#big sis rosehearts
onegianthotmess · 3 months
Okay, so I’m making Riddle a big sister because, let’s face it, he really fucking needs one.
And I sort of want to name her Miranda since she’s inspired by the White Queen/Mirana from the live action Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland, but I also have a few other name ideas for her.
Just a quick day long poll to try and get some outside opinions! If you have any other suggestions, I’d like to hear them!
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episode of savanaclaw chapter 1: the importance of visuals in conveying character
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ADDEDUM: Sorry if you experience weird formatting and/or see repeated paragraphs when viewing this post; for whatever reason, Tumblr gave me a really hard time editing, formatting, and saving this OTL It looks totally normal on my end, but I’ve heard from some people the post looks wonky to them 💦 I’m not sure how to fix it…
The turtlesoupscans team has the first chapter out! ^^ (This is also the scanlation from which I borrow the images used in this post!)
Something I noticed when taking a closer look at the Episode of Savanaclaw is that the new mangaka is really good at drawing eyelashes 👁 👄 👁 There were so many times when I actually made a full stop while reading to admire the eyes and the lashes on like. EVERYONE especially on L*ona. I really enjoy that aspect of the new artwork! (I don’t know if this is just me, but Leona’s tail and hair also seem much longer in the manga adaptation than in the game…?)
I mentioned before that the manga has the advantage of using visual storytelling to help convey character in a way that the game can’t. I previously explored this concept as it applies to Cater’s general character in the Episode of Heartslabyul. But but but— (and I cannot stress this enough 😳) just from the first chapter alone, I think that the manga’s visual storytelling is going a long way to enhance episode 2.
So like in the game (2-6), there is a dorm leaders meeting in which they discuss the upcoming Magical Shift/Spelldrive tournament. It is here where Crowley suggests inducting Malleus into the Hall of Fame in order to take him off the field and give the other dorms a chance to shine. Leona interrupts and gives a brief speech about how doing that is admitting defeat before the game has even begun. He uses the story of the King of Beasts to remind his fellow dorm leaders that it is cunning, not brute strength or magical ability, that allowed him to triumph. This inspires the other dorm leaders to disallow Malleus from entering the Hall of Fame, as they all want to do their best to try and outwit him.
Now, there's nothing wrong with this scene in the game. It serves its purpose just fine. However, because of the game being a visual novel style, the story is mainly told via dialogue and 2D character models. The manga is able to greatly expand on this scene because it is not constrained to just dialogue and a few animations. Case in point, this:
In the manga adaptation of this scene, Leona gives basically the same points, but the art is a lot more dynamic. For example, when he first hears Crowley’s proposal, we get these shots which show us Leona’s obvious displeasure. There’s the slight frown, the ominous shadow over his face, and even a close up of his fingers laced together (a pose which already implies he’s a schemer):
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Compare this to the limitations of Leona’s in-game model; he looks so obviously and overtly angry, which doesn’t sell him as a calculating character as well. Meanwhile, in the manga, you can still tell just how much the idea Crowley suggested has pissed Leona off, but the feelings come across on his face in a much more subtle way.
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Then when manga!Leona begins his appeal proper, he physically STANDS UP from his seat at the table. This draws the other pairs of eyes in the room to him; you can see in the next panel that everyone, including Crowley, is looking at Leona. He commands the attention in the room.
Another small detail here is that manga!Leona slams a hand down on the table; previously, they were folded together. Without saying a word, you understand what this conveys: that, in addition to his intelligence, he also has power and influence in this situation, and he knows exactly how and when to use those boons to his advantage.
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Actually, manga!Leona does a lot of small yet noteworthy things with his hands. Take, for instance, these next panels.
When bringing up the importance of using one’s brain, manga!Leona actually taps his head. In the game, Leona is limited to his general sprite where he lays a hand against his temple. This is the closest approximation to what the game can do to simulate that tap tap of the head, but it doesn’t really carry the full weight of the motion, especially not when paired with Leona’s annoyed in-game expression.
But then look at manga!Leona, who looks so smug and self-assured as he does the gesture. It really speaks to his own confidence—and, more importantly, we’re getting a more accurate image of what the other dorm leaders and Crowley are seeing. They’re witnessing Leona at the height of his strength, someone who uses his words to persuade and to inspire the downtrodden masses into following his lead and to make better lives for themselves. Leona now curls his hand into a fist—so now we’ve gone from the cunning laced fingers to the powerful slam of a hand on a table to a clenched fist, which, in this context, is meant to be encouraging and victorious.
Note that this is all a parallel to Leona’s Disney counterpart, Scar, who made promised the shunned hyenas a place in society. Said parallel is made even more apparent in the following page; manga!Leona literally raises his fist up, and there, right in the background, is the statue of Scar himself, haloed by sunlight, and clouds parted for him. Scar—and, by extension, Leona—appear almost “God-like” because of this deliberate composition.
At this point, Leona speaks about the King of Beasts’ great accomplishment: obtaining the crown through perseverance and wit, in spite of the odds being stacked against him. Look at how this page is framed; it’s nothing BUT Leona. He’s dominating not only the page itself, but also the discussion surrounding Malleus’s induction to the Hall of Fame. He is winning his audience over.
Again, the same lines play out in the game, but the impact just isn’t there. We just have a lot of Leona crossing his arms while looking mad and Leona with his hands on his hips. At best, he looks neutral or slightly bored by what he’s saying. At worst, maybe too angry or even pouting about the situation. It definitely doesn’t feel nearly as inspirational as him standing and raising a fist as he extols the values of the King of Beasts.
(Side note: why is Leona built like a god damn DORITO 🤡 Why’s his waist so TINY???? What is the purpose of that………………….. ….. …. . .:: … . … . . … . . .. . . this is not me simping THIS IS NOT I swear it’s not)
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This next page characterizes Malleus more than it does Leona; Malleus is small here, shown with his back turned away, turning to “glance over his shoulder” at the others. This comes off as isolating, putting distance between himself, who is on such a high level, and his peers. It matches Leona’s dialogue, implying that Malleus truly is a “monster” out of their league, and they must find a clever solution to take that “monster” down.
Leona’s profile now shows slight signs of irritation right as he’s delivering the conclusion to his speech and thesis. His eyebrows are arched, he’s frowning, and he’s slightly looking down at the people he’s addressing. The tension here is palpable; you can feel the force behind his words, how strong his final statement is. It is the responsibility of everyone present at this table to find a way to defeat Malleus, not kneel over and accept defeat.
And the crazy thing is???? You can SEE in the faces of every single dorm leader how Leona’s words have affected them. You don’t need anyone to say a single word to understand what’s going through their heads. They’ve all been charmed. Look at how wide-eyed Kalim is, how Vil has his eyes narrowed (like he has realized something), Riddle is staring DIRECTLY at Leona (implied by an earlier page), and fuck Idia; the tablet’s screen tells us nothing Azul smiles knowingly.
We automatically know what the outcome is, and we know which way they will vote. This is conveyed so well, so clearly, that the manga doesn’t even bother to give us dialogue from the other dorm leaders opposing Crowley’s suggestion. The manga just immediately cuts away to a mob student being injured. (This is different than in the game, which had to show Vil, Riddle, Kalim, Idia, and Azul verbally agreeing with Leona to get the same message across.)
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Anyway??? I had to get all of that out of my system 🤡 I just. Can’t get over???? How good the visual storytelling is for the manga adaptation??????
Entire lines from the original script could be scrubbed out and we still understand what is being said without them. So much character oozes off the page in the dynamic camera and composition. Scenes that I paid zero mind to in the game are sooo much more interesting when told through the manga, my eyes are glued onto the pages.
There’s so much nuance in the gorgeous artwork and the story that it’s trying to tell, and I think that’s a real testament to how talented the mangaka and the team behind Twisted Wonderland (the manga adaptation) are!! I’m by no means a fan of episode 2 of the main story, but 👀 the manga has definitely done a great job making Leona’s introduction to the audience memorable, and he feels like a much more charismatic and threatening “villain” for this episode because of that.
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kingconia · 1 year
HELLO. I really liked ur writing about twst housewardnes and them having big sis! And Vil's part was so heartbreaking... So maybe u can do another one but how they act if they have lil sis???
A/N: oh, glad you like it. sure, why not.
cw: light angst
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— Once again, I am not sure if a few years make that much difference for fae people, so, it is not going to be that different;
— But Malleus really enjoys calling you ”little sister”;
— And with a great power comes a great responsibility! He thinks insecure all the time, thinking that he is not a good big brother and there is not much he could teach you;
— Since both of you ignored in the school, I think he also could blame it on himself in some parts;
— You will need to reassure him A LOT;
— But, overall, it stays the same: you are his best company as he is yours. No one and nothing could change that.
Riddle Rosehearts. ❤️
— He loves you very much, but the only child treatment he had ever seen, was the way his mother treated him, and he considers it to be a love;
— He tries to keep you very restricted, with all those rules and constant studies;
— So, when you start breaking his rules and running away with other kids, he gets devastated. Was it how kids always behaved? Why he was never like this? What is the meaning of it?;
— Honestly, he is over-controlling, and quite restless, when it comes to you, but only because he can't understand what to do with you;
— If or when you break down in front of him, telling how much he reminds of mother, and how much pressure he puts on you... He will overblot, most likely.
Kalim Al-Asim. 🧡
— He always wanted a sibling, so he was so excited about you! Probably, spoke with you a lot, when his mom was still pregnant, lmao;
— Literally the best big brother ever! Spent all his time with you, taught you everything he could and know. You are his little princess, and your smile is everything to him;
— Loves bragging about you so much! Always shows your photos to others, listing all your achievements and positive qualities;
— He has this habit to share all his meals together with you, so it is really rare for two of you eat separately;
— I feel like there are no arguments between you as both of you too soft to eachother.
Idia Shroud. 💙
— He is really, really awkward with you;
— He takes care of you in a very subtle way, when you can't notice that. But all other time, he runs away from a direct contact;
— It will be easier for him to connect with you as you grown-up, though! As soon as you are teenager, Idia speaks easier with you, and constantly tries to play with you;
— If you share his interests, then congratulations! You are inseparable now!
— If not, though, he finds hard time to interact with you, but he really tries to watch out for you.
Leona Kingscholar. 💛
— It was a relief for him that he is not the youngest anymore, lol;
— I think, he was planning to ignore your existence, mostly, but Farena dumped you on him, and since he was still a child, he felt easier about taking care of you. He was alone all the time, so your company was a nice thing;
— Probably, spoke with you seriously and seemed to understand you, when you blabbed in gibberish, lmao;
— He feels bad for you constantly, because considering how dazzling and loved Farena is, and how scandalous his own reputation is, people tend to forget that Kingscholar brothers have a sibling;
— So he tries to make it up in his own way... By spoiling you all the time. He buys you everything you want, and if you make a very sad face, he will do everything you ask, too;
— As all Savannaclaw men he finds women more powerful, naturally. So he values you very much, and if anyone tries to belittle you, they will be dead.
Vil Schoenheit. 💜
— He actually... Doesn't have time for you?;
— He is busy all the time, always in his own world, so you are quite by yourself most of the time. Sometimes, you celebrate your birthday all alone, and he only sends some gifts or postcards;
— You are his shadow, his not that famous little sister, and everyone wants your company just because you are his sibling;
— Actually, I think Rook pays you more attention than he is, and when Vil realises it by speaking with him, as he mentions your favourite hobbies, he feels... Envious and sad;
— His brother instinct kicks in, and he tries to make it up for you, by taking you everywhere, and teaching you everything he can.
Azul Ashengrotto. 🩵
— Okay, hear me out, but he is the type of big brother that embarrass you in front of others all the time;
— ”When she was younger she got actually sucked in the sewerage!“
— “Shut up, it is literally not true!”
— But I feel like he will be a very overprotective brother? Yes, he might appear busy, but he is always here for you! Just ask him, and he will arrive;
— Makes sure so you will not feel lonely or insecure. Always comments on how nice and smart you are, and encourages you a lot. Spits flattery such as oh, one day you will beat me up, my little starfish!;
— If anyone else he trusts you with, it will be Jade.
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twistiraki · 1 year
Headcanons 🎀 how they got Jealous when someone else flirt with you
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🌹 Riddle Rosehearts
When Riddle notices another man trying to get Y/n's attention, his expression darkens immediately. He's not one to openly display his emotions, but the jealousy boils within him. He tries to keep his composure, but his grip on any nearby object tightens considerably.
He steps closer to Y/n, subtly positioning himself between them and the other guy. His protective instincts kick in, and he tries to be a bit intimidating without being too obvious. He won't say anything directly aggressive, but his icy tone and narrowed eyes are a clear warning to the intruder.
"My Teacup, is there a problem here?" Riddle's voice is calm but laced with a hint of warning. He'll subtly emphasize the "my" in "my Teacup" to make it clear that Y/n is not available.
❤️ Ace Trappola
Ace is loud and isn't shy to let people know Y/n is his partner. He's used to being the center of attention, and the thought of someone else trying to steal Y/n away drives him crazy.
He acts dramatically, wrapping his arms around Y/n and pretending to be overly affectionate, just to prove a point. He'll pepper Y/n with compliments and kisses, trying to outshine the other guy.
"Oh, you're trying to charm my sweetheart? Sorry, but you'll never be able to top this Ace of mine!" Ace declares boisterously, making sure everyone around knows he's with Y/n.
♠️ Deuce Spade
Deuce struggles to control himself. He wants to let everyone see that he is not the person he used to be, but this clashes with his overwhelming feelings.
He becomes visibly flustered and awkward when he sees another guy trying to approach Y/n. But when his emotions run high, his delinquent personality slips out. He might scowl or adopt a more aggressive stance, trying to intimidate the intruder with the fierce protectiveness he feels towards Y/n.
"You better watch yourself, pal. Y/n means a lot to me, and I won't let anyone mess with that," Deuce says with a determined glint in his eye, showing he isnt going to back down.
♣️ Trey Clover
Trey's jealousy is subtle but present. He's not one to make a big fuss, but he can't help feeling a tinge of protectiveness over Y/n.
He'll keep an eye on the situation from a distance, observing how Y/n handles the situation. If he senses any discomfort, he'll step in to lend a helping hand, but he won't overstep boundaries. He knows that Y/n can handle themselves, but he's always there to back them up if needed.
"You know, I'm just a text away if you need a quick escape from this charmer," Trey says, reminding Y/n that he's there to support them without being too intrusive.
♦️ Cater Diamond
Cater's jealousy is more playful than possessive. He's not one to get overly serious, but he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy when someone else flirts with Y/n.
He tries to lighten the mood with humor, making jokes and teasing Y/n about the situation. He'll casually throw his arm around their shoulder, claiming them in a lighthearted manner.
"Careful there, buddy, Y/n is my partner. And Y/n. you don't need this guy when you have Cay-Cay around. Let's get out of here and have some real fun!" Cater says with a cheeky grin.
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🦁 Leona Kingscholar
Leona is fierce when it comes to you. He glares daggers at the man, his competitive nature kicking in. He doesn't like the idea of someone else trying to snatch away what he considers his territory.
He wraps his arm around Y/n possessively and pulls them closer, showing everyone that Y/n is already taken. He might even throw in a few smirks or provocative comments, just to show off.
"Sorry, buddy. Y/n's got better plans for the night than going home with you." Leona's voice is filled with confidence and a touch of arrogance, clearly asserting his claim over Y/n.
🍩 Ruggie Bucchi
When Ruggie sees the other guy trying to get Y/n's attention, he can't help but seize the opportunity for some mischief. His mischievous grin widens as he hatches a plan to turn the situation in his favor.
He'll casually wrap an arm around Y/n and flash them a mischievous grin, letting the other guy know they don't stand a chance. But deep down, he just wants to be seen as the one Y/n chose.
"Hey, hey! You think you can impress Y/n with some lame lines? Watch and learn, buddy!" Ruggie says with a half-smirk, half-serious expression
🐺 Jack Howl
Jack's jealousy is a mix of annoyance and protectiveness. He's not the type to openly express his emotions, but his territorial nature shines through in subtle ways.
He'll casually position himself between Y/n and the other guy, as if unintentionally blocking their path. His eyes stay locked on the intruder, an icy edge to his gaze.
"If you're looking for company, you should try somewhere else. Y/n and I are perfectly fine on our own," Jack says in a stern tone, making the message clear.
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🐙 Azul Ashengrotto
Azul might try to play it cool, but inside, he's boiling with jealousy. He maintains his charming smile, but his eyes have a cold edge to them as he observes the man approaching Y/n.
He'll casually step closer to Y/n, slipping an arm around their waist, and making sure to drop hints about their relationship through clever remarks and innuendos.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did you think Y/n was available? How cute. But you're wasting your time, my dear." Azul's words might be sugar-coated, but the underlying message is crystal clear.
🍄 Jade Leech
Jade appears to be the epitome of politeness and formality, his soft-spoken nature creating an aura of courtesy around him. But beneath that charming exterior lies the mind of a predator.
He'll put on a polite smile and engage in friendly conversation with the intruder, all while subtly working to undermine their efforts. He knows how to play his cards right. He is friendly till he has them backed up into a corner,
"Oh, I happened to come across some interesting information about you. It would be a shame if it were to get out, wouldn't it? I advise you to stay away from Y/n." Jade says calmly, his smile never faltering.
👟 Floyd Leech
Floyd's jealousy is unpredictable, just like himself. He might come across as laid back, but when it comes to Y/n, he can go from uninterested to fully engaged in the blink of an eye.
He might lean casually against a nearby surface, seemingly relaxed. But his eyes stay fixed on the intruder, daring them to make a wrong move.His demeanor shifts drastically, and the lazy drawl turns into an unsettling low growl, giving off an aura of danger. Anyone who dares approach Y/n with romantic intentions while Floyd is around is met with a chilling warning.
"I suggest you back off real quick, partner. Shrimpy's is mine, and trust me, you don't want to mess with that," Floyd says, his words dripping with a mix of irritation and possessiveness, making it clear that he won't tolerate any interference.
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🦦 Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim's jealousy is more endearing than intimidating. He's not used to feeling this way, but he can't help but feel a little possessive over Y/n.
He tries to lighten the mood, but his smile is strained. He'll pull Y/n into a warm hug, trying to show that they're already spoken for.
"Haha, you're funny, trying to charm my special person. But Y/n is with me tonight!" Kalim's smile might waver with uncertainty, but his determination to protect Y/n shines through.
🐍 Jamil Viper
Y/n’s is Jamil's pride and he doesn't intend to give that up. He's not one to get openly confrontational, but he'll make sure to assert his claim over Y/n in a subtle yet assertive way.
He'll take Y/n's hand in his own, holding it with a gentle grip to silently communicate that they are together.
"Apologies, but Y/n and I have plans for the evening," Jamil says, his voice smooth and polite but with an undercurrent of possessiveness that sends a clear message.
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🪞 Vil Schoenheit
When Vil sees someone trying to approach Y/n while they're together, he doesn't hesitate to step in. He knows his own beauty can be captivating, and he uses it to his advantage to assert his claim over Y/n. With a graceful demeanor, he stands tall and elegant, looking down at the other person as if they're beneath him.
He steps forward gracefully, making his presence clear. He might not confront the man directly, but he'll make sure his presence alone sends a clear message that Y/n is already under his protection.If the intruder persists, Vil might give  a more forceful response. He'll firmly remind the person that Y/n's is his partner, and he won't tolerate any interference.
"I must say, I appreciate your courage, but you're wasting your efforts. Y/n is already taken, and their heart belongs to none other than myself." Vil says with a hint of authority, his tone unwavering.
🏹 Rook Hunt
Rook is drawn to beauty like a moth to a flame. And love is beauty. So when he sees someone trying to vie for Y/n's attention, his curiosity piques, and he finds it hard to resist getting involved.
Like a hunter stalking his prey, he'll watch the interaction with a mix of curiosity and amusement. He doesn't feel threatened by others trying to woo Y/n, as he trusts in the genuine connection they share. He might even use the opportunity to strike up a conversation with the person flirting with Y/n, finding their interactions to be amusing.
"Oh là là, another contender for Mon Poème Vivant’s heart? How delightful! Let's see if you can impress them as much as I do," Rook teases, eyeing him like a new prey.
🍎 Epel Felmier
Epel struggles to hide his irritation, and his usually soft-spoken voice might slip into a rougher tone as he tries to assert himself. He won't tolerate anyone undermining his connection with Y/n.
When the situation gets more intense, Epel might struggle to control his temper and find himself engaging in a more direct confrontation. If anyone tries to tease him in a taunting manner, his annoyance amplifies, and he might lash out with a sharp retort.
"Hey, I said step back! Don't make me show you how serious I am!" Y/n is mine, and I won't let anyone get in the way of that," Epel says with a hint of aggression, his eyes narrowing in annoyance.
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💀 Idia Shroud
When Idia notices another man approaching Y/n, his mind immediately jumps to negative assumptions. He becomes anxious, thinking they might be more charming or attractive than he is, which adds to his insecurities. His shyness and withdrawal intensify when he feels jealous. He may step back a bit, feeling like he can't compete with the other guy's social skills. 
He might try to distract himself by pretending not to care. He withdraws slightly, avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with his phone or his tablet. But his eyes keep darting towards Y/n, unable to ignore the situation.
"If that guy bothers you, just tell me, and I'll... handle it," Idia mutters, looking down at the floor, his fingers fidgeting with his hoodie strings.
🤖Ortho Shroud
He'll be quick to notice any flirtatious advances towards Y/n and won't hesitate to intervene. With a mischievous grin, he'll subtly steer the conversation towards how amazing his brother Idia is.
He's observant, picking up on any slight changes in Y/n's mood. If he senses any discomfort or unease, he'll subtly draw Y/n away from the situation, offering them a way out.
"You know, my Brother Idia is not only incredibly talented but also caring and kind. Y/n is lucky to have someone like him," Ortho says with a glint in his eye, using the opportunity to showcase Idia's positive traits.
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🐉Malleus Draconia
When Malleus witnesses someone approaching Y/n, he immediately becomes more attentive. His presence alone is imposing, causing people to think twice before approaching. But if someone thinks they got a chance, his normally calm demeanor doesn't waver, but a subtle tension becomes evident in his posture. He keeps a close eye on the situation, silently assessing the intruder.
As the other man tries to charm Y/n, Malleus can't help but feel a twinge of insecurity, wondering if he is enough to keep Y/n interested. His desire for a future with Y/n fuels the fear of being rejected.If the intruder persists, Malleus's protectiveness kicks in, and he might step closer to Y/n, positioning himself as a shield. He would fiercely defend what he holds dear.
"I trust my partner knows their boundaries and has made their decision," Malleus says, his voice steady but holding a hint of possessiveness. He doesn't want to pressure Y/n but also wants the other man to understand where they stand.
🦇Lilia Vanrouge
When Lilia notices another man trying to get Y/n's attention, he remains easygoing on the surface, but there's a subtle shift in his demeanor. He becomes more attentive, keenly observing the situation.
He'll approach the situation with a charming smile, acting as if he's not bothered by the other guy's attempts. However, his playful teasing takes on a slightly possessive tone.
"Ohoho, it seems someone is trying to make you blush, my dear Y/n. Just remember, if they step out of line, you have my permission to put them in their place," Lilia says with a wink, making sure Y/n knows he's got their back.
Silver's jealousy is a mix of protectiveness and determination. He might come across as aloof, but he won't let anyone else get in the way of what he values.
He'll stand close to Y/n, his arms crossed, and his expression stoic. He won't say much, but his mere presence is enough to convey a warning to the intruder.
"Y/n's not interested. You should leave," Silver says curtly, not bothering to hide his annoyance at the situation.
⚡Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek's jealousy is as loud as his personality. When he feels jealous, he can't contain his emotions, voice becomes even more prominent. He'll stand tall and puff out his chest, trying to appear even more imposing. His pride makes him want to prove that he's the best choice for Y/n.
Sebek doesn't hold back when it comes to expressing his discomfort with others approaching Y/n while they are together. He'll openly voice his disapproval with his booming voice, making sure everyone in the vicinity is aware that Y/n is his partner.
"Human,What do you think you're doing? You better stay away from Y/n! They've got better things to do than deal with the likes of you," Sebek declares, not mincing his words.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 years
(hc) = Headcannons (os) = oneshot (fic) = Fanfiction
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(💩) = Shit Post (🎶) = song (✉) = Letter (❔) = Requested
(oth.) = Other
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Be Still My Delinquent Heart
♥️Ace Trapolla ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 3 (hc) ♂️❔
He's Just a Little Brat TBH 💩
The Magic of Strangulation 💩
A Legally Certified Bitch
Truly a Pain in the Ass
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🦁Leona Kingscholar ➳
Collection Having Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Strong & Teasing Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Zhongli (Genshin) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
(Masc Leaning) Gender Fluid Reader Having Gender Envy (hc) ♂️ ⚧ 💞❔
Insecure But Flirty Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Being Spooked By a Cucumber (os) ♂️❔
Snuggle Bug (os) ⚧
A Big 'Ol Bear Hug
Time For Another Cat Nap
Just Wanna Laze Around
🍩Ruggie Bucci ➳
Strong & Teasing Reader (hc) ♂️❔
(Masc Leaning) Genderfluid Reader With Gender Envy (hc) ♂️ ⚧ 💞❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 2 (hc) ♂️❔
The Bear Necessities (os) ♂️ 💞
3 AM Doughnut Run
🐺Jack Howl ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Gorou (Genshin) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 3 (hc) ♂️❔
Himbo appreciation post 📷
You Wanna Go Walkies?
The Goodest Boy
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🐙Azul Ashengrotto ➳
Collection Having Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Zhongli (Genshin) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Insecure But Flirty Reader (hc) ♂️❔
The Oyster and the Pearl (oth.) 💞
Love You, for You (oth.) 💞
Lovely Little Angel Fish (os) ⚧ 💞❣
Bullying an Octopus (oth.) ⚧❣
Graceful as the Waves on the Shore (os) ♂️ 💞
Goings of the Fish Mafia
You Were An Isle Unto Thy Self
🐬Jade Leech ➳
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Mark 2 (hc) ♂️❔
Lychee Boy (os) ⚧ 💞
A Love That Always Seems to Taste Better on Toast (os) ⚧ 💞❣
Goings of the Fish Mafia
Picnic Basket
A Drop in the Ocean
The Experience That is Bubble Tea
Amongst the Rising Tides
🦈Floyd Leech ➳
Himbo appreciation post 📷
Squeeeeeze!~ (os) ♂️ 💞
With a Seaside View
Goings of the Fish Mafia
Love is a Vortex
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🪲Kalim Al Asim ➳
Collection Having Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Roughhousing (os) ♂️ 💞❔
Zhongli (Genshin) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Insecure But Flirty Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Hanging Out and Snuggling (os) ♂️ 💞❔
Himbo appreciation post 📷
Just Who Are You Beautiful Stranger? ✉ ⚧ 💞
The Snack That Smiles Back! (os) ♂️ 💞
This is How We Otter Pop! (os) ♂️ 💞
Don't Wanna Talk; Just Wanna Dance (os) ⚧ 💞
🐍Jamil Viper ➳
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 2 (hc) ♂️❔
I'm Calling Poison Control
Pretty Boy With His Hair in the Wind
A Long Overdue Day Off
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🪞Vil Schoenheit ➳
Collection Having Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Strong & Teasing Reader (hc) ♂️ ❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader (hc) ♂️ ❔
Zhongli (Genshin) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Insecure But Flirty Reader (hc) ♂️❔
To Be Beautiful (os) ⚧ 💔->💞
Making a Mess of You (os) ♂️ 🔞
My Marvelous Mariposa
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Beauty Even Poets Cannot Wish to Describe
🏹Rook Hunt ➳
Strong & Teasing Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 2 (hc) ♂️❔
Right Where You Need Him (os) ⚧💞🧀
Strawberry Lip Palm (os) ♂️ 💞
The Most Dangerous Game
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted
In the Trees
The Kiss of Venus
🍎Epel Felmier ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Strong & Teasing Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 3 (hc) ♂️❔
Your Little Hands Full of Apple Seeds (os) ⚧ 💞
An Apple a Day
True to One's Self Image
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💀Idia Shroud ➳
—Otaku × Delinquent—
Collection Having Reader (hc) ⚧❔
With a Past Cheat Reader (hc) ♂️ 💔❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Zhongli (Genshin) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Insecure But Flirty Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Hanging Out and Snuggling (os) ♂️💞❔
So Ya Wanna Be An Otaku (os) ⚧ 🧀
My Very Own Player 2
You're Off Your Game, Boy
🤖Ortho Shroud ➳
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 3 (hc) ♂️❔
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🐉Malleus Draconia ➳
Strong & Teasing Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Collection Having Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Cyno (Genshin) Reader (hc|os) ♂️❔
Zhongli (Genshin) Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Insecure But Flirty Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Chuunibyou Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Best Friends Forever 💬 ⚧ 💞
A Voice in the Night (os) ⚧ 💞 🎶
The Fear 💬 ⚧ 💞
Malleus Thirst (Oth.)❣🔞
BANG! Hammer & Chisel (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀
Gao-Gao Dragon-kun and Friends!
Couldn't Help But Notice...
🦇Lilia Vanrouge ➳
Strong & Teasing Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 3 (hc) ♂️❔
"Holding Hands Before Marriage" (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀❔
Chuunibyou Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Hold You in My Hands Like Hot Tea
Until You Grow Old, My Dear
Welcome to Hell's Kitchen
Like a Bat Out of Hell
🗡Silver ➳
Chuunibyou Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Good Morne To You, My Sleeping Beau
Dream in Sweet Sea Major
Stranded Lullaby
Still Feel
⚡Sebek Zigvolt ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Sinbad (MAGI & AoS) Reader Mark 2 (hc) ♂️❔
Chuunibyou Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Himbo appreciation post 📷
The Tooth Fairy; Burglar Extraordinaire! (os) ⚧ 🧀
Flu Season (os) ♂️ 💞
I'll Dry Those Crocodile Tears
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❔Yuu ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Cat Allergies (os) ⚧ 🧀
🥋Enma Yuuken ➳
🔱Grim ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Cat Allergies (os) ⚧ 🧀
Back to the Main Masterlist?
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ariyucake · 2 years
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⟡ navigation to dis hell holeee
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҂ genshit impact
📑 yandere;
Yandere Chongyun HCs
Yandere Sucrose w/ a very bubbly darling
Yandere stalker Ganyu w/ a darling who hates her <;/3
Yandere Lumine w/ a darling that has anger issues‼️
Yandere Aether w/ a darling that likes him back (modern au)
Soft yandere Mona finding out darling has an obsession w/ her
📑 non-yandere;
Jean w/ a darling that is dumb but has good intentions 😼🙀
Genshin men w/ a sensitive s/o
Genshin men w/ a danganronpa s/o
Genshin self aware au (2)
Genshin self aware au (1 | edited)
📑 angst;
📑 fluff;
📑 random;
Genshin Impact Sagau (1) ft. Marielle
҂ twst
📑 yandere;
Yandere Heartslabyul (separate) w/ a darling that is mean and unfriendly to everyone except grim boy
Yandere Lilia w/ a darling that is scarily and eerily similar to Tsumiki Mikan
Some yandere twst boys getting jealoz of their darling drawing another one of their side hoe
Yandere beta riddle coz I was down bad while writing this
Soft yandere riddle w/ a darling that thinks he's hot when he's mad and doesn't mind his goofy ahh behaviour
Yandere Mallesus headcannons
Yandere riddle w/ a darling that is always sleepy and tired
📑 non-yandere;
Some twst chars w/ a reader who is the shsl big sis
Twst w/ an mc that is exactly / similar to Saihara-kun from ndrv3
Neige w/ a tall and curvy darling
epel, ace, sebek with a miyuki/precure s/o
📑 angst;
" Not fair. " twst angst fic
" Hell is not so welcoming. " (remake of the first fic above)
You almost get killed (continuing from the neige w/ a tall darling fic)
📑 fluff;
Heartlesslabyul w/ a paimon reader (1)
Heartlesslabyul w/ a paimon reader (2)
yes, opposites do attract.” riddle rosehearts x fem reader.
📑 random;
Some (only one person ☹️) w/ a reader who is juz like me
DR Prefect meeting Lilia and tells him about their cool ass world but Lilia thinks their sus friend is just pranking them 😿
Neige boy w/ a reader that babysits
Twst w/ a danganronpa darling
҂ ass(assination) class(room) ^.^
📑 yandere;
📑 non-yandere;
A few assassination class chars w/ a darling that is eerily similar to Kirigiri Kyouko
📑 angst;
📑 fluff;
📑 random;
҂ purrfect tale
📑 yandere;
Yandere olive boy
҂ danganronpaaaaaa
📑 yandere;
Yandere stalker Saihara-kun
Yandere Ouma-kun who gets jealous easily
Yandere Saihara-kun but he's more agressive and possessive
Yandere Ouma with a ultimate escape specialist s/o
📑 non-yandere;
A few ndrv3 chars w/ a art kid darling
📑 angst;
📑 fluff;
📑 random;
Ouma-kun w/ a darling that hates grape panta
Female Y/N meets Komaeda-kun
Evil Komaeda-kun🙀‼️
📑 yandere;
📑 non-yandere;
📑 angst;
📑 fluff;
📑 random;
҂ blue lock (i dun write fowr dis shi no moar)
📑 yandere;
yandere spiderman bachira meguru headcannons
📑 non-yandere;
📑 angst;
📑 fluff;
📑 random;
nagi seishiro as your dad (female reader)
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paranormalpainter · 9 months
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Emma Crescendo-Matthews Headcanons:
Has a shy and quiet personality due to fear of being discriminated or bullied due to her disability, but once she gets to know you more and trusts you, she'll appear to be a sweet person who doesn't want her disability to define who she really is
She has two sisters and a cousin who are also attending DCA, The first being her biological twin sister, Rima who lives in Dragonstone, the second being her 2nd year cousin, Amber who lives in the same dorm as her and the third being her 3rd year step-sister Operetta who lives in Chateau Beastiale
She was born with profound hearing loss, so she isn't able to hear others around her speak and only communicates via sign language or writing notes and has to wear hearing aids to be a bit more alert to her surroundings
Despite being deaf, she's actually very talented in music and is capable of playing the flute, piano, harp, and cello by reading sheet music and memorizing finger placements for each musical note
Her unique magic is called “Keysteps” it allows her to summon a giant piano keyboard on the ground that's completely playable, but in order for the spell to work, it has to be on tile, marble, or hardwood floors, it doesn't work on carpet, stone, or any sort of uneven floors{For context: Think the piano scene from the movie Big, but as one long keyboard covering the whole floor: https://youtu.be/CF7-rz9nIn4?si=sCTT9LPB2XH5tSDo}
Her pets are a flying squirrel named “Peanut”, a black squirrel named “Walnut”, and an appaloosa horse named “Cherry” all 3 of which are named after their favorite foods. Peanut communicates to her via writing after teaching himself how to hold a writing utensil, Walnut communicates via sign language which he picked up from the years of passing conversation between his owner and her family, and Cherry via writing her messages with her hoof
She used to live in Glasswork Kingdom, but eventually moved to Queendom of Roses after her father went through a nasty divorce with her and Rima's biological mother. Despite living in Queendom of Roses, her and her family still travel down there from time to time to visit relatives despite the location holding somewhat bitter memories
She has burn scars on both lower halves of her arms and would often cover them with gloves, sleeves, or bandages
Her and her sister's surnames are combined after their father remarried to their step mom since he sees his surname as a tainted, bitter reminder of what his 1st wife had done in the past
Her dad’s one of 3 triplets, the eldest being a lawyer and private detective that’s often mistaken for being a yakuza due to his appearance, the middle sibling being her father who’s a psychologist that specializes in diagnosing mental illness as well as mental disorders, and the youngest who works in real estate and interior design who also works as a barista and bartender when he doesn’t have any clients
She does participate in her school's idol activities despite being deaf and tries really hard with her singing as well as timing with her dance moves to the tempo of the song to make sure her performance is perfect
She's childhood friends with Trey, Riddle, and Chenya as they were the first 3 friends she made, but after Riddle got in trouble with his mother, she decided to keep her distance from him, so his mother wouldn't get mad at her for spending time with him even though her family is acquainted with the Rosehearts due to her father being a fellow doctor as well as an incident where her hearing aids were forcibly removed and needed to get her ears checked
Just like with Trey and Riddle, Chenya sometimes pops over to pay her a visit or just hang out with her in general. Despite his surprise visits, she constantly reminds him to avoid showing his head first if he visits while she’s having a conversation with Ella as to not have her dorm head have a heart attack when he shows up
Her first performance song would be “Violet” by Ninomae Ina’nis: https://youtu.be/8ZdLXELdF9Q?si=JMONz76T0JlXwk_P
Diamond Crown Academy(C) @phoenix-manga
Emma Crescendo-Matthews(C) Me
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liviavanrouge · 2 years
Livia and ADeuce first meet(Ft first meet with Riddle)
Deuce: You sure you saw bats flying around in the daytime?
Ace: Yes and it's night, so we won't get caught looking for them...
???: *Squeaks, startling the boys*
Axel and Deuce: *Yells in alarm, a large shadow tackling them down*
Deuce: They're so cute...a bunch of baby bats... *Holds his arms out, a few bats landing on him*
???: *Snarls, starting the duo*
Deuce: D-Do we run?!
???: *Roars at the two, snarling angrily*
Ace: Hey! You're that girl! That Diasomnia first year!
???: *Squints then steps out into the moonlight*
Deuce: Pretty....
Ace: Your name is Livia right? Lilia mentioned you at lunch...
Livia: Oh! You're the two who broke the chandelier!
Ace: Nobody is gonna let that go....
Deuce: Pardon me, but why are you out here?
Livia: Babysitting my younger siblings for the night *Smiles, beckoning to the baby bats*
Baby Bats: *Shifts into eleven kids, a female white haired wolf beastman child running over*
Meena: *Laughs* Did you see us Big sis, we scared them!
Willowbrook: That was so fun!
Livia: *Chuckles* Sorry about then, they're pranksters like my Dad!
Deuce: If you want, you can come back to our dorm and stay there, we'll help you!
Ace: WE WILL?!
Livia: No need *Whistles, her siblings turning into baby bats and taking off*
Moon: *Runs after them, following them back to Diasomnia to go play with their dad*
Livia: I'll take you up on that invite to your dorm though...
Riddle: Ace! Deuce! Get up!
Ace: *Laughs from inside the room*
Riddle: *Opens the door confused, startled that they were already up*
Deuce: Hey Dorm leader!
Ace: Hi Dorm leader!
Livia: *Pops up from behind Deuce's bed* HEYYYYY!
Livia: Who you calling strange?!
Deuce: Dorm Leader Rosehearts, this is Livia Vanrouge, Diasomnias new freshman
Livia: *Grins and waves* I'll be out of ya hair now, cya!
Riddle: AH! WAIT!
Livia: *Teleports away, leaving behind a flabbergasted Riddle*
Riddle: You two have explaining to do after school...
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hanafubukki · 2 years
My sweet child…cliche dating sim…it grew so much in a week 😭 y’all are so good at this!!Now I have two ideas buttt not sure who should the story involve, so I’ll list them and then let’s talk about it!!:
1. You’re of the middle to low class, fame coming from the fact that your father was a well-known knight, strong enough to defeat 100 men. He suffers from a chronic illness but that doesn’t stop him from going off to war! You can’t stand the thought of him leaving, so what if you just…replace him? Nobody will notice! Just…try not falling in love on the way…
JAMIL, Jade, Jack, Azul (the tactician?)
2. Of love and tragedy, can two star-crossed lovers secretly stay together? Or will their families rip them apart? Nobody said falling for the enemy was easy…
Epel, ROOK, Riddle, Leona, Idia (for shits and giggles)
Yes both are inspired by Mulan, and Romeo and Juliet. Yes I’m basic. YES I know they sound like bios for some Wattpad fanfic back in 2012. Don’t judge me 😭
BONUS OMG I REALLY WANT ORTHO TO HAVE A BROTHER COMPLEX BUT. I CANT. THINK. Like do you know that game Yandere Simulator? Well one of the rivals is “senpai’s” little sister with a brother complex, absolutely hates all the randoms getting to close to him bc she wants his attention only on her. And I wanna apply that for Ortho except…less jealousy and more distrust? “Ortho has witnessed his brother being hurt before which turned him into a recluse, so he’s hesitant to accept the new maid getting close to Idia.” And maybe he sabotages a bunch and basically hazes her to see if she’s really willing to stay. But then what if a mystery illness plagues Idia and even the all-knowing wizard Ortho (bc it’s medieval remember so he can’t be a robot) doesn’t know what to do. But the stupid maid does?! And yeah after saving Idia’s life and having a sweet heart-to-heart, the maid pledges loyalty and Ortho treats them like a big sibling too??? Idkkk but he has to have his own route, not a subplot!
[referring to these Cliche! Royalty AU Otome Game: Diasomnia Ver. ; Ridde Rosehearts Ver. ; Ace Trappola, Epel Felmier, Azul Ashengrotto Ver. ]
Hello Otome Anonie 🌻🌺💕!
I hope you don’t mind me calling you that. ☺️💕 I didn’t realize it grew so much in a week, time literally went over my head. That’s what happens when you are having so much fun 🙌💚 and I have been loving the cliche! Royalty AU Otome Game series, so thank you so much for that anonie 💚💕
I see you’re going after my weakness spot with a Mulan inspired AU anon 👀👀 I think the one who would fit the most in this would be Jack. because jack likes to follow the rules and has his own version of honor and what is right and wrong. I can imagine him having eventually softening to you and both of you becoming comrades...and then the secret is out. It takes him time to change his way of thinking but he does and he has even greater respect for you. just like in canon, what do you think? Jamil, I feel like he would already know but would understand your reasonings and even help you out in your cover, cue hilarious shenanigans as you both try to keep that secret lol 😂
This one is hard....I feel like we can go so many routes. I feel like I wouldn't put it past rook or leona to just give that extra push to be with you...even if it means to say...take over your kingdom? 👀👀 all in the name of love right? and both of you get to be together. then you have riddle, he would have to go against his mother which is hard but also yours. but you too can always run away together too 👀👀 Idia cant get rid of you, you just keep popping up and then...you dont and he basically is too used to you now so he’s ready to take over and silence his and your family to be with you.
I have heard of wandered simulator but haven't played or seen it. but I do read yandere so I have an idea of what you mean 🤔  Finis in Code Realize had a sis complex too that I found cute. maybe during this route it would be seen from orthos point of view so we can see more on his side and what he thinks and why he does it. POV changes always give you that extra feel you know? Maid MC takes care of Idia because maybe the illness had less to do with magic and more on the physical route? like mind, body, and spiritual, and this disease first attacked the body which cascades to the other parts of the whole being? and MC basically goes back to the root and old fashioned healing which also changes the way ortho thinks of them.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
hi hi hiii! so I saw that requests are open and thought that I should slide in with a request for Riddle, Jade, Deuce, and Leona with an s/o that has a horrible sense of direction? like they were supposed to meet at place A but they ended up in place Z.
anyways, if you've closed requests feel free to delete this. oh and have a nice day/night! 💃💞
:))) Hello-
You have become the funniest ask I have because HBDVDD- I WAS LAUGHING SI HARD FOR SOME CHARACTERS' REACTIONS-
Hope you enjoy!! ^^
TWST S/o with terrible sense of direction
Riddle Rosehearts
You know what's funny?
Nothing, because he's so done-
First time in history, congrats s/o-
He said meet him at the Rose Garden on a date with him, you call him-
Tell him
"I don't see you-"
he asks you where you are-
"Wait... is this Pomefiore?"
I- Wtf s/o-
Riddle.. thought Ace or Deuce would be the last of him, but I guessed you proved him wrong-
Now he knows why you're always late for classes, because you don't know where to go.
Riddle would give you a fcking PAPER MAP- of the ENTIRE NRC, and mark out the classes you need to go to, Heartslabyul, just the places you would mostly go to or have to go to. He might even ask Trey, Cater and the Adeuce combo to be with you to help.
Riddle just don't want you getting lost in the campus, he's worried after all.
Hopefully, you'll get your way around. <3
Deuce Spade
Freak the frick out-
"Hey, can you go to Sam's Shop and buy some eggs?"
"Sure thing!"
"Thank you so much!!"
15 minutes later-
"Why are you taking so long?? Did something happen??"
"Um.. Is Sam's Shop in the ocean?? Imma bout to sign some contract to get the eggs I guess-"
That's you and him. So romantic~
Deuce doesn't know how to help you,
but informs his dorm leaders and Heartslabyul seniors (Trey and Cater) to see if they can help you.
Of course we all know-
Riddle gives out the fcking PAPER MAPS-
WHAT ARE YOU- GRANDPA??? jk jk we love you still-
Deuce also accompanies you everywhere with Ace so they can help you get around NRC with no problems!
He's just worried if you ended up lost, so he'll always be your guide! <3
Leona Kingscholar
You thought Riddle was done-
Oh nonon
"Just go to my room. Top floor of Savanaclaw, don't be late-"
"Um.. yeah, but um- does your dorm have rose mazes and bushes??"
*Leona has ended the call*
He is more than done-
B r u h-
How tf do you messed up that bad in directions??
Sure, NRC is pretty big but come on, s/o-
Leona doesn't get it.
He's too lazy to escort you to Savanaclaw or your classes, so he might leave Ruggie, or mostly Jack to guide you to wherever.
Maybe he'll give you some sort of mark on your table and give you a rough idea on Savanaclaw is or some shit-
That's useless bro-
But occasionally he'll escort you, and the lil shit expects cuddles and more sleep as his reward-
Well, he does care for you and he wouldn't want you lost NOT just because it'll be a pain to find you <3
Jade Leech
Oh dear.
He finds this... troublesome yet amusing.
"Dear, please come to Monstro Lounge. I made dinner for the two of us~"
"S/o, it's been 30 minutes, what happened?"
"I- um- Ya'll don't live in grasslands, right?"
"...Are you referring to Savanaclaw?"
"Yeah, I don't know where Octavinelle is, sorry-"
Half of him is like "are you kidding me, s/o??",
but the other half of him chuckled, genuinely finding this quirk of yours hilarious.
Now he knows why the Adeuce combo follow you every where.
You'll most likely get lost without them.
Well, he would be a terrible lover if he didn't help you now, would he?
No matter, he'll be escorting you from now on.
He might have informed Azul of such, and maybe Azul called Idia to create some sort of GPS device to help you find your way through NRC (although we all know Azul would've probably felt betrayed in Chapter 6-).
He's worried if you get lost, and bump into potential dangers, so he'll do his very best to guide you and prevent such.
You're his darling after all, he wants you safe~ <3
I'm so sappy, okay I'll stop-
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onegianthotmess · 12 days
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And here’s the revamped Morel! Complete with what she wears when treating students in the infirmary!
She’s a bit taller, so she’s about on the edge of being 5’5 but still wears heels because she likes them and she’s a badass. But she is still the short friend-
Her hair is half put up because she likes the way it looks and it keeps a portion of it out of her face. Her headband is also the same because I like to think that it was a gift from Yvette and Sam when they were in school and Morel treasures it because it’s one of the only gifts she’s gotten that was picked out with her feelings and tastes in mind and it’s really special to her because of that. Her necklace is also one of the few thoughtful gifts Morel has received as Finnian gave it to her when she graduated from NRC. As valedictorian, of course.
I wanted her outfit to be comfortable, movable, and cozy since she has to run around campus chasing Leona to his classes while also tending to students in the infirmary, which is fucking freezing. Also I feel NRC and Sage Island are just cold in general because, you know, villain aesthetic. So, since Morel is small, she kind of needs something warm so she doesn’t freeze to death while working-
So her sweater, leather pants, and boots help her to not feel like she’s in the fucking tundra while trying to do her job.
Morel likely thrifted her long sweater and did some alterations because you can’t tell me this woman doesn’t do arts and crafts. A lot of her stuff is thrifted and altered by her because it’s better for the environment and she generally prefers the stuff she finds in thrift stores, but she will buy a few things from shops if there’s something good, like her pants or boots.
Her little bracelet watch thing is so that she can always check the time and make sure that she’s punctual. Some people as her if she’s from Clocktown as a joke because of how much she values being on time and how much she detests being late, especially for a very important date.
Morel also has piercings in her ear and only wears one glove as a show of silent defiance to her mother’s psychotic perfectionism and to separate herself from her childhood before NRC. She also has freckles that she used to cover up with makeup, per Iracebeth’s orders because she wouldn’t have her child be seen with such “imperfections” on her face even though after Morel stopped covering them up, people said that she was even cuter than before.
Overall, I’m really happy with how she turned out, she was silently begging for me to revamp her design. I think I’m gonna revamp Celena and Rayne, too, and maybe a few others if I feel the need to.
I love my White Queen, she’s gorgeous!!!
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spindlebeforesunset · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland but they're your Pinay titas (aunts)
Part One
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Cater Diamond = Tita Spaghetti
• only called Spaghetti because... hair
• the aunt that stalks your social media
• updates all the other titas
• wannabe influencer like Tita Vicky (and always bothers the latter)
• "Wait, let's take a picture first. Yay!"
• "Hold up, I'm still not photogenic enough for the camera yet."
• "Oh for goodness sake. Just let me be the one to picture instead."
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Riddle Rosehearts = Tita Baby (if anybody asks, "Baby" is an acceptable name to name your child in the Philippines)
• "Baby" may be the name, but don't mess with this one
• once seen, everybody is behaved
• if you're a good child, you will be given goodies by Tita
• nobody likes to mess with this one (even Tita Spaghetti)
• "What in the hell did you say?"
• "Fix yourself!"
• "So how is school?"
• "Just study well for the meantime."
• "Eat the cookie while it's still fresh."
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Vil Schoenheit = Tita Vicky
• the trendy tita
• only seen in real life during big family reunions but always goes home early because it's too hot
• if seen online, IG profile has 5M followers along with 300k+ likes on one recent post and counting
• your parents tell you to impress/be good around Tita Vicky so that you will be given an Hermès bag
• bag includes: a lot of makeup, blotting paper, and sunglasses (no wallet because everything is paid with GCash)
• you will have nosebleed from the accent
• "Beauty takes effo - GET THAT CAT, IT HAS MY CHANEL SCARF!"
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Azul Ashengrotto = Tita Ching
• "Ching" is only a nickname, real name is Angeline
• tita Vicky was the one who gave the nickname so that everybody can tease
• "Ching" because money lover/hoarder
• always on a business call for some reason
• it's not a good idea to be in debt to tita Ching, because there is added interest if the payment is overdue
• "Sis, when are you giving me back my 100 pesos? The hell do you mean next month, next month, you're paying 1000 pesos to me. Byebye!"
• "So expensive! I'll just buy fruits in the wet market instead."
• "Have a veggie, it's healthier than candy."
• "Can I get discount... still no? Fine! I'll just buy at the other stall!"
they're all big chismosas (gossipers) too
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sukarabia · 4 years
Ruggie x Sky - How Pretty
Because I’m a sucker for festival dates, after all T_T
Sky let out a dejected sigh as she walked through the festival stalls. Everywhere she looked were couples, friend groups, or families, all having fun: yet here she was, ruminating as she hung her head low. Night Raven College was celebrating one of its anniversaries, and truly, she couldn’t even remember what that celebration was for. But what she knew is that she messed up, big, big time.
“Oi, Sky- you sure about this? That box’s kinda heavy, isn’t it?” Ace looked dubious as he saw Sky pick up a box full of paint tins.
“Ace, what do you take me for? Carrying such a small box will be a piece of cake for me.”
She regretted those words as soon as they left her mouth. What was even in that box? Sky was told it was only 'a few’ paint tins meant to help the art club design posters, but the box was a lot heavier than she had thought. Nevertheless, her pride wouldn’t let her admit that she couldn’t carry it- so off she went, legs wobbling. But seriously- why was that box so big? She couldn’t even see the ground, and-
“Wah- Sky, careful!”
As soon as she heard Ace’s voice, Sky looked up- only to feel herself lose balance on the slippery ground. Her brain couldn’t process what had happened- but in the span of a few seconds, she landed on the ground, the box’s content shattered on the floor, and saw... someone drenched in paint?
“Sky, you oka-” Ace rushed over before stopping. “Who- WAH? Dorm Leader Riddle???”
“R-Rosehearts-senpai?” Sky’s eyes widened as she heard Ace pronounce his name. But her classmate was right- right in front of her was Riddle, completely drenched in green paint.
Riddle stood there for a second, seemingly processing what just happened. Ace and Sky, frozen in fear, waited for him to explode- but to their surprise, Riddle just sighed and wiped some paint off his face. His eyes seemed to say, not surprised.... as he spoke to Sky:
“Sky, I think it’s better if you don’t handle the manual work- as a matter of fact, I think it’s better if you walk around the festival for now.”
Sky felt tears prickle her eyes as she recalled the events. Ah, seriously, how could she embarrass herself that badly? Ace tried to cheer her up, “Do you not realise how lucky you are?? It would have been off with your head for me!!”, but even her friend’s attempts at recomforting her felt futile as she remembered the expression on Riddle’s face.
It’s not like I was expecting anything from you, anyway. It was the exact expression everyone always looked at her with. Especially him. It felt that as time passed, the distance between them was growing further and further- she was trying her best, but no matter what she did, things always ended up going south. Would she always remain the little black duck of the family? Lost in her thoughts, Sky did not notice the silhouette behind her, until she felt a hand on her shoulder-
“Kyaaah!! what-” Sky jumped, startled, until she recognised the owner of the hand. “Ruggie?? You scared me!”
“I could say the same thing, y’know! What’s up with ya? I tried callin’ you, but you just wouldn’t pick up. What are ya doin’ all alone?”
“Huh? Why are you crying? Wait, wait, explain-”
“... So that’s what happened, huh.”
“Ugh... Seriously, so embarrassing... I wanna hide in a hole....” Sky sighed, sitting on a bench, a little further from the festival.
“But aren’t ya happy? That he didn’t get mad, I mean?”
“Of course not!! If he doesn’t get upset, that means he was totally expecting it!!” Sky eyes teared up again. “I tried so hard to build a reputation, but now it feels like everyone knows how useless I am, that they don’t even have expectations for me anymore....”
Ruggie looked at the young girl next to him. Slowly, he reached his hand to pat her head, looking away as she started sobbing. The laughter and lights from the festival in the distance seemed almost cruel as Sky struggled to catch her breath. Why do things never go as planned?
“... Ain’t that better, though?”
“Huh?” Surprised, her tears stopped as she peered over at Ruggie.
“The fact that people know how you truly are, y’know. Doesn’t it feel better, to not have to keep up a front and whatnot?”
“No one’s perfect, y’know. Not Jamil, not me- not even Vil-san, or Malleus-san. Everyone goes through hardships ‘n’stuff. Ain’t that normal?” At the mention of Jamil’s name, Sky’s face fell. “We all go through trials, and that’s what life’s all about, doesn’t it? Doesn’t come with a guide book or anythin’.” His eyes met Sky’s. “What just happened, wasn’t that because ya didn’t ask for help? It’s rich comin’ from me, but y’know, asking for help isn’t a bad thing. No one’s gonna judge you for that, m’kay?”
Sky let out a small hum as she diverted her attention back to the stall. The lights seemed even stronger reflected in her teary eyes, and Ruggie was almost enchanted by the sight. Shaking his head, he snapped out of it, and stood up. Startled, Sky looked at him with a surprised expression as Ruggie extended his hand to her.
“Now, what d’ya say about us visiting the festival? Might as well, right? Shishishi ~”
“Waaah, Ruggie, you’re amazing!!!”
Sky marvelled over Ruggie’s goldfish scooping skills, as the young hyena managed to catch another 3 goldfishes at once. The Octavinelle student responsible for the stand seemed to grow more and more uneasy as his goldfish stock began to shrivel. Seriously, how is that guy so good at this...?
“Heh, that’s nothin’ for me, y’know ~” Ruggie’s ears wiggled, obviously delighted by the praise. “In my hometown, we often go fishin’, and stuff.”
“Fishing? But... not for goldfishes, right?” Sky looked caught off-guard. Eating goldfishes...? Seeing her expression, Ruggie could not resist teasing her.
“Shishishi, of course we did. Goldfishes are delicious, y’know? Want me to cook them for you later?”
“H-huh? No!!!! You shouldn’t eat goldfishes!! Look how adorable they are!!!” Instinctively, Sky protectively held her goldfish to her chest. Ruggie couldn’t help but laugh at her innocence.
“Shishishi, you believe me way too easily ~” but Sky’s expression remained full of suspicion. “... Oi, what d’ya take me for... Why would I eat goldfishes, there’s barely any nutrients in them, y’know.”
“.. Pff... Hahaha... Ruggie, you’re seriously so weird.” It was Ruggie’s turn to get caught off-guard. Sky finally looked like she was back to normal, and he couldn’t help but slightly blush at her smiling face.
“.. Ah, that’s right. Wanna go to another stand?” He tried changing the subject, looking away to hide his rosy cheeks.
“Ah- I completely forgot about it!” Sky jerked up, startling Ruggie in the process. “Ignihyde are doing a carabine stand- I heard Mayu sewed cute plushies as prizes, I wanna go!!”
“Aaah ~ that was fun....” Sky sighed as she sat on a bench near to another stall.
“Sure was. Didn’t know those Ignihyde guys designed a whole zombie-style shootin’ game... Kinda felt off with the whole festival theme, but it was fun ~” Ruggie leaned back on the bench, stretching as he drank a can of fresh coke.
“Ah... We walked for so long, I’m super thirsty now...”
“Mh? Wanna drink mine?”
“Huh?” Sky blushed as her eyes widened. “N-No way! That’s basically an indirect kiss!!!”
“An indirect ki-” Ruggie looked caught off guard, before switching to a grin, scooting closer to Sky. “Shishishi, if that’s the first thing ya thought about, must’ve been on yer mind, hasn’t it? ~”
“W-??? No, of course not!!!” Sky got up, as red as a tomato. “I-I’ll go get my own, you stay here!!!”
“Want me to-”
“No!!!! I don’t need you to come!!! You stay here!!!”
The young girl stormed off, ears flaming as Ruggie let out a small laughter. Man, was he glad to finally see her acting like her usual self again. Jamil’s Overblot really affected her, after all: for a few weeks, she barely smiled, sighing and looking dejected whenever she was alone. Ruggie had been seriously worried about her- she really took her vice dorm head’s ob personally, and had avoided all social interactions for a while. But a month after, it finally seemed like she was regaining hope. Aah ~ how troublesome... But I’m glad. He thought, watching over Sky as she pondered over which drink to buy.
“- Hey, isn’t that Gray-senpai lil’ sis?”
“Ah, Sky Cymatilis, right? Yeah, heard about her.”
“She’s kinda cute, isn’t she? Man, they’re really do look alike.”
“Nah, leave it, wouldn’t bother. They’re like night and day.”
Ruggie snapped out of his thoughts as he overheard two RSA students walk past. Were they talking about Sky? Little sister? Sky never really talked about her family, but Ruggie remembered overhearing Sky and Ace complain about older siblings. What that ‘Gray-senpai’ her older brother? And what was that last comment about?
“Alright, I’m back!!!”
“Ah, Sky, welcome back. What did ya get?”
“This cool drink from the Mostro Lounge stall, they had so many flavours!”
“I see, I see ~” Ruggie sipped on his drink absentmindedly, before turning to the girl next to him. “... Hey, Sky. Got any siblings?”
“H-huh? S-siblings?” Sky expression looked like she had just swallowed salt. “A-ah.. Well... I do... K-kinda... An older brother...”
Ruggie hummed a small ah, I see, as he finished his drink. Sky’s reaction told him what he wanted- that it was a sensitive subject all right, so he chose not to pry about it further. She’d tell him about it in due time, probably. On the other hand, Sky seemed preoccupied as she twirled the drink in her hand. Siblings, huh.... After a few minutes of silence, Ruggie plopped a hand on her head.
“Wanna go see fireworks? They should be startin’ soon. I know a perfect spot for that ~”
“Waaah, this place is so nice!”
“Heh, of course ~ Savanclaw’s the best place for firework viewin’.”
“Seems like a lot ofstudents thought the same, huh. It’s fuller than I expected.” Sky leaned back on the rock Ruggie chose, considerably higher than the rest. “But it’s a lot comfier than I thought, and we’re going to get such a great view of the fireworks!!”
“Shishishi  ~ Got that right.” Ruggie smiled, turning his head as soon as he heard a loud BANG! “Oh, they’re startin’.”
The two young students remained in silence for a while, in awe of the fireworks. Crowley made sure that NRC’s festival would be more impressive than RSA’s, all the way down to the colours of the fireworks- the green and blue-ish colours filled the night sky, reminiscent of auroras.
“Wow.... The colours are amazing... It really feels like I’m in another country right now....”
“Yeah, they really went all-out with that one, huh.”
The show went on for a few minutes, occasionally accompanied by a bunch of “Ooh”s and “Aah”s as the fireworks depicted the face of the great seven, as well as Crowley’s own mask- which brought a few laughter from the crowd. As a rain of spark came on during the finale, everyone cheered, raising their hands to the sky, entranced by the sight.
“Wow, that is so pretty...” Sky marvelled.
“Yeah, you’re right about that.” But Ruggie hadn’t been watching the fireworks. How could he? All his attention was devoted to watching Sky’s dewy eyes, illuminated by the large-flowered fireworks.
“.... How pretty.”
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mysteriousphantom · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland characters' MBTI types
So my sleep-deprived brain decided that it'd be a fun idea to theorise about pseudo-science instead of getting some actual much-needed sleep. I'm also doing this because I haven't seen a single blog (yet) that talked about twst and mbti and I might as well do it myself then. Can't say I'm perfectly knowledgeable about cognitive functions but I'll try my best to apply what I have learned so far. Mostly, I'm just going off of my intuition though so don't expect too much use of logic and this is really shitty tbh
1. Heartslabyul:
Riddle Rosehearts - ESTJ
Okay, I'm pretty confident about this one. He fits the stereotypical Te-dom to a T. His almost OCD like obsession with rules seem to scream Te-Si to me. Low Fi because he represses his own emotions a lot which finally led to his overblot. His whole outburst thing when the gang confronted him also seemed inferior-Fi.
Ace Trappola - ESFP
He seems like an Se-dom to me. In one of his homescreen dialogues he says that he doesn't really like planning too much for the future and just wants to enjoy the present moment. In his PE uniform story, it was revealed that Ace has really good spatial awareness and he seemed very... Se-ish (plz pardon my lack of vocabulary). Also, I read somewhere that high Se users have the most trouble following rules and yeah that seems to be Ace's case most of the time. Ok I'm going off of my intuition but he seems more Fi-Te than Ti-Fe to me.
Deuce Spade - ISTJ
Not too sure if ISTJ is right (could be an ISFJ too) but he seems to be on the Si-Ne axis to me. Like, remember his signature cauldron trick? He relies too much on old tricks and has trouble coming up with new ideas most of the time. Also, compared to Ace, Deuce seems to be more rigid and serious and he respeccts the rules too. I think in his ceremonial robe story he said that he actually loves traditional stuff.
Trey Clover - INFJ
I think he's an Ni-dom??? Idk man he seems to have the glinting anime glasses, all-according-to-keikaku Ni vibe ok idk what I'm trying to say.
He's definitely got Fe. He's pretty much like the mom-friend of the group and he's quite good at reading the atmosphere unlike a certain brash redhead.
Cater Diamond - ESFP(???)
Honestly, idk about him. I haven't really seen much of this guy outside of the main story. I'm only going off of my surface-level understanding and assumptions about him.
2. Savanaclaw:
Leona Kingscholar - ISTP
Once again, I'm going off of my intuition. I think Ti because although he's very lazy, he's quite analytical. Leona's blunt most of the time and doesn't seem to care much about social conventions as seen in his school uniform story.
Ruggie Bucchi - idk
Oof I haven't really bothered analysing him yet.
Jack Howl - ISFP
Although he appears not to care too much all the time (or at least he tries to act like it XD) Jack actually has pretty strong values and beliefs which, when violated, really irks him. That tsundere attitude he has can also be chalked up to Fi's tendency to not want to reveal emotions too much. Also, Se because he's sporty and he said that he likes doing physical stuff.
3. Octavinelle:
Azul Ashengrotto - idk
Oh jeez, honestly I'm pretty stumped when it comes to this guy. I can't help but overanalyse everything about him so I'm not really sure what type he is. I think he has Fe somewhere in the function stack?? Maybe???
Jade Leech - ENTP
Ngl he lowkey reminds me of Sebastian Michaelis (who I think is an ENTP) and it may have had an influence in my typing. Overall, he really gives me chaotic Ne vibes (especially his lab coat story).
Floyd Leech - ESTP
4. Ignihyde:
Idia Shroud - INTP
This boi really fits the reclusive hermit INTP stereotype. Social anxiety isn't really exclusive to one type but in his case I think it might be inferior Fe?
Ortho Shroud - idk
Imma be honest I don't know much of Ortho's personality aside from the fact that he really cares about his big brother.
5. Scarabia:
Jamil Viper - INTJ
Kalim Al-Asim - ExFP
6. Night Raven Staff:
Mozus Trein - ISTJ
Divus Crewel - ENTJ(?)
Ashton Vargas - ESTP
Dire Crowley - ExFJ(?)
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night-raven-dorms · 5 years
Scenario where the reader is a quiet yet sincere person and wishes to express her feelings towards the one she loves, aka: Vil (can she be a part of Heartslabyul and Riddle is like a brother to her; he wants what’s best for her, but doesn’t trust Vil enough to be her guy? He also catches Vil speaking w/ another girl and assumes he’s leading the reader on? Something along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, but w/ no bloodshed)? Hope this is a good enough request, GW. BTW, keep up the good work!
Apple Blossoms
Vil Schoenheit/Reader
Love will always bloom. Not matter the circumstances.
It had all started because of a tea party.
It wasn’t a grand and magnificent party. Simply a small one, specifically one for six people. Even more specifically, it was a rare tea party hosted by the dorm leader himself and the attendees were his for aces and you. His darling little not-sister. The four were shocked to say the least. Riddle Rosehearts, the second year dorm leader with anger issues, had a sweet, sincere, adorably quiet best friend that he considered a little sister. What was even more shocking was how quickly you were able to calm him down after Ace jokingly gave you a wink. It was like watching a fluffy white rabbit taming an angry chihuahua.
When the tea party was over, Riddle had ordered the four to “clean up the mess” while he allowed you to go explore the rest of the dorm grounds (all while a certain Ace of hearts was whining about special treatment). After giving your not-brother and his friends a polite curtsy, you went straight to the place that intrigued you the most: the rose gardens.
The Heartslabyul dorms had an impressive rose garden that was properly cared for and perfectly grown. The beauty of the roses wasn’t the thing that attracted you in the first place. Rather, it was the mysterious hedge maze that winded away into oblivion, and you were determined to find the other side. Upon arriving at the entrance of the maze, you noticed a large black dog with it’s back towards you. Noticing your presence, the dog looked at you, back to the maze, and back at you before running in. You called out to it before chasing after it wondering where it came from.
After several twists and turns, you made it to the other side and into an apple orchard. You looked around trying to find the black dog. However it seemed to have just disappeared into the forest of apple trees. Sighing, you knew you had to head back, but you turned and slammed face first into someone’s chest. You would have fallen over too if it wasn’t for that someone to catch you and keep you steady. “My, my, I must apologize if I startled you miss,” a smooth voice said.
When you were able to get your bearing back, you tilted your head up to see the most beautiful man you have ever laid your eyes on. He let you stand on your own and you took a step back. He spoke up before you could, “Well, you’re a face I haven’t seen before! You must be new here. My name is Vil Schoenheit, and it is a pleasure to meet you.”
He gave a bow. “If I may ask, who are you?”
You gave your own curtsy to him, “My name is (y/n). And you’re right. I’m a new transfer here... um, what is this place exactly?”
Vil gave another charming smile, “This place is the apple orchard in the Pomefiore dorms. It seems like you’ve found the connecting area between the two houses.”
You wanted to ask more questions. A lot more, but you suddenly became aware of how late it was getting. Not wanting to worry Riddle about your disappearance, you both exchanged your good byes before you sprinted back out of the maze and into the familiar territory of the Heartslabyul.
Riddle was waiting at the front of the maze by the time you found your way out. “I had a feeling you were in there.”
“Sorry Rid, I was just-“ he shook his head, cutting you off from continuing.
“Don’t worry I’m not mad at you, I just came looking for you since break will be ending soon. Come on, we can walk back together.”
As the two of you walked, you looked back to the maze. Sitting patiently at the entrance was the black dog that lead you to the Pomefiore dorms. It seemed to smile as it happily wagged its tail. Riddle noticed your gaze and looked back at the hedge. Nothing was there but you continued to stare as if wanting to go back. “Hey, is everything okay?” He asked.
You looked at him and blinked. “Yeah I’m fine. I... I thought I left something there but I guess not.”
He raised his eyebrow. You smiled and shook your head, “Let’s just go back, you need to show me around the dorms right?”
“... yeah...”
You continued to walk side by side until you made it back to the dorm. While you walked into the giant castle to find your bedroom, Riddle went to find Trey. He needed someone to check the maze.
For the next couple of days, the you had fallen into a routine with Vil. Everyday you would sneak away after class with small hand made goodies – ranging from baked goods to flower crowns to trinkets – and meet Vil in the apple orchard. The both of you would spend time together and talk about anything.
Today you were sitting in his lap as he played and styled your hair. Next to you, was the basket of heart shaped baked treats you had baked in the morning. In all honesty, you would be lying to say you hadn’t developed feelings for the Pomefiore dorm leader. He was so gentle with you and treated you with so much care, and in all honesty, Vil was also falling for you as well. Those hours spent together soon became both your favorite past times. “Vil, can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything my sweet little apple.”
You blushed at the nickname. “Vil... Thank you for spending time with me.”
He hummed, “I should be saying that to you.”
You smiled as he finished with your hair and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You’re one of the only people that has looked passed my beauty. You actually cared to ask how my days are and made it an effort to see me everday.”
You leaned back into him enjoying the comfortable silence. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, “I better get going, Riddle will be worried.”
Vil laughed and helped you to your feet, “He must care about you a lot to be worrying this much.”
“Well, I am his ‘little sister’ after all.”
“Or so you say...”
You pouted as he pushed a stray hair behind your ear, “I’m only kidding. I’ll see you again tomorrow?”
You nodded in response. He walked you to the entrance of the maze where you traveled back to the dorms. Unknown to you that a couple of cards were watching your retreating figure.
“What do we do now?” Ace asked.
“We report it to Riddle,” Deuce replied, “he trusted us to find out where she goes everyday remember?”
“Yeah, but doesn’t she look happy with him?”
Deuce only stayed quiet and walked away leaving Ace standing there.
The next morning you were woken up by Riddle angrily yelling at you through the door of the bedroom. You were confused to see Riddle, Deuce, and a pretty guilty looking Ace on the other side. “Huh? Whas going on?”
“You’ve been sneaking off to see Vil?”
You froze on the spot. How did they... you looked between Ace and Deuce and groaned. “You were spying on me?”
“Yes I have because I’ve been wondering where you were whenever you disappeared. Tch, had I known you were seeing Vil I would have stopped you a lot sooner.”
You squint your eyes at him, “What do you even have against him Rid?”
“What I have against him is the fact that he’s particularly popular with the girls. I just don’t want you to be heart broken if you find out he’s leading you on.”
“He’s not leading me on.”
“And how can you say that so confidently?”
“How can you not trust me?”
“Listen (y/n), I’m only trying to protect you. Besides, a first year and a third year? Sis, do you know what people would think of you? I’m only trying to make you happy.”
You were getting frustrated and screamed out, “WELL MAYBE I’M HAPPIER WHEN I’M WITH HIM.”
You slammed the door in his face and he stood there stunned. You were always so sweet and nice. You never, if only rarely, raised your voice to yell. The look on your face is what shocked him the most. After all his years of knowing you, you had never looked so betrayed. It was at this moment, he knew he may have messed up. May have. Okay, he did a big mess up. He stood there and rubbed his temples. He hadn’t meant to make you upset (and more than likely cry), he was just trying to keep you from being heartbroken.
He sighed, “Ace, Deuce.”
The two first years looked at him. “We need to go shopping.”
Sam the mysterious shop keeper was more than just the go to guy for goods. He was also, surprisingly, a wonderful advice giver. He simply smiled when the three walked into his shop. “How may I help you gentlemen today? Wait, let me guess, is this about the little princess of Heartslabyul?”
Riddle deadpanned. Sam laughed, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
The shopkeeper pulled out a deck of tarot cards from under his counter. He gave it a good shuffle, making a spectacle that left Ace and Deuce awed. He fanned out the cards for Riddle to pick. “Pick three,” Sam said with a wink.
Riddle grabbed them and handed them back to Sam who put the thick deck away. He flipped each card over. The first one depicted the vice dorm leader of Pomefiore, Rook Hunt, with a black dog. The second depicted a heart with a tiara wrapped in thorns and roses to protect it. Upon closer look, the heart was bleeding. The third showed an apple tree with small apple blossoms in bloom. Sam explained, “The past, present, and future. It seems like the little princess first met Vil through Rook. Now it seems like she’s heart broken. Not because of Vil...”
Riddle furrowed his brows, “It’s because of me isn’t it.”
Sam only gave a nod, “based on what I see, she feels trapped. She knows you care, and she knows you protect her. Just a suggestion, and it’s up for you to take, but I believe you should let their love grow.”
He gestured to the third card with the apple blossoms which magically changed to grow ripe red apples. Sam picked up the card and handed it to Riddle who stared at it. The dorm leader abruptly turned around and began walking out. Sam quickly asked before he could leave, “Where are you going?”
Riddle stopped at the door. “I need to have a talk with Vil.”
Later that day, you were called into Sam’s shop only to find Riddle waiting (rather impatiently) with Sam. Your figure slumped a bit as you walked closer to them. “Am I in trouble?” You asked.
Sam gave a laugh, “Far from it! We called you here because you’re transferring dorms.”
You were shocked to say the least. Transferring dorms? Where would you go? You looked at Riddle for answers. “Riddle... where am I going?”
Before you could answer, the door of the shop opened. Vil had walked into the shop. “I apologize for being late.”
“You’re lucky my patience didn’t run out Schoenheit.” Riddle said glaring at him.
If you were confused you were even more confused now. Riddle sighed and began explaining the situation, “I had a talk with Vil and we came to an agreement. From this day forward you’ll be transferring to the Pomefiore dorms... so you don’t have to keep sneaking off dorm grounds to meet with him.”
You blushed from embarrassment at the last part, but you still hugged him and thanked him with all your heart. Sam had sorted everything out and gave you your new uniform for you to wear, and soon enough the three of you traveled to the Pomefiore dorms. Waiting at the entrance was a tall man with a bobbed haircut; next to him was an awfully familiar black dog. The three of you stopped so you could give your good byes. “Thank you Riddle. I promise I’ll visit you so you don’t miss me too much.”
“You had better,” he demanded, “and you better come over when I host tea parties. Or if I invite you over in general. If you don’t I’ll Trey or Cater to bring me your head.”
He turned to Vil, “You better remember our deal.”
The blonde replied with a smile, “Of course. I wouldn’t dream of breaking it.”
You and Riddle shared one last hug before walking you walked away hand in hand with Vil. As Riddle walked back to his own dorm, he took notice of the countless apple trees the bordered the dorm. All of them in full bloom, showcasing their beauty.
A/N: This came out longer than I expected. Still, I hope you enjoy it and hopefully I did it correctly! Also, thank you for the compliment – and I’m talking to everyone when I say this – they really keep me going.
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onegianthotmess · 3 months
Revamped design here!!!
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Meet Riddle’s big sister, Morel Rosehearts!
She’s 23, about the same height as Riddle, and has a pretty big following on social media. While at NRC, she became Housewarden of Heartslabyul on her very first day and maintained the position along with graduating as valedictorian of her graduating class, which sort of contradicts how airheaded she can be at times, but she’s trying to learn how to read a room!
Morel is an author and is occasionally called in by Crowley to substitute teach any classes whenever teachers call out for the day because she does have a teaching license that she always renews in case a book doesn’t sell well and she needs a temporary job until she can get another book out or if writing ends up failing as a career for her.
Though more approachable than her younger brother, Morel can still get angry like him if the right buttons are pushed, she just doesn’t have as short of a temper as Riddle does. And she’s sensitive to loud sounds and the sound of people yelling/arguing. I’ll let you clever little cookies ponder why that is for now. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
I decided on the mushroom name because it’s pretty and it’s kind of a reference to the fact that Wonderland is a dream/hallucination to Alice in the original movie and all of the drug references.
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