and HTX, is a top holder of Byte, having acquired it organically. Such endorsements give Byte a unique edge in the crypto space, further supported by its AI narrative and strong tokenomics.
Tokenomics: Byte’s Simple Yet Powerful Structure
Byte’s decentralized ethos and straightforward tokenomics resemble that of Shiba Inu ($SHIB), with zero tax, a burnt liquidity pool, and a rapidly expanding community. Its simplistic contract design ensures seamless transactions and scalability, making it easy to onboard new holders without friction, which is crucial in the fast-moving meme coin market.
Will Byte Be the Next Dog Meme Unicorn?
Looking at historical trends, dog memes have consistently been the best-performing assets in the meme coin space. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu dominated the last cycle, with $DOGE hitting a high of $0.73 and reaching a fully diluted valuation of over $100 billion, while $SHIB touched $88 billion. This undeniable track record of success makes it clear that dog-themed tokens resonate the most with retail investors.
The question now is: Could Byte be the dog meme of this cycle? With its AI integration, community-driven story, and a growing base of over 15,000 holders, Byte is positioned to be more than just another meme coin. It’s an evolving narrative that every user can contribute to, and with the AI market booming, Byte may lead the charge in the next wave of memes.
Get Involved with Byte
Byte offers something new in the meme coin space: an evolving AI-driven meme. As the community continues to interact with Byte, the story deepens, creating a dynamic experience. Find out for yourself—ask Byte something that no one else has and be a part of this unfolding journey. For more information, visit Byte’s website: https://www.bytedog.ai
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harinibw · 6 months ago
Tron founder Justin Sun's recent Ethereum transactions have drawn attention in the crypto community. PeckShield, an analytical platform, revealed that Sun transferred 14,000 ETH (around $37 million) to the AAVE protocol, followed by a withdrawal of 13,691 ETH. Additionally, Sun moved 300 ETH to Poloniex and withdrew another 300 ETH from AAVE, sparking market discussions.
These movements suggest a strategic approach rather than a direct Ethereum sell-off. Sun appears to be leveraging his ETH holdings on AAVE to earn interest while maintaining asset exposure. His actions, including the transfer of 300 ETH and 400,000 USDT to Poloniex, indicate a well-planned liquidity management strategy rather than an attempt to disrupt the market.
Overall, Sun's maneuvers reflect a sophisticated strategy to optimize returns and manage liquidity, rather than signaling bearish sentiment. His calculated moves are part of a broader plan for long-term gains.
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wiseeconomics · 10 months ago
ПОИСК ПОСТРАДАВШИХ от действий мошенников telegram канала Crypto Team Данила и их сайта www.copy-trade.group Для объединения всех эпизодов в одно уголовное дело. Для связи e-mail: [email protected], telegram: @on400764 24stop-obman.ru
ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ!! это данила, говорящая головка своих хозяев, обыкновенная кукла в хозяйских руках. Мальчик приехавший покорять столицу, в трейдинге абсолютный ноль нахватавшийся верхушек и в данный момент покоряющий статьи уголовного кодекса РФ. Если внимательно присмотреться к видео и прислушаться к аудио становиться очевидно, что выродок в большинстве аудио и видео читает по бумажке.
29.04.2024г. канал Crypro Team сменил название на Crypto Commandos Для объединения всех эпизодов в одно уголовное дело. Более подробно на странице https://24stop-obman.ru
Для связи: telegram: @on400764 e-mail: [email protected] Есть и другие каналы этих мошенников: (закрытый марафон ~ алекс https://t.me/AlexVipMarathon | SпекТр ~ https://t.me/spectorVip | Закрытый Клуб https://t.me/CloseClub_Vip | TRADING PULSE | Futures Zone | Масонское Логово https://t.me/MasonVipTop | вип лесенка с 50$ https://t.me/viplesenkaClose | Osip Trade | Maxim Osipov t.me/MaximOsipovVip | TORGOVEC https://t.me/TorgovecVip эти каналы впаривают монету #Poloniex (#ESP)
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wealthvirtuoso · 10 months ago
ПОИСК ПОСТРАДАВШИХ от действий мошенников telegram канала Crypto Team Данила и их сайта www.copy-trade.group Для объединения всех эпизодов в одно уголовное дело. Для связи e-mail: [email protected], telegram: @on400764 24stop-obman.ru
ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ!! это данила, говорящая головка своих хозяев, обыкновенная кукла в хозяйских руках. Мальчик приехавший покорять столицу, в трейдинге абсолютный ноль нахватавшийся верхушек и в данный момент покоряющий статьи уголовного кодекса РФ. Если внимательно присмотреться к видео и прислушаться к аудио становиться очевидно, что выродок в большинстве аудио и видео читает по бумажке.
29.04.2024г. канал Crypro Team сменил название на Crypto Commandos Для объединения всех эпизодов в одно уголовное дело. Более подробно на странице https://24stop-obman.ru
Для связи: telegram: @on400764 e-mail: [email protected] Есть и другие каналы этих мошенников: (закрытый марафон ~ алекс https://t.me/AlexVipMarathon | SпекТр ~ https://t.me/spectorVip | Закрытый Клуб https://t.me/CloseClub_Vip | TRADING PULSE | Futures Zone | Масонское Логово https://t.me/MasonVipTop | вип лесенка с 50$ https://t.me/viplesenkaClose | Osip Trade | Maxim Osipov t.me/MaximOsipovVip | TORGOVEC https://t.me/TorgovecVip эти каналы впраивают монету #Poloniex (#ESP)
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