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fitfizeek-blog · 8 years ago
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Do you use a probiotic? Digestive health can have a HUGE effect on your neurological and mental health. READ all about my journey with probiotics in the link in bio. ⬆️ @biokplus #biokefir #probiotics #mental health #secondbrain #healyourgut #superfood #kombucha #fermented #fermentedfoods #genuinehealth #guthealth #nutrition #fitness #blogger #bbg (at Toronto, Ontario)
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devolyp · 8 years ago
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One of my New Year Resolution : rajin-rajin pake masker 😝 Kali ini aku cobain masker dari @bio.kefir by @natashashawilona 👌🏻 - Buat yang belum tau, masker #biokefir ini fungsinya : • Membersihkan jerawat & mengecilkan pori-pori • Mencerahkan & mengencangkan wajah • Bikin muka lebih lembab, bersih, dan glowing - FYI, pas dipake bau susunya kerasa banget. Anyway, supaya maskernya nggak rusak, pas sudah sampe di tangan kamu, langsung masukkan #biokefirbynatashawilona ini ke dalam kulkas (bukan freezer). - #clozetteid #indonesianbeautyblogger #surabayabeautyblogger
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mihejmihee · 4 years ago
Кефир детский Auchan Красная Птица 3, 2%, Кефир детский Auchan Красная Птица
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hillcountrytimes · 7 years ago
PDC Energy, Inc. (PDCE) Reaches $47.19 After 4.00% Up Move; Lifeway Foods (LWAY) Sentiment Is 0.9
The stock of PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE) is a huge mover today! The stock increased 2.69% or $1.235 during the last trading session, reaching $47.185. About 217,570 shares traded. PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE) has declined 13.25% since December 1, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 29.95% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months positive chart setup for the $3.08B company. It was reported on Dec, 1 by Barchart.com. We have $49.07 PT which if reached, will make NASDAQ:PDCE worth $123.32M more.
Lifeway Foods, Inc. manufactures and sells probiotic, cultured, and functional dairy health food products in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $161.77 million. The companyÂ’s primary product includes drinkable kefir, a fermented dairy product, in varies organic and non-organic sizes, flavors, and types, including low fat, non-fat, whole milk, protein, BioKefir, and kefir with oats. It has a 103.01 P/E ratio. It also offers ProBugs line of kefir products in drinkable, frozen, and freeze dried formats for children; frozen kefir in bars and pint-size containers; and European-style soft cheeses.
Analysts await PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE) to report earnings on February, 27. They expect $0.08 earnings per share, down 55.56% or $0.10 from last year’s $0.18 per share. PDCE’s profit will be $5.23M for 147.45 P/E if the $0.08 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.08 actual earnings per share reported by PDC Energy, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 0.00% EPS growth.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.05 in Q2 2017. Its down 0.08, from 1.13 in 2017Q1. It dived, as 44 investors sold PDC Energy, Inc. shares while 67 reduced holdings. 27 funds opened positions while 90 raised stakes. 64.21 million shares or 2.08% more from 62.90 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Moreover, First Bank Of Omaha has 0.05% invested in PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE). Asset Mgmt Of Georgia Ga Adv holds 24,821 shares or 0.74% of its portfolio. Moreover, First Trust Advisors L P has 0.01% invested in PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE). Principal Group Inc holds 0.02% of its portfolio in PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE) for 450,397 shares. Reilly Fincl Advsrs Lc has invested 0% in PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE). Pub Sector Pension Inv Board invested 0.01% in PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE). Jpmorgan Chase & Co has 96,266 shares. The Colorado-based Employees Retirement Association Of Colorado has invested 0% in PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE). Barclays Public Limited Company reported 0% stake. Clinton owns 78,041 shares for 0.34% of their portfolio. Whittier Com holds 19,775 shares. Citadel Advisors Llc reported 7,808 shares stake. Point72 Asset Limited Partnership accumulated 0.09% or 383,494 shares. Woodstock Corp reported 16,855 shares. Retirement Systems Of Alabama has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE).
Among 28 analysts covering PDC Energy (NASDAQ:PDCE), 21 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 7 Hold. Therefore 75% are positive. PDC Energy has $85 highest and $4500 lowest target. $67.22’s average target is 42.46% above currents $47.185 stock price. PDC Energy had 73 analyst reports since August 10, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was initiated by Williams Capital Group with “Buy” on Monday, August 29. The stock of PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE) earned “Neutral” rating by Mizuho on Thursday, October 6. Mizuho maintained PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE) rating on Monday, December 5. Mizuho has “Neutral” rating and $81 target. The stock has “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital on Wednesday, August 10. The firm has “Outperform” rating by Credit Suisse given on Monday, April 11. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, August 11 by Cantor Fitzgerald. The stock of PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCE) earned “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital on Tuesday, November 10. As per Tuesday, June 14, the company rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank. iBERIA Capital Partners maintained it with “Outperform” rating and $78 target in Wednesday, March 9 report. The firm has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus given on Thursday, July 13.
PDC Energy, Inc., an independent exploration and production company, acquires, explores for, develops, and produces crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids in the United States. The company has market cap of $3.08 billion. It operates through two divisions, Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, and Gas Marketing. It has a 334.65 P/E ratio. The Oil and Gas Exploration and Production segment produces and sells natural gas and natural gas liquids to midstream service providers and marketers; and crude oil.
The stock decreased 0.83% or $0.09 during the last trading session, reaching $10.1. About 317 shares traded. Lifeway Foods, Inc. (LWAY) has risen 8.00% since December 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 8.70% the S&P500.
The post PDC Energy, Inc. (PDCE) Reaches $47.19 After 4.00% Up Move; Lifeway Foods (LWAY) Sentiment Is 0.9 appeared first on Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today.
from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/01/pdc-energy-inc-pdce-reaches-47-19-after-4-00-up-move-lifeway-foods-lway-sentiment-is-0-9/
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diendiana · 7 years ago
Back using the only trusted @bio.kefir by @natashawilona12 😍✨ Variant DARK ANGEL Selalu suka pake @bio.kefir karena khasiatnya di kulit berasa banget. Jerawat2 kecil yang kayak beruntusan cepet ilang, jerawat besar pun kempesss dari pertama pemakaian, kulit wajah langsung cerah dan berasa super kenyal ❤️ BIO KEFIR step by step ala Dindin : . 1. Cuci muka pakai AIR HANGAT dan facial wash (biar kulit bersih, pori2 kulit terbuka dan siap untuk peresapan kandungan bahan masker) . 2. Oles masker menggunakan jari karena menurut ku kalau pakai kuas jadi boros karena masker nya banyak nempel dikuas. . 3. Tunggu sampai 30-40 menit biar peresapan maksimal, bahkan biasanya aku tunggu 1-2 jam pas bilas tuh kulit kenceng dan super kenyal (jangan di diamkan semalaman apalagi kalau kulit sensitif karena bisa menyebabkan kemerahan dan gatal) . 4. Setelah 30-40 menit, bilas dengan AIR DINGIN tanpa facial foam (biar pori2 kulit langsung tertutup rapat dan khasiat masker bisa langsung bekerja) . 5. Masukan masker yang tersisa di sachet kedalam jar kecil yang sudah di sediakan, karena 1 sachet masker @bio.kefir bisa dipakai 2-3x pemakaian. Irit banget kan 😁 . Tips tambahan, usahakan maskeran di malam hari atau siang hari pas lagi santai aja. Inti nya abis maskeran usahakan jangan pakai face cream / skincare lain atau bahkan makeup biar kandungan2 masker nya bisa bekerja secara maksimal 😉👌🏻 More testimonial check instagram @natashashawilona 💕 . . #kefir #facemask #kefirfacemask #facemaskkefir #jualmasker #jualmaskerkefir #biokefir #jualmaskerbiokefir #maskerwajah #biokefirbynatashawilona #maskerwajahnatashawilona #jualmaskerpemutih #jualmaskerjerawat #perawatanwajah #perawatanwajahalami #maskerkefir #maskeralamiwajah #jualmaskeralamimurah #jualmaskeralami #bantupromo #biokefirtesti #biokefirstepbystep #biokefirhowto #tutorialmaskerkefir #maskerkefirtutorial #tutorialkefir #kefirtutorial (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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hellobaeonly · 8 years ago
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#BioKefir Totally I dont want to be so complicated about routine skincare like #Mask face 😰😅 • So i doubt choose these mask even dont know this mask can be work or not, coz on the firs step i dont read the background of this mask or although alredy famous in around😅😪 • But im done with this. These is true make really soft for ur face and you can feel, #OMGIWantTHIsAgain#💆✨ Thanks send me this // @biokefir @natashawilona12
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diendiana · 7 years ago
Back using the only trusted @bio.kefir by @natashawilona12 😍✨ Variant DARK ANGEL Bener-bener cuma masker @bio.kefir yang ngefek ke muka Dindin cepet banget. Jerawat2 kecil yang kayak beruntusan cepet ilang, jerawat besar pun kempesss dari pertama pemakaian, kulit wajah langsung cerah dan berasa super kenyal ❤️ BIO KEFIR step by step ala Dindin : . 1. Cuci muka pakai AIR HANGAT dan facial wash (biar kulit bersih, pori2 kulit terbuka dan siap untuk peresapan kandungan bahan masker) . 2. Oles masker menggunakan jari karena menurut ku kalau pakai kuas jadi boros karena masker nya banyak nempel dikuas. . 3. Tunggu sampai 30-40 menit biar peresapan maksimal, bahkan biasanya aku tunggu 1-2 jam pas bilas tuh kulit kenceng dan super kenyal (jangan di diamkan semalaman apalagi kalau kulit sensitif karena bisa menyebabkan kemerahan dan gatal) . 4. Setelah 30-40 menit, bilas dengan AIR DINGIN tanpa facial foam (biar pori2 kulit langsung tertutup rapat dan khasiat masker bisa langsung bekerja) . 5. Masukan masker yang tersisa di sachet kedalam jar kecil yang sudah di sediakan, karena 1 sachet masker @bio.kefir bisa dipakai 2-3x pemakaian. Irit banget kan 😁 . Tips tambahan, usahakan maskeran di malam hari atau siang hari pas lagi santai aja. Inti nya abis maskeran usahakan jangan pakai face cream / skincare lain atau bahkan makeup biar kandungan2 masker nya bisa bekerja secara maksimal 😉👌🏻 More testimonial check instagram @natashashawilona 💕 . . #kefir #facemask #kefirfacemask #facemaskkefir #jualmasker #jualmaskerkefir #biokefir #jualmaskerbiokefir #maskerwajah #biokefirbynatashawilona #maskerwajahnatashawilona #jualmaskerpemutih #jualmaskerjerawat #perawatanwajah #perawatanwajahalami #maskerkefir #maskeralamiwajah #jualmaskeralamimurah #jualmaskeralami #bantupromo #biokefirtesti #biokefirstepbystep #biokefirhowto #tutorialmaskerkefir #maskerkefirtutorial #tutorialkefir #kefirtutorial (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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diendiana · 8 years ago
Me Using @bio.kefir by @natashawilona12 😍✨ Variant DARK ANGEL Cuma masker @bio.kefir yang ngefek ke muka dindin cepet banget. Jerawat2 kecil cepet ilang, jerawat besar pun kempesss dari pertama pemakaian, kulit wajah pun langsung cerah ❤️ BIO KEFIR step by step dindin : . 1. Cuci muka pakai AIR HANGAT dan facial foam (biar kulit bersih, pori2 kulit terbuka dan siap untuk peresapan kandungan bahan masker) . 2. Oles masker menggunakan jari karena menurut ku kalau pakai kuas jadi boros (masker nya banyak nempel dikuas) . 3. Tunggu sampai 30-40 menit biar peresapan maksimal, bahkan biasanya dindin tunggu 1-2 jam pas bilas tuh kulit kenceng dan kenyalll banget (jangan di diamkan semalaman apalagi kalau kulit sensitif karena bisa menyebabkan kemerahan atau gatal) . 4. Setelah 30-40 menit, bilas dengan AIR DINGIN tanpa facial foam (biar pori2 kulit langsung tertutup rapat dan khasiat masker bisa langsung bekerja) . Tips tambahan, usahakan maskeran di malam hari atau siang hari pas lagi santai aja. Inti nya abis maskeran usahakan jangan pakai face cream / skincare lain atau makeup biar kandungan2 masker nya bekerja setelah masker dibilas dengan air dingin 😉👌🏻 More testimonial check instagram @natashashawilona 💕 . . #kefir #facemask #kefirfacemask #facemaskkefir #jualmasker #jualmaskerkefir #biokefir #jualmaskerbiokefir #maskerwajah #biokefirbynatashawilona #maskerwajahnatashawilona #jualmaskerpemutih #jualmaskerjerawat #perawatanwajah #perawatanwajahalami #maskerkefir #maskeralamiwajah #jualmaskeralamimurah #jualmaskeralami #bantupromo #biokefirtesti #biokefirstepbystep #biokefirhowto #tutorialmaskerkefir #maskerkefirtutorial #tutorialkefir #kefirtutorial
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