#bidoof’s big stand meme
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textpostmemespksp · 7 months ago
Meme #523
Good responses to, “Do you have a name?” featuring: nameless protagonists!
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Star’s art was drawn on 2/5/24 (WOW THAT WAS A WHILE AGO!!)
(Image description in ALT text, original tumblr post below the cut!) 
(Context for the tags and image descriptions, we headcanon the Pokemon GO default characters as being named “Dee” (female) and “Fault” (male) for default. They will be tagged this way to differentiate them if we make more memes with them in the future. The magikarp jump protagonist has also been named “River” by us. They’re so cute. <3)
If you think this is missing a trigger tag, please tell us (politely) and we'll do our best to fix it!
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leigh-mccoy · 8 days ago
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Found this still from the "Bidoof's Big Stand" video and made memes. Enjoy 🦫❤️
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retrogamingblog2 · 3 years ago
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azurityarts · 3 years ago
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Edited from Bidoof's Big Stand
felt like the staraptor scene had great meme potential
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hugging-jjba-characters · 5 years ago
If you’re doing requests can you do the Crusaders caring for an s/o who is recovering from minor surgery (doesn’t have to be specific) cause ya girl is in a lot of pain atm 🥺🖤
Sorry this took me a while to get to, sweetheart. I got some help from @junosartsthetic . I hope it still helps! 
Will force you to stay in bed, doesn’t let you do anything at all. Might insist on feeding you too 
He doesn’t listen to any complaints about food or beverage options
Won’t budge against your puppy dog eyes
“You’re eating this because it’s good for you and that’s final.”
He means well but will be strict and harsh with your doctors advice about caring for you
“Your doctor says I should change your bandages now.”
“My doctor also says you shouldn’t put stress onto me or yell at me.”
“Shut up.”
“See! Like that!” 
He wants you to feel comfy of course but he also wants you to recover as quickly as possible so things can go back to normal and he doesn’t have to worry as much
Wouldn’t admit it but he was a little scared of complications happening during the surgery and now he just really wants to make sure you don’t get infected or strain your injury 
Tries to distract you from pain with video games and memes. Or by reciting info about something 
Surprisingly knows a lot about what to do, just bc he’s got so much random knowledge in his brain
Like for some reason he knows all possible signs of infection and how to take care of any stitches you might have
He uses big medical words sometimes
Just ask him to translate 
Does whatever it takes to make you comfortable and in less pain
Whatever you ask him to do, he’ll do
“Do you need anything else?”
“No, Nori. I’m still good. Nothing has changed since you asked me five minutes ago.”
“You sure?”
“You know what? I do need something.”
“What is it?”
“Stop talking. I’m trying to nap.”
“Oh. Sorry…….. Need another pillow?”
Try not to kill him, he just cares about you too much
You need a heating pad?
He’s got you
Will check your surgery wounds and make sure they’re healing properly
Becomes your very own nurse tbh
Will make you soup
He’ll also play soothing music to keep you calm despite the pain
Gets you a stuffed animal from the hospital gift shop or somethin
He will walk you through different types of yoga and breathing exercises which can alleviate pain
Helps you with baths because hes sweet like that 
He’ll also show you cool tricks with his stand’s flames and read your fortune just for fun
He’ll let you try to read his
But insists you get your own cards
“Here. Pick a card.”
“These are pokemon cards.”
If you get a Bidoof it means fuck you.”
Has no idea what hes doing, probably panics when you tell him you’re in pain because he wants to help but has no idea how 
He isn’t exactly a medic, normally he was the one having his wounds treated 
Will offer to change your bandage(s) but will flinch when looking at your wound
“Eek. That looks painful.”
“It is.”
He’ll take you around the hospital and such in a wheelchair
Might get yelled at by the hospital staff for running around pushing a wheelchair but it’s fine
He means well
He’ll try to make you laugh to get your mind off the pain
Turns out laughing after surgery hurts
“I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay. I didn’t realize laughing would hurt me, either.”
Ends up attempting to teach you some French to take your mind off your surgery
When it’s all said and done you actually know quite a bit
Also doesn’t know what hes doing but he’s much better than pol 
If you ask him to get you something like pain meds at the store he’ll get like twelve different brands and you didn’t even know there were that many kinds of pain med 
Buys you ice cream immediately after you get out of the hospital even though you're not supposed to eat it
If you were high on meds when you got out, he probably recorded you acting loopy and found it hilarious to mess with you 
He’s also the type to freak you out by screaming when checking your wounds
“Oh my God!”
“What is it?!”
“Nothing. It looks fine.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Why not?”
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overflowchute · 8 years ago
some competitive pokemon terms
sweeper: a pokemon that is big and tough and beats things up (ok not quite but basically any pokemon that’s meant to win by koing enemy pokemon through direct damage)
check: a pokemon that can force an opposing pokemon out (in other words, it safely wins a 1 on 1 fight) BUT CAN’T SWITCH IN SAFELY
country: a pokemon that can not only force an opposing pokemon out but can also switch in freely and be like sup buddy how’s it going
the smogon tiers are
ANYTHING GOES - added in gen 6 because mega rayquaza is fucked up, nothing is banned here, 1 hit ko moves evasion sleeping everything using 5 bidoofs even using moody fuck it you can use anything here
UBERS - originally just a banlist but as time went on the large numbers of things banned here lead to a fairly stable though heavily centralized metagame that eventually became an official tier because they finally decided it was worth it to ban mega rayquaza
OVERUSED (OU) - OU begins the “usage based tiers”
what this means is that smogon does not use some magic wand of judgment to decide what pokemon are good. rather, they just keep statistics on people using pokemon on their simulators and use them to determine what’s used
so OU is a metagame where the really broken stuff is banned to ubers by community votes. from this point on they just let people loose and then the cut off is “was the pokemon used in 3~% of battles”
the idea is that a pokemon counts as Overused if it’s likely to be seen in a day of 20-25 battles - instead of going for actual pokemon strength they use this. there’s also some formula stuff that tries to filter out people that are just trolling or really bad based on how many battle the people win, which was added to prevent people from memeing up the records, so it’s honestly pretty accurate
anyway, OU has a lot of legendaries in it which might surprise you - the reason is that not all legendaries are necessarily all that great. they certainly have good stats, most of the time, but some of them suffer from terrible types or movepool or even just being outclassed which makes them comparatively hard to use
under OU is BorderLine, or BL
BORDERLINE (BL) - There’s a BL tier between all the remaining tiers. BL also conveniently can stand for “ban list” which is exactly what these are. much like how ubers is for pokemon too powerful for OU decided by judgment, BLs are used to ban pokemon from low tiers.
now wait, you say, if pokemon tiers are usage based why do we need bans? shouldn’t that get ironed out?
well, let’s say pokemon A is a rock/ice type or something, and so it’s severely vulnerable to fighting and steel type moves. it might be a godly pokemon most of the time but if OU is full of powerful fighting and steel types people won’t use pokemon A because the tier is kind of weighted against it. so it might end up falling down to a tier which suddenly doesn’t have fighting moves everywhere and suddenly oh my god it’s faster than everything down here oh my god its a bull in a play place hELP
and that’s why BL tiers exist
below OU it’s like
UNDERUSED (UU) - an ancient tier dating way back to the beginning with rby. usually very different from OU - you end up with a lot of strong pokemon with some glaring flaws. for instance, in the diamond pearl era Moltres was here because it was strong but its typing made it super weak to stealth rock, etc
BL2, then RARELYUSED (RU) - this tier was invented in gen 5 since the number of pokemon increased enough they felt a new tier was necessary.
BL3, then NEVERUSED (NU) - actually older than rarelyused, nu was added in generation 3 for the same reason rarelyused would be made
BL4, then PU - pu was invented as a joke/fan metagame that wasn’t official last gen. eventually smogon decided to make it official. it doesn’t actually stand for anything although i like to call it “Possibly used” - the idea being that, people, sorta kinda maybe could theoretically use them, maybe
we’ve now got a huge number of tiers, so generally we’re PROBABLY not gonna make any more usage based tiers... but there’s quite a variety of stuff here, and these aren’t even COUNTING special metagames like doubles or little cup
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textpostmemespksp · 2 years ago
Meme #145
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(Image description in ALT text, original images below the cut!) 
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textpostmemespksp · 2 years ago
Meme #141
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(Image description in ALT text, original images below the cut!) 
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textpostmemespksp · 2 years ago
Meme #151
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(Image description in ALT text, original images below the cut!) 
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