#bitch ass odin
tapioca-puddingg · 2 years
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a-stone-in-flight · 11 months
ik our hearts are all breaking but can we take a second to appreciate the way he fuCKING CREATED YGGDRASIL?!?!?!? what a power move bruh.
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hi! Can I Request a dom! Poseidon and or Hades x female sub!wife reader who is sweet/shy, and kinda oblivious, and they just got married and are trying to navigate their life together as newlyweds. I think logically they would have na age gap as well because I believe (could be mistaken in Poseidon’s case) that their wives were younger than them in the myths. If you could make them dotting towards reader too (bit colder than the depths of the sea/Underworld to everyone else), I just really want a sweet obsessive take on their relationship without them being too ooc if this makes sense. Kinda like they fell for reader and they fell harder almost Yandere level obsessed with her. I really loved your Hades x male reader but really want to see you take on this if it’s not too much to ask. I hope my word vomit makes sense.
This is such a cute idea 😆 thank you!
Note : hades and Poseidon are not romantic/ or shipped to each other! ⚠️ I do not support incest. They are only romantic towards reader, but not each other. Cus they are brothers. They only have love towards their darling.
Hades + Poseidon × reader headcanons.
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- tbh, how on earth did you bag not one, but TWO of the strongest gods there is? That's crazy...😭
- not only did you get hades, but Poseidon??? Now you must have accomplished some sort of feat to earn him. Or you were just very loved by the gods. Let's all nod our heads in agreement.
- Considering that there are two of them, gotta say that you take turns being with each of the two.
- it's not very tiring, at least you get a free ride to the underworld and the sea each time you are transported. For example, one day you go to hades, the next day you go with Poseidon. Easy.
- but, it's not always like that. They've insisted on taking you into their own place. but to make things fair, you'd be staying in a completely different home.
- actually, you know what? To make things funnier, what if you were Odin's daughter/daughter figure? You'd be staying with him instead. You have your own room in his place, away from those...bastards..or that's what he liked to call it.
- Like imagine the faces of your beloved darling's when they find you missing. Now that? That really sent them berserk. Harsher and colder than usual, and absolutely will not stop until they found you. Until they did. In Odin's place.
- Bro they all had a staring challenge I swear on my left toe. Like imagine Odin's face when he opens the door to find two gentlemen standing there pissed. And he just responds with "what can I do for you?" With a bitch face.
"I'm here to look for my wife"
"OUR wife, Brother."
"same thing."
- Odin took that personally.
- he was about to say that you weren't there, until you immediately showed up. Your presence filling the room to be more breathable and fresh. You ran over to them happily, embracing them with open arms.
- but let's just say you were pretty oblivious to the death glares they all pointed at each other, a silent warning not to touch you.
- but now let's move on to random ass headcanons I thought about.
- one time a guy called you cute and you never heard from him again. I wonder what happened..
- naughty time with these two is literal heaven. You'd be full in all holes bruv. Do not lie to me, I know what y'all are 🙄
- there would be times where they both have to combine their interests to pick out a dress for you. Believe me, your room is full of so many gifts from both the gods. Trinkets, dresses, jewelry, fancy useless stuff that you find pretty. ANYTHING.
- I can just imagine how sweet and nice they are towards you. someone else tries to talk to to them, they are as cold as the deepest depths of their realms. The moment you enter, they turn their whole personality 360 degrees from what they just displayed earlier.
- and no they will not take flirting from others lightly. A nymph approaches Poseidon? He'd be like, "I'm not interested." Hades?"I'm busy, kindly do not disturb me."
- they aren't really fond of wearing rings, but they do anyway. It's proof of their hold over you, and how they love you lots. You cook for them (or at least you try) and clean around the place.
- you were literally housewife material, maybe a mother one day. At least they hope.
- and as long as you stay, they won't inflict too much harm on anything or anyone. Unless it did smth to you. Let's not talk about it though.
- and yeah.
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luxthestrange · 8 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#166 BET
You know how Odin and Hermes started ....weird musical entrance..., Man image Theater/Drama Y/n going "BET"...and wanting to OUTDO...them, while also bringing the other gods down and the humans up to the clear hypocrisy of the gods in condemning humans, And bringing out their Truths...With the human fighters behind you supporting the musical-
As Heimdall was speaking a giant explosion from the human side arena appeared...inside there was a dark room...and music started to play as you started to sing...Both Humans and Gods were in shock at the song as you started to straight up...CURSE THE GODS TO THEIR FACES WITH LIGHTERS, EXPLOSIONS-THE WHOLE SHEBANG-
-We have taken shit (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Been crushed under your heel (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) We have suffered for Offerings and suckered for faith (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Made a fortunes you all could steal (Ooh-ooh)
I've had enough, I've hit the wall I'm tired of taking your calls It ends today, now there's just one last thing to say-ay-ay
Some gods even laugh at the imagery of You being crushed under the heal of them as You and known humans who were faithful to the gods but god "punished" for petty thinking,bets...and such
Fuck you! I wish I'd said it sooner, fuck you Cut you off, just like a tumor Hope you all die, kiss my ass goodbye, you cucks, fuck you!
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Drama!Y/n*Appearing all of sudden with the humans belachers...and even on the with some lower gods/demigods smiling and patting their backs*
(Eeugh—) Have you ever felt sick and tired of doing the same shit everyday with your anger brewin'? Eatin' shit for a boss that you're sick of obeyin'? If you ever felt the same, let me hear ya say it!
Drama!Y/n + Humans/Demigods:
Did you really think I was gonna stay? Spending life bent over with your fist in my a— Slander me, say We are Sinners now If I stick around, I'll be six more feet under the ground
Fuck you! (Woah-oh-oh!) Here's my two minutes notice, fuck you (Suck it, greedy bastards) (You're a fucking, ass clowns) Time to quit and smell the roses Say goodbye, too late to apologize! So this is it Zeus, you sad sack of shit, fuck you!
(Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you) You bitch! Yeah!
Never go against a bard,poet, or theater kid...
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
The family getting a call from the school because Teen!reader defended themselves from a group of kids attacking them but their the ones getting in trouble for fighting back. Just pisses me off how that happens in real life and I know they wouldn’t stand for that with their kid.
I fully agree, it’s BS when someone gets suspended for trying to defend themselves when they’re being attacked by one if not numerous other people.
-Hades couldn’t believe that he was hearing, you, their little angel who was always so well behaved, unless Loki got a hold of you, but that was beside the point! Was in trouble at school for fighting!
-He had been the one to answer the call, finding your school on the other side, asking your guardians to come in, as you had gotten into a fight.
-When Hades told everyone, they were stunned, you knew how to fight, something the warriors of your family insisted on teaching you, wanting you to be safe, but you were a pacifist- you only fought if you absolutely had to!
-Hades, Adam, Odin, and Leonidas were the ones that went to the school to pick you up and to find out what had happened, as this was very unlike you.
-When they came in, they were escorted to a meeting room where they saw you on one side of the table and five boys, ones who were notorious bullies, and their families, who all looked pissed, but at you- not at their own kids.
-Leonidas could see they all looked roughed up, like they got their asses kicked and the principal, who was sitting at the front of the table, his back to a TV, stood, “Good- now that you’re here we can get started and I can show the footage.”
-Immediately the other parents started screaming at you, calling you a violent person as Adam came to your side, seeing your cheek was bandaged and you had a couple of scrapes and wounds on your arms and your knuckles were bloody like you fought hard.
-Odin wasn’t going to stand by and let that happen, his aura making the room shake, “Sit down!” and instantly the parents and students were cowering in their seats, looking terrified as the principal spoke, turning to the TV, “Please observe.”
-All eyes went to the TV, showing the surveillance footage of the hallway where the fight occurred, the five boys had approached you, demanding you do their homework as you had way higher grades then they did, and you refused. Your tone was even, and you did nothing to antagonize them.
-One mother gasped as she watched her son grab your head, gripping your hair and slammed you into the lockers, “What was that bitch?! I didn’t hear you?!” which explained the wound on your cheek, before the other four started punching at you, quickly sending you to the ground, overwhelming you five on one.
-Your foot then shot out, catching one of them in the stomach before you quickly rolled and delivered a brutal punch across the face of another, defending yourself.
-Within moments your bullies were all on the ground and you grabbed your stuff as security arrived to escort all six of you to the nurse’s office and then to the meeting room.
-Hades’ eyes were narrowed, “So you wanted us here to press charges, right?” he was looking at the principal who balked, surprised as the parents were quickly trying to plead with your family to not do that and yelling at their sons that they didn’t raise bullies.
-Your principal tried to remain strong, to do his job, “No- I’m here so I can tell you that just like these five, Y/N is suspended as well.”
-The mood quickly shifted, four pairs of angry eyes shifted towards him as Odin spoke again, his voice low and terrifying, “What do you mean Y/N is suspended as well? You suspend those who fight back when they are being attacked, five on one? Are you saying that Y/N should had just taken the beating, got serious injured at your school, then go to the hospital?”
-The principal quickly back-pedaled, sensing the danger, as were the parents and the bullies, they hadn’t anticipated your family being so intimidating, “No-no I didn’t mean that- we have a no-tolerance policy on fighting, even if it’s self-defense. Y/N fought back, so I must suspend them as well.”
-Hades spoke this time, looking just as furious, “So if someone is being attacked, like how these five attacked Y/N, they’ll get suspended if they try to defend themselves?” he wanted the principal to say that, to say that you were just supposed to take getting attacked and not fight back.
-The principal knew he was now in between a rock and a hard place before Adam, who had been silent the whole meeting, “I think we need to take this to the school board. This isn’t right.” The principal looked panicked, but surprised your guardians by showing throat, agreeing, as he fully believed that while violence is bad, sometimes, to defend themselves, fighting should be allowed.
-Leonidas then cracked his knuckles, looking at your bullies who looked terrified, “Now then, you’re all getting suspended, but I think you all need a harder lesson to not pick on others.” He looked at the parents who looked scared, not wanting any charges to be pressed, but they didn’t want this terrifying looking man to hurt them either.
-In the end, you didn’t get suspended, and the rule was changed, that if only in self-defense in a situation like what happened to you, those who would defend themselves wouldn’t get suspended.
-Your bullies had a rough two-week suspension, besides having to do their schoolwork, they had to come to Spartan boot camp under Leonidas, being pushed through hellish like training, learning what it felt like to be the one bullied.
-You were surprised when they approached you once they came back, wanting to continue with the boot camp, as they felt like they were thriving under a militaristic authority, something that shocked their parents which also gave them a wake-up call, showing that they were letting their kids getting away with too much.
-Leonidas laughed loudly when you told him about their request, and Leonidas liked the idea of helping problem kids like this, getting them back on track, but he also had no trouble in scaring other kids who tried to chest up, believing they were the top dog.
-It was a painful lesson for your former bullies, and many of your classmates were in awe of your combat skills, but seeing who your family was, it made sense, and many knew not to bully you, as you could handle yourself if needed.
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gayometer · 2 years
Oh imagine this but Odin having one child who’s the younger sibling of Thor and Loki that’s like a ball of sunshine.
Like they are very kind to other people, always smiling, and just being a sweet person that people believe that all of the happiness that Odin and Thor ever would have show was take to create this Angel of pure innocence.
The light of my life
A family full of traumatized beings and then there's Y/N, a lil ball of light
Also I just realized this is like the first time I do Odin, poor dilf I got him in the shadow realm
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Wherever he is, you are there too. No excuses.
Hunnin and Munnin are the most spoiled little birds in Valhalla, they can do no wrong in your eyes.
Loki would definitely try to lure you away with candy, it has worked and you always came back with a new hairstyle and clothes.
Who needs monkey bars when you have Thor?
No Odin doesn't have favorites, you just so happen to be there when he has free time.
We all know Thor and Odin have resting bitch faces, no one would believe that they get the sweetest smile whenever their little ball of sunshine his around.
Just how you spoil Hunnin and Munnin, Odin and your two big brother spoil you as well.
Odin will never leave you under the care of another god that isn't him, Thor or Loki. Yes even Loki is trusted more then other gods.
However that doesn't stop you from waddling your happy ass all the way to the Greek pantheon and playing with Aphrodite's hair or going to the Hindu pantheon and playing with Shiva and Ganesha.
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divine-knight-hand · 5 months
Time for a little game!!!
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Finals week is already kicking my ass, and I'm tired of being a depressed little bitch, so I decided to do something fun!
...I'm airing out all my WIPs. All of 'em. Every. Single. One. (With the exceptions of requests and abandoned works. *womp womp*)
As soon as I post this, I'm deleting tumblr from my phone. Don't worry, it's not permanently! It's part of the game!
While I'm gone, I want you to send me asks about anything on this list. Or, you can just say hi and send hugs, too. I'd like that. <3
I'll be returning on Wednesday to check my inbox, so go crazy! Hehehe!
Without further ado... the list! (These are all smut fics, btw. Guess I really am a whore, lmaooo!)
Loki Laufeyson
Safely Endangered - Chapter 2: Meet the New Allfather-Godfather
Thor, Jane, Loki, and Y/N attend a meeting with Hela to discuss her newfound status as as the godfather of the Sons of Odin. Pleasantly surprised by the results, Loki decides to treat Y/N to a filthy moment in his office~
Lady Loki
Love to Bleed
TW: Knife and violence mentions (This one's kinda fucked up, lmao!) You shock Loki by asking her to carve her name into your back with a dagger. Filth ensues. I'm writing this as a distant second part to Live to Serve, but it honestly could be read as a stand alone.
Michael Afton
"It's Not Safe Here!" - Chapter 5: Tempting Demise
It's a new day at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and William has a dangerous and terrifying favor to ask of Y/N...
Peter Quill
Untitled fic
No plot. Just you and Quill fucking in the Milano.
"Save Me, Baby"
Quill comes back to the Milano unwell after a failed negotiation with The Collector. Though the rest of the Guardians often look down on you as a member of the team, you’re the only one he trusts to save him from this strange affliction. (Mmmmm, sex pollen!)
May Parker
"I Don't Want to Leave"
Peter Parker was the brightest student you’d ever tutored. So, when it becomes increasingly clear that he doesn't need your services, it's time for you to finally tell his gorgeous aunt goodbye...
Haley (Stardew Valley)
Untitled drabble
No plot here. Just dicking down Haley. (Hehehehehe!)
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Being in fandoms where the characters are clearly based on other pieces of media/famous figures is so much fun because then some of my ships look like this:
Parentified Goldilocks who is also The Beast x Avoidance attachment Beauty who is ALSO also The Beast, one of my fav moments with them is when they off the Minotaur together who is ALSO also also The Beast
Little Red Riding Hood if she was also the Wolf and has galloons of repressed trauma x Snow White but she’s heavily knight coded and the poster child of daddy issues
Edgar Allen Poe’s Lenore x Annabel Lee but they’re in gay ghost love
The poem ‘The Last Rose of Summer’ x Odin’s raven Huginn but they’re exes still in love in a milf yuri divorce that ends super mega tragically and domino effects mommy issues out the ass
Historical figures Cleopatra x Frida Kahlo with the most chef’s kiss height difference you’ve ever seen
A polycule with Joan of Arc x Mulan x Thor x Achilles but they’re all genderbent/trans
The Velveteen Rabbit x fashion icon Coco Chanel if she was a lesbian with a gun
Frankenstein’s monster x a different sapphic Cleopatra bc baby gays <3333
Okay okay that black cat from Poe’s, well, The Black Cat x Poe’s Eulalie is cute yes
But I actually really REALLY love Poe’s Eulalie x Poe’s Berenice bc they’re “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic” personified
The Snow Queen with mega daddy issues x Robin Hood if he was a socialist lesbian I SAIDDDD ITTTT
Imma say it historical figures JFK x Confucius were adorable bros
Aesop’s Fisherman x Odin’s other bird Munin you will always be famous my tragic old man yaoi <////3
Y’all will really have to hear me out here when I say Cinderella if she fucken snapped x ice cream Mad Hatter because couples who are terrible to each other but in a “only I’m allowed to be a horrid to them” way can be so funny
And I could go o n fer ages but the point is imagine explaining these ships to someone like 30 years ago with ZERO context their heads would explode and it’d be so funny
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cosmicjoke · 11 months
See, this conversation really highlights everything that's wrong with not just the Loki show, but the MCU in general now.
What they highlight here, about Loki's conversation with Mobius, and how dismissive and flippant he is while talking about what he did he New York, like it's all some silly joke that shouldn't be taken seriously, like it wasn't a big deal, like what he was feeling while he did what he did wasn't a big deal, is really the heart of the problem. Nobody takes anything seriously in universe, so how the hell is the audience supposed to take anything they do, think or feel seriously?
They've reduced Loki's entire character to a joke. They've reduced what he went through in the first Thor film into to a joke, what he went through when he fell through space and landed in Thanos' clutches into a joke, what happened during the first Avengers film into a joke. Everything's a big, fucking joke now. How can anybody like this? Don't they see what the writers of this trash are doing? They're shitting all over you by shitting all over the thing you love. By making fun of it and undercutting it, they're telling you you were stupid to ever take any of it seriously. It's the ultimate form of disrespect to the fans. It's a blunt insult.
This kind of shit drives me absolutely up a wall. It's so awful. And what they say in this video is so spot on. Loki started out having such depth and gravitas and presence. He started off as such a commanding, attention grabbing, complex character. And now, he's just some guy who eats pie and talks about his feelings, but with a flippancy which tells you that he doesn't actually have any feelings at all. He's just a hollow cut out that's full of shit. It's such a god damn joke.
People shouldn't settle for this. They shouldn't praise it because 'well, it's not as bad as the first season'. Because that's such a high bar to clear? Loki getting kneed in the nuts over and over by Sif. That's the bar you're clearing. Loki falling in love with a variant of himself after knowing her for five whole minutes, for no discernible reason, because who the fuck would love Sylvie, the most obnoxious bitch in the universe ? Loki getting man-handled and getting his ass handed to him by a bunch of humans with taser sticks. Loki being made a fool of every other scene. Loki losing every fight he gets into. Loki being tricked and outsmarted at every turn. Loki being so narcissistic and brain dead, that he can't see when he's being manipulated. This guy is supposed to be a genius. He's supposed to be terrifyingly smart. Anyone who knows anything about this character knows that. But reverse psychology works on him, I guess.
So Loki does a little magic which, more than anything, just highlights the utter void of creativity in these writers minds, and we're supposed to cheer and clap? Loki is a god. Loki is the most powerful sorcerer in Asgard. He can do pretty much anything you can imagine. And this is the best they can come up with? He holds someone down with shadows on the wall. Wow. So impressive. Get the fuck out of here.
But that's really the problem. They've reduced Loki into such a shadow of what he once was, that even the barest crumbs of it that we get now, we get excited about. We praise and point to as proof that things are "better". They're not better, though. This Loki is still a clown and an idiot and acts and conducts himself in ways nothing like what was originally established with this character. This Loki still has nothing to do with the original character's story or history in the MCU. They make passing references to that history, and play it off for laughs, instead of actually delving deep into it and exploring it and helping the audience to really understand and sympathize with Loki as a character.
Loki talks here about being "angry" with Thor and Odin. Okay. That would be great, except he says it like it's a joke. Imagine if instead of that, it was actually treated seriously, and we finally, finally, got an examination of what Loki was going through emotionally during the first Thor film? Imagine if Loki actually got to acknowledge the devastation he felt when he found out he was a frost giant? If he got to really acknowledge the alienation and rejection he felt upon discovering he was the very thing that his own people, the Asgardians, had always considered to be lesser beings, and not only that, but literal monsters? Imagine if he got to really express the turmoil of that? Of finding out you come from a race of beings you were raised to believe were inferior, in all ways. If he was allowed to process why he had such an overwhelming emotional and mental breakdown, that he tried to destroy Jotunheim and then take over Midgard. Imagine if we got an actual acknowledgement of what lead up to all of that, with Loki feeling like an outcast, a reject among Thor's friends, among the Asgardians in general, always seen as lesser than Thor in everyone's eyes. Does nobody remember how disrespectful practically everyone was to Loki in the first Thor film? From servants to the Warriors 3 and Sif, to Heimdall. They all treated him like shit. Fucking Christ, there's a literal world of ideas and character depth to explore there, and they just... don't. They could have devoted the whole show to this and it would have been riveting. Imagine, imagine, imagine. But nope. Instead, we get a passing reference to it, written and delivered as if it was all some big comedic skit, and the rest of the show is about finding Kang so they can set up Avengers 5. Holy shit. People should not accept this as good. People should not praise or even give positive commentary on this because it's "better" than the first season. It's not better. It's more of the god damn same.
People shouldn't accept mediocrity. They should demand better. Because if they don't, Marvel and Disney will just keep putting this same shit out and think they can get away with it.
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night-market-if · 1 year
Screw Milo, couldn't care less about how he feel after the shit he did, can't do something like that and then get all mopey and sad
I'm curious... Response under the cut because it does have spoilers for book 1 and mild spoilers for book 2
Do you feel this way about all the RO's? Because we get a lot of anger towards Milo but at the same time, Gabriel was willing to sell the MC at an auction block in the beginning, or toss them into a flesh pit for "parts". Belladonna deceived the MC the entire book, putting them in a dangerous situation for their own gain as a Baron. Hazel sacrificed an entire alley of spirits (all waiting to be reborn) in order to bring her brother back. And even Caliban was ready to rip open the Night Market (aka, MC) to escape from Odin.
So, is the hatred towards Milo only because it was directly done to the MC in the final chapter and it hasn't been dealt with? Or am I missing something here. Because why should the others get a second chance or have valid concerns or feelings, but not him. It's kind of a curious thing to me because I get vile things said about Milo constantly, and yet Bella is a boss ass bitch, Hazel is sweet and should be wrapped in hugs and... Gabriel occasionally gets critisim but not a lot.
Also, spoiler alert for book 2? MC was way more involved in that moment than anyone gives them credit for. Unreliable narrators are fun that way.
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deadvilesworld · 2 years
Can SOMEBODY please explain to me why everybody thinks Heimdall is hot??? Throughout the entire game I wanted to bitch slap his ass, along with Odin and the Norns too; ESPECIALLY Skuld.
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gorillageek27 · 10 months
Kratos flow
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thisdorkyblogthing · 7 months
A HS AU Genderbent Thorki Concept:
I just need to get it out of my head ok
is so Very Very Tall, like, only 4 boys in the school are even eye level with her. that kind of Tall
and she plays like, 8 sports, and she excels at most of them
unsurprisingly, she is Stacked and Jacked
she strikes fear and horniness in the hearts of teenage boys (and quite a few girls too)
at least 15 years have been shaved off Odin's life from having to deal with all the grown-ass men hitting on his daughter since she was like, 11
another 12 came off when Frigga had to have a sit down conversation about making a Bra Budget when she was ~13 and her boobs showed no signs of stopping
('how much could a bra cost? 20 bucks?' 'oh, sweetheart, I wish.')
spends 90% of the time in leggings, t-shirts and usually her varsity jacket, but will get in the mood at random times to dress up a bit and people go a bit crazy about it
she's a good enough student but she's got some marks on her record bc she's a bit of hothead and not interested in taking anyone's shit
like, the week long suspension she got when she dinged a guy in the shoulder with a softball for being a douche to her friend (he's lucky there were no bats around, she's better with those) and the one time she backhanded a guy who "fell" conveniently right into her boobs, and calling that teacher she hates "a dumb little bitch"
coincidentally, she meets Loki in detention!
and coincidentally, Thor's type is scrappy gender gremiln, whatever that means
scrappy gender gremlin
like, ok, she/her, but also ????????
has that choppy af, DIY kitchen scissors haircut that she impulsively gave herself on a tuesday night at 3am bc the shoulder length mop she had going on just wasn't doing it for her
she's also done some bathroom bleach and color jobs that she's fucked up immensely so now she's back to having black hair but now it's crispy
and messy, smudgy black eyeliner all the time, baby!!
98% of her wardrobe is made up of t-shirts she's stolen from her brothers and baggy jeans
is a theater kid, but not by choice, she just got kinda absorbed by them
is an exceptionally good student (despite staying up til 3am most nights) and is generally considered a delight by her teachers
except for the one she called a 'braindead motherfucker' which, in her defense, he kinda is
it's also why she was in detention to meet Thor
Loki was all nervous and skittish bc it's her first time in detention and lil miss Thora just waltzes in and plops down in the desk beside her, pissed bc she has to miss practice
and Loki knows of Thor and has, of course, seen her (she's hard to miss) but their social circles don't overlap so it's the first time she's getting an up close look at her and *gulp*
why does she suddenly want to be put in a headlock???? in a sexual way????????
she can't stop staring bc Wow, So Pretty and Thor looks over and gives Loki a really thorough once over that makes Loki's toes tingle
they start talking (and getting shushed) and as it turns out they're both in detention for shit talking the same teacher!
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seen-the-stars · 11 months
found this in my drafts from like. years ago but go ahead. feast
marvel characters as shit my friends and i have said
bucky: at least i wasn't born a plant
tony: i want the dirty bean juice
peter: he's coming to get our asses with feels
scott: rip to odin but im different
wanda: time to be depressed while listening to atl,,, deprevibing
shuri: if im gonna end up at mcdonalds at least ill end up at mcdonalds with a masters degree
loki: snek
maria: she makes me wanna ✨jump out of a window✨
carol: the shookness in your face is beautiful.
valkyrie: AY lesbian shark
fury: vroom vroom motherfuckers
steve: i'm a specialist in going crazy over my own artwork
sam: imma not kick the box.
nat: im good now, 100% bad bitch again
clint: *raptor-like screech*
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mrfrunky · 1 year
Hi guys as y’all can see I’m a huge fan of the world of darkness (specifically the old world of darkness) and as I delve deeper and deeper into my 20 gigabytes of WOD PDFs I notice more and more outdated and outright offensive things that just scream “I was made in the 90s and parachute wrote my ass off”
Parachute writing is a bitch (which is why you always consult others that are more well educated in the culture than you)
But that is besides the point, my first question regards a very controversial topic of Werewolf The Apocalypse, and that is the Uktena and the W*ndigo. (Primarily the latter as I want to focus on the name, from now on I will refer to this tribe as “Younger Brother”).
At first I was thinking that these names were to subvert the expectations, like the Get of Fenris of course referencing to Fenrir, a top notch dickhead in Norse mythos, (which is a lot considering most gods barring a couple are top notch dickheads… looking at you Odin.). But instead they are these strange protectors of the earth, while culturally they are known as the killer of odin, in reality they are the rivals of the evil odin (whom is possibly a vampire) that killed their tribe members, whilst also being a tribe that is adamant in preventing the apocalypse and fighting jormungandr (the wyrm) as much as they can.
(Small rant as I quickly educate myself why the fuck do they have a sub-tribe called the glorious fist of Wotan?!?!? DONT THEY HATE ODIN? ISNT WOTAN JUST THE DISAMBIGUATION OF THE WORD ODIN THAT WAS USED IN WAGNERS RING??? ? Ok. Yeah I’m gonna smash a table into pieces and eat the wood chips)
But now that I educate myself on the Younger Brother tribe in the WOD wiki, there doesn’t seem to be any subversion of expectations, its just a name some guy plastered on really quickly and it just ended up sticking because others thought it was cool. And if I’m being genuinely honest, a tribe of world protecting werewolves should not be named after such a thing.
There have been a good couple of posts I’ve seen that refer to this Younger Brother tribe and it’s controversy, but I have never seen one that offered a proper name for this misnamed Garou tribe. What do you all think? I’ve been planning on utilizing Garou into my world because I fucking love werewolves and I would love feedback on how to properly name this Garou tribe in a way that respects indigenous culture.
I feel like I will have a thread of posts like this because I want to depict W:TA 2e in a more respectful light (removing all the controversial and outright stupid gunk) whilst also helping all 5 of my mutuals depict them as well :). If you have gotten this far to read my crazy rambling, thank you so much I love u.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hey hey hey! Im so glad that you're back I was wondering if you happen to know the anime welcome to demon school iruma kun! Very sweet and fluffy and some angst highly recommend ( and I really hope you know it because the fandom is small and I want to make request from you at another time)
And I have a request! Can we get cupcake valkerye reader? She is consider to be the youngest of the sisters ( but and adult) and is the most kindest but she's a bit of an air head and cant really tell the difference between the gods and humans.
The only thing she knows is to slap as hard as she possiblely can and run away screaming pervert at anyone who asks her to marry her.
She quickly runs to papa adam and tells him shile hiding behind mama eve scared of marrying some one she doesnt know.
Zeus and odin try to convince her to give one of their sons a chance but she can only cry saying that they were scary and running away again to her mama and papa
Hello, my darling, I unfortunately don’t know Welcome to Demon School, other than what the main character looks like so I won’t be able to write that one, but the cupcake one is no problem!
-You were the youngest of the Valkyries, not necessarily by age, as you were an adult, but you were the newest warrior to become a Valkyrie, so by default, you were the youngest Valkyrie.
-You were a complete and utter cupcake mixed with rainbows and sunshine- it was impossible for anyone to hate you or even be mean to you and if they did that was an invitation for an immediate ass beating by those who loved and cared about you.
-Many knew of you and knew of your beauty- you were one of the most highly sought after females in Valhalla and so many wanted to marry you and have you for your own.
-However, they also knew what an airhead you were- you had no idea who was a god and who was a human, being nice to anyone you came across, which many enjoyed, and they couldn’t help but laugh, seeing that you were such a ditz.
-However, despite your ditzy nature, you were still a Valkyrie, a battle maiden, so you knew how to fight, but you only ever fought if someone around you was being accosted or if you were hit on, as you hated hurting others.
-Adam- your adoptive father and Brunnhilde taught you- since you were an airhead, that if anyone ever asked you to marry them, to bitch slap them and run to one of them or Eve and they would handle it from there.
-Many complained to Adam and Brunnhilde about wanting to marry you, but due to their training and their threats, protecting you, they couldn’t get close to you without potentially upsetting you or getting slapped…. Or getting threatened by your big sisters and father figure.
-You greeted Zeus and Odin warmly when they approached you, you had learned that these two were both gods, and some of the most powerful ones and they both greeted you in return before Zeus spoke, “We have a question for you Y/N- have you ever thought about dating?”
-Before you could wind up for a slap, Odin spoke, getting your attention, “Not us! We just wanted to know what your thoughts were about dating.”
-You smiled warmly, filling them with a warm fluffy feeling, “I never really thought about it- Papa and my big sisters told me that all men are animals and they don’t deserve to marry me!”
-The two thanked you for your answer before seeking out Brunnhilde and Adam to demand they fix the problem they had created because Odin wanted you to marry Thor and Zeus wanted you to marry Hercules, Hermes, Ares, or Apollo.
-They were met with laughter, amused by their plight while Odin and Zeus didn’t find it very funny because their sons all really liked you.
-Before Adam could say anything there was a resounding SLAP sound coming from outside before you ran in and right into Brunnhilde’s arms before they saw Apollo twitching on the ground nearby, a red handprint on his face.
-You sniffled softly, looking up at Brunnhilde with teary eyes, “He asked me to marry him then wanted to see my panties!” Zeus, who was originally mad to see that you attacked his son, immediately forgave you as he nodded softly, something Adam saw as Adam stormed out to have a word with Apollo.
-Odin sighed softly, as this conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere, “She may want to marry one day, Brunnhilde, someone that she won’t slap when he asks her.” Brunnhilde just bowed her head, “And I understand this, Lord Odin, and I will support Y/N when that time comes, but for now, I will protect her from those who make demands of her.”
-Odin relented easier than Zeus did, who tried to whine and complain to Brunnhilde who immediately threw him out.
-She sighed softly, hugging you close as you sat together on the couch, “You haven’t found anyone that you don’t want to slap, have you?” you cupped your cheeks gently, turning from her with a shy blush which made her freeze in shock before she patted her head, “You’re strong- you’ll be able to handle whoever it is.”
-You beamed up at her, thanking her before thinking about the man who had caught your eye, wanting to keep it a secret a bit longer.
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