#big truck pups
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mastertuki · 3 months ago
Another day, another episode of Big Truck pups...
... and it was awesome!!
I'll start with something very clear: Photography. It's REALLY important in this kind of subseries, because they have big trucks, and they need to show the feel of seeing a vehicle with such proportions and... They did!!
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Look at them! You need to think the original pup vehicles are INSIDE the bus, and the new trucks are the SAME SIZE of Ryder's Bus, so the scale is... Incredible!! I love them!!
I can't choose one favorite... Ok, maybe Al's truck, but hey! I love everyone of them! It's just Al's trucks reminds me of my dad's truck, but the rest are huge and full of color!!! I'll hope I'll see better Rocky's truck.
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And the pups? C'mon, they all look soooo gorgerous with mittens and jackets!
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So, you see, that's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile.
And it's the first time I can see for real Chase and Marshall are the big pups. Zuma looks so cute between them!
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And Al is a big trucker in his heart. This is the clue: sometimes he needs to drink less caffeine XDDDDDD. I hope he won't teach to the others the power of the coffee: Marshall will be unstoppable.
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Photoshop hates me after this gif, but I don't care.
For now, this episode made me laught many times:
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But I need to see moooore trucks, so tomorrow I'll watch another episode of Big Trucks Pups. Just to see more trucks and more Al!
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C'mon!! I want a plushie of him!! But I can't find it on amazon!! That's not fair!
Edit: Ouch! Right! I forgot to show to the world Al's truck. Let's fix this:
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Yep. I'm going to put this on my desktop.
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self-indulgent-paw-patrol · 3 months ago
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So, me and @mastertuki may or may not have been all about our beloved Basset Trucker lately 🚛❤️
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shibasparklez · 1 year ago
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He’s just so cute 😭
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chaserockypupfan · 2 years ago
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Big Truck Pups Chase and Rocky
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mikartdraws · 9 months ago
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chase and marshall in their big truck outfits ⭐🔥🚚
big truck pups is prob my fave sub-series in terms of outfit design lol
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1drwstuff · 1 year ago
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mayrose713 · 1 month ago
Beautifully Cruel World-Chapter 21
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Series Masterlist | Previous | Next
ABO Non-Idol Stray Kids Universe Poly OT8 x Reader 18+ MDNI
Warnings in the Series Masterlist as well as any other information needed
Chapter 21
Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin all sit on the patio of the beach house, drinking some lemonade as they wait for their other three mates to get home knowing they shouldn’t be too much longer. They plan on going to a nice restaurant for dinner as it’s their last night on the island. Chan having made the reservations when Felix and Jisung first brought up the trip. Then afterwards, Hyunjin requested to have a big sleepover in the living room.
“I’m telling you, he was cheating.” Felix hits his hand on the table of the patio furniture.
“You always say that, Lix.” Seungmin laughs as the omega talks about what happened when he was playing Genshin Impact that morning.
“He had to be.” He whines. “There’s no way he had…”
Hyunjin turns to him confused as to why he stopped talking when he notices Felix looks scared. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Channie?” The omega whimpers, having felt a wave of fear come through his bond with Y/n.
“Yeah, I feel it too.” Already on his phone before holding it to his ear and waits a few moments before groaning. “She’s not answering.”
“What’s going on?” Jeongin asks, looking at them concerned.
“A strong feeling of fear just came though Y/n’s bond with us.” Minho growls now holding his phone to his ear. “Jisungs not answering.”
“Damn it! Neither is Changbin.” Chan sighs before standing up. “Come on Min, they’re just down the street at the garden. We’ll track their phones for their exact location when we get there. I’ll take the truck, you take the car.” 
“We’re coming too.” Hyunjin stands up quickly starting to follow and the other three do too. 
“Guys, we don’t know what's going on right now.” Minho tries to reason with them once they’re all back in the house, putting on shoes and grabbing keys. 
“If Y/n is so scared you’re feeling it through your bonds with her, then somethings seriously wrong.” Jeongin argues.
“We’re coming.” Seungmin stands in front of the door so the alphas can’t leave without them.
“Please.” Felix whispers with puppy dog eyes. 
“God, you pups are so stubborn.” Chan groans when they all feel a rush of anger from Changbin’s bond and they realize it might be worse than anticipated. “Fine, you can come but you are going to listen to me.” He points at Felix, Hyunjin and Seungmin as they start walking out of the house towards the vehicles. “You three are to stay out of the way. Depending on what's going on I’m gonna need you to calm Y/n down and possibly even Jisung. Don’t try and do anything until we get them to you.” 
Felix and Hyunjin get into the truck with Chan as Jeongin and Seungmin get in the car with Minho. They drive quickly to the nearby park and garden that isn’t even a five minute drive from the house. Seungmin already had the locations of their phones brought up on his once they all parked and got out. 
“They're by the pavilions.”
They jog that way and just as the gazebos are in view they see their mates when an older alpha slaps Y/n before trying to grab her again causing her to back away in fear then trip and fall. 
“Y/n.” The betas and Felix yell and gasp.
“Motherfucker.” Minho growls before running with Jeongin and Chan right behind him, sirens are now heard in the background. 
“Don’t touch her.” Chan yells when the older beta woman tries to touch Y/n who is still trying to get away, scrambling backwards in the grass. 
Changbin has the older male alpha by the collar of his shirt as he threatens him. Chan rushing to his aid as Minho goes to Y/n and Jeongin goes to Jisung. 
“Jisungie, are you okay?”
“Yeah, just shaken up.” The beta nods, not looking at Jeongin but around them at Chan and Changbin yelling at the man, and Minho crouching in front of Y/n on the ground.
“Go to the others, we’ll bring Y/n over to you guys in a moment.” Jeongin guides him in the direction of the other three who are standing by watching, nervous. 
Jeongin looks around the area, noticing a lot of people have gathered, watching, one of them must have been who called the cops as he can hear the sirens has reached the parking lot and can see the flashing red and blue lights in the distance. He then goes over to Minho and Y/n, glaring at the woman who stands by even after Minho told her to go away. 
“Y/n, I need you to try and follow my breathing baby, look at me.” Minho tries talking to their omega but she’s freaking out too much, looking everywhere but at him as tears stream down her cheeks, her hands clenched so tightly in fists that her nails break the skins of her palms as the youngest alpha comes up to them. “She’s having an anxiety attack, there's too much going on around her for her to focus on me and calm down. She’s not even reacting to my pheromones.” 
“Jagiya, it’s Innie. I need you to look at us.” He tries also releasing calming pheromones hoping both of theirs would help her better but she’s acting as if they aren’t even there. “Her anxiety pills are at the house aren’t they?”
“Yeah, but even if we did have them I don’t think she’d be able to take them right now. Let’s get her to the betas and away from this.” Minho decides and moves to scoop her into his arms which causes her to flinch away and freak out, moving so much in his arm. “It’s okay kitten, it’s just me.”
He tucks her face into his neck which causes her to stop trying to get out of his arms but instead cling to him as he walks her to the rest of the pack. 
“Hey, you can’t just take my granddaughter.” The woman yells. 
“Shut up.” Jeongin yells at her before going over to Chan and Changbin who are still having a heated conversation with the older alpha but Changbin is no longer clutching his shirt.
“Oh, my sunshine.” Felix holds his arms out moving away from Jisung who he was holding before.
Minho gives Y/n to Felix who whimpers once she’s in her fellow omega’s embrace. Hyunjin now holding a tearful Jisung as the alpha moves to them once the omegas are settled on the grass with Seungmin watching over them.
“You okay baby?” He places his hand in the betas hair as he leans against Hyunjins chest. 
“I am now that she’s away from them.” Jisung wipes his tears as he looks at Y/n. “I seriously thought they were gonna take her from us.” 
“We would never let that happen.” Hyunjin mumbles before kissing the younger's head as he holds him closer to his chest. 
The cops come up to the three alphas still arguing, another cop going to the crowd of witnesses and the last one to the six of them. The last cop gives them a sad look seeing the two who are still shaken up. 
“I’m sorry but I’m gonna need to ask the beta and omega who were a part of the situation some questions.” 
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Everything went by in a blur for Y/n. The cops questioned Jisung, Changbin, her grandfather and grandmother and some witnesses who were willing to testify. They then asked the rest of the pack separately about what happened that led them to come here and what happened after they all got to the park. They tried to question Y/n a few times but she was so out of it she didn’t hear them or even really notice them there. All she was aware of was her pack around her as she was constantly passed to someone when another had to answer questions. 
She’s now sitting in the back of an ambulance in Hyunjins lap with Felix and Seungmin on either side of them as a paramedic looks at her wrist, hands and cheek. It’s when the paramedic cleans the wounds on her hands from her breaking the skin with her nails that she finally comes back to reality at the pain letting out a hiss
“It’s okay.” Hyunjin says, something they’ve all been saying to her since they arrived. 
“She didn’t do too much damage when she was clenching her fists, just a few cuts.” The paramedic says as she cleans everything up. “Her wrist and cheek are already bruising though. Warning, the cops may want to take pictures of that for the record. But you guys are welcome to sit here until they say you guys are free to go.”
“Thank you.” Seungmin tells her.
The omega looks around at the scene outside of the ambulance, it’s late afternoon now when it was just after two when her date started with Changbin and Jisung. She sees cops still talking and taking notes with several people, her four alphas and Jisung being a part of that. She then looks next to her to see Felix who’s bouncing his leg. 
She reaches over to him and grabs his hand making him whip his head to look at her before he squeezes her hand. “Hey baby, you with us now?” 
She nods her head, the first time she’s answered anyone since her grandfather hit her, all of them letting out a sigh of relief. 
“I’ll go tell the alphas she’s coherent again.” Seungmin stands up and jogs over to where they’re all still talking to some of the officers. 
“You’re safe, princess.” Hyunjin holds her closer to him, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Are you okay, do you need anything?” 
She nods before looking over at Felix again and motions her hand that he isn’t holding, to her mouth as if she was drinking something. 
“You need something to drink?” When she nods again he grabs a water bottle next to him the paramedic gave them and opens it before handing it to her. “Here, you cried a lot, need to rehydrate.” 
She takes the bottle with shaky hands and takes a few sips but then she starts to feel nauseous and hands it back to him. 
“Channie hyungs coming over with one of the officers.” Hyunjin tells her. “She’s gonna want to ask you some questions. Can you do that for us?” The beta frowns when she shrugs. “Can you say anything for us?” 
She shakes her head no just as Chan walks up, the officer just behind him, looking relieved to see her answering Hyunjin. 
“Hey, baby girl.” He places his hands on her thighs and rubs soothing circles with his thumbs. “This is officer Park, she has some questions for you, we’ll be right here the whole time.” 
“She’s not talking.” Felix tells them as the rest of the pack comes over. 
“That’s okay, she’s probably still in shock.” Office Park gets closer causing the omega to push herself back against Hyunjins chest more. “Based on what you guys have told us and what some witnesses say, we know that her grandfather grabbed and attacked her first and that Mr. Seo was just trying to protect his mate. But we do have to ask if you are wanting to press charges or file a restraining order against your grandparents?” 
They all look at her before she looks up at Chan unsure. 
“Will she have to see them again if she presses charges?” Felix grabs her still shaking hand already knowing what’s going on in her head. 
“Unfortunately yes she will have to see them in court.” Y/n quickly shakes her head no to pressing charges. “What about a restraining order?” 
She nods her head and so does everyone else. 
“Alright, Mr. Bang I’ll send you everything you’ll need for the restraining order so you can file it when you guys get back to Seoul tomorrow.” 
“Thank you so much officer.” 
“I will need to take some pictures of her bruised cheek and wrist for the report though.” 
Y/n tries to back herself against Hyunjins chest again, not wanting the cop any closer to her. 
“Here, let me take them.” Minho steps up and officer Park hands him the camera for evidence as Chan takes her hand gently to hold up for the pictures. 
Chan then moves her face gently so the pictures can be taken of her cheek before Minho hands the camera back to the cop. “Alright, you guys are good to go.” 
As soon as the cop walks away Y/n looks at Changbin and raises her arms up to him, tears brimming her eyes once again. 
“Come here, pretty girl.” Changbin picks her up from Hyunjin’s lap and holds her close to his chest, wrapping her arms and legs around him.
“Let’s go.” Chan declares. 
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Tag list: @pixie0627 @sinfulfic @estella-novella @mbioooo0000 @ms-flowergirl @blindspot143 @ihrtlix @arishoriasims @fic-for-readers @motheraiya55 @hwangrfrnd @lxvxchxrlxttxbxrsx22-blog @juskz @borahae-reads @dreamerwasfound @galaxy4489 @kayleefriedchicken @lostgirlinthewoodss @catkight @royal-shinigami @notevenheretbh1 @passionandsuga @m00njinnie @sukss @n1nme4r @blueberrydish @xxeiraxx @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @aalexyuuuhm @kaleigh-2002 @btskzfav @hyunmikim @ot8girlfie @sillygoosegoose @tr0p1cal @eastjonowhere @hime-honne @furfoxsake22 @luvlino23 @iknow-uknow-leeknow @im-sinking-in-mud @fiest4plum @forevermoremagcon @comicnerd557 @nchhuhi @alyxcatspost @danceonmyheyday @maisyyyyyy @shycreationdreamland @chanshugsaretherapy 
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@pineapplekitty3-16 @straykidslover2024 @athens-09 @strayk1ds143 @riri53
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pedge-page · 3 months ago
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: Snacks for the Pack
Joel miller x F!Reader
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Warnings: some family fluff 🤎
Notes: guys my sister and I moved into our own house, but our dad stops by almost every day to drop something off or fix something in our house, ans he usually brings us something like coffee and bubble yea. It didn't occur to us that we expected it till he came one day and didn't bring us a snacky, and we were disappointed. Thus: this fic is born!
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Ok, so here's the thing about your Joel. He's so selfless and always thinking about his family, he never consciously realizes it. And that can be a great thing... until you create a pack of spoiled girls in the house who know not what it feels like to not be spoiled 24/7.
So now you, Sarah, Spoon, and Ellie heard the garage, and all subconsciously got up from your spots in the house, lined up at the door, and waited for Joel to come in. He's on the phone when he does, but gives each one of his ladies (even Spoon) a kiss on the head.
But then he just. Keeps walking in. Closes the garage. Drops his keys on the table, and goes straight for his office.
And then four of his duckling family shuffle behind him on cue, in height order of you, Sarah, Spoon, and little Ellie. Eager and patiently awaiting.
He sits down and finishes his call before rubbing his face and opening his laptop. It takes a moment before he realizes 8 eyeballs anxiously staring at him from the doorway. Even Spoon was licking her chops in anticipation.
"Uhhh... can I help you ladies?"
You look very perplexed. "Did you... need help unloading the car?"
"Uh... no. There's nothing left in the truck....?"
"Nothing. Not even like... in the cup holders... or...." you twirl your fingers, hoping it'll suddenly click that he simply put it... somewhere else of course!
Joel's at a complete loss. Did he forget an anniversary? Birthday gift? He didn't say anything before he left to drop off the package at the post office. Yet here you all were with big, pleading eyes expecting something from him.
"You didn't. Get us anything," you say, coming to the disappointing conclusion.
"Wha--no. Was i supposed to? I'm sorry, I dont remember if you had asked"
Well no, we ... never ask but you always just. Bring us a little treat--" God you felt stupid standing here like pavlov's dog trained to salivate when your husband got home.
Honestly he TRAINED you all to be like this!
See, when you were pregnant and suddenly craving snackies every day, Joel got into the habit of just always bringing you something whenever he would come home. A latte, coffee, bubble tea, hot pretzel, frozen slushie, milkshake etc. So much so that you'd feel like you were wagging your imaginary tail and rushing off the couch every time you heard the garage, and eagerly give him a kiss when he presented you with the daily snack.
Well then Sarah came along. He still brought snacks home for you now out of habit, and Sarah got to the point where she'd take a sip or bite from yours. So daddy coming home was very exciting for her indeed. Like a little reward.
But then you got pregnant again. And suddenly sharing ANYTHING with your little girl kinda irked you. So Joel had the very great intuition of just getting her a little something for herself.
Spoon also saw the two of you constantly approaching the door and being rewarded when Joel would come home, so she'd sit patiently, and Joel started bringing little dog treats or pup cups for her too.
Then Ellie came along, and she wasn't much for coffee, but she DID love the little cake pops that the bakery sold.
Joel curls his brows. Thinking about it, he guess he DID usually come home with something, but he never really sets out with intention most days. It's kinda just... a stop along the way. Today he didn't pass a coffee shop so it didn't even occur to him that--
"Daddy, no cake pop?" Baby Ellie asks in his soft, high, sweet little sad voice, twisting her hips with her pouty lips. Her eyes welled up all shiny as if on the brink of tears.
His entire heart shatters in that moment.
Door, keys, ignition, gas.
15 minutes later and Joel is back, balancing an iced coffee, Tea latte, pup cup of whipped cream, and a few cake pops on sticks. You each grabbed what is intended for you ans give him a fat kiss on the cheek before returning to your corners of the house.
Joel blushes with a barely contained grin.
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@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop @himboelover @callsignwidow @wintersquirrel @fluffygoffpanda @picketniffler @bbyanarchist @jeewrites
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starrystella85 · 11 months ago
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Home Sweet Home Au (image and Au by: @MissMio)
Since the day you left that hell scape of a toy factory known as Playtime Co. you may have brought some stowaways with you, specifically Dogday, Catnap, Kissy, Huggy, Poppy, you get the idea. The human toy experiments that Playtime Co. created from their insane and sadistic imagination, honestly what were they thinking when they did this, anyways you took them home with you to your giant mansion in the woods, that your family owned thanks to not only the money you had made at Playtime Co. while it was still in operation, but because your family owned a huge marketing company that made millions. What was it named? Safe Heaven Toys LLC, funny really that your life revolved around toys.
On the drive home cause you had to make multiple trips during the night so no one would see the monstrosities that were once human in the back of your truck, you pulled into the driveway with the last of the toys, and as soon as you step inside Dogday and Catnap are the first to greet you.
"Welcome home Angel!" The orange stuffed dog said as his tail wagged violently through the air, his tone upbeat and energetic.
"Savior. . .welcome." The purple cat said in a more sleepy tone, but nonetheless excited to see you as his tail snaked it's way around your hips.
"hey guys. . .ugh. . ." You said to them before almost collapsing from the amount of sleep and sustenance you were deprived of, you were lucky that Carnap still had his tail wrapped around your hips to make sure you wouldn't fall face first.
"You need. . .rest now. . .Savior." Catnap stated and honestly you couldn't have agreed more. And so you were brought upstairs to the master bedroom, your room and placed on your king sized bed. As soon as you hit the mattress you pass out immediately, out like a damn light. It would take at least a week before you can recover from all the bullshit that you when through or so the toys thought. Apparently you only need like three days of sleep and a large portion of food, but other than that you were good.
Everyday for the next three days the toys would check on you, making sure that you were alright and well provided for, then just like that you were back on your feet ready to start the day. You've never felt *this* peaceful before, actually you've never felt *this* peaceful a day in your life since you were always moving and on the go, but it felt nice and finally having some company thanks to the living toys you didn't feel as lonely as you originally did before they came into your life.
"Angel how are you feeling now?" Dogday asks you know he's just doing it out of concern for you, he was always a sweet one, possessive? Maybe, but definitely sweet.
"I'm alright Dogday, I've just been doing one to many things that I crashed." You replied back to him, easing his worries, still there's a small glint in his eyes that say otherwise. "I'm being honest Dogday I'm fine." You told him as you began to scratch behind his ears making his foot do the weird moving thing. It was adorable to see and you couldn't help but scratch harder and harder which caused his tail to start thumping against the floor, causing a giggle to come out of your lips. Hearing your soft voice and fits of laughter caused a deep crimson blush to spread across Dogday's face. If he was given the chance he could listen to you all day, cause something about your voice just makes his heart flutter. Unfortunately the moment was short lived cause Catnap having a long ass tail like he does managed to snatch you up and drag you away from the loving pup that was Dogday.
"CATNAP!!! 💢" Yup Dogday was pissed as soon as you were stolen away from him. He tried searching all of the mansion but the mansion was to big and had one too many rooms that Catnap could use to hide, so the poor angry orange puppy gave up, but he swore if he saw that cat again he was going to teach him a lesson about stealing *HIS* angel away from him. Meanwhile Catnap and taken you to the more quiet areas of the house, mainly the ones you didn't have any use for and was just kinda sitting there gathering dust, except for a room that Catnap made to be his nesting spot. The room had a bunch of mattresses, blankets, pillows, and other soft plush-like materials he could find, half of them belonging to you, and the other half you don't know where in gods name he got it from. Probably stole it or something.
"hi Catnap." You said to the large purple cat as he looked at you while holding you within his arms. A faint purr came from his throat as his ears flicked, indicating that he acknowledges you.
"Savior. . ." He says. Ever since you saved him from, what would have been an unfortunate accident if you didn't intervene, was his near death encounter with 1006, and while he knows that he'll always be somewhat loyal to the prototype, he'll mostly be loyal to you just like, if more, the prototype.
Later you were wondering around aimlessly tell someone hugged you from behind. When you looked up you saw the blue huggable monster himself, Huggy Waggy. He'd changed since he and the other toys left the factory with you, and like Dogday, he was extremely clingy. It also didn't help that fact that whenever he looked at you he gave you this innocent little face as if saying "love me."
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multi-fandom-imagine · 8 months ago
🏕️ camping || Bigby Wolf ||
A/n: My love for Bigby has returned, so I had to write some dad!Bigby things
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Bigby didn't do camping, he spent enough of his life time in the woods so why the fuck would he do it willingly.
But then you asked which in turn got the pups excited and he couldn't say no to them which in turn lead to him driving his shitty ass truck to some shitty ass camp ground in upstate New York.
Rolling his neck, he parked the truck as he barely had a chance to tell the kids to stay safe.
"Hey! Don't go far." Bigby shouted as all seven of them rushed out of truck as then ran off to the lake to play in. Shaking his head he turned to find you sleeping. Letting his fingers caress your cheek his gaze softened. He was so lucky to have you, his best friend, the one he loved. "Red, we're here."
Blinking sleep from your eyes, you let out a yawn then turned to smile at him. "Thank you for doing this." Leaning forward you pressed your lips into his for a gentle kiss.
Humming, Bigby gave you a smile shaking his head as he placed one last kiss to the top of your head.
"You don't need to thank me, I can't say no to you let alone the kids."
Stepping out of the truck you raised your arms above your head. "Well I'll go check on them, do you need help setting up?"
"I'm good, go have fun with the kids."
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Bigby glanced at the two tents. A smaller one for the kids than a much larger one a few feet away. He knew it was pointless though since he expected them to come to you half way in the night.
It was the choir of 'daddys' and 'dada' that snapped him out of his thoughts. Each of them jumping on his leg trying to knock him down.
"Come swim with us daddy!" One of them asked, she was already climbing up half way through his pant legs.
Grabbing her by the scruff he then set her down rubbing the bridge of his nose. "What did I say about shifting in public places."
Bigby looked over his children, half of them in their tiny wolf forms as the others stayed as normal humans.
"Don't." They chimed.
"So why-."
"Mommy said we could."
Letting out a grunt he then dropped his shoulders nodding his head. While it might be safe for them, he knew he had no chance to due to his size. "Come on let's go swimming...but do not leave my side."
Catching his breath, Bigby sat next to you in one of the chairs as the kids continued to play and splash around in the lake. "How do they have so much energy?"
Snorting, you closed the book you were reading as your head then rested on his chest. "They are children Bigby."
Letting his arm wrap around your waist he then closed his eyes. "Not to mention they are part wolf."
Smiling you closed your eyes enjoying the sound of your husband's heart beat, of your children's laughter as you fell asleep.
You weren't quite sure how long you slept but it was night time, the sun long set as the kids were gathered around the campfire listing intensely to whatever story there was telling them.
"I see sleeping beauty is finally awake."
Shaking your head, you pulled your chair giving Bigby a look as one of the kids crawled into your lap.
"Please, don't stop on my account."
Giving you a grin, Bigby retuned to his story. Your gaze fixated on him.
While some of the people in fable town may still not trust Bigby, a few may still hate him. He had you and his children. The ones that mattered most.
He might be known as the Big Bad Wolf but to you he was your loving husband, an amazing father.
And nothing will ever change that.
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self-indulgent-paw-patrol · 3 months ago
Can he get any cuter?? I'm so happy to see some Al content in this website, I mean, LOOK AT HIM 🥹😭💜
Al dancing: The gif
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self-indulgent-paw-patrol · 5 months ago
Zuma Appreciation Week - Day 5 (Skipping day 4 because it'll be posted later some other day), Favorite Outfit
Okay, THIS ONE I won't make art for it because I need to focus my still very limited time of using my laptop for other urgent commissions (got another tattoo to draw for and a whole wedding card to design!). Too bad I couldn't buy my second laptop earlier, it won't be here until the 18th and that's just the ETA, it might be delivered later (or sooner, hopefully).
I also don't have a favorite Zuma outfit. I swear I went through the entire list like seven times since when I first came up with the prompts ideas and I still can't pick...
So I'll make a top 5. No specific order.
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Ready Race Rescue racing suit is of course one of my favorites. I always loved racing sports, I'm not an expert but I enjoy it and have fun watching. I still need to get the chance that Brazilian Paramount FINALLY put this special up in their list, to finally watch it in the Brazilian Portuguese dub - and have my dad watch it too, I got my love for racing sports from him XD
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The First Movie outfit is really cool in my eyes too. It doesn't go too far from the classic one, but still has that cool factor, y'know? Plus I love glowy/neon lines, it totally won me over instantly.
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With that mentioned, I can't go about glowy lines without including the Mighty Movie powered up suit! FOR ME, THIS IS LIKE GIVING ME A WHOLE SEASONED SALAD BOWL, I'll eat it up like it's the most delicious thing in the world-- This glowy suit feeds my glowy-lover soul, excellent feast 😂👌🏽
And they managed to work ORANGE glow, it's so easy to go a tiny bit overboard and it suddenly becomes red or yellow... Trust me, it's hard to get a good orange glow on things!
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Can't leave the Aqua Pups diving suit out of this top 5 ever either, for the same reason!! It has the absolute glow-in-the-dark vibe I love so much, I really wish we'd get to see more of Aqua Pups. It felt like a step further from Sea Patrol, now going fully underwater deep ocean, AND GLOWY SUITS LIKE THEY'RE SOME KIND OF BIOLUMINESCENT CREATURES, I LOVE IT--
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And finally, Big Truck Pups! I love their trucker uniforms SO MUCH. They're simple, yet with a nice cool factor, the jackets look awesome, all their colors going really well with the black shirts and gloves, plus the trucker caps! When I get to work on my Zuma looks, one of them will totally be inspired on his trucker outfit and I'll make sure to get a cap and customize it like his trucker one (I want the Sea Patrol cap too). Nickelodeon is totally missing on offering these caps as official products, I'd make sure to buy originals no matter HOW if they would just do that.
AND LAST AS AN HONORABLE MENTION: First movie re-imagined classic outfit!
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Not gonna lie, I like it better than the show's classic one XD It's technically the same, but a little bit more worked/detailed, which I like it a lot. I like getting to see details on things!
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shibasparklez · 1 year ago
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jrswritings · 2 months ago
Tingles and Giggles - Chapter Twenty-Two- Tyler Owens x Reader
Get caught up with Chapters 1-21 on the Masterlist! :)
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Chapter Twenty-Two - Haggard, Jennings, and Strait
You had just left the gas station a couple of hours away from the small town where Auntie B lived, starting your journey to your parent's house. While you were filled with excitement, you were also quite nervous. You hadn’t brought any man home to your parents since your ex, Derek. Your parents were in love with Derek more than you think you were. They viewed him as the perfect boyfriend for you. He was pursuing a law degree and planned to have his firm in the Big Apple. 
Your parents listened to you, but there were times you felt your words landed on deaf ears for what you wanted in life. Every parent wants their child to be happy and successful in life, but everyone views success differently. 
While accelerating onto the highway, you leaned against the armrest and gripped the wheel tightly. In all honesty, it wasn’t just nerves you were feeling; you were scared, too. 
Tyler decided to lean his seat back and put his hat to cover his face, in hopes of taking a brief nap. You slid one of your earbuds into your right ear and selected a random playlist from your ever-growing list of music. The piano intro of Merle Haggard’s ‘That’s the Way Love Goes’ flooded your ear. You hummed along softly, but it was one of your favorite songs of Merle’s so it was hard to not sing along. 
“That’s the way love goes, babe, that’s the music God made, for all the world to sing, it’s never old, it grows,” you sang softly,  “Losing makes me sorry, you say, honey, now don’t worry, don’t you know I love you too, and that’s the way love goes.” 
Little did you know, Tyler was not asleep beside you but was listening to you the whole time. You grew up listening to Haggard, Jennings, and Strait so it brought you back to a time when life was simpler. 
Your phone dinged and your phone read it to you in your ear.
“A text from Mom, hey honey, what time do you think you will be at Uncle Oliver’s? Say what you’d like to respond with.” 
“In an hour or so,” you said, “Who’s driving the truck and trailer?” 
After it was sent, the fiddle on ‘Amarillo By Morning’ took over. You slightly started to rock your shoulders while listening, your fingers tapping the beat of the song on the steering wheel. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Tyler shuffle, glancing over you noticed he was disconnecting your phone from your ear bud and connecting it to the truck. 
“What? I like this song, too,” he said, turning the volume up.
“Ah, okay,” you laughed softly. 
“They took my saddle in Houston, broke my leg in Santa Fe, lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way,” he sang, sitting up in his seat, “But I’ll be lookin’ for eight when they pull that gate and I hope that judge ain’t blind. Amarillo by mornin’, Amarillo’s on my mind.” 
“I never took you for much of a singer, Owens,” you said, turning the radio down slightly. 
“Auntie B and my Mom would always have music playing, no matter the time,” he said, “Especially if it was classic country. They always played Alabama and Johnny Cash.” 
“Sounds like my household,” you chuckled, “Hence why my boys are named Waylon and Willie.” 
“Same for Cash, ain’t that right, bud?” He asked, turning around and seeing his dog passed out in the backseat peacefully. 
“He’s had a lot of excitement the last 24 hours, babe,” you said, “Let the poor pup sleep.” 
“I know,” he said softly, reaching his hand over and placing it on yours, “My last few days have been a lot of excitement, too.” 
“I bet, you’re with one crazy lady,” you laughed. 
“The only thing she doesn’t know is that I’m crazier,” he laughed. 
Your phone dinged again, this time it playing over the truck sound system. 
“A text from Mom, your father planned on having you drive and use your truck, then we’d have your boyfriend help out with some of the manual labor. You know we have to see if he is even worth your time. Say what you’d like to respond with.”
You pressed the button on the screen to not send a reply. 
“Well that isn’t embarrassing at all,” you groaned, rubbing your forehead while turning off the main highway. 
“It’s okay, they just want to see if I’m good enough for you,” he said, “Normal protective parenting.” 
“That’s what you think,” you scoffed and rolled your eyes, “Just wait until they bring up my ex and won’t stop talking about them.” 
“Why do they like him so much since he broke your heart?” Tyler asked, squeezing your hand gently. 
“Because in their eyes he was the perfect boyfriend,” you mocked your parent's tone, “Meanwhile our relationship was far from perfect. I’m glad he cheated, even though it did give me trust issues.” 
“Okay, now I’m lost,” he said, leaning to be facing you slightly. 
“As much as my parents viewed him as perfect, after year two I was starting to fall out of love with him. We would fight, a lot and about the dumbest things. I’d want to go listen to bands and dance in downtown Salado, yet he would want to go to the city and bar-hop with his college friends,” you said, your mind going back to how those days made you feel, “He’d be gone to the cities for a whole weekend if not longer sometimes. He never helped out with the farm chores when we’d go to my parents. It’d just be that his soft little hands can’t get rough, it doesn’t look good in a courtroom.” 
“Was he going to be a judge or something?” Tyler asked.
“Lawyer,” you said, “My parents viewed him as going to be quite successful and would make me happy my whole life. So, I swallowed my pride and stayed with him to make them happy.” 
“Why though? If you were miserable,” he started to say.
“Because back then I was a people pleaser,” you snapped, “And others abused that so I’ve been working on not being one.” 
“I see,” he said quietly. 
“But what I view as being happy isn’t what they view, so I just suffered until I had an actual reason to leave him,” you said, pulling into a rest stop and putting the truck in park. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that for that long, baby,” he said softly, reaching over and moving a piece of hair from your face. 
“It is what it is, Ty,” you sighed, resting your forehead on the top of the steering wheel, “I’ve moved past it to what actually makes me happy.” 
“I make you happy?” He asked, a smirk coming to his face. 
“Yes, you dummy,” you said while sitting up and smacking his chest lightly, “I wouldn’t have said yes if you didn’t.” 
“I suppose you’re right,” he chuckled, kissing the back of your hand. 
“Are you okay to drive? I need to text my mom that we’ll be there in twenty and I need to calm down so I don’t lose it the next couple of days,” you said, unbuckling your seatbelt. 
“Anything for you babe,” he said, “I’d rather not have to bail you out of jail.” 
“I wouldn’t kill anyone, just say some not-nice things,” you said, opening your door and sliding out of your seat. 
“That’s what they all say,” he chuckled, getting out of his side of the truck to go around to the driver's side. 
While you messaged your mom back that you’d be there soon, you leaned the seat back slightly and rubbed your face with your fingers. There was a reason you rarely visited your family, and this was it. The home wasn’t a happy place anymore without James there. Your view of life changed, along with what priorities you had. You moved to stay focused on one thing and one thing only. Yourself.
Taglist: @fanboyswhore9 @faith719 @ummmeg @nerdgirljen @winterassassin1804 @smoothdogsgirl @xbox5angelx @ifilwtmfc @djs8891 @watashiwababy
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knoepfl · 5 months ago
A Wolf in Need
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Clawd Wolf
Female Reader (You)
Trigger Warnings: Mild mentions of illness, caretaking.
Words: 1024
The news spread through the halls of Monster High faster than expected: Clawd Wolf had come down with a nasty cold. For the strong and tough casketball captain, being bedridden was a rarity. But when you heard the rumors, your first instinct was to rush to his side.
You made your way to his dorm, the thought of Clawd lying there alone tugging at your heart. As you approached his door, you could hear the faint sound of a soft whimper—like a hurt puppy. You paused for a moment, feeling a pang of sympathy for him. Clawd wasn’t used to showing vulnerability, but you knew the strong-willed werewolves could sometimes be the biggest softies when they weren’t feeling well.
With a gentle knock, you called out, “Clawd? It’s me.”
You didn’t wait for a reply as you opened the door quietly and stepped inside. The sight that greeted you made your heart ache. Clawd was lying on his bed, his usually vibrant form looking far too pale and exhausted. He had a blanket draped over him, but even so, you could see the slight shivers running through his body. His hair was a mess, and his golden eyes were dim as they met yours.
“Babe…” he murmured, his voice raspy and weak, followed by a soft whine that made him sound like a hurt pup. “I didn’t want you to see me like this…”
You shook your head, stepping forward and kneeling beside his bed. “You think I’d just leave you to suffer alone? No way, Clawd. I’m here to take care of you.”
His lips twitched into a small, grateful smile, but he still looked miserable as he curled up tighter under the blankets. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck,” he admitted with another soft whimper.
You reached out and gently stroked his cheek, your heart breaking a little at how vulnerable he seemed. “I know, baby. I brought you something, though,” you said, holding up a small wrapped package. “A little something to help with that werewolf appetite.”
Clawd’s nose twitched as the scent hit him, his eyes perking up slightly. You unwrapped the package to reveal a tender piece of meat—something you knew would help perk him up. You handed it to him, watching as he weakly took it from your hand and bit into it. His eyes softened, and a quiet rumble of appreciation escaped his chest.
“Thanks,” he murmured between bites, his voice still weak but filled with gratitude. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was…”
You smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed, watching him eat for a moment before reaching up to run your fingers through his hair. His body immediately responded to your touch, relaxing under your gentle strokes. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, leaning into your hand.
“You’re so good to me,” he whispered, his voice a little drowsy.
“Of course I am,” you said softly, continuing to massage his scalp, “because I care about you. And I’m not going to let my big, strong werewolf suffer alone.”
Clawd let out a soft chuckle, though it was interrupted by a small cough. He whimpered again, and you could tell his throat was sore, his body aching from the fever. Without hesitation, you leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your lips.
“You’re burning up,” you murmured, brushing his hair back. “I’ll get you some cold water.”
Clawd’s hand reached out and weakly grabbed yours, his grip surprisingly gentle. “Stay,” he pleaded softly, looking at you with those big, puppy-like eyes. “Just for a little while.”
Your heart melted at the sight of him. He looked so vulnerable, so unlike the confident casketball captain everyone else knew. This was a side of him that only you got to see, and it made you want to hold him close until he felt better.
You smiled and sat back down on the bed, pulling the blanket up to his shoulders as you settled beside him. “I’m not going anywhere,” you promised, continuing to run your fingers through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp the way he loved.
Clawd let out a soft, contented sound, somewhere between a purr and a growl, as he nuzzled into your touch. His body relaxed more with each passing moment, his breathing evening out as you stroked his hair. Despite the fever and the discomfort, he seemed to find some peace in your presence.
“Feels nice…” he muttered, his voice muffled as he buried his face in the pillow.
You smiled, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “You’ll feel better soon. I’ll take care of you.”
Clawd let out another soft whimper, but this time it was more of a contented sound, like he was comforted by your words. “You’re too good to me,” he said quietly, his eyes fluttering shut.
You continued to soothe him with soft touches, gently rubbing his back and running your fingers through his hair. Every now and then, Clawd would make a small, puppy-like sound of appreciation, letting you know he was enjoying the attention. It was a side of him that only you got to see, and you couldn’t help but feel a little privileged to be the one who could take care of him like this.
Eventually, Clawd’s breathing evened out, and you realized he had fallen asleep, his body finally giving in to the exhaustion. You smiled softly, watching him for a moment before leaning down to press another kiss to his forehead.
“Rest up, my big, brave werewolf,” you whispered, tucking the blanket around him. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
As Clawd slept, you sat beside him, keeping a watchful eye on him and making sure he stayed comfortable. You couldn’t bear the thought of him suffering alone, and you were determined to stay by his side until he was back to his usual strong and confident self.
But for now, it was enough to see him at peace, knowing that he felt safe and loved in your care.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed this sweet and tender moment between Clawd and his girlfriend (Reader)! It’s always nice to see the softer side of a tough werewolf, especially when he’s not feeling well. If you have any other requests, feel free to share!
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purelyfiction · 1 year ago
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stars in a line - robert 'bob' floyd x f!reader
Word Count: 1,207 words
Summary: Chicken's in the skillet, ice in the drink, head's in the clouds, diamond's in the rough, he's in a Chevy and I'm in love // Tips in the apron, hair's in a braid, Mercury's all in retrograde // He's in a T-shirt all cleaned up, Good lord almighty, mama don't wait up // Chills down my spine, hearts on the line, He's all mine and I'm in love
Content Warning: fluff!! also note of animal abandonment
Author Note: another round for @ohtobeleah 's galentines writings :))))))
the familiar rumble of the older engine makes your features split with a smile. when bob had told you he was gonna drive his truck from montana to california you thought he was losing his mind.
then he'd explained why he was so insistent.
that he'd taken you out in that '87 Chevy all those years ago. after weeks of coming into the diner you worked in after school, dozens and dozens of milkshake and fry basket combos (and subsequent heartburn) just so he could hang out with you. he'd gotten up the nerve to finally ask you out. that truck had been your front row seats at the drive in watching a rerun of some old army movie his dad had recommended.
he'd taken the two of you to prom in that truck. to high school graduation, your college graduation. when the engine died on you while he was stationed in atlanta he'd taught you how to fix the thing via facetime.
beverly the chevy had been there for so many of your big moments. she'd been the reason why bob ended up buying the house that you stood contently in.
'bev is gonna need a place out of the elements if she's gonna stay top notch.'
this house had been the only one with a two car garage. one side for bev and one side for your car.
now when the engine rumbles echoed in the garage and made the older house vibrate, you couldn't help but grin. the sizzling of chicken in a skillet on the stove greets bob when he steps into the kitchen. he's greeted with the smell and a bottle of wine in a pile of ice in the sink. the door to the garage shuts, and you glance over your shoulder. when you do, you're witnessing the brown paper bouquet in his hands, white t-shirt on his shoulders, levis hugging his waist, trucker cap right where it belongs. he knows what this does to you. it's a simple look, nothing more than the basics but that's what does it. it highlights him. the man you love, bare bones and all.
the same man you fell for in that truck bed all those years ago.
he slides his boots off and wraps his arms around you from behind you, showing off the flowers he carried in. "happy flowers to you," he's humming now, making you giggle as his arms tight around you start bouncing you back and forth as he sings to the tune of 'happy birthday', "happy flowers to you, happy flowers, happy flowers, to my valentine youuuuuu" he punctuates the end of the song with a sloppy kiss to your cheek as you ease the weight of the florals from his hand.
"these are stunning, bo." you grin as he lets go, letting you turn to face him fully as he smiles.
"i know, i picked 'em cause they remind me of you." bob grins before pressing a quick kiss to your lips, barely pulling back when he speaks again, "happy valentines, sweet girl." you repeat the sentiment before he takes the arrangement and starts to get them into water.
you can't help but stare as he begins trimming the ends of each stem, easing them into the vase. you can smell the freshness of his body wash, having showered on base before he came home to you. couldn't waste time on your night together - and he knew it. the combination on him is near lethal to you. if you weren't actively cooking dinner, the counter would have been supplying a different kind of heat to the kitchen.
"i bought you something!" you nearly startle him with your sudden announcement, the reminder of your gift hitting you as you watch him. running down the hall causes the pup in the living room to chase after you, causing you and bob to both laugh.
shadow had been an unplanned addition to your lives because the poor pup appeared on your back deck one night. the collar on his neck held your current address. the previous owners had barely been involved with the process of the sale, so you didn't have their contact information to tell them hey assholes, you left your dog.
so, you and bob joked that the house came with a guardian, a black lab and german shepherd mix (bob got his dna tested out of infuriating curiosity). he quickly clung to the two of you - thus 'shadow'.
you lug the box into the kitchen, where bob has kept an eye on the meal you had recklessly abandoned. looking at you he huffs a gasp. "sweet girl, this is unnecessary." he laughs, taking the wrapped gift from your arms and sliding it onto the counter. still, he tears into it and reveals the milkshake maker, making him laugh, looking over at you with a grin. "that why you got your hair all done like this?" he grins, his fingers moving over the braid you'd plaited this morning.
"maybe." you hum, kissing his cheek as he looks over the box holding the machine. that diner the two of you met in had closed not long after you moved to san diego. you'd spent hours there and he'd once complimented the ribbon in your hair when it was woven into the braid on your head. recently, bob had mentioned how he'd missed those milkshakes they'd always made him.
he grins, before tucking his hand into his pocket. "hold out your hand." you hold it out as he asks, palm up. what he sets into your palm catches you off guard.
you'd been expecting something small, likely a jewelry box or something, like the years before.
instead a little metal circle is dropped into your palm. shining and glimmering. diamonds along it like stars in a line. your spine is electrified with chills, as your jaw drops as you look at him in awe. "bob, what-you-"
"i can get on my knee if you want, i'm just- i'm so in love with you. i'm truly in awe of you and how valid you make me feel. how valued and cherished i feel - how you listen," his head nods to the machine on the counter, "and you care and you never fail to be the best. just simply the best. i hope that i am for you-"
cutting him off you speak, "and you are," he laughs.
"then i wanna continue being that for you. for forever." you're sliding the new piece of jewelry onto your ring finger before he can get the words out, your arms slinking around his shoulders and linking your lips with his.
when you pull back, you grin.
"you're mine. i'm all yours and i'm in love. i'm so in love with you. with our life and the path we're on." you whisper. his hand takes a hold of your arm before the two of you jump at the sound of a smoke detector, both of you scrambling to clear the kitchen of smoke.
when the alarm is off and the burnt chicken is tossed, you smirk as you pull ice cream from the fridge.
"ice cream for dinner?" you try. bob grins.
"how about milkshakes instead?"
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