#bigger scales thin out into softer ones
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sirenemale · 3 months ago
everything abt the httyd remake feels like such a deep insult to the first film. Insulting animation as an artform, insulting the texture and lighting work that still holds up so so well. Insulting everything they put in to make it such a tightly written and skillful film. Like what could you improve with this scene, the amount of character you get from toothless here and seeing his thought process, fhe mix of accepting his fate, weariness and curiosity, you're just sucking the life and intention out of it for what. To see the dirt in between toothless's scales? Guess what you can already see that in the first movie. To flatten the lighting, remove all mood so you can see how good they modeled his new scales? Show you how real the mulch looks. Whatever. They do this all the time but this is personal (autism) you're being shown up by a film from 2010. She is eating you ALIVE. Even the other httyd films couldn't quite re-capture what they did with toothless in this first one, they remodeled him ever so slightly and he lost that edge of intelligent Animal, and became a Slightly more condensed version of himself now that his personality was established.
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babeilovemonsters · 2 months ago
You know what? I'm so BORED of big monsters. Okay no, I absolutely love big monsters. Monsters that tower over you. But when I'm in a size kink mood, and I specifically want shorter monsters, absolutely zero content. So you know what? I'm making my own.
I can probably do a bigger post about different types eventually, but today, I want fae.
I want a short fae. A piskie, pixie if you're not Cornish like I am.
They stand at no taller than 1ft, usually only 13 inches, and live mostly in trees. Their skin feels more like scales, similar to the bumpy, rough texture of a bearded dragon, with tiny spikes, and often comes in green, orange, brown, and other such colours, and smoothed down their back is much softer than up towards their head. They have big, pointed ears on the sides of their heads, similar to a deer's in shape, with thin, jagged ends, mimicking that of a leaf. Their wings are also very reminiscent of leaves, but aren't for flying. While their bones are hollow like a bird's, they don't actually fly, but rather glide. That being said, they can hold their air time for quite a long while, travelling up to half a mile with the right height and wind strength. Their claws are sharp and perfect for climbing, and their feet are also similar to a lizard's, so they can still grab on. They have small, wirey thin tails, for keeping balance in the treetops, only reaching to their knees. Their eyes are big, and dark, perfect for spotting little details under the blanket of nighttime. Being omnivores, they have both sharp and flat teeth, similar to a dog's.
Some choose to wear clothing, fashioned out of leaves, ripped fabric, litter, and even wooden armour. But not all find dignity in covers, and so choose not to. This is a respected practice, so long as they keep their sexual deeds private.
Their genitalia is able to be concealed, hidden in their sheathes until horny enough to awaken and slide out on their own. The females are larger than males, and tend to be thicker in muscle mass. Males are smaller, thinner and faster, but not as strong. Thus, females are often the ones in charge. They aren't mammals, and ultimately lack breasts, laying eggs instead. During breeding process, the fucking is normal, until the eggs are fertilised. After the females are successfully bred, they'll wait a few weeks for the eggs to develop enough, before taking down some unfortunate mammal, usually a human. Y'know, cause these fae are cold blooded. They aren't warm enough for the eggs. All the currently pregnant females deposit their eggs via an organ reminiscent of a female hyena (if you know, you know), and keep this incubator nearby, before either letting them go or eating them when the job is done. Depends on how they feel.
Because of this, it's not uncommon for female fae to fall in love with the human. But it IS uncommon for the males to. The males don't really have a need for the human. But you know how it is. Maybe they just get curious, or have a human kink. They're not instinct driven animals, they're people too. They might just like humans. Hell, the human doesn't even have to be the incubator for a fae to fall in love! They might fall for someone who frequents the woods quite often. Maybe the human feeds the wildlife, or plants flowers in the trees. Maybe they bring their dog(s) every day, and the fae find it cute. Everyone has their individual reasoning.
Personally? I wouldn't wanna be an incubator. Sounds hot in concept, but realistically thinking, I wouldn't be very comfortable. But I'd love to feel a gaze on me in the woods. It starts very slightly, probably just a squirrel or bird, I think. But then I start getting that feeling more intensely. Sometimes the feeling follows me. Sometimes it starts the moment I enter the woods, like something was waiting for me in those trees. Sometimes I'd notice little flowers or berries put in specific patterns on the path ahead, always the same exact paths I take every day. I'd start leaving gifts in return, like little ribbons, or beads. I'd start noticing them delicately placed on the branches in decoration, and keep the collection going.
I just think it'd be nice. Having something wait for me every day.
However, piskies do tend to stay in 'packs'. I say packs lightly, as they are on the same wavelength as humans, probably moreso, and some aren't comfortable being compared to an animal. Sensitive topic. But point is, they stick together. You'd REALLY need to be someone special to have one leave it's family to accompany you, though definitely expect requests to visit.
Fae are smart. Incredibly smart. It'd find ways to get around, especially as small as they are. Maybe it'd hide in your bag? Or in the hood of a baggy jumper? Maybe it'd sneak alongside, hiding in the trees and bushes near the path, while keeping an ear out for your breathing and footsteps in order to navigate your location. In your house, perhaps it'd hide in the walls when company is around, giving nothing more than flash of mystery and wonder to your guests as they catch the slightest glimpse. It'd find ways to hide, while never really leaving your side. They are incredibly loyal, after all.
Most, but not all, piskies are asexual. They're not very sex focused. Of course, some are definitely kinkier than others, and they do get sexual pleasure, physically. Some are comfortable with the idea. Some are indifferent. Some are very much against it. But sex is rarely their first instinct. It's mostly food or games. This means you would probably have to initiate something. They'd do their absolute best, of course! But it can be difficult for something of their size to really do a good job. They weren't exactly built to satisfy monsterfuckers of other species. Maybe sex isn't their forte. You can definitely work with it! Some are wonders with their tongues, such long and agile muscles usually used for licking honey out of beehives, while others have more joy in using their hands and arms to reach in and drag their nails delicately across the insides.
But hey. If you can get a fae to love and trust you that much, you can do what you want with it. Cuddle, play, fuck... Just make sure your fae is comfy, and they'll never want to leave.
Hey, isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Damn, treetop piskies are pathetic, huh?
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allfryam · 1 year ago
weight gain drive story
Shane had always coasted through life on his good looks. He was a popular football player in high school, and he somehow avoided the freshman 15 in college. His life was perfect until his girlfriend of 3 years, Ashley, broke up with him out of nowhere. It broke Shane. He didn’t come out of his room for a week, and he spent most of his days crying in bed.
but Shane quickly recovered and hopped back into his normal life. He wasn’t one to just leave a relationship though. He had to make Ashley jealous. He started going to the gym every single day. He always thought he was a little skinny and wished he was bigger. He was talking about it on the phone with one of his buddies when a strange man overheard him. “You tryna get big?” The strange man said. “Uhhh… yeah?” Shane replied. “Take this. You’ll be bigger in no time.” He tossed a small bottle to Shane and walked away. Shane examined the bottle. “GET BIGGER EVERY DAY!” Shane was skeptical, but he reluctantly drank the liquid and tossed the bottle.
Shane took note of his starting weight. 155 pounds. He looked at himself in the mirror. “Hopefully this junk works.” He said to himself. the next morning, Shane rushed to the bathroom to weigh himself. 156 pounds. That shit only made him gain a pound. What a waste. He went about his week like normal until 4 days later. He checked his weight to see 160 pounds. Huh. A pound a day? That was a lot faster that he normally gained weight. He looked at himself in the mirror to see his midsection growing ever so slightly. There was just a thin layer of softness that was beginning to cover his abs. Shane didn’t notice however. He saw his arms getting slightly wider and he was ecstatic. He was finally starting to gain some real muscle.
a week had passed, and Shane was still gaining exactly one pound a day. He was up 13 pounds from his starting weight, and his friends started to notice. “Yo. Lay off the ice cream, tubby” his friend mark commented. Shane looked down to see that his gym shirt didn’t quite cover his belly all the way. There was a small but noticeable layer of pudge peeking out of his shirt. His face got red and he tugged his shirt down. “Maybe I should stick to the weight im at now.” He thought to himself. But the weight kept coming. Exactly one pound a day. 169. 170. 171. 172. It kept climbing. Shane was starting to get worried. How long would this spell last? Would he continue to gain weight forever? Shane was frightened, but looking in the mirror, he had never looked stronger.
after the first month, Shane was up 30 pounds. He hit 185 in no time. Sweatpants were all that fit over his round butt, and he wore hoodies to try and conceal his growing belly. That didn’t really help though. Mark was constantly making fun of his friend’s weight gain and poking Shane’s belly. Shane would even try to stop eating for a day, but the weight still climbed. Shane was ready to give up. What’s the point of eating healthy if you’re going to gain weight anyway? Shane decided to treat himself by eating whatever he wanted from now on.
after two months, Shane was ahead of schedule. He was supposed to be up 60 pounds, but when he stepped on the scale, he was up 70! He was still gaining a pound a day, but all of the pizza and ice cream he was eating was also making him even fatter. Shane almost didn’t recognize himself anymore. He had a double chin, his pecs began to melt and get saggy, his toned arms grew larger and softer. But his stomach was the worst of all. It was like having a beach ball under your shirt at all times. Not even his baggiest hoodies could contain the mass of his gut.
after 100 days, Shane was up 139 pounds. He almost hit 300! He was at 294. The spell seemed like it finally wore off, but what had Shane done to himself. His belly was huge! It hung over his tight pants and bursted through the buttons on his shirts. Shane’s entire body jiggled with each step, and he was constantly out of breath. But his arms were huge. He looked like he could lift a truck with his pinky. Shane decided the belly was a sacrifice he was willing to make to keep these bear arms.
thank you to everyone who participated in the weight gain drive! I had a lot of fun making it and I hope you have fun reading it. I may do more like this in the future so stay tuned. I hope everyone has a merry Christmas!
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whiteheartlight · 3 months ago
world-building ideas from my Toa Mata Hagah AU!
separated by enormous distance and no longer even able to remember each other completely due to their time in the canisters, Gali, Kopaka, and Lewa develop an ability to connect to each other through meditation and dreaming. it's not a strong connection, and some of them embrace it more than others, but in a moment of crisis, they are able to summon Wairuha's spirit without being physically nearby, and Kopaka calls a storm of their joined powers. whether Akamai could do the same, I'm still considering: Wairuha has always seemed like the sibling with the more psionic/spiritual bent to me
female Makuta were used as morality/ethics watchdogs due to females being seen as "softer" and more concerned with moral ideas. female Makuta such as Gorast, who embrace violence and conquest, are a reaction to that expectation, while other females such as my character Zarin decided to champion this idea by becoming punishers of those Makuta who violated ethical boundaries. over the years, many of the females grew sick of the expectation to manage their less inhibited brothers and either isolated themselves or fell eagerly in with Teridax, who promised that all Makuta would reject Mata Nui's authority
you'd really want to hear all of Krika's story for this one, but Spiriah became obsessed with the Skakdi as he began to destroy them through his experimentation. he would take the shape and disguise of a Skakdi and walk around the island, where he might abduct or drive mad any Skakdi he wandered onto with his psionic powers. this unknown, wandering Skakdi became a frightening figure of legend in the Skakdi culture called Irnakk.
Skakdi also believe that they were abandoned by the Great Spirits when they were distributing powers or "presents." the Makuta are far more powerful than them and the Toa are blessed with elemental powers. The Skakdi considered themselves cursed or neglected in comparison. this is part of the reason they were so eager, initially, to be the subjects of Spiriah's experimentation. afterwards, although some of them now have substantial power, they consider themselves even more cursed than before, and they hate beings who were given powers like Toa. living on Zakaz, Kopaka is called "natai," a word that means he is blessed or privileged, but is a negative, sarcastic word
Kopaka is able to pick up on some of the methods of Rahi creation from Krika. he wouldn't be able to create anything stable or worthwhile on his own, but he can function as a lab assistant and eventually offers valuable insight to Krika
Makuta care a lot about the order in which they emerged from their pool of creation. for instance, Miserix was the first one created, something that gave him authority among the others. the next day, a second Makuta came out of the pool. I headcanon that Teridax was the fiftieth Makuta, putting him in a prime position to gain some respect from those who consider themselves the oldest siblings, but also able to tell the younger siblings he relates to the ways the older ones oppress or taunt the youngest.
Makuta also change in my au based on their eating habits (this is before they "evolve" to have gaseous forms). some of them are a lot bigger or smaller than others, but even what kinds of Rahi they absorb their energy from affects their forms. for instance, as Krika becomes more spindly and thin, his siblings joke with him that he must be eating too many insects. a Makuta who specializes in fish might have scale-like patterns and colors on his armor, while one who absorbs energy from a lot of birds may develop birds or feather-like protrusions
I want the world around the Toa Mata Hagah to be fleshed out. they are spread out all over the GSR since different Makuta have taken them, so it's a good chance to explore different societies and the culture of Makuta.
I haven't been able to write much in the last few months with my grad program, but I hope to write more, maybe over Christmas break or in the new year? snippet for u
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tabswrites · 1 year ago
7 Snippets, 7 People Pt. 2
I was tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer here and @winterandwords here! Thanks to you both :)
I decided to share some snippets from a couple of my sidelined WIPs that I still have some love for, as well as ToL!
Rules: Share 7 snippets and tag 7 people!
1. Ascension (side WIP) Ch. 1
The knight surrendered to him willingly. He stood at the entrance of the fur-lined tent, the torchlight casting shadows on his angular face. His armor, it seemed, had been left behind, leaving him barefoot in a plain blue jacket and brown linen trousers that hung loosely from his hips.
“I’ve come for my men,” he stated clearly, staring directly into the prince’s eyes.
He tilted his head to the side and gave him a crooked smile–indulging the knight’s boldness, for now. “One man in exchange for three? I’m not so sure that’s a fair trade, human.”
The knight seemed to anticipate his reluctance and grinned with ease, two tiny dents becoming visible on each side of his face. “No? What about the location of the Umbra?” He took a step forward and lowered his voice. “What is that worth to the prince of demons?”
2. Ascension, Ch. 3
He watched the crocodile continue to sit there, unmoving, a single green eye staring at him with a thin, vertical pupil. It unnerved him more than he cared to admit–and he didn’t scare easily. “Does she have a name, Madame Kosara?”
“Graisse,” she replied with a bigger grin. “It means ‘fat’, for she is fat and happy.” The amusement slid off her face as she got to her feet, the wooden floor creaking beneath her. “Can you say the same for your people, young prince?
3. Ascension, Creation Myth
It is said that the sun was born first, and lived alone for thousands years in her palace of clouds. This was a time when the land had not yet formed, so as she gazed down at the world below, she saw only the endless blue sea. She took comfort in the monotony of the glittering mirror that reflected her melancholic existence. It was nice to have the world to herself, but it was lonely and unchanging. When she would sleep, sometimes she would open her eyes, hoping to see something new, but all she saw was light. Her light.
4. Ascension, Prologue
Before Lady Itis severed the soul of the woman she loved, she gave her one last kiss. The taste, once so sweet, turned bitter as they parted, and how could it not with all the blood between them? The war had ended, but man’s violence was unforgiving and ceaseless. Itis had grown used to seeing the shadows of grief in Queen Sadira’s eyes, but they had consumed her as of late, leaving a fractured shell in her place. When she came to her and asked to be sealed beneath the earth, Itis felt no surprise, only deep sorrow.
5. Tomb of Light, Ch. 4
“Well, well, well.” A voice said just above his head. He twisted his neck and looked directly into a pair of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. They were a deep blue, so dark they were nearly black, with tiny starbursts of silver around slitted black pupils. Slitted pupils? They floated above a low-hanging tree branch. As he watched, the branch brightened into a pleasant shade of moss green, revealing an otherworldly creature so strange he nearly collapsed at the sight of it.
It was a cat, he guessed, or a cat with some sort of flesh-eating disease that had left it completely hairless. As it stretched out its tiny feet he noticed it had long, webbed toes that bent back at awkward angles. Upon closer examination he determined the cat was not only hairless, but covered in tiny scales like the snakes he used to find in his backyard, though these scales looked much softer. He watched as they changed color once more, this time to bright yellow.
6. ToL, Ch. 6
It was then he was forced to acknowledge what he had been avoiding–he was disgraced, just like her, and no amount of posturing would convince people to ignore the shadow that had settled over him once his uniform had been stripped away. He was a fool to think he could outrun it. The plain black trousers, gray tunic and black boots were all he had left–even his beloved sword, a gift from his father, had been taken from him. He had nothing left but a bitter taste in his mouth and the looming shadow of the girl he loved.
“I don’t know what to do,” he said finally, lowering his head.
“Then stand aside and wait for someone to tell you.”
There it was–control, just within reach, slipping through his fingers like smoke.
7. What We Long For (abandoned WIP)
“As time passed, I watched the small lines on her forehead become more pronounced and her black hair became peppered with gray before she reached the age of 30. I asked her about it once, when I was nothing more than a bratty high school freshman with poor social skills.
She gave me one of her biggest smiles. ‘Who even cares about wrinkles? One day you’ll realize that all of the marks on your skin, every scar, every freckle–they make up constellations that tell the story of how you lived to see another day.’”
Gently tagging: @writingmaidenwarrior @athenswrites @talesofsorrowandofruin @pandoras-comment-box @mysticstarlightduck @pheita @mthollowell-writes
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spacepup2-0 · 1 year ago
Dragons Heart (New Views)
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A new writer showing my stories. I welcome criticism as long as it's constructive. I have ten chapters already up on Ao3 so check it out if you want! Chapters may or may not be cut short due to word limits.
Chapter One
Next Chapter
A farmer, Dakota, goes to town to buy some seasonings for his mother and ends up buying a dragon scale from a merchant. Little does he know about the scale he just bought.
A comforting aroma filled the small cottage as food sat atop a stove to boil, it wasn't much but it was good enough for breakfast. With a yawn, Dakota pulled himself out of bed and rubbed his crusty eyes. Dakota's bed sat to the right of the door with the window on the opposite wall of the door. His dresser sat right in front of his bed, barely filled with any clothes and mostly just trinkets that he either bought or found. With a big stretch he cracked his back and got up to change, quickly pulling off his shorts and t-shirt and grabbing his favorite, and only overalls. He struggled to get his overalls past his thighs, but he managed by making a new hole in the leg, but it was fine, he almost had enough for a bigger pair of overalls. Grabbing a cheap brush and a cloth, he heads to the bathroom to brush out his messy hair.
His black choppy hair that came down to his shoulders complimented his almond-colored skin and his brown eyes. He brushed out his hair until it was the way he liked it, he would need another haircut soon since it was getting a bit too long for his liking, but it can, for now he needed to go downstairs and eat some breakfast. So, he quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth before slipping on some socks. Placing his brush down and quickly grabbing his hat, he rushed out of the room and down the hall.
"Morning mama!" he exclaimed with a big smile as he sat his hat near the door hanger. Dakota was a head taller than his mother, standing at 6'0 while his mother stood at 5'4'. He took mostly after his father with a big build and defined muscle while his mother had a softer look to her, not to say he got nothing from his mother because he got the soft cheeks and a kind personality.
"Good morning, Dakota," She chuckled, amused at his excitement this morning. "Did you sleep well?"
"Better than last time!" He said while reaching up to grab some seasoning, taking it down he noticed that the bottle was empty. Looking at the others he found that most of them were empty. His mother frowned as she looked at the empty bottles before walking out the kitchen, shortly returning with a pouch.
"This is all I have, go ahead and buy some more for me please?" She asked, though Dakota knew it was more of a demand, so he nodded and gently grabbed the pouch.
"If there's any left then can I buy something for myself?" He wouldn't be disappointed if he couldn't, Afterall it wouldn't be the first time he had to sacrifice his own wants to get something he needed.
"Only if there's left over coins." His mother said, giving him a teasing glare before turning around to continue chopping the vegetables as Dakota picked up his hat from the hanger and slipped on his shoes.
"I'll be quick mama!" He shouted before walking out, He took a deep breath of the summer air and made his way down the trail to the Town of Sunpass. He could feel the dirt under his thin shoes, he mentally added shoes to his list of things he needed to replace. He had a lot of things that needed to be replaced, shoes, clothes, tiles, maybe not the tiles though, he liked how they creaked under his weight anytime he walked around the house. It wasn’t too annoying where he wanted to fix it right away, it became a familiar sound, and he didn't think he could go without it. Dakota didn't see much on the trail, he never did except for the occasional deer, birds, or squirrels. He picked up his pace as he saw the town arriving in the distance.
“Morning!” Dakota greeted as he walked into town, the guards offering only a small nod of acknowledgement to him. He inhaled the different smells of baked goods and listened to the sounds of carriages and horses. “Soon this will all be gone...” he thought as he walked around. The nearby city of Silfast, the Silver City was expanding and soon his small town would be apart of it. Maybe it was for the better though. He and his mom could get a better income with more buyers. A gruff voice came from beside him.
“Morning, looking for some seasonings?” Dakota already knew who it was just from the sound of his voice, Mr. Himes, though most just called him grandpa or gramps since he’s been here the longest.
“Gramps! Just what I was looking for!” Dakota smiled at him, and Mr. Himes started grabbing various seasonings to set on the stand, Dakota took out the pouch his mother gave him and took out the coins he needed. He did this often, so he knew the exact number of coins he needed to buy the seasonings. Mr. Himes gave him the seasonings as Dakota set the coins on the stand. He placed the items in his bag and turned to leave, looking behind him to wave bye.
“Here you go, have a nice day gramps!” a bright smile on his face as he turned back around, he had some left-over change, so he decided to see what goods people were selling before heading back home to his mom. He walked through the streets, looking at stalls selling a multitude of items.
“Toys, pans, blankets, pastries, potions..." he continued to look until the shine of a yellow dragon scale caught his eye, quickly shifting his bag to a better position he started speed walking to the stand. The person behind the stand looked up from their book and gave a malicious grin that Dakota was unaware of.
“Good day, looking for something?” he asked, his voice higher pitched.
“How much for the scale?” Dakota inquired, pointing to the hanging scale behind the merchant. A hum left the merchant's lips as he reached behind him and grabbed the scale, placing it on the table.
“Two copper coins.” He stated. Dakotas eyes widen, “Only copper?! A scale like this would be at least 10 gold coins!!” Dakota thought before clearing his throat, perhaps this was nothing but a fake scale or maybe this person was blind.Dakota stuttered over his words.“A-Are you sure? Only two copper coins?” The merchant's face went from content to an annoyed glare.
“Did I not say two coppers?!” The merchant just about shouted. Just a glance around could tell you that people had started to look their way so as not to make a scene, Dakota quickly took out two copper coins to pay. The merchants quickly went back to being content.
“Thank you for buying from me!” The merchant handed Dakota the scale and took the copper coins. Dakota felt happy that he bought the scale, even if it was fake, but it was pretty either way.
“Right, mom must be waiting for me to come back with the seasonings in order to start cooking.” So, he quickly shoved the scale in his pocket and made his way towards the exit of town and to the trail back home.
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superealme · 3 years ago
night drives w txt 1/4
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“get in loser, we’re going stargazing!” a driver’s voice sounds from across the empty street, nestled in between the whirring of a car engine.
you peek out from your curtains, slide open your window and whisper scream at the people in the car. or rather, your group of loud, dramatic best friends.
“what the fuck guys?!??!! It’s 2am on a Thursday and I told y’all in chat I was busy!”
Another voice, this one softer and mellower retorts back, “with what? fangirling over park bogum and pretending that’s work? bitch please; do something productive and get out of that house for once, would you?”
you’d hate to admit it, but soobin’s right.
“argh fine you doofuses, I’m coming I’m coming; Beomgyu get in the back seat- I’m sitting shotgun.”
you hoist yourself up- swing your legs out of the window stealthily, then reaching back quickly to grab your phone laying on the nightstand. you take a deep breath- and jump; landing feet first soundlessly on your front lawn. one too many nights like these has made you practically a pro at scaling the short jump from your second floor balcony, sneaking out without your parent’s noticing in the wee hours of the morning.
the night is cold, wind nipping at your bare ankles as you didn’t have the time to change out of your thin pajamas. you skitter over to the car just in time to watch the spectacle happening in the car- red haired yeonjun in the drivers seat, one hand on the steering wheel other reaching back in an attempt to quell the commotion. soobin sitting on the right, nagging and swatting at a pissed beomgyu, trying to get him to sit down. sweet sweet taehyun peers over silently on the left, a book about quantum physics in one hand and a glass Tupperware of grapes in the other, mouth chewing away at fruit like a squirrel. beomgyu continues to argue at the unfair seating arrangement, pissed having been uprooted out of his comfortable passenger seat and being forced to sit in the middle seat between well mannered taehyun and exasperated soobin, arms folded across his torso, legs splayed in the air for absolutely no reason at all.
the sight makes you chuckle, swinging open the passenger door and you slide into the seat next to yeonjun peacefully. you peer back, scanning the boys one by one and a question pops into your mind.
“where’s hueningie?”
“I’m here~~~~~”
You look down beneath the seats to see a boy with silky black hair, laying horizontally on top of the other’s feet, mouth stretched out in a hearty smile, hand raised to meet yours in a high-five. After years of friendship, the boys’ eccentricity doesn’t faze you at all.
“are we ready?” yeonjun adjusts the rearview mirror, and everyone replies with some iteration of yes, which signals to the red head that it’s time to go. He pulls the vehicle out of its parking spot across from your house and the car begins to cruise down your neighborhood streets. Taehyun taps your shoulder to give you a pack of your favorite cheese crackers, Beomgyu and Soobin are still at each other’s throats, this time arguing about who has the bigger butt and who should sit in the middle seat. Heuning is oddly quiet, but you assume that the boy is most likely sound asleep on the floor cuddling one of his penguin plushies.
“what should we listen to?” yeonjun begins again, and Beomgyu reaches for the aux immediately. “middle seat deserves aux rights. I’m being squished between two muscle pigs- at least let me listen to good music,” which earns him a glare and a smack from Soobin. “OW!”
“settle down, settle down guys,” yeonjun sighs but eyes still focused on the road. “we’ve got a lot to do tonight, don’t tire yourselves out just yet.”
this makes you lift your eyes up from your phone screen.
“we do?”
“yes babe. our schedules are packed tonight, no time to waste,” he responds sweetly with a wink.
the car continues to speed off into the night as an IU ballad from Beomgyu’s playlist sounds over the car stereo. The mood is warm and calming- and you feel your eyelids droop until you’re fast asleep.
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whimperwoods · 4 years ago
Part 9 of Gozukk and Anna
Anna has a doctor’s appointment. Gozukk turns down an offer to join the church. Jak helps out.
[Note: One of the d&d canon things I particularly don’t like is that the ‘evil races’ have their own separate evil gods particular to their race. I’m aware that there are halfling and elf and dwarf pantheons also, but the thing is that those generally have deities of multiple alignments (rather than only evil ones) and those communities seem to be allowed to serve any gods they want, in practice. In my d&d world, orcs can too, and this particular tribe, to the extent to which they’re religious, is affiliated with Kelemvor. Not everyone worships him, and there are some individuals with other faiths, but he’s the god they have a shrine and a cleric for/from. (I’m not sure it matters that much from a worldbuilding standpoint, but I’ve taken an overall position of “no-race-specific deities,” which does also throw Moradin and the like out with the bathwater, but that’s probably alright.)]
The masterpost is here and includes a cheat sheet with character names, since the list of people she’s met in the community just keeps getting bigger.
tw: slavery (past), tw: PTSD, tw: past rape/noncon (barely referenced), tw: past abuse, tw: fantasy religion (no religious trauma), tw: panic attack, tw: drug reference (past), tw: date rape drug (past)
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Tag list: @redwingedwhump, @nine-tailed-whump, @thehurtsandthecomfurts @kixngiggles, @bluebadgerwhump, @dragonheart905, @carolinethedragon, @whumpzone, @newbornwhumperfly, @cupcakes-and-pain, @much-ado-about-whumping
Anna’s legs shook faintly as the healer shouted for her and her master to enter, but she tried to keep her face steady as she ducked under Gozukk’s arm and in through the flap of the tent.
The space was small but comfortable, the furnishings generally not quite as nice as Gozukk’s, with the exception of a smallish but very fine altar, richly carved from solid wood. A set of heavy brass scales sat on it, held up by a skeletal hand, the same image that was carved along its sides, and that she recognized from the box in Gozukk’s room, and a small collection of candles sat around it.
Gozukk knelt briefly in front of the altar, going down on one knee with a quick bow and then rising to his feet again before turning to the healer, Mukzod. “I’m sure you’ve heard plenty about our newest guest,” he said calmly, as if he hadn’t paused at all. Anna felt certain she should kneel, too, but somehow she found herself frozen, unable to move farther into the tent, or to do anything at all.
Mukzod was dressed in dark grey robes, well-made and clean, with the same skeleton-arm scales embroidered carefully across his chest, but looked fresh-faced, too young for such serious, formal vestments. He was a half head shorter than Gozukk but just as wide, with dark messy hair that flopped into his eyes as he nodded toward her and made her shudder and freeze up. He looked almost nothing like Master Kir, but that hair, the length of it, the little flick of his head to get it out of his eyes - her chest tightened with fear, her breath shortening.
The healer’s smile was warm, but she couldn’t slow her racing heart.
“Hello, guest. Anna, is it? Did I hear correctly?”
Her mouth was dry and she couldn’t answer. Gozukk reached a hand halfway toward her, but then stopped and she suddenly, desperately wished he hadn’t, wished she could bury her face in his chest and not see this new stranger, with his new hair, and his new tent. But that was a foolish thing to wish, wasn’t it?
“Yes,” Gozukk answered, his voice softer now, as if to put her at ease even though he was talking to the healer. “You’ve heard right. I already know she’s wounded, but I want to make sure she isn’t also cursed or marked or being tracked.”
“You know, if you just gave a little bit more of yourself to Kelemvor, you could do it yourself,” Mukzod said jovially. “We all know your piety is genuine.”
Gozukk laughed. “For the last time, cleric, a paladin oath is out of the question. The tribe has to come first. You know that. A holy life is not in my cards.”
Mukzod held his hands up, “I know, I know! I only ask because I know you’d be good at it.”
Anna watched the exchange, trying to follow. Kelemvor was - was a god of - of something. Scales. Justice? But no, that was Tyr, everybody knew that. The skeleton, though - the skeleton - her eyes widened, and her body began to shake.
“I - I didn’t realize you worshipped - umm -” Her voice was thin, tense, and surely one of them would bark at her to speak up. She tensed, awaiting a slap for interrupting, or for doing it poorly, or both. Instead, both men turned slowly to look at her, their posture open, hands away from her.
“It’s alright, Anna,” Gozukk said, “He’s not a god of death. He’s a god of the dead, which is something else.”
Mukzod had his hands up, the palms out toward her. “The chief is right. We don’t kill, not unless we have to. Not unless we’re fighting undead things. I’m more about healing. And curing diseases. And burying bodies we find unattended in the desert, which happens a little more often than one would hope.”
She shivered. She’d seen a body like that, had watched the men in the caravan dragging another man’s corpse away from the hooves and wheels that had crushed him to death, only to leave him lying in a heap alongside their caravan route and keep moving at Master Kir’s orders.
She opened her mouth to ask if they’d found the man from the caravan, if they’d buried him properly, but then she couldn’t. What if they thought she’d had something to do with it? She still remembered the beating she’d gotten after they stopped that night, how unsure she’d been whether her master thought she’d done something to distract the dead man, or whether he was just frustrated. She’d known her place. She hadn’t needed to be reminded. She didn’t need to be reminded now.
She sank onto her knees and felt both safer and less safe, in over her head and drowning in uncertainty.
Gozukk knelt beside her again, taking her hands gently in his own, so gently she could have pulled away, but she knew her place, and maybe soon he would realize she knew it and she wouldn’t have to be so scared.
“It’s alright, Anna,” he said, running his thumb gently over her knuckles. “You don’t have to worship him. Plenty of folks don’t. But I do, and Mukzod does, and he’s got some magic that can help you, if that man did anything that’s lingering.” He scowled, but over her shoulder, not at her. “Anything magical, anyway.”
The cleric placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on Gozukk’s and she flinched heavily before she could stop herself.
“Is it alright if I do a quick magic detection spell? If all is well, I’ll won’t see anything, and we’ll know the human doesn’t have any magical hooks into you. If there is something, I’ll have to do some tests, but we can fix that, too.”
His voice was soothing, but she couldn’t look at him, couldn’t look at the hair falling into his eyes, scraping his shoulders around the back of his neck. She was shaking, and she couldn’t stop. She gripped Gozukk’s hands tighter, hoping he would allow her nearer. He squeezed back gently and she scooted forward on her knees until she was close enough to whisper into his ear.
“Please, Sir -” she flinched, but decided not to correct herself and maybe he wouldn’t notice, “I - can I -” He let go of one of her hands and then reached up and brushed her hair behind her ear, a gesture that was increasingly becoming a familiar one. She steeled herself and caught her breath. “May I put my head on your shoulder again, please? Like yesterday, when I was -” she didn’t have a word for what she was, “Please, Gozukk, I’m sorry I’m weak, I just - I can - I can do this. I can be good, please, I just - I need - please.” Her breath gave out, her body shaking even harder.
Yesterday, she’d leaned into him with both of their hands between them, his pressing hers to his chest. Now, he wrapped one arm around her carefully, keeping hold of her hand with his other one and drawing her just slightly closer. “Is this alright?” he whispered into the space between them, “Does this help?”
She shook, and wasn’t sure how to answer, but she knew what she’d wanted at first, knew what she’d wanted, and thought she still wanted it. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder, her breath coming in deep gasps, and he removed his arm from the small of her back as she kept fighting for air, tracing his fingers through her hair at the temple instead.
“It’s alright,” he said, “I’m here to help.”
After a moment of his arm hovering beside her, he let it fall to his side, not touching her as she knelt up against him, watching him breathe and trying to time her breaths to his.
“Are you ready for the spell?” he asked.
She nodded against his shoulder.
“We’re ready, Mukzod.”
Nothing happened. The cleric said a few words in a language she didn’t understand, and then he fell silent, the air in the room unchanged.
“Nope, all clear,” he said after a moment. “Your pendant’s lighting up like a candle, Chief, and the altar, and some of my stuff, so the spell’s working, but she’s not got any magic on her. Not that lingers, anyway. I can try a dispulsion anyway, but as far as I can tell, there’s nothing there to dispel.”
Gozukk leaned his cheek against her temple, sighing in relief. “There we go. You’re safe. Now we know it for sure.”
“I -” Mukzod cleared his throat. “Can I be of any other service? I’d thought you might have come for healing. Or perhaps a calming spell?”
A calming spell? Anna had never heard of that, but as soon as she thought too hard about it, she found herself remembering the times Master Kir had - what had that been - he’d put something in the wine, she’d known there was something in the wine, but he’d made her drink it anyway, made her drink it, made her choke trying to swallow as he forced it down her throat and then he’d - and then he’d -”
She sobbed, her head suddenly spinning, her entire body tingling like there were bees buzzing just inside her skin, and her head on Gozukk’s shoulder wasn’t enough to keep it at bay, wasn’t enough to keep anything at bay, wasn’t - wasn’t -
She grabbed desperately for the front of his shirt, closing her hand into a fist around the fabric and forcing herself to keep breathing. His free hand came up alongside her head, but he didn’t quite touch her, just kept it hovering there, like he was shielding her from the sun. As another wrenching sob tore itself from her throat, she pulled herself closer to him, into that protection, and everything else be damned.
“We’re done for the day,” Gozukk said, his voice rough-edged with anger, like it never was when he talked to her, and she flinched but didn’t dare pull away, couldn’t afford it when he was the only thing steadying her spinning head, couldn’t afford it when it might make him angry, couldn’t - couldn’t - she couldn’t breathe. She gasped for air.
"She’s allowed to feel what she feels,” he snapped at the cleric, “She’s doing fine.”
His own breathing wasn’t quite as steady as she knew it could be, deepening as if he were holding himself together, holding back the snarl she could hear at the edge of his voice.
But then the snarl was gone, and his voice was velvet-gentle again, his hand stroking carefully through her hair. “It’s alright, Anna. You did well. It’s been a stressful day. You don’t have to do anything more. Mukzod just wants you safe, same as me.”
The gentleness was for her. It was just for her, and she was a fool, and she believed it, and she knew she was a fool, but she could feel herself starting to shake apart, could feel the way the buzz under her skin threatened to become the way she felt in the dark, at night, like a fire burning itself out, like she was dying a piece at a time, reducing herself to ash as she went, and she couldn’t. She couldn’t die now, not while she was in a place she was fool enough to half-believe might be better.
“Do you want me to carry you back home?” he asked, his voice still soft, rumbling through his chest and under her cheek, and when had she twisted her head sideways like this, resting more fully on his shoulder? “Or do you want to wait it out here and then we can walk back together? I think you need some quiet for a little bit. You can take another nap, like yesterday. You’re still healing.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting go of the front of his shirt, and he took it as an answer, rearranging immediately to gather her up in his arms and cradle her against his chest.
When he rose to his feet still holding her, she didn’t shudder this time, but she wondered if that was only because to shake any more than she was already shaking might be to shake herself to pieces.
The softness in his voice was gone as he looked up at the cleric and ordered, “Open the flap for me,” all of a sudden in control again, the chief whose feet she had been thrown down in front of. But then he was bending his neck to speak softly in her ear again, the gentleness returned to his voice. “Squeeze my neck when you’re ready for me to walk, and we’ll go. Just tell me when you’re steady.”
She squeezed his neck, desperate to be away from here, as if the bees in her skin would leave her alone out in the sun.
They didn’t, but Gozukk let her bury her face in the side of his neck and kept holding her, his arms solid around her and his breath steady, now, soothing.
Halfway back to the tent, small footsteps joined them, a voice she didn’t recognize piping up from below. “Whoa, Uncle Gozukk, is something wrong?”
“Get the flap when we get to my tent, Jak,” he said, the imperiousness gone again, as if it had never been, his voice warm and normal, but without the particular softness he seemed to save for her, and what did that mean? She sobbed in spite of herself, about nothing, or maybe about everything, but her head was full of bees and her skin was full of bees and she couldn’t think.
“She’ll be alright once she has a little peace and quiet,” Gozukk explained, tone patient, “She’s just a little overwhelmed.”
A small hand patted her dangling ankle and she pulled away instinctively before she realized the boy was no threat.
“Oh,” he said, “That makes sense. Does she need a calm down cloth?”
She could feel Gozukk’s chuckle, deep in his chest. “Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. Why don’t you go get one after you help me inside? And then you can go back to whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing.”
“Got it!” The footsteps sped up, then stopped again, waiting for them to catch up.
Anna clung to Gozukk the rest of the way to the tent, relieved when Jak’s footsteps pattered away as soon as she and Gozukk were inside.
The fine chair he’d been seated in to meet the caravan was inside, now, set behind the table in the front room, and Gozukk settled her into it. She grabbed at its arms, surprised, and squeezed them tighter when Gozukk squatted down in front of her to look in her eyes. She couldn’t get out of the chair and down to his level. He didn’t want that. She had to stay. She had to stay.
Her breathing was still ragged, too fast, and she knew it, but she couldn’t do anything about it.
“Anna, can you hear me?”
Everything was still too much, his words clear enough to make sense, but then immediately gone to her, as if they had never been. She nodded, trying to keep hold of the question.
“Alright. You did a good job this morning. I want to make sure you know that. It’s alright if you need to stay in here the rest of the day. I’ll try to come check on you when it’s time for lunch, but if you get hungry before I come back, you can go find Djaana or one of the twins, and they’ll look after you.”
She was breathing. That, she was sure of. His voice was soothing, reassuring, and the things he was saying were reassuring, and she couldn’t make them mean anything. She nodded. Reassuring. He was being reassuring. She could be reassured. She kept breathing.
Gozukk nodded back. Her breathing eased a little. Good. He was pleased.
Jak came running in, and she got a good look at him for the first time. He had the same dark hair as Djaana and Gozukk, but his eyes were a lighter color, a green she hadn’t expected, and even with some lingering baby roundness to his face, she could tell there was something about his cheekbones that must be like his father. Gozukk stuck a hand out to slow the boy before he could run all the way to her, and he blushed, looking bashful.
“Oh. Sorry. I forgot about the quiet.” He held out a damp, white cloth, in her direction, and she wasn’t sure what to do but take it.
The boy’s green eyes stared at her, his arm drifting behind his back so he could wrap his hand around his elbow, still staring. “Thank you,” she said quietly, aware that her breathing was loud and her voice wasn’t.
“Why don’t you explain to Anna how it works, just in case her mama and grandmother didn’t teach her?” Gozukk asked, something of the softness he always aimed at her in his voice as he addressed the boy.
“Yeah!” Jak said, his face brightening! “It’s easy, Miss Anna! You just put it on the back of your neck, and it’s nice and cool so it feels good, and then you just breathe real steady and think about cooling down and noticing that it feels good, and then when it gets dry, you can go back outside and play or try what you were doing again. Or I guess you can - I dunno. What do you like doing?”
She had no answer, but there wasn’t enough time for it to become awkward. Gozukk laid a hand on Jak’s shoulder. “Why don’t you wait and ask her that in a couple of days? You wouldn’t like it if somebody asked you a bunch of questions while you were trying to calm down, would you?”
“Oh! No!” He mimed locking his mouth closed with a key and tucking it into his pocket, and Anna found herself smiling in spite of everything. She put the cloth against the back of her neck to prove she’d been trying to listen, though there was a lot he said that she hadn’t been able to keep ahold of, the words slipping through her fingers as half of her kept getting wrapped up in her own breath.
He was right. It felt lovely, cool and soft. She closed her eyes, half instinctively, and managed a deeper breath.
She could hear a smile in Gozukk’s voice as he said, “Take all the time you need. We’ll be back to check on you at lunch time.”
Then both sets of footsteps walked away, out the door, and she was alone.
She slid out of the chair and onto her knees, where she felt more herself, but kept the cloth where it was, steadying her breathing as much as she could and thinking about the coolness, the dry air pulling water from the cloth, the dampness sitting against her skin, and nobody touching her.
When the cloth dried, she wasn’t calm, but she was close.
#d&d whump#fantasy whump#hurt/comfort#whump#recovery whump#past slavery tw#past abuse tw#ptsd tw#fantasy religion tw#panic attack tw#drug allusion tw#vague rape/noncon allusion tw#drugging tw#Jak was NOT supposed to be in this he just SHOWED UP#he WAS supposed to be at breakfast but he was NOT THERE#this child i swear#also Anna is triggered by mullets because real triggers are weird sometimes but also bc i am a clown all the time#her other doctor's appointment should be hopefully better but might actually just be weirder who knows#Mazogga's older and wiser than Mukzod but she's also old enough to be the boss of Gozukk so she's gonna do what she's gonna do#does this need some kind of a trigger warning for medical? it really isn't medical but maybe?#anyway jak's a good boy and everybody's trying their best and it's just gonna take some time#gozukk's family believes in AUTONOMY and RESPONSIBLE EMOTIONAL SELF-REGULATION#their enemies think orcs are scary because of the teeth and muscles but ALSO because of the CONFIDENCE and SELF-EFFICACY#or something#idk i just love orcs and i want them to have good things#and anna deserves a loving and supportive community#and they deserve an anna they just don't know it yet because she hasn't come into her own yet#but she will one day#in chapter a billion or something because i keep getting ideas for very tiny increments of time after the previous ones#would you believe i thought this chapter might be her visiting BOTH the healer AND the midwife? a clown
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watchtower-feed · 4 years ago
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Batfamily ✧ 1 ✧
     The fight had run long and everyone is exhausted. While Bruce is away on a top-secret intergalactic League mission, all of his wards decided to work as a team to take down Black Mask and his men. Only because it’s been a particularly unusual job, unusual even for Gotham. Black Mask had outsourced manpower from Bane himself to protect his precious cargo, a single chest the size of a serving platter. It was enough for all of them to be cautious and actually work together.
     The Red Hood is making sure every single hired muscle is tied up and unconscious. “Damn. Black Mask sure gave us a fight for this one.” He rubs his gloved hands together while he walks toward the chest. “Makes you wonder what’s inside.”
     Nightwing, Robin, Red Robin, Spoiler, Orphan, and the Signal have been circling the cargo as well. Scanning it. Observing it. It’s not made out of gold or silver, just a metal chest with a few dents on it from being roughly handled and eventually dropped during the fight.
     Finally, cautiously, Robin and Red Robin squat down beside it to examine the locks. It’s nothing advanced. In fact, they were just multiple bulky old-fashioned locks. Quietly, the two of them worked together on opening it.
     The tension and anticipation are so thick in the air until Spoiler couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “What is it?” She asked as soon as Robin’s gloved hands are holding the lid and lifting it slowly.
     Red Robin is the first to see a glinting sheen. “Some kind of precious stone?” he remarks. When Robin has the lid all the way down, all of them could see the thing that’s inside. “Not a stone--”
     “An egg,” Robin finishes.
     “Ohmygod,” Nightwing interrupts, “Are we doing Eragon--”
     His mouth hangs open. All of their eyes are glued to the egg in front of them as it rocked in its place and then the sound of a tiny crack echoed inside the harbor warehouse and made their hearts stop. They watch the small intermittent ruptures extend until it finally formed a jagged piece. A piece that’s pushed out by you.
     “It hatched.”
     Your small black claws grip the edge of the egg as you slowly peak over the opening. There are seven gigantic figures crouching down and looking at you closely. They blink. So you blink.
✧ ✧ ✧
     “Who did she look at first?” Jason’s chest rumbles when he speaks and you find the vibration soothing. “Because she’s definitely imprinting on me right now.”
     Tim rolls his eyes as Jason secures you more firmly in his arms and against his chest. You nuzzle the tip of your mouth against the soft thin fabric of his undershirt. “After hatching from the egg she needs to be incubated. It only makes sense that she’d latch onto you ‘cause you’re the one with the strongest body heat here.”
     Your soft claws dig into Jason’s bear arms after hearing Tim’s voice, another soothing sensation to your newfound senses.
     Suddenly, a golden curtain sneaks up on your vision and you’re met with another one of your giants. “I have body heat, too,” she whines. Then, with a gentler voice she speaks to you, “Hey, little you. Wanna come to mama? I bet I’m a lot softer than this rugged old man.”
     Jason tries to tuck you away from her but you’re already crawling towards Steph. She snorts in victory as you settle on her chest. Her bare skin is a lot gentler on your soft scales.
     Two other heads lower down to look at you and you welcome them both by flicking out your tongue and touching the tips of their noses. Cass laughs at the wetness while Dick pouts.
     “How come she’s not acting like the dragon from the movie?” He reaches for your featherless wings, “She hasn’t even opened them once--” and tries to pull on them, causing you to hiss in fear.
     He quickly retracts his arm and spouts rushed apologies. From the few hours they’ve known you, they at least know that you do not like your limbs being pulled.
     Damian walks in with a scowl on his face while nursing his bandaged hand. “What did you do?” he accuses Dick right away.
     “He tried to pull on her wings,” Duke spits out right away. Everyone shifts their glares at him because he still hasn’t gotten rid of his instinct to tattle, a habit that’s gravely unwelcome among Batman’s wards.
     “Tsk.” Damian walks up to Steph to examine you closely, making sure you’re unhurt. He’s also close enough for you to lick his nose. Your smallest giant. The giant who helped you climb out of your egg and onto his harm.
     Damian was so curious at your mysterious physique that he couldn’t help running his fingers along your trunk and then pulling on the spiked ball that was the tip of your tail. So you bit him.
     Everyone shouted and Duke swatted you away making you fall on the ground. Scared and helpless. But it was Damian who extended his other hand again and picked you up to take you home.
     You’ve been staring at him long enough that Steph gently hands you to him. Damian carries you with both of his hands. You may only be a little longer than his forearm, but you easily extend beyond his embrace.
     “I’m taking her with me to Nanda Parbat.”
     Angry gasps fill the room and you watch tensely as your bigger giants quickly surround him. 
     “Give her back,” Steph’s the only one who stomps toward Damian.
     Damian doesn’t step back. “The manor is no place to raise a dragon.”
     “But it’s enough for a demon,” Jason quips, “and we’ve survived.”
     “The League of Assassins is centuries old. My family is the greatest source we have to find out more about her species.”
     “Good lord.”
     Everyone turns and freezes the moment they see Alfred in his robe and nightdress. His hands are shaking while he ties his robe around his waist and stares wide-eyed at you. You blink at the new older giant who’s standing underneath the doorway. He doesn’t blink back.
     “Alfred, we can explain--”
     “You brought home a baby dragon…”
     Finally, once the absurdity of it all has been voiced out, Bruce’s wards can finally feel the gravity of this single night.
✧ ✧ ✧
     Batman is too far out in another galaxy to be reached and his wards didn’t want the League to know about you. In their eyes, your giants are still children and they would take you away from them.
     Instead, another family member was called.
     When Ra’s Al Ghul makes it to the manor’s front door alongside his daughter, he stops. They turn to each other and wonder if they should just break-in. But they didn’t come here to intrude. Damian had invited them over and so they knock and wait.
     There’s nothing more surreal than the Al Ghul’s having tea with Alfred and Bruce’s wards, everyone out of their costumes and combat gear. Well almost everyone.
     “Why aren’t you guys in costume? That’s Ra’s Al Ghul,” the Signal whispers behind his cup of tea.
     “‘Cause he’s Ra’s Al Ghul,” Tim answers. “If anyone knows who we are, he would.”
     Jason leans in and gives the Signal his own two-cents, “Plus, they came to the manor and not the cave. That should’ve been your heads up.”
     Frustrated, he takes off his mask and sinks into his chair, letting the previous silence continue to grow in the Wayne sitting room.
     Then Dick breaks it, “So Damian told you and you came here, huh?”
     Talia smiles while her father continues to drink his tea with his eyes shut. “Wouldn’t you?” she teases, “I’m sure even beloved himself would come down from his perch if you had told him there’s a dragon in the manor.” Talia watches in amusement as Bruce’s wards swallow. She turns to Jason for confirmation. After having been raised by Talia after his resurrection, he knew he couldn’t lie to her so he looks away. “So you truly haven’t told him.”
     Finally, Damian walks back into the room with Steph who’s been holding you gently against her chest while you slept. When you pick up the new scents in the room, you immediately wake up and turn to them.
     To everyone’s surprise, Ra’s Al Ghul quickly stands. He stares at you. And very slowly he walks forward to meet you. He gazes down. Old ancient eyes study you deeply while you stare at him and blink.
     Of course, a living breathing dragon would be something the League is interested in-- something he’s interested in. After centuries on this Earth, he has never seen one and has at least once wondered if they truly exist. But today his grandson offers him that experience.
     Only to be disappointed.
     “This is nothing but a lizard.”
✧ 1 ✧
✧ Watchtower Masterlist ✧
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stressedoutteenager · 4 years ago
with all the new info we got about the netflix adaption of the grishaverse, I felt more motivated to write something and recently wrote something about Kaz realizing - because Inej explains to him - that he should show more appreciation towards his friends, particularly Jesper
If you want to read on AO3: here’s the link 
Say Thank You
“Would it kill you to say thank you for once, to let him know he’s appreciated?”, Inej says as soon as the door to Kaz’s office falls shut.
She hears Kaz wince quietly while she rummages through his desk drawers for anything that would help her clean his wounds. She’s been back from her latest voyage for almost a week. It had been a successful one and coming back to Ketterdam, she felt proud and accomplished.
Kaz could tell as soon as he saw her. She was glowing.
Several days passed peacefully, while she got to reconnect with her friends. They did all send letters but as correspondence is not regular when one is on the seas and at different coasts each day, catching up in person is much more fun and rewarding. Several peaceful days had passed, indeed, until somebody tried to break into Wylan and Jesper’s home.  It is common knowledge that their home is constantly under security. And most people know not to mess with Dirty Hands, the Barrel Boss, and his associates. Some might even say his friends. Yet, somebody was stupid enough to do so. Maybe, stupid. Maybe, reckless. Maybe, brave.
Luckly, the intruders seemed to be only there to gather intel. They got scared off by Kaz and Inej arriving at their friends’ house. Instantly, the couple inside, that had not noticed anything going on outside, was interrogated about possible enemies. It could have been someone trying to break in to steal from their big fortune, but that thought was dismissed quickly. Doing that would be stupid and nothing else. However, this attempted break-in seemed to be only the start of it. Threats kept coming; break-ins at the Crow Club, vandalism at the Slat, cheating and brawls while gambling.
Kaz didn’t want his friends to be involved again, not after they left the Dregs behind - for the most part. Wylan is still in contact with Kaz for business and Jesper supports Kaz’s businesses in various ways when he can. But, they don’t interfere with the Dregs’ dirty business. Inej on the other hand… whenever she’s back in Ketterdam, she’ll share anything she finds valuable with Kaz. She would have never dreamed that she’d miss the dirty, crooked rooftops of Ketterdam and yet... she can never resist to jump from roof to roof like she’s flying.  Those familiar, light steps of Inej’s always itched to be up above everyone else where she could blend into the shadows and listen. And listen she did. - An unknown but surprisingly quick and efficient working gang was targeting the Crows.
Kaz made a plan and his former crew members inserted themselves in it. Despite Kaz’s refusal at first, they did not relent.
But, things suddenly went south. Kaz was struck by a flying knife, none of his crew saw coming. Not even Inej, which she still feels horrible about. And then, chaos broke loose. It all happened so very fast, they were ambushed. Still, after all these years Kaz, Wylan, Jesper, and Inej can read each other’s expressions and can communicate wordlessly and accomplished to come out of the unplanned, unexpected brawl victorious.
Now, as Inej turns around, Kaz has rid himself of his jacket. His shirt is ripped, quite a big patch is red. Kaz only looks at Inej while crossing the room until he’s stood right next to her. Leaning on his desk, he takes the cotton ball from Inej’s hand.
“He didn’t have to join me.”, Kaz simply says.
Inej’s eyes wander over Kaz’s face, down his body to his torso. The red patch is still getting bigger. And Kaz is not doing anything about it. Inej steps closer, meets Kaz’s gaze and waits. A couple moments all he does is stare right back. His jaw set, eyes trained on the girl in front of him that didn’t think twice before exchanging her captain’s hat for her scaling shoes when she noticed it might be useful. Useful to Kaz.
Finally, he nods and she starts unbuttoning his shirt slowly. She takes care to not touch his skin, pulling the shirt away from him, towards herself, while taking one button at a time. When his shirt is finally completely open and pushed off his shoulders, the deep stab wound on his abdomen is on full display.
“Apply pressure.”, Inej instructs him as she hands him a towel and takes the cotton ball back. He doesn’t make a sound but Inej can feel his quick breath on her cheek. He's hurting. She does not want to make him more uncomfortable than he already is and pays attention to not touch him with her fingers. The cotton ball is now pinched between her fingers. “Neither of us had to. We wanted to. And if it weren’t for Jesper there, you’d be in much more pain than you are now.”, she lifts her head to look at Kaz and only when he meets her eyes, she adds, “Or dead.”
There’s no movement in his face. His eyes stay on Inej, when he says:“I can handle myself.”
“Sure. You’re the Bastard of the Barrel .”, Inej says through her teeth. She tells him to lift the towel and cleans as much of the blood as she can before taking a step back to get the bandages. She had seen them in the drawer at his desk. She goes back to stand in front of Kaz and cuts up the bandage into the right sizes.
“I know you’re trying. I can see it.”, she says, not meeting his gaze. They both know what she means. It is not a secret that Kaz goes to meet Jesper and Wylan regularly. Most people think it’s on business and yes, sometimes it is, but mainly, it is a pretense. Still having her eyes only on the bandages, she continues: “But sometimes it’s not enough. If Jesper weren’t there today, if he hadn’t used his power, you’d be injured so much worse.”
Positioning a bandage on his wound that is still bleeding, she continues to speak while applying more pressure than is needed: “And forget saying thank you, you barely glanced in his direction afterwards and gave Wylan the instructions on how to keep their home safe.”
“I..”, Kaz starts to talk but stops as soon as Inej leans closer to wrap a thin piece of towel to keep the bandage in place. She hovers so closely that he can smell the flowery smell in her hair, even through the dust and dirt of the brawl not even hours ago.
Inej mutters: “You can’t just always assume everyone around you knows what you think.”
She’s done with the big wound and steps back. To give him a break. And to be able to see his reactions to what she’s saying. Kaz smirks lightly when saying: “They are not supposed to.”, but that doesn’t impress Inej one bit.
“But your friend should. Your friend should know that you’re grateful for his help. That you appreciate them. Especially when they are this close to you and when they see you as family.”, Inej says, arms crossed over her chest but her tone of voice softer than before.
The adrenaline is only now wearing off and the fear that Kaz might be hurt badly is growing calmer.
Inej can see how much Jesper means to Kaz. And deep down, Jesper knows that, too. But he should not have to settle for only that.
Kaz does not say anything, does not show anything in his eyes. Inej shakes her head and turns around to put away everything she did not use and she can hear Kaz limping towards the trunk near the door, where he keeps spare clothes. While worrying about his stab wound, neither had thought about his leg. She hears Kaz wince before she even turns around and can see him struggling to put his shirt on. Inej closes the distance in quick, quiet steps and helps him wordlessly. She then continues to button it up.
“Thank you.”, Kaz says and Inej can feel his eyes on her. She doesn’t look up until she has buttoned up every button. That she can hide her small smile that way helps too. She is incredibly happy that he opens up more to her now than he ever did. Emotionally and physically, verbally or with his looks. She’s proud of his progress. And still, her point from before stands.
“You’re welcome.”, she says, finally looking at him and finds him looking at her with a small smile. She tries to school her features but it is too late. He saw the effect of that small smile. No matter how much older she is now and how many threats and problems she has faced by now with a straight face, Kaz still has the annoyingly exciting influence on her as if she’s still 16.
Kaz takes a deep breath without moving an inch away from Inej and says: “I have some immediate business to take care of. But in the morning I’ll go check up on Wylan and Jepser.”
“Good.”, Inej answers and allows herself to finally smile at him. His eyes focus on her lips drawn upwards; his hand itches to drag her closer. “I’ll accompany you.”
Kaz’s first instinct is to refuse. Out of habit. Even though he would like her to stay at the Slat with him. Even though they both know he might need a second pair of eyes when walking through Ketterdam the next morning. He bites his tongue and nods.
He takes out the key to his room from his pocket and hands it to her: “You’ll be least disturbed there. I’m going to send some of my people to take care of the remainder of today’s business.”
The next morning, a message boy arrives at the Slat, asking for a message to be given to Mr. Brekker, who had already left to go check up on the person who sent the message, inviting him to Breakfast.
Jesper is the one to open the door and is surprised at the speed at which his friends arrived but doesn’t comment on it. He lets them in and locks the door behind them.  Inej greets her friend and continues towards the kitchen where an off-key singing Wylan can be heard. Jesper makes a move to join her but Kaz calls him back: “Jesper, a moment please.” Inej hears Kaz and knows she shouldn’t be as proud as she is. This should be a given. Still.
“Everything okay?”, Jesper asks, looking Kaz up and down.
Kaz sets his cane aside and nods. “Yes.”, and then does not know how to continue. Inej had said he should let his friends who see him as family know that he appreciates him. But that’s the problem. Jesper is like a brother to Kaz. It makes it harder to express his thoughts, not easier.
“Okay..”, Jesper says, a little suspicious.
“Just…”, Kaz continues and straightens his back and looks at Jesper properly. “Thank you… for your help yesterday.”
Jesper needs a moment to process what Kaz said, but then opts to play it off. He shrugs and waves it off: “Sure, no problem. It’s nothing.”
Kaz is tempted to let it go now. He said thank you. But he knows that once again Inej is right. “No, it’s not nothing. Without you there yesterday, I might have scarcely come out of the attack.”
He is looking Jesper in the eyes but is not showing anything more than his usual stoic gaze. And yet, Jesper knows Kaz means it. To that, he smiles and instantly wants to hug Kaz but knows better. Instead he nods, smiling, and tries not to beam.
They turn to go join the others in the kitchen, but Jesper’s step falters when Kaz adds: “But don’t ever put yourself in danger for me again.”
Kaz does not stop, he passes his friend and thinks, he does not want another brother dying before him.
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handmadecp · 4 years ago
Bucket Bag Build Along Pics.
The Bucket Bag. Original idea and pattern from Dieselpunkro.
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Pic 1 : At last, I have some me time to put the build along pics up for the Bucket bag. Firstly, Sorry for the long wait for any one that has been wondering where I’ve been but with life as it is for everyone these days  lets just say ‘LIFE’ once again got in the way. So, moving on. Credit for the Original design and the Pattern goes to ‘Tony See’ of Dieselpunkro in Spain, find them on Y/Tube. The construction and any alterations from the original design is all me. Let’s start. Here I have bought the pattern from Dieselpunkro, downloaded it and printed.
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Pic 2 : I cut out each pattern and I have punched the some of the holes, Some times I do it before taping to the leather and other times I find it’s easier to tape it down and ‘then’ do the smaller ones as sometimes the smaller ones are easier to do with the patterns taped down to the leather. I’m sure you’ll find your own way, as long as you make sure you’ve punched ‘all’ holes you’ll be ok. Also’ a very important point, look on the patterns for any holes marked as ‘stitching’ holes or ‘start here’ holes and keep marking them as you go along and eventually transfer them to the leather as these are the holes where you will begin the stitching and if you don’t mark then it’s a royal pain trying to figure it out...believe me...I’ve done it a few times. So check and double check.
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Pic 3 : Patterns transferred to leather , here’s one of the sections that was ready, , shaped and all holes punched, needing a liner, here I’m about to cut some material for that. This is the ‘wrong’ side of the liner material. You can see the other side further on.
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Pic 4 : I wasn’t aware of it at this point but i had cut a piece wrong, this turned out to be the bottom section of the bag and somehow I’ve managed to take my eye off the ball ( due to tiredness ) and I’ve punched holes around the edge of the ‘bottom’ hence why I thought it was the top, anyway...there’s another tip, this stuff is expensive, so don’t do it when you are tired, lesson learned and as luck would have it, this will work for another project I have lined up for 2021. Anyway, you get ‘warts and all’ on here as promised. you may notice the ‘change’ as we go along and now you will know why.
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Pic 5 : I use anything to hand when glueing stuff together to press them down
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Pic 6 : This is the pattern transfer tor the Veg Tan Leather bottom piece, this was one of those times when I punched the holes through the pattern and the leather in one go.
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Pic 7 : sometimes you will find that the punched holes are a tad too small but it’s an easy fix, just a quick once round pass using a slighty..very slightly, bigger punch, Note at the bottom an ‘x,’ this is me keeping track of the ‘Start stitch here’ hole as mentioned earlier. the white gloves, as those long time followers will already know,... but just for those who may be new to my blog,..they are to prevent my nails dragging and marking the leather.
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Pic 8 : On the inside I wanted to put a liner of the ‘softer’ material that will be used for the upper section of the bag, but so that you could see the lovely bright color of the ‘wrong’ side of it as you will see. first I had to rough up the whole area as shown here, I used an actual ‘rougher’ tool seen in the picture but you can use a knife edge or anything that will get the job done, this helps the glue to bond the two sections together better.
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Pic 9 : Ok, so, those keen eyed amongst you will probably be wondering, why , if he has already glued a liner onto the base, is he now gluing another piece. Well I messed up twice on the day I was tired, I did eventually stop to avoid making more, this was me the next day putting the mistakes right. I realised I hadn’t used the soft leather ‘upside-down’ for the inside color / effect. It will all come clear at the end.
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Pic 10 : When I first started this blog showing my little project builds I promised to show any and all mistakes, and I do, in the hope of saving you yourself some time, money and effort if you decide to have a go yourself. But now..I’m Back on track, new pieces cut for lower section and the correct liner is on and waiting to be trimmed.
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Pic 11 : Next after the larger sections comes the straps and assorted leather sections, the process is the same just on a smaller scale, no big deal, but takes a lot of patience as there are lots of holes to punch, hundreds in fact. If you have no patience, this is not the hobby for you.
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Pic 12 : Straps and assorted pieces done. Time to start the build.
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Pic 13 : Here I’ve taken the thin ‘skirt’ section and using a rolling stitch with a waxed thread I stitched all around one way as seen here fixing it to the veg tan base and then went all the way back to fill the gaps as shown in Pic 14.
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Pic 14 : Skirting stitched on ready to go the other way to comlete the stitching.
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Pic 15 : Stitching the side pieces together using a cross over stitch to give this effect on the outside. I’ve used a waxed thread in Purple.
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Pic 16 : Once both sides are done it made a nice shape and was quite sturdy already.
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Pic 17 : Here you can see the rivets in position for the next step and you can now see the actual ‘right’ side of the liner.
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Pic 18 : Here you see the pattern placed over the project to show how it’s coming together so precisely. The patterns from Dieselpunkro are not only great value for your money but they are very precise.
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Pic 19 : You can see the inside showing the rivets. once the strap sections are fitted you won’t see the outside of the rivets and once done they will add to the strength of the whole structure.
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Pic 20 : All the strapping has been treated with Tan Kote straight onto the straps, left to dry and then buffed up to a shine.( though in other circumstances I would wipe it off quickly, I am aiming to darken the color as will show later. )
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Pic 21 : The strapping sections all put together and placed over the rivets.
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Pic 22: Then using the purple thread again and a ‘Saddle’ stitch this time I have stitched the whole piece over the rivets following the pattern holes as always.
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Pic 23 : Straps, Done. and used a few buckles lying around to ‘test’ fit, they are ‘not’ fitted yet as I want antique brass not shiny brass.
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Pic 24 : Next I fit the bottom section as shown, thread the two needles used for a saddle stitch with the purple waxed thread and begin to stitch it to the main body of the bag.
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Pic 25 : after the bottom is stitched on you can now see what I was saying about the nice color on the ‘wrong’ side of the soft leather I glued on as a liner.
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Pic 26 : Showing the bottom section  finished and looking very solid as the main body becomes even more solid now.
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Pic 27 : These two side secions are part of the handle / strap section. I punched a small hole in each using the pattern marks and added a Chicago screw on each as seen here. and I have added a small ‘Stay’ strap around each using a stitch or two on the back to hold them together.
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Pic 28 : This pic and pic 29 show me fitting the eyelets. I used some gunsmoke blue/grey colored ones.
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Pic 29 : The punch tool used to fit them.
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Pic 30 : I fitted the antique brass buckles and used antique brass rivets to hold the straps permanently in place. I also fitted antique brass ‘Stays’ as seen in this pic. Note how the strap coloring is the same as the base, that was achieved by  A) Using leather from the same roll and B) using the Tan Kote for the same amount of time on everything before buffing..which time wise in this case was just ..put it on and wait for it to dry completely, then buff it. It seems to have done the trick as you’ll soon see.
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Pic 31 : the base is now done, time to add the upper section to it.
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Pic 32 : First I attached the side pieces as shown here, I stitched them to the base using a saddle stitch and the usual Purple waxed thread a seen here, I did both sides the same way.
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Pic 33 : You can see here the struggle to get to the stitch holes which could barely be seen on the inside due to the material used, but again this comes down to a lot of patience. It’s worth it at the end.
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Pic 34 : You can see here that you have to start at the bottom of the strap section ( I know most of you have figured it out, but for anyone wondering..I mean the ‘pointy bit’ ). I came up with the stitch and right to the top, then I doubled that stitch back down till it met the ‘upper’ material being stitched on. Here if you look carefully I made a few passes back and forwards to give extra strength at these points, I then started along the edge joing the soft ‘upper’ section to the now solid ‘Base’ section as shown.
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Pic 35 : Here you can see the upper is now stitched to the base. As I reached the far side I again had to stitch the ‘pointy’ bit, I joined onto it, went to the top as before and doubled it back down then carried it to the bottom around the point and back up the other side doing exactly the same again until I had joined back onto the upper and base sections and then carried on along the edge on the opposite side finishing off with a few back stitched, snipped it and used a lighter to melt the ends to secure it.
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Pic 36 : Next I changed the main shoulder strap for my own design, I cut a normal strap a half inch wide, wet it ( ’Cased’ it ) and stamped a nice flower design on then stamped a center for each one. as seen here. I edged it all around and then used Tan Kote in the same way as before and allowed to dry rather than removing it,  then buffed it to a shine, it came out the same color as the rest. Once it was complete I punched and slit the holes as shown on the patter , threaded the strap into place and connected it using the chicago screws pushed through the punched/slit holes.
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Pic 37 : I used leather off the same roll to cut a thin ‘tie’ piece for the ‘Pull-Tie’. I treated it the same way with the Tan Kote and achieved the same color again bringing together the whole look.
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Pic 38 : A view of the inside of the Bucket bag. You can see now that re-doing the bottom was worth it as it now matches the top inside section. You can see the Pull tie threaded through the eyelets. One thing I almost forgot, see the top edge, I rolled it over and saddle stitched it all around to give a much tougher top edge.
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Pic 39 : The finished bag, the only other things I did were to make the small leather piece that holds the pull tie pieces together as seen here, no big deal.
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Pic 40 : And I cut the leather pull through into two pieces once threaded and once passed through the small leather ‘stay’ piece I knotted the ends and as you can see here..You now pull each side closed seperately, making for an easier closure.
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Pic 41 : done.
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And Voila, One Christmas Present Finished. That’s it guys, this was the last Project I did in 2020. I’m looking forward to starting new projects soon but I have a few things around the house to sort out first. I will probably get back to it around about mid February. Thank you to all those of you who have waited a long time to see this and didn’t unfollow me, I appreciate it, sometimes life just gets in the way as I’m sure you all know. I hope you will go check out Dieselpunkro you might be inspired if I haven’t quite inspired you enough hahaha. See you all again soon with another project and good luck with your own. Until then, stay safe and as always, ‘Stay crafty’.
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evolutionsvoid · 5 years ago
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Though the savannas are a rather simple looking environment, they are one that is filled with a huge amount of life. Migrating herds can cover the landscape, with fields of browsers and grazers stretching all the way to the horizon. While places like rainforests win out with diversity and the bizarre array of life, the savanna wins by the sheer amount of animals you can witness in plain sight. A fresh morning and a good chair has let me see more creatures in a single day than I have seen in months in other places! This terrestrial sea of life is truly incredible to witness, but these places aren't always packed full. You will notice odd holes and gaps in herds, or stretches of land where no herbivore wishes to step foot. In a world where being in a group is vital for survival, it is strange to see loners sitting out in the open. Usually these avoided creatures are predators, which the reason should be obvious. Some may be for massive creatures that are given a wide berth as no one wishes to be stepped on or knocked about. For one beast, though, there is a special reason. They aren't elephantine or vicious carnivores, but the Catoblepas are certainly dangerous to everything around them. Found grazing in grasslands and savannas, the Catoblepas is quite the peculiar sight. Their bodies are shaped quite normally for a stout herbivore, with a hefty frame and a humped back. The large armored scales are certainly an interesting addition, but not too strange since other herbivores grow their own armor. Their long scaly tails give a reptilian vibe, but still nothing too out of the norm. Then you get to the head of this beast and things get weird. While other creatures hold their heads up high, or at least just hold them up, the Catoblepas lets its noggin just sit on the ground. It isn't temporarily down there for grazing, it stays down there for good. Their long neck seems permanently pointed downward, to the point where old tales say that lifting it upward would suffocate them as they wouldn't know how to breathe or function in this position. This certainly isn't true, but since they rarely ever lift their heads up, you can see why it got started. One of the reasons they may not pick up their heads is because it is a bit bigger than your usual noggin. Looking at their skeleton is a bit comical, because you got this long thin neck and than a chunky skull sitting at the end of it. With their head always sitting on the dirt, one wonders how they move or function. Well, the Catoblepas has come up with some special adaptations to make such an odd position work! If you look at the bottom of the mandible, you will notice it is covered in thick hairs that sprawl all over the place. It is like a beard that is being used like a skirt, but that isn't the weirdest part. Hidden beneath all that hair is a bizarre structure that is made through a unique formation of muscles. The developing and enlarging of these muscles has created something that is akin to the foot of a snail. It is pretty much a fleshy pad of muscle that allows the Catoblepas' head to slowly slither about like a slug. This makes their movements quite interesting to watch, as they must lead with their head anytime they wish to walk. Since this form of travel is sluggish, their body is left waiting for their head to move forward before they can take a single step. When grazing, they will only need their face to get the job done, so their whole body will be sitting still while their head slithers all over the place. Quite bizarre! Still, this mandibular foot does not answer all the questions about the Catoblepas' day-to-day life. If your head is stuck on the ground and you travel with your chin, how do you eat? Once again, this problem is solved by specializing certain muscles. Their lower lip is elongated and specialized to create a proboscis that is similar to an elephant's trunk. This appendage is packed with muscles that give it incredible dexterity and strength, allowing it to pull apart vegetation or yank up buried roots. It also quite sensitive to touch and taste, which it uses to probe out viable food sources. With their heads so low down, eyes aren't really that helpful. You can see this with the messy tangle of hair that constantly covers them, as they don't have much use. Instead it relies on its powerful nose to sniff out food rich areas, than its lip will locate the individual pieces. Grass will be torn and swollen roots will be pulled up and fed to its maw. The Catoblepas chews its food with a front-to-back motion rather than side-to-side, which is assisted by its mandibular foot. It spends a lot of time chewing, making sure it's ground up to an absolute pulp. This is because its dinner has to be forced up its neck to reach its stomach, so the squishier and softer the meal is, the easier it is to swallow! As a strict grazer, the Catoblepas spends a large chunk of its day seeking out and eating vegetation. This lengthy process is mainly because these creatures move at a snail's pace. They are quite slow and never in a hurry to get anywhere. When night falls, they often just sleep where they are, then wake up in the morning and continue their dining. So we got a slow loner herbivore that doesn't take cover at night and has terrible eyesight. Surely these creatures are vulnerable to predators, right? The Catoblepas is not a species that fears running into predators, it is a beast that predators are terrified of running into.
While their goofy appearance and slow ways has made them quite famous around the world, they have another thing that makes them notorious. If one already does not know the answer, then perhaps a look at its colorful display may give a hint. Lots of creatures use their coloration to hide or blend in, but there are some who choose to stand out for a very specific reason. You see, the diet of the Catoblepas is mostly vegetation, but they have specific foods they like the most. Plants tend to develop toxins and poisons to keep herbivores from eating them, and that is what the Catoblepas seeks out. Any poisonous vegetation is free game to this species, as they seem to have an incredible immunity to practically any toxin. As they consume these deadly foods, the toxins and noxious fluids are absorbed and moved to special organs. Located near the respiratory system, these vessels mix these poisons with their own secretions, turn that soup into a vapor and release them on each exhale. This results in the Catoblepas literally breathing poisonous clouds, surrounding itself in a deadly fog. One good breath will get you a lungful of Catoblepas poison and whatever plant toxins it had ingested. This dietary mixture is what makes this weapon so dangerous, as its properties are affected by what it has recently eaten. That means making an antidote or building an immunity is useless, as each cloud will contain a unique mixture of plant poisons. The side effects of inhaling this vapor will also be different each time, as it may result in things like vomiting, paralysis, blindness, swelling, itchiness, muscle spasms and so much more. Whatever the poison of a plant can do to you, the Catoblepas can weaponize and put it in the air. I heard that an Ivy Dryad once fell asleep on a hunting trip and woke up to find a Catoblepas licking her. Though she ran off before it started chewing, that particular beast spent the next few days spraying her burning oils everywhere, which the locals were not a fan of. This incredible defense is why every creature gives a Catoblepas a wide berth. Herbivores and carnivores alike want nothing to do with these beasts. There are a few creatures that can withstand this deathly fog. Dryads can tolerate it, but sometimes it can even be dangerous to us. Some plants create toxins to halt the growth of surrounding competitors, and this poison can be added to the mist. It may not be lethal to us, but it will certainly mess you up for a week or two. Ivy Dryads and their hybrids seem to have the strongest immunity, for the obvious reasons. Funny enough, some say that the art of the Venoness was inspired by the Catoblepas. You can definitely see where one would get that idea! One of the other beasts that may survive the aura of the Catoblepas is their cousins, the Khalkotauroi. These hulking brutes have been seen happily grazing besides their brethren, unfazed by the poisonous air. Honestly, if you see this duo out in the wild, keep far far away. This pairing is certainly one of the most dangerous combinations out there. A mouthful of poison will leave you choking for air, just long enough to get your body splattered across the savanna by the Khalkotauroi. As if those ornery behemoths weren't dangerous enough as it is! With this deadly aura ever present around them, you can see why very few things ever try to eat them. Any attempts must be done during windy days, when the weather blows their clouds away. Even then, one must stay upwind so that the poison isn't blown onto them, but this allows the Catoblepas to smell the attack coming. When agitated, these creatures will snort and churn out even more poison. The best method to take one down is to bait it into using up all its poisonous gas, which will take a bit. Once its stores are all used up, you may be able to attack. This still doesn't guarantee a safe kill, as the Catoblepas has another line of defense. Since it spends all its life marinating in its own vapors, the gas tends to leave a toxic residue on its body. A single cut or scratch from its scales or tusks will introduce the poison into your body. It is best to kill it from afar, aiming for its vulnerable neck. Though I have heard of some tribes hunting Catoblepas before, I certainly wouldn't do it. Every inch of them is poisonous, and the method of making their meat safe to eat is quite lengthy. Seems more trouble than it's worth! I have heard that certain Catoblepas cuts are considered a delicacy in some higher circles, and that baffles me. I have had the chance to eat their meat before and it certainly isn't anything special. It is just beef with a bit of sharpness to it, that is all. For the locals who hunt them, I understand that they need whatever food that they can get. For the rich idiots who call it a delicacy, it seems like nonsense to me. They are just eating it because it is hard to get and expensive. Maybe I should start selling Swamp Basilisk livers for a high price and see how many oafs buy it. Yeah, it taste like bog and death, but it is a delicacy! I swear! As famous creatures, you can imagine the Catoblepas has made quite the impact. Their notoriety and bright colors make them a must-see for travelers and tourists. Their colorful pelts and shiny scales are sought after by collectors and hunters, though they must be very careful when handling them! This same armor is also popular for native warriors and hunters, as it offers great defense. Practitioners of Thericorium also value the sturdiness and strength of these scales. The added color is also a nice touch! While some good can be made from these beasts, Catoblepas are very much feared when they are alive and walking about. Their poisonous fog can create a whole lot of problems, and many of these issues can lead to death. Just breathing it in is an obvious danger, and it is hazard that can take out anyone. Hunters and travelers are advised to keep close attention to their surroundings, as a nearby beast and a strong breeze can be fatal. Local hunters often refer to these beasts as the "Killer of Fools" and a tool of the gods to weed out the sloppy and stupid. In their eyes, every hunter should be aware of their surroundings and be mindful of the beasts and environment. To be caught in the cloud either means you missed the big colorful ungulate that was shuffling about or you weren't paying attention to the wind which is vital for taking down prey undetected. Screw any of those two up and you are no hunter! Those out hunting the wilds, though, aren't the only ones who must fear its poison. Farmers and livestock owners must be sure to keep any of these beasts away, lest they poison their animals or leave a toxic residue on their crops. This can destroy one's livelihood, but some have found an advantage to this deadly fog. One local tale speaks of a farmer whose crops were spared from a locust plague due to a Catoblepas being nearby. This taught the people the idea of pest control, and using specialized poisons to protect their plants. There is a famous plantation in these lands that is run by Ivy Dryads and actually keeps several Catoblepas on the property. Immune to its poisons, they feed these beasts certain plants and mixtures so that their fog is tuned to warding off pests and parasites. It also has the added bonus of keeping away thieves, as these crops are poisonous until they are properly cleaned. It seems like a risky bet to me, but apparently their produce is top notch, so what do I know? To properly and thoroughly wash my fruits and vegetables is what I know! Catoblepas are also carefully watched to make sure they don't go near the village's water source. Though the small amount of fog that touches the water may be diluted and neutralized, having a Catoblepas dunk itself for a bath will certainly cause some havoc. There is even a famous story that speaks of two greedy brothers that angered the gods, which involved one of these incidents. Apparently this duo was taking more from the land than they were giving, hunting and killing every beast they saw. A Catoblepas was sent by the gods to stop them, but the clever brothers drove it into a pond where the water washed away all its poison. They then killed it and hacked off its tusks as trophies. After a few more days of butchering the local wildlife, they headed back home to their family for a celebration. The whole family cooked up their spoils and had a feast. During this indulgent banquet, though, everyone grew sick and died. It turned out that the mother of the two had gone and drawn water from this pond after they had killed the Catoblepas. This poisoned drink was unknowingly served to the whole family and struck them down. This tale no doubt drove many to come up with ways to keep these beasts away from their homes and resources. Funny enough, one of the ways to ward off these creatures is to put up low fences or sharp stakes on the ground. Since it can't really lift its head, any obstacle that it can't crawl over is avoided. I mean, if you had to walk with your face, you wouldn't be all that adventurous either!         Due to their anatomy and poisonous aura, the Catoblepas has been used to describe a certain condition. It is called Catoblepas Syndrome, and it plagues researchers, archivists and students alike. It arises during long periods of intense research, or when exams are on the horizon. Those who hole themselves up to study and read for hours on end, burying their faces in books and scrolls. Permanently hunched over their desks and work stations, their necks forever point downward into their notes. As they feverishly read and write, they neglect proper hygiene and cease to bathe, resulting in the most putrid of smells! Friends, families and coworkers alike are driven away by this deathly cloud, fearful of the monster that created it! Truly this tragic disease has claimed many obsessed researchers, nearly taking me in its clutches! Thankfully I was saved by a coworker who got me to take a break and a bath! Disaster averted! Ha! But seriously, for all you studious folk out there, be sure to take a break from your work from time to time. A strong mind is a healthy mind! And be sure to bathe too, the whole world will thank you for that!   I do have to say, I am very thankful that my work on these creatures is done through writing and not through verbal presentation. Their name is an absolute nightmare for me to pronounce and I am happy I have not humiliated myself on stage trying to say it. Props to the researchers who do speak to audience about the Catoblepas and nail the pronunciation every time. If it were me, people would be learning about the wonders and adaptations of the Catobleyplebusmoos. Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian ------------------------------------------------- This thing took me waaaay too many tries to draw. I would get halfway done and think "nah this sucks," then try again. After three times, I finished the piece, colored it in and said "nah this sucks." The colors were what killed the last version, as I went with bland grays and browns. I was trying to do the dumb "mammals are drab earthy colors" thing, but that is a boring restriction I somehow have. Mammals come in all sorts of colors, so there is no excuse. Then I also got to thinking that poisonous animals rarely want to blend in, as they advertise their dangerous nature quite blatantly. I figured a famously noxious creature like the Catoblepas would believe in aposematism and would make sure the whole world knew they were there. My sister picked out the ring-necked snake as an inspiration (which turns out isn't all that dangerous, but dang those colors are good) and I went with that! So these beasties are a lot more colorful now! May seem quite odd out in the middle of a savanna or grassland, but I think any creature would respect the visual warning from a beast that spews clouds of death.
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bluespiderlilies · 5 years ago
Reincarnation | Hashibira Inosuke
chapter: one / “boar boy.”
chapter: two / “check.”
chapter: three / “in the shadows.”
chaper: four / “endure.”
chapter: five / “in the clouds.”
chapter: six / “senses.” 
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❝you call me child, you call me weak, you call me naïve,
oh, but sweetheart, i am a goddess, 
my blood is made of stardust, and my heart of burning flames,
i have the strength of a warrior, and the mind of a wise man,
you thought you could lock me in your grasp,
but my sword is sharp, and your grip loose,
and this is how i became the queen.❞
— my blade is red, and i have come to take your crown (via worthystevie on tumblr).
The snake demon’s lips curled upwards into a cruel smile, an occasional hiss and the appearance of his forked tongue coming out of his mouth.
“I can feel your fear.” He giggled, sapphire eyes filled with a sick delight. “You’re so weak that it’s actually cute.”
You almost wanted to snort. How dare he underestimate you?
Deep breaths.
He’s trying to provoke you.
You need to set your plan into action.
You looked up at the snake demon, eyes wide and hands trembling with “fear”. Tears began to prickle your eyes, a sob escaping your lips.
“P-please…! I, I don’t want to die!” You stuttered, stumbling backwards.
Oh, you should’ve gotten into the acting business instead. Maybe become a good geisha? Or get into Noh or Kyogen theater?
“Fool!” The demon snarled, slithering towards your with its snake-like lower body. “You already sealed your fate when you walked into the farmhouse.”
You let out an ear-splitting screech, running and almost tripping (purposely) multiple times whilst trying to exit the farmhouse. You heard the eerie giggles of the demon echo from behind you as you busted open the door, falling onto your side.
“Why are you trying to get away from your inevitable death, naïve mouse?”
You tried not to roll your eyes at his nicknames. Were people these days just not creative anymore?
You screamed for help, scrambling off the ground and tried to run further into the deserted, dry field.
“Please! Please spare me!” You begged, tears streaming down your cheeks as you continued to sob in fear.
The snake demon giggled. “No demon slayer has come out of here alive! And you’re certainly not the last one!”
Internally, you smirked in triumph. He was beginning to take the bait—his ego seemed to get bigger each time you begged, which made him more blind to everything that was going on around him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Inosuke on the roof of the farmhouse, taking a stance as he was ready to jump off the roof at the right time to slice of the demon’s neck.
You quickly shifted your attention to the demon in front of you, not wanting him to catch your line of sight and foil your plans.
You really didn’t want Inosuke to get killed because of you.
You already had so much on your shoulders—the last thing you wanted as another death on you. Nonetheless someone you cared about and even considered as a friend.
“Not the last, huh?” You mumbled, looking at the demon straight in the eye. You bunched up some dirt in your hand, throwing it right at his face.
The snake hissed in pain, scratching at his eyes in an attempt to get the dirt out. Your eyes met with Inosuke’s, who took it as a cue to attack the demon and finally slice his neck.
The snakes wrapped around the demon, however, alerted him—which caused Inosuke to miss his neck entirely. The snakes hissed threateningly, baring their poisonous fangs at Inosuke and stretched out their bodies towards him.
Inosuke cursed, slicing the snakes off the demon before he landed on the ground, using his hands to stop sliding backwards.
You used his distraction as an opportunity to unsheathe your sword, aiming for his abdomen.
Taking in a deep breath, you mutter, “Tenth Style: Frigid Night.”
As you raised the katana over your head, aiming to cut off the lower part of the demon’s body, it felt like everything was in slow motion; only you were there in that moment, a wave of coldness washing over everything that was surrounding you.
A thin yet strong sheet of ice encased your sword as you let out breath; the puff of white, condensed air escaping your mouth.
With one swift sweeping motion, the lower half of his body was severed off; the long, slick snake tail disintegrating.
Your eyes widened, holding up your blade to examine. It wasn’t just the ice that was broken; your blade had cracked slightly, thunderbolt-like markings etched within the forged metal.
Ah, fuck. Haganezuka is gonna kill me.
You bit the insides of your cheek, eyes shifting towards the demon in front of you.
“Argh!” The snake demon roared shifting his attention towards you, fists clenching.
“No matter! I can regenerate and fix my eyes!”
In no less than a second, like a salamander, his snake-like lower body was regenerated; in place was glimmering silver scales instead of its previous black ones.
You looked over at his face, watching how his eyeballs fell out its sockets, falling onto the ground with a disgusting plop.
You gagged, raising your hand to your mouth to prevent yourself from throwing up once again as you continued to watch as three snake creatures wormed out of his empty eye sockets, now acting as his so-called “eyes”.
“What the fuck! That’s so nasty!” Inosuke cursed wildly, pointing his blades at the demon, who merely chuckled loudly in response.
“You may think so,” He hissed, forked tongue protruding from his mouth, “but now I can see even better.”
You cursed under your breath, nails digging into the skin of your palm—causing it to tear slightly, light droplets of the crimson liquid tricking down your hand.
You messed up.
Big time.
The cost? Your lives, perhaps.
You hated making mistakes. You hated it when things didn’t go the way you planned it. You hated when things went wrong under your watch, because of you.
You were the blame of what was happening right now.
I’m so sorry, Inosuke.
I’m so sorry.
You might die because of me. But I won’t let that happen.
Your grip around the katana tightened.
Even if it costs me my life.
“Shit! What the hell is this?!” You heard Inosuke shout angrily, wriggling in the grip of the snakes that the demon had sent to immobilize him. The green python snakes wrapped around his arms, legs, and torso—applying pressure and squeezing tightly.
“Fourteenth Style: Crescent Moon!” You muttered under your breath, carefully yet swiftly slicing the snakes on his in one curved motion—akin to the curve of a crescent moon.
You placed your sword back in its sheath, satisfied with the results in front of you. Your eyes lingered over the disintegrating snakes, not aware of what was happening.
“(Name)!” He roared, and you turned around—only to feel like your breath had been knocked out of you. Firm arms wrapped around your body, Inosuke was now sitting up and straddling you.
Your eyes widened.
When did we get in this position? Oh, Amaterasu…
You hurt a loud crash, causing you to push him off of you gently to see what had happened. If Inosuke hadn’t tackled you, you…
You would’ve been crushed.
Crushed by the demon’s tail.
“Th-thank you, Inosuke.” You stuttered out, breathless.
A puff of steam came out of his nose, crossing his arms in a proud manner.
“Why would I let you get killed? I’m as strong as a god!”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, averting your attention to what the most important thing at the moment—the demon.
“I’m going to try cutting off his abdomen again. Maybe you could use the opportunity to get his neck.” You told him, brushing off the dirt on your hakama and taking out your sword from its sheath.
“Tenth Style: Frigid Night.” You murmur, taking off in a sprint with your sword on your side, the tip of the blade dragging beside you as it slowly encased itself in ice—everything around you going cold.
You quickly jumped upwards when the snake demon attempted to crush you once again with its tail, raising the sword over your head—making impact with his torso.
“Agh...” You grunted, putting more pressure onto the sword. You let out a breath, a puff of white, condensed air coming out of your mouth as you finally sliced off the lower half of its body.
The one problem, however?
At least three-quarters of your sword had fallen onto the ground, cleanly snapping off the metal from its respective place.
The scales were so tough that it managed to break your sword this time. Of course, there were the cracks from earlier, but…
You didn’t expect it to break.
Now Haganezuka would surely kill you.
“You human scum!” The snake demon shrieked, his snake body slowly regenerating. “Now you will surely die! Especially now your katana is broken!”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance, jumping back a couple times when the snake demon moved his tail to attack you multiple times.
You tripped, falling onto your back harshly, leaving you breathless for a moment. You bit the insides of your cheek, cursing yourself and your luck as you felt his tail wrap around your legs; raising you upwards, it caused you to dangle upside down.
You tentatively touched the scales of the tail that were wrapped around your legs.
These are much softer.
“I’ll crush you like an insect!”
An insect? You haven’t heard that insult in a long while.
“You’ll have to try harder to kill me, snake demon.” You said, using what was left of your sword to slice the tail; meaning, your theory was right—the lower parts had much softer scales to cut.
You fell forward, squeezing your eyes shut as you crashed through the roof of the farmhouse, landing on your side—jolts of pain resonated through your body, as if you had sickening sensation of flames licking at every inch of your body; burning it alive from the inside.
You coughed, forcing yourself to get up. You couldn’t let Inosuke deal with the demon on his own; he’d die. You didn’t want that.
You placed what was left of your sword back in its sheath, quickly taking off your bow from across your shoulder and taking three arrows from the quiver, running out of the farmhouse—trying to ignore the pain that encased your body.
“Inosuke!” You shouted, “Please, listen to me!”
He snapped his head towards you as he sliced more of the snake demon’s python minions that slithered after him.
“Use your senses. Feel the vibrations. Because as soon as I release these arrows, there will be no light.” You spoke, drawing your arrows to the anchor point—white fetching tickling your chin.
“Fourth Style: Hidden in the Shadows!” You cried, releasing the arrows; as soon as you did, black mist surrounded the entire area you were in—not even the moon’s glow could penetrate through the murky darkness of area that you created.
You stayed in place, eyes closed as you focused on a breathing technique one of the shamans from your old village taught you.
“Izumi-san! Izumi-san!” You called out, running towards her as fast as you could whilst waving your arm.
Her head snapped towards the direction in which you came from, her lips pulling upwards into a warm smile.
“My dear (Name)! Hello.” She greeted, patting your head gently.
You bowed politely, smiling at her. “Do you need help? Are you going to the springs?”
Izumi shook her head, placing her warm hands on yours. “Thank you, my sweet (Name). But I can navigate on my own even if I cannot see.”
You frowned. “But how? What if you get hurt while going to the springs? That’s why I came over. To greet you and help you since you can’t see.”
“Oh, but I can. Just in a different way.” She chuckled lightly, hands leaving yours to tuck in a loose gray hair behind her ear.
“Huh? Really?” You questioned, looking over at her skeptically whilst placing a hand on your hip.
Izumi laughed, shaking her head at you. “(Name), there is a way. There’s a special Breath technique you can use. My mother and I developed it ourselves, since she couldn’t see as well. After all, I did inherit it from her.”
You faltered. Was this true? You felt bad for being rude towards her. She was much, much older than you after all. She like, what? In her hundreds?
“You see, by using the Breath technique, you can feel even the slightest vibration as long your bare feet are touching the ground—or if you’re wearing very thin footwear. Using those vibrations, I can easily percept my surroundings.” Izumi explained, gesturing to her feet—which were indeed bare.
Your eyes widened. Was that really possible? How interesting!
“I never knew you could do such a thing! Could you please, please teach me?” You pleaded, tugging on the sleeve of her kimono tightly.
“Of course. It’s quite simple, but needs practice to perfect it. You must control your breaths and even it out whilst focusing them not on your lungs, but your skin and blood—while using this, your sense of touch increases by at least a thousand than normal. You can feel anything. Even the beating of wings from a bird far away.” She set down her cane while explaining, touching your chin lightly and massaging your shoulders.
You didn’t know that your body was tense until she did so, body relaxing under her gentle touch. Indeed, it was something you weren’t at all used to.
You did what she said, taking deep breaths and evening them out—trying to control them in order for them to increase your blood flow and the sensitivity of your skin whilst closing your eyes. It was like what Grandmother taught you—except, replacing it with Izumiʼs methods.
It felt like a whole new world as you continued to practice the technique. You felt your body tremble as you moved forward, feeling the vibrations on your feet and your entire body; you could feel the sign that welcomed hot spring goers just ten steps away, Izumi’s body two steps away, and, and—
It was all so overwhelming.
“With practice, (Name), you will get used to the sensations over time. For the first few times, it will be overwhelming and feel like a sensory overload.” Izumi told you, placing a hand on your shoulder as you opening your eyes, halting the technique. It was too much for you right now.
“I…it’s so strange. I don’t know if I can do it.” You muttered, sitting down in front of her in attempt to calm your shaky body. It was probably an after affect of the technique after using it for the first time.
“Hush,” she shushed, placing a finger on your lips. “You can do it. I promise. I believe in you.”
You swallowed thickly, feeling a bump beginning to form in your throat.
For some reason, it felt like you were floating. Was this how it felt when someone you liked put their faith in you?
It felt good.
So, so good.
You smiled. “Thank you, Izumi-san. I hope I don’t disappoint you.”
She smiled back. “You won’t. I know that.”
You smiled to yourself, closing your eyes as you focused on your breathing. With even breaths, you concentrated on increasing your blood flow whilst also increasing the sensitivity of your skin; in mere moments, goosebumps littered your skin, feeling the hairs on the back of your neck rise at the new sensations you now felt.
Taking two gentle steps forward, you could feel the vibrations pulsating, connecting to your feet and then throughout your entire body. Just sixteen steps away from your right, Inosuke was standing with both of his swords held up readily.
Twenty-two steps in front of you was the snake, hissing wildly as the snakes its in eye sockets moved around in a frantic manner, unable to see its enemies.
With steps light as a feather, you moved around quickly, sending wisteria arrows from all directions so the snake demon couldn’t pinpoint your location; with that, you could hear the snake demon roar in pain, cursing you and Inosuke.
“Inosuke!” You yelled, quickly moving to another spot, “now!”
You could hear the boy chuckle ruthlessly, jumping off the roof of the farmhouse. With ease, using a breath, he sliced off the demon’s neck.
However, as soon as he did, some of the snakes on the demon’s torso cut him multiple times with their non-venomous fangs.
He grunted as he landed on the ground, the mist disappearing and the snake demon disintegrating.
“Inosuke! Are you okay?” You asked, jumping off from one of the tree branches you perched on, hurriedly running over to him—trying not to limp; you didnʼt want to worry anyone.
“I’m fine! Just a couple cuts!” He shouted, slapping your hands away.
“Yes, but they’re bleeding, aren’t they? We need to disinfect them so they don’t get any bad germs in them.” You reasoned, already taking out your medium-sized pouch full of only some of your medical supplies.
“Need to what?! I don’t care! I don’t need any of your weird—” Inosuke stopped yelling as soon as you started to gently rub a sweet smelling ointment on his collarbone and shoulders, making him relax under your touch.
“Did you say something?” You teased, a small smile playing on your lips as you continued to work on the wounds on cuts on his chest and shoulders.
“Sh-shut up.” He stuttered, cheeks growing hot and red.
Why did he feel like this? It began to make his mask to feel all stuffy and warm.
He took off his mask and sat on the ground, the chilly breeze of the night air cooling his face. You followed after him, sitting on your knees by his side as you dabbed more of the scented ointment on your fingers.
It was…it was so relaxing. Your touch, the smell, the way you rubbed the ointment on his skin (even though he felt a light sting from here and there) it all felt really good.
Your touch felt really good.
He kept quiet, paying attention to the sounds around him. He was thinking too much. He didn’t need that.
“Okay, I’m done. Just need to get the bandages on.” You spoke, though it was mostly to yourself as you wiped the residue of the ointment on your fingers on your hakama (what? You didn’t have any handkerchiefs on you or anything).
Inosuke would be outright lying if he didn’t miss your light, cool touch against his skin. He would never admit that, however. Never.
After wrapping one last bandaged around his abdomen, you placed your medical supplies back into the larger pouch you kept on the side of your hip.
“Now that’s done, why don’t we eat?” You announced with a large smile on your face, patting your pouch. “I have some food that the Shoji family gave us.”
Inosuke’s eyes lit up, immediately reaching for your pouch (but you slapped his hands away).
Now food was something Inosuke wanted. And wanting to eat said food was something he wanted definitely admit.
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canesshi · 6 years ago
Heat | 6
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Pairing: Dragonshifter!Jimin x reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Plot:  Your husband was supposed to steal your heart, but the dragon that   kidnapped you from your own wedding made it hard for him to do so.
A/N: There’s just so much going on right now. I’m so so sorry!
[1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [to be continued]
You had tried listening for any hints that may give away where he went or what he was doing but you didn’t see or hear anything at all besides the thunder and rain. It had cooled down drastically and you ended up laying in bed and under the covers as they provided warmth. But you felt uneasy. You wanted to know what the hell was going on because if he wanted to admit it or not he knew it too and he also knew that you would find out sooner or later.
You must’ve fallen sleep because the time you woke up it was already a new day. The sky had cleared a bit, some dark clouds still hanging low in the sky and being dangerously close to bursting, but overall better than the day before. Jimin hadn’t come home you assumed. You wouldn’t know for sure, you had been sleeping after all, but knowing him, he had been outside the whole night.
You stretched your arms and yawned as you got out of bed and removed one of the fabrics you had hung up in hope they would block out the bright full moon at least a little bit. As you watched the water below sturdily hit the smooth rocks you you decided that it would be best to search for Jimin and make sure he was still alive.
But the moment you thought that thought a roar shook the whole mountain. You looked outside again and, indeed, there was a giant winged creature in the sky. Flying towards the island. You had never thought about that. Everytime Jimin disappeared he was probably not even near the island anymore. He techinally was free... Unlike you. Not even the boat you had seen a few days ago would be useful as it was too damaged. The dragon got closer and closer and you wondered where it would land since it was such a massive beast. It roared again. Louder this time and with much more force. It seemed like a warning, almost a battle cry. That’s when you heard another growl much, much closer. After that a shrieking cry cut through the tender air.
And only after you heard the sound of wings and tiny rocks falling from the mountain edge you could picture what was going on. The dragon you had seen wasn’t Jimin. You couldn’t tear your eyes away as you saw the dragon nearing and suddenly the other dragon entered your field of view. It was Jimin, you could tell instantly. By the way he seemed to be floating effortlessly in the sky. The two dragons neared each other and not one seemed to slow down and within only a blink the two dragons were onto each others throats. Claws gripping at whatever flesh was available. You could make out clearly who Jimin was. Your heart stopped as you saw one of the dragons dive down and for a moment it looked like it was falling but it spiraled up and dodged the dragon’s attack. They had gotten a lot closer and finally you could make out who was who. The other dragon’s scales shimmered in a vibrant greenish colour. It was a little smaller than Jimin but it was fierce, its claws sharp and jaw strong. It suddenly clawed at Jimins wings and a sharp claw teared through the thin skin of his wings. A loud cry echoed through the air and made you feel clammy and helpless. What were you supposed to do? You were just a tiny human, useless in a battle against a dragon. Or two dragons to be exact because you were sure Jimin wouldn’t miss out on tearing your body apart.
Jimin snapped at the other dragon and bit into the flesh of the long neck of the dragon but it wasn’t enough to hurt it critically. Loud, angry huffs and growls weighed down heavy on you. You wished you could help, but instead you were just standing there. Glued in place and watching while Jimin stood no chance against the other dragon.
You didn’t know how they had managed but for a moment the two dragons teared apart and created some space between each other. But while Jimin seemed to compose himself the other dragon charged at something... at you. It couldn’t have possibly seen you! You were sure of that! It was impossible!
You backed up, pressing your back into the walls. You would be safe. Jimin had told you that. He had said that you would be safe as long as you stayed in here. ‘Don’t leave no matter what happens’ he had said. And you trusted him. You wanted to trust him. So you didn’t move an inch. Not even as the dragon began clawing at your tiny safe space. Even as claws poked through the holes in the walls you didn’t move. You just stood still. Suddenly you felt hot, and it was not the adrenaline rushing rapidly through your brain. You looked up and through one of the holes you could see the dragons face. Its breathing was heavy and it was so hot it made you sweat instantly. It opened its mouth a bit and you could see the flames emerging from its giant mouth.
“Jimin. Help.”
Suddenly the dragon got ripped away and both creatures tumbled against the hard mountain surface. You couldn’t quite see what was happening but you saw enough to know that Jimin was on top of the other dragon. Teeth sinking deep into the other’s flesh and blood spilling everywhere. Cries so loud you had to cover your ears. Jimin tore away but not without ripping some flesh out in the process. There was no way the other dragon could’ve survived but it emerged from where it was laying on the ground and attacked Jimin. Scales turning a shade of dark red as the two dragons tore each other apart. Jimin seemed to win the upper hand again. Towering over the slightly smaller dragon and smashing his head against the other’s, knocking him out for only a few short seconds. Then he bit down hard. The other dragon shook violently as blood spluttered everywhere. He must’ve gotten a main vein.  It didn’t move after that. Only short, ragged breaths and more blood escaped from the dragon. Jimin got up and sniffed the air. His head flung into your direction and a low growl made the ground beneath you shake. But he never moved in your direction.
Only now could you see his beaten up form clearly. A few deep wounds that were bleeding a lot marked his scale covered form. But he didn’t look like he was hurting too much either. He focused on the other dragon again. Roughly biting into its tail and pulling hard. What was he trying to do? It was dead, wasn’t it? Only after a few seconds you understood what Jimin was trying to do. He was cleaning up, making sure the body wouldn’t be left there to rot for the next few weeks. He was trying to push it off the edge and into the rough waters below.
But then something happened that shook you deeply to your core. The other dragon you had thought was dead flung around and pushed Jimin hard. His hind legs slipped and dangled off the edge as his clawed wings grabbed onto the platform for dear life. The beast bit down hard on Jimin’s left wing, ripping the skin greatly. It was bloody. So much blood and a desperate cry. With a torn wing like that, you weren’t sure if any dragon would still be able to fly. The other dragon chared at him again, pushing the bigger dragon further down. He was clinging onto the mountain so desperately. With another push of the other dragon, Jimin would fall to his death. “No..”
You looked around and found the speer you used to go fishing. Jimin had modified it recently. The tip was now made out of an old knife you two had found with the other things. It made fishing way easier.
Without thinking you grabbed the speer and ran outside. Blood soaking your clothes and making you slip a few times. “HEY! LOOK HERE YOU DUMB BRUTE!”, you yelled and threw a rock against the dragon that was going to charge at Jimin again. Its focus now only on you as it whipped around and let out and ea-piercing screech. Behind it you could still see Jimin struggling. And for a short moment your eyes met and for the first time while he was a dragon you saw Jimin in there. The brown doe eyes meeting yours so gently you forgot what situation you were in. Grabbing the speer tighter your eyes met the other dragon’s. Cold, emotionless, a monster. With so much hatred in your heart you charged at the dragon the second it made a move to get you. Your heart was thumping rapidly as the small speer entered the dragon’s body. It cried out again. Dragons’ hearts were on the left and if you had stabbed deep enough the beast should be dead in only a few seconds. And it was. It collapsed and buried you under its weight. Crushing your small frame and covering you with its hot, thick blood. You had to fight your way out from under the creature. Your body sore and aching as you saw everything double for a few seconds.
You sobered up the second Jimin let out a breathy whine. “Oh my god! Jimin!” Your legs carried you to his weak form. He was still dangling off the edge. “Jimin get up please! Get up!” He struggled but his body wouldn’t move an inch. You got closer but stopped as his pupils narrowed and his giant jaw snapped at you. This wasn’t Jimin anymore. “J-Jimin. It’s me. I need you to move up here. Please Jimin, it’s me! I know you are in there somewhere. You can do it. You’re strong!”
His eyes turned softer again but he still snarled at you like a wounded wolf. “It’s me. I’m here, I’m here for you.”, you whispered and slowly inched forward. His eyes watching every step and every small movement. He was quieter now and his eyelids dopped ever so often. No, he has to be strong, he can’t just die like this. Moving forward you closed the space between the two of you and before the could do anything your hand was against his snout. His eyes turned fifty shades softer and his eyes closed for a second. But they snapped open once he slipped further down. His claws no longer able to hold his weight.
“No! No Jimin!”, you cried and grabbed onto him, pulling with every bit of strength you had left. He gave in, his eyes closing as he slowly slipped down the edge. “JIMIN!” The cry was silent to your ears. You didn’t hear anything besides your own heartbeat as his massive body slipped off the bloody edge. You ran to the edge and watched as his body fell hard into the crashing waves below. Tears formed in your eyes as your legs began to carry your weak form down the mountain and to the shore. You had to save him. He had to be alive.
You prayed he was alive.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 years ago
What is handsome/pretty by ghoul standards? I have a tall buff lion looking immortal type guy and I hc the ghouls find him very handsome cause of how strong, hairy and intimidating he his lol
He’d be very popular among Air and Fire ghouls for sure! :D 
National Geographic on Ghouls - Physical beauty Standards 
A few notes to make about Ghouls! 
Ghoulish beauty standards tend to lean more towards what is considered ideal from an evolutionary standpoint. So traits that make a ghoul attractive can be considered ones that are good genes that can be passed from ghoul to kit. Features that are good for survival or indicators of strong elemental prowess are prized in all ghouls. 
It’s important to note that many human standards of beauty are not shared or acknowledged by ghoul society. Traits that are valued by humans like facial structures, facial features, superficial builds, and even very specific body types aren’t usually considered when studying a ‘beautiful/handsome’ ghoul. Now these traits CAN be considered attractive to individual ghouls, but typically, these aren’t sought after in general ghoul culture. 
On the flip side, traits humans consider ‘ugly’ are also not viewed the same in ghoul society! Humans have a horrible habit of being picky about scars, birthmarks, wrinkles, or even certain body types. But to ghouls, these aren’t even regarded as remotely unattractive! It is found when conversing with many ghouls that ghouls typically rarely find ‘ugliness’ in others- ghoul or human. The only ‘ugly’ that has ever been recorded has been attributed to strong biases against enemy tribes/elements, scents of unethical magic and practices, or scars brought on by disgraceful acts.  
Shiny and Thick Horns - Horns actually show a lot about a ghoul’s health and physical wellness. Healthier ghouls have very shiny or naturally covered horns. Thicker horns are just an aesthetic preference for many, as it can make a ghoul look more sturdy and stronger. 
Bigger, Sharper Teeth - Color of teeth is never a factor- Just that the jaws and teeth themselves look ready to be able to fight and tear down prey. 
Sharper, Long Claws - Self explanatory. Like Teeth, claws are a factor for tribes to consider a ghoul with strong genetic traits.  
Long Hair/Facial Hair - This one might seem odd to many, but long hair is particularly treasured in fire ghoul tribes. Mainly because it is a physical testament to one’s control over their element. Even with control over it, fire can come back and bite a ghoul- hurting or even killing them. One of the consequences of not controlling your fire element is losing hair and eyebrows. So a fire ghoul with long that’s not SINGED is very attractive. On that same note, as not all fire tribes wear long hair, having any type of well groomed facial hair is also very attractive. Again, fire can easily give you a clean shave too close for comfort- so this falls in the same boat! 
Battle Scars - Scars that are won in battle, hunting, and other honorable activities are actually prized amongst many fire tribes! Marks are a lifelong testament to a fire ghoul’s ability to survive whatever is thrown at them! The more scars the harder it is believed to kill that ghoul!  
Medium/Short but Thick Horns - A common ritual between fire ghouls is to head butt and lock horns. Normally you might consider longer, bigger horns to be the preference. But those are seen as easier to break and damage. Also the thicker the horns, the stronger they are! Shiny Black horns are the common color preference among fire ghouls. 
Tattoos, Body Art, and Piercings - A lot of Aether ghoul culture is based around individual ghoul’s tattoos and piercings. They are very symbolic of one’s family, tribe, and even rank. Usually by adulthood, Aether ghouls can have a huge array of piercings or ink on their bodies. An aether ghoul is expected to at some point make at least one distinctive tattoo on themselves. The steadier hand and more attention to detail is better. Nose rings or an abundance of ear piercings are a popular choice for many tribes. 
Otherworldly eye colors - The aether is the very blood of these tribes, and sometimes this shows up in Quintessence ghoul genetics. Once in a while you will get a ghoul kit born with purple, electric blue, or even almost white eyes! These are all colors associated with a direct link to their element and are considered an unblessing from the Aether itself. Alternatively, one tribe prizes an entirely black eye above all! 
Partially shaved heads - A very fashionable way to have your hair in most aether tribes is to have it partially shaved. HOW and WHERE on the head it’s shaved varies amongst individual tribes. Some prefer mohawk like styles, while others will only shave one side of the head. 
Bigger body types - Normally body types aren’t a common preference amongst ghouls. But Earth ghouls, especially forest types, absolutely adore bigger body types. Whether that be curvier figures, plush bodies, big muscles, or just large all around. Some have speculated that this could be tied to the forest tribe, who values fertility and the bearing of kits. While this preference does have roots in fertility, it is not unique to admire on just kit bearing ghouls. Aether ghouls, who typically are bigger and thicker in stature, are very popular among earth types for this reason. 
Longer or curled horns - Opposite to fire ghouls, Earth ghouls value the longest horns or most complex of horns! The ideal horn set is either like those of a goat or a deer buck. Antler like horns are the ultimate signs of attractiveness amongst Stone ghouls. They are considered strong, pleasing to look at, and easier to decorate. Alternatively, many Earth tribes prefer very curled, satyr-like horns. 
A bare chest - While more so fashion focused than actually body types- a chest bare of clothing is the most common way to dress in Earth tribes. Typically only covered up if a kit or part of a mated pair. Bodies are normally celebrated and considered a sign of a stable, trusting tribe of one another. Also a good indicator of mate status or availability. Some tribes may cover their chests in necklaces and other decorations instead of wearing shirts when in more humid or warm climates. 
Long tails - Particularly valued in Oceanic tribes, long tails are very popular. Long tails can actually be beneficial when swimming and are regarded as aesthetically pleasing. Fresh water ghouls tend to prize thin, longer tails with shiny scales while oceanic tribes prefer them to be thicker with barbs and long fins.  
Colorful or Shiny Scales - Shiny scales usually show a ghoul who is in good health and are just amazing to look at in general. But colorful scales can be popular in freshwater and land locked tribes. Colorful scales and markings typically only come from a few tropic tribes located in remote parts of Hell. So a ghoul who has them will be hailed as amazingly stunning! 
Legs - Whether they are long dancer legs, or thicker athletic legs- water ghouls have a strong penchant for legs! Like with tails, this is to go with their ability to swim and travel in both water and on land. Long legs tend to be the favorite in oceanic tribes. Muscular or thicker legs are a preference in swamp tribes. Wardrobes designed to show off legs are the most functional and preferred in these tribes. 
Long Ears - Air ghouls tend to hair longer ears. It is Air ghoul belief that longer ears means you can hear their element better- which is crucial for a ghoul to figure out their environment or weather patterns. The longer the ears, the more prized. Long ears with a slight curve back towards the head, like a bat, is particularly favored among many. 
Pronounced shoulders - The attraction to strong or pronounced shoulders comes from the old times of more ancient air ghouls, who had wings on their back. Their shoulder structures tended to be a bit more strong than other elements. Even though wings have been nearly wiped from the Air tribes, the appreciation for where they once rested has not. 
Softened face - This one is a rather weird one to explain. When a softer face is preferred, it does not mean not wrinkles or blemishes or anything of the sort. Rather, Air ghoul territories tend to be very harsh and it can make many air ghouls look stern or solemn. So a ghoul who tends to regularly have softer expressions or features is considered a rarity. But it’s also hard to have to not seem weak in one’s tribe.
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years ago
Lasabrjotr Chapter 40: Take an Aspirin and Call Me in the Morning
Chapters: 40/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: None Relationships: Loki x Reader (Someday) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor(Marvel) Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), The Devil Went Down To Jotunheim, Disturbing Practicality, The Culture Of Jotunheim Must Be Fascinating, I Wish We’d Gotten Even A Single Real Glimpse Summary: Another mysterious dream journey takes Reader and Loki to the last place he wants to be, that he may look upon his handiwork. Meanwhile, Reader fights back to wakefulness. 
You spun through space, wrapped in Loki's arms. He seemed happier than usual, softer somehow, as the stars whizzed by. A small, icy planet loomed close, and Loki's smile faltered when you noticed and recognized the great, dark canyon along the equator.
This was Jotunheim.
Loki shook his head, and held you tighter: He did not want to go there, but there was where you were going, pulled along by the sparkling blue light that transported you safely throughout the universe. You realized by now that you didn't really have any control over your movement; it seemed to you that the light itself was in charge.
It placed you down on the rough snow near the great canyon, and you couldn't really help but to look over the edge.
The ice cliffs plunged down miles and miles, a dark line of open water at the bottom, appearing no wider than a hair at that depth. The sheer height made you dizzy; in fact, just standing up made you dizzy. Your vision began to spin, and you wobbled. The next instant, you were in Loki's arms.
He pulled you away from the edge of the canyon, wrapping you urgently in his cloak and holding you close to the radiating warmth of his body. The legendary cold of the frozen realm hadn't touched you, however. The blue glow still surrounded you, seeming to keep the frigid danger at bay.
Loki stared around you, head whipping this way and that, still dragging you away from the canyon. He froze in place, lips pulling back in a wide-eyed grimace-and then he disappeared.
You gasped, but felt a hand cover your mouth. You could still feel Loki's cloak around you, his warm body pressed close to yours, you just couldn't see him. When it occurred to you to look, you found that you couldn't see yourself either. Loki had rendered you both invisible.
Moments later, a procession of giants appeared out of the blowing, snowy fog, solemn and silent. There were many of them, ranging from children to the elderly, showing several blue skin tones, and either black or white hair. Men and women were not that different in appearance; both wore kilts, loincloths, or briefs, with bared chests, and intricate braids. Children and the elderly wore mantles or long tunics, and all were barefoot. Most were decked in ornamentation, strings of beads made of dyed ice, pendants of claws and teeth, leather fringe, carved bone, shining fish scales, shells, and even pearls. Some were layered on so thickly that they might as well have been shirts
Leading the procession was a wizened old giant in a cloak and hood, leaning on a staff of bone, and surrounded by what you assumed were body guards of some kind. They weren't armed that you could see, but carried drums instead. They were huge, even bigger than the other giants, who towered over you: Their heads were mostly shaved, a few retaining a knotted side lock, and many had bits of metal-the only you had seen-embedded into their skin like studs on armor.
They began pounding out a slow rhythm as they approached the head of the canyon, and the old giant begin to sing in a thin voice. The giants all waited silently until the song had faded away on the wind, then, one by one, filed down a stairway that had been chiseled into the canyon way. You hadn't even noticed it, so cleverly it had been carved. Down they went in a long line, the drummers keeping their steady pace.
“What's happening?” You whispered. You were getting the distinct and uncomfortable feeling that you were not meant to witness this.
“I have no idea.” He whispered back, barely audible. “Please be silent, my darling.”
You clammed up. Did he hate the giants so much that he didn't know anything about them? Or was this something new? Giants began climbing back up the stairs, their arms laden with lichens and fungus, eye-catchingly bright colors in the overall surroundings of blue, white, and gray.
As the giants carted these treasures away, you noticed that many of them were crying, tears like crystals on their cheeks. The drummers and elderly giant followed them back the way they had come. Now that you were looking, you could just barely make out the shape of ruined buildings in the fog.
“Is that normal?” You asked, after they were long gone. You had a terrible headache, and still felt dizzy, but also terribly curious. “They have a mushroom farm down there?”
“It must be a midden.” Loki guessed. “Flora is nearly nonexistent here, but if they were cultivating it on their own waste...”
“I'm gonna check it out.” You declared, extricating yourself from his cloak and arms, and heading toward the cliffs. Loki hounded your footsteps, keeping a hand on your shoulder.
“Wait, wait, wait, _____! You cannot climb down there, it's much too dangerous! And you're still...”
“Still what?” You demanded. “What is it? Something's wrong, I know it. Why does my head hurt so much?”
He hesitated.
“Whatever, you can tell me later. For now, I wanna learn as much as I can about this place. I know you'll never bring me back here, so I might never get the chance!”
You rushed to the edge of the canyon, peering over again. The sheer height made you woozy, or maybe it was whatever was wrong with your head. Maybe this was a bad idea.
But you would never get another opportunity, not while Loki clearly still hated everything about the place. For some reason, his aversion pushed you to know more. Someone had to know something about these people. They had children, and music, and fashion. They sang and cried.
You clambered precariously down the steps, Loki worriedly following. The stairs were still made of ice, and you slipped once. The sound that caught in Loki's throat grabbed your heart and drew out your pity. You reached your had out to him.
“Help me down.” You said. “Come with me. You said you wouldn't let me fall.”
He took you hand, hoisting you up into his arms, then carried you down the stairs. Part of the way down there were platforms and niches carved into the cliffs, caves that would be small by giant standards, but that the two of you fitted into comfortably. Inside, more niches were carved, huge basins of ice, overflowing with colorful growth. You climbed up the side of one, to prod a large mushroom.
It smelled terrible, but the mushrooms were strangely beautiful, overflowing their basins. If the giants really were using waste and refuse to farm food, you couldn't help but feel like that was terribly clever. Not only did they get rid of waste, but they also got food out of it.
But why all the ceremony? Why the crying? Perhaps flora was very sacred?
“Loki, this is pretty smart.” You said, glancing over your shoulder at him. “It's a great way to recycle...Loki?”
He was pale, almost as blue as the ice walls, and staring at a carving on the side of the basin. You slid back down to the floor.
“What does it say?” You asked. Frost Giant writing was very different from the runes you'd seen.
“Geirrod.” He said hoarsely. “We need to leave. Right now.”
His nervousness curled its way inside you, drawing you close to his side.
“What's wrong Loki?”
“This is more than a farm.” He said. “This is a tomb. They are eating what grows on the corpses of the dead.”
“Okay, I'm ready to go.” You said swiftly. He scooped you back up, and ascended the stairs.
What measures had to be taken, to survive in this harsh land? What extremes had to be gone to? The thought of farming on your own relatives bodies was horrifying, almost akin to cannibalism...to you. But you didn't live here. You didn't know this culture, you didn't know what they had to do to survive.
You were still going to steer clear of mushrooms for a little while.
Your head was pounding by the time he got you back to the surface, the dizziness overcoming you.
“Please.” You gasped. “Please set me down. I need to lie down.”
Very, very carefully, he set you down in the snow, cocooned in his cloak, and propped you up against a chunk of ice. He sat down next to you, huddling close. His breath didn't fog like yours did.
“Loki, do you know what's wrong with me?” Was your speech slurring now?
Loki nodded.
“Will you tell me?”
“When you wake up.” He said. “You just have to promise you will.”
He looked so worried. You nodded, another wave of dizziness washing over you.
“Go to sleep now.” He suggested. You closed your eyes against the twilight of Jotunheim and drifted away.
Loki lifted his head from your belly, yawning wide. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, discreetly arranged the blankets to hide the drool stain he had left, and took your hand once again.
His hair was damp, probably from melted snow. He had been there, on the Frozen Realm, and you had been there with him. How? How were the two of you being transported like that? How could you be there in a dream, and yet also physically?
Well, partially physically. You had been suffering under your injuries, yet unaware of them. At least he knew now, that your mind had not been damaged. You still showed the potent, explosive combination of fire and curiosity; so very human, and so very you.
Bjarkhild opened the door.
“Out, your Highness. We must change her dressings and bedding. You should go get something to eat.”
He left without arguing; it was pointless with Bjarkhild anyway. She had been doing this long before Loki had been born, and would continue.
He arranged for breakfast, then hunted down his brother.
“Ah, is she awake?” Thor asked upon seeing him.
“No, not yet.” Loki said. “Not for a few more days at least. But she will wake up. She has promised me.”
Thor raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Instead, he handed Loki a sheaf of papers. Loki tucked it under his arm. He'd do his work at your bedside.
“How did you know?” He asked. “I didn't even know.”
“You knew.” Thor scoffed. “You are a very good liar, Loki, even to yourself. You've doted on her almost since the beginning. You were instantly attached. And you also made up every possible excuse, every other thing that it could be. Meanwhile, it grew and grew, and now you can't imagine being without her, can you?”
“Is that how it happened for you?
“No.” Thor shook his head. “No, I fell hard and fast as well, but I was fully aware of what was happening. At first I thought it was because I had been stripped of my power by father's curse. If I had been reduced to practically a mortal, then of course I would find comfort with, and attraction to mortals. But that wasn't the case at all. Jane stands all on her own merit. So too do Banner, and Natasha, and Stark, and so, so many others.
You and I were taught so many wrong things. Humanity may still be primitive in many ways, but they are so much greater than we were lead to believe. You and I both know that now.”
“_____ is not primitive!” Loki protested. “She just doesn't know everything that we do yet.” Thor pointed at him.
“Precisely! And you'll find that there are easily millions of humans who are worthy of our time, just like her.”
“There is no one like her.” Loki insisted, drawing a smile from his brother.
You drifted dreamily, wrapped in cotton and velvet, dusted with perfume, lulled by a smooth, familiar voice whose words you couldn't quite make out.
Oh, it was Loki. Of course it was. For someone who was described as being so chaotic and unpredictable, he was remarkably steadfast. You kind of admired that. You expected him to be impulsive and impetuous, but the thought that you could count on him was such an unexpected bonus. You supposed that was part of the whole 'unpredictable' shtick.
Certainly, it made any of his good qualities come as pleasant surprises. You were rapidly coming to the conclusion that 'chaotic' didn't necessarily mean 'evil' or 'uncaring'.
You floated along on the back of his voice. The cadence suggested poetry. You knew you weren't quite awake, and not quite asleep either, not fully aware. But the more awake you became, the more clear it was that something was wrong.
Waking up was a struggle, as if something was trying to keep you asleep. Even as your consciousness surfaced, the feeling of being wrapped in gauze did not fade. The scent of sweet perfume lingered, the sound of Loki's voice sharpened, and a terrible pain consolidated in your head, but you still could not seem to fully wake.
Why couldn't you open your eyes? You could feel Loki's hand around yours, but you couldn't really move, couldn't open your eyes.
He must have noticed that your breathing changed, or the minute squeezing of his fingers, because you heard him stand, felt his presence hover of you, his breath on your cheek.
“____, are you awake?” He whispered. “Can you hear me? Are you there?”
You groaned, the sound coming out weak and thin.
He began almost babbling in Asgardian. You groaned again, struggling to move.
“No! No, you must stay still. Don't move, _____, I'll be right back. I must tell Bjarkhild that you are awake. Stay still, fleiri halfr minn hjarta, I will return with all speed.”
His fingers slipped away from yours as you still fought to open your eyes. Had he just pressed a kiss to your knuckles?
What had happened to you? You couldn't remember. You were somewhat aware that you must have been hurt somehow, but you just couldn't dredge up the memory. And now Loki was acting tender again, so it must have been bad.
He returned very shortly, and you could hear others with him.
“_____, his Highness tells me you have awakened.” Bjarkhild said. “Are you still awake? Can you speak?”
You tried, but all that came out was a stifled whine. Your head hurt so much; a throbbing ache worse than any headache you'd ever had. Even your teeth hurt.
“_____, if you are responding to me, try to make a sound again.” She said, and you did. The sound was no stronger this time; it hurt to do, and it felt as if your jaw was tied shut.
“And again.” She commanded. You complied. “Good, very good. In case you do not know, you recently suffered an injury to your head. You are in the healing wing, and we have you hooked up to a few machines that are gently speeding your recovery, but you will still need to stay for a while longer. I am going to remove some of your bandages now, but I must stress the importance of not moving your head around.”
So that was what was going on. You'd been hurt. Again. This was getting to be a bad habit.
Bjarkhild's hands were refreshingly cool, helping you to wake up further. However, the sharpening of your consciousness also sharpened the pain in your head, and you couldn't help but to try to move your hand, to push hers away.
You didn't make it: Loki snatched your hand up in his as soon as he noticed you trying to move it.
“Just hold still, my dear.” He encouraged. “Bjarkhild knows her craft. She was second only to Eir, may Valhalla embrace her.”
“Your praise is appreciated, your Highness.” Bjarkhild said. You felt the warmth and tightness of  bandages loosening from around your jaw, your face, your ears and eyes. No wonder everything had felt so stiff and tight. Your whole head must have been wrapped up, like a mummy.
Soft gauze was removed from your cheeks, and you heard Loki gasp, ever so quietly. That didn't sound like a good sign. What had happened to your face to get that reaction? Was there something they weren't telling you?
You whined again.
As if sensing that he had worried you, Loki stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.
“You have extensive bruising on your face. It looks very uncomfortable, and I hope it is not too unbearable. It will heal though, it's just bruises.” He sounded a little like he was trying to convince himself.
You breathed out a little sigh. That explained the swollen eyes and lips.
“I am going to increase the power on one of these machines.” Bjarkhild said. “It will not speed the healing of your bones, but will hopefully take care of your more superficial hurts.”
Hopefully? Your first time seeing the prototype Soul Forge, you had been informed that there was only a single human record in the system, which you assumed had to be the king's ex. Now there were two human records, but that wasn't really enough for a full healing algorithm, was it? You were still physiologically different from Asgardians, and their medicine didn't have much experience with humans.
Maybe you could take a little pride in the advances you were providing to Asgardian medical science, with how often you were finding yourself injured.
By the time Bjarkhild was done and had left, you were almost ready to go back to sleep. The discomfort in your body and downright pain in your head kept you on the edge of wakefulness though, and Loki...well, Loki hovered.
He was very attentive, but he kept asking you questions that you couldn't answer. Were you comfortable? Did it hurt? Were you thirsty? Were you too hot? Too cold? Did you want to sleep?
The best communication you could come up with between you was hand squeezing; one for yes, two for no.
It did hurt. He apologized very sincerely, and promised that it would never happen again, but you couldn't ask him how he planned to make that come about. You weren't thirsty, or hungry for that matter, but you chalked it up to the machines you were hooked up to. You were a little hot as well, but you thought the machines must be responsible for that also. After Bjarkhild had adjusted them, you'd begun to feel a slight buzz, both on your skin and in your mind. It was starting to overcome the pain with it's soft warmth. You did want to go to sleep.
As the pain and discomfort receded, your hand relaxed in his. When Loki asked you if you were still awake, you couldn't squeeze an answer.
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