#big buff aubrey
Four years after the good end, Aubrey helps Basil dye his hair. 9k words of wholesome timeskip photobomb, AKA the most sapphic-coded het ship of all time. Link after the preview!
Basil’s been daydreaming about dyeing his hair for years. Not that he’s ever actually said so. He’s just… obvious. Every time Aubrey shows up with her hair in a new shade of pink, his whole face lights up. 
The next time the gang rolls out for one of Kel’s games, she finally pops the question. “So, when are you gonna let me dye your hair?” 
Basil’s big blue eyes get even bigger. “Y–You want to??”
“Hell yeah I do! C’mon, what's the worst that could happen?"
He swallows. “Well. I could mess up the ratio on the bleach and lose all my hair… Or they might have mislabeled the d-dyes, so I’d end up looking like a clown… Or my professors might think I was, um, f-frivolous, or… unprofessional… Or they might not even recognize me! And when they tried to throw me out of lecture, I’d get so p-panicked I couldn’t even explain, so it’d get marked as an unexcused absence, and then—”
“Damn, dude, you’re really serious about this.”
He startles and stares.
“Sorry,” she snickers. “I just mean… Look, no one can say you haven’t done your research. But, hey! The good news is, everything you’re scared about is stupid.” 
Basil gives her a reproachful look. “You only get three unexcused absences before they dock your grade.”
“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Okay, dude, I gotchu. Check this out.” She counts on her fingers as she rattles off each reply. “You’re blonde enough that you can probably skip the bleach. We can do a test strip before we do your whole head. You’re a fucking literature major, half your professors have more tattoos than I do. And… Uh. What am I missing?”
His frown is twitching at the edges, like it’s fighting with a smile. “Unexcused absence.”
“—And no one in all of history has ever been turned into a stranger by a little hair dye, but if you’re really worried, I’ll walk you to class after. That way, if you go all deer-in-the-headlights, I can talk for you.” 
“Y-You’d really do that?”
“Yeah, it’s whatever,” she yawns. “I guess I'm just, like, an insanely good guy.”
A snuffling little laugh slips out of him. “Well… If you really wouldn’t mind…” 
“Hah!! Fuck yeah, dude! Look at you, being all brave and shit. When d’you wanna do this?”
“Well…” He looks sideways at her. “Um… Are you doing anything after this?”
After saying bye to the others, Aubrey has to double back to unlock her bike.
“Oh,” Basil says, frowning at it. “Hm.”
“What? You don’t think you can keep up?”
His eyes widen. “Um—!!”
“I’m kidding,” she snorts. “Anyway, you definitely could not. Don’t stress, dude, I was always gonna walk it. Unless you wanna ride on my handlebars?”
Basil looks down the hill and shudders. “D-Definitely not. Um. No offense.” 
“Naw, that’s fair. I’d feel really bad if I had to brake and launched you into traffic.”
He chokes on a laugh. “...I could maybe try to stand on the back tires?”
“Ooh, very Ghibli. But I gotta pass. Great way to break an axle, unfortunately. It’s cool,” she reassures him. “It’s a nice walk.”
At the first crosswalk, Aubrey frowns and slows to a stop, nodding at Basil to keep walking. “Here, get on my left. I don’t wanna whack you with the handlebars.” 
And if it also puts Basil on the inside of the sidewalk, further from the street, well. What about it? The gutters are still puddled with last night’s rain, and Basil’s outfit is way too cute to get splashed.
Basil tends to dress down for Kel’s community basketball games. (Kel might be the nicest nerd ever to dribble a ball, but jocks are still jocks.) So there’s no shimmer in the creases of his eyes, and only a couple of those silly little hairclips he likes. But his knitted sweater is covered with fuzzy white sheep, and the pale pink of his swishy wide-legged pants doesn’t look very mud-friendly. 
Right on cue, a city bus screams past, spraying Aubrey with a spatter of grade-A grime. 
“Oh!!” Basil gasps. “Are you okay?” 
“No. I’m melting. Guess you’re gonna have to get Sunny to do your hair. Just, please… Tell my story…”
“Hmph! Then I guess you don’t want the Tide-to-Go pen I’ve got in my backpack!!” 
“Pfffw,” she sputters. “Oh, my god, it’ll come off in the wash, you nerd. Anyway, these shorts have definitely seen worse.”
They take a quick detour to shop around for dye, and then they’re back on track. Outside of the CVS, Basil excuses himself to glance at his phone. He frowns. 
“...Sunny?” Like she even has to ask. 
Basil nods distractedly. “I’m a little worried…” 
Basil is basically always a little worried, but this time, he’s got a point. “Yeah, I guess he was a little off today. He’s all worked up about this Kel thing, huh?” 
“Oh my gosh, thank god you guys already talked about it—Yes!! They’re being so silly about this!! It’s—I mean—I don’t think I’m just making assumptions; of course I can’t see inside anyone else’s head, but it’s… From an outside perspective, it certainly seems like…”
“...They want the same thing, and they’re just being dumbshits about it?”
“Exactly!!!” Basil hesitates. “Well. Maybe not that last part. But Kel came over yesterday and oh my gosh, Aubrey, you would not believe how much they were—Ugh!! Okay, let me paint you a picture.” 
Some people might call it gossip, but their friends have always loved nothing more than talking about their friends. Knowing everything about each other is just another way to love someone.
“Hey, here’s an idea,” she says, when she’s finished laughing her ass off. “Kel’s headed to your place later, right?” Basil and Sunny are the only ones who actually live there, but all five of them have the keys. 
Basil nods.
“So, why don’t you crash at mine?” Nice. Totally casual. “Give Sunny a little space to sort his shit out, instead of just whining to us about it. Let’s be honest, those nerds need all the help they can get.” 
Basil’s eyes widen. “You… wouldn’t mind?” 
“Hey, c’mon! Why would I! It’s been way too long, anyway. When’s the last time we had a sleepover?”
“Probably, um.” He hesitates. “P-Probably after the psych ward.” 
…Right. Obviously. Wow, she’s an asshole. 
The last time Aubrey slept over at Basil’s house is also the first time in at least four years. (Assuming you don’t count the night she spent in his living room while, just down the hall, Basil was busy gouging out Sunny’s eye. Which Aubrey doesn’t. Basil wasn’t even there.)
It’s been exactly two weeks since Sunny moved away. Two weeks since Basil took Sunny’s eye, and Sunny clawed Basil’s face to bloody pulp. Two weeks since Sunny finally told the truth behind the lie that broke Hero’s heart and Basil’s mind and Aubrey’s ability to be a decent fucking person. 
It was too much. Way too fucking much. Aubrey had only just found the strength to look at herself, at all the things she’d said and done and didn’t do. The way she’d let grief make her into a monster. And before she even got the chance to properly apologize, the whole picture got flipped on its head. How is she supposed to feel about Basil now that she knows what he did? How is she supposed to apologize when she’s still so fucking angry? 
She needs answers. She needs answers, or she'll never sleep through the night for the rest of her life. Where the fuck else is she supposed to get them?
The doctors at the psych ward don’t want to send Basil home. But he’s following the rules, giving the right answers to all their leading questions. And they need his room for kids that are still actively trying to shoot up their school or set fire to their step-dad’s trailer or whatever. 
The doctors know that Basil is all messed up. Unstable. Dangerous. But the victim refuses to press charges, so, technically, there is no crime. At a certain point, their hands are tied. There’s nowhere else to put him. As usual, nobody wants him.
They did put him on antipsychotics, though. And sedatives. And anti-anxiety pills that make him feel like he’s floating underwater. All the drugs wrap his brain up in a soft blanket of fog, insulating him from the things he can’t stop remembering. The dark behind his eyes is still red with Sunny’s blood but it’s like a memory of a dream, a fairy tale he only half remembers. Once upon a time there were two boys, one made of poison and one made of blood. Rivers of blood. So thick that it runs almost black. 
Basil floats home and floats down the hall and floats into his room. Someone’s diligently removed everything sharp, the bonsai trimmer and the pruning shears and even all the pencils on his desk. And his carpet is gone. There’s a spot on the floor where the wood’s bleached white. That must be where he did it. 
Something rattles against his window. Outside, it’s already dark. On the other side of the glass, Mari swings from the tree. 
Basil blinks and the picture rearranges itself. Not Mari. Too alive. And too... pink. Aubrey. But why would Aubrey be hanging from the tree? Aubrey isn’t even dead. 
“Basil,” Aubrey’s voice hisses. It sounds real enough. But then, the voices always did. 
Basil frowns. Weren’t the drugs supposed to fix him? It feels like they made him worse.
“Basil. Basil!! I know you’re in there, man, we are literally making eye contact. Will you open up already? I’m losing my grip.”
Basil blinks again. Is the actual Aubrey actually hanging from the tree? He can’t make it make sense but he can’t connect any thoughts with any other thoughts, so maybe it does make sense, and it’s just his mind that’s wrong. Just in case, he lurches to his feet and fumbles with the lock.
The floor feels like jello. He misses the window-lock three times before it clicks. Then the window rattles open, and Aubrey swings through it. 
The picture warps. When Basil opens his eyes he’s on his bed again, slumped back against the headboard. But Aubrey is still there. She looks real. And strangely panicked.
“...Aubrrrr…? Why’re…” 
His tongue fumbles the rest. He’s out of practice, talking. Even when he wasn’t, he was never any good.
Basil’s eyes won’t focus. His pupils are wildly dilated, as round as two dimes. Aubrey managed to wrestle him back into bed before he could crack his skull on the floor, but he’s still slipping in and out of consciousness. He keeps looking at her like he’s not sure she’s real. Shit. What kind of fucked-up shit did they dose him with? 
“What‘rrr,” he mumbles. What are you doing here, probably. It’s a reasonable question. 
Aubrey came here for answers.
She knows what happened. Sunny isn’t much for talking, but when he does, he’s always very clear. But she still can’t understand how, or why. And she can’t stop feeling angry. She feels just as sorry as she feels angry, but that only makes the anger louder. Her anger is an alive thing inside her and it won’t stop burning in her chest, clawing at her throat. It feels like it won’t stop until she understands. 
But it doesn’t look like Basil is in any condition to help with that. Does he even know who she is? 
“Aubrrrr,” he slurs, tilting over sideways. So that’s probably a yes. “What’s. What???”
She huffs a breath. “Sorry. I just, uh. I heard you got discharged, and…” Her hands curl to fists. “Look, I think we need to talk.” 
To her horror, Basil bursts into tears. 
“H-Hey, come on. It’s not like—” Muscle memory makes her reach for him. Actual memory reminds her to keep her hands to herself. “I didn’t come here to hurt you.” 
It only makes him cry harder. Basil curls into himself like he’s trying to disappear. He’s trying to say something but it’s just noise. The keen of an animal in pain. 
Shit. She is fucking this up. 
She shouldn’t be here. It’s so fucked up that she’s even here. The bully who made his life hell for the past four years—the psycho who tried to drown him—just forced her way into his bedroom. Of course he’s fucking scared.
She lets out her breath. “Sorry. This was stupid. I'll get out of your hair.”
“W-Wait,” Basil gasps. “Please wait, I’m s-sorry, I can s-st-stop crying, I— If you j-just g-give me a second I p-p-promise I’ll stop.”
Jesus. “That’s not… What the fuck are you even—" He’s shaking like a leaf, shuddering with the effort of holding it in. “Jesus christ, Basil, I don’t care if you cry! I just thought you’d want me out of here!!”
Basil shakes his head, pathetically fast. 
Christ. How alone do you have to feel to beg for the company of someone who treats you like dirt? Jesus fucking christ, this kid has been so fucking lonely. 
(And whose fault is that?)
The knife in her gut twists.
—Fuck. Okay. No. She's going about this all wrong. 
When they were kids, Basil never liked getting doted on. When he cried, he wanted to be touched, but not looked at. Obviously the touch thing is a non-starter, given... everything. But he didn’t used to mind getting talked at. It helped break him out of it, sometimes. Otherwise, he could get stuck like that for hours.
Aubrey sits on the floor, deliberately nonthreatening. “...Do you want a minute? Or should I just talk at you?”
“P-P, Pl—“ He grimaces through his tears, makes a fumbling gesture. Go ahead.
His stutter is worse than she remembers. Almost as bad as when they first met. That’s probably her fault, too. The shrapnel in her stomach crunches and grinds.
“I’m sorry I shouted,” she says quietly.
Basil’s forehead scrunches. The motion wrinkles the scabs feathering his face, making him wince.
“Sorry. I mean, uh. In the hospital. After Sunny—Um.” Stupid. He knows what she means. “I didn’t mean to, uh.” She clears her throat. “I was just. Overwhelmed.”
Basil’s head tilts. His eyes are clouded, uncomprehending.
“I—” Aubrey huffs impatiently. “Have you heard from Sunny?”
He shakes his head. “They didn’t let me keep my phone.”
Of course not. “Sorry. I, uh. I still need to talk to you. If that’s okay. But honestly, dude, you look like shit. You should probably, like… rest? I can come back in the—”
“No,” he gasps, lurching forward so violently that would have toppled out of bed, if she didn’t fling an arm in the way. “P-P-Pl, p-p-please—”
“Hey, woah!! Careful! Jesus fuckin… I’m not going anywhere, okay? I don’t really get it… But, I dunno. I guess I could… stay… over?” It’s almost unfathomable. Aubrey hasn’t slept in Basil’s room since they were stupid little kids. Just a couple of unwanted brats who’d got lucky enough to worm their way into someone else’s family. 
Immediately, she wants to take it back. Because, honestly, what the fuck is Basil going to think when he wakes up to find Aubrey on his floor? The monster under his bed, crawled out of his nightmares and into his waking world? But he looks so relieved that she can’t bring herself to do it. 
A moment later, a pillow falls onto the ground beside her. It’s followed by a blanket. 
Aubrey sits up a little, frowning. “Hey, c’mon. What are you—”
“Y’ll be cold,” Basil mumbles, semi-conscious. 
Whatever. It’s fine. It’s not like there’s anyone waiting for her at home. Aubrey will just wait until he falls asleep and then slip out the way she came, like she was never even here. Then once the sun’s up, she can knock on the front door like a normal fucking person. 
But when she opens her eyes, it’s already morning.
The scars on Basil’s face healed beautifully. Four years on, all that remains is a scatter of splintered white, like when you press your heel against a half-frozen puddle but only gently, not hard enough to crunch through to the mud. Or like those Japanese ceramics you make by smashing a pot and then painting it back together. 
Not that she’s ever told him that. She wouldn’t know how to do it without hurting him. Basil is very good at hearing the worst possible version of whatever-it-is you actually said.
Anyway, those wounds are already healed. No reason to cut into the scar.
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renthony · 2 years
I need more people to watch Little Demon because it's hilarious & I need there to be a big enough fandom for fanart to start happening.
Danny DeVito plays the Devil. His real-life daughter Lucy DeVito voices the antichrist, Chrissy, who has to navigate the hell of being 13 and having separated parents, while also being the literal antichrist whose dad is Satan. Chrissy's mom Laura (voiced by Aubrey Plaza) is a buff Jewish-Latina anarchist Wiccan stoner who fights demons that keep trying to kill Chrissy. It's fucking amazing.
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artofmerak · 1 year
I reread the 8th day series over reading break a while back, so I decided to draw my head canons for some of the characters in high school after the series.
Jax Aubrey
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He moves to go to Dorian’s school after graduating middle school to live with Riley and Evangeline, but basically alone for most days of the week.
Despite being a bit oblivious and nice to most people he meets, Dorian described him as a bit scruffy and delinquent-like. He definitely looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon bun. (He got that from Riley)
In fact, for the first few years of high school, most students are scared of him because he kept skipping classes (for some Grunsday missions) and looking like he just came out of a few fights
He learnt how to cook and bake not only because he now lives alone, but after seeing the twins’ atrocious diet and how picky Tegan was due to her sensitive nose, he decided to make good food
He is the mascot of the cooking club and the members absolutely adore him because they are the few people who actually see that he is not scary
He becomes secretly popular by the end of high school, though he doesn’t know himself.
Despite his initially mediocre grades (he shares a brain cell with Billy and Tommy), he studies hard to go to the same university Tegan is applying to. The reason why he applies for any universities is because it’s what his dad and now Riley want for him to do
One of his earrings is a gift from the round table for being a core field agent for them and they wanted a quick way to track him if any of the missions went south. It is directly linked to Tegan’s scry bowl due to their previous partnership in the Morrigan mission. (And because the round table also thinks they’re cute together.)
Dorian Ambrose
I’d like to think that he completely detaches himself from the Round Table business and opens a transport business with brownies
Tegan Donovon
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She and her family move to New York and go to the same school as Jax due to their increased involvement in the Round Table
Looks like a cinnamon roll, will kill you
She has a lot of hidden pockets to steal and store things with ease
She was a bit of a weird kid in the first year of high school, but with her charisma and analysis of school society, she quickly became the school’s most popular kids
While she’s still a bit of a chaos causer, due to the stupidity of her friends and brother, she does act as the mom friend when Evangeline is not there to take that role
She’s like the dad that doesn’t want pets (brownies in this case), but pretty much adopt one and love them dearly after a week
Eats anything Jax makes (food-wise)
Get jealous easily when it comes to Jax
Hosts girl’s night with Leslie and Addie where they start seances or whatever girls do at girl’s nights
Gets super high grades now that she doesn’t focus on stealing for a living because the Round Table pays them for their services
Plans to get into computer science in university
Tommy Donovon
Definitely gets buff and become the himbo of the group
Some other characters
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Definitely gets anxiety and PTSD from the Morrigan situation (definitely needs therapy)
Gets a tattoo on her wrist (done by AJ), similarly to the family crests, but it’s actually a ward against the Morrigan
Gets close to Billy because they are the “normal ones”
She’s going to show up one day on a normal day of the week casually while other people freak out that the 8th day curse is broken or something and some of the murderous Kin were free, but she would just go “yeah, I figured out how to break it but only for me.”
Then she goes to live with Jax because his apartment is way too big for one person
She’s skipped a few grades to be one under Jax and Tegan and is definitely the real delinquent of the school
Gets highlights in her her, to Evangeline’s dismay
She doesn’t study but gets amazing marks
Gets introduced to Avatar the last Airbender and convinces Jax and the gang to make the life action film of it using her magic and submits it as homework and convinces everyone the CGI was just really high quality
Just happily living away with Riley
Just a bit into arson
The mom friend
Does argue a lot with Addie but she’s proud of her at the end of the day
The flirt of the friend group
Gets a tattoo on his wrist (done by AJ) claiming that he can make his own bloodline (and who knows, maybe his kids will be able to get into the 8th day)
I don’t know, I just think that Billy and Leslie would be good together
Studies mythologies in college and goes around the world to investigate and learn more about what my be in Grunsday that they don’t know about
Is the intelligence analyst that the Round Table must consult with, as he is able to give the regular citizen perspective
Also helps regulate the relations between the normal people and the transitioners when a wild event is occurring, so the huge power imbalance between them in the books lessen
Very cowboy core (the part that said he wears cowboy boots in the book will never leave me)
His plan of sticking with Evangeline for every Grunsday works well and they have a happy life together
Core member of the Round Table
Tired all the time
Gets really weirded out when Jax is older than him
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mmliveblog · 2 months
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It took around ten tries full of farting around with figuring out how she ticked (I think she applied the mood buffs before nuking us every turn and that's why our juice kept dying), farting around with different tactics (today I learned the hard way debuffs don't last the entire battle), sifting through my inventory, and a lot of yelling.
But at last, I nailed a winning strat!
Hero equips the pan that increases snack healing: it's +50% and the effect works on anyone who uses the snack (I think this was the game changer)
Kel spams pizzas: he's holding the Chicken Ball so he always goes first
Omori and Aubrey spam normal attacks and basic followups: Don't have to worry about juice if I don't use it!
Hero sometimes throws a SnoCone (I can't tell if the buffs were substantial) or big juice heal their way to sneak in a few Red Hands or Beatdowns (not consistent with Aubrey because she's too slow but works OK with Omori) or just attacks
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Don't say that. You put up the fiercest fight in the entire game!
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some-mari-thoughts · 3 years
#OMORI spoilers
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Message me if you don't know how
Moving on.
✨Tag guide!✨
#TW gun/gunpoint/smoking/eye contact/death/s*****e/se**-**rm
#CW blood/gore/body horror/corpse/flashing/eyestrain
always/unlisted: #word (#blood)
#OMORI - my art tag!
#my art - art. Does not include doodleposts
#my doodles - doodles! Does not include big art-only posts
#colored - most rare and shiny ksenya art
#Headcanon corner - posts with large headcanon/lore dumps,, 👀
#Promo - reblogs! Others' art i find neat! Mostly Mari and Stranger, haha
Character tags: *any character name
#OMORI Sunny* - Art tag!
#Sunny* - Character tag!
#Knife boi - Omori (character) tag
#Son boi - Sunny tag
#Soft boi - Basil tag
#Truth boi - Stranger tag
#BIG SIS BIG SIS - Mari tag
#Leetol bro boi - Kel tag
#Big Bro Boi - Hero tag
#Little punk - Aubrey tag
#Sunshine -T!Sunny tag
#Sweet kit - Mewo tag
#OMG Big Sis - Hiyori tag
#Babey sis - Sally tag
#Small joys - big heart - Mutantheart tag
#OMOBUFF - they are buff.. I love it, marvelously cursed and weirdly soft in cases
#Wrath Mari - the,,,,,
#Ksenya - wherever I myself pop up :P
#Ask tag - asks beloveds..
#TBD - to be deleted...
Get comfy! I enjoy getting asks, and will gladly talk about OMORI with you! That said, I much prefer when asks are related to the content of this blog, and will likely skip over some asks i find hard to reply to or feel like they belong elsewhere! (Like your own blog or my main)
Main - @ksenya-and-the-artistic-cucumber
Askblog (SPOILERS) - @ask-shittilydrawn-blackspace
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
So like,,,,,, if everone were to join aubreys gang,,,,, what would it be like,,,,,
Oh nonnie...what a fantastic question :)
That was really ominous, but like yeah they’re all gonna be friends eventually
Okay so things start out...so awkward
Like supremely awkward
Sunny moves away but he only moved like an hour away, and (from what I can tell in the game) it’s the start of summer vacation, so he comes back to Faraway pretty consistently
He spends most of his time with Basil at first, but slowly he gets reintegrated with his friends
I skip over a lot of the emotional turmoil and pain in my Headcanons (mostly because I’m writing a fic right now with all of that) but yeah it’s there don’t worry! I just view the game as ultimately being about mercy so I don’t see them not finding their way back together
N E Ways
So now that they’re all together again, Aubrey really wants to merge her two groups. She knows that the hooligans have hidden hearts of gold, and her childhood friends would mesh really well with them
But there’s a lot to unpack there. Mostly the fact that the hooligans bullied Basil (and in my opinion Kel too) and Kel is overprotective
Basil would be fine with moving past the bad stuff, but that’s not because he’s okay but more to do with the fact that he thinks he deserved to be in pain all those years
Kel (sunshine boy that he is) knows that Basil deserved better than being mistreated, and he doesn’t really get why they should want to be around the hooligans at all
He very begrudgingly agrees to give it a try, but only because all of the others want to try
They agree to all hangout in their old special spot behind the park. It’s a fairly neutral location, and it’s outdoors
Kel Basil and Sunny show up first and start goofing around and getting comfortable. They sit on the dock together and are chatting about Sunnys new house
Then Aubrey shows up with her gang, and the comfortable air is gone
One of the things I never got in the game is how they all called Kel a “bully” and I honestly think that was kind of at attempt at gaslighting? Like making him think somehow he was bullying them. Kel never fell for it, but it still affected him
Now this group of people that treated him pretty badly are in one of his safe places, and that sets Kel on edge
So they’re all just sort of standing there with an awkward silence and then in an instant Kel is in a fight with Kim and Vance
Not a physical fight, but they are sharing some pretty rude insults, and it’s not great
Aubrey tries to intervene and Basil comes over to help, but Sunny stays where he is, because the emotional charge in the air is stressing him out
Hero shows up late to the game with a picnic basket and sees all the children about to tear one another apart so he intervenes
He sets the basket down next to Sunny, who was still sitting on the dock watching all of this go down and walks over to put a hand on Kels shoulder
Okay so we know Hero is Big Brother™️, but I see Hero as like one of those people that every kid wanted to be. He was smart and popular and even Aubreys gang are pulled in by his charm. Every small town has a few of these kids (speaking from experience of a small town lmao)
The hooligans were fine with fighting when it was just Kel, but Hero is one of those people you can’t really fight with and you don’t want to
Hero being there also calms Kel down because now he has someone he knows is in his corner and who won’t let their group get hurt
So they all settle down and start to eat the food Hero brought. Then they start talking and it turns out that Charlie Vance and Kim are also horror movie buffs
This brings Sunny into the discussion a bit and he starts to give a few short answers and ask some questions of his own
Basil is also being pretty quiet, but Hero manages to drag him and Angel into a discussion about photography and cameras
Aubrey is loving every second of this and she just watches both of her groups getting alone pretty well. It’s not 100% but it’s nice
They all walk out of the park as a group, and Kel surprises everyone by inviting them all over to his house to watch scary movies and eat popcorn
Normally Hero and Aubrey would veto the scary movie, but they will suffer through the terror and gore for a successful night
The hooligans agree, and then they are all in the living room of Hero and Kels house watching some D-List shitty horror movie and everyone is either terrified or laughing at how awful it is
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ramblerogue · 2 years
BLORBO ZONE 👀 10, 18, 21, 24?
AAAAA ENTERING THE BLORBO ZONE!!! Thank you so much for sending these in!!! :')
10. is the hottest?
OHOHO a scholar's question!! See, I have to mention Sandra because she is the quintessential Sexy Demon Lady That I Like To Draw In All Manor Of Hot Outfits. Like that's her whole deal!! She's very hot and pretty and I like her (And she's definitely the most popular of my OCs if we're going by tumblr notes LMAO) HOWEVER.... I do want to throw a bit of a curveball for this question because honestly, I think one of the hottest OCs for ME... would be Arizona! I think I'm just a sucker for a big ole buff, scruffy, cowboy lady!! She's 100% a catch and it's a crime that I don't draw her more! (I SHOULD CHANGE THAT...)
18. needs the most therapy?
OH A LOT OF THEM DO.... hmmm, I'm gonna go with Tiller on this one just because of All The Shit happening to her right now PFPFDSJGSDHLG. She Definitley needs to unpack some PTSD on accounts of almost being murdered Several times, seeing and killing an illusion of her lost crew/mayday, and now being the cause of a magic sickness plaguing her dragon mom and siblings. Also probably counseling for the fact that she, herself, has what's essentially a terminal illness and miss babygirl has been having LOTS of thoughts about mortality and guilt and the people she's "leaving behind" in general. (We're GOING to cure her, I'm HOPING she's not sick for much longer!!) Along with all that, Tiller has a tendency to want to carry the emotional burden of her friends (whether they want her to or not), because she thinks that solving OTHER people's problems is better than focusing on her own SO! YEAH! Please Tiller... my sweet girl.... go talk to somebody.
21. is the best cook?
This might be a deep-cut for some of y'all, but Eva! She was a paladin I played in a sci-fi campaign and out of all my characters, she... probably had her life the MOST together. And that includes cooking!! I think she would enjoy picking up cooking as like... a hobby and something to improve at! And she'd definitely be the type to invite her friends over to try out new recipes and/or bring stuff into work for her team to eat!
24. would win a battle royale with all the others?
OH NO, THIS QUESTION MAKES ME SO SAD ;;-;; .... Just to cope better, I'm going to say this battle royale is just whoever would win a series of duels where no one actually DIES! Regardless, I'm pretty sure the winner would have to be Aubrey. For one, she's my highest level character, and she's also an Undying Warlock. She literally can't die!! I think some of my gals would put up a good fight (Arizona, Eva, un-cursed Tiller), but even if they got her down for a little bit, she'd just pop those bones back into place and get back up! Unfortunately, Aubrey does NOT deserve to win at all LMFAO
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zanrai-kid · 5 years
What Your Favorite The Adventure Zone Ship Says About You
Inspired by @spritecranberryofficial, the artist formerly known as @doubleca5t
Taagnus (Taako/Magnus) - You believe that no force on Earth can destroy the bond between a twink and bear who are begrudging allies to best friends to lovers.
Magnus/Merle - Your favorite game of all time is Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator.
Merle/Taako - You see a three-way love triangle in every trio, even when two of the trio only begrudgingly tolerate each other.
Taako/Magnus/Merle - You heard the phrase “Tres Horny Boys”, and took it as a challenge.
Taakitz (Taako/Kravitz) - You describe your love life as “yearning for the sweet embrace of death”.
Taako/Magnus/Kravitz - You believe death is the quickest way to establish common interests. Also, you’re shipping TodoDekuIida.
Magnus/Lucretia - Your ideal relationship dynamic is jock/group mom.
Lupretia (Lup/Lucretia) - Your ideal relationship dynamic is punk/group mom.
Davenport/Lucretia - Your ideal relationship dynamic is group dad/group mom who both joke about adopting all their friends.
Merle/Lucretia - You just want a vacation from other people’s bullshit.
Merle/Davenport - You’re just here for some men under 5 foot.
Magnus/Johann - You unironically appreciate it when someone plays “Wonderwall” well.
Magnus/Lup - All of your DnD characters are Lawful Good, but somehow use Chaos as a means to an end.
Taako/Magic Brian - You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of goofy accents.
Sweet Flips (Carey/Killian) - You want a girlfriend who will kick your ass upon request; you also want to join in when she’s kicking someone else’s ass.
Blupjeans (Lup/Barry) - You believe “hapless nerds falling in love at band camp” are underrepresented in modern fiction.
EDIT for @lesbian-flutist  Lup/Lucretia/Barry - You believe in band nerd/math nerd/band and math nerd solidarity.
Sloane/Hurley - Your ideal relationship dynamic is the film Thelma and Louise.
Johnchurch (John/Merle) - Your ideal relationship dynamic is the film The Seventh Seal.
Istus/Pan/The Raven Queen: You’re a sucker for Mythology shenanigans.
Taako/Barry - Your desire for good things to happen to Lup is outweighed by wanting to see hapless mlm nerds smooching.
Lydia/Edward - This ship being incest is outweighed by how much you think Jesse and James are better protagonists than Ash.
Taako/Angus: Not even entertaining you clowns FBI OPEN UP
Garfield/Taako - Your ideal date includes a Costco trip, after which, regret ensues.
Sazed/Taako - Your ideal date includes a home cooked meal, after which, pain ensues.
Dracula/Taako - Your Tinder bio is “19th century femme seeks creature of the night”.
Magnulia (Magnus/Julia) - You just wanted good things for Magnus, and, my god, does the man deserve it.
Any Characters from (K)nights - I’m not even talking about an anime, and yet, somehow, you would still tell people to read the manga.
Any Characters from Elementary - You also tell people to read the manga, but you also recall the lawless days of Johnlock.
Any Characters from Fur - You reference deep lore in fandoms other fans don’t believe is real.
Nadiya/Irene - To you, “two people reincarnating as the polar opposites of their past life” is just “a second chance at love”.
Irene/Remy - You believe Rebecca Sugar’s best song is “Giant Woman”.
Remy/Nadiya- You believe in the powerful bond of two people trying to reign in a mutual friend.
EDIT for @tombstonedb Kardala/Minerva - You thought, “You know what’s better than one buff magic big gorl? Two buff magic big gorls.”
Errol/Augustus - You liked the Amnesty arc, but wish it had more ghosts.
Dylan/Jeremiah - You believe any modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliet should turn Juliet into a guy.
Errol/Dylan - In a setting full of cryptids, you hard swerve into Team Jacob.
Gandy/Isabella - You’re a sucker for a good meetcute, pun intended.
Ned/Duck - You haven’t recovered from the fact Gravity Falls ended nearly four years ago.
Ned/Boyd - Your ideal relationship dynamic is “Be Gay, Do Crime”.
Ned/Barclay - Your ideal relationship dynamic is “Bigfoot is real, and he tried to eat my ass”.
Ned/Victoria - You think the greatest achievement in cinematic history is the beginning to the movie Up.
Ned/Sherriff Owens - You wish having some yucks with Johnny Law was considered less frowned upon.
Duck/Billy - Your desire to get with the Mothman is only outweighed by your crush on Ryan Gosling.
Duck/Beacon - You just want to date a smug British person, and really, who wouldn’t?
Duck/Juno - You are a huge fan of Camp Camp.
Duck/Leo - If you were a couple years older, you would have previously shipped Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker at the time of the prequels.
Indrid/Ned - You are a monster fucker.
Indruck (Indrid/Duck) - You are also a monster fucker, but softer.
Indrid/Aubrey - You run a monster fucker blog, but are not a monster fucker.
Indrid/Billy - You are a certified card-carrying cryptid fucker, searching on Craigslist to get rawdogged by two in the back of a Denny’s parking lot.
Mama/Barclay - You exude rural boomer energy without the rural boomer mindset.
Danbrey (Dani/Aubrey) - You follow exactly 18 bi pride Tumblogs, but can’t understand why you have so many duplicate posts on your feed. Spoiler alert: they probably reblog each other’s posts.
Aubrey/Janelle - Either your ideal relationship dynamic is student/teacher, or you’re a Janelle Monáe stan.
Hollis/Aubrey - You are a firm believer in the power of calling people who go to the mall “posers”, while simultaneously buying your accessories at Hot Topic.
Aubrey/Jake - You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of sharing dank memes.
Hollice (Hollis/Jake) - You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of early 90s extreme winter sports movies.
Duck/Minerva - You are a firm believer in men 👏 getting 👏 pegged 👏
Sternclay (Agent Stern/Barclay) - You wish Inspector Zenigata and Lupin III would stop dragging their feet and commit already.
Any Characters from Inheritance - This is just the same joke as Merle and Magnus, except you post about Dream Daddy on Tumblr AND Facebook.
Deadbeat Dad/Anyone else from Inheritance - Robert is best Dream Daddy, Amnesty is best arc of The Adventure Zone. To you, these are facts.
Firbolg/Fitzroy - This is just the same joke as Taako and Magnus, but you also desire the fall of capitalism.
Fitzroy/Argo - You, Griffin, and Clint all simultaneously thought “You know what’s better than one fancy himbo fighter? Two fancy himbo fighters.”
Argo/Firbolg - You’re already pushing for a catchy ship name for these two. Might I suggest “Surf n’ Turf”.
Fitzroy/Buckminster - You have a whole blog devoted to scenes of swords under chins.
Buckminster/Leon - You think Arthurian legend can be summed up as “Several bros, sitting round a table, two feet apart from each other ‘cause the church said leave room for Jesus”.
Buckminster/Rainer - You believe behind every man’s facade is a girlfriend of immeasurable power, waiting for her time to shine.
Rolandus/Zana - You believe in big edgy backstory energy solidarity.
Rolandus/Rhodes - This is the same joke as Argo and Firbolg, except I am now suggesting “RoRho”.
Crimson (Crush/Jimson) - Your Netflix viewing habits are, exclusively, She-Ra: Princesses of Power and The Dragon Prince.
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gay-spaceman · 5 years
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my amnesty line-up !!!
[short id: a series of six images of the different characters from amnesty. line one is duck newton, aubrey little, ned chicane and arlo thacker. line two is madeline cobb, barclay, dani, jake coolice and joseph stern. line three is minerva, beacon, sarah drake and leo tarkesian. line four is sheriff zeke owens, officer dewey, hollis, keith and pigeon wilson. line five is kirby, billy/ryan gosling, boyd bosche and indrid cold. the final line is alexandra, janelle and vincent. end id]
long id under cut.
[id start:
line one: Duck Newton is a fat, medium brown skinned man with dark brown hair. he has stubble and is wearing a forest rangers uniform. Aubrey Little is a fat women with light brown skin and red hair ontop, with black hair on the sides. she is wearing a long sleeved denim jacket, a black shirt and jeans. she has two chokers on and a long necklace attached to a crystal. she is extending her hand that has fishnet gloves on, with her hand lit. Ned Chicane is a brown skinned fat man with thinning grey hair and a big beard. he is wearing a dark desatured maroon suit with a light salmon shirt and bolo tie. he is adjusting his shirt sleeve and has mutiple gold rings on his fingers. Arlo Thacker is a skinny brown skinned man with a wild grey beard and hair. he is smiling brightly and wearing a loose green shirt, half tucked into khaki shorts. he is holding a wooden walking stick that branches out.
line two: Madeline Cobb (mama) is fat dark skinned women with short curly black hair. she is wearing a trench coat over a dark magenta plaid shirt and jeans. she has her hands tucked into her pockets. Barclay is a fat brown skinned man with a brown big beard and long hair tucked into a bun. he is wearing red plaid and suspenders latched onto dark blue jeans. Dani is light skinned thin women with blonde hair and freckles. she is holding Dr. Harris Bonkers, phd, a white rabbit with tiny glasses and sweater. she is wearing a blac beanie, a black turtle neck and a plain dark maroon overshirt, the shirt tucked into a jean skirt. Jake Coolice is a skinny medium brown skinned man with dyed brown hair, his dark roots showing. he is wearing a ski jacket with the colors light blue, light red and yellow, with yellow pants. around his neck is ski goggles and he has thick blue gloves on. Agent Joseph Stern is a skinny tall light skinned man with grey and brown hair. he is wearing a light blue shirt tucked into black pants with a black tie. he is also wearing a watch.
line three: Minerva is a fat dark brown skinned women smiling brightly. she is wearing some sort of battle gear of silver and blues. she is bald and her head has light blue patterning all over it. Beacon is a bendy sword with big red lips and a brown hilt. Sara Drake is a skinny small tan woman with a black bob. she is wearing a black turtle neck with a lilac cardigan overtop and light washed jeans. Leo Tarkesian is a chubby brown skinned man with dark grey hair and a five o’clock shadow. he is wearing a grey undershirt and a light blue overshirt with dark wash jeans.
line four: Sheriff Zeke Owens is a fat light skinned man with salt and pepper hair. he is wearing dark sunglasses and a sheirff’s uniform. he has a thick mustache. Deputy Dewie is a ghost. he is a thin man with dark hair and translucent skin. he is wearing a deputy uniform. Hollis is a light skinned person with an average build. they have short dyed bleach blonde hair and a brown undercut. they are wearing a yellow jacket with black sleeves, pockets and collar.they have a small cut on their chin. Keith is a tall think light brown skinned man with shaggy brown hair. he is wearing a leather jacket and black jeans with a chain. Pidgeon Wilson is a skinny light skinned women with red hair and lots of freckles. she is wearing a grey tank top and light wash jeans.
line five: kirby is a light skinned fat man with dark hair and round glasses. he is wearing a red t shirt and jeans. he also has a goatee. Billy is a humanoid creature with a light brown goat face and yellow eyes. he is wearing a light blue hoodie and jeans. next to him is the human version, Ryan Gosling esque, in the same clothes. Boyd Mosche is a tall buff pale man with very short greying light brown hair. he has a big scar on his shoulder and is wearing a grey tank and jeans. Indrid Cold is a scrawny milky skinned man with white hair. he is wearing bright red glasses, an ugly brown jacket and stained grey undershirt and jeans. he is holding a mug of nog.
line six: Alexandra is a young girl with magenta hair and yellow eyes. she is wearing a teal dress with a dark blue shawl and translucent pink sleeves. Janelle is a dark skinned owman with brown hair. she has a scarf over top her head and a long flowing dark colored dress. Vincent is a white headed goat man with yellow eyes. he is wearing grey/dark magenta body armor.
end id]
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jicklet · 5 years
Choices Love Interest Tag Game
I got tagged by@breaumonts ​! I haven't played in a bit, so I've forgotten some names, and crossed out the books I haven't played or didn’t get far enough to be interested in anyone.
Across the Void: I started something with buff short red hair lady, but didn't get too far into this one.
America’s Most Eligible: Mackenzie? I only played half the first book
Baby Bump:
Bachelorette Party:
Big Sky Country: Juliette!
Blades of Light and Shadow:
Bloodbound: Was torn between Lily and Adrian and Jax, thus I didn't get past that chapter of the second book where they were like "You wanna make it official?" Me: the one time I thought it’d be cool if I ho’d around aaaaaa 
The Crown & the Flame:
A Courtesan of Rome: SYPHAX.
Desire and Decorum: Ernest. Still want to do a PT for Annabelle someday.
The Elementalists: Shreya! ♥ 🔥
Endless Summer: Jake and Estela, married Jake.
The Freshman: Aw shoot I should finish this. Becca!!
Haunting of Braidwood Manor: Eleanor ♥
The Heist Monaco: Rye
High School Story: Michael, Maria
HSS Class Act: Ajay
Home For The Holidays: Can't remember his name but blonde ex-boyfriend guy. I highly recommend playing that way because it feels like you’re playing the story wrong, but not in a “oops we forgot to write anything for this love interest” way you normally get. It’s entertaining.
It Lives: In The Woods: Lucas ♥
It Lives: Beneath: Tom. ♥ ♥ ♥
Love Hacks: Plaid tech man. Mark?
Mother of the Year:
Nightbound: Vera! I should finish this since she did come back.
Open Heart: Jackie and Ethan. Ethan mostly bc his story was the most fleshed out, but I preferred Jackie. (Okay though, it’s REALLY funny if you choose someone else to go home with in that last scene of book 1. Ethan just shows up, clearly to see MC, and I immediately grabbed Jackie and ran out like byeee) 
Passport to Romance:
Perfect Match: Damien and Hayden (Hayley for me)
Red Carpet Diaries: Ehh I started with dark haired sharp jawline man?
Ride or Die:
Royal Masquerade: F!Hunter but in a, "Oh, this is all the choices we're getting? Okay” way.
Rules of Engagement:
Royal Romance: MAXWELL
Veil of Secrets: Flynn.
Wishful Thinking: Blonde guy. Aubrey?
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
idk if you’re still taking those college prompts or not but if so,,,77 or 91 with sternclay would be wonderful 😌💕
I went with 77 because it was too cute to pass up!
Prompt: you’re my shy (but cute) roommate who doesn’t talk to me much but I always hear you talking a storm up alone in your room and my friend informs me you run a very successful YouTube channel and the last few videos are about your new hot roommate.
“Hey all, Barclay again, same as it ever was. Before I get started on todays’ review, I gotta tell you all a secret: so, the roommate of mine, mister special agent? I came home yesterday and he was making bao. From scratch. I have never seen the guy in the kitchen for any thing more than coffee, mind you. So I’m like, “what’s the occasion” and he goes “oh, no occasion just felt like cooking and oh BTW are you busy? I could use a hand. And all I can think is-”
*the camera jump cuts to other angle, Barclays voice deepens
“Could think of a lot of things I could use my hands for when it comes to you
*camera cuts back.
“Anyway I say sure, turns out the guy is super good in the kitchen and we end up with these fucking amazing bao. Which on the one hand, that’s really hot. On the other, I am SCREWED because I was relying on my cooking skills to impress him and if he’s a good cook too I got nothing, nada, zip. Uggggggggh”
Stern clicks away from the video with a smirk. His plan worked perfectly.
See, three months ago, the house he shares got a new roommate. Barclay is shy, but friendly, tall and broad with a short beard and a sweet laugh. He’s a baker, a movie buff, and the kind of guy who always makes a full pot of coffee in the morning in case there are other early risers (like Stern) who need some. 
In other words, he’s like catnip to Stern. At first they’d only cross paths in that incidental way that roommates who don’t know each other well do. And Stern would chastise himself for crushing on a guy who he’d hardly spoken to (usually directly before or after jacking off to fantasies of said guy).  Even when they started chatting more, it felt like Barclay was skittish around him. Their rooms were next to each other, which was what lead Stern to his first mystery: who the hell was Barclay talking to for hours at a time?
“He’s a Youtuber” Stern’s friend Aubrey says matter-of-factly when he poses the question aloud, “got a pretty big following too.”
“Yep. Mostly does cooking videos or food and recipe reviews. BigfootBytes, I think it’s called.”
The first thing Stern did upon arriving home that night was search for his roommates Youtube. Aubrey was right in that most of the videos were carefully composed and soothing to watch cooking tutorials (clearly shot in the downstairs kitchen). But there were a fair number of reviews of weird food (called “the munch squad”) and a handful of standard Vlogs. Stern watches a few, learns the channels title came from a rude nickname given to Barclay in high school that he’s since reclaimed. 
Then he clicks on a video from a month and a half ago and finds his second mystery.
“Hey friends, Barclay here, same as it ever was. I was gonna shoot the cupcake video tonight, but my hot roommate is in the living room studying and I really don’t want to bother him. Plus, I can barely string a sentence together around the guy. He looks like a secret agent, and not just because half the time he’s in suits for his internship. He’s got this slicked back dark hair, this gorgeous face. He’s funny too, and smart, just wish I could keep a conversation going with him without stammering.”
Stern is 90% sure that the hot roommate in question is him. As he clicks through more recent vlogs, he becomes almost positive. The “special agent of my heart” as Barclay dubs him with an adorable giggle, has Sterns habits and appearance. And he was left  mini espresso-fudge cake shaped like a heart that Barclay made especially for him (the note said it was a leftover when Stern found it on his shelf in the fridge).
But Stern is cautious, and isn’t going to risk confessing his feelings for anything less than a surefire, reciprocated crush.
So he made bao, on a night he knew Barclay would be home. He was a bit flirtatious the whole time, on a hunch that would make him more likely to comment on the even in a video. Barclay played right into his hands. 
“Special agent, huh?”
Stern leans on the open door smiling at Barclay, whose face runs through several emotions before settling on embarrassed fear. His brown eyes are wide and he’s blushing. 
“Uh, I didn’t think you knew about all the videos. I, I’m sorry, I tried to keep it vague so no one would know it was you….” His eyes go even wider as Stern steps through the door and shuts it softly behind him. 
“I only knew because I was looking for it. You know you could’ve just said something.”
“Yeah” Barclay rubs his arm nervously, “I just thought you were cool and hot and probably already had a boyfriend and in case you hadn’t noticed I’m sorta introverted so I planned on pining from a distance.”
“That’s a shame.” Stern steps in front of him, able to actually look down to meet his gaze for once, “think of all the things we could’ve been doing if you’d pined from close up.”
“Like what?” 
Stern bends down, kisses Barclay gently and slowly. The larger man stiffens with a surprised gasp, then reaches up to run his thumbs along Sterns cheeks. 
“Like that.” Stern murmurs as they break away, “I’ve had an enormous crush on you for months, Barclay.”
Barclays face lights up as he drops his hands to hold Sterns own.
“In that case, special agent” he kisses Sterns hand with a look of utter delight on his face, “how about a date?”
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hopelesslydimwitted · 5 years
i love how in the big arc (BAG, if you will), 2 characters have a fairly steady image in fanart, and then the third is just basically hitting randomize on a character customization while keeping one (1) mentioned trait
balance: magnus - tall, buff, auburn hair, shaped like a friend; merle - basically short, horny clint mcelroy; taako - ???? ears???
amnesty: duck - justin with a yeehaw hat and ranger cosplay; ned - clint mcelroy if he was a smooth criminal / thacker - dirty nasty rowdy boy clint mcelroy with long dirty hair that has not seen shampoo in 20 years; aubrey - ???? undercut???
graduation: [REDACTED] - tall, soft, shaped like a friend, covered in moss; Argo - blue, rated best mustache of higglemus, ponytail, smile that will melt your heart; sir fitzroy - ???? glasses???
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moonaisles · 6 years
What your favorite non-balance arc says about you
Commitment: ...Pure. Either a Cinnamon Roll or a Sinnamon Roll. No in-between. You either rarely curse, or always do. No in-between. History buff. Big music fan. Usually non-violent, but can throw down if need be. Artsy. Come across as bubbly, but aren’t really.
Amnesty: ...Gay. Meme. Gay meme. You probably own something with a UFO or and Alien on it that says “They’re out there!” or something of the like. And if you don’t own one. You want one. You are hi-fucking-larious. You say “fight me” a lot but rarely mean it. You claim Aubrey is your wife, but secretly believe you are unworthy of the fiery queen. (p.s. you are) You are living your best life right now. 
Dust: ...Hot. Taako was your favorite balance character. In it for the drama. Salty. Ur hip with the kidz. You like creepy-cool stuff. You say you’re chaotic good but really you’re just true neutral or neutral good. You’re mildly confrontational, and you can put your money where your mouth is. Ambitious. You probably claim you’re not that good at stuff while being amazing at stuff.
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angelskyladiana · 5 years
Mrs Black- Victor Zsasz
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Summary: Before there was Zsasz, there was Victor. Before there was a murderer, there was a businessman. Before his insanity, he had her, but under unforeseen events they were separated and that’s where his madness began. Will he find her once more? Will she be able to save him before he falls into lunacy? In a world under the thumb of a mysterious woman, can they escape her? Or will Mrs Black have the last laugh?
Warnings: Violence
Word Count: 1351
"I'm not being negative. I'm just saying, it's a big step," Gilzean spoke, walking behind the infamous Penguin into a room filled with mayoral banners and red, white and blue balloons, "holy crap." He exclaimed, seeing all the people happily at work on calls and running around with decorations.
"Gotham is rife with crime, Butch. Who better than a criminal to clean it up?" Oswald questioned rhetorically, hobbling over to a desk of working volunteers ahead of Butch. The King of Gotham even smiling down at a blonde worker warmly.
"Okay. Look, you know I've faced the worst Gotham has to offer, but politicians, they scare me," He spoke, eyes wide and brows raised at the dark-haired lunatic.
"The people of Gotham are with me. They are scared, which means angry. And who have they got to turn to? Aubrey James?" He scoffed, slightly maddened by the thought of the previous mayor, "Please. That man is a hack. This is my opportunity to create a legacy. One that my father would be proud of," he continued, walking into a small sitting area where a portrait of his late father hung above the fireplace. Butch wandered into the room and stood beside him, staring up at the man he had never met.
"Mr. Cobblepot?"
"Oh!" He exclaimed in delight pointing behind him, causing the bigger, muscly man to turn to the woman behind him, "What do you think?"
The woman held up a 'vote for Oswald Cobblepot' sign tightly in her grasp with a smile. Butch sighed, he could feel himself getting madder and madder just being around the penguin, "You got my vote,"
The brown haired woman spun around and left with a bounce in her step, Oswald smiling as she did before the woman at the desk spoke loudly, "Mr. Cobblepot, I have Aubrey James. He'd like to meet you, alone." Instead of frowning he smiled wider, grinning at the buff associate, a soft laugh falling from his closed lips. The woman slapped the phone down before it started ringing once again.
"Well, that ought to be fun," Oswald chuckled, Butch nodding slightly along with him.
The woman's eyes went wide at whatever was being said from the other side of the phone, she stared ahead in shock for a moment before her eyes turned to the mayor in running. Her breathing rushed, "S-sir! M-mr Cobblepot!" She stuttered, the phone shaking in her hands, "Y-you have a- a call on line 1!" She continued.
"Who is it?" Butch questioned.
"It's Miss Black, sir!" The woman seemed almost fearful at the name, she transferred the call to the phone at the centre table of the sitting room, it began ringing immediately. Butch Gilzean looked shocked at the woman's answer, even gulping much to the Penguins confusion .
Oswald Cobblepot raised his brow at the woman and his henchman then snapping his head to the ringing phone, eager to find what mystery was hidden behind it. Hobbling over, Oswald picked up the phone, "hello?"
"Mr Cobblepot?" A gruff voice questioned on the other side, confusing the bird-like man greatly, this was clearly not the infamous Miss Black.
"Yes, but I'm guessing you are not the famed, Miss Black,"
"Indeed I'm not. Mrs Black has requested you meet her for dinner tomorrow night, after seeing your announcement for Mayor, and she is, shall we say... intrigued,"
"Hmmm I suppose. Might I ask what has her so intrigued?"
"She grew up in Gotham, sir," he stated as if it were the only explanation necessary, "Mrs Black has heard you have gotten rid of the monsters in her city. If you have, the Madame would like to personally congratulate you,"
"Her city?" He chuckled, "You should inform your 'Madame' this is not her city,"
An deep, amused laugh echoed through the phone annoying the short and pale man slightly, "you clearly haven't heard of the Madame, Mr Cobblepot,"
"Am I meant to?" He quizzed, annoyed that he had never heard of this woman but was apparently expected to but although it slightly peeved him, it also made him that much more interested.
"It'd be dangerous not to, I'll send through the details of tomorrow evening, goodbye for now Mr Cobblepot," The unnamed man finished, hanging up the phone immediately before Oswald could utter another word. He ripped the phone from his ear, glaring at it with beady eyes.
Butch's eyes were wide as he stared at Penguin, "well? What did she say?" He exclaimed, leaning in as if that would help him know quicker about the infamous Miss Black. Of course there were rumours of her name she was called by the underworld but just like Gotham no one had ever learnt the truth. After so many rumours of the woman thrown around she became less of a person and more like a myth and a legend, even going as far as claiming she didn't exist. That was their first mistake.
He snapped his head to Butch, eyes narrowing at the large man, "Who is this, Miss Black?"
"You've never heard of Miss Black?" He questioned, brows raised in shock. Fumbling over to the door, Butch closed it from any prying ears, "come on, you've seriously never heard of her? The Widow? Bloody Mary? The Empress? Ghost queen of Gotham?"
"Ghost queen of Gotham? You can't be serious," he chuckled, before a frown quickly fell into place, "I've been King of Gotham for how long? And you say there apparently a 'ghost queen', what does that even mean!"
"Ya know, like, she's been a ghost for years, no one knows her and yet she's kinda had control over the Gotham for years, just in her own way,"
"That doesn't explain how I don't know about this woman, Butch!" Penguin exclaimed, raising his arms up in the air in frustration.
"Miss Black's a myth! No one's heard anything new about her in years. Personally I thought she died... she's old as hell by now,"
"Well clearly she's not!" He yelled, moving around to sit at the arm chair in front of an unused chess board. Oswald's fingers tapped against the circular wooden table, his other hand reaching up and stroking his chin in thought. "Miss Black wants to have dinner with me tomorrow night, something about congratulating me on getting rid of the monsters in her city,"
Butch sat down opposite the Penguin, "careful boss, after what I've heard... I wouldn't want an enemy like Miss Black,"
"Never thought I'd see you so fearful, Butch," he began, finally a grin falling on his face, "someone like her would be a great ally, but if she turns out to be an enemy... Something will have to be done about the ghost queen of Gotham,"
"Careful boss. After what I've heard about Miss Black I wouldn't even say that out loud," Butch spoke gravely, his gaze looking distant as he stared at the licking flames at the fireplace, the buff man reminiscing of the times he had met the Madame's associates through Fish.
One of them specifically who he had met many times and had worked for the Madame since she was just a child. She was a kind young woman who had nothing but love and loyalty for the Madame and Butch although he would never admit it found joy in her presence. Unlike most people of the underworld she was decent, the thug always wondered why a lovely woman like her stayed in the business of criminals and never tried to leave, maybe she just enjoyed it, although that was questionable.
With a man like Oswald running town he hoped she wouldn't turn up, it wasn't a place for someone like her.
Penguin had gotten rid of the ones who had been experimented on, but the monsters were all here.
The Madame would not be pleased.
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toameliiorate · 6 years
story bit before I forget: Nythiel, Aubrey's favored hired guard/assassin/whatever he asks of her, has minimal loyalty to him or his father. She doesn't exactly like, or know fully what they're up to, but they pay well. She's been spoon-fed propaganda of Ettaun since she was a child (she's about a century or so older than Aubrey), and almost raised into the role as she attended a more tactical-training type academy.
She is 7'0 and buff and big Butch energy and I love her.
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luckyfaeth · 6 years
aubrey started the whole rebel vibe in high school when her dad started putting intense amount of pressures on her
if it weren’t for beca, aubrey would’ve probably just collapsed under the pressure of it all, but beca helped her relax and they would ditch school together when things got to be too much
they’re best friends and probs always will be (even tho they hate to admit how much they love each other, they do) 
aubrey works as a mechanic. she specializes in motorcycles, but also is good at restoring vintage cars (at least her dad gave her one good talent) 
emily and stacie like to visit aubrey at work because she’s wearing a white tank top w grease stains on it and she’s all sweaty and her muscles are showing ...  aubrey’s buff ok 
aubrey, stacie, and emily have most definitely fucked while aubrey was at work because damn aubrey’s hot
they are the Aesthetic Queens ok
aubrey has like her very specific carefully picked out dark clothes, leather jacket aesthetic
stacie has her super feminine, kinda boho aesthetic; lots of crop tops and skinny jeans and the occasional fun boho pattern 
but emily is a mismatched mess and her gfs think its adorable
she'll be wearing like  5 different colors, mismatched patterns, her socks NEVER match
a majority of emily's clothes are from thrift shops because she thinks the sweaters have fun patterns and she gets the big mens ones so she has sweater paws
aubrey used to hate the whole sweater paws thing she's always been like "just roll your damn sleeves up assholes" 
but emily is standing in the kitchen sipping hot coco with her sweater paws and shes all sleepy looking and her glasses are fogging up bc of the hot coco steam and aubrey cannot physically handle how cute she is
emily also likes sundresses but she gets cold so aubrey is Chivalrous and puts her leather jacket over her
emily collects succulents 
emily and stacie always want to take dorky photos and selfies all the time and grumpy aubrey is like "no. im not doing that you cant make me" and emily looks her her with big eyes and a pout and stacie promises to make it up to her later and aubrey's like "hmph. fine but im not doing a pose"
they probably have so many pics of stemily making dumb faces and aubrey being grumpy and angry but you can see her trying to fight a tiny smile
also pictures with emily and stacie kissing both of aubrey's cheeks and she's still trying to look angry but its pointless
stacie and aubrey’s favorite hobby is teasing emily 
which is super easy because the two of them could breathe and emily’s like “omg theyre so hot...” 
stacie is a good balance between the other two’s very contrasting personalities 
aubrey is super soft for both of them
she’s soft for emily because well...how could you not be!!
but stacie is so grounded and practical and doesn’t beat around the bush with things and aubrey loves that 
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