#bighit map of soul
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ousnap · 2 years ago
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Joon when he dropped persona!!!!!!
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aricastmblr · 11 months ago
5 años de estas fotos de jimin y jungkook en BTS_twt (diferentes publicaciones)
BTS_twt 12 abr. 2019
감사합니다 🙏😊
Gracias 🙏😊
BTS_twt 12 abr. 2019
연습하러 갑니당
A los ensayos-voy a practicar
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bangtanhoneys · 2 years ago
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About l Backstory/Timeline l BT21 l Apartment l Tattoos l
Big Hit Family l Relationship with BTS & ARMY l Relationships outside BTS (female)
Relationships outside BTS (male) l Queen's Guard l Relationship with CL
SCHOOL TRILOGY (2013-2014): 2 Cool 4 Skool l School Luv Affair l O!RUL8,2? l Dark & Wild
YOUTH TRILOGY (2015-2016): Most Beautiful Part One l Most Beautiful Part Two l Young Forever
WINGS (2016-2017): Wings l You Never Walk Alone l Dangerous Woman
LOVE YOURSELF ERA (2017-2019): Tear l Her l Answer
MAP OF THE SOUL ERA (2019-2020): Persona l 7
BUTTER, PERMISSION TO DANCE, ETC (2020-2022): BE l Butter, PTD, Proof
GRACE ERA (2022 - ONWARDS): Her era l In My Head Album l Here In My Arms Mini-Album l The Grammy Awards l The Grammy's Part Two l The Grammy's Part Three
Instagram: 10 years l Counting the days l AgustD Concert l Min-Ji l Concert Practice l JK Number One l 2025
Weverse: Letter to JK l
Twitter: She's coming
Soompi: Jin & Grace revealed l Soompi: Jeju Island l Soompi: BigHit teases dates
Soompi: Jin & Grace are parents
Pinterest Inspiration
BigHit's Power Couple Advert
White House Visit l Melon 2019 l 5th Muster l Inspired tour outfits l Grammy's Pt. 1
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Moments List
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chimini3 · 1 year ago
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Park Jimin | Chapter 4
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Pairing: Park Jimin x OC
Synopsis: What happens when Park Jimin's biggest what if comes back into his life? His friendly neighbor, childhood best friend, high school lover, and now his makeup artist?! Amidst the 2020 outbreak, the last thing he needed was Seong Areum making his heart skip a beat and fill his stomach with air. What will he do when unspoken words threaten to slip past his tongue? Would he take the chance of ruining a healing past? Or would he let her slip away once more and let himself get lost in the lights?
Note/Warning: Messy Timeline with real events (once again), not beta read, chapters are going to get shorter now since I’m only writing a few chapters ahead from the ones getting released. I’m posting the next chapter on weekends to slow it down and give me time to finish more chapters :))
Word Count: 2.3k words
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A Welcomed Fever Dream
Behind The Scenes of BigHit’s Group Photo
(For better context on the events happening in the following chapters, please refer to the link above)
[2020] Late January
“Everything can change at any moment, suddenly and forever.” - Paul Auster
That was a quote I read from a book Namjoon left unattended on the desk of the BTS waiting room.
I was growing fidgety as I waited for the other members. Most of us had barely slept last night just from the excitement for today’s photoshoot, though it was also partly due to remnants of jetlag and our bodies refusing to rest after extensive Map of The Soul: 7 promotions.
We were all working hard to achieve the goals we had set for the album, though we still wanted to do it moderately and planned to work harder in the last weeks of January to compensate for a break for a late celebration of the Lunar New Year in February. We all had planned personal trips for that week just to spend mentally healing and perhaps fit in a trip back to Busan.
Cue the 5th of February 2020 and it would be BigHit Entertainment’s 15th anniversary, a milestone worth celebrating as the company managed to reach for the stars despite everything it had gone through. It was also time to celebrate the newest addition to our small yet happy company family since TXT was only over a month away from their one-year anniversary since their debut, and from what we can tell they were doing great.
So it was decided for us to do a cute family photo shoot with all BTS and TXT members and the oldest of BigHit artists, Lee Hyun. We also planned on going for dinner after the photo shoot, but we hadn’t confirmed if the rest of the artists and staff were free for the rest of the day.
I stood up from my seat at the corner of the room as a few staff members looked in my direction though I only took my phone to place inside my front pocket before taking steps to leave the waiting room.
“Ya, where are you going?” Namjoon asked as I turned back to look at him sitting beside Hobi with makeup artist noonas touching up their hair.
“I’ll just check up on Lee Hyun Hyung’s waiting room.”
“Wait for me—“
Jin added though I already took a step out of the room as soon as I explained my leave. I laughed and looked back at Jin groaning at me before I went through the hallways of the warehouse in which our photoshoot was taking place.
We had three sets for the day so we expected it to go through smoothly despite the volume of members in the photoshoot. We were always used to just being the seven of us, but now we had Lee Hyun hyung and five TXT members that had to all cooperate for the shoot. Yet at the same time, I was filled with excitement as this is time spent getting to know old and new artists. Lee Hyun hyung has always been a good friend of ours since before our debut and we’d met TXT around the studio and backstage of our tours in the past year, so it wasn’t at all going to be awkward.
I opened a door that had Lee Hyun’s name on it and went through a small corridor as a cameraman followed behind me. I could see a glimpse of the solo artist standing in the center of his room with a staff member fixing his clothes whilst simultaneously adding more pieces of clothing over his black turtleneck.
“Wow! You look so…”
I didn’t finish my statement as I couldn’t stop my cheeks from rising. Lee Hyun greeted me with a handshake as I took a look around his waiting room. It was only a little smaller than ours but a lot more spacious considering a soloist doesn’t have members and their own makeup artists working around.
“I’m not even fully dressed yet! You can’t judge my look right now!” Lee Hyun had a smile on his face though I made no move to leave the room and wait for him to get fully dressed.
As far as I can tell, he still had a white button-up to put on and a dark gray suit jacket on top of his turtleneck and jewelry. His clothes were hung on a rack to make sure no wrinkles appeared before he wore them and there was a box of glasses and jewelry sitting on the sofa, similar to the boxes staff gave me to choose my jewelry. However, I opted to go for a cleaner look for the first set.
I wore a fully black attire. Chelsea boots, fitted pants, a fully buttoned-up suit jacket with a black button-up as my undershirt, and a sparkly black tie that I thought of putting on at the last minute as it caught my eye as soon as the staff brought in options that could spice up our planned outfits. My neck, hands, and wrist were bare, and the only jewelry I had was the earrings I had on my ears. Like I said I wanted to be clean, and my full black attire puts emphasis on my blonde shadow roots.
I sat backward on one of the empty chairs in front of the mirror before watching Lee Hyun get suited up.
“I’ve never seen you dressed like this. It’s amazing and weird.” I teased with a smile on my face as it was meant in goodwill. Lee Hyun was just someone I wasn’t used to wearing such formally dark attires.
“Why? Is it like looking into a mirror?” He teased back and I couldn’t help but laugh.
It has been a long time since I’ve seen the artist, though we regularly kept in touch. He is one of the few artists I can tease and not feel as though I have disrespected them in any way. That is just on how much we’ve known each other and gained respect towards each other through the years.
“Are you going to put some glasses on?” I asked as both our eyes settled on the box of glasses on the sofa.
“I don’t know yet… I don’t think glasses will fit me.”
“Try them out! You just need to find glasses that will fit your head shape.”
I walked towards the box and picked out a few that I thought Lee Hyun would fit the most, though I wasn’t forcing him to wear them for the photoshoot.
I set the glasses aside beside him before going back to the chair I sat on and we continued exchanging jokes and jumped from topic to topic.
“Didn’t you have much longer hair?” I said just in time as Jin walked into the room with his unfinished attire.
I knew he wouldn’t be able to wait to join us. After all, Lee Hyun was Jin’s fishing buddy. Most probably his only fishing buddy considering none of us willingly went on a fishing trip with him.
“Ooh, are you a composer? More like a conductor. You look stunning.” Jin teased.
“Composer or Conductor?”
The more I thought about it, Lee Hyun did look like someone who would lead all BigHit members to perform a choir or something like that.
“It’s like I’m wearing my dad’s clothes.” Lee Hyun looked at himself in the mirror as Jin fiddled with something in his ear.
“Is that a clip-on?” I asked as a metallic ring looped around his Conch.
“Yeah.” Lee Hyun nodded.
Maybe I should get a conch ring.
“Ah hyung, are you free tonight?” I asked as I was reminded of the dinner we planned.
“Why? Are you taking me out on a date?” Lee Hyun joked as we laughed along with the staff letting out a chuckle under their masks.
“Seriously though.”
“Yeah, I am. Why?”
“We were planning on going out for dinner after this. With TXT and the staff.” Jin explained as the eldest formed an o shape with his mouth before nodding.
“You know, I’ve never properly met them before. Dinner would be nice.” Lee Hyun smiled.
“Let’s not get too drunk though? We need to act professional.”
“We are professional, Jin ah.”
We chuckled as we knew deep down that we were most definitely not the most professional people out there.
“Ten minutes.” A man spoke at the doorway of the waiting room.
“You look professional though. Clothes really do make a man.” I said while I stood up after seeing a makeup artist point to me before gesturing for me to come to the BTS waiting room.
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment.” Lee Hyun said before we laughed and parted ways.
It always felt great reconnecting and talking about light subjects that weren't heavily focused on work.
I walked on our first set of the day. It was an all-white floor and background with white steps and shapes for us to lean or sit on. It wasn’t anything special though it definitely made our black attires pop out from the white backdrop.
The five TXT members were already on set lined up as if they were about to formally greet us like they did the first time we met, though thankfully that didn’t happen and only bows and words of greetings happened.
I leaned on one of the white center block pieces, only a few paces away from Hobi, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon as the TXT members mostly stayed on the other side of the set. We were now only waiting for three other members to start the shoot.
Jungkook was still waiting for his shoes to arrive. Apparently, he called for his pair of Prada Chunky Sole Combat Boots instead of the planned more formal look of Oxford shoes, Loafers, or my personal favorite… Chelsea boots. But we’ll let him do whatever he wishes.
Jin and Lee Hyun were most probably still busy chatting and getting the layers of their attire all sorted, so we still had a few minutes to touch up our makeup and get a feel of the set, or as much of a feel as we could get as the set was filled with staff, cameramen, security, stylists, and makeup artists.
However, once everyone was ready and on set, everything was bound to be smooth sailing.
Except for a few bumps and loose hats…
After a slight camera adjustment we were forced to pose with a look to the side and I might've not seen it happen but when a manager called to stop the photoshoot for a touch-up, I couldn’t help but look around for the person who needed it especially in the middle of the shoot.
Jungkook to my right was ducking in his position to tie up a loosened lace of his boots. Hobi to my left was fixing his suit jacket and cleaning up a piece of lint he saw. TXT’s Taehyun to the left behind me was comfortably resting his hand in his pocket whilst sparring a glimpse at Beomgyu behind to the right of me.
“Can someone pin Beomgyu’s hat to his head properly?” The camera director sounded a bit annoyed as his momentum of photos had to stop abruptly as I turned to look at Beomgyu behind the space in between me and Jungkook.
He was crouched down on the floor to pick up his black Brenton Sailor hat that had seemingly fallen off his head during the shoot. He stood up straight with a cringed smile on his face though sending apologies to us and the staff.
I smiled at him to reassure him that it was no problem at all before I turned back to face the camera. Little did I know that what I was about to see would make me believe in that quote Paul Auster wrote.
It was her.
Not once had she crossed my mind in the seven years we had split. Perhaps being an idol left no room for such thoughts.
She was different, but I know her eyes when I see them.
Doe dark brown eyes that always shined and made my insides curl more than the workout I’ve done in my debut days.
She carried a packet of black hairpins as I removed my legs from her path in between the props to reach the TXT member behind me. Another makeup artist followed behind her with an unplugged though already heated straightening iron.
She had her dark hair kept in one big braid that ran behind her neck to her back and a striped white and blue sweater over a pair of dark jeans. She wore a thin white mask though it was a bit too big for her face so it laid lower down her nose and made the mole right on the side of her nose bridge visible to confirm that it really was her.
Why did I feel the need to take note of every detail about her? I don’t know.
But her walking past me with a scent so unfamiliar yet similar felt surreal. Like a fever dream that wasn’t unwelcomed though uncalled for.
“The pins don’t hurt, do they?”
I can hear her faint voice speak to the younger member before getting drowned out by the chatter around us. I’ve never wanted to yell shut up to a whole room before, but I shouldn’t, it was unreasonable.
I clearly hadn’t expected this. I mean, who would?
The last time I heard of her name was when my parents informed me that she and her whole family had moved to the States. It wasn’t as if it was that big of a deal before either. I merely shrugged at my parents before replying something along the lines of “good for her” before I excused myself since I didn’t particularly feel like eating dinner when it was already closing into my debut and abs were needed to perform a routine.
I hadn’t thought much of it. The news even came as a relief to me.
At least, we broke up face-to-face instead of having a long-distance relationship. I don’t think 17-year-old me would do well in that. I’d probably hurt her more than I already did by prioritizing my passion over her. The fact that we were bound to break up anyway comforted me through all these years.
So the question lies on what the hell was she doing here?!
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tsunamis-stuff · 5 years ago
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bts-trans · 4 years ago
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201010 BigHit's Tweet
[#오늘의방탄] 보고픈 아미들과의 깜짝 만남 덕분에 더욱 행복했던 MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E 1회차 공연! 아미와 방탄소년단은 함께라서 더 강합니다💜 #BTS #방탄소년단 #맵옵솔_1회차_공연 https://t.co/OawtrpmIJ6
[#TodaysBangtan] The first MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E concert was made even happier because of the surprise meeting we got to have with ARMYs, whom we missed! ARMY and BTS are stronger because we’re together💜 #BTS #MapOfTheSoul_FirstConcert
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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tae-cut3sts · 4 years ago
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Jungkook – Bts
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luvsbts · 4 years ago
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What I actually wish that was on his hand....... (My 💦💦💦)
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nyeokiu · 4 years ago
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bangtanitalianchannel · 5 years ago
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“#BTS #BangtanSonyeondan #MAP_OF_THE_SOUL_7 Concept Photo versione 2″
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Pecio)
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shrimpmsg · 3 years ago
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MOTS ON : E by @kkukstudio
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chimchimsgirl1 · 4 years ago
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aricastmblr · 3 years ago
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bangtanhoneys · 2 years ago
Who am I? Seokjin & Grace
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ARMY’s had taken to Twitter the moment the FESTA 2022 video had been posted, all panicking at the word ‘hiatus’ in the subtitles. The HYBE stocks had taken a hard knock at the news, though they picked back up at Jungkook’s V-LIVE that was posted a day or two afterwards. However, the one thing that ARMY had noticed that their usually easygoing noona was being unusually quiet as she sat between Yoongi and Jin.
She had engaged and laughed when needed but when the focus hadn’t been on her or she didn’t need to say anything, she had gone quiet and picked at her food. Jin had also been uncharacteristically quiet and no amount of reassuring from BigHit about their female artist was quelling ARMY’s worries or rumours. Local media was also reporting on ARMY’s questions about whether the break was going to lead to Grace quitting BTS to go it alone. There was also no sign of her long awaited mixtape or any kind of music like the boys had been hinting at. 
Radio silence had formed around Korea’s Noona. 
Then came Busan and Grace was back to her usual self, her performance gaining highly rated reviews at how she was able to pull off her dance moves in the clothes they had put her in, in the heels and for the fact that no one had actually heard her sing since the last time BTS were on stage. 
And then came the news Seokjin was going to cancel the delay for his military service and he would be going to enlist in December. 
Grace’s life as she knew it came to abrupt halt.
“I don’t know who I am anymore,” Grace admitted as she stared at her tea that Jin had made when the news had been announced that morning. Even though they were a couple, they had agreed to live separately for now until he came back from his service, though that didn’t mean they couldn’t have ‘sleepovers.’ Jin had woken up that morning to find his partner in front of her living room window, overlooking the gardens of the compound. 
“Who do you think you are?” he asked, sitting down on her opposite side and stared at his own coffee. 
Military plans were always going to come and he had wanted to go just after what would have been the end of their Map of the Soul tour but then the pandemic came, Butter came, Permission to Dance and everything else. Now he could finally go, with the rest of the boys to follow. 
However, it meant that Grace would be on her own for the first time. She would be the one to represent BTS, represent BigHit as a solo artist, to represent their legacy, their songs and their performances. She would have to do that all alone, without none of the boys there to support her.
Grace had been their silent support during various solo promotions: she had been there for Yoongi’s Agust D, Namjoon’s Indigo, J-Hope’s first mixtape then his first album, Jungkook’s various solo projects, Jimin’s first solo album and Taehyung’s various modelling careers. And she had always been there for Jin's various solos, promos and more.
But they wouldn’t be there for hers. 
“I’ve finally got comfortable being the only member of BTS, and being the only female at BigHit. I’ve finally found my footing…but without you guys, who am I? Who can I claim to be? I’ve got nothing.”
Jin reached over to brush her long hair away from her eyes, using his thumb to brush away the tears she finally allowed to flow.
“Who am I without you?” she whispered, turning to meet Jin’s gaze. 
“For starters, you’re Grace Chu - BigHit’s first female trainee, Namjoon’s trainer, J-Hope’s sunshine, Yoongi’s support, Jimin’s comforter, Taehyung’s translator and Jungkook’s mother. You’re known as Korea’s Noona, ARMY’s queen, England’s rose,” Jin took hold of her hand and pressed the back of it to his lips. “Love of my life.”
“You’ve got a whole team ready to stand behind you and I know you’ve got plans, things you want to do. BTS isn’t BTS without you and I can’t think of no other person who is going to represent us and ARMY to the rest of the world.”
For Grace, there was always going to be the unsettling feeling that the boys were looking forward to their solo projects and she couldn’t be more proud of them but for her, it was BTS or nothing. She couldn’t perform without her boys.
However, she would later prove herself wrong when she was called into Bang’s office and he began to personally oversee her solo career and endorsements. Sejin was recalled to be her manager, she got her own make up team and stylists from the BTS crew and the boys bodyguards became her own. To make her feel comfortable, it was the same team that she had worked with before. 
Her worries remained with her each time she saw her boys off and when she got on stage on her own, but she would countdown the days until 2025 when they all would be reunited. 
Grace turned away from her tea, glanced towards the window and felt Jin settle behind her, pulling her back against his chest. “I’ll be with you every step of the way. You know I’ll contact you every chance I get, and I’ll see you when I can. You’ll just have to get used to being a military wife, like ARMY has to.”
Hearing Jin’s signature laugh, the mood broke and Grace laughed as she sighed. “Always have to ruin the mood. What do you mean wife?!”
She never got the answer to that question. 
Note: Today is the 10th Anniversary for BTS and ARMY. From me to you guys, enjoy a little bit of angst on this fine day because hahahahaha...sorry.
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chenoehi · 4 years ago
So, I’m not very active in the bts fandom at the moment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for them in whatever they’re doing and what they achieve, that will never change. But one thing has really pissed me off since last year and although it has nothing to do with the guys it has affected me mentally to the point I don’t really engage anymore.
Is anyone else disgusted that we (everywhere in the world BUT Korea) have never gotten our money back for concert tickets, that the global concerts have never been canceled even after they canceled the Korea shows and gave those fans their money back, and that now over a year later neither the company nor Ticketmaster is willing to give us our money back and give up the ghost, or even be bothered to communicate with us?
I’ve already talked to Ticketmaster and they basically refused to give me my money back so I’m at the point now I’m contacting my fucking bank. I should not have to do that. It’s absolute bullshit. The earliest they’d be able to go on tour again now is 2022, it STILL might not be safe for everyone to be in large crowd by then, they’re getting ready to ship out eventually, and they’ve already toured that album virtually in a replacement concert so we wouldn’t even get what we paid for now anyway. And SOME of us have jobs now or other situations that will bar us from even going to a concert once, no less taking off to go to multiple dates as people like me wanted to (and paid nearly $1,000 for).
And neither BigHit or Ticketmaster have said shit about it since a year ago when Ticketmaster sent us that stupid email giving us an ultimatum. It’s been over a year since we’ve hear anything.
So yeah, I’m really fucking pissed at BigHit and Ticketmaster and disgusted, and I’d like my fucking $1,000 back. I got sick and went without a job 8 months, and I KNOW myself and a lot of other people could be using that money right about now. And I’m really fucking sad that it’s all gotten to me and I don’t enjoy these guys like I used to. I can’t find joy in anything they do and haven’t for a while, and that’s really fucking hard because they were my happy place for two years that were really hard on my physically, mentally, and emotionally.
It’s really fucking soured my opinion of their company and this industry as a whole, however unfair that may be to the performers. But other fucking people had to have their concerts and entire tours canceled too and BigHit certainly found ways to make money in the meantime, haven’t they? They’re fucking greedy is all it is and I have no intentions of giving them any more of my money. I sold all of my stuff. I pay for Spotify. If I want to enjoy these guys and their music I’ll do it there but I’m not paying another fucking dollar or $100 or $1,000 if this is the kind of shit they’re willing to do to fans who have supported their artists. While they clearly showed preferential treatment to the fans in Korea because they had no problem canceling those dates and issuing refunds them.
And for the record I don’t a give a fuck about the argument that canceling tours is hard and it’s hard to get venues again. That’s bullshit. It’s been over a year. Everyone has canceled everything. It is what it is. Stringing fans along with no hope in sight to have a concert until maybe 2 years after the original dates also bullshit.
They should have canceled and issued refunds when they decided to replace the MOTS tour with a virtual concert. PERIOD. They just want the fucking money.
I haven’t seen anyone on here or Twitter saying fuck all about this, but then again I’m limited to just who I follow because like I said, I’ve been too disgusted and disappointed to be involved. Are all of you OK with this arrangement or are you as upset as I am? I’m really hoping I’m not alone because I don’t understand any of this shit and I’ve felt really fucking lonely these past 12 months.
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biaswreckeedbybts · 4 years ago
Okay so the performance, first of all,
Let's talk bout the band!!!. I’m living for these background vocalists. The representation of black artists in this performance made me emotional for some reason.
BTS LIVE vocals. They really said 'my mic is on u hoes'
Overall I didn't like this version of dynamite that much BUT I appreciate their efforts to do something different & for bbmas, it was perfect. Considering American award show performances aren't over the top.
AND, after that thirst trap aka mots one concert, this looks like such a cute, classy, clean version of bts. How tf do I remove my hoe eyes???
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