#big thank you to my friends for sticking around me <3 love my friends ily guys. ill feel better when i get into a doodle grind im kinda
gemharvest · 1 day
fffffuck I hate that just existing feels too overwhelming sometimes. Like I'll be fine dw about me I've been feeling like this for. Years now. But god the way you just don't rlly get used to it.
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seaweedbraens · 2 years
i originally wasn’t gonna read wcwsthwas until it was finished but last week i gave in. and i absolutely love your writing so much you provide for us in ways we will never be worthy of. i’m frothing at that mouth after that much needed percabeth fight and you actually got me to SOB when zoe and jason died because the scenes were just too powerful. i didn’t even care about jason in hoo but reading your fic made me sad about his death 😭 also so looking forward to them realizing that which of the big three kids are heroes of the prophecy i wonder how rachel’s gonna communicate that. i cheered when nico showed up !!! you write the characters so well and i always loved how you don’t ignore the fact that they’ll all clash sometimes and can’t be perfect friends all the time you’ve always been so good about that (especially in if i fell tbh that was the first time i remember you writing character conflicts and you did it so well).
can’t wait to see annabeth’s perspective of the fight + everyone’s reaction to percy leaving. how is she supposed to get an army ready to fight when she doesn’t even know if percy will show up???
omg if youre read if i fell then you're an OG from ffnet holy shit thank u for sticking around for so long!!! and im so so glad you like the fic, especially the death scenes because i was suuper nervous about those. i like exploring character dynamics a lot, especially between characters not in a romantic relationship, which is why you'll sort of see a lot of interesting interactions between charactrs, which i'm glad you enjoy! although, i gotta admit, the percabeth fight has been one of my favorite scenes to write, like, ever.
annabeth's in for a lot of self reflection next chapter. like you said, she's got a lot on her plate right now, and she's finally dealing with a lot of her internal blocks about the ay she feels about luke and percy. she'll learn to trust her own judgement again and she becomes a better leader and a better person because of it. i can't wait!
ty for the support ily <3
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sunshinericciardo · 3 years
𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 𝐃𝐑𝟑 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
a/n: bare with me because this is gonna be a multiple part story. it's based on a true story so i already have the base of the story downk, just need to finetune it hehe.
word count: 1.1k ish
gif credits to owner
and a very very very big thank you to @welld0nebaku for helping me out the way you did, ily <3
read part two here
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warnings: alcohol, intimidation, protective dan, mentions of farmer dan, liiiiittle bit of angst.
it's a saturday evening and you and your friends are getting ready for an old fashioned girls night. it's been way too long since you've all managed to find a date that works well for all four of you and decided to make the best of it. with glasses of rosé scattered around your apartment, your pre party playlist coming through the speakers and the entire room being filled with your chatter and laughter, you're all getting ready to go out.
as you wrap your hair around your curling iron, you see your phone light up from the table.
daniel: you going out tonight?
you roll your eyes at the thought of him most likely showing up after work, yet you pick up your phone after setting your curling iron down.
you: maybe, why?
you put your phone back down and continue curling your hair, not even managing to wrap the entire strand of hair around the iron when you see a new text coming in again.
daniel: just curious.. something wrong?
you: no lol, i'm with the girls now.
you: what are your plans for tonight?
daniel: probably going out tonight, not sure, pretty tired though.
you decided to ignore the text as you'll most defenitely see him if he goes out, which, you know that he'll go once he finds out you're there.
you eventually manage to finish your hair and makeup and take one last look in the mirror. you see leah, one of your best friends, walking over to you.
"holy fuck, babe, you look insane!" she gushes. you twirl around one time, giving her a full 360 of your look for tonight. you went for a simple but very elegant looking low back satin dress in a champagne gold color that ended half way up your thigh. you paired it with minimalistic gold jewelry and black strappy heels.
you take a look at your friend who is dressed in a pair of beautiful dusky rose dress pants and a matching top. "says you, oh my god!" you basically scream while you take in the looks of your beautiful best friend.
you hear your phone buzzing from where it's put on the table, making you and leah look in the direction of your phone.
daniel: why are you ignoring me
daniel: babe
daniel: idk if you're going out tonight
daniel: but if you're not - you're always welcome to come over
daniel: i'm most likely not going.
you roll your eyes at the amount of texts he's sent and how needy he is. you look at leah who is now silently wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk you want to slap off her face so badly.
"stop it, leah." you murmur, grabbing your phone and removing the notifications from your lock screen. you didn't feel like replying right away.
"what?!" she chuckled. "come on, y/n, we all know you two have been texting, just admit that you like him." you choose to ignore her, she'll never understand.
you and daniel have been friends for a few years now. you met at leah's boyfriend's birthday party and hit it off right away. although you haven't been in close contact all this time, every now and then he'll text you in hopes that you have changed your mind on romance; yet you always give the same answer. "i don't do romance, love." usually he'd back off as soon as you'd say that but this time he stayed. he continuously texts you throughout the day, just wanting to be in contact with you. with you balancing school and a full time job and him practically working 24/7 neither of you have enough time to actually meet up or hang out so you usually stick to texting and late night phonecalls whenever either one of you needs the other.
there are often times where you'd hate yourself for not being the relationship kind of person. you just can't stand commitment in that type of way. even though daniel could be the one for you. he's absolutely one of the nicest and most respectful guy you've ever met. his sense of humor is exactly what you need in order to be able to get through the days at work. he works hard, it's just that he works too hard. he's a farmer and he'll eventually take over the farm from his dad.
in theory, you and daniel would make the perfect couple and everyone sees it. it's just that you don't see yourself settling down with anyone ever.
you walk in to the living room with your still full glass of wine and sit down on your couch, waiting for your friends to finish getting ready.
about an hour later you and your friends get off the train and walk to your local bar. you're immediately heading towards the bartender.
"hey cutie, what can i get you?" the bartender asks with a smug look on his face.
"just give me four shots." you ask him without making eye contact.
"i could if you give me your number."
while he says it you feel an arm wrap around your waist, keeping a strong hold on you. he presses a kiss to your cheek, smelling his cologne is enough for you to know that it's daniel saving your ass. mister bartender is still staring at you as you turn around and peck his lips. "hey babe." you practically shout, making him chuckle as you both turn back to face the bartender who is still frozen on his spot.
"sorry, she asked for four shots. does she need to make them herself?" daniel shouts, his arm still wrapped around your waist.
eventually, after what feels like the entire night, you finally receive your shots and you head back to your friends.
"what was that all about?" leah speaks up after downing the shot.
"the bartender was trying to hit on her and asked for her phone number. we all know how y/n feels about those things." daniel mumbles, barely audible over the loud music in the bar. you find your hand reaching for his and giving it a slight squeeze.
"yeah, thanks dan, i really appreciate that." you say before downing the shot.
"anytime, if anything happens, or if you ever feel uncomfortable, i'm literally here. use me, for that matter, as long as you're safe." you feel your heart melt a little with the words he's speaking. all you can do at this point is wrap your arms around his neck and just hold him.
you feel his hands hesitantly wrap around your waist and the two of you just stand there.
"thank you, dan." you mumble in the crook of his neck, not wanting to let him go.
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enhypia · 3 years
NK ; gamers and their significant other
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gamers and their significant other answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: nishimura riki x gn!reader
genre: pure fluff and fun
words: roughly 1.2k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - ni-ki speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold- both reader and ni-ki speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking and swearing
this work has minimal mentions of drinking compared to other parts in this series
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hello~ i'm ni-ki
and i'm (y/n)!
we're ....
he's a gamer and i'm their partner !!
[okay, you guys were invited here today as partners with one being a gamer, for a fun little drinking game, you guys are aware of that right?]
yes we were
i'm just here to expose ni-ki honestly
[who's the gamer?]
i am he is
[but do you also play?}
sometimes, but i mostly just watch ni-ki play
[how did you guys meet?]
through a game
they suck at it
but i pulled you even if i was bad at it so
*ni-ki rolls his eyes
*(y/n) :P
[how long have you guys been together?]
2 years
3 years next month
*(y/n) :O
you remembered?
ey~ that hurts
*both laugh
[were there any fights because of his gaming?]
YES *(y/n) laughs out loud while ni-ki hangs his head in shame
but they aren't big fights? mostly just sulking. i can just remember one major fight
they sulk when i don't pay them attention
and you sulk when i start to treat you how you treat me whenever you're playing too much
*ni-ki pouts
which is not giving me attention :P
[but did you have any problems with his gaming?]
nope, gaming makes ni-ki genuinely happy, and i love seeing him happy
*ni-ki does a heart towards (y/n)
we did have that one major fight i mentioned
i couldn't play for a week because of it, but that's what made me realize that no amount of gaming is worth enough to lose (y/n)
*(y/n) drinks making ni-ki laugh
give me a warning next time gosh.
[okay, how about we officially start the q&a between you guys?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, ni-ki wins
*ni-ki laughs after reading the question
[have you ever thought about deleting my games whenever you get mad at me?]
no! those cost too much
eh? i don't believe you! you once threatened to delete my games
yah! you knew i was joking at that time
*ni-ki laughs when you pout and he pats your head after
i know i know
i already know the answer to this
[have you ever avoided talking to me to play your games?]
*ni-ki drinks
when we first started dating and i was with him one time when he was playing, i messed around with his phone and i found out i was on mUTE ?!:'&?!
*ni-ki covers his face in guilt
[did you get mad when you found out?]
not really ?? i was just in disbelief
but i did show you that everyone else was muted
they were automated messages ni-ki, you left the gcs instead of muting them *(y/n) deadpanned
i'm sorry~~
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
[was it a turn off finding out i was into gaming or i was a gamer?]
*(y/n) drinks
*ni-ki is shocked
no, i'm just kidding, and i wanted to drink
if anything i was more impressed than turned off since i still do play, i just suck at it
so you admit that i'm good at gaming? *he raises his eyebrows back and forth
stop acting like i don't compliment you about it 24/7 riki
*riki laughs
ohh, you better answer this carefully nishimura riki
i'm scared
[would you rather not play video games forever, or lose me?]
... ..
forever ?
... like forever forever ??
ni-ki just drink
*both laugh
it's okay i understand baby, i know my place *(y/n) teases
*ni-ki grins and envelopes (y/n) in a big hug
which is #1 !!
*camera just pans around the pair's adorableness
[question for both: would you trade/sell your significant other for a game console?]
oh he would definitely sell me for a game console, i would be more surprised if he didn't.
*ni-ki is quiet
it depends on the console though
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
but what about you huh?
it depends on the console :P
[choose one: a gift that i really like or a rare expensive skin you want?]
this whole thing is targeted around the gamer i swear
i know right? i love it
*ni-ki playfully glares at (y/n)
you'd make me choose the skin anyways
yes i would, it's a rare skin, my gift can wait.
thanks, ily <33
ily too, now read the next question
[did you ever get jealous with the people i play with?]
*(y/n) drinks, ni-ki laughs
wait! let me defend myself
okay, defend your stand
i don't really mind whoever he plays with honestly, but there are really just times when he's not playing with his friends, and his teammates are just ???
just what???
riki, baby, they were flirting with you.
,,,, eh?
well that's good i guess. but yeah, technically i wasn't really jealous since ni-ki never responded to their advances. i was more of,, irritated ??
i really didn't notice.
it's when i would just suddenly but in, making sure i was heard
wait, that happens a lot,,,,
that's okay *(y/n) pats ni-ki, stay oblivious
eh, i don't really care anyways, i have you
*(y/n) blushes and lightly slaps ni-ki's arms
it's the last one
aww :((
[freestyle for both! ask each other any question you want]
ohhh, should i go first?
yes please
[uhm,, do you wish i put more effort in playing games than just stick to watching you play?]
*ni-ki thinks deeply
sometimes i do because it's always fun playing with you but then if you continue to play. no one would cuddle me while i play
*(y/n) laughs
what? that's like my recharge every time i lose! it's always nice to have someone there just hug you whenever you win or lose
okay okay, i get it, basically i'll try to play more but not too much?
yes <3
*(y/n) rolls their eyes fondly
just ask your question nishimura riki
i'm still thinking!
think faster!
*both laugh
[,,, can i buy the new fifa game?]
*(y/n) groans while ni-ki bursts out laughing
i will kick you riki
okay, okay, this is my real question.
[be my forever player two?]
*(y/n) error error currently malfunctioning
yah! *(y/n) is blushing very hard and ni-ki is just laughing
you think you're so smooth huh?
am i not?
i will unplug your console while you play tonight
*ni-ki continues to tease (y/n) while everyone in the studio is just melting
[that's the best way to end this in my opinion]
right? *ni-ki is smiling proudly and (y/n) shakes their head in disbelief
thanks for having us~ we had fun
thank you~
*both wave at the camera, and cut!
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: and cut!! we're done, this is the last installment in the speak or shot series <33 i can't believe it's finished omg?? i also wanted to end on a good note so i made this one just pure fluff and fun. thank you so much for sticking to this series!! i'm planning to start more in the future. please look forward to them~
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ivyglow · 4 years
Mine | Anthony Beauvillier
A/n: this idea came after we had a very sexy- I mean- Angry* Anthony pushing Sidney Crosby. Barbie and some anons send the good energy and so althought it took me forever here it is *cheers*. A huge thank you for @barbienoturbby​ for sending me some specific ideas (sharpies, choking etc hehehe), putting up w my random messages in the middle of the night or being a insecure bitch, ILY BARBIE! Huge shout out to @sebs-aston​ for proofreading this so fast *you’re amazing, liv!*.  PS. More than ever I’m gonna need your feedback because I’m an insecure bitch and this is my first time writing smut (freddie was thigh riding, I don’t consider it too much). So please just lmk if you like it or hate it <3 
Word count: 4k
Warnings: smut, mention of chocke, spitting, oral -female receiving- and all those dirty stuff. 
Summary: after getting angry on the ice, you decide to make Anthony angry in bed too. 
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You knew Tito was a dom in bed as soon as you met him: he helped you to sit and to get up on your first date, and he led you to your car with his hand on your lower back. One month into getting to know each other, you were planning a gathering with his friends and he was the one to assign everyone with a task. Some days he would use fewer words and stick with hand gestures or eye contact to tell you what he wanted or what he was silently saying. 
So when you two had sex for the first time and he was on top, you were not surprised, you also weren’t surprised when he asked how would you feel about hair pulling, choking, and tying. And, well, you’d never tried any of this, so you were honest with him, knowing that honesty was the key to make things work. He promised to go slow, and he watched you intently while he did everything just to make sure you were comfortable. You can still remember how it felt when he first stretched you, how your heel went to his back to accommodate his waist better, how this movement gave him the perfect angle to go all the way until the end. 
You also remember the hickeys he left on your skin, mostly on places where your clothes could hide, but some you knew he purposely made for people to see. And people saw, indeed and also heard. He got a noise complaint twice because his old bed would scratch and bang on the wall, and that wouldn’t be a huge problem if it was anyone else, but it was Anthony, a hockey player, at that point -your boyfriend-, and he had the stamina to go for hours. A chug of water, maybe a fruit snack, and less than twenty minutes later he was ready to go again - or he would use these twenty minutes to get you off with his mouth and fingers. So the noise complaint was very much expected. 
Now six months into the relationship, this wasn’t a problem anymore. Tito bought a new bed, and even talked with a friend about the possibility of getting soundproof walls. That’s why you were drinking your water and eating one of his energy bars while watching the game. The dynamic after games was usually very sexual, it didn’t matter if he was on the road or at home, you would find a way to get off, either phone sex or spicy pics. He never left you to your own hands. 
The Isles were playing against the Penguins and you knew he was pissed off because of their losing streak against that team. That made him angry with some specifics players too. When he got home last night, you just cuddled together and went to sleep, he was tired and fuming because of their loss, and he probably heard a handful by his coach. Because of those losses, you knew he was going to skate his way around the ice tonight more than ever, and, especially, that he was angry. 
You were laying on his couch when the game started, the Isles skating around the ice in a way you would have bet was a premonition for another loss, but ten minutes in things started to go differently, and that was the exact moment when you sat and gripped Beau’s shirt before an amazing shot hit the Pens’ net. They kept the rhythm on for the next two periods, although they were pretty much stressful- a handful of times you caught yourself holding your breath or cursing. The last two were also a stage for your boyfriend’s anger. He was pissed in a way you’d never seen before on the ice, and when Sidney Crosby pushed Pulock, Tito had had enough and shoved the opposition’s player on the ice. Torn between finding it hot or funny, you chose the latter letting out a loud laugh. Yet, when another exchange of pushes happened between the Pens’ superstar and Beau you sure felt the heat taking up space inside your body and you shifted on the couch. There was another goal and the game kept on providing stress and anxiety for the fans, but you were stuck on the scene your boyfriend had just put up. 
He was usually like this in bed, but not that much on the ice, and seeing that happening outside the four walls left you with a lingering warmth inside your body, and not the cute warmth you usually felt when he cooked for you or told you how much he loved you. But the warmth you got whenever he bent you on the kitchen counter or held your hand tight while going down on you. 
It was past midnight when you heard the door open and close, the soft click making your heart beat faster. He was home. You heard the thud of his bag on the floor and his steps bringing his scent closer to the living room where you were sitting on the couch wearing only his jersey and his favorite lace.
“Hey you, winner,” your voice echoed in the dimly lit apartment and you could see his lips curling in a small smile.
“Hey, babe,” his lips found yours on a quick peck and you looked up for more contact, but Anthony was already walking to the kitchen. 
“Are you ok?” you asked, barefoot padding the floor until you reached the stool.
Your boyfriend was already busy cutting some bananas in a bowl, “Yeah, just a little stressed with the game and hungry,” he answered.
“But you won,” you stated in confusion. 
His eyes scanned you for a second before going back to his task. The silence was everything you needed to know: he really was not in the mood for long talks after the episode, but you were a woman on a mission and you knew exactly what to do to get Anthony riddled up. 
“You guys had a great game…” you began, cautious with your words and actions, hands reaching for a banana on the fruit bowl. “How was playing against Sidney Crosby?”
You saw how his eyebrows raised slightly before pouring honey on his bowl and whipping his fingers with his tongue. You knew the action wasn’t supposed to be filthy, yet you’ve been dating him long enough to know that he knew every action of his could be seen as sexual at some point. 
“It was normal, he’s a normal hockey player like any of us,” his tone is nonchalant. 
You suppress a grin, “he’s not like any of you, he’s Sidney Crosby. Just last night he reached his thousandth game,” Tito’s now chewing on his fruit and you can see how the motion seems tighter after your words, still you keep going, “he’s like a superstar! I would love to meet him any of these days…” you trail off busying yourself on biting the banana you just peeled off. His eyes trained on how your lips wrap around the piece of fruit, your tongue purposely darting out. Your boyfriend chooses silence again and you huff rolling your eyes. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” he queries, eyes on his bowl, jaw still clenched tight while biting another piece of his fruit. You dart your eyes in another direction while biting your banana again, this time without so much care on giving him a hard time. “I asked you a question, y/n,” his tone was sharp and his voice low. You shake your head. 
He grabs his water bottle before chugging half of the content, “Cat got your tongue? I swear I just saw you poking it out while eating that banana to provoke me,” he tauntingly  gives you a defiant look. 
Anthony motions for you to come to him and you follow his orders willingly, eager to finally have your way with him. You’re within arm’s reach when he tugs you closer, making you stumble in the middle of his big thighs. In a blink of an eye, you feel the sting on your butt cheeks, his big hands finding it again one more time before grabbing your chin. “You can’t even wait for your man to eat,” it’s a low grunt and he seems more annoyed with your playful smile, and you see the perfect opportunity to tease him a little bit more, “You could eat something else, there’s nothing stopping you…” 
With that Anthony seems to lose his judgment before swinging your body on top of the counter, “you’re being such a brat tonight” his hands grab your butt squeezing it hard, “that’s not how you get the things you want” 
“No? Then why are you about to fuck me?” you mock him knowing damn right that this would only make him go harder on you. 
“Crisse,” (holy shit) his French accent makes your pussy throb. You loved when he talked in French to you.
His big hand pushes you back in a swift motion, the same hand spreads your legs for him, and it’s only a second before you’re fully laying on the counter. Still wearing only a lace thong and his jersey, you know the former is about to be ripped out of you. Anthony drags his fingers from the bottom of your belly to your breasts before gifting you a devilish smirk as soon as he notices you’re not wearing a bra. 
“You think Sidney Crosby is the superstar, but you know damn well I’m gonna be the reason why you’re seeing stars tonight,” he whispers before sitting on the stool and kissing up to your thighs. His lips are sticky from the honey and because they’re cold it sends chills running through your warm body. You stretch your arms to reach his hair and he hums grabbing your wrists harshly, “no hair pulling for you tonight,” his murmurs hit your skin and you let out a small whine. 
In order to play with your sensations, you see him taking a long gulp of his cold water. You know it will make his mouth colder and slicker, and you know he’s only doing it because he’s planning to spend a long time between your legs.
And that he does.
You sigh when his lips finally reach your pussy, the shock it causes is good and you can’t help but close your thighs in an attempt to bring him where you are really yearning for his lips. Nevertheless, that’s not what he has planned for you, and he drags his mouth between your pussy lips long before finally wrapping his lips on your clit and humming in pleasure. 
“Oh fuck,” you let out a whine when his fingers reach for your nipple and twist it hard. His wet tongue flickered on your clit and he dived in deeper, making you feel all of him, from his stubble that was starting to grow to his full lips, you could feel it all.
“Anthony,” you try to form a sentence in the exact moment he pushs one finger inside of you, but your voice comes out as a prayer. A plea for more. 
You were a sinner for him.
“You taste so good,” it’s a pleasure mumble and it comes just before his palm strikes your butt cheeks in a firm slap. “I could spend days here, bébé” 
“Anthony,” you try again and this time he laughs with his lips still wrapped around your clit. The vibrations send shivers through your whole body, your toes curl and you try to reach for his hair again before his hand holds both of your wrists. 
You’re close and he knows it because he adds another finger and curls it. It’s a ‘come here’ motion and from another dimension, you were almost able to hear him whisper the same words in French. 
“Give it to me,” he demands, and you do as said just as another finger hits your right spot. For some seconds the kitchen’s ceiling turns black with dots and your vision goes blurry. Toes curling, the pitch on your belly button finally making its way out just like the curses and moans that leave your mouth. Most of them being his name and how good he makes you feel. 
You’re not even done with your high when his big hands grab your ankles bringing your body to the edge of the counter and making you sit. “Open your mouth,” he demands. 
You moan, eyes rolling back from pleasure, “put your tongue out for me, má chérie,” his hands, now holding your jaw, tighten around you. There’s a whimper of bliss and you part your lips wide bringing your tongue out just like demanded before he spits on your mouth. 
“See how good you taste?!” Anthony hums and you swallow it before poking your tongue out again and licking from his glistering chin to his lips. The action fuels a passionate kiss and it’s seconds before your weak legs wrap themselves around his waist bringing him closer. Your core finds the bulge on his pants and you whimper feeling aroused again. 
Your boyfriend is fast to grasp the underside of your thighs bringing your body close to his before making his way towards the bedroom. You take your time licking and kissing his neck and jaw until your body hits the mattress and he’s unbuckling his belt.
“Take it off” he commands, unbuttoning his dress shirt. You’re fast to obey taking off the jersey you’re wearing, now you’re fully naked in front of him. 
“Hands,” you put both of your wrists together and he fastens his belt around it tight. 
From the way his eyebrows were slightly up to his lips parted, you knew he was about to give you another orgasm, you knew that he wasn’t done and he wouldn’t be any time soon. 
“Do we have a safe word tonight, bébé?” his full lips find your jaw and neck and he nibbles on your ear before sucking harshly on your neck again. 
His purpose is to mark you, not only where people can see, but also where they can’t. Just like your waist is being held with such fierceness, you know it’ll leave prints there. You hum a yes dropping your head to the side so he can have more access to your skin, “use your words, you know I need to hear you say it,” he whispers now bringing his mouth to your nipples and biting it lightly. You whimper, “our safe word is blue.” 
“Perfect,” you can feel his smile on your skin and when you reach for his hair with your hands tied, he pushes them up. His strong arm swings on top of your belly and he takes his time on your breasts before making his way lower. There’s a pitch bubbling on your belly again just with the idea of it and he gives you mischievous grim kissing and licking your thighs. 
“Beau,” you whine already feeling your legs weakening again.
“I told you I was hungry, you were the one who suggested the meal,” the funny remark is accompanied by a flicker of his tongue on your cunt. “Now I’ll only stop when I’m satisfied.” 
You curse closing your hands and trying to bring your waist up. He shakes his head, “huh huh, that’s a bad girl attitude,” he spits on your pussy and you moan loud, “and you know exactly what we do to bad girls in this house, don’t you?” 
You nod and he chuckles.
“I know, sir.” 
“Now, there’s my good girl,” he praises finding your clit and holding it carefully between his teeth, “now give it to me just like you suggested,” he murmurs before diving on your pussy, his tongue gentle and slow, in contrast with his solid arm pinning you to the bed and his rough behavior. 
It would be a long ride and you would feel every step taken, because each one would bring you closer to the inevitable. You felt urgency though; you wanted him to fuck your brains out already. But Anthony took his time, and you knew he was being good because he let you cum in the kitchen even after you provoked him. When his point finger entered you, your eyes couldn’t focus and you knew you were closer, yet instead of giving you a release, your boyfriend took his kisses to your thighs grinning at you one more time. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he speaks under his breath, eyes trained on your pussy. Yet you don’t feel ashamed, because it’s Anthony, and he knows you like the back of his hands, he knows what to do to make you comfortable and he knows how to make you feel good. He would praise and love your body rightly, so you let him. You spread your legs wider and gave him a lopsided smile. 
“Please,” you plead again that night; however, he follows your request this time. 
Anthony dives in again, licking and spitting, flickering his tongue and using his fingers. Giving you what he got and what he knows you like. Your body is fast to answer, your waist trying to go higher to find his mouth, your toes curling, your head shooting back and your eyes rolling. 
He got you there. Fast.
And he made sure to ride you out of you high, this tongue not the least careful with your sensitive bud, while cleaning you up he kept licking it lightly. Full lips brushing it with dedication. 
“Now I want you on all fours,” there’s a dirty smile on his glistering lips and you hold back another moan with the image of Anthony sitting between your legs, face glowing with your cum, “allos y,” (c’mon). You turn your body, holding your hands before supporting your head on the pillows, ass up for him.
There’s the noise of a slap and the sting on your butt cheeks, right before a soft kiss is placed on top of the surely red mark. His hands roam around your body and you shiver when he grabs your hair. “Crisse, tu as l'air si chaud,” (holy shit, you look so hot) Anthony slaps you booty again and finally slips his finger at your entrance feeling your wetness pool around. You’re already ready for him again and he seems pleased with the realization. So pleased it doesn’t take long for him to slip inside of you hitting just the right spot. Your body shots upward and he holds you by your waist keeping your butt bent. 
“Anthony,” you moan loudly when he starts moving ruthlessly inside of you. There’s something hot about how his body is being aggressive and you are taking it all, how his hips are almost knocking your body down, “right - fucking - there,” you whine and he keeps going, this time grabbing your hair and making your body lean towards him. 
“Whose name are you screaming tonight, bébé?” he mumbles bending his own body on top of yours without completely letting go of the position. 
“Yours,” your answer between groans. 
“Let me hear you” 
And you do.
You say his name out loud and clear, and you’re almost sure the neighbors are going to hear it. Yet you do it again and again while the sound of your voice is mixed with the noise of his skin hitting your skin and his feral grunts. He’s big and hard inside you and every time he goes out to get inside again you can feel your pussy stretching out to accommodate him. 
“Beau,” you moan and he chuckles leaning his body down to kiss your back. You see from the corner of your eyes when he finds the black marker on the top of your drawer, you can almost see his head working on ideas, and then he’s grabbing the sharpie you were using to write on your sticky notes earlier today. 
His body is straight up again and his movements are now slower, as he unclasps the marker and you feel its cold material hit your skin. There’s a long up and then down movement, you’re almost sure it’s an M, and then there’s a harsh line of an I, you can hear his grunts louder and he stops himself for a second before shooting his body towards yours again. The sharpie finds your skin again, this time to draw an N, you knew he was doing it big, not only for his eyes, but for you to feel and to know exactly what it was as he wrote the last letter, an E. 
You roll your eyes when he closes and throws the sharpie somewhere in the room before leaving another one of his blows on your butt cheeks. Anthony swings his arm around your torso bringing you up to him, your back hitting his solid chest, “you’re mine,” and that’s what it takes for you to come undone on his still hard cock. Your whole body trembles and your vision goes blurry again, there are tears in your eyes, and this time your moans turn into screams of satisfaction. 
He keeps fucking you through your high and you curse dropping your head back on his shoulder. His hand sneaks in front of your body to touch your sensitive clit, and you hold it sinking your nails on his skin. “Oh fuck,” he grunts drawing his finger deeper. You’re not sure if your body can’t take so much pleasure.
“Let me ride you,” it’s a prayer, a plea, a cry, and you can feel his lips on your neck before your bodies are turned and you’re on top taking him deeper, touching new spots. 
“That’s it, bébé,” he praises you and you roll your hips using your last energies. His hands find their way to your thighs and his short nails dig on your skin bringing you impossibly closer. There’s a deep grunt from him and a small whine from you. It’s hard for your eyes to focus, and you use your body to pin his down and your tied hands find his neck before squeezing it. His hips shot up under you and you scream, tightening your grip on him and squeezing his dick inside of you. 
You can feel another knot on the pitch of your belly, but this time it feels different to recognize this new sensation. That’s when you notice the wetness under you dripping onto his cock to his belly button and in the bed. 
“Fuck,” he moans, “Oh shit, you’re squirting,” his big hands go to your back and he keeps shooting his hips up to meet your pussy, “that’s it, bébé, give it to me once more,” and you’re squeezing him one last time before giving both of you a mind-blowing orgasm. Your body tumbles on top of his and this time things go pitch black instead of blurry. You can still feel his hot body under you and his rapid heartbeat, but your body is fluttering and there’s nothing in front of you. There’s only his body. There’s only your boyfriend existing under you with his cock still deep inside of you. 
It’s seconds before his caresses on your back become some kind of poking, “y/n?” 
“Huh?” you mumble, your voice raspy. He chuckles.
“Fuck, you passed out,” he sounds proud and you giggle. 
“That was the best sex we’ve ever had,” you confess without finding the strength to move your hands and caress him back, but Anthony keeps the tip of his fingers moving softly around your body, “I think I should talk more about Sidney Crosby, huh?” you joke and his hips shot upward making you moan Anthony’s name. Although he just came, he’s still hard and deep inside your soaked pussy.
“What were you saying?” he questions with a smug grin. “I think you were saying something about a certain player, Sidney Crosby maybe?” 
You arch your eyebrows, “who’s Sidney Crosby? I only know Anthony Beauvillier,” and he laughs at your answer before kissing your lips softly. You know there’s gonna be a time for water and a fruit snack later and then he’s going again, because he’s never done until you’re completely wrecked, the only name able to escape your lips being his. 
Taglist: @smit41 @mybrokenshitthoughts @linasobsessions @hoiyheadharpies @barbienoturbby @barzysandmarnersbitch​ @elitebarzal​ @fallinallincurls​ @starswin​ @sortagaysortahigh​​ If you wanna be added to my taglist you can send my your user in here
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
Worth It
~Notes: Oof, I know I have so many prompts in my inbox and I appreciate them so much! But I wanted to write something after dinner in dedication and a gift to the lovely Remus-John-Lupin!!!!!!!<3<3<3 I love you RJ and I appreciate you and your friendship so fucking much, so this is just a strange little gift from me to you in thanks for how kind you’ve always been to me since I joined this crazy fandom, ILY and you’re my favorite slag!!!!
Sirius silently reminds himself that he in fact likes Lily, he thinks she’s a total knock out and is happy that his brother is finally getting to date the girl of his dreams. He likes her damn it,! And one does not commit battery to folks that they like.
Assured that his pure irritation won’t bleed through his words, Sirius tries again in his most charming of inflections. “All I want is his number.”
“No,” she repeats, casually steadfast while poking at her salad— Not even bothering to flick her gaze up at an increasingly irate Sirius.
“Why are you being so fucking difficult!”
“Why are you still bitching about this,” she counters, finally giving him her undivided attention, even if it’s her glaring at him like she’d like to skewer Sirius on a stick.
“Hey guys, let’s chill.” James tries to mediate, laughing awkwardly between the pair of them, hand raised in concession and glasses going a bit skewed.
They promptly ignore him.
“I like him. What is so difficult to understand Evans? Aren’t you like supposed to be some brainiac or some shit?”
“It’s been like two months Black,” she says pointedly, grip on her fork tightening while her mouth curls unpleasantly. “That’s way past your ordinary infatuations, so why the hell do you still even care.”
Sirius bares his teeth, pinning her with a glower that once made an old school yard bully of Regulus’s actually piss his pants. So of course Lily doesn’t even flinch. “He’s cute.”
“You’re a dog.”
“You’re being a total ass.”
“And you’re a bastard.”
“But you love me though.”
“Just barely.”
“So you’ll give me Remus’s number?”
“Dream on.” she says with a lofty sniff and haughty flip of the hair, discarding her barely eaten lunch before swaggering over to where a group of her friends from the STEM club are sat, including Alice Flores and Dorcas Meadowes. 
“Guess you’re back to square one Pads.” James says, unhelpful as fuck, so Sirius only flips him off before snatching back his calculus homework from a pitiful looking Peter.
“Fuck this.”
Sirius thinks of himself as a reasonable sort of guy.
He isn’t one for holding grudges or obsessing over perceived slights. He’s brilliant whether he’s playing linebacker on the field or taking a exam in class.
For fuck’s sake, Sirius  can be plumped down in any and all social situations without warning, and can have the room eating out the palm of his hand within the first five minutes.
In layman’s terms, he’s decent and driven and downright charismatic. Mix this all together, and well Sirius thinks he’s a pretty fantastic fucking package— if he does say so himself. He can have his pick of the lot, truly. Especially when walking down the halls flocked by his best friend turned second brother on one end and little Petey, who’s a great hype man, on the other. So its only poetic justice that the one person who’s been able to swallow up all his attention is the one person who doesn’t even give him a second glance most days.
And that’s fucking ridiculous.
This is ridiculous! He is fucking ridiculous! No, record scratch. Remus fucking Lupin is the most ridiculous part of this all!
Remus lupin with his delightfully disheveled hair the color of gold and his crooked grin that’s everything darling in the world, and his big doe eyes that sometimes flare with green specs when he’s especially passionate in class or when he’s chatting with Lily in the halls. Remus lupin who’s only just moved here to Murray Hill from a small town in southern Illinois and who toppled Sirius’s world upside-down while he was at it. 
The first time they met was completely on accident.
It was the week before classes began, and Sirius had only just come back from his family trip to their villa in Rome, and he was only meant to meet James at the coffee shop that Lily was working at now. They were suppose to head to the city and go out drinking to celebrate the start of their senior year.  Sirius was suppose to find a nice, college aged girl to fuck because he’s given up on the boring lot that infests Hogwarts these days. It was suppose to be easy and fun and he was suppose to stay stringless and unattached as ever.
But that didn’t happen.
Instead, Sirius walked into the Howling Moon  and was met by the sight of the most lovely, most gorgeous boy he’s ever met. Hand to God, it felt like one of those slow motion moments in a Romantic Comedy when the disgruntled, wayward lead first sets their eyes on that love interest— the one to out shine all others, the one  who turns everything inside out and makes it all glitter gold.
“Hey there,” Remus had grinned like the fucking sun, slipping the pen from his ear and hand poised over the cups lining the counter. “What can I get ya?”
“Oh, erm— Yeah. Just a caramel macchiato, iced.”Sirius’s ordinarily smooth baritone almost fucking cracked while ordering, and Remus’s beautiful eyes had glittered.
“Would’ve taken you for a dark roast sort of guy.” He said, and Sirius swears that it was playful and flirtatious and a little mischievous too. 
Sirius was in love.
“I’ve been known to partake in sweets, you know, if they catch my eye,” he replied, eyes lingering meaningfully up and down Remus’s slighter frame.
“What a come on,” Remus had laughed, head thrown back to show off his long neck and Sirius was so fucking gobsmacked at how it quite literally sounded like all the most splendid instruments woven together.
He had ducked his head, so unordinary bashful but so beyond pleased. “What can I say beautiful, you bring it out of me.”
“”Cute.” Remus had chuckled, cheeks going a fetching red and scribbling down the order. “Definitely one of the more interesting one liners I’ve gotten today.”
Sirius ignored the flare of jealousy over that, considering that he hasn’t gotten to even kiss him yet, and he should probably take this slow if he doesn’t want to screw it up. “Has anyone of those bastards mentioned how your eyes put the brownies on sale to shame?”
“No one as hot as you if I’m being honest,” Remus retorted, ringing him up and sinking his teeth into his plump bottom lip. And fuck, Sirius knew he was in trouble from then on.
They had talked for over half an hour about nothing at all in that tiny bistro while Remus was busy exchanging the coffee pots for a fresh batch and rearranging the baked goods, and it was amazing.
 Sirius has always been someone who couldn’t sit still, who had to be fluttering all over the place to feel like he was actually headed somewhere, like he was getting something finished. But for the first time in too long, just sitting there, still and silent and besotted while Remus chatted about his hometown and moving half way across the country and his eccentric mother— Well Sirius felt completely balanced, completely calm. He felt like just as long as Remus was their chatting with him and smiling in that beguiling way of his, that Sirius could actually breathe without pressure. Like he knew what it meant to have a center.
So of course, right when he decided that he was going to snatch him up— to ask him out on a date before anyone else from their shitty class filled with degenerates and dick heads could— Lily of all people  had swaggered in, and gave him a caustic sort of glower that plainly said, keep the fuck away.
Ordinarily Sirius would’ve completely ignored her warning, would’ve unashamedly and excitedly chased after the cutest fucking boy he’s ever laid his eyes on with an absurd sort of zeal. But he under estimated just how much sway Lily was able to cater with Remus in the few weeks they worked with one another before he had met him. So instead of starting off the year with a brand new, insanely pretty boyfriend wrapped around one arm, Sirius has just spent the past nine weeks pining like a fucking love sick loser. Like he was starring in some cheesy John Hughes movie from the damn 80s!
And this will not do, this is not all right, not okay at all.
Sirius needs to figure out a way to get close to Remus, and outside of Lily’s overbearing claws. Something that only Remus likes, that Sirius can partake in to prove himself worthy.
As he promenades down the hall towards his free period, Sirius creates a mental check list of the things he knows Remus enjoys.
Remus enjoys poetry, and Sirius knows that he’s part of the school’s award winning Forensics team. But they meet during the football practices so Sirius couldn’t even try to impress him in that arena until the spring. He also knows that Remus likes history, that he’s going to end up majoring in classics in University, but Sirius really doubts his ability to memorize the Iliad in the matter of a few hours— He’s good, but not that good.
“Jesus fuck is this hard,” he mutters nastily to himself, tugging at the ends of his dark hair before ramming straight into a display outside the southern wing of their preparatory school’s building.
He winces, not so much for the throbbing in his toes, but because of Marlene’s snappish attitude when he makes it so that the table shakes.
“Keep your head out your ass Black,” she scolds before going back to filing her nails. And Sirius is about to snipe right back at her— That is until he catches on the bright poster adorned with small rainbows and the words, GSA FOOD DRIVE spelt out in large lettering.
And oh!
“Pardon?” Marlene asks, nose wrinkled indelicately as she eyes him like he’s about to puke on her brand new Doc Martens again like last weekend. Holy shit, she should really get over it by now.
But Sirius is smart enough and tactful enough not to mention his thoughts on the matter, only smiles down at her with pure elation. “Marls, what if I said I had a brilliant idea to help our lovely GSA.”
“I’d accuse you to only doing it to try and get in Lupin’s pants since he’s our new VP.”
Sirius grapples for his chest, feigning indignant. “You pain me my old friend.”
Marlene snorts. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“That’s neither here nor there.”
“So are your chances with Lupin.”
“You’re a sick fuck McKinnon.”
“What do you want from me you gnat.”
“Let me help with the fundraiser.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“I’ll tell Lily to get Meadowes to notice you?”
Marlene glares at him now. “We’ve been fucking for like a month you prick.”
“Oh— Erm, then for some of that good old Bi unity?”
Marlene suddenly looks so very shrewd and Sirius hates how every fucking woman in his life could eat him whole for breakfast. “Absolutely not.”
“Fine, what the fuck do you want.”
“You cover Fabian’s costs for the goods  when we go to that rave for 2KBABY in January.”
“Eh, didn’t you guys use to fuck?”
“Yes. But I don’t see the connection?”
“He won’t even give you a discount on the good shit?”
“Oh he does,” she leers, blue eyes glinting wickedly in the hallway light. “But I’d rather see you pay full price for’m.”
Sirius glares down at her, and repeats himself.  “You. Are. A. Sick. Fuck.”
Marlene just lies back in her seat and returns to manicuring her nails. “Well if cheekbones isn’t worth the bother?”
“Fine,” Sirius all but growls out. “But we do this my way.”
“Scout’s honor handsome,” she absolutely beams, and Sirius reminds himself that this is all for Remus and that’s worth it at the end of the day.
It’s a week later, right before Thanksgiving break hits, and Sirius is sat in front of the cafeteria, smirking at the line of mostly pink faced girls and a few others amongst their midst, who have all queued up in front of him. A dollar in each of their hands, though he does see that a few have fives and even tens or more, and he doesn’t know how to subtly tell them that all he’s promising is a quick peck of his lips, and absolutely no other groping— including of his legendary ass or admittedly perfect abs.
“You’re just really enjoying yourself, aren’t you.” James hisses besides him after the latest girl— a blonde sophomore who’s decked out in Lulu Lemon for their only non uniform day of the week— scurries off. “Just a ego trip.”
“Jealous Jamie darling?” Sirius boasts, tipping back on his chair while Marlene collects the cash from the next five in line so that they can clammer closer towards him.
“I can’t believe all of them want to kiss you,” Peter marvels, round eyes completely in aw. 
“I can’t believe you think this is how to get Remus’s attention,” Lily interjects huffily, lips set in a moody pout while perched on James’s lap to Sirius’s left.
“I bet you would’ve been in line if you weren’t dating Jamie here.” Sirius counters, smug as all get out, and laughing when all Lily deigns as a adequate response is her middle finger.
Sirius is on cloud nine. He can’t believe he didn’t think of this sooner! Remus loves all this shit, from the club to the charity. This is perfect! This basically guarantees that he’ll finally get a good smooch on him. And once their lips finally  touch, Remus will surely feel the swarm of butterflies in his gut just like in those Harleyquin romance novels his cousin Narcissa would always read with a dreamy look on her face during their various Family vacations.
“You’re not gonna get him this way.”
“He’s not gonna know what hit’m Evans,” Sirius retorts, completely self assured.
One should never bet against Lily Marie Evans.
Sirius knows this now. But he still hates it with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
By the end of the lunch hour, Sirius’s earned over sixty bucks to the GSA’s fundraiser fund, and absolutely zero potential boyfriends who look like golden angels and make Sirius’s knees weak.
“I told you,” Lily says in that sing-song sort of voice that is so not appreciated right now. “Remus is not the type to kiss you in front of a huge crowd and after like a bunch of others. That’s not his style.”
Sirius is moody as all get out, and he’s irritated that he’s just wasted five dozen perfectly fine kisses on folks who aren’t Remus, so he doesn’t bother to hide his irritation when he gripes back at her, “Then tell me what the fuck is his style.”
Miraculously, that actually proved enough to get Lily to slow down her stroll, and cock her head curiously at him. “You actually care.”
“What the fuck have I been trying to tell you Evans!” He nearly shouts.
“I just thought— You know. That it was a game.”
Sirius’s face goes stoney, and he juts his chin away from her. “It’s not always a fucking game, all right. It’s not a game with him— I like him. I like Remus.”
“Oh,” Lily says very quietly, her face pulled in a thousand different directions before settling on something akin to solemn. “You should go to the music room for your free period today.”
Sirius quirks a brow at her, frowning while he asks, “Why?”
“Just trust me S,” she says, reaching over her hand to squeeze his forearm.
Sirius watches her walk off, hand in hand with James, and he feels a strange twisting to his heart when he imagines a very similar image— only with him and Remus and punctuated by plenty of kisses to the cheek, and jawline and lips too.
The music room is towards the back of the school, in a separate building along with the theatre and main auditorium.
The early autumnal chill lashes against Sirius’s face while he makes the track to the room, continuously chanting to himself that he actually trusts Lily and this is gonna be worth it if there’s a merciful God up there.
Once Sirius clammers in doors, he rubs his cold hands together, and shakes out his hair. 
The first thing he hears is the soft strumming of a guitar, and finds himself in front of the music room after following its melodic toon. 
Through the window he can spot the form of Remus bent over the instrument, his thick curls getting in his eyes and his steady hands plucking a few chords as he sits cross legged atop the piano.
Sirius feels his heart lodging in his throat at the sight of him, so beautiful and perfect and warm looking in that scarlet sweater. And he knows in his bones that this is some sort of unspoken blessing that Lily’s given him, so with a deep breath, Sirius opens the door and strolls in.
Remus starts slightly, going flushed once his eyes catch on Sirius’s own.
“Oh Sirius,” he greets, the corners of his mouth tipping into a smile that doesn’t ring true. “You pulled away from the haram?”
“That’s a bit much? Calling them a haram,” Sirius says cooly, hitching up besides him and swinging his long legs. “I just did it to help you.”
“Oh— Yeah,” Remus nods. “The GSA appreciates all the help we can get.”  His words are quiet, and he’s rinsing a hand through his curls, so Sirius can tell that he’s a bit nervous. And it’s impossibly cute, but also not on. He doubts that he’ll ever get his kiss if Remus won’t even look at him in the eyes.
Gingerly, Sirius sets the pad of his pointer finger beneath Remus’s chin, lifting his gaze upwards. “Not the GSA— Though I appreciate the club’s work and your part in that.”
“Oh,” Remus says again, lips pursed and his throat pulsing when he swallows down. “Then—“
“I did it for you Remus,” Sirius repeats heatedly. “I did it because I’ve been mad for you since ever meeting you in August, and I can’t get your fucking face or name or lips or ass out of my head. And I thought that if maybe I pulled a dumb stunt like that, you would actually kiss me along with the lot of those idiots who can’t even hold a candle to you.”
“M—My ass?” Remus questions, voice going pitchy and face bright with emotion. 
Sirius laughs, booming and bombastic. “You have the best ass I’ve ever seen Remus Lupin and it’s really obscene.”
Remus shoulder checks him, looking down and then back up through his lashes at Sirius and it’s a sight Sirius wish he can keep with him for the rest of his days.
“So you thought I’d want our first kiss to happen after you’ve just made out with half the school?” 
Sirius grimaces, bending down so that their lips are only inches apart. “Listen, I can be a complete dumb ass on occasion.”
“Don’t forget arrogant.”
“Okay, fair.”
“And brash too.”
“Also you tend—“
Sirius places a soft hand over Remus’s supple lips, glaring teasingly at the other boy, who’s grinning like the cat who’s caught the canary, his eyes teeming with laughter. 
Remus Lupin is going to be the death of  him, Sirius knows it.
“Listen Lupin, I’d like a shred of self respect here, so I can actually muster up the courage to ask you out on a proper date already.”
Remus perks at that, so Sirius moves his grasp.
 “You wanna ask me out?”
“Depends…. You wanna continue that little rant until I’m blue balled and  gutless.”
“Hmm,” Remus inches closer, setting his hand over Sirius’s on the piano. “Nah, I think I’d rather do this.”
He leans forwards and Sirius barely has enough time to gather his bearings when he feels Remus’s mouth over his own and it’s literally every starlit promise and sugar burnt secret and sunlit afternoon all rolled into one. And Sirius feels his heart thud an uneven staccato when he grabs for either end of Remus’s waistline and plunges his tongue into his own and he lets himself get lost in the overwhelming feeling of it all.
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taehyungsgrowl · 3 years
Illicit Affairs IV - Duncan Shepherd x Fem!Reader
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hey babies! it has been a while! but i have finally gotten enough brain cells to write part four of illicit affairs!
big thank you to @desertsunflower00 for pointing me in the direction i wanted the story to go to after being stuck ily amiga!
also.... this was not the ending i thought i was gonna give when i started writing it but my heart led me to this so
i hope you all enjoy!!! and thank you so much for being so patient!
I've had so so much fun and heartache writing for this story.
please let me know what you think!!!
the first 3 parts are linked here!
Illicit Affairs Part I
Illicit Affairs Part II
Illicit Affairs Part III
word count: 5.9 k
as always! not proofread! italics are for memories!
(also really hope the italics copied correctly from google docs!)
Emma’s head was pounding. With each sob she felt the pain strike her heart.
Duncan was her world. She couldn’t imagine… couldn’t even think of what her life would be like without him. He was the one who lit up even her darkest days - always being that rock that held her together.
All the years they’d been together, she never had reason to think Duncan didn’t feel the same way. She thought he was enough for him…
A message from her friend pinged her phone, making her acknowledge the time.
God, she wanted to scream again. She didn’t know whether to believe if he was really at his office.
Lost. Alone. She didn’t know what to do. The one person she knew could make her feel loved was now the person causing her the most pain.
Emma tried to get herself off the floor, but what was the point. She didn't see a rhyme or reason to it when she didn’t know what to do.
She didn’t know where he was.
She didn’t know what she’d say to him if he was.
And she felt like she had nowhere to go.
So she laid on her closet floor, clutching the nearest shirt of his she could reach and stained his shirt with her tears. Her tears would soon dry and disappear from the fabric, but the lip print on his collar would be painful to remove both from his shirt and her mind.
While Duncan waited for Y/N to finish in the bathroom, he checked his phone and saw a message that had come in from Emma. Guilt clouded every emotion he had. It overtook the anxiety he felt of the what ifs with Y/N. It encompassed him completely.
Missing you x, she sent with a picture of their dog.
He’d been gone for longer than he anticipated and knew she must be getting worried. He took a deep breath, trying to ease himself.
He was doing this for her.
Y/N’s nerves bubbled up in her stomach, but she couldn’t stall much longer.
“Are you okay?” Duncan asked right at the door.
She knew looking at the results would then seal her fate with Duncan - one way or another.
“Yup! Just a minute.” she got up and held on to the edge of the sink before splashing her face with cold water. “You can do this,” she whispered to herself.
Y/N picked up the test and held her breath.
Not pregnant.
As relief washed over her she couldn’t deny the tiny part of her that hoped she was -- as selfish as it was, she didn’t think Duncan wouldn’t leave her if she was.
Y/N walked out of the bathroom, negative test in hand, to a Duncan who nervously paced her living room.
“It’s fine, Duncan. I’m not pregnant.” She pretended not to care when she saw his shoulders finally relax since he’d heard of the possibility of it being true.
He clapped his hands together nervously. Duncan hadn’t realized how sweaty his palms were in the short time waiting. “Okay,” he nodded. “Okay - I… How are you feel-”
“Stop.” she interrupted him. “We don’t have to do this.” Although normally seeing Duncan in her apartment always filled her with a sense of warmth - it was the illusion of having a life with him - when she saw him now, he seemed out of place. He didn’t belong there no matter how much she wanted to force that piece there.
He frowned, studying her expressions, “I came because last time we spoke -”
Y/N interrupted him again, “I know why you’re here. You think you can clear your conscious by telling me how fucking special I am,” she rolled her eyes. “We don’t need to do all that.” If she had any doubts about the way he felt before - they were made clear now.
And while she felt she had a million things left unsaid to him, she didn’t feel like she owed him that. “You’re good. We’re good. I just want to shower and move on. So I’d appreciate it if you quit calling and showing up.”
Just let me go.... She wanted to scream.
Duncan was driving back home from Y/N’s apartment and while he had so many thoughts racing in his head - for the first time in a long time, he felt lighter. As difficult as it’s been to part ways with Y/N, he knew that it was the right decision. He’d finally have a chance to do things right by Emma.
“I’m home, baby!” Duncan called out, hanging his keys by the door. The house felt cold and a shiver ran down his spine.
He walked into their bedroom looking for his wife and saw the door of their walk-in closet jarred open. When he opened the door he saw Emma curled into the fetal position asleep, holding his shirt with Captain snuggled up on her side.
She had tired herself out from crying and fell asleep waiting for his return.
Duncan’s heart rate spiked, thinking she’d been hurt or something happened. “Emma!” he fell to his knees, placing the back of his hand on her forehead, feeling for a temperature. “Baby, wake up,” he cooed, until he saw her eyes flutter open.
And for the fraction of a second between unconsciousness and consciousness, she got lost in the blue of his eyes all over again. For that fraction of a second it was like waking up to him that very first night they spent together.
“Hold still,” Duncan laughed, his fingers delicately brushed over Emma’s face until he got the eyelash that was in danger of going into her eye. “There,” he showed her the lash stuck to his thumb.
“Thank you,” she licked her lips, her eyes glancing down at Duncan’s pink lips.
“Wait,” he grabbed her wrist with his other hand, “Press your thumb to mine - and whoever the lash sticks to gets to make a wish,” he explained the silly ritual. It was something one of his nannies had taught him and it always stuck with him. He loved how he could be like this with Emma… soft… vulnerable. He’s sure very little people actually knew this side of him.
Sure, they’d only been dating for a little bit now, but Duncan was more than sure that she was the love of his life.
“What?” she laughed, her voice like music to his ears.
“Trust me,” he smiled when she pressed her thumb to his. “Okay, ready? One… two… three.” They each pulled their digits away from each other and took a look. The lash was gone from Duncan’s thumb and Emma was smiling like a child with it pressed on her skin.
“What do I do now?” she giggled.
“Make a wish and then drop the eyelash into your shirt.”
“Okay.” She closed her eyes trying to keep a very serious face, but Duncan could see the smile tugging on her lips. “Done.” she dropped the lash into her shirt.
“Well… what was the wish?” he asked.
“I can’t tell you that!”
“I never said that was a rule!!” he argued back.
“That's a basic wish rule,” she rolled her eyes, crossing her legs criss crossed on his couch. “You can’t say what you wished for!”
“I’m taking the wish back if you won’t tell me,” Duncan tried to look stern, but his lopsided smile gave it away. He adjusted on the couch and pushed her down until he was hovering over her. His fingers started to tickle her sides, making the bottom of her shirt ride up.
She was in a fit of laughter begging him to stop. She found herself grabbing the back of his head and tugging his hair down to have his face just inches away from her own. Duncan’s fingers stopped tickling her, but his hand snuck inside her shirt, feeling her softness.
Everything froze for a moment when she stared into his eyes that way. He looked at her like she’d hung the moon and the stars. She never wanted to stop looking into the safety of his eyes.
She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting and focusing back on Duncan’s. After that split second had passed, she sat up and shoved his chest, trying to make him give her space.
Duncan furrowed his brows, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Emma backed away from him, eyes prickling with tears again. She picked up his stained shirt - what once was her favorite, got closer to him and shoved it into his chest, “F-fucking asshole!” she finally let herself sob again. She felt so weak when her forehead fell against his chest and her balled up fists rested against him.
Entirely confused, Duncan wrapped his arms around her waist, trying to get her to look at him. He hadn’t gotten a chance to examine the shirt she handed him.
Emma felt herself melting into his hold, but stopped herself. She took his arms and removed them from her waist, taking a step back, “Don’t touch me.”
“No…” Duncan let out under his breath, seeing the lipstick mark, “No,” he said louder, “No, honey, I can explain.” He reached his hand out to touch her but she flinched at his approach.
His warm “honey” had a cold stare behind her tears. He couldn’t imagine what she could be feeling… She was never supposed to find out.
A single tear rolled down his cheek. “I love you. No one else but you.” his voice cracked.
“Get out.” she sniffled, wanting so desperately to be strong.
“Let me explain!” he felt his knees wanting to give out and his head started to spin. This couldn’t be happening. He asked her to let him explain but he didn’t know if he even had a good reason to give her.
For a moment, he saw her face soften. A result of seeing the sick look on his face - she still felt the urge to hold him, to kiss him.
He took the chance at her moment of softness and continued, “It’ll never happen again, I promise.”
“Maybe we should back up for a minute if you really want to explain.” she wiped her cheeks, “Let’s start with an easy one, no? What’s on that shirt, Dunc?”
“Baby…” it felt like a kick to the gut.
“I’ll help you out,” she continued, “Who’s lipstick is on your shirt?”
“It was a stupid mistake, Emma. I promise.” he pleaded.
“No, Dunc. A mistake is when I accidentally add too much salt to a recipe or leave my coffee mug on top of my car before I pull out of the driveway.” her voice lowers again, “I trusted you.”
“How long?” she took a deep breath. “And please don’t bother lying.”
“Six months.” he hung his head in shame.
No. No. No.
Emma thought she wanted to know the truth but… hearing it from his voice that this had been going on far longer than she imagined broke her heart all over again.
“Six months,” she repeated. “You’ve been fucking some whores for six months. God I’m so fucking stupid,” she groaned. She raised her hand to the pole that held all of Duncan’s clothes in the closet and slid them off, throwing them to the ground in frustration.
“It was never more than one.” he tried to defend himself.
“Because that makes it so much better!!!” she laughed humorlessly. “Get out! Get out!” she tossed his clothes at him until he backed out of the closet.
Even if it broke her again, she wanted to know the reason why. But it couldn’t be today. She could barely stand to look at him and with everything that came out his mouth - just ending up cutting her more and more.
“I love you,” Duncan dropped to his knees and crawled to her until he could wrap his arms around her legs. “If we can both calm down and talk-”
“I don’t need to calm down,” she cried.
In all his years spent with Emma - he’d never seen her so upset and it killed him to know he was the reason for it. Maybe it was his selfishness taking over again, but he couldn’t lose her - couldn’t let her go.
They’d almost been inseparable from the moment they met. Attached at the hip. Always in sync.
Duncan was in his home office, typing away on his laptop. His glasses were low on his face and he wore a white t-shirt and his plaid pajama pants.
Emma had been trying to get him to bed for the past hour, but he was really busy with the project he’d been working on.
She came back into his office ready for bed. She wore one of his old college sweatshirts and rubbed her eyes. “Almost done?” she yawned.
“Almost,” Duncan didn’t look up from his screen.
Emma lingered by the door, not wanting to go to bed without Duncan by her side. Duncan felt her at the door and looked up, pushing his glasses back. He knew how much she loved sleeping in his old sweatshirt at this point he considered it hers.
“C’mere,” he rolled back his chair, “You can sit in my lap until I’m done working.” he smiled, patting his thigh.
She hurried to his desk and curled up on his lap. She loved being close to him. Just feeling his breathing, taking in his scent, feeling his hands absently wander up and down her body.
Her legs hung off the side of his chair and her face was nestled in the crook of his neck, but Duncan kept her steady with his arm around her waist.
And he could stay like that for hours - feeling her close as he finishes reading over reports for his app. She was like a life size stress reliever for him. Just by having her touching him, pressing little kisses along his jaw… melted away his stress.
When she looked down at Duncan on his knees for her, she still saw the man she loved. She wasn’t sure she’d ever feel that way about someone again.
“Baby, honey,” he cried, “I’ll never stop making it up to you just please,” his forehead pressed into her thigh, “Don’t leave me.”
“I-if you won’t leave - I will,” she stepped out of his grasp. “I can’t think straight right now. I… I’m so hurt,” her voice broke with the last word.
“I’m going to my moms house…” she spoke out loud, guiding herself through the plan. “I can’t be here. I can’t even look at you.”
Duncan begged her to stay. He told her if anyone should be forced to leave the home it should be him - he was the one who screwed up. But she couldn’t stand being in the place that has brought them so many happy memories.
That night, Emma stayed in her childhood room. Although she had outgrown it over the years, the whole situation made her feel small. She curled up under her yellow bed sheets and stared at her phone each time it lit up with another text from Duncan.
Duncan tossed and turned in his empty bed. In his sleep, his arms searched for his Emma, coming up empty every time.
“Em?” her mother woke her up gently, “It’s been five days of just sulking around and ignoring calls. You need to get up, sweetheart.”
Her mother softly pulled her covers down. “Maybe you can get dressed and we can go for a coffee,” concern clouded her voice.
Emma didn’t say anything - just stared at her ceiling. “Duncan came by why you were sleeping,” her mom continued. His name was the only word she’d responded to; she looked at her mom with tears in her eyes.
“I told him you weren’t available to talk…” She handed her daughter her glasses off the nightstand.
She put her glasses on her face and slowly sat up in the bed. Her mom was right - she’d been avoiding everyone; avoiding Duncan for too long now. She slowly nodded, feeling her body drag out of bed.
The hot water that almost burned her skin in the shower suddenly turned frigid. The warm embrace evaporating away. Her heart was growing tired of the things she loved leaving her reach.
After a day of blurred nothingness, her heart was finally pounding a million beats per second, staring at the door of her home. As familiar as it was, it didn’t feel like home anymore.
With a shaky hand, her fingertip pressed deeply into the doorbell.
12:46 am - Although Duncan should have been asleep he found himself the same way he had since Emma left; sad and alone.
He pulled on an old pair of sweats, his hair in messy curls with a few strands in his face - even his stubble had gotten a little scruffier.
“Emma,” his eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Seeing her again finally made him feel like he could breathe again. “You’re home,” he tried to reach for her, but saw the way her entire body tensed up at his advancement.
“Stop,” she shook her head, her heart couldn’t handle having to reject him. She was holding on by a thread. “We need to talk.”
Four months later:
Y/N smiled in the sleepy state between dreaming and being conscious as she felt strong arms pulling her closer. His large hands pressed on her stomach, slowly inching up her shirt. At the same time, she felt his lips softly pressing into her shoulder.
“Morning,” she mumbled, keeping her eyes closed.
“Morning, princess,” he rolled over and pinned her below him. She met his kind, unclouded gaze. Not a trace of guilt behind his eyes - he was solely happy to be hers.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, “You want chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes today?” he nuzzled the tip of his nose with her, making her break a smile.
“Both?” she bit her lip.
“Oh my god,” he playfully rolled his eyes before kissing her, “You’re absolutely spoiled, darling.” He started getting out of bed, pulling his sweats that were discarded on the floor. Y/N stared in awe at the strong muscles of his bare back. She loved running her fingers over the smoothness of his skin, leaving invisible idle patterns or semi-permanent marks of her fingernails scratching down.
There was peace knowing she never had to share him. With him, she didn’t have to sacrifice bits of her happiness.
With one last kiss, he stepped out of the room to take a quick shower before starting breakfast. It’d become sort of a ritual for them; Sundays were for Y/N to sleep in and for him to make her breakfast. They’d later fold their laundry together and watch movies.
Her phone buzzed too loudly on the nightstand for her to ignore. “Hello?” she picked up the call, her eyes still closed.
“Y/N?” her heart came to a halt. She’d recognize that voice anywhere. Her name dripped from his lips like molasses; warm and sickeningly sweet.
“Y/N, it 's me, Duncan.”
After a brief pause, Y/N let out a deep breath. She was fine. When Duncan left her apartment almost five months ago, she didn’t know what it would be like the next time she saw him. They’d left so much unsaid, but it was better this way. She wanted to be done. And while there were nights she thought she’d never stop missing him, the soft ache in her heart started to fade.
She was relearning what it meant to love someone who could give her what she wanted; what she deserved. No longer did she feel shameful - kept like a dirty secret.
Late night meet ups in dark parking lots with Duncan turned into proudly holding hands with someone who wanted the world to see the way he felt about her.
Quick fucks that left her feeling empty as Duncan hurried to leave her apartment to go home to his wife turned into her boyfriend spending the night to make her breakfast in the morning.
Things were never as bad as she anticipated. There was a part of her that was proud of not feeling fazed by Duncan’s call.
“I…” Duncan continued when she didn’t speak, “I mi- I’m sorry,” she could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose as he stumbled over his words, “How are you?”
“I am doing really well, Duncan,” her tone was sincere without a trace of bitterness. If there was one thing Duncan did right, was give her his final piece of advice - when he told her she deserves someone who could make her happy.
“Emma… filed for divorce.” he coughed to cover up any anxiety in his voice.
“We need to talk,” Emma told him before stepping into the house. Duncan still replayed that night over and over in his head wishing and attempting to bargain with anyone that would listen to turn back time.
Duncan sat beside her at their small kitchen table; they always talked about getting a bigger one when they’re little family started to grow, but it was perfect for just the two of them. Countless mornings sipping coffee with the comfort of the other’s company were spent at their little table.
“I need you to know how much you hurt me, Duncan.” Duncan couldn’t recall the last time Emma had called him Duncan. He was her babe, her baby, her honey, her Dunc. A few nights ago, when she left - as angry as she was, through all the tears and screams she still called him Dunc. Hearing his full name fall from her lips with distaste made him realize things were changing.
The more Emma listened to Duncan recounting his inexcusable reasons the more upset she became. Silent tears strolled down her face as he explained over and over that he didn’t even have a real reason why because that meant there was nothing she could have done to keep it from happening.
“Do you love her?” Emma interrupted him. If there were any hope for them, Emma knew it would be in his answer.
“Baby - that’s over. I’ll never see her again,” and with the absence of a ‘no,’ Duncan sealed his fate.
She winced, internally accepting the end.
Duncan had a harder time really accepting it was over. A few weeks after that night, Duncan was served with paperwork for the divorce. He hated the word; it felt heavy on his tongue.
He didn’t want to make the process miserable for Emma; the least she deserved was to be able to leave him without so much legal jargon in the way, entangling an already large mess.
But lawyers do what they do best.
His attorney ‘friends’ squeezed pretty dime after pretty dime out of Duncan.
“She found out. About us,” Y/N imagined all of the awful things his life must have thought about her. “A couple months ago, really,” Duncan couldn’t stop talking.
“Why are you telling me this? And why are you telling me this now?” her boyfriend’s shower was still running and she was thankful to have the privacy for this conversation.
“She’s really left. I don’t know what to do. I miss her. I miss you,” he looked out at the skyline from his downtown condo; a place that could never feel like a home. A bachelor pad with a sad bachelor. Could a divorce candidate be considered a bachelor?
“I’m sorry,” she didn’t know what else to offer to that, “I did what you said,” she continued after a moment of silence. “I found someone who could give me what I needed. I’m happy, Duncan. I didn’t think I’d ever be happy like I am now after you - and I don’t mean this to rub it in, I just mean,” she searched for the right words, “I know it feels like you’ll never be happy again without that certain person, but there will be time when you will. I know you love her a lot. I can see that now and I could see it then. I’m sorry for the part I played in all this.”
They were both moving on without him. Not that he could blame them; he’d made them both sacrifice parts of themselves so he could be selfish.
“I’m sorry for calling,” Duncan grimaced. “I really hope he treats you well, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” she sighed, “And Duncan,” she chewed on her bottom lip, “Take care, okay?”
“You too.”
One year later:
A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead as she huffed, setting the last of the boxes down by the front door. An entire year had passed and Emma had clung on to the final memories of her marriage. Things were different now and as much as she still found herself yearning for what she once had, she knew this was how things needed to be.
“Think we’ve got most of it now,” he came around the corner with a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hand he kept from being put up.
“How are you feeling?” Duncan asked, pouring her a generous amount before handing her the glass.
“Nervous,” she laughed, “scared,” she admitted.
Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth in the way it always was when she had more to say. Duncan couldn’t help but smile until his eyes crinkled; as happy as he was for her, he couldn’t wrap his mind about her leaving.
He wrapped one arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head, “You’re gonna do great. I don’t know anyone smarter, more qualified, more perfect for the job,” he encouraged.
“Not just about that,” she admitted. She sat on the floor of her empty living room and Duncan joined her, filling his own glass. “Moving. Being so far - starting over,” she sighed and took a long sip of her wine.
“Dunc,” she shook her head, “We grew up in this house. We loved in this house. Fought and made up,” she laughed.
“What’re we doing?” she kissed him as he pushed her into the house, hands fumbling all over each other.
“Don’t think about it,” he groaned against her lips, pressing her against the wall and hiking her up. “Just.. don’t think,”
“Mm, not here,” she sighed, feeling his hand wander up her dress, caressing the inside of her thigh. “The bed.. Our bed..” her voice was shaky as his skilled fingers brushed over her panties. She missed this. Missed him.
With signed divorce papers forgotten, Duncan tossed her on the bed and climbed over her, never letting his lips leave her skin. Savoring every moment she let him have with her. He didn’t know if she’d regret it in the morning. If she would hate him more than she did before, but she was giving him this now and he wanted to take it in. He wanted to memorize her taste as if it would be the last time.
He kissed down the hills of her breasts and hiked her dress past her thighs, dipping his head down to kiss along her inner thighs. “Emma,” he breathed her name like it was his final breath.
Duncan hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, “Up.”
She raised her hips and he slid them off her legs in one quick movement. He wasted no time - he swiped his tongue along her wetness, immediately moaning at the feeling of having her on his tongue.
Two of his fingers plunged into her, slowly pumping in and out of her while his pouty lips wrapped around her clit. Those lips she loved. The same lips that formed into her favorite smile; the ones that kissed her like the most delicate flower in the world; the ones that held his tongue that massaged her just like that.
Like muscle memory taking over her, her fingers laced themselves in strands of honey brown hair - pulling with the way he was making her feel.
“Dunc!” she almost screamed, feeling his dexterous curl and brush against her g-spot.
“Gonna cum,” her legs wrapped around him, her thighs closing around his face.
Duncan didn’t stop. He kept going. Wet open-mouthed kisses on her pussy, letting a trail of saliva and cum drag from his lips. He peeked up to watch her with a wet mouth before licking them clean.
He tried to hold her still as she finished, not letting his lips leave her center. He cleaned up every bit of cum with his tongue before he sponged kisses along her twitching thighs as she came down from the high he’d given her.
Duncan climbed on top of her again, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. There was comfort in the scratchy tickles of his beard on her soft skin.
She held him, softly running her fingers through his hair until she was ready.
While she didn’t plan on thinking that night, there was a part of her that knew this would be the last time they’d ever be like this again. She shook the thought away. For selfish reasons, she didn’t want it to ruin the night.
“Fuck me,” like it’s the last time, she thought.
And he did.
Their teeth clashed together with desperate kisses as he buried himself inside of her. As close as they were - they wanted to be closer.
Duncan’s stomach tightened, feeling himself twitch inside her. Her walls clenched around him, milking his cock for his cum.
“Fuck,” she sighed against his lips. “Feels so good.”
“Missed this… missed you, baby,” he rut his hips against hers. He took her hands and pinned them above her head, staring into her eyes with a dazed out smile.
Duncan didn’t dare think about it the next morning. He wished it’d never come.
But it did… it always did.
By the time Duncan woke up from his Emma filled dreams, she was lying awake with nothing but the sheet covering her.
“Uh hey,” Duncan offered, trying to get a feel of the room. Maybe he was still in a blissed out state of mind, but he didn’t feel a sense of regret lingering between them.
“Hi,” she laughed, turning to face him. “About last night…” she tried to read his expressions.
“I missed that. In all honesty, I miss you.” Duncan couldn’t dare to move, afraid if he did he would wake up from a dream. “I don’t think… we need to stop being friends. You’ve always been my best friend.” Which was true. The months leading up to the divorce were miserable - for both of them. “I… don’t think we can continue doing this,” she gestured between their naked bodies. “I don’t want that - I can’t handle going back to how things were, but I miss my friend.”
Duncan would take having her in his life in any capacity she allowed.
Of course, what they had couldn’t be recreated. But they did their best to be good friends to each other. Emma was tired of feeling like a victim of betrayal. She wanted to move on and not feel heavy from that anymore.
Duncan would come over on occasion for dinner or they’d go for a walk. As much as he wanted more, he wouldn’t push her - he couldn’t.
And like a good friend, Duncan was helping her pack up her belongings from the house they called their home so she could move hours away from him. The small sliver of time he’d see her was now being taken away, but he couldn’t keep her from going.
“I’m scared of being away from you,” she looked over at those familiar eyes that would always be home to her. “You’ve been the one constant in my life - good or bad - and you’ll be so far,” her eyes started to wet with tears.
Duncan took her hands in his, “I won’t ask you to stay. As much as I want you to stay with every fiber of my being - I can’t ask that of you. What I can ask is this,” he paused and looked into her eyes, “do you want to go?”
“Yes,” she answered, keeping his stare.
He smiled and hoped it met his eyes, “Em, I’ll always be here. Near or far. I’ll always love you. You know that.” And he meant the words in ways she didn’t know.
“I know,” she whispered, “I love you too.” Duncan wanted her to mean it in the way he did, but he knew better.
“Change is good, right?”
“Change is scary - but good,” Duncan tried to affirm her.
As much as everything around them could change, one thing would remain true; Emma was the love of his life. There would always be a part of him that wished he didn’t mess up the best thing that happened to him.
But there was a time he thought she’d never speak to him again and they found themselves back to each other. He wasn’t holding his breath for more to happen, but wishful thinking kept him going.
Duncan hoped she wouldn’t ask him to take her to the airport because he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle that goodbye.
Her last few days in town were so busy, Duncan hardly got a chance to see her. He poured himself a glass of whiskey and stared out his view.
Emma was leaving the next morning and he hadn’t had a chance of a real goodbye.
What he didn’t know was that Emma found herself at his apartment door. Her stomach was tied in knots over the anxiety of it all.
Duncan opened the door after a soft knock.
“Hi” as confused as he was, he was also so happy she came.
“I just came to say bye,” she bit her lip in that way Duncan was too familiar with. He waited for her to say more, but she didn’t.
“Do you want to come in?” he moved out of the doorframe to let her in.
“I shouldn’t,” but she took a step forward.
“Tomorrow’s the day,” she sighed, nervously fidgeting with her clothes.
“Getting cold feet?” he joked.
“Didn't have cold feet when I married you, not getting cold feet now,” she laughed, cheeks burning hot.
“I just really came to see you before I left,”
“I’m glad you did. I have something for you. Wait here,” he rushed to his bedroom to get his college sweatshirt she loved. She made him take it when they split up. He’s never worn it since she used to - that was hers and she should have it.
“Dunc,” she smiled, taking the sweatshirt he handed her. “Thank you,” she hugged him.
She hugged him and didn’t let go. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, breathing in her familiar scent, and just held her.
“I have to go,” she mumbled against his shoulder without making an effort to move.
“I know,” he squeezed her harder, making her laugh.
They eventually let each other go for their final goodbye.
“Promise you’ll call?”
“Of course,” she promised. She reached up to grab his face, giving him a kiss on his cheek, “Bye, honey,” she said softly in his ear.
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olivonie · 3 years
biggest fan ; atsumu miya
(1) "maybe he's my laptop wallpaper"
synopsis ; you are the youngest bokuto, and the biggest atsumu miya fan in all history (self proclaimed) so just your luck that a threat from your older brother to go to his game ends in you meeting your celebrity crush, and trying to not freak out, but oh what chaos ensues...
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perfumers guide ; is the best friend literally just me inserting into my OWN FANFIC?? W A BOKUTO LOVE STORY? yeah fuck off let me have what i want its my fanfic motherfucker,, u, our beautiful mc, are a fangirl/boy/them/idc,, also i referred to ur friend as ur friend the whole fic, might give them an alias later on but idk for now,, tysm to my loves @scouts-ahoy and my bestie indigo for betaing for me <3 ily guys sm <3
perfume ingredients ; light cursing, rlly funny friend, fanperson-ing???, idk tw atsumu miya/j, bokuto being a butthead brother, gn reader (hopefully it comes across as such), omi being a bad friend/j,, cheesy corny romance movie esc love story <33,, written like a wattpad fanfic so sucks for u
word count ; 1388 words
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“I can’t believe he blackmailed me like that!” You cried out, standing outside the building of the volleyball game you were attending.
“Don’t pretend you weren’t gonna show up anyways. Besides, he got us front row seats! Isn’t that awesome!” Your friend of many years squealed, adjusting his shirt before turning to you with a smirk, “Plus~ after, we’re going to dinner with your future boyfriend~” They teased, and you squeaked, chasing after them as they laughed. You both got in line and entered the building, packed full of people as you talked while walking to your seats according to your tickets.
A week prior your brother, Kotaro, had burst into your room in the apartment you shared, jumping on the bed and shoving two tickets to his next game. You had said you would buy your own tickets, since you wanted to be independent and were sick of relying on "big bro ko ko" but he interrupted you, threatening that if you didn’t take them he would tell Atsumu, his teammate, about your “big fat enormous super fan googly disgusting mushy gushy crush” on him and so you begrudgingly took the tickets. You decided to go with your friend, who was more excited to see your brother than the actual game.
“I can't believe you’re a brother banger…” You murmured. Your friend turned to you, a look of mock betrayal on their face.
“Honey Boo Bear! You dare think I’d cheat on you my beloved snookums?!” They said overdramatically and very loudly. You giggled, playing along with their antics with a smile.
“Pumpkin wumpkin! I can see you have feelings for another who is not me!”
“No! My cuddle wuddle baby poo I would never!-” They said, cut off by your laughter, followed by their own. Of course, even if you were pissed at Ko for blackmailing you into going, you couldn’t deny your excitement to see the Atsumu Miya, who had been the apple of your eye since you first saw him play with your brother. You had created a fan twitter for him for christs sake! That fucking enamored. But, even if he was on the same team with Kotaro, you had never met him face to face.
You had dazed off and couldn’t see nor hear your friend, before they had shaken you back into consciousness.
“Oi! The game is about to start, dumbass!” They said, and you turned to look, seeing both teams enter the court. Your friend screamed and chanted when they saw Kotaro, who waved at the both of you with energy filled motions. And then, as if in slow motion, entered the “love of your life.”
He was like a renaissance statue, carved from the finest marble and shaped into this beauty. His eyes were filled with life as he waved to all his fans, and when he swept his gaze over to where you were standing, it felt as if time stopped. It was like that scene from every cheesy romcom movie where the main character’s heart pounded erratically, and just like in a movie, the breath from your lungs was stolen away. Were you in heaven? This is totally heaven right?
His eyes. Oh, his eyes. Like molten gold, the sun's reflection on a lake. Like the sweetest caramel, that you could practically taste on your tongue. Atsumu seemed frozen as well, before Shoyo came over and shook him awake, turning to the court with a single glance back at you.
“Oh my god I think I might die.” You said, practically falling into your companions arms, who raised a brow at you.
“Are you okay? What happened?” They asked, a concerned expression on their face.
“Did you not see?!?! We made eye contact!! For like! A minute! And now I’ve fallen in love with him and I want his children!” You screamed, and they clasped a hand over your mouth quickly.
“One, crowded area, don’t say that shit out loud. Two, what’s the big deal? Weren’t you already in love with him?” They said, tilting their head to the side to look at you.
“Yes but like we’d never made eye contact! And I’m like! His biggest fan!” You squeaked, your voice cracking as you cleared it, looking desperately at your friend.
“How big?” They asked, and you gave an exasperated sigh.
“Maybe he’s my laptop wallpaper..” You murmured, twiddling your hands together. “Laptop wallpaper” had been an inside joke between you two to measure the depth of your obsession. Laptop wallpaper being the biggest, and twitter profile picture being the lowest.
“Oh my god big big…” They whispered, and you two continued to talk over your dilemma as the game went on.
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As the game came to an end, with another victory for the Jackals, the two of you ran down the steps with special access passes, also gifted to you by Kotaro, and ran to congratulate the team. There was a sappy moment where your friend jumped into Kotaro’s arms rambling about how amazing he was, as he walked over to you and raised his hand for a high five, which you begrudgingly gave.
“You suck, butthead.” You said with a smile, and he grinned at you, as you walked off to a brooding black haired man, who was staring off in another dimension before you called his name, “Hey Omi! You did great!” You cheered, and he turned to you with a semi-smile.
“Thanks little Bokuto.” He said, and you rolled your eyes.
“The least you could do is say my name!” “I think little Bokuto works just fine.”
“Omiiii! That is so cruel and mean! I am going to report you on Stop It!” You said, and he laughed. Kiyoomi has been your friend since high school. You didn’t like the idea of being overshadowed by your brother, so you chose a school where no one would recognize you as his sibling, and bumped into Kiyoomi. Literally. And decided to stick around the brooding loner who preferred to eat lunch on the rooftop away from the hordes of people.
“So, did you totally fitz out when Miya came on court?” He said with a knowing smirk, causing your face to heat up as you cried out in protest.
“I did not!”
“They totally did.” Shoyo interrupted, and you spun around to throw a fake punch at him. He dodged with ease and stuck his tongue out at you, and you did the same.
“Shut up!” You yelled, groaning when the two laughed at you, “I’m gonna wait outside for you guys! And Omi! You smell horrible!” You cried, grinning in triumph at his annoyed face, looking at himself covered in sweat and sighing.
You walked out of the gym, waiting outside the doors as you said you would, opting to scroll through your phone idly.
“Yer Bokuto’s sibling right?” A light voice asked by your ear, which caused you to jump and throw a punch out of instinct. A groan and head of blonde hair that you’d seen hundreds of times in twitter edits and your dreams made you gasp. “You sure know how to throw a punch huh? Yowch,” Atsumu grunted, holding his stomach as you panicked and apologized, to which he laughed, “It’s okay! I didn’t give no warnin’ so I scared ya! I get it!” He said, and you blushed profusely.
You just punched your celebrity crush in the stomach, there goes your dreams of a fanfiction type first meeting. You sighed, putting your hand out to shake his as you introduced yourself.
“I’m Atsumu Miya.” “Well obviously.” You said and then gasped at how rude that must’ve sounded. You were about to apologize again until he laughed. He looked at you with those eyes again.
“Yer real funny! I hope yer goin’ to dinner with us, it’d be totally boring without ya.” He said, and you nodded.
“Of course, I promised my brother.” You said, and he did a small fist bump, before pausing and taking out his phone, passing it to you.
“Put yer number in there, pretty please.” He said, and you nodded, typing your phone number and name. He smiled when you handed his phone back, checking the time before whispering curses, “Fuck, I still gotta change, but I’ll see ya at the dinner kay? See ya round pretty!” He called and you waved goodbye blushing at the compliment and chuckling before the realization set in.
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"you are so loud..."
"shut up ko you're fat."
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olivonie 2021
reblogs are welcome !! pls !!!!
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stardew-goblin · 4 years
why their favourite items are their favourite items for the bachelorettes? you can just pick one item if you like
OH I’ve been thinking about this since I started playing! I tried to do the things that aren’t as commonly thought about as favorites. I hope you enjoy! Thank you ily <3
HA so after doing all of the bachelors I re-read and realized it was only an ask for the bachelorettes SO you get both now hehe
Favorite thing: Pumpkin soup
His dad left them in the fall which is why he has an aversion to most of the autumn seasonal flavors
He was really attached to his dad as a baby so when he abandoned them it hurt Sebastian really badly
The one thing he can’t seem to stay away from is pumpkin soup though
Robin actually has cooked it since he can remember
It was his dads favorite too
It brings back the good memories he has from when his parents were together
Robin only makes it when Maru and Demetrius are out together doing sciency things
They sit on the couch together and watch old movies and bond while they eat it but Robin keeps it a secret because she knows he doesn’t like to come across as a softie
She’ll also make him some if she knows he’s particularly down. She’ll just run it down to his room, kiss him on the forehead, remind him that she’s always there if he needs to talk, and leaves him be
Favorite thing: Tigerseye
Before Kent could afford the mermaid pendant for Jodi, his mom gave him an old tigerseye ring to propose with
Sam always though it was more romantic than a stupid mermaid pendant (basic, duh)
He used to sit on his grandma’s lap as a kid and she would tell him all about his grandpa who died before Sam was born
He was poor, too, when they got married and he managed to trade some manual labor for the ring
It always reminds him of his family and how much he loves them
100% will propose with a tigerseye ring instead of a mermaid pendant
Favorite thing: Coffee
Started drinking coffee in middle school
His grandma would always brew a pot while he was over and they would sit and chat about life
The smell of coffee always reminds him of her
He still makes it how she would make it for him. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. That’s it.
He regularly uses the coffee cup he would always use at her house
It has ducks on it with blue trim
Every year on the anniversary of her death he’ll bring a thermos and two cups and sit at her grave and drink coffee and talk about how life is going
He misses his grandma very much
Favorite thing: Pomegranate
He knew Leah before he moved to the valley
They’ve been best friends for years
He gets sick a lot and tends to forget to take care of himself sometimes
Leah has always made sure he was okay
She would bring him fruits and soup and make sure he was staying hydrated
One day she brought a few pomegranates
How the fUCK do you eat a pomegranate ??
Leah help me please for the love Yoba what is this weird ass fruit you’ve brought to me on my death bed
Once he actually ate some though, he could not get enough.
It was the first thing he could actually taste in days and it was so sweet and flavorful
He will not buy his own pomegranates though.
It has to be a gift or it’s not the same
Favorite thing: Hot pepper
Used to struggle with really bad anxiety
He would disassociate a lot
Struggled with mental grounding techniques
So one day is dad was like
Here son
Bite into this hot ass pepper
It was so spicy that it snapped Shane back into reality
He used to keep a ziplock bag of hot peppers in his pocket
Sometimes will still bite into one if he’s particularly going through it
One time gave Sam one at work and told him it wasn’t spicy
Sam cried in the bathroom for 20 minutes
Now Shane has to keep his waterbottles with him at all times because Sam puts weird stuff in them as payback
Favorite thing: complete breakfast
Alex never wanted to leave his room after his mom died
He would cry himself to sleep every night
He refused to eat with his grandparents
Evelyn would make him hashbrowns, eggs, and pancakes with a side of milk every morning
And would leave it in his room for him to eat when he was hungry
And would always stick a note on the tray reading “breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I love you always. Grandma.”
She never pressured him to do something he didn’t want to do
But ALWAYS reminded him that he was loved
Complete breakfast reminds him that Evelyn loves him no matter what
It will always feel like a warm hug
Favorite thing: Pufferfish
When Abigail was little, Pierre and Caroline used to take her to the aquarium in Zuzu City
Her favorite was always the pufferfish
She felt like she could relate to them
Always keeping people at an arms length
Tough when she has to be
She used to collect pufferfish plushies
Does not actually eat them
She could never
But she likes how you can die from consuming them incorrectly
Kicking ass from beyond the grave
Favorite thing: Coconut
She actually likes the smell more than anything but is a sucker for coconut shavings on her desserts
She’s allergic to coconut
But it isn’t deadly
Emily used to use coconut body spray to hide the weed smell when she was in high school
Haley thought Emily was so cool
Will always remind her of when her and her sister got along better
Haley has a mean streak but is very sentimental
She’ll still tease Emily about it
Keeps a small bottle of coconut body spray in her room for when she needs to feel better
Will not admit to anyone ever about why she likes coconut so much
Favorite thing: Tom Kha Soup
Elliott actually introduced Penny to the dish
Penny and Pam had gotten into a particularly nasty argument which left Penny in tears
It was pouring but she needed out of the trailer
She went to sit on the docks to listen to the ocean until she calmed down
Elliott saw her sitting alone in the cold rain and invited her inside
He was just about to sit down for one of his favorites, Tom Kha soup, and gladly prepared a bowl for Penny
She had never been close to Elliott even though she saw him at the library often
The soup was delicious
And she was blown away by his kindness and how easily she felt comfortable talking to him
She tries to cook it (it’s terrible)
She always beings some to Elliott (he never comments on how awful it is, and politely accepts it)
(He throws it in the ocean when she’s gone though)
Favorite thing: Survival burger
Emily is a vegetarian
Her favorite food before she went vegetarian was cheeseburgers
Her first girlfriend showed her how to make burgers from eggplant
She is the one who showed Gus how to make them and season them properly to taste good
She got Haley hooked on them too
She’s lowkey one of those vegetarians that wants everyone to be a vegetarian
Her favorite recipe to show off because it really does taste like a frickin burger
Favorite thing: Rhubarb Pie
Maru really wishes that she and Sebastian were still close
As small children they did everything together
She looked up to her big brother
They used to play in the lake by their house during summers
She would always catch frogs. It was her favorite thing.
They would come into the cool house when the sun went down and lounge on the couch watching cartoons
Robin would frequently make Rhubarb pie for dessert
Maru and Sebastian loved it
They would eat it in front of the TV and joke around with each other
Rhubarb Pie still reminds her of those warm summer nights when her big brother was still her best friend
Favorite thing: stir fry
The first time she ever tried stir fry was right before she moved to the valley
Like literally her last meal in the city was stir fry from a restaurant around the corner from her old apartment
It was their only option that had mostly vegetables and oh my Yoba was it delicious
The day she moved was the most hopeful day she’s ever had in her life
New beginnings were terrifying but Leah knew everything would be okay
She always makes stir fry before she tries something she’s terrified to do
It reminds her that new things are scary but she can really do anything she puts her mind to
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mendesxruel · 3 years
🎟 CONGRATS ON 500 PAOLA!! you deserve all the love on this world and i’m so so proud to call you my adoptive mother <3 soooo i think u know i’m gonna go with Dead Poets Society and i’m gonna reuse a description of myself i’ve already given to someone else because i’m too last to type it all out again :) some things about me is that i have short, curly brown hair and blue-green eyes, i’m not sure if appearance has anything to do with it but i thought i’d add it in! i’m pretty sarcastic around my closest friends and generally good at making new ones, even though i get a bit anxious at big gatherings like dances and parties. i stick to a close group of friends, like 99% of the time. i’m also an avid theatre kid lmao—i’ve been singing and acting for over a decade. i write a lot. like, i have twenty seven half-finished book drafts and a million poems in my notes app. i make super super extensive playlists in which every single song has a specific reason for being on the playlist. i also work at a coffee shop and have an addiction to caffeine! i’m a maladaptive daydreamer, so i’ll literally spend hours daydreaming about being in my favorite movie/book/tv worlds and romanticizing relationships with my favorite characters (i’m bi, so there’s a big playing field in this lol). i have legit zero volume control at times and i’m an empath (like, too much empathy at times that it makes me physically incapable of doing anything). i read a lot and i like to annotate/highlight my books. i write on my hands a lot (i have a million markers and pens it’s insane) but i’m t e r r i b l e at drawing. i do lots of peace signs and finger guns when i don’t know what to say or just at random times so i don’t have to continue conversations lol. i don’t know if this affects anything, but my favorite dead poet is definitely todd—i relate to his anxiety but i love seeing his character grow and make friends and become more confident throughout the course of the movie! he’s so sweet i love him so much. AH that was a lot of information that you probably didn’t need, but i really appreciate you confusing these ships!! i honestly love them so much, they make me smile like crazy. CONGRATS AGAIN ON 500 I LOVE YOU!!
u have 27 book drafts?!?@*!?×? bestie ur creative oml
i ship you with...
Steven Meeks!
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sunlightwoo · 3 years
tag games ✰
here’s just a long post of me continuing on tag games that i’ve been tagged in but haven’t had the time to answer hehe
however if you see this, you’re tagged by me if you haven’t done it already :) and thank you @hyunjaethereal​, @timextoxhajima​​ , @sankyeom​​ , @viastro​​ , @bbangsoonie​​​, @wavesmp3​​​ and @shionwrites​​​ for tagging me ily guys <3
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✰ element writer tag ✍️
what element writer are you?
magma writer
Molten rock that still has to surface. You're the perfect mix of fire and earth, and your story shows it, having the best of both worlds. You're the writer that holds fire on their fingertips and kisses their lovers goodbye in the most painful way. You're able to build long stories that burn on the inside. You break the human soul, touching with infinite grace the right cords. You are an artist of the elaborate pain and heavy angst only a constructed and long story can give. If i could see in your eyes, i would be looking at your soul dancing on an unstable floor, flames all around it, to protect it and to forge it. Your love burns hot and infinite inside of you, and sometimes, when it slips out, you're afraid that it could burn too much. But the right people will know how to love you, and every bright tongue of fire your soul is made of. Your stories are the ones that make the world change.
damn no need to hurt me like that
✰ what is your unorthodox love language?
for this one i took it with my friends and it was sharing foods with your loved ones!!
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and this really hit home <//3
✰ playlist tag
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims.
flag by tbz
sit down by nct 127
after school by weeekly
come back home by 2ne1
good to me by svt
from by ateez
secret story of the swan by iz*one
she’s in the rain by the rose
shoot by itzy
asap by stayc
✰ writer positivity tag 🪴
rules: bold the things that apply to you
I am a talented writer | I have a way with words | I can plan my stories really well | I can improvise my stories really well | I am great at writing realistic dialogue | I can really paint a picture with my words | My writing is very atmospheric | I am great at descriptions | I am great at action | I am great at touching people with my stories | the backstories of my characters are all diverse and I feel like I truly know them | I am great at making a realistic and complex personalities | I really enjoy the character dynamics and relationships in my wips | my main characters aren't always the same | I am great at coming up with gripping beginnings | I am great at coming up with gripping endings | I am great at coming up with titles  | I am in love with my characters and would die for them if they were real | I love how I write animals and mystic creatures | I am great at world-building | I have intriguing and gripping plots | I write amazing character-driven stories | I am great at capturing and keeping the audience's attention | I am persistent even when I want to give up | I'm very organized with my writing notes | I am constantly learning from every story I encounter | I devour books
✰ this or that intimate moments (bold what applys)
love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone | love letters or mixtapes | hand kisses or kisses on the cheeks | understanding each other without words or finishing each others sentences | gazing into each other’s eyes or looking away blushing | longing to be with someone again or spending every second together | laughing together or crying together | someone run their fingers through your hair or gently playing with your hand | surprise kisses or long tight hugs
✰ aesthetic tag
➼ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 13/20 (had a hunch)
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | re-watching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
|➼ 𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐘 4/20
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
➼ 𝟕𝟎’𝐒 5/20
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairylights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details |
✰ zodiac this or that (i’ll do my big three)
Pisces sun: Aquamarine or Amethyst. Sea Green or Ocean Blue. Tulips or Carnations. Turmeric or Willow Herb. Surfing or Water Skiing. Ocean or River. Poetry or Painting. Dolphins or Whales. Pineapple or Watermelon. Telekinesis or Reality Warping/Illusion powers. Zinfandel or Spiked punches/lemonades. Starfish or Seashells. Healing Crystals or Dreamcatchers. Psychic powers or Water bending/manipulation. Coneflower or Iris. Lighthouse or Watermill. Baby’s breath or Waterlily. Taurus or Capricorn.
Taurus moon: Green or Pink. Malachite or Emerald. Roses or Violets. Thyme or Brasil. Vanilla or Chocolate. Candles or Bath bombs. Painting or Jewelry making. Seduction powers or Enchanted jewerly, treasure, or gemstones. Foxglove or Larkspur. Chocker or Medallion necklaces. Apples or Grapes. Singing or Humming. Elephants or Turtles. Gardening or Shopping. Having a homebody day or Taking a walk in nature. Pinot Noir or Bourbon. Precognition or Manipulating life force. Violin or Lute. Cancer or Pisces.
Virgo rising: Navy Blue or Olive Green. Peridot or Sardonyx. Peony or Sweet Pea. Hops or Rosemary. Chess or Checkers. Carrot Cake or Fig Bar/Cakes/Cookies. Knitting or Crocheting. Grammar Checking/Quality Assurance or Critiquing a piece of work. Golf or Tennis. Buttercups or Morning Glory. Herbs magic or Earth and plant bending. Mice or Bees. Cabernet Frank or Micro-brews. Enchanted Garden or Magic that can perfect skills. Bunnies or Deer. Cancer or Scorpio.
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hinac0lada · 4 years
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CHARACTER PAIRING: sugawara koushi/reader NOTE: i tried to do something new!! // listen to this song  too, it’s where i got inspo for the title hehe my love for koushi reignited, so pls take this fic as a very self-indulgent piece ;3 [ banner made by me! ] anyways! i wanna thank everyone in cheese cult - y’all so nice ily all sm<33 WC: like, , 2.2k words pls give love</3 WARNING/S: contains fluff, angst, suggestive themes CHEESE CULT TAGLIST: @cupofkenma @bubbleteaa @milkandc00kiez @writingsbycrackhead​ @fern-writes-ig​ @pineapplekween​ @kxgeyamasmilk​​ GEN TAGLIST: @fitriiaw @idiot-juice-enthusiast 
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there was a side to you that sugawara koushi couldn't quite place his hands-on. it irked him in a way that he can't exactly explain. to put it thoroughly, it's like comparing misleading signs - signs he couldn't read. there was a partial thought in the depths of sugawara's mind, will i be in too deep?
he certainly hopes not. it will be a struggle for sure, begetting to deal with taking risks and caching his feelings in check. 
though, in parallel to both his heart and mind, he doesn't mind taking flight in either.
coming over your place was like a natural thing sugawara affixed to his routine after school hours, something nearly akin to second nature. he needn't have to ring the doorbell or knock at the door to have you alerted of his presence. you gave him a spare key after all. he enters your modest residence as if it was his place that he just resided in. he tries to be patient and earnest about it, but fatigue trailing after him like an endless marathon socked him in the face before he could utter words.
the silver-haired setter plants face-first on the soft material of your cushion couch, breathing in the fragrance of the freshly cleaned cute throw pillows you had on for display. he faintly recalls your lavender-like scent, mixed with a tinge bit of vanilla and mocha - a smell so distinct that it essentially revulsed him at how quick he was to recognize the fading scent.
it was perplexingly heartening in his weird ways. (why wouldn't it be, it's your stuff after all)
the sound of the door clicking minutes after his arrival didn't go unnoticed. "ah, sugawara, i didn't expect you to be here so soon," your voice sounded muffled in his ears at how he's buried two pillows against the sides of his face. he'd assumed you to be late (like you always were), so it wasn't a big deal that he constantly manages to somehow get to your home first before you do.
"i thought you had practice today?"
"we do. just need to charge up for now.. not much to make do since finals are coming up and all," was his muffled reply. that was just a simple white lie. he did have practice today - it's just that he was trying to come up with numerous justifications of why he's late. (that or he just wanted to spend a couple of hours lounging about in your home)
you huff at his slothful disposition. you sometimes think sugawara is a little too comfortable with you letting him barge in your house like he even pays for rent. sure, the company he gives you is lively, but you considered having him pay for using you as a live source for shelter and food. 
even with that kind of reasoning, you don't exactly mind nor were you gonna lament.
"humph!" sugawara makes a surprised noise as you jumped on top of him, your weight burying him further on the plushness of the couch. his muffled protests that reached your ears sent you into a fit of small giggles, a free hand coming down to ruffle his blanche, soft and unruly hair.
"(n-name)--! mhmmp!" 
"what was that? sorry, i can't hear you over the sound of your anguish," you snorted, adding a small bounce from your position to add on the burden he feels with you on top of him. 
by now, sugawara was wearied enough just let you do this. it's fine, just harmless fun. but when suffocating between the couch and a long-time crush and having to choose between air and you - you ought to have another thing coming. within minutes of you cackling like mad, he's pulled off the pillows beside him, successfully managing to hit you with one square on the face before he tackled you on the opposite side of the couch.
your chortles were rashly cut short by a surprised yelp and a force that pushed you off on your back. sugawara towered over your figure, triumph evident on his features. you stared right back with slight annoyance and a small blush coating your cheeks. this was new.
"i thought i told you to not suffocate me between your couch anymore, (name)," he sticks his bottom lip out in a small pout. his little complaint only had you rolling your eyes, a chuckle slipping past your lips as you slapped a hand underneath his jawline, moving his face up and away from yours. 
"when have i ever, suga? i don't think i can recall," you subtlely tease him. it was just too fun to poke fun at sugawara - especially acknowledging the fact that he might've purposely came over first instead of going to practice.
he whines, attempting to slap away your hand. instead, he promptly leans his entire weight on you, head finding solace within the soft material of your clothing. it occurred to him that you still haven't changed from your uniform, but he didn't bother commenting on it either.
the two of you laid in comfortable silence for a while. that was until you broke it.
"do you wanna kill some time watching a movie?"
"what kind?"
"anything you want. i'm fine with whatever."
"how about someone great? i haven't watched that yet," sugawara smiles, lifting his head as stares down at your face. you smile back, closing your eyes as a soft chuckle emits from your throat.
"i don't mind."
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you two somehow ended up cuddling in the middle of the movie. sugawara questions his morals. it's purely platonic, right? they're best friends, there's nothing else to it. sugawara mostly says this to himself in his head to convince himself that cuddling can be platonic. 
he just wished he could stop thinking of it as something more.
minutes in the movie, he finds himself relating to jenny. it's ironic. maybe he only feels that way because the story is told in her perspective. nothing that derives from his feelings. 
however, something about this moment seemed peculiar to the silverette. he didn't know if it was just him or how your features seemed to be enhanced upon closer inspection.
you were always beautiful in his eyes. he found himself drowning in the warm, earthy tones of your delicate skin. with your hair sprawled out on the surface of the sofa, contrasted by the sheen ruffles of your clothes.
you just looked so innocent, so serene. sugawara knows he shouldn't have. he should've had more self-control. 
but he loses it when he's around you.
he quickly leans down with a puff of excitement growing inside him while tilting his head to the right. his wet lips capture yours, gliding over smooth contrasting with chapped lips. sugawara pulls and bites on your bottom lip, eliciting a pleased sigh from you. his hands squeeze your hips, tongue tracing over your lips for sweet entrance. 
surprised, you grant access, letting him invade your mouth with a versatile tongue, his mouth sucking on your tongue felt like heavenly feathers. your lips smacked against his, pulling apart warm and wet tongues before darting back in with even more vigor. the intensity develops - heartbeats clamoring with painful bliss against your ribcages. you didn't pay attention to the movie anymore, too engrossed in each other's euphoria to divert consideration elsewhere.
this was wrong. sugawara knew that. but he couldn't pull himself away - not yet. the feeling of your body so close to his felt so right. you pull away first, lungs hopelessly and greedily sucking in the air but this was short-lived as his hand only pushed your head back, with noses bumping as he further divulged into the frenzy hot, steamy kiss with a groan. 
he couldn't get enough.
it was sort of surprising as to how he was the first to pull away. a dense tint of red adorned his cheeks, breath heavy, and pupils blown wide wistfully as he sought to steer his gaze away from your plump and oh-so red lips. the sight burned itself into his mind. underneath him with half-lidded eyes, you took in gasps of air, chest rising up and down from how wild and the present fierceness behind it just blew you away.
sugawara shifts away from you, his body heat leaving yours had you feeling cold. "i-i.." he stammers, words clogged up as his mind was still fogged up with the steamy makeout that just happened. he couldn't get it off his mind. (what was he thinking?)
your gaze was fixated on nothing, still too lost from the hysteria and the feeling of his mouth on yours just a moment ago. it didn't submerge in till he stood up with haste from the sofa, bowing his head while he repeatedly apologized for his brash actions all the while with a flustered and guilty expression.
"i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry! i don't know what came over me--! i'm sorry if i made you feel so uncomfortable!" with hasty movements, he gets up and picks up his things. a part of him is dying with embarrassment and screaming that he needs to leave, while the other wants to stay and discuss what the hell just happened.
you, on the other hand, were silent as a rock. you held up a hand to your lips, tracing over remnants of his margin on yours - the boundary between you two felt suffocating.
when you still didn't reply, he ends up leaving anyway, with a false promise of seeing you another day along with another wave of apologies. you still stayed starstruck on the sofa, hand hovering over your mouth.
your lips tingled and the memory of the kiss had the apples of your cheeks blossom with a cherry red tint.
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sugawara had been avoiding you for nearly a week since the happy accident that happened at your house. you asked (keyword; tried) daichi and asahi on why the third year acted this way. they both shared the same answer. 
there was too much at stake.
you racked your brain to understand their vague answers, but none of which you thought could help you with your dilemma. this was stupid. it was just a kiss (tl; a heavy makeout session). why did he spare the need to talk about it? you decided enough was enough. you had - no, need to confront him now.
you pleaded daichi to have sugawara excused for a while just so you could talk. the former seems to have no qualms in letting the aforementioned male. daichi mentions sugawara himself has been feeling quite down in the dumps. he profusely requested that you make amends with the setter. it was disheartening to see the usually jovial and tranquil male all grim.
"sugawara, please," you stop the male as soon as he exited the main building. he tried desperately to avoid you all week. this is, yet again, the same mistake he's done before. running away when confronting your souls.
"we should talk about it."
"talk about what? there's nothing up for discussion." stop avoiding the topic.
"no, as a matter of fact, there is. what's with you? why have you been avoiding me all week-" you place a hand on his shoulder, but he flinched at the touch. you took a step back with eyes filled with a weary, hurt, and guilty conscience.
sugawara thinks point on black and white. he couldn't begin to explain why he did that nor does he want to. things won't be the same anymore. 
you sigh heavily, head tilting down to glare harshly on the ground near the soles of your feet. "what are we, koushi?"
i had hoped something more, "we're just friends," he swallowed down the spite in his throat.
"what kind of friends do that kind of thing?" the chuckle that left your mouth had no humor to it. dusky irises trailed over your plethoric lips once more, recollecting the kiss yet again. sugawara mentally scorns himself.
"it's not worth the fight, koushi." you try and meet his eyes in which he reciprocates with a gaze filled with anxiety and guilt. you take a hold of his hands, rubbing circles on his knuckles - something you usually did to calm his nerves. his lips quivered as he forced himself to let go. to let you go.
unspoken words met with an umbra of fleeting eyes. there's no turning back. sugawara didn't want to risk losing something great. someone like you, at the very least.
"i'm sorry," he lowly mutters, letting go of your hand as he slowly turns towards the other direction, already yearning for your touch on his arm. it had to be this way, right? there wasn't a time where sugawara neglected to count all of his mistakes.
mistakes of one in a million. 
you felt small as sugawara slowly but surely slipped away from your grasps. with a weak voice, you called out to him, in hopes that he'd answer your calling and return once more to your arms. although his retreating figure showed no assurance of such, you wished you could've thought of ways to seek closure.
just one more kiss. one more cuddle. one more possibility to make amends that you hoped to be endless. but those possibilities only made chances for you and  him - not you together.
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cramenjoyer · 4 years
asdjfhshsj with all the discourse on the destiel side of the fandom tn for a second I thought you blocked me and I was SO SAD bc I LOVE having a dean critical friend!! idk why everyone is acting like someone who ships destiel can’t be friends with someone who doesn’t bc on god you’re my funniest mutual anyways thank you for not blocking me and sorry for the tangent
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO idk who you are but im sure ily <3 i’ve been unfollowing some big destiel posters recently just cuz it’s not my jam and it bothers me to see it all the time even when i have tags blocked. nothing against you please feel free to stick around!!! waaaaaaaaaaa this is so sweet....
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beautifulics · 4 years
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I still don’t know how I arrived to 100 followers so fast, even in less than a month, not promoting my blog but I’m so glad to have you here !! I want to thank you for sticking around, for following even if we’re still not writing, of giving me a chance and following cause you want to interact. my heart is big enough to fit all of you in it and i’m sorry in advance if I forget anyone !!
@multimentium / @ardabuilt - NATTY BOO ! you’ve been my friend for years now, a friendship that began here and I’m so happy this place allowed me to meet someone like you. You’re honestly one of the best people in this world and I wouldn’t trade you for anything !! I love our late night talks and our laughs about stupid cow commercials and me dragging you to all the news fandoms and you just tagging along cause you’re the best. it’s for life, bff !
@dunadaneth​ - KIRAN how long has it been since we’re writing angst together ? god it feels like so long ago and you have accompanied such a massive change in my life as well, even with our different timezones, we always made it work. I still remember our long convos about créa and talion when I was on my way to work at 5am and how you kept me company the whole way. I love Créa so much and all the work you pour into her, it shows how much you truly love her and so do we. A fantastic OC that's more canon to me than most. you’re honestly another fantastic person that I met here and I would change nothing except perhaps our timezones so we could talk more and scream at each other even more often fjnbdjk ily and I alwways will !
@mindsmade​ / @forceblinded​ / @peredhellen​ - Luca if anyone deserves happiness in this world it’s definitely you ! I can’t believe I met my best friend through you and how ever since we’ve been stirring shit up with our muses. I’m so glad we ended up in that group together because when I thought you were already an amazing person, you just shows how much of a kindhearted person and  LOYAL FRIEND you truly are. now stay strong with Portuguese and don’t let it kick your ass !! ( p.s - you and kiran gotta come to my wedding too )
@eloquentyrant​ - AITON ! Listen, you were one of the people who welcomed me to the gotham fandom with open arms and I could never be thankful enough. You allowed me to explore a side of a character who had been nothing but awful but you’re also there for me when I need it and you’ve welcomed my OC’s with open arms and I can never thank you enough for just being the kindest person alive.
@theednygma​ - Sofia <3 I love how you write Ed, so damn much, and how you challenge my muses to adapt to situations they’re usually not often find themselves in. but also me ! you challenge me to become a better writer and to adapt to my muses thoughts and I absolutely love that in a partner. Promise one day we’ll be sipping  piña coladas together !!
@crimescupid​ - I honestly wasn’t a big fan of Harley Quinn until I met you and witnessed your take on her. needless to say that I love your Harley so much, how you bring her to life and just pour all your love to her and it honestly shows. I hope you’ll be writing Harley for so many more years and that she keeps on bringing you joy ! she sure brings it to me & sofia :’)
@cealach​ / @sheharrowed​ - Electra, we met less than 2 weeks ago and you’re already so important to me ;u; honestly, when I first approached you I was so scared but you’re such a sweet bean and in such a short amount of time we developed so much between our characters and to me... that’s priceless. thank you for including me in both Cahir & Tamara’s life, I can’t wait to write together for so many more years
@amdirfiren​ - Sam, my sweet bby angel. Alwen is by far one of the most interesting oc’s I’ve ever read about and I can see how much you truly love her. Your love poured into her is noticeable and I hope you’ll be writing Alwen for many years, allowing me and Éadger to love her as well for the rest of our lives !! ( remember that time we were playing hobnanigans and then there was a spider on the door and I vacuumed it, but not without waking my neighbours? good memories xD )
HONORABLE MENTIONS of totally cool people you should follow right now:
@boymasked ; @warknighted / @warhunting ; @masterofthelivingforce ; @minnewedd ; @solenama ; @gloryforsaken ; @induro ; @boundedbygrief ; @chokethelight ; @hawkeyde ; @crowntipped ; @specfive / @thehlpr ; @snowinabottle ; @toscrve ; @dathmirson ; @edgymuses / @exilesith ;  ; @surviveirs ; @finarfiniel / @kryze ; @zjawas ; @westcalled / @elessaer ; @amgyn ; @goldcnblood ; @dumewolf ; @prcsopa ; @lessersinned ; @scribblcd ; @cxpt ; @cvrsdordr ; @darksidings ; @stagekiller ; @feltcalling​ ; @oftwileks ; @aeternitie​
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
The game didn't say that someone couldn't ask you what you wanted to respond to people who send you that stuff in and that you couldn't respond to that message
So I guess save this until it's done (or do it now) and say everything you want to say to them here because I'm curious to your responses. I also agree on the show love to zee even without ask games agenda maybe we should all collectively start doing that again 👀
omg wait.... anon big brain THIS IS THE BEST.... thankfully one of us has the brain cell bc i’m definitely taking up your offer (and no need for the show love agenda HAJDKWKSL even just sending random asks about whatever is love enough for me!! being able to be weird with my anons is good enough for me 😎) anyway, everything is under the cut because this gets long LOL ILY ALL
first anon: OH MY GODDDD THE WAY MY EYES TEARED UP WHILE READING YOUR ASK HELLO????? if you’ve followed me since tlhc... i literally WAS just 18 back then and now i’m 21?? TIME ISN’T REAL?? i really can’t believe that there are people Out There who have followed me for so long,,, idk how to express myself well (which is funny bc i’m supposed to be a “writer” lol), but i just wanna say that i’ve always been scared of whether my followers actually like me or was just here to read my fics so hearing your words really helps me calm my anxiety a lil LMAO i’m just on this weird lil blog,,, writing my weird lil stories (and oversharing about my life and my poops as you said HJSADHJASHD i literally screamed when you said that bc damn you are so right) and i just hope that i come off friendly to people at the very least,,, so thank you dude (if we’ve spoken off anon before, i’m sure that i enjoyed whatever exchange we had since you sound like a genuinely awesome person,,, ily and i hope you have a great week!!
second anon: HAHAHHA YES I AM SUPER ANXIOUS!!! ALL THE TIME!!! i try to be funny but humor is subjective, yenno? i’m just glad i was able to find people who share the same kinda crackhead humor that i have :3 and you’re so right,,, what’s life without a little spicy angst? and dw about parasocial relationships HAJSDHASJ like,,, i know you’re on anon and i have no idea who you are, but if you (or any anon really) have sent me a nice ask in the past, even just to say hello or whatever, i kinda already consider you a friend?? like MAYBE you’re just a wooper in my brain (i imagine all my anons like woopers LOL) but the fact that you took the time to send me anything in the first place is just??? like WOW you thought of me??? that’s amazing and i have no words,,, thank you so much and i hope we can continue to speak with each other more!!
third anon: ah yes... my main genre of crangst... but it seems like the past two years have transformed me into a fluff smut writer as well... shows that i’m growing at least LOL gotta expand my horizons or whatever... BUT I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE FOX RAIN LIKE,,, ANYTIME FOX RAIN GETS MENTIONED, MY HEART GROWS TEN MORE SIZES LIKE ;-; i know authors whine all the time about notes, but fox rain really is my babey and i just wish more people liked her, yenno? so i’m glad you’re able to enjoy it (and living vicariously thru y/n because aren’t we all? LMAO) and i hope you’ll stick around until the next chapter of fox rain gets published (whenever.... that may be.... sweats)
fourth anon: LOL i have a guess as to who this is but imma keep my mouth shut in case i’m wrong,,, but if i’m right, then yea i’m glad to have been your mutual for so long SAJDHJASHD i think we’ve been mutuals since??? 2018?? maybe 2019??? either way, that’s a LONG TIME and i’m always happy to see you in my notifs. it’s so wonderful to see you grow over the years and i know you’re only going to be much greater with due time!! stay epic and phroggers, my dude,,, ily
fifth anon: ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE WRITERS PLEASE... I AM GOING TO CRY ;-----; if you’ve been following me since outcast, that’s like??? early 2018??? late 2017??? HOLY SHIT THAT’S ALSO BEEN A WHILE,,, god i remember how fucking insane that time was and how many memes i made about that au LOL they were good days,,, i’m flattered you think i was funny enough for a follow,,, and that you’ve stuck around until now even though you’re not even into kpop anymore??? which is SO CRAZY bc that means ;-; that you’re here ;-; because you... y-you like me? 😳👉👈 LMAO ok but in all seriousness, it always boggles my mind to know that people follow me for like... me... because as someone who doesn’t really have many friends outside of social media, knowing that people out there like me enough to follow me despite not liking bts or kpop anymore is... just nothing short of amazing. so thank you for sticking around, and i hope you can continue to hang out with me on this silly little blog 🥲
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opheliasbrokenmind · 5 years
count to seven - finn shelby
that’s written for lovely @violetsdicaprio i don’t know if that’s what you wanted but it was so fun to write, i hope you like it. send your asks, i can’t wait to write more. ily <3
p.s.: the idea is from how i met your mother’s ‘drumroll, please’ episode. 1x13
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You stared at the counter and tried to ignore the crowd and the noise around you. People were drinking and dancing like they were crazy. Your friends started to do the same, unlike you. You never were a party girl in the past and now you felt like you didn’t fit in. It felt wrong to you, leaving everything behind and trying to act like people you weren’t. To be honest, you felt the same in the country. You were used to country life but it never made you really happy. Something felt missing all the time. You didn’t have a purpose in life.
You were born and grew up in the country, being a normal country girl; helping your parents, going to church every Sunday and always obeying the rules. You were the girl every family wanted; a normal, well-adjusted child. It felt right at first but then you realised it wasn’t who you are. You didn’t know who you are or who you wanted to be. All you wanted was live a good life and be with the people who really understood you. Your friends were good people, but they didn’t have a clue about what was going inside of your head. 
You were trying to understand yourself and then, the wall street crashed and the hard times started. Your parents weren’t able to look after you so they gave you a little amount of money and sent you to Small Heath to find a job and earn a living wage. Your friends did the same and there you were, staying in a hostel together and looking for jobs. It was your third day when one of your friends told you about a party in a pub and most of you wanted to go. You didn’t want but you accepted, maybe you needed some time to let it all hang out.
‘What can I get ya, love?’ The soft voice brought you down the earth and you raised your head, looking to the owner of the voice. He was on the other side of the counter, watching you with his colourful eyes. Soon you noticed they were green, he was grinning slightly now. ‘Thanks, I don’t drink much.’ You replied and turned your head to the stage to throw a look at your friends who were still dancing. He noticed where you were looking, ‘A dance, then?’ 
You looked back at him and he arched an eyebrow, ‘Don’t tell me you don’t dance, too.' You couldn’t help but smile a little, and of course, it didn’t escape from his notice. ‘I take that as a yes. So, tell me. What is it that you do?’ This time you glanced away, ‘Actually, I don’t know.’ Now he was more curious than before, ‘Just a dance, maybe I can help you find out.’ You opened your mouth to reject again but there he was, near you and offering you a hand. 
A deep breath helped you before accepting his hand and letting him drag you to the dancefloor. His hands were on your waist and you found your arms around his neck, swaying slowly with the music. ‘You’re new here, ain't ya?’’ He asked and you looked away, thinking of an answer. ‘I have a rule, I don’t sleep with people I met at parties.’ He gave you a questioning look and you spoke again, ‘So the thing that always screws it up is the next day, right? Why don’t we just cut that part out?’
‘What are you saying?’
‘I’m saying I'm here, you’re here. This is a nice big party. Why don’t we just dance and have a great time and then when it’s over, never see each other again?’
‘No, no unless. We won’t try to find each other, no addresses, no numbers, not even names. Tonight, we will make a memory that will never be tarnished.’ You said and he smiled at the idea. He considered your words for a while, it was strange but in a good way... ‘I’m in.’ He blurted out and you smiled, ‘Who are you? Find yourself a name.’ You asked, still looking into his eyes.
‘Felix, I’m the bartender. It’s just me here, in Small Heath. I pour drinks to people all day and listen to them. I’ll buy me a car and travel the world. Who are you?’ You smiled softly and thought a little. 
‘I’m Buttercup, and I’m a painter. I came all the road from Vienna to find inspiration. I’m with my artist friends and we want to have fun here. I want to fall in love and go to nice cafes, drawing simple sketches of my lover.’ He smiled at the idea, ‘Want to join me on my journey?’ You pretended like you were thinking, ‘Hmm, are we going to drink coffee and eat desserts?’ He looked at you, ‘Well, maybe we can manage that. Would you paint me?’ 
‘I’d love that but I’ll need a lot of colours, for your hair and eyes. Oh, and for your freckles, you know. They’re not visible from far but...’ You took a step closer, ‘when you’re that close, they’re here and they’re cute.’ 
‘Do you think it’d take a lot of time to paint?’ You nodded, ‘Weeks, maybe. Would you wait?’ 
‘Yes, of course.’ 
‘Oii Finn! When did ya find this pretty girl?’ A young man shouted and he cursed under his breath, ‘Fuck off, Isaiah!’ You laughed, ‘Nice to meet you, Finn. It’s y/n, but no last names.’ He nodded and smiled, ‘y/n, then. Do you want to get away from this party and go somewhere more private?’ You accepted his offer and he held your hand, leading the way. It was a private room in the pub, he grabbed two glasses and a champagne bottle from the bar. ‘You can make a little exception tonight.’ 
Finn popped up the bottle and filled the glasses, turned to you. ‘What do you want to do? No, don’t think. Tell the first thing that comes to your mind.’ You smiled and handed him your glass, then looked down at your foot and took off your high heels. ‘Now I can impress you with some moves. Watch.’ You started to dance to the music and he laughed, watching you. After about ten minutes you stopped and sat next to him, sipping the champagne and giggling, ‘You know, I actually don’t know how to tap dance.’
‘Oh, I didn’t even get it.’ He said and you both laughed this time. Finn’s face was so close to yours and he moved closer, you turned your head, ‘No, we’re not gonna kiss tonight.’ He sighed and asked why, ‘Because if we kiss, all of this becomes real.’ You waited for a moment then looked at him, smiling warmly and spoke again, ‘Okay, how about this? The best part of any first kiss is the lead up to it. The moment right before the lips touch. it’s like a big drum roll. So, how about tonight we just stick with the drum roll?’
Finn stood up and helped you do the same and he pulled your body to himself, dancing slowly again. You took that as a yes and leaned in closer, your cheeks were touching now and you both closed your eyes, ‘Look,’ You whispered, ‘Can you feel it, too? The warmth. Isn’t it better than a kiss?’ You rested your head on his shoulder as he embraced your small frame. ‘All we have is this now, only this. The moment.’ He opened his eyes slowly, ‘I feel it, y/n.’ You looked up at him and your lips nearly touched again.
The night went on and you continued to dance slowly, sharing small moments. Finn spoke after a while, ‘You know, there’s one little flaw in our plan.’
‘What’s that?’
‘I’m gonna go home tonight with a lot of great memories, and one awful memory. The memory of you walking out that door.’ You saw the sadness in his eyes but you also knew you couldn’t do that, even how much you want it badly.
‘Hey, Finn. Close your eyes and count to seven.’ He did as you said so and closed his beautiful green eyes, ‘One.’ You looked at him for one last time and stepped back, ‘Two.’ You walked and grabbed your high heels, opening the door slowly. ‘Three.’ You got out and closed the door, trying not to make a noise. ‘Four.’ Your friends were there, you walked to them. ‘Five.’ 
‘Hey, you know I have to be at work in the morning. I’m heading to the hostel.’ 
‘Six.’ You left the pub, walking away as fast as you could. 
‘Seven.’ Finn opened his eyes and looked at the empty room, you were nowhere to be seen. He realised what you did and he felt different, he felt like Aberama was trying to take the bullet from his arm again. But he felt the pain in his body that time, now he was feeling it in his heart. 
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