#big red x antoine
daveys-sister · 7 months
okay, rewatching all the Antoine scenes after the finale makes all of them so much fucking funnier, because, like, did Lily know and was entertaining his method acting, and also, like, the fact that this boy was clearly trying so hard to make Big Red fall in love with him? Like, "Big Red! You were also there!" He was like NOTICE ME NOTICE ME NOTICE ME and clearly read one too many enemies to lovers fanfics. I don't know, it's just so much funnier. Also, were his parents just like, okay, sure, pretend to be a French idiot, like, what is his family life like?
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fictionbish · 1 year
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Big Red being a simp for Antoine.
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team-wonderstudy · 1 year
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witchymoonart · 1 year
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triple date :>
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keeponkippenon · 6 months
"Antoine's" Confession - s4 ep8 "Born to Be Brave"
Love this scene ngl. I wasn't even surprised that he wasn't actually French, or that he was into Big Red from the start. More so that they actually went this route, and brought Andrew back for it lmao.
Redtoine has been a goofy ship of mine since s2, and I'm happy it's real now! 🎉
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captainwans · 2 years
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pairing: antoine griezmann x fem! reader
summary: usually antoine kept calm during heated matches with his opponents. however, one comment about his wife made him see red.
warning: traumatized reader, lots of angst, cursing, mention of former abusive relationship, mentions of anxiety disorders, and fluff at the end.
word count:  2,4k | ( gif not mine! )
disclaimer: luiz is a fictional character that i made up, in case you’re wondering. hope you like this as much as i liked writing it! <3
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…   [Y/N] SAT AT THE STANDS, both of her legs anxiously bouncing as her eyes darted across the stadium with an uneasy expression plastered onto her face. She chewed on her bottom lip, lost in a dire of haunting thoughts that made her want to throw herself off a cliff—quite literally. She halted with her breaths, a shaky sigh escaping her lips as she relived the small argument that was shared between her and her husband, Antoine, and she felt a sting in her chest for her own behavior.
    “I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal–” [Y/N] tried to argue, but was cut off by Antoine, who paused with a look of disbelief, looking at his wife like she’d grown two heads.
     Antoine scoffed, resting a hand on his hip. “It matters to me because he hurt you! The fact that we’re playing against each other makes me fucking sick to my stomach. How am I supposed to play fair when that guy’s the reason for the bruises you on your—” [Y/N]’s eyes burgeoned with tears, her jaw tightly clutched as she rapidly shook her head, blocking out her ex-boyfriend’s name.
    “Don’t. Don’t talk about him.” [Y/N] shot in a calming manner, her eyes rigid with tears. A reign of pain engulfed her body, but she stood on her ground, not allowing herself to break. Crumbling to pieces was not something she wanted to do at the moment, especially not in front of Antoine.
    Luiz Moralez was a menace—even on the football field. Having received multiple cards, yellow and red, go in accordance with how he is as a person outside of football. [Y/N] however, was blinded by love and saw the signs late. She remembered giving her friends a weird look at the comments about him, completely oblivious and too in love to realize that she made a deal with the devil.
    A gentle hand rubbed her back, snapping her out of her thoughts. She swallowed a lump into her throat, clenching her jaw before turning her head to Antoine’s sister, Maud, who looked at her with concern. “Are you alright, honey?” she softly asked, her doe-eyes gazing at her with genuine worry.
    [Y/N] dug her nails into her palms, biting the insides of her cheeks. The question made her want to sob into her arms, wanting her to rock her body back and forth while caressing her hair. She licked her dry lips before giving her an answer. “I, uh—I don’t know, Maud,” she admitted, giving her an uncertain smile, not sure if the smile was for herself or for her best friend.
    Maud’s hand traveled up to her neck, almost wincing at how tense it was. She studied her, her eyes slightly narrowed as she watched how her chest was heaving, making her frown. She glanced at her hands, noticing her fidgeting with her wedding band. Her eyes softened, bringing her warm hand into her cold ones, rubbing her icy skin with her thumb. “You’re safe here. It’s okay.”
    [Y/N] cringed internally, feeling like a child. Her jaw was starting to sting at how tight it was clutched. She nodded, repeating her words like a mantra. Her lips muttered her words quietly, earning another rub on her back for reassurance. The dark cloud in her heart became heavier, writhing and squeezing her chest tightly making her let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
     A whistle echoed inside the stadium, indicating the players’ appearance. Both of the teams stepped out of the dark hall, making a round of applause and cheers echo inside the stadium. [Y/N] moved her head, trying to catch a glimpse of her husband, but her eyes landed on Luis instead, whose piercing gaze on her made her freeze in her seat.
     Blood drained from her skin, her expression stretched into a mask of fright. She could feel her heart palpiate, blood rushing through her ears as she watched him give her a nod in greeting, his lips curving into a smirk. She quickly averted her gaze away toward his husband, whose eyes was on Luis—eyes glowed with fire.
   Antoine gently tapped his mascot’s shoulders, giving the child a comforting pat to ease their nerves. He stood across his opponent, who ironically happened to be Luiz. His blood boiled at how he sent a smile to his wife. His mouth quirked with annoyance, lips suppressing fury as he gave him a cold look.
    Luiz moved his gaze toward his opponent, an amusing expression plastered onto his features. He had his arms behind his back, shoulders out with a confident posture and Antoine wanted nothing more than to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.
    The French man gave him one last glare, turning his attention away from him to the match. Both of the teams gave each other a handshake, mutters of good luck and a tap on the back. Luiz neared Antoine, his rough hands clasping with his.
    Antoine tightened his grip on his hand, giving it a squeeze. He gave him a nod, his lips forming into a forced smile. He watched him falter for a moment before returning the same enforcing smile, their eyes dangerously pierced into each other.
    The players gathered around the field, waiting for the referee to blow the whistle. Antoine’s eyes darted across the stadium, eyes searching for his wife. His eyes found hers and he gave her an apologetic look, indicating for the small argument they had earlier. He watched her shake her head, blowing a few kisses, her lips chanting with the crowd for the French man.
    He smiled, eyes soft and loving, completely oblivious of Luiz giving him a glowering look. After what felt like an internity, the whistle finally blew and the match started. Half of the match went for Antoine’s team, having scoring a goal that went the crowd craving for more. Although Antoine encountered his opponent tackling him and preventing him from scoring, he managed in the end and manuvered the ball skillfully into the net.
    That seemed to make Luiz bitter for the whole break and it was obvious for the audience. Some caught him making dull comments about the French man, throwing his hands up exasperated about their performance. Some of his teammates watched the Spanish man with annoyance, making Antoine chuckle under his breath with a shake of his head. This guy, he thought.
    The rest of the match started with the other team dribbling the ball and centring to each other. Antoine jogged toward his opponent, managing to catch the ball and leading it to the other direction. The crowd roared with anticipation, watching the French man on the field, skillfully dodging their attempts to take the ball away from him. He was near and getting closer, but as his feet was about to shoot, Luiz happened to prevent the goal by using his body to push his shoulders, sending him to the ground.
   [Y/N] gasped, a hand covering her mouth as she watched the spectacle in front of her. Her eyebrows were knitted and her frown deepened. “Fucking asshole,” she cursed out loud, making a few snap their heads toward her direction—agreeing with her comment.
    “Asshole? More like a fucking meneance. How isn’t that a yellow card?” A man beside her interjected with a scorn, making a few people around him agree with his statement, their shouts of anger filling her ears.
    Antoine stood up on his feet, feeling his shoulder sting. He wiped off sweat that was trickling down his face and clenched his jaw. His face flushed with anger, watching how Luiz took the ball away from him. He noticed a few of his teammates crying in protest, yelling at the referee for a yellow card to the man. He patted a team player on the back, indicating to keep going and reassuring that he was fine.
    Luiz dribbled the ball, maneuvering around his opponent as he neared the net. The crowd cheered, boosting his skills as his foot went for a potential score, but was blocked by Antoine, who jumped in front of the net and slid his body against the grass.
   It was only a few minutes left and the other team could already taste victory. Just as Antoine stood up from the grass, his body was tackled to the ground, his hip hitting the ground with a harsh thump. A yelp tore through his throat, his hand gripping his left hip with gritted teeth.
    “Fucking jerk,” he grumbled, clenching his jaw. His teammates ran to his side, carefully helping him up to his feet before making a run to attack the Spanish player. They shared their complaints to the referee on his behalf, eyes dripped with spite as they looked at the opposite team.
    Antoine felt a prickling pain at his left hip, making him let out a shaky breath as he halted toward Luiz with a neutral expression on his face to prevent himself from punching his face. He watched him letting out a scoff, pushing one of his teammates out of the way to defend himself.
    A whistle pulled him out of his thoughts, making him snap his head toward the referee. Luiz could only shrug, a cocky expression plastered onto his face as he neared the referee. “We almost scored, he ruined the shot, man. I almost had it!” he defend himself with a glare, looking at his Antoine, whose veins in his neck stood out in living ridges, ready to pop out any second.
    After a bargain of shouts and protests, the referee sent Luiz off the field, bringing a red card in the air and Antoine thought he was seeing things as he watched the other team cheer. He scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief at the interaction and turned on his heel to play the last few minutes that was left.
    A harsh tug at his shoulder made him quickly turn around and immediately met with the face that he despised the most. He narrowed his eyes, a scowl forming on his handsome features as he looked at his opponent’s expression turning into a sour look, indicating his red card.
    He watched him open his mouth, but he cut him off before he could utter a word, already knowing what he was going to say. Antoine inched closer, his unwavering gaze holding him in his place. “Say a fucking word about my wife, I dare you. Back. Off.” he sneered, his jaw clutched as he looked at him with a cold glare before leaving him on the spot.
    “Why not? She’s a fucking whore.” Antoine halted with his steps and turned around once again. A look of rage morphed into his face, along with a flushed face and his lips turning thin before barging toward him, his hands using all his strengths to send him back to the ground.
    “What the hell did you just say about her?” Even Luiz’s teammates gave him disappointed looks, a look of shock etched onto their faces as they watched him uttering words like that. A teammate pushed Luiz back to prevent him to throw a punch at the French player. “Hey, enough! You’ve done enough, man.”
    [Y/N]’s eyes brimmed with tears, her lips forming into a downwards pout as she tried to stop the overwhelming emotions bubbling to the surface. Another whistle blew, signaling that the game was over and their team won. The crowd cheered screams of joy, completely forgetting about the heated interactin between the players.
    She stood up from her seat, ignoring Maud’s pleads as her feet hit the staircase to lead her down the dark hall. She watched the team entering the hallaway, their brims of smiles widening at their another win. She clutched her chest, her body glued into a corner as her eyes frantically searched for her husband. She rubbed the back of her crossed arms, hot tears threatening to fall. She sniffled, wiping her nose with her hand and slowly sauntered toward, catching a glimpse of blonde locks at the peripheral of her vision.
    Antoine gave his coach a forced smile, giving him an embrace. He heard his words of praise, but his mind was elsewhere and he longed for his wife. His eyes averted away from his coach toward the entrance hall, trying to find her among the heavy mass.
    [Y/N] let out a breath she held for awhile, feeling her shoulders relax as her eyes finally locked with his. She let her feet lead her, fastening her pace, desperate to be into his arms. A breathy smile reached her face, her hands cupping both of his cheeks before engulfing him into her arms.
    Antoine let out a tired sigh, hiding his face into her hair as he pulled her closer to his body. He rocked them back and forth, enjoying being in each other arms as they both whispered words of love and sweet nothings. “I’m sorry, mon chéri (my darling).” he murmed into her neck, planting a soft kiss into her skin before pulling away.
    [Y/N] shook her head, her hand drifting to hold the side of his neck as her thumb brushed his jaw. She felt him relax at her touch, reaching his hand to cover with hers. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re right—what you said, you know. I just, uh, I didn’t know what to say and I–I–” her words got caught in her throat, a vibrant blush creeping up her cheeks at his soft gaze.
    Antoine caught her chin, his thumb gliding across her cheekbones in a tender and gentle caress. He captured her lips for a loving kiss. She met his kiss with a dreamy sigh, her hands sliding up to wrap around his shoulder to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.
    They broke away the kiss, their forehead leaned against each other. Antoine’s lips curved up, both of his hands caressing her flushed cheeks. He hummed, planting a kiss on her forehead before pulling her into his chest. “I love you so much, you know that right? More than that psycho..” he told her, feeling her muffled laughs into his chest.
   [Y/N] pulled away, giving her husband a giggle. “I know, sweetheart. I love you so much as well, Antoine.” she mirrored his affection, giving him a loving smile.
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skrooy · 6 months
Sonic Crack Ships
So lately I've been going through a Sonic phase though its mostly a Tails phase if im being honest with myself. I've been trying to watch all the Sonic media and read all the Sonic comics that I can while playing a few Sonic games here and there. So my messed up brain came up with this stupid idea. What if I put every version of every canon Sonic characters from all Sonic media into multiple rounds of the hunger games simulator until only ones left. So I did that and even though I literally did it yesterday I already forgot who won I just remember it was something stupid. I also did it with all the diffrent canon and AU versions of Tails I could find and the winner was actually Tails from Sonic Boom. But anyways im getting off track where im going with this is that today while I was doing nothing lying in bed my brain came up with an even more messed up idea. What if I put all the Sonic characters not including the humans into a random wheel picker on Google to form a bunch of crack ships. So I did it for every character on the wheel. I now have a list. And I have decided to post this list because I find it funny. And I dare people to draw a couple from this list together or make a short cute crack story about one of these ships. And if you do please send a link to me. Ill die laughing if anyone does this. Sorry if I misspelled some names. P.S. I tried to put pictures on here for each character but I couldn't figure out how. I already have a part 2 for this in the works with even more characters.
Rosy the Rascal x Dark Doom
Scourge the Hedgehog x Trip the Sungazer
Mephiles the Dark x Silver Sonic
Ray the flying Squirrel x Rouge the Bat
Espio the Chameleon x Whisper the Wolf
Sage x Metal Amy
Storm Beard x Tumble the Skunk
Tiara Boobowski x Duck Bill Platypus
Cat (from Sonic Freedom Fighters) x Sonar the Fennec Fox
Hangry x Johnny Lightfoot
Gaia (Light, Dark, or both) x Megan Acorn
Tangle the Lemur x Silver the Hedgehog
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil x Sails
Thorn Rose x Vector the Crocodile
Monkey Khan x Fang the Jerboa
Jack x Tikal the Echidna
Prim x Chip
Werehog Sonic x Blaze the Cat
Nicole the Holo Lynx x Catfish
Knuckles the Dread x Sonic the Hedgehog
Zector the Zone Cop x Metal Tails
Wave the Swallow x Morian Blackthorn
Infinite the Jackal x Mighty the Armadillo
Vermin the Cybernik x Super Mecha Sonic
Porker Lewis x Zails the Zone Cop
Geoffrey St. John x Nazo the Hedgehog
Metal Sonic 3.0 x Manic the Hedgehog
Rocket the Sloth x Eclipse the Darkling
Marine the raccoon x Metal Scourge
Sonia the Hedgehog x Red
Black Rose x Dingo
Metal Knuckles x Nine
Charmy Bee x Neo Metal Sonic
Zknuckles the Zone Cop x Knuckles
Vanilla the Rabbit x Ebony the Cat
Rusty Rose x Perci
Mecha Sonic x Jet the Hawk
Bark the Polar Bear x Emperor Metallix
Mangy x Amy Rose
Sally Acorn x Griff
Fleetway Sonic x Tails the Fox
Bean the Dynamite x Zonic the Zone cop
Nasty Hyenas (the whole group) x Sticks the Badger
Metal Sonic x Stripes the Tiger
Batten x Storm the Albatross
Fiona the Fox x Cream the Rabbit
Anti Tails x Shade the Echidna
Bunnie Rabat x Shadow the Hedgehog
Antoine x Zooey the Fox
Sonic.exe x Jules (yes I know this is Sonics dad in the comics)
Ifrit x MinaMongoose
Rocket Metal Sonic x Tekno the Canary
Avatar x Big the Cat
Zantoine the Zone Cop x Gnarly
Chaos x Rotor the Walrus
Bunny Bones x Anti Sally
Zouge the Zone Cop x Zespio the Zone Cop
Denizen 1998 x Tails Doll
Mecha Knuckles x Honey the Cat
Rebel x Sleet
Knucks x Pseudo Sonic
Solaris x Zally
Nack the Weasel x Athair
Ball Hog x Carrotia
Grand Battle Kuku 15th x Lupe the wolf
Roxy the waiter x Lien-Da
Number 16 Speedy x Alicia Acorn
King Max Acorn x Bearenger
Lawrence x Burning Blaze
Elias Acorn x Fiest the Panda
Ari x Roller
Sallybot x Queen Aleena
Da Bearz (both of them) x Fockewulf
Julie-Su x Dr. Finitevus
Ms. Possum x Catty Carlisle
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unreadpoppy · 11 months
song as old as rhyme - chapter 7
{Beauty and the Beast AU - Raphael x OC (Elize)}
chapter 6
Read on AO3
Taglist: @littlemoondarling @desenhosdebolso
A/N: I'm so tired rn but I'm glad I've finished it. Honestly, I hope the chapter turned out good cause i've been preparing myself mentally to write it for a long time. Also I might be straying a bit away from the plot of B&tB but I personally don't mind it much.
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Elize had closed her eyes when they were engulfed in smoke. Now opening them, she noticed two things.
The first one was that she was in a room she had never seen before. The place was big, bigger than her own house and there were big red curtains everywhere. There was a chandelier and a huge painting of a devil above a fireplace. Finally, she noticed a circular dinner table was set, with at least eight chairs in it. The food, by the smell of it, seemed to be rotting away. 
The second thing Elize noticed was the absence of her father. She turned around and Raphael was on the far side of the room, in front of the fireplace. He had shed his human skin, now looking like the devil in the picture. 
Elize took a deep breath. Whatever happened next, she needed to keep herself calm and stand her ground. 
“Where is he?” She asked. 
“Safe, in the comfort of his home.” Raphael replied. “Now, about the deal-” 
“Before you do so” She interrupted him abruptly, which made him clench his jaw. “I need to know what my father had agreed to.” She looked down, when finishing the phrase. 
He raised an eyebrow. “And why do you require that? This deal is between you and I, only.” 
“I’m aware, however” She raised her head, looking him in the eye.”If I am to take his place, I should know what he did to begin with.” She remembered an old advice Mr. Antoine had given her. “After all, transparency is key.” 
While Elize said all that, she was holding her hands in front of her, using all of her strength to not bite on her nails. 
Raphael thought for a moment. “Very well.” He snapped his fingers and a contract, with Audifax’s signature at the bottom, appeared in front of her. She held it and while she read, the devil walked towards her. “Your dear old father arrived at my Devil’s Den, talking about how he needed money to survive.” 
Without realizing, Elize had begun to slowly walk around the room while she read. 
“I, in my great generosity, of course, decided to lend him some of my fortune.” She broke away from the contract to look at him, brows furrowed. “All he needed to do was to pay me back within seven days.”
“And how would he do so?”
Raphael’s lips slightly turned upward. “Easy. Near Sharess Caress there is a gambling house.”
She stopped in her tracks, turning around to face him. “So you sent him there, to make him lose all his money?” She asked in an accusatory tone. 
“Of course not!” He opened his arms. “I send him there to make even more golden pieces! He could have tripled what I gave him!” His brows furrowed. “But what does the man do instead? He spends every single gold I gave him.”
Elize got to the part of the contract where it said how much money was lent and what was to happen if Raphael didn’t get paid his due. 
“Ten thousand gold pieces…” The girl whispered to herself, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “He should have told me what he was going to do.” Elize mentally cursed her father. She knew Audifax wasn’t the greatest with money, especially after her mother went away, and now, he had made both of their situations worse. 
“What he should or should not have done matters little.” Raphael said. “In the end, he dug his own grave.” He snapped away the contract, looking at Elize. “Or better, he dug your grave.”
Elize sighed. “So this is it.” She said in a tired voice. “What are your terms?” 
Raphael raised an eyebrow. “Straight to the point now, are we?” He remarked.
He snapped his fingers and a clean scroll and quill appeared midair. The quill moved on its own, writing down what Raphael said. 
At this point, he was slowly walking around, circling her like a predator would. 
“You are to stay here, in the House of Hope, ready for whenever I need you.” He stopped momentarily, while she nodded in understanding. “ You are not allowed a foot out of the house without my expressed permission. You may refer to me by name in front of others, but in my presence you will call me either sir or master.” 
Elize rolled her eyes at that. Thankfully, he was behind her and didn’t notice. 
He continued on with more and more terms, all of which Elize chose not to comment on. Better to just agree then make her time here worse.
“Finally, fail in any way and you will be punished accordingly.” He stopped, a few feet away from Elize. “Any questions?” Raphael asked. 
“How long will I be here for?” 
“As I said before, forever.” He answered. Elize quickly realized he had meant when they were in the woods.
“No?” Raphael repeated, raising one eyebrow. 
Elize closed her eyes and took a steady breath, trying to remember the things she had read in Antoine’s book about devilish contracts. 
She couldn’t falter now. “You said that before drafting anything. It was a spoken agreement, yes, but on paper, it holds little to no value.” She practically blurted out, not looking at him directly. “Due to that, the matter of time can still be agreed upon, especially considering that up until now-” she sent her gaze towards him. “I have not made any objections.” 
Raphael slightly squinted his eyes. Maybe the girl was as smart as her father had claimed. 
“You make a compelling argument.” He replied after a long pause. “Instead of eternity, you will spend a day for every coin that your father owns me.” 
Elize, knowing she wouldn’t be able to receive much better, reluctantly nodded her head. 
‘Maybe ten thousand days would pass by faster than what they sound like’ she tried to reason with herself. 
The quill had finally stopped moving and the scroll, now filled with words, was pressed towards her. Taking the quill in her right hand, she signed her name.
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gay-little-cloud · 6 months
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a lot of the pics i printed for this are on this pinterest moodboard !
now onto more clear credits:
all the pics with actual people in them are from kpop concepts/mv/photobooks/teasers
-on page 1:
Red Velvet (The ReVe Festival Finale) gruop teaser, 2019
-on page 2 (top to bottom)
Red Velvet (The ReVe Festival Finale) gruop teaser, 2019
f(x) Electric Shock EP photobook scan, 2012
GFRIEND Apple MV ss, 2020
ARTMS Pre1: Birth MV ss, 2024
Dreamcatcher "MYSTERIOUS MANSION Story Film (DAY ver.) ss, 2021
the artworks:
the big creepy forest creature: Ulla Thynell (Finnish, b. 1982) Untitled, 2021
the creepy sirens: The River Daughters of Plynlimon (Concept art from Disney's Fantasia, 1940)
the hand turning into a three: "Apollo et Daphne" by René-Antoine Houasse, 1677
purple fairy with a sword: Thistle Flower Fairy by Cicely Mary Barker, 1925
the little brownish bottles, fangs and horn: Spiderwick Chronicles illustrations
i couldnt find the artist for the little fairies dancing, please let me know if you do !
you can find a lot of the cute little ones by searching "[____] png" on pinterest. for example: potion bottle png, bunny figure png, flowers png, etc. + some of these are just stickers i bought at the dollar store heh
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thebvbbletea · 1 year
It's not only because we have rina, madlyn, jetney, seblos, miss jen x mr. mazzara, the possibility of ej x val and even big red x antoine as a final couple (i mean i love it hsdkhd but it so much more than this). But because we could learn so much about all of the characters.
We learn that ricky's attachment issue is his problem from the start and I'm so glad that he learn to embrace it, start to opening up about his feelings and to grow up more as a person. We could see that gina's mom absent is affecting her life, that she's more vurnerable than what it appear to be and she's finally got the spotlight that she deserve since the very start.
We could learn that carlos is not as confident as he appear to be and struggle with the bullying before join the drama club. We could see that kourtney is a perfectionist and sometimes it makes her life harder and I love how she learn to eased up a little. We could see ej slowly growth as an young adult, how he finally could stand up to his dad and also love how he's the one who make a big speech to ricky and how he and gina forgave each other.
We could learn so much about miss jenn's past and why she's so determinated to be a teacher. And about ashlyn and her sexuality awakening and maddox + jet's being each other bestfriend without they admit it.
We also could learn more about seb's coming out story, big red's sexuality awakening, mr. mazzara's past and even mack and dani's side story about being a famous person.
I can't believe I said this but I'm so sad that the journey is ended and I'm really sad to saying goodbye to all of the characters. This season is a truly gem and tim federle is a legend for this.
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princenasim · 3 years
Red and Antoine are like…the perfect foil of Ricky and EJ 💀😭
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waterisntreal · 3 years
I hate how the hsmtmts writers just get me on board with every relationship they come up with
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insomniactalks · 2 years
What is your dream cast for Frozen as the summer musical in Season 3?
Hmmm....if we had all the mains/casts members this season, then it would be the following:
Elsa- Kourtney (time for her to shine!🌟)
Anna- Gina (also time for her to shine!🌟)
Hans- Howie (his voice!😭)
Kristoff- Ricky or Seb (they would b/ be so good!😚)
Sven- Nini (would be a nice callback to S1😂)
Olaf- EJ or Big Red (EJ would be hilarious!🤣 Would've also loved a tap dancing number.🤔)
King & Queen- Ricky and Lily (I do not ship them to be clear. Just had to put Lily somewhere lol😅)
Duke- Carlos or Antoine (They'd b/ be great!😁)
Oaken- Seb (Such Oaken vibes😌)
Bulda & Troll King- Ash and Big Red (Cute couple things. I'd be down for them as Queen and King, too. 🥰)
Since we know Lily and Nini are recurring, Seb and Big Red have reduced roles, and Howie and Antoine aren't even in it, I doubt any of my predictions/hopes for the cast are correct. I do seek solace in the fact Gina's story going into S3 is the closest to Anna's story, even if she doesn't play her. I also have a feeling EJ will play a Kristoff- and/or Olaf-like role in Gina's story this season. 🤔🤗
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sunset-bobby · 3 years
Hsmtmts commentary 2x6
I mean lily is very pretty, and what a way to open up
omg Andrew/Antoine
Ashlyn hun ur better than her don’t freak out
Ah Seb ur a terrible liar
ms.jen: improve me: thinks of that fanfic w/ ej crying
Wow so y’all didn’t give Ashlyn’s rose away y’all literally are gonna out shine her w/ Nini 🙄
i loved Nini and Ricky but now i’m highly annoyed
oh they’re splitting them up thanks Ms.Jenn
oooo Mikey and Jenn frist date
Howie and Kourtney i love
Seb honey i-
Gina rlly said cold shoulder....😭😭
team Wonderstudy
Ricky likes Hawaiian period, but man is clingy asf
I’m predicting a rini break up soon
Ashlyn you’re amazing
Gina sweetie i’m sorry
I love Jenzzara but Mikey is so sweet
ahhhhhhhhhh oh wow that’s intense
oooo EJ scene
the way his hip is cocked
Um...ricky honey tf is wrong with you
EJ i love you
Ricky is afraid of change
this entire episode is everyone on edge
heard it here first Caswells get snappy when they feel threatened
omg omg nooo my rina heart i- that’s too much pain
“I wouldn’t quit on us”
i’m crying, gina’s crying, ricky’s tearing up
a hufflepuff moon 🥺
yes Ashlyn solo finally
We stan proud cousin EJ
she’s such a great singer
black people in love 😭😭 i love Kourtney and Howie
well no more Mike and Miss.Jenn but i’m glad we are getting these Ricky scenes again
so like I love this but like how many nini songs we getting this season....and do i at least get an EJ solo
that being said Rini is def breaking up soon and this song will be on repeat
i didn’t think i’d be in my feels the entire episode but here i am
carlos just ruined it tf ask permission first
Sneak Peak
The sneak peak cover is EJ and Gina is the morning host
dance off so is there no singing
also the next episode is for the extra to shine
imma be honest they can’t dance Gina and big red and all the other dancers like Stephanie and Kaden are gonna have to carry
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ashlynredonovitch · 3 years
Go read chapter 5! It is my favorite chapter yet!!!
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phycoish · 3 years
Redlyn season 3 idea
Ashlyn and Nina are in their cabin chilling and talking. Ashlyn is talking about Big Red and Nina says “You really do love him” And Ashlyn Says that they haven’t used the L word yet. Nina jokes about writing him a song. (You know in the movies when someone says something sarcastically but She/He/(THEY) end up taking it seriously, That’s what happened. Nina warned Ashlyn about what happened during the relationship when she wrote the song for Ricky. But Ashlyn ends up trusting her gut. Nina helps Ashlyn set up after the camp sing along. Ashlyn makes a little short speech about how Red made her more confidant. Ashlyn pulls out a guitar and Red is sitting there SOBBING!! (as he should) And once the song is over Ashlyn says “I love you Biggie” Red eyes glow and says I love you too” Ashlyn starts crying Big red Starts crying WE START CRYING!! Ashlyn puts the guitar down and pulls Big red into a kiss he kisses back YadaYada they end up making out Antoine notices this and becomes envious and the episode ends! 
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