radioaktiv · 16 days
11.09.24 - onsdag
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I dag hadde jeg matte, geologi og geologi øvelse (practical).
I mattetimen lærte vi om funksjoner og særlig polynomer. Det var mye repetisjon, men jeg er litt usikker med tanke på oppgavene. I timen gjenkjenner jeg nesten alt professorene snakker om, men når jeg gjør oppgavene er det vanskelig og jeg vet ikke hva det handler om.
I geologi lærte vi mer om mineraler, silikater, silikat tetraedere og deres bindinger.
I øvelsen måtte vi identifisere 13 mineraler med hjelp av linse, magnet, spiker, saltsyre og glass. Vi hadde et skjema for å skrive ned infoen, og så et flytskjema for å sammenlikne egenskapene mot mineraltyper.
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currently working on a project to print out and bind the first Saw script into a physical version (i wanted to see if you could buy a copy and upon realizing you couldn't but it was up online for free, i decided to do this as a long term art project)
however, as i've slowly been going through the script and messing with the font and formatting it in a pleasing way, i'm trying to decide if i just want to keep it as the script or if i want to essentially adapt it into a novelization (i'd be adding as a little as possible, more so just reworking sections and changing the tense of things and stuff like that)
but i was curious what anyone else thought so, basically-
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havnblog · 7 months
Oversikt over tilleggsutstyr til Tesla
Tesla er et ganske populært bilmerke - men det er absolutt merker som selger flere biler. Det som er litt spesielt med Tesla, er at nesten alle salgene deres kun sprer seg ut over to modeller! Dersom du liker å skille deg ut, er dette litt kjedelig. men det har absolutt noen fordeler.
Én er at, hvis du søker på nett etter en løsning på et problem du har, er sjansen stor for at du finner svar. Og hvis ikke, kan du spørre på en av mange grupper på nett.
En annen er: Store mengder ekstrautstyr
Jeg snakker ikke da ekstrautstyr du kjøper med når bilen er ny - men ting og tang du kan få kjøpt i etterkant, som er spesiallaget for akkurat Model 3 og Y.
Min Model 3 er for eksempel så gammel, at den ikke kom med trådløs lader til mobilene. Men noen har laget en som passer perfekt!
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Godt eksempel på fordelen med en så vanlig bil: Ikke verst at det lages noe som ser såpass integrert ut!
Model Y var ikke aktuell da jeg kjøpte bil - men det hadde den vært nå, og det er Norges mest populære bilmodell.
Denne artikkelen er en guide for eiere (eller potensielle eiere) av Model Y, og er ment for å vise hva som finnes av tilleggsutstyr fra tredjeparter (altså ikke Tesla).
Model Y var ikke aktuell da jeg kjøpte bil - men det hadde den vært nå, og det er Norges mest populære bilmodell. Denne artikkelen er en guide for eiere (eller potensielle eiere) av Model Y, og er ment for å vise hva som finnes av tilleggsutstyr fra tredjeparter (altså ikke Tesla).
Alt er selvsagt ikke nødvendig! Men det meste er ganske billig, og personlig synes jeg slikt er litt gøy å pusle med - så det er ikke krise at det kan ta litt tid å montere.
En del av lenkene er til Bilkomponenter.no (ingen bindinger dit eller andre steder) - og de tilbyr også montering, hvis man ønsker dét. For større jobber, kan det absolutt lønne seg. Og hvis man tenker på at Model Y tross alt er en ganske rimelig bil, og ser på prisene i sammenheng med hva man kan betale for ekstrautstyr om man kjøper ny bil, er det ikke så galt.
Et konkret eksempel:
Audi Q4 E-tron er mye bedre enn Model Y på å luke bort støy - men så får man også mye mer plass, rekkevidde og teknologi for pengene med sistnevnte. Så selv om kr 18.000 er en god slump penger for å få Teslaen sin lydisolert på Kløfta, kan man se det i sammenheng med at man bruker noen av pengene man sparte på å ikke kjøpe en mer premium bil!
Nå følger det en stor mengde lenker og produkter - men jeg vil ikke anbefale å ukritisk kjøpe alt - det er ikke en “handleliste”! Det er ment som inspirasjon og hjelp for å vise fram hva som finnes og hvor man kan kjøpe det - og noen av tinga ekskluderer også hverandre.
Noen av tinga kan man kjøpe selv om man ikke har brukt bilen (så mye) - men generelt er det best å vente og se om behovet melder seg.
1) Beskyttelse
Selv om lakken har blitt bedre på Teslaer de siste åra, har de et fortjent dårlig rykte. Derfor kan det være en idé å ha:
Beskyttelsesfolie på utsatte steder
Hvor mange steder man tar, har litt med hvor nøye man er på slikt. Men selv om du ikke er så nøye selv, så vil kanskje den du selger den til være det - så man får nok tilbake en del av tusenlappene der. Selv er jeg ikke så nøye på dette, men ville nevne det likevel!
Det finnes for eksempel folie til panseret, kanalene, lyktene foran og rundt dem, rundt dørhåndtakene, hanskerommet, dørterskelen, dørterskel-logoene, dørkanten og bagasjeromåpninga.
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Og skulle du likevel få en ripe i lakken, kan du kjøpe litt lakk for å fikse på det!
Det er en del steder i bilen som ikke er så godt beskytta. Enten fordi det er åpne metalldeler som kan skade andre ting, eller at partiene selv er litt skjøre. I tillegg er det noen steder ting lett faller ned og irriterer.
Noen eksempler her, er, deksel for innvendig ventilasjon og luftinntaket (bildet under) og deksel for baksetene, forsetene, glideskinnene og dørlåsene(!?). I tillegg finnes beskyttelse for bagasjeromslista.
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Kan også anbefale en slik (bildet under), for å hindre at ting faller ned mellom forsetene! (Billigere versjon her.)
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Tro det eller ei, men dette produktbilde er fra den dyre varianten... Kjekk løsning, da!
Noe jeg vil spesielt anbefale, er deksel for ryggekameraet (som er vannavstøtende) og skvettlapper. Jeg er fornøyd med disse skvettlappene til min bil (jeg liker at mine er blanke - men ser ut som om de kun finnes i matte til Model Y). Her er en annen variant, og her er noen grusomt dyre.
Apropos vannavstøtende: Kan være verdt å forsøke dette på rutene. Og det finnes mange gummimatter fra tredjeparter.
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Gummimatter for bagasjeromsgulvet og baksida av baksetene.
2) Oppbevaring
Tesla er ikke best på oppbevarings-løsninger. Men det kan forbedres med tilbehør!
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Til midtkonsollen, kan jeg anbefale denne foran, denne bak, denne til nøkkelkortet, og noe som gjør koppholderene mindre - for eksempel denne eller denne.
Denne saken kan kanskje være kjekk bak skjermen (fra bildet over), og her er tre solbrilleløsninger. Denne saken ser også grei ut - den gjør lagringa i dørene litt mer nyttig.
Her er en enkel krok man kan feste bak forsetene, mens her er en krok som er bedre til å også feste mobil eller nettbrett. Og her er en man kan feste på hanskerommet!
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Bilen kan muligens bli litt overlessa om man benytter seg av alle mulighetene for mer lagringsplass! Bildet over her er mellom forsetene, bak midtkonsollen.
Det lages også en skuff man kan ha under forsetet og noe som gjør det lettere å bruke baksida av forsetene til søppel.
Her er beholderen fra bildet over - og noen ganger finnes det alternative løsninger for samme plass i bilen.
Det finnes stoff som “mottar” borrelås et par steder i bilen - og der kan man for eksempel feste slike. Siderommene i bagasjerommet blir kanskje litt mer praktiske med denne pakka, og er du glad i å stå/gå på ski finnes det en kjekk skibag. Her er noen bagger til frunken (bildet under).
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Vil du ha uttrekkbar hattehylle, kan du kjøpe denne - mens vil du ha gitter, finnes for eksempel dette (bildet under).
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3) Barn
Dersom det ofte skal være barn i bilen, har jeg her et par ting som kan være nyttig i baksetet. Her er en alternativ nettbrettholder, sparkebeskyttelse til forsetene og baksetespeil. I tillegg vil jeg lenke til en festeanordning som visstnok skal gjøre det lettere å feste noen typer barneseter - men jeg aner ikke hva slags, da jeg ikke har barn!
4) Camping og lengre reiser
Noe annet som ikke er aktuelt for alle, er ting for folk som (mer eller mindre) bor i bilen. Nakkestøtter vil noen like, mens andre vil synes at et bord er praktisk (bildet under).
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Det finnes også noen kjøle-/fryseboks-varianter, som denne for rommet under bagasjerommet eller denne for siderommet (bildet under).
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Tar opp lite plass - men det er lagring også under det vi ser på bildet.
Skal man sove i bilen, bør man ha en madrass. Men under madrassen kan det være lurt med en slik. Her er en lenke til litt ulike madrasser som finnes, og her er litt andre “bilferie-greier”! Og jaggu har ikke noen laga et telt til Model Y også…
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5) Teknologi
Noe av det jeg er mest fornøyd med når det gjelder min Tesla, er teknologien. Jeg er av dem som liker godt at “alt” er på én stor skjerm - siden det gjør at dét jeg til en hver tid bruker får stor plass. Det er også tydelig at de ikke har spart på prosessor-krafta.
At det innebygde systemet er godt, gjør også at man lettere holder seg unna mobilen (som man burde!). Men dersom du likevel trenger tilgang på mobilen (og du har iPhone), så synes jeg dette stativet ser fint ut.
Selv folk som ikke er særlig glad i teknologi, har vist seg å kunne bli vant til å styre det meste fra skjermen (og Model Y har heldigvis gode ratt-kontroller - i motsetning til noen Teslaer). Så jeg vil anbefale å gi det en sjanse før man foretar seg for mye - men det går an å få speedometer (og annen info) “foran rattet” også. Her er tre modeller: fra mest diskré, litt mer, og til mest informasjon.
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Den mest diskré varianten.
Noe annet jeg personlig ikke er interessert i, er dette festet for å gjøre skjermen svingbar. Men for noen er det kanskje verdt det!
Hvis jeg har forstått riktig, lader USB-C-kontaktene med 36 watt (foran) og 27 watt (bak). Dette lader telefoner raskt, og er også nok for nettbrett. Til og med laptoper kan klare seg med dette (særlig foran). Men det vil gå sakte - så dersom det blir for lite, kan man kjøpe denne for å gjøre om “sigarett-uttaket” til 100 watt.
Dersom du synes det er litt vanskelig å komme til USB-kontaktene, kan denne eller denne være aktuelle. Men har du Airpods du ønsker å lade trådløst, kan en slik være kjekk. (Men en sånn her variant i svart, er mye penere!)
De fleste har kanskje Type 2-kabel fra før, men hvis ikke er det fint at denne har knapp for å kunne åpne ladeluka.
*Legge inn video* www.youtube.com/watch
Dersom man benytter seg av spillene i bilen, bør man virkelig ha spillkontroller(e). Bilen godtar vanlige kontrollere, som dem til XBox eller Playstation - men også her finnes det ting laget for Tesla (videoen over). Skal du ha flere kontroller, anbefaler jeg å kjøpe denne. Da får du flere USB-kontakter, i tillegg til minnekortleser til Sentry Mode. Sistnevnte trenger lagringsplass for å funke, og minnekort er et godt alternativ. Man bør kjøpe en “high endurance”-variant, og gjerne minst 256 GB - for eksempel dette. Dersom man ikke har den andre minnekortleseren, ser denne grei ut.
Lys og luker
Det går an å ettermontere elektrisk åpning av frunk, og fotsensor for bagasjerommet, hvis det er noe man savner.
Det neste er noe som kanskje blitt bedre nå - men særlig på de første Model 3-ene var det mange som klagde på at det ikke var nok innvendig lys. Én løsning er å bytte ut LED-lysa med kraftigere varianter: Model Y bruker fem av disse. to av disse og ett av disse. (Det går også an å bytte ut lysa i dørene, som lyser når når man åpner døra.)
Vil man montere flere lys, kan man montere lys i fotbrønnene bak, rundt frunken og i bagasjerommet. Utvendige lys kan også oppgraderes.
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6) Kosmetikk og jåleri
Avslutningsvis vil jeg vise noen ting man kan gjøre for å endre litt på utseende til bilen. Ting her blir selvsagt en smakssak, og det er åpenbart helt unødvendig!
Selv har jeg kun gjort noen få, fryktelig billige ting. Det var småting jeg liker, men som et utrent øye forhåpentligvis ikke legger merke til, og som (også forhåpentligvis) ikke er harry.
Jeg har gitt bilens frontlys denne lille vinylen her (bildet under). Koster nesten ingenting, og gir et litt raffere uttrykk. (Jeg vil anbefale å matche fargen på bilen.)
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Jeg har også bytta ut Tesla-logoen bak med bokstaver (bildet under). Dette var noe Tesla hadde på en bil de viste fram en gang, men aldri har produsert.
I tillegg til skvettlapper, er det siste jeg har gjort eksternt å kjøpe nye hetter til luftventilene. Jeg har svart bil, så synes det er stilig at de er i svart metall i stedet for grå plast.
Men(!) bemerk at dekkhotellet mitt sa at slike kan sette seg fast, og at man da må betale litt for en ny ventil. Jeg tror det er mindre sjans om de er av aluminium.
Jeg har kjøpt disse, og er fornøyd. Men jeg opplevde at noen av dem ikke passa - så kjøp dobbelt så mange som du trenger.
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Noen ting jeg ikke har gjort
Jeg er ikke så fan av større ettermonteringer - men her fant jeg et lys-sett jeg ikke syntes var så galt (bildet under). Jeg er heller ikke fan av LED-lister inni, men lenker til det likevel!
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Noen er ikke så glade i “treverket” inni bilen (jeg synes det er OK!). Da kan man dekke det til med et deksel (bildet under) eller folie.
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Dagens siste lenke(https://www.begood.no/products/pillar-delete-tesla-model-y) er til det som heter “pillar delete” (bildet under). Dette er noe jeg hadde vurdert om jeg hadde hatt blå bil, og innebærer at taket og stolpene dekkes med svart vinyl.
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Jeg minner om at det ikke er meninga at man skal kjøpe alt her! Det er fryktelig lett å få overtenning, og ende opp med masse ræl som bare blir søppel.
Men jeg håper dette ga en oversikt over noe av det som finnes, og at neste gang du irriterer deg over noe i bilen din, så kommer du på at det kanskje kan fikses.
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I, Robot
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I’d been meaning to read “I, Robot” in its original language. I’ve done so. Hence, I’ll give it a try to publish this review in English.
So, I don’t remember reading science fiction at school and then, now that I’m writing this, I don’t think I have read this genre at all, before now. I think, the closest read I’ve had of this genre is “Five weeks in a Balloon”, which is more adventure, I’d say. Thou not really far from science. That’s it.
Movies? Seen a lot. However, reading is a different matter. You have pages to go on about science; in movies you just don’t have that much time.
There is a movie with the same title as the book, remember? By Alex Proyas. I watched it recently and found out that, although the movie uses some of the characters of the book — and the title — , the story is very different. It might be based on the sequels of this book: “The Caves of Steel”. I do not know that. However, this particular volume I just read, called “I, Robot”, does not have the same plot. Thus, I cannot compare one to the other.
The book’s content is really a series of stories told by the robopsychologist of U.S Robot and Mechanical Men, Inc.: Dr. Susan Calvin. She is being interviewed by a thirty-two-year-old journalist whose purpose is to provide his article with a human side. First, we find ourselves reading about Susan Calvin’s life facts: where she was born, where she works, her education and what is her personality like; just like we were reading a report. However, the journalist…, he says, he has not enough with describing Dr. Calvin’s professional vita (in his words), he needs more… and suddenly, just like that, Asimov transports us into a scene in which the reporter and Dr. Calvin are having a peculiar conversation about robotics and the beginning of the robot era. We are in 2,057 A.D. and, with the thought of Dr. Calvin’s about years past we start our story.
The transition is done perfectly. In this scene, Susan starts recalling an event in 1996 about a girl and a robot named Robbie, a nursemaid robot without speech. A sentient robot made so but impressioned (programmed) with The Three Laws of Robotics. Which, as you may have heard of, are:
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
Robbie takes care of a little eight-year-old girl named Gloria and he has to obey her every whim. Asimov doesn’t tell us that the robot is sentient. He shows us. Robbie loves listening to stories and his favorite is the story about Cinderella. A fitting story, not just because he is mistreated by Gloria and Grace (her mom), but also because the whole neighborhood is distrustful of Robbie. They are preoccupied all the time. Even when Robbie saves the life of the little girl at the end, the preoccupation does not go away. Robbie gets dismantled in 2002.
This was just the beginning of the ascend of the robot. After that, they provide them with speech, and humans also invent the positronic brain. Mining Stations are built on Mars and they even colonize the outer space. Dr. Calvin goes ahead with the stories. She talks about Robbie, Speedy, Cutie, Dave, Herbie… and so on, each time telling us about an enhanced robot in a new period of time. Each robot poses a difficulty, since they are the first of its kind to be placed on a certain duty.
Along the way, Asimov explains to us through a very clear speech, the scientific method and deductive reasoning. He creates a world in which there are three potentials or levels of importance that instill bindingness. Meaning, that the brain of a robot will command that it acts according to the importance of a rule. Being rule #1 the most important of all. He explains to us by pure deductive reasoning the solution to a problem or conundrum that each of our characters find themselves in. It is great.
An example of this is what happens with Cutie (QT-1). It is the first of its kind and somehow it has been developed to be a reasoning robot. So “he” has an inquisitive mind. He stares at everything around him and asks the question why, but not without providing a possible solution. After all, he is a reasoning robot. The conflict arises when he asks the question: why am I here? And after this, he keeps asking one question after another to Donovan and Powell (testers from U.S Robot), who find themselves in a station in Mars.
He seems to believe that it is not possible that human beings made him. And he states that it is impossible that lesser beings — who are incapable of reasoning as well as him — created everything that surrounds them in that station, including him. Donovan and Powell provide observations and facts by showing him what exist outside the station, through a telescope. They show him the earth, the universe, other planets, other stars. Heck, they even assemble another QT unit in front of him. However, no matter what the observation is or what proof of concept is provided, he still believes that the Earth does not exist and that humans (these two humans in front of him) were created by the “Master”. What he calls “Master” is the power source in that station.
Thing is, QT or Cutie, deems the truth as an impossible hypothesis. Donovan and Powell try to explain the truth based on facts. However, he rejects the facts, well, as being facts. He creates a whole new belief system out of thin air based on postulates and developed by pure logic.
And so, the whole point of this chapter unfolds. Powell explains as follows:
“He’s a reasoning robot. He believes only reason and there is one trouble with that… You can prove anything you want by coldly logical reason — if you pick the proper postulates. We have ours and Cutie has his. That’s where everything falls down. Postulates are based on assumption and adhered to by faith. Nothing in the Universe can shake them.”
QT ends up fulfilling his task. The task he was created for, by the end. Which means he is following the three rules, even if his explanation as to why is different from the truth. So it is interesting to see portrayed how humans tend to have a similar behavior when it comes to their believes or their biases.
Asimov keeps discussing important topics throughout the stories. He is concerned about ethics. Although I must say, two times its characters discriminated women. About technological development and social advancement. Economic allocation. Basically, it is kind of prophetic because this book was written in 1950 and we find ourselves in 2022; and thing is, in its last chapter, Asimov also says that whoever is in charge of the economic system we have created will be in charge of the future of humanity. Actually, every chapter has a topic worth discussing, however this would get very long. Which is not the point.
What I really loved about it was the style. Very scientific. The book is an absolutely fantastic read. I recommend it and I will be looking for the sequel.
Fecha original de publicación: enero 5, 2022
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Regarding the appeals to "democracy" in Israel, I'd like to propose some possible systems of primaries and I'm interested in which you think is "most democratic":
- A system of binding primaries
- A system where a primaries are binding by default, but at convention, delegates of a state can call for a vote to overthrow the bindingness, requiring a majority of the state's delegates to succeed
- A system where primaries are binding by default, but a majority vote at convention can remove the restraints
- A system of non-binding primaries
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laugekochklarskov · 2 years
Langtidstest af Burton Family Tree Straight Chuter
Boardet skær godt gennem sneen, men er ikke velegnet til snævre manøvrer gennem træerne. Langtidsupdate kommer naturligvis senere:
Straight Chuter var en anstændig mængde lettere end normalt. Jeg vejer 75 kg og kørte på en 155. Det anbefales ikke med wide bindinger. På sne føltes det lidt lettere end normalt, men stort set normalt.
Vi havde lidt ny sne omkring, men det var langt fra champagnepulver! Men det gav en indikation. Og det plus specifikationerne for boardet indikerer, at Straight Chuter ville være meget god i pulver. Den har en sund mængde tilspidsning og tilbageslag samt en vippet næse. Det plus at halen er kortere end næsen, hvilket hjælper den til at synke og løfte næsen op.
Virkelig anstændigt på udskæringen, hvilket ikke var nogen overraskelse. Fremragende især ved længere udstrakte udskæringer ved hastighed. Kan bestemt godt lide at spore ret lige.
Nem drejning/skæring: Vridningsstivheden er ikke ideel til let drejning, men den var bestemt ikke hård - og den korte hale hjalp med at piske skråstreg.
Ved langsomme hastigheder (smarthed): Føltes ret normal - ikke lynhurtig, men heller ikke langsom. Udskridede sving: Var lidt mere fængende i næsen, men ikke så meget halen. Lidt overraskende givet rockeren i næsen.
Føltes super stabil i fart. Gav det rigeligt, og det holdt stærkt. Ujævnt terræn Crud: Smashes let gennem crud. Blev ikke smidt ud af linjen og følte, at der skulle ret meget til at slå den ud af kurs. Træer/buler: Føltes ret normalt. Udmærkede sig ikke, men var fint. Hopper Ikke ideel til at lande switch eller hale tung, men du kan stadig have det sjovt på det.
Pop: Føltes som en normal mængde. Ikke tomler. Du var nødt til at sætte den ind for at få den ud. Ikke meget let tilgængelig pop, men anstændigt, når du afviklede det lidt. Fremgangsmåde: Pæn og stabil, og når du skulle foretage justeringer, var den manøvredygtig nok.
Landing: Kan lande ret næsetungt og slippe afsted med det. Mindre tilgivende, hvis du lander halen tung. Alt i alt ret solid landingsplatform. Side-hits: Var god uden at være alt for spændende for dem. Måden den var i stand til at smadre gennem hård sne gjorde det godt, når der var hård sne på din vej eller på din landing. Små hop/store hop: I stand til alle størrelser, men med den lidt skitseagtige landende hale, føltes det som om jeg foretrak mindre hop på den, når konsekvenserne af at tage fejl er mindre. Kontakt Ikke ideel, givet hvor retningsbestemt det er. Det føltes lidt forkert at køre den forkerte vej.
Butters Ikke butterable, men føles mærkelig med forskellene mellem næse og hale. Halen var let at trykke på. Næsen var lidt akavet at trykke
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Mi primera encuadernación belga 😁 ¿Qué os parece? Estoy pensando en hacer lo mismo con otros diseños 😊 . . . . . #encuadernacion #encuadernaciontradicional #encuadernacionartesanal #encuadernador #bindingbook #binding #bindinger #cuadernos #libretas #notebooks #hechoamano #hechoartesanalmente #handmade #diario #diary #bulletjournal #bujo #encuadernacionbelga #barcodepapelestudio (en Barco de papel estudio - Encuadernaciones artesanales) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkfX9nCv_0/?igshid=1l72nk0nyayrt
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Wels once got into an argument with a particularly unpleasant wizard that led to his armor getting curse of bindinged to his very soul. He can't take it off but he's also not really sure where the curse thing comes in. He's just harder to stab now.
Technically he could just wait for the durability to run out and the armour to break...but it's great protection! Why would he want it to break? So, he protects it by wearing another set of armour over the first set of armour, to the absolute bafflement of everyone around him.
- Mod Shade
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years
To Live Like Hazrat Muhammad(pbuh): What Does "Living Like Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)" mean? Why is this important?
Will you please give information about the bindingness of the Sunnah acting in accordance with it and understanding whether it is based on revelation or not?
The Sunnah is what the Prophet did, said, and all of his acts and attitudes. Then, we can say that what he did during his lifetime is the Sunnah.
The word Sunnah used in fiqh books means “there is reward if we do it but there is no sin if we do not do it.” For instance, eating with the right hand, cleaning the teeth, not eating while standing, etc.
However, when we consider the word Sunnah in its broad sense, it includes everything that our Prophet did. In that case, the demands and prohibitions of God are also included in the Sunnah. For instance, did our Prophet perform prayers? Yes. Then, it is sunnah to perform prayers.
Accordingly, it is necessary to divide sunnah into parts.
Fard: Everything that God definitely wants us to do or to avoid. It is our Prophet who carries out the commands and prohibitions of God in the best way and who serves as an example. If we act in accordance with the Prophet, we will have followed the Prophet such as performing prayers, fasting, avoiding fornication and not eating anything haram (forbidden).
Wajib: The wajibs of our religions: for instance, it is wajib to perform the prayer of witr as three rak’ahs.
Nafilah (supererogatory):They are the things that are other than fard and wajib that we carry out while performing prayers. For instance, to read some verses from the Quran while performing prayers is fard but to read subhanaka prayer is nafilah.
Adab (appropriate behavior): We name the following asadab. If we do as the Prophet did while doing our daily tasks like eating, sleeping, entering the mosque or toilet, etc, we will have done them in accordance with their procedures. A person who does not act accordingly is not regarded to have committed sins.
It means we can divide the sunnah as fard, wajib, nafilah and adab. This is the order of the superiority of the parts of sunnah.
We can think of it like a human body. Man has necessary organs to live: for instance, the brain, heart, head, etc. The principles that we must believe in are like the heart and brain of our spirit.
Our body has sense organs like eyes, ears, hands, feet, etc. Fards are like them. They are the eyes, ears, hands and feet of our spirit. A person who does not perform fards is like a person without hands, feet, eyes and ears.
We also have some beauties and adornments like fingers, eyebrows and hair in our bodies. We can live without them. However, if we have them, we will be perfect. Similarly, the nafilah and adab parts of the sunnah are the adornments and beauties of our spirit. If we perform them, we will receive many rewards; if we do not perform them, we will not receive any sins.
To sum up, the fard and wajib parts are the sunnahs that are obligatory to be performed. We will receive many rewards if we perform the nafilah and adab parts.
As for harams, we must protect our spirits from killing and poisoning harams as we protect our bodies from killing factors like aids, poison and fire.
The Bindingness of the Sunnah and Hadith
We will deal with that issue in accordance with the Qur’an, glorious hadiths, views of scholars and silently approved (taqrir) revelation.
a. The Quran:
There are some verses showing that Hazrat Prophet receives revelation other than the Quran, too.
Some of them are as follows:
1- It is understood from the following verses that our Prophet was given wisdom along with the Book: ‘Messenger from among themselves, rehearsing unto them the Signs of Allah, sanctifying them, and instructing them in Scripture and Wisdom’, ‘sent down to him the Book and wisdom’.
Those two words have both similarity and difference. Accordingly, since what is meant by the Book is the Quran, wisdom has to be something else. The probability that it is the Sunnah is the strongest probability. It is the point of difference. The point of similarity is that both of them originate from revelation.
2- The promise stated in the following verse was given to Muslims but it is not stated what it was in the verse: “Behold! Allah promised you one of the two (enemy) parties, that it should be yours: ye wished that the one unarmed should be yours”. It proves that it is informed through another kind of revelation.
3-The following verse proves definitely that there exists revelation apart from the Quran: “When the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his consorts, and she then divulged it (to another) and God made it known to him, he confirmed part thereof and repudiated a part. Then when he told her thereof, she said "Who told thee this?" He said "He told me who knows and is well-acquainted (with all things)."”
Although there is no explanation about the disclosure of the secret in the Quran, the Prophet knows about it. It becomes clear that there exists revelation which is not included in the Quran since he cannot know it on his own and since it is stated that Allah informed him.
b. Hadiths:
1- According to the narration of Miqdad b. Ma’dikarib, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said the following: “...I was given the Book and the like of it”.
2- Qudsi Hadiths: The following phrases that are present in those kinds of hadiths: “the Messenger of Allah stated the following in the hadith that he reported from his Lord”, “Allah stated the following in the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) narrated” and the fact that those hadiths started with the words “O my slaves” proves that Hazrat Prophet received revelation other than the Quran.
3- The famous event that is known as the Jibril (Gabriel) hadith:(10). Jibril came in the form of a man, asked some questions and received answers; Hazrat Prophet told his companions that it was Jibril and that he had come to teach them the religion.
4-The expressions of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) like ‘certainly my Lord revealed to me, I was ordered, I was forbidden, and the fact that he said Jibril taught him some things prove that revelation other than the Quran exists, too.
The fact that Hazrat Prophet said “actually I did not know about them but Allah informed me about them” when he answered the questions of a Jewish person” supports that issue.
3. Views of the Scholars:
The Companions of the Prophet knew that our Prophet (pbuh) received revelation other than the Quran from his practices, explanations and words. They expressed it many times. Scholars also expressed their views about the origin of the Sunnah based on hadiths and the expressions of the companions; most of them expressed that the source of the Sunnah was based on revelation.
Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said that there was revelation about Hazrat Khadija and that she was given a manor in Paradise.
The expression that is present in narrations: Jibril brought down the Sunnah as he brought down the Quran shows that there exists revelation other than the Quran. In addition, the fact that the Prophet received the information like treating the neighbors well, making wudu (ablution), performing prayers, calling out the talbiya, performing prayers in the sacred Aqiq Valley, the times of the prayers, the gate of Paradise through which the umma of Muhammad will enter, the name of Hazrat Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him) being written on a tablet by the beings of the sky shows that there exists revelation other than the Quran.
Tawus says that he himself has a written text that was sent by revelation about diyah (blood money, ransom) and that decrees about zakat and diyah came by revelation.
By saying, “when a hadith from the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) reaches you, never make judgments contrary to it; because the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was a conveyor from Allah, the Exalted”, Awzai stated that the sunnah was based on revelation.
As we have mentioned before, a person who made important explanations about the issue was Imam Shafi. According to the person whom he bases his knowledge on and whose knowledge he relies on and the understanding that he himself also accepts, the Sunnah is either revelation, or the statement of the revelation or something that Allah handed him. It is based on his prophethood that is peculiar to him and the wisdom that Allah inspires him based on it. No matter which one of the above alternatives is accepted, Allah ordered people to obey the Messenger of Allah and to act in accordance with the Sunnah. The explanation of the Quran by the Sunnah takes place either by the prophethood coming from Allah, or by inspiration or by the “command” that was given to him.
Ibn Hazm, who agrees on the same views, defines the sunnah as non-recited (ghayr matluw) revelation and says that it is necessary to obey the sunnah, which is the second revelation, as it is necessary to obey the Quran. They are the same in that they are binding and they come from Allah.
Ghazali states that the sunnah is based on revelation and that it is non-recited revelation.
If the whole sunnah is regarded as revelation, it becomes spontaneously clear that Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) cannot change the Sunnah as he cannot change the Quran.
There arises an important issue along with the understanding that the whole sunnah is based on revelation just like the Quran. If Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) waited for the revelation of sunnah like the verses of the Quran for every situation and event, how are his ijtihads and consultations to be dealt with? There were definitely some times when he waited for revelation but to think and accept that he acted like that in every phase of his life will cause problems.
Due to those situations, some scholars had the view that not all of the sunnah but some of it was based on revelation and some of it was based on situations like ijtihad and consultation.
For instance, Ibn Qutayba says the following, dividing the source of the sunnah into three:
a)the sunnah that Jibril brought from Allah. 
b)the sunnah that Allah left to His Messenger (pbuh), that He wanted him to explain his view. 
c)the sunnah that the Messenger of Allah practiced for adab; the sunnah that one receives rewards when one performs but does not receive any punishment when one abandons.
Sarakhsi of Hanafis, who adopts the same view, says that the judgments that Hazrat Prophet made based on his opinion and ijtihad are like revelation:
Revelation consists of two parts:
1- Apparent revelation. It is divided into three.
a)The revelation that comes through the tongue of the angel that is perceived by the ear and that is certainly known to be coming from Allah. That part is the revelation of the Quran.
b)The revelation that is explained to the Prophet by the angel through signs, without any words. 
c)Inspiration. It is the divine manifestation in the heart of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) without any doubt. A light arises in his heart and the judgment about the issue becomes clear.
2- Esoteric revelation:Calling it as “ma yushbihu’l-wahy” (resembling revelation), Sarakhsi says that there are judgments that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) reached through his opinion and ijtihad. The fact that he is not left free to make mistakes and that he is always under the control of revelation makes that kind of judgments like revelation. The ijtihads of other people from his umma are not like the ijtihad of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) since there exists the probability of making mistakes and it is impossible to correct them through revelation.
That explanation of Sarakhsi means all of the acts of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) are based on and are corrected by revelation. The act or word of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) is either true or wrong. If it remains as it is, it becomes apparent that it is true because Allah will not let a wrong act or word continue.
Shatibi says the following:
Hadith is either pure revelation coming from Allah or an ijtihad by Hazrat Prophet (pbuh). However, in that case, his ijtihad is either based on a sound revelation in the Book or sunnah or has been checked by it. Even if the view that Hazrat Prophet can make a mistake in his ijtihad is accepted, he will never be left on a mistake; he will be corrected at once. In the end, he will find the truth. Therefore, there is no probability of mistakes in anything that comes from him.
Acting upon those views, it can be said that those who say all of the sunnah is revelation do not exaggerate because all of the sunnah is checked by revelation; it is either left as it is or corrected. That is, since we cannot accept the existence of an application that is not checked by revelation, we can say as a conclusion that all of the sunnah is based on revelation. However, when we say that all of the sunnah is based on revelation, we mean the sunnah that was determined during the age of the Messenger of Allah and that reached us as sound.
d. Silently approved (taqrir) revelation
What we defined as taqrir sunnah when we explained the sunnah is the silent approval by Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) of some actions or words that he saw or heard. That is, when the companions did or said something based on their Jahiliyya applications or their own opinions, Hazrat Prophet sometimes corrected them, sometimes changed them and sometimes did not say anything. The companions regarded his silence as approval because it would not be appropriate for a prophet to leave a mistake as it was. Therefore, his silence meant that action or word was not wrong.
The companions were under the control of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh); similarly, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was always under the control of revelation as a necessity of the attribute of ismah (innocence). Therefore, it should be known that his mistake would not be left without correction and that the warning would be made at once, without any delay. Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) differs from everybody else and from those who are authorized to make ijtihad. It is known that he was warned because of some of his actions even before he became a prophet.
Once, when he wanted to take off his izar (outer garment) in order to throw stones but he was prevented. In another occasion, he wanted to take off his izar to help his uncle Abu Talib to repair the Zamzam Well but he fainted. He said someone with white clothes told him to cover himself when he came to.
His body was protected to save him from exposing the parts that are not suitable to show to others; he was also protected from some unpleasant applications of that period. According to his own statement, he wanted to watch some games and entertainment in the places where marriage ceremonies were held but he fell asleep and could not watch or hear them; after that, he did not commit any bad things till he was appointed as a prophet.
Can it be thought that a person who was under protection even when he was not a prophet and when he was not appointed as an example for his umma and humanity yet would not be protected in a period when he became an example in all aspects for his umma and humanity and that his errors and mistakes would not be corrected?
As a matter of fact, we see some examples of it in the Quran.
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) were worried about the protection of the revelation and Allah, the Exalted, eliminated his worry by saying there is no need to worry about it.
He was warned about the issues like the guidance of men, people’s obeying the command of Allah, that his duty was only to convey the message of Allah that guidance depended on Allah’s will and that the result depended on the will of Allah; he was warned about Abu Talib, whom he asked for forgiveness; and he was forbidden to pray for his uncle.
On the other hand, he was stopped from cursing his enemies after the Battle of Uhud from his wish of mutilation after what was made to Hazrat Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him).
Furthermore, he was warned about releasing the prisoners of war in return for ransom after the Battle of Badr; he was prevented from the application he wanted in order to win the hearts of hypocrites (munafiqs); he was also warned when he made himself haram what Allah had made halal due to the wishes of the prisoners of war .
Those verses above and similar verses are clear indications that Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) was corrected when what he did was not in compliance with the divine consent. Allah, the Exalted, first leaves him free and wants him to make ijtihad or consultation with his companions. Then, if it was in compatible with Allah’s consent, it was left as it was; if it was not, he was corrected. As a matter of fact, the fact that he first said the children of the polytheists were like their fathers and then he said that they would go to Paradise, that he first said the lizards were cursed Jews and then gave up that idea due to the warning by revelation, that first he said the view about torture in grave was a Jewish mischief and then accepted the existence of torture in grave due to the warning by revelation and he took refuge in Allah from it in his prayers, shows that he was warned and corrected outside the revelation of the Quran too.
As it is seen, it is impossible for the Messenger of Allah to continue a wrong deed, act or word that he saw or was informed about because that kind of silent approval is followed by the umma; it is also impossible for the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to continue the wrong acts or words in the presence of Allah; whatever he did during his lifetime is an example and something to be followed for us.
Then, Allah, who is All- Knowing, All-Aware, All-hearing, All-Seeing and Wise, either corrected all kinds of words, deeds and acts of the Prophet or approved them and left them as they were. Whether we call those things that Allah did not change and left as they were as esoteric revelation as Hanafi scholars called them or as silently approved revelation, we can say that the sunnah of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) is based on revelation.
Acting upon that fact, we think that we should accept that the continuation of some of the customs and traditions of the community the Prophet lived in were checked by Allah and since they were silently approved, it is not correct to regard them as only customs and traditions. Besides, we had stated that they were based on Hazrat Ibrahim (pbuh) or other prophets.
Then, even if the attitudes and acts of the Prophet had existed in the same form in the period of Jahiliyya, they would have been corrected by revelation if they were wrong. It can be said that those that were not corrected were approved.
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maaarine · 3 years
Reason in Philosophy: Animating Ideas (Robert Brandom, 2009)
“Here is a mundane example.
Achieving the status of being a good chess player is not something I can do simply by coming subjectively to adopt a certain attitude toward myself.
It is, in a certain sense, up to me whom I regard as good chess players: whether I count any wood pusher who can play a legal game, only formidable club players, masters, or grand masters.
That is, it is up to me whom I recognize as good chess players, in the sense in which I aspire to be one.
But it is not then in the same sense up to me whether I qualify as one of them. To earn their recognition in turn, I must be able to play up to their standards.
To be, say, a formidable club player, I must be recognized as such by those I recognize as such. (…)
As in the Kantian autonomy model of normative bindingness, according to the recognitive model we bind ourselves, collectively and individually.
No one has authority over me except that which I grant by my recognitive attitudes.
Those attitudes of mine are accordingly a necessary condition of my having the status I do.
But as on the traditional obedience model, others do exercise genuine authority over my normative statuses: what I am committed to, responsible for, and authoritative about.
Their attitudes are also a necessary condition of my actually having the status I do.
The two aspects of normative dependence, authority and responsibility, are entirely mutual, reciprocal, and symmetrical. (…)
Hegel’s term for the whole normatively articulated realm of discursive activity (Kant’s “realm of freedom”) is ‘Geist’: spirit.
At its core is language: “Language is the Dasein of Geist,” Hegel says.
That is where concepts (which for Hegel, as for Kant, is to say norms) have their actual, public existence.”
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jewishconvertthings · 6 years
I was wondering. I know Conservative Judaism views Jewish Law as binding but is Jewish Law, in their eyes, binding but open to the individual interpreting how to apply it in their life? I hope that makes sense. And thank you.
Hi anon, 
I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your view of it) this ask is super deep and also touches on something I have personally wrestled with and am still in many ways figuring out. Namely: How does Conservative Judaism view halacha and more importantly, how does change occur under a Conservative rubric? 
These are huge and fascinating questions, and despite the fact that this ask has literally been in my inbox for months, I still don’t have a comprehensive essay for you on it. Instead, I will send you to a few solid links that I found really helpful: 
An overview from My Jewish Learning that excepts a section of Emet v’Emunah (something which I would strongly encourage any prospective Conservative Jew to read, even if your rabbi doesn’t require it);
The official page for the decision-making body of Conservative Judaism;
Another description of how Conservative halacha works in contrast to other movements. 
The most direct answer to your question is narrower: Conservative Judaism holds halacha just as binding as orthodoxy, but differs in how/when it allows for change to occur within it. Those decisions are made by the Rabbinical Assembly, and thus the authority for change-making is given to the rabbis, with the caveat that the voice of the people is heard through how people actually practice. 
Something I will say, however, is this: On principle, Conservative Judaism is just as demanding as orthodoxy, and in the case of women, actually more so because women are also bound by the time-bound mitzvot. In practice? A lot of Conservative Jews I know come to our shul because they grew up Conservative and/or they prefer traditional davening, but their actual observance is roughly on par with many of the Reform Jews I know. 
So in that sense, the answer to your question is two-fold: technically, you don’t control halacha if you’re Conservative; rather, you follow one of the accepted positions in Conservative halacha, which is often different and more lenient than orthodox halacha, but is still binding and fixed. On the other hand, in actual practice, you are going to probably end up being one of the stricter members of your congregation if you actually live your life by this concept. 
Now, where you actually want to be on the observance spectrum is an important question for every prospective convert to wrestle with. I would certainly discuss this with your rabbi, and see if a Conservative understanding of halacha fits into your view of Torah, the bindingness of the mitzvot, and how you actually want to practice Judaism. If you are looking for a lot more flexibility, you may want to go Reform; if you are looking for a more traditionally observant community, I would consider going orthodox. On the other hand, perhaps Conservative Judaism holds the right balance! 
Only you can decide that, and I would definitely seek out help from your rabbi in thinking this through. 
For further reading, I would also recommend Sacred Fragments, by Neil Gillman, as well as How to Read the [Jewish] Bible, by Marc Zvi Brettler. These will help you develop a theological framework that will greatly help you in figuring out where you stand on the issue of halacha, Torah, and mitzvot. 
Hope that helps!
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tabernoter · 6 years
stregerne der holder molekyler sammen hedder bindinger (CO2  er  o=c=o), (H20 er h-o-h) 
grunden til at der er to streger der er fordi at der er dobbeltbindinger, der kan også være enkelbindinger
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viadescioism · 6 years
Would you do mine, pls? My name is barbara. Thank you.
In the ravens of antimony it would be: Baarabaaraa
Ba = This name seems to bring an overall being of bindingness
A = This name seems to bring skill in Communications, and relationships.
RA = This name seems to bring misunderstanding to your creativity and your understanding of intellectual subjects.
BA = This name seems to brings you to stick to your morals, and you seem to get stuck in what you are doing quite easily.
A = This name seems to bring you skill with your life task, and allows you to be incredibly independent.
Ra = This name seems to bring you very close to your love, and your family and you will also be very connected to your children.
A = This name seems to bring you skill in learning your spiritual ways, and gaining truth, and knowledge.
Thank you for requesting, I appreciate it.
- wolf of antimony
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ssssaaaa · 3 years
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**Bogværksted i håndbundne notesbøger** 26. marts 2022 Vil du lære at binde smukke notesbøger i hånden? Til @club.curious kreative workshopdag/julestue Heartmade afholder jeg et værksted i håndbinding af notesbøger. Bogværkstedets fokus bliver på enkle bindinger du kan lave med redskaber du allerede har derhjemme. På workshoppen vil der være lækre papirer du kan binde din notesbog af og bl.a. marmoreret papir du kan bruge til omslaget. Læs mere om arrangementet og køb billet hos @club.curious 👉✨ Tak til @arctic_paper for sponsorering af lækkert papir til workshoppen! Heartmade afholdes på: @ungdomskulturhuset_ukh Ungdomskulturhuset Tage-Hansens Gade 8b, Århus #bookbinding #notesbøger #notebook #bogbinding #håndlavet #workshop #suneamstrup #clubcurious
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dopesnowdk · 3 years
Vintersæsonen er på vej, og det er tid til at forberede sig!
Vinteren er ligger lige om hjørnet, og vi kunne ikke være mere spændte! Snart begynder sneen at falde, skisportsstederne åbner sig, og vi vil sørge for, at du er så forberedt som overhovedet muligt til sæsonstarten. Har du allerede vokset dit snowboard? Justeret bindingerne og fundet den perfekte position? Har du tjekket dit udstyr og dit snowboard tøj? Hvis du svarede nej, eller er i tvivl om, hvor du skal starte, så læs videre her! Vi skrev dette opslag for at hjælpe dig med at blive forberedt til sæsonen, så lad os komme i gang med vores tjekliste!
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Voks dit snowboard
Frisk sne er faldet, jorden er dækket af det perfekte lag hvidt, og solen skinner. Det lyder som paradis, ikke? Selvom begejstringen er høj, og du mest bare tænker på at komme afsted, så er det super vigtigt at forberede dit snowboard og bindinger, før du rammer til pisterne for første gang, så du kan føle dig tryg og behagelig på dit snowboard. Dine forberedelser til sæsonen, bør derfor inkludere rengøring og voksning af dit snowboard, slibning af kanterne, og justering af bindinerne, så du kan den perfekte stilling. Vi vil her give dig hurtige og nemme instruktioner om, hvordan du vokser dit snowboard på egen hånd. Slibning af kanterne kræver en smule mere ekspertise, så det nemmeste er, at svinge forbi et udlejningssted, og få dem slibet der, inden din første dag på pisterne. Du kan selvfølgelig også vælge, at at få dit snowboard serviceret og vokset af en butik, men det er egentlig super nemt at gøre det på egen hånd, og du kan spare nogle penge på samme tid  - hvilket jo svarer til flere penge til afterski ;).
Til for at vokse dit snowboard selv, har du brug for en klud, et strygejern (et gammelt strygejern kan klare jobbet fint, så du behøver ikke at investere i et nyt), en skraber og lidt voks. Start med at tørre bunden af ​​dit bræt med en fugtig klud for at sikre, at det er rent og klar til voksen. Når bunden er ren, smelt lidt voks på overfladen, og fordel det jævnt over hele bunden med strygejernet. Lad voksen køle af og blive absorberet lidt af boardet. Når voksen er afkølet, er det tid til at skrabe det overskydende væk, så brug plastskraberen og sørg for, at bunden er pæn og jævn. Og vupti, så er dit snowboard klar til pisterne, og du har sparet en del, ved at gøre det selv!
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Mangler du noget nyt snowboardudstyr til den nye sæson?
Hvilket udstyr er vigtigst for snowboarding? Det afhænger meget af din kørestil, men de vigtigste ting er robuste snowboardstøvler, en isoleret snowboardjakke, snowboardbukser eller smækbukser, handsker eller luffer og en hjelm. Du kan også tilføje nogle unikke detaljer til dit outfit med fede snowboard googles og en farverig halsedisse. 
Når du vælger snowboardtøj, skal du overveje, hvilken slags vejrforhold, du skal bruge dit nye udstyr i. Til en all-mountain snowboarder, eller dem, som tager på snowboardtur til kolde klimaer, foreslår vi varme isolerede jakker og bukser, der vil tilbyde god beskyttelse uanset vejret, så du nemt kan gå fra parken til den dybe pudder. Hvis du kører under varmere, solrige forhold og elsker at lave tricks parken, så er softshells en god mulighed for dig. Men hvis du er en eventyrlysten offpiste-entusiast, som elsker split-boarding, skal du i stedet overveje de mere alsidige skaljakker og skalbukser, hvor du selv kan lagre op eller ned efter forholdene.
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Planlæg din sæson allerede nu
Jaaaaaa! Nu hvor dit udstyr og dit snowboard er klar, er det tid til den sjove del: planlægning af din næste snerige tur. Eller overvejer du måske på at tilbringe en hel sæson i bjergene? Uanset om du ønsker at tilbringe en uge i bjergene eller hele vinteren, har vi her samlet et par gode tips, du bør vide. Hvis du vil tilbring hele sæsonen i bjergene, så start med at kontakte andre sæsonarbejdere gennem sociale medier, og sørg for at  tjekke lokalbefolkningens rabatter for sæsonkort. Det kan nogen gange være lidt vanskeligt, at finde en lejlighed/bolig og et job, men ikke tøv ikke med at spørge om hjælp og være aktiv i din planlægning. De lokale og andre sæson-arbejere vil normalt mere end gerne hjælpe dig! :)
Uanset hvor lang tid, du har planer på at være afsted, så er det vigtigt at vælge den rigtige destination for din snowboard ferie. Du skal sørge for at finde et skisportssted, der passer til dit niveau, så du kan få mest muligt ud af din ferie. Tjek også de andre tilgængelige aktiviteter på stedet (for hvem elsker ikke, at slappe af i en spa efter en lang dag i bjergene?) Og book din bolig så tæt på skiliften som muligt, så du kan fange den første gondol om morgenen. Uanset hvor du beslutter dig for at tage hen, er vi sikre på, at det bliver fantastisk!
Fortæl os, hvordan din første dag tilbage på snowboardet gik, og send os gerne billeder fra bjergene :)
Vil du vide mere om Dope Snow, kan du finde os her:
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compukol · 4 years
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Binding Your Social Media Marketing With Social Proof - Whether you know it or not, social proof is an extraordinarily important part of your business's success. It is what cements your business with your clients and prospective clients. It is what @compukol https://www.compukol.com/bindinging-your-social-media-marketing-with-social-proof/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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