timetobike · 1 year
may 21
21.5 miles total, ~10.5 mph pace home -> community event -> bars -> home
feels good to be able to ride (: 
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Follow are page on YOUTUBE!!!!!!
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hisgooddog-blog · 12 years
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Today I biked my usual 4.5, and then got to this set of stairs, which I normally pass.
So instead today I biked by bike up and carried it over my head up the stairs.
It felt excellent.
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bootybuilder-blog · 13 years
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hisgooddog-blog · 13 years
Biked 3.7 miles to Ian's job after work in about 50 minutes (including two short 4 minute breaks), which is amazingly good time for me (especially due to that !@#$%^&* hill).
Slowly adapting :]
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hisgooddog-blog · 13 years
Woke up and found a dead possum in our irrigation ditch. After some meandering through thorns and down a 6-10ft drop carefully, I fished him out. We're soaking him now in the back yard for the bones. Ian has wanted possum bones for a while, so this makes me happy that I found it for him (yay epic hound dog skills)
Got my bike out and made the first of many short bike trips to eventually get me to Crossroads, 5 miles from here. I am starting very small and working my way up from there, due to how physically demanding my actual job is.
12/20 9AM
Home to Castlewood Road - just under a mile
Forgot to time it (was just too hyped to go biking), but I'd say it was about 5-10 minutes there and back.
Handlebars got rickety the longer I biked, which is to be expected because they were broken via the last owner for so long. Just will need to tighten it now and then
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