#biggest collection of Reusable Face Mask
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sunnetherlands · 4 years ago
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MULTI-FUNCTIONAL FACIAL MASKS at WHOLESALE PRICES: USA made cloth face mask can be worn in any outdoor and public areas with air pollution, allergens and other too, Buy now from Sun Enterprises.
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hellforcertain · 6 years ago
cleaning for cripples
It frustrates me that often, sites focused on teaching you to clean up your space are geared towards people who were never taught how to, or people who are too “lazy” to. People with disabilities often fall into neither of those categories, and often their issues with cleaning aren’t what able people’s issues are. Disabled people, like me, often know what to do and how to do it, but there’s a barrier that isn’t “laziness” preventing them from cleaning, and often we have to figure out our own ways of tackling cleaning. 
This is a collection of some of those ways I’ve learned to handle cleaning; they’re mostly focused on kitchen cleaning as that’s what I tackled this morning so it’s on my mind, but many of them translate to general cleaning.
These tips may not work for you, and that’s okay because everyone handles their disabilities in a different way. Even if you can’t utilize these tips, maybe they can be a jumping point to help you figure out ways that do help you.
executive dysfunction issues:
This may sound obvious, and it’s one of the more difficult things to do, but don’t let things get to the point where they’re intimidating. A full and overflowing sink is going to feel harder and harder to clean, until it seems impossible to know where to start. 
If it does get to that point, don’t berate yourself for it. It happens to the best of us. Castigating yourself for it is going to make you associate cleaning with the guilt of letting it get out of control, and it’ll make it harder to start in the first place.
If you don’t live alone (and if your living situation is one where you can safely do this), make a plan of attack with your housemates. If they’re similarly disabled, they may be having the same executive dysfunction issue you’re having, but combining forces will make the task less daunting.
This one may seem silly, but clean spontaneously. If you’re already up and in the kitchen to get a drink, or in the bathroom to use the toilet, clean something that takes five minutes. Part of executive dysfunction is dreading the task ahead because the number of steps to take to get there seems insurmountable. Cleaning this way doesn’t give you the time to dread it. Plus, if you go to the kitchen, say, eight times a day to refill your glass of water, that’s forty minutes of cleaning spread over the day, which helps to keep things from building up.
Don’t use the 15 minutes on/10 minutes off method. While this method -- cleaning for fifteen minutes, taking a break for ten minutes, rinse and repeat -- can work just fine for people without executive dysfunction issues, it’s pretty much one of the worst ways for people with it to clean. A 10-minute break only gives you 10 minutes to dread getting back on task.
Clean by section, not by time. Identify a part of the room you need to clean, and do that: ie, start by saying you need to wipe all the counters down. Then, either stop then or, if you’re able to, continue on to the next part of the kitchen, like scrubbing the stovetop.
Start small and work your way up. If you try to tackle the most daunting task first, you may burn yourself out before you can finish the smaller things. I notice it’s easier to continue cleaning when I’m “on a roll”, so I usually start with the smaller issues and then tackle the biggest one once I’m already in the cleaning zone.
Keep yourself accountable. I’ve noticed that now that I’m an adult and don’t have parents to answer to, it can be harder to self-impose tasks like cleaning. With your housemates, write up a chore chart. It can seem childish, but if you’re accountable to even a piece of paper it can make overcoming executive dysfunction easier. (And if you can’t sometimes, remember to not beat yourself up about it!)
sensory issues 
Many people with autism, fibromyalgia, and a whole host of other conditions have sensory issues that make cleaning the gross parts of the house (the bathroom, a sink full of dishes) incredibly difficult because you’re fighting your gag reflex the whole time. The goal here is to create a barrier in between yourself and the cause of the issue.
If you have issues with touching gross things, buy yourself a pair of latex/latex-free cleaning gloves. Yes, the bright yellow ones that make you feel like a 1950s housewife no matter your gender, age, or marital status. They’re only a couple dollars at the grocery store (look for them with the cleaning supplies), and are thick enough to not tear easily and to dull the sensation of touching something gross. Plus, anything that might be growing can’t penetrate them. Don’t buy disposable latex/nitrile gloves (the ones that doctors wear) -- they’re not really thick enough, and plus we don’t need to be throwing away more plastic when there’s a reusable option.
If your issue is the smell of something gross, the solution is unfortunately a bit more expensive than the above tip. You’ll need to buy a respirator mask, like this one. I’ve used a variety of face masks for different reasons, and I’ve found that the less expensive dust masks don’t keep smells out, as that’s not what they’re designed to do. And hey, you’ll be able to roleplay as a survivor in a post-apocalyptic setting, and that’s always fun. 
I, personally, don’t have issues with seeing gross things, so take this tip with a large grain of salt. But if we continue the theme of creating a barrier between yourself and the issue, then logically a very dark pair of sunglasses (like they give patients who have had eye surgery) should be able to provide some level of relief. 
chronic pain issues
Know what your limit is. This is important but also difficult if your limit fluctuates from day to day. If that’s the case, listen to your body. Often, trying to work through that pain can backfire and fuck you up later. If you know you have obligations later, then don’t push yourself past your limit cleaning. 
Don’t work yourself to the point of pain because your brain will start to associate cleaning with pain. This can make starting to clean even more difficult, especially if you have executive dysfunction issues on top of it.
Take preventative measures. If you think you might end up in pain despite your best efforts, take your low-level pain reliever of choice (mine is Aleve) before starting so that it has time to kick in; by the time you’re in pain, the medication is already working, so you’re not in pain while waiting for it to kick in.
This is one I learned at physical therapy: fix your posture. For example, I notice that my lower back always hurts after I’ve been bending over the sink to wash dishes. My physical therapist pointed out it is partially because my hips and back are out of alignment, which puts more strain on that part of my back. So take stock of how you’re standing. Place your hand against where your back curves most, and use it to guide your hips, back, and shoulders into a straighter position. It’s something that takes some practice to get the hang of, and it probably won’t solve all your problems, but it can help more than you might realize.
Don’t clean things the typical way. Sure, maybe you’re “supposed to” wash dishes standing, but there’s no rule saying you can’t pull up a chair. You can sit on a pillow on the floor instead of kneeling while cleaning the bathtub. Roll around the kitchen in a rolling chair when moving things around. Make cleaning as easy on your body as it can be.
If you have the financial ability to, get appliances that clean for you. This might mean getting a dishwasher (countertop/apartment-size dishwashers exist) or a roomba; they’ll do the bulk of the work for you, which means less pain for you.
I hope some of this helps, and sorry for the incredibly long post. If you have similar tips, feel free to add them!
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mindnaturals · 4 years ago
4 Standout Ways to Unleash Your Inner Glow
The oh-so coveted dewy glow is something everyone craves but struggles to maintain. While keeping your skin hydrated and nourished with a hemp-derived CBD lotion can make a big difference, some other tips and tricks can help you look and feel your best. Revealing your true inner glow may just need a more comprehensive approach that involves your sleep schedule, diet, and more.
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Manifest Your Way to a Brighter-Looking Complexion   You might be familiar with the voice inside of your head that tells you to remember to lock the door or to order more of your favorite hemp-derived CBD cream. This voice can prove to be extremely helpful but can also feel difficult to silence when it gets excessive or even judgmental. It’s time to retrain your inner voice to only speak love so you can avoid those feelings of distress, shame, or whatever negative tailspin the voice tries to create for you. How you talk to yourself can have a massive impact on your temperament or how you feel about yourself. So, try adding positive mantras to teach yourself how to love all that is you, including your glowing complexion. Maybe test out “I am enough; I am complete” or experiment to find a mantra that speaks to you. It’s time to become your biggest supporter and ultimate “hype man” for reliable praise and celebration.   Sweat and Shake Out What You Don’t Need   When you sweat, the natural process is often good for your entire body, including your skin. Incorporating a workout regimen can help you release dirt or impurities that may be working against your inner glow. Everything from sauna sessions to a daily run can help you get closer to that natural-looking radiance all over. Be sure to follow up your sweaty routine with a gel cleanser that features calming ingredients like chamomile and calendula extract to combat any feelings of inflammation without stripping your skin.   Know Beauty Sleep Is Real   After your nighttime skincare routine and winding down with your hemp-derived CBD face mask, it’s time for bed. Routinely achieving a full night’s rest is key for looking and feeling your best on a regular basis. Try to follow a consistent schedule to help your body get into a natural flow so you can stay feeling rested and glowy each day. Consider adding silk pillowcases to your bedding for a smooth surface for your skin to rest on.   Understand That What You Eat Matters   Just as you layer vitamin-rich creams topically, you want to ingest a variety of nutrients to lend a hand to your strategy for radiant-looking skin. While you might already know that leafy greens are good for your body, they may also support your skin along with other foods rich in healthy fats like salmon or avocado. It’s possible certain ingredients or a poor diet could be getting in the way of your ultimate glow. So, consider changing up your nutrition and staying hydrated as you support your body’s natural functions to help reveal a glowy-looking complexion on a daily basis.   About Mind Naturals    Mind Naturals spreads the philosophy of mindfulness throughout their collection, and everything from their packaging to the ingredients is thoughtfully selected. Paulina Vega, a wellness influencer and entrepreneur, founded the company not just to upgrade your skincare product lineup but also to infuse mindfulness into your daily routines. Their formulas feature intense hydrators like hyaluronic acid and hemp-derived CBD to help your complexion appear radiant and balanced. The company offers reusable products along with packaging some of their collection with renewable alternatives sourced from sugarcane. You deserve a sustainable routine that works as hard as you while you focus on feeling present as you apply your Mind Naturals favorites.    Unleash a radiant-looking glow every day with Mind Naturals at https://www.mindskincare.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3cVe2zu
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morganmccaskiecogc · 4 years ago
Environmental E-Zine Research
Part 1 - Themes
Single-Use Plastic
Single-use plastics are plastic items that are only made to be used once before they are thrown away or recycled. Every year, around 300 million tons of plastic is produced but around half of that is non-reusable, single-use plastic. All over the world, only 13% of plastic is being recycled. The other 87% of plastic is normally single-use plastic or items that are more difficult to recycle. Plastic production has tripled in the last 30 years and around half of the plastic on the planet has been produced in the last 18 years.
Street Dumping
Street dumping is a worldwide problem and something many of us will have seen first hand in Glasgow. One of the main issues with street dumping is that it is unregulated disposal of waste and can be potentially harmful to the environment. If waste is not disposed of correctly and in the designated areas, runoff from dumping can cause contamination in the soil and water around it. In some cases, this has become a threat to human life. 
Waste is one of the biggest causes of climate change and recycling is an important method for improving this. Recycling helps to reduce pollution and the various gasses and toxins released from waste in landfills. Another reason it is vital to recycle is in order to conserve raw materials and resources as recycling reduces the need for new raw materials. The process of recycling materials uses less energy than it would to produce new products from raw materials.
Eat Less Meat
It is becoming increasingly difficult for farmers to keep up with the demand for meat and animal products and this is causing harm to the environment. As demand increases, the rate of greenhouse gases and pollution rises. A lot of farms all over the world have big carbon footprints due to the increased demand in the meat industry. Deforestation and destruction of biodiversity is another complication as more areas are being cleared for livestock, farms, and more industrialized agriculture.
Face Masks
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic and mask-wearing becoming essential, disposable face masks are now one of the worst contributors to plastic pollution. Millions of face masks are ending up in landfills every week, and more are being abandoned and littered all over the world. These disposable face masks are not reusable and are contaminated, so they have become another threat to our planet's sustainability.
Part 2 - Reportage Photography
Reportage Photography
Reportage photography is a form of photography that captures images in order to tell a story, similar to photojournalism in some ways. A finished series of reportage photography normally portrays a story, day or event.
Reportage vs Documentary
Reportage and documentary photography are very similar but one difference considered between the two is that documentary can be more formal and is often accompanied by captions whereas reportage is more about capturing the moment in order to tell the story.
Why is Reportage Photography Important?
Reportage is an important form of photography because it is about telling a story, creating a narrative through images and is commonly used for raising awareness of problems and injustices to the public.
Is there such a thing as a Photograph that isn’t Reportage?
Personally, I think any photograph can be considered reportage. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. In every photograph, no matter how big or small a story is portrayed. Some kind of narrative can be extracted from every photograph we see.
Part 3 - Plastic Pollution 
My Theme
For this environmental project, have chosen to follow the theme of plastic pollution and single-use materials. This is a crisis I feel very strongly about and I think it is imperative to reduce plastic pollution and single-use plastic in order to combat climate change. 
Thirza Schaap - "Plastic Ocean"
"As a child, I used to walk on the beaches, picking up shells, feathers and branches with funny shapes. When I left Holland for South Africa, I reproduced the same ritual. Except that instead of collecting natural treasures, I filled my pockets with garbage – plastic thrown out of the ocean.”
Schaap has portrayed the severity of plastic pollution in our oceans through a beautiful still life series using plastic she has found washed up on the beach.
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This is one of the images is Schaap’s Plastic Ocean series. There is a very subtle shadow visible, beneath the carton suggesting the light maybe came from the left possibly at a 45 degree angle. The light used is very soft and illuminates the subject very well. The use of the central composition and blank background forces us to look at the plastic. The use of the complimentary colours and the addition of the flower gives the image a beautiful look but still conveys a strong meaning.
Benjamin Von Wong - "The Parting of the Plastic Sea" (strawpocalypse)
"For my latest project, I wanted to encourage people to turn down their next straw..."
A staggering 168,000 used plastic straws were used to create Von Wong's iconic work. He created a powerful and emotive photograph (and art piece) conveying the importance of reducing plastic and highlighting how many straws, among other plastic, ends up in the ocean.
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This is Von Wong’s “The Parting of the Plastic Sea” from his strawpocalypse work. The central composition of the person among the waves of straws brings our eye to look at the subject who is holding the waves of plastic apart. The use of the yellow colour of sand against the blues and greens of the water helps to lead our eyes towards the subject and brings more importance to this part of the image. The rim lighting behind the subject also helps to bring the viewers eye towards the man and this all puts emphasis on what he is doing and how he is struggling to part the waves of plastic.
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architectnews · 4 years ago
The biggest architecture and design stories of 2020
Next up in our review of 2020, editor Tom Ravenscroft takes a look back at this year's most-read stories, including several responses to the coronavirus pandemic, a pair of inflatable latex trousers and Bjarke Ingels' plan to redesign Earth.
January – China building 1,000-bed hospital in 10 days to treat coronavirus
The most-read story in January was a sign of things to come as the reports that a 1,000-bed hospital was being built at breakneck speed in China became news around the world.
Named Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, the prefabricated, temporary facility was built to treat the growing number of people infected in Wuhan. It was completed in just over a week.
Find out more about the temporary hospital ›
February – Harikrishnan's inflatable latex trousers create "anatomically impossible" proportions
In February, before coronavirus came to dominate architecture and design news, our most-read story was about inflatable latex trousers.
Designed by Harikrishnan for his graduate collection at the London College of Fashion, the collection of billowing latex trousers were made from of up to 30 individual latex panels.
Find out more about Harikrishnan's inflatable latex trousers ›
March – Coronavirus offers "a blank page for a new beginning," says Li Edelkoort
By March the coronavirus outbreak had become a pandemic and was impacting people all around the world. In response to the disruption and lockdowns that were accruing trend forecaster Li Edelkoort made a series of predictions about its impact on the world.
Edelkoort said that the pandemic was "a blank page for a new beginning", in an interview that would become Dezeen's most-read story of all time.
Find out more about Li Edelkoort's prediction ›
April – Dyson devises 44 engineering challenges for children during lockdown
As many parents faced the challenge of entertaining their children during country-wide lockdowns, our most-read story in April was a series of activities created by Dyson to entertain children in isolation.
Alongside Dyson, British architecture studio Foster + Partners published a series of challenges for kids and furniture company IKEA designed six play houses that could be built with its products.
Find out more about  Dyson's challenges ›
May – Adidas launches reusable face mask called Face Cover
Adidas was among a number of companies to design and release a face mask this year in response to the coronavirus. Made from a breathable recycled material, the reusable face mask was one of the fastest products the sportswear brand has ever developed.
"The entire process from ideation to production was less than one month," its lead designer said in an interview with Dezeen.
Find out more about the Face Cover ›
June – Eight key projects by Christo and Jeanne Claude
Following the news of artist Christo's death, we rounded up eight key projects by the Bulgarian artist and his late partner Jeanne Claude.
The artist, who was best known for wrapping buildings in fabric died of natural causes at the age of 84 in his New York City apartment.
Find out more about Christo's key projects ›
July – Grimshaw unveils design for HS2 ventilation shaft disguised as barn
July's most-read story was about a ventilation shaft for the UK's new HS2 high-speed railway that was disguised as a barn.
Designed by British architecture practice Grimshaw, the Chalfont St Peter Ventilation Shaft will be clad in zinc and bronze and provide air and emergency access to a train tunnel through the Chiltern hills.
Find out more about the HS2 ventilation shaft ›
August – Xiaomi launches world's first mass-produced transparent TV
In August, Chinese electronics company Xiaomi revealed a see-through television. 
Billed as the world's first transparent TV, the Mi TV LUX uses transparent organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology, which eliminates the need for backlighting.
Find out more about the transparent TV ›
September – Zaha Hadid Architects reveals design for skyscraper on world's most expensive site
UK architecture studio Zaha Hadid Architects' plan to build a sinuous 36-storey skyscraper on the world's most expensive site in Hong Kong was the most-read story in September.
The skyscraper will replace a multistorey car park alongside the Bank of China Tower by IM Pei that was purchased by developer Henderson Land for HK$23.3 billion ($3 billion) in 2017.
Find out more about the world's most expensive site ›
October – Masterplanet is Bjarke Ingels' plan to redesign Earth and stop climate change
BIG founder Bjarke Ingels once again hit the headlines in October with his redesign for the Earth.
Named Masterplanet, the concept was designed to "prove that a sustainable human presence on planet Earth is attainable with existing technologies".
Find out more about the Masterplanet ›
November – Ten home kitchens that use colour to make a statement
In November we began a series of stories that brings together visual inspiration for the home, with this roundup of colourful kitchens being one of the most popular.
Other pieces in the series included eight cosy living rooms, thirty bathrooms designed by architects and seven bedrooms with statement walls.
Find out more about home kitchens that use colour ›
December – Natalie Dionne raises Forest House I on three-metre stilts for better light and views
Designed by Canadian architect Natalie Dionne, this forest retreat in southeastern Quebec was the most-read story in December.
The largely wooden house was raised up on stilts to meet the level of the surrounding rocky landscape.
Find out more about Forest House I ›
The post The biggest architecture and design stories of 2020 appeared first on Dezeen.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years ago
COVID-19 recovery is an opportunity to tackle worsening climate crisis: New report
Smoke from wildfires blankets downtown Calgary. (Shutterstock)
We’re at a second of overlapping planetary well being emergencies: COVID-19 and local weather change. Each have their origins on the intersection of humanity and the remainder of the pure world, each exacerbate pre-existing well being inequities and each have the power to convey well being programs and economies to their knees.
The well being impacts of COVID-19 are well-known — these of local weather change much less so. A brand new report by the Lancet Countdown on Well being and Local weather Change, a world collaboration amongst 38 main tutorial establishments and U.N. companies, exhibits that because the globe warms people are experiencing growing warmth emergencies, wildfires, extreme climate, bother with meals yields and potential for novel infectious ailments.
We have to “multisolve” — handle COVID-19 and local weather change on the identical time, on the lookout for the candy spots the place a single measure can ship the triple-win of bettering public well being, contributing to a sustainable economic system and decreasing the drivers of future crises.
The Canadian coverage transient related to the Lancet report has solutions for doing simply that.
Shield our houses
The report exhibits a file 2,700 heat-related deaths occurred amongst folks over the age of 65 in Canada in 2018. Globally, the final 20 years have seen a 59 per cent improve in heat-related mortality in older folks.
The financial prices are additionally rising: work hours misplaced on account of excessive warmth publicity had been 81 per cent increased in 2015-19 in comparison with 1990-94. Instant motion is required.
Many Canadians have had their residing circumstances made precarious via COVID-19. In its fall funds replace, the federal authorities introduced $1 billion in funding, via the Fast Housing Initiative, for use for the development of modular housing and reasonably priced housing items.
All the tasks funded via this and different federal building and retrofit packages ought to be evaluated for his or her location relative to flood-prone areas, their skill to make sure sufficient air flow and air filtration to deal with warmth emergencies and wildfire smoke, and their alignment with our objective of residing in a net-zero nation by 2050.
Clear the air
We should additionally clear the air of the air pollution we will management. The Lancet report exhibits that in 2018 there have been 7,200 untimely deaths in Canada associated to positive particulate air air pollution from human-caused sources. That is 4 occasions increased than the variety of deaths from transport accidents.
The biggest portion, discovered by the Lancet to be over 30 per cent, was on account of emissions from households, equivalent to burning gasoline for heating. That implies that power environment friendly retrofits can save lives!
Learn extra: Canada’s new local weather plan: Q&A about Invoice C-12
Air pollution from vehicles, vans and different transport was proven within the report back to be accountable for 17 per cent of deaths on account of positive particulates in 2018. It’s also accountable for 30 per cent of Canada’s greenhouse gasoline emissions. Investments in zero-emission automobile infrastructure and collective transport, equivalent to electrical automobile charging stations and electrical buses are large wins for well being.
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Cyclists commute in London, U.Ok., in July 2020. (Shutterstock)
Energetic transport investments have the additional benefit of accelerating bodily exercise, which reduces power illness. A current research confirmed that in comparison with those that commute by non-public motorized automobiles, all-cause mortality was decreased by 20 per cent in those that cycle, and 10 per cent in rail commuters, with stroll commuting related to a seven per cent decrease incidence of most cancers. In the UK, investments in biking infrastructure have been discovered to ship about 5 British kilos of well being and social advantages for each pound invested
Learn extra: 10 ideas for dealing with wildfire smoke, from a public well being knowledgeable
Construct resilience
Lastly, we have to improve the resilience of well being programs. Along with making certain health-care buildings are ready for floods and fires by way of siting, sufficient air flow programs, and extra, we should take one other take a look at provide chains.
We realized via the pandemic that producing private protecting tools (PPE) at house helps to make sure its availability within the face of provide chain disruption. We’ve additionally seen the disadvantages of not being able to provide the main COVID-19 vaccines at house.
With local weather set to drive additional health-related emergencies in addition to financial crises a shift from a tradition of effectivity to one among resiliency is required. We might lower our healthcare-related footprint and scale back the chance of provide disruption by switching to reusable medical provides equivalent to robes and blood stress cuffs.
The proposed nationwide formulary, an excellent first step in direction of a pharmacare system, may also function a listing of important medicines thought-about for home manufacturing. Co-ordinated work between the general public and the non-public sector, doubtlessly together with the creation of recent crown companies, might assist guarantee provide of essential gadgets, because it did throughout the Second World Battle.
Learn extra: 7 classes Canada ought to use from WW2 to combat the local weather emergency
A hinge second
Canada is now stuffed with armchair epidemiologists, however few of us might draw an approximation of the nation’s projected warming curve. A leap in understanding is required: this forecast should inform planning in all sectors.
Canada is warming at about double the worldwide price. Below all possible emission situations will probably be about 1.8C hotter than a 1986-2005 baseline by the point in the present day’s newborns are of their twenties, rising to 6C by the point they’re of their 60s if we don’t urgently lower greenhouse gasoline emissions.
Because the Lancet report says, except rapid motion is taken this can threaten not solely lives and livelihoods, but in addition compromise the hospitals and clinics we rely on.
COVID-19 is a hinge second in human society — a time to pause, to reset. Though well being employees have been appropriately lauded via this pandemic for the care they’re offering, it’s changing into clear that from carrying masks to retrofitting our houses, all of us share the duty, and the honour, of saving lives.
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Courtney Howard receives funding from Well being Canada and is the past-president of the Canadian Affiliation of Physicians for the Setting.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/covid-19-recovery-is-an-opportunity-to-tackle-worsening-climate-crisis-new-report/ via https://growthnews.in
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123designsrq · 5 years ago
futuristic face masks
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futuristic face masks – Love them, hate them, however we can’t live with out them, literally! So now that we're gearing up to step back outdoor after this pandemic, the definition of our normal deliver is present process a huge change. First came the digital wallets who nearly removed the want to in reality bring a wallet, now comes the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to assist us balance this precarious residing life and residing life safely balance. Our face is the first visual identification we have, so allow’s use a face masks that speaks our language, keeps us safe, and helps hold our individuality in these times – which is exactly what you'll locate on this curated collection of face masks designs! The age-old adage stands true in these times – Time and Tide look ahead to none. So while we assume our global has come to a screeching halt, the truth is that seasons have changed and summer is upon us. Studio Atelier I+N knows this and created this aggregate of masks and shades for a completely unique initiative by using HyperAktiv titled ‘Bring your own Mask’. This mask is titled Summer Wave and the designers trust that if we need to undergo wave#2 of COVID, as a minimum let there be sunny days!
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This conceptual PPE functions a curved form this is see-through and integrates the darker lens of sunglasses. The arms of the visor-sunglass are greater snug than conventional masks. It covers your eyes as properly which is vital and no longer some thing we get out of the usual face masks. Designer Joe Doucet reimagines the prevailing face shield to be greater minimal and visually attractive so that the product may be standard into our lives faster.
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Designer Zhijun Wang has been fascinated by and making futuristic face masks long before Corona hit us. So when the blue and yellow IKEA bag became viral, they repurposed that bag to make a face mask!
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Dimitri Nassisi, Hanieh Rashid & Laurie Greco recreated the comfort of a smile with their masks. The masks, additionally named SMILE is a medical masks with a revised design. A small strip seals it till use. Once the tab is removed, the mask deploys itself and exhibits a comforting smile and ensures optimal protection.
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This face masks doubles up as a face protect in order that no bacteria enters your eye and comes with an accessory-like sanitizer so you won’t need to search your bags or have an oddly-formed pocket. Designer Fulden Dehneli calls the masks Gādo (ガード) and the sanitizer Ken (剣) due to the fact she perspectives those as complementary products that turns into necessities in a post-pandemic world. Gādo means ‘protect’ and Ken means ‘sword’ in Japanese which is this sort of poetic way to explain tools – they guard us and kill the germs! Gādo and Ken were specifically designed for seamless integration into our lives. Gādo combines the benefits of a mask and a face guard with a easy sliding mechanism- a folded textile shape hidden below the guard which enlarges whilst the protect is slid up.
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Kylan Luginbuhl’s design named Trypo aims to think of the face mask as a more personalized object. Each mask is from the face shape of the wearer. It ensures a perfect fitting and easy breathing, along with breaking the rigidity of the traditional mask with its organic form.
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Lucie Herter desired to create a playful and practical masks for children. To do this, he created the masks ‘Hero’. In which he selected to protect the upper a part of the face in addition. This lets in the kid to feel like a superhero when sporting it. The clip allows the kid to put on and take off his masks simply. Above all, the mask helps guard the mouth and nose, however also the attention area. This brings less threat of contagion to the kid, in a simple and amusing way.
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Named Moustache, this face masks by using Laure Gremion Studio is a reusable and light-weight masks. That protects you at some point of your everyday life. Soft and airtight, the frontal part can be without difficulty taking off to replace filters. As often as wanting and enables a big breathable surface. A silicone joint doubles the rigid mask and provides consolation and airtightness at face contact. Round shapes and bright colorings bring a glimpse of naivety in these tough times.
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Luciano Dell’ Orefice Design Studio’s face masks is name ‘Face’. As it objectives to restore your individuality while using a mask. Using current face scan three-D apps on digital camera phones. We imagine a method with a bespoke 3-d revealed mold. The masks is thermoforming with recyclable nonwoven press polyester technology borrowing to filter out industry. With a purpose to clear up bacteria troubles and make it washable. This solution finds its language, strength, and stability into the urgent layers of material. A laser device will reduce out profiles and holes underlining the typology of use. A “face” mask for folks who may like to bring back a bit of their identification. All through those new methods of being together.
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Thierry Didot Studio’s a laugh take on a conventional masquerade ball is crazy sufficient to turn out to be a reality! Name the Socialite, this masks is holding in place without any straps. Of course, it’s now not for everyday use. However it's far a a laugh spin on a serious problem and a likely costume birthday celebration for the future! Honeywell, 3M, Kimberley-Clark and Foss are the biggest brands in face masks. But this design is of really futuristic face masks Read the full article
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vsplusonline · 5 years ago
Why shouldn’t designers sell masks?
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/why-shouldnt-designers-sell-masks/
Why shouldn’t designers sell masks?
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The advent of ‘designer’ face masks has led to a fair bit of pearl clutching in the past few weeks. Fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee has vowed never to make them, calling them obnoxious and offensive. “We are talking about a health crisis and I hope we don’t put privilege on things that are essential for health,” he told Harper’s Bazaar India editor Nonita Kalra over a video conference last month. But before we take Mukherjee’s personal views as gospel, it is perhaps worthwhile to explore the idea of this new fashion category — and make no mistake, it will be a new category in fashion retail — a little more.
The reality is that the coronavirus is here to stay, at least till we have a vaccine. Meanwhile, the face mask has transcended its utilitarian image and become emblematic of the world’s many problems in 2020. We have laughed at the irony of France making masks compulsory but still denying Muslim women their right to cover their faces in accordance with their faith. And we have shaken our heads at how US president Trump refuses to wear one even against his own administration’s strictest advisories. At home, PM Modi is known to begin his televised broadcasts to the nation wearing a ‘gamcha’ to cover his nose and mouth that he takes off when he begins speaking. These and many other occurrences have made masks one of the biggest talking points of the year. By that logic alone, the fashion industry would be remiss in its duty if they didn’t ‘design’ face masks at this time. After all, fashion represents the zeitgeist and responds to what is happening in the world at large.
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Sartorial emergency
Besides, the Kolkata-based couturier’s comment is telling. He looks at masks as essential to health, even though they classify as protective equipment. The masks being made by Namrata Joshipura, for instance, will have a filter for safety, yet will also be ‘designed’ as per her aesthetics. “I’m not competing with anyone making medical-grade masks, neither am I marketing them as anything else than what they are,” says the designer, who is also an avid runner and has often been seen wearing face masks for the past two years or so on her social media. “I’m not trying to monetise a global pandemic; I’m responding to a demand that will arise in the times to come, when people may not want to wear medical-grade masks in social situations.” Soon to be launched on her website, her masks will be priced between ₹2,500 and ₹3,500.
By contrast, designer Krsnaa Mehta’s label, India Circus, is offering printed face masks at ₹199, available to be shipped across the country. His website mentions that these are reusable, as are Joshipura’s. And even with their cost difference, both are priced well above the usual medical-grade masks available at chemist shops that retail for ₹20. As time passes, we will see many more designers come up with their versions—many of them have already produced masks for charity, or even for their workers and factory teams. It’s only natural that they make the same for retail.
In fact, at the time of writing this article, designer JJ Valaya released two sketches of masks on his official Instagram handle, terming them ‘the new essentials’. He plans to give them as add-ons to all Valaya purchases, and may also decide to retail them in the future. “Over time,” he added, “they will become part of everyone’s daily dressing needs because the psychological impact of the pandemic will outlast the pandemic itself.”
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One of JJ Valaya’s recently-released sketches on his official Instagram handle, terming masks ‘the new essentials’   | Photo Credit: @jjvalaya on Instagram
The sustainability argument
Lest we forget, medical-grade masks are usually of the use-and-throw variety, whereas designer masks are designed to be reusable, reducing waste. Designers can also reclaim their fabric waste to make them. The level of skill required to stitch masks is also considerably lower than that required to stitch, for example, a lehenga. Could this new fashion category not be seen as an opportunity to generate employment? Even if only for a short while?
Ultimately, we need to examine why the idea of ‘designer masks’ upsets us. Are we against them simply because they are ‘designed’ by a fashion designer, or because we resent what they stand for? If our fashion designers — that most sensitive and responsive group whose collections often tell the stories of entire cultures — think making masks is required, then is it not possible that we are resistant, simply not ready to accept the emergence of a ‘new normal’?
Are we scared of the constant state of being cautious that they represent and require? In this case, wouldn’t we actually want face masks with a bit of pizzazz and levity to, literally, brighten the scenery around us? Or do we simply not like it that some designers have had the foresight to ‘design’ them before we actually start wanting them?
The author is a fashion commentator and Communications Director at The House of Angadi.
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Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, where do you live now, what do you do for a living?
My name is Candace Kim, and I am the founder of Selah. Selah is a sustainable brand that masters carefully curated handmade furniture, home accessories, and limited edition clothing from deadstock fabric.  I was adopted and raised by my beautiful grandmother here in Southern California. I love animals, which began during a part of my childhood where I lived a simple yet lovely life on a farm surrounded by goats, pigs, chickens, and dogs. Fast forward to present day, I have a pup named Titus who I rescued from a dog meat market and a rescued bunny named Stuart. And I would probably have a miniature pig, sheep and many more adopted creatures if my husband did not stop me!
Outside of running Selah, I value being an advocate for those who cannot stand for themselves. Being an animal lover and an adoptee, I am passionate about ending animal cruelty and helping orphans. A large part of the vision Selah was birthed out of  a desire to create a company that is a vocal and financial supporter of organizations that champion these important issues.
Aside from late night petition signing for these causes, I also love homemade Korean food and a good cup of Kona coffee!
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What does your typical workday look like and what are the biggest challenges you face?
In order to create a healthy balance between work and life, creating a morning ritual helps. Maintaining balance is honestly a daily challenge, requiring focus and boundaries. I start each morning before sunrise by taking care of myself through meditation, prayer, and nurturing my soul so that I will have energy, clarity, and expectancy for the day. After taking care of family, pets, and errands, I begin working on Selah.
I manage my business from home, so it’s crucial for my space to be functional. I have an office, showroom, and a home all in one space.  Being an entrepreneur, my work day involves putting on many different hats from designing and accounting to sewing and shipping.  It also means different location, whether customers visiting to peruse my collection, or myself making personal visits to stores that carry my products.  While for most people the sun setting indicates the end of the work day, for me it means the second part of my work day has just begun.  Communicating with my makers overseas requires late night calls and texts “pauses” to my dreams.  Fortunately, I  have an amazing employee named Joss who brings some calm to the whirlwind of tasks by helping with the marketing and communication aspects of Selah.  While each new day brings new opportunities and challenges, I have been blessed to meet amazing people along the way.  These experiences are priceless. 
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How do you stay motivated? What are some tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way?
No one told me that pursuing entrepreneurship could be so bipolar.  There are days where I feel extremely discouraged, and other days where I feel like I can conquer the world.  What helps me with the emotional rollercoaster is knowing that both are necessary parts of the journey.  I stay motivated by regularly feeding my whole being- physically, emotionally and spiritually, and constantly reminding myself of the WHY behind it all.  Practically this looks like personal care with meditation, prayer, exercise, healthy eating.  It looks like focusing on my vision,  listening to podcasts and testimonies of other creative pioneers, and being in genuine friendships with other entrepreneurs.   It also means practicing generosity, altruism and love as if you already made it.
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What advice do you have for someone thinking of launching a creative business?
Don’t let the demands and perceived expectations of the masses and social media rob you of your identity, nor allow comparison and envy to poison the fullness of what you are destined to create and release. Continuing in the passion of what you love to do requires regular contemplative pauses that will release thankfulness and will remind us of our “why.”
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Where do you hope to be in 5 years, on a personal and professional level?
My hope is for my brand to continue to steadily grow and to positively influence those that encounter our products.  More than the goal of success, my vision for Selah is to create financial resources for altruistic causes.  I hope that Selah can create foundations for animal sanctuaries and for providing orphaned children opportunities for healing and wholeness.  On a personal level, I hope to simply grow in kindness and love, and to be a good mom and wife:)
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How would you describe your personal style?
When I started Selah, I had a vision of bringing to life the simple, raw, and natural lifestyle inspired by my cultural and environmental upbringing. In terms of my personal fashion, I have often marched to the beat of my own drum by trusting my eye even when it does not align with the current trend.  This has been a blessing, allowing me to oftentimes be fashion forward.   I tend to stick to classic feminine silhouettes as they work best with my body frame.  I am also a stickler for endeavoring to  wear natural fibers such as linens, silks, bamboo, and hemp.
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 What role does denim play in your wardrobe? What do you look for in the perfect pair of jeans?
I believe denim is an essential wardrobe staple in any closet.  Outside of quality and beautiful washes, I am looking for that pair of jeans that gives me a nice perky butt!   Many of us Asians are not blessed with nice behinds, so denim can be a huge confidence builder as the right butt-hugging jeans can really do wonders.  My favorite style though currently are loose high waist girlfriend jeans as I can simply hide it all in there.
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What’s your skincare or beauty routine like? What are your top 5 products?
My skin care protocol has evolved to incorporate more natural products that work well and don’t use animal testing.  I start by using handmade bar soaps- currently I am using Fiddle Fish goat’s milk soap with lavender and poppy seeds.  I then use Son & Park toner followed by Sunday Riley Good Genes lactic acid, Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Oil, Fresh Black Tea eye cream, and lastly, Laneige Sleeping Mask.
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We’re obsessed with podcasts. Do you listen? What are some favorites?
I also love podcasts!  When I need encouragement as a creative and entrepreneur, I listen to How I built This and Foundr. When I need a spiritual boost, I listen to Erwin McManus.
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Share with us your last online purchase + last article or book you read
Brene Brown is one of my favorite authors. She shares on the power of vulnerability, wholehearted living, cultivating creativity and letting go of comparison.  I just finished The Gift of Imperfection, and currently reading Daring Greatly.  These are absolute must reads! 
My last Amazon order included an Aobosi Slow Masticating Cold Pressed Juicer which is a great juicer for a great price.  I also ordered beeswax reusable food wraps to take another step towards full sustainability by reducing plastic use.
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Where can we find and follow your work?
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cutiecrates · 6 years ago
Cutie Reviews: NMNL Sept 18
Having done the first new box of the NMNL remake recently it feels really weird to be going backwards again, as they didn’t start the remake until January!
Anyway, if you’re a fan of makeup reviews or just came by to check out this blog I hope you enjoy it :3
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This months theme: Moisturizing
When this box came out summer had been ending and fall/autumn was beginning. Whenever the weather starts cooling down the skin begins to dry, which is why this months box will be catering to skin health. 
Besides the importance of moisturization, the pamphlet also covers the beneficial value of rice, popular Japanese celebrity Rola, and the contest of the month, featuring a mermaid makeup look and products by Canmake for the winning entrants.
♥  Let’s get reviewing ♥
Mermaid Brush
Our first item is this gorgeous little handy brush inspired by mermaids (or fishies ♥), available in either rainbow, bronze (it looks gold to me), or pearl white. It comes in a protective cap and re-sealable pouch for easy carrying, and the bristles are ultra-soft and 100% non-animal hair/fur :3
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As much as I worried about messing this up at all, I decided I had to test it out and see how it compared to some other items.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Besides it’s heavenly bristles and beautiful design, I really like using this brush. It’s different than those I’m used to, and holding it is a little different, but not in a bad or impossible way. The bristles pick up makeup like a dream and it feels so nice on the face. If you want to show-off your brushes or start a mermaid collection this is the perfect piece to add.
Country & Stream Honey Oil Pack
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It’s been a while since we’ve seen this brand hasn’t it? Country & Stream is a well-known brand with a key honey scent and moisturizing use of real, natural ingredients in their skin care products. Besides honey, this uses argan and sunflower oils, and 10 beauty essences to create a sugar scrub to make skin smooth and shiny!
This is a really quick and easy product to use and only requires a quick rub with some water or cleansing before applying, then you rub it in until the sugar begins melting into the skin. After 5 minutes you can rise it off.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
First I’ll start off by saying I’m not the biggest fan of honey in large doses, but at the same time I find it comforting. Using the product feels nice, and I like the fact you can use it in a short period of time and then wash it off- it’d be perfect for those days when you’re in a hurry to get out the door or head to bed.
Comparing my ace to how it was prior to using it, I can see and feel a difference.It went away pretty quickly, but I assume if you keep using it there will be a more noticeable change.
Rilakkuma Eyelash Curler
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Our next item is a very unique one! Well at least for me, I’ve never seen such an odd shaped curler before. It was kind of intimidating- but it looks cute right?
It’s also a limited time collab piece :D
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It’s very easy to use, all you do is pull open the little flap on the back and you use that as the curler, placing your lid into the space between the rim on top and the black pad (don’t try using it upside-down, I the skin around my eye it hurts >3<).
What’s also neat about this little cutie is that it has a new pad right at the bottom of the base that you can replace the old one with, and so fourth. Very handy!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I love unique products like this, especially when they work. I have to be honest in saying that it was a little difficult to get used to using at first, but it does work and it isn’t actually hard to use.
Rice Mask Pack
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Our next item is this beneficial rice based 10-mask face mask set!
That was a mouthful :P
Like our honey scrub, this product is made to smooth out the skin and moisturize it. It uses 100% Japan grown rice oils and has a generic face mask sort of scent (to me anyway, I’m sure others could describe it better).
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Well, the scent isn’t too bad for starters. It isn’t super-relaxing or anything, but it’s decent. It’s very rare we get a set of face masks, which is nice if you really like using them. My face felt very soothed after using it, and I was surprised to see that the mask was perfectly sized for my face (they’re usually a lot bigger) and really easy to unwrap without making a big soggy mess.
I can’t really say much in terms of how long the effect lasts and it seemed to go away fairly quick- but it’s been rainy and still kind of chilly here so I assume that has something to do with it.
Angelite U Mascara
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I already mentioned this, but I love Angelite design packaging, and this was given to us to sort of go with the previous box’s eyeliner, also from Angelite. I’m still on the look out for a good mascara to replace my old one (because it helps to look for alternatives in case the prior one isn’t available).
It’s easy to remove with warm water, and what makes this one special is it’s unique S shape:
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I also love the unique design on the tube and how it compliments the box it comes in. I just wish it was scented like my previous one T^T it was so relaxing~
For anyone curious this one does have a scent, but I assume it’s just normal mascara...
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I can’t say I notice a big change or anything, but I can see a change in the very least. It dries very quickly, and it removes easily too. I also like how the actual applicator feels too.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality/Pricing - 5 out of 5. Okay, so I’d say that because of the overall small size and 2 larger items, this would kind of be in the middle, but everything is reusable -which isn’t very common- and the quality seems pretty decent.
Content - 4 out of 5. I like the items, I didn’t have any huge impressions left on me because generally when we get items I expect them to be great to begin with. I didn’t have any expectations for these, but I thought they were good. I especially love and appreciate the reusable quality in this one.
Theme: 2.5 out of 5. The theme isn’t outright screamed but it’s very strongly implied and I feel like not everything met with it. We got two items dedicated to moisturizing the skin, the rest were for makeup usage. Now if it was an overall face theme I’d say yeah, nailed it.
Total Rank: 11.5 out of 15 Cuties. I wasn’t amazed by this box, as I said above I got what I was expecting (I think I might just be over this box knowing how much it’s  changed recently and how much more I like it)- BUT I like the stuff and I feel like I could recommend it still. I’m going to try repeating the usage of the masks and scrub to see if I notice any longer-lasting effect.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Mermaid Brush - I REALLY wanted the glittering rainbow version and I am so very happy I got it!
2. Angelite U Mascara - The packaging is so shiny and pretty, it must take a long time to draw the design~ The tube and wand shape is also really fun.
3. Rilakkuma Eyelash Curler - The packaging was so cute I couldn’t bear to part with it. The little device itself, I’m not into it being yellow- but I’m all about cunique items.
4. Honey Oil Pack - The packaging is pretty basic, but at the same time I love the cute little bear on it. I’m not a fan of yellow but I do like the energetic POP I feel looking at it.
5. Mask pack - It’s really plain, nothing too special. But I love the pack concept.
Alright guys, that does it for another review! I hope you enjoyed it or found it informative, or at least liked the pictures. Next will be the september Kirakira crate review, so until then stay cute!
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taptitapan · 5 years ago
About Soul by Tapti Tapan
I started designing jewelry in 2011. My whole concept was to create jewelry pieces that went well together with my cocktail dresses. It was an add on piece. I thought it was easy to carry and for those who just wanted something short & sweet. I added the components of Sparkle. I was amazed by the sparkles and it made me happy and I thought to myself, if it made me happy then it would make others happy as well. It was uplifting for me and added joy, a sense of comfort and I was just astonished by the sparkles.
My collection is Cocktail Luxury for Night Out, Cocktail Hours, Special Occasions, Red carpet, Weddings & events. I look at the current trends, colors of the season, and incorporate that into the collection. There are a few of my favorite colors that I also add to the collection. Sometimes my clients tell me what color they like and I add those colors to the collection as well.
In terms of design philosophy: "Something That Sparkles".
I want my designs to add joy, comfort and I want my designs to be uplifting. I want my collection to be beautiful, edgy, a statement piece that can even be worn with a basic T-shirt to give it an element of elegance, glamour, and some attitude.
I want my sparkle necklaces, dangle earrings to empower women so they can forget their everyday challenges or the challenges they had in the past. I want my Fashion Luxury Collection to be an armor to make women more beautiful and edgy. I want my collection to be one of a kind with one of a kind pieces. I want my clients to be stress-free.
My everyday collection is based on the Current Scene. Looking at what's happening politically and economically in the world today. We all are going through tough times and we need something that's uplifting and comforting. We need something that will uplift our moods and look good on screen, we all are multi-tasking and hosting and hold meetings online. We want something that would pop.
My Everyday Collection which can be worn from day to night,  is lightweight and inspired by the current trend, Chains, feminine, elegant & glamorous. The Collection is designed like chains but made out of colorful crystals, with the component, sparkle. Some of the pieces in the collection are long and some are semi-long. It makes you feel feminine and you feel like you are wearing something precious, meaningful, glamourous, and feminine.
The Biggest hurdle today is trying to gauge the interest of clients, trying to understand what they like and what they don't. It is also to understand their budget, their point of view, and their state of mind and their buying habits and their choices. It's equally important to connect with them and to try to design and create what they need and want and to present them the collection and hope that they will appreciate, connect with it, find it meaningful, and will buy it.
Fashion Today is looking at the current situation and trying to adjust, trying to pivot and cater to the needs and wants of people and also to educate themselves and others about sustainability and organic choices. We are looking at quality vs quantity. We are looking to eliminate waste and to be mindful of our surroundings, our environment, our natural resources, and the habitat. We are looking for new ways to implement in our designs, to be mindful of the current situation, to provide production transparency and to source quality raw materials.
Right now, everything is virtual, therefore, it's hard to go out. There are virtual trade shows, there are online publications and trend services you can look at for inspirations and learn about the current trends and where the retail world is heading at. Equally important is to understand our clients and their needs and how can we address those needs.
Brand Aesthetics
Our mission is to provide refreshing & trendy cocktail accessoriesFurthermore, we want to provide production transparency, raw materials, services that are good for the people & society.
Our values are to provide products and services that are going to problem solve & uplift. We are here to bring you style pieces that are a must-have, adventurous & spontaneous with Hollywood Glamour.We want to make a conscious effort to give back to society.
We want to provide cutting edge, modern pieces that are going to make you look your best, the must-have wardrobe staples.
From everyday staples to special occasion pieces, we offer fashion that fits your personal style. We want to add Hollywood
Glamour, night out spirit to our collection. Bespoke options are an added element.  We are adding a component of sustainability into the collection. We want to empower our loyal clients. We want them to look and feel good.
Tips: Carry hand sanitizer and tissues. Carry a reusable, organic tote, a face mask. Keep an extra face mask in your bag at all times. Wear a cocktail dress when you feel like it, even if you are working from home, meeting your friends virtually, or running errands. You don't have to only wear a dress for a cocktail event, you can wear a dress when you feel like it, even at home.
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brajeshupadhyay · 5 years ago
A volunteer cleans up the riverbank surrounding the canal in Dhaka, Bangladesh; it was a canal before but continuous deposit of urban waste have clogged it completely. Zabed Hasnain Chowdhury |SOPA Images |LightRocket via Getty Images More than 1.3 billion tons of plastic waste will flow into the world’s oceans and land over the next two decades without widespread intervention, according to a group of scientists who developed a new computer model to track the flow of global plastic pollution.  Single-use plastic has surged in production in recent decades, filling up oceans and land with waste and overwhelming the capability of waste management systems across the world to dispose of and recycle the plastics. While a global effort to curb plastic consumption and pollution could mitigate pollution by roughly 80%, even under a best-case scenario for global action, about 710 million metric tons of plastic will be dumped into the environment by 2040, according to a new report, “Breaking the Plastic Wave.”  “This scientific inquiry has for the first time given us a comprehensive insight into the staggering amounts of plastic waste that are being dumped into the world’s terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,” Costas Velis, a lecturer at the University of Leeds in the U.K. and an author of the report, said in a statement.  “We now have a much clearer picture of the sources of the pollution and where it eventually ends up,” Velis said.  The rise in single-use plastic, which is projected to increase by 40% in the next decade, has become more problematic during the coronavirus pandemic, with states and countries turning away from reusable products and municipalities scaling back recycling operations due to heath concerns.  To make matters worse, the pandemic has also interrupted global waste management systems and caused significant cuts in plastic prices.  An Indian woman crosses a bridge as workers burn plastic bags and garbage in dry canal in Jalandhar, India on May 10, 2018. Shammi Mehra | AFP via Getty Images Plastic waste flowing into the oceans every year is projected to more than double by 2040, according to researchers, killing more marine life and entering the human food chain. Most aggregate plastic packaging is used only once and then thrown away, with the biggest source of pollution coming from municipal waste from households.  Even if governments commit to reducing plastic waste, in the next two decades about 133 million tons of plastic will be burned, 77 million tons will dumped on land and 29 million tons will end up in the ocean, researchers projected. Read more:  Toxic microplastic hotspots are accumulating on the ocean floor Investors’ next high-yield bets should be on ocean sustainability Plastic waste surges as COVID-19 prompts restaurants to use disposable packaging A major concern is the extent of plastic waste that is openly burned. While burning curbs the amount of plastic being dumped into the ocean and seas, the process releases planet-warming greenhouse gases as well as toxic cancer-causing substances such as dioxins, mercury and styrene gas that is detrimental to human and animal health.  “Burning is a double-edged sword. It reduces the amount of plastic that could eventually end up in the seas and on land but it also poses many other environmental problems, including a significant contribution to global warming,” said Ed Cook, a researcher at the University of Leeds and an author of the study. A woman wearing a face mask and a plastic bag pulls a cart loaded with bags of recyclables through the streets of Lower Manhattan during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (which causes COVID-19) on April 16, 2020 in New York City. Johannes Eisele | AFP | Getty Images China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand contribute the most plastic waste into oceans, according to a 2015 report from the Ocean Conservancy. China is the biggest producer of plastic pollution globally.  Researchers said that waste collection is the most important way to reduce pollution, but emphasized that there’s no one solution to mitigating plastic pollution. The report urged a dramatic change to the global plastic supply chain to curb the influx of plastics into the environment. A combination of cutting plastic production and consumption, replacing plastic with paper or compostable products, creating recyclable products, expanding waste collection capacity around the world and curbing waste exports could reduce plastic flow into the oceans by 80% of the level projected for 2040, the report said.  https://ift.tt/3hAsP23 The post Enormous amount of plastic will fill oceans and land by 2040: Report appeared first on Shri Times.
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freeadmission · 5 years ago
Re-opening, I'm calling it opening up.
We are coming to the other side of quarantine and I’m feeling like we were in a bubble for a very long time.
I went to my dance class and then to dinner and double feature in the theatre on March 14.
A day later we were being asked to not go anywhere unless we needed too.
The grocery store immediately changed, toilet paper became one of the biggest commodities, businesses began shutting down and the crafty peeps were figuring out a way to make masks. In the meantime, tutorials began to pop up with DIY masks out of a bandana. I still have my DIY mask and have added a few more hand made ones to my collection. You need more than one because you have to wash after every wear.
The friend I went to dinner and the movies with on March 14 texted me on the 15th with bewilderment telling me not to tell anyone that we went to the movies. Embarrassed and feeling silly I haven’t mentioned it, unless in jest until a week ago. Almost 12 weeks later we are now coming out of that bubble. And it’s hard to tell what life is going to be like. There’s the phrase ‘new normal’ which is almost as bewildering as the feeling of packing your own groceries with your own reusable bags again.
I turn my face away from people on the street, wear a mask inside any kind of store I’m going into.
Value Village has re-opened and always being on the lookout for clothing to repurpose for my drawings I have visited 3 in the past two weeks. I felt weird going inside, even with hand sanitizer, respecting social distance, and wearing a mask. Everyone and everything feels different.
I have brought routine into my life, one key integral thing for me to do every day is getting my 10k steps in. So I have been walking, talking, and finding a sterile way to connect with those around me. In the early stages I felt a slip down the slippery depression highway after a day I choose not to go outside. I knew I had to nip that in the bud and get off my ass. No matter how I was feeling and sure enough I got going again. It helped to plan a route and then also seeing people on my walk who were familiar and who became familiar.
This routine is on top of my regular meditation, smoothie, and yoga before getting a jump on my day.
I feel weird now out in the world, do you?
I found ways to keep busy during this time and feel myself undergoing a large transition of growth as we move into this future we are all wondering how is going to take shape.
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123designsrq · 5 years ago
futuristic face masks
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futuristic face masks – Love them, hate them, however we can’t live with out them, literally! So now that we're gearing up to step back outdoor after this pandemic, the definition of our normal deliver is present process a huge change. First came the digital wallets who nearly removed the want to in reality bring a wallet, now comes the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to assist us balance this precarious residing life and residing life safely balance. Our face is the first visual identification we have, so allow’s use a face masks that speaks our language, keeps us safe, and helps hold our individuality in these times – which is exactly what you'll locate on this curated collection of face masks designs! The age-old adage stands true in these times – Time and Tide look ahead to none. So while we assume our global has come to a screeching halt, the truth is that seasons have changed and summer is upon us. Studio Atelier I+N knows this and created this aggregate of masks and shades for a completely unique initiative by using HyperAktiv titled ‘Bring your own Mask’. This mask is titled Summer Wave and the designers trust that if we need to undergo wave#2 of COVID, as a minimum let there be sunny days!
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This conceptual PPE functions a curved form this is see-through and integrates the darker lens of sunglasses. The arms of the visor-sunglass are greater snug than conventional masks. It covers your eyes as properly which is vital and no longer some thing we get out of the usual face masks. Designer Joe Doucet reimagines the prevailing face shield to be greater minimal and visually attractive so that the product may be standard into our lives faster.
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Designer Zhijun Wang has been fascinated by and making futuristic face masks long before Corona hit us. So when the blue and yellow IKEA bag became viral, they repurposed that bag to make a face mask!
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Dimitri Nassisi, Hanieh Rashid & Laurie Greco recreated the comfort of a smile with their masks. The masks, additionally named SMILE is a medical masks with a revised design. A small strip seals it till use. Once the tab is removed, the mask deploys itself and exhibits a comforting smile and ensures optimal protection.
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This face masks doubles up as a face protect in order that no bacteria enters your eye and comes with an accessory-like sanitizer so you won’t need to search your bags or have an oddly-formed pocket. Designer Fulden Dehneli calls the masks Gādo (ガード) and the sanitizer Ken (剣) due to the fact she perspectives those as complementary products that turns into necessities in a post-pandemic world. Gādo means ‘protect’ and Ken means ‘sword’ in Japanese which is this sort of poetic way to explain tools – they guard us and kill the germs! Gādo and Ken were specifically designed for seamless integration into our lives. Gādo combines the benefits of a mask and a face guard with a easy sliding mechanism- a folded textile shape hidden below the guard which enlarges whilst the protect is slid up.
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Kylan Luginbuhl’s design named Trypo aims to think of the face mask as a more personalized object. Each mask is from the face shape of the wearer. It ensures a perfect fitting and easy breathing, along with breaking the rigidity of the traditional mask with its organic form.
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Lucie Herter desired to create a playful and practical masks for children. To do this, he created the masks ‘Hero’. In which he selected to protect the upper a part of the face in addition. This lets in the kid to feel like a superhero when sporting it. The clip allows the kid to put on and take off his masks simply. Above all, the mask helps guard the mouth and nose, however also the attention area. This brings less threat of contagion to the kid, in a simple and amusing way.
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Named Moustache, this face masks by using Laure Gremion Studio is a reusable and light-weight masks. That protects you at some point of your everyday life. Soft and airtight, the frontal part can be without difficulty taking off to replace filters. As often as wanting and enables a big breathable surface. A silicone joint doubles the rigid mask and provides consolation and airtightness at face contact. Round shapes and bright colorings bring a glimpse of naivety in these tough times.
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Luciano Dell’ Orefice Design Studio’s face masks is name ‘Face’. As it objectives to restore your individuality while using a mask. Using current face scan three-D apps on digital camera phones. We imagine a method with a bespoke 3-d revealed mold. The masks is thermoforming with recyclable nonwoven press polyester technology borrowing to filter out industry. With a purpose to clear up bacteria troubles and make it washable. This solution finds its language, strength, and stability into the urgent layers of material. A laser device will reduce out profiles and holes underlining the typology of use. A “face” mask for folks who may like to bring back a bit of their identification. All through those new methods of being together.
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Thierry Didot Studio’s a laugh take on a conventional masquerade ball is crazy sufficient to turn out to be a reality! Name the Socialite, this masks is holding in place without any straps. Of course, it’s now not for everyday use. However it's far a a laugh spin on a serious problem and a likely costume birthday celebration for the future! Honeywell, 3M, Kimberley-Clark and Foss are the biggest brands in face masks. But this design is of really futuristic face masks Read the full article
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123designsrq · 5 years ago
futuristic face masks
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futuristic face masks – Love them, hate them, however we can’t live with out them, literally! So now that we're gearing up to step back outdoor after this pandemic, the definition of our normal deliver is present process a huge change. First came the digital wallets who nearly removed the want to in reality bring a wallet, now comes the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to assist us balance this precarious residing life and residing life safely balance. Our face is the first visual identification we have, so allow’s use a face masks that speaks our language, keeps us safe, and helps hold our individuality in these times – which is exactly what you'll locate on this curated collection of face masks designs! The age-old adage stands true in these times – Time and Tide look ahead to none. So while we assume our global has come to a screeching halt, the truth is that seasons have changed and summer is upon us. Studio Atelier I+N knows this and created this aggregate of masks and shades for a completely unique initiative by using HyperAktiv titled ‘Bring your own Mask’. This mask is titled Summer Wave and the designers trust that if we need to undergo wave#2 of COVID, as a minimum let there be sunny days!
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This conceptual PPE functions a curved form this is see-through and integrates the darker lens of sunglasses. The arms of the visor-sunglass are greater snug than conventional masks. It covers your eyes as properly which is vital and no longer some thing we get out of the usual face masks. Designer Joe Doucet reimagines the prevailing face shield to be greater minimal and visually attractive so that the product may be standard into our lives faster.
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Designer Zhijun Wang has been fascinated by and making futuristic face masks long before Corona hit us. So when the blue and yellow IKEA bag became viral, they repurposed that bag to make a face mask!
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Dimitri Nassisi, Hanieh Rashid & Laurie Greco recreated the comfort of a smile with their masks. The masks, additionally named SMILE is a medical masks with a revised design. A small strip seals it till use. Once the tab is removed, the mask deploys itself and exhibits a comforting smile and ensures optimal protection.
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This face masks doubles up as a face protect in order that no bacteria enters your eye and comes with an accessory-like sanitizer so you won’t need to search your bags or have an oddly-formed pocket. Designer Fulden Dehneli calls the masks Gādo (ガード) and the sanitizer Ken (剣) due to the fact she perspectives those as complementary products that turns into necessities in a post-pandemic world. Gādo means ‘protect’ and Ken means ‘sword’ in Japanese which is this sort of poetic way to explain tools – they guard us and kill the germs! Gādo and Ken were specifically designed for seamless integration into our lives. Gādo combines the benefits of a mask and a face guard with a easy sliding mechanism- a folded textile shape hidden below the guard which enlarges whilst the protect is slid up.
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Kylan Luginbuhl’s design named Trypo aims to think of the face mask as a more personalized object. Each mask is from the face shape of the wearer. It ensures a perfect fitting and easy breathing, along with breaking the rigidity of the traditional mask with its organic form.
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Lucie Herter desired to create a playful and practical masks for children. To do this, he created the masks ‘Hero’. In which he selected to protect the upper a part of the face in addition. This lets in the kid to feel like a superhero when sporting it. The clip allows the kid to put on and take off his masks simply. Above all, the mask helps guard the mouth and nose, however also the attention area. This brings less threat of contagion to the kid, in a simple and amusing way.
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Named Moustache, this face masks by using Laure Gremion Studio is a reusable and light-weight masks. That protects you at some point of your everyday life. Soft and airtight, the frontal part can be without difficulty taking off to replace filters. As often as wanting and enables a big breathable surface. A silicone joint doubles the rigid mask and provides consolation and airtightness at face contact. Round shapes and bright colorings bring a glimpse of naivety in these tough times.
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Luciano Dell’ Orefice Design Studio’s face masks is name ‘Face’. As it objectives to restore your individuality while using a mask. Using current face scan three-D apps on digital camera phones. We imagine a method with a bespoke 3-d revealed mold. The masks is thermoforming with recyclable nonwoven press polyester technology borrowing to filter out industry. With a purpose to clear up bacteria troubles and make it washable. This solution finds its language, strength, and stability into the urgent layers of material. A laser device will reduce out profiles and holes underlining the typology of use. A “face” mask for folks who may like to bring back a bit of their identification. All through those new methods of being together.
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Thierry Didot Studio’s a laugh take on a conventional masquerade ball is crazy sufficient to turn out to be a reality! Name the Socialite, this masks is holding in place without any straps. Of course, it’s now not for everyday use. However it's far a a laugh spin on a serious problem and a likely costume birthday celebration for the future! Honeywell, 3M, Kimberley-Clark and Foss are the biggest brands in face masks. But this design is of really futuristic face masks Read the full article
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123designsrq · 5 years ago
futuristic face masks
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futuristic face masks – Love them, hate them, however we can’t live with out them, literally! So now that we're gearing up to step back outdoor after this pandemic, the definition of our normal deliver is present process a huge change. First came the digital wallets who nearly removed the want to in reality bring a wallet, now comes the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to assist us balance this precarious residing life and residing life safely balance. Our face is the first visual identification we have, so allow’s use a face masks that speaks our language, keeps us safe, and helps hold our individuality in these times – which is exactly what you'll locate on this curated collection of face masks designs! The age-old adage stands true in these times – Time and Tide look ahead to none. So while we assume our global has come to a screeching halt, the truth is that seasons have changed and summer is upon us. Studio Atelier I+N knows this and created this aggregate of masks and shades for a completely unique initiative by using HyperAktiv titled ‘Bring your own Mask’. This mask is titled Summer Wave and the designers trust that if we need to undergo wave#2 of COVID, as a minimum let there be sunny days!
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This conceptual PPE functions a curved form this is see-through and integrates the darker lens of sunglasses. The arms of the visor-sunglass are greater snug than conventional masks. It covers your eyes as properly which is vital and no longer some thing we get out of the usual face masks. Designer Joe Doucet reimagines the prevailing face shield to be greater minimal and visually attractive so that the product may be standard into our lives faster.
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Designer Zhijun Wang has been fascinated by and making futuristic face masks long before Corona hit us. So when the blue and yellow IKEA bag became viral, they repurposed that bag to make a face mask!
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Dimitri Nassisi, Hanieh Rashid & Laurie Greco recreated the comfort of a smile with their masks. The masks, additionally named SMILE is a medical masks with a revised design. A small strip seals it till use. Once the tab is removed, the mask deploys itself and exhibits a comforting smile and ensures optimal protection.
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This face masks doubles up as a face protect in order that no bacteria enters your eye and comes with an accessory-like sanitizer so you won’t need to search your bags or have an oddly-formed pocket. Designer Fulden Dehneli calls the masks Gādo (ガード) and the sanitizer Ken (剣) due to the fact she perspectives those as complementary products that turns into necessities in a post-pandemic world. Gādo means ‘protect’ and Ken means ‘sword’ in Japanese which is this sort of poetic way to explain tools – they guard us and kill the germs! Gādo and Ken were specifically designed for seamless integration into our lives. Gādo combines the benefits of a mask and a face guard with a easy sliding mechanism- a folded textile shape hidden below the guard which enlarges whilst the protect is slid up.
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Kylan Luginbuhl’s design named Trypo aims to think of the face mask as a more personalized object. Each mask is from the face shape of the wearer. It ensures a perfect fitting and easy breathing, along with breaking the rigidity of the traditional mask with its organic form.
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Lucie Herter desired to create a playful and practical masks for children. To do this, he created the masks ‘Hero’. In which he selected to protect the upper a part of the face in addition. This lets in the kid to feel like a superhero when sporting it. The clip allows the kid to put on and take off his masks simply. Above all, the mask helps guard the mouth and nose, however also the attention area. This brings less threat of contagion to the kid, in a simple and amusing way.
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Named Moustache, this face masks by using Laure Gremion Studio is a reusable and light-weight masks. That protects you at some point of your everyday life. Soft and airtight, the frontal part can be without difficulty taking off to replace filters. As often as wanting and enables a big breathable surface. A silicone joint doubles the rigid mask and provides consolation and airtightness at face contact. Round shapes and bright colorings bring a glimpse of naivety in these tough times.
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Luciano Dell’ Orefice Design Studio’s face masks is name ‘Face’. As it objectives to restore your individuality while using a mask. Using current face scan three-D apps on digital camera phones. We imagine a method with a bespoke 3-d revealed mold. The masks is thermoforming with recyclable nonwoven press polyester technology borrowing to filter out industry. With a purpose to clear up bacteria troubles and make it washable. This solution finds its language, strength, and stability into the urgent layers of material. A laser device will reduce out profiles and holes underlining the typology of use. A “face” mask for folks who may like to bring back a bit of their identification. All through those new methods of being together.
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Thierry Didot Studio’s a laugh take on a conventional masquerade ball is crazy sufficient to turn out to be a reality! Name the Socialite, this masks is holding in place without any straps. Of course, it’s now not for everyday use. However it's far a a laugh spin on a serious problem and a likely costume birthday celebration for the future! Honeywell, 3M, Kimberley-Clark and Foss are the biggest brands in face masks. But this design is of really futuristic face masks Read the full article
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