#big brother Peter Parker is based
mediocre-breadcrumbs · 10 months
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Attacking him
(Don't tag as ship)
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since I’m drawing more of them, here is a bit of background for my x2 Prowler PunkFlower AU (mix of comic and animated canon and my own delulu):
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- Hobart started out in a life of crime because he felt trapped by his circumstances (this follows the comic canon, he is the youngest of 9 siblings, but his dad left early, mom was an alcoholic, and eventually even his big brother left. Even though he was a tech genius, he struggled to make a living). Then after his right hand was injured after a job for Kingpin, he was saved by Peter (let’s say in Earth 42 Peter is not Spiderman, instead he runs a company.. which is also comic canon at one point).
Parker Industry gave him a prosthetic and provided a healthier environment for Hobart to grow, they sponsor him to be a kind of vigilante to keep the city safe (again, this is a bit based on the comic canon, but in the comics he was paralyzed from the waist down for a while, he also worked for Parker Industry for some time).
- For Miles G. after his father died, there was a time when he lost his direction in life. He was haunted by the fact that he could not protect Jeff. Earth 42 is already chaotic, he doesn’t know how to protect his mother (since Uncle Aaron also has his own business and can’t stay with them all the time).
- One night when he was walking back home, Miles was stopped by a robber, normally he could protect himself, but that day his mind was spiraling so badly and before he knew it, he was cornered. That's when Prowler saved him.
- Hobart was just on duty, the alley was dark so he couldn't see the other boy very well, he just turned his back to tie up the robber and told Miles to go home, it's very dangerous here.
- At that time, the Prowler symbol on the back of Hobart’s jacket seemed to engrave itself in the back of Miles’ eyelids - a call to fight, a call to protect. He made a decision then.
- Miles immediately ran to Uncle Aaron and told him of his intention to be a vigilante. Aaron was hesitant at first, but Miles said that if he didn't train him, he would go find the Prowler himself and ask him for help. Aaron was worried that Miles would be taken advantage of by others, so he accepted to train and help him create tech.
- After a while, the two of them started blowing things up left and right in Brooklyn with Miles as the new Prowler, that was when Hobart realized that there was another guy running around in his symbol (there is a whole theme in the comics where Hobie’s Prowler gears keep being stolen by other ppl to impersonate him 😭)
- He thought about telling the boy to stop, but seeing Miles punching criminals, confronting villains who are many times bigger than him yet was still not afraid, Hobart became… curious? Want to know who that person is, why do they do this.
- Of course, when they meet, Hobart still asked Miles to not to carry his logo around, but Miles stubbornly argued that anyone can be a symbol, and he would not dishonour this one.
- In general, Hobart was impressed with Miles, but it took some time for both of them to gradually trust each other. After more than half a year, Hobart took the initiative to tell Miles his true identity, Miles then also took him to meet his uncle.
- After the two became closer, Miles began to help Hobart repair and maintain his prosthetic. Hobart also began to doubt his future in Parker Industry. He had never liked to be confined to a system, and although Peter helped him a lot, he still wanted to be his own person, fought for his own ideals. So as soon as Miles and Hobart were able to fix his prosthetic on their own, Hobart left Parker Industry and moved in with Miles.
- They started dating after 2 years of knowing each other (Aaron thanked heaven and earth that his nephew finally stopped blue-ball that Hobart boy, his head hurt every time he has to witness their awkward flirting 😭😭), when Miles G. met Miles 1610, he and Hobart had been officially dating for a few months.
So basic timeline: first meeting Miles G. was 13 / Hobart was 15 -> worked together as Prowlers team at 14 / 16 -> Hobart left Parker Industry / they started dating when Miles is 15 and Hobart is 17 -> meet Miles 1610.
Well that’s all for now, so when I draw that AU it’s based on that groundwork. Cheers!
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sciderman · 2 months
Yk..i feel like i would enjoy Deadpool and Wolverine more if i liked these versions of the chsracters as much as everyone else seems to. And it's not that i hate them or anything, but they're just not MY guys, Hughs Wolverine is a tall ruggedly handsome leading man who's a typical berserker, the Wolverine i am into is a short, kinda ugly feral asshole that's both the biggest badass in the room but also a weeb bookworm and an unintentional adoptive father/older brother with his dumb fucking hair and side-burns and dresses like a bisexual lumberjack/cowboy, he hates poachers and loves petting deer, and he can talk to animals making him a Disney princess too. The movies just don't give me that, it's too serious, too embarassed of itself, Logan isn't enough of an unlikeable messy asshole in the movies, he's not explosive enough, he's a very Clint Eastkwood type. And same for Wade, i like Ryans Wade well enough, but he's too clean, too marketable, too empty and dumb. I am just not into them, they're too pretty, too nice, too clean, too marketable, they're made into more typical leading types and i am not a fan.....God, sorry for that rant.
hey. i love these versions of the characters and i hated the movie. i honestly really do like movie-pool - i just hated him here. i love hugh jackman's wolverine. but this – 
i get that logan is quite a different character in the movies vs other interpretations of him, and it is downheartening that we might not ever get a more faithful to comics adaptation of logan onto the big screen but - i don't know, i'm not too sad about it because everyone always has their own version of a character in their head. my version of peter parker will never be the same as the guy on screen.
i like hugh jackman's wolverine plenty. i think hugh is great. i love his wolverine. but - this isn't even his wolverine. this wolverine is a stranger. and actually - that kind of means something. it means it's not the wolverine we've been invested in all these years, and it's not the wolverine we cried over during logan. it's not him. it's just some guy. and that's - that's not great. we don't really know this guy. i think that's the thing. the film thinks it's enough to squeeze hugh into yellow spandex and all the fans will do the heavy lifting because WOOOAAAH it's the costume we all recognise but. underneath that costume is a guy we've never seen before. never introduced to before. isn't even the guy we invested decades of films with. they're asking us to project our expectations on him, overtly. wade does it. laura does it, yadda yadda. but that's not him. it's pointedly not him. it's a blank slate in wolverine's clothing that we're meant to project our expectations on. so. you need to actually put the work in to make us care about this guy. we care about him SOLELY because of our expectations of him, based on all the familiar iconography. the suit, hugh jackman, the claws... this movie is dependant ENTIRELY on you being able to recognise things and attach meaning to them. otherwise, there's no actual substance there.
if you didn't know the yellow suit from the comics you'd probably look at it and say "that's a stupid suit" - that's it. they're just banking on you overlooking the objective stupidity of it, because you recognise it and therefore it must be important and not stupid.
i think it was a bad move to make this a different wolverine. i think it was a bad move to have this movie follow-up on the events of logan - i think it was all bad moves. it should've been our logan, of wade's era. it doesn't even make sense for this to happen after logan. logan is set after the x-men are gone. so how is colossus and negasonic and yukio there and how did wade have all those x-men shenanigans in previous movies? that's fine. who cares. no rules.
it's just maddening to me. 10000 decisions that crumble immediately under any sort of scrutiny whatsoever. can't do it. can't do it.
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hyperfixationhobo · 8 months
Ok another scenario based on my last Hobie and Mayday post.
Ever since the whole “Parker” incident, the group has been jokingly calling Peter Hobie’s father.
“You should listen to your pops, Hobie.”
“You heard your dad, got to be more careful next time.”
“Are you sure your dad will be okay with this?”
They make these jokes so much that it’s just natural at this point. Its so natural that Hobie himself even calls Peter dad. (They both act like it’s no big deal but they’re both low key crying inside).
It’s all well until Hobie gets annoyed with Peter fussing over him that’s he screams. “You’re not my bloody dad so get off it yeah?!”
It’s silent for a while as they both process just what was said before Peter apologizes and says that Hobie’s right and then leaves. They’re both hurt by what was just said cause they both do see each other as father and son.
Cut to a few months later, with a bit of akward tension between Hobie and Peter, it’s Hobie’s birthday and Mj insists to hold the party at her house.
(Mj is the only true person that Hobie is respectfully scared of.)
The party is quite small but Hobie wouldn’t have it any other way. After the party, when everyone leaves, Mj and Peter ask Hobie to stay for a bit cause they had one more gift for him.
It’s adoption papers.
They explain that they gave it some thought with a ton of talks and that they wanted Hobie to be their son, legally. They reassure him that he absolutely doesn’t have to say yes, and that they don’t expect him to move in with them. They just didn’t want to give this to him in front of everyone and make him feel pressured into saying yes.
Meanwhile Hobie is just staring at the papers with teary eyes and only one thought bounces in his mind.
“You guys want me?”
This leads to tears and reassurance that yes they do want Hobie as their son and that no it’s not some horrible prank. They know that Hobie is a good kid and that he’s an amazing person who would fight for what’s right and will protect his friends and family with everything in him. That they know that he’ll make an amazing big brother for Mayday.
Hobie is full blown crying happy tears as he signs the papers and gets a group hug from his now mom and dad. He spends the night at his new second home in a room that his mom and dad had prepared for him.
(It was stereotypically “punk” but hey he can’t and wouldn’t complain when they obviously put their hearts into it.)
The next few days are full of telling his friends and boyfriend (Pav of course) the news to which he gets ton of congratulations.
Now he gets to be a part of family photo shoots, family vacations, father-son and mother-son days, eat Mj’s amazing cooking, and has a baby sister who’ll he’ll burn down heaven and hell for.
“Yeah, I got the best family.”
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avengerscompound · 9 months
The Interview - Chapter 6
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The Interview - A Captain America Fanfic
Rating:  E
Warnings:  nothing really
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Melody Danes
Word Count:   1684
Summary:  Melody Danes gets the break of a lifetime when as a lowly intern, she’s assigned to write a profile piece on Captain America.  Steve Rogers is a hard man not to fall for and as she and Melody get closer and Melody’s career takes off, jealousy leads to sabotage, and the potential to bring her whole world crashing down.
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Chapter 6
Steve Rogers: The Man Behind the Mask
By Melody Danes | Photographs by Peter Parker
Everyone knows Captain America.  He’s on the news regularly.  There are comic books and action figures based on the man.  Less is known about Steve Rogers.  The centurion who became the first-ever Super Soldier is often tight-lipped about his personal life.  He opened up to DB and what we found was not what we expected.
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“You have a crush on Captain America!”
I’ve heard that accusation a lot since I started working on this profile piece.  The first day I went in to meet him for lunch I kept telling myself; be professional, be professional, be professional, in my head on repeat.  This is my first gig after all and well - it’s Captain freaking America.  I didn’t want to freak the man out and ruin any potential I had at getting another interview assigned to me in the future.
Over the week I spent following Steve Rogers around I realized that was easier said than done.
I should start at the beginning.  I had agreed to meet Steve at a diner near the Avengers Tower.  Since he is who he is, and this was my first interview with anyone, I wanted to make a good impression. So I borrowed a pantsuit from a friend.  It was not my best call, the shoes I wore were a size too big, and I fell just outside the diner we’d agreed to meet in.
Falling and being caught by Captain America when you’re on the way to meet him should be illegal.  It leads to too many awful things from completely mortifying embarrassment to imagining how one day you’ll tell your grandchildren the story of how you met their grandfather.
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Steve is somehow even more handsome in real life than in pictures.  It’s almost like he’s been carved out of marble.  His skin is flawless and his muscles are hard like stone.  It’s his eyes that catch you though.  They are so blue and his lashes are so long and so dark that I’m fairly sure they could see them from the Alpha Flight Space Station.  They’re also kind.  Steve can be intimidating, but there is something about his eyes that makes you feel safe.
That first meeting I’d expected him to be closed off and unwilling to open up.  The Avengers haven’t exactly had the best run with the way the press reports on their work, and Steve in particular is known to keep to business when he speaks to the press.  What I found (apart from the textbook definition of a chivalrous meet-cute) was a man who wanted to see who he was, just as much as we wanted to find out.
We are all used to seeing Steve Rogers as Captain America, a role he considers important, but the role means he’s always on display and the way we interpret the message might not be the one he is trying to put out.
He wasn't always on display.  As he sits down to his steak he tells me about his childhood.  It's a bleak tale.  We all know the story, Steve Rogers was born to poor Irish Immigrants Steve had a list of ailments as tall as he was.  Asthma, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, sinusitis, heart palpitations, nervous trouble, bone and joint deformity, color blindness, scoliosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, pernicious anemia, partial deafness, astigmatism, and easy fatigability.  It’s quite the list.  “I was a perpetual letdown for my father.  All he wanted was a good strong son who could follow in his footsteps, but what he got was a sick kid they didn’t expect would make it to adulthood,” Steve confesses.  The disappointment was added to when Steve’s younger brother died shortly after he was born.  It resulted in Steve’s father turning to alcohol and taking out that disappointment on the son who did survive.
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It’s the kind of childhood that people usually describe to explain what sent them to the dark side.  Not so for Steve.  It made him particularly sensitive to vulnerable people.  In his own words, Steve Rogers doesn’t like bullies.
On a tour of Brooklyn Heights, the place he spent his youth, Steve is quick to point out all the places where he fought off bullies.  “You point to a spot and I probably started something I couldn’t finish there,” he tells me as we walk the streets.  Even with that huge list of ailments and a father who beat him, he still stood up to people bigger than him when he thought something wasn’t right.  It was no wonder that they chose him for Project Rebirth.
The sight of the Project Rebirth experiment that had turned into a nightclub now, and a strange tribute to all things Captain America.  Taking a look around it with Steve is a strange experience.  He seems genuinely happy that it had been turned into a place people go to enjoy themselves but it’s hard not to think about how he’d been experimented on and changed in that very room, making him the man he is today.
There are still things that linger from his childhood.  Over his steak, Steve tells me about his issues with food and why he hadn’t ordered the pancakes he would have preferred. “Steak is fine.  But is it what I wanted?  I’m not even sure.  I chose it because it looked like it was the best combination of protein and carbohydrates to get me through until dinner.  The serum has made it so I burn through calories so fast, so if I eat something like pancakes or pie, I end up having a crash an hour or so later.  And I can’t have that because it means I have to eat again.  And for a guy who grew up through the great depression with medical conditions that made it so that he had to eat pounds of raw meat that I’d just end up throwing up - well I can’t take constantly eating throughout the day.”
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It's such a human reaction to childhood trauma.  We put our superheroes up on these pedestals and expect them to be more than us.  To be perfect both as public figures and behind closed doors.  It's a position no one can hope to achieve.  Not even actual gods. (Especially not actual gods).
Steve Rogers is just a man.  A good man, but still just a man.  He blushes when he flirts and he rolls his eyes when his friends tease him.  He can be quite sarcastic when he wants to be and he seems to want to be on a semi-regular basis.  He is sweet and he is open about what he believes in.  Sergeant James Barnes, Steve’s best friend growing up, followed him into battle not because he was Captain America but because he was Steve Rogers, “... and that little punk had a good heart.”
When asked what his biggest flaws are, he thinks about the question seriously.  “I expect a lot out of others.  I think I also automatically fall into a kind of disappointed father role.  And I can be reckless.”
That recklessness is regularly seen through his role as Captain America.  The fact he is still alive today is only because he intentionally crashed a plane in the Arctic Ocean and was put into suspended animation thanks to the ice.  He is regularly known to throw himself off buildings without a way to break his fall.
He’s a little more careful in his personal life, though it’s easy to see why.  The man has lost everyone once.  Since waking up there’s only ever been one rumored romantic partner.  Though he has gathered a rather large group of friends around him.  The Avengers are more than just teammates, they're a family that they created together. Each one wants to be better and help fix the world with the skills they each have.
So what is a better world according to Steve Rogers?  “I’ve always believed consenting adults should be able to love each other freely and without interference.  I have always believed that people should have a minimum standard of living that’s met even if they’re unable to work.  That means homes, food, electricity, running water, and medical care.  I have always believed that people should be free to worship whatever god they choose - or not - as long as that worship doesn’t interfere with others or harm them.”
He’s also pro-choice - a position well ahead of his time, though he’s seen what can happen when the procedure is outlawed.
That is only one of the ways the world has changed since he was a kid, not just politically but physically.  Steve used to stand at the docks in Brooklyn and watch the city line change.  It’s now barely recognizable to him, only really the Chrysler and Empire State buildings stand out as recognizable.  Where he grew up is different too, the art school where he started college doesn’t even exist anymore.  Back when he was a child he treated his myriad of medical conditions using things like heroin, cocaine, and belladonna, something that seems unbelievable today.
It’s a lot to have to adjust to, but he has adjusted, and he still works to change what needs work while appreciating the changes that have happened.  When I ask what he thinks we do today that will be seen as completely backward in another hundred years, his answer is circumcision.
He immediately blushes at his answer.
And that’s the Steve Rogers I got to know.  Working hard at fitting into a world that has moved forward as he works to make further changes.  Trying to be the good man he is.  Snarky.  Intelligent.  And willing to talk about circumcision with a stranger even when it makes him blush.
So my friends are wrong.  I don’t have a crush on Captain America.  My crush is firmly aimed at Steve Rogers.  The man is sweet-natured, decent, and completely unexpected.  I may always carry this crush with me.  He’s something special, and we’re all really lucky to have him.
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therealeagal · 10 months
Rating Disney films
I'm waiting on an event that will occur in my approximate future, so while I wait I thought I would kill time with a rating of some Disney movies. What a lark! But before we begin:
Item: The scale will be F, D, C, B, A. Normally I would consider C to be the base starting point, but since Disney is a heartless mega-conglomerate that would sell orphan souls if they thought there was a market for it, I'm sorry to say that every film is automatically docked a point, so we're starting at D.
Item: I'm only going to cover the ones I've seen, and only the ones from pretty recently. The last ten years, let's say. Otherwise we'll be here all day and I probably will have got shit to do.
Ok, let's go.
Frozen. Elsa and Anna and their hangs-on that no one really cares about. Good music. Idina Menzel? Holy shit I got it right on the first try. Go me! Idina is a great singer, so that bumps Frozen up a notch. Great animation, except for that one bit during Let It Go where Elsa's ponytail phases through her arm, but I guess I'll...let it go. Eh? Eh? Come on admit it, that was funny. A dumb subversion of true love, but then an interesting subversion of the subversion so I'll give it a point. But then there's...everything else. Preventable conflict, forgettable everyone that isn't Elsa and Anna, stupid character decisions, a twist villain who has literally no reason to exist and who is not connected to the central conflict in any way whatsoever. It's the works. Also, I'm told there's some debate over whether the side character Oaken is married to a man or woman. The art style makes it hard to tell. Normally I'd give it a point but since this is Disney, I'm going to file that under "Gay reference so that Disney gets bonus points but it was super minor so that Disney can easily edit it out for international releases in countries that hate the LGBT community". Which loses it a point instead.
Final score: F. Oh yeah. Coming out of the gate swinging. I wonder how much hate I'll get for that.
Big Hero 6. Hiro Hamada and the rest. No musical numbers, but it does have Baymax and jokes about puberty, which are...funny I guess. I guess. It does have a twist villain, but that's a gimme. He's a supervillain. Would Norman Osbourn be half the villain without being the father of Peter Parker's best friend? It loses a point because Hiro's older brother was too good to deserve being Uncle Bened. I wish my brother was as cool as Tadashi was. And that he was also Uncle Bened. I'll trade my brother for superpowers. See if I won't.
Final score: B. SO close.
Zootopia. The furry movie. I saw it. It didn't turn me into a furry any more than 90 years of Mickey Mouse did. Maybe I oughta dock it a point for that. Good story, entertaining leads, entertaining side characters. Catchy music. But it had a twist villain. Get some new material, guys.
Final score: B. Almost got it.
Moana. Good movie. Good characters. Good music. Who knew Dwayne Johnson could sing? No twist villain. Actually, there's a twist hero. Double points for that.
Final score: A. Huzzah! We finally got an A!
Coco: Ah, Coco. Good movie. Good music. Good characters. I will dock a point for preventable conflict, but righting former wrongs makes up for it. Very heartwarming. Double points for heartwarming. Also, another M. Rivera journeys to the Land of the Dead in search of his ancestors. And Imelda is voiced by the same actress that did Manny Rivera. I wonder if that was intentional.
Final score: A.
Incredibles 2. The first Incredibles missed the cutoff. Oops. It's a sequel so...ehhhhh. Another twist villain, but it's a supervillain so normally it wouldn't count, but the villain has no personal connection to Helen and only second-hand connection to Bob, so fuck Screenslaver. Overall, doesn't really stand out.
Final score: D. Ehhhhhhhhhh...
Live Action Aladdin. An acquaintance of mine she got super thirsty over Mena Massoud, so I'll give him double points. Will Smith did...ok I guess. I guess. I liked Jasmine's new song tho.
Final score. Ehhhhhhh...I wanna give it a good score, but I really can't give it better than a C. I'm sorry Mena and Naomi! Forgive meeeeeeeeeeee!
Live Action The Lion King. Yeah...no...
Final score: F. Not even Beyonce could save it. I think I may have committed a crime against humanity by saying that...
Frozen II. A sequel...ehhhhh...good story I guess. I guess. Good music, I will concede. New characters are forgettable and Elsa didn't get a girlfriend. I don't think it had a real conflict? Question mark? Just righting past wrongs wasn't it? I forget. Assuming there were no villains, because otherwise I'd have to dock a point for forgettable villains.
Final score: C. +2 -1. Hey at least it's not an F. I wonder how much hate I'll get for rating the sequel higher.
Onward. Troll brothers, one's a nerd, the other's a slacker. It's actually quite good. Don't remember the music, so it doesn't get any points. It had a "token acknowledgement of a gay character that can be easily edited out for international" so that's a minus.
Final score:
Luca. Another good movie. Very heartwarming. There is some debate over whether this movie counts as "Young boys discovering their sexuality but only in the vaguest possible terms so that it can be easily rewritten for international" or just "Young friends that is only homoerotic if you squint and maybe audiences are reading a little too much into it". And I mean, I could see it. I'm not that good at squinting and I can see it. I'll give you that it's possible. I don't necessarily think it's probable, but I'll take the point anyway because Disney's not dumb, just evil. They knew.
Final score: B.
Ron's Gone Wrong. Being honest, I was totally unaware that this was Disney. I saw the dvd at Wal-Mart and thought it looked cute. Which it is. Very heartwarming friendship. And the kids that the kid wants to be friends with turn out to be good kids and not little shits at all.
Final score: B.
Encanto. Another good one. I have to dock it a point for more preventable conflict, but otherwise, great characters, great music, great story, great ending, great family. Great Scott, have we got another A?
Final score: Yep, it's an A.
Lightyear. Really? This is the movie that Andy saw? But this Buzz acts nothing like that Buzz! Twist villain, token acknowledgement of a gay character that can be easily edited out for international. I mean, I liked it. I like Buzz and I like Alisha and I like Izzy and I like Sox, but is that enough?
Final score: B. -3 +4. I preferred the animated series.
Strange World. Didn't finish it. Stopped halfway and got sidetracked by something else and never got around to picking it back up, but it does have a gay secondary character in the main character's son and I seem to recall he gets a recurring subplot about how fit the guy he likes is.
Final score: Ah heck, let's give it an A just because the gay character wasn't of the "easily edited out for international" variety.
Elemental. Loved this movie. Very heartwarming. I say that a lot. It's Disney. What do you expect? Technically it does have a preventable conflict, but the preventableness is central to the story, so that's a gimme.
Final score: A.
Wish: Bending the rules, because I haven't seen it but I hope to some time soon. I'll be optimistic and wish upon a star that this movie gets all the points.
Final final score: A. Huzzah!
In closing if you don't agree with my ratings, or with the reasons I have given for the ratings, you are, of course, entitled to your own opinions, but I don't want to hear it so find someone else to whinge at.
Please and thank you. :)
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Got some more! :D probably be it until a few days
1: as seen in Nightwing: a new order, Jake had a voltron robot in his room, most likely Dick introduced him to it, do you think dick showed him more of his childhood like how some parents do?
2: since Jake is a fan of basketball both fanon & canon, does he look up basketball stuff? I bet he likes the first space jam movie ;)
3: does the starburst duo like horror movies? If not, what’s their favorite costume to wear on Halloween?
4: if they can dye their hair what colors would they be?
5: when they are older, what would their favorite nostalgic moment between the two of them?
6: what’s their favorite superheroes? both in universe and maybe some heroes from different superhero comics.
7: does Chris have a crush on mar’i when they are older? I can totally see Jake and Chris becoming brother in laws
1. Oh very much he would. It’ll be all the works of what Dick grew up with as a kid. It further contributes to all those times of people, both Titans and Batfam, can look at those just once and make a remark about the Family Resemblance. All that’s missing is that Jake having blue eyes like Dick’s and as Dinah Lance once put it “It’s like Dick somehow became younger while we all got older”
2. Yes he would. Whether it be entire history articles about how the major league teams came to be, the records being held up, etc, It fills up his search engines on all of his devices like there’s no tomorrow. He would also like that movie, whether basketball related or not, at least for the sheer novelty of it, having a good laugh at its plot and select moments of it alongside his friends and loved ones on some movie nights.
3. They want to like them and they’re fascinated by them….the issue lies in the factor that no matter how much they’ve trained and seen all sort of actual in universe terrors throughout basically all their lives, one too many splattering moments and jump scares are enough to send them scurrying straight to their respective parents’ rooms.
As for their preferred costumes on All Hallow’s Eve; Chris designed a custom built rubber monster suit akin to all those Japanese monster movies Conner showed him once. His in particular is very influenced by Godzilla, only instead of dorsal plates and iguanodon arms, his monster design has a frill, velociraptor arms along with toe claws and Carnotaurus horns. Then there’s Jake who basically design a Pokémon trainer outfit with his superhero colors (Basically a Discowing colored version of say Red or even Satoshi/Ash)
4. As once suggested not too long ago by a friend of mine, @spider-jaysart , Chris would have a black streak in otherwise brown hair whilst Jake’s streak in turn would have a red one.
5. Maybe one of the favorite moments they look back in the most would be the time they performed as part of the band (Chris on Bass and Jake on Drums) for Bludhaven Academy’s Last Day of School Dance along with Thara and Meredith (who which they played Rhythm and Leas Guitar respectively) in front of all of those classmates, their parents, staff members, all the while not cracking under the pressure. They still keep photos of that performance and their band group shots in their albums to the very day
6. For the both of them in universe, they both agree on Superman being a strong favorite for many obvious reasons. As for other heroes besides the Big Blue Boyscout, Jake more or less bases his entire hero work on Robins from the past, primarily his Father and (the still current one in my personal preference though I digress) Uncle Tim. For Chris, he also looks up very greatly to Tim Drake as Robin and the only other hero that can come close to that appeal for him would be either Shazam (Billy) or Cyborg.
As for other heroes which aren’t native to the DCU, there’s principally two mains for the both of them: Invincible aka Mark Grayson and Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man
7. Actually (and apologies if I end up disappointing you my friend, sincerely) but Chris Kent and Mar’i Grayson are an example of two friends, boy and girl, that don’t end up in a romance between them. For one thing, Chris is already crushing the aforementioned Thara Ak-Var (Long story Incredibly short, she’s much younger here as Chris’ contemporary, New Krypton coexists and she’s an exchange student at Chris and Jon’s school) while Mar’I, if she lands at date at all, would be with someone outside of the Graysons’ social circle, as in not within any one of the superhero community whatsoever, much to Dick’s overprotective nature of course. In fact, Mar’i actually helps Chris with his strategies for getting closer to Thara.
I how these answers are to your liking @gothicghost2000 . They’re really fun to do. If you have any questions, suggestions or otherwise, reblogging and/or replying would be greatly appreciated.
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neonwebs · 1 year
Casually flexes my newly gifted banner
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So! As stated in my rules, reality can be whatever I want. When folks come to this blog, I want them to know my Miguel is comics based with atsv influences, as well as influences from 2011′s Spider-Man: Edge of Time video game (as fun as Shattered Dimensions is, and while I do love Miguel in that, it wasn’t my favorite portrayal so that chunk of characterization is not included in this one.) That being said, some things with my Miguel I feel like I should include are
Miguel always wears the yellow shades in and outdoors and when hiding his eyes from people who don’t know he’s Spider-Man
He knows Tyler Stone is his father, but has not shared the fact that he knows. He does not know that Kron’s dead (and flushed)
Miguel hasn’t told Gabriel he’s alive. He never told him he was leaving
He doesn’t inject rapture. The movie didn’t explain why he does and I’m not about to give a wrong answer so he just doesn’t do it
He’s not as massive as he is in the movie but he’s still pretty tall (6′3)
Dana and Gabe were never together, just good friends. Gabe introduced Dana to Miguel at a party, and they dated sometime shortly after
But just as Peter lost Gwen, Miguel lost Dana when Kron (Venom 2099) killed her
He hasn't dated since loosing Dana
There’s a six year age difference between Miguel and Gabe (obvi Miggy is the older brother)
Miguel still works for Alchemex in the genetics department. All of his check goes toward the Spider-Society
He's rich but don’t forget that a common trait among spiders is that they’re very smart. Most spiders can make something out of practically nothing and that’s the big part in keeping operations running smooth. His check goes more towards specialized equipment that can’t exactly be built (and food)
He sings veeeeeeeery quietly to himself while he works sometimes
While he would happy to not be Spider-Man for the rest of his life, Miguel would miss the gliding aspect of it most of all
He remains Peter Parker’s biggest fan in the future. He tries to keep it on the DL but he has his fanboy moments
He is out of the closet to literally everyone but his mom (who’s alive btw)
George is dead tho (thank God) he unfortunately did not suffer (boo, tomato)
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spacefinch · 1 year
Star Wars headcanons: Mart Mattin edition
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He's around 14 or 15 when we first meet him. He is also short. The fact that he only grows a few inches between his introduction and the end of the Empire's reign does not help.
Flying is his absolute favorite thing in the world. He learned to fly his YT-2400 freighter at age 12, and back home on Mykapo, he had a glider that he flew around in.
If Mart were a Pokemon trainer, he would be a Flying-type Gym Leader. His team would include:
Since we don't know much about his personality in canon, I've based my headcanons for Mart's personality off several other characters, including:
Commander Sato (I imagine he was just like his nephew when he was younger)
Ezra Bridger-- I mean, Zeb compares Mart's crew to Ezra.
Peter Parker
Nico di Angelo
Wesley Crusher
He has a complicated relationship with his uncle Jun. Mart's one of the few people who calls Commander Sato by his first name. He sees him as a father figure (especially after losing his own parents). But he's also angry that Sato didn't come sooner, and is often busy with rebel command business.
Definitely posts memes and shitposts on Space Tumblr. I'll make a separate post featuring those memes.
He considers Gooti and Jonner to be his best friends. He's known them for pretty much his entire life. Together, they form the most chaotic trio in Phoenix Squadron since Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb.
Mart especially sees Wedge Antilles as an older brother. Wedge is around 4 or 5 years older than Mart.
After the end of Rebels, he has a pet Loth-wolf pup. In a few years, it will be big enough for Mart to ride its back, but for now, it's the size of a very big husky.
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
@fluffbruary Day 23
Peter Parker was Morgan Stark’s absolute favourite person.
Everyone knew that. Peter himself couldn’t deny it, no mater how much it flustered him.
Rhodey laughed and pouted at being replaced as the fun uncle. Happy rolled his eyes. May smiled at him and told him Mo had good taste. Ned went to pieces in excitement. Mrs. Potts always got this sad smile on her face which meant she was remembering Mr. Stark, so Peter had never dared to go past just complaining about it.
There wasn’t much to complain about. Morgan was amazing. She was only five, but she held herself with the grace of a much older lady, talked like a professor, and could bring about the mischief and chaos of someone his age.
Peter adored her. He remembered being younger and begging his parents and later Ben and May for a younger sibling. Mo was everything he’d imagined, and so much more.
He’d just. . . He’d never thought he’d know Mr. Stark’s child, well, without the man being there himself to be the annoying fairy godmother figure he was.
Mrs. Potts had told him that she didn’t intend on superheroes being too big a part of her daughter’s life, and Peter had offered to go. She’d shaken her head and said that Peter was more than Spider-Man, that Mr. Stark had loved Peter Parker as much as, if not more than Spider-Man, and she wanted those who knew him best – him, Rhodey and Happy – as much around Mo as possible.
Peter had ducked his head and blushed, and he’d sworn he would be the best big brother possible.
That meant being indulgent with sweets and other treats, but only with her mom’s permission and within limits. It meant answering every question she had and occupying her huge brain so she didn’t feel bored at school. It meant telling her all about her dad. It meant walking on the ceiling, her precious cargo in his hands. It meant Peter would burn the world down for her.
He was spending the weekend at the lake house again, and Mrs. Potts had told him it was okay to take Morgan to the garage workshop until dinner when he’d asked.
Everything in there fascinated Morgan to no end, and Peter wasn’t sure if it was the objects themselves, or the fact that her dad had once used them.
“Peter, Petey!” Morgan called, holding something up. Peter turned from the schematic diagram curiously. “What’s this? It doesn’t look like anything useful. Is it junk? Can I use it for my scrap metal project?”
“Hmm,” Peter hummed playfully as he made his way to her. “Lesson one of the mysterious lab, Miss Morgan Hope Stark.”
Morgan giggled. “What is it?”
Peter swung her into his arms. “Nothing is as it seems!”
He pressed the sides of it, revealing it to be a capsule. At his touch, it opened to show the camera inside. “Your dad based it on the Snitch, from Harry Potter,” he explained. “It reacts only to … my touch now,” he finished sadly.
Morgan gasped in awe. “It’s cool,” she said. “Definitely not scrap. Is there anything on the camera?”
Peter flicked through the photos on storage. “Hmm. . . Let’s see. We didn’t exactly use it much before. . .” He trailed off, but the word Thanos echoed in their thoughts. “Oh, would you look at that.”
The camera projected a hologram on the wall – of Peter, in his ballet performance for Christmas that Mr. Stark had come to see. The Peter onscreen performed a near perfect arabesque – he was still proud of that one – before moving to a pirouette and chasse.
Morgan clapped her hands together delightedly. “Peter! I didn’t know you danced!”
“Well, it’s only casual,” Peter said quickly. “I’m not a serious dancer – honestly, I wasn’t too good before the spider bite. I was asthmatic and tripped over everything—”
Morgan ignored his rambling, the way she did everything she considered beneath her notice. “But you can dance! You can teach me ballet!”
“I didn’t even know you were interested,” Peter said in astonishment.
“I wasn’t,” Morgan said impatiently, the underlying Keep up, big brother very clear. “But if you do ballet, it can’t be all that bad. And mom wants me to ‘increase my repertoire and get out of my comfort zone’.” She sounded extremely put out at that. “This is perfect! And then you and I can spend more time together! FRI, play ballet music!”
“Woah, Momo,” Peter grabbed her and set her on the table. She folded her arms sulkily. “Not so fast. What have we said about whims?”
“That I need to think through them before acting on them,” Morgan muttered petulantly. “I don’t see why that’s necessary.”
God, she sounded like her dad. Peter felt a wave of crushing grief pass through him, and he steadied himself, taking a breath.
“Petey?” She sounded uncertain, suddenly.
“When you’re all grown up like me,” Peter said in a tone of haughty superiority. “You’ll see exactly why it’s necessary. Till then, Madam, you have to follow it.”
“You talk like you’re as old as Uncle Thor,” Morgan rolled her eyes, but acquiesced. “Okay. Why can’t we do ballet now?”
Peter ruffled her hair gently. “That’s my girl. And first, we need to talk to your mom to see if she really will be as eager as you say. Then we need to get you the stuff you need – pointe shoes, for one. And we certainly won’t be dancing here.”
Morgan nodded. “There is a lot of breakable stuff in here,” she allowed. “And we don’t want to destroy any of Dad’s things.”
“Nah,” Peter agreed quietly. “We don’t.”
“Can we go talk to Mom now? It’s time for dinner anyway,” she pointed at the clock.
“Sure,” Peter said, beginning to pack up. “First pick up your crayons, and put all the things you took out back in the box.”
“Okay,” she said, and they worked hurriedly, Morgan as organized and methodical as her mother. “Done, Petey?”
“Yep,” he held his hand out to her, and swallowed the lump in his throat as he felt her smaller one curl into it. Mr. Stark isn’t here. I am. She’s my little sister. Mine to protect.
Mrs. Potts greeted them, looking haggard, but smiling. “Hi, sweethearts. Do you mind if we just have a snack for dinner tonight? There’s enough for you, Peter, and tomorrow’s breakfast will be big, I promise, but I needed to handle a call with the board. I can make something now if you need though.”
Peter shrugged, concerned. Mrs. Potts reminded him of May in the first few months after Ben. She was taking on far too much, and he didn’t know how to help.
May says it’s enough to just be there, he reminded himself.
“I’m fine with it, Mom,” Morgan said.
“I am too,” Peter said. “Mrs. Potts, if it’s just a snack, why don’t we take a blanket out beside the lake and have a picnic?”
“Ooh, sounds fun!” Morgan said. “Please, mom? Please?”
Mrs. Potts looked hesitant, but smiled then. “Sure, why not. Give me a moment. Peter, can you pack the food? Morgan, get one of the picnic blankets out, please.”
They went to do as she said, Peter considering what he could do to help her. He hadn’t known Mrs. Potts too well before the Blip, but Mr. Stark had loved her, and that had been enough for him. “You can leave the phone here,” he insisted.
She pursed her lips. “Peter—”
“Seriously, Mrs. Potts,” he continued. “They can survive for your half-an-hour dinner break. Mo!” He called to his sister, who was running forward. “Wait up!”
Mrs. Potts looked at him with a half-rueful half-tender expression. “You may be right,” she gave in. “At any rate, Morgan looks ready to combust with impatience.”
Morgan had picked a Spider-Man blanket, which she looked very proud of as she spread it on the grass. “It’s you, Petey!” She said happily. “How do you like it?”
Peter swallowed the lump in his throat, remembering buying his own merchandise for the first time and swinging to Stark Tower to show it to Mr. Stark. “It’s amazing, Mo.” He said quietly. Mrs. Potts gave him a look of quiet empathy, and they commiserated in their grief.
“Mom, you remember when you said I needed to develop new skills?” Morgan asked, as she finished her second sandwich.
Mrs. Potts was having a cookie. “Yes, dear,” she said. “Have you changed your mind about learning French from FRIDAY?”
“No,” Morgan denied, and Peter made a note to get the whole story from her later. “But Peter knows how to dance, and he said he would teach me!”
“Ballet,” Peter added hastily, in case Mrs. Potts thought of the ‘dances’ most teenagers did. “I’ve been learning since I was a kid, for almost eight years now. I’m not qualified to teach, but I could show the basics for about a year, until you’re ready to join a proper class, or you get bored of it.”
Morgan scowled. “I won’t get bored of it!”
“If you say so,” Mrs. Potts looked at them contemplatively. “Yes, I remember Tony telling me about your Christmas performance. The Nutcracker, wasn’t it?”
Peter blinked, still startled at every evidence that Mr. Stark had really, truly cared about him. “Yeah,” he said softly. “Yeah, it was.”
Morgan furrowed her eyebrows, clearly committing that to memory, as she did everything about her father.
“What would you need?” She asked.
“Well, the second sitting room is large enough to pass for a studio,” Peter began. “And FRI’s there to play music. We’ll need some equipment to stretch, and ballet shoes for Morgan – and a tutu and leggings – but that’s about it.”
Mrs. Potts nodded, graciously as though she were a queen, as she did everything, Peter thought. “Very well. We can do that. You’ll take the lessons whenever you come up?”
“I think,” Peter responded. “Once school starts up it’ll be harder, so maybe some video calls then, but, it might be too much.”
“We’ll see,” Mrs. Potts agreed. Then: “I’m proud of you for taking initiative, Morgan,” she added. Morgan beamed. “Even if it was only to spend time with Peter.”
“I want to learn ballet too,” Morgan protested. “It’s not just that!”
“Really?” Her mom teased. “Eat more, Peter. Your metabolism will barely be satisfied with that much.”
Peter sighed, taking another snack. “Yes, Mrs. Potts.”
“Yes, I am!” Morgan’s voice rose in a tantrum. “I’m going to be the best ballet dancer in the whole, wide world!”
“Wow,” Peter said in overexaggerated awe. “I’m sure you will. You can do anything you put your mind to. I can’t wait to see it.”
The rest though, was honest. Morgan Stark was already amazing, and even though he hated that her father wouldn’t be there, Peter couldn’t wait to see her grow up to be a star and live her life.
(In the years to come Morgan Stark would gain a degree in Mathematics and Astrophysics, and take SI into a new era. And every time she danced, crowds would rise to give her a standing ovation. Morgan would give the credit to her childhood teacher, whose name and face, unfortunately, neither she nor her mother could remember. Somehow, for some reason, she associated them with Spider-Man.)
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arysbruv · 2 years
Two Petes in a Pod
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Authors note: Slightly based on this post i made a while back. Legit sorry if any of these are OOC or anything! I tried my best to portray them correctly and everything. Either way happy reading lol
“Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Ms. Maximoff!” Peter Parker says, carrying his box into the small house. Wanda smiles at the young boy.
“No problem dear, I could use the company.”
Peter smiles back.
After the spell, everyone had forgotten Peter. He wasn’t in any pictures, any assignments, and videos. It was as if he had been wiped off the surface of the planet. He knew what the outcome of the spell would be, he knew the consequences. Still, he couldn’t help but feel lonely. Every one of his friends didn’t remember him, and he did not know how to cope with it. He tried making new friends, but it was so hard. So when Wanda Maximoff randomly called him up, and asked how he was doing, he bursted into tears. Wanda had taken pity on him and offered him a place. She knew what it felt to be alone. She couldn’t leave him alone.
“Sorry the place is a bit messy, I thought I asked my brother to clean up the place…”She bites the inside of her cheeks, as she scans the place. Peter’s eyes widen as he looks at her. Confusion laced in his face.
“Your- Your brother? But I thought your brother-“
“You know how you told me different variants of you came through? Well, he’s a variant of my brother,” Wanda says, cutting him off. Peter nods deeply. Wanda sighs. 
“I told him to clean up, honestly that-“ A gust of wind blows in front of the two Avengers.
“What do you mean? This place is spotless!” A man says, sitting down on the couch. Peter looks at the man. He had silver hair and was wearing a blueish grey singlet. He had a lopsided smile splashed across his face. He came in there in a blink of an eye. Silver hair, super speed. Quicksilver. 
“Who’s the shortie?” 
Wanda rolls her eyes, Peter extends his hand stiffly towards the man. “I’m Peter, Peter Parker. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Pietro Maximoff sir.” 
“Actually, I don’t go by Pietro. I go by Peter. Also, no need to call me Sir. Just call me Peter.” Peter says, speeding up to him. He grins. Parker only smiles back at him, the sudden gust of wind hitting his face causing his hair to be ruffled beyond imagination. The silver haired man laughed. 
“Wow- No wonder they call you the fastest man alive! Wait- were u like running? or walking during that superspeed? Does it matter if you run or walk? How is it like when you use your power-“
“Well, I’ll leave you to both to get to know each other,” Wanda says interrupting Spider-man’s list of questions that were escaping his mouth faster than he could control. Parker bites his lip, turning towards Wanda.
“Where are you going miss?” He asks. Peter Maximoff cocks an eyebrow at the usage of Ms on his sister. 
“I’m going to go talk to Strange. You two can hang out. There’s food in the fridge.”
Wanda says, turning to the door. Looking back she smiles at the two boys who were staring at her as she left.
“Please don’t destroy the house.”
“You left Spider-man AND your brother together, unattended?!” Dr. Strange shouts, quickly creating a portal to the edge of Westview.
“I don’t see what the big deal is!” Wanda says, walking through the portal behind Strange. Her arms crossed as she looks around the quiet but lovely neighbourhood. If only Vision could see it.
“The big deal, is THAT!” Dr. Strange exclaims, pointing out Wanda’s house that had webs slung all across the building. Wanda bites her lips. Speechless.
“OH SH- PETER 1 SHE’S BACK!” Peter Parker shouts, running from the window to the kitchen where the silver haired man.
“ALREADY?” He shouts back. 
The world turned to a stop. Peter Maximoff sighs, looking at the Peter’s mouth which was still open mid sentence. He cracks his knuckles and plugs in his earphones before getting to work. Grabbing tissues and quickly removing any signs of chaos and tomfoolery that had happened.
He never knew that science could be so fun. He remembered he sometimes had fun with Scott and Kurt during his father’s physics lessons and Hank’s chemistry lessons, but still he never remembered it being this fun.
Peter Parker was an avid science fan and asked if they could do experiments together on their capabilities. It was the most fun he’d had in months. With Wanda, he felt as though he was the younger one. He knew in this universe he was but Wanda seemed so much more mature than him even though he was born in 50’s. He related more to Parker. He was a teenager who was trying to live his life. He related to that, even though he was closer to Wanda’s age.
He places the final cushion on the couch. Before going back and taking the can of coke in the fridge. 
“-HURRY” Peter Parker finally finishes as Peter Maximoff takes a sip of the coke.
“WHAT HAPPENED- What-“ Wanda’s voice shouts from the living room. Peter Parker stares at the silver haired Maximoff, who only winked at him in return before walking to the living.
“Oh Wanda your back! And you brought at friend over!” Peter Maximoff shouts.
“I could’ve sworn-“ The other man says. 
“It doesn’t matter, everything’s fixed now!” The silver haired man said, grinning at his sister.
“Peter, I trust you alright. You mess up this house again, and I’ll make sure you’ll regret it!” Wanda says to her brother who only smiles back.
“Love you too sis.”
“That goes for you too Spidey!” 
Peter Parker who still stayed frozen near the fridge by his own choice, gulps. He looks back to the doorway to see Wanda not looking the slightest bit angry. She was… smiling? Was she amused.
Parker smiles, that smile quickly evolving into a laugh. A laugh that he hadn’t done in months. A true laugh.
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Clone of Mischief: Spider Trio x Loki Clone child reader part 4.
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Reader Meets the avengers.
The four young heroes and Jolly are sitting in the living room watching Demon Slayer/ kimetsu no Yaiba: mugen train, the two male spiders and Jolly got emotional on what happened to poor Rengoku "POOR KYOJURO." Ned said with tears and snot, Peter in the same state nodes in agreement "I can't believe it ended like this, his brother is so cute." Jolly said while MJ rolled her eyes at the drama, after the three pulled themselves together, the four young hero's and Kwami heated some left over Thai from the night before but their eating was stopped by a knock.
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Looking at each other MJ whispered “Are we expecting anyone today?” She asked Ned who shrugged "I'll get it." Peter said wiping his hands on a paper towel and getting up.
As Peter opened the door he was meet with the Avengers (I'm making Loki and Bucky Avengers, Pietro is alive and Civil war never happened) all of them stood at the door with their arm's crossed and furious looks on their faces, Peter could only let out a scream, slam and lock the door "quick we gotta hide Y/N." he told his teammates, when MJ asked "why?" A bang was heard answering her question "PETER BENJAMIN PARKER, MICHELLE JONES, AND EDWARD LEEDS OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" the trio cringed at Tony Stark yelling "our full names." Ned said fearfully "and my Middle name, Aunt May never uses it unless I'm in BIG trouble." Peter said scared.
The trio sees a green light and saw the Avengers surrounding them. "Care to explain this?" Natasha asked gesturing to Y/N who was looking at them in curiosity, "and this?" Tony said viewing the video fead of the trio saving Y/N from the HYDRA base, the trio fearfully explained "DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS?!" Steve shouted "YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELVES KILLED." Bruce yelled, "WHAT WERE YOU THREE THINKING?" the others yelled angrily it was the spider trio's turn to be angry "what were we thinking?..... WHAT WERE WE THINKING?, YOU GUYS WOULD HAVE TREATED HER LIKE A CRIMINAL JUST BECAUSE SHE'S MADE OF LOKI'S DNA." Peter shouted and took out Y/N's files slamming them on the table "SHIELD WOULD HAVE KEEPT HER IN A CELL LIKE AN ANIMAL." Ned shouted "AND EXPERIMENT ON HER LIKE A LAB RAT." MJ shouted last "SHE'S A LIVING BEING." all of them shouted leaving the Avengers shocked "she's made from my DNA?" loki asked shocked "Amazing, she's an organic clone." Bruce said in awe reading Y/N's files "I thought she looked familiar." Pietro said, Steve scooped Y/N up from the ground "You said it. She's a splitting image of Loki except female, has silver and green tips in her hair, has one eye, and has softer features.” He said observing the young clone until Peter butted in "actually she does have two eyes." Peter said as he removed your medical patch revealing your silver eye, then you use your magic to reveal your outlines and Star pupils. Everyone gasped, Loki ran up to his clone and took her chin in his hand "amazing, she has my powers." as he says this Jolly pops out "and a Kwami." the avengers were silent until Tony came up to inspect the creature "what is this? Some kind of mini alien thing!?" Jolly was now peeved "DOES NO ONE LISTEN TO ME ANYMORE?!" she asked a vain popping out of her head making everyone laugh but it died down as May came in "oh I wasn't expecting the Avengers over, I'm sorry but I gotta pack last minute business trip, Tony can the kids stay at the tower?" The avengers had Victory smirks as the spider trio gulped in terror "of course they can, they are like my own children, but Y/N is living with us from now on." as May hears this she had noticed Loki in the room who is now holding Y/N "oh, you found out about her?", May waisted no time she ran to her room and packed up her suitcase, ran back to the living room, gave each of the kids a kiss and told the avengers "take care of that girl she is a true sweetheart, but also a prankster." as May says this Clint says to Loki "she's your clone/kid alright horns." Loki rolled his eyes. May left and Tony told the kids "all right children get packing, BTW when we get to the tower you three are grounded for sneaking into a HYDRA base soooo.... No patrol, no going out at night, and no using your suits and the lab for 3 weeks." the spider trio could only groan in annoyance "should it be 4 weeks or maybe a month?" Tony asked as the three ran to their rooms to pack, Tony chuckled sat down on a seat but heard a farting noise only to pull out a Whoopy cushion and heard a laugh all the avengers saw Y/N laughing and Loki chuckling and patting his clones head but it turns into a firm look "your not off the hook either young lady, what you helped them do last night was really dangerous you've could have gotten killed! Kid Trickster.", Y/N's laughter died as he put her down and she went to pack her bags in hers and MJ's shared room since she's living in the tower now.
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Hey Frank, have you ever listened to the obscure Spider-Man rock opera entitled “Spider-Man: Rock Reflections of a Superhero”?
I looked it up and it's indeed a weird rock opera
"It's a rock opera about the adventures of Spider-Man and his relationship with Peter Parker, written in part as an act of protest against Marvel's handling of Spider-Man in the 90s. It's an elaborate parody of the Spider-Man movies and is based on Peter Parker as a teenager. The narrative of the story is divided into four parts, each part featuring a section of the band called "The Spider" with vocals provided by J. Jonah Jameson and a section for Mary Jane who is a pop star. The narration in the story is by the editor of Amazing Spider-Man and is played by Peter Parker. The story begins with the band "Mavericks" playing a love ballad called The Heartbreak Song featuring Parker and Miles, and the story features Parker meeting an older Peter Parker who is angry at the new Marvel Comics who had recently killed off his brother, and with Miles and Peter Parker having a passionate romance. There is a section featuring Spider-Man and Parker as a superhero couple and Parker telling Spider-Man how he'd always seen Spider-Man as a "hero for the children" and always felt like he shouldn't care about him as a teenager. Parker also meets the Peter Parker of New York, but who wants to be a hero in a big city and tells Parker he feels that's not who he is. The story has the band "Venom" break up their relationship after a series of brawls, and Parker has a moment of self-reflection."
OK, let's start with the obvious question: is it any good? And I guess the even more obvious answer is "who cares!" Like, I could write a rock opera, and I could probably have written it better and more coherent than this.
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hypermo0n · 2 years
Okay so since i rp Stealth on discord, I am gonna be writing a lore page about him and his two "brothers"
Stealth Xander- A young hedgehog that once had big dreams. Extremely nerdy but carefree. Super smart and had a few things he created. Lived with his Uncle Chuck since his parents went missing when he was little.
One night, he got a clue about his parents and asked his uncle to help him. Chuck refused and it led into argument which made Chuck say "Your father is not the man he once was."
Stealth grew angry and stormed out of the house. Chuck followed and was gunned down by someone. Stealth heard the gunshots and raced back to see his dying uncle. The man ripped Stealth away from his uncle and kidnapped him, taking him to a lab where he was experimented on.
Stealth escaped and once freed, discovered his new powers. He vowed to find this group's leader and avenge his uncle. Not only did he have enhanced speed, but also spider abilites with a suit that IS apart of him.
He found the facility once more and the masked leader. Once cornered Stealth ripped the mask off only to discover that it was his father, Jerome.
Horrified that his father was behind everything, he did not notice the other super powered hedgehog behind him. Spinx (the Shadow of this universe).
They fought for awhile and Stealth discovered that Spinx was being controlled by a collar. Breaking it and freeing the other, they escaped.
Spinx was a normal hedgehog that was captured by Jerome and forced an symboite to fuse with him. Making him basically Venom of the Sonic franchise. The two vowed to stop Jerome.
A few months later, a young fox named Tycoon Rovers was on a trip with his class when he saw something he wasn't meant to and was captured by Jerome, becoming a new test subject. Since Stealth was a "failed" one.
Stealth and Spinx broke into the new lab and met Tycoon. To which Stealth could sense he was just like him.
"You're just like me.."
"I don't wanna be."
"Don't think you have much of a choice, bud.."
(If you got that reference, you get a cookie and a hug)
Spinx and Stealth accepted Tycoon into their group and the fox became a crime fighter. Things seemed decent again.
Until one night on a tower, while fighting a bad guy, Spinx took a hit meant for Stealth and died in his arms.
Grieving over his found older brother, Stealth changed. Becoming silent. Very seldom sleeping or eating. Becoming obsessed with stopping bad guys.
Even shutting Tycoon out...Whenever his younger brother would try to talk and help him, he was meant with snappish remarks and silence...
SO. The roles, which i am sure you have guessed by now. Tycoon is the Tails of that universe. Spinx is the Shadow of that one. And Stealth is the Sonic of that one.
What Spiderman characters are they based on:
Stealth- Peter Parker
Tycoon- Miles Morales
Spinx- Eddie Brock
And yes. Stealth is an acutal character from the Archie comics. He did not have any lines but he did make a cameo.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
This is a superhero age, considering the current craze spread across the globe. The love that the super characters from comics are getting now, is unparalleled and unimaginative when compared to the entire history of the big-screen depiction of them. Their impact in films wasn’t so charismatic before 21st century. Especially after Sam Raimi’s and Christopher Nolan’s influential portrayal of superheroes. Audiences got to see how and in what actual manner, the superheroes are to be presented in a movie. Moreover, solo superhero films have been so great and meaningful that people have even imbibed their qualities and morals in their own lives too! That’s called a true film and the magic of a comic book based superhero. Here’s our hand-picked list of 6 best solo superhero movies of all-time. 6- Spider-Man 2 (2002) Image Source: images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com There’s no doubt that when it comes to the most loved, childhood superhero of each one of us, it has to be the web slinging, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. There’s something about Peter Parker, that’s so special and relatable which makes you admire him endlessly. But it was Sam Raimi who took this character on a level of popularity where Spider-Man became immortal! Spider-Man 2 is considered a masterpiece for many things. It shows the true character struggle that Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker goes through and you feel it, the entire film’s story. The way this movie’s story connects with the viewer is very impactful and shakes your inner cockles. There are so many scenes where you are about to cry and in some, you just let your tears come out. 5- Black Panther (2018) Image Source: www.aljazeera.com This entry doesn’t need a word. It became a cultural phenomenon of not only 2018 but for generations to come. Wakanda came alive not only on the big screen, but truly in everyone’s heart too. Director Ryan Coogler crafter this marvelous and colorful superhero flick in his own unthinkable and magnificent manner. And on top of it, Chadwick Boseman’s King T’Challa aka Black Panther stole our hearts with his undying strength, kindness, and love for his people. Along with him, his brother or in other words, the villain, Erik Killmonger (played by Michael B. Jordan) also stole the hearts, because his motivation for his actions was equally justified too. The fight for the throne of Wakandan King, between both of them turns out to be an emotional family matter in the end where Erik eventually dies in the end but the expressions on his face even while dying, are exceptional-he dies to be proud of himself! There are many things which this film teaches you. If you want to take any leaf out of its story, you can watch it again and again and become inspired. 4- Wonder Woman (2017) Image Source: i0.wp.com Female empowerment came to a sudden high after this directorial by Patty Jenkins. Wonder Woman brought a revolutionizing and feministic change that was very much required considering the current scenario. Gal Gadot infused life into the character of Princess Diana of Amazon. Her first big screen origin story swayed each woman and moviegoer in a mesmerizing manner. Set during the events of the first World War, Princess Diana also helps in stopping battles among the nations that compromised the lives of those living near borders. In one of the scenes, that is now remembered as the iconic ‘No man’s land’ scene, the way Wonder Woman rises to the moment and ends a long-running battle in a few minutes, leaves you speechless and in awe of her. She calls out for mercy, peace, and harmony among people in the world, but also prepares herself to fight the evil Ares. More: Halloween is going to open big at the US Box-Office! 3- Iron-Man (2008) Image Source: am24.akamaized.net “I am Iron-Man”. This line has become so much integral to the lives of superhero fans worldwide that it’s meaning has reached to another realm! In 2008, Robert Downey Jr. took up the role of his life when he donned the armour of Iron-Man.
Who knew it would turn out to be a game changer, not only for the actor himself, but will make him a different person too, altogether. Director Jon Favreau wasn’t sure if he had made a great superhero film. Marvel Studios was just born with this first attempt and Kevin Feige was the head of it. Everyone was praying it to be a hit at least. And when the film released eventually, the theaters were thronged by audiences and they were just shouting ‘Iron-Man’. And what started after this flick, is a history, in the history of superhero films itself. Robert Downey Jr. has now become synonymous with Tony Stark and it looks like no one wants him to quit this role ever. What more respect a superhero movie can get than this? It says everything, right? More: TOP 7 HOLLYWOOD MOVIES BASED ON MAGIC AND ILLUSION 2-  Logan (2017) Image Source: www.hindustantimes.com The last appearance of Huge Jackman as the clawed mutant, Wolverine couldn’t have been so memorable. Logan made him another kind of character, the one we hadn’t seen in any of his previous X-Men outings. The old man Logan of this film’s story was a struggling, aged man who just, wants to stay away from violence at any cost since he doesn’t want his past to haunt him back. He is trying to save Professor X who’s also physically dying himself! Director James Mangold was so good with his directing creativity in this film that it was touted to be an Oscar contender for Best Picture and Best Director honors. The ending scene brought tears in theaters when Logan dies finally and that funeral was so-so emotional. Jackman will be there as Wolverine forever after this movie alone-he was at his lifetime best. More: Venom achieves ‘symbiosis’ with the box-office! Scores biggest October opening of $80MN 1- The Dark Knight (2008) Image Source: user32265.clients-cdnnow.ru Christopher Nolan needs no introduction because everyone knows what he does when given a movie making camera. As a director he is a modern legend. But with the superhero trilogy of Batman, he did something unsurpassable. And 2008’s The Dark Knight became a benchmark for future superhero flicks, in other words it’s a gold standard now for making comparisons. Joker’s menacing acts combined with Bruce Wayne’s moral codes was so heavily impactful that it just didn’t look like a superhero movie at all. Rather, it appeared as if some great emotional, political and philosophical drama was going on the screen! Christian Bale made the character of Wayne immortal and his every action won the hearts of his believers and all Batman fans. He just nailed it to perfection. But to make him so great there was another equalizer too, actor Heath Ledger’s Joker! Words fall short whenever his name pops up in the mind. The anarchistic actions of Joker challenged Batman’s morals at every point throughout the film. No surprise that this movie was also touted to be bag the Best Picture and Best Director honors at the Oscars. It somehow missed them tough, but won the Best Supporting Actor Academy award for Heath Ledger’s performance. And that says it all. More: Venom Review: Everything collapses, but Eddie Brock and the Symbiote!
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forgetful-nerd · 3 years
Bucky: what are you kids doing?
Peter: we’re going downtown to infiltrate a secret-underground mob, and arrest them.
Harley: we have weapons! *charges up blasters* Pow! Pow!
Bucky: that seems like the kind of thing a responsible parent wouldn’t want you doing.....
Bucky: good thing I’m an uncle! Give’em hell kids!
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