#bigger issues to think about'
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gibbearish · 11 months ago
maybe this was common knowledge and ive been severely out of the loop but the fact that russel t davies is gay is kind of rocking my world rn?
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agnesandhilda · 2 months ago
watched conclave last night and then read the wikipedia entry for the book and now I'm wondering about the category ten shitstorm that a publicly intersex pope would cause
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emiliagrant · 9 months ago
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Buck and Tommy ♡ flirty, kinky and in love
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fictionadventurer · 1 year ago
I think I underestimated how cool it is that Little House books are a "woman remembers her childhood" children's classic by an author from a working-class and rural background. Most working-class books of the genre have urban settings, and most rural girlhood classics come from a family that's in a fairly stable community--maybe not rich, but comfortable enough that they don't have to worry about whether they'll make it through a winter.
Laura Ingalls grew up dirt poor in a family that knew how to grow or build or hunt or make everything that they needed, because they had to. Yet when she grew up, she got into a position where she could publish about it. Which is pretty astounding, because people in her situation are usually too busy doing the farmwork to write about it--they don't have connections to the publishing industry. Yet she did, so we get to hear from someone who knows that farm and small-town setting intimately, and not because she grew up and and ran off to the city as soon as she could escape, but because she still lives it and loves it and advocates for it.
She knows the details of that life and loves it. Like, she genuinely cares about raising the chickens, not as a housewife's hobby, but as an important source of meat, eggs and money for the family. It's grounded, earthy, sensible, but also romantic, because she while she's doing farm work or house work she's noticing the little moments of beauty or thinking about the big issues of life. But it took a long series of coincidences to get this ordinary farm wife into a position of wanting to write, being able to write, and having a national audience for her writing, so I just want to appreciate how amazing it is that it happened.
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dreamerdrop · 2 months ago
An AU to consider: Nurse Ogawa transferring to Deep Space Nine alongside Miles and Keiko.
Ogawa has a really magnetic charm to her, it’s impossible not to like her. She is also very intelligent, a studious professional, and deeply dedicated to her work.
She also has several years experience in the field over her Chief Medical Officer, who is fresh out of the academy and a little too enthusiastic about everything.
She thinks Bashir is adorable. He reminds her a bit of Wesley, so she ends up mothering him without meaning too. Julian would stop her, but it makes him feel kinda fuzzy and warm when she’s like that. (He mistakes this for romantic interest in her, but she actually bursts out laughing when he tries to ask her out, and then spends a week apologising for it. Julian decides it’s probably not worth a second attempt, and they settle into a nice doting friendship instead.)
She, Keiko, and Garak have a wine & whine club on weekends.
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epickiya722 · 5 months ago
You know what, Tracer wearing the Deku skin is even funnier to me remembering that Horikoshi drew Deku, his own character now, wearing Miruko's costume for the Year of the Rabbit sketch.
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spookygibberish · 11 months ago
Dogstock are typical of what are often deemed the ‘evil’ races in many other fantasy works. They were created by some higher force to be slaves, they are carnivorous by nature, they resemble animals other than human in dentition and build. They growl and bite and walk behind.
The Uhasr (a dogstock culture) are descendants of such slave-infantry that was abandoned when the empire that used them to capture the steppes decided the land wasn’t so profitable after all, and more pressing matters drew their attention elsewhere. Like tools left spent on the ground, the unneeded, excess dogstock were left to survive on their own in Hochkiskuph. The native peoples, of course, did not welcome them any more, or see them any less as oppressors when the hand released the lead. To the Hochkiskuph peoples, the Uhasr are a predatory ghost, an echo that consumes them even in absentia. To the Uhasr, one human is much like another, differing in number and equipment, but never in essence. Uhasr are a species of wild animal with a human face. Humans are prey on two legs. Humans smoke and poison uncovered dens on principle, Uhasr abduct and consume men and women and children all the same.
A common trend I have noticed in media which aims to humanize monsters, is that it often relies on passivity. Humanity is contingent upon kindness. The monster that is A Person only so long as they are a harmless thing at heart, something which can be understood and befriended. Their violence is reluctant, their hearts noble. Grace is a concession to the dominated. Only the toothless beast, declawed and pinioned and caged, is one which has earned its personhood. The ontological enemy supersedes the ontological man.
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diamonds-at-y11 · 6 months ago
Saw everyone talking about how Minecraft story mode is a better adaption than the literal MOVIE and it got me thinkin
Minecraft story mode is the game I vividly remember playing on our xbox in the little room connected to the attic with my sister beside me. I was a Minecraft obsessed kid and this game was so COOL to me at the time. Minecraft??? My beloved game??? But with a story???? That I get to be a part of and change??? Obviously a lot of people don’t like Minecraft story mode and that’s completely understandable, it’s pretty silly and hard to take seriously, but one thing it was was GENUINE. It had unique characters and a story that was new and exciting while still completely grounded in the world of Minecraft. You fought monsters and rode mine carts and interacted with cool red stone stuff and survived a fall from thousands of blocks up by falling into water and when that stupid fucking pig died a pork chop floated on the ground. It was so stupidly, unambiguously, completely, genuinely Minecraft. You were literally a character born and raised in the game. It even had beloved Minecraft YouTubers as guests in a silly murder mystery (that was actually the coolest thing ever ngl). It was for the fans, fully committed to the world the fans already loved. 
Who is this movie even for?? Why does it make this wishy-washy half commitment to the very game it’s adapting?? WHY IS IT ISEKAI?? Where’s the nostalgia?? The childhood experience of playing around in the silly block game with your siblings, not a care in the world?? Why is the sheep on sonic trailer levels of horrifically realistic?? This game is about BLOCKS thats its whole THING that’s why we love it you FOOLS. Why are there curves!? (That can’t happen without mods!!!) WHY IS JACK BLACK HERE?? 
You had such a beautiful, beloved, game with such genuine heart and meaning. The end poem literally makes me CRY and I don’t CARE how stupid that sounds. I don’t even want to try to describe it just go read it. And I just know the movie is going to have such a surface level depiction of what the game is, designed to be brainrot easily consumable for 7 year olds. Something tells me the people who made this movie would just skip past the credits anyways.
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johnconn · 2 months ago
Grifter and Nightwings interaction in urban legends would be a hundred times funnier if you consider that they both secretly remember each other from spy wars but they both don't want to admit it. Dick because Spyral is not a time he wants to look back to and Cole because he lowkey got his ass handed to him
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equalperson · 2 months ago
people mostly talk about splitting as literally all-or-nothing--"I love you" or "I hate you"--but I personally experience an in-between point sometimes.
I don't know what I'd call it other than "thin-ice devaluation" or something along those lines.
like, yes I devalued you recently and I realize now that I was being irrational, BUT if you say something even slightly suspicious, hurtful, or incorrect, I'm going to assume that you're evil and/or useless again much faster than I would have before.
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arttsuka · 4 months ago
Can't believe I'm saying this but media literacy is dead (at least to some people, a lot of people).
Not being able to understand why a character did or didn't do something, how that actually impacts the story and others characters. Why, even though an action was not the correct one, someone decided to do it. We aren't exactly perfect. The 'morally good' culture on the internet has wrapped their understanding of realistic human actions and emotions. Not everything is as easy as 'this is the right thing to do', there are variables.
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dee-daa · 4 months ago
as shitty as what in hell is bad is as a game (especially due to pb's greed), the community on this site is absolutely wonderful so far and seeing all the posts on my home page makes me so happy ^^
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heartbeatbookclub · 1 year ago
I was looking at a few posts about autism (as one does) and it just suddenly clicked into place a fundamental thing about Yuri's character that I'd been grasping at, but hadn't really been able to adequately identify. I still have a much longer and more thorough analysis going through a whole lot of my thoughts on Yuri's character and her experience of autism that i'm working on (of which this will likely be a component), but I thought I'd share this separately just to emphasize.
Post I saw which made this click for me was making fun of the fact that most media depicting impaired empathy in autistic characters explicitly depicts them with this unflappable confidence of never having been rejected by people they love. The crux of this is that in actual reality, autistic people almost always have that experience at some point, for some behavior, for reasons they don't really understand. "There is an invisible line where people will get sick of you, and you have no warning of when you're about to cross it." So frequently, autistic people attempt to ride a razor thin edge, walking on constant eggshells to desperately attempt to avoid crossing that line.
Very often autistic people will attempt to avoid doing anything at all which could be considered weird, or off-putting, and will try their absolute hardest to do things in a way that is acceptable to other people, sometimes to the point of outright suppressing their emotions, because they are afraid that they'll say something just wrong enough that the people they care about will push them away, and they don't understand WHY it happened, but they know it's THEIR fault. Sometimes masking is fighting to appear aloof all the time because you can't regulate your emotions in a way that is acceptable to other people.
And holy fucking Jesus, that fits the exact mold of what I've been trying to talk about with the particular way Yuri's anxieties manifest.
It really feels to me like Yuri has this constant fear of breaking the "rules" of socializing, despite not really understanding what those rules even are. She's constantly afraid of saying something wrong, when she doesn't even know what wrong would be, she's just sure everyone ELSE will know it when they hear it. I think a huge part of her social anxiety comes from her own understanding of herself as a very weird person who doesn't really get a lot of how to socialize, and it seems to me like she's probably dealt with her fair share of social rejection and isolation based on those traits. She then felt she had to take responsibility for those traits, probably because it's the one thing she can change, and she is the one common denominator in all of these bad situations (This is something which is pretty common, actually! "Everyone else can socialize just fine, and I have so much difficulty with it! I must just be broken in some way. I have to try super hard to be normal to make friends!")
I think a big part of why it's so apparent in the Literature Club is because she really thinks she's found a place where she can make friends in spite of all of her issues, so when she starts...being herself, and receives even the smallest HINT of pushback, she overcorrects and tries to rein all of herself in to fix her "mistake", because she really wants to make friends here, and doesn't want them to reject her as well.
She's had this experience of others pushing her away for being weird so often that, coupled with her acknowledged trouble for reading situations, when anybody responds poorly to something and she recognizes it, she immediately overcorrects out of fear of being an annoying burden to everyone around her, and that "correction" consists of suppressing herself into being "normal" (or at least "less weird"), because she believes nobody could actually like her just for being who she is. There's something wrong with her fundamentally, and to make friends, for people to like her and want to be around her, she has to "fix" herself.
it's just, like...
it's really hard for me to interpret Yuri's character that doesn't involve her being somewhere on the spectrum, bros. she's written with such delicately constructed autistic coding, despite the appearance of just being a hackneyed weird girl visual novel trope. she deserves the world.......
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redhoodie1723 · 11 months ago
the imaginary carlos and charles beef that some fans are convinced is going on is giving Netflix DTS trying to convince us that charles and sebastian were mortal enemies that prayed on each other’s downfall nightly
#can’t people be happy or sad for one driver without tearing the other down#ik teammates are often pitted against each other and stuff but like#they’re both having good seasons#they’re both showing off their strengths#charles is still doing well in the WDC and even tho max is likely to win this year charles is still gonna get more chances with ferrari#and carlos is doing a great job in showing other teams why they should give him a seat next season#regardless of whether u think they’re good friends or just coworkers it’s clear they respect each other a lot#and i get being upset that charles didn’t podium in suzuka#but that’s not carlos’ fault and he did everything that he should’ve#charles still has a phenomenal race and his fans shouldn’t insult carlos simply for racing#and similarly carlos’ fans shouldn’t insult charles for not placing higher than carlos#when charles has shown how good and consistent of a driver he is in the past few races#just because the two latest ferrari wins have been carlos’ doesn’t mean charles is suddenly “overhyped” or “washed up”#like chill y’all#focus on the bigger issues#like whatever the fuck is going on williams#charles leclerc#carlos sainz#cl16#cs55#ferrari#formula 1#f1#1655#c squared#2024 japanese gp#as a maybe month old fan i probably shouldn’t be having many opinions about this#but whatever lmfao#they’re both hot why are we pitting them against each other#they hate when two sexy bitches are winning
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moe-broey · 3 months ago
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My homunculus
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Hashtag my homunculus
#diy plush#i think i was overcomplicating the bodies. like. most basic plush body shape is fine. who gives a shit#also i am maybe regretting the felt for the head... you can see the wear on her already.#alfonse is holding up really well bc his felt was thicker. HUGE pain in the ass to work with#but it did end up making him super sturdy!#i have been thinking of going back and fixing sharena's head (you can see it's misshapen too)#but like. i actually have no idea where i'd start w that. aside from adjusting the shape beneath the head#but i have no idea how i'd fix the issue of her material without like. having to re-do her completely.#at their core these two really are fuck around and find out plushies. i'm learning the importance#of what material to pick and for what purpose.#unfortunately i am gonna do something different for alfonse's body too. the initial one i made#while super cute and i still love the back stitching. i need to readjust proportions#esp if i'm gonna be layering materials for clothes. ESP on this small of a scale.#i have a test run body on alfonse rn that i'm not entirely sold on either. proportions are right#but the craftsmenship is shoddy on it. so. split on even showing it.#also i did succumb to cheating w a sewing machine. which! i need more practice w anyway.#esp if i want to make bigger plushies in the future actually. so. at this point i was just avoiding it#also don't mind the stray pages there LMFAOO one is a comic i already posted and was reffing#for other comics i've been doing. really cool i have like. a backlog of stuff i can ref of my own work actually#i am soooooo obsessed w paneling and placement... nobody talks about paneling and placement......#sharena
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heliomanteia · 4 months ago
Overall I often think about Nico's entire self as characterized by being an outsider and it breaks my heart sometimes. Everything about him is "not like everyone around", from his nationality/ethnicity to his queerness and his parentage. And I can't even say that he's looking for acceptance/community (unlike his sister), he just gave up and accepted that he will never belong. I have so many feelings about his premise (not always execution).
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