#bill gates on bitcoin
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Elly High Star Restaurant is the best in the world and another way of life
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takeofftuesdays2624 · 1 month
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Don’t get vaxxed 👀
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cryptonstocks · 9 months
[CryptoButthead.com , msch, mschro, January 8, 2024] 🌍✊ Ash and Booker here! From global farmer protests to Bitcoin hitting new highs, 2024's already intense! Dive into our article for insights on why we're all in on crypto and stocks. #StandWithFarmers #Bitcoin2024 #HODLJourney #bauern  #Bauernproteste #B0801 #0801 #Bitcoin #BTC #BillGates #CathieWood https://cryptobutthead.com/from-farmer-uprisings-to-bitcoin-breakouts-a-wild-start-to-2024/
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loisongcanbang · 10 months
Quỹ Gates thúc đẩy hệ thống ID kỹ thuật số, bất chấp những lời chỉ trích
Đặc biệt ở Kenya, các chính phủ đang nỗ lực thuyết phục người dân chấp nhận kế hoạch của Gates.
Quỹ Bill và Melinda Gates, một tổ chức được thành lập bởi gã khổng lồ công nghệ và vợ cũ của ông, đang đẩy mạnh hơn nữa vào lĩnh vực nhận dạng kỹ thuật số, lần này chọn tiếp tục phát triển sáng kiến ​​ID kỹ thuật số gây tranh cãi của Kenya, “Maisha Namb”.
Các nhà hoạt động ở Garissa từ chối Maisha Namba, muốn tạm dừng triển khai
Bill Gates thúc đẩy ID kỹ thuật số cho trẻ sơ sinh ở Kenya khi các nhà phê bình cảnh báo về rủi ro giám sát
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edsonjnovaes · 2 months
A teoria do mais tolo 1.2
O primeiro comprador paga uma quantia inflacionada de dinheiro por um bem que ele logo colocará à venda por um preço ainda mais exorbitante, na tentativa de encontrar alguém ainda mais “tolo” para comprá-lo. BBC News Mundo – 17 jun 2022 Neste jogo perigoso, o que se comercializa podem ser tulipas ou bitcoins, segundo declarações de Bill Gates, o fundador da Microsoft afirmou em uma conferência…
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3, 17, 22, 23, 30, 34, 48. for the sampson. the sample .
the samosa.... yayyy yayy thank u zee for giving me qs ^-^ ❤
obligatory link back to the aske game !
3. Do they enjoy cooking?
I dont think so ! though he CAN cook and do it pretty well, he usually left it to his wife and never liked doing it. after all it takes alot of set up and time and its a MESS.... so in current times he like 90% of the time gets pizza or microwaves smth...... or bums some food off of his job/callahan >:)
17. How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
i instantly wanted to say EXTREMELY easilly but it would honestly depend? yea thats rite hes not THAT shitty of a guy.. he mostly suffers from the bystander effect and is ... selfish... plus has an extreme fear of death so put him on the spot and he would do anything to keep himself from getting killed even if that meant hurting someone else. BUT i think he wouldnt be AS selfish if his wife, kid, or someone else he loved was involved... then he would be more considerate... but otherwise? no morals, just keeping himself safe
(the rest r under the read more ^-^ )
22. Would they ever betray someone for money?
not really... while i do think hes selfish i dont think he would do something that extreme for something as non important as money, i think that also what helps him to ... not really care to do such a thang for money is that he can just . like . scam people or something... like he has a ton of money saved up AND this man 100% would install a bitcoin miner on someones pc if left alone with it.... like he doesnt see money as more important than someones life... or something equally as important to him
23. How would they want to die?
ohhh interesting q .... see my easy answer is he just shrimply would not want to <3 but if he were like forced to have to think about it... i think he would want to die surrounded by friends... not alone... it doesnt really matter how at that point, whether its painful or not, he just would want at least one other person there with him
30. If they had the chance to be famous would they take it? If they are famous would they rather they weren't?
i think he would like to be like... bill gates famous... not like star famous tho, like famous where everyone knows ur name and u get the benefits from that but not so famous that u have paparazzi at ur house and everyone is always trying to talk to u bc they know u from tv and everything... he doesnt want things to get out of control or for his safety and privacy to be threatened!
34. How well do they deal with grief?
he doesnt <3 i feel like ive said this about another character but its Different. i think i said it about vicky maybe? which in that case they are different 4 reals... bc vicky like actively pushes his grief away or just like is able to give in to self destruction, meanwhile samson tries to run away from his grief or replace it with things he likes... hes NOT a self destructive guy! he may not take care of himself AS WELL but thats only with things that are more inconvenient and dont make him feel good! which is his like .. 1st priority... he also tries to cheer up others if theyre going thru smth rather than allow them to like fully feel their emotions, u kno? which works for people who are like him but probably is like ... dude -_- for other people
48. How likely are they to go on a quest for revenge?
not very likely... unless he knows 100% that it would mean something then hes not one to just run off and get himself hurt for no reason. mostly if someone Gets him to where a person would want revenge then he would just like... not.. SEE that is unless it was like ... something petty like he would absolutely go on a silly crusade of pranks against someone else who pranked him, THATS easy and in fact the petty-er the better for samson
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devid-jak · 2 years
Comment Pirater Un Compte Twitter
Le 15 juillet, Twitter a été piraté de manière épique. Un par un, un certain nombre de comptes ont été ciblés et compromis, y compris des comptes vérifiés d'utilisateurs célèbres tels qu'Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Kanye West et Joe Biden, et un certain nombre de comptes Twitter pour les principaux échanges de crypto-monnaie ont également commencé à publier. messages comme celui-ci :
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Tous les comptes Twitter compromis poussaient la même arnaque au bitcoin. Au plus fort, les pirates diffusaient plusieurs messages frauduleux de différents comptes Twitter chaque seconde. Cela a été vérifiable en regardant les tweets s'accumuler sur Twitter grâce à une recherche de l'adresse bitcoin utilisée.
Twitter a par la suite déclaré que seuls 130 comptes étaient ciblés – et que seuls 45 d'entre eux avaient été piratés avec succès. La première spéculation précise sur la cause du piratage est venue de @RachelTobac :
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Avec tout le mérite de l'équipe de sécurité de Twitter, il n'a fallu que peu de temps pour trouver comment bloquer l'attaque.
Tout d'abord, l'adresse bitcoin unique utilisée a été empêchée d'apparaître dans le corps de tout message Twitter.
Reconnaissant l'ampleur du problème, Twitter a ensuite restreint et fermé de nombreux comptes (en particulier les comptes vérifiés) de tweeter.
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De nombreux professionnels de l'infosec ont souligné le fait que bien que le pirate (ou les pirates) ait montré un niveau de compétence assez élevé, la ou les personnes impliquées semblaient également relativement nouvelles dans le jeu. Plus important encore, ils avaient brûlé un exploit très précieux (un pour lequel Twitter aurait sans aucun doute payé une prime de bogue substantielle) pour essayer d'obtenir une petite quantité de bitcoin très visible (et raisonnablement traçable).
Combien de personnes sont tombées dans l'escroquerie ? Exactement 374 lorsque j'ai rédigé cet article pour la première fois - 394 quelques jours plus tard, ce qui donne un total de moins de 13 bitcoins, une somme dérisoire par rapport à la baisse immédiate de près de 4 % de la valeur de l'action Twitter.
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Comment les pirates ont-ils fait ? Ce que l'on sait, c'est que les pirates ont orchestré une série d'attaques d'ingénierie sociale contre le personnel de Twitter qui avait accès aux outils administratifs internes que Twitter peut utiliser pour récupérer et réinitialiser les comptes.
Il s'agit cependant d'une vision quelque peu simpliste de l'attaque globale.
Quiconque a lu Cybersecurity for Beginners saura que j'affirme que toutes les violations ou piratages majeurs ne sont pas dus à l'échec d'un seul contrôle de sécurité, mais nécessitent un minimum de trois contrôles critiques ou majeurs pour être compromis. ( Cybersécurité pour les débutants : Chapitre 12 – Risques cumulés )
Les théories du complot en matière de cybersécurité abondent - mais sur la base de ma propre expérience en matière de gestion de la sécurité et d'audit de sécurité, je pense que la série d'événements et d'échecs de contrôle de sécurité la plus probable se révélera comme suit :
En raison du coronavirus, certains employés de Twitter ont été autorisés à exécuter des fonctions administratives internes à distance (travail à domicile).
Il se peut également que certains ou tous ces employés aient été autorisés à exécuter ces fonctions sur leurs propres appareils (BYOD).
Les escroqueries par ingénierie sociale fonctionnent mieux lorsqu'elles peuvent tirer parti d'un événement réel - dans ce cas, très probablement la brève panne mondiale du bureau Microsoft Outlook. Dans mon livre How to Hack a Human , j'ai qualifié cette technique de chasse aux tempêtes :
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L'appel d'ingénierie sociale aurait pu prétendre être un service d'assistance Twitter interne utilisant une authentification non standard en raison de la panne de messagerie.
En demandant à un certain nombre d'employés d'effectuer certaines actions, ces employés peuvent avoir accordé un accès à distance à leurs appareils, ce qui pourrait être utilisé pour supprimer les informations d'identification d'accès administratif ou simplement faire pivoter l'accès à l'outil d'administration à partir de ces appareils. (Sans aucun doute, Twitter aura eu une authentification multifacteur MFA sur sa console d'administration, il est donc impensable d'obtenir simplement un mot de passe.)
À ce stade, nous arrivons à la plus critique de toutes les failles de sécurité, cette PAM (gestion des comptes privilégiés) inadéquate signifiait que l'accès malveillant à l'outil Twitter interne utilisé pour réinitialiser et administrer les comptes Twitter pouvait être exploité en toute impunité pour quoi ( en termes de sécurité) était assez long - environ une heure ou plus.
Cette attaque a-t-elle également utilisé l'automatisation ou un script ? Cela est possible compte tenu de la vitesse à laquelle les messages frauduleux ont été publiés, mais il a très probablement utilisé une petite communauté de pirates étant donné que de nombreux messages semblaient inclure des notes d'accompagnement des personnes qui les envoyaient (telles que "#Enjoy")
(Mise à jour : depuis la première rédaction de cet article, il a d'abord été allégué qu'un initié voyou avait été payé et complice du piratage. Cela semble par la suite être un faux drapeau envoyé par l'un des pirates impliqués. Il semble également que les pirates puissent être basé au Royaume-Uni et préparer l'attaque depuis un certain temps .)
En fin de compte, les retombées de ce piratage auraient pu être bien pires – comme l'a souligné un utilisateur à l'époque :
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trialn1error · 2 years
Internet & Tech Index:
continuously updated
* focuses on internet privacy & safety
** focuses on the slow web movement
Films -
Documentary -
The Social Dilemma**
The Great Hack*
Silicon Cowboys
Banking On Bitcoin
Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World
Terms and Conditions May Apply*
Dark Net (series)*
We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks*
Spycraft (series)*
Explained (series): S1E11 & S1E16 & S2E6
Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates
The Future Of (series)
Connected: The Hidden Science of Everything(series)
Take Your Pills XANAX*
Drama -
The Billion Dollar Code
Black Mirror
Black Mirror: BanderSnatch
The Imitation Game
started: 03 . 04 . 2023
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ajroach42 · 2 years
By Connor Dylan, from our upcoming release Songs of The Workers (to fan the flames of discontent.)
Our retirement plan is revolution. There will be no 401k's or roth IRAS in 2048 you will not be able to cash in your bitcoin, dogecoin, etherium, or NFTs at your local JP Morgan Chase Comcast NBC Universal Dodge Crysler Jeep Branch. Our Retirement plan is revolution You will not be boarding a rocket with Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates bound for Mars, the International Space-station or the nearest Goldilocks planet. Our only path to safety and healthy is expropriating all of their wealth and our retirement plan is revolution. You will not be able to sell your now submerged sea side villas to aquaman, neptune, or the real estate speculators from the lost city of atlantis, Our only real estate speculation is to smash this bourgeoisie state without hesitation, and our retirement plan is revolution. You will not get your money back on treasury bonds, t-bills, corporate sub prime bonds, mortgage backed securities, social security, or IOUs from your college room mate that you've been holding on to for your 25th year reunion You better increase your rate of interest in justice and a habitable planet. Our retirement plan is revolution. CBS, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal will not be at liberty to discuss the grim meathook realities that you could see out your own window if you ever decided to open your fucking blinds. The revolution and it's causes will never be televised, our path to safety and health is to expropriate all of their wealth and our real estate speculation is to smash the imperial state without hesitation. So you better increase your rate of interest in justice and a habitable planet. Our retirement plan is revolution.
released December 31, 2021 Music and Lyrics by Connor Dylan (with limited contributions from Andrew Roach) CC-BY-SA (get it on bandcamp)
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truthblockchain · 2 months
Blockchains Critical Role In Decentralizing AI
The AI industry has always been the “futuristic view” for humans, whether in movies, cartoons, or real life. Computers work, think and act on behalf of futuristic humans – well, except in the Dune movies.
In the past half-decade, artificial intelligence has become the hottest topic in the world, second only to the Covid 19 pandemic, with most people fascinated by the industry’s massive growth and the extent they can use it. This growth is expected to continue at a rapid pace into the last years of the decade, with Statista predicting the $184 billion industry will grow to nearly $900 billion by 2030.
However, as the industry becomes a crucial part of our lives, which seems inevitable, it will shape how we think, interact with the world, and do the most basic and complex things in the future. We will be intertwined with it, probably more than we are today with the internet.
While still in its infancy stages, most powerful AI systems and models are controlled by mega-corporations such as OpenAI, IBM Watson, Google AI, and Amazon Machine Learning. These Big Tech firms own large data hubs, to train, build, and sell these models to users. This raises a very pertinent and justifiable fear amongst the common folk. Should we let this massive and dominant technological innovation be controlled by the billionaire de jour?
Satoshi was wary of the centralised financial institutions post-2008 global financial crisis and created Bitcoin to solve the centralisation conundrum. In a similar breath, AI needs similar solutions to remove the heavy hand of mega-corporations on what could be the “most important technological advancement in the past few decades”, as Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates called it in a blog post in 2023.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Blockchain could solve the monopolised AI ecosystem | AI News
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/blockchain-could-solve-the-monopolised-ai-ecosystem-ai-news/
Blockchain could solve the monopolised AI ecosystem | AI News
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The AI industry has always been the “futuristic view” for humans, whether in movies, cartoons, or real life. Computers work, think and act on behalf of futuristic humans – well, except in the Dune movies.
In the past half-decade, artificial intelligence has become the hottest topic in the world, second only to the Covid 19 pandemic, with most people fascinated by the industry’s massive growth and the extent they can use it. This growth is expected to continue at a rapid pace into the last years of the decade, with Statista predicting the $184 billion industry will grow to nearly $900 billion by 2030. 
However, as the industry becomes a crucial part of our lives, which seems inevitable, it will shape how we think, interact with the world, and do the most basic and complex things in the future. We will be intertwined with it, probably more than we are today with the internet.
While still in its infancy stages, most powerful AI systems and models are controlled by mega-corporations such as OpenAI, IBM Watson, Google AI, and Amazon Machine Learning. These Big Tech firms own large data hubs, to train, build, and sell these models to users. This raises a very pertinent and justifiable fear amongst the common folk. Should we let this massive and dominant technological innovation be controlled by the billionaire de jour? 
Satoshi was wary of the centralised financial institutions post-2008 global financial crisis and created Bitcoin to solve the centralisation conundrum. In a similar breath, AI needs similar solutions to remove the heavy hand of mega-corporations on what could be the “most important technological advancement in the past few decades”, as Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates called it in a blog post in 2023. 
The problem with the current AI industry structure
As stated above, AI technology will be a way of life for ‘almost’ everybody on Earth, helping us complete very menial tasks to greater tasks. For instance, the growth of artificial general intelligence (AGI) can be used to create “AI secretaries”, or AI agents, that can help organise your calendar, pay your monthly bills, create a weekly diet schedule, or create your playlist. (“Hey AI agent X, can you create an R&B playlist including Beyonce, Ne-Yo, etc”)
While the data in the examples above may seem simplistic and elementary, such data is very important and personal for most people. Would you want to share such data with the Big Tech firms, who have time and again shown their willingness to use personal data only for profit? 
Even more unsettling is that AI is being trained in more ‘human-related’ jobs that millions, and probably billions, of people need such as therapists and coaches. Millions of people will share their innermost thoughts, longings, fears, sexual desires, confessions, and embarrassments. Who would trust big tech with such information? It is already happening with ChatGPT, with more and more people using the AI tool to look for answers to their deepest personal questions. 
This is the bottleneck of current AI systems and models – the centralisation of AI technology, monopolisation of data used to train the AI models, and privacy concerns by users. As such, several developers around the world are working on solutions that build sustainable AI models, without big tech firms’ prying eye on our personal data.
Blockchain, a decentralised and privacy-preserving technology, is being integrated with AI to ensure users enjoy the benefits of the technology without the toxicity of Big Tech. 
A paradigm shift: The rise of decentralised AI services
Blockchain technology has been used extensively to correct the centralisation impact in the financial world and most industries, from supply chain to health care, etc.
Finally, the technology is extending its roots into artificial intelligence, helping democratise and decentralise the industry. The technology has enhanced data security and transparency through its immutable ledgers, transforming the global sharing of value and setting new standards for operational efficiency and transparency. 
Integrating two of the most sought after technologies today, AI and blockchain, could be the key to having a free, open, and decentralised AI ecosystem. The primary goal of decentralised AI technologies is to democratise access to AI resources, including data, models, and compute power. This is crucial in minimising the oligopolised structures in AI, which limits the number of entities in the space due to the computational complexity and huge costs of data sets that are needed to train AI models. 
For instance, NeurochainAI proposes an innovative solution to the challenges of centralised AI systems: a Decentralised AI Infrastructure As a Service (DeAIAS). Simply, NeurochainAI aims to break down the barriers of centralisation and monopolisation “by encouraging cooperation and coordination among various AI stakeholders,” its website reads.
Decentralised AI benefits developers and the general public in several ways: 
Decentralisation: Unlike the current AI models, a decentralised AI ecosystem allows a community of users to share resources such as computing power, data storage, algorithm processing, and model validation. These could be costly for any one company trying to build their models but by tapping into a global community of users the costs are reduced significantly. 
Ready-to-use infrastructure: NeurochainAI provides developers with a ready-to-use platform helping them develop their AI dApps faster and up to  five times more cost-effectively compared to traditional methods. This promotes more innovation across the ecosystem, unlike depending on a few companies for all technological advancements.
Incentivisation: One of the biggest benefits of a decentralised AI platform is rewarding the community for providing their resources. For instance, NeurochainAI rewards contributors with $NCN rewards, fostering a collaborative ecosystem where each participant plays a role in shaping the future of AI technology.
Privacy and security of data: Decentralised AI also introduces an element of privacy of data. Given blockchain technology allows users to be the custodians of their data, only they choose what data to give to train the AI models. 
Active participation by the community: NeurochainAI is developed by the community and for the community. This involves community members actively participating in crucial  AI training processes such as data curation and validation, algorithm processing, and model validation. This democratises AI development and enriches the models with diverse, real-world inputs. 
The future of decentralised AI services 
The rapid growth of artificial intelligence has ensured that many companies/individuals cannot create or train their AI models due to the phenomenal amounts of computing power needed. While centralised cloud computing was a ready solution for previous challenges of computing power, AI is different. 
Decentralisation solves this problem by creating a network of nodes (computers) that harness the huge untapped computing power of CPUs across the world. This modular approach of decentralised physical infrastructure (DePIN) enhances scalability, provides a cheaper source of computing power than buying new servers, and increases community participation in training the AI models, allowing dApps to learn and share information with each other. 
While decentralised AI is still at its infancy, the creation of platforms such as NeurochainAI will give Big Tech a run for its money – solving the monopolised nature of AI, computational complexity, and privacy of data for users.
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melitaafterfeather · 2 months
USA America
Jack Dorsey and Edward Snowdon under supervision of Bill Gates and Jobs and Trump.
Do not mine bitcoin
Do not work in bitcoin
Do not involve anyone
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virtualcurrencyspace · 2 months
Ethereum Attempting To Match The Success Of Bitcoin ETFs
The incredible success of the Bitcoin exchange-traded funds earlier this year has put the Ethereum ETFs — launching today — in an interesting position.
The Bitcoin ETFs were widely seen as the most successful ETF launch of all time. Both in terms of their combined volumes and flows on the first day, as well as their continued high metrics over the following months. Now while the Ethereum ETFs are likely to capture just a fraction of the flows that their counterparts saw, they could still be one of the most notable ETF launches ever.
“A normal ETF trades — if it’s lucky — a million dollars on the first day. That’s a successful launch for a normal ETF,” said Bloomberg Senior ETF Analyst Eric Balchunas. “These will blow that away.”
Balchunas argued that the Bitcoin ETF launches were like an anomaly in physics. Compared to such an anomaly, it's unsurprising the Ethereum ETF launches will probably be underwhelming. But he argued in their own right, they will still be a big success story — even if they don’t capture the same levels that the Bitcoin ETFs saw.
“It’s almost like you wouldn’t live your life constantly comparing yourself to Bill Gates’ fortune. It would be like the multimillionaire bumming out because Bill Gates has $140 billion,” Balchunas said.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Elon Musk Deepfake Used in YouTube Hack to Promote Cryptocurrency Scam
In a startling cyberattack, the popular Australian news broadcaster 7News' YouTube channel, which boasts 1.71 million subscribers, was hijacked to livestream an AI-generated depiction of Elon Musk promoting a cryptocurrency scam. The fraudulent streams garnered significant viewership, with one attracting 60,000 views and another 45,000 before they were removed. During the livestreams, an AI-generated image of Musk was shown standing in front of a Tesla car, promoting a scheme promising to "double your assets" if viewers scanned a QR code and deposited money.The scam message urged viewers, stating, “Let’s make this evening unforgettable and double your wealth with Tesla.” Following the removal of these streams, two additional videos depicting a Tesla Cybertruck launch event from 2023 were uploaded.The primary YouTube channel of Seven has been taken down, and attempts to access the page result in a message stating it is unavailable. A spokesperson for Seven confirmed that "Seven is investigating and working with YouTube to resolve the situation as soon as possible."This incident adds to the challenges faced by the media company, which recently underwent layoffs affecting 150 staff members, including three senior executives, amid declining advertising revenues and anticipated reductions in commercial income from Meta.Cryptocurrency scams have seen a surge in recent years, with notable figures such as billionaire Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest engaged in legal battles against tech giants like Facebook over fraudulent crypto advertisements using their likenesses.Just this week, the social media accounts of rock band Metallica were hacked to promote a fake crypto token, “METAL,” before being reclaimed by the band’s management.In 2020, prominent accounts including those of Elon Musk, US President Joe Biden, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates were similarly compromised to promote Bitcoin scams. Since July of last year, Australia’s corporate watchdog has shut down over 2,500 investment scam and phishing websites, many of which were related to cryptocurrency investments. Read the full article
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youminaaa · 6 months
CoinLeek Interview: Industry Leaders Talk Cryptocurrency Future
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Cryptocurrency, a concept that has come into its own in the digital age, is changing our financial world at an alarming rate. And in this ever-changing cryptocurrency industry, we usually need to decipher the voices of industry leaders to understand their views and predictions for the future. Today, we'll hear what some industry leaders have to say about the future of cryptocurrencies in an exclusive interview with CoinLeek.
About CoinLeek
CoinLeek is a professional platform dedicated to providing people with information on cryptocurrency industry trends. the Coinleek trading platform it provides us with up-to-date information and in-depth analysis on cryptocurrencies and has become the preferred source of information for many investors and practitioners.
Interviewee Introduction
In this interview, we are honored to have several respected leaders in the cryptocurrency industry with a wealth of experience and accomplishments, whose perspectives will provide us with insights and insights.
First up, we have Bill Gates, who is not only a co-founder of Microsoft, but also a philanthropist and technology pioneer.Coinleek Trading Platform As a major investor in the cryptocurrency space, Bill Gates has deep insight into the trends and future prospects of the digital currency market.
Secondly, we have Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, who has been a leading figure in the tech world and has been noted for his interest and dedication to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. His views often lead the market.
In addition, we have invited Andreas M. Antonopoulos, a well-known cryptocurrency expert and author of several best-selling books that are very popular among readers, to join us on the Coinleek platform.Coinleek Platform His analysis and predictions are recognized both inside and outside the industry.
The participation of these authorities, all of whom are key representatives of the cryptocurrency field, will bring us a more comprehensive and authoritative viewpoint to help us better understand the development trends and future prospects of the cryptocurrency market.
Future Trends of Cryptocurrency
Let's start with the future development trends of cryptocurrency. In interviews, industry leaders generally agreed that cryptocurrencies will continue to gain momentum in the future. Mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether will continue to play an important role, while more emerging cryptocurrency projects will emerge. In addition, as blockchain technology continues to advance, the application landscape for cryptocurrencies will continue to expand to cover more industry sectors.
Advice for Investors and Practitioners
The interviewed industry leaders gave some advice on how to deal with the changes and risks in the cryptocurrency market. They suggested that investors should be cautious and choose a prudent investment strategy, rather than blindly pursuing short-term profits. At the same time, practitioners should maintain an attitude of learning and innovation, and continue to improve their professional capabilities to seize the opportunities of the industry's development.
Comments on CoinLeek
When talking about CoinLeek, industry leaders gave high praise. They believe that CoinLeek, as an information platform for the cryptocurrency industry, provides timely and accurate information and in-depth analysis, which is of great significance to both investors and practitioners. They encouraged everyone to pay more attention to CoinLeek and utilize the information and insights it provides to better understand the cryptocurrency market.
Through this interview, we have gained a deeper understanding of the future trends of the cryptocurrency industry, as well as the views and recommendations of some industry leaders. In this cryptocurrency world full of opportunities and challenges, we need to stay vigilant, keep learning and progressing, seize the opportunities, cope with the challenges, and work together to promote the healthy development of the cryptocurrency industry.
The future of cryptocurrency is full of infinite possibilities, and we look forward to seeing more innovation and development. In this process, CoinLeek will continue to play an important role in providing us with the latest industry news and in-depth analysis to help us better understand and grasp the opportunities and challenges of the cryptocurrency market. Let's look forward to a bright future for the cryptocurrency industry!
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bitcoincables · 8 months
Bill Gates Cautions Investors About Bitcoin's Volatility and Risks
Bill Gates Warns Bitcoin Investors, 'If You Have Less Money Than Elon, You Should Probably Watch Out' 💡🔒
Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates has expressed skepticism towards Bitcoin, cautioning investors about its volatile nature. In a YouTube video, Gates highlighted the risks associated with Bitcoin's price fluctuations, particularly for those with limited financial resources. He mentioned Tesla CEO Elon Musk's impact on cryptocurrency prices through social media activity, emphasizing that people who cannot afford significant losses should be cautious.
Gates also discussed broader concerns about cryptocurrencies, such as the lack of regulation and the potential for misuse. He pointed out the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which allows for anonymous and irreversible transactions. According to Gates, these features pose risks not only to financial stability but also in terms of facilitating illicit activities. However, Gates acknowledged the potential benefits of digital currencies when transparency and regulation are involved, citing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's support for digital currency initiatives that enable efficient and transparent transactions.
Gates's investment strategy focuses on companies with strong fundamentals and growth potential. His portfolio includes investments in technology, finance, and consumer goods. Gates's approach highlights the importance of diversification, particularly in startups and companies at the forefront of technology and sustainability. He believes that investing in sectors that contribute to technological advancements and environmental progress can offer both financial returns and broader societal benefits.
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