#billy hargrove x agere
princessmanamia · 4 months
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(The following is age regression related, if you dont like it dont read it, please and thank you!)
Caregiver Billy x Agere Fem Reader
(Post star court billy)
A super long, Hella fluffy, drable
TW: cursing and uh idk cigarettes (i mean its billy hargrove)
✨sleep tight little bunny✨
You feel like You’ve hardly slept in the last 3 days. The nightmares were back again, To be fair the coming of cooler weather brought the fear that the residents of the upside down might return. It had been several months since the star court incident. Although Life for the most part was..well….normal again? The group had now gained a new member, Billy, which…definitely took some getting used to.
Needless to say the near death experience and learning about the horrors of the “upside down” changed him. Billy was no longer a complete ass to steve or max, hes still a bit cold and stand offish but nowhere near the levels from before. With Billy now in the group that ment one more classmate got to learn about your…um quirky tendencies? Well thats how you’d like to put it to others who dont know, but to the group of teens you hang out with…they know it’s a coping mechanism. Steve, Robin and dustin deal with your age regression the most, although the entire group of kids know and occasionally set up “little days” just being carefree.
Billy however is still a bit confused by all this. it’s definitely weird, not as weird as being attacked and nearly killed by a giant monsters, and being around a girl with superpowers but still odd and new? His summer experience had completely changed him, the old billy would have made your life a living hell. Hes tried to be sweet and brotherly, believe me it peaks through, but he also knows you tend to hide your “little side” if hes around (Steve and a couple of kids let him in on that part). Hell he used to be a bully, he gets it, the fear was still there….though He’d be lying if he wasn’t curious as to why group was so fond of “little” you
But here we are…..
Somehow you found yourself being picked up by none other than billy hargrove.?? Uh what?
All you wanted was some fresh air.
You were just sitting on your front porch steps, head down in a sleepless daze with your leg bouncing from being just overall tired and jittery. When a familiar car stops out front.
“Hey!! You seen Harrington?” You slowly looked up and shook your head.
“nope sorry hes still at work”
“Damn it”
“hes not off work for a couple hrs, what do you need?”
“Nothing…it’s personal, you ok? You look like hell.”
“Oh fuck you, it’s also personal” you groan and rub your temples looking up at the grey clouds that gathered above.
“Uhhuh, ya sure about that?”
“Look im ok I just haven’t slept much in a couple days.” You didnt even bother looking back down but You could tell Billy’s blue eyes were just staring you down, and after a few moments you heard his car door open. “Get in” Billy had leaned over to open the passenger door. You didn’t want to go with him, but you didn’t want to feel like a sitting duck in your own home either so you groaned, made your way over and plopped down on the seat. It was pointless to argue with him, so you sank into back of the car seat and looked over, “uh ..so whats the plan here exactly?” “Gonna kill two birds with one stone” he mumbled as he took off in the direction of Steve’s place. “Umm ok? And why do I have to go along?”
“You get to nap at Harrington’s place and i get grab the stuff he borrowed from me.”
You looked out the window and chuckled “damn is it that obvious? Do i look that bad?” You tried to sound sarcastic.
Billy glanced down, noticing that you were back to anxiously bouncing your leg again Unfortunately yeah” you felt a hand press down on your knee causing you to jump as u gave billy a panicked look. He raised his hand to back off and huffed “easy with the leg thing, it shakes the whole car, and yeah i know you tend to sneak off to his place to nap anyway..” his brows where knit with concern “you sure your good..? Look i can stop and get you something or..” “no im ok” you cut him off and turned your gaze back to the window.
The curly haired blonde took a deep breath and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, trying not to get angry with your short attitude. He bit his lip for a moment thinking of something to say to bring you back to your normal self. You definitely have seemed off for about a week now, and dustin had mentioned something of importance a few days before? But what exactly was it? Was it maybe needing a regression day?
“Y/n…doll, when was the last time you, ya know..?”
He shifted in his seat following a short pause
“Uhh? U wanna finish that thought or what?” You glanced back, looking irritated and exhausted.
He took a deep breath and softened his tone “when was the last time you were small?”
The car fell silent and You simply shrugged and mumbled. “Hell idk few weeks maybe? Why exactly does that matter to you?”
He knew where this was heading, the inevitable “push back”. But he still wanted to give it a shot since both main caregivers would be at work for several more hrs and you clearly needed some TLC.
He pulled into Steve’s driveway and killed the engine. Billy tried to keep his tone nonchalant to avoid making it feel weird and looked at you from the rear view mirror “i mean i dunno ..Just seems like you might need it?”
“I dont need shit from you” you mumble, as you got out and slammed the passenger door. Yep just as expected. Hargrove bit his lip again and stepped out behind you, as you grabbed the spare key the family kept hidden and stepped inside, practically collapsing face down on the familiar couch in the living room.
‘This is gonna suck’, billy thought.
Steve had already given him a heads up that gaining your trust wouldn’t be easy. It required a-lot of compassion and understanding, but Billy was determined to try. Plus It kinda got under his skin that even Nancy and Johnathan had talked about baby sitting moments. What exactly was it about all this that you have everyone wrapped around your finger?? How hard could it be? He’s taken care of some kids before.
Billy slipped upstairs to search for two things, 1. The cassette tapes he lent to Steve and 2. The baby bag. Steve had mentioned beforehand Having an essentials bag stashed away if anyone ever needed it, although the dumbass never actually told him WHERE it was though. Of course the idiot had it buried in the back of his closet. He pulled it out and went digging through everything the bag included:
☑️A blanket
☑️A couple over sized shirts, and pjs
☑️coloring books and crayons
☑️Baby lotion, powder and wiped
☑️A couple pacifiers
☑️A stuffed bunny
☑️A mix of baby bottles, sippy cups and cups with straws
☑️And a couple pullups
Billy did a bit of a double take of its contents, somewhat confused (and amused). He sat there for moment contemplating how to go about this, pushing his hair back and pacing for a moment before slinging the bag over his shoulder and going back downstairs for a cigarette. He looked over at Y/n still sprawled out face down on the couch. “You still alive little bunny?”
“Omg just leave me alone” you groaned. Billy sighed, “sorry doll but you’re stuck with me until steve gets off work” he called out from the kitchen and stepped outside to get quick smoke break in. Lightning the cigarette, and only taking a few puffs and pulled a few things from the bag, unsure of what you might actually need.
Blanket? Yes always
Stuffed animal? Yup
Sippy cups? Maybe?
Pacifiers? …Ive seen her nap with them in, but she probably wont take it willingly, but sure.. cant hurt.
He slid one into his pocket and somewhat anxiously took a couple of long drags on his cigarette before putting the rest out and slipping back inside. Doing his best to be as quiet as possible.
He took a deep breath and walked over to the living room, gently placing the bag on the floor and sat down crisscrossed in front of you. It was barely audible but he knew he could hear sniffling, he sighed again And reached out rubbing your head for a few moments. “Hey you need to try to sleep, look im gonna stay with you till steve gets home”
You didnt even bother look up, but shook your head.
“Billy im fine, just go home…please?”
He tried placing his hand under your chin in an attempt to get your attention. “Y/n, look at me?” His voice was soft but stern. You still refuse, trying to bury your face back. Anything to avoid eye contact.
Billy placed both hands around your cheeks, resulting in a whimper that almost made his heart drop. Your eyes still refusing to open, but a damp face and tear stains dont lie. He ran his thumbs along your cheeks trying to wipe away the new tears that were forming. “i know im the LAST person you want to deal with right now, but i also know you NEED this, im not judging you, i will never judge you for this. Do you understand?”You continued to fight his hold on your face, but the resistance was all for not. He was intent on getting through to you, in one way or another. “Y/n its fine” You took a deep breath Finally meeting his gaze, tearful (🩵💙💚🤎 colored eyes-)stared back. You whimpered again as a few more tears welled up. Again billy wiped them away and inhaled deeply, almost testing the water, he softened his tone “babe listen, im watching after you until your daddy gets home, but you HAVE to let me in ok?” Whimpering, again you shook your head trying to shake off billy’s hands, you could just feel the heat rising to your face. This felt like a cruel prank, billy would never!
“im not doing this today!!” You cried. With soft sobs making your breathing ragged
“Yes you are sweetheart, you’re exhausted and you need it now please just come here.”
He Finally let go of your face. While still sitting on the floor he opened up the bag next to him pulling out a few items. “Please little bunny, just let me help you get to sleep, look we’ve got some comfy clothes, your blanket, and i can grab you something to eat or drink while you change ok? Sound good?” His voice went from stern to pleading.
In horror You glanced at everything in the bag, damn it, thats why he brought me here!!!
“Jesus christ Billy you went through all my stuff?!” You shoved your face back into the couch pillows, as more hot, angry tears welled up, you just wanted to curl up and die.
Completely humiliated that all of your little stuff was sitting right in front of both of you. Billy stared you down for a few moments before pressing his forehead against yours “nuh-uh, enough, right now your under my care, so NONE of that, now go get changed,” he got up in huff and walked back towards the kitchen “and while youre at it, pick out a cup, im making sure you get a snack before your nap!”
“Ya Grouchy little shit” he mumbled the last part under his breath
In a daze and still softly crying You sat up. This couldn’t be happening right?
The former school bully actually trying to play babysitter right now?? And what was with his tone? What kind of fever dream was this? Hes never been this…gentle???
But damn it if he wasnt right.
You needed little time.
LIKR FUCK Wrong place wrong time,
….but You gave in.
Hesitantly you pulled up the duffle bag your momma and daddy kept hidden and dug out one of the oversized shirts, a soft pair of pj pants as well as one of the brightly colored sippy cups with a straw. You pushed yourself up off the couch and paused for a moment, nervously glancing at billy, whose back was now turned towards you and placed the cup on the counter before going to the bathroom to change. ‘For the love of god Steve better get back asap’
Billy scrounged around steve’s kitchen trying to find something simple to make. Finally settling on a pb & j (sweet boy has no cooking skills, bless him). He looked over at the cup you’d set on the counter and grinned pressing his tongue to his cheek, of course you picked one with a straw. Although he would have been happy to try to give you a bottle. Maybe a bit embarrassing for both of you but he’d do it. Billy thought as he filled cup with apple juice from the fridge.
Oh shit, i should probably turn on the tv too while im at it.
Going back to the living room he laid a blanket on and the floor in front of the tv and switched it on. He flipped through a few channels leaving it on some kids show (insert any old 80’s kids show) He looked around somewhat proud of his baby sitting skills and grabbed the plate and sippy cup gently setting it on the floor. A few minutes later you shyly peeked around the corner still trying to wipe away some tears.
Hargrove tried his best to sound sincere “hey kiddo, made you a p&j and got some juice, that sound good?” You wouldn’t meet his gaze, but just shrugged, your face felt hot and more tears threatened to fall. Just feeling ashamed and utterly embarrassed.
“Ok Angel c’mere” the pretty blonde made his way over to you and scooped you up causing you to squeak in surprise.
He chuckled and sat you down on his lap a few feet away from the tv. He could feel how shaky you were.
“Can u at least try to eat for me? Its not like it’s poisoned” He picked up the plate and set it on your lap.
You just looked at it for a moment. Seemingly dazed, then shook your head, you could feel billy exhale in frustration or maybe it was concern but he tried again. “Kay, how about i take half and you take the other?”
You didnt say anything but simply took the half closest to you and tried your best to munch on it. Billy on the other hand quickly downed his half and tried to think of some way to get you a bit more calm. He was more used to doing …umm things a bit more adult rated?? so in a slight panic his best effort was to comb his fingers through your hair. Surely that would be ok, Girls like that stuff right?? If that didn’t work maybe rocking would help??
He lucked out, it didnt take but a few minutes before he could feel you press the back of your head against his hands. he grinned, “ooh? You like head scratches huh?” He cooed
There was a soft whine in response, as he kept going, and he could feel slowly you sink against him. He bit his lip and tried not to smile this normally wasnt his thing, but you’re oddly adorable in this state.
“Ok cutie, ya feelin any better?” He murmured while still running a hand down the back of your head.
You shrugged and grabbed the sippy cup sitting next you, and billy took the opportunity to move the plate off your lap when he felt something his hand. More tears? Had you really been silently crying this whole time?
He looked down, your eyes were still red, and tears were silhouetted in the light of the tv. He took the sleeve of his shirt and tried wiping your face, which only resulted in a soft whimper and you stubbornly trying to turn your head away. It was all billy could do to keep from laughing. You really were being an overly tired toddler trying to fight sleep huh? “Sweetheart” he cooed “im just trying to clean your face, can you sit still for bubby?” With eyes clamped shut and Still whimpering you try your best to comply. He did his best to dry your face, but your eyes and cheeks looked still looked so red. He looked at you for a moment, sighed and reached over. Grabbing the duffle bag still sitting on the floor he pulled out a stuffed rabbit and a blanket. Billy practically threw the blanket over his shoulder and picked you up with the bunny still in the other. “Alright cotton tail, plan B, i know ive seen your daddy do this a few times” he gently toted you over to the recliner in the corner of the room. Sitting you both down.
You didnt even fight him at this point, only more soft whimpers of protest remained as you pressed your face into his neck. He wrapped the blanket over your shoulders and offered you the stuffed bunny tucking it under your arm. Billy tried softly rocking the both of you, he had seen Steve do this on 2 occasions, (not that you would know though since you had already been KO’d for awhile and He’d be lying if he ever said he wasnt jealous of steve for it either.)
Your eyes were tired but they still refused to shut, and you softly whined again as You turned your gaze back to the tv.
Even in this state with Soft whimpering And sniffles it was all he could do to not smile. Billy rested his chin on your head and tried shushing you while rubbing your back. How are you still fighting sleep? The soft smell of baby powder wafting from your blanket would probably be enough to lull even him to sleep on a normal day. Surely its comforting scent should be doing the same for you? Wait, Billy mentally slapped himself, duh he did put a pacifier in his pocket earlier. He gently shifted you to one side and he tried to fish it out of his pocket. “Shhhhh sweetheart, here would this help?” He opened up his hand to let you take it. You feebly took it but instead of putting it in your mouth you played with it between your fingers. “Too shy? Go figure” billy thought to himself.
He took it from your fidgety hands “no baby, open up” there wasn’t even a sound of protest you simply opened your mouth just big enough for him to pop it in. “Oh good girl” he whispered and kissed your forehead, causing you to press your face back against him.
Billy chuckled and shifted you again so you were lying completely against his chest before going back to lazily rocking the both of you.
With both of you now fixated on the tv He watched out of the corner of his eye as the pacifier softly bobbled up and down, following the soft occasional suckling sounds. He grinned and pressed his chin against your head, inhaling the scent from your blanket that was still draped over your shoulders. This was blissful. He’d admit it, he could now understand how you had Harrington wrapped around your fingers.
As far as billy was concerned The horrors of Hawkins could fuck right off. At the moment the teen would do anything to make this last. He’d fight off anything if it ment you’d still be in his arms.
He closed his eyes for a bit but continued rocking you. He could tell your breathing had slowed,though there was still the occasional sniffling, but at least the pacifier has stopped the whining. “Shhhh little bunny, you need to sleep” he murmured and combed a strand of hair over your ear, gently stroking your cheek. Glancing back down at down at you with one eye open it looks like you finally may have crashed. Eyes closed, still softly suckling on the paci.
Fuuuck that’s adorable. Billy thought as he continued rocking. A few minutes passed until he was certain you were asleep. He finally decided it was safe enough to recline the chair back so both of you could get a nap in before steve got home.
——— later on————
Steves pov
“Oh no, no no no, what the fuck is HARGROVES car doing in my driveway??
Jesus Christ not again!!” He groaned as he pulled up to curb in front of his home.
He got out slamming the car door and mumbled under his breath the whole way to his front doorsteps.
“We talked about boundaries, but noooo of course none of that got into his thick skull” he muttered loudly as he opened the door. He was immediately met with loud shushing which caused him to jump.
He snapped his head towards the direction of noise only to see none other than billy hargrove with a finger to his lips and the other hand over your head.
Steve blinked in confusion then lowered his tone as he went into the living room “what happened!??” He whispered.
“Long story, but i took care of it” billy grinned sleepily. “Shes been out for about an hour n’ a half, but do you think you can take her, i gotta take a leak?”
Steve laughed as he carefully pried you off billy’s chest careful not to wake you.
There was a soft whine but you must have known it was steve since you buried your face in his neck and hummed “baba” in relief.
“Hi baby, daddy’s home” steve cooed
“And thank god cuz bubby has to pee”
billy chimed in as he finally got up off the recliner and booked it down the hall. Steve decided the best thing to do was get you upstairs and in bed before he questioned billy further.
He made his way up the stairs and into his bedroom, trying as gently as he could to lay you back down without (completely) waking you.
You let out a soft whine of protest before you were hushed again by a pacifier and the soft worn covers of your daddy’s bed caressing your body.
“Shhh baby, daddys here,” steve cooed as he laid down next to you, rubbing your back in hopes that you’ll drift off again.
Moments later there was a soft knock on the door. Steve glanced back to see billy pulling out a carton of cigarettes and mouthing “ill be outside” steve gave him a thumbs up and rolled back to attend to you. He waited until there was soft snoring before he rolled out of bed and crept back downstairs.
Meeting billy out by the backdoor, he crossed his arms. “Ok so what the hell happened exactly?”
Billy took a long drag and exhaled “she was in a mood and I handled it? Also next time it might help if you actually TELL ME where the emergency bag is.”
“Wait u went through my room?!”
“Not the first time Harrington.” He chuckled. “Besides your girl was exhausted and hadn’t been sleeping, so yeah, I stepped in, and handled it just fine”
“She fight you on it?”
“Eh not really,”
“Are u shitting me? She bit me the first couple times!”
“Guess ya wore her down for me, or she just likes me more” he flicked the cigarette butt and smirked at Steve before heading back inside.
“Yeah fat chance” Steve murmured following him.
“Just so you know, if you ever need me to watch her last min, i dont mind” billy said looking back over at the recliner he’d been stuck the last two hrs. Steve grinned following his gaze then glanced around the living room at the various contents of the diaper bag that had been thrown about. “Not that weird anymore huh?” He said crossing his arms
Billy grinned and just shrugged “Never said that..just seeing it differently now thats all”
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Billy Hargrove X Little! Reader: Diner Stop PT. 2
Summary: Maybe Billy has room to grow, especially when he’s comparing himself to his mom.
WC: 1214
Pt 1    Pt 2
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Steve Harrington was standing there, hands on his hips. He looked mad. Dustin and Robin were close behind him. 
“Oh… Hi Stevie!” (Y/N) tried to seem cheery and not at all nervous about her friend.
“What are you doing here? With him.” Steve asked, annoyed to be having to ask the question in the first place. She tried to reply and her words failed her, she looked like a gasping fish.
“I was giving her a ride home, and we got hunger. It is none of your business though, Harrington.” He said, not stopping cutting up (Y/N)’s food. Although, she was suddenly not hungry for the food he was preparing. Let alone being babied right now. 
“(Y/N) you were meant to wait for me. You know how we feel about… him…” Steve sneered, fuming. It was almost like he had steam coming out of his ears. Billy was now paying full attention to the interaction infront of him. He was watching Steve’s every move and the way she was reacting.
“It was just he offered and you were not gonna be around for a while…” (Y/N) began to tear up at the yelling. This was not helping her current situation. 
“Get up, I am taking you home. You shouldn’t be around him.” Steve said, he moved to grab her. Stopping as Billy grabs his wrist.
“Do not touch her. Ask if she wants to leave. She isn’t your pet.” Billy snarled at Steve, twisting his hand. “Do you want to go home with him? Or would you like to stay here for a little longer?”
“I should go with stevie, don’t wanna upset him…” She mumbled to him, wrapping her arms around him. To that he hugged her back before packing her food into a to-go box. 
“Okay, here is your dinner.” Billy said, putting the box into Steve’s hand. Quickly standing up, grabbing (Y/N)’s coat. Once she stood up, he helped her in one arm at a time. A piece of paper was stuffed into her pocket. 
Steve and (Y/N) quickly left. Steve glaring over his shoulder at Billy. He was unfanzied, a small smile on his lips, watching the light pink jacket retreating, every once and a while peaking over her shoulder. He smiled knowing he would see her tomorrow. 
The drive home was awkward for (Y/N), Steve was quiet other then sighing and shaking his head. However, as they pull into her drive way, he spoke, “You shouldn’t hang out with people like him, he isn’t a good person. You need to understand that he could have done something bad to you.”
“He wouldn’t hurt me, he’s my friend.” (Y/N) replies quick to defend her friend.
“That’s not true! That’s what he want you to think!” Steve yelled, startling tears into her eyes. The way she trying to shove herself into the car door to get farther away from him caused him to sigh. He began again, “I don’t want to see you hurt. He is bad news, he has hurt Lucas and countless others. You can make your own choices, but i recommend getting as far away from him as possible.”
All (Y/N) does is nod, collecting their stuff and saying goodbye. She rushed inside of the house not wanting to be seen crying again. She threw her food into the fridge rushing to her room, not bothering to take off her shoes or coat. 
Once comfortably in her room, she slipped out of her shoes and shimmied her coat down her arms. The shaking of the coat caused a paper to fall out of the pocket. This quickly caught her attention. After shoving her shoes under her bed and chucking her coat at the chair by her desk, she picked it up. Once unfolded, the paper showed 10 numbers and the name ‘Billy’ at the top. 
Her eyes widen, before she rushed to the phone on the table by her bed. Her hands moved faster than her logical side. She wanted to hear her friend ago, she wanted to be small with him again and wanted him to reassure her that he wasn’t a bad person. She knew he was bad, but for a moment in time she wished to believe there was good in Billy Hargrove.
The ringing of the phone was deafening, until it wasn’t. “What do you want?”
Well that was a rude way to answer the phone, a pout rested on her lips. She spoke quickly, “Hiiii”
“Oh,” Bill took a deep breath, his voice turning softer, “Hey. Did you get home safe? Harrington didn’t say or do anything?”
“‘M home safe, gonna put jammies on soon. He said you were a bad guy and you huwt people, n that you gonna huwt me.” She said, the final sentence causing her to let the tears finally fall again.
“Oh baby, I would never hurt you.” Billy clenched his fist, he hurt a lot of people but (Y/N) was different. She was pure and sweet, and needed someone to look after her and care for her. He would do anything to keep her safe. It wasn’t a selfless appointment, as he liked how he felt like the type of person his mother was when he was with her. He wanted to be that person, “What kinda jammies are you gonna wear?”
“Mmm, Don know.” She said, as ruffling sounds fill the silence of the call. “Got rainbows or carebears… cant pick.”
“I think you should wear the carebears one, bet you look so tiny in it.” Billy said, a smile forming at the thought of her in it. However, he quickly realized you would be so tiny, and unable to care for yourself.
“Gon wear dat” She mumbled, haphazardly pulling at her uncomfortable big girl clothing. A thump could be heard as she pulled off the last article of clothes, sniffles and cries soon filled the call.
“Baby, what happened? Do you need me to come help you? I can be there in no time?” Billy rattled off question after question, stressing over the little one on the other side of the call. 
“Nu-uh,” sniffle,” I otay now, hit my knee.”
Billy took a deep breath, she was okay. He quickly spoke, “That must have been scary. How about you get dressed and I will read you a bed time story. I think its past your bed time.”
“It not late, wanna pway!” She whined, while pulling the PJs onto her body.
“Don’t start talking to me like that little miss, otherwise I won’t get you hot cocoa and drive you to school tomorrow.” Billy threatened.
“You take me?” The surprise was evident in her voice, as well as the fact she was getting into her bed now.
“Good girl, I am gonna drive you from now on, gotta make sure my big girl gets to school safe.” Billy said.
“Otay, we go togedder.” She said, “Stowy?”
“Of course you can have a story, I’ll tell you my favorite one.” Billy said, pulling a book from his childhood out of a box hidden under his bed. He would read his favorite story as a kid, to you, just like his mother did for him.
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billyhrgrv · 2 years
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been a long day, yeah? I totally forgot to post this one !!!!!SCREAMS
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sunshine-n-raccoons · 2 years
You know who’d be an interesting caregiver?
Billy Hargrove.
That man is such an asshole to everyone. We all know. Like he’s just hypersexual and gross and yucky. but… what if…
deep down he has that caretaking instinct in him… he just needed to find something worth protecting and caring for.
I legitimately believe it would be like a light switch going off. He spends his time seeking and pining for the approval of older women and all the hot girls in town, but what if it’s he just realizes all he needs is someone who… needs him.
Not sexually, not because of his looks or his body, but actually NEEDS his care and affection.
It takes a very special person to bring that side out of him. Otherwise he’s the same ole jackass Billy, but when he sees his little? He’s a whole other human. And when he shows that side of himself out in public? Everyone is TURNING HEADS gaping at this sweet side of him.
Such as holding hands with his little while crossing the street, ordering for them at the diner, and especially taking his little to the park and playing on the swings. He is also unbelievably protective, always keeping an eye on his baby. If anyone tries to be mean, he’s not afraid to draw blood from someone. (He’s an asshole to everyone else still, remember).
Basically having Billy as your caregiver? You become his entire world, so be prepared for people to kind of catch onto your childish antics and that you regress if they observe enough. (Which is WHY he is also so protective of you.)
At home? All snuggles, he cooks, he watches anything and everything with no shame, he’ll play pretend and he loves building forts. He keeps a good routine for you, as he wants nothing more than to be better than his own parents, so he treats you as he wished he would have been. He sees it as such a great opportunity to be what he should’ve had and he loves it. It’s healing for him.
I’m telling you guys. Billy Hargrove has the SOFTEST side in him. It just has to be found by the right person.
But also, he isn’t putting up with no brat. If his little is acting naughty, he’s putting them in their place. He’s still working on the whole patience and caretaking thing.
He isn’t phased by crocodile tears, so don’t even try and whine your way out. He’s a tough cookie to crack. He isn’t afraid to tune out your screaming and crying when you’re throwing a tantrum while you’re in time out.
But he will always, ALWAYS kiss your face once you say sorry and he explains why you were naughty. He’s quick to forgive… you at least.
All in all, for the special person, he WOULD be a good caretaker. Still learning and not always the greatest, but he would put effort in.
LOVE IT. I am a sucker for the damaged unemotional man finding his spark for someone.
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smallghostcorner · 2 years
st boys(adults)x masc!reader
this is so self indulgent im sorry(im not) also this does include Billy so if that makes u uncomfy scroll on by
Summary: movie night!
"Are you ready for movie night?" Eddie asked as you hop out of his van in front of his trailer holding your favorite stuffy. You nod as he gives you a bright smile.
When he opens the door you see your other caregivers shuffling around and sitting on the couch.
Argyle and Jonathan are sifting through movies on the floor in front of the tv while Steve and Billy are in the kitchen preparing snacks.
Argyle looks up at you when he notices the door opening.
"My little pony or Care bears?" He asks holding up the two movies, you think for a second before pointing to My little pony.
Argyle sets up the TV while Steve and Billy enter with the snacks.
---------time skip-----
You're seated between Eddie and Steve with your legs stretched out of the rest of your care givers laps when the movie ends, your head is falling off of Steves shoulder and onto his chest as you fight sleep.
"Hey prince? Is it bedtime? You're looking sleepy" Steve says as the credits roll on screen.
You hum as you hold your stuffie tighter to your chest.
"I think it is, I'll go make u some tea in your sippy ok?" Eddie says getting up from the couch.
Jonathan whines at him as he gets up, apperently having slipped part way through the movie.
"I'll make you some too little bro" Argyle says getting up as well.
Steve slowly shimmies out from behind you and helps Johnathan stand, at the same time Billy scoops you up in his arms.
"Every prince needs a knight to carry him to the pillow palace" Billy says trying to intimidate Eddies way of dramatic story telling. (Also idc if u reading this dont think u can be picked up because this man will do it)
The two care givers lead you and Jonathan into the bedroom and help you get settled in Eddies bed, He set up his room earlier for you to sleep in, fresh sheets and the softest blankets he has with the stuffies you keep at his house for emergencies.
In the corner there's a nightlight and all his mini figures are safely stashed away so you don't accidentally break them. He also set up his stereo with a mixtape of lullabies, some covers done by him. And lastly he went to the library and checked out some childrens picture books.
Eddie and Argyle enter with a sippy cup and bottle respectively, Argyle sets the bottle down on the nightstand and leads Johnathan into the bathroom to help him gat changed and diapered so there's no accidents.
Eddie helps tuck you in and get settled with your sippy cup, he takes your paci and sets it on the nightstand in a sanitized case and hands you your favorite teether.
When Argyle and Johnathan gets back you pick out a story book for Eddie to read. "The prince and the Dragon"(not a real book).
Argyle feeds Johnathan his bottle and then tucks him in while Eddie reads the story. Once you two are cuddled up together and cozy Eddie turns on the nightlight and both the care givers give you a kiss on the forehead.
"Goodnight little ones" they say as they turn the lights off and exit the room.
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fandom-kiddo · 2 years
I’m gonna start doing requests for agere fics!! I can write cg! Reader or regressor! Reader! I can even do a ship! Just specify which character is which!
No goes
-nsfw of any kind, agere is not a kink!!
-minor X adult ships!! Only platonic stuff for those things! Like regressor! Eleven and CG! Hopper, nothing icky
-no themes like graphic SH(patching up the reader is okay but no like actual hurting themselves depictions!! That’s really triggering for me! I won’t do any ED ones either as I am a recovering bulimic, reminding the reader to eat is fine, just no depictions of it!!
-no assault, sexual or otherwise
-no dubcon, once again, no dark themes like corruption!!
-absolutely no kink of any sort! Agere blog!!!
Can dos!
-sensitive themes like nightmares, being kidnapped, punishment
-literally anything not in the no goes, if I don’t respond to your ask, it most likely means I’m either gonna write it or it’s out of my comfort level.
-the black phone
-stranger things
-ferris buellers day off
-top gun
-Star Wars
Characters I’d love to write!!
-Vance hopper, the black phone
-finney Blake, the black phone
-Robin Arellano, the black phone
-Bruce yamada, the black phone
-Steve Harrington, stranger things
-Eddie Munson, stranger things
-Robin Buckley, stranger things
- Nancy wheeler, stranger things
-billy Hargrove, stranger things
-Jonathan Byers, stranger things
-argyle, stranger things
-kurt kunkle, spree
-Ferris Bueller, Ferris buellers day off
-Cameron Frye, Ferris buellers day off
-sloane Peterson, Ferris buellers day off
-Pete ‘maverick’ Mitchell, top gun
-Nick ‘goose’ Bradshaw, top gun
-Tom ‘iceman’ kazansky, top gun
-most marvel characters
-kylo ren, Star Wars
-Han solo, Star Wars
-leia organa, Star Wars
-Luke skywalker, Star Wars
-anakin skywalker, Star Wars
-obi-wan kenobi, Star Wars
-padme amidala, Star Wars
-Finn, Star Wars
-Poe Dameron, Star Wars
-Rey skywalker, Star Wars
-Alex delarge, a clockwork orange
-Jack Daniels or Agent Whiskey, Kingsman:The Last Circle
-Joel Miller, The Last Of Us
-Pedro Pascal in general tbh
Ask box is closed for now!!! Once I finish the queue of requests(if you have requested anything it is getting written!!! I’m in my last month of senior year so that is taking presidence right now but once I’m done I’ll be more than happy to write all these amazing fics!! Thanks for understanding!
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xxhoneyxlemonxx · 2 years
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Hi you simps! I’m Demi And welcome to my page <3 I will write anything from headcanons to multi-chapters to one-shots to stories, whether short or long! However please specify a sex otherwise I will write the character as Gender Neutral!
If your idea isn’t listed here, send it in anyhow. As long as it doesn’t go against what I don’t write, there’s a 99% chance I’ll write it. <3
•Anything misogynistic, racist or homophobic
•Michael Myers (OG/2018)
•Jason Voorhees
•Billy Loomis
•Stu Macher
•Tiffany Valentine (human or doll)
•Chucky (human or doll)
•Thomas Hewitt
•Bubba Sawyer
•Amanda Young
•Carrie White
•Vincent Sinclair
•Bo Sinclair
•Brahms Heelshire
•Herbert West
Steve Harrington
Jane Hopper | Eleven
Max Mayfield
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
I’ll be posting my own x reader content just to get the ball rolling, but I look forward to seeing your messages and ideas 💖💖
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lightvixxen · 2 years
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FIRST OFF: I am Abrosexual and non-binary so if your homophobic get off my page
If you request something I may write it I may not, do not spam my inbox with it if i choose to not write it or don’t get to it quickly
I cannot promise requests will be swift, my own motivation is finicky, i try to get to them quickly but sometimes i get overwhelmed and need to take a step back from writing 💕
People who interact with “ickybatz” or “batty-ruski”
Pedos, homophobes, racists.
General DNI criteria
Kidnapping/Stockholm syndrome
Age gaps
Anything to do with human fluids (pee, shit, vomit), wedgies, ageplay (agere is welcomed as long as its not NSFW<3) anything basically overly gross
Real people
Extreme dom!reader, a soft dom reader is okay or where the character still has control is okay just not full dom!reader, its just not my cup of tea! I will write HCs but other than that? Nope go find another writer <3
pregnancy! Anything to do with pregnancy makes me extremely uncomfortable, breeding kinks are fine just not pregnancy kinks
Lactation kink/breastfeeding kink, it also makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Minor x adult/pedophilia ships
STRANGER THINGS: Billy hargrove, Dustin Henderson, mike wheeler, will byers, El hopper, Max mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Erica Sinclair.
THE LAST OF US: abby Anderson
HARRY POTTER: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, any death eater really, anyone not in the marauders era excluding the Weasley twins
CRIMINAL MINDS: David Rossi, Jason Gideon
Literally any character that is a fucking minor.
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princessmanamia · 6 months
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Billy Hargrove CG head cannons
Theres not nearly enough soft Billy content so please enjoy this Billy Hargrove x Agere femreader brain rot
- Big brother energy, self explanatory i hope
- refers to himself as “Bubby” or “bubuh”
- When your in his care, he specifically refers to steve as “your daddy” ie, “angel if you dont stay in my line of sight, YOUR Daddy is gonna have my head on a steak”
- Hasn’t actually seen you completely baby spaced, (your too unsure and embarrassed to be that small around billy so its more 5 yr old energy ) and he is secretly intrigued and wants to gain enough trust to get to that point
- Definitely not one for bottles, i cant explain it but this man spoon feeds, i just know it! More like “nope ur too big for that, c’mere -opens up applesauce and grabs a spoon-
- More attentive than he appears! if he notices the little space tendencies, he is watching your body language like a hawk (and looking for any stressors or potential danger) to a point that (daddy) steve or (momma) robin might miss
- Head scratches (and rubs)!!! And the kind where all his fingers are splayed out, like he’s cradling your head….Its his way of showing affection and trying not to startle you if he’s coming up from behind, he’s secretly pained cuz you would flinch from him for the longest time, (from trust issues)
- Also blowing raspberries?? he’ll try and be sweet, and raise ur hand to his mouth to kiss it (or better yet grab ur face to kiss your cheek) but no you just end up with a slobber filled raspberry blowing and it always results in a giggle fit (if you could see how he looks at you when you giggle like that😩🥺)
- Has a soft blanket secretly tucked away in the back of his car, (only max knows about it, cuz he feels that steve might tease him for it and the thought alone irritates him) also has juice boxes in the glove box
- Petnames he uses: angel/angel face, little bunny, cotton tail, pipsqueak, little bit, doll/ doll face
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princessmanamia · 6 months
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I have stranger things CG brain rot 😩
I need more agere stories of them!!
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sunshine-n-raccoons · 2 years
i saw you wanted ideas so: what about billy hargrove with a little reader who gets migraines a lot?
Man. Migraines are the worst aren’t they?! I just had a bad one the other day so this is perfect timing.
I’ve got a lot of ideas for this so here’s a head canon of how Billy would treat his little who gets migraines!
Billy would instantly know the moment you’re getting a migraine just by the way your face scrunched your body language. No matter where you’re at or what you’re doing, his eyes soften in sympathy every single time.
If you get dizzy spells when you’re getting a migraine, he will help you get yo the car so he can take you home. Honestly, he’d put up with your resistance and arguing to carry you inside and get you to bed.
Curtains CLOSED. no light will enter the room. He will get cold compresses to put on your head if you need.
Tons and tons of delicate forehead kisses.
He knows that sometimes when your migraine is bad enough you can’t talk, and you don’t want to be touched, so he respects that and will do anything for you.
But don’t get him wrong, he’s sleeping on the floor at least so he can hear first thing when/if you need him.
When you need it, never ending cuddles galore.
He loves nothing more than to massage your head or play with your hair.
He will get you medicine and always stays stocked and ready to take care of you.
when you’re feeling better, he loves to put on a movie, one that’s soft and comfy and just hold you while you cuddle together
He is always ready and able to take care of you if you slip. When you have migraines, you either involuntarily regress, or, you cannot regress at all due to the pain. He’s ready for either, and will always reassure you that you can regress and he’ll take care of you.
Will do anything to help alleviate stress off of you when you have frequent spells. He’ll do your laundry, cook for you, make your bed, run you a bath, anything. Just don’t tell the others he’s so whipped for his baby.
He just loves being needed. He hates seeing his baby hurting and not feeling well, but at the same time, he gets filled with so much joy and adoration when he gets to take care of you in such a big way.
But he can’t wait till his baby is feeling much much better so that he can play with you and make pillow forts and go to the park!
But until then, snuggles, medicine, and playing doctor will have to do, and the best medicine is hugs and snuggles and laughter <3
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billyhrgrv · 2 years
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uh oh its baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!
got my new tablet & had to draw regressor billy for my AU : )
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sunshine-n-raccoons · 2 years
I am in a TERRIBLE, GRUMPY mood today and it’s making me feel small, and it got me thinking… How would Billy handle his little having an attitude?
Billy has that look where you instantly know when he’s had enough. If he’s wearing his sunglasses, he moves them down slightly just to glare at you over the rim, and you instantly know… shape up or you’re gonna get it. Normally you never even make it past that look, because it’s scary.
Not that he’d ever do anything to hurt his baby of course. He’s just really good at giving scary stares.
But if you keep on being naughty…
If you guys are out in public? He will unashamedly pick you up carelessly and March you to the car and make you sit in time out in the car.
Or silently drive you home, clenching his jaw. If he doesn’t help you buckle your seat belt or open the door for you? You’re in big biggg trouble.
He is not one to be too afraid to take away everything you like. Favorite snacks, movies, games, stuffies…. Oh he goes hard at it.
He may even take away cuddle time, if you’ve been bad enough.
He’s a hardcore punisher, showing no mercy!
and if you pout or try to whine your way out… he will even make you write lines.
Or he will grab you by the chin and make you look in his eyes as he says “whine like that again. Go on, I didn’t catch that”.
Smirks when you get shy and scared. “No no, if you’re going to act bad, keep doing it. You have my full attention now”
If he has no other resort, he will spank you. But that is his absolute last resort and he rarely ever gets to that point.
After your time outs or writing lines, or whatever the punishment is, he always is sure to come to eye level with you and communicate with you why you were in trouble, and give you space to try and express why you chose to act naughty.
If you’re crying, he will gently wipe away your tears (only after you’ve both communicated).
Cuddles all night, he loves his good little baby!
Deep down, he hates having to punish his little one and he hard on them, but he knows it’s for their own good. Boundaries are loving, and the structure is needed.
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billyhrgrv · 2 years
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HE IS SO BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sunshine-n-raccoons · 2 years
Because I can’t think of anything and I’d love to write something but also have ideas to create scenarios in my head about hehe
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princessmanamia · 5 months
Ive spent sooo much time trying to write an agere X billy hargrove short story and your telling me tumblr wont let me fucking copy/paste it??!! Or even post it from my notes app??!!
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