#I life the big pup trucks outfit
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1drwstuff · 1 year ago
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chris-evans-imagine · 5 years ago
Series: You’re my home. | “Part II: Picnics on Thursdays.”
A/n: I don’t know about you but this quarantine has totally driving me crazy, I stared to home office this week and I’ve been sleeping very late. But last night, this came up. I think this is going to be longer than expected. We’re just at the very beginning of the love story. I hope you enoy it and feedback’s appreciated.
Warnings: parents’ issues. ER visit. Fluff?
Italics are memories.
Part one (x)
Usually, his busy life had made him stay in his hometown for a couple of weeks, tops. Now, he’s been there almost a month, and he had done everything he usually does. He had visited his family, his friends. He still wondered if he had made the right decision of settling down and taking some time to plan his next professional step.
Somehow, the next short term step, had a pretty face, a hair bun with and a hammer on the hand. And no, it wasn’t Hemsworth on Thor. He had been thinking about her y/n a lot. Since the house was done he had no contact with her, and now he just felt like a fool trying to make junior high excuses to reach her.
Maybe to say “thanks”, but he had said it like a thousand times when she stood on the porch looking at her masterpiece.
“Oh, well. I guess, this is all done, our job here it’s done”
“Yeah, I love it, y/n. thanks”
“It was a beautiful house, just needed a little hand.”
“Yeah, thanks for your little hand” she nodded not sure what to say next.
“Well, I think I should go. Usually Lily and I go to picnics on Thursdays and its getting late”
“That sounds fun”
“It’s not a big deal, we just grab some snack or we cook something, we go to a park or we use the backyard.” Both of them nodded, speechless. “Hum, you should come sometime”
“Oh, I’d love to. Thanks”
“Yeah, I gotta go. Goodbye” she waved on her way to the truck and he waved back. Thanks, by the way.
After giving it a lot of thought, he decided to call her. But that was too formal. Would a text be better? Like, to keep it casual?
Fuck it, Evans.
He was tying when he got her text.
“Hey, Chris. Lily and I were wondering if you’d like to come over for our picnic.”
 His hands were sweaty. He had shower twice, he had changed his clothes more times. Dodger only saw his journey to pick the outfit. In the end, he had decided for dark jeans, a light blue tank top and white sneakers.
“Come on, bubba” both of them left the dream house and then both of them got into his Jeep.
Chris had decided to pick up some ice cream and snacks. He drove around town and bought flowers. Then, he bought beers for the lady, tropical juice for the little lady.
Dodger happily followed him around on their way to the front door. Bags on both arms. He rang the bell and Lily showed up in a few seconds.
“Chris!” she smiled.
“Hey, princess. I heard you were making a picnic.” She hugged his legs and Dodger played around her.
“You have a puppy!” she knelt and Dodger licked her cheek.
“You like him, Lil” Y/n showed up. She looked different, she was wearing a summer dress, her hair looked different, it was braided and she had light make up that made her glow.
“Hey, Chris.” She smiled and leaned to kiss his cheek. “Come on in” he followed them to the kitchen.
“Hey, I brought… this” he handed the flowers to Lily. “Do you know these flowers are named Lily?”
“Like me?” her eyes lit up and hugged him again. “These are so pretty”
“Yeah, but you’re prettier”
 “I hope you don’t mind I brought Dodger” Chris broke the silence. He was helping you out to prepare the rest of the snacks, you had already prepared some grapes, strawberries and watermelon slices. He was preparing croissants.
“Of course not. Lily has been asking for a pup for a while. I think you should watch out” she spoke.
“I don’t mind” you grabbed a grape and cleaned your hands with the cloth. When you decided inviting Chris, you didn’t expect him to be such… thoughtful. Actually, a part of you expected him to decline the invitation, but since Lily had asked for him every single day. You thought of the possibility of having him around.
“Are your parents around? Should I make them a croissant too?”
“No, they should be back soon, though” you crossed your arms and watched him preparing the meal. “Chris, I’m sorry for bring this up, but I just want to…” and before you could finish the sentence (or warning), you heard a scream.
Both of you ran and found her on the grass. Tears falling down. You tried to keep calm, but he was the one that stood up.
“What happened?” he asked. Lily curled up on her right arm.
“I fell. Mommy, it hurts” he carefully picked her up and she hid on his neck.
“I need to take her to the ER, Chris. I’ll call you later?” you asked trying to fit her on your arms.
“I can’t leave you alone, you’re not in condition to drive, y/n” you sighed and nodded.
 You were proud of being a cool mom. Of acting cold minded. But when you saw Lily laying on the grass, you froze. You were on the backseat of Chris’s jeep. Lily’s eyes were swollen, every now and then she dropped a tear. You tried to immobilize her arm. You caressed the top of her hair and kissed it. Chris looked at you through the rear-view mirror. You whispered a thank you.
 Chris tried to keep it cool. But waiting on the next room was freaking him out. He hadn’t had his leg tic in a while. But now, he was about to drill the floor with his incessant leg. After a few minutes that felt like an hour y/n walked through the doors.
“She’s fine. She broke her elbow. She threw the ball and it ended up on the storage, she tried to climb the tree to get there.” Chris was standing in front of you, listening quietly to every single word. “I’ve told her not to climb, she’s just so stubborn and, oh, God” and out of the blues, you burst into tears.
Chris reaction was to pull you closer. He tugged you into his arms. He caressed your hair the same way you did with Lily before.
“This is my fault. I should’ve been watching her, I…”
“Hey, it’s not your fault, y/n. accidents happen and she’s fine, okay?” he framed your face. You probably looked ridiculous, you thought, crying on the waiting room while he was trying to keep you calm.
“She’s fine” you murmured. He used his thumbs to clean up your tears.
“She is” he nodded. His eyes met yours. Your teary eyes and your swollen lips directed all the attention. “You’re fine, too, y/n” he sweetly spoke, he grinned and you did too.
“We’re fine” he leaned. You froze again, what was he doing?
He kissed the top of your head and you sighed, but in relief or disappointed?
“Y/N Y/L/N?” the nurse called you, bursting the bubble.
 “I have a pink cat” Lily spoke over the phone with your parents.
“Cast, love” you corrected her. She still had her swollen eyes and she sobbed every now and then.
“Cat.” You rolled your eyes “And Chris and mommy are taking me for an ice cream because I was very, very, very brave”
“Chris, huh?” your mom asked.
“Yeah, we gotta go, just watch out for Dodger, please? Hum, want something?”
 “My dad told me you were here” you spoke. Chris was on the front porch, looking at the dawn. It was breathtaking.
“Yeah, I came to pick up a call and I was just looking at that.” You handed him a beer. He accepted it. You sat on the wood steps.
“I think you have a thing for the front porches” he sat next to you and nodded with a smile.
“You got me there” for a few minutes both of you were quiet, you had been on this situation before, a nice and unbelievably warm atmosphere covered you two.
“I wanted to thank you for what you did today.”
“You don’t have to…” you denied with your head.
“Before everything happened, we were talking and I was going to tell you that I don’t want you to feel forced to be with us, I get it you are from a very different environment and a little girl like Lily can be too much. Well you saw that today” you sighed. “Chris, I… really like you, but I’m a mother first” you played with the label of your beer. Unable to see him.
Chris wowed.
“Y/n… I admire you. I have never met a woman like you. You’re fascinating. You’re great at your job, you’re a great mom. I’ve seen both sides. I would never try to hurt you or be on your way of being you and everything that includes. I’m talking a lot but, my point it’s that I know that side of you and I’d like be part of your life. I know you’re trying to protect you and Lily, but…” he didn’t find the right words. Instead, he reached your hand.
“I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but, I know you didn’t have a cast back then, you didn’t heal the way you were supposed to. I want to be that. I’m willing to be that. I really like to meet you, take you on a date, if that doesn’t work, I’m okay with being your friend.”
“Oh, my God! Chris, kiss my mommy!!!!” you heard a voice through the window. Lily.
“Lily! What did I tell you about sneaking?” you yelled.
“Let’s go” you heard your mom’s voice. Of course she wasn’t alone.
“Since you’re a know it all about me, I want to be a know it all about Chris Evans.”
“So, there’s only something I have left to say”
“What is it?”
“Would you like to be on a date with me?”
“I’d love to”
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ohlookabookbyanerd · 6 years ago
Rosie is NOT a Bot!
Story type: Slice Of Life
Continuity: TFP
Timeline: Before the first episode
Featuring HeadCannons from:
@tf-imagines @deceptimagines
Story Summary: When a Strange little girl enters into the lives of the Transformers Crew, Things take an unusual Turn! 
Day 1- Encounter
It was a Bright and Blustery Day in Jasper, Nevada as a Blue and Red Peterbilt truck was driving into town form the outskirts of desert. To the trained human eye this is your usual heavy-duty Truck completing its rounds. But this Particular Truck is more then meets the eye, as it also happens to be the Alt-mode of the leader of the Autobots; An Alien Race of Technological beings Protecting Earth From the evil forces of another faction: the Decepticons. Things had been Pretty Quiet here ever since the decepticons Went Off the grid about two months ago.. but whenever they Weren't around that usually meant they were planning something big. This bothered Optimus so he often Left the Base for Patrols.He might come off as paranoid to his team but he’d Rather be safe then sorry. He Silently drove threw the streets for a while before he soon stopped at a traffic light. He waited there patiently while letting his thoughts run away with him.. Until something caught the corner of his eye. Across the Street on the Sidewalk stood a little girl with a Wagon, waiting to cross the street. Now this was your typical Little girl;  she had Long black hair, Brown skin, Glasses, Brown eyes, looked about 14, and was wearing Jeans and a kitten Hoodie. A Normal little girl. Nothing to be really interested in right? That’s what you would think. But This particular Little Girl had peaked Optimus’s Interest. Ever since he Started Going on these patrols for the past month he’d Seen this Same little Girl Everyday in the same outfit on this same street with the Same little Wagon. It Happened so many days at the same time that his inner curiosity was focused on finding out who this little girl was. As the walk sign on the crosswalk lit up, He watched as she Quickly Crossed the Street while pulling her little wagon behind her in a Hurry before Returning to a Normal Walking pace Upon Reaching the other side and onto Sidewalk. Gingerly he Began to Tail The Little Girl- But Remembered to Keep a Respectful Distance between her and himself. Humans Tend to Panic If they feel threatened so it's best to Observe From a distance. As he Drove down the road he Took Note of how she Reacted to her Environment. She seemed to Avoid Being Close to any of the other Humans Nearby, and Wouldn't even Look At them as her eyes were planted to the ground. She walked Slightly slower then the usual Speed of movement.. and Sometimes if there was a Large group of people she would Take another Route, and Optimus would surely have to Find a Side-road to Continue his Persuit. Judging by These Reactions this Human seemed to be Shy. After a While He Noticed that they were beginning to leave the city. Where was she Going? After a while she approached an Abandoned Area.. It seemed to be an old Park of some sort.. He watched as she Entered it.
//I'll have to follow her on Foot.. Nobody seems to be around.. It should be okay for me to Transform.\\
Optimus Transformed into his True Form, a giant,Towering Robo-sapien. He Carefully Treaded Threw The Parks entrance and threw the Trees, Not wanting to loose sight of the little human that Had him so Enraptured. Finally She arrived at her destination, an Old And Worn out Wooden Canopy.
He watched her with Wide Optics as she Pulled out a few Groceries from her wagon and set them on a Park Bench, giving a warm smile as a Little Black Dog Came Rushing From inside the canopy- Barking unusually Loudly. She laughs Playfully as she Rubbed The Excited canines Back as it continues to bark Happily. She Carefully Placed Her Wagon behind the Canopy and Gave a Quiet Yawn Before Taking a worn out Blanket from the wagon and walking Under the Canopy, Before Laying down for a Nap while her Little Dog Ran lays down Next to her.
Optimus was Beside himself! Was this where this little Child went every day? Was this where she Lived?! Where was her Family? Being an Autobot hidden Amongst The Humans, You Notice things others do not. He's been around long enough to see Humans who Live on the streets. But he has Never..EVER.. Seen a Child on the streets.. without their Guardians No Less. He Quietly Approached The Canopy where The little ones Slept Quietly, Getting a good look at the two. Deep down in his Spark he knew that She Was Alone... And he couldn't bare to Leave them here. Glancing around the Area Silently, He gently reached Out to the Little Child and Dog with his Servos. The small Dog's head perked up immediately with a Soft Growl, before she Looked up to Optimus, Causing him freeze. The two were there for a few moments before the dog Got up and wags its tail as it sniffed at his servo, before surprisingly climbing onto it. Perhaps this canine can sense His Pure intention. Either way he Carefully Held the Pup in one Servo before Using his Other to Carefully pick up the Sleeping Child. He Glanced around as he Treaded Carefully threw the park and to the Entrance, Trying his best Not to wake The Little Girl. Once he had Exited the Park and made it to the Main Road, He Transformed and Silently Drove away towards the base.
After a Few minutes of Driving his Comm-link Gave off a Ping as an prettyAnnoyed/Slightly worried Tone Spoke.
🔧- [*Optimus! Where Are You? You've been out Longer then Usual! Are you okay?! You better not be Captured Or Ignoring my Calls!*]
💙- [*No Old Friend.. I was Just.. Busy.*]
🔧- [*You we're what? Optimus, If Your Bringing Back another cat to This Base I Swear to Primus-*]
💙- [* I Can Assure You that I'm not Bringing back a Cat..*]
🔧- [*Thank The All-spark.*]
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altpress · 6 years ago
GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33 What the hell is YUNGBLUD, anyway? Is it a sassy stage name for British-born Dominic Harrison to wave his freak flag and pink socks under? Is it a musical vehicle that has absolutely no allegiance to genre as much as it does to getting the message across? Or is it a school of thought where the world’s youth can stand united to hasten the destruction of all the social, political and cultural barriers designed to separate them? If you said, “all of the above,” Harrison is ready to give you a big hug, an anthem or three and the empowerment to change the world, one person at a time. “This is what I’ve always wanted to create,” Harrison tells writer Jake Richardson in the next issue of AP. “I grew up with ADHD, and because of that, a lot of people misunderstood my intentions. I didn’t fit into a box that society was accepting of. If you’ve ever felt like you’re outside of that box, you’ll know how awful it is—that feeling of inadequacy permeates your brain. “I wanted to build something that would defy what was suppressing me, and that’s what YUNGBLUD is—it’s creating a community of people who are themselves no matter what,” he continues. “You are safe to be yourself here: Regardless of what the fuck is going on outside, for the length of the show or the time we’re connecting online, you can be you and forget about all the bullshit.” Heralding the recent release of his live album YUNGBLUD (Live In Atlanta), this month’s cover story finds Harrison candidly discussing everything from his roots, the darker periods of his life (“If you’re depressed, there will be a rope hanging in front of your face somewhere: Don’t fucking hang yourself with it. Grab it and climb it”), pissing off old people on British TV and his conviction toward the power of his generation. Because unlike most rockers, Harrison doesn’t want you to worship him: He wants to light your inner fuse to do great things. GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33 “I believe in my generation because we’re so fucking smart,” he announces. “Yeah, we’re a bit arrogant, but that’s because we’ve got to be when you look at what’s going on around us: Brexit, Trump, war, privatized health care, racism, gender inequality, homophobia. We know the future we want to be a part of, and this isn’t it. We’re being held back by old ideologies that don’t understand us, but we’re gonna get that future we want to see.” Discover what Team YUNGBLUD wants to see in the world in the next issue of AP, available right here... GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33 ALSO IN THIS MONTH’S ISSUE Tatiana Shmailyuk, vocalist from head-swiveling metal outfit JINJER, had to pass several armed guard checkpoints to finally arrive at a computer for her Skype interview with AP. Any band in America bemoaning their purported “struggle” can drink an icy-cold tall boy of STFU right about now. On their new album Morbid Stuff, Toronto outfit PUP deliver punky pop that’s couched in wit, wry observations and more heart than a flipped Hallmark semi-truck packed with Valentine’s Day cards. That’s why we asked the v. cool JEFF ROSENSTOCK to blow the breeze with the guys before their national television debut. Another round of IPAs and beard oil for the table, please… NEW YEARS DAY frontwoman Ash Costello is one of the nicest people with an address on Earth. But on NYD’S new album, Unbreakable, she’s breaking the floodgates wide open, addressing what people expect from her and what she’s going to give them. In this month’s photo special, we’re perusing the portfolio of photographer ASHLEY OSBORN, who you may have seen hard at work capturing the action on one awesome tour or another. Besides picking all the great images (better get an extra copy to hang on the wall), Osborn shared all the stories behind each one—and the pleasure was all ours. AP ARCHIVES is all about the nü metal this month, with stories revealing who escaped certain death at a DEFTONES shoot; KORN’s state of mind during their first magazine cover; and who the most awesome member of LIMP BIZKIT was. (Hint: He doesn’t wear a red baseball cap.) BLACKBEARBLACK BEAR told us about all the soul searching and beat-crafting behind the making of his new album in ALBUM ANATOMY. Mikaila Delgado from the wondrous trio YOURS TRULY wasn’t going to let illness curtail her from seeing the world and rocking out, and her story is living proof regarding how IT GOT BETTER. Oh, and because we’ve been rockin’ that new YUNGBLUD live album a little too much, we picked 10 ESSENTIAL songs to listen to while you’re raising hell and evading law enforcement. Did we mention awesome photos, inspiring fan art and 12 recommended bands waiting to cozy up to your ear canals? Let’s go! GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33 by Alternative Press
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sheusedtobesassier · 4 years ago
Day 10,785
172 days until I hit my thirties.
So. An assortment of 172 good memories from my twenties.
001. Addey hype mumbo jumbo singing along with Moana before she was really talking.
002. Being asked to say the big thank you at SOE graduation.
003. Isaac’s face when he peeked at Omar’s new shoes at the East Towne Starbucks.
004. Drinking Mike’s honey moonshine while we played Euchre in his starry cicada humming backyard.
005. Taking Mama on the water taxi rides when she visited me in Chicago.
006. Grandma Kathy calling me, “My pink haired granddaughter.”
007. Sneaking into camp with the Hines girls to write up collaboration glass bottle poems in the Prayer Chapel.
008. The slow and steady hike up to the Hollywood sign.
009. The night I kidnapped Mini Farm kittens to snuggle for a movie and accidentally left the gate open releasing the rest to the Wisconsin wild.
010. Sunday afternoon sipping Stella Artois in the perfect sunny front room of our Albany Park apartment.
011. Zoë giving me all her wallet cash so I could buy bare minimum groceries.
012. Taking turns reading The History of Love aloud in our Winter Staff Forest Springs apartment.
013. The Halloween/Hillside round of Murder in the Dark with All Stars only.
014. Acting a fool in the unfinished Lodge room filled from floor to ceiling with Tempur-Pedic mattresses.
015. Doug lounging in the giant crate of laundry bags in the laundry room.
017. St. Patrick’s Day 2021, hahaha.
018.  Beyoncé: Lemonade in the empty downstairs apartment with Mary.
019. Accidentally getting kayak drunk from a backpack bottle of Ménage à Trois.
020. Daylight skinny dipping with Amber to inaugurate the new pool.
021. The perfect stray cat that came around the second half of 2018.
022. Renate being the first to cry with me post breakup. Bill supplying sparkling water to prevent dehydration.
023. Doing drag makeup in Bekah’s bathroom while her and Marissa giggled at each other in the tub.
024. Every kitchen island conversation I’ve ever had with Steve Hines.
025. The perfect colors the night we snuck up on the helicopter landing pad on that Dallas hotel.
027. Becoming buddies with all four Williams brothers.
028. When Mercy told me I’m her favorite Williams brother.
029. Hahaha the Camp Clean Up I put Elliot on my crew for my own amusement and told him his only responsibility was to walk around with me the whole time.
030. The time Blaine and I were avoiding the long lunch line together and Nimanim was like, “Wait so this is like an actual friendship huh?”
031. Tanner enthusiastically reenacting Gandalf’s YOU SHALL NOT PASS as I came up the path.
032. Will realizing I’d Facebook stalked him without sending a friend request.
033. Magically finding Pop Rocks the morning of my perfect 22nd birthday.
034. My perfect 26th birthday weekend in Minneapolis with my dreamy local girl gang.
035. Tauri’s blossoms on the Sky Lodge trees in the spring.
036. Encountering and becoming completely enthralled by the Enneagram.
038. Clementine von Radic writing that Greyhound always loses her luggage too.
039. My stretch of obsession with Hemingway’s love interests.
040. Becoming friends with Fat Boy Tucker pup.
041. Becoming friends with rescued best dog Star girl.
042. The night Doug was my ride from the airport and he pulled his truck over so we could take a good look at the gigantic moon.
043. That hilarious flirtatious moonlight wander of the horse trails with Omar and Edith and Caleb.
044. Jake Nelson giving me a surprise scoop of chocolate custard as a peace offering after his grumpy bedtime attitude.
046. Getting to have Alia in every day for a while there.
047. Les Mis at Overture Center because Ally bought our family tickets.
048. Pat Coakley telling me I don’t know how special I am.
049. Spit handshake with Janelle swearing we’ll never think any boys are cooler than we are.
050. Marissa picking me up without explanation to take us on a quiet sunset drive of her favorite county road.
051. Jayden imagination playing with Blue, Guy, and a motorcycle for a whole night then waking me up with them the next morning.
052. Genevieve asking to borrow my lavender romper for her rehearsal dinner.
053. Getting to be Cali’s sidekick the week leading up to her wedding extravaganza.
054. Houston YMCA hallway phone call from Justin’s dorm room asking me clarify which of the boys was Nick, Schmidt, and Winston.
055. The absolutely ludicrous old woman I got drunk with in the Amtrak dining car.
056. The absolute ludicrous glass skull light up cocktail I drank at Freehand’s hotel bar.
057. When Dan Hartke told me I’m a mother hen.
058. When the most beautiful Sora from Korea told me, “You always flowers.”
059. Hannah’s hand me down Steve Madden sandals.
060. Runaway trips with Amber Bamber to watch Shakespeare in the woods.
061. Storytelling with Jack Thomas.
062. Drunk bar darts after Corn Fest with Marissa’s gang.
063. Leaving the reception with Emmy to go curl up in Amber’s bed and giggle about how it was the last place she slept as a virgin.
064. The night Riana and Zoe and I took turns putting our heads out the car windows to howl like wolves.
065. Falling asleep on the couch with Zelina and Chelle beer buzzed watching Jersey Shore.
066. That perfect little basement Thai place a couple blocks from Emmy’s apartment dorm.
067. When Dan forced me to get out of his car and left because I’d annoyed him too hard on our library trip.
068. Vicki suggesting we go live together overseas.
069. Depop photoshoot with Taurilyn.
070. Mykenza bluntly declaring true things I couldn’t confirm or deny.
071. Norm announcing to the full room he was teaching that I was a rascal.
072. Zochella.
073. Noah Gundersen and Brett Dennen at The Majestic.
074. Every damn time we ate beautiful food at High Rock Cafe.
075. The nights I felt capable at TOCHI.
077. Jordan suddenly ballroom dancing Genevieve around the kitchen.
078. Staying up late crying to my mom about trying to take good care of the lesbian teenagers at Sky Lodge.
079. The night Caleb very suddenly showed up with a bowl of sangria then tried to leave a dozen times but we convinced him to stay.
080. Rachel swearing that the man in the Wrigleyville bookshop had love at first sighted me.
081. Making the list of how many musicals I’ve been affected by.
082. Discovering weirdo La Llamada then driving straight to Carlsons’s to immediately watch it again with them.
083. Writing heartfelt correspondence back and forth with Kat for a few years.
084. All the funky cards I’ve received from Amber.
085. Finding that PERFECT dress at Goodwill for Tauri’s Winter Ball.
086. An actual friendship with Paul Bierdeman.
088. The night Emily Holverson and I stood outside the Lodge trading sincerity about Sky Lodge and the complications of ministry.
089. Blunt conversations with Josiah, hahaha.
090. The Lower Lakeview round of Murder in the Dark when I killed every single person playing before anyone could call, “Dead body!”
091. When I suddenly caught him listening to my singing in the tunnel.
092. Putting together outfits from Lolita’s wardrobe.
093. Driving into such an unexpectedly lush part of Missouri.
094. A nighttime surprise of Big Ben and The London Eye and Buckingham Palace and St James Park in the falling snow.
097. Becoming one of Steve’s best friends.
098. The evening Elorine and I didn’t go with and REALLY talked.
100. Farrell’s crying apology on the sidewalk outside of Maple.
101. Alex’s irregular sudden extreme compliments.
102. The females I’m close with over the internet due to mutual admiration.
103. Lars from Hinge, hahaha.
104. Sitting at the end of a long table with Janelle making a napkin list of our all time favorite manic pixie dream girls.
105. The handful of LotR marathons we’ve accomplished.
106. When Kat told me she understood the Harry Styles crush but that maybe he wasn’t right for me.
107. Reading so many Donald Miller books and getting others to read them too.
108. Kisses on the cheek from Esther.
109. Getting raspberries for Mike’s turtles as an apology for making death threats.
110. Tipsy dancing alone with my eyes closed for like a hundred songs at Sheryl’s Club on New Years 2021.
111. The flattering comparison to the wonderful Harley Duke.
112. Aw omg, our happy hammock stacks at Observatory Hill. 
113. Telling slumber party stories on stage for Women’s Retreat.
115. Fatigued watching The Kissing Booth and laughing harder than ever.
116. Spastic goofing around with Ashley AND Brittany the day we moved Amber into her new home.
117. Sitting on my closet floor showing crying Riana baby videos of singing piano playing Janelle.
118. Giggle running through Piggly Wiggly parking lot at closing with Rene with like $400 of alcohol on Ally’s birthday.
119. Fireball shots ALL NIGHT with Jeremiah and his uncle on Christmas Eve.
120. Listening to the delicious details of Emmy’s Europe romance.
121. Zion giving me his Adidas crewneck as sentimental goodbye gift.
122. Arguing with Austin over our differing zombie apocalypse ideologies.
123. Drunk Discord/Among Us with Hunter and Bekah and Nick and Marissa.
124. How soft Kenny’s absurd speeches made my heart.
126. Listening to Lizzy McAlpine in an afternoon candlelight bath.
127. Listening through John Mayer’s The Search for Everything mowing the ball field.
128. Emotionally painting my old house in Birmingham.
129. Being really damn good at that Heads Up game with Omar.
130. Compiling worthwhile stuff for Foreman training.
132. The stretch when Bryanna was usually wrapped in my blanket.
133. Talking about going to Colorado with Alex.
134. The notorious reputation of knowing everybody at CCCA.
136. Calling Ally from a parking lot at Emmy’s bachelorette party because I was SO CONFIDENT I was a hot person that I had to talk to her about it.
137. Playing the stupidest laughingest game of The Floor Is Lava with Jackson when I came to visit them all in Dallas.
138. Feeling really really really at home in my apartment at Sky Lodge.
139. How Ryan Boon would struggle to talk through his laughter.
140. Belonging to myself at Fiddleheads Coffee in Cedarburg.
142. Big Falls County Park. Every time.
143. Kayaking down Blue River with Duke, Jeremiah and Addey, Hunter, and Hunter’s friend.
144. That perfect burger at Pier Burger in Santa Monica.
145. Riding The Brown Line down to The Loop and all the way back up.
146. Aw. Welp. Every lengthy truthful phone call with Sam.
147. The four seasons I was compiling four second videos.
148. Ashley’s and my perfect roommates stretch, featuring our perfect couch.
149. The night we forced so many to come to our Blackfish showing then sign our petition opposing Sea World. Hahaha. #emptythetanks
150. The night Ben and I sat in the corner giddy burning through TriBond cards.
151. The night I showed up at Doug’s and Lueck’s door losing my damn mind over The Dress.
152. Community Soccer at the local elementary school gym.
153. Frigid stranded in the Chequamegon National Forest with Mary and Caleb on our return drive from our nightmare trip to Duluth.
154. The final night of being “cats in a bag” sleeping in Janelle’s bottom bunk.
155. Filling up the broomball courts under a negative degrees meteor shower.
156. Getting another wonderful summertime of Delala.
157. The Sunday service the pastor wouldn’t quit snapping his fingers and a bunch of us were txting each other like, “OMFG NO AHHH HOW DO WE MAKE HIM STOP????”
158. Oomph. The perfect veggie omelette (no cheese) at Sparks.
159. Dad’s soft voicemail about his admiration for Adele.
160. Their neighbor lady Maddie’s outfit for the Christmas cantata and her disappointment with the unfamiliar song selection.
161. Raquel’s completely irresistible fun streak.
162. Listening to folklore with Jayden and the girlies first thing when I woke up every morning for a while there.
163. Going through Met Gala looks cuddled up with Omar.
164. The way it felt reading Anthropology of an American Girl.
165. The giant primary colors crochet blanket mom made for me.
166. Noah scooping me up in that hug in the Waterloo parsonage kitchen.
167. When Omar completely surprised me with what he can do to a piano.
168. Deciding I am a Pinot Grigio girl.
169. Omfg, the Nest Night we intensely debated our way through a Staff Wives wrestling bracket.
170. Dismantling multiple purity talks and dress codes like it’s my calling.
171. Laying on blankets in the middle of many fields in different places for the sake of being very very very very sunkissed.
172. Regularly running into Bill at Kwik Trip.
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blah-blah-blogg · 8 years ago
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OK OK, I’ll be the first to admit it….I’m a horrible fucking blogger. Absolute shitte!! It’s been like an entire year since my last post, I’m sorry I suck so hard.
Things really went south for a bit there and it’s taken a minute to bounce back! I live to make others laugh so typically only like to write about things that are funny, but life isn't always funny. To be completely honest, life sucker punched me in the face and like one of those blow-up clown punching bags I just kept popping back up for more.
Trust me, it will take more than this one blog to fill you in on the madness but I’ll start with the reason I stopped. Feb and March 2016. Two months that changed me. Work was a constant source of stress, I’d lost my inspiration, my social life was lame city, and my best friends kept moving further and further away. On top of that, I’d permanently pumped the brakes on the old Tinder dating, realizing that I’m destined for a life with just me and Penny (Penny is my golden retriever, the greatest dog of all the dogs…ask anyone). Oh and I forgot to mention that everyone around me was dropping dead.
I know I shouldn't make light of such a serious matter, but it’s really the only way I know how to survive. I hate being sad or weak so instead I make jokes and push the tough stuff deep down, pretending everything is fine. Isn't that called adulting??? For real though, I lost three people in a matter of weeks and it left massive holes in my heart. My beloved Auntie Christine who I will absolutely never accept is gone, my childhood friend Nathan whose sudden death shook me so much that I couldn't even bring myself to attend his funeral, and believe it or not a really lovely man named Matt that I met on Tinder, who became my friend and had so much to offer the world with his big silly heart.
Here’s the thing about death: it is actually super NOT funny and despite of all my efforts to use humour to survive, there was no amount of making light of it that could mend those holes. It was a tough couple months, I was really damn sad, and it has forever hardened me. I hate being sad, more than anything in the world. I absolutely hate crying and I hate being weak. Unfortunately, emotional dramatics run in my blood so when I allow the sadness to actually make it to the surface, shit gets UGLY!! I am a total NIGHTMARE of a sad girl. Just a mess!! I’m talking full blown ugly-cry: nostrils flared, lips quivering, snotty mess. I bawl my friggin’ brains out, usually in the bath tub or shower, and believe me I really go for it. I walked around for months pretending to be fine, but hid in the washroom at work on the daily fighting back tears with all my might. It was awful. I just want to be a butterfly… free to float around without a care in the world. Sounds lovely, non?
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Now here comes the surprise twist: in the midst of all of this death and sadness I met a really great guy. I know you need a moment here…YES you read that correctly! If you’ve read about any of my dating experiences, you’ll understand the great shock here. Yes, I actually said ‘great guy’ and even weirder I totally meant it. EW, so gross I know. They say timing is everything but I’m calling bullshit on that old saying. There literally could not have been a worse time to meet someone so great! I’d like to think I held it together pretty well. I mean, I didn't cry on any of our dates so that’s a plus…right?
Talk about a buzz kill though…trust me, nothing dampens the mood on a first date like ‘how was your day?’ ‘Oh, my friend died today’ …..um I really need to learn to hold things back. What did I think this poor guy would have to say to that? Jesus, maybe I should write a blog just about the dumb shit I say on dates (seriously, things just come spewing out of my mouth like projectile word vomit). I give him major points for pressing through. I won’t even get into the fact that I also tried to get out of almost everything he had planned for us….driving range? in the dark? in high heels? dinner at a pub in a STRIP MALL?!?!? Omg no no no. By some miracle this man got me to do all of the above, managed to dig us out of the dark depressing hole I’d started our date off in, and then ALSO completely charmed the shit outta me! I literally had the BEST time, I whacked the heck out of those golf balls in my high heels, died over his adorable outfit, and laughed the night away at the strip-mall pub!! I forgot about all the shit I was dealing with and just got to be my ridiculously girly self for a few hours. What was happening? who was this plaid shirt,Timberland boot wearing, friggin’ cutie??
Date number two was just as surprising….and it happened the following morning. Now don’t go jumping to conclusions here. Date number one ended with a PG rating (despite my wild antics I am a lady, people!!!). In fact I actually X framed the poor guy out when he tried to make out with me on that first date (if you’re unfamiliar with the X frame, simply hold your two arms out in front of you, make an X........Tadaa)
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Aha ha, it’s super awkward and pretty aggressive, but effective and actually quite hilarious! I mean, he was cute as hell, but one step at a time bud. Anyways, somehow less than 24 hours after our first date, there we were headed down an old country road with coffees and our pups. Shockingly, I never once thought he would murder me out there (reference previous posts: I live in perpetual fear of being murdered by a stranger). It was without a doubt in my mind that this guy was one of the good ones. I clung to his peaceful goodness like it was life or death, and when we were together I could forgot about those holes. Honestly, this guy was unreal. Every single one of our dates was straight out of a country music video…I’m not exaggerating. We literally had a picnic date on the tail gate of his truck with country music blaring, swinging our feet over the river…I was waiting for the camera crew to pop out of the woods and for Luke Bryan to come strolling down the river bank guitar in hand. 
Almost a year later we had endless hours of conversation under our belts and it felt like I’d always known him. We had covered death three times over, divorce, murder, unhappy relationships, tough life lessons and just about everything else in between. Our country music video dates continued on the regular and there were some unreal memories made. He was kind and sweet and, although he was peaceful and had such a quiet soul, it was clear that his divorce had left him with his own holes. Our relationship was lovely and it was one for the books but sadly it was doomed from the start. Unfortunately, you have to be whole and happy in order to love someone fully. The crazy thing is that death and divorce have similar effects on a person, it kind of forces you to look at your life. Losing someone or getting out of a bad marriage, makes you feel like you escaped, you get a second chance, another breath. You remember what’s important, it reminds you to LIVE in the moment and to be grateful for what you have. So it might seem like the worst and most heavy time time to meet someone, but in a way our timing was perfect! We needed each other to lift the weight of all that death and divorce until we were ready to face it all on our own.
Ugh, Sorry. SOB STORY. I know that’s not the ending we were all hoping for and trust me no one hates a sad ending more than me but you know, life works in weird and mysterious ways. Broken hearts or not, you just keep moving forward. So here, how about I cure all of our broken hearts with the real ending. I’m back bitches!!! Better than ever. Every tough thing that comes my way is just another opportunity to show ‘em what I’m made of. You can patch those holes in the heart, you can let go of the weight of loss, and you can kick some serious ass while you do it. In case you were wondering where I went….I was LIVIN folks!! I moved into a new house (it’s actually rickety and old but it’s totally me), I quit my job, I started my own business, and I’m back telling my stories by bloggin' my little heart out. 
In the words of the great LL Cool J...Don’t call it a come back. I’m gonna knock you out!
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altpress · 6 years ago
GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33 What the hell is YUNGBLUD, anyway? Is it a sassy stage name for British-born Dominic Harrison to wave his freak flag and pink socks under? Is it a musical vehicle that has absolutely no allegiance to genre as much as it does to getting the message across? Or is it a school of thought where the world’s youth can stand united to hasten the destruction of all the social, political and cultural barriers designed to separate them? If you said, “all of the above,” Harrison is ready to give you a big hug, an anthem or three and the empowerment to change the world, one person at a time. “This is what I’ve always wanted to create,” Harrison tells writer Jake Richardson in the next issue of AP. “I grew up with ADHD, and because of that, a lot of people misunderstood my intentions. I didn’t fit into a box that society was accepting of. If you’ve ever felt like you’re outside of that box, you’ll know how awful it is—that feeling of inadequacy permeates your brain. “I wanted to build something that would defy what was suppressing me, and that’s what YUNGBLUD is—it’s creating a community of people who are themselves no matter what,” he continues. “You are safe to be yourself here: Regardless of what the fuck is going on outside, for the length of the show or the time we’re connecting online, you can be you and forget about all the bullshit.” Heralding the recent release of his live album YUNGBLUD (Live In Atlanta), this month’s cover story finds Harrison candidly discussing everything from his roots, the darker periods of his life (“If you’re depressed, there will be a rope hanging in front of your face somewhere: Don’t fucking hang yourself with it. Grab it and climb it”), pissing off old people on British TV and his conviction toward the power of his generation. Because unlike most rockers, Harrison doesn’t want you to worship him: He wants to light your inner fuse to do great things. GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33 “I believe in my generation because we’re so fucking smart,” he announces. “Yeah, we’re a bit arrogant, but that’s because we’ve got to be when you look at what’s going on around us: Brexit, Trump, war, privatized health care, racism, gender inequality, homophobia. We know the future we want to be a part of, and this isn’t it. We’re being held back by old ideologies that don’t understand us, but we’re gonna get that future we want to see.” Discover what Team YUNGBLUD wants to see in the world in the next issue of AP, available right here... GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33 ALSO IN THIS MONTH’S ISSUE Tatiana Shmailyuk, vocalist from head-swiveling metal outfit JINJER, had to pass several armed guard checkpoints to finally arrive at a computer for her Skype interview with AP. Any band in America bemoaning their purported “struggle” can drink an icy-cold tall boy of STFU right about now. On their new album Morbid Stuff, Toronto outfit PUP deliver punky pop that’s couched in wit, wry observations and more heart than a flipped Hallmark semi-truck packed with Valentine’s Day cards. That’s why we asked the v. cool JEFF ROSENSTOCK to blow the breeze with the guys before their national television debut. Another round of IPAs and beard oil for the table, please… NEW YEARS DAY frontwoman Ash Costello is one of the nicest people with an address on Earth. But on NYD’S new album, Unbreakable, she’s breaking the floodgates wide open, addressing what people expect from her and what she’s going to give them. In this month’s photo special, we’re perusing the portfolio of photographer ASHLEY OSBORN, who you may have seen hard at work capturing the action on one awesome tour or another. Besides picking all the great images (better get an extra copy to hang on the wall), Osborn shared all the stories behind each one—and the pleasure was all ours. AP ARCHIVES is all about the nü metal this month, with stories revealing who escaped certain death at a DEFTONES shoot; KORN’s state of mind during their first magazine cover; and who the most awesome member of LIMP BIZKIT was. (Hint: He doesn’t wear a red baseball cap.) BLACKBEARBLACK BEAR told us about all the soul searching and beat-crafting behind the making of his new album in ALBUM ANATOMY. Mikaila Delgado from the wondrous trio YOURS TRULY wasn’t going to let illness curtail her from seeing the world and rocking out, and her story is living proof regarding how IT GOT BETTER. Oh, and because we’ve been rockin’ that new YUNGBLUD live album a little too much, we picked 10 ESSENTIAL songs to listen to while you’re raising hell and evading law enforcement. Did we mention awesome photos, inspiring fan art and 12 recommended bands waiting to cozy up to your ear canals? Let’s go! GET YOURS AT: https://ift.tt/2CCCh33
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