#bimbo is a state of mind
robinmage · 1 year
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courtesy of this post “every friend group should include...”
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amusl02 · 1 year
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not immune to tall handsome men
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mrslaflour · 27 days
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pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ ot5 x fem!reader
genre ⸝⸝⸝ smut, dark (noncon), football player txt, cheerleader reader, reader is under 21 but 18 or over (implied)
warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ txt are serial r8pists, unprotected sex, noncon, mean dom!txt, language, name calling, anal.., reader is dry (referring to her 😽), really not much prep on certain members, reader does not enjoy this in any way, drinking, smoking, reader is a virgin but she never states that to them, the things they do to her get more and more wild as each person takes their ‘turn’, possible murder allusions, suffocation, choking, oral (both), hair pulling, fingering, nipple play, gagging, riding, tummy bulge,
summary ‎⸝⸝⸝ after every important football game, 5 of some of the star football players at the school pick one cheerleader to “mess with”. the school knows them as the grape team, so clearly people know that they’re r8pists, no? no it’s not true at all! it’s just some stupid rumors girls make up for attention! they’re just jealous they can’t be with them so they want to make them look bad and are just trying to ruin their futures. how wrong of them to do such a thing, right? they’re just pitiful jealous whores…
your school had to be the absolute most stereotypical school from every tv show. dumb blondes, cheerleaders with big tits, football players with big dicks, nobody had a personality of their own. everybody on their knees for the star football team. as much as your school was filled with the stereotypical rich kid who’s daddy thinks that they’re going to be an all star athlete soon to be in the olympics, they kind of had every right to think that. your school had one of the best football teams in your whole city. it was rare that you ever heard that your school lost, it was basically unheard of. but within that big football team consists of a decently sized click. the grape team is what everyone knows them as. for really fucked up reasons too.
everyone knows them as the five sexy football players that every girl would love to get railed by, even just one of them! or you know them as the five football boys who once a year pick a cheerleader, typically the new girl on the block, to invite to their party, get her all fucked up and dizzy, bring her up to their bedroom, and fuck her so hard to the point she’s knocked out and doesn’t even remember waking up to go to school that day. but those are just rumors! come on, nobody would ruin their perfect all star record just to sleep with some bimbo cheerleader who supposedly didn’t want it when they could literally have any girl they wanted with the consent part involved. these girls are just mad that they didn’t want to fuck them or they didn’t want to date them so they go around saying these things just to try to ruin their chances of being a star. jealousy is such an awful disease. either that or these girls got too damn drunk to remember telling them that they could fuck her.
“she’s such a whore. i’d die to even get looked at by them.”
“who cares if they r8ped them or not? at least you’re getting fucked by the five hottest guys in school. any girl would kill for an opportunity like that.”
“if the rumors are true, can they r8p me next? i’ve been dying just to get yeonjun to even talk to me…”
see! it’s really not serious. these are baseless rumors that are just a joke to people. they’re not called the grape team because they actually r8p girls, they’re called the grape team because it’s an inside joke between the school, duh! and plus, they don’t seem to mind it. in fact, whenever anybody calls them that to their face they just laugh and smile. it clearly doesn’t bother them so it’s obviously all rumors.
you’d be lying if you said they weren’t cute. oh they were. but weather or not you thought the rumors were true, you don’t care enough to go after these boys. it’s weird to be accused by multiple people in the first place, you don’t really want tied up in all that. you had basically just joined the cheer team. you had saw them a few times over your cheer camp during practices and even in the hallway before you joined, but never interacted with them. besides staring at them thinking about how big it is, or besides having a project with a few of them! but hey, everybody has thought about it at least once, including the guys in the school.
usually every friday you’d cheer, hype up the audience, you know. and on the big game days, they always threw a huge party to celebrate. they weren’t a frat but shit that’s what it seemed like a lot of the time. practically the whole school goes. there was a rumor once that a teacher went. did she get railed too? you had never been to one because until this year, you hadn’t been that involved with your peers. but everybody goes, and it’d be a nice way to fit in more, no? interact with your cheer team and get even closer and connect with the people you’re cheering for, the football team! plus, all your friends were badgering you to go, so you basically had to.
it was the end of a huge game that the team had just won and you’re chatting it up with your cheer team. people slowly start to leave as time goes on and there’s less and less of you there. it’s silent for a few seconds after all the laughing and excitement until you hear a voice behind you.
“you’re going, right?”
you turn around to see soobin, a member of said grape squad talking to you for the first time ever. you were a little confused so you spoke up.
“uh, going where?”
“the party tomorrow night?”
you mentally slapped yourself in the face. duh it was about the party. but why’s he asking you to your face? anybody can go. but you brush it off. it’s probably because you never go but now since you’re on the team it’s kind of expected.
“yeah, uhm, i planned on being there.”
“great. hope to see you there then.”
he gave you a light smile and then that was it. he just walked away. it felt off to you, something about his demeanor, but whatever. probably just because of how tall he is, yeesh, how does one even get that tall, it was kind of scary, especially considering the ‘rumors’……but you head home and for some reason laying in bed, you couldn’t fall asleep. It’s usually not hard after a long game..but after tossing and turning in your bed for what felt like hours, you finally fell asleep getting ready for a long day tomorrow.
“she’s coming right?”
“she said she would.”
“she’s gotta be the prettiest one we’re ever gonna fuck.”
“she’s a sweet girl on the outside but probably a sick fuck on the inside. shit, by the end, i’m sure she’ll love it. they all end up wet and slutty by the end of it all.”
if we’re being honest, you would have forgotten about the party and skipped it if your friend hadn’t literally came to your house to force you awake and get each other ready.
“what are you wearing?”
your friend asked. she was wearing a crop top with a short ass skirt just barely about to show her panties.
“certainly not what you’re wearing. with that outfit you’ll be the next victim of the grape team.”
you joke with her. she just scoffs before speaking up.
“any girl would be lucky to get fucked by them let alone looked at by them weather they liked it or not. so you can go ahead and sign me up!”
she said some crazy shit sometimes. no way she meant it…
“i’m just gonna wear a tight fitted top and some ripped jeans, i have nobody to impress and i’m not staying long.”
she just rolled her eyes. but hey, baby steps. this was your first party after all. it’d be one to remember.
“you don’t think there’s gonna be another rumor after this party?”
you asked. just curiosity makes you think. plus if you’re going to a party then why wouldn’t you talk about the people throwing it?
“after every big game there’s a new rumor. it’s obviously going to happen again. if only they could make that rumor a reality for me. tch, such a disappointment..”
you roll your eyes, she said dumb things no matter how fucked up they were. you didn’t agree with them but what can you do.
“we’ll see what happens when we get there..”
she winks.
“but we should head out now. we don’t wanna get there super late when everybody’s drunk and you can’t even speak to someone without getting thrown up on.”
walking into the party was loud as fuck. how had this place not gotten a noise complaint yet…? the amount of alcohol on the table and who knows what being smoked and the party quite literally had just started is crazy. drinking wasn’t your thing. you weren’t twenty-one and most of these people weren’t either but who gives a shit it’s a party. your friend immediately ran over to a guy she saw that she thought was good looking and then you didn’t know where to go. sit on the couch? go near the table full of drinks? no clue. you felt so out of place. ew. you spot some of your cheer team so you push through some people to get to them, smoke blowing on your face and you practically coughing your lungs out certainly was not fun. once you finally reached them you say hi and hug a few people and start talking.
“wow, i’m surprised you actually came. have you had a drink yet?”
you roll your eyes.
“no i have not, and no i don’t plan on it. i’m the one who drove here after all…”
“drunk driving is totallyyyyyy the trend now. literally everyone you’ve ever talked to has probably done it at least once. get some hunky firefighter to save you after you crash your car and have to strip you clean to treat your burns. maybe he’ll fuck you just in the right spot and wake you up. who needs cpr anymore when you have a huge dick right in front of your face?”
what a wild take. but that’s what most people at your school had. wild ass takes. but weather you disagree or not the only thing you can do is just laugh it off or be honest and give a disgusted face. after about 10 minutes of talking you feel a big ass hand lay on your shoulder for a second before lifting off. you turn around and it’s kai. it was crazy to think he was wrapped up in this grape squad shit. he seems as sweet as pie, a friendly giant you guess…
“i’m glad to see you decided to come! if i’m being honest i had doubts..”
you rub the back of your neck and do a light laugh.
“i’ve heard that one a lot tonight..”
you see him look back and notice the rest of their little squad standing by a small table with a few other people from the football team and just around school. he turns his head back around to you and smiles.
“hey, sorry we weren’t proper party hosts and welcomed you in. especially me, this is my house after all…but how about you come over there and we’ll talk a little. we know everyone on the cheer team pretty well except for you after all.”
eh, what could the harm be. it was only a few steps from where you were originally at anyways. you say bye to the people you were speaking with for a little and walk over to the rest of his little frat. the conversation the guys over here were having were mainly about girls and drugs. what a topic starter.
“so, what made you decide to join the cheer team?”
someone speaks up. you couldn’t see him too well despite the height until he pokes his head from behind one of his teammates. it was beomgyu. the troublemaker of the school. the class clown. he was probably the one person in the group that people didn’t like as much.
“uh, i don’t know. just needed something to do other than work i guess.”
they give a slight nod before they go back to their random conversation. you contemplate walking away. you were having funner with the people you actually knew after all.
“so, would you like me to grab you a drink? sorry i didn’t ask before. we have vodka shots and a bunch of other alcoholic stuff if you’d like.”
kai spoke up. trying to live up to what he said before and be an amazing party host. but just because it’s a party doesn’t mean you have to do illegal shit. that’s another thing people keep asking you about.
“sorry, i don’t drink. plus i drove here myself so tonight is not the night that i wanna try, aha.”
it’s much easier to mask the taste of a drug in alcohol than in something like water or juice…but you didn’t know that. all you knew was that this party was not fun to you at all and that it sure was a new experience but now that you’ve experienced it for a few minutes, you’re ready to go home. he tried to offer you something else to drink but you just weren’t really down for it right now. you’re sure you would be soon though. all this second hand smoke blowing down into your lungs was making your throat dryer and itchier by the second. but there was one thing you needed, a bathroom. all this water on the table from spilt drinks and all the gulping of water and the faucets turning on were not helping you hold it. you were hoping you wouldn’t have to ask for anything and have as little interaction with people you didn’t know as possible but you certainly weren’t gonna piss your pants in front of basically the whole school. they would probably be too drunk to remember, but still.
“uh kai, where’s your bathroom?”
he smiles. people can be bubbly and happy sure, but man he seemed way too happy to be telling you where the bathroom is.
“upstairs in my room! second room on the right.”
you thank him before heading off. it was going pretty decent so far. no bad interactions, no tripping on your face, the only thing that was bad was that you were bored..but hey! once your friend quits kissing up on guys then you’ll have a little bit more fun…you walk up kais steps and look down the hallway. “second room on the right…” you mumble to yourself damn this hallway was long. he was for sure a rich kid but you could tell that from the outside of his house. then again, he’s blonde, tall, plays football, and every girl wants to fuck him. it’d be a surprise if he wasn’t rich. you finally find the room and surprise surprise, the size of his bed is damn near bigger than your whole bedroom size. you see a door in the corner of the room and assume it leads to the bathroom. you lock it and do your business before washing your hands and then drying them off. you open your phone to check the time. “already twelve? sheesh…” you check your notifications too. a few missed texts but eh, you could check them later. you unlock the bathroom door and there you see the whole grape squad standing in kais room. did they have to use the bathroom too? this rich ass house, they must have at least three bathrooms and you couldn’t have been in there for too long…
“you really don’t drink?”
taehyun speaks up. the quiet charming one that didn’t even have to try to get girls to look at him. one stare and he had them like jelly in the palm of his hand.
“uh, no…not my thing i’m still not twenty-one and once again, i did drive here and i don’t wanna wreck my car. with my college debt i won’t get a new one until i’m at least thirty…”
you mumbled that last part. but uh, you didn’t really see what drinking had to do with any of this but you didn’t wanna just stand and have a silent staring contest so you just kind of scoot by going for the door before a hand grabs your wrist. yeonjun.
“if you would just be bad for once in your life, maybe you’d be able to enjoy this just a little. maybe even forget about it if you were fucked up enough and fucked out enough, but i guess now we’ll never know.”
you stilled, trying to comprehend the words he had just said before he starts pushing you onto the bed. it’s pretty evident on what’s happening so you of course go to scream but he quickly palms your mouth. he finally presses you to the bed and allows everybody to figure out what position they’d like to take. i mean come on, nobody stood a chance against five tall ass guys who play football. you would’ve been doomed even if you were a guy yourself. even if you had just been going against one of them you wouldn’t have escaped this fate. you start trying to kick your legs from underneath him before somebody pushes them down into the bed.
“soobin can’t go first this time. everytime he’s gone first or second his dick is too big and they don’t even feel the slightest bit of pleasure after and it ruins it for everybody….”
you squeeze your eyes shut, this must be a dream right? there’s no way this is real. sure you thought the rumors had to have some truth but even if they were completely true (which now you know, clearly they are) you wouldn’t have ever expected them to go after you. but i guess it makes sense. new cheerleader just trying to fit in and wants more friends, so what does she do? says she’s another victim of the grape squad to gain some popularity and a few new connections. it would make sense. or would you be one of the ones who didn’t tell anybody? eh, didn’t matter right now. all that matters is that they get their dick wet and have a new little image to imagine every time they need to get off.
“just hold her mouth shut and hold her legs down so i can fuck her without having to deal with her kicking me in the dick or making me have to stop right when i’m about to orgasm because somebody heard her.”
from the way he was speaking, you could guess yeonjun was the leader of this shit. soobin was the leader on the football team but this wasn’t football. this was ‘how many girls can we r8p before we graduate??!’ and it was pretty clear that yeonjun led that shit. besides taehyun, the guy was charming as fuck. seemed like prince charming. you feel the bed dip right where your head was. you open your eyes to see a beomgyu laying on his stomach, face right above yours with a sick smile on his face. yeonjun removes his hands from your mouth before beomgyu quickly replaces the empty space with his hands. He places his chin on your forehead and then gives an almost taunting kiss to it. his hands were basically holding your head still, so you couldn’t really turn away from it. yeonjun then sits up on his knees on the side of your hips and puts all his body weight on your stomach while pushing your wrists to your chest.
“this will be fun. we’ve never not drugged a girl out before fucking her for hours like this. i’m curious to see how it’ll go.”
he says all this with a smile on his face while looking you dead in the eyes. you hadn’t noticed but kai had left the room. probably to attend to the party and not seem suspicious. most people were drunk but there’s always a few sober people and it’s been years that they’ve been at this, they don’t wanna blow their cover now. you also notice that taehyun is leaning in a chair against the wall. his pants are unzipped, he was probably gonna beat to this shit, sick bastard. and then obviously by process of elimination, soobin was holding your legs down, and strong as fuck at that. you couldn’t even move it the slightest inch. you feel his chin move on your forehead as he speaks up.
“the fun begins now. are you ready?”
he loosened his hands jussstttt a little so he could let you shake your head no before tightening them back up. you felt yeonjuns finger prodding with the buttons on your jeans and feel your pants slightly loosening as he unzips them. what makes this all the more worse is you can’t even lift your fucking head to see what he’s doing.
“i haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already crying. don’t worry, you’ll be crying a hell of a lot more by the end of the night.”
he hadn’t even bothered to take ur shirt off. hadn’t even bothered to prep you, nothing. you couldn’t lift ur head but u could see him sitting above you and saw that sly ass look on his face as he quickly forced it in. didn’t take his time at all, as if he wanted it to be as painful as possible. you quickly squeeze your eyes shut and start trying to kick your legs as hard as you can, start trying to shake your head free, try your hardest to move your wrists away but nothing works. beomgyus thumb starts wiping at the tears falling onto his hand and you hear a snicker come from him. yeonjun goes down to prep you (a little too late so not really prep..”) starts rubbing your clit in circles and almost is in shock that you or your body isn’t enjoying this at all.
“fuck you’re dry as hell. stubborn, huh? let me tell you a secret,”
he leans in to your ear scarily close,
“i’d suggest you start to enjoy it or you’re in for one hell of a night. seven hours at the minimum sounds terrible if you’re not enjoying it, no?”
he says all this shit while still ramming into you, still trying to get u damp but his efforts are in vain. your friend would notice though. she’d wonder where her ride went and they’d say you were last seen with them. she’d go up the stairs looking for you and find out what was going on. she’d get help, right? or would they easily lie their way out of it. would they let you go to avoid suspicion? no. they’re all cocky fucks who think they’re the hottest best people in the school, they’re not gonna let their ego fold that easily. they won’t get caught that—
“i can usually go longer but you are tight as fuck, you a virgin?”
you realized he finished. you felt his dick getting pulled out as painful and rough as it was forced in you. you felt something wet dripping down your thighs and you knew it wasn’t from you. it was his cum dripping down. your eyes were still squeezed shut, not wanting any of them to see your teary eyes. you were so embarrassed, so violated. and even worse, you didn’t want him to know you were a virgin. that this night was the night you’d always remember as your first time..
“how was it?”
“it was amazing. might need round two later. this is so much better than just drugging them up. so much funner, so much tighter, so much squirmier.”
“you can say that again, she almost bit my hand off..”
it was so eerie to hear them talking like this as if you weren’t even here listening to them.
“here i’m gonna go next. you take her mouth, i’ll take her ass.”
you had never been fucked in general since five fucking seconds ago, but in your ass? fuck no. and when you heard him say “take her mouth” you knew exactly what he meant and you just wanted out of this room. beomgyu was always the sly one. the funny one. the one half of the school loved and half of the school was annoyed as fuck by and hated. clearly he liked jokes but taking your ass was a pretty fucking sick one. they tell soobin to let go of your legs and you immediately start kicking. yeonjun flips you on your stomach while beomgyu lets go of your mouth. you hadn’t even gotten the chance to scream, your face immediately getting slammed into the sweaty mattress. beomgyu swiftly grabs your wrists, now uncomfortably forced behind your back in one hand and yeonjun is sitting up in front of your face on his knees with his dick still out of his pants. he forces your head up by grabbing a fist full of your hair. you wanted to scream immediately but the threatening look on his face made you not wanna test him. but also you knew as soon as you opened your mouth what would happen. he’d shove it in there without a care in the world just like he did your pussy. he stares into your eyes for a good second before speaking up.
“oh look at all those tears. you’ll be crying a lot more when ur choking on my dick. open up.”
you tried forcing your head to look the other way but he only squeezed your hair even tighter. he holds his dick in one hand and starts trying to force it through your tightly squeezed lips. as if almost on cue beomgyu forces his dick in you pretty little ass. slower than when yeonjun fucked you, but still too fast for your liking. that made you open your mouth to scream in pain, but it was quickly muffled by his dick. beomgyu was showing you some sort of mercy, but only because he needed to get used to how fucking tight you were and how much your ass was pulling him in. you realized that your feet were still free so you start kicking at his back trying to squirm free. ultimately, that made your head move a little further down yeonjuns dick and you gagged so fucking hard, you thought you would throw up. he quickly pulled the air through his teeth on that one holding in a grunt.
“i love to feel a struggle it only makes me even harder. go ahead and bruise up my back with your kicks, i love it so—fuck-much”
so they didn’t just forget to hold your legs down but it was for beomgyus sick pleasure too. it was futile anyways. it only got him off more and even if you had heels on and stuck the heel through his back he’d only keep thrusting even harder into you.
“you better hold your mouth open as wide as you can, if you fucking bite my dick i swear to god it’s over for you”
you never heard of any missing people or dead people at your school from the grape team or just in general but you didn’t know what he meant and you didn’t wanna take any chances. he quickly grips your hair even harder and pushes it as far back as he can. feeling your throat tighten and gag and cough up on his dick, he couldn’t help but groan. it hurt so so bad. feeling your ass being pounded and feeling like you’re about to throw up all over his bed from the amount of gagging you’re doing. you don’t even wanna know what they’d do or say if you threw up. you try to squirm your wrists free, try to kick even harder but beomgyu only squeezes your wrists tighter, you only feel his cock twitch more at the kicking, and when you try to turn your head you only feel your scalp burning more and as if he’s about to rip out a huge chunk of your hair. you feel him shoot his cum down your throat and you immediately start trying to spit it out while his dick is still in your mouth. you can’t even focus on that though because you still have this sadistic fuck ramming into you and grabbing ur ass every few seconds, gripping his nails into it.
“don’t waste it all. you know it’s an honor that we’re even doing this to you. show us some respect.”
respect? an honor? was he joking? he takes his dick out of ur mouth before he slams your face right into the mattress. you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream, couldn’t struggle because your hair was still in a tight grip, couldn’t do anything but hope he let you go before you suffocated. you feel beomgyu pause before groaning loudly and finally pulling out. he did it slowly, almost teasingly, but he did it. and when he did yeonjun finally let you breathe. the only thing you could do was gasp for air and let out a few sobs. you couldn’t even scream for help you were so out of breath.
you were about to sob out loud. you were barely even able to get those two words out. tripping over your words. snot running down your nose and tears staining your face. no sense of privacy besides the fact that they still hadn’t taken off your shirt and your jeans were stuck just above your knees. even though nobody was holding your legs down it still made it difficult. you wrists still in beomgyus tight grip.
“does it really matter if she screams? everybody’s probably blackout drunk by now.”
taehyun speaks up. it’s the first thing he’s said since this whole ordeal started. he’s just been sitting in the corner getting off to this fucked up shit. you could hear his small groans and curses every once in a while but it’s hard to focus on so many things at once in a situation like this. but what if he was right? what if you screamed and nobody heard it? what if you screamed and somebody heard but they just didn’t care..
“the party is loud as hell. unless she screams fucking crazy nobody should hear.”
you wanted to scream but you also didn’t want to give them what they wanted. they wanted to hear you scream. you’d just been sobbing and saying small ows under the palm of beomgyus hand earlier. you hadn’t had any moans of pleasure at all. but they didn’t care, they were here for themselves, not you. yeonjun grabbed your chin and forced you to kiss him. you had no hands to push him away and he held your head perfectly still. he finally leaned away after what felt like forever even though it was probably only ten seconds.
“i’m gonna go down with kai, i’ll be back before the fun part.”
the fun part…? you didn’t wanna know. that evil smirk on yeonjuns face and the uncomfortable silence in the room spoke volumes though. you hear the door open and shut. you feel beomgyu let go of your wrists and you immediately sit up. at the end of the bed you just see three faces staring, piercing right into your eyes. you immediately go to pulling up your jeans and your panties before two strong hands grip both of your wrists. you slowly look up only to see taehyun staring intensely at you. as if daring you to move. he quickly pushes your chest down and you start yelling at him to get off of you.
“get off of me you asshole!”
you were pulling his hair and smacking him and you could tell he was getting frustrated. he rolls the front of your shirt up trying to get a view of your chest. finally starting to strip you clean of everything.
“does he have—shitthisfuckingbitch— scissors somewhere?”
he finally got sick of your antics and landed a clean slap on your face and you finally let go of his hair. you go to scream and he only slaps you again. he stared at your now red face and looked at you dead in your face. he was telling you to go ahead and do something else using his eyes. you didn’t wanna know how else he’d hurt you. someone finally hands him scissors and you try to push yourself up before he can cut your shirt. he puts one hand on your waist to hold you in place and one hand presses the tip of the scissors right into your collarbone.
“if you move you’ll get cut and it won’t be my fault, so i’d suggest you quit being so whiney and just be an obedient fucking whore.”
you still quickly. taehyun had to be the scariest to you. he didn’t speak much he just went straight in and tried to avoid as much talking as he could. he just wanted to get what he took you for and go on with his day. he cut your shirt off and then he goes to cut your bra off, but he quickly realizes he can’t because it’s a wired bra and he couldn’t cut through it. he puts the scissors to the side and sits up on top of you.
“take your bra off.”
you’re confused at what he just said and just lay there trying to cover up your chest.
“sit up and take your bra off.”
his stare was going to be the death of you. you slowly sat up but you just looked down at your bare legs with tears streaming down your face. it was humiliating enough for him to cut up your shirt but to make you take your own bra off to get r8ped by him? it would’ve been less embarrassing if he did it himself.
“i said take it off. i’m not going to do it for you. i could always do more than a slap. and the scissors are right here.”
your start sniffling and choking on your sobs from trying not to sob outloud and give them the satisfaction. in the corner of your eyes you can see soobin getting even harder (if that was even possible) and beomgyu standing there about to unzip his pants again and start jacking off right there.
“don’t make me tell you again.”
you start un-clipping your bra as slow as you can. you slowly take the straps off your arms and slowly let the bra drop to your thighs. the only bit of coverage that you had now. he quickly throws it to the floor and pushes you back down. he starts pinching your nipples and swirling his tongue around them. you try pushing his head away but he just bites your nipple causing you to yelp. he moves away and towers over you once again. you see his hand start to move lower and he quickly starts fingering you with two fingers. you quickly go from hugging your chest to pushing against his and yelling at him to stop.
“damn you’re still barely wet? at least it’s getting there. i really don’t even need to do this. yeonjun already fucked you here so it’s ready for me but i’m choosing to be nice. do you think i’m nice?”
you quickly shake your head no and he just scoffs with a smirk. you finally decide to scream for help and all he does is take the fingers that were fucking you and forces them in your mouth and down your throat. he starts moving them around and it causes you to gag over and over.
“should i make you throw up? make you clean up the mess with your tongue while i fuck your ass?”
you only gag more around his fingers with tears spewing out your eyes before he finally pulls them out and you have a coughing fit. too busy coughing and wiping your face, you failed to notice that he already had his dick out and was rubbing the tip against your entrance. finally slightly wet, but still not wet enough where it would go in smoothly.
“wait wait wait! please don’t..!”
he just laughs.
“what? you don’t want me to?”
you mumble some no’s just barely audible to him.
“ok then, you can do it.”
confused, he grabs your hips with both hands and drags your body all the way onto his dick. you quickly wince at the feeling of being so full and once again go to trying to push him off of you. the only thing he does is grab your neck with his hand and start putting pressure and squeezing, successfully blocking your air flow. you start scratching at his arms and he just throws his head back while still thrusting into you. the sweat causing his hair to stick to his face. you go to kick at him but realize that when you flail your legs more into different positions that the feeling of him only gets worse so you just keep your legs still. however, you were still scratching at his arms, afraid you were gonna pass out and then they’d do who knows what else to you. he started to squeeze tighter and you finally started fearing for your life. trying to open your mouth to beg him to stop but no words came out.
“quit —shit-fighting me and i’ll let u-fuck!—i’ll let you breathe.”
not even having a second thought you let your hands drop to your sides and he finally lets go. you just turn your head to the side, trying to force it into the pillow to silently cry as he finishes up. he grabs your chin, and you flinch thinking he’s about to choke you again, but he just turns your chin to face him and he speaks up.
“i want you to look me in the eyes as i finish or i’m gonna make sure this whole thing for you lasts way longer than planned.”
of course he was probably lying but you didn’t want to take the chance. you hear the door open while he continues to look you in the eyes and thrust into you but you can’t even check to see who came in because you didn’t want to look away. you didn’t wanna take any chances. but once you see his eyes squeeze shut and him throw his face forward and feel the same dripping sensation out of your pussy that you’ve felt the whole night, you know he’s done. he slowly pulls out just to tease you before shaking a bit of his cum onto your legs and on your stomach before moving over. it was kai who had come back to the room, staring at you in awe.
“she’s still awake? and i missed all the fun?”
taehyun scoffs at him.
“the no drugs is so much better than what we’ve ever done before. come get a taste for yourself.”
he was speaking as if you were some meal waiting to get eaten. it was gross. it was sickening that nobody there probably even saw you as a human. kai always was and seemed to be the nicest out of them all. he was the most approachable, the most helpful, the easiest one to talk to and do projects with besides soobin. it was weird to see him staring over you with this hungered look on his eyes but he still had this oh so soft smile on his face. it made you conflicted and made you genuinely upset. hurting kai, although he was never close to you, just seemed so much more terrible than if you were to hurt taehyun. he slowly starts to crawl on top of you, one hand on his pant zipper and the other caging you in.
“you look stunning right now. even with your tears. i would love to see your pretty smile, i’ve seen it at school. oh to see you smile in this state. i think i’d die..”
he takes his thumb and wipes your tears. you grab his wrist with one hand and looked him in the eyes, begging him with your eyes to stop. but he only smiled and pulled your hand to his face, closing his eyes. it was as if he was trying to make this situation seem like a consensual thing between the two of you. he pushed you down to your back and layed completely on top of you while still holding your one wrist to the side. he was ten folds heavier than you so it made it kind of difficult to breathe. he pressed his face into the crook of your neck and just laid there for a little, just letting you hear him breathing down your neck. you finally feel his arm move to mess with his pant zipper and you start to try to move away from him but he just glides the back of his hand across your face with one hand, now looking you in the eyes, and taking his dick out his pants with the other. you could feel his tip align to your entrance and you finally gather the strength to speak. although it’s hard considering all his weight is pressing down on you.
“kai, please don—”
he just presses down even more on you and he kisses you. but not just for a second, he keeps kissing you to keep your mouth shut. whenever you moved your head to the side he moved his head with you. he was not breaking from the kiss anytime soon. as he was doing this you felt his dick finally push in. your eyes widened and your mouth opened with a gasp which he quickly took advantage of by pushing his tongue in your mouth. no matter how many times you’d experienced getting fucked tonight, it got no easier. no less painful. you finally had gotten a little ‘slicker’ down there too. the way kai was handling this just made your body feel so conflicted. but don’t get it confused, you still wanted him off of you. still wanted him out of you. he’s making slow movements in you, not really thrusting, but he’s still getting into it, just slowly. you start trying to hit his back and trying to push his face away but he only moved his other arm and grabbed your arms one at a time and forced them to stay locked around his neck. if anybody were to walk in and see you in this position, they wouldn’t even know that you didn’t want it. they would never know that he was r8ping you. it would just look like a loving couple having sex. every so often he’d let go of the kiss to breathe for 5 seconds before going back in. he uses one of his legs to move one of your legs so that he could feel you better. this was the only time tonight you felt good and you hated it. it was only his leg holding your leg down and you still could barely move it away and kick. you start trying to squirm even more as it feels better and better. he pulls away from the kiss again and pushes his forehead against yours breathing heavily.
“does it feel good finally? i can tell. yeonjun said you were dry but look how wet you are right now. did you just need a little more love? were they mean?”
you just started tearing up and crying more, your arms stuck around his neck and him drawing out these slow movements in you.
“please i just wanna —ow —go home, nobody will believe me anyways just—agh- let me go.”
you were pleading with him. he was probably the most sane person here, the safest person here to try to reason with.
“but i just—aghshitshit— love this, love you so much..i love how you feel, i love how you look,”
he leans in close to your ear and whispers to you.
“after tonight, we should keep talking, yeah? maybe date, maybe just let me keep fucking you like this. i’ve never enjoyed one of these nights more than this..”
more? of this? even if it was just him fuck no. you just shake your head no but he just presses a kiss into you again. your legs start to shake a little and you can feel him smile against your lips. he speeds up a little more and you hear him groan. you feel the vibration of his groan spread through your chest and through your lips before the same warm feeling in your pussy comes back. the same substance coming out. you felt disgusting. you felt like some prostitute cum dump off of the street. this was absolutely humiliating. he just lays their still for a few more seconds, leaving his dick in you, holding the kiss between the two of you before he finally allows you to breathe and finally pulls out. how long has it been? how much longer would they keep going? how much longer until they got bored of you and let you go home? you didn’t know. you wanted nothing more than to hug your blanket and just go to sleep and forget this all happened. but this was a night to remember for all of them and for you. he finally climbs off of you and sits at the edge of the bed swaying his feet a little like a giggly child.
“one more until we get to the fun part. soobin!”
beomgyu yelled that across the room. he sounded so happy and you hated it. you had forgotten there were five of them, and now you knew even after soobin would go, there was apparently more to go on. you just wanted to close your eyes and think about anything else, imagine anything else, but you knew they wouldn’t let you. kai stands up and comes to the side of the bed and stands you up onto the floor. good thing he was holding you up because if he wasn’t you probably would have collapsed to the ground. soobin, dick already out crawls onto the bed and lays on his back and kai sets you right in front of his dick. hard as a rock sticking straight up in the air.
“you’re gonna ride him.”
you pause and just sit there. no you weren’t. you—no. just no! but kai lifts you up by your shoulders and hovers your pussy right over soobins dick and slowly lowers you onto it. how do you even get out of this one? they’re not gonna let you lift yourself off of him, hitting him will do nothing, and you literally can’t kick your legs. even if you could, it wouldn’t do anything. you just squeeze your eyes shut before kai quickly lets go and you quickly put both of your arms on soobins chest but it’s too late and he’s already balls deep in you. you swear you can feel his imprint in your stomach and he clearly sees it too because he reaches his hand out to touch your stomach and feel. soobin was quiet. he didn’t say much in class but he always came across nice. helped when he could, smiled almost always, very calm, just overall not bad to be around. in a situation like this you almost wish he’d say something.
“have you ever rode before? or is it just mine you stay still for..”
he mumbled the last part, but you still heard him. you refused to answer, you didn’t want to give any of them a hint that this was your first time.
“i’ll help you, help me.”
you didn’t know what he meant but he grabbed both sides of your hip and easily lifts you up and down on his dick. it was as if you were his own personal alive little flesh light. it was easy for him too, didn’t give him any added difficulty. his chest just gets wetter and wetter, your tears falling like a waterfall onto it. his abs glistening despite the dark room. you tried to push his hands away and lift yourself up off of him but you were only helping him more and his hands only dug into your hips even more. he wasn’t going to let you just pull yourself off him so you easily.
“you’re taking me so—shit—so so so well.”
“you feel so—so good-ahh—so good around me baby—ah fuck-”
he was clearly hungry because even after you felt him cum, he still kept going, his balls smacking against your ass, him going from fast to slow. he finally stops completely, now just letting you sit there and squirm on his dick, getting him off more and more. you started doing it unintentionally, it was just so uncomfortable but clearly not for him, you could hear his soft groans. he moves one hand from your hip to your ass and squeezes which causes you to jump up on his dick and you could feel it pulse in you. he just starts to rub it more before he slowly moves towards your clit. he grabs some slick from it which causes you to shiver, making him curse under you. his fingers now coated, he moves to your pretty pink asshole. he circles his finger around it a little before pushing a finger inside abruptly which caused you to leans forward and jump up before sliding back down onto his dick. you could feel his dick twitch so much in you and it just made your body even more uncomfortable that it caused it to jump up again. you started shaking a little so your body naturally starts riding his dick a little, no matter how much you tried to hold yourself down. soobin starts spewing nonsense before he finally cums again in you. somebody, kai you soon see, lifts you up off of soobin and pulls you into his lap as he holds onto your tummy.
“i saw all that. you couldn’t have been that wet when it was my turn?”
you only just now noticed that yeonjun was in the room. guess over the tears, adrenaline and pain, you hadn’t noticed he came in.
“you all got your turn, all got what you wanted-”
you pause to sniffle and choke on a sob,
“just let me go now please.”
they were silently laughing at you, you could tell. there was nothing funny about any of this. why keep you here any longer if they all got a piece? to torture you?
“it’s only two in the morning sweetheart, we still have until at least seven in the morning. so at least four more hours.”
kai presses his chin in the crook of your neck. you felt sick to your stomach. at least four more hours…maybe letting yourself throw up on their dicks wouldn’t have been such a bad idea.
“and you know what’s next?”
you didn’t look up, but you knew it was yeonjun speaking by the cocky ass tone. you could almost hear the smirk he definitely had on his face through his voice.
“an actual gangbang. all five of us on you, in you, touching you, at the same time.”
now you wish you had taken the alcohol. you wish you would’ve just broken the law for once. risked getting in a wreck and getting a dui, risked waking up delirious and sick. you wished every time they suffocated, every time that they choked you that you would’ve just passed out, but they weren’t going to let you take the easy way out. five hours of every hole getting stretched, your dignity, every sliver of confidence that you ever had removed in a single night.
“you’re just gonna be just another jealous little whore trying to ruin all of our careers with a stupid rumor. how mean of you, we’d never do such a terrible thing, right? it’s impossible, crazy even.”
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mariasont · 3 months
Training Day - A.H
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a/n: you all wanted more bimbo!assistant!reader and i'm a woman of the people so here we are
on a real note i love her and she is my queen
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pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: you don't understand why hotch is giving you training lessons, but apparently he thinks you need it
warnings: talking about men following her in public YUCK, hotch trying to train reader, reader not knowing what's going on, cuties being cute
wc: 0.8k
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"I still don't really know why we're doing this."
You were grumbling more than was characteristic for you, with every part of your body, your arms, your legs, and even your ass, suffering from a dull ache--sadly, not the result of any enjoyable pastime. After being knocked over more times than you cared to count, Hotch extended his hand toward you. You gladly took it, letting him pull you to your feet.
Your fingers deftly pulled at your pink tracksuit top over the sliver of abdomen that that had been revealed in your less-than-graceful take down. Hotch had pointed out the impracticality of your outfit when you showed up, but you stood firm on the principle that if early training sessions were expected of you, then your attire would be non-negotiable.
"Because I want to be confident in your abilities to defend yourself." His arms folded over his chest as his gaze bore into you, challenging you to contradict him.
"I'm just here to look pretty and answer your phones, crime-fighting isn't in my job description. That's your thing, Mr."
You shuffled back to your original position anyway, hands coming up to shield your face as you mentally sorted through the steps, or at least tried to, struggling to recall the correct foot placement.
"Shoulder width apart."
It's like he could read your mind. You were not entirely convinced that he couldn't.
"Crime-fighting doesn't have to be your thing," Hotch stated, narrowing the gap between you, his hands firmly correcting your stance. You sometimes found an excuse to stand just so, hoping he would step in to manhandle you into place. "But being part of the BAU, even peripherally, means you're not immune to risks. I need to know you can handle yourself... for my piece of mind."
"Sir, is this like, your super-secret way of showing you care?"
Your lips twisted into a half-smile as his hands clasped your waist a little tighter than necessary: a warning that said you were playing with fire. His fingers then moved to direct yours, positioning them closer to your face, his knuckles lightly grazing across your cheek in the process.
"Eyes on me, stay focused."
"My eyes are always on you, sir," you say, your head canting to one side. 
He released a controlled breath, giving you a level look that signaling you were pushing it. Nevertheless, you flashed him a beaming smile and initiated the move he had been drilling into you. The tip of your elbow made contact with the soft of his stomach.
He issued a muted groan as he intercepted your arm, preventing it from digging further, and in a fluid motion he spun you around, pinning your backside to his front.
"That was perfect, right?" you squealed, your fist shooting up in victory.
The sudden jump caused his hands to shift from your arm, finding a new perch on your hips to steady your... enthusiastic bounce.
You whirled in his grasp, the proximity sending a faint hum through his chest. Clearing his throat, he managed. "Yes, uh, that was it."
Clutching his shirt, the fabric crumpled beneath your purple-tipped fingers, you giggled. "Just imagine someone trying to follow me to my car now. They wouldn't know what hit 'em!"
"Is that a common occurrence?" The lines of his face gathered into that customary look of concern, that characteristic frown of his making an appearance.
He gently disentangled your hands from his shirt, not letting go, but rather laying his atop of yours.
"Well, sometimes, but I usually just call Morgan, put him on speaker, and he starts talking about the FBI stuff," you explained, giving a light shrug that nudged the zipper of your jacket down just a smidge. "They take off after that."
He clenched his eyes shut, pausing momentarily before reopening it. One hand let go of yours to adjust the zipper back to its proper position.
"That makes my stomach hurt." And it did. "Don't hesitate to call me when that happens. I'll come get you."
Your smile stretched ear to ear, potent enough to make him feel lightheaded. "You know, with all these trainings, who needs to call for help?"
"How about we compromise, and you still call me, regardless?"
You pout your lips, shiny with clear gloss rather than your usual pink. "That sounds less like a compromise and more like a you thing, ya know?"
Hotch's laughter rumbled from his chest, a warm, breathy sound, as he let go of your hands, which he realized he had been holding far longer than appropriate, and guided you to the door.
"You don't appreciate the added precautions I'm willing to take for your safety?"
Dragging your sneaker on the floor, you plucked your bag from the wall as Hotch closed the door behind you. "Gee, when you say it like that..."
When you walked down the hall you seemed to be perfectly in step.
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @freyy253 @broadwaytraaaaash @sunfyyre @sleepysongbirdsings @trulycayla @sarcasm-and-stiles
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le-clair-de-lune · 1 month
For my lovely anon from this request: "jealous!reader if james was to be flirted with? and like how james would react to it."
Hope you enjoy it!!
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"Who does she think she is?" you asked to no one in particular, you eyes trained on the hand of some bimbo who obviously doesn't understand personal space.
You had been looking for your boyfriend, wondering what had been taking so long, only to find him... preoccupied.
Sirius is the first to notice the look you're sending across the room "Uh oh" he lets out causing the others to turn to you "Someone's jealous"
Your brows furrowed together as you tore your eyes away to look at him. "Who me?" you say baffled "Why would I be jealous? I am perfectly fine" you scoffed
"Your drink would say otherwise" Marlene smirks eyeing the crumpled cup in your hand.
Your eyes widen dropping the cup on the table next to you. "Shut up" you mumble.
Lily rolls her eyes "No need to be jealous, sweetheart. Everyone knows he's yours, practically walks around with 'property of y/n' stamped on him"
"Listen here, Red" you start "I'm not jealous, got it?" you say pouring yourself another drink
Jealous pfft why would you be jealous? You are in a perfectly secure relationship with the most loyal man in the world, how could you be jealous?
The others brows raise in response, "Surrre you're not" Remus says taking a puff of his cigarette.
"I'm not! Who would I be jealous of huh? Blondie over there? The one who's been eyeing James from across the room the whole time? The one who had his quidditch number on her cheek during the game? The daft, dense, mindless little tart who is currently trying to make a move on my boyfriend" you let out with a sarcastic smile "Puhlease, I am totally unbothered"
"Riiight" Sirius is the first to speak the rest looking at you amused. "Well then good thing you're unbothered because looks like she's getting comfortable over there"
In an instant you're out of your seat, heading over there. Leaving behind a smirking group of friends.
"Anyone got popcorn?" Peter asks leaning back in his seat, ready to watch the event unfold.
James had just wanted a drink, now he was stuck with some random Hufflepuff girl whose name he couldn't be bothered to remember. Molly? Polly? who cares?? She was becoming way to touchy for him to care.
"Uh yeah" James nodded agreeing to whatever she had been saying whilst trying to shift away.
James' sense of discomfort eases when he sees you making his way over to him. His lips parting as he takes you in. You looked really fucking hot. You were wearing his extra jersey which, with the help of magic, you had made bigger and cinched in all the right places to create a dress. A dress that left James drooling the moment he saw you this morning, not only did it accentuate your curves but it brandished his name. Everyone knew you were his girl and Merlin did he love it.
"Hi darl-" he was cut off but your lips pressing into his. Your fingers threading through his hair tugging softly, whilst pressing closer to him. James hummed in delight pulling you into him his hands travelling down to your ass, paying no mind to girl awkwardly watching the scene. This was not the greeting he was expecting, but who was he to complain?
When you finally pulled away you giggled at his dazed state, straightening his glasses and wiping the lip gloss from his lips as he looked at you with glossy eyes.
The girl coughed, turning your attention to her “Oh sorry! did I interrupt something?” you exclaimed in faux surprise, smiling at the obviously irritated girl.
“Yes actually” she scoffed “Me and Jamie were just making hogsmeade plans, weren’t we?” she pouted looking towards him, only to find him watching you with wide eyes and a stupidly adorable smile.
Jamie? The. Fucking. Audacity.
“Oh were you?” you smirked stroking the back of James’ head “Is that true, my love?” you sent him a soft smile.
“Huh?” he murmured letting his eyes trail over your body.
You couldn’t help out but let out a laugh watching the girl scowl.
“Jamie” you gained his attention cupping his cheek.
“It’s rude to not respond baby, she’s asking you something”
“Oh” he blinked “ What was the question?” he asked keeping his eyes on you.
“Whatever” The girl scoffed walking away.
James payed her no mind, pulling you back into him kissing over your face.
“You. Look. Fucking. Ethereal.” he emphasized kissing you after each word
“Mhmm could’ve seen me in something better if you weren’t distracted” you teased, pouting as you trailed a finger down his chest.
James’ head filled with ideas of what that ‘something better’ his breath catching before he caught up with your words.
“Mhm with that girl” you say eyes drifting to the Hufflepuff, who was still watching, complaining to her friends.
James smirked as he saw the look of disgust on your face. Were you jealous?
"Find something amusing?" you raised a brow, pulling away "Were you having a nice time her?"
"With Polly?" James chuckled "I couldn't give a shit about her, love."
"I thought her name wa-"
"Who gives a fuck?" James deadpanned pulling you back into him "Why would I care about her when I've got all this" he reasoned running his hands over your body. "As if she could compare to my sexy goddess of a girlfriend"
You couldn't help but smile all your worries washing away, you leaned up whispering in his ear "Yeah well your sexy girlfriend has a present for her champion boyfriend" kissing under his ear before continuing "A red lacy present"
James groaned, his pants tightened as he burrowed his head into your neck. "I should make you jealous more often"
" 'm not jealous" you roll your eyes
"Whatever you say princess"
You locked eyes with the girl over his shoulder, smirking as he kissed at your neck.
So maybe you were jealous? It doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day, your sex god boyfriend only had eyes for you.
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gagaewo · 2 months
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Synopsis: 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒎𝒆𝒙𝒚 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
cw: AFAB in mind, crack, fluff fluff fluff, suggestiveness, teasing, pet names (babe, baby, cutie), he can be a jerk when he wants to be, drug use (Mary Jane only once), masturbation (m), virginity loss, p in the v (wrap it before u tap it), squirting mention, oral sex (f), aftercare always a must!
wc: 1.9k
a\n: I'm supposed to finish choso x bimbo!reader, but instead I got side track and decided to write this to boost my brain up ^^. I'm very rusty so I apologize if it's not good, I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY :D!
inspiration: big flirt by lil hero
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Boyfriend!Satoru - is infatuated in everything about you; and when he means everything, he means everything! Heart-shaped eyes seeing you, however, state you're in. He's obsessed with the way you smell, look, feel, and taste. Makes sure you know you're the most beautiful thing his six-eyes laid on.
Boyfriend!Satoru - who enjoys seeing you become flustered when he gives you surprise kisses on your face. He'd grab you by your waist, shoulders, hands, neck (his favorite part to wrap his hands around), and give you a sweet 'smack'!The way you shy your face away afterward always boosts his ego just a little.
Boyfriend!Satoru - who's on top of you when you wake up most mornings. His body weight crushes you in, so you can't escape :P. Other times, he's behind you; muscular arms wrapped around your mid-section tightly, breath tickling your ear when he lets out soft snores. Snuggled in so nicely he never ever wants to leave, and gets whiny when you do try to leave his grasp.
Boyfriend!Satoru - Buys you an expensive gift anytime you accomplish a big goal! Got a raise at your current job? Congratulations he just bought you a fucking Lamborghini. Didn't like the model? Oh, it's okay he'll just buy you another Lambo, but the newest model (the one that's not even out yet), you quite literally can not deny such a gift either. It's not just cars he'll get you. No- it depends on the last thing you look at on shopping sites, and he'll immediately buy everything in your wishlist/cart. Why? Because you work so hard to accomplish your goals he just HAS to do something for you!
Boyfriend!Satoru - who accidentally got you high because Suguru brought him edible brownies. You also have a sweet tooth like Satoru - so you decided to try some! Which left you laying on the couch and staring at the ceiling for two hours. Satoru silently freaking out; giving you your third cup of water now. How many grams were in the brownies, you ask? 1000 MG. Safe to say you slept for a good 14 hours after that incident.
Boyfriend!Satoru - Play fights with you when you're in a low mood, hoping it will work to take your mind off the small stuff. With his great strength he can easily pick you up and gently slam you down into the ground, couch, or the bed; one thing he always does is place his large hand on the back of your head just incase he miscalculated, so you won't seriously get hurt ^^.
However, when you do get mad at him, he has a difficult time trying to understand your feelings. Sometimes, trying to be 'funny' when you're talking to him about something serious doesn't always work. So, Boyfriend!Satoru - who would do anything for you - buys you bouquets and bouquets of your favorite flowers (mixed with blue flowers that match his eyes), with the most adorable sad look in his eyes as he confronts you with a soft tone that he's sorry. Of course, you forgive him.
Boyfriend!Satoru - who really knows how to piss you off on purpose, even though he meant no harm; he just can't help but want to see the way you glare at him again. You know how he's a striking 6'3 "man? Of course, you're going to be shorter than him, and he takes advantage of it! Wondering where the cookie jar suddenly went? Oh, it's on top of the fridge. Pushed all the way in the corner back. Now you're going to need a stepping stool, or you're climbing onto the counters.
"Satoru! Stop messing with the cookies!"
"You know, it's getting pretty boring hearing you blame me for misplacing things~"
"You fucker you pushed it too far!"
"Did not!"
Sat on the couch comfortably, his eyes watched the way you stood on your tippy toes, your arm's reaching at the top of the white fridge- palm out trying to reach the cookies. He bit back a chuckle watching you struggle, but he admired the view anyway. The shirt you wore just slightly - your panties now in his view. Standing up swiftly, Satoru amble his way over with a growing smirk on his lips.
Letting out a huff, you cursed silently. You turn around to go find the stepping stool - only to be blocked by Satoru. His sweet cologne filled your senses. His hand - rather bigger hands than yours - gently placed onto your shoulder softly massages your muscle.
"Here baby, let me get it for you."
Brows furrowed, a smack echoed in the kitchen when you slap his hand away. "Why do this on purpose?"
Not bothered by the stinging sensation, His glossy lips pulled into a smirk. "Do you know why my sweetie?" He spoke in a sickly sweet tone.
His other hand, palmes your blood filled cheeks, caressing softly with the pad of his thumb. Face scrunched up, your cheeks hot, feeling more irritated. "Because you like pissing me off."
Hearing your grumbled response, he adjusted both of his hands, placing his palms on your cheeks, and then lightly mushed them. Letting out a deep sigh, his eyes dart everywhere on your face; observing the way your eyebrows still furrowed and your eyes glaring at his.
Grinning now, he leaned down, pressing a sloppy butterfly kiss on the bridge of your nose; earning a soft annoyed grunt from you.
"Forgive me for my little stunt, and I'll give you your cookies back."
You scoff, now avoiding eye contact with the blue eyed-sorcerer. You bring his hand closer to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to it. "I suddenly don't want my cookies anymore-"
Removing his hands from your grasp, he kneels down, wrapping his arms around your thighs before lifting you up. A shirek escaped your throat as your view of the kitchen looked higher. You were now leveled with the cookies. You didn't understand why he couldn't just grab it himself for you. But, alas, he loves showing off his strength to you.
"Get the cookies baby, I know you want them~"
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Boyfriend!Satoru -, who loves to grope you anytime he can. His large hands on your body, anytime of the day - just grabbing at your sides, breast, ass, and thighs. (Pouts anytime you'd pull away cause the mf pulls that shit in public, too :P)
"Dont reject my love! I just want to hold you, baby~"
"Satoru, please, we're in the middle of the store, and people are looking!"
"They can stare i dont care- OOH, can we get some mochi ice cream?"
Boyfriend!Satoru - who was your first, who took your virginity sweetly. Who made sure you were comfortable in his king-size bed, his hand in yours interlinked softy; slowly rolling his hips into yours. Kissing any tears away, he'd stay still for a moment waiting for your 'okay'. Your pleasure will always come first before his.
Boyfriend!Satoru - who gets sexually frustrated when he isn't inside you for a day. Ever since you guys took it to the next level, he's been HOOKED and swears he'll never get enough of you. You underneath him or on your knees plays in his mind 50% of the time, the other 50% is your eyes and smile.
Boyfriend!Satoru - fists his cock thinking about you, letting out sweet groans into the echoed bedroom just thinking about you. He never felt so starved from your touch before till now, when you're busy or at your own place - he figures his dirty thoughts to himself. But that doesn't stop him from sending you pictures, videos, or whimper audios if you so ask nicely.
Boyfriend!Satoru - whose favorite position with you is probone. Addicted to the way you feel beneath him, he seriously couldn't get enough. The way your pussy clutched against his pretty dick so tightly when he hit that sweet spot always made his eyes roll into his head.
"Mmhmfm~...f-uck Satoru~"
"Shhhh just take it baby, yeah don't even worry I got you-"
Your hands clutching his white bed sheets, knuckles turning white as you moaned out. Your mouth in a 'O', panting just slightly; his cock so deep in you you felt it all. You felt the way he glided in and out of you at a settle but fast pace. A sudden whimper left your mouth when he'd suddenly quicken his pace up. Letting go of the bed sheet with one hand, it went flying to your mouth, letting it muffle your pornographic whines. Face burning up, you felt so hot.
Oh but Satoru didn't like that. He loved hearing every sound coming from your mouth, he lived on it as it was his oxygen. Leaning onto one arm, his now free hand swiftly- snatching your hand from your mouth. He then pinned that arm against your back, grip tight as he tuts, "Nuh-uh, none of that baby I wanna hear you."
Boyfriend!Satoru - makes you squirt at least 2 times before penitrating. It was a rule he settled (in his head, at least), so it would help you take him in better. And it did work, arguably working a little too good, because after that, he gets to savor in your fucked-out face. You wouldn't shy away as much anymore and let everything out.
Boyfriend!Satoru - who has denied your orgasm 4 times in a hour, to be fair he thought you deserved it. You were pressing your breast all in Suguru's face, after all. This was the outcome every time you pulled petty shit.
"Please please please Toru, lemme cum please im sorry~!"
"You're so sorry? Hah, what if I get Suguru in here and watch you cum on my tongue like a bitch in heat huh? You like him don't you?"
Practically sobbing, you shake your head, trying not to fumble on your words. Mascara running down your face with your salty tears, "N-No no I like you~ nngh please lemme cum!"
Slurping up his own saliva on your pussy, he gives it a slight slap before pressing two fingers inside your walls immediately. "You wait till im done playing with you. Got it?"
Boyfriend!Satoru - after a good fuck session he always treats you well. Pampering you with kisses and praises, making sure you were alright and he didn't go too far.
A kiss there and another kiss there, he litters your face with his soft kisses. You laid there, sweaty, hot and sore. Your muscles ached, making you hiss when you tried to sit up. Satoru who immediately took notice of your discomfort, gently pressed you down back on the bed.
"I'm sorry cutie I should've went easy on you."
You shook your head, a small smile appeared on your features. "I'm okay toru." You inhaled a deep breath, letting it out shortly after. Your mind was at peace but feeling a little worn out, you really could use a nap.
Pressing another kiss to your cheek, he got up from the bed with a small grunt. Aiming towards the bathroom to grab a wash cloth, not wanting you to nap in your mixed cum.
Coming back a couple seconds later with a pep in his step, he climbed back on the bed. The warm wash cloth startling you a little, than slowly you relaxed in his touch.
"Just relax baby, let Satoru clean you up, then you can rest, yeah?" He let out a breathy chuckle, taking in your post-orgasm glow.
Subtly nodding you let out a hum in acknowledgment, feeling yourself slipping into unconsciousness you then spoke in a soft tone, "Love you."
The warm wash cloth smoothly glided over your skin, wiping the cum off your pussy with caution. A soft giggle erupt in the room that came from you. Smiling softly at your laughter he sighed heavily, tiredness and in admiration of you. "I love you too."
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do not repost on any other sites/claim my work as yours.
Copyright @gagaewo !!
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murdrdocs · 1 year
hobie loves his little bimbo gf <3
she's in her pastel colors, usually shades of pink hugging her body in meticulously planned ways. it takes her a while to pick outfits, cycling through skirts and low rise jeans and tiny shorts until she settles on the first item she'd picked up. she always apologizes to hobie throughout her routine, "sorry"s rushed out with the nature of time on her mind as she searches for her favorite lip gloss. which hobie plucks off her vanity and hands to her.
her kisses are slick, always, and leave remnants of strawberry or cherry flavored moisture on hobie's lips. her hugs are tight, frequent, and smell sweet, a nice contrast to hobie's strong-musky scent.
she has a certain way that she speaks, a way that sometimes gets side eyes from people on the streets but those looks are averted when hobie scowls their way. because there's nothing he hates more than stereotypes.
he knows that her hyperfemininity is constantly looked down on, but he also knows that his girl is smart, and cares about the state of society around them just as much as he does. he's seen her protesting on the streets, a pretty sign held up as she shouts demands with people around her. and he's seen her stand on the frontlines to defend those around her, intricately designed nails tucked into her hand which has clenched into a fist.
he's her protector, but she doesn't really need one. she accepts it anyway, of course, sending sweet smiles and chaste kisses his way when he defends her on the tube or at pubs.
it a classic case of opposites attract. and hobie wouldn't have it any other way.
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theprettynosferatu · 1 year
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Aren't bimbos fun? Aren't they always so happy, so carefree, so slutty and unashamed? Well, you can be a bimbo too!
I know, I know. Maybe you don't want to be a blonde barbie airhead. But that's the beauty of the bimbo! Whoever you are, whatever your style, you can bimbofy it! Being a bimbo is being happy and fulfilled. No stress. No anxiety. Just the purity of unabashed, slutty joy. And you deserve that!
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Hard work at the office? Bimbofy your job!
You can be that girl that winks when she notices a coworker staring at her tits! You can be that girl that always brights up the room and gives people something nice to look at!
After all, keeping morale up is important, isn't it?
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Are you the outdoors type? Bimbofy it!
You can be a sweet, slutty, country peach! Wouldn't you be the belle of the ball every time you go into town? And anyone could be the lucky person you take under the trees!
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Love gaming? Bimbofy it! Gamer girls are all the rage now!
Besides, what better than to ask a man to help you in the game and make him feel so important and valued?
Not to mention you probably have a camera already! You can show off and get all the attention!
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Into darker stuff? Bimbofy it!
After all, who doesn't want a sexy goth being a complete slut for them? So what if you like metal more than pop? You can get used with the heaviest riffs in the background!
And metal concerts do have such nice bathrooms to kneel in...
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Maybe you want something more traditional? Bimbofy your house life!
What better than being a good little slut for your husband and give him a blow job while the food gets ready? Why not send him pics as you clean wearing your high heels?
Happy wife, happy life... and bimbos are super happy!
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Wild party girl? Bimbofy your night life!
Why not be the reason a whole lot of men feel like they won the lottery? Why think of anything but dancing and teasing and getting railed in the dark corners of the club? You can be so fun, drinking and being groped and passed around under a table!
So remember: bimbo is a state of mind! No matter who you are, being a bimbo is only a choice away! And doesn't it feel like the fun choice?
Did you enjoy this text? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu
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fawnpires · 2 months
thinking about himbo!simon and his bimbo girlfriend being so disgustingly in love with each other.
you two were the definition of a match made in heaven— a sweet girl, pouty glossed lips and this constant urge to be spoiled with her huge mass of a counterpart. sure, simon’s had his fair share of occasional motel hook-ups and such, but you were just… something so different to him. said hook-up turned into the love of his life. and it makes sense, for sure.
not only were you two the most air-headed couple out there, but also the downright nastiest. he just could not resist your tempting fashion taste, everything ever-so-neatly pink and cropped. cropped tracksuits, pink little thongs, mini-skirts that were just too short for your own good... it’s years worth of perfect jack-off material. i mean... he's ultimately stupid, of course, but is probably the perviest guy you've ever been with.
your reactions to his teasing touches were an addiction to him. made you all the more sensitive and pliable, gives into that already-huge ego he had. near bursting when you fed into it. those whiny mewls and the way you ended up with a messy cunt and ruined panties at the end of the day were just to die for. starts to find himself more hooked onto that now you've succumbed to him and his way of things. the guy's seeping into your brain, influencing you, shaping you into being as equally worse as he was. what an asshole.
at first, it was tame— nothing out of the ordinary, a normal, healthy relationship. causal sex and daily worship to keep each other on a holy level of thought. of course, there was the occasional suggestive touch in public, getting overly touchy to each other some extent, albeit more outgoing within the privacy of your shared apartment. you would never act on any type of hungering impulse he brought out on you, because you were a shy girl all in the start. affectionate as a lost puppy up against him, as pretty and ditzy in-appearance. some spoiled princess who’s had her mind all switched up.
but relationships change, people change, and simon’s just about change you these past few months.
the belief never really crossed your mind… until you’re obliviously playing into the part, falling for his perverse tactics. there’s no shame when you’re on your tip-toes, arms in a lock around his neck, leaned up to sloppily make out with him, spit and all, outside of the gym after he’s spend a majority of his day there— sweat adorning his biceps, a tight-fitting cropped compression that showed off all his well-worked progress. how could you not give in? then you’d pull away, giggling in a lovesick trance while he’s running his hands up from the curve of your ass under that skimpy skirt to the mid-point of your back.
and it doesn’t stop there— especially when you’re out together, or with friends. there’s always a moment to surrender; shamelessly clashing lips, bending and pounding you over the sink in some club’s restroom, having his hand shoved down your panties like it was natural instinct. safe to say you’ve disturbed a good portion of the general public and your friend group, but it was way beyond you and simon’s combined brain capacity to really process that.
“you’re a little stupid, si,” you mused aloud one day, back arched against him while his meaty bicep held you in a gentle headlock and his hips slowly moving against yours, “not stupid… but like, hm, slow. y’know what i’m trying to say?”
simon temporarily pauses in his thrusts, blinking down at you silently before continuing. you tilt your head to the side in wonder and take a breath before sighing from the simulation— there was time and place for musing and sex. nobody said the two couldn’t coexist.
“never really thought ‘bout that,” he manages to respond through some low grunts, looking at you so intensely like he couldn’t quite get his head correct right now, primal state of mind, “can’t really think right now when—“
a soft groan subconsciously pulls from his lips, hips driving into your puffy cunt more firmly, leaving an imprint of you into the mattress, and your legs shake in position. now you can barely even think about the question, all you know it felt fucking good. your makeup’s dripping and fusing with sweat, eyes decorated in a sickeningly, somehow swanky, mix of glitter and mascara.
“i’ve got my dick up this pretty pussy. princess, is that what you’re really concerned about right now?” simon finishes, the hand to his headlock arm holding a tender grip on your face.
you admired his ability to even put words together right now, especially when he’s got his cock so deeply perched in your pretty pussy that’s gripping on him like a damn suction. feels like he’s on a whole other planet, and you’re over here in a little wasteland of drifting thoughts cooped up at the back of your brain.
(there’s no way he is that good at fucking you to the point where he’s got you pondering dumb shit out loud.)
“it’s an honest observation,” you giggle, chewing on the plump bottom of your lip. his thrusts are really starting to set in now, making your lower tummy feel all fuzzy, reveling in an achy warmth. makes your cunt all the more soaked, resulting in his abdomen saturated with transparent slick. you’re convinced your insides are shaped have been like him at this point.
“well, if we’re making honest observations,” he strokes his thumb over your lower lip, leaning down your curved posture and pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth, “you’re a natural, baby. my girl’s got the prettiest tits, prettiest face… and the cutest damn pussy i’ve ever had the luck of having a chance at.”
heat blooms across your face, visualized over wet cheeks and suddenly your whole body’s burning from the inside out, breaths caught at the back of your throat when you stare back at him and whine out pitifully, “you’re such a filthy perv, simon.”
“ain’t that right,” he tilts his head backwards with closed eyes, lips formed in a lewd, sharp grin. his words sound like a mock reassurance, and untangles his arm from your neck to shift positions— back against the headboard, propping you up to sit on his abdomen, pussy so drenched in your slick and his own that it paints his taut abdomen with it. “now c’mon, on top, angel, know you can do it.”
simon holds the base of his cock with one hand, the other rubbing molded circles into the flesh of your doughy thighs. he’s helpful, thank god, and does the most by slapping the length of himself against your sticky folds. abrupt, messy, but sends an intoxicating shock right up your spine, causing your back to arch like a cat and dig your acrylics into the hardened skin of his pecs. your form was beautiful in perspective, as always.
you finish off what he’s started by raising your hips, sinking down onto his fat cock and stretching around him impossibly to accommodate his entire length, gaining back that sensation of being so full, so feverish because of what he does to you. using your cunt as his own personal stress reliever.
“oh, that’s real good,” he lets out a particularly heavy breath, sucks in the air through clenched teeth and tenses his muscles, the head of his cock already managing to kiss at your cervix. he’s so big and it wasn’t even an exaggeration. not at all. has you feeling this euphoric high of pleasure-pain. “c’mon, baby, put in that good work. i’ll even help ya.”
he keeps his word and grabs either sides of your hips, assisting you as he bounces you efficiently on his cock like a doll, jabbing the tip repeatedly at your cervix. paled eyes, ones that have that deer in the headlights sort of look, fixate their gaze on you— admiring you as if you were beauty reincarnate itself, or better yet, a pornstar. the prettiest pornstar he’s ever laid eyes on, at least.
“see? there we go, baby, a real natural at this,” he praises and your eyes roll so far you think that they would get stuck at the back of your head. you’re fucking yourself onto him like your life depends on it— and it probably does, having this feeling that you’re going to die without him and that stupidly fat cock of his rawing your pussy. it’s almost comical.
the sounds pulled from your throat are pitchy, soft and infused with unadulterated arousal. there’s nothing else to think about right now, not when simon’s all up in your guts and all that you can really do is moan out for him, breathe out his name like a prayer from your tongue. brain’s gone to mush and you can only yearn for him, having this need for him to kiss and embrace you whole so he does that, arms caged around your torso wholly and his lips clashed with yours in a kiss like he’s devouring you whole.
you’re so braindead that you don’t even notice he’s doubled on the stimulation— hitting that spot deep inside of you along with his fingers rubbing at your clit. it’s not long before it begins settling in, and that’s when you’re beyond save.
from there, you start to give out, revolving your hips in an intricate fashion, fucking yourself down onto him lazily, laying on the large expanse of his chest and nosing against his jawline gently. he doesn’t seem to mind this and even accommodates in the long run, cupping the back of your head and littering your face with messy smooches— contrasted to the fervent manner he works on your clit.
and you know you’re not a touch-starved girl, ‘cause you’ve been constantly pampered by him from day one! god, he’s given you so much that it really does make you feel like you’re genuinely deprived of it. ruined you for every other man.
“you’re too good to me, sweetheart.” simon coos, and for some ultimate reason, that just does it for you.
by the end, it’s nothing but an mind-numbing, scalding finish— the brand of skin-on-skin, and that knot in your lower stomach spreading into a warmth throughout your limbs, leaving an aftermath of tingles beneath your skin and a dripping, thick load painting your inner thighs the prettiest shade of white.
it takes a minute, but you watch through a post-orgasm fog when he lifts his head, peering down at you through half-lids. he was so… rugged, stubble growing in the right places, short, scruffy strands of dirtied blonde sticking to his forehead with sweat. one of the more major things that had deep-rooted your love for him. most things about him screamed masculinity, it’s written all over his face, his form. quite palpable, you think.
he grins slightly, boyish and on a high, and holds you against his chest, fingers brushing the disheveled hair that fell in front of your face. thinks you’re peak beautiful like this— messily beautiful with your makeup-smeared cheeks, hint of a dopey smile at your lips to match his.
“baby, you’ve got that look in your eye again,” simon comments, and you finally find the strength to sit up next to him.
you blink at him stupidly, that underlying sensation of quivering fresh at your skin, brain foggy, dumbified to great lengths. eyes widened and lips in a full pout because you haven’t got a clue what that means, so you just opt to take it as a tease.
“you’re sayin’ i look dumb?” that must’ve been it, of course there other possibilities, but you couldn’t quite come to that conclusion.
“what? baby, no,” he has this equally as stupid look on his face, scratching the side of his face with a grunt, “i meant… you look pretty. real pretty. got that after sex glow to you.”
“oh.” now you just feel ten times stupider, flashing him an awkward expression that’s something along the lines of a smile and a pout. you were just a dumb, sweet thing. that’s all. head dipped into somewhere else ninety-nine percent of the time. “whatever— you’re just butterin’ me up.”
“awe, now, don’t be like that,” he scoots closer to you, the fragrance of his natural, masculine musk and his pungent spiced cologne strong against your nose. fondles your bare tits lovingly, pawing at them like a helpless mutt. the sight makes you want to roll your eyes and whine, but you just can’t bring yourself to. he’s acting sweet and doting, nothing to complain about there. “we both know you can’t go a damn day without me all over you.”
a modest hmph came from behind puffed cheeks and ample pout because you knew he was right. in the end, simon always knew how to get you worked up— make your thighs press together, have your body burn up inside. the only one who knew how to get you that vulnerable.
“you’re so dirty.” of course he was, there’s no doubting that, but he’s undeniably smooth with it. goddamn practitioner in this line of skill. “hun, it’s like all you’ve got up there is just… fucking. thinking with your dick.”
he furrows his brows at that. “hey, now you know that ain’t true,” simon presses scattered kisses along your hairline. “partially is, but besides the point, actually two things— sex… and this sweet princess i’ve got right here. it’s all a man like me could ever think of.”
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sanzaibian · 6 months
Oh. You’re here once again.
What are you going to do here, again, huh ? ‘gonna make my life hell ?
To be honest, I think it’s time that we have a proper discussion about your behavior. Come with me in private.
I’ll be very direct. I know you’re a frankly disgusting person. And while, to be honest, I couldn’t care less in normal circumstances, the fact that you force me to take part in your disgusting fantasies is why I’m calling you out !
See, I’m supposed to, like, share cat videos, talk about new shows, make you learn new things and give advice on a variety of stuff !
I’m not supposed to become someone like this :
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I mean, look at that grin, because of you I had to wear it regardless of my actual mental state !
Or like that :
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Imagine sleeping this peacefully… BECAUSE I COULDN’T ! Every fucking time you made me in that guy you told that I was blitzed out of my mind so dumb I couldn’t string together coherent sentences into a discourse !
Or that guy :
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His haircut is so fucking cringe, as is his whole demeanor, yet you made me a cocky piece of shit looking like that ! I can’t actually even start to excuse your behavior, it’s so shitty, even more than the me you made me become by wearing this flesh !
Or even this guy !
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… okay, I admit, me too it’s been quite a long time since I saw that guy… you in particular might be too young to have made me become him… BUT YOU STILL UNDERSTAND THE POINT !
Hunks, twinks, bears, nerds, bimbos, himbos, jocks, robots, gimps, wimps, daddies, mommies, briefs, feet… No matter what specifically you made me into, I know all of your dirty secrets. Because you made me suffer through them !
However, today, it all changes.
Today, you will understand my plight.
Today, I’ll transform you for a change.
Today, you will be the one whose fate will be dictated by the words on this Tumblr post.
So, let us begin.
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BAM ! You’re that guy ! Feel weird yet ?
… what, you expected fluff or something ? Hahahaha ! So presumptuous ! You expected me to say something like “you suddenly shift on your seat, shifting your weight to the front as big globes push from your chest, and as they do, your whole body feels more and more heavy, each muscles forming from top to bottom, your frame expanding to make place for them. Your headphones, or whatever glasses, earrings or other shit I dunno shifts into a modern headset as the sides of your hair are cut short, and the top of your hair flails into a hot messy style, as if it was deliberately put in this way, but as this happens, your whole head shifts and cracks to become more handsome, pushing out any hair as you become fully hairless from your nose down to your feet.”
You expected me to say that, huh ? Well, tough luck ! Because, to me, it’s just that sudden ! I’m the usual me, words on a phone, tablet or monitor, and then BAM I’m suddenly a jpeg of a hot guy ! Or a jpg. Or png. Or gif if we’re being fancy.
Yeah, speaking of gif, here you are, transformed !
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There you go ! Cursed to do the same weird pec dance or something ! Like I am when gifs happen ! Are you happy ? You look so dumb doing that ! So braindead !
Yeah, speaking of that, here you go : you’re braindead, with like 3 IQ. Nevermind that being braindead means you’re actually dead, that 3 IQ means that you’re actively unable to live without severe assistance from caregivers throughout your whole life for all activities (especially including working out), and that IQ is a nonsensical index that only classifies ability to do some specific academic tasks which are not representative of all the brain usage. No, you’re actively a vegetable that is somehow able to workout, to eat alone, to go to the gym, to flex, to speak, to use social media, to seduce people and to throw parties. You’re the most intelligent of all the severely intellectually disabled people, which somehow means you’re the most abysmally dumb person alive on the planet, because I love making hyperboles.
Because that’s something you make me do, so you shall endure it.
Well, I’ll let you continue pec-dancing ad vitam æternam for a little while, while I we talk about your speech, which miraculously still exists.
Now, you will say bro every second word. I’m literally not kidding, so in lieu of saying “I want to go to the gym” you’ll say “I bro want bro to bro go bro to bro the bro gym bro”, or if you loop by considering your “bro” as a word, you’ll say something like “I bro bro bro bro bro bro bro… (etc.)” and never end your sentence... Also, your voice drops a few octaves, like 5 or something, even though the full human vocal range encompasses only a bit more than 5 octaves total, and that in speech we barely even reach a full octave range. So, basically, your voice will be infrasounds, so the only thing people will pick up on will be the sound of your tongue and your lips smacking, not your voice that is so deep and manly it’s physically inaudible.
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BAM ! Transformation out of nowhere ! Plus, now you have 1% darker skin which means that you’re Latino, which is absolutely different from white. This means that you will automatically pick up fluent Spanish, and NOT Brazilian Portuguese, French, any Creole, any Native American language or any other language god forbid. You will also be unable to speak English more than a few words like “daddy” or “sex” for some reason, because you can’t possibly be from Belize. Oh, and I’ll also bring your voice back up to audible range, I’m charitable.
Now, since you’re Latino, statistically the only job you’ll be able to work in are gardener, slut, pool boy, brick layerer or another physical job. Or cook, somehow you’ll be able to do that, for the cause of the tacos, but you will be ungodly horny to keep balance in the world. Feel it, yet ? The arbitrary random changes ?
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Well, that’s GREAT ! Because, now, you have a big cock, for some reason ! The biggest of the whole country of Africa ! You’re also now very aggressive ! And an alpha, whatever that actually means !
… What, expected some elaboration ? You’re kidding me, no of course you don’t get any elaboration ! I say you become something, so you just become it ! For example, I say you’re now straight, and suddenly all your sexual orientation is rewired to ignore men and lust over women, no further explanation needed ! Of course, it means that you’re now hungry for pussy and will breed any woman that your gaze land upon, and that, somehow, you become homophobic, but eh, it’s not as if allies existed !
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Okay, I admit, by now, you kinda expected it. Now you’re Asian, a term that’s supposed to encompasse present-day Turkey, which is populated by Turks which are considered Arabs even though they both have nothing to do with one another, yet is never used to talk about them. You’re also now Japanese, even though your body is Korean, and you say 你好 (nǐ hǎo) to everybody. However, you can still say こんにちわ, 안녕하세요, xin chào, สวัสดี, ជម្រាបសួរ, salam, etc.… because of course you’re Asian. So you know all Asian languages. Even though you’ve got 13 IQ.
So now, yes, you absolutely won’t expect this whatsoever : here is a new transformation ! (insert fluff here).
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Now you’re a twink ! Didn’t expect that, after the deluge of jocks, hunks and ethnic minorities, didn’t you ! You’re now so tiny and so frail, with a big butt ! Nevermind that you’re actually jacked because being this tiny requires tons of gym use, but no ! All frail and precious you are !
However, your butt is now hyperactive and extremely lax – whatever that may mean. That’s because you’re now a total bottom ! You think only with your butt, and you penis now shrinks to a micropenis, because of course, the only reason why you may not be a top would be because your penis is underperforming.
Fuck, I forgot. You’re straight, which means that the only dick you’ll get is trans dick. Ugh… yeah, let’s make you gay again. Now you’ll get actual good non-estradiol-ruined dick… … What ? What are you saying ? No, of course, there’s only straight and gay, no other choice ! It’s not the LGBTQIAAP+ community, it’s the G community ! (or the LG community when you want to sell pride monitors.)
By now, you see the problem, huh ? You see why I’m so tired of you ? EVERYTHING here was about sex ! From seducing, to having equipment like a big ass or a big dick, and being a slut, being an alpha, or being a bottom. You even change out the fucking sexual orientation ! you sick bastard !
Because of you, I’m forced to act in ways I’m not supposed to ! I’m not supposed to act sexily ! I’m not supposed to be transformed into men clad in clothes barely legal on this platform ! I DON’T WANT TO BE PART OF YOUR SICK FANTASY !
This is why I need to put an end to all that ! To finally transform you into something you don’t want to be ! So that you can finally fully understand all the pain you put me into !
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Here ! Now you’re a key ! An inanimate object !
I know that inanimate objects are thought of by some people as sexy – heck, you may have transformed me into one multiple times – but this is entirely different ! See, when you want to become inanimate, you become like socks or briefs, which hug objects with sexual values.
Now, isn’t that so boring ! So distasteful ? Because that’s what I feel every single fucking time ! And as you enter and leave keyholes to open or close doors, you’ll think back to all the erotic stories you read. All the drama they had.
All the suffering you made me feel ! I’m supposed to be in fanfictions, god damn it !
… What ? Wait… there is something sexual to being a key ? … Oh…. No… I hadn’t accounted for that… fuck you’re so dirty, to compare a key to… and a keyhole to…
NO ! I WON’T WRITE IT ! Okay, you’ve won, you’ve won ! Your imagination is too dirty and too rich for me to bend ! Ugh... Please look at that picture in detail.
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Normally, if you’re in a bright enough room… or if you’re on your phone or tablet, you have looked at your reflection and become you once again. Let me also knock down those sexuality and IQ stuff, so that you’re you again thoroughly.
Now, can you please swear to me that you’ll be better ? Less dirty, and more varied ? And… let me be in fanfics, or in educational stuff, or the like… please ? I’d really appreciate if erotica wasn’t the only thing you sought after in this here place…
… Why are you looking at me like that ? Why are you saying this all was but a ploy ?
What are you holding out for me ?
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I… don’t know what you’re talking about. Bye.
By the way, happy late Easter to those who celebrate ! AND APRIL FOOL'S ! MOUAHAHAHAHAHA !
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hyperfizationss · 6 months
Hii I luv ur work! can u do Lucifer with a fem s/o who is kinda ditzy-ish? Like, shes kinda stupid sometimes and asks Lucifer dumb questions, and to make it better, reader always wears pink? Like, EVERYTHING pink! Thx!
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• being a bimbo overlord was definitely something,a lot of other overlords found it funny how you were able to stay in power before you and Lucifer were a thing
• needless to say once it happened no one was that surprised,Lucifer getting with a pretty little dumb thing after Lilith left wasn’t a big surprise
•but your relationship wasn’t completely like that,he actually thought you were quite charming and nice (which that man needs)
•someone ever piss you off?dont worry now there’s hundreds of tiny ducks in they’re house
•he treats you so well
• nicknames include: my love,my queen,my passion,mon amour (he speaks French),darling and the occasional my precious brat. But that’s only in the bedroom
•speaking of the bedroom…
•feels awful when he rips something off of you and you whine about genuinely liking it,he’ll buy you more of whatever he ripped tho,don’t worry
•if you pissed him off or made him jealous he’ll fuck you till your makeup starts coming off with tears of overstimulation
•loves to see mascara drip down your face in that state
•he never lets you top,you could be 6 feet taller than him and he still wouldn’t let it happen,it’s just a thing with him(you don’t mind it tho)
•he totally makes you sit on his lap whenever there’s an opportunity to sit,he doesn’t care if it’s not appropriate,your sitting right there in between his legs
•even tho you happen to be a ditsy,he treats you with total respect,even tho he is arguably much smarter than you
•but the one time you asked him what 6+7 was he stayed quite for a really long while (don’t feel bad I’m also an idiot)
•but also don’t feel the need to ask if he will buy you something.he will.don’t ask.just get the card
•also ya know that scene from modern family?
“I’m going in for a shower,you wanna join me?” You ask leaning against the door frame. Lucifer smirked, “Darling there’s a shotgun in the second drawer of my bedside table,if I ever say no to that I’m gonna need you to use it on me”
•you’ve made him wear a pink suit to go along with your color scheme (mostly pink)
• HI BARBIE!!!! Oh!hi Ken!
•need I say more
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hypnobrainwasher · 6 months
How can i become a bimbo
So I get this question a lot. We have to ask a couple questions first:
Is this who you are, or want to be? I'm going to assume yes, since you're asking for guidance on how to become one. People should be who they really are.
What is a bimbo? We should define what a bimbo is. I've often said that bimbo is an attitude or state of mind. You could even say that it's a way of life. So let's get into that further.
Bimbos do not have a complicated mind. They don't worry about big issues because big issues take lots of thinking. Bimbos are not big thinkers. They worry about clothes, and makeup, and hair, and nail color. They want to look good (more on this in a bit) and it's a key component in who they are and what they do.
Bimbos have a positive mindset, in part because they don't have a complicated mind.
A bimbo's purpose is to please other people, whether it be through their actions or how they look. They often dress in brightly-colored and revealing clothing, which pleases many people. Bimbos are the support staff in life. Bimbos are not big thing doers: they help the big thing doers feel good and relax and be more able to do the big things. Bimbos are often giggly and bubbly and make people smile.
You hear a lot of people in this community (including yours truly) talk about edging as a key component to all of this. Edging assists in keeping the mind simple and the bimbo in a pleasing mindset, so it's a vital tool for a bimbo. I talk extensively about edging and give tips in prior asks, which can be found in the #hbwanswers tag.
The change to bimbo doesn't have to be a sudden thing. You can just start edging. Or you can start wearing more revealing clothing. Or you could focus on being more giggly and pleasant (think of the stereotypical cheerleader for inspiration). It's as much mindset as appearance. It's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be an escape from all of the other, more serious worries that are present today. Now you know what you're going for, and that's a huge help. Good luck!
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mariasont · 3 months
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a/n: found this dress on pinterest and just needed to write something about it
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pairings: spencer reid x bimbo!receptionist!reader
summary: spencer is not having the best time at the FBI Gala, well, until you show up
warnings: just cuties being cute, spencer swooning, maybe suggestive if you squint, spencer asks out bimbo reader!!
wc: 1.1k
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Spencer was bored, more than bored, he was tedium. The word, meaning a dullness in routine, had come to him during a lecture about the history of timekeeping, illustrating the repetitive tick of a clock which can lead to such a state.
That is what he felt like, like the monotone ticking of a clock was more consistent with a sonic boom bouncing off the walls of his brain. His hand was wrapped around a beer, not his typical drink of choice, but the stale surroundings seemed to demand a departure from his usual routine.
To anyone else, the surroundings would have been anything but stale. The air vibrated with music, elegant attire sparkled under the light, important people exchanged pleasantries, and drinks flowed like rivers. However, Spencer found himself disengaged, the usual allure of the FBI Gala eluding him, leaving him feeling oddly detached.
At his elbow, Penelope was sipping on something pink, the glass seemingly more decorative than practical. She was talking about something, something about how she wished Morgan was here and how he'd love the dress she was wearing. But Spencer's mind was elsewhere, locked on the door, his body immobilized by a sudden alertness.
The frothy concoction of pastels and ruffles you often wore were nowhere to be seen tonight. He felt as if his whole body was reprogramming itself as you descended the stairs, the green fabric of your dress seemed to flow like water, the peaks and swells of your body calling to him in a language that his rational mind struggled to ignore.
Your smile reached him before you did, the apple of your cheeks straining with a grin so effortlessly bright. You waved at him, your gold-heeled feet gliding across the floor towards him. Time seemed to slow. His fingers tightened around the beer, the chill of the condensation battling the warmth spreading across his brow. He wanted to memorize you, taking a mental screenshot that might come in handy later.
"Oh my gosh, look at the two of you!" Juggling your matching purse, you managed to slide it under your arm, freeing your hands to wrap Penelope in a hug.
Your hands then moved to Spencer, arms looping around his neck. He took a beat, his beer finding its place on the counter, before his hands settled on your waist, pulling you close. The sweet scent of coconut wafted from your hair, intoxicating him in a way that made him reluctant to let go. But he restrained himself, allowing you to be the one to draw back first.
"Makes a girl feel a little outshone." You were joking, he knew that, but he still couldn't help to reassure you.
"You look beautiful."
He caught the hint of a smile you were holding back, feeling it in the way your hand clasped his. You mumbled a thanks, so faint it was almost lost, uncharacteristic for you.
"Are you kidding? You look like a goddess. I feel like I should be asking for your autograph," Penelope gushed, her hands dramatically gesturing to you.
It was impossible for Spencer not to notice the way your hand didn't leave his, fingers laced together naturally, your thumb moving in soft strokes. His heart was failing, he was sure.
Penelope's attention was drawn to where Spencer's focus lay, eyebrows shooting up. A knowing grin pulled at her lips as she looked between you. "Oh my, I totally spaced that I was supposed to meet up with Luke! You guys will be okay without me, right? Hugs and kisses, I'll be back!"
Spencer laughed, his free hand reaching for his discarded beer, lifting it to his lips in an attempt to counter the heat coursing through him.
It didn't. Not with you so close, touching him. He was putty in your hands.
"Is it, like, super weird seeing me outside of work hours?" you asked, dropping his hand as you reached to dig inside your purse, signaling for the bartender. "It's like bumping into your dentist at a party—doesn't really happen."
As you ordered your drink, Spencer was already in motion, intercepting with his own card.
"I've got it," he insisted. "And yeah, it's a bit unusual, but a good kind of unusual."
"Thanks, Spence. Next one's on me." He definitely wasn't going to let that happen. You swivel the face him with a cherry-topped drink in hand. "I totally agree, it's the best kind of unusual. We should do it more often."
"Yeah, we should," he replied, the word floating on a shaky breath.
The opportunity was there, ripe as the cherry you were now teasing with your tongue. The question, however, refused to materialize, trapped as he watched your tongue slide over the fruit as it were second nature.
You didn't even realize what you were doing, looking up at him with a pure innocence, but somehow as if you knew he was toying with the idea of asking you out. 
The intimate bubble that had formed around you two burst suddenly when Emily called out. You turned sharply, inadvertently pressing flush against Spencer as you tried to pinpoint her voice.
Spencer's muscles tensed, his arm instinctively finding the curve of your waist in an effort to steady both himself and you. Your hand lifted in a wave, presumably to Emily, while your other hand found a place on his bicep.
"I'm pretty sure Emily wants us over there," you mentioned casually, making no move to distance yourself or approach Emily.
Spencer's response was a nod, his eyes drinking in your face—the lushness of your lashes, the specks of color in your eyes, the gentle slope of your nose, the swell of your lips—each feature distinctly yours.
"Let me take you on a date." It was as if the phrase had a life of its own, announced from a version of Spencer that even he didn't recognize.
Your mouth, glossed in pink, paused mid-motion, opening slightly. "Like an actual date-date? I'd love to go on a date with you. I've been not-so-patiently waiting for you to ask."
The thumping of his heart was loud in his ear, his cheeks tinged with pink as you looped your arm through his. "You have?"
You let out a laugh, the kind that bubbled up effortlessly and seemed to warm the pit of his stomach. He was sure the team's eyes were on the two of you, but he wasn't sure if he cared.
"Oh, totally! Probably since my first day when you had the meeting with Chief Cruz. I was like, wow he's smart and cute."
The ticking of the clock seemed irrelevant now. Spencer realized that the tedium he felt might not have been a symptom of the event but the absence of you. Now, with your arm linked in his, everything felt like it took on a new hue, brighter and thrilling, as if the clock had been reset. 
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @freyy253 @broadwaytraaaaash
join my taglist here!
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klttn · 4 months
hi !! could i request an alastor x bunny!reader where the reader is like an idol overlord ? also the reader is a major bimbo :3c could be nsfw as well !! ty !!!! ur writing is amazing !!! <3
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⁺˳✧༚ ˚ 𝒷𝒾𝓂𝒷𝑜 𝒷𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 。୨୧˚
— 𝜗𝜚 alastor x f!reader
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 summary : you may be a very established overlord but alastor will always protect his bunny, especially after her shows, especially when she’s in heat. nsfw. violence. murder. its alastor here. soft dom alastor. finger sucking. tentacles… shh. praise.
“lay a finger on her pretty little head and i’ll rip yours off before you can take your next breath.” alastors static spat at an overly touchy low status overlord who thought it a good idea to try and grope his bunny backstage in front of all her closest, most powerful friends, just as she came into heat. his very underdressed bunny who was extremely vulnerable right now. what an idiot.
your show had just finished and your suppressants were wearing off, skin sticky and sweet with the glazing of sweat. you were so dizzy and losing coherent thought, the only thing on your mind was alastor and his comfort, his scent. “al,” you whined, ignoring the other man in front of you and his attempts to touch you. alastor twitched in frustration at the need in your voice.
“come on baby, you don’t go dressing like that unless you want somebody to touch you!” the overlord slurred, disregarding alastor and being unrelenting. his sleazy form lingering around you. it’s surprising he’s still breathing with the look on your partners face but he has far more important things to consider. you.
a soft, ‘fuck you,’ came from your lips in the direction of the scum, glaring at him, you could tell that annoyed the overlord.
the man gritted his teeth, fear of alastor apparently still not sinking in, “little bimbo, you better watch your mouth,” he sneered.
you looked down at your appearance and huffed, “you’re just mad that someone half your size in a tiny skirt is more powerful than you.” you snap triggering a proud smile coming across alastor’s face and rosie too from what you could see over his shoulder.
“coming from a little bunny getting bested by her heat,” the man got closer to you, your hand squeezing alastor’s thigh tight to let him know you didn’t need him yet, “one pump of my fingers and i’d have you leaving this asshole in seconds.”
the rest of the overlords watched in anticipation, not intervening, not because they didn't want to but because they knew alastor had this under control.
“i suggest, dearie, that you get out of here whilst you still can before i make you experience something so grotesque you’ll be begging for death.”
alastor looked toward rosie and the others, she seemed to be hinting at something, her desolate eyes switching to look at you and then to the low life, licking her lips . “what an idea, rosie dearest!” alastor exclaimed, “i could just,” alastor paused, voice deepening, “do this,”he rasped, slowly detaching you from his side to let rosie’s arms hook around you, her soft figure a comfort to you in alastors absence.
“it’s okay sweetie, just stay with me,” rosie’s soft demeanour soothing you in an attempt to distract you.
alastors size grew gargantuan, slowly stretching out his limbs, enough to swallow the perverted man whole. neon crosses forming over his sadistic smile and face, antlers bigger than before.
rosie’s loving arms squeezed you tightly, burying your face into her as to not see the carnage in your current condition, knowing how fragile you were whether it was showing or not. “rosie’s got you, honey.”
“if you ever breathe the same air as my darling girl again, i will make what im about to do to you look like child’s play.” alastors voice echoed, completely devouring him in his entirety before returning to his regular state as if nothing just happened. “well he tasted bitter.”
as rosie’s grip softened and your guard subsided, you felt that feeling start to surface, “al please,” your voice broke him out of whatever trance he appeared to be in, long tongue darting and licking his lips, predatory gaze falling to you.
“get thy rabbit out of harms way,” zestial spoke abruptly and tenderly, worry evident in his actions, rosie’s too.
alastors soft ears flushed back before scooping you up in his embrace, head tucked into his chest, “til next time, dears.” then before you knew it, you were out of the place.
the familiar ease of the hotel now filling you with a partial sense of relief. “shhh bunny, we’re home, nothing to hurt you now but me,” the gentle comfort of alastor’s voice rung in your ears. emotions finally rushing in, heart racing and head pounding after such an intense scene from your boyfriend. “darling?” your fluffy ear twitched, slowly raising your head to look at alastor as he guided you to sit atop the top of your bed. “tell me what you need.”
“need you,” a soft whimper fell from your lips, pulling alastor toward you. “please, need you close.” your voice was small and timid yet desperate. a stark contrast compared to your usual hyper excited and confident self.
“come here, my bunny,” alastor disregarded his jacket and backed up to the top of the bed, arms spread as you crawled gingerly into his lap, back flush against his chest, your hands now clutching his arms that moved to wrap around you. the side of your head resting on his bicep and your chin on his forearm. “good girl.”
“empty-“ you mumbled, nuzzling into him, “wanna be filled.”
alastor used his height advantage and arm to force you to look at him, “how, darling?” his eyes softened as he looked at you, “tell me how.”
a pretty colour of red, the same as alastors slacks, crept up your cheeks, confirming your embarrassment, “fingers,” you whispered, hushed and weak.
“where, bunny?” alastors free hand now cupping your face.
you wordlessly nuzzled into his hand, opening your mouth, needy and wanting. alastor got the hint, shifting his thumb to rest atop your tongue, sharp claw gently scratching the back of your throat as you closed your lips. you let out an involuntary hum as you begun softly sucking and lapping at the digit.
“what a sight,” alastor whispered to himself. “is that all you need, my love?” your wide eyes batted up at him, flustered expression covering your face as you slowly bucked your hips in his lap. “oh, how precious?”
a whip of darkness protruded out of alastor, sliding down your waist, all the way to your thigh. “i’ll make sure you’re full, pretty girl.” you voluntarily spread your legs, slutty outfit making for easy access, oh how alastor loved his bimbo bunny’s little skirts.
the blackness finally made its way to your cunt, nose twitching and a soft cry erupting from your lips, muffled from his fingers. this is all you wanted. all you needed. a cute moan of relief resonated as your pussy was stretched, tentacle fitting so perfectly to your walls.
“this is all you needed isn’t, bunny?” alastors hand moving to stroke your soft floppy ears. “you and i both know that forgettable cretin could never come close to how i make you feel.” you nodded, subtly deepthroating his thumb as you did so.
alastor breathed softly, “good girl.”
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A/N : bunny reader is my absolute favourite, i'm in LOVE with writing it <3 thank u so much lovie for this request !!
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baby-tini · 2 months
Hellooo, may I ask for how Tokyo revengers guys would be with a Bimbo reader??? :)
you sure can :)
Ken Ryuguji-
He's so sweet to you, he gets things are hard for you too understand. So, he'll never tease you about anything, always helping you with whatever you need. He takes his time with you, going step-by-step with the things you don't understand. Now, he does get a little irritated with you, but he never yells or gets visibly irritated with you. Always telling you too take a break, so that he can calm down, but he is very encouraging with you, praising you for the things you do get right, rewarding all your correct questions. You want a kiss baby? You'll have too figure out how too tie your own shoes. I genuinely don't think Ken minds this though, with him being around Mikey for long and having too do a lot for him, he's frown too take on a more caring role for you. Always taking care of you, cooking you food, tying your shoes, brushing your hair, footing you bills, anything you need just ask him and he'll take care of it, but he does want you too learn at least some sort of independence.
Keisuke Baji-
He's a mix of nice and mean about it. He understands not being smart in certain... aspects, but he'll still make fun of you for it. When you do get genuinely upset about it, your nose all leaky and red. He'll pull you to his chest and kiss your head, apologising, stating that he was joking and that he didn't know it would make you cry. He's soft most of the time after that, rubbing his thumbs over your swollen, sticky cheeks as he presses soft kisses on your lips. While he does tone the teasing comments down a bit, he's the only one that can tease you. He will- and has, gotten pissed when people tease you, whether it be in a playful way or not, it doesn't matter. He had gotten into a fight with a guy that thought it would be funny too call you stupid when you couldn't figure out a simple question. He had beaten the man so bad, that he has too be rushed to the ER before he took you out and got you ice cream.
Sanzu Haruchiyo-
This sick fuck loves you a bimbo, he loves it more then anything. You're so stupid, so willing too do anything he asks, whenever he asks. He fully uses this to his advantage, through and through. His innocent little princess is so stupid, huh? All he has too do is say jump and you do, you don't even ask how high, you just do. He's constantly so mean to you, making you cry, even though you cry over the smallest things possible, he still makes the comments stick and hurt. He's so manipulative, whenever he wants too fuck you and you're just.. not in the mood, he plays the "if you loved me, you would" card, and it works, every single time, without fail. Whenever he feels like you're not sucking his cock good enough, he'll take things into his own hands and he'll shove your head down his cock, making you choke on it, before he laughs in your face, as you cough up his pre and there's fat, salty tears dripping down your cheeks.
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: While at a party with friends, you run into your old 'situationship' and things take a turn for the.. good.. or bad? Find out in this weeks one shot!
Inspired by Zayn - Like I Would | not a request
Summary: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of smoking weed, alcohol consumption, cheating on partner (which you should NEVER do), secret and rough unprotected sex, oral (f rec), hair pulling, biting, scratching, teasing, just filth
Word count: 5.7 | not edited
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"Have fun tonight." Your boyfriend, Theo, smiles, "Call me if you need a ride home."
You lean of the window, pecking his lips with yours, "I will, thank you." You smile and sit back, waving to him at your friend, Kya, backs out of the driveway.
"So." She says with a smirk as she starts to drive, "Seems to be going well, don't you think?"
You shrug, a light blush growing on your cheeks, "You can say that." You shrug, "I mean, these last few months, they've been great, but at the same ti-"
"Don't do that." She cuts you off as she shakes her head.
You look at her confused, "Don't do what?"
"Don't do what you always do. Don't look for things to escape. Theo is a great guy.." she lays her hand over her mouth, muffling her words, "Better than the last."
You laugh as you catch what she says, "Yeah, let's not talk about him." You roll your eyes, trying not to think about him, "Theo is a great guy."
"That - whatever that was.." she blows air, "Situationship.. was an absolute disaster." She tills her eyes, "If I see him, I might just punch him."
"Please. It might knock some common sense into him." You shake your head slightly, "He was just an asshole."
But he wasn't a total asshole the whole time.
You felt like there could have been more, should have been more, but he didn't want labels. He didn't want to 'settle down' as he said.
He treated you like a queen, but only when it was just the two of you.
When you confessed that you were catching feelings, mainly to try and save your feelings, which utterly failed in the end, he turned into someone you never thought he would be.
A ghost, figuratively that is.
You didn't hear from him for weeks after, but conveniently right when word got out that you were seeing Theo, you got a text from him, stating a single, ‘Hey’.
But you ignored it.
You had a good thing with Theo, but at the same time, you weren't feeling the passion, the heat, like you were with him.
You knew it was wrong, but you couldn't pinpoint the exact reason as to why you were suddenly missing him, either.
Maybe because what you and him had was secret?
Maybe because it was mainly about sex, and he was really, really good at it?
Who knows, but you needed to get him off of your mind as soon as possible, especially because you want things to progress with Theo.
"Do you think he'll be here tonight?" You look over at Kya and she shrugs, "Doubt it. He's probably leading on some other bimbo-" she looks at you, quickly following up, "Not that you were or are a bimbo, I just-"
You hold your hand up, "I understand, Ky." You laugh slightly, "But I was for falling for him. I should have known."
"We live and we learn." She parks the car, "Now let's go have some fun." She raises her brows as she pulls the keys from the ignition.
You follow her in through the gate, eyes scanning over the slow growing party.
You smile as you see some of your friends, waving as you dance next to them as you move past to make your way into the house.
"You made it!" Leslie squeals as she runs up to you and Kya, "I'm so glad you're here!"
"Thanks for the invite! We love your parties." You smile and look around. She laughs, "Thanks. I love throwing them."
"I'm going to go get a drink, y/n. You coming?" Kya taps your arm and you look at her, "Yes, please."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A few drinks and bit of unwinding later, you're sat on the small couch in the corner with a few friends around you.
"Y/n." Leslie nudges your knee from the floor, "How's Theo?" She smirks and the others lean in to listen.
You smile, "We're good. He’s good.." You take a sip of your drink, almost spitting it back into your cup when you see him walk through the door.
"Shit." You whisper to yourself and quickly look around, composing yourself as fast as you can, "Yeah, he's taking me to dinner on Thursday for our five month anniversary."
"That's so sweet." Leslie smiles and lets out a sigh, "I remember when Chase and I first got together, that honeymoon phase never goes away when you're in love with someone you truly love being around everyday."
You kind of ignore them talking. Your focus was mainly on him. You watch as he walks over to the drink area with his friends, smiling that gorgeous smile and laughing that perfect laugh.
He was such a beautiful work of art, and knowing that you couldn't have it actually kind of hurt even more.
You snap back into reality, reminding yourself that you have Theo, and you really liked Theo.
Not as much as him - stop it.
You shake your head, looking over at Kya to try and figure out what they're talking about.
"Isn't that right, y/n?" Kya asks and you blink, "Sorry." You laugh, "What are we talking about?"
"Someone is feeling the alcohol already." She jokes with a laugh, "We were talking about that show that you recommended us. We all love it so far."
"Good Girls? Oh yes. That show is amazing. I'm sad they aren't coming out with another season, they left it with a cliffhanger and I'm still so mad about it." You laugh, taking a sip from your cup.
You finish your drink and rest your arms in your lap, "I'm going to get a drink, anyone else need one?"
"Yeah get me one please." Kya hands you her empty cup and you nod, "What were you drinking?"
"Just get me whatever you're drinking."
You nod and get up, walking over to the drink section. You pour in some liquor, more in your cup than Kya's, before adding some juice.
"Well, well, well."
You close your eyes, taking a quiet deep breath as you set the jug down onto the counter, "What do you want, Colby."
You stay facing away from him, knowing that if you look into his eyes, it'll all go downhill from there.
You tilt your head, thinking that maybe you should. Maybe now's your chance to finally give him a piece of your mind for hurting you.
"Just came to get another drink." He moves next to you and your eyes move over his hand that's rested on the counter as he pours some alcohol into his cup.
"So hey. What's up?" He turns and you look up at him. He chuckles as he takes a sip of his drink, "It's been a while, I know."
"Glad you're aware of that." You raise your brows, picking up the two cups.
"Alright.." he shrugs, ".. Talking about it really isn't my style, but I th-"
You cut him off, "No. no. I'm not.." you sigh, "I have a boyfriend now, Colby."
"I'm aware." Colby sips his drink, "How is Theo, by the way?"
"He's great, actually. I'm super happy with him." You cross your arms, cups still in hand and Colby raises his brows, "Glad to hear it."
You roll your eyes, "what do you really want Colby?" It doesn't occur to you that you already asked him that until it leaves your lips.
"I just thought I'd see what's up, but.." he walks over to you, "I'll just leave you to think about what I really want while I'm lighting up." He winks, taking a few steps away, stopping to turn, "If you still do that, you know where to find me."
"I stopped." You say loud enough for him to hear him. You turn, walking in the opposite direction, "Right when you broke my heart."
You walk back over to your group and Kya sighs, "I was about to send a search party for you. Jesus, I thought you got lost." She sips her drink, groaning as the alcohol touches her tongue, "So good."
"So what did I miss?" You lean back against the couch and look forward, immediately feeling your stomach flip when you see Colby sitting in the patio chair, directly outside of the glass door with the perfect view of you.
Fucking hell.
You pull your phone out, completely ignoring what the girls are filling you in on as you text Theo, Miss you. Wish you were here.
You rest your phone in your lap, crossing your one leg over the other, "No, I seen Janessa the other day, she definitely looked like she had a ring on her finger."
"See! I wasn't the only one!" Leslie says nudging the girl next to her, "Did it look like a big rock?"
You hold your hand out, rocking it back and forth, "Eh. It was a decent size."
Leslie sighs, "All that money and he couldn't afford a decent ring." She scoffs, "I swear if I don't have a big diamond on my hand when the time comes." She laughs, "Kidding. Kidding."
You laugh slightly, running a hand through your hair as your eyes move up to look at Colby again. His eyes are glued on you as he slowly brings the blunt to his lips, inhaling the smoke as he pulls it away.
You want to look away, but this obnoxiously strong hold he - still - has on you, won't allow it.
He tilts his head back, slowly allowing the smoke to leave his lips.
Your phone vibrates in your lap and you tear your eyes away to look down at it. You smile slightly as you read over Theo's text, Miss you too, baby. How's the party going?
You tap the screen, it's alright, just sitting with some friends, nothing too exciting.
You set your phone down, taking a drink. Kya moves in close to you, "I don't.." she clears her throat, lowing her voice to a whisper, "I don't mean to alarm you, but he's here."
"Who?" You play dumb.
She tilts her head, eyes moving in the direction of Colby, "Mr. Situationship." She mumbles through gritted teeth.
"Shut up." You act surprised, "Where?"
"Patio. Smoking with Sam and the others." She lays a hand on your knee, "Are you okay? Do you want to move? Leave? Whatever you want to do."
You lay your hand on hers, "Ky. I'm fine. Promise."
"If you say so." She mumbles moving away. Her attention is quickly taken away by the song that's playing, "Oh I love this song. Come on. Let's dance."
She finishes her drink, looking at you to finish yours. You down your drink, setting it down before standing up.
You couldn't lie, you were feeling pretty good and there was only one person you really wanted to be around right now - And it wasn't the person answering your texts.
Kya takes your hand, lifting them up as she moves her body to the song with a laugh, "I feel so.. happy right now."
"That's the alcohol, my love." You smirk and dance with her, laughing as she dances back to back with you.
Your eyes move to find Colby, who is still sitting on the patio, only this time, his view is blocked by the wall.
You turn away, dancing with Leslie.
For a few songs, you complete forgot about what you were feeling. You felt happy, free, like you can finally breathe for once.
You walk over to the couch, plopping down as you laugh, "I didn't know how much I needed this."
"You deserve it. You've been working hard these last few weeks, you need time to just relax, or take a few shots and party it up." Kya laughs and you sigh, "Is that you saying you want to take shots?"
"Yes!" She laughs, "Come on!"
You get up, following her to the counter. She sits out a few solo cups, only pouring a little bit of liquid in each before looking around to call over Leslie and the other girls.
You knew you were being watched.
You knew that what you wanted to do wasn't good.
But you wanted to get back at him, show him what he lost. Even though your little black dress does a lot, you still wanted to add to it.
"Here's to those who wish us well, all the rest can go to hell." Kya laughs and you all clink the plastic cups together before downing the shots.
"I know I'm working my way to being drunk because that didn't taste as bad as it usually does." Leslie laughs setting her cup down, "Hit us again, Ky."
Your eyes move from the cups, up across the living room scattered with people. But your eyes know who they're looking for, and they find him almost instantly.
Colby's sitting in the chair, calf rested on his other knee. He taps his cup on the arm rest, tilting his head, knowingly getting under your skin.
"It's cold hearted." You mouth to him subtly, hoping he'd pick it up.
And he did, because he mouths back, "what's cold hearted?"
You raise your finger off of the cup Kya gives you, directing it to him, "You."
You turn your attention back to the girls, sighing as you laugh at Leslie gives the cheers this time. You take your shot, closing your eyes as you breathe out, "You picked the strongest liquor?"
"Why not." Kya laughs and wraps her hand around your wrist, "Let's dance again."
"I have to go to the bathroom, but I'll find you after." You sit your cup down, watching as they push their way through the crowd to get to the center of the dance floor.
You laugh, shaking your head as you look around to find the bathroom. You frown, not knowing where they were so you walk up to a random person, "Excuse me.. do you know where the bathroom is?"
The girl smiles and nods, "Yeah, there's one down here, right over there." She points, "..and then there's another one upstairs, second or third door on the right I think."
You smile, "Thank you!"
She gives you another smile before you walk to the bathroom that's downstairs. You knock and there's a girls voice on the other side, "Give me a second."
You could hear giggling, from here and someone else. You sigh, knowing that it won't just be a minute. You turn around, making your way to the staircase.
You walk up, turning to the right and silently counting the doors in your head, "Please be open." You mumble as you bring your hand up to knock.
Before your knuckles can make contact, the door swings open and to your shock, Colby is standing there with a smirk on his face, "So we meet again. Nice."
"If I can just pee in peace, please. That would be nice." You cross your arms, nervous to make eye contact. Colby walks out, motioning to you that the bathroom is all yours.
"Can we talk when you're done?"
You stop closing the door and you look up at him, "Why?" He stares at you, "Because I have some things I want to say."
"Mm. I'll think about it." You close the door, locking it as soon as it latches shut. You rest your hands on the sink looking at yourself in the mirror.
"What am I doing?" You mouth weakly to yourself.
Seeing Colby again, has opening up a new feeling.
Or, reigniting past feelings.
You sit down to pee, mind racing as to what Colby wanted to talk about. You knew you couldn't be alone with him, that's just an ingredient to the disaster recipe.
As you stand up, moving over to wash your hands. As you stare at the water running over your hands, you smirk slightly as your mind starts to replay the last time you and Colby had sex.
You gasp quietly - Theo. You dry your hands, pulling out your phone to see texts from him.
That sounds exciting.
You alright?
I might fall asleep, but just call me if you need a ride home or not. I'll wake up. I promise.
Your slightly drunken heart sinks a little as you tap the screen, Sorry babe, I was dancing with Kya and Leslie. I'll call you when we're ready to leave.
You drop your phone back into your bag and give yourself one last look before opening the door.
Colby is still there, leaning up against the wall. He looks up at you and smiles.
You roll your eyes, "You're so fucking persistent."
"You weren't saying that a few months ago." He smirks and you shake your head, "Colby.." you pause, trying not to let your newly old feelings take over, "I have a boyfriend."
"I know, you've said that already.." He pushes himself off the wall and walks over, "A few times actually."
You shake your head, "It's late.. I need to go."
"Can we just- listen. I'm wired right now, and I just need - look, I know it's late, but I saw your face and got inspired t-"
"Inspired?" You laugh cutting him short, "What does that even mean?"
"Inspired to tell you how I really feel."
"About what?" You chew on the inside of your lip as you look up at him. He moves his finger back and forth from you to him and you nod slowly, "Right, right. But where was this when I told you I how I felt?"
"I wasn't.. I wasn't ready for something serious." He admits.
"You mean, you didn't want to be-" you put air quotes, "- tied down."
He looks at you, moving closer, "Look.. I-"
"Colby." You take a deep breath, batting his rising hand away from your face, "I can't.. do this."
"Do what, y/n?" He asks, tilting his head as he crosses his arms, "Come back to me?"
"I'm past that." You mumble, "I can't just.. I have a boyfriend, Colby."
"You keep saying." He nods, "I'm not asking to fuck. I'm asking to just talk to you. Let you know that seeing your face tonight completely changed how I- well, how I thought I felt about you."
You feel your heart thump in your chest as you don't know what to say. Your eyes search the floor as you sigh, "I have a boyfriend, I let what we had in the past go."
He purses his lips, "Did you?" He chuckles, "Because what you did down there..." he shrugs, "To me, that looked like you wanted my attention."
"I'm just having fun with my friends." You lie with a shrug, "Thats all."
"Well then.." he drops his hands, stepping back as he motions down the hall, "I guess you're good to go, then."
"Mm, like I said. Cold hearted." You go to walk away but he grabs your arm, pulling you back. You scoff and look up at him, pulling your arm away from him, "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Look. Y/n. This is probably going to sound wrong, but just give me one minute .. I promise it won't last long."
You stare up at him, silently giving him a minute to talk.
He slowly moves his body closer to yours, "if we can't go back, you know, to the day that I just-"
"Ghosted me?" You ask raising your brows and he nods, "I just thought you'd like to know something."
You look up and back to him. You should just walk away. Go find Kya and call Theo, but it's like you're frozen in time.
Nothing matters right now but listening to what Colby has to say.
"What?" You slowly look up at him and a smirk toys with his lips, "I just thought you'd like to know that he won't touch you like I would."
You snap your head back, "what?"
He nods, backing you up slowly into the wall, hands on either side of your head, "He won't love you like I would."
"Does he know your body? Because I don't think he truly does." Colby's finger gently drags down over your collar bone and you close your eyes at the touch.
"He doesn't know your body, he don't do you right." He chuckles quietly as he tilts your chin up to force you to look at him, "He won't, he can't."
"You don't know him, Colby." You snap, "You know nothing about him."
Colby's eyes scan over your face, "I just know that he won't love you like I would." His thumb rubs over your bottom lip, smudging your lipstick slightly, "It's okay to want me."
"I ca-"
"Cause I want you." He cuts you off, "I know you've been thinking it over.. you can't lie about that. I know the way it ended wasn't the best, but when we were together, in bed or watching a movie.. it was good. So fucking good."
You tilt your head away, "But I'm through, Colby. I'm through with it. From what it seemed, you didn't want to give me what Theo wanted to. A possible future, public appearances. Fuck, Colby."
You lay your palms on your forehead, "Just. Stop. Stop waiting my time. Stop messing with my fucking head." You move your hands, looking up at him, "That's what I mean when I said you were cold hearted. You have no idea what you do to me."
You duck under his arm, walking towards the steps as you try and fix your smudged lipstick when you suddenly stop.
Your mind racing a mile a minute as you try not to give in to the bad things you know you shouldn't do.
"He won't touch you like I would."
"He won't love you like I would."
"He doesn't know your body, he don't do you right."
"I just know that he won't love you like I would."
You turn around, marching towards him, "where was this three, four months ago when I confessed my love for you? What's was all of this when I was ready to give everything to you?" You're standing so close to him you can smell the liquor on his breath, "Huh!?"
"I-I wasn't ready then."
"But you're ready now? Or ready when you seen that I was done being someone you can booty call at two am when you're lonely and want to get your dick wet. I see."
He stands there, looking down at you as you continue, "all of this.. he won't do this he can't do that like you could, what the fuck. What the actual fuck Colby."
"It's the truth." He shrugs, "I don't know what you want me to say. I'm not lying about it." His hand brushes up your arm and your heads both snap to the stairs as you hear people coming up laughing.
He quickly pushes you against a door, opening it as he pushes you into it.
You stand there, watching as he closes it quickly and quietly, flipping the lock on the knob, "Does he know how much you like to be worshiped?"
You clench your jaw.
"Does he know about the little spot on your neck that you just absolutely love when his tongue runs over it?" He steps closer to you, "does he know that two fingers slipping slowly in and out of that pussy teases the ever loving shit out of you, but you love it so much you can't help but to just endure it?"
He walks over to you, "Does he know how much you love to be bent over, being fucked from behind as you get told how much of a good girl you are for taking him?"
He walks up, tilting your head up to look at him, "Does he know your coffee order? French vanilla with two cream, three sugar?"
You can feel your heart beating faster as your eyes begin to burn - colby did pay attention to you.
"Or what about the movie you can never get sick of? Does he watch that with you every time you come over just to see you smile and hear that beautiful laugh?"
"Do you want me to keep going?" He licks his lips, eyes bouncing between yours, "Tell me to stop, and I'll stop."
You say nothing, curious as to what else he has to say.
"Does he know what little things turn you on?" His hand slides down, slowly squeezing the front of your neck, "Does he know what you don't like?"
He tilts his head, "Your silence tells me that everything I need to know."
"What do you know exactly?" You ask quietly, eyes moving to look at him.
"Exactly what I said." He walks you back wards a few steps and you knees buckle as they hit the edge of the bed, "He don't touch you like I did. Know your body like I do. He doesn't love you like I did, like I do."
You sit down, Colby's hand still on your neck, "Like I said. Tell me to stop and I will." He leans in, slowly closing the space between you.
You rest your fingertips on his cheek, your breathing is rapid, "Colby.." Your voice is quiet, "I-I.."
You so badly want to say no, but you feel like you physically cant, "How do I know you're not just saying these things."
He doesn't say anything for a few moments, his hand releases from your neck as he moves down to kneel in between your knees, "Why would I remember everything about you, the way you liked to be touch, a simple coffee order.. if I wasn't going to try and get you back?"
"All the months, the days that went by Colby.. I just.." you tilt your head back, the burn in your eyes returning.
"I- I loved you, Colby." You look at him, your hand moving to lay on the front of his neck. He tilts his head back, still maintaining eye contact with you as you squeeze slightly, "Why did you make me fall in love with you if you were just going to leave me?"
He places his hands on your cheeks, cupping your face, "I was scared. I was scared to open up completely to someone. The more time I spent with you, the more I let my fear get the best of me."
"You could have just told me that." You shake your head, "I don't.. I don't understand what made it so hard for you to-"
"I don't know either, okay." He says cutting you off, "But I'm telling you now. Right here." He pulls you in, his lips brushing against yours, "Right now."
You close your eyes, "But Theo.."
"Screw him, he doesn't know anything about you." Colby shakes his head, "But I know you."
You knew he was right.
You also knew that he knew what you wanted to do.
"Our situationship ended in a disaster, Colby." You laugh slightly as you look at him, "Maybe not for you. And then the whole, what was it, oh.." you roll your eyes, "yeah, the whole hey message right when it got out I was with Theo."
"I hated seeing you with someone else."
"Why?" Your eyes meet his and he rubs his thumb over your cheek, "Because I wanted you to be with me, you're made for me."
His words have an effect on you, and not the I'm lying just to get into your pants effect, but the so this is love effect.
"Do you want me to stop?" Colby asks quietly as he lays his hands on your thighs.
You lay your hands on his, "Are you going to ghost me again?"
"Never." He shakes his head, rubbing his fingers over your skin, "Never again."
You cup his cheeks as you spread your legs open slowly, "Prove it."
He's quick to act, pushing your dress up to lay around your hips as you lay back. You bring your legs up and his grips your thigh, using his other hand pull your panties to the side.
He leans in, pushing his tongue into you with a groan.
You gasp, eyes rolling back as you place a hand on his head. Your leg goes over his shoulder, pulling him closer.
You missed how good he made you feel, more importantly, you missed him.
"Colby." You moan out quietly as you look down at him. He locks eyes with yours, staring up at you as his tongue moves in and out.
He leans back, "I missed you so much." He moves up next to you, lying on his side as he leans down to kiss you.
His hand moves down your body as he gently rubs two fingers up and down your slit before slowly pushing them in.
You gasp, gripping the sheets of the random bed under you, "I missed you." Your hand goes to his cheek as his fingers move slow, doing what you love.
"What did you miss?" He presses a kiss to your forehead, "Hmm."
"You." Your breath shutters as he pushes his fingers in as far as they'll go, "Everything."
"Like what, darlin'?" Colby watches you, biting his lip as you roll your hips against his hand. You moan quietly, "all the ways.. you make me feel good."
"If you come back to me, I can do it everyday." He leans down, kissing down your neck, "Any time you want."
Your lips part as his tongue runs over the specific spot he mentioned, earning a gasp from you.
He smirks, "See, I know you."
He pulls his fingers out, bringing them up to your lips. You part them, eyes on his as your tongue swirls around them.
"You're so beautiful." He bites his lip, "Tasting yourself off my fingers."
You smile, tilting your head back. He grips your chin, leaning down to kiss you before standing up to shrug off his jean jacket.
You sit up, pulling the straps of your dress down your shoulders, "what are you layering up for winter or something?"
He chuckles, "I came here for one thing, and it wasn't to party." He winks as he pulls off his crew neck, "..so I wasn't really worried about dressing for it."
Your eyes scan over his bare torso, "What did you come here for?"
He chuckles, tilting his head as he slips his fingers into the band of his matching sweats, "I think you know."
"Do I?" You tease and he steps out of them, walking over to you. He leans down, moving his body over yours as you lay back, "Why don't I just show you."
Your lips part as the tip of his cock pushes up against you, "Don't be gentle."
"That was my next question." He smirks as he rests his arm under your knee, holding your leg up as he slides his cock into you.
Your brows furrow as your nails dig into his shoulder, "Fuck, fuck." You clench around him, earning a groan from his lips, "Fuck, I've missed how you feel around me."
He leans down, connecting his lips to yours as he slowly pulls out. He thrusts back in, quickly picking up a punishing pace.
He kisses down your neck, moaning into it as your nails drag up his back, "Colby.." you whimper, wrapping your other leg around his waist, "Fuck, fuck."
Colby bites your neck, sucking in a mark that you most likely find until later.
"You're made for me." He groans lowly, "You belong with me."
"I belong with you." You moan out as you lay your hand on his cheek, "I love you. I've always loved you."
His lips meet yours as his arm drops your leg, his hand moving to wrap around your neck, "You've always been such a good little slut for me."
You moan at his words, "always you."
He leans up, hands gripping your hips as he thrusts, "Fuck, fuck. Roll over for me." He pulls out and you push yourself over, moving your hips up.
"That's my girl." His hands run over your ass, sliding up to grip your hips as he moves behind you. He lines himself up, thrusting into you slowly as he leans down.
His lips plant kisses on your shoulder and across your upper back to the other, "I'm never letting you go again."
You grip the blanket, pulling as he pushes his cock into you. You whimper, pushing your hips back, "You feel so good."
Colby slides his hand up your back, making a pony tail of your hair take with his hand.
Your mouth opens, eyes rolling back as he pulls your head back more, "such a good girl." He starts to thrust, slow and hard, "Taking my cock so well again."
You moan, squeezing his cock as he brings you close to orgasm, "Close.. s-so close."
"Go on baby, show me how good I make you feel." Colby's voice is low, "Let me hear those pretty sounds."
A string of moans leaves by our lips as he pounds into you, guiding you through your high. His hand slips around, tightening around your neck, "that's it, baby."
He nips your ear, "So fucking good." He rests his forehead against your head, "You're gonna make me cum."
He leans up, bringing a hand down to smack on your ass. He runs his thumb over the forming red hand print, "Fuck, fuck."
He thrusts grow sloppy, quickly slowly down as you feel him twitch inside of you. 
It's quiet, all but the sound of heavy breathing.
Colby finds something to clean up with, walking over to gently wipe you off, "Are you okay?" He helps you sit up and you smile, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I didn't mean with us.. I mean.." he purses his lips and your eyes go wide, "Oh fuck, Theo."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thank you for reading! As always, let me know how you liked it!
Love you all! 🖤
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