#bit late to worry about it though I do admit. since I’m already like 44 chapters in
faithdragon36 · 1 year
Maybe I should reread DatD.. but.. I was in the middle of reading something else so I should probably finish that first……. Hnnnnnn……………
0 notes
georgiadixon · 3 years
Harder, Buck
pairing: stucky x reader or something like that
genre/warnings: nsfw, angst, fwb, cursing, mutual pining, fluffy ending, lots of bucky love <3
a/n: i've been messing around with this one for about a year and i think it's about time it sees the light of day. enjoy!
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Steve can hear your moans through the wall.
They’re deafening, never-ending, piercing right through his heart and straight to his cock. The ache in his chest will surely never vanish, no matter how often he tries to stop or how excruciatingly tight he grips himself just to relieve a fraction of the heat coursing through him.
Nights like these make him feel like the walls are taunting him, begging his resolve to crush. But no matter how tight he keeps his eyes closed, the truth is impossible to deny.
He is ridiculously, overwhelmingly, unbearably in love.
He wonders if the serum is a curse, if he was damned to a life of untouchable grief. There’s no reason he should be here, no reason he should be so close but ridiculously far from the man he has given his life to time and time again.
Steve wants to punch the wall with the aggression and pain he feels from never saying anything. And then he wants to kick down the door from how he doesn’t even know what or who he would have bothered to admit feelings for. He looks at you and wishes he would have just told the damn truth and he looks at Bucky and wonders if he’s ever thinking about him, too.
Too late. You were too late. Now they’re each other’s and they’ll never be yours.
He can’t help but listen to the intruding thoughts of regret, and he can’t help but feel like the feelings inside of him that randomly creep up just don’t belong to him.
Because as adamant as you are about your relationship being strictly physical, he sees the way Bucky looks at you.
It’s the way he looks at you, too.
He thinks he loves you and he knows it’s wrong because he knows he loves Bucky and he’d be damned before he messes up the first thing to make him genuinely happy in a long, long time.
It’s easy to bury during the day, when the sunlight hits his eyes as you’re laughing at something dumb he said and he can pretend that you’re just friends. That the sound of your laugh doesn’t light up his heart in every way, that you aren’t the most beautiful fucking thing he’s ever seen.
A swirl of emotions are running through him at an unforgivable pace and he swears he would do anything to feel something other than this.
He finishes in his hand with a grunt and an unmistakable pain in his chest.
Because Steve knows you’re in love and he knows this is wrong.
He’s fucked.
Bucky can hear Steve’s grunts through the wall.
He’s unforgivingly pounding into you, nearing breaking the headboard from how hard he’s clutching it and rocking it in time with his thrusts.
Moments like these make him wonder if the serum is a curse.
Because when he closes his eyes, if he lets himself drift, he’s back in ‘44. He’s stuck in a lopsided tent on its last legs in the backwoods of Brooklyn because “Bucky, we have to make the most out of what we have.” And even though it wasn’t much, it was enough to feel his boy in the early hours of the morning and hold him close until sunlight, knowing there might not be a tomorrow. Knowing that every single second needs to last forever because Steve was already slipping through his fingers with every passing one.
He could look his love right in the eyes, sweet and soft and suddenly bigger than him but he was still Steve and he would always need to feel his boy under him. Hot skin and sweat and groans and “Harder, Buck.”
The scratches on his back are burning but the burn is delicious and he needs to be closer.
He needs to be closer, closer to the glowing skin under him that he’s felt time and time again and he’s pulled down by the neck but it’s not him.
It’s not him. Not anymore.
He’s snapped back to reality, seeming impossibly far away but manages to focus on you again. 
“What did you say?” He’s breathless, dazed, confused. His mind is clouded from not so distant memories on the other side of the wall and the feel of you squeezing the life out of him.
“I said,” You’re breathless as well, but totally consumed with how much Bucky there really is around you, inside of you right now. You wrap your hands around his neck and kiss him, spit dripping from where your lips collide and you feel like you could swallow him whole.
“Harder, Buck.”
He gives it to you. He gives you what you need, what you want and you’re ok with being selfish because he’s not all here, and this isn’t supposed to mean anything. Not really.
It’s dirty. It’s messy. And you know it’s wrong when the distance in his eyes never leaves and you can’t help but wonder just what is going on in his mind but damn, the Bucky that is here feels good.
You can hear them talking about you in the next room.
It makes you nervous, being able to tell that there were underlying (or resurfacing) feelings between the soldiers from the moment you met them.
It didn’t really have anything to do with you, as you were verbally adamant to Bucky on no strings attached. Baseless, simple, easy pleasure. And damn, did James Barnes know how to deliver.
But you can’t help but think a little too hard about the way they both stare at you when they think you don’t notice, or the way they stare at each other when they think it’s not obvious.
The truth is, you can keep lying to yourself, but there’s no mistake to the feelings you get deep in your chest when Bucky’s holding you, or the feelings you get when Steve’s looking at you like your laugh is lighting up his whole world.
Feelings that don’t belong to you.
“How’s everything with Y/N going?”
You can hear Steve question Bucky about you. It’s confusing, overwhelming. This entire situation is.
You had already assumed Steve knows just about everything involving your relationship with Bucky. They’re best friends. More. But it’s easy to overanalyze and wish to know just how much he was saying when you aren’t listening. How much a “friends with benefits” situation could really warrant discussion.
“It’s alright.” You know that tone. He’s brooding. Upset about something. Or everything, it feels like sometimes. Like something is always missing.
Like the world wouldn't be enough.
“Just alright?” Steve’s ‘captain’ voice is in full effect. He’s trying to get him to talk. It doesn’t seem like it will be successful, but if anyone could pump some life into Bucky it would be Steve. Your chest aches with that thought.
You could never be enough.
You hear Bucky sigh and shuffle around. “It’s good. It’s really good.”
“But?” Steve’s smirk can be heard clearly through his words.
“How’d you know there was a but?” Bucky jokes, but it’s hard to tell sometimes. You know him well enough to be able to.
“I know you better than anyone.”
You almost want it to hurt, to be jealous because if you’re being honest there’s not much in the world you want more than to have all of Bucky Barnes, to be the one who knows him, the one who he lets in. But you can’t, because as annoying as it is, Steve Rogers is always right.
Bucky’s head is spinning.
Steve knows him too well to avoid his question, but his nerves are taking over and he doesn’t know how he’s going to do this, how he’s going to tell Steve everything he’s wanted to since he’s been back and everything that was never gone in the first place.
He takes a deep breath, and he thinks about you. He thinks about how he feels when he’s with you, and he thinks about how even though he knows he loves you there’s something missing.
And then he rips the 80 year old band-aid off.
“I miss you.”
It’s quiet, soft, almost imperceptible, like he’s scared of what he’s saying.
Maybe because he is.
Steve’s response sounds exactly the same.
“I’m right here, Buck.”
He scoffs at that, shaking his head and if Steve wasn’t so damn detail-oriented he wouldn’t have seen his lip quiver in quiet anticipation.
Steve knows Bucky won’t speak next, so he gulps and tries to find the words, at least the next words from the countless speeches he’s practiced in his head for this moment.
“I love her.”
Bucky looks up and locks eyes with him, and for a second Steve thinks he’s in trouble.
But Bucky smiles. He looks out towards the city through the floor-to-ceiling mirrors and sort of nods to himself at how stupid they’re all being for tip-toeing around each other.
“I know.”
Steve’s eyebrows are furrowed as he leans back a bit, waiting for something else. It doesn’t come, so he relaxes and leans further towards the man sitting across from him and stares deep into his eyes, praying he really hears his next words.
“I love you.”
Bucky smiles again.
“I know.”
He isn’t sure if he’s waiting for the right moment or just likes seeing Steve speechless, but he’s sitting on something big and it’s been far too long of almost everything he’s ever wanted.
He’s loved Steve since he was a stupid teenager. He’s been in love with Steve since the first time he punched a guy for him and swore to himself he’d never let him go.
He woke up from years of torture, not just physical but mental and emotional having to be apart for so long and never being able to forget him.
You were an accident. He didn’t mean to fall. He went along with your whole “friends with benefits” idea because he just needed to be close to you. You were entrancing, lovely, intoxicating. He needed you. He needs you. It’s been racking his brain for so long of the growing feelings he has for you and the pure need he has for Steve but he’s learning to let go and say fuck it.
I want you both. I need you both.
“Do you think we could be happy? All of us?”
Steve smiles that smile Bucky knows and loves all too much like the answer is obvious, like it always has been. He loses himself in the thought for only a moment, but long enough to miss Bucky’s face fall with worry.
“What are you scared of?”
Steve speaks as if he can read his mind, because honestly, he probably can, and Bucky looks up at the question and decides they’ve both been through too much for anymore lying or beating around the bush. It’s now, or it’s never. Life is too uncertain to waste anymore time.
“Losing you. Again.”
Steve tilts his head at this, because he’s always felt like he’s the one who lost Bucky. Watching him fall from the train took something from him and putting him back under took even more but maybe that’s not what he meant.
Maybe it never was.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Bucky laughs sadly at Steve’s words and wishes that was a promise that could be kept, that was more simple. None of this is simple. Nothing has been since the 40s.
“I’m not the same person I was in the 40s, Steve.”
“Neither am I.”
He knows this. He knows everything is different, but when he looks at Steve and he’s looking back at him the same way it’s like they never left Brooklyn.
And he finally gets to ask the question that’s been lingering in his head since Wakanda. 
“You think you could love me again?”
Without hesitation, Steve knows his answer. He’s known it since he left him to heal.
“Never stopped.”
You try to hurry away when you hear them coming, but they’re both way too clever to not have noticed you.
You stop and let them catch up to you, the butterflies leaving your stomach and making their way up into your throat.
Despite your nerves, you turn and lock eyes with Bucky. Even when the world’s spinning, you can never help but look at him like he hung the stars for you.
Bucky’s looking back at you the way he always does, like he has a million things running through his mind but he loves you too much to burden you with any of them. You just wish he knew he could never be a burden. That you loved him, all of him.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I know, Buck. I love you too.”
He smiles at your return to his confession, some of his nerves leaving knowing that you feel the same. But then he remembers the man next to him and they all come rushing back. He doesn’t want to lose you, not when he just got you. But he can’t deny his boy. Not anymore.
He glances over at Steve nervously and grabs his hand, preparing himself for what he’s about to say next.
“I love Steve, too.”
You smile at him, appreciating that he’s finally letting himself feel the things you’ve always known he has.
“I know, Buck. I love him too.”
Steve looks up at you at this, questioning what you really meant. You look back at him, smile, and give him the eyes you’ve wanted to ever since you met him. He’s hesitant at first, but as if a switch hits his brain, his face lights up at the recognition of your feelings for him. And with one look from your golden boy, all of your nerves wash away and you know this is right.
Bucky, who still hasn’t seemed to catch on, is struggling to find his words. He’s stressed, and you and Steve watch him run a hand through his hair in frustration. The same smile appears on both your faces watching your boy fumble over himself trying to explain the situation, trying to make everything right not even noticing it already is.
You step forward to push his hair back so you can see his face, and you take a moment to admire just how beautiful he really is. You kick yourself for wasting so much time not telling him that, but you make a silent promise to yourself that you won’t go another day without it. Without telling both of them how amazing they are, and how they both make you feel more loved than any person could ever deserve.
With your hand still on Bucky’s cheek, you lean in close and press the lightest kiss of your life onto his lips, making him smile shyly into it. And then you lean back, grabbing Steve’s face with your other hand and giving him the hardest, most passionate kiss of your life in the same breath.
Bucky wonders why he was ever nervous at all.
You look at the pure, unadulterated happiness on his face and you know you’ve never seen him like this. For half a moment you want to be jealous, you want to be upset that you couldn’t do this for him on your own. But it all disappears when you see them looking at each other and not being sorry for it anymore. It makes you realize that maybe it’s ok you couldn’t be enough on your own. Maybe it was always supposed to take Steve and you, together, to make him whole again.
Bucky kisses Steve, hard, right as he winks your way and grabs Steve’s hand to lead him back to your room which you can catch glimpses of all three of you living in, in peace.
He runs a hand through his hair and just looks so goddamn happy that you swear your heart isn’t capable of loving him anymore.
And then Steve looks back at you and he smiles his golden boy smile and you swear your heart could collapse at how much you know you love him.
Yeah. You’re fucked.
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akaiaowl · 4 years
Happy Stranger Things Day!!
It’s been 4 years since Stranger Things was first premiered on Netflix! (already?) This series is very close to my heart, since it managed to inspire me after 3 long years of writer’s block. To commemorate that, I’ll be posting the epilogue to my first fanfic on AO3: Reality in Motion (also known as RiM by some in the ST fandom). Here goes the summary and first chapter:
Reality in Motion
Modern College AU.
It hurt her to listen to the ruthless voice in her head, but, as much as she hated to admit it, El knew it was probably right. It had happened countless times before. Well, actually two. Two times in which El found herself feeling funny and giddy and hopeful about someone, only to be disappointed. It always ended that way. She was destined to be alone and it was probably for the best.
AKA: Socially awkward Jane Ives' first semester in college. Also AKA: Not your typical nice-boy-meets-drunk-girl-at-a-party Mileven fic (because of all the angst and slowwwww burn, be warned).
Chapter 1: Changes
Wednesday 29th, November 2017
If there was something El Ives put her mind to, she was sure to accomplish it. Always.
Well, most of the times.
As a matter of fact, today was one of the few rare exceptions to that rule. This, since Will Byers, El’s best friend, had managed to convince the otherwise socially awkward El to finally come with him that weekend to some party at a friend’s house.
They were both currently seating on the beige colored carpet of her dorm room, supposedly trying to be productive by getting their History 102 assignment done before the due date.
“Pleeease El! I’m about to beg you, it’s almost Christmas break and, for once, I’d like for you to come meet my friends and not stay locked up here again like a loser”, Will had been pouting at his friend for over two hours.
“Hey, I happen to like being a loser”, said El feigning indignation and scowling at her skinny best friend.
Will managed to hold back his smile at his oldest friend’s antics and maintained a serious expression for the sake of getting his point across. They’d been friends since the age of twelve and both knew just how determined the other could be. Holding each other’s stares defiantly in a silent challenge, neither of them wanted to give in.
As she stubbornly stared into Will’s lively brown eyes, El suddenly felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She had been having a few of those for a while now, especially whenever she thought back on their high school days on Hawkins High School. Actually, the biggest irony was thinking about how much she had looked forward to graduating and moving as far away as humanly possible from that hell hole she called hometown. Whereas, now, she couldn’t help feeling strangely homesick. As a matter of fact, lately, El was often ambushed by random flashbacks from her teenage years and usually found herself wishing she could somehow go back and do it all better.
She regretted everything, actually, except for her friendship with Will.
Their friendship was yet another reason El kept thinking back in nostalgia to her high school days: even though Will and her had managed to get accepted into their dream college together and even lived in neighboring dorm buildings, she felt him more distant than ever before. Worse than that, El was painfully aware that she was the reason of the increasing (figurative) distance in their friendship and she loathed herself for it. Now, more than ever, she hated herself for her apathetic and awkward personality. Why couldn’t she be a normal eighteen year old? Why couldn’t she just stop feeling so nervous around other people? Because of this she was finally managing to drive her best friend away, her partner in crime, after being the closest of friends for over half a decade.
For most of their first semester at college she had declined Will’s enthusiastic invitations to parties and any social events, preferring to skip them in favor of spending her afternoons in the solitude of her room either reading ahead or watching some movie or TV show. It was just easier that way, it seemed. El had never really been a social butterfly and she knew how much Will loved meeting and bonding with new people. So, she just figured that she could give him some space by making herself scarce.
However (and she’d never admit it out loud), as Will started spending less and less time with her and his invitations became rare occurrences, El began feeling terribly lonely (which was weird). She usually cherished her alone time, often glad she wasn’t out there fake smiling and making small talk, getting emotionally drained after overthinking and worrying over every tiny detail of her social interactions. Nonetheless, now, it just felt like a very different kind of loneliness.
El felt lonely in a bad way, a way she hadn’t felt for quite a long time: the kind of lonely she used to feel before meeting Joyce Byers and befriending her son, Will.
Finally, after glaring at Will some more, El lowered her gaze in defeat. Mostly because she missed spending more time with him, and also because she was a bit curious about going to a college party.
“Ok. Fine, I’ll go. BUT I’ll only stay until a reasonable hour and you better not be dragging me up there so I can be your designated driver”, answered El with an annoyed huff, hurling one of her fluffy pillows on Will’s general direction and feeling quite annoyed (mostly at her pathetic, abnormal self).
Her friend easily managed to catch the pillow midair and offered El a sympathetic smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. She knew he was worried about her spending so much time by herself – the fact that she had no roommate made it easier for her to just hide away for hours on end without any excuse.
“I’m only doing this for your own good El, you know I look out for you and it’s about time you start having a normal college experience and, you know, getting to know people. After all, the semester is almost over”.
Friday 1st, December 2017
El bit her lip as she stared at her reflection on the mirror critically. Was her top too revealing? Was her midsection looking gross and bloated? Should she put any make up on? Was her hair ok? Were jeans and sneakers too casual for the party?
Man, I badly needed a School of Life 101 crash course, El thought with a groan.
It was always on times like this that El really wished she had a roommate or a best friend who could actually give advice on these kinds of things. It was also on times like these that El regretted not learning about this stuff back on high school. Finally, after examining her reflection some more, she decided to change her sneakers in favor of her black leather boots and apply some lipstick to her dry lips.
Feeling quite nervous, she turned her phone screen on and was surprised to see several messages from Will.
8:02 pm U excited yet for your first college party?
8:03 pm Totally getting drunk as skunks 2nite.
8:46 pm Waiting for the guys, we’re coming to pick u up
9:29 pm On our way, expect a call in 15
9:44 pm Almost there
9:59 pm Ok, let’s go
*3 missed calls from MY FAVORITE PERSON IN THE WORLD*
10:03 pm Pick up the phone
10:11 pm We’re waiting downstairs
10:27 pm What the hell u doing? We’ve been here for ages
El was surprised to find out how long she had taken to get ready, her nervousness was really not helping. As quickly as possible, she grabbed her tiny purse and keys and made her way out. At that very moment, her phone screen lit up and the contact name Will had programmed for himself popped up.
*incoming call from MY FAVORITE PERSON IN THE WORLD*
Smiling, El answered.
“I’m sorry, I completely lost track of time, that’s all. I’m almost there”, she said breathlessly while making her way down the flight of stairs.
“No problem El, just making sure you were still up for it”, answered Will sympathetically.
“Wait. So did I actually have an option?” replied El only half joking.
She really was terribly nervous, like she always was whenever she had to face a new social situation.
Will laughed at her lame attempt at making a joke and was silent for a bit, maybe trying to empathize with his best friend’s nervousness.
El could hear Will’s friends talking loudly on the background:
“We need to hurry if we want to get wasted before the night ends, that’s kind of the point of tonight”, a loud male voice whined pathetically.
“Hey, I’m actually enjoying watching this show”, another male voice answered in fake annoyance.
“Booooooring”, someone else interjected.
“You’re too lame Wheeler”, the first voice teased.
The conversation on the background grew faint as El realized Will must have walked away from his friends to talk to her privately.
“Everything will be fine and you’ll have fun, you’ll see. If you feel uncomfortable or something you have us”, finally whispered Will before hanging up.
El had really tried to avoid meeting Will’s friends for a while now, feeling resentment and jealousy towards them because her best friend spent most of his time with them now and talked all the time about how fun and loyal they were.
It actually made sense that they spent time together since they were all taking science related careers and had most of their classes together – Will was an engineer major, like Lucas, while Dustin and Mike were physics majors.
It was silly, she knew.
Calm down El, it’s going to be ok, Will’s friends are probably as nice as him.
Finally, El got to her building’s common area. She saw four guys sprawled comfortably all over the beige couches, two of them were fighting over the remote and the other two were trying to watch whatever show was on TV.
They didn’t notice her presence until she started timidly approaching Will, who was gazing at the screen with mild interest. He was the first one of the group to notice her and his face was instantly filled with a broad smile.
“You’re finally here!” he exclaimed, startling everyone.
“Guys, this is El”, Will said loudly. Then, pointing at each of the guys next to him, he introduced them, “These are Lucas, Dustin and Mike”.
“Thanks for waiting”, El managed to smile at them without making eye contact. She hoped they didn’t notice her nervousness.
“No problem”, said the smallest one of them, Dustin, “honestly, we were all dying to finally meet you”.
“Yeah, we had a bet going on about Will’s friend being imaginary”, laughed Lucas.
Upon hearing that last comment, El snorted while trying to contain a laugh and turned to look at Will with amusement. Her friend merely shrugged.
“See how you make me look bad El?”
“Oh, it was only for the sake of making the bet more interesting”, answered El with a laugh, “it would have been no fun without the mystery, now would it?”
The guys smiled, amused, and the air significantly relaxed. She felt a tiny bit more comfortable, and the voice in her head repeating her own doubts and fears in a loop grew quiet for the first time that night.
“So, who won the bet?” asked Will, looking at his friends.
“Me”, said the tallest boy, Mike, smiling.
He was the only one who hadn’t spoken up yet, but she recognized his voice from her phone call with Will – he was the one who claimed to be enjoying the TV show while they waited for her to arrive.
Overcome by curiosity, El risked a glance up at him and was surprised to find him already looking at her, matching her interest. They made eye contact.
“So thank you for being real, I guess”, he said smiling kindly at her.
She quickly averted her gaze, not knowing what to do or how to respond, and tried to keep her upcoming blush from actually showing on her face. It wasn’t even a compliment, why was she reacting like this?
Social awkwardness truly sucked.
There was a short moment of silence, which was (thankfully) quickly broken by Lucas.
“Ok, let’s get going”, said Lucas enthusiastically as he strode to the nearest exit.
Saturday 2nd, December 2017
She’d drank too much, too soon.
Of course, the fact that Will kept refilling her red solo cup with mysterious mixes of liquor didn’t help at all. But she wasn’t complaining at all. All things considered, El found the whole experience quite interesting. Actually, she was pleased to realize that the alcohol numbed that voice that constantly reminded her of all her insecurities and flaws. She found this quite liberating.
She felt like she could do anything. Be anyone she wanted.
Will’s friends had left them to join a game of beer pong not so long ago, which had also helped El feel a whole lot more relaxed. Up until then, she had been too scared of acting like a weirdo around the guys and so she had barely talked.
For the first time in a long time, no worries or guilt lurked El’s mind.
As time went by, the music surrounding her stopped being too loud and the vibration of the bass on the floor actually made her lively in a way she had scarcely felt before. Before she knew it, her foot was tapping the floor to the beat of the unknown song. She tried to pay attention to whatever Will was saying (maybe a funny story about someone in one of his classes? What was that about a teacher?), but words kept jumbling around making it hard for her to understand anything at all.
My thought process is screwed up, El thought.
Suddenly, it occurred to her that that was the funniest, wittiest thing she had ever come up with, so she giggled uncontrollably.
Will smiled affectionately at the giggling girl beside him. He had really tried to be a good friend that night, staying with her the whole time – probably suspecting that if she got to feel too awkward, she’d escape the party.
“I loooooove you so much Willy Will”, said El hugging her friend, “do you know that?”
El’s ears suddenly caught onto a tune, alerting her of something.
Something quite urgent.
Do you recall, not long ago We would walk on the sidewalk? Innocent, remember? All we did was care for each other
“BYERS!!!! COME ON!” she exclaimed giddily, standing up clumsily and dragging her skinny best friend to the middle of the room, “IT’S OUR JAM!”
But the night was warm We were bold and young All around, the wind blows We would only hold on to let go
Will could only smile at her random behavior. He had never been a good dancer and he had not drank nearly as much as El had, so he just sort of awkwardly tried shuffling his feet and swaying his body to the catchy song.
“BLOW A KISS FIRE A GUN, WHEN YOU NEED SOMEONE TO LEAN ON”, El was screaming while swaying her hips wildly, her eyes were closed, “BLOW A KISS FIRE A GUN, ALL WE NEED IS SMEBODY TO LEAN ON”.
Will tried his hardest to keep up with El’s moves, but she was like a woman possessed, jumping around and twirling in every direction. It seemed that all those months of pent up energy – probably gathered after all those afternoons of voluntary isolation – were finally finding an outlet. After a couple of songs and happy to see his friend finally having fun, Will decided his job there was done.
“El. El! EL!!” he screamed to get her attention.
She faced him, smiling wildly. Her face shiny with sweat from the exertion and the warmth in the room. Will couldn’t help mirroring her grin.
“I just can’t keep up with you!” he said teasing her, “I’m gonna go find the guys”.
El stuck out her tongue at him and waved goodbye.
“YOU’RE SUCH A KID ELEVEN!” Will exclaimed as he headed to the other room, where he last saw his friends heading to.
Her feet were killing her.
El made her way to the nearest sitting space she could find, a couch on the left side of the room. She sat down for a minute in the crowded couch, slowly trying to move her toes so she didn’t feel them cramping anymore. She was currently sandwiched uncomfortably between a sleeping guy and a couple making out. She tried to ignore the snores and the sounds the couple were making.
She hadn’t seen Will or any of his friends for at least a couple of hours and she was not about to go wandering off looking for them. Will was probably drunk by now, maybe talking to the cute guy from their History 102 class that he always rambled on about. El smiled fondly, remembering how much of a hopeless romantic her best friend was.
She tried laying back on the couch and closing her tired eyes, but everything was too hot and her feet hurt too much. It was way too uncomfortable.
El glanced hopefully at the glass doors that led into the balcony. With any luck, there wouldn’t be anyone out there smoking.
She hated the smell of tobacco. It reminded her of him.
El shut her eyes tightly, desperately trying to chase away the memories that begged to be replayed on her mind, and massaged her throbbing temples. She tried to take a deep, calming breath and relax somehow, but the air felt too moist and everything smelled like alcohol and sweat. Suddenly, she was too aware of the extremely loud music and the annoying presence of the people around her. And there were too many people. Too many unfamiliar faces. Frustrated, El opened her eyes slowly, glancing around at the room full of strangers.
Dejection filled her thoroughly, tonight had been great so far and she just happened to ruin it by opening a door she had closed more than five years ago. She’d promised it would never haunt her, never hurt her again. But it was always there, lurking. It was always him, never allowing her to escape his choking grip.
Without even thinking about it, she had started walking on the opposite direction of the balcony, towards the main door of the house. As she stepped outside of the house, she couldn’t help noticing the wide brown door was ajar. El moved forward taking slow, deliberate steps, knowing her balance was far from being the most stable.
She glanced around quickly.
Sighing in relief at the fact that she had apparently managed to escape the smokers, El leaned on the nearest wall and stared off into the darkened streets and houses. Her body still felt light, but most the energy she had at the beginning of the night had ebbed away by now, leaving her exhausted. Soon enough, she noticed that the volume of the music and the noise from the house was once again bearable for her. However, without the loud (loud! loud!) music infecting her thoughts, she was left at the mercy of the familiar cold voice in her head: it was her own voice, but ruthless and emotionless, and it never tired of always repeating everything she didn’t want to hear.
She wondered what time it was, she was too lazy to get her phone out and check the time. Her fuzzy brain was making everything a lot harder.
“You ok?” a familiar voiced questioned.
El found herself staring up into the freckle-covered face of one of Will’s friends.
“Just tired and hot”, she replied, “it’s like a freaking oven in there”.
He just chuckled.
“Why are you out here?” she suddenly asked.
“Oh, just getting some air to clear my head”, the tall guy answered shrugging, “I am the lucky soul who gets to be the designated driver for tonight”.
El smiled in amusement.
His name is Mike, El suddenly remembered, her scattered, hazy thoughts becoming a tiny bit clearer.
“You know, I was convinced the only reason Will invited me here was so I’d have the honor of being the DD”.
They remained in a comfortable silence for a while, both staring off and busy with their own thoughts.
“Will is worried about you”, Mike stated after a while.
“I know”, El answered sadly, “it’s just hard for me, you know?”
Mike furrowed his brow in confusion.
“No matter how hard I try, it’s hard for me to feel comfortable or relaxed or even normal around new people or in new places”, she explained almost in a whisper.
“It’s ok to feel that way”, he said like it was the most natural thing in the world, his gaze showing empathy.
El snorted, fully aware that no, it was not okay to be such an introverted freak. She was not stupid. She knew it was a limitation, something that held her back from experiences and people and things she really wanted. She was all too aware that it was what isolated her from everyone and ultimately stood like a solid barrier, shielding her even from the ones she deeply cared about.
“I felt very lonely coming here at first”, Mike confessed smiling crookedly in her direction, “I consider myself a lucky guy, having Dustin as a roommate and meeting Lucas and Will on my first week here”.
“Will is an amazing friend”, El answered smiling, “and all of you seem like pretty cool guys”, she added honestly.
Mike blushed a bit and lowered his gaze, focusing on his wristwatch.
Who even owns a wristwatch these days?, wondered El with amusement as she glanced at him with the corner of her eye.
“Hey, it’s barely 1 am, how do you feel about going for a drive and coming back to pick up our friends’ drunken asses?” suddenly asked Mike.
Full story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12840366/chapters/29318523
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 47
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- note for this chapter: simple chapter, i know. i tried to make it more dramatic but i love them and i like when theyre happy lol. it gets worse in the next chapters tho. :X btw, sorry for this very bad chapter.
PLEASE, i would love to know what you think about Louis and Olivia’s relationship/friendship or what you want to happen or expect to happen to them. he’ll be a LOT more present in the next few chapters so i really need to know.
no request for this chapter! some planned for the next :)
Chapter 47 : Her chapter
I kept looking at the time on my phone and my leg wouldn't stop shaking. It's only when Louis put his hand on one of my knees that I looked up but even his warm and compassionate smile couldn't stop stress from invading me.
"Don't worry, he'll be there soon."
I sighed but sent him a smile anyway as I looked around the living room. I had invited home a lot of Niall's friends for his birthday and had imagined a nice evening with cake, beer and games but it was already late and he wasn't home yet. He knew I had prepared that since he was very busy these days and I wanted to make sure he'd be there but even if he had promised, he was extremely late. In fact, the word 'late' didn't really apply anymore. I would have used the word 'absent' instead.
Everyone was having fun anyway, chatting and drinking, but I couldn't seem to let go and when the clock told me it was 2am, I knew it was over. My gaze moved on the pile of gifts waiting for him and I just closed my eyes, swallowing hard. His friends started to leave one by one, first with Julie and Liam, followed by Harry and his girlfriend and after half an hour, I watched Louis close the door behind Willie. As soon as it was only us two, I quickly broke into tears and Louis ran to me, catching me before I let myself fall completely on the living room floor.
"Hey, hey, it's okay darling." he whispered near my ear, helping me sit on the couch before I brought my legs up and close to my body. "You know it's because he's busy right?"
I moved away from him, suddenly a bit mad, and sent him a frown.
"I don't give a fuck!" I just let out, feeling my heart beat hard and fast against my rib cage. "I told him, I asked him a million times, and he promised, Louis! He promised!"
I thought he would get annoyed but instead, he moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against him. I started crying again, the sound of my sobs muffled by his sweatshirt. He didn't say a word and I was so thankful that he stayed that I just closed my eyes and tried to focus on the beating of his heart to calm down. It took a few minutes but it finally worked and I moved away from him, wiping my tears and placing my hair behind my ears while I sniffed.
"It's not the first time, you know." I pointed out, raising my eyebrows and looking down at my fingers playing with my mood ring. "He's been canceling plans for a few weeks now. I'm just so tired and I miss him. And this time he promised."
"I know darling, I know."
"The truth is, i've never felt so alone." I admitted, feeling my heart break more. "I mean don't take it personal, no offense, I know we hang out and text and shit, but everything is so different without Niall."
"None taken." he said in a very low tone. "I know exactly what you mean."
I looked up in his eyes and I could read how hurt he was. I knew how much he missed Eleanor and how he still loved her and I was not really sure why he didn't just call her and tell her that this breakup was a mistake.
"I know you do."
He sent me a sad smile and brought one of his hands to my cheek, running his thumb under my eye to catch the tears and wipe them off.
"I'm sure he'll have a good reason." he added, making me close my eyes and sigh.
It took an other hour until I heard the key in the lock. Louis and I had turned the lights off to watch a movie but we both fell asleep on it. The screen was blue for some odd reason and the sound of my boyfriend walking in woke me up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes with a frown. His lips curled slightly when our eyes met but I felt my heart shatter at his sight.
"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, thought you'd be in bed, it's over 3am."
My lips parted and I saw him turn his head, his eyes falling on the pile of gifts. I saw his traits change as he looked around the room noticing the glasses and the food and after a few seconds, he closed his eyes and sight low.
"Oh my god, you forgot." I pointed out as I got up.
I could feel myself getting mad but after a few seconds I realized that I was not angry. I was sad and disappointed.
"You fuckin' forgot." I repeated slightly louder.
"What? No..."
"Don't lie to me, Niall!" I cut him, frowning more. "I can read your facial expressions better than your own mother."
By then it was impossible for Louis to still be asleep but I didn't look back to confirm it. All I could do was stare at my boyfriend, my lips parted as I tried to keep the tears in again. After a while, he gave in and took his cap off, throwing it on the couch before passing his hand in his hair. I looked at him as the lights from cars outside illuminated his face, and beyond the anger or the sadness, I felt the need and love I had for him overpass everything else. I knew he was busy, and I did understand why, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel like I was losing him slowly.
"I'm sorry Olivia, I really am."
"Everyone was here, we all took time for you Niall, and you weren't there. We didn't even cross your mind of all fucking night."
I wanted him to say it wasn't true, that he at least had thought about me, but instead, he groaned low and let both his arms fall on each side of his body.
"I said I was sorry I mean, what else do you want me to do?"
"That doesn't mean that I have to be fine with it and get over it immediately." I pointed out, making him close his eyes again.
"Look, we can talk about it tomorrow okay? I just want my bed right now."
I knew he was exhausted and so was I, and I knew he didn't want to have this conversation but I couldn't help it. I felt a hand on my lower back and turned around quickly only to see Louis sending me a look that seemed to tell me to relax and I sighed low.
"Yea i'm tired too, i'll leave you guys." he walked to Niall and sent him a smile. "Happy birthday, Neil."
They hugged and I crossed my arms on my chest, waiting until Louis was gone, but when Niall turned to me again, I knew the discussion was over.
"Come on, let's go to bed."
He walked past me and brushed his fingertips on my arm, giving me a small shiver. I didn't move at all and when he was almost in the hall, he turned to me and frowned.
"You comin'?" he asked again, raising his eyebrows.
Every time he touched me, I felt something electric cross my entire body. I didn't care if it was cheesy, it was still the truth. I thought the feelings Niall gave me when we were not dating were intense but now that we were together, it was even worse. I never really believed what I read in books about the chemistry two persons could have, or how special a connection with someone could be, but now that I was living it, I wondered how I could live if I ended up losing him. I just didn't want to think about it.
"Maybe I should sleep at my place for tonight."
"You're not serious." he just let out with a frown, shaking his head a bit. "It's officially been my birthday for a few hours, I don't want you to leave."
"Yea and everyone was ready to party for you on a monday night. It only missed you."
He sighed and brought his hand to his face, moving his thumb and forefinger over both his eyes, rubbing them. I didn't know if it was just tiredness or if it was annoyance but I guessed on a bit of both.
"Please, darling, please stay."
I knew it bothered him that I had kept my apartment even if I spend all my time with him. Almost all my clothes and stuff were in his house and I knew most of my drawers were empty at my place but it didn't matter. I couldn't get myself to get rid of my lease and be fully in his house. I also had a hard time to call it my house and I really had no idea why.
"Please." he repeated.
He blinked a few times but his eyes met mine and he took a step closer. I licked my lips, well aware that he wanted to make a comment about the fact that I still had my apartment. I knew he wouldn't though, and not only because he was tired. It was mostly because his priority was to make me stay the night, and not to start a new argument between us.
"I'm still mad." I let out.
"I know."
He reached his arm out, holding his palm up and I just stared at it for a few seconds. It was a lie, I was not mad, but I was hurt. He had canceled so many plans, texted for rain checks several times a week and even left me by myself at the restaurant or the movies a few times. I knew he was working on a few songs and could spend a lot of time recording until it was exactly what he wanted, but it scared me because I knew the worst was to come. He would have to promote his song and go to interviews. I didn't even want to think about when he'd be ready to get an album out and go on tour, it was too much stress and it was useless for now.
I reached for his hand and quickly but gently, his fingers wrapped around mine. He pulled me with him to our room and when I closed the door behind him, I felt his arms around my waist. I turned around and took a step back as he took one forward. I felt my back press against the door and tilted my head, the left corner of my lips raising up.
"I'm sorry, I really didn't want to make you sad."
I was happy he didn't try to justify himself and I nodded slowly. My eyes fluttered close when I saw him move closer and his lips pressed softly against mine.
"Thanks so much for staying." He whispered against my mouth.  "Can I hold you against me all night?"
"Why did you bring me here, Niall?"
It was tuesday afternoon and I was still tired. It felt like I hadn't slept at all the night before. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and even if I felt like I should get over it, and wanted to get over it, I couldn't seem to.
"I just want to make you happy." he shrugged a shoulder as he pulled on my arm to enter the mall. "I remember you wanted a new game right? Mario something? And you mentioned a pair of earrings you thought were pretty, I remember. Also we can get take out from that thai restaurant you like, and I was thinking-"
I stopped walking and shook my head, cutting him before he could add anything. My fingers slid on his and my arm fell on my side.
"What are you trying to do, Niall?"
He walked closer to me and put his hands in his pockets.
"Are you trying to make me forgive you for last night?" he didn't answer and I knew I was right. "I don't want your money Niall. I don't want gifts and jewels and food. I want to spend time with you. I want you to keep your promises. You can't just buy forgiveness."
His face changed and he looked down.
"You want to make me happy?" I asked with an amused smile, raising my eyebrows.
His eyes met mine and he frowned, clearly unsure of what I had planned but I just grabbed his hand and brought him with me.
"Oh god." he whispered when he realized what I wanted to do, making me laugh even more.
I pulled on his arm to get him in the photo booth with me as he tried to get money from his pocket and I jumped slightly on my seat, pressing my lips together to hide my smile.
"You are a child." he let out, putting his change in the machine.
"Take that damn cap off!" I let out, grabbing it and taking it off his head and ignoring his comment just as the first click was heard.
We both turned to each other and started laughing as the second click happened and when he yelled "grimace!", I pulled my tongue out and crossed my eyes until the third picture was taken.
"Come here."
Gently but quickly, he cupped my face and moved closer. I felt his warm palms on my cheeks and closed my eyes when his lips reached mine. I knew the fourth picture was taken but I brought my hand on top of his and deepened the kiss.
"I did forget and i'm so sorry." he whispered against my mouth before kissing me deeply again. "I'm just so busy  I mean, my schedule is so hectic."
I sighed and pulled away, a bit annoyed that unlike the night before, he was trying to justify himself. Of course, i knew he was busy and I understood. I just felt neglected and even if I knew it was a bit selfish, I couldn't help it. I didn't answer him and just got out of the booth, taking the pictures who were already printed and looked at them. I smiled when I realized he was making an exaggerated surprised face on the first one and chuckled when I saw us laugh in the second one. The way he looked at me made my heart twist in my chest until I felt a presence behind me.
"The second one is nice." he pointed out as if he was reading my mind before pointing the last one, moving his arm over my shoulder. "I'm sorry i'm hiding almost all your face with my hands on this one."
My lips curled in a soft smile as my eyes were glued to the picture. I thought it made the picture even better. The way his hands were pressed on my face and how I could still feel the tip of his fingers behind my ears and on my neck made a shiver cross my back.
"Don't be. That's just how you kiss." I admitted, pressing my lips together. "I love it."
We remained a few seconds in silence, just staring at the pictures of us in my hands, and he finally took a step back and sighed.
"Okay, let's go eat."
I turned to him and raised my eyebrows but he just sent me a smile.
"I'm not doing that to be forgiven, i'm just starving." he shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "Besides, i'm not letting you pick the restaurant. I may even give you the bill."
I laughed and pushed on one of his shoulders gently, making him chuckle too.
"Fine, let's do that." I agreed. "I just got paid this morning. My dad was a bit late on my last pay."
"I was kiddin', there's no way i'm letting you pay anything."
I started laughing and shook my head before raising my eyebrows.
"We'll see who gets the bill first!"
I thought things would get better but they didn't. I just lied in bed, my eyes wide open and all alone for the fifth night in a row. I knew he was getting prepared to put one of his songs out in a few days and I was aware of how excited he was. Niall was also a perfectionist and I knew he wouldn't come home until it was exactly what he had imagined but for some reason I didn't understand, I always felt nervous when he was not around.
I heard the front door open and it took less than a minute until he was undressed and laying in bed with me. I felt him turn around my way and sigh, probably thinking I was asleep. He moved one of his arms around my waist and pulled me closer with a groan, nuzzling on my nape, and I brought my hand over his slowly.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No, I wasn't asleep."
I felt him tense and he remained silent for a while until I heard his soft voice again.
"Why not?"
I didn't want to make him feel guilty by telling him that I felt stressed when he wasn't home. That I felt alone and lonely, that I felt sad and bad in general. Instead, I grabbed his fingers and squeezed them hard.
"Can you come home for lunch tomorrow?"
The room fell silent again and I held my breath until he talked.
"Dinner?" he negotiated. I could easily imagine his eyebrows raised and his puppy face. "I could do dinner."
"Be there at 6pm." I just replied, feeling his grip tighten around me and his lips leaving a small kiss on the back of my neck, making goosebumps appear.
"I promise on my life."
I knew he'd be there. Not only because he had disappointed me on his birthday but also because I had made sure he put 5 alarms on his phone. I left the sliding door half opened to hear him walk in and when he shouted "Hello?" and closed the door behind himself, I felt my lips curl. I remained sort-of hidden on the patio and glanced inside to see him frown as he read the paper I had left.
'It's a watergun fight. If I win you owe me a whole day with only me and your phone off. Good luck!'
I saw his lips curl and he chuckled low before looking up.
"What if I win?" he yelled loud enough to make sure I would hear since he had no idea where I was.
I watched him put the paper down and his hand reached for the neon green and flashy orange gun I had left for him. I moved out of his sight and leaned against the wall of the house.
"You won't win, Horan!"
He laughed. "But let's say I do. Then you'll spend a whole afternoon playing golf with me."
I grimaced painfully and leaned my head on the wall a bit too roughly, hurting me slightly.
"You're being unfair!" I yelled again. "Spending time with me is fun. Spending a whole afternoon hitting on tiny rubber balls is not!"
"You overestimate how entertaining you are." he let out, making me frown. I was pretty sure his voice sounded closer than it did before. "And you underestimate how incredible golf is."
"Okay then but if I win, I get to choose what we do and you can't complain."
I heard footsteps and my lips curled into a smirk. Either way, I was going to spend time with him and it's all I really cared about. I missed him more than I could explain and spending a few hours sleeping next to him every day was clearly not enough.
"How do we decide who wins?"
"By who's wetter." I explained, still smiling in an amused way.
"Then i'll win, you can't aim to save your life."
Without thinking, I turned around and moved in front of the sliding door, tilting my head with a smirk, my gun pointing at him. He was right in front of me, very close and aiming at me too, but I just bit my bottom lip.
"There's just one thing you should have asked yourself."
"What's that?" he frowned, suddenly suspicious at how confident I was.
"'Why is my gun so light?'"
His face changed in a fraction of second and when he tried to shoot at me, he realized I hadn't filled it with water. I didn't waste any time and took a shot. He closed his eyes and let out a curse word as I started laughing and ran down the stairs to get into the backyard. I hid away again, knowing he was filling his gun and when he appeared and walked down the stairs slowly, I held my breath.
"I hope you enjoyed that." he let out louder, holding his gun on his shoulder. "T'was the only shot at me you'll get today!"
I aimed at him again but my stream didn't reach him and he turned to me, sending me a smirk.
"Shit!" I let out before running away.
I kept looking back, trying to shoot him but he had better reflexes than me and I missed every time. On the other hand, he hit me many times and I could feel my hair and shirt completely wet, sticking to my back. I ran quick enough to hide again but this time, I stayed curled up next to the patio and waited for him to appear. His eyes roamed around the backyard and I stared at his back and down his pants to make sure he hadn't kept his phone on him. I breathed in and got up quickly, running to him. He turned around just in time to know exactly what I was doing but didn't have time to stop me. I pushed him slightly and watched his arms move in circles as he tried to get his balance back without success and finally fell in the pool.
I was a bit surprised by my own audacity and it's only when his head emerged from the water that I realized I was still holding my breath. He moved his hair out of his face and my heart skipped a beat at how hot he was. His gun was floating, drifting away from him slowly and my lips curled.
"I won." I let out with a shrug. "You're wetter than me. In fact, you're drenched."
"You cheated!" he let out. I could see his feet moving in the water to keep his head out but he remained in place. "Twice!"
"Fine!" I gave in, moving my arms up, capitulating. "We both won. So one day together without phones where I decide everything, and one afternoon playing golf."
His lips curled into a large smile and he nodded slowly.
I watched him get out of the pool and pull on his shirt so it doesn't stick and mold his chest anymore. He passed his hand in his hair and walked up to me, quickly wrapping his arms around me. I did the same and closed my eyes as he hugged me tight and after a while, I felt him lean his cheek against the top of my head.
"I know why you did that, you know." he admitted in a low tone. "I know we barely spend time together anymore. It'll change, I promise. I know i'm gonna have interviews and stuff after my song comes out but I thought maybe you could come with me?"
My smile grew but I kept my eyes closed, hugging him tighter and making him chuckle.
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes." I whispered, feeling suddenly lighter. "It's a yes."
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scribbles97 · 4 years
Left Behind - Chapter 44
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
And now I get to whump Scotty :D 
It was just a relief to be able to sit down and kick off her shoes, their three days in New York as busy as they could possibly be, but equally productive. The meeting with the company that owned the Calypso had been long on their first day, pushing through both lunch and dinner until persuasion had finally won and she and Scott had gotten what they had wanted. Cost, as always had been the main issue. Even though Hiram had done that calculations, sworn that the ship had more than enough reserves to sustain both the two crew on board as well as Jeff, the company had wanted it back as soon as possible. Future endeavours and projects would have to be delayed until its return they had insisted.
Lucy would have put any number on the bank transfer if it meant they would agree.
Physio had been the order the second morning, leaving her exhausted for the rest of the day but still determined to actually spend some quality time with her boys before the youngest four returned home for duty. Hiring out a cinema for a family evening in had been something none of them had realised they had needed, away from the looming threat of a call out, and the rest of the household unintentionally interrupting. Just her, and her five boys.
Catching up on business had taken over much of the third day, followed by a late physio session. Between them, Scott and Hugh seemed to have a pretty good handle on things. It had surprised her just how much Scott had picked up in the weeks she had been out of it. Not that she would be surprised if he was ready to hand back control, the endless lists of reports and signatures exhausting to only think about.
“Are you sure you’re alright with me going out tonight?” the son in question asked her as he turned to the kitchen of the apartment, “If you’re struggling after physio I can--”
“No!” She exclaimed, pushing herself up from where she had flopped on the sofa to glare at him wide eyed, “You are not blowing off your date for me young man!”
He chuckled as he poured two mugs of coffee adding cream to one before crossing back to the lounge, “Alright, alright. I’ll have my phone on though, if you need anything you promise to call?”
She resisted the urge to swat at him as she accepted the coffee, “I’m stiff after physio, not old and decrepit.” Nodding, Scott perched on the coffee table, looking down to his own mug with a shrug, “I just don’t want you to overdo it. Not when we’ve only just got you back.”
Reaching out to him, she smiled as she squeezed his arm, “I promise, I’m not going to hurt myself.”
As he had said, she was just getting back into things, she wasn’t going to let anything happen to set herself back. Not for so long as she could help it.
“I did want to ask though,” She started, keeping hold of his arm until Scott met her eye, “Do you want me to take things back? The business, the kill codes?”
His shoulders fell as he glanced down to his mug, head tilting slightly to one side as he obviously thought about the offer. She hadn’t expected it to take much thought, Scott was a man of action, much preferring being out in the field than sat in an office somewhere filing paperwork.
“I actually like it,” He admitted looking back up with a shrug.
Something must have shown on her face as he laughed and nodded, “I know, it’s a surprise to me too.”
“Hang on,” She stopped him, “Which bit are we talking about here?”
Shrugging again Scott looked to the floor length window of the lounge, “Both. I mean, I know I always said I didn’t want to be part of the business when I was younger, but now… I dunno, now it’s been forced on me, it kind of feels like my calling.”
She knew there was more as he scratched the back of his head, “I was actually looking at doing a college course come new year.”
“Hang on,” She shook her head, “You’re not just saying all this to take the weight off of me, are you? Or because you think it’s expected of you? We’re past the era of business being inherited by the first born you know? The only reason it went to you was because the injury was something I could recover from.”
Frowning at her, Scott tilted his head again, “So you want it back?”
Stumped she gaped, trying to find an answer. The business was effectively her second baby, born not long after her pregnancy with Scott had forced her from the Air Force. Of course she never would have minded one or more of the boys taking over the reigns some day, but she had let go of that hope when IR had formed and each of the boys had shown a clear preference for where their future lay.
“I--” She started, frowning and shaking her head.
Scott sighed, looking down, “You don’t think I’m qualified enough to keep it do you?”
“No!” She exclaimed, knowing that was anything but the truth, “Scott! I just…” She took a breath, calming herself briefly and taking the second to get her thoughts in order.
“I thought today how good you were at it son.” She smiled, reaching to squeeze his arm again, “You’ve got that charisma that can put anyone in the palm of your hand. Maybe you don’t know everything yet, but if you’re willing to go back to college for it, then I’ll talk to the board -- heck-- we can talk to the board. Up until now the decision has been down to them who inherits the CEO title,” She held up a finger as he went to protest, “But! Only because I didn’t think any of you boys wanted the role.”
Scott frowned, “And for the time being?”
Shrugging she sipped at her coffee, “I’m appointing you as my COO, we’ll figure out as we go what we can both do and how much control we each have, deal?”
Scott smiled, his dimples deepening as he nodded, “Deal. As for IR, I’ll keep control of Alpha Team, but you can take back the general stuff.”
She thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement, “Makes sense, but can we agree to review it once I’m back in the field?”
“Agreed.” Scott chuckled, downing the last of his drink, “But, I’m afraid I have a date to get ready for, if you don’t mind?”
Smiling, she waved him off, “Go, have some fun, god knows you’ve earned it.”
Before he left he leant over her, wrapping her in an awkward one armed hug as he kissed the side of her head. Wrapping her free hand around his back, she squeezed him the best she could, still not entirely sure when her little boy got quite so big.
“Love you Mom.”
“Love you more kid.” She murmured into his shoulder, “No go, get, before you’re late.”
As he headed to the bathroom, Lucy reached for her tablet, smiling at the notification Eos had left for her.
Their messages out to the Oort Cloud took three days to transmit, the messages they were receiving in return took five. In the week and a half since they had received the first message, four had been sent and two received.
She wondered who the new message was meant for.
Hey Luce, I’ve had a message from everyone now. Yours and Mom’s, Scott, John, and Virgil’s, Gordon and Alan’s, and Hugh, Kyrano, and Val’s. Where’s Lee though?
Tears stung her eyes at the thought of her vanished brother, gone off somewhere alone and completely dark. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, more that she feared what he might do in anger. Kyrano had promised that he was doing all he could to find Lee, but even for the specialist there was little to go on.
I can’t tell you how much it means to hear you darling. I won’t lie, it’s good to hear anything other than my own voice. I haven’t any parts to fix my mic, so you’ll have to wait a bit longer to hear me.
What else have I missed? I don’t believe that I could possibly have caught up on everything in so few messages. Alan must be so big now. Do you remember tucking him in that night? I do. I think about it every time I go to sleep. I think about all of you.
I’ve missed you all so much my darling.
“Mom?” Scott frowned, pausing outside the bathroom door with only a towel around his waist, “What’s wrong?”
She didn’t trust her voice enough to say anything, instead she simply shook her head as she wiped at her cheeks.
Scott, naturally, wasn’t so easily dissuaded, “What is it?” He frowned as he approached her, “Can I do anything?”
“Just your Dad,” She muttered, looking back to her tablet as Scott straightened.
Realising her mistake she shook her head quickly, “He’s fine. He just sent another message to me was all.”
Smiling sadly, Scott sighed, “It still seems strange doesn’t it? He’s alive, and he’s coming home.”
She nodded in agreement, “Four years already is a long time Scotty.” She sighed looking up to him, “How much longer?”
Shrugging, he pursed his lips, “I guess, as long as it takes. As long as he gets home safe, that’s the main thing, right?”
He wasn’t wrong, but somehow, to her, it still seemed like torture. Like she was being teased with the one thing she wanted. The one thing she had been hoping for for so long. So close, yet still so far away.
“This is more than we ever could have imagined,” She whispered, “A few weeks and the Calypso will have him. We’ll get to see his face!”
Scott laughed, squeezing her hand as he stood again, “What’s the betting he’ll need a shave?”
Unable to help herself, she shrugged, “I did always like the rugged look.”
As her eldest pulled a face, she laughed, swatting at his wet arm, “Go and get ready! And don’t forget to take protection, I don’t want any grandbabies until I’m fit to chase after them, you hear?”
Rolling his eyes, Scott shook his head, “Don’t worry, no chance of that yet. I promise.”
Watching him go again, she smiled to herself, You have so much to catch up on Jeff.
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jiwonscologne · 4 years
Love is a Triangle
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Double B x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
 In the next morning, I wake up to Hanbin shirtless, with his head in the level of my belly and holding my arm while peacefully sleeping, and Jiwon with his arm around my waist, hugging me. I can't see his face because I'm facing Hanbin. I could be here all day and thankfully, I can, it's Saturday. I wish I knew what time it was. Since Jiwon is still here, it's probably early, he always wakes up first. I sigh carefully, so I don't wake up Jiwon with his arm on my body and I lift my free arm to touch Hanbin's hair. I admire him, sleeping. Breathing in and out, so quietly.
 - Summer? - I hear Jiwon's voice behind me. - Are you awake?
 - Yes. - I answer without turning around.
 - Do you want to get up? - Ugh, I love his morning voice, it's so raspy and manly.
 - What time is it?
I feel Jiwon move on the bed, checking the alarm clock.
 - 11:39 am.
 - Oh, it's late. Yes, I would like to get up.
 - Ok, I'll let you go. - Jiwon chuckles and removes his arm around me. His laugh always makes me want to laugh.
 - I can't get out though.
 - Why?
 - Lift a little bit and see for yourself.- Jiwon does as I say and smiles, when he discovers Hanbin is grabbing my arm.
 - He's so cute. - Jiwon grabs my shoulder and stares at Hanbin. We watch him like we're looking at a baby.
 - I will never get tired of this. - I face Jiwon.
 - Me neither. - He smiles and kisses me.
 - Did you wait for him? Last night?
 - Yes.
 - Is everything alright? - Did they fight more?
 - Yes, don't worry. - Jiwon gets out of the bed, trying not to be too trembling. - We should let him sleep.
 - How do I get out? - I point at my arm. - It has a Hanbin on it.
Jiwon chuckles. - Take it slow and replace your arm with a pillow. I do what he advises me, plus a quick kiss on Binnie's hand and  a good morning kiss for Jiwon.
 We get to the kitchen.
 - What do you wanna eat bunny?
 - I already ate. - I confirm that by looking at the frying pan under the counter and a ripped pack of noodles next to it. Jiwon usually wakes up really early, goes eat breakfast and then, goes back to sleep. It's almost a routine so I'm not surprised but I admit sometimes I would prefer he wouldn't do it because I feel lonely eating by myself. - Don't you wanna eat again?
 - Hmm, I'm not hungry although I can cook for you and Bin.
 - Alright, but don't you think he's going to wake up only at lunchtime?
 - No, he can't, we have that photo shoot, remember?
 - Ohhh, with Dazed, right? I totally forgot about that. - Sigh, even on the weekends they have to work.
 - Exactly. I'm going to wake him up after I finish your breakfast. - Jiwon goes to the fridge. - What do you wanna eat?
 - Hmm, some muesli with fruit. - I can't get used to eating full meals in the morning even though I'm in Korea for five years now. - You don't have to do it, just cook for Hanbin.
 - Hey, I said I would do it so I'll prepare it. What should I make for Hanbin? - He takes the milk off the fridge.
 - Maybe some rice with veggies and...an omelet?
 - Which veggies? - He takes carrots off the fridge and looks for more vegetables. Of course a bunny would pick the carrots first.
 - Let me help you. - I get up.
 - No! I don't need help. Eat your cereal. - He pours milk in the bowl and the muesli.
 - What about the fruit?
 Jiwon starts peeling an apple while I begin to cut the carrots and zucchini. He looks at me after finishing my fruit salad.
 - What are you DOING? I told you to sit and eat.
 - You need help, you take too long. - I say, determined, while I put a frying pan on the stove to cook the vegetables. He ignores what I say and prepares the rice and breaks the eggs into another frying pan.
 - What are you guys doing?
 - Good morning Binnie! - I look behind me. Hanbin has his t-shirt on again. - We're cooking breakfast for you.
 - No, I'm cooking, you're just getting in the way. - Jiwon grabs the veggies I just chopped and throws them into the pan.
 - Yeah, right. If it wasn't for me, you would still be deciding which vegetables you should cook. - Hanbin smiles at my answer.
 - Good morning gorgeous. - Jiwon approaches him and kisses him. I smile at them and check the omelet. It's ready. I turn the stove to zero.
 - What about you? Aren't you going to give your boyfriend a good morning kiss? - Hanbin comments.
 - Yes, just a second. - I put the omelet on a small plate in front of Hanbin's place on the table. I go around the table to kiss him. He smiles, satisfied. He's so cute.
 Jiwon finishes the rice and the veggies while I eat my breakfast.
 - Thank you, babe. - Hanbin says. - Oh baby, I almost forgot. - He turns to me - We’re having dinner with the members and they said we could invite you, do you wanna come?
 - Oh yes! I miss Junhoe so much.
 - What? - Jiwon eyes widen.
 - What? - Hanbin’s next.
 - I mean...It will be fun, I haven’t seen them in a while. - I correct myself so I don’t sound so excited.
 - What are you saying, you saw them two weeks ago?! - Hanbin says, confused.
 - I think we should end this conversation. - I say, so I don’t get killed by my two jealous boyfriends.
 - You miss them often? - Jiwon asks.
 - Of course. I’m their fan and friend.
 - Is this why they invited her? They miss her too? - Jiwon asks Hanbin.
 - Now that you’re asking that, I think you’re right! - Hanbin realizes.
 - Look, boys, if you didn’t want me to go, why did you mention this to me in the first place?
 - No, we want you to go because we don’t want to leave you at home alone. I thought that was your reason too. - Jiwon says.
 - Of course. But I really like them so it’s normal that I miss them! Ok, let’s stop talking about this.
 - I think it’s best that we do because I’m getting mad. - Hanbin states.
 - Whatever. - Jiwon gets up and goes to our bedroom. Sigh.
 They get so jealous when I talk about them. What do they think, that I’m going to date the whole iKON group? For Christ’s sake.
 Hanbin eats his food and goes to the bedroom too. My heart hurts. I hate to see them like this.
 - Boys? - I enter the bedroom and see them sitting on our giant bed, watching their cell phones. - Is everything okay?
 - Yes, I’m sorry. - Hanbin takes my hand when I sit on the bed with them. - We just...we’re used to being the center of your attention.
 - Yes so when you talked about them like that we kind of flipped, I’m sorry. We love you. - Jiwon hugs me.
 - I love you too. - I smile. Hanbin joins our hug.
 - Let us prove how sorry we are. - Hanbin smirks.
 - Now? Don’t you have to get rea... - I get interrupted by Jiwon’s wet neck kisses on me. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, enjoying his lips touching my skin. Hanbin starts to touch my legs and running his hands through my body until he unbuttoned my shirt and kisses me roughly on the lips, while I feel Jiwon sucking on my skin, definitely leaving marks later.
 - Would Junhoe kiss you like this? Would he make you feel this way? - I just wanna laugh about what I just heard because they didn’t let this go yet but they would probably get upset, so, I control myself and answer what they want to hear:
 - No, baby. Only you can make me feel this way.
 - That’s right, only we can make you feel pleasure. - Hanbin replies. - Only we can love you like this.
 They are so protective of me they sometimes don’t realize they’re getting upset over little things like this when they don’t need to.
 We spent more half an hour touching and kissing each other until we realize it’s time for them to get ready for their photo shoot when my phone buzzes with a message.
 We take a shower and dress up. They prefer to eat after so they look in good shape for the photographs. We arrive at the place and surprisingly, the other iKON members arrive at the same time. I wanted to say hi and talk to them for a little bit because I didn’t know it was a group photo shoot, therefore, I had no idea they would be here, but I decided to grab some food for them and myself while they do their thing. I eat carefully at the restaurant and take my time, so I don’t disturb them while they’re working and then I come back one hour later. When I get there, Donghyuk, my Binnie and Yunhyeong are posing for the photographer and the others are sitting down or standing and talking to each other. I go to Jiwon, who just took off a long white coat.
 - Hi babydoll, did you eat? - Jiwonie gives me a kiss on my cheek.
 - Yes, and I brought you some. - Jiwon searches in the bag with a happy face.
 - Thank you so much! - He kisses me again on my face.
 - Hi Summer! - Junhoe says.
 - Hey, how are you? - I greet him with a kiss and I immediately feel Jiwon's eyes on us.
 - Summer! - Chanwoo calls.
 - Chanwoo! - My sweet voice appears. I hug him.
The rest of the group ends their part of the photos right when Jinhwan comes to greet me. We always got along very well since him, Jiwon and Hanbin used to spent a lot of time together.
 - Hi Summer baby. - Jinhwan says, carelessly. Hanbin eyes Jinhwan. Uh-oh. He’s about to die, that’s Hanbin’s nickname for me.
 - What did you say? - Hanbin gets closer to us.
 Jinhwan smirks. - Cool off, I was just teasing you.
 I exhale deeply. Hanbin's face is tense but he relaxes once I talk.
 - How was it, baby? Are you hungry? - I put my arms around his neck.
 - I don't know if it's over yet. - Hanbin looks at the plastic food bag next to Jiwon.
 - Did you bring food?! - Hanbin says, excited. - Oh, I'm starving! - Of course he is, it's 3:44 pm. - Thank you, you're a peach. - He searches what's in the bag and opens the package.
 - Long time no see, Summer. - Yunhyeong turns to me, after my boyfriend's attention changes to the sushi.
 - Indeed! I didn't know we would see you before dinner. - Donghyuk admits.
 - Yes, me neither but my friend canceled on me so I decided to come.
 - Hanbin. - The male photographer calls and he goes to him. He comes back after talking to the man.
 - So, they want to take a last group photo and then, they want to take more photos outside, on a rooftop two miles from here since the weather is nice today.
 - Oh, I think I should go home then. - My uncle lives in Korea, before I moved with Hanbin and Jiwon, I lived at his house. For that reason, we see each other often and today he's coming to our house to check on me.
 - Yes, please go baby. Don't be late because of us. - Hanbin turns to them while Jiwon helps me dress my denim jacket. - Alright! Everyone back into the vans! - He yells so they obey. He's so hot when he plays the leader. - We have work to do.
 - Have fun with your uncle baby girl. - Jiwon grabs my face and kisses it. - I love you, we'll be back to you soon.
 - Yes, I'm sorry we're not going home with you Summer baby. - Hanbin pouts. - Say hello to your uncle for me. - He kisses my cheek.
 - Okay, good luck! - I walk away.
 - Wait! - Hanbin runs after me. - I'll call the cab for you.
 - Don't run from me, you idiots. I want to help too.
 Hanbin and I smile to Jiwon's comment. Sometimes he feels like a dad to us because he's one year older. I think he feels the responsibility to look after us.
 When I get home, I see my uncle standing at the doorway, waiting for me.
 - Oh, there you are. - He closes the magazine he was reading and lets me pass to open the door.
 - Sorry. - I unlock the door and let him come inside first. - I was at a photo shoot with iKON. Hanbin and Jiwon had to finish it so I came alone. So...do you want some tea or coffee?
 - Some tea would be nice. - He looks around our house. - The place looks great, you decorated the walls and added some rugs.  - I start preparing the tea.
 - Yes, thanks. - The last time he was here was almost after we moved in.
-I can imagine your mother saying how much she likes the colors of the walls. - I chuckle because I can picture it too. - Do you miss her?
 - Yes, of course. And my siblings too.
 - When was the last time you saw them?
 - Hmm. - I think for a bit. - Five months ago. I took some holidays and went to visit them.
 - Oh, I think that was around the time I went to the US for some business and I saw them too. - We both sit on the table after I bring the cups of tea. - How's Jiwon and Hanbin?
 - Full of work, like always. - Uncle gives me a sympathetic smile. - No, but they're good, they're good.
 - And you?
 - I'm great, I finally think my life is stable. - I smile, proudly.
 - I'm happy for you, it doesn't even seem like the scared girl I knew five years ago who came to a whole new country, with a different language and culture.
 - Oh, I adapted I know but I'm telling you, it feels great when I see you so I can speak in English again.
 We talk for about an hour and then he leaves. I text Hanbin and Jiwon to know if they're gonna be long.
MESSAGES                                                           3 people
Today, 5:56 pm  
                                                                                                                                                        You: When are you coming home?
Bunny: We're about to leave, baby girl.
 I decided to check what's playing on TV but suddenly I remember it's time for "Romance Is a Bonus Book", the drama Hanbin and I watch together. I try to control my temptation to watch the new episode but I'm so bored I can't think of anything else to do right now. So I watch it. In fact, I watch the whole episode, 1 hour and 6 minutes. Jiwon said they were about to go home, how are they not here yet? My phone starts ringing. It's their manager.
 - Hello?
 - Yes, Summer? Hi, it's Jaeho. I'm sorry for disturbing you but one of the vans of the iKON members suffered an accident, it crashed into a car and your boyfriends were in the van... It's not that serious but I thought you should know they're at the hospital to get checked out since Bobby was in the front with the driver. - I gulp, in shock. - He continues to talk but I can’t listen, my ears are blocked by my impact of the second sentence.
 - I-I hum...which hospital?
 - Bumin Hospital Group.
 - Thank you, I'll be there in ten minutes. Goodbye. - I turn off the call and I get into my car as fast as I can.
 My heartbeat is so high I can actually hear it. I can't believe this is really happening. One day everything is so perfect and the next day, all I've built is crashing down. Jaeho said it wasn't serious but I can't help but worry. They are everything to me, I can't imagine my life without them.
 I arrive at the hospital and go to the receptionist of the urgency room.
 - Hello, I'm Summer Evelyn Parks, could you tell me where are the patients Kim Jiwon and Kim Hanbin, please? - The lady is writing their names on the computer.
 - Are you related to them in any way?
 - Yes, I'm their girlfriend.
 She gives me a funny look. I don't have the patience for this right now. I wish I could just enter without being followed by security.
 Jaeho appears and calls me. Before we go, he tells the lady that I'm with them. Their manager makes me follow him to a big private room. There are about ten beds in it. Being famous sometimes has benefits. The first one I see is Hanbin, sitting on the edge of the bed. I run to him, he gets up and hugs me tight. I sigh.
 - You're okay. You're okay. - I comfort myself and I kiss him.
 - I'm okay. - He pets my hair.
 - Where's Jiwon?
 Hanbin points to the bed next to Donghyuk's. He's laying down. I feel like my heart is about to come out of my chest again.
  - Jiwon. - I call him and he gets up. I notice he has a small compress on his head.
 - Baby girl! - He hugs me. - I told you not to call her.
 - I didn't! - Hanbin replies. - I made Jaeho do it...
 - Are you okay? What happened? - I start shooting questions like an arrow hits the target.
 - Oh, I'm so glad you weren't there. - Hanbin admits.
 - I was on the passenger seat with the driver and everything was normal until the car in front of us did an abrupt braking and then we hit. There wasn't time to stop the van. So then, the airbag fired but I hit my head on the side of the car because I was sitting in a weird position. - My face says anxiety, sadness, and pity clearly because Jiwon has the urge to respond to that. - Don't worry, I'm okay baby.
 Tears start falling from my eyes. - Are you really?
 - I am, don't cry, please. You're making me sad.
 - You’re making us. - Hanbin corrects him.
 - He hugs me again, worried about me. - I know you were probably really shaken up about us, right? - I nod and let him hold me. - It's alright, I understand. But as you can see, we're fine. Nothing happened. We're here with you. It's not our time yet, you still have many years to put up with us. - I smile, almost forcefully. He wipes the tears off my face and kisses me.
 - Does that hurt? - I point to his head.
 - No, it's not that bad, I don't understand why they had to put a whole compress on a scratch.
- We canceled dinner plans. - Hanbin informs me.
 - Are they okay? - I ask about the rest of the members. - Yes, our Jiwonie was the only one to get hurt. - Hanbin pouts.
 - Maybe we should baby him like he does with us. - I put a happier face.
 - Yes! - Hanbin agrees.
 And so, we do. - After we get out of the hospital with the doctor's orders, of course. We cross the street holding his hands, Hanbin covers him with a blanket as soon as he sits on our house's couch, I cook dinner and I give him spoons full of rice and meat.
 - What did you do this afternoon? Were you still with your uncle after Jaeho called you? - It still hurts to imagine the accident but I try to calm down and simply answer Jiwon's question.
 - No, he left early. I watched a random show and "Romance is a Bonus Book".
- You watched “Romance is a Bonus Book” without me? - Hanbin strikes.
 - After a car accident, that's what you worry about. Good to know. - Jiwon teases him.
 - Noo, I love you too babe, I’m so glad you’re okay! - Hanbin kisses him. Aw, they make my heart melt. - Now, you. - Hanbin changes his face to serious.
 - I...I'm sorry, I was bored and… - I try to excuse myself.
 - Shut up, I'm mad. - Hanbin turns his face to make a scene. - I can’t believe you watched it without me! We always watch it together.
 - Please forgive me? I love you? - I get closer to his face and I try to kiss him.
 - Don't talk to me, traitor.
 - If you don't forgive me, I will kiss you forever until you do. - I start to give him a lot of kisses.
 - Okay. - He pretends like he's upset.
  Jiwon looks at us. - Tch, you're so desperate for love. - He refers to Hanbin, of course.
 - You’re gonna love today’s episode, they… - I get interrupted.
 - Don’t tell me spoilers! - Hanbin whines.
 - No, I was just going to say that…
 - No, I don’t want to know! - Hanbin says, covering his ears.
 - But...ugh!  This is so hard, I really want to tell someone! - I whine.
 - I do, tell me. - Jiwon speaks. I smile, excited and I whisper into his ear. He sighs and smirks to Hanbin, consequently teasing him for not knowing.  - Okay, I think I’m going to bed now, I’m pretty tired.
 - Ok, I’m going with you. - I say while I get up.
 - But… - Hanbin starts. - okay, I’m gonna watch the episode and then I’ll go too.
 - I didn’t wanna say this but I wanted him to come to bed with us. - Jiwon takes his shirt and his pants off, which leaves him only with boxers on. I don’t understand how they sleep almost naked every day but still manage to have their bodies hot.
 - Me too bub. It was a hard day, I want you both by my side.
- Binnie?
He exhales in relief. - You scared me. Is everything okay?
 - What if you come to bed with us now and I watch the episode with you tomorrow?
 - Okay, sounds good.
 We lay down together next to Jiwon, one on each side, and he breathes, satisfied.
 - I’m so glad nothing bad happened. It could’ve been worse, you know? - I say, looking up at our beautiful chandelier.
 - Don’t worry about that baby. - Hanbin replies.
 - No, it couldn’t. We would never leave you alone in this world. - Jiwon says, looking at the ceiling. I look at him and I smile. He always finds a good and positive answer to say. - I turn to him and I hug him, closing my eyes to fall asleep. - I love you boys. - I kiss Jiwon’s arm. Hanbin smiles to Jiwon.
 - We love you too. - They whisper.
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
37 and 44 with four? Thanks!!
"you're not like everyone else" "I need to tell you something."
"I need to tell you something."
Time looks up from the journal in his hands as the camp goes quiet, nothing but the sound of far away critters to reach his ears. "Yes," Time says, standing up and setting the journal off to the side. "I suppose you do."
Four nods, a tight jerk to their head. Time shakes his head at Twilight's worried narrowed look. Time can handle this. He believes he already knows what this late night conversation will be about.
Wild thankfully starts up more conversation as Time and Four head out of the makeshift clearing, further into the lukewarm desert. Soon, it will get almost unbearably cold, but the sun has just gone down, so they'll worry about the inevitable cold night later. They walk in silence together for a few minutes, and Time keeps walking until Four felt comfortable enough to stop themself.
Eventually, Four does stop, and Time makes sure to loosen his stance to look less of the brooding team leader everyone plays him out to be. Right now... He's just the worried "dad friend" in Legend's words, not his.
He is worried though. Four might have not known it, but Time knew this conversation will show up eventually. He could see it from a mile away.
"Be straight with me, Time," Four says, screwing up their face so it looks stern and serious, on such a young face it looks almost cute. Time doesn't tell them that though, instead he just nods. "How… how do you know?"
"About what?" Time asks and Four shoots a glare at him.
"You know what. Th… the reason I go by Four. You know, don't you?"
Four hums and sits down carefully in the desert sand, it's warmer than the cool breeze starting to blow in. He pats the sand next to him and Four slowly lowers himself down. "After I... Stopped the King of Thieves in his endeavor to destroy Hyrule, I spent a lot of time at the castle, time that I passed reading books in the library. I remember stumbling upon a small book that contains legends of our people, there wasn't much, a few stories here and there, but all of them had to do with heroes of the past." He shoots a glance at Four who is studying him with slightly widened eyes, it's not everyday that Time sits down and shares a bit about himself, he continues on anyway. "I only scrolled through it, I don't know if it was because of how the stories lacked much detail or if it was because… I didn't want to read the success stories of those who came before me. But I remember stopping on a page that told of a young boy who, legends say, can split himself into four separate versions of himself and he used that ability to save Hyrule."
Four remains silent, though their face is scrunched up like they're either offended that the book used the wrong pronouns, boggled at the realization that technically Four is older than Time, or salty that they were outed by a story book. Maybe all three. Whatever the case, Time continues.
"I wasn't sure at first, especially since none of our companions showed any kind of powers involving splitting themselves, but I admit I was curious anyway which one of you saved the world before I could with such a unique power. When we met you, and you chose the name "Four", I payed attention to you for every sign. You sometimes talk out loud, did you know that?"
"Faboy," Four says coyly before they sigh, "sometimes they get loud." Four chuckles, seemingly decided there's no point in denying. They run a hand through their hair and Time laughs slightly as well.
"Why do you keep it secret?"
Four shrugs. "Why does Twilight pretend he's not Wolfie?"
Silence falls and Time makes a point to look directly at the smallest of the group, waiting for Four to sort out their own thoughts and make the next move. Finally, Four sighs.
"I guess… it just doesn't seem important. Everybody has something special, I don't need to pretend to be anything more. I'm just like everyone else."
"You're not like everyone else," Time says, anger creeping into his tone, though it's not directed at Four and Four seems to already understand before Time can explain. "You're your own person, or four, and that doesn't change no matter how much Hylia tries to convince us otherwise."
A cold breeze rushes past them and Four shivers. Deciding enough is enough, Time places a hand on Four's shoulder and makes eye contact. "The same goes for you that goes to pup, I won't tell anyone unless you want me to. I do recommend telling them, they won't judge you, but I'll still leave it up to you."
Four smiles and together they stand up. Four crosses their arms across their chest and Time wraps his arm around so he's pressing Four into his side, using his body to deflect the worst of the cold wind.
"Thank you, old man."
"I'm always there for all of you, runt."
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moonlightgirl-05 · 4 years
Ray Bad Ending Story 1 walkthrough + Bad Relationship 1 walktrough
Bad Ending Story 1 (5-6 days)
1. Get into Ray’s route from 1 - 4 days in Another story 
Day 5:
*  I can’t go to sleep. There’s something bothering me….
*  Hmm… I’m sure he has an important thing planned.
*  Whoa, whoa… Let’s take it easy, Jumin.
*  Does your father have a new girlfriend…. ?
*  Did you eat them all? I bet you’ve been pumped up lol
*  Talk about his scale… Your father’s the best!
*  Does that mean we’d get to see a cat tower in the company????
*  … You actually have the time to make this print?
*  I think motivation works best when it comes from pressure.
*  I don’t think you have to worry about me
*  No, nothing.
*  You mean becoming a cool-headed businessman?
*  Because then more people would get to see it?
*  Jumin, when do you plan to get to bed?
*  ….
*  Do we really have to identify who the hacker is?
*  Even if Seven gives his all, he’ll never be able to beat this hacker lol
*  V…is this really the best?
*  …You’re trying to keep your secret, not lighten his load.
*  But I think you’re already good enough!
*  …At least I appreciate that you’re working so hard.
*  You’re not up to something with Seven, are you?
*  I’ll see you again – !
*  Well, I only wish everyone’s paradise will come soon
*  I wish you wouldn’t underestimate that hacker.
* I  agree…. V seems to have a very strong sense of responsibility.
*  I should settle down now and go to sleep.
*  It’s just that this hacker is a bit frustrating
*  It’s just that….I feel frustrated for some reason.
*  Because he told you not to chase the hacker?
*  Sure…
*  Guardian? Yeah right… I think he’s just busy cleaning up the mess.
* But you gotta admit you’re not as good as that hacker…
*  You should be ashamed of yourself. And admit that the hacker is better than you.
*  Are you sure we can trust V?
*  Hmmm…I don’t think you should trust him too much.
*  If you’re good to work, why not recommend a guest? LoL
*  I wish she could write this complicated situation into poems… Sure, let’s invite her…. or I don’t know…. She doesn’t sound like a good guest. (If you don’t want the email)
*  …Still, you won’t be able to defeat this hacker.
*  Bye –
*  Seven won’t be after you anymore… What do you think about that?
*  I was surprised, actually. You’re weaker than I thought
*  Arrogance results in misfortunes.
*  Hmm…are you sure I’ll be safe here?
*  I think you should work harder if you have time to chat like this.
*  You should stop chatting and get to work now.
*  Hey Yoosung
*  That’s because your digestive system is failing.
*  Huh…..
*  You’re rude to your mother!
*  You should do something about him…
*  Yoosung, you should keep a regular lifestyle.
*  They’re both bad. Both of you need special treatment for your health
*  Who knows…? Maybe your face will turn all shiny and pretty like a sunflower!
*  Your mother called?
* Your efforts will all return in the end.
*  You should try it. You”d see in the end that your mother is right.
*  Don’t you think you’re being obsessive…by keeping your questions, Yoosung?
*  Even if you are disappointed, I think it’s because she’s your mother. Try to be a little more understanding.
*  But V could almost be your family in the past.
*  You should obey your mother. Your family might ask unreasonable things but they provide you a place to be
*  But then again…you wouldn’t know the duty of a mother, Zen. Bond with a mother is indestructible…
*  One more game?
*  We can all have our own ways with life – !
*  You’re being unreasonable.
*  Goodbye.
*  He’s so immature. I think it’s because he’s not with his parents.
*  He’s being immature. Someone’s gotta teach him how cruel the world is.
*  If I were you, I’ll try calling them. Don’t you think it’s such a tragedy to stay disconnected from your family?
* Goodbye.
*  Hello.
*  Not yet…
*  Why were you so busy?
*  You should work on things that got delayed while standing by.
*  What meaning would that have? You’ve joined the company recently, it’ll be better if you think about […]
*  Here’s your boss.
*  Don’t you think you’re slacking off too much?
* Don’t tell me… Jumin… Do you have a new business in mind…?
*  Caps.
*  I don’t think anyone can beat this hacker.
*  That’s not gonna happen…because no one’s as good as this hacker. ^^
* That’s nice…We can bring both of them to this…
*  I feel like having the unit’s info for dinner…
*  Though I’m sure you’d need more than that to defeat this hacker.
*  Perhaps the department doesn’t exist at all…
*  Good luck.
*  I’m not sure…
*  Could you fix my computer, Jaehee?
*  Congrats – !!! Haha.
*  You’re so generous.
*  This is your chance. I look forward to your performance.
*  You can’t beat this guy anyways. So don’t work too hard.
*  There might be a difference of thoughts at work here. I understand.
*  What are you doing, Seven?
*  It’s the only way for him to stay.
*  I’m okay. I got loads of time.
*  I wanna see who would win this war.
*  Save is good…! DB is more than welcome! or It sounds too tricky. I don’t know about DB…. (If you want the email)
*  Your hand is so pretty….
* I wanna know what your hand looks like Zen lol
*  Are you feeling better? You had an argument with Yoosung.
*  There’s this term to call a person who talks like you…
*  …In his personal Zen Report ver. 06.
*  Dying-to-brag-about-something’ mood!
*  So that means your practice begins now.
* That must be a lot of pressure… You should work a lot.
*  You should know when to celebrate and not.
*  You should be grateful for your present day!
*  This is boring! I’m outta here!
* You should get to work. Now.
*  You should stop making excuses and get to work.
*  You’re not slacking off, are you?
*  You still won’t be able to beat the hacker…
* He’s working without even sleeping. You think you can beat him?
* Is this woman your girlfriend?
*  You’re feeling down because you should.
*  Good luck.
*  He should deal with it. It’s his job.
*  Shouldn’t you practice right now?
*  Have a good day.
*  All his hard work is finally paying off. Now he has to work even harder.
*  Why don’t you say that after you’re done with your duty?
*  I wonder if he can really do it….
*  Is musical that popular among the public?
*  This is a person, right?
*  I don’t know. An AI…? Sounds too difficult. or Okay! Let’s send an invitation. I’d like to learn a thing or two about ticketing. (If you want the email)
*  I thought you have something more important than tickets.
*  So long
*  Hey Yoosung…
*  Wow… I wonder what it tasts like. Let me know after you try a sip, Yoosung!
*  Speak of the devil. LOLOL
*  Oh GOD7… Is it not too late to buy stocks?
*  Stocks come in 1+1? Smells fishy here…
*  Seven, didn’t you say your’re busy? Do you have time to do pranks like this?
*  He’s got a point lol
*  I’m not interested in your hobby, Yoosung.
*  Cooking?
*  LOL
*  Why don’t we now talk about GOD7’s dynamic business hobby? Give it up for Sevenstar Drink!
*  You’re too fishy…. Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying it.
*  …Police won’t be good enough to stop him. I should report his agency…
*  Sounds like an excuse to me.
*  You should first do what you have to do with classes and work… You don’t deserve to rest if you don’t.
*  Don’t waste your money on something like that.
*  It’s too late for you. Forget it.
*  That’s what the world wants us to do.
* I wish I could live without worrying about anything…
*  Dream is nothing but a mirage.
*  Since you’re giving advice…I assume you did your job well, Seven.
* Go back to work now.
*  Bye…
* You should think about what to do in the future and plan accordingly
*  He’s just…a different type of person from you.
*  You should find ESL tutoring class instead of whining.
*  Goodbye.
*  What was that? You screw up just now, didn’t you?
*  Looks like you’re full of faults.
*  Work harder. So that I can see you’re useful.
*  Okay. I’ll tell you, so first make sure you take care.
*  Are you sure the savoir trusts you?
*  I expect you to be better.
*  I’ll see what I can do and let you know whether I like it or not.
*  I also think that was a huge mistake.
*  Do your best
*  What is it?
*  I’m not going to get in trouble because of you, am I?
*  When does the elixir start to take effect?
*  Don’t tell me what to do.
* I don’t like the menu.
*  I’ll never leave you it you’re good enough.
* It’s a little cold.
*  Keep up the good work.
*  Welcome, Jumin.
*  This is rather depressing, since I’m stuck in between…
*  The hacker will win.
*  I think it’s a waste of time…
* Patience is the key…
* Don’t you think you might prick your finger if you do it in your car?
* I think it’s better for you to review documents than stitching.
* What you lost in time never comes back. You should always focus on your every second.
*  How did you get to know this person?
*  Why don’t we invite Pillow Love? or Is that what you’re going to use the unit for…? Oh dear…Jaehee… (If you want the email)
* Why don’t you start with cats?
*  That’s a simple naming…
*  Sayonara…
*  Are you still practicing, Zen?
*  His hobby is his to choose –
*  What’s your hobby, Zen?
*  Job = hobby for you…?
*  I think you should make a plan and practice accordingly.
*  Shouldn’t you just do it until you make it?
*  Why not ask Seven for help?
*  Yoosung looks so immature. Why don’t you lecture him a bit?
* I think he shouldn’t waste his time like that.
*  He’s living in a world where he has to be a hypocrite like others. I think I’d get mad if I were him.
* Whatever happens, I hope a person who hurts other will pay in the end.
* You should get to work!
* See you.
Day 6:
*  I’ve been waiting!
*  That’s because you’re not working hard enough.
*  Isn’t tomrrow the rehersal? Are you sure you’ll be fine?
*  You’re nervous because you haven’t worked hard enough.
*  You’re distracting Zen. Out!
*  Lolol Zen I think you’re distracted.
*  You didn’t even start your life outside of school. You already think life is pointless?
*  You should always watch your behavoirs and obey the rules.
*  The world is a dark place! Hopeless! With no light!
*  I think he still has a long way to go until he matures.
*  Oh, so this is the infamous…
*  Lololololol
*  What a repetition… It must have been boring.
*  So…is that darkness of yours…still there in your heart?
*  Think about how frustrated your parents will be with you.
*  …..
*  It’s bedtime for you.
*  Back to practice you go, Zen
* I think you’re better off alone.
*  Enjoy –
*  You’re not making excuses because you’re tired of practicing, are you…?
*  Have a good one.
*  I had something to do.
*  She said you need to do better than that.
*  I have a feeling I’ll get along with her well.
*  You’re not thinking anything funny, are you?
*  That’s a bit creepy.
*  I can drink it if I have to.
*  I think you’re weak.
*  Don’t make me hear such weak thoughts. I’m tired of them.
*  You’re pathetic…
*  Run along now.
* If you have time to show me this, you should work more on proving yourself.
*  You should go. Now.
*  I’m feeling gloomy…
*  Situation?
* Do we have a trouble or something?
*  Let’s hear it – !
*  Don’t you think it’s so alarmingly sudden?
*  V’s work must be awesome!
*  I think you should first contact V about this.
*  Maybe he wanted to get in touch with the prime minister for his grand personal plan…?
* What?
*  He seems to be rather in a hurry….
* I think you’re all being overdramatic here
* What a joy, but I think V wouldn’t even bat an eye at the news.
*  But he’s too high in the authorities. I’m getting nervous…
*  I wish we could bring the prime minister to the RFA. That will be… so fantastic
*  You do know you have less than a day till the rehersal, don’t you?
*  See you.
*  Maybe you should keep trying to reach him.
*  It’s no wonder. They’re childhood friends.
*  Congrats! The prime minister wants to buy your pictures
*  Well, I am getting a bit frustrated. Isn’t it about time…?
*  You should set the appointment now. Why don’t we bring him to the RFA?
*  I hope the prime minister could be one of us.
*  That’s just my opinion.
* I hope you consider bringing him to the RFA
* Yes…?
*  Who?
* Jumin – ! You’re seeing the prime minister today, aren’t you?
*  What a waste of few seconds of your life.
*  Do you think there’ any meaning in temporary leisure…?
*  But we can’t deny that social recognition comes before leisure. That’s unfortunate…
*  I think break and hobby are the same… They prove how lazy a person is.
*  I salute you, o wielder of life oh-so-empty…
*  The pure essence of darkness… Oh, the might power of puberty…
*  Don’t you think it’d be more lit…if the prime minister joins us?
*  You must be nervous!
*  You two shouldn’t get too involved in your hobbies and instead focus on your duties, with classes and work.
*  Does it matter whether if you tell them apart? It’s just another way of wasting your time.
*  …Anyways, I think slacking off is lazy and bad.
*  Don’t ask me something like that.
*  It’s a break when you do something without any thought. It’s a hobby when you use your head as you slack off.
*  His world is different from ours. No need to understand him.
*  That’s why we gotta choose our hobbies wisely.
*  I don’t know. I’m not really interested in his philosophy… or I’m curious about him. Why don’t we invite him to the part and hear more from him? (If you want the email)
*  I think hobbies are something out of our league. We should just balance work and break.
* Hmm…..
*  I think that’s possible because her job is still her No. 1 priority.
*  I don’t think parents are every wrong…
*  Jumin, you actually know what ‘fangirling’ means?
*  lololololololol
*  I hope you make yourself useful.
*  Do ask him about joining us…
*  I think you need to get a grip on yourself.
*  I don’t think this is the time for you to procrastinate.
*  I’m gonna finish what I’m doing!
* I’m skipping today –
* How was it?
*  The difference between talents isn’t something that can be overcome.
*  Tell me about it…. I wish his pictures would see at high prices.
*  How did your meeting go?
*  You mean V lost this golden opportunity?
*  I’m sure it’s related to that secret of his. Just what could it be?
*  He just can’t tell apart his personal life from his business life, can he?
*  Was the prime minster understanding?
*  I think V is ill. Both his body and mind seem weak.
*  I wouldn’t have let that opportunity slip away.
*  He could have had a new recruit!
*  Did you have a feel that V’s hiding something?
*  Then that would mean we can trust him…!
*  I wonder what he liked about V’s photos.
*  I don’t think discussions on politicians’ looks have any particular meaning.
*  I don’t know. I’ll side with the majority.
* I don’t think giant corporations will always assume the bad role in the economy, as long as there are good.
*  I’m not really interested in politics.
*  I didn’t know you were interesed in politics.
*  I’ll see you again, Jumin.
*  I think I’m close to conservative.
*  Hmm, not really interested. or Good idea. I’d like to learn couple things from him too. (If you want the email)
*  I’ll see you.
*  Hey hey hey Yoosung
*  You’ve barely done anything so far. I don’t think going to class will do any difference….
* I thought the only thing you do at night is playing games….
*  You said you’d do it. Now there’s no point if you’re not the best.
*  I thought you had a lot of thoughts the other day…..thinking about your dark, pointless life….
*  Why don’t we change the subject? ^^
*  Same here lol
*  He’s got looks, good social standing, authority…. I think he has everything.
*  V’s reason was kind of unreasonable….
*  I think you lost your concentration here.
*  Tomorrow’s the d-day for the rehersal.
* Don’t fall for such waste of time…..
*  Welcome, Seven.
*  Is there something wrong? It’s not related to the hacker, is it?
*  You’re not relatives with the prime minister, are you? lololol
*  I will…!
*  I’m sure he’ll manage.
*  I don’t think you have time to chat right now….
*  ….I don’t think it’ll be really helpful even if Yoosung goes to help you.
*  I’m not sure if this is a good idea….
*  Focus on your class. Now.
*  Now, back to your practices.
* A job is meant to be painful
*  I want you to think about how to improve your acting before you come back.
*  Why did you decline the offer for purchase?
*  ….I think it’s fishy that you declined.
*  Has anyone ever told you that the guilty tends to be talkative?
*  V, why didn’t you invite the prime minister to join the RFA?
*  Jumin, don’t you think that V and Seven…are really suspicious?
*  Considering the weight of the secret burdening V, I think it’s amazing that he’s performing this much as the head
*  Of course you feel complicated. You have too many secrets.
*  …It looks kind of dark.
*  At least there’s no doubt that flower doesn’t belong there…
*  ...I think you should plant the daffodil somewhere else for the sake of the small flowers. They will suffer
*  I think you’re being obsessive, V. I think the daffodil has reached a stage you can’t do anything about it….
* You should give up the daffodil. It will just ruin your garden.
*  No. Rather than throwing away a problem, I think you should try to fix it until the end.
*  Don’t you think we’d get to expect tomorrow because it can’t be predicted?
*  You should give up if you can’t solve it.
*  Come on, they don’t look alike at all.
*  Explain to me later on.
*  Do you honestly think….he really deserves the seat at the top of the RFA?
*  Does he…still miss Rika?
*  Tell him the solid truth!
*  I don’t know.
* I think he’s trying to run away from reality… It’s kind of irresponsible of him.
*  We should consider our audience’s state even when discussing truth, shouldn’t we….?
*  Uhm….I tend to say truth indirectly, so that I won’t hurt anyone….
*  Don’t you think you’re losing focus? I knew it….
*  Don’t you think you’ll get disappointed in yourself if you ruin this?
* I don’t think being good is always right.
*  Hello!
*  What kind of wine are you drinking?
*  I’ll say. I thought it’s easy.
*  You shouldn’t do that to your family.
*  I think everyone has evil within. You should awaken it, Zen.
*  But Zen would be the master of potrayting good Dr. Zekyll. That’s his area of expertise….
* You’re good-looking. I’m sure you’ll look good with whatever expression.
*  Nope he’s not.
*  lolololol
*  Is it your chief bodyguard?
*  I knew it. You so smart, Jumin.
*  Then tell him to send me an email! I’ll ask him. or I think he’ll just be busy working even if he attends the party…. Let’s just keep him working. (If you want the email)
*  Hard work matters.
*  Jumin, you’re leaving now?
*  Bye –
*  You sure are interested in Jumin a lot.
*  Go practice now.
*  Do your best.
*  Are you whining to me?
*  Aren’t you gonna work?
*  You don’t even desreve to get excited.
*  Do you even realize what the best really means?
* I wish you’d be different. I think you’re being a parrot here.
*  You’re such a freak.
*  You’re growing more pathetic the more I stay with you.
*  I was talking to be nice to you. But since you say no, I can’t help it.
*  You disappoint me every time….
*  Really? Anything?
*  So you’ll do whatever I tell you to do?
*  Again with the please… I’m getting tired of this.
*  You’re such an airhead. You’re so stupid.
*  Just go away. You’re annoying.
*  Welcome, Yoosung. Are you done with your classes?
* I don’t think that’s a dream…
*  A bad dream!
*  There’s barely a difference between love and hate.
*  This world is dominated by capitalists… This world is a chose where sentiments cannot last!
*  The sun will rise again tomorrow. As if nothing happened. Proving how small our troubles are….
*  Zen…are you sure you’ll find Yoosung helpful?
*  White is your responsibility. I don’t understand why you’d ask for help.
*  But beauty is something you’re born with…
*  That’s right… No one can dare to match your beauty, Zen.
*  But you should prepare for your future.
*  Zen, admit that you’re not good enough!
*  Narcissism doesn’t work with Yoosung the Sentimental.
*  Nope you can’t help him.
*  …This is tricky. Group project is another name for a little hell….
*  You’re doomed…
*  Are you gonna take this opportunity to master math?
*  Then I think he’ll know a lot of math tricks useful in real life lol
*  Oh! That’s good!
*  Sure. I think I want to ask him something about math. or I don’t know. I think he’ll be busy trying to hunt for clients at the party… (If you want the email)
*  Are you sure you enrolled in ones absolutely necessary?
*  You’re a perfect husband material…!
*  I think it’s because he didn’t get enough practice.
*  Zen do you think you can count on Yoosung’s advice…?
*  Make sure you don’t waste time…
*  You think that can chance anything…?
*  So there goes your sleep for the night.
Visual Novel #1:
* Who is it?
* (Open the door and check what’s outside)
* This is creepy. I hate someone like you
* I don’t need this. You should work If you have time to do this
* Why are you crying?
* Where are you going!?
*  Are you done with work?
*  Great work!!
*  Zen and Yoosung would be practicing, so other than those two… Probably…?
*  I think it’s better for him to do it alone…
*  You’re here? Don’t tell me the hacker’s loafing around…
*  So the fight isn’t over yet… I wish it’d be over quickly.
*  I think the hacker is being lazy.
*  I’m sorry I confused you a little here.
*  If this is something illegal, I’m reporting it.
*  And that hacker couldn’t beat you…? I think he’s no big deal.
*  Do you like cars that much?
*  …I knew it. You’re always up to something fishy.
*  You’re kind of weird. Seven, but since you’re talented…I’ll give you a pass.
*  I don’t think you have time to collect cars if you want to keep breathing.
*  …But having a suspicious job isn’t a good thing. I think you shouldn’t let others know.
*  I don’t know. That depends on how hard the hacker works…
*  A true love’s kiss?
*  You just won’t stop, will you…?
*  Seven…
*  This is reality…Don’t get your hopes too high.
*  I’d like to know who’d win!
*  Peace will only come after endless work.
*  Goodbye.
Visual Novel #2:
* (Go outside)
* My savior... Weren’t you going somewhere?
* I don’t like that face of yours
* This is boring now
Ray Bad Relationship Ending 1:
1. Get into Ray’s route from 1 - 4 days in Another story
2. Don’t participate in the chatrooms from 5 - 6 days
Visual Novel #1 - Day 6 after chatroom at 21 : 21
* (Opens the door)
* Come in, Ray
* Thank you, Ray
* Ray
* Where are you going!?
Don’t participate in the last chatroom at 23 : 19 and unlock the branch.
Visual Novel #2:
* (Go outside)
* Who is it?
* Where is Ray?
3 notes · View notes
ilonacamille · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Hello everyone! I’m so thankful I was born in the right decade to share my journey online. The fitblr community is a wonderful place filled with wonderful people. I think it’d be pretty cool to get to know each other a bit better so here’s an incredibly long get to know me tag. I tag @healthierhappier-me @justanotheruserjms @elenadoeslife and anyone who wants to do this tag :) 
1. What is your full name? Ilona Camille R. M.  (Already cheating this, but I’m literally the only person in the world with this name and not everyone has to find this blog)
2. What is your nickname? My family calls me Sis (as in sister) but like the Dutch version is Zus
3. What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius (Turned 21 on 02/16!)  
4. What is your favorite book series? I loved the Girls series by Jacqueline Wilson. I’m such an adult.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yes.
6. Who is your favorite author? Can I say John Green? I might sound like a basic B but I guess I am.
7. What is your favorite radio station? MNM (Belgian)
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Cheesy? haha
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Magical
10. What is your current favorite song? Moving Parts - Trixie Mattel or Wonderland - Taylor Swift
11. What is your favorite word? Fairylights
12. What was the last song you listened to? Want You Back - 5 Seconds of Summer
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? The Good Place
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Any Bridget Jones movie
15. Do you play video games? Does Sims 4 count? 
16. What is your biggest fear? Dying
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I am nice to everyone
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I trust too quickly but also lose trust very quickly
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? I have one cat and four dogs. So..
20. What is your favorite season? I always say Fall but since I’ve been craving strawberries and pool parties I’m going with Summer.
21. Are you in a relationship? Nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? My grandmothers.
23. Who is your best friend? My dog lol
24. What is your eye color? Grey
25. What is your hair color? Naturally: brown. Right now: dirty blonde 
26. Who is someone you love? Mom
27. Who is someone you trust? My brother
28. Who is someone you think about often? Probably my dog haha
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? I’m seeing Harry Styles live in a few weeks!
30. What is your biggest obsession? Rupaul’s Drag Race for sure!
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Hannah Montana
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My gay bestie
33. Are you superstitious? Incredibly
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Is it unusual to be scared of balloons? I’m really scared they will pop. 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Both
36. What is your favorite hobby? Pole dancing
37. What was the last book you read? Valley Of The Dolls (still reading)
38. What was the last movie you watched? Legally Blonde
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Guitar and Ukelele
40. What is your favorite animal? Alpaca
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? The ones I tagged for sure and honestly if I follow you, it means you have great content. I’m picky.
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Reading minds
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? We have a fairly big yard. In summer I love to go to our poolhouse and have breakfast whilst seeing the sun reflect on the pool, chickens running around and my dogs playing.
44. What makes you smile? My dogs
45. What sports do you play, if any? Zumba, poledancing
46. What is your favorite drink? Virgin Mojito
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Probably in class when we weren’t allowed to use our laptops. My friend and I were probably the only people to have passed a note in college.  
48. Are you afraid of heights? Yes
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? People talking over me or not listening
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Probably over 20 so far
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? I’m a vegan/vegetarian/pescotarian. Basically I try to aim for vegan BUT! I live in the middle of nowhere and most restaurants don’t even have a vegetarian option. I adapt but I always try to go for vegan. I did not eat meat for the last 11 years and maybe 5x fish? 
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A vet by day, superstar by night. My parents tried very hard to explain it didn’t work like that.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Sims 4. It’s so aesthetically pleasing.
54. What is something you worry about? School, weight, love, health,...
55. Are you scared of the dark? Yes
56. Do you like to sing? A lot
57. Have you ever skipped school? Lol yeah
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? I loved London so much the last 4 times 
59. Where would you like to live? Staying right here in Belgium
60. Do you have any pets? 4 dogs, 1 cat and 3 chickens
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? I can be very excited in the morning but staying up late is like a talent.
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunset
63. Do you know how to drive? I do, I still need to get my license though. 
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? Those demonic devices that go in your mouth? Yeah.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Pop
67. Who is your hero? Bruce Springsteen
68. Do you read comic books? When I was a kid I used to read them a lot (Belgian ones)
69. What makes you the most angry? Inequality 
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
71. What is your favorite subject in school? Social Media
72. Do you have any siblings? An older brother
73. What was the last thing you bought? A beautiful cocktaildress. It’s just above the knee, mintgreen, has sparkly details on the shoulders. And I think it’s a chiffon fabric? So adorable.
74. How tall are you? 5ft4
75. Can you cook? Yes! I’ve been looking up new recipes the last few weeks
76. What are three things that you love? * Makeup * Velvet clothes * Workout clothes
77. What are three things that you hate? * Racists * Homophobes, transphobes * Injustice
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? It’s kind of equal
79. What is your sexual orientation? Who even knows
80. Where do you currently live? Belgium
81. Who was the last person you texted? Mom
82. When was the last time you cried? When I fully breakdown under school stress 
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? Karuna Satori ASMR or Shane Dawson
84. Do you like to take selfies? Love 
85. What is your favorite app? MyFitnessPal/Fitbit
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Great
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? The stereotype British one and Australian
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? LITERALLY ANY PLACE IN THE US. Preferably LA/NY though haha.
89. What is your favorite number? 162
90. Can you juggle? Nope
91. Are you religious? I’ve been raised as a Catholic but I’m not really practicing any beliefs right now.
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No, I wish I was
94. Are you allergic to anything? Christmas trees. Oh yes. December is such a lovely time for me. 
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? No
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Not a lot (oops)
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach in summer, forest in fall
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Walk into the room and assume everyone likes you
100. Are you a good liar? Yes
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff
102. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Ambivert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? Does this tumblr count?
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Look at the ID, try to return it.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? I hope so
108. Are you ticklish? Incredibly. I’ve kicked many people who were careless about my warnings.
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Nope, very scared.
110. Do you have any piercings? Just earrings
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Wonder Woman (let’s pretend she is)
112. Do you have any tattoos? nope
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Buying my pomeranian and choosing Communication- social media as my degree
114. Do you believe in karma? Yes
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Nope
116. Do you want children? Yes
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My brother
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? You just made me have a cringe attack. I participated in a talent show at my school and was singing Jar Of Hearts. But my microphone didn’t work so I spend 3 minutes dramatically singing and everyone saw the weird kid doing a weird lip sync to an instrumental number.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Yes
120. What color are most of you clothes? Black, burgundy and blue
121. Do you like adventures? Yes
122. Have you ever been on TV? Yes, I used to be an extra for tv shows
123. How old are you? 21
124. What is your favorite quote? “If you can’t love yourself how the heeeelll are you gonna love somebody else, can I get an Amen?” - Rupaul
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Savory Oh if you’re tagged, pm me for the link to the questions so you can copy+paste :)
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kazimirov-archive · 7 years
Cor: 7, 10 (u gotta pick another name !), 18, 27, 34, 42, 44, Brose: 3, 16, 18, 20, 29, 39, 40 Orlan: 47, 39, 18, 30, 17, 11, 5. :D also i gave them all 18 lol
1. If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?
“Oh. Hm. I don’t know if I’d want to be any fantasy creature that I can think of? Of course, elf is always the immediate reaction, but if we mean Tolkien’s elves, and I assume we are, they’re really kind of boring aren’t they? But I guess I’m also boring also. Or actually! a Water horse or hippocampus. They’re not super smart or anything, but there’s something infinitely cool about being a sea monster of sorts, but a sea monster that looks friendly enough to not be perceived as a threat.”
10. Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
“I mean, yes? My parents gave me this name of course I like it. But if I had to change it, probably...jeong?? it’s weird to have it as a one character name, but one of the hanja for it means quiet or calm. i believe in choosing names for their meanings so having a name that actually fits me, and doesn’t just mean war horn would be nice. though i guess you could argue war horn does fit me since i think the horn players didn’t fight. they just played music and died, which sounds about right.”
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
“When I was little, my mom really tried to keep her Korean heritage alive for me. She spoke Korean to me and fed me Korean food and told me stories about her side of the family and their lives. I don’t remember very many details about my childhood, but I remember on several instances  sitting on her lap in bed as she went through Korean children’s books with me. She would point to the rabbit and ask, “Mwoya?” ‘What is it?’ and I would giggle and shout, “Naya!” ‘It’s me!’. To this day I mutter “naya” to myself whenever I see wild rabbits.”
27. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
“I don’t like the use of soggy here. Soggy has bad connotations. I like my cereal soft with a little bit of a crunch, and that is definitely not soggy.”
34. Do you address older people by their first or last name?
“Usually by their last. It’s very rude in Korea to address a stranger, particularly an older or higher ranking one, by their first name, so even though I grew up speaking Korean in America and Italy, you get into the habit of using last names anyway because the language is structured around that. And also both my parents and my aunt were very strict in regards to politeness, so last name was always safest.”
42. Where do you feel the safest?
“At home, wherever that may be. There’s something comforting about being surrounded by your own stuff in your own home and knowing that you belong there. I also find safety in certain people. Marcus, for example, is a very grounding person and I always seek him out in crowds or stressful situations because he makes me feel protected. Cesaire is also a very safe person to be around, but moreso on the ‘will neutralize any threats instantly’ end of the spectrum rather than the ‘chill person’ end.”
44. If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose?
“Well, we’re living in objectively the best era to be in, right? The best healthcare, the highest life expectancy, the most equality, and all that. So permanently? I would stay right here. But if it was just a trip, probably pre-colonial Africa or Asia or South America or something. It would be fascinating to see what those cultures were like before European influence, to see what they thought of religion and time and gender and all that. I’m not sure which one I would want to visit, though, I’ll have to think on that.”
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
“oh oh oh! knitting. it’s really domestic i know but paris is SO COLD and i want to learn how to make everyone aesthetic mittens and hats and all that! alaina and i could match :D”
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
“everyone??? i want to be closer to all my friends i want to be the most important person in their lives 800000% of the time. but more seriously, probably asiel?? weirdly enough. we’re friends of course but i dunno the bond he has with alaina just seems really nice, even though i also have that bond with her i guess. i just want more bonds!!”
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
“when i was almost three italy made it to the final round of the world cup, literally for the first time in like 12 years. so like my family was PUMPED. and i was really little of course but i remember being forced to stay up super late and watch the game and my parents gave me espresso because italians i guess. and then we lost BUT we still got second place and it had been 12 years and ohmyGOSH the shouting and cheering was insane!! and i was the tiniest 2 1/2 year old ever so i was literally passed around like a trophy and hoisted up into the air as everyone celebrated. it was amazing. i still have a picture of me swimming in my cousin’s jersey.”
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
“uhhh the city? lots of cool buildings and stuff i guess? also the seine which i hate to admit it but is a much nicer river to look at than the tiber. still not as nice as my hometown, though. ((((but a million times better than new york so i’m not bitching.))))”
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
“uhhhh i don’t?? read??? i’ve never been much of a reader- i’m dyslexic and it’s just not my thing. the last thing i read was probably actually the bible?? i joined this online bible study and it’s been very interesting to compare people’s ideas about passages. but, fun trick i use: i have an audiobook of an italian translation, so it’s reading but only sort of.”
39. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
“only one thing?? probably acceptance. acceptance of people’s differences, acceptance of life’s hardships, acceptance of your own existence, acceptance of truth even when it hurts. fighting is good and all, but being able to sit down and say ‘i accept whoever and whatever comes my way’ is really powerful. no that doesn’t mean you never stand up for yourself, you have to also accept that certain people and things might not be right for you, but it means that you are able to be at peace with life and if they come away with any lessons, i want it to be that.”
40. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
“i actually cracked and got one! i have my mom’s birthday on my ribs with my favorite bible passage under it. and and then alaina and i are getting ones, but the design and everything is a surprise!”
47. How would you spend your ideal day?
“my ideal days are ones when things go right. i like being able to sit back and relax and not worry about plans or people messing up. on a day when everything is going right i would probably spend it lying around with thelry and just relaxing and watching tv and maybe cooking some real food. y’know, maximizing the relaxation.”
39. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
“to always fight for what they believe in. that’s what my mamma taught me and it’s been my driving force my entire life. never stand down and let people walk over you or let the bad guys get away with it, because if you do you’re just as bad as them.”
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
“i don’t have many positive ones, especially since my mom died when i was fairly young, but we shared a bed and i remember having her arms around me and she would be right there if i had a nightmare or wanted a hug, ready to pull me closer and chase all the darkness away. i miss that.”
30. How do you show someone you love them?
“with closeness. like emotional closeness and also physical closeness. i let myself be open with them and let them be open with me and spend as much time in their presence as possible. i’m pretty obvious.”
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
“mamma, always mamma.”
11. Who is a mentor to you?
“there’s no one in particular, but i like to study revolutionaries and rule breakers of the past. they inspire to me to stand behind my beliefs and morals, but also to be smart and not just charge ahead aimlessly. i particularly like studying insurgents of the past, it’s interesting to see how they played the game from both sides. as for mentors in my real life?? weirdly enough, probably some of the bosses i’ve come in contact with. our morals are the exact opposite,if they even have morals, but they are ruthless in their execution.”
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
“we had a copy of fiabe italiane growing up and my mother used to read to me from it and i’ve always said it was my favorite book. the problem is that she would rework the stories to make them less gory, because she thought fiction shouldn’t be violent if real life already was, so when i finally read the book on my own after she died i was shocked! so maybe not fiabe italiane, but i’m not sure what else to say.”
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xbarrjallenx · 7 years
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Pairing: Justin Foley x Reader
Request: “44 – Justin Foley”
44. “I’m just stating the truth.”
Word count: 1.230
Posted: 23rd of May 2017
A/N: I wrote another Justin imagine! I seriously wrote this during my Maths class and I hope that you like it. I know that I said that I might’ve posted two imagines tonight, but I remembered that I had a test and a homework for tomorrow, so I will be posting the Zach imagine some other time. I am sorry, guys, but I am really trying my best to post something. Anyways, being serious now, I heard the horrible things that happened today and I am really praying for the world. What the hell is happening in this place that we’re living in? Like for real? Keep safe, guys. Please take care, okay?
P.S.: I know that it’s been a millionth time that I am saying this, but I still don’t accept part 2 requests for my prompt imagines. I am sorry to disappoint you, but I want to finish my requests first. Sorry.
- G. x
Link: Prompt list
Warning: (Y/L/N) is Your Last Name and use of some bad words
“Hey beautiful!” You heard a very familiar and vexing voice as you were getting some of your notebooks from your locker. You were throwing them carelessly in your backpack, since you were already late for your History class.
“Foley!” You were in a hurry, even though your best friend, Kat, was covering you up from Coach Patrick. “Are you skipping your classes again?” You harshly stuffed the last books in your bag and you slammed your locker door loudly, causing an echo to be heard along the empty and quiet hallway.
“Well,” He flashed you his cheekiest grin and you rolled your eyes before starting to walk towards your classroom. “why should I arrive in time when I can go to class with a pretty lady?”
You found his behaviour miffing and disturbing. Maybe because you weren’t that close, but he was acting as if you were, or maybe because he was a jock and you hated jocks. There weren’t any real reasons why, jocks were just automatically assholes and bastards.
“Shut your damn fake compliments off,” You snapped at him, completely not minding his real intentions. “we’re not even close.”
“Period week?” He teased you as he noticed your cynical and indescribable mood.
“No, Foley!” You nudged him sharply, making him whine for the pain a little bit. “It’s like nine in the morning and you would sweet talk to me as if it was not a big deal.”
“Damn it!” He exclaimed, still bearing with the pain that you caused him. “Your ex-boyfriend, Montgomery, was right. You are hard to get,” He blurted out, revealing his real intentions. He was trying to have a date night with you. “but, don’t worry, I am adventurous and I can bear with it.”
“Foley, what’s your damn point here?” You suddenly stopped on walking, taking your conversation with the guy seriously. You glanced at the wall clock that was hung near the department’s office to check the time. You were beyond late, but you just shook everything off.
“First of all, I want to let you know that you are beautiful.” He complimented you, while he caressed your soft and smooth cheek. He smiled widely at you and you couldn’t deny that Justin was a good-looking guy too. “And, second, I wou-”
He was cute, but it didn’t mean that you would let yourself in his sycophant attitude. “You would like to get in my pants.” You stated, obnoxiously underestimating the kindness that he was showing to you. You didn’t know him and you were surely judging him.
“Huh? What the hell are you talking about?” His smile dropped and his eyes widened. He showed, via his emotions, that you obviously mistook his intentions. “I just wanted a simple movie date tonight.”
“Jocks are all the same, my dear Justin. They play with your feelings as if love is a sort of a game, just like basketball or baseball,” You proudly stated your opinion as you thought of your ex-boyfriend. “it doesn’t matter.”
Montgomery surely traumatized you with your previous relationship. He was your everything, the knight in shining armour, the perfect one, until someone told you that you were just a bet and he just wanted to have sex with you. He never confirmed it, but he never denied it either. He was an asshole for making you cry and, since then, your thoughts about jocks has changed, obviously not for the better, but for the latter: the worse.
“Not me, (Y/N)!” Justin slightly shouted and you gave him another nudge, a little bit gentler this time. “I am different.” You rolled your eyes as you looked into his greenish blue orbs. You tried to search for the lies that sailed across his gloomy eyes by observing them.
“Foley, just fuck off!” You pushed him away and you started to walk towards your classroom once again. You hurt him, his feelings, and you somehow felt guilty, because he wasn’t doing anything wrong to you, but you had to shield and protect your heart this time.
“C’mon, please give me a chance.” He desperately pleaded as he tried to catch your feet’s rhythm. He carefully grabbed your forearm to stop you from walking and he gently let you face him. “I am not an asshole jock, the stereotypical jock. I will show you the real Justin Foley and there won’t be any asshole friends between us.” He explained seriously as if it was his last chance to convince you. You looked at him with pity in your eyes and you could tell that he was afraid to be rejected.
“You were already being a kiss-ass, Mr. Foley.” You annoyingly said to him, still not letting your heart in. You observed Justin’s desperate facial expression and you questioned yourself if he was really saying the truth or he was just a great actor: you would’ve surely chose the second choice.
“I wasn’t, Ms. (Y/L/N). You are really beautiful, an angel sent from above and that explains your angelic smile and voice.” The hallway was flooded by his praises and you drowned in his compliments. This time, you couldn’t help but hide a little smile. You were absolutely flattered that someone considered you in that way.
“Fine, fine!” You sighed as you finally let yourself in. You wanted to test him and he had to prove that he was really worth your time and love. After all, you just had to swallow the pride that Montgomery taught you to have when you left him. “I am going on a movie night with you and I am giving you a chance.”
“Jesus Christ, really?” His dilated eyes widened in excitement and he couldn’t believe that you finally confirmed the date that he was asking for. You decided to give him a chance and you secretly wished that he wouldn’t waste it.
“Oh, shut up!” You softly giggled as you shook your head in disbelief. He didn’t win the lottery, did he? You didn’t think so, but his joy and happiness was overflowing. Did he really care that much for you?
“Sorry, I’m just excited.” He excused himself and he kept his wide smile, still showing his spilling over excitement. “So, it’s a yes?”
“Yes, Justin!” You smiled at him and you had to admit that he was adorable and cute. “Just stop being an apple-polisher and don’t mess everything up.”
“I wasn’t being an apple-polisher,” He playfully pouted, pretending to be offended. You somehow built a certain atmosphere between the two of you and you honestly loved it. “I’m just stating the truth.”
“Of course, you are,” You said sarcastically while rolling your eyes and you dishevelled his hair by running your hands through it. “flatterer!” You both let out some soft chuckles as you both noticed the calm relationship that you were creating.
You still hated the jocks and Justin was still a flatterer, but it was surely nice and pleasant to hear some compliments from other people. You also enjoyed his company during the movie night at Crestmont’s movie theatre, but you enjoyed his company even more by doing the extra homework that Coach Patrick assigned to you as you both arrived late in one of his most important lessons.
Sorry to Coach Patrick, but you and Justin weren’t really sorry for arriving late and for missing half of his boring explanations.
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henyome · 7 years
Dynamic Chord Love U Kiss Series – Apple-Polisher Volume 14 UK
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Sorry for the long delay in getting this out. So many things came up in the meantime, it’s actually been mostly finished for the past two months but I just never had a chance to go back through it. I hope you guys enjoy it though, Yuki is my favorite guy from Dynamic Chord.
Note: This is an epilogue to Yuki Aoi’s route in the game, each track is a different episode in Yuki and MC’s relationship. You can purchase the CD on Amazon JP or CDJapan.
Track 1 – Daring
0:31 – Mm…? Mm… Morning? Ah, ‘kay… No, I don’t wanna wake up yet… I’m tired…  Mm, you knew, huh? I was up ’til dawn. When I saw your sleeping face, I got a melody stuck in my head and I wanted to write it down before it disappeared… and then before I knew it…
1:17 – So just a little bit… Can you let me sleep a little longer? Huh…? A good morning kiss? Ahh… *kiss* Mm… One more? *kiss* Good morning… And good night.
1:55 – Sorry… I’m happy for the invite, but I’m tired… I’m lonely, hold my hand. I feel at ease when I hold your hand. It reminds me that you’re with me. I’m being selfish? Only with you. So let me have my way a little. Thanks…
3:00 – *laughing* It tickles! Ahaha… What are you doing? I said it tickles. Huh? You were bored so you were counting my moles? Don’t do that, they’ll just increase. You want to see my back? No way, I won’t show it to you. I get it, I’ll get up. I’ll get up, so stop counting my moles. *sigh*
3:44 – It’s morning and I’m already tired. So? What? You don’t usually do this. Are you wanting attention? Why aren’t you saying anything? If you don’t tell me I won’t know. Hey, come here.
4:16 – You won’t come? Are you pouting, or do you want my attention? Pick one. If you’re going to be like that then I’m just going to go back to sleep. *chuckle* So that’s it. It’s true, we’ve both been busy so we haven’t had much time for each other. Sorry.
4:45 – Then why don’t we start over. First… *kiss* Good morning. *footsteps* Hey, where are you going? *rustling* What are you doing…? *footsteps* Oh, you’re back. Hey. What are you holding in that hand? Stay still? Hey, you couldn’t be… *marker noises*
5:38 – What are you writing on my face? This will come off, right? *sigh* Okay, are you satisfied now? Hey, that laughter is a bit much. What did you write? I’m going to go wash my face and see– *kiss*
6:06 – What’s with you all of a sudden, kissing me… Whoa. Ah… Well, now that you’ve pushed me down, what are you going to do next? Is this it? Mm… I won’t be satisfied with just a kiss. Do you want me to hold you?
6:43 – You’re cute when you’re honest. *deep breath* Hey… What time do you have to go to work today? Oh… So we have two more hours. Then we have plenty of time… So… *flips over*
7:20 – You’re fine with me interpreting this as permission to continue where we left off, right? *chuckle* Your invitation sure was cute… Seriously… *kiss* This is how an adult does it… Don’t forget, okay?
7:58 – No, I’m not going to let you run away… Let me do what I want this time. I’ll make sure you don’t regret it… Hm? You’re worried about the light? Then… *closes curtains* Is this better?
8:28 – There’s no reason to be embarrassed. You’re beautiful. It’s fine, so just be quiet… *kiss* Seeing your face up close… Just I said, you’re beautiful. And your expression is seducing me. I’m the only man you’ve been with, so where did you learn to make that face?
9:08 – I see, that’s right… I taught you it… In that case, I’ll show you how I show my love… Pay close attention. *kiss* I love you.
9:54 – Hey, do you want to use the shower first? Not going to move? Then… I’ll use it first, okay? Are you thirsty? Do you want me to bring you water? You’re fine? Alright. Then take it easy and get some sleep. *kiss* I’ll be back soon.
10:56 – Huh… What is this.. “I… love you…” This is what she wrote?  How cute. Wait, that means… I had sex with her looking like this…  *sigh* That’s way too lame. I’ll have to punish her later.
Track 2 – Ringo wo Muite Kurenai ka?
0:04 – (talking to someone else) *chuckles* If we have time, we should do it together then. Ah, my plans for tonight?  I’m a bit busy… Yeah, our band is having a meeting at the vocalist’s house tonight. (to you)Oh, you’re finished? (back to the other person) Sorry, we’ll talk again some other time.
0:29 – I just saw Ogasawara-san a little bit ago, he said you’d be done soon so I decided to wait for you. It’s a been while but do you want to peel an apple for me? Oh? Why are you in a bad mood? Aha, before you go misunderstanding, let me just say that there’s nothing going on between me and that woman just now.
0:55 – It’s true that I have women like her approaching me sometimes, but it doesn’t matter. I have you. So how about it? If you don’t have anything else to do after this, do you want to come to my place? You don’t feel like it today? Alright. Then at least let me take you home. Even if it’s just for a little bit, I’d at least like to be able to talk to you.
1:29 – Then it’s decided, I’ll go get my car. I’ll give you a call when I pull up in front of the studio. You can come out and meet me then. *pat* And in the meantime, try to cheer up a bit for me, okay? I’ll see you in a few.
2:02 – *sigh* So? When are you going to stop being grumpy? Ha… There was nothing I could do in that situation. You don’t need to worry about it. I was just trying to be polite about it. We’re not going to be alone together.
2:31 – *exhale* I get it. I’ve reflected on my actions. Even if I’m being polite, I need to make sure not to give the other party the wrong idea, right? So are you going to cheer up now? *chuckle* Good girl.
2:51 – I’m glad we were able to resolve it before we got to Narumi’s house. It would have left a bad taste in my mouth to leave things like that. What is it? Are you feeling bad about getting jealous now? I admit, I’m grateful for you getting jealous over me, but if it affects your mood then that’s another story…
3:14 – When girls would get jealous with me before, I could only think it was a bother or just outright annoying. This is different though, I really am happy about it. It shows how much you must love me.
3:34 – *rustling* Ah-ah… Come to think of it, I need to keep my promise. The promise to make sure you feel loved enough. Should I do it now? Or do you want me to do it after we get to Narumi’s house? Oh? You’re not listening to me? *chuckles*
4:04 – Okay! We’ll go to my house then. *laughing* (getting punched by you) Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It was just cute watching you lose your composure. *chuckles* I’ll be sad if you won’t peel an apple for me. Alright, I apologize. Then we’ll go straight to my house, okay?
4:55 – Thanks for peeling it. *bites into the apple* Mm, it’s good! Just as thought, when you peel it for me, it tastes better. Thanks. *chuckles* Are you still sulking? *chuckles* You can say no but you’re still making that face.
5:24 – *sigh* (using a cutesy baby voice) It’s time to be happy-happy, okay? (normal voice again) Ah… Now you’re sulking even more. Seriously though… I never get tired of seeing all the expressions you make.
5:47 – I caught you. *rustling* Of course you can’t move. I’m making sure you can’t. I’m going to fulfill my promise, so listen closely, okay? Eh… *clears throat* (using a cutesy voice) I wubb you. I wubb wubb you. *rustling* (normal voice) No good?
6:21 – *laughing* I was just joking, I wanted to make sure you were really listening first. Let me try that again then… I love you. From the bottom of my heart. Do I need to say it more before you believe me? Ah, I’m glad you believe me…
6:52 – I think everything you do is cute. When you act childish, when you lose your composure, when you pout… All of it. Hey, do you want to kiss? That’s unfortunate, because I want to kiss you. But I guess there’s nothing for it, I’ll just hold back for now.
7:26 – *kiss* Did it tickle? Then how about here? *kiss* Does it tickle here too? In that case, then let me kiss your lips? Turn this way. Thanks… *kiss* You already know one isn’t enough to satisfy me, right? *kiss*
8:24 – As I thought, I like kissing you here the most. Hey… Let’s do it some more.
Track 3 – xoxo
0:03 – *humming to himself* No, that’s not quite right… *resumes humming* Tch… I wonder what’s wrong with it… *sigh* It’s not good, the melody has already left me. Dammit… *sigh* I guess I’ll leave it there for today. *stretches*
0:48 – When did it start getting dark outside? Hm? Onigiri? Ah, this one has kelp… And salmon… All of my favorites. *rustling* Huh? Ah, you came over. *footsteps* Sorry, you came and I didn’t even notice.
1:35 – *kiss* When did you come? An hour ago? Good, then it hasn’t been that long. Ah, I’m done with it for today. The goddess of music has rejected me. Oh, thanks for the onigiri. I’m hungry, so I was happy you made them.
2:12 – Aha, you found me out. I got caught up in what I was doing and forgot to eat. How about you? Can you stay over tonight? You’re off until noon tomorrow? Alright. Hey, would you like to go for a walk sometime? There won’t be many people out at night, and they wouldn’t be able to recognize us anyways.
2:43 – This is compensation since we haven’t been able to go out for a date lately. I’m not just trying to be nice. I want to hold your hand and walk together. Oh, you finally have a happy look on your face now.
3:04 – Just let me eat this before we go on our date. Thank you for the food. *eating noises* Ahh, it tastes good. The flavor is comforting… Thanks again for making it.
3:43 – *footsteps* Brr… There’s no doubt about it being winter… Aren’t you cold? The tip of your nose is getting red. Yes, yes, you’re very cute… *mumbling* Around here should be good, I don’t see anyone around…
4:13 – It’s fine now, right? Let’s hold hands. *takes your hand* Your hands are getting cold. It’s proof that you have a warm heart though. And that means that the fact that my hands are warm is proof that my heart’s cold…
4:42 – The only person who would disagree with that is you. Thanks. Oh? What is it? You’re still worried about the blisters on your hands? I like your hands. They’re smaller than mine. It makes me feel like I need to protect you…
5:09 – Normally you’re strong-willed, self-centered and reckless, but… The truth is you’re shy, reserved, and just pretend to be strong. I think that part of you is cute. I’m being awfully honest?
5:31 – If I’m not honest occasionally, I’ll lose sight of what matters to me. Since I met you, I’ve started to realize what’s important to me. The joy of coming back to reality after being completely focused on music, only to find onigiri stuffed with my favorite ingredients… The precious moments when I can hold the hand of the person I love… The warm feeling of laughing together and being able to see our breath because it’s so cold…
6:07 – Just like this… walking together… is enough to bring me happiness. *takes you in his arms* Don’t worry, no one is going to come. I made a promise to Ogasawara-san that I wouldn’t let your talent go to waste by causing a scandal.
6:41 – You’re important to me, so I remember my promise. Before, I thought as long as I have music… As long as I can live and do music… But that wasn’t enough after all. I met Narumi, made a band with Shinobu, and invited Yuusei to join our band. We became Apple-Polisher together. I thought that was the peak of my life, but there was still a step higher.
7:21 – I want to keep aiming even higher in the future… In music and with you. Although I still don’t think I’ll be able to catch up to someone like you, someone who is like the sun for me… But someday I’ll show you. I’ll catch up to you.
7:46 – You really do cry easily, don’t you? But I guess that shows the extent of your feelings. I find that side of you appealing too, you know. Hey… will you continue to stay with me?
8:15 – Hm? Yes, I’ll stay beside you too. *kiss* I do think that someday… Someday it might be nice… for us to become a family together. *chuckles* I love you.
Track 4 – non-non-alcohol
0:02 – *beer can opening* Well then, cheers! *cans bump* *drinking sounds* The beer is good today too! Hm? Ah, yeah I’m really happy. Getting to perform the best live show ever with the guys, then getting fired up with all of them during the after party, and then getting to be alone with my cute girlfriend, drinking the beer I love.
0:40 – If this isn’t happiness, then I don’t know the meaning of the word. Yes, I think you’re cute. *drinking* I need another beer. *bag rustling* Thanks. *more drinking* So good! *beer spilling* Ah… I spilled it.
1:31 – *chuckling* Thanks. I’ll be careful not to spill it again. It’s not like I did it on purpose, I wouldn’t waste good beer like that. It’s just my hands are…. you know. *sighing*
1:58 – *sets drink down after drinking again* Ahh, so yummy. *rustling* I’m going to get a beer belly? No way, it’s fine. Even though I drink like this, I’m still working out enough. Do you want to see for yourself?
2:16 – You know… Narumi and Yuusei saying it is one thing, but you should know me best… I mean you see me in bed all the time. Or are you saying you want to see me naked right now? *Yuki getting shoved away* What’s with that? It’s not very cute of you.
2:39 – That’s the part where you’re supposed to get embarrassed and say yes. Wrong answer! I’m not drunk! I can still drink more. So give me some more. Ehh? Yeah, I drank at the after party but it wasn’t enough.
3:02 – No way! I wanna drink more! Besides, why aren’t you drunk? Did Shinobu tell you to look out for me? Am I a child? And anyways, why are you and Shinobu tag teaming on something like that?
3:23 – Have you been asking Shinobu about me? You don’t have to ask him about anything, I’ll tell you myself. Go ahead and ask me if you have any questions. But before that, another beer please! *bag rustling* Thanks. *drinking* So? Go ahead.
4:02 – I like meat, but I hate celery. As for a place that I like, the Amagi’s house. And a place I hate, hm… Well, let’s leave that one alone. My favorite music is rock, and there’s no music that I dislike. I’ll listen to most anything. I’m good at the guitar and… because it was the family business, tea ceremony. But now I don’t really even like looking at tea.
4:40 – After that, the people that I cherish are… Narumi, Shinobu, Yuusei, Tatsuo, and Narumi’s parents. As for the person I like… you. The person I love is also you. Is there anything else you want to ask about? I decided I wouldn’t lie to you about anything, so I’ll tell you whatever you want me to.
5:14 – So? What else is there? Oh, how I feel right now? Hm… Let’s see. *leans closer* I want to hold you. How about you? A kiss? Okay, let’s do it. Close your eyes. Yeah, just like that… *kiss*
6:12 – What do you mean what? I want to get you drunk too, so I made you drink some. When you get drunk your cheeks go red, your eyes go moist, and you start staring at me. I can’t get enough of that face you make when you’re drunk… so I wanted to see it. Plus, when you get drunk you’re more honest with me and let me spoil you.
6:42 – You still haven’t had enough alcohol, right? I’ll help you drink. Open your mouth. *kiss* Ah… Some of it dribbled down your lips. So lewd…  Me? I’m not drunk. I was waiting for you to get drunk.
7:24 – That’s right, adults are cheaters. Shall we continue like this? Or do you want to go to the bed now?
Track 5 – Everything by… which music is you
0:23 – About time I head back… *footsteps* Oh, the moon. Hm? Nice work today. What’s wrong? You came out here to get a breather? That’s too bad. Here I thought you were lonely and came out to see me while I was smoking.
0:57 – Yeah, I already knew your answer but asked anyways. I told you before that I’m conceited. Well, I’m done with my smoke and was about to return anyways. But now that you’re here, I think I’ll linger and talk with you before I go back.
1:24 – I didn’t think you’d show up at a drinking party that Kippei invited me to. Yeah, I heard already. You met them at the studio and they dragged you along. Kippei is pretty pushy after all, huh? Seems like you guys were having fun at your table. But please, don’t let Narumi drink too much. Even though he doesn’t show it on the outside, he gets drunk before you know it.
2:02 – It’s not me being overprotective, I’m just worried. Am I worried about you? Nope… Did you think I’d say that? Of course I am. Worried that you’re getting along too well with Narumi, that Yuusei is getting too close, that Yuuki is being too touchy with you…
2:29 – *sigh* What are you grinning about? Yeah, I’m jealous. It’s fine that you get along, but getting along too well is… Oh! Don’t grab onto me without warning like that. You don’t know who might be watching?
2:51 – Just a little, huh? If someone comes we have to let go. Okay, good girl. My table? It’s a total mess. I’m busy enough between Kippei’s drunken grandstanding and Shinobu’s lecturing, and then Tasuku’s downing drinks like it has nothing to do with him. Why do I have to drink with those three?
3:27 – Isn’t it weird in the first place that when I try to sit beside you, Yuusei and Yuuki both get in my way? Then when I try to drink a beer, Kippei snatches it from me. I try to eat a snack and Tasuku takes that from me. Then beside me, Shinobu is drunk and trying to eat nut shells. It’s incredibly tiring.
3:51 – It seems like fun? Really, you… I’m not pouting. Like a child? I’m an adult, you know. Should I demonstrate that for you? She rejected me… Ungh… I guess I have no choice but to just hold you while I can.
4:27 – You… smell good. Yeah, I’m drunk. I get like this when I drink. Ahh, just holding you like this calms me… I enjoy how loud and exciting it can be drinking with everyone, but… I also like it when it’s just the two of us.
4:56 – I’d never thought that way before now. Oh, since you made me jealous, can you say it for me? That’s right, tell me that you love me. Yes, right here. You will when we get back to the room? So that means you’re going to stay over at my place today?
5:28 – Are you off tomorrow? Okay, then I’ll be patient for now. Well then, shall we head back? Otherwise they’ll start making fun of us. I don’t mind it, but you don’t like it, right? I know, it’s embarrassing. And I also don’t like watching them tease you either.
6:06 – Before we head back… *kiss* I want to hurry up and wrap you in my arms. *sigh* You stay here a little longer, I’ll go on ahead. You’re asking why? Because I don’t want them to see the expression you’re wearing right now. Then, see you after.
7:09 – Go in. *sound of the door locking* I don’t have to hold back anymore now, right? *kissing* No way, I can’t hold back anymore. Right here, right now… *peeling clothes off* Dammit… How do I take off these clothes? *kissing* You won’t run away, huh?
8:10 – Sorry. *sigh* I just can’t… I lose my composure when it comes to you. I get too jealous, because… I don’t want anyone to take you from me. Yeah, I guess that’s it. I’m worried. I mean, the way the two of us started off… wasn’t all that good.
8:59 – I guess it would be better to say it was the absolute worst way to start off. I hurt you and treated you horribly for the sake of my own ego. Just so I could get you away from Narumi, I lied to you, and I even took your first time.
9:21 – And yet you told me that you loved me. I was sure you had to have hated me, so there was no way you could feel that way, but… Maybe it’s because I’m the only guy you’ve been with, so that’s why you can say you love me right now– *slap*
9:44 – Sorry. It’s not that I doubt your feelings. I even feel conceited about the fact that you even looked my way in the first place. But… I can’t change the past. And I don’t think… I have the right to be loved by you.
10:10 – But… I don’t want to let you go. The more I got to know you, the more time I spent you, I fell in love with you. I can’t give you up now… The fact that music is my number one still hasn’t changed. If someone asked me to pick between you and music, I’d pick music.
10:45 – But… I love you enough that I would hesitate and have to think about it. You feel the same? Yeah, I guess we’re both like that. Hey, could you let me do things over again? I want to love you the right way. Want to get in bed now?
12:03 – You’re blushing… It’s cute. Don’t hold back, let me hear your voice. That’s right… Just like you did a moment ago. Do you love me? Me too, I love you. So cute… *sound of bed sheets moving* Oh? *Yuki humming to himself* No, not that phrase… Come on, don’t disappear on me… *continues humming, footsteps as he heads to his computer*
13:25 – And done. Now just to save it… So bright… Ah, crap… I did it again. She’s sleeping soundly. I better apologize to her when she wakes up. I’m sorry. Thank you, for loving someone like me.
14:20 – Get some rest. *kiss* Good night, my one and only.
Track 6 – Kiss me before I rise
0:05 – You’re sleeping sound… Such a cute sleeping face. What are you dreaming about? You’ll probably forget it by tomorrow morning. *gets up and heads for the balcony, taking out a cigarette to smoke*
1:00 – *sound of sheets moving as you get out of bed* You’re awake, huh? *Yuki puts out his cigarette* It’s fine, your health is more important. It’s cold over here, let’s go back inside. *sound of the door closing*
1:37 – You look like you’re still tired. Want to go back to bed? Me? I’m going to stay awake a little longer. I’m not going to go anywhere, I’ll stay right here. Nn…? What’s wrong, hugging me suddenly? It’s rare for you to act clingy like this.
2:09 – You thought I left? What are you saying, there’s no way that would happen, right? I’m right beside you. Yes, yes, there, there, spoiled girl. I’m not making fun of you, in fact I want to pamper you right now.
2:48 – Let you pamper me? I’m more the pampering type than the type to be pampered. I’m treating you like a kid? Of course I am. *sound of Yuki getting punched* Don’t get mad, I have a good reason for it.
3:14 – What reason? You won’t know if I don’t tell you? The way you keep looking at me is so arousing, I’m treating you like a kid to try to distract from it. If I don’t… then I’ll want to have sex with you again tonight… Okay?
3:41 – *laughing* Don’t hit me. But you’re not completely against it, right? You are? Hm, I wonder. Can I test that theory? You want to know how I’m going to do that? Like this. *kissing* See, your body is being honest.
4:15 – If only your mouth could be as honest… *struggling sounds* Ow, don’t bite me out of nowhere like that. Are you a dog? Huh? What are you disappointed about? Of course there’s only teeth marks, you bit me. Wait, were you trying to leave a hickey? Come on, don’t turn away.
5:00 – Look at me. I was right, wasn’t I? A hickey is a way to prevent cheating? Who told you that? Of course it was Yuusei… I’ll have a word with him tomorrow. Hey, you don’t have to do that. I won’t cheat on you anyways.
5:30 – I may not seem it, but I’m sincere. Even when I had a girlfriend in the past I never cheated. Sorry, that’s not really a pleasant topic either, is it… But anyways, as long as you’re beside me, I’m happy. Yeah, that’s right, I need Narumi and music in my life too… And beer.
6:04 – Don’t laugh, seriously… Oh yeah, let me teach you something. If you want to leave a hickey… *kissing* You do it like this. You don’t bite down, you just suck. Understand?
6:35 – It’s fine, no one will notice if you have a hickey here. Now, if you understand how to do it, go ahead and try. You wanted to put a hickey on me, right? You sure you don’t want to? You really don’t want to? *chuckling* It’s a little late to be getting embarrassed, you’re cute.
7:04 – Come on, it’s fine. Just try it. …It hurt a little, but you did it. Do you feel a little better now? Then I’m glad. In that case, there’s no reason for me to hold back anymore, right? What am I holding back on? *kissing*
7:56 – I want to feel you. Hm? You have a favor to ask? What is it? You want me to get up before you in the morning and wake you with a kiss? *deep breath* I wonder if I can wake up that early… You’re going to go to bed now if I won’t agree to do it? That’s not fair.
8:31 – Okay, we’ll have it your way then. *kissing* I want to hear you cry out for me with that sweet voice. I love you.
27 notes · View notes
All evens!
WOW I’m getting to this so fucking late I’m sorry I forgot to do this my entire day off so now I’m doing this at like midnight and I’ll post it tomorrow afternoon or something during my break
also thank you Allie once again for letting me ramble about my dumb self~
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Maybe a 3 or so? I think it depends on if I’m familiar with the environment I’m in or not, and if the darkness is something planned. I don’t mind walking around my home in the dark in the middle of the night, but I’d be less okay with the dark if it was due to a blackout at home.
Probably shoots up to 4 or 5 when I’m in unfamiliar places. This includes haunted houses in amusement parks. I’m a huge baby I just try to hide it
4. What is your favorite word?
God, there’s so many good ones. I really like the word “dawn”. “Smorgasboard” is good too. Also “succinct” and “bracket.” Those words just feel fun to say for me!
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“god why does my facial hair grow back so fast?”
it doesn’t really, but I like being clean shaven and I swear it grows to the point of being noticeable within 3 - 4 days and it’s really annoying.
8. What do you label yourself as?
A bunch of stuff, really! Male, straight, raver, diabetic, dropout, all that sort of stuff. Depends on the context we’re talking about too because this question feels super broad.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I think I was in bed getting comfy to go to sleep. I got called into work that day and I was exhausted when I got home. Basically ate some food and watching a single youtube video and went to sleep.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Think it was my friend/coworker actually. Pretty sure she was playfully jabbing at me and roasting me. I agreed with her (because I either completely agree unless I have something wittier to reply with) and I think she was all “Ahhh, you know I love you.”
Having a good relationship with your coworkers is nice~
14. What is your current desktop picture?
Right now, it’s the Dishonored 2 main screen! I actually use Wallpaper Engine from Steam which lets you use videos and animated loops as desktop wallpapers, so I have about 50+ on rotation right now that get switched out every hour.
16. The last song you listened to?
CA$H by Barely Alive!
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The guy who was with his girlfriend as one of my customers yesterday when I got called in.
Listen asshole, the first thing I told you when you came up other than my “hi” was that we were out of slushies. We couldn’t make slushies. We refilled all the mix. What do you do? Ask me “what about the blue raspberry?”
“No sir, I apologize, but we’re out of slushies.”
“What about the lemonade?”
“Sir, like I just said, we’re out of slushie mix.”
“So you’re completely out of slushies?”
“Yes sir, that’s what I just said.”
and then when I gave you your change, you YANKED the bill out of my hand.
Like listen you fucking ignorant shit, you can’t be mad at me after I tried being polite multiple times and warned you multiple times and then get frustrated with you because you kept asking inane stupid fucking questions holding up my line of 20 OTHER CUSTOMERS
I hope that guy tripped later on that day and ate shit. God that pissed me off.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Shit. I honestly hate my body in general. I guess my eyes can be pretty nice sometimes, but the light has to be hitting me in the right way. My eys are dark brown so you can’t really see a whole lot. I’ve always wished I had a different eye colour.
That, and I’m pretty tall for a Filipino dude, I think. Taller ones are growing up in Toronto now, but a lot that I see still are like 5′6″ or shorter. Being 5′8″ ain’t too bad.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Not????? really???? I think? Like really anything that I could be remotely good at is already something I share publicly (which would be making music really but I haven’t even been doing that.)
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Honestly, it’d just be the cold cut combo sandwich setup from Subway I always get except also with ham and a shit ton of bacon added, really. I get it cheese and toasted with Italians Herbs and Cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onions, cucumbers, mayo, and chipotle sauce.
I’m a simple man. The greatest sandwiches I ever have are from Subway because I never have sandwiches otherwise.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
fucking nowhere I have work dude and I get no shifts during tourist off-season I’m working as much as I can while I can
for the sake of funsies, and I know it’d sound boring, but I’d either pick California/Los Angeles or Florida. I’m not in a rush to go overseas because I feel that’d require a lot more planning and possibly learning phrases in a new language. I have family in California and friends in Florida so I wouldn’t have to worry about being alone, the Canadian dollar is weak as shit compared to the USD so I could buy things on the cheap there, and it wouldn’t be as huge of a culture shock while still being new to me (because I barely explored California with my family the one time I went because we did VERY tourist-y things.)
Also portions. I fucking inhale food, dude. Give me those US portions for meals CHEAPER than here in Canada, holy god.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
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No littering. Fuck y’all, if I’m creating my own society, I’m not letting SAVAGES in that don’t know how to clean up after themselves and throw things out properly. We’re keeping it clean here.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
It’s gotta be my laptop just because it’s the most expensive thing I own that I deeply care about. I could eventually afford another PS4, I don’t need a glamorous TV or anything, and I only upgraded to the iPhone 6 because my mom got a deal on it for $100. I could use that as an excuse to switch to Android.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
To avoid a cop-out and using California as an answer AGAIN, I think I’d really like a place in the Philippines. Not deep inner city though. Like, further away in the quieter cramped backalley houses like the one one of my aunts has there. I don’t want to be completely out in the country either.
I’d want to be able to get into the inner city relatively easily, and I want to really feel in tune with the background country more!
34. What was your last dream about?
Oh god, what was the last dream I even remember? I get so bad at remembering them now. OH NOW I REMEMBER PART OF ONE. I forgot most of it but I know at some point I ended up in the back of a large sorta hippie van? Like the back seats were removed and the back was all lined up tons of nice rugs and blankets and decorations. There were a few of my college classmates lying there with me and I was cuddling with one of them. That was a nice part of the dream I remember.
I don’t have dramatic or weird dreams. A lot of my dreams are just stuff like this. I’m really fucking romantically lonely I want physical intimacy ugggggggggggggggggh
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Oh yeah, at least three times. I already have to visit a hospital fairly frequently for my diabetes. First time was when I was just diagnosed with T1 Diabetes, and the second and third times were when I was in danger of DKA because I wasn’t taking my insulin. Second time was worse than the third. My nurses weren’t happy both times though.
38. What is the color of your socks?
I’m not wearing socks right now! I don’t wear socks at home unless I find it cold.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets, since I’m not a morning person. Both are pretty though!
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
Is this that newfangled Sportsball I always hear about? I’m not hip with the times yo, sorry.
No seriously I really don’t care about sports and the only ones I MIGHT care a tiny bit about are my local ones like the Blue Jays and Raptors, and that’s just out of a sense of Canadian/Torontonian pride more than anything.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
lol whoops I dropped out
dream goal is still to be a music producer and DJ. If that doesn’t end up panning out, I’d still like to go into something involving music or audio engineering. Sound mixing for TV/movies maybe? Doing front-of-house mixing for concerts and raves would be cool too.
46. Are you reliable?
I like to think so, but I know I slip up a lot sometimes.
48. Do you hold grudges?
To be honest, yeah, I still do. I can be pretty fucking bitter about things from my past.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Not the MOST, but this just happened a couple weeks ago (and it wasn’t really a conversation but whatever)
A woman came up to me while I was on cash wanting to buy something. She was holding a Canadian $20 in her hand. She approaches me, looks at her bill confused, looks up at me again, and asks “Do you guys accept cash?”
Like???????????? nothing has ever taken me that far aback before????? like I don’t????? what??? the fuck like miss??????? miss we are an establishment that provides goods for currency??????????????? damn I HOPE we accept cash at this physical shop because we’d probably come across some issues with our customers
This happened weeks ago and I still bring it up to people. It still bewilders the fuck out of me. What would possess people to think a physical store would not accept cash? What has troubled you in the past that would lead you to think that this cashier and this till you walked up to would ONLY accept debit/credit cards? Holy fuck.
52. How long could you go without talking?
To another person physically? A good while, I think. Probably a week, two weeks tops. I’ve stayed inside my apartment for a week straight before and I swear I barely talked to my mom too.
If talking to myself counts, than maybe a couple hours. Maybe. I talk and make comments to/by myself a lot.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
God no. I’d probably be trash at baking stuff. I’m surprised I can manage some stuff on the stovetop.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter/margarine for the most part. I’m a simple person. I could say peanut butter and jelly too, but it’s actually been over a year or so since I’ve had a PB&J.
58. What would be you dream car?
One that worked, was fairly stable, and had a damn good audio system.
I’m not really a car person, I really wouldn’t give too much of a shit what the car was. Maybe not a pick-up truck or a mini-van though, and that’s really it.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
Not in the stereotypical image of “aliens”, but I definitely believe that the universe is too fucking huge and operates on too massive a scale for there to not be any type of intelligent life somewhere else at SOME place.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
Either A or M. A’s probably my favourite vowel, and for some reason “LMNOP” is my favourite part of the classic Alphabet song, and M is the letter I like the best out of that section.
64. What do you think about babies?
Babies can be super cute and adorable sometimes! Other times though? Devil spawn. They can be double-edged swords sometimes.
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thefandomfuckery · 7 years
DOWN — The “It Could’ve Been Better” Single
Now I’m not speaking for every harmonizer here. Obviously. But I feel like a majority are in the camp of “Down is a good song but it’s not exactly what I was wanted”. Of course everyones going to be hype the first couple listens until you really settle down and pay attention to the lyrics, vocals, nuances.
Down is a good song. But it could’ve been A LOT better. Sadly I think it’s because of how it is geared for a marketing stratgey. And on that front it’s kind of a work of art. It’s the same WFH team and formula, Gucci is huge in the rap/rnb/hiphop circles so more exposure, it’s a perfect summer jam, just a touch sexual, and it’s less then 3 minutes so its good for radio and streaming. On these points it’s perfect but for their debut as a 4some. It got me lowkey worried but more irritated too. Mostly because most fans will defend it even if they admit it’s not their best (and saying it’s their best video or song can just go dive off a cliff right now because wfh is superiour in EVERY WAY).
Here’s just some of my complaints and don’t take them to heart because if you like the song I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just problem I can pick out.
It’s SHORT. Is an understatment. I remember a couple days before the release we had found the credits with Gucci and the 2:44 information and I was pretty irritated from the get go because not only is it a short fucking song (WFH being 3:33 seconds with everyone getting a verse + ty) but a male feature we didn’t really want or need (his verse is fine btw).
Dinah and Ally have to settle for the same verse that’s only 3 lines while Lauren and Normani get pretty unique verses that are 4/8 lines. Now it’s a postive and a negative and I won’t be negative about this until I see where the next single lands but I’m already feeling worried even with themselves in charge that the two with the least solos still end up in that position.
It has no climax. You listen to Work From Home and right after Ty’s verse (like the C verse or not idc) It goes hard and high to bring it in. Down doesn’t and I know it’s trying to blend with what’s good right now but we needed that extra high and EVEN THO I LOVE LAURENS HIGH NOTE I think Dinah and Ally should have at least gotten the medleys and adlibs for the most part at the end. 
The chorus is FUCKING repetive. I know lots of people had this problem with WFH. But only the chorus was repetative. I’d have less of an issue if D and A verses were different or if the chorus changed up a bit. But you have half a song that’s basically the same and it makes me go dizzy.
Now since this is extra late I can talk about the video and the problems I had with that becuase not only did we find out it was kind of rushed but also that the director had no idea what he was doing.
the fucking set. the motel idea was perfectly fine but this set was a shit show to look at for most scenes. aka the chreograpghy and the opening scene with the car and the doors and even the walking up the stairs. it just looks pedestrian and standard. look at wfh. not a single shot it wasted in that scene. nothing is added to fill space or convey how the girls transitioned into certain scences.
the editing is lack luster, the solo scenes are top tier could’ve used a bit of something extra but the girls are hardly singing AT the camera which makes them look very good in the lighting and though this was by no means choppy editing back and forth. certain parts cut the dancing frames and it’s unapologetic to it and ruins the flow. 
the pool scene, it looks good on inital viewing but it bothered me from the get go including the cut frames into gucci verse. a few would’ve been fine but it serves little purpose. the lighting is great but the SINGING at the camera esp normani makes my brow twitch because it’s one of my biggest pet peeves (unless it has real purpose or direction which it don’t)
gucci looks standard and had no reason not to be in the video. it just looks lame. it’s almost same level as fetty wapp but where as the girls are having a good time in aimh with other men, gucci could’ve been the clyde to their bonnie and work his way into the scene cleverly. 
the lack of story line when it was so simple. on the run to a motel with a bag of money with the already police sires amped up would’ve made a world of difference. something simple could’ve done just so much more effort.
Many of our expectations were held from a impact like WFH busting on scene and taking names. Down isn’t gonna do that. It’s gonna be good and work well thru the summer but it’s a snack. And we really need a meal.
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