#birdzuku au
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scribblestatic · 11 months ago
A last one on the birb boy for now
Because the world isn't built for him, he has to wear different clothes, much like the skirts and dresses. Because he literally cannot wear pants comfortably. It disrupts his tail feathers and trying to put them on himself is an absolute nightmare.
Skirts are much easier. He just kinda has to pull them up or step in them, raise them, and clip a button It's so easy. But people who have stiff gender culture ideas tend to point out how "weird" that is and how he should dress "like a boy" if he is one.
There's a lot, a lot of noisy people online, so he limits how much time he spends on it and instead seeks out quirk battles and watches from a distance so he doesn't distract anything or anyone.
He distracts himself from his worries about his humanity by studying quirks, seeing how different they are, how expansive they are. He wants to reassure himself that his quirk is, in part, like theirs. He's still human at his core.
It also doesn't help that he has different vocal chords than other people. He generally sounds human, but there's a slight echo to his voice. He's practiced hard so you have to listen closely for it, but when he's distressed, it becomes really prominent.
Because his vocal chords are evolved in a way that he can make both human and bird noises. And, like starlings and other such birds, he can mimic the voices of others.
Izuku's mumbles actually sound more like a bird saying phrases than like a mumble storm.
It took a long time for him to actually come out with a more humanoid voice as a child, cause he used to just mimic Inko rather than use his voice.
So Izuku would say, in Inko's almost exact voice save for the birdy quality, "I love you baby boy, I love you!"
Just walking around the house, saying stuff in Inko's voice without really knowing the meaning yet.
"You're my precious boy!" Izuku says, playing with toys with his feet.
"My precious baby. You're so sweet, Izuku. You're my precious boy!"
Mitsuki honestly cries a bit because it's so sweet. And it's a direct reflection of what Inko says to him on a daily basis. Inko honestly has to stop herself from crying, too. Even though she knows he doesn't really know what he's saying yet.
Inko watches those videos when she's off work. Just watching her little boy and his bird-like voice repeat nonsense phrases, most of them being her voice and full of loving things.
She makes sure she tells Izuku affirmative phrases often so he can hear and understand them. She wants him to really know she loves him so much.
But Inko, just in tears, watching Izuku through a home video.
"Fluffy! Fluffy baby! Fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy. You're my fluffy baby! Can you sing? Can you sing? Sing for me?" And he sings a hum that she would sing to him. "Fluffy baby! Fluffy sweet. Sweet boy. Sweet."
And there's a video of him talking as he's falling asleep too.
"Whatchu doin? Whatchu doin? Sleepppy. Sleep baby, sleep. Naptime? Naptime? It's sleep time, baby. Fluffy baby. Fluffy fluffy fluffy… Sleep, baby."
Then he makes little long chirps like a baby quail would.
"Sleepy? Sleepy? Mumma loves you. Mumma loves you so much. Kiss kiss." Kissy noises. "Mmm… Mumma. …Mumma mumma mumma mumma loves you."
When he finally moves in to the UA dorms, he's thinking he's doing well being away from his mom, but the other kids start hearing him when he's napping.
"Mumma loves you so much… kissy noises Mumma loves you so much. Sweet boy. My good boy."
Denki actually does start crying.
Some of them start leaning on him and hanging around him more so he's not lonely. Only for him to start mumbling the things they say in his sleep, slightly tinted toward their voices.
"Hey Izuku. Hey Izuku. You're my friend. Aye. Ayye aye. You're my friend, Zu-kun. ZU-kun. You're so fluffy--" and it shifts into his mom's voice "Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy." Then shifts back. "What are you doing? What's up? What's up? Kerrrrrro. Kero, kero, boy."
And sometimes.
"Dumbass...dumbass Zuku...go to sleep already! Go to sleep. Sleep, dumbass. Dumb nerd Zuku, dumbass...Sleep--" *bird noises* "Cool nerd, fly higher, cool nerd, dumbass. So cool, Zuku--"
Katsuki, face bright red, tries to explode him, but thankfully Izuku's birdy instincts have him squawking and scrambling over the back of the couch.
If they put something in his feet while he naps, his feet curl around it automatically.
So now they have pictures of him holding random stuff while snoozing and them posing around him.
He can also hang upside down on stuff with just his feet and talk perfectly fine.
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dark-elf-writes · 2 years ago
Izuku with fragile little bird bones is a whole disaster waiting to happen. Pls let that child stay 20 ft away from OFA at all times
Oh Izuku won’t get Ofa but they will keep drinking the bone hurry juice. It’s part of their character.
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decembersylph-a-t-u · 3 years ago
One, love the headcanon. Two, if he were any type of chicken I’d either suggest the Old English Game Bantam or a Brahma Chicken.
Old English Game Bantam are one of the most violent breeds of chickens. They’re specifically bred as fighting chickens, which makes sense.
Brahma Chickens look like something out of a nightmare but are quite friendly. Their feathers make up more their mass than their actual bodies do.
There needs to be more bird!Izuku AUs … just him with feathers in his hair, his hair a nest to baby birds … but never an owl Quirk. Tokoyami if I recall right or Dark Shadow is crow-like, and crows and owls have some serious issues with one another …
Izuku as a chicken for a quirk thoughts on it?
Depends in which chicken species he is tbh
Also him being terrified of Hawks would be hilarious lmao
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scribblestatic · 11 months ago
Inko and Izuku actually get paychecks from different scientists for allowing them to study him. They never go to Dr. Tsubasa though he insists on studying Izuku, but there was always something about him that made Izuku's feathers puff up defensively.
Though, he heard a comment from a doctor once that has stuck with him for a long time.
"His body and quirk are so displaced from humanity, at this point, it's a wonder if he's even human at all."
It didn't help that some kids would bully him and say he should be in the cage with the pet chickens.
He worries about his humanity big-time.
He avoids getting on public transport because of that, because people would always have their phones out and record him.
There was actually a case he was involved in where a lawyer tried to argue that Izuku should be able to fly from place to place because his quirk has so changed his body, most common human technology isn't actually built for him.
Unfortunately, the case lost and he was basically ruled into having to adjust to normal human life. Though, after several years and new evidence (like the handwashing problem, the trouble using basic amenities, etc.) the case was reopened instead as a disability case rather than a quirk case.
He cries when he wins the case. Just him nuzzling his head into his mom's stomach like he did as a lil baby, crying and fluffing his feathers out.
Schools had been discriminating against him for basic stuff, but since his quirk is now counted as a disability, they cannot do so without breaking both quirk and disability assistance laws. His case opened up a lot of funding for the Quirk Homomorphic Accessibility Organization in Japan. He basically became its poster child.
QHAO (pronounced as "kwao" in English) started initially in South Africa and spread in popularity among other countries. Japan and the US didn't really pick it up, but Japan started to after Izuku's case became a foundation for their spread in Japan. It's already started to lower crime rates because QHAO focuses on the accommodation of people with body morph quirks for socioeconomic, medical, and judicial equity.
("Kwao" means "to them" in Swahili, a South African language, so ye, I like how that just kinda fell into place there.)
(QHAO's motto: Kwao huenda haki. Kwao huenda amani. Sisi ni QHAO.)
("To them goes justice. To them goes peace. We are QHAO.")
But yeah, poster child. Izuku gets money to be on TV for the Japanese chapter of QHAO and to go to interviews.
Since his court case opened up a lot of good opportunities for the organization to help others, QHAO wants to promote more preventative measures to help lessen the poverty and discrimination that people with body morphs like his experience. Though honestly, Izuku's body morph is one of the most outlandish because his body only barely resembles a human one.
Even so, the QHAO executives and lawyers didn't even bat an eye at his appearance.
Izuku becomes very well-spoken because of his time being studied and his experiences with QHAO though. He does still mumble, but he doesn't stutter even when faced with antagonistic people.
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scribblestatic · 11 months ago
Tweet Tweet Bird Beep
Kacchan's not as antagonistic towards him, not like he is in other universes. This isn't just because he's not quirkless, but also because Kacchan grew up defending Izuku. He has such a cool quirk, and he could definitely become a hero, so why is everyone else picking on him?
They did have a fight when Izuku went to help Kacchan after he fell, but Izuku explained that Kacchan always helps him, so he wanted to do the same, not because he's weak, but because he's really cool. Just like how, if All Might tripped, Izuku would gladly help him up. Kacchan was so enamored by being compared to All Might, he forgave him right away.
Though, he had said "Dummy, All Might wouldn't trip!! But okay. I forgive you. Wanna play Hero Cards?"
This Kacchan learns to defend the least of them early on, but he also never stops to say people shouldn't defend themselves. He wants people to recognize their limits and exceed them as much as they can, just like how Izuku tries every day after the initial case loss to live in a world not built for him.
One time, Kacchan sees him struggling really hard to wash his feet, like so hard that he started to cry, and Kacchan couldn't find a way to help. He actually realized then that people have limitations.
But he also thinks people give up too quickly. Seeing Izuku keep trying despite crying really made him see Izuku as strong. Kacchan's silently looking up to Izuku, being a rowdy and rough boy. He honestly sees Izuku as a hero.
He feels pressure to reach the same level as Izuku.
You know how there's the parallels drawn between Kacchan walking ahead of Izuku and Izuku reaching him?
Instead, Kacchan walks ahead, and when he looks back, he doesn't see Izuku on the ground. He's flying in the sky, wings flapping as he reaches heights Kacchan feels he can't ever reach.
That's why he puts emphasis on using his explosions for aerial movements.
Honestly, a silent dream of his is to fly together with Izuku.
Though Izuku can carry a person on his back, he refuses to do it after a while as kids. He doesn't want to be a weight on Izuku, he wants to be equals.
So Kacchan's angy, but he's not angy at Izuku. He still curses at him, but when Izuku says he wants to be a hero, Kacchan backs him up completely.
Izuku and Kacchan see each other's true selves more than anyone else. And because of that, they're very close friends.
It also helps that Izuku's better at verbalizing what he feels, though his kneejerk reaction is to act on stuff.
Kacchan also draws the line at some comments. He doesn't call Izuku "birdbrain" or "chicken" or stuff like that because he's see the way it makes Izuku freeze up, and Izuku's told him that he's scared he's not actually human.
He's very worried, because there's literally no one else with a quirk like his. One that has given him a bone structure completely different from other humans. Usually, other people have a humanoid base and have things added onto it, or they're larger in some places, smaller in others, etc.
But Izuku's quirk has changed him down to having a completely different bone structure. One more in common with owls and hawks than a human.
And the way he interacts with the world is different from other people. Again, what's left of his hands is only good at grabbing and holding things, and sometimes they're not good at that. Instead, his feet, with sharp talons, have almost the same mobility as a elementary school kid and their hands.
But as far as grabbing, holding, walking, all of it, he's constrained by his body and what it can do. It makes even the act of putting on clothes uncomfortable, because putting them on himself is such a chore with his body, but he wants self-sufficiency as well.
Quirk discriminators call him a freak of nature and talk about the curse of quirks and how it's creating monsters. They post up pictures of him and call him terrible names. There's some forums Izuku refuses to look at because of it.
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scribblestatic · 11 months ago
You know, I had thought I'd posted more birdZuku before now, but it turned out it was all sent to a friend on Discord lol
So here's some more birdZuku drabbles, copied over.
I'm thinking about Harpy Izuku. And how, as a baby, he had dem tiny wings.
The first time, as a toddler, when Inko holds him in front of a fan, he just instinctually starts flap flappin.
He's just running around the house all excited, like a chick. He learned how to walk very quickly, but speaking came to him a bit slower cause he'd chirp and trill instead.
And he likes perching on things. The sofa in their house has holes in it where his talons snagged on the back.
And, when he was a lil bebe, just wearing a T-shirt and a diaper, Inko put him in front of a fan because he was laid out on the kitchen floor to get cool.
And he perks up and just starts flappin.
He doesn't even have his flight feathers in, he's all fluff feathers. But he's practicin!
His lil baby feathers go all over the place. Enough for a small pillow. Inko collects them for little pillows that he still has when he gets older.
There's lots of little small pillows filled with his baby fluff. Izuku later thinks it's embarrassing…but he still sleeps with at least one of them at night.
Izuku got lots of hugs as a baby. Not only because Inko loves him, but also, her boy soff.
And Izuku just cuddles his neck in and blinks slowly till he's asleep.
When it's naptime, he'd always be softly peeping, hiding his head against his mom's stomach so he can sleep.
Toddler Izuku hop hoppin along the ground until he gets to Aunty Mitsuki and trying to climb up on the couch so he can sit with her.
Also, his peets are more his hands than the little clingers he has where he would've been. So Inko makes him special mittens so he doesn't scratch up everything.
But he kinda sits back on his butt and reaches out for things with his lil peets when he wants something.
It's why his handwriting is literal chicken scratch. His ring and pinkie fingers are the long part of the wing while he does still have a thumb, pointer, and middle finger right at the wing arch. But they're usually tucked away and hidden under his feathers.
He mostly uses them the same way bats use their thumbs and they aren't that great at doing much else than grabbing. Hand-eye coordination is foot-eye coordination for him.
He can stand on one leg real easily, so if something's thrown in his direction, he'll just shift his weight real quick and grab it with his foot.
Izuku may not be quirkless, but he does face quirk discrimination.
He's so much like a bird, he has to wear skirts instead of pants and has to have special underwear he can put on for himself.
A lot of his clothes have had to be custom made, and because his feet are essentially his hands, he usually has to wash his feet several times a day to do anything with them.
And schools have to go out of their way to custom make a uniform for him, and because of the way bathroom sinks are, it's hard for him to wash his hands without having to flap his wings indoors, which can sometimes cause a mess.
He also has sharp teeth and very sturdy facial skin in place of a beak, though sometimes, when he get's very birdy, it can almost seem like he has a beak. mass hallucination lmao
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dark-elf-writes · 2 years ago
Anon, I have a list with most (?) of the recent AUs so I hope this helps :D
Unnamed: team seven has their own genin teams
- Okay but if team seven eventually had genin teams of their own?
- And imagine Sasuke having his various outfit choices criticized by three teenaged girls everyday for the rest of his life.
- the day they all come to training in orange
- naruto is awful at shogi
Unnamed: hokage naruto and sasuke take chunin exam and adopt a bunch of kids
- A record number of genin are promoted and every single one of them are hanging off the literal Hokage
- Naruto just “I am your father now” to everyone he sees.
- The world needs more good dad naruto :D
- Their third is a naruto clone transformed into a fox and controlled by Kurama
My Brothers Keeper Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20brother%E2%80%99s%20keeper%20au/chrono
- Ride or die sasuke
- sasuke slashes his kunai
Pakkun Sensei: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/pakkun%20sensei/chrono
Little Trickster AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/little%20trickster%20au/chrono
Bodyguard AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/bodyguard%20au/chrono
Alpha Shika: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/alpha%20shika/chrono
Buff Tenten: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/buff%20tenten/chrono
Green Pens and Vigilante Justice: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/green%20pens%20and%20vigilante%20justice/chrono
Bard Zuku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/bard%20zuku/chrono
- They would take one look at this feral child that fights with their words and just yoink Izuku so fast.
- Don’t know if I want it to be Izuku or an OC but mha character whose quirk is basically vicious mockery/other bard spells.
- The embodiment of that one Stiles quote. They are a hundred pounds soaking wet and like 5’5” sarcasm is their only defense.
Cataclysm AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/cataclysm%20au/chrono
- there was a tornado. That was on fire. With water whips attached.
- Naruto has a wind affinity and a proclivity for being yeeted
- Flying squirrel Naruto is killing me like this man makes the first version of a wind suit so he can go farther.
- Just Kakashi’s little cataclysms
Ghosts and Greenery: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged ghosts%20and%20greenery/chrono
Omega Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/omega%20naruto/chrono
- Aged up Kakanaru could be fun
- If sasuke tried to leave the village and omega naruto was there
Omega Izuku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/omega%20izuku/chrono
- But with shindeku everyone would assume
BirdZuku AU:
- molting would suck in the dorms
- Izuku with fragile little bird bones
- Concept: Tokoyami doing the toothless
- I’m imaging a very much Bird Crush
Fox in Wolf’s Clothing AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/fox%20in%20wolf%E2%80%99s%20clothing%20au/chrono
Idol AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/idol%20au/chrono
- First post: Gaara is known for a more Rock
Cowboy Sand Sibs: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/cowboy%20sand%20sibs/chrono
How to Woo an Uchiha: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/how%20to%20woo%20an%20uchiha/chrono
- AU with no Uchiha Massacre where Naruto is Sasuke’s
- My mother says I have Uzu eyes
Red Lights and Fox Fire Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/red%20lights%20and%20fox%20fire%20au/chrono
Unnamed: kitsune naruto
- Naruto curses himself for not learning more
- Naruto would be so precious with fox summons
Hot For Teacher AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hot%20for%20teacher%20au/chrono
Song of the Sea AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/song%20of%20the%20sea%20au/chrono
Timeloop AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/timeloop%20au/chrono
Symbol of Safety AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/symbol%20of%20safety%20au/chrono
Hatake Clan AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hatake%20clan%20au/chrono
- Note: Some Hatake Clan lore is untagged and can be found separately by searching…
- “I wanted to share this Kakashi AU in fic format”
- “The image of the Hatake’s walking through a field”.
- “I decided to rewrite and expand on some things :))”
- “The Hatake were not always as they are”.
- “Kakashi is so goddamn stressed out he turns his ancestors hair gray”
- Idk if these were meant to be untagged but I included it anyway:
- “The rest of the pack just watching/scoring”
- “They meet up with Guy all the time to swap the stories”
- “Pakkun is a crotchety old man trapped in the body of a pug”
- “Tsume: They really need to do something”
- I hear what you’re saying but what it sounds like is Kakashi basically Jack O posing to box with a fucking pug
- Pakkun would find it more insulting if he didn’t look so hilarious doing it
- minato watching nearby
- kakashi would never shut up about it either.
Venomous Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/venomous%20naruto/chrono
Venomous Naruto: The Breaking of Team Seven: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/venomous%20naruto:%20the%20breaking%20of%20team%20seven/chrono
Naruto Uzumaki Protection Squad: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/naruto%20uzumaki%20protection%20squad/chrono
- Note: first 2 post are not tagged; can both be found by searching “slacker squad”.
- Additional note: second post is tagged #Naruto protection squad instead of #Naruto Uzumaki protection squad
Shinobi Babysitter’s Club AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Shinobi%20babysitter%E2%80%99s%20club%20au/chrono
- Note: The first post was a kakashi simp/appreciation ask from me but it could be added to the tag for full coverage since it sets the scene of the au. Can be found by searching “Aizawa energy”
Kakashi’s Mom: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Kakashi%E2%80%99s%20mom%20au/chrono
Unnamed: there’s this kinda au you made with Naruto thinking the fourth hokage is boring and preferring Hashi or Tobi but it doesn’t have a tag. Screen shots included in next ask so u can just tag that
Unnamed: Shikamaru finds out naruto is the son of the fourth hokage.
- Note: Second post can be found by searching “my tumblr keeps crashing” and the first by searching #brilliance.
- There is also 2 other people find out posts that can be found by searching “it happens in the middle of class” and “Are there just no pictures of the Fourth Hokage other than the whole mountain thing”
Unnamed: another orochimaru time travel. Less of an au and more of a prompt. Post can be found under #Oro-Sasuke is redefining emotionally repressed
Tree of Youth: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/tree%20of%20youth%20au/chrono
Color Blind Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/color%20blind%20naruto/chrono
Ohana AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/ohana%20au/chrono
- Some posts are untagged so you can find them by searching:
- “Both are amazing. I could see them doing both tbh”
- “I mean Naruto is definitely his own level of Too Much”
Foxy Naru: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/foxy%20naru/chrono
- Unincluded post can be found by searching:
- “Give me night shine and predator instincts”
- “The fist time Shikaku woke up his son and got growled at”
Vigilante Deku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/vigilante%20deku/chrono
- Note: I included post can be found by searching “They’re honestly thankful for their mask so he can’t see how flustered they are”
Hunter Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hunter%20au/chrono
Ya boy ye ally needs to go through and start naming things and organizing tags. Big rip
Also bless you I adore you
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dark-elf-writes · 2 years ago
Concept: Tokoyami doing the toothless dancey dance for Izuku.
It’s in the BirdZuku au and Hawks is torn on if he wants to cheer his little intern on or yoink Izuku into the sky because that is his baby.
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scribblestatic · 2 years ago
So lemme tell you bout this bird boy.
Basically, he’s a freak of nature, even as far as quirks go.
When Inko gave birth, he came in an egg, which was already very unnatural. No one understood.
No one in Inko’s family line, as far as she was aware of, had a bird-related quirk. More importantly, even those with bird quirks didn’t give birth via eggs. They always gave birth to human babies with bird-like features, but an egg was unheard of.
As soon as it slips to the media, they’re all over it.
Tabloids, gossip blogs, everything. It’s overwhelming for Inko, who has never been in the public limelight like this. She doesn’t have the money to defend herself from their snooping, even to the point they start diving into her social media and other personal information. It’s truly a free for all, and Inko’s in tears.
It takes the hospital itself putting their foot down, police involvement, and fundraising from an international group called the Quirk Heteromorphic Accessibility Organization to finally give Inko some privacy again. The media outlets that participated in hounding Inko received some halfhearted critique from others who had considered following the story intimately and full vitriol from some smaller bloggers and groups.
Anyway, Inko now has time to focus on herself and her baby again. If they’re a boy or a girl...can’t really tell from outside the egg. Anyway, scientists and quirk specialists begin asking if they can study him, but Inko’s not completely sure. She doesn’t know if there are any dangerous people mixed in with them. QHAO helps tremendously by giving her legal council so she can allow for study to help her understand what’s happening while protecting her rights. Because of fundraising, she gets the advice free of charge. Mitsuki and Masaru also help any way they can. Anyway, over time, the egg somehow increases in size. It grows larger until it is about toddler-sized. Then, in July, a little after Inko’s birthday, the egg starts to crack. Inko’s shocked at first but then she realizes that’s her baby hatching. They’re coming out the egg. So she cheers them on, calling for them to come out. All the scientists monitoring are eagerly watching. And surprisingly, she starts getting little birdlike cheeps in response, like a baby quail. Long, drawn out, reedy. Despite this, she keeps cheering the baby on until they manage to break out of the egg themselves, and... Strange is the best way to put it. Most of his torso, down to his knees, seems mostly human. However, the entirety of his arms, the rest of his legs, and his tail are all avian. His feet look entirely avian, his toes curled and pale, not yet hardened. His arms were thankfully peppered with pale baby feathers, covering oddly-shaped arms and hands. His shoulders could rotate unnaturally to allow his feathers to rest against his back. He didn’t have a pinky, ring, or middle finger, the three appendages seemingly merged into avian phalanges. His index finger and thumb, however, were in the place an alula would’ve been. Judging from their slight grasping motions, he could still grab things with them, unlike a chicken and more like a bat. However, he seemed much more interested in using his little feet for grabbing. His reproductive organs were another story. The doctors had to do blood tests and other various baby-appropriate body study measures to come to the general assumption that he was male. The thought was good enough for the time being, anyway. Despite all of his strangeness, from feathers to scaly feet, he had the face of a human baby. Green hair covered his skull in wild curls and he pretty lashes blinking around big green eyes. It appeared that he’d aged inside the egg post-laying, because his eyes were able to open and he could process object permanence mere minutes after hatching. He quickly used that object permanence ability to call for his mother the instant she was out of sight. He let out long, soft peeps at first, then, to their surprise, he started struggling to his feet and wobbling around to try following Inko if she moved more than a few inches away. Though, eventually, the stress from hatching took its toll and he became exhausted, his eyes fluttering shut as he leaned his whole body and chest against Inko. She had to support his head when it started dropping back like a normal baby. Thus was the first day of Izuku’s life.
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scribblestatic · 2 years ago
Me: I should write stuff for my existing AUs.
Brain: Bird Izuku
Me: ...
Brain: Bird 👏🏾 Izuku 👏🏾
Me: ...Goddamnit.
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