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fadelbison · 5 months ago
they’re actually verse in the novel physically speaking (though bison IS a straight dom i think?). I wonder if they’ll adapt that because I’d be very surprised, but then again the novel i based on the script so who knows.
spoiler??? but bison straight up just uses a belt to spank/hit the fuck out of Kant and I want to see that shit so bad on screen 😭
anon who came to my askbox being like first looks like he’s about to ride khaotung in that hotel and look he might just be!!!!!!!!!!
[for all: sex spoilers is fine but please don’t send any actual plot spoilers from the novel!]
babe I just saw First’s nipple get clamped and Khaotung using his wee little thumbs to gently push on Kant’s nipple clothespins I don’t think it’s insane to expect to see some spanking.
Of course Bison is a straight dom. Of course he is!!!
I don’t need the novel to know that Bison won’t let anyone but his brother dom him. Don’t even look at me I know FadelBison are not in it like that but they should be. the should be!!!!!! I think Bison is by far the crazier of the two and I don’t mean because of the BDSM. I mean the pulling his gun out to sing karaoke, falling for some random tattoo artist, the outbursts, the pride in his work.
I think this is another character that is going to be hard to love but I trust that First once more will find a way to convincingly love him. And idk the narrative of Jojo’s shows has become a gentle suggestion to me atp so…
Kant might be crazy enough to get tied up and blindfolded voluntarily by an assassin but at the end of the day the only person Bison will ever trust with his life is Fadel. The only person he could go down on his knees for while his hands are tied behind his back is Fadel.
Bison wants Kant to put a baby in him though that much I’m sure about.
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nightowlfury · 3 months ago
sometimes my brain makes me put the strangest of songs in my character playlists
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months ago
would it be possible to request the micro expressions gifset of kant in color? 🧡🧡 Kabi bikant 🤍🤍
hi anon!
sure thing 😊 here you go! I hope you like it.
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breakingnewslive-gr · 8 years ago
Η Αλίσια Βικάντερ θα υποδυθεί τη θρυλική Λάρα Κροφτ
Η - βραβευμένη με Όσκαρ - ηθοποιός Αλίσια Βικάντερ θα υποδυθεί τη Λάρα Κροφτ, την όμορφη, έξυπνη και αθλητική Βρετανίδα αρχαιολόγο, η οποία πηγαίνει σε αρχαίους και επικίνδυνους τάφους σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, για να ανακαλύψει τα μυστικά τους. Η 29άχρονη http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/h-alisia-bikanter-8a-ypody8ei-th-8rylikh-lara-kroft?uid=159910&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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29daffodils · 4 months ago
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- was improvised??!!!!
- because “khaotung just looked so cute!”?!!?!!
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29daffodils · 2 months ago
love how every single time someone takes bison to be a damsel in distress and bro just goes to town smacking the living shit out of them. love that for him. my diva princess extraordinaire.
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29daffodils · 2 months ago
bison : resident noob dom extraordinaire
context : there was a discourse going on on twitter (as per usual) about whether bison is actually a dom or not or if it's just a trauma response that he may grow out of and eventually realize that he is not into bdsm. or something.
before i begin anything,
disclaimer : OP has both good and bad experience, so this meta/rant is entirely written based on my own understanding and experience within the BDSM community and with partners.
now, let's begin.
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the original tweet that sparked the debate (also i think OP's QT aiming at “self proclaimed bdsm connoisseurs” is snooty and entirely dismisses all their arguments before and after that) (but that's just me)
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the tweet with the counter argument?? i guess???
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in support of the OG tweet
now that i've laid all that out, i'll begin by saying :
the idea of anyone being a “natural dom” or there being something like “natural dominance” in the context of sexual preferences is inherently harmful and sets people, both the dom and the sub, up for having a bad experience, or worse, being abused.
i know this statement wasn't from OP, but considering how they are on about the “bdsm connoisseurs” flooding their mentions, i think they should have addressed this since it's in support of their tweet. anyway.
now, i agree in part with OP's take :
bison is definitely influenced by his entire life being surrounded by violence. we have a young adult who has mostly no control over his life or how he lives it. he has witnessed violence and now he is in the center of it, and nevermind how good he is at his job, bison has made it clear he doesn't want to kill. bison has also told us that “pain kinda excites me.” so, just because his sexual lifestyle might be a trauma response, it doesn't mean he “isn't really a dom” or that his behaviour is “not rooted in natural dominance”. the idea of “natural dominance” is moreover, in my opinion, based on unrealistic patriarchal ideals and if you squint, this is a not so subtle shade on our young twinky dom as well.
so now let's look at bison as he is introduced to us :
witnesses the murder of his parents, clearly traumatized, get “adopted” by some shady ass woman who puts him back into a system where he is the one now inflicting violence, bison realizes at some unknown point of time that he “wants to be in control” because “pain kinda excites me” and purchases all sorts of bdsm paraphernalia, except he never dates because of his profession, until he meets kant who dupes him into trying out s&m, and bison very much enjoys his first play, fast forward to the falling out and kidnapping of kant and the fighting and make-up, and finally the scene in question that sparked the OG tweet :
in this scene, bison admits that he goes out and does fun things, like bowling, right after a kill, to take his mind off it. clearly, he doesn't like it. we already know this, bison has always insinuated to fadel that he wants an out and it's evident he doesn't hunger for the kind of violence he is made to dole out. but this is the first point we see him actually address this and outright say he deliberately does light-hearted activities to disengage from the aftermath of a kill. we also see him admit to the difficulties of a hitman's lifestyle and this particular piece of dialogue shows that whether he enjoys it or not, he is good at his job and he has made his peace with it. so where does his need for control fit in here?
in previous episodes (#2, tattoo parlour scene), bison admits to wanting control in bed, but he doesn't clearly state whether he is the S or the M. coupled with this omission, his “pain kinda excites me” dialogue makes me think he is both into giving and receiving pleasure from pain.
anyway, coming back to the main point, bison's need for control in bed may very well (and i've been suspecting it for a while) arise from his difficult lifestyle and his lack of say in how he lives, considering he is a hitman and (has to) reports to mother probably everything he does. for a 24yo, that's not the best case scenario. assuming bison was immediately adopted after the murder of his parents, he did not have a lot of (if any at all) time to explore himself or live his life in a way he sees fit. we know he sleeps around (that's his M.O. after all in most missions, i believe) and that's probably the only place where he could excersize any control or take charge. but we also know he hasn't done any s&m play before. so with the introduction of kant and the whole bdsm shebang, we can tell bison is exhilarated to finally be calling the shots and leading in bed in a way he and his partner both find pleasurable. and since he has all the tools and knows his own desires, it's safe to assume wants to be a dom. now whether he is or not, let's see.
we'll address the “natural dominance” debate here.
in the very first interaction with kant (who is older, btw, let's keep that in mind), he immediately tells off kant for being patronizing towards him. if you live anywhere in asia, you'll know it's kinda rude to talk back to older people. so even though they are in an informal setting, and the age rules don't apply here as such, bison doesn't shy away from putting kant in his place.
in the red room, we can see kant take the bed but bison walks away from him and takes the loveseat. in this scene, it is clear kant is used to leading, so he expects bison to listen to what he says. but bison (bless my boy), very easily throws him off by remaining seated and gesturing kant to come to him. kant still tries to keep his ground, but ultimately he makes the most pathetic meow meow begging face and that's when bison finally lets him have it. even after this, we can see kant is used to topping and pulling the strings, but bison once again throws him off by saying, “you are not doing this solo, you know?”
this whole exchange immediately defines their roles in the current setting and imo, is a very subtle foreshadowing for their future interactions.
in the tattoo bed scene, bison is excited beyond measure to be finally introducing and sharing his kink with kant and while initially we could see kant trying to lead this interaction, there are subtle signs/actions from bison that shows how he prepares kant for his submissive role : the slap to the hand on his thigh and kant's little flinch and gasp (one of my fave scenes from first, the micro-expressions were outstanding), the little slaps to his cheek before bison departs, etc.
i could go on and on, but the “natural dominance” that QTOP claims bison doesn't have, is actually out there taking a walk in broad daylight lmao. i think their intent was to say that because bison's dominance doesn't exist irrespective of his trauma but actually goes hand-in-hand with it, it's less valid than say, a dom who doesn't have a violent past and trauma related to it.
the question now here would be how good of a dom he is and whether he lets his trauma define his status as a dom. so far, there have been no signs of bison misusing his power and control over kant during a play (i believe we cannot count the drunk bison whipping kant scene here for obvious reasons). but so far, while bison was sober, he hasn't abused his power over kant during one of their plays. until very recently that is, and outside bed, does bison actually makes use of his power over kant : kidnapping and outrageous demands because he is hurting, but, the moment kant uses his safeword, bison drops everything and pulls away. from my experience, bison is very much a good dom so far, but he is also inexperienced, excited, in love, and under-informed (or that bit may just be the sloppy writing).
the word “natural dominance” suggests to me that QTOP expects bison to be in his dom role all the time, but it's not very often that people adapt their sexual preferences and make it into a lifestyle. doms are caregivers (by this, i mostly mean they lead and guide the sub and provide care/pleasure during and after any scene) in bed and outside of it should it be an exclusively d/s relationship with that kind of lifestyle. we haven't seen bison and kant discuss their dynamics or how they are going to implement it anywhere outside a particular scene. moreover, bison so far hasn't indicated that he wants kant and himself to be exclusively a d/s pair. rather, he is very much a romantic and likes doing all sorts of things that a stereotypical younger twinky bottom male in a gay relationship is supposed to do. even in the swing scene, bison is affectionate with kant the same way he was before learning the truth. the only difference we feel now is because bison finally knows the whole truth and is letting himself freely accept affection that he was holding himself back from when he was suspicious of kant's motives (even after getting together with him). so bison's cutesy actions in this ep are not because he doesn't have the dom bone in his body or because he hungers for affection but gravitates towards domination because of his cycle of violence. he is free and affectionate and it feels different now compared to before is because his entire relationship with kant is no longer sitting on a bed of lies and they have both come clean. this ultimately changes their body language and how they interact with each other. therefore, bison's desire to lead is just as strong as his desire to be cared for (leaning on his boyfriend, being cute, cuddly, etc) and both exist on opposing sides of the same sphere that's bison's life.
therefore, i think it's kind of ridiculous to say his actions/behaviour isn't rooted in “natural dominance”. I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean except that QTOP either thinks bison is supposed to be some caricature dom who likes leading both in bed and outside it. because that, my friends, is not how most relationships (bdsm and otherwise) work. or that he is a christian grey 2.0 (which, 🤣🥹).
so what i urge most readers/watchers to do here is separate bison's innate ability to inflict violence effectively in his job from his desire to dominate and use pain for pleasure in bed. both are different things and not mutually exclusive.
i think most of us need to give up on whatever 50SoG “taught” us about bdsm and actually look at this whole thing realistically. also, i think from all this info it's clear bison isn't gonna change his dom status anytime soon and for valid reasons. so from what we have seen him do so far, i can safely say he knows what he wants and he will very much keep wanting to play with kant while he calls the shots.
therefore it's important that we see bison's character from a realistic pov instead of whatever christian grey was. yes, he craves control because he doesn't have it in most instances of his life. but also yes, he craves romantic affection from his partner because he is a fool in love. both of these things can co-exist. what we need to remember is that just because someone is a dom doesn't mean they only need to be a sadist or be a top (I'm looking you, vegas).
in the future eps, bison might settle more into his skin and he may (however unlikely) realize he doesn't need to demand as much control (not that he is doing that a whole lot now). but, we still have 4 more episodes left and I don't think we'll be covering that anyway. so, my final verdict is bison is very much a dom, but he is a total “noob dom” (as i fondly like to call him) and will get many things wrong before he gets them right. but kant will be there along the way to learn alongside him, so no worries about that.
anyway, rant is over. cheers.
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29daffodils · 2 months ago
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as i keep saying, give drama watchers comprehension skills. please. this made me lose some of my braincells.
(I'm not even gonna elaborate why this is both hilarious and saddening)
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29daffodils · 3 months ago
i know this might not have been missed, but it tickles my brain to think... how manipulative bison can actually be, because,
they were right next to the shore.
but kant was in panic mode and bison clearly didn't think he would actually jump (dude was ready to call his bluff) and that even if he did, he wouldn't die. but kant probably didn't know any of this. and bison definitely remembered that kant was afraid of the ocean or he wouldn't have gone there in the first place (let him suffer a little, iykwim). and it makes me wonder how far bison could go if... if he actually wanted to get shit done™.
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29daffodils · 2 months ago
bikant : “train me to be like you”
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disclaimer : before i yap, i'll just say this is my headcanon (i'll not even label this “meta”) (since some of y'all anons cannot for the love of god understand that different people will have different interpretations and therefore, different takes in meta/analysis)
anyway, so something something absolutely delicious idea but i think they discussed their whole bdsm dynamic on the island. kant is more free with his actions and reactions now, and bison had always been slipping these little dom vibes in their daily interactions but this scene is my absolute (2nd) favourite because while you can take the dialogue at face value, i love to think about how bison talked kant through what their sex life could be like and here kant is asking for what bison has secretly been trying to do all this time.
“train me.”
and god does absolutely make me foam at my mouth to think how baby dom bison will slowly train kant to be his perfect little sub, who always listens to him and wants to be a good boy for him, but not always always you know? and this scene is an absolute goldmine to me because of how bison just calls his bluff, and that little threatening “you want another scratch?” (“you want another beating?”) (“don't argue with me”) and kant's little gulp. ahhhhh.
i know this scene is plain and simple, kant wants to help and bison wants to keep him safe, but to me it's also kant (very excitedly) wanting to be trained into his submissive role and bison wanting to take it slow and at his own pace except kant's a fucking brat when he wants to be and maybe bison needs to occasionally dish out some punishments to keep him disciplined and in line.
who knows.
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29daffodils · 4 months ago
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(the freaky ones i mean, not the ones with the whole “oh that's an illegal age gap” schtick)
i was hoping for a minimum 5-year gap and goddamn yassssssssssss they deliver. i'd have been really so mad if they had made kant and bison closer in age because kant just exudes that maturity that you see in fadel while bison does not. he is what? maybe 2-3 years out of uni at best? well i think people before 25 are a whole other being lmao. and my boy kant has seen things and HE IS OFFICIALLY MY AGE AS ON NOV 20 WHICH IS MY B'DAY BTW YES MANY THANKS BUT HELLOW!!!!!!;;
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29daffodils · 4 months ago
interesting to see how the fandom is interpreting kant's actions as him not actually being into pain kink while i think otherwise. i'd write a big ass post on this if only i felt a little more alive.
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29daffodils · 2 months ago
to plot or to not plot, that's the question
there's post under the tag that... really tickled my brain because i somewhat agree with it. but not entirely, considering i do still believe OP sounds... i dunno, something, while they are telling FK stans to “have some dignity”. so I'll just add to that, because i think fan interpretation and looking deep into a story is important, than say, just being fed all the info.
now let's start with saying i am a FKT stan and I'll be somewhat biased in my approach, but i will still try to keep this as neutral as possible.
that said, i do think jojo's writing needs improvement. a looooooot of improvement. the other day i was complaining to my friend @skyfish7 how jojo tends to use serious topics as plot devices and then does nothing with them. also the fact that he has a flair for drama and usually seems to include it in places to engage the viewers but he handles it poorly (boeing, I'm looking at you bitchass) or simply doesn't conclude them well (kant's phobia, bison's bdsm shtick, etc, i know we still have 2 eps left, don't kill me yet).
i do think OP was coming from a genuine place but also, i will take the time to defend jojo here too. because THK is not all trash. joong and dunk's characters are visibly seen to be falling in love, whereas first and khaotung's are more subtle.
i know what OP means by saying that it's still hard to believe that kant is in love with bison. because part of me feels that too. i believe a lot of it is because we do not see any detailed development where it's needed or it is skipped over in favour for more drama. like i said, jojo tends to gravitate towards big impactful scenes but he does not lay out the finer details. i am choosing to think that's just his writing style and not him just being a terrible writer. as my girl sky said, it leaves something to the viewer's imagination. and yes, she's right and i agree. spoon feeding every bit of a story is lame and boring, but sometime you do need to add little details where they are needed.
if you've already read my post about how THK seems to be losing steam, you might know what I'm talking about.
I'm very much convinced that this could have done well with a binge watch or if it were in movie format. but imo there's too many things going on with the focus distributed disproportionately among them, which in turn, i think, kinda makes the character development take backseat.
but let me add something about bikant because OP seems to be under the impression that they are simply trash.
jojo tends to make the falling in love subtle. at least for his FK characters. in bikant's case, they were both already smitten with each other from the first meeting. especially kant. he was head over heels for bison and it was very visible. it was deliberately shown. so when he does start the mission of getting dirt on him, the most visible emotion we see from kant is guilt. nothing else but guilt. and that is because it's already established he likes bison as a person. kant's character is written as someone who compartmentalizes things so even when he does find out bison's a hitman and there's proof (we see him staring horrified at the corkboard in their house) he quickly dismisses it. we repeatedly see style telling us that kant is smitten with bison. why? because kant doesn't have the mental capacity to think about romance right now, so it's style who tells the viewers his friend is wrapped around bison's little finger. the time when we finally actually see him do anything remotely truthful is ep#7 — the bowling alley and northern lights scene. kant has successfully gathered all the info he can and now he knows he might lose bison. so this one night he actually goes and lets himself love truthfully. he does all the things he would have done after that first meeting with bison. and then when bison gets shot, that's when he realises what he actually wants. the hospital scene is an important one because it cements the fact that kant cares, kant is in love, but his brain hasn't caught up to the feeling yet the idea is there, the proof is there, but he hasn't had the reprieve to sit and think and let that love marinate well. it's why even when kant says that he loves bison, it's difficult for us to believe. it's difficult for bison to believe. remember, we are viewing the beach scene from bison's pov and he ultimately asks, “you are not fooling me again, are you?” and that is the question from the viewers as well.
“you are not fooling us again, are you, kant?”
so all bison and we can do is take kant at face value and choose to believe him. that's all there is to it.
bison on the other hand? bro has been whipped since the first night. he is a hopeless romantic. he is an abused child hungering for love stuck in an adult's body. bison has been infatuated with kant from the get go, but he has also been suspicious and we have seen that suspicion slowly drop and build back up again time and time. but the moment bison actually spends all of ep#7 with kant and says, “i feel like my life is about to change”, that's him falling in love. that's him acknowledging that he is gone for good and he is finally choosing to believe kant despite the previous shady sus things he's done. bison had chosen to believe in him despite fadel warning him time and time again, and that's why the beach scene hits so hard. he is simply a fool in love. he is naive. he is the younger brother who doesn't know better. he just wanted to love, he loved and he got duped into being loved back (we all know that wasn't the case, but, bison POV like i said).
now, coming back to the point i was trying to make : do i think an extra tidbit of scene where kant's thought process was expanded on could have been better? yes.. maybe. but as a writer who likes to keep her readers interpreting and guessing, i choose to forgive jojo this time (as well). like i said, maybe this is just how he tends to write and honestly that's fine. every writer has a set of audience they are aiming for and i think there are plenty who enjoy his work (i do too, i just wish he'd tone down on the super big things suddenly being thrown in out of nowhere and then doing nothing with it).
and as far as sandray goes, boy do i have news for OP because ray is a classic example of a mentally ill abused child who is now an alcoholic and sand is a surrogate husband/caregiver growing up in poverty who puts himself last. that's their story. that's the story jojo wanted to tell, and i will rant about ray and sand and forgiveness (because OP thinks he is an asshole, so i want to make a point) but.... in a different post.
for now, this is it. i hope you forgive and understand kant. bro is trying and so are we.
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29daffodils · 3 months ago
and besides, who has ever shown him mercy? — extra #1
to add to this post about my kant meta because someone reblogged with #(i thought he was more battling with himself about the jump as the past was pulling him under)
not saying that he wasn't battling with the idea of jumping or not. but i think two (or more) actions can coexist in a given time frame.
kant clearly has PTSD from the drowning incident. we immediately see him shift into panic mode the moment he realizes he is on a boat in the middle of the ocean. add to that, bison basically asking, “do you love me?” and throwing the necklace (a token of kant's love) immediately after into the ocean, telling him, “go fetch it from the bottom of the sea! jump!”
bison's own lashing carries subtext. he is giving kant a chance to redeem himself — prove that he loves bison by choosing to bring back the necklace by jumping in the maws of the very thing that scares him the most while simultaneously disregarding kant's triggers and paranoia in his own rage.
bison is saying, be selfless for once. show me you love me. prove it. all the while he is enraged at kant for the betrayal. he also wants to see him suffer, and kant doesn't want to jump. we know that. but bison's tone and intention gradually shifts from “prove to me that you love me” to “jump, i want to see you suffer”. in the same manner, kant's initial hope for bison to see some sense and let him go dies, he realizes he will need to make the jump whether he likes it or not, he stalls a little — to buy himself some time so bison can change his mind while kant debates on whether he should jump, and finally, once he realizes that he once again has no choice in the matter, he makes peace with it.
this scene says a lot about both of their characters, but I'm a fervent kant defender so i choose to see his side first (pun intended, lol).
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29daffodils · 3 months ago
kantbison becoming vegaspete 2.0 was not on my 2025 agenda, but here i am. sitting down to make a list of all the traumas these two are gonna give each other by the end of this damned show.
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29daffodils · 3 months ago
the other day people were pissed at bison for saying “i hope you don't have to say 'penguin' too soon”
but now they are ok with kant randomly using his safeword as a nickname for his bf?
hellow, are we talking about the same bdsm etiquettes or what?
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