#birchkit (shadowclan)
warriorsproject · 10 days
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Birchpaw (ASC)
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key-vey · 1 year
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These guys are my favourite family by far. Anyway i reckon birchkit is super attached to their big siblings and is always hanging out with them when they’re around esp after losing their littermate
Also wanted an excuse to give them a design and redesign shadowsight
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lightleapfan · 7 months
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birchkit i'm sorry i dont pay attention to you ...i hope lightleap is his mentor (design by @mea-trinitas-profana)
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artaintfartwarriors · 8 months
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rottentricks · 2 years
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway ~ 💕
This was fun to draw! Love da expressions and chaos in a single picture, Shadowsight and Sunbeam are pda, Lightleap is loosing her shit. Blazefire has mixed feelings, Berryheart is also loosing her shit, her husband Sparrowtail is try to calm her down while Gullswoop is invested! And poor tiger & dove don't know what to do, and at last, Spireclaw is cheering for his sister with his supportive girlfriend fringewhisker.
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spiremassk · 4 months
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shadowsight and birchkit doodle. I like sibling friendships in warrior cats they just arent given enough attention in canon
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pinest4r · 8 months
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birchkit and rowankit
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lemnnshark · 6 months
"Birchpaw is a light brown tom."
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+kit version
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creampuffqueen · 5 months
The SkyClan Spies - Birthday Fic Bash
Requested from @cowcowwow Shadowsight, Needleclaw, and Rootspring playing with Birchkit. Hope you enjoy!
After Puddleshine tripped over Birchkit for the third time, Shadowsight knew it was time to intervene. His mentor is usually a patient cat, but sorting herbs and entertaining kits don’t mix too well. 
“Birchkit, maybe it’s time to go back to the nursery for a bit,” The older tomcat suggests. His little brother’s whiskers droop.
“But the nursery is boring! Cinnomontail’s kits still take two naps during the day and Dovewing doesn’t like it when I play rough with them but those are my favorite games and I’m only trying to make them tough warriors like Lightleap and Tigerstar and -”
“Shadowsight won’t mind playing with you,” Puddleshine suggests, giving him a look that means don’t argue. 
Shadowsight argues anyway. “But we’re not finished sorting!”
“I can handle it just fine,” the brown and white tom replies. “Go play with your little brother.” The unspoken words are even clearer. Get him out of my medicine den.
Battle lost, the gray tomcat leads the overexcited kit out of the den and into the clearing. He adores Birchkit, he really does, but hates feeling excluded from his job. It’s happened enough already.
Out in the main ShadowClan camp, Birchkit’s little pink nose twitches. “Ew, what’s that smell, Shadowsight?”
Two pairs of eyes land on them, just as Shadowsight realizes what the scent is. SkyClan. Oh no.
However, before he can tell Birchkit to keep rude thoughts to himself, he suddenly recognizes the newcomers. 
“Rootspring! Needleclaw! What are you two doing here?”
“Apparently smelling gross,” Needleclaw replies wryly. She and her brother move closer to each touch noses with Shadowsight, who feels his pelt warming with happiness at the sight of his two friends. Despite Needleclaw’s sarcasm, she clearly holds no ill will towards the kit, who watches the interaction with a confused tilt of his head. 
“Leafstar sent us to get a message from Tigerstar.” Rootspring explains. “He said he’d have some information about RiverClan to give her today.”
Shadowsight glances up at the sky. It isn’t quite sunhigh, the time Tigerstar is due back from the RiverClan camp. “You’re a bit early.”
“Leafstar likes to have all the information at her paws as quickly as possible.” Needleclaw replies.
“We don’t mind waiting,” Rootspring adds nonchalantly, sitting down and drawing a paw over his ear.
Birchkit, who has been silent since his earlier comment, carefully peers out from behind Shadowsight’s large frame. “Are SkyClan cats allowed to stay in camp?”
Shadowsight curls his fluffy tail around the kit, offering him some reassurance. “They are. Rootspring and Needleclaw are good friends of mine, Birchkit.”
Emboldened by his older brother’s words, Birchkit steps away from Shadowsight’s tail, sniffing the air again. “I still think they smell weird.”
Rootspring chuckles. “Well, you all smell a bit weird to us. It just depends on which Clan you’re from.”
Birchkit’s eyes widen as he takes in this new information, his little mind blown. 
While Birchkit recovers from this world shattering idea, Shadowsight settles himself between his two friends, touching noses with each of them again. “It’s good to see you both. How have you been?”
But before either warrior can answer, a tiny tan blur attaches itself to Shadowsight’s tail, needle-sharp teeth and claws digging in. The gray medicine cat hisses and leaps up, dragging Birchkit with him as the kit ferociously attacks his tail.
“Birchkit, too hard!”
Birchkit continues to pummel his tail with tiny paws, though he does sheathe his claws, at least. “Puddleshine told you to play with me! You can’t just talk with your friends!”
The kitten chomps down on his tail again, shaking his head back and forth. Shadowsight is about to bat him away, but before he can even move Rootspring is leaning in, snagging the rambunctious kit by his scruff and pulling him away. 
“Woah there, little warrior! How about a different game instead?”
“But I was already playing a game! Shadowsight’s tail looks like a mouse!”
“My game is way more fun than that.”
Birchkit’s eyes widen in delight. “More fun?”
Rootspring’s muzzle curls in a devious grin. “Absolutely. To play my game, you have to catch Needleclaw.”
His black and white sister jolts upright. “Hey, I didn’t agree to this -”
Too late. Birchkit leaps away, scrambling towards Needleclaw like a tiny bolt of lightning. The SkyClan warrior dashes away, tail streaming behind her. 
Birchkit keeps hot on her heels, bouncing and mewing with excitement. “I’m gonna catch you, SkyClan spy!”
Unfortunately for Needleclaw, Birchkit proves himself right only a few seconds later, cornering her between two dens and pouncing. Shadowsight and Rootspring both laugh at the she-cat’s dismay at being taken down by a kit as Birchkit tackles her to the ground.
“I won!”
Needleclaw, however, is a quick thinker. “No you didn’t! You don’t win until you take down both SkyClan spies!” Birchkit’s gaze turns to lock onto Rootspring.
“Oh no,” Rootspring groans.
Shadowsight nudges the warrior with his shoulder, purring with amusement. “I’d start running if I was you.”
Rootspring takes him up on his suggestion.
The yellow tomcat outruns Birchkit for a bit, weaving between dens and dodging other warriors in the clearing, but his escape attempt soon turns futile. Birchkit makes a rather impressive leap, landing squarely on Rootspring’s shoulders, sending them both tumbling to the ground.
“Now you’ve won!” Shadowsight declares with a grin. Birchkit preens under the praise, keeping Rootspring pinned in the dirt.
“You thought you were safe?” Rootspring teases. “Birchkit, Shadowsight’s been turned into a SkyClan spy as well!”
“Traitor!” Shadowsight yelps, not wasting a moment. Birchkit uses Rootspring’s back as a launchpad, springing into action to chase his older brother through the camp. 
More familiar with the area, Shadowsight is able to evade him for a while, but he’s a medicine cat, not a warrior. His stamina has limits. His little brother’s does not.
Birchkit cuts off his path from the side, whiskers twitching in utter delight at the game. “You can’t escape me forever, SkyClan spy!”
“You’ve caught me! I surrender!” Shadowsight replies, hoping to avoid the tackling bit of the game. Birchkit is begging to get large enough that his takedowns are painful.
Birchkit, of course, does not grant him this luxury. He slams into Shadowsight’s side, yowling in triumph. They both roll through the dirt, the kitten battering his paws on his brother’s stomach until they come to a stop, both panting.
Thinking quickly, Shadowsight calls out, “You’ll never be rid of the spies! Look, they’re getting up!”
Birchkit takes the bait, abandoning Shadowsight to chase after the two visiting SkyClan warriors once more. Needleclaw and Rootspring play along, doing their best to evade.
Shadowsight, free of the lump of fur pressing on his chest, sits up once more, shaking the dirt from his long fur and grooming his ears. Needleclaw and Rootspring have gotten Birchkit into a back and forth tag game, sending him from one littermate to the other over and over again.
A purr rumbles from Shadowsight’s chest. Turns out entertaining his younger brother isn’t so hard, not when he has friends around. 
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melodystep · 2 years
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tigerdove family (rip rowankit)
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 6 months
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warriorsproject · 2 years
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manthemoth · 1 year
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Some more Twitter canon cat requests! All Shadowclan this time which is fun they’re my favs
In order: Cloverfoot, Flametail, Rowankit and Birchkit
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fabsfightcats · 2 years
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asc design dump!! i dont have da confidence to make proper refs so u get some of the unpolished onez ive made... i am alive after 6 months!! (wont be 4 long)
mistystar, reedwhisker, curlfeather, birchkit n rowankit!! i hc reed as curls dad so thats why she looks a little similar to them :]
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letyachan · 1 month
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Son of Dovewing and Tigerstar II
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bonefall · 2 years
Just by names Shadowsight, Lightleap, and Pouncestep have big Cain and Abel and Seth energy
I'll bet you a tunnelbun it plays out in canon that Pounce quietly has kits at some point as Light goes out in a big explosive narrative blitz, too.
Though I won't bet Shadowsight would the Sibling-Rock thing.
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