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malicemuffin · 5 months ago
Constellation Notes: Andromeda
Name Meaning: "Princess of Ethiopia" (from Greek Mythology)
Allen, Richard H. "Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning."
Olcott, William Tyler. "Star Lore: Myths, Legends, and Facts."
Ridpath, Ian. “Star Tails.”
Staal, Julius DW. "The New Patterns in the Sky: Myths and Legends of the Stars."
From the Perseus legend. Linked to the other constellations of Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Pegasus, and Cetus (Olcott 21).
Some connections made with Pisces as fish were commonly depicted to be at her feet (Allen 33).
Cassiopeia boasted that she was prettier than sea nymphs* and offended Neptune, who summoned a sea monster (Cetus) in his rage. To quell his anger, Jupiter told the family that the daughter, Andromeda, must be sacrificed to the sea beast. She was subsequently chained to rocks until Perseus rocked up and slayed the monster and saved her (Olcott 21).
*Sea nymph is also referred to as a "nereid" (Allen 31).
"Andromeda is always represented as a woman in distress, and the sea monster has always been understood to be her persecutor, and from his mouth pours forth the stream Eridanus" (Olcott 25).
Staal theorizes that the origin of this legend would have been from the Red Sea, making Andromeda "a dark-skinned girl" (Staal 9). Apparently Ovid alluded to this, given his description of her being "of the dusky color of her country" (also Staal 9).
Represented in some depictions with chained ankles + wrists. (Olcott 21).
Apparently there are claims this constellation could have existed from 6000 BC (Olcott 23)? Cool. Also thought to have originated from Mesopotamia (Staal 9).
Was called "Antarmada" in Hindu mythology (Olcott 22).
Was associated with a sea calf/seal in some Arabian mythology (Olcott 23).
Appeared in the Babylonian mythology creation story concerning "Bel Marduk" and Tiamat (Allen 32).
In Chinese Astronomy, the appearence of this constellation in the Autumn Sky was "a reminder that it was time to see to the manufacture of foot wear" (Staal 10).
One obviously cool feature inside this constellation is the Andromeda Galaxy, the most notable Galaxy besides the Milky Way.
Near the location of Almach is a recurring meteor shower called the "Andromedids," thought to be the remnants of the comet "Biela" which "split into two before the eyes of observing astronomers during the middle part of the 19th Century" (Staal 13).
Notable stars:
Alpha Andromedae Name: Alpheratz Color: Blue Apparent Magnitude: 2.06 - Name derives from Arabic for "the horse's navel" (Allen 35). - Also called "Sirrah" (Allen 35). - Formerly associated with the Pegasus constellation (Olcott 26). - Known as one of the "three guides" (the others being Beta Cassiopeiae and Gamma Pegasi) of the "equinoctial colure" or the prime meridian of the sky (Olcott 26). - Apparently portends honor and riches to those born under its influence in astrology (Olcott 26). - Known as "the head of the woman in chains" (Olcott 26).
Beta Andromedae Name: Mirach Color: Red Apparent Magnitude: 2.07 - Name probably derives from Arabic for "a girdle or waistcloth" (Allen 36). - Known as "Cingulum" by some, including Hipparchos (Allen 35). - Commonly used to find the Andromeda galaxy (Wikipedia).
Gamma Andromedae Name: Almach Color: Yellow (binary with blue) Apparent Magnitude: 2.27 - Name derives from Arabic for a "small predatory animal of Arabia, similar to a badger" (Allen 36). - In Chinese astronomy, this star "...was Tien Ta Tseang, Heaven's Great General."" (Allen 37). - Its companion made it very beautiful to many astronomers due to the contrasting gold and blue (Olcott 27). - Considered "honorable and eminent" astrologically (Olcott 27). - Its binary companion was discovered by Johann Tobias Mayer and Wilhelm Struve in 1778 and 1842 respectively (Allen 37).
51 Andromedae Name: Nembus Color: Orange-Red Apparent Magnitude: 3.57 - Name origin is unknown (Wikipedia) but damn is Nembus a cool AF name so I have to include it regardless of how irrelevant this star is.
"Constellation of Sacrifice." Perhaps this constellation is full of "sacrificial" Celestials?
Associations with chains.
If involved with the Celestial Civil War, would probably be on the Red side. May want to fight back against their sacrificial nature through violent means.
Note: "sea nymphs" is also apparently a name for the Nereids, which is the name for one of Neptune's moons and a character in the comic. Some sort of connection between Andromeda and Nereid?
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hablandoele · 6 months ago
Episodio 42
42. Cómo Pedir Cerveza: Guía Completa de España a Hispanoamérica Hoy un episodio para los amantes de la cerveza. ¿Sabían que una misma cerveza puede tener más de 30 nombres diferentes dependiendo de dónde nos encontremos? Imagínense estar en un bar de Madrid y pedir una caña, pero luego viajar al País Vasco y que esa caña se convierta en un zurito. Y si nos vamos a México, Colombia y Argentina,…
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sobre2ruedasmartinprieto · 1 year ago
Explorando el arte de modificar bielas en motores de 125 cc. Los expertos buscan aligerarlas a 127 gramos, manteniendo su resistencia. Este meticuloso proceso de fresado y ajuste no solo mejora la eficiencia del motor sino también su rendimiento. Una técnica crucial para los entusiastas del motociclismo y la ingeniería mecánica.
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missmiattarocks · 2 years ago
moje srdce sa zlomilo keď som zistila, že lentilky vlastne nie sú slovenské a ešte k tomu sa volajú Smarties. skurvené Smarties. kto nazve lentilky Smarties? Smarties?! sú to lentilky!!!!
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butchfur · 2 months ago
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Biela's comet orbit.
The Physical Sciences. Revised Edition. 1950. 
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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Flowers under the Mountain
Zelené pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia.
Zelené pleso is a beautiful mountain lake located in the High Tatras in Slovakia. It is located in the Zelená dolina, which is a side valley of the Dolina Kežmarská Biela in the Tatra National Park.
Photographer: Martin Morávek
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warriorsofsplatsville · 6 months ago
"...Do you think they'll be mad if I get one hundred copies of Rainbow Color Inkantation?" Emmy stared at Aqua.
"I mean, we're the Sisters' prodigies! It's the least they owe us!" She replied.
"Whoever did the remixing work on this is inkredible!"
"Heh...that would be us." Dal tossed a copy at the two girls. "They left all the remixing work to us. Though, this particular song was mostly Xingxi."
"I-I just tried to incorporate all their songs as best I could..." She mumbled, hiding her mouth in her turtleneck sweater."
"Don't sell yourself short! Really gets my blood pumping!" Biela chirped.
"Goodness...maybe you should be a DJ, Star Girl."
"N-No...this sorta thing only happens once. I won't be able to replicate it..."
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fragmentedink-archived · 1 year ago
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OC Aesthetics: Seida Sherazi, Lesbian, Crown Princess of Anzan
I can promise you one thing You won't like me when I'm m e a n
tag list: @incandescent-creativity @idreamonpaper @solangelo3088 @halstudies @livvywrites @lux-scriptum @jaimistorytellerreposts
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woodstyledesign13 · 1 year ago
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Malé kuchyne
Čaká vás zariaďovanie malej kuchyne? Je to výzva, kde už jedna chyba môže mať zásadný vplyv na funkčnosť a estetické vyznenie. Vieme, že malé priestory si vyžadujú starostlivý prístup a zváženie zo všetkých aspektov. Práve preto sme pripravili niekoľko praktických tipov, ako zariadiť malú kuchyňu (nielen panelákovú), aby sa z nej stal plnohodnotný priestor so všetkým, čo k nemu patrí.
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sobre2ruedasmartinprieto · 1 year ago
Descubre la importancia de equilibrar peso y resistencia en las bielas para mejorar el rendimiento del motor. Al aligerar la biela, es crucial no comprometer su durabilidad, especialmente en motores que se preparan para un rendimiento superior. ¡Un balance perfecto para máxima eficiencia!
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ghulah · 7 months ago
Papa Emeritus, Terzo and the weight of the Mitre.
Due to popular demand, here is my Terzo analysis. It has been significantly cut down(if you do want the uncut analysis, here) because most of it was bullet points and unhinged notes I made. To be completely transparent, this was inspired by @cityofmeliora's own Terzo analysis post as well as several other analyses which I will be linking (also some headcanon stuff the wifecule had cooked up together lol).
These are all the posts (1 2 3 4 5 ) I used as resources and this compilation of Ghost interviews, as well as the Metal Myths part 2, because that's sort of required viewing at this point, isn't it?
I'll be splitting this analysis up into sections, first are brief descriptions and explanations of my understanding of the different aspects of Terzo - as Papa, as a Cardinal and as himself.
As for my sources, I won't be inserting the direct quotes here(because this post would be the longest ever) and they are all available in the aforementioned links.
Anyway, onwards, Ghesties!
First of all, What is Papa?
This is in reference to Papa, the entity, the image - not the person. Papa is a character, he's a mask, he's a façade. He is an image and an idea and the face of the Clergy. He is everything and he is above all yet he is not. According to mister Ghost-man himself, he is a stereotype, he is someone you know from somewhere and often than not he's old, charismatic, maybe a little bit bitter. He is sort of nebulous, he is a concept.
All whom take up the mantle, the Mitre, live up to this to a certain degree, it's part of the job! It also might be part of the bloodline, but y'know.
In that case, who is Papa Emeritus III?
The character of Papa III, the performer, the leader, the one to show us the way. Papa III is the face of the Ministry, he is a showman, a diva who is perfect for the role of the Satanic Pope who is not only theatrical, but also charismatic and fun and ambitious! He is artistic and outspoken. He knows what he's doing, he loves having a good time - drinks, partying, sex! He encourages it, as long as everyone is safe. He wants to bring about a new age, something to thrive. He will lead us all to damnation!
Papa III cares for his people, he makes sure they are safe and sound even in the midst of the chaos of the Rituals. He is, after all, the messenger that leads the audience through the hero's journey - a guide.
Cardinal Terzo
Let me be clear, this is all derived from Bishop Necropolitus Cracoviensis (who is representative of the album artist Zbigniew Biela) testimonial on Terzo when they were buddies back in Poland.
Cardinal Terzo was a slutty slutty, party man with a revolution in mind. He actually had a lot of visions and ideas to keep the Ministry going and modernizing it. He seemed super, well, locked in. He also likes Futurism, which aligns with his Art Deco and German Expressionism in his box of early 20th century art movements. He saw a future and he wanted to bring it to life, he held the same sins as his brother, Vice, Lust, Greed - but he had Ambition (credit to user cityofmeliora for this epiphany). That's what set it all off. Cardinal Terzo had that joie de vivre.
But who is Terzo?
Terzo Emeritus is a man of many pleasures - it's just those pleasures don't often involve people. He likes early 20th century fashion, he likes early 20th century art movements, he likes theater, he participates in it. He does have a pleasant personality, perfectly charming and joyful and teasing - but, he's not 'on' all the time. Or rather, he might not genuinely feel that way unless something or someone actually interests him. He might not be as slutty as everyone thinks he is. He moves like a fucking cryptid when he isn't performing, which is even funnier considering how open he seems to act. He wanted to do so much as Papa, he cared a lot. He had so many ideas, he wanted to take care of his flock and wanted to spread his ideas and cement the Ministry as a real power by opposing all those mindsets that keep holding society back. He was a revolutionary taken out too soon for another agenda at play, which is his true tragedy.
If anything, his charming Papa persona is what draws people in - but it's untouchable, because it's an idea, a face he puts on. Terzo is most likely the mellow, a toned down version of that face. Secondo influenced him, not enough for him to be exactly like him, though, so.
On a very real level - he's sort of like that 'when your circle small but y'all are crazy' meme. He has only a few people who are truly close to him and know what he wants and who he is while everyone else is on the outside looking in. He seems to keep people at bay, even the ones he approaches first. It's the people who either stick around and play along long enough to catch all his little ticks or the ones who saw through it all in the first place who get close to him.
That self hatred and hatred of everyone came a little later, when everything started to not fit into place anymore. He had restrictions on him, he couldn't bring his vision to life - he began to resent that idea. He knew that he was expendable, it was inevitable that he would be gone soon. He was still Papa, he cared, he wanted better for the Ministry. But it was, to a point, all for nothing if he was going to be stifled.
Ambition and hubris being his downfall is just a repetition of every Greek Tragedy we've been told. And much like the Bringer of Light, Terzo was brought down to Hell. Thanks Sister Imperator.
Sorry if some of this sounds a bit silly, it is quite self indulgent and made when I was sleep deprived. But also, I love character analysis and I love Ghost so!
Bonus tidbit: All that talk of separate travel made me think that Terzo might like sightseeing as a fun headcanon. So in my mind he might have a film camera stashed somewhere to take with him. It fits with the idea that he is quite a recluse and takes time to himself, he doesn't need to socialize to go out and see things and take pictures. Of course this is also extrapolated from his nerdy film and art interests. (this part was inspired by a convo with @3hroo)
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mizaart · 4 months ago
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐
(AU fɑnɑɾt)
Ezarel and Mizuki with their 4 children (Biela, Aster, Lotar and Gamma) shortly before she passed away of natural causes. The new legacy of Eldarya and the Ithilmithorenn
Después quiero hacer un breve resumen de cada hijo/a pero esta es la familia real. En mi AU, Ezarel es Duib'ar (equivalencia a príncipe) y extensísimo relato de todo lo que pasa en su relación con Mizuki pero en fin. Espero les guste porque hace un MONTON no dibujaba de Eldarya
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flame-shadow · 4 months ago
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Metal Island Bug Fables OC Collab [19/26]
Background - @flame-shadow
Character Credits:
Huckleberry and His Kids - pit/MothDad
Gwynnifer - @kamayana
Minerva and Petilla - @czalserafino and @sappedart
Zant (+ Bibi/Beatrice, Luke, and Zant Jr.) - @someguyiguess23
Gerine & Biela - Hambreezy & @trapitorag
Nick - @foxtrotmagnitude
Jim - @flame-shadow
Luna, Moss, & Lily - @lordbobart & @bubblegumballart
Bubbles - @bubblegumballart
Beau - @ghost-of-hallownest
Ordie and Molod - Uchudishe
Lucas - @schematikart
Lotigan - @trapitorag
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scotianostra · 2 months ago
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Happy Birthday to Alan McNish born in Dumfries December 29th 1969.
With a highly-successful career spanning karting to Formula One, including three victories at the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans and winning the FIA WEC World Championship, Allan is one of the most respected and liked personalities in the dynamic and competitive world of motorsport.
Having started in karting and sealed six Scottish and three British titles, the young McNish progressed, under the watchful eyes of David Leslie Snr & Jnr, into single-seaters at Knockhill.
He won the 1988 Formula Vauxhall Lotus Championship and finished second in the 1989 British F3 Championship by three points.
McNish also gained F1 experience, with testing contracts for McLaren and Benetton, Toyota – including a full F1 World Championship race season in 2002 – and Renault.
But it was in sportscars where he proved to be a world-beater. Having first won at the world’s greatest endurance race with Porsche in 1998, McNish — with his tartan band round his race helmet — made his Le Mans debut with Audi in 2000.
Audi team orders had ensured it was the Audi driven by a German, Frank Biela, which won, despite McNish’s car being clearly faster over the closing stages.
It was another eight years before he stood on the top step at Le Mans with Audi, but three years later, in 2011, the Scot somehow miraculously walked away from one of the most explosive crashes ever seen at the La Sarthe circuit, as seen in the second photo.
Twelve months later, McNish was again left devastated when he and his Audi were nudged at high speed into the barrier in the closing stages when he was leading. McNish’s career has also racked up three American Le Mans Series titles, plus four wins in both the Sebring 12 Hours and Petit Le Mans races. He also finished second in the Daytona 24 Hours on three occasion. McNish, though, will always be associated with Le Mans.
Although he lives in Monaco and enjoys the almost permanently good weather to be found on the Cote d’Azur, Allan McNish is a proud Scotsman. He regularly wears the family tartan kilt or trews to official engagements.
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warriorsofsplatsville · 1 year ago
"....Bones....I thought squids didn't have bones."
"Vully! Be serious! This is the most important splatfest of my life!" Biela exclaimed.
The Professor looks around, pulling the plague doctor mask over his face. "At least I'll stay covered up."
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chazuramen · 7 months ago
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My artfight stuff for this year!! I said I wouldnt do much....I said i'd only do 2-3 attacks...........
OCs and their owners under the cut! (sorry for the tag;;)
Kieran (belongs to @sunfreys) and Kallum (belongs to megafives on twt)
Jackie - @paperzombiie
Gabriel - Kkinocs (twt)
Molly - @mosskite
Kaens (belongs to Klaiis_(twt) and Puptchi (belongs to MathiassJB (twt)
Camellia - @flamboyant-king
Flora - Fubarashow (ig)
Rosalie - Presti_digitation (ig)
Biela - Kudryavka2626 (twt + ig)
Sépia - @slaughtersteeth
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